A little webshrine to my favorite premade Sims
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Mmm...yeah, kind of. They were from a fairly well-off, upper-middle-class family (thanks to their father's job as a doctor and their mother's unofficial job as a painter.) So they never wanted for toys. Their house had an "upstairs." They had a pool. And they were kind of sheltered. They lived in the nice town of Willow Creek, and they were part of a strict, religious community. They weren't allowed to watch a lot of programs on TV, and they weren't allowed to read Henry Puffer and the like.
Was your character sheltered or spoiled as a child?
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Not very. Most of its members have died off. Lilith wants to "rebuild" her family. She wants offspring in both the vampiric sense and in the sense of having children. She wants to feel more in-control, which is something she lost when she experienced the loss of her parents and the fallout from The Incident With Miss Hell. Caleb wants a spouse/SO and kids, but he doesn't really want a big family. Nor is he really big on turning other Sims. (The one time he did, because he lost control and nearly drained a poor girl dry and it was the only way to kinda sorta save her, it ended badly.) When they were younger, they had aunts, uncles, and cousins visiting quite regularly. (Most frequently, their Aunt Leila and their cousin Lily.) Their parents both came from large-ish families. But, the families' luck being what it was, most of those family members died off. By the time Lilith and Caleb were vampires and Lily was a werewolf, they were the only ones left.
How big is your character's family?
#headcanons#sims lore#family#ts4 vampires#ts4 werewolves#lilith vatore#caleb vatore#lily zhu#inna cents
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In-game, Lilith wears a pair of PJ pants and a tank top. Caleb wears boxer-briefs and an undershirt. I gave them some nicer PJs.
What does your character usually wear to bed?
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Lilith has a very muscular body, much more muscular than most other female Sims. She prides herself on her athleticism. But sometimes she overdoes it. (It's telling that when she told her cousin Lily about Vlad, Lily's first assumption was that he was a workout buddy or a personal trainer.) I also believe that her "withered stomach" weakness may reflect a poor relationship with food before she became a vampire. I feel like she heard her mom and aunt talking about dieting and talking negatively about their bodies, and her father's profession as a doctor would have factored in, too. If she didn't have an outright eating disorder, I could absolutely see her having some disordered eating habits. Caleb has a lean, muscular body. He doesn't seem to have any major body image issues, though he's a bit vain. He prides himself on looking good.
What body type does your character have? How do they feel about their body and appearance?
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Caleb doesn't really have any opinions about AI either way. Lilith, however, is staunchly against it, at least if it's used for generating artwork. Like the kind their mother used to do.
How does your character feel about AI?
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No. Neither of them have ever been married, at least when you load the game, although they've both had some bad breakups. Lilith was seeing a man who looks an awful lot like Travis from the Base Game, but it seems her vampirism put a strain on their relationship that caused its demise. Caleb was involved with a girl named Inna Cents, who he turned after biting her on a thirst-induced bender. Not exactly a great way to start a relationship, you know? After they broke up, he wound up on a dating show, where he was supposed to be competing for a girl named Callia Maeybe. He liked her, and even woohooed her in a coffin (while ghosts cheered them on), but he liked one of his fellow contestants more: a San Sequoia surfer by the name of Kyle Kyleson. They carried on a secret relationship, but eventually, they couldn't keep it a secret anymore, and Caleb turned down a rose from Callia before kissing Kyle on national television. But that relationship didn't last long, either. Almost as soon as the news disappeared from the tabloids, they broke up because although the woohoo was good, they didn't really have much else to build and maintain a long-term relationship on. (And also, Caleb was conflicted: he didn't want to turn Kyle into a vampire, seeing how badly that went with Inna, but he also didn't want Kyle to die and leave him behind.)
I love my divorced bean
Every poll on this blog is about fictional characters only. This request was sent to us and we made a poll in response to it. Send any Blorbo-related question you want to our inbox and we’ll make a poll on which people can vote with their own Blorbos in minds
#caleb vatore#lilith vatore#travis scott#kyle kyleson#inna cents#callia maeybe#ts4 vampires#ts4 lovestruck
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Active enough. They vote on their Neighborhood Action Plans faithfully, and try to encourage other Sims to vote for the ones they want. They have a fair amount of influence points. Especially Caleb. Partly because I play with him more than Lilith, but also because I feel like he would be more of an activist than she is. I feel like she's on board with the "no biting other Sims without consent" thing mostly because of him (and she isn't as scrupulous about it as he is). Probably because he was turned in such a traumatic way, and she was not.
How politically active is your character?
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I headcanon them as having grown up in an era that emphasized recycling, and the importance of cutting up six-pack rings before recycling them. They grew up with a show about a superhero and a bunch of kids whose sole mission was to save SimEarth from greedy polluters. Every week, their parents sorted recyclables, so they could take them to Evergreen Harbor. So, they are moderately eco-conscious. But are they about to go vegan, or go completely off the grid? Is Lilith going to switch from tampons to a cup or a disk? (Well, okay, she might, but WickedWhims doesn't have that option currently.) Are they going to, if they have kids, put their babies in cloth diapers instead of disposable ones? Probably not. (And on "going vegan," they can't really do that, seeing as they're vampires. Bloodfruit juice only goes so far; it's better to either make blood packs from fish (good) and frogs (better), or to bite another Sim.)
How does your character feel about protecting the environment?
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I mean, if you consider "becoming a vampire" to count as "dying," then yes.
Has your character ever died?
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Lilith spends money on sports and exercise equipment. Caleb has the "Materialistic" trait, so he gets antsy if he goes for a while without buying some random gewgaw, the more expensive, the better. (Blame their dad: not only did he have this trait as well, he would spoil Caleb and Lilith with toys and Artesia with jewelry, as his way of compensating for his demanding work schedule.)
Outside of necessities, what is your character most likely to spend money on?
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No, not really. Even on the "Reality Dating Show" from the Lovestruck expansion pack, where Caleb competes for Callia Maeybe (aka the infamous "Ring Ring Girl"), he doesn't seem to have one. For reference, the unnamed weirdo in the Sulanian shirt has a Southern accent, and Kyle Kyleson has a California surfer-dude accent (but only on the show, not when you actually play with him or encounter him in the game)
Does your character have a noticeable accent or dialect?
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They grew up upper-middle class. They weren't living in one of the little shotgun houses in Foundry Cove, but they also weren't living in the mansions in Pendula View or the Sage Estates, either. They had a nice house in Courtyard Lane, with a pool and a big-screen TV. Their father Edward saw this as a sign that he was on the right path, and the Watcher was pleased with him, and had rewarded him for working hard, taking care of his wife and kids, memorizing Watcherian Scripture, praying, attending church, and living a "watcherly lifestyle." By the time Caleb and Lilith had aged up into Children, Edward and Artesia had built a nice little life for themselves and their kids. When they first started out, after Artesia was rescued from "paint slavery" in some other Sim's basement, they got married rather quickly, as Sims tend to do. Edward was just finishing up med school, and still living with his mother. They were married in a simple ceremony at the Temple of the Watcher, and the reception was held down in the Fellowship Hall. Their cake was a simple cake with a simple topper, they had sparkling cider in lieu of champagne, their reception meal was a buffet lunch consisting of deli sandwiches, Edward wore a suit instead of a tuxedo, and Artesia wore a tea-length dress from a secondhand store, and carried a bouquet from the grocery store. They did get to go to Sulani for their honeymoon, courtesy of Edward's mom. (She didn't want them woohooing on her pull-out sofa. Understandably.) Not long after they returned, Artesia took a pregnancy test, and it was positive. Edward knew the two of them would have to really buckle down and start earning some money to support their growing family, even as he finished his studies. Edward mounted and sold fish, Artesia sold paintings, and the two of them collected crystals. That, and the Simoleons they got for their wedding, helped them to buy a house. Caleb and Lilith inherited the house when their parents died in a tragic accident, but they had to leave because they became vampires shortly after, and that was bringing them into conflict with the neighbors (and the bright, sunny world of Willow Creek wasn't helping them.) When Caleb and Lilith move to Forgotten Hollow, they live in a nice Victorian house, and the kitchen has clearly been renovated recently (likely at Caleb's request). But they only have 20,000 Simoleons when you first load the game, suggesting that the kitchen reno likely ate into their funds. (It was also likely a rent-to-own deal from Vlad.) I also believe that Caleb got into some "Basemental" stuff to cope with the trauma from the way in which he became a vampire.
Did your character grow up rich or poor? Is that different from their current status?
#headcanons#caleb vatore#lilith vatore#formative years#willow creek#ts4 base game#ts4 vampires#ts4 mods
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found this diva on Pinterest and she's literally irl Lilith Vatore. I am so obsessed with her 😩
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Forgotten Hollow, home of the vampires we all know and love.
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Caleb and Lilith may not live in a castle, but they do live in the nicest house in Forgotten Hollow. Even nicer than Vlad's. (Well, okay, Lilith moved out to Windenburg in my save, but she does visit often enough.)

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Yes. When you first load the game, all they have is each other. They don't fit in with the other vampires, because they (and more specifically, Caleb) don't like to bite other Sims without permission, whereas other vampires (and more specifically, Vlad) DGAF about permission, any more than you or I GAF about whether or not that cow gave permission to slaughter it for steak. They don't fit in with human Sims because...well, they're vampires. They don't have any family left apart from each other...and a werewolf cousin (that the game does not recognize as a cousin because EA/Maxis is lazy AF) who is estranged from them because...well, she's a werewolf and they're vampires. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to (one way or another) help them to "make it work" and make their way in the world.
Every poll on this blog is about fictional characters only. This request was sent to us and we made a poll in response to it. Send any Blorbo-related question you want to our inbox and we’ll make a poll on which people can vote with their own Blorbos in minds
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