#Matt: I think thats poison for the rats
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sallllltywater · 2 years ago
This is very personal and expose my taste sorry guys...
Skrolk  theatrical rock, such as Ghost, really fit well, share two songs, Faith, Rats
Ikit Claw  I personally feel he is the type with special taste such as classical music, or other type of pure music, Synthwave/Chillwave/Retrowave etc, need a good remix
Snikch  ASMR, or other form of relaxing background music, probably lofi? I really wanna say he might listen to Great Compassion Mantra, partly joking but partly i really think they might because the skaven ost using traditional instruments mix with chanting, although he looks goth but i dont feel like he listen to that type
Queek  fucking rock, heavy metal that need to raise the volum to the highest, such as Sabaton, Papa roach, Metallic (he would quarrel with ikit claw if the heavy bass is more important or the overall sound quality) Guys, although this sounds funny, but I feel like Dwaft metal type would fit him perfectly, such as wind rose
Throt  Alternative rock/classical rock, such as Guns n rose, Queen, Linkin Park, have a feeling that he would listen to something not that popular as well, very unique (if i list example at this moment, thats truly personal, so leave here blank)
Tretch country music, indie music and also rock music... damn it, such as John Denver, poor man’s poison, Matt Maeson
but i believe they would dance together when playing general rock music and hard techno, that skaven in common
I ask this to every account I follow, but what band/ artist or genre of music would each famous Skaven Character be into?
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Finally time to use this
(the formal reply will be in the threads)
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liveyourlastbreath · 4 years ago
The Foxhole Court as A.N.T farm quotes
Nicky: Oh, Neil, that's so cute. Is this where you keep your dollies?Neil: I don't have dollies. My dad threw them all away.
Dan: Uh, Allison I am so, so, so sorry about your nose.
Allison: Aww, don't be. I'm hoping it's broken, so my mom will finally let me get a nose job.
Andrew: Do you have her number?
Aaron: Yeah, it's 24601.
Andrew: That's not enough digits for a phone number.
Aaron: No, but, it's the right amount for a prison ID number
Andrew (with Neil at his side): This is terrible
Wymack: Hi, nice to meet you, Terrible
Jean: Are you crazy?! The baby's talent is not karate
Riko: No kidding. He didn't even try to fight back.
Renee: How about you go over there and talk to him, while I stay here and eat soup.
Andrew: That's him (looks at Neil)
Nicky: That's the guy you're madly in love with?!?! (Neil looks at them) He's way out of your league, he's even out if my league
Neil: Yesterday was wear the same clothes that you're gonna wear tomorrow day.
Matt: Uh, I don't think that's real cheese.
Seth: I don't care.
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hahagiggles3 · 4 years ago
I’m bored so heres what i think the ideal pets/animals are for death note characters
i think logically he’d get a cat or a big dog like a bernese mountain breed because theyre calm and fluffy
but his favorite animal would probably be the mantis shrimp
they're colourful shrimp but theyre big and predatory and theyre so weirdly cool
he’d love them because of their interesting habits and builds, as well as the way they catch their food
he couldnt care less about having a pet, so he’d get some cool fish that sayu would name Mr. Bubbles or something
like he could have a tank of piranhas and she’d name them stuff like Gertrude, Daisy, Fluffy, dumb fun things :)
he thinks snakes are cool tho!
there are lots of different kinds of snakes and within those categories there are SUBcategories theres so many kinds
i think snakes are cool so Light thinks snakes r cool okay
she’d keep frogs i think
theyre pretty spontaneous every now and then so theyre fun to watch
she likes taking care of small cute things, but she’d also take an interest in poison dart frogs for their vibrant colors and how deadly they are!!
to keep poison dart frogs you cant feed them the usual bugs they eat because thats how they produce their poison, but she’d like them nonetheless
when she takes them out she puts fancy little hats on them and does photoshoots :)
Matsuda <3
He likes turtles!! they’re easier to take care of because they mostly just sunbathe all day
he loves them like his children and keeps a picture of them in his wallet
he’d love something bigger but his apartment is way too small and he could never replace his babies
he has no time for pets ! he’s got a daughter, a murder investigation, and all sorts of stuff with his wife going on :(
but he’d also like a big dog, one who’s calmer and can jump up on the bed and nap with him
he finds comfort in grooming and taking care of things
i think he’d like fish
no reason, he just gives me like,,, neon tetra vibes
he keeps birds in his garden at wammy's house
no one is allowed in there but roger because they are old and need their peace
Mello & matt
big mean dog that is actually really sweet !!!
Mello keeps trying to train her to attack Near when he shows up unannounced but she just tries to lick Nears face
it basically has the same affect, near sits on the desk when they come by
Matt buys her all sorts of chew toys and treats but she just keeps trying to eat Mello’s chocolate
one christmas she got into his stash and had to get her stomach pumped :(( mello was so nervous
he definitely didn't cry in the car and Matt doesn't have a recording of him hugging her and crying on the drive to the vet
rabbits! he has to keep them outside though, its the rules (aka the only way anyone can get him out of the building and into the sunlight)
he has them in a very large pen and they get lots of salad leaves and raw vegetables all the time
he likes lop bunnies the most, he has a sleepy one who’s allowed inside sometimes if he makes a sad enough face
Beyond Birthday
rats follow him around no matter what <3
likes and reblogs are much appreciated :)
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reallyhardy · 4 years ago
regent’s open air theatre LSOH (2018) breakdown
act two. continuing on from [this post about act one!]
after the intermission they went back into mushnik’s for ‘call back in the morning’ which featured the ensemble in the number with a bunch of telephones kind of tangling/tying up audrey and seymour with them, but by the end they’d all been disentangled - it looked so chaotic i was so impressed with how well organised it was to free them by the end of the song :’) found a backstage clip showing some ensemble members from this scene:
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then it was time for more heartbreak!!! the scene where seymour shows audrey his leather jacket. i kinda loved the jacket itself tbh, it had all this fringe on the back and sleeves (which was another visual call to audrey ii in drag queen form, who wears a jacket with chain “fringe” on the sleeves) and there was a rhinestone plant and ‘seymour’ written in rhinestones. but of course audrey is horrified and backed herself up against the wall and started crying and after seymour threw the jacket away they go into suddenly seymour which was done quite sweetly - seymour handed her his ‘kleenex’ (but it was a wet wipe because she actually did take off her lipstick with it)
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ALSO notably there to cast a sinister light on the emotional moment - the mushnik’s shop rotates to reveal the audrey ii plant, which was grinning behind audrey and seymour as they hug at the end of the song. LOVED THIS extremely ominous the fact that the plant was smiling evilly behind them was just chef’s kiss things are about to go horribly wrong.
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but anyway. now that seymour and audrey are ‘official’ they kiss!!! kind of. it was more like… seymour leaned in and kissed her nose and then sort of…slid his face down kind of towards her mouth??? it was so awkward but...v cute :’)
and of course now that we’re in act ii things are going a little worse and it’s definitely showing on seymour, who has not been beaming nearly so much and looks pretty stressed out and upset a lot of the time. by suppertime he’s freaking out and looks genuinely so mad and angry with himself when mushnik gets eaten by the plant: which was done by having the plant mouth open, mushnik step inside, and then drag queen audrey ii step up behind and attack while vines close in, and then the mouth closes up:
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i think... there was more of audrey ii trying to be flirtatious with seymour either before or after this, but he is much more disgusted by it and doesn’t have to try to snap himself out of it:
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(note by this point audrey ii’s wig no longer resembles OG audrey’s, and by now seymour hates her guts.) this continues into ‘the meek shall inherit’ and i loved the staging of this one because the ensemble are still in black-and-white but now wearing these pink-green gloves with pointy ends (so they look like audrey ii’s vines) and they had vines extending out from the scenery/props too, all closing in on seymour who’s freaking out even more.
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in this one matt willis made multiple quick changes to play all the different characters trying to buy seymour/the plant, and he was brill each time (this wasn’t all of the looks but it was all i could find from the show trailer:)
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oh, and when it came to the “then there’s audrey” part of the song, seymour takes the kleenex from suddenly seymour out of his pocket.
so seymour plots to try and kill audrey ii by grabbing a bunch of weapons (and tying a green rambo-style headband around his head) but before he can get to it audrey comes in with her seymour-costume!!! (she was even shorter next to seymour then because she was wearing converse instead of heels) and argghhh it was just so cute!!! and the sweater she put on was the one she had to come back for during ‘feed me’ which was a cute touch.
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(i could only find a design sketch for the main actress in that costume, but did also find her understudy rosalind james in the same outfit.) then... sadness again though because then they go into the ‘would you still like me/i’d still love you’ scene. ‘somewhere that’s green’ plays instrumental while seymour promises he’ll find them a better life. they do their adorable little awkward kiss again and then audrey leaves.
heading toward the end then into suppertime reprise/sominex, and then the confrontation… the whole time me knowing what’s coming i was just like audrey don’t but then of course…audrey does. (also she had another costume change, this time into a half-blue-half-pink nightdress with a transparent pink raincoat on top.)
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she steps into the plant ‘mouth’ and audrey ii bites her neck vampire style (so there’s no doubt that she has been wounded, no “she just fell asleep because of the sominex” theory here,) before seymour can get her out.
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somewhere that’s green reprise of course i was crying again – the actress kind of played the ‘when i die, which should be very shortly’ line for funnies rather than sincerely BUT. then she went into the reprise and ohhh my god i was so sad watching seymour hold her. i noticed they never really properly kissed on the mouth (because seymour’s bad at kissing) but he was really desperately hugging her and shaking and kissing her all over on her shoulders and her hands and it was DEVASTATING.
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after audrey dies seymour kept crying her name which was…i thought a bit much but sure, why not. he was sad. then he carried her to the plant and she stood up and walked backwards so they were looking at each other as she went into the plant’s “mouth” and he held onto her hands as long as he could. (this time there were no vines and the drag queen version of audrey ii wasn’t there either so it was more of an emotional parting than watching a violent/comical death.)
after that seymour tries to kill the plant (drag queen audrey ii was standing above, on top of the mushnik store prop) so he shot at her first with his halloween prop gun and then tossed the boxes of rat poison into the plant mouth, and then of course charged into the mouth and the vines are back and grab and crush him and then he’s dead. RIP that silly fool who i loved.
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then it’s don’t feed the plants! the urchins come out and are wearing new outfits and open the number…
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then there was the ‘characters come back onstage as plant buds’ version of the ending, but oh my god. this was so much fun i loved it so much. mushnik, orin, audrey and seymour dash out of the plant opening wearing audrey ii-ified costumes and!!! it was amazing. mushnik was in a sparkly green sequin jacket and kilt, orin was wearing his black combat boots  and a sequin minidress, audrey was wearing a big poofy 1950s-ish (you know, because of her somewhere thats green dreams) pink-and-blue dress with flowers and little white gloves (and still her glasses) (and i remember as she ran out on stage she mouthed WHAT THE FUCK lmao) and seymour’s was this big puffy clown suit (probably because…he’s kind of a fool) over his blue shirt (now with sparkly red blood on it, implying that his arms/legs have been eaten) and all the ensemble also had similar crazy plant looks, very flytrap with a lot of teeth and big floppy tongues.
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seymour and audrey had the little ‘we’ll have tomorrow’ line too which made my LSOH-obsessed ass get tearful again too - they grabbed each others hands for it and !!! my emotions.
there were a few bows after that but then audrey ii interrupted and was like wait we ain’t finished!!! and they did mean green mother from outer space as this huge dance number which was extremely fun. this finale was very similar to how the spongebob musical ends - after the song they tossed huge green beach balls into the audience and had a huge confetti cannon explosion. of course i went nuts for it lmao. and the best part is that THERE IS A VIDEO ON YOUTUBE:
and then it was over. iirc it took a total 10 hours for my sister travelling there and back in on day, but it was 1000% worth it!!! next post: gonna look at costumes in detail!!!
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