#Matt is really having to recon on the spot
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nothinkonlyhannah · 2 years ago
One of my favorite underrated CR bits is just the cast bringing up real world pop culture in reference to something and then Matt having to come up with an in universe explanation for it.
Nick Jonas
SAM: So I will make my spiritual weapon in the form of Nick Jonas.
TRAVIS: What the fuck. (laughter)
ASHLEY: Who's that? (laughter)
MATT: He's a historical bard who came from the College of the White Duke 40 years ago in Tal'Dorei.
MARISHA: -- really think about the Napoleon hat.
MATT: You watch as gingerly, out of nowhere, it seems, this cartoony Napoleon hat, you know, the great Steve Napoleon of Wildemount--(laughter)
Bruce Banner
TRAVIS: FCG is like Bruce Banner and when shit starts to go a little south for him, there is a kettle boiling over effect that we want to try to avoid.
MATT: Bruce Banner is a known murderer from the Age of Arcanum. 
I just think it's funny
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mackenzielovee · 3 years ago
ambivalence blurb: meddle about - rafe cameron
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a/n: hi! i got this idea from maggie (@proactivetypeofperson , thank you very much, sweet friend) i hope you guys like it!
Warnings: swearing, underage drinking, (slight) sexual innuendos
series masterlist
Topper's voice snaps you out of your daze, shooting your head up and waiting for the dizziness to subside and your eyes to adjust before you look over at him. You blink slowly, as if asking him to repeat his question. He chuckles, holding his red solo cup up in a cheers salute.
"Dude, don't tell me you're gone already. It's only been an hour," he teases, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you in for a side hug.
It had been five days since John B broke up with you. You'd spoken to him once, but not really. A text from him had come across your phone, and you shamefully admitted to Topper that you jumped on it like a crazy person when you saw his name, finally, on your screen.
It was one sentence long. It made your heart snap in half, which you didn't think was possible, given that it already had.
Did I leave my Kildare sweatshirt over there?
You had looked down, observing the Kildare logo on the sweatshirt you were wearing, then typed out your response.
He hadn't texted you back after that. You'd cried, typed out numerous messages, but ultimately never hit send. Topper, being the concerned friend he is, kindly forced you out of bed and to a party at the McCall house, even though you didn't necessarily care for Sydney or Matt.
"M'not gone," you roll your eyes, setting a hand on his chest to support yourself as he pulls on you, knocking you off balance, "Where's Kelce?"
"Out back, probably. No, you shouldn't go talk to him."
"He'd probably flirt with you, and I don't think that would end well."
You look up at Topper, furrowing your eyebrows as if you don't understand his point. He takes another long sip from his drink, then looks down at you.
"Wouldn't end well for me? Or for Kelce?" you clarify.
"Forget it," he shakes his head, clearly wanting to say something else but realizing you're not in a good state for that conversation.
"Whatever," you huff, "Gonna get another."
Topper releases you and watches you walk off, doing your best to keep your steps even and not expose how drunk you are. He'd been right, to his credit. You did certainly feel better, and it did feel nice to get out of the house.
Topper sips on his drink, standing and glancing around the packed house in an attempt to find one person. Hopefully, being at the McCall house, he'd be occupied and wouldn't notice the drunk girl stumbling around. When he feels a harsh tug on his elbow, he groans, knowing he'd been completely wrong.
"Top," Rafe seethes, leveling him with a glare when he spins, "Tell me you're keeping an eye on her."
"Rafe, she's not a child," Topper rolls his eyes.
"No shit, but she's drunk as fuck, stumbling around here alone," he reminds his friend, using his height to his advantage as he glances over the swarms of people and spots you easily, having been roped into a conversation with Matt McCall. He makes a mental note to keep a definite eye on that.
"She's fucking fine, dude, I've got her," Topper says, yanking his elbow out of Rafe's grasp.
"Really? Matt looks like he's talking her up big time right now," Rafe snaps, watching Topper quickly turn around and find you.
Topper's feelings toward Matt changed intensely after Midsummers, him having been the guy Sarah cheated on him with. He swears under his breath, realizing he probably should've been more careful with the amount of alcohol he'd given you.
"I'll handle it," Topper snaps, not wanting to admit that Rafe's right.
Rafe sighs in exasperation and sets his drink down on the counter, opting to hunt for a water bottle instead. Topper approaches quickly, setting a possessive hand on your back and smiling tightly at Matt.
"Oh, hey, Top. What's up, man?" Matt asks, keeping his eyes trained on you.
"Just doing some recon," Topper informs him, giving him the look as if to say, 'I know what you're up to'.
"We were just talking about the great Kildare Academy football team!" you cheer, "You should try out for the team, Top."
"No, thank you," Topper shakes his head, gently removing the Svedka bottle from in between your hands.
"Oh, we were actually just about to do a shot, right, Y/N?" Matt speaks up, reaching for that same bottle.
"Yes!" you grin, "Top, join us."
"No, thank you," Topper repeats, looking at Matt now, "She's done, too. Enjoy your shot, Matt."
Matt frowns and looks to you, who's drunkenly frowning, "Hey, man, if she wants to-"
"I do," you interrupt, pointing an accusing finger at Topper.
"No, you don't," Topper says, keeping his cool even though he swears he could deck Matt McCall square in the face at this very moment.
"Well, I don't want to be single either, but here we are," you grumble, then point to the bottle, "Pour them out, Matthew."
"You got it," he grins.
Topper looks up, eyes scanning the place until he meet's Rafe's accusing ones, staring at the two of you even though Kelce is talking his ear off. Topper nods Rafe over discreetly, earning a nod back from him. He walks off from Kelce without a word, but Kelce doesn't even seem to notice. He just keeps rambling on.
"What's going on over here?" Rafe questions, voice heavy in accusation as he glances between you, Topper, and Matt.
"Doing shots," Topper informs him, clenching his jaw.
Rafe catches Topper's drift, eyes meeting your drunk ones only for a moment.
"Want one, Cameron? You'll need it if you're trying to get with my sister. Again," Matt laughs, looking to you for approval.
You don't laugh or respond, just look at Rafe. He watches your lips part as you debate saying something, not sure if he should want you to or not. More than anything, he just wishes you hadn't heard that.
"I'm good," Rafe says, "I think we all are, actually."
"Y/N wants it, doesn't she?" Matt raises an eyebrow, his words holding an alternate meaning as they float around in the air, awaiting your response. Rafe clenches his jaw, blood boiling at the comment.
You glance around at the boys watching you, then to the shot glasses waiting on the counter. Even in your state, you can feel the tension in the air, and ultimately shake your head. Matt's shoulders fall, unable to believe his plans have been ruined by the two of them.
"Like I said, we're good," Rafe says curtly.
"Y/N?" Matt tries a final time.
"I'm just gonna get 'nother drink somewhere else," you inform him, leaning into Topper.
"I'll go with you," Topper volunteers, sending one final glare at Matt before he guides you away, keeping his arm around you.
"Fuckin' buzzkill, Cameron," Matt mutters, downing one of the four shots he poured.
"What's that?" Rafe turns, daring Matt to repeat it.
"It was smooth sailing until you two idiots came over here," Matt grunts, "One more shot and that girl would've been on the floor."
Rafe clenches his jaw, considering his actions for only a minute before they become reality. He scratches the back of his neck, then immediately grabs Matt by the collar of his shirt and shoves him up against the wall in the kitchen.
"What the fuck's that mean? Huh? Because I know you didn't just imply what I think you did," Rafe practically growls, his voice unfamiliar to him.
"Dude, get the fuck off me," Matt tries to push him, but Rafe's taller and stronger, and angrier.
"Funny, I happen to think that's what she would've been saying, too, after one more shot," Rafe spits, "Never let me see that happen again. Not with Y/N, not with my sister, or any other fucking girl on this island. Are we clear, McCall?"
"Yeah, whatever, just let me go," Matt practically whines, attempts to shove Rafe off of him failing.
"Sad that you have to get girls wasted to fuck you," Rafe mutters, and with one last slam into the wall, he drops his hands from Matt's shirt.
Matt opens his mouth to speak, but ultimately decides against it when he realizes that could easily happen again. Rafe stalks off, adjusting the collar of his shirt and running a hand through his hair before he finds you and Topper making your way out back.
"She's cute, Top. You should go for it," you encourage him as he leads you out the door, Rafe catching up quickly and following the both of you.
"Yeah, okay, thanks for the love advice," Topper replies sarcastically, using one arm to support almost the entirety of the weight you're leaning on him.
"Y'ever been in love, Top? Did you love Sarah?" you ask.
Once you're all fully on the patio, Topper halts your movements and leans you up against the house, standing directly in front of you. Rafe crosses his arms over his chest and stands beside Topper, still cooling down from his interaction with Matt.
"I don't know," Topper answers you, looking down in his cup. Even after two months, he still doesn't appreciate discussing it.
You frown, then think for a moment, before shooting your gaze up again, "What about you, Cameron? Ever been in love?"
Rafe's heart stops in his chest as he stares at you, drunkenly holding your head to the side as you await his answer. He stutters for a moment, feeling as if he's on fire under your gaze and Topper's, trying to figure out his answer. A voice in his head says, fuck it. She won't even remember this conversation in five minutes.
"Yeah, I have," he replies, "I am, actually."
You just stare, expressionless, at the boy, your mind taking way too long to comprehend the words he'd said. Topper sucks in a breath, wondering if you'll question it or not.
"So am I," you finally say, looking down to the ground, "But, he's gone."
Rafe's shoulders fall slightly, but he immediately curses himself for ever thinking that could've changed anything. Before anyone can speak again, Kelce slides himself in between Topper and Rafe, cup in hand.
"Guys!" he cheers, "I just kicked ass in beer pong!"
"Kelce!" you grin, "I was lookin' for you earlier."
"You were, beautiful?" he questions, smiling when you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him in for a hug.
"Hidin' out on me," you mumble.
"Can't help it, y'know, when I see you I just-"
"All right," Rafe grunts, shoving Kelce, "Enough."
"Rafe would hate to have to kick two guys' asses tonight," Topper informs Kelce, giving him a look.
"Yo, chill. She hugged me," Kelce holds up his hands in defense, "Tell 'em, Y/N."
"S'true," you shrug, as if the boys hadn't been standing right there.
"See?" Kelce looks to Rafe, shoving his shoulder back. Rafe just rolls his eyes, opting to not respond, "Hey, gorgeous, I need a partner for beer pong. Wanna play with me?"
"Kelce, she can't drink anymore-" Rafe starts, but Kelce shakes his head and holds his hand up to silence Rafe.
"I don't know how to play," you frown, the feeling of disappointing him saddening you.
"Oh, that's okay," he shakes his head, holding his hand out to you, "Just stand with me. You'll make me look better."
You grin and take his hand, letting him pull you away. Topper starts to object, calling out Kelce's name to earn his attention.
"Seriously, no more," Topper says, pointing to you.
"I got it, bro, chill out," Kelce groans, then leads you off.
"He doesn't got it," Rafe grunts, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"No, he doesn't," Topper agrees, downing the remainder of his drink and then excusing himself to replace it, leaving Rafe in the corner to watch you, as he usually does.
To Kelce's credit, you only have the rest of the drink he currently had, him not wanting you to drink the beer pong beer because 'you're too pretty for that shit'. You'd laughed and wrapped your arm around him, but it was clear to both of you that it was a drunken bonding, nothing more.
After Kelce wins, handing you all the credit for being the looker of the team, Topper announces that he should get you home. You pout and pretend to frown, but really, the alcohol weighs heavy on your stomach and your eyes are ready to close.
"I'll drop you guys off," Rafe speaks up, earning a one second glance from you.
"Thanks, man," Topper says, then looks to you, "You heading home, or you wanna crash at mine?"
"Yours," you say, "Dad'll kill me."
"Yeah, he will," Rafe laughs under his breath, picturing you stumbling in the house, drunk. You don't hear his comment, but Topper does.
"Let's go, buddy," Topper says to Rafe, patting him on the back.
Rafe sends a look to you, wondering if he should help you get to the car or not. His decision is made when you start to move, then groan.
"Top, hand," you whine, reaching blindly for him.
"Jesus," Topper mutters, grasping your hand in his, "Am I getting paid by the hour for this shit?"
He's teasing you and you know it, but Rafe rolls his eyes anyway.
"Give ya a kiss," you tease back.
"Absolutely not," he grunts, leading you back into the house.
Rafe, the assigned line leader, glances over his shoulder every few steps just to ensure he's still got you. Even with Topper's hand in yours, he still worries.
Once you all get out to his truck, he opens up the back door for you, chest tightening when he holds out a hand to help you climb up.
"Got it, Cameron," you inform him, doing it yourself with minimal stumbling, "This will not become a Thursday dinner topic, m'kay?"
"Okay," Rafe chuckles.
Once you're in, Topper starts around to the passenger seat, stopping in his tracks when Rafe clears his throat.
"I think you should sit with her."
Topper groans, "Bro, she's good."
"Fine," Rafe shrugs, tossing Topper his keys, "You drive. I'll sit with her."
Rafe's bluffing and Topper knows it; the only reason Rafe had offered to drive is because he'd stopped drinking. However, Rafe looks so serious that Topper just tosses the keys back, accepting defeat.
"One day, bro," Topper grumbles.
"What's that?"
"One day, you won't be so whipped for a girl who barely looks at you."
Topper shakes his head as he climbs in the backseat, listening to you exclaim with happiness that he's decided to sit with you. Rafe stands there, swallowing Topper's words, before eventually turning and climbing into the truck.
He remains silent on the way to Topper's, just listening to you hum and ramble on about beer pong and how it's an underrated sport, one you wish to get better at. Eventually, you quiet down, looking up to Topper just as Rafe pulls into his driveway.
"Why'd he leave me, Top?"
Rafe's heart sinks, jaw clenching as he stares straight ahead, not wanting to see the expression on your face out of fear that he would kill John B.
"I don't know, Y/N," Topper replies quietly, "I honestly don't know."
You nod your head, feeling your throat tighten as your emotions start up. Topper wraps an arm around you, pulling you closer to him and the door.
"Miss him," you whisper, barely audible but heard by both boys.
"Thanks for the ride, Cameron," Topper says, reaching over the seat and patting Rafe's back.
"Mhm," Rafe hums, "Water and aspirin."
"Yeah, yeah," Topper waves him off, hopping down and then holding a hand out for you.
You freeze in the seat, glancing ahead at Rafe's figure in front of you. You reach up and pat his shoulder the same way Topper had, feeling him tense immediately.
"Thanks, Cam," you mumble, then remove your hand and give it to Topper, who pulls you down.
Rafe swallows, "Uh, yeah. Goodnight."
You turn in Topper's arm and wave, giving him a quick and innocent smile. He waves back, biting his lip when you turn back toward the house. He waits until Topper gets you inside to even consider turning the truck back on, touching the spot on his shirt that your fingers had been.
That's the moment he tells himself that Topper Thorton is dead wrong.
Tags: @hollandsour @flowerkidlxrry @kookkyra @pogueslandia @sarahwasfound @fuzzyhumanpersontrash @rafecameronn @rafeswh0ree @outerbankies @morganwilliams @lilgoddesshines @proactivetypeofperson @abrunettefangirlnerd @the-chaotic-cow @absolute-fcking-chaos @dontstopxx @kaatelyyynn @hayley1623 @riseabovetheexpectations @divanca2006 @jordynsharum @dudinhahoff @anonymousobxfan @blue-4-55-readinglist @premixed-margarita @444f4iry @alularae3 @toolateformcrtooearlytoleaveemo @hopebaker @sk8rcal @ims0golden @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @princesspogue @gasolinesavages @outlaw-abby @samcaniglia @marveloussensations @igotmajordaddyissues @babeyglo @dr3aming0utl0udx @beskar-boba @billowingbanshee @thisisthewayrose @iammirrorball @layazul @cremextart @thesimpletype @fashphotolife @notdisneychannel
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whirlybirbs · 5 years ago
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                                          (   gif, again, by @barissoffee​ !    )
     —   STARJOCKEY & CO.   ;   2 of ?
summary: the bad batch gets a pilot, and they get a mission. acid rain happens. hunter & zip still don’t get along. no one is surprised. pairing: twi’lek!reader (zip nickname) x hunter word count: 3.2k a/n: pumping this out so i can write some hunter/reader content tonight to follow this character arc! we love some good ol’ action adventure acid rain! also, don’t try and neutralize acid with water, kids. that’s not how that works. but this is star wars, and it works here.
previous chapter   |   next (coming soon!)
It’s too early for this. 
Despite having a steaming thermos of caf in your hands, you still have to pull your eyes open wide and try not to sway on your feel as you remind yourself this debrief is important. Very important. 
Very early, but very important
Sleep, too, especially after the amount of hours you poured into repairs on the Havoc Marauder last night, is equally as important — but the debrief takes priority. For now. 
Maybe you can bribe D-M1 to pilot for a bit once you take off. Just so you can plant your head on the dash and doze for a minute. A loth-cat nap. 
Ugh -- a nap sounds good right about now. 
You take a long sip of caf and rub your face as Cody continues to speak, gesturing to the glowing blue holomap that casts a glow across the entire room.
Through the thick of the swirling mission debrief, Hunter is staring.
Well, more glaring, really.
(Can you blame him? His senses have been cranked to 12 since he was made, and still, he can’t ignore the smell of your morning beverage of choice. All he can smell is your caf and the elaborator creamer you’d put in it. It smells like cocoa and star-cherries and caf and it’s all Hunter can smell. It’s giving him a damn headache.)
You’re beginning to wonder if that’s all his stupid -- albeit handsome -- face does. The scowl there digs in deep, and you have to try your hardest not to roll your eyes as you take another sip of your caf. 
He’d walked in here, hauled the helmet off, and you’d realized Cody was right when he said they didn’t look like the other clones you knew. They were all different -- higher cheekbones on Crosshair and a sharper profile on Hunter. Tech was small and boggly-eyed, while Wrecker towered over everyone in the room with his round ol’ dome.
They were nothing like the others from the 212th. 
Your lekku twitch, swatting a bit, as your attention moves from challenging Hunter’s glare back to the debrief at hand. 
Hunter, as he pries his eyes away from your cock-hipped posture, wonders how  in hell a civvie like you managed to land this job. He’d much rather have a reg flying him and his brothers around than a ex-criminal and her junkyard droid.
... He heaves an inward sigh. 
Maybe he’s being a dick. 
Cody trusts you. Hunter can at least try... 
... Right?
Hunter diverts his attention back to Cody’s words, ignoring the unsettling idea of being civil with you. “What’s the status of Yanibar’s alliance?”
“None,” Cody drops a hand to his hip, resting it on his holster, “Neutral -- but it lays between the Outer Rim and Unknown Regions. The inhabitants tend to be those running from things like the war. But, I’m sure the Separatists will have their eye on the space ports for GAR officials. It’ll be basic recon. You fly in under the radar, scope out the manufacturing lab on Yanibar, and get out.”
Cody pauses, takes in the affirmative nods of the room, then continues:
“And lucky for all of you -- that ship in the hangar has no Republic tags. You’re gonna be a ghost.”
“No Republic tags?” Hunter asks, dark brow lifting. 
“We’ll be off the books -- Seps will think we’re probably just smugglers,” you shrug, explaining as Tech hums quietly at the realization, “Knowing them, they won’t wanna start anything with locals. Especially if they’re break neutrality laws and mining a planet in the grey zone.”
You cop a smirk Cody’s way. “Now I know why you kept that bucket of bolts.”
“Repo’s have their uses,” the Commander shirks, “And civvie pilots, too.”
Now this is all starting to make sense. They wanted you to play the part -- and with any luck, the boys in the back cargo hold will go unnoticed as you carry on on Yanibar. 
D-M1 pipes up from her spot below the holo-map. “Zip plays a wonderful smuggler. Four varying counts of weapons, drug and wildlife trade have made her --”
“Alright, alright,” we swat at the droid’s bobbing head, “I swear, who ever programmed you should be shot.”
The droid makes a sound akin to a laugh. Cody snorts.
Hunter ignores the distrust settling under his skin. 
“Everyone got the plan?” Cody asks, looking around the command center. When he’s met with silence, he nods to dismiss the Bad Batch and their new pilot, “Alright. Head out. Comm in if there’s any trouble.”
“You got it, Commander.”
“Hunter?” Cody calls, “Zip?”
You both linger in the doorway. 
“Play nice, yea?” he grins, “And good luck.”
--   ↯   --
You realize, six hours later, as you hang yourself out of the landing ramp mid-flight, trying desperately to get a hold on Crosshair who’s trying to get a hold on Hunter, that Cody jinxed you.
He most definitely jinxed you.
--   ↯   --
The mission had started just fine, after all -- the ride was fast, the travel checkpoints passed with no trouble, and you’d entered Yanibar’s airspace on a pretty mild day. No questions were asked when you dropped the Havoc Marauder down fifteen klicks outside of the nearest space port. The boys off-loaded and headed for the manufacturing plant. 
The landscape gave enough cover as if it. 
Large, sweeping stone outcroppings punctured the dunes and climbed high towards the sky, casting long jagged shadows in the golden sand. Creatures moved with the shade, relaxing along the cooling surfaces as the suns moved high in the sky. 
Parked in a ravine and hidden from sight, you’d spent the first two hours monitoring the location of the Batch; every half hour, Tech would radio in giving an update on their location. By hour four, they were close. By hour five, the line had gone silent.
And you were starting to get nervous. 
Their geo-coordinates marked them about 30 klicks East -- in the estimated area of the manufacturing lab they were slotted to recon. 
By hour five and a half, the sun was disappearing. Slowly, with clouds shrouding the sky, but... the spaces between the brown clouds were turning a muddied color. You leaned, squinting over the dashboard with a confused look, before moving to the back of the ship and punching open the landing ramp. 
When you stepped into the hot, mid-day heat, you realized exactly what was happening. You kicked yourself for not realizing sooner.
D-M1′s the one that made a panicked sound. 
“We’ve got a problem!”
You were fast, bounding up the ramp and skidding inside as you slam the lock for the door on your way to the cockpit -- in a flash, you’d started up the engine and flicked alive the comms.
“Boys,” you yelped, pulling the headset on over your lekku, “We’ve gotta get a move on, now.” 
Hunter, elbows deep in a dune with his eyes plastered to a pair of specs, cursed. Your voice crackled from his helmet, resting between him and Crosshair, and Hunter was almost inclined to ignore it.
But, the sniper tapped his wrist without looking from his scope and spoke. 
“Go ahead, Zip.”
“Acid rain storm,” you blurted out, leaning as D-M1 points at the meteorological gauge in her little hands in a panic. The radar swept across the map once and showed the brewing storms, “About five klicks South of me.”
You knew acid rain storms. The planet you’d grown up on had them enough -- and even Coruscant had them. But, the color of these clouds...
Your father always used to say, the dirtier the cloud, the quicker the shroud. 
Y’know, like death shrouds? 
“-- Shit.”
Hunter was hoping that feeling in his gut was nothing. He should have listened to it.
“She couldn’t a’ told us sooner?” Hunter gritted out, pushing up from his elbows in a flash. Not entirely fair, but damn. This was not going according to plan. First the patrol droids and now --
A deep bellow of thunder rolled in the distance, then.
And now this. 
Crosshair inhaled sharply and proceeded to silently snap the attached scope from his rifle in one swift, practiced move. He’s not gettin’ in the middle of this.
“Unless you boys wanna melt your pretty armor,” came your voice, crackling alive in Hunter’s helmet as he pulled it over his head, “I’d say we hurry this little play date up --”
And that’s the precise moment Wrecker snapped one of three patrol droids over his thigh, much to Tech’s despair, and sent the entire op down the shitter. 
You found the squadron, then, pinned in a rain of blaster-fire, trading shots with the handful of B1′s -- their shots lit up the kicked up sand from the winds, beginning to howl as the dark brown clouds to the South began to loom over the once sunny dunes. 
“Bring it down low, Deemi!” you hollered, throwing your headset as you moved to the back of the ship, “Get ready to go when they’re loaded on!”
“Got it!”
You punched the ramp, pulling your green tinted goggles down over the slop of your nose as the door opened. Taking a braced step out, you were fast to spy the boys as the Havoc Marauder began to lower itself slowly. 
Then, a blaster bolt skimmed your head -- it leaves a charred sizzzzle against the matte black paint job of the repo’d ship.
You leaned back, tugging your pistol from you hip and firing a quick volley back at the droid who’d aimed for your head. After three shots, you nailed the B1 unit down, and turned your attention back to the Bad Batch. 
You’re about to wave Deemi down, to tell her to plant the ramp on a rising dune then, when an entire squadron’s worth of battle droids lumbered from the back entrance of the manufacturing plant and began laying down fire on you and the ship. 
“SWING IT AROUND!” Hunter screamed, waving you off.
Deemi listened, and you fell back through the door as the ship pulls away fast from the oncoming fire. Your back hit the navicomputer’s paneling hard as the ship banked left, and your breath flew from your lungs as you did, gritting your teeth tightly at the impact. 
You scrambled, quickly, to watch from the open side-ramp as the entirety of the plant came into view. 
It’s huge. 
A main control tower rises high in the sky, above the three conveyor bays that spark through the small slitted windows three stories up. The walls are encroached by dunes, and the desert threatens to swallow it up. 
As Deemi banked wide, you planted your boot on the doorway as you watched the firefight disappear around the edge of the massive building. 
And that’s when it started to rain.
You hissed loudly then, immediately drawing a hand back when a fat droplet of brownish water hits your skin. Cursing as you swiped away the acidic liquid, you scowled at the welt it left behind. 
And if the from the drop in temperature was any indication, it was about to pour.
“Deemi,” you screamed, “I’m gonna need you to speed it up!” 
You were fast to stagger back from the doorway, moving to haul the bottom of your flight suit up -- the sleeves, tied neatly over your belt, are yanked onto your arms and over the black compression top. You zipped the collar up tight and moved to the storage built into the bunk atop the navi-console.
“Come on, come on,” you muttered, digging around. You knew you saw a poncho somewhere and -- “Aha!”
It’s not much, but it at least covered your lekku. If anything it will keep the sensitive skin of the head-tails safe enough for a few minutes. You hauled the black, weatherproof poncho over your head and ignore the musty smell coming from it -- just in time, too, as Deemi had propelled the engines into a kick for the banking maneuver and the Bad Batch was in sight again. 
The moment you and Deemi get in range, the skies opened up. 
It starts raining so hard you could hardly see -- and the headlamps of the boys illuminated the muddied downpour a few feet ahead of them. Deemi bought the ship down low enough that the ramp connects with the tip of a dune, and you staggered a bit on the impact.
The ship’s lights cast bright cones of light into the acid rain storm, and Tech is the first one through the doors. You curse, ignoring the tingling sting of the rain splashing on your face, and call out to the others. 
“GET ON!” 
Wrecker is next, passing you and launching himself through the doors with a curse -- the droids have seemed to back off, leaving the squadron to book it as the acidity begins to gnaw at their armor. You can hear a commotion behind you, and assume it’s Tech snagging the gallon of filtered water stored under the refresher sink to dowse himself and the heavy artillery man. 
Next is Crosshairs, who you reached out to as he planted a boot on the edge of the ramp -- without warning and rather suddenly, the ship gave a terrible moan. Then, unceremoniously, the dune the ramp had been perched upon tumbled downwards into a slip of mud.
The landscape was melting, and so was your poncho.
In a panic, you grabbed Crosshair’s vambrace and barely managed to snag the ramp’s guard rail; in a flash, Crosshair had Hunter’s hand secured in his own. Good thing, too, since the Sergeant’s boots now hung thirty feet in the air where the tip of the towering dune used to be. 
And that’s where you find yourself now.
Cursing, you strain to readjust your grip on the railing as rain runs down your chin. It stings like a bitch -- but you can’t help but think the pull of your arm is a little worse. 
You curse sharply in Ryl, and scream Wrecker’s name so harshly the trooper’s heart nearly stops. His helmeted head whips around.
Your knuckles, beneath the thick flight gloves have gone from a warm peach to a pale yellow -- the strain there is only relieved when Wrecker finally moves to the other side of the ramp and grabs Crosshair’s upper arm; together you both haul the two troopers up onto the ramp as Deemi’s banks backwards -- a few moments too late -- and sends a pile of acid rain soaked bodies tumbling back into the belly of the ship. 
The droid closes the ramp as she banks away from the manufacturing plant.
You don’t even have time to celebrate the sheer survival of the stunt -- you’re instead stripping off the poncho that’s now got Republic credit sized holes eaten into it. You whip off your goggles, and curse again -- your flight suit is starting to sizzle and the acid on your face hurts and --
Suddenly, you take a whole bucket of water to the face and it all stops.
Tech, standing there clutching the now empty bucket, looks rather sheepish. 
Your shoulders immediately sag in relief, and the troopers behind you are the next victims of Tech’s hose-down. Deemi, from the front of the ship, asks if she should drop into hyperspace and the entire cabin gives a dejected chorus of yes at the same time. 
You wipe the neutral water, running over your nose and chin, from your face as you sit down in one of the chairs by the navicomputer. 
Hunter drops his hands to his waist, chest heaving as he tries to catch his breath, and opens his mouth to speak.
You, instead, cut him off with a single raised finger and a pointed look.
“You,” you snap, “Don’t get to say a word to me until my face is not swollen and Tech can confirm I don’t have acid rain poisoning. Understood?”
Hunter just snaps his mouth shut. You have welts down your cheeks from where your goggles met your skin. Your lekku, too, don the same blistered orange marks. Guilt suddenly washes over him, only for a second. He’d gotten off easy. The acid rain had only eaten through the first layer of his composite armor.
The whole cabin, suddenly incredibly uncomfortable, decides to go their separate ways. Hunter, though, doesn’t move. Instead, he watches as you stand and inspect the now shredded flight suit that hangs off of you. You move across the cabin quickly, not bothering to avoid him. 
You slam your shoulder into his and keep moving.
--   ↯   --
You don’t have acid rain poisoning.
Which is good, you guess.
But, the residuals still hurt -- bad. 
You throw yourself into the far-too-small ship refresher for a rinse off -- Wrecker was nice enough to insist you get to go first (“For savin’ our skins an’ all, Zippy!”) and you can’t help but snort at Tech’s face when you emerge in a clean flight suit. He looks worried.
You’ve got welts all over your face. 
“I think it’s a cute look,” you jab playfully, leaning to inspect your reflection in the polished chrome door, “Don’t you, Tech?”
“Looks painful.”
Crosshairs laughs. 
The welts on your lekku are. You’d had to smother the startled yelps with your hand when the hot water made contact. You hope the boys hadn’t heard.
(Hunter certainly had, and he wasn’t even in the lower level of the ship. He was up top, ignoring the dull ache in his arm and pretending he didn’t need to rinse off. It had sparked a little worry in him, though, and he’d casually muscled his helmet on to do some digging on the holo-net about potential complications from injured lekku. The results were... not ideal.)
You massage the point on the back of your neck where your headwrap normally clasps together, keeping the animated little appendages under control and out of the way. You’ve forgone it now, and Crosshair watches as you sigh quietly as you rub the tension point. 
You look different without it. A bit softer.
“It doesn’t feel great, but,” you shrug, shoulders a bit more relaxed than before, “I’ll be fine. Definitely the worst acid bath I’ve had in a while.”
“You’ve been caught in those storms before?” Tech asks, surprised. He’s placing his helmet down, stripping his armor as he speaks. 
“I grew up in the South Tann Province,” you explain, “The jetstreams would carry polluted air through during the summer months, and sometimes the rain would be bad -- tarkona taka, my dad used to call it. But, that, back on Yanibar? That was worse than anything I’d ever experienced when I was a little girl.”
“Tarkona taka,” Tech sounds out, “What does it mean?”
“Brown weather -- or, storm, actually,” you grin, “Tak is brown, and tarkona is storm.”
“Yeah, well,” Wrecker supplies, muscling around through the barely stocked fridge in the far corners of the meager living quarters. Behind the microscopic kitchenette lay a hall of four bunks. Wrecker closes the door looking dejected, “I can’t wait to be back on Coruscant. No brown rain there.”
“On the lower levels there is!” you call out, spurring Wrecker’s shoulders to sag.
You move towards the ladder, planting a boot on the bottom rung when Crosshair’s calls out.
“Careful, Zip.”
“He still pissy?” you ask, loud enough that you know Hunter can hear, “Shame.”
The three members of the Bad Batch snort quietly as you move up the ladder anyway.
They like you.
And Hunter, still, doesn’t. 
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heroes-trash · 4 years ago
visual recap of 1x20 - Five Years Gone
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name origin: Hiro and Ando have traveled 5 years into the future; and the world looks quite different, with five years gone...
plot points, as seen in this recap:
future!Hiro welcomes his past self and best friend in his base of operations,  formerly Isaac’s loft; now filled with strings and images representing different timelines. he is surprised to hear that ‘’the cheerleader’’ was saved because the explosion (evidently) still happened - quickly, the flaw is found: present-day!Hiro hasn’t killed Sylar (yet). but he has barely time to be shocked that he must take a life when Homeland Security storms the place, lead by Matt and aided by René, and arrest him (as future!Hiro and Ando get away and try to formulate a plan). arresting only present-day!Hiro is a bust for Matt, though, as he can’t get any information regarding future ‘’terrorist attacks’’ out of him and can’t understand why, either (no one having figured out yet that Hiro can’t just stop, but also travel through time)
the president is meeting with Mohinder - there has been no progress in finding a ‘cure’ for abilities, and when pressed, Mohinder admits that there probably never will be one, so [the man who appears to be] Nathan suggests a genocide instead (himself obviously exempt, as he is ‘hardly dangerous’ and has kept his power a carefully cultivated secret)
Noah and Hana are running an operation that can help powered people get past government checks, and gives them new identities, too; future!Hiro and Ando turn up at Noah’s secret operation (after having failed to receive help from Niki - determined to move on - or Peter, who she is dating now and purposefully trying to keep from them), requesting his help in finding certain people. initially, Noah turns them down, but Ando argues that Noah should be thankful to Hiro because he saved Claire from Sylar. Noah then reluctantly says he’ll see what he can do (while he in truth does nothing, simply panics because he fears for Claire’s safety now)
Claire (’’Sandra’’) is shown to be working as a server in a diner, and to be engaged to a young man named Andy; frequent topics of theirs include Claire claiming to ‘hate’ the president but following his tv appearances closely (’a guy could get jealous...’ ‘please, he’s old enough to be my father’), and a strange man ‘’stalking’’ her (who Andy (of course) doesn’t know is her father, Noah). today HRG has come with an important message, though: people know about Claire, she needs to leave; regardless of her attachment to Andy. it is explained that Noah provided cover identities for Claire in different cities for years, and hinted that Sandra divorced him possibly because she disagreed with his methods
future!Hiro is scheming how to break into Homeland Security and rescue his past self (his plans include using the unique talents of both D.L. and Candice, and even though he does not here say so, possibly also Molly for recon), only slightly interrupted by Ando who is curious about his future self’s status - he appears extremely reluctant to tell him, though, and before he really can, is tasered by Matt’s team; only the timely arrival of Peter saves them all, but not before Matt figures out that there’s two Hiros now (aided by Mohinder realizing earlier that Hiro is a time-traveller)
it is revealed that Noah and Matt have a ‘mutually beneficial agreement’, as they’re aware that they each care for ‘’children of interest’’, though separated from them and their respective wives. Matt looks the other way when Noah helps relatively harmless specials hide, but dangerous ones, Noah reports to Matt. they bond for a moment... but then, Noah sees Hana’s corpse, and before he can move much, Matt holds a gun to his throat and takes Claire’s location from his mind before pulling the trigger. he has had enough failures for that day and ‘can’t return to the president empty-handed’. meanwhile, Claire has decided for a middle path - she wants to keep Andy but also run as Noah advised, so she convinces Andy to elope and run away on the spot. however, it’s too late; Matt has already found her
Matt has also revealed Claire to his boss, and she has been brought to the Petrelli mansion - however, what could have been a tense argument turns into a bloodbath when ‘’Nathan’’ is revealed to be Sylar in disguise (a power he took from Candice) as he rips Claire’s skull upon and takes her power; her last word is his name
as Peter and Ando watch a still-unconscious future!Hiro recover, Peter reveals to Ando that he died in the initial explosion; as well as his belief that his (Ando’s) death was what made Hiro so very determined to change it all. when future!Hiro wakes, he and Ando reaffirm their friendship, even as dark memories and regrets surface
meanwhile, Niki is breaking down - not only because Peter keeps calling her out on faking ‘Jessica’ (whose detachment Niki wishes she had now but simply does not, she mourns her family) and being deeply sad in secret, but also because she pushes and pushes him about his savior complex until he admits that he was the Exploding Man; Nathan just covered it up to protect him. Niki still wants him to stay, but he leaves, knowing he’ll lose her but that it’s the only way
meanwhile, Mohinder - who was sent by the president to kill present-day!Hiro personally, as a show of loyalty before the coming genocide presumably - plunges the deadly syringe into René’s neck instead, believing that is the right thing to do because he figured out Hiro’s plan (even spoke to him about it) earlier, and also saw a 9th Wonders! comic that shows him doing so
Peter, future!Hiro and Ando break into Homeland Security; Matt is waiting for them with a kill squad but they manage to elude him (and the Haitain’s death also further enables their progress). they reach present-day!Hiro, but Matt manages to kill future!Hiro before Peter slams the door between the heroes and the squad. as Matt is extremely aware that present-day!Hiro could just teleport away at any moment, he calls the president - who is currently holding a speech for the 5th anniversary of the explosion (kickstarting his genocide project in the process). upon learning of the disastrous situation, though, he decides to throw all caution into the wind and reveal his flying ability to be able to join the fight in time
arriving at the scene, Sylar-as-Nathan pulls Peter from the room using (what can be presumed is) D.L.’s power, tipping Peter off to his identity - he tries to play pretend for another minute, but quickly caves; only one thing he wants to make clear before the big showdown: Nathan was a traitor to his own kind already before he killed him. the fight’s conclusion is never revealed, though, as after a confidence boost by Ando, present-day!Hiro manages to jump back through time and avert the timeline eventually, obviously
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dammitadolfnomorecake · 4 years ago
Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 96
James could suck the exhaust pipe of the van for all Keith cared. Werewolves were huge, far bigger than the normal family dog or what most people thought. Yet with all that size came zero brain cells. Keith in a huff, not able to stop thinking of Lance and slightly murderous thanks to James loudly mocking him for his “Breeder Boyfriend”. So much for not making a fucking thing out of it, and you know, not putting Lance in extra danger. Sure. He smelt like Lance, before he’d been sprayed top to bottom with that horrible floral crap he and Shiro had used on their scent last time, but if their positions were reversed, Keith wouldn’t be attempting to humiliate him through his boyfriend. He knew it was his name that made James mad... and that he was so close to Shiro, but that wasn’t his fault. He never ever wanted the extra attention.
Worried about his boyfriend’s behaviour, Coran was going to have Curtis check in and maybe stay with Lance. Keith felt like it was something else than birthday blues because he knew birthday depression far too well. He wished he could get Lance out of his mind. Being mad a James helped with that, but that anger was mostly about his comments about Lance, so his mind kept drifting back to his boyfriend as he triple checked his snipers scope. He understood why Coran told him to be extra careful before he left. Vampires had their own set of rules, not terribly considerate towards hunters in that respect. Maybe he really has become soft working here, and actually feeling appreciated for himself. Training his scope onto the recon team, things slowly dissolved to shit as shots rang out. They’d supposed to get the lay of the land and decide from there whether to engage with the werewolves and continue surveillance, the mission plan was basic about the initial components, but being discovered so soon to arriving and in the middle of the freakin’ day was not planned. The first surveillance team had like no contact with the targets. They’d pretty much hadn’t seen anything, and they’d been watching from sun up until relief. Even if it did give them the advantage, some wank stain had ruined everything with that first shot
“Open up the roofs, get us some light in there”
In other words fire a dozen shots into the steel roofing over their target buildings.
There were three target buildings in the shipyard. Keith think he’d thought about there actually be a ship yard in Platt, seeing it was Platt, but the actual words for a place where they constructed ship parts escaped him. Other than the sea of buildings, truck yards, trucks and about 20,000 shipping containers to hide between... they couldn’t shut down the docks without raising suspicion, so instead power for 15 city blocks had gone down with press releases that the problem was being worked on. The Blades didn’t fuck around. Everything outside the mission was null and void until they came back. He shouldn’t be sitting there wondering if Lance would have shot someone’s balls off if he’d been in Keith’s position, no matter if it brought a smile to his face at the thought. Taking aim, he fired at the roof of the closest building, as it was breeched by agents. There were more Blades here than he’d seen in Platt in the whole time since Kolivan waltzed in.
“Explosive device recovered... fall back. Teams X, R, M, rerouting”
Explosives were usually a Blade thing when evidence needed to disappear. Keeping the communication clipped, it failed to warn him it was discovered on a rooftop some 50metres from his position. He didn’t know he was supposed to run until the screams of an unfortunate Blade member filled his ears and huge explosion went off towards the gates of the yard. With the roof blown sky high, Keith was gathering up his rifle and running, before a second device triggered... then the third, this time taking off the side of a storage shed. If that didn’t scream “motherfucking setup”, then Keith didn’t know what did. Nearly clear of the roof, the roofing beneath his feet shifted, Keith losing his step and nearly getting himself killed as he fell off the side of the building and onto a pile of electrical reels... which really hurt. He was getting in mentally before the mocking started. Lance would have a hundred puns to annoy him with after he punched him in the dick for nearly getting hurt.
Being winded saved him as the barred windows to the left and right of the reels blew outwards, glass, concrete and metal showering over him. Had he been getting to his feet, he’d have taken the shrapnel head on, not copping parts second hand as the reels went up in flames. Lance was going to be pissed. You only went after roofs when you knew someone was hiding there or you suspected snipers... Fuck. He had to move and pull back. Something else had been blown up and the air stank from burning things that shouldn’t be burnt. Gathering up his rifle, he was half crash tackled before being pulled along towards the front gate. The mysterious figure was dressed in black, yet he instantly knew they weren’t a Blade member.
Short of the collective of hunter’s, they reached another figure dressed in all black. Hunching over to catch his breath, the first figure who’d pulled him along cackled
“Look at him. Human’s really aren’t good for anything”
Narti?! What the fuck?
“Careful. We need to fall back”
And Ezor? Or was it Zethrid? Which was the tall one again?
“But I wanna take him home”
“This place holds no leads for us. Leave him to return with the human”
Narti crossed her arms
“That’s enough, Ezor. Narti will be mad we meddled as it is”
Ohhh... not Narti... that actually kind of made him feel better... Narti was the grumpy one... Ezor wanted to have fun. He needed to remember that
Ezor licked the pad of her gloved thumb, before reaching and rubbing at spot on his mask
“Good as new. Right. Off you run”
Keith found his voice. He couldn’t let the two of them run off when they knew something
“Don’t go getting emotional on us little Keefy. I know you want to join us, but you’re a human and we have a strict no humans allowed rule. Until next time”
With that the pair of them were off, heading back towards the chaos. Feeling every bit of his bruised body, Keith started limping over to where the hurt hunters were getting immediate medical treatment. Had Lotor sold them out? Or was he following them? What the fuck was going on? And where the fuck was Shiro? He was going to kill him very slowly if he’d gotten himself killed.
The clean up was worse than falling off the roof. Why the didn’t have a back up team in the sewer system Keith didn’t know, because that’s how their pray had escaped. Right down the jagged hole middle of the building... and of course the arseholes had taken everything with them. It was a mess he was glad he didn’t have to deal with. Fuck being in Kolivan or Krolia’s shoes right now. He didn’t even want to be in his own shoes. He’d traded his sniper rifle for a pair of hand guns, but there really wasn’t anything to do... because thankfully he wasn’t a werewolf with an overdeveloped sense of smell. Ezor and Zethrid weighed on his mind, he hadn’t the chance to tell anyone he’d seen them there, and Shiro was too busy first with the mission, then fussing over him.
Leaving the cleanup crew still working, Keith was still late to Lance’s birthday dinner. Shiro was late too, but that was okay because he wasn’t dating Lance. Between getting back to VOLTRON, showering, changing, and not being able to talk to Coran thanks to the fae being busy as fuck with the Blades mess, he was still late. Heading into the restaurant with Shiro, Curtis was the first to notice, out of his seat and throwing his arms around Shiro within moments of his noticing him.
Lance was sitting with Pidge in his lap, there was a smile on his lips that didn’t turn genuine until he set his eyes on Keith. The warmth in his smile and the relief in his eyes. That was everything he needed after what’d happened. Keith felt like walking bag of bruises that Lance wouldn’t be happy about. It was a shame Coran and Allura weren’t there, but Lance was and that was all he cared about.
Shooing Pidge out his lap, Pidge grumbled over being evicted. Lance reaching for him, and Keith nearly tripped over his own feet in his rush to get to his boyfriend. There had to be rules about two people sitting in the same seat, this wasn’t like Sal’s or at a pub, the place was fancy, but their table was slightly hidden by a jutting room divider. Sinking into his boyfriend’s hold, Lance slipped his arm around his waist, his lips finding Keith’s with practiced ease. Sharing three small kisses, ending as Keith hissed over his scratched lips. Now he was sitting, he wasn’t sure he had the energy to ever get up again. His boyfriend smelt so nice. A little sweet, and little muddly, but comfortingly like him.
Nuzzling into his cheek, Keith expected Pidge to carry on or tease them for being “gross”. Curtis must have filled them all in the mission going sideways. Softly, Lance asked
“I’m okay...”
He was ready for bed... Cake, Lance and bed. Lance, cake, Lance, and bed sounded better. Or Lance and cake in bed...
“You sure? Curtis...”
“Yeah. A bit shell shocked and bruised but so much better for being here”
Lance kissed his cheek
“I’m not going to be happy later, am I?”
“Mmmm, maybe not, but I’m in one piece and I didn’t take direct damage. I’ll be fine, I promise you, babe”
His ears weren’t ringing and he had both eyebrows so that was a win.
“Okay. You’ve had your time to talk. Now tell us about this mission of yours”
Matt scooched his chair closer. Shiro groaned at him. With him and Curtis sitting down, the seating arrangement around the table was Lance, Miriam, Pidge, Rieva, Matt, Hunk, Shiro, Curtis, with the chair closest to Lance left open for him, though that had probably already been used by Pidge until he arrived. Curtis explained
“Vampires blew up the depot. You know the transport and manufacturing depot. Yeah, well, their going to have a hell of time explaining that away. Though I suppose with the power black out they’ll say some compound became unstable from lack of refrigeration. It makes Allura’s, Lance’s, and Keith’s previous mission pretty void for now. Werewolves have been deployed to scent track”
Mami was the first to voice her worry
“Oh my dear! Neither of you were hurt were you?”
Pidge a little less sensitive in her worries
“Dude, did you get blown up?”
Shiro shook his head, Keith content with no explaining... though it niggled at him not to mention Zethrid and Ezor. He’d talk to Coran about it. He was more tactful with handling this kind of thing, plus Keith kind of feared being scolded by Kolivan for receiving help from the “enemy”
“No. A few other members were injured. I thought we lost Keith, but he’d already drawn back”
Shit. Lance would worry
“They gave the order to. I didn’t think we’d be worrying about being blown up after nothing happening on first shift. They must have used the time from the moment they detected us to that shot firing to retreat. But we’re both okay, Mami. You don’t need to worry”
“As my son, I’m afraid I do. Do you know long it look Lance to bring home such a nice catch? I was beginning to believe I’d be dead before it happened”
Lance scolded his Mami
“Mami! You can’t say things like that”
Miriam laughing it off
“Consider it a perk of being old. They give you the good stuff when they think you’re a bit nutty. Now, we didn’t order for you two boys, and by the sound of it you both need a good meal and rest”
Matt snickered
“I doubt Keith’s going to be getting any of that”
Keith was now sure he was missing something. His anxiety started curling in his gut. This was why he hated being late. He hated feeling like he was on the outside
“Okay. No more picking on Keith. Babe, I’ll tell you later. Mami’s right. You need to eat something. I’m happy you came home safe”
“Yeah. Me too...”
Pidge finally butting in
“And now you’re being gross again. This is supposed to be a nice dinner to celebrate Lance. You’ve got witnesses”
Keith forced himself to slide from Lance’s lap to the empty chair. Ordering felt like too much effort
“Careful, gremlin. I’ve got stories of my own remember”
Pidge scowled at Lance
“I’m going to find a way to make you forget all those embarrassing stories”
Lance picked up his wine glass, mischief in his eye
“I’d like to see you try. Your mother’s potted plants came straight to mind”
“Ugh! I hate you... Matt, Lance is being mean”
“You’re the one who tried to spray paint mum’s plants so she couldn’t tell you’d killed them”
Keith sucked in his lips, trying not to bark out a laugh lest he also be accused of betraying her. He could see Pidge doing that so clearly... or trying to frame Matt for it. Grabbing her knife she faked stabbing herself in the heart, letting herself fall forward dramatically as she whispered
“I’ve been betrayed by both of you. Run, Keith, take Hunk. Be free!”
Flopped on the table, Matt poked at her
“Right. Well, I call dibs on her piece of cake”
Miraculously Pidge was revived
“Touch me piece of cake and I’ll tell Rieva how you couldn’t sleep with your light off until you were 15”
Matt was unruffled
“Seeing you already have, your piece is now forfeit”
“Noooo... Shiro, is there like a training collar for werewolves? I’m going to have to teach him to respect his little sister”
“Notice how you only refer to yourself like that when you’re trying to win me over”
“You can’t be mean! I’m a poor defenceless human”
“Defenceless my left testicle. You’re as defenceless as a barbed wire fence with the personality to match”
“If anything Lance is the “steely” one”
Lance raised an eyebrow
“If I’m so steely, why is it that my home was invaded by a cow today? Pidge, we know you better than to know you won’t go for a kick to balls if you’re cornered. Matt, stop upsetting the gremlin. She can have cake, but only before midnight”
“Why before midnight?”
The words slipped right out, their friends laughing at him... including Mami. Obviously it was some kind of pop culture reference he wasn’t getting. At least Lance was nice enough to comfort him
“Oh, babe. You’re exhausted. We’ll watch the movie when we next get a free weekend”
“Which won’t be for another two weeks”
Lance groaned, cheeks red and hunching down as he did
“Maaaaatt. Shut up”
“Why another two weeks?”
Lance spluttered, replying too fast
“Oh, you know, work and stuff. Stop teasing him before I talk to him about it”
“Fine. But on a serious note, you’re prepared right?”
“Curtis helped me out this afternoon”
“Good. Keith, make sure you take care of him”
He’d had enough of being confused
“What the fuck is going on?”
“Thanks, guys. Babe, come order with me. I’ll order for you too, Shiro, while I’m at it. You all suck”
Keith didn’t know “ordering” meant a trip to the men’s room. Lance splashing his face with water as Keith hung back towards the door. Catching his gaze in the mirror, Lance smiled at him, though it was one of those faked smiles that should be banned
“Sorry. Matt’s been like this all afternoon”
“You want to tell me what’s going on? I haven’t been able to get out my head how you looked at me when I left”
Lance ducked his head, turning off the tap, that blush was sneaking back in
“I... uh... okay. So don’t be mad, and you totally don’t have to be there if you don’t want to... I... um... I’m preheat”
What the what now?
“You know how werewolves get horny in spring but before that they’re all like super affectionate and make sure they’re well stocked and safe? Yeah, I’m that”
“You haven’t been preheat before. You kind of just go into heat”
Lance huffed. Turning, he crossed his arms and stared at his feet
“Thank you, Captain Obvious. Curtis came by earlier because you’d talked to Coran and we kind of figured it out together. I drank your blood like 3ish months ago... I’m either pregnant or preheat... and seeing we use protection... well... yeah. Matt reckons he smelt it on me. Rieva agrees. My... uh... scent’s sweeter and stronger ‘cause apparently my body is trying to tell you I need looking after and stuff. Look, I was going to tell you at the hotel, but Matt hasn’t stopped teasing me and it’s not fair you don’t know. He told the others were having a romantic week together... but I’m not forcing you to be there. I mean, we don’t know how long it will last and can you please say something because I’m kind of freaking the fuck out and embarrassed as hell about how I acted last time”
“So this is a thing?”
Smooth. Real smooth. A heat was better than a baby... but a proper heat... Hadn’t he had a long enough day as it was? Now he was being unfair to Lance
“Yep. Surprise”
And Lance sounded resigned
“I... Okay. Neither of us know much about this really and honestly I’m pretty much asleep on my feet and the only thinking happening isn’t much. But you can’t act like I don’t want to be there with you”
“And you can’t act like I didn’t freak you the fuck out last time. You went through that all for me! When do I finally get to do something for you!? It isn’t fair! I hate this body of mine. I just want to be a good boyfriend!”
Lance covered his mouth. Keith kind of felt like punching him in the dick. If Lance could tell, so could he!
“Why do you have to be like that? You can’t help it!”
“Because I’m this! This is me! What I want is to go back to you living with me and none of this other shit even happening! You’re too fucking good to me!”
“You’re the good one! I woke up this morning and realised I hadn’t even gotten a present!”
“I don’t need a present! All I want is you!”
“It’s your birthday!”
“And all I wanted was to be with you!”
“I’m here now! Again!”
“And I don’t want to leave at the end of it!”
“Then why are you yelling?!”
Keith spluttered
“I don’t know! You yelled back at me!”
“I was yelling because you were yelling! I miss living with you!”
“And I miss having you around! I miss it! I miss it and I can’t change it because I won’t put you in danger... I can’t lose you”
Both of them stared at each other, Keith moving at the same time as Lance... more or less crashing into each other than a romantic moment. Wrapping his arms around Lance, Lance held onto his jacket
“I miss you, Keith. I know I’m supposed to be the cool older one... but sometimes it hard to go home”
As hard as it was to go back to “normal” life while Lance wasn’t around
“I miss you too. You’re like... the good thing in my life I still can’t believe I have... I... confession time, Shiro helped me with your present”
“Confession time, I don’t mind. We’re working out this boyfriend thing together... I’m haunted by the memories of things I’ve written in cards”
That seemed to be a common theme. Keith wasn’t too sure about what he’d written in Lance’s card
“Shiro said the same thing this morning”
“I’m far too much on his wavelength”
“Bad taste in music. Odd taste in men. A constant need to talk thing out...”
“Don’t forget I care about you. I don’t want people caught up in this that shouldn’t be. I’m ruggedly handsome and mysterious... Um. I... care about you”
“You said that twice”
Lance sighed against him
“I really do. When Curtis said things went south my heart nearly stopped. Three months isn’t long enough... not to be around you. Not to know you...”
Lance was being too adorable and too sweet. Keith couldn’t lie to him about today
“I’m okay... Don’t tell Shiro but I fell off a roof and was saved by a pile of electrical cable spools”
“And then Ezor saved me. She was there with Zethrid”
“Keith! What the hell!?”
“I don’t know why they were there, probably poking into the same things as us...”
“God. Why can’t you Blades be bloody careful!?”
“I was falling back when it happened... does that count?”
“Yes, but, babe... are you sure you’re okay? Did you hit your head? Do you know where you are?”
“I’m in some weird restaurant with some weird guy?”
“That isn’t funny!”
Lance was in tears now. He’d teased him too much. Kissing Lance’s hair, his boyfriend was still clutching him, Keith wondered if the jacket would forever retain the marks from how hard of a grip Lance had on him
“I’m fine. The suit protected me for the most part. The worst I got was a little winded and a few bruises. I’m with my boyfriend, on his birthday, which is the only place I want to be”
“I... You’re not allowed to scare me like that. You’re too important”
“I know. I only had to survive for Shiro before, now I have you... and... maybe I think I want to survive for myself”
“I should punch you in the dick”
It’d be deserved. Lance wore his heart on his sleeve and Keith really loved that about him
“Please don’t”
Lance sniffled softly, still angry despite crying
“Only because it’s you asking... You have to tell Shiro you saw them there. It could be important”
“I’m going to let Coran know”
“And Shiro”
That wasn’t a conversation he relished the thought of
“He’ll worry... How about I tell them together?”
“Fine. As long as you swear you’ll tell them”
“Only because it’s you asking. We should get back”
“I suppose so... I’m so fucking relieved you’re alright”
“I know... me too, babe. I wouldn’t miss being here with you for anything”
“You’re such a fucking sap... but... I really like you. I know it’s your job, and this preheat is making me extra emotional... but... the world is better for having you in it”
What was he supposed to say to that? It was Lance’s birthday but he felt like he was the one who’d been given the best present of his life.
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stardust-and-blades · 6 years ago
small drabble I thought to write
Summary: The blade and voltron are paired up on a mission. Lance is assigned with Keith, who he hasn’t seen since his departure. They are short on words, but a brush with death leads to unexpected consequences
The blade found another planet with human and alien prisoners on it. It was initially a recon mission, Kolivan ordering his soldiers to keep an eye on the ball. But when Keith’s team returned with not only the entire fleet intact, but new information on those who participated in revolts within the galra empire sent to prisons, they knew they could not pass up on handing this intel to the voltron coalition.
The catch was it was heavily guarded. Carefully hidden, so that those of the planets assume those who rebelled were immediately killed or assumed dead upon being sent to one of the labor camps. Possibly sent to the arena, where anyone and anything could be deemed a gladiator and fend off against ruthless creatures and bloodthirsty purebred galras. The purebreds are the ones to always make it out unscathed.
While the others are lucky to come out with gashes and bruises. Shiro and Matt would know. They lived it.
It had been months since the team has heard from Keith. A few discussions on him, like whether he was taken care of or if he should visit. But it would die down in moments, the paladins shut down by Shiro, who claimed they needed to keep their eyes on the ball. By doing that, they must dedicate their time to training. It became so intense that even Allura questioned Shiro’s actions, noting how exhausted and worn out the paladins--humans close to her age and her heart--riddled with dark circles under their eyes and bleeding hands. She agrees they need more practice, but not to the point of overexertion. It is what Coran taught her after their first meeting. And what she is reminded of after the encounter with the evil Alteans. 
When Lance is assigned to Keith, he isn’t sure what to feel. Anger? Frustration? Glee? Worry? He was swirling with so many mixed emotions, he could have been mistaken for a cocktail of stress rather than the easy-going, laxed boy he was prior to the war.
And when he met up with Keith, it only got...more awkward. 
Lance knows he feels strongly. Felt strongly over Keith’s departure. He doesn’t hate the guy. In fact, he thought they were getting along really well before he left, what with the two working on Keith’s leadership skills and Lance being his newly appointed right hand man. He began to forget about glory. Cast away his flirtations to the princess, who hardly exchanged so much as a quirked brow whenever he attempted to woo her with his suave lines. However when he did try in the presence of Keith, he always noted how the ex-red paladin laughed, as if he hadn’t broken a smile in years. It left Lance in awe, for he never noticed how...open...friendly...handsome Keith could be when he smiled. When he laughed, it ignited a strange phenomenon in his belly. One he turned over late at nights, amping up the volume of his headphones as he grumbled to himself and lost hours of beauty rest. 
Why did his heart race so fast. Why did his cheeks light up with pink dust, Lance internally cursing his body’s natural instincts. 
Those feelings are dredge back up as blue meets purple. He couldn’t even utter a joke, but rather a breathless “Hey.”
“Ready for the mission?”
Keith shrugs. “Ready as I’ll ever be.” He turns away and settles himself in the aircraft’s seat. “Lets go. Kolivan wants us there as soon as possible.”
“Roger that, team leader.” Lance says automatically, forgetting it is Shiro who pilots black again.
Keith froze. “What?” 
You said--”
“I said roger that, loser.” 
Wait shit wrong word. But it is too late to turn back, Keith just sighing and turning back to the controls, pressing several buttons and snapping his seatbelt in place. Lance wants to smack his head against the wall. This is off to a great fucking start. 
Things are a little rocky during the mission, mostly because the base is so big everyone had to split into pairs with a blade member to relinquish the prisoners while also ceasing any contact with outside galra forces. The paladins kept their focus on rescuing and handling the beaten and malnourished rebels, and the blades fought sentries and galra soldiers. Paladins there to protect, blades there to risk their lives. Unfortunately for Keith and Lance, they were given a well-guarded area, Lance half expecting Kolivan to be sent with the two boys. 
“There is a lot more than the other areas...” Lance comments, him and keith hidden behind a vacated hallway.
Keith takes out his blade and angles it to see how many sentries and soldiers there are, a form of mirror since sticking their heads out could result in their beheading.
“Been through worse.” Keith says. He grips the blade tight and on command it morphed into a longer sword, the stubby, tiny dagger a full fledged weapon.
Lance furrows his brows. What?
“What do you mean, been through worse? Keith, is something going on?”
Keith blinks, opening his mouth but nothing coming out. Lance waits, concern slowly coming to a boil in his blood. He has been...MIA lately. Enough that the few calls he made to the team is nonexistent now, and when Lance peers into those striking eyes, they almost seem...dead. Dull. Consumed by something Keith isn’t telling him, nor the team.
Rather than answer Lance, he shakes his head and clicks his mask on, his face shielded by anonymity; by the display of all fighters, the unremembered and the sacrificed. 
The mask bugs Lance. But now more than ever. A part of him wants to click that button and demand answers. Considering their situation though, they have no choice but to clear out this side of the camp.
Keith is the first to run in. He doesn’t hesitate, sliding in their blind spots and stabbing from behind. He uses his blade to maneuver his body, kicking armor and jumping from sentry to sentry, avoiding the gunshots scattering the atmosphere. If Lance wasn’t so busy using his shield to protect him and the prisoners he gathered behind him, he would have stood there in awe. Keith’s combat moves were usually raw; scattered, intended on recklessness rather than survival. Right here he is displaying a different flow. A grasp on an objective, quick to act and muscles taught with fierce protection. He ducked, dodged, landed fists, and sliced sentries in half. He is a dragonfly, seeming slow but on his guard, following his senses and desire to come out of the mission without any casualties. 
As Keith finished the last blow to a sentry, he is surrounded by mechanic bodies, a mountain to rival the cemetery of those lost in the efforts for peace. He flicks his sword, blood and oil mixing with the flickering lights of a sentry’s system shut down.
Keith looks back at Lance, not removing his mask. 
“We should be good. Did you get everyone?
“Yeah, not a scratch.” Lance smiles. “Good job, man.”
Lance senses a smile. “Than--”
It happens in a flash. One moment Keith is speaking to him, his full attention on his partner and the victims, the next he is shot in the chest from the side, a cry emitting from Keith as he tumbles to the ground. His sword clatters against metal, a death rattle in Lance’s ears. 
There are galra soldiers coming in from an area Lance and Keith thought was clear, the exit being compromised.
And Keith is no longer moving.
Lance instantly puts up his shield and activates his bayard, the prisoners shielded by Lance. He glances at Keith, hoping he would see the boy twitch. His chest move up and down. For his hand to so much as inch towards the blade. 
A pool of blood grew underneath the fallen blade member, Lance’s mind going white. 
No. No this isn’t the plan. This isn’t supposed to happen. No. No. No. No.
Not another blade. Not another ally. Not another friend. 
His bayard continues to fire shots, some landing on their target, others hitting an equally as powerful sickly violet surface. Everything is bathed in purple, but all Lance could register is how much blood is pouring out of the small boy. He couldn’t focus. Couldn’t aim correctly, because all he sees is what he could have prevented. If he acted more, if he wasn’t so used to being on the back-burner, if he were nicer to Keith, if he told him--told him--
How dare they steal not only his and Allura’s home, hurt and imprison innocents, but the person he loves?
Bastards. Bastards. Fucking bastards.
Hot rage ebbs away the ice in his bones, the sting behind his eyes switching out for a clenched jaw. The calm ocean waves cloud over, a hurricane roiling in his gaze, destruction and hatred becoming one. He is the roaring waves; the snapped palm trees scattered about the area, the thunder booming in the distance, the darken clouds drowning anyone who treaded on his land. 
He is the blue paladin, and they have unlocked a part of him he had kept at bay ever since he discovered the ruination of thousands of planets and lives. 
His bayard, which was altered into a pistol so he could use one hand while protecting with the other, manifests into another weapon. A familiar one. A sharp one. A partner to Keith’s, though the shape is not of earthly design.
A sword. His bayard became a sword.
And he is ready to use it, the weight of steel not bothering him in the slightest.
He quickly moved the prisoners in a nearby room, shutting them in with a code and telling them not to come out until he returns or another paladin or blade member arrives on the scene. The galra aren’t getting in, there will be no more casualties today.
As soon as they were safe, Lance whipped around, the hurricane in his eyes pushing down electricity poles and setting fire to its surroundings. 
His scream reverberated off the walls, a wail of raw anger and heartbreak. He charged the sentries and galra soldiers, intending to leave no survivors. He sliced his way through the wall of mechanic soldiers, the cleaved limbs adding more to the pile Keith had created. The sword is hefty, but that doesn’t get to Lance. He used every fiber of his trained muscles, breaking a sweat yet never hesitating. Never staggering. 
The galra soldiers aim for Lance’s middle, but he dodges each one, putting his long legs to use. He dove down, tripping some with a hard kick and slicing their necks open. He activated his shield when more shots were made at him, the head galra of the group attempting to catch Lance off guard by hiding behind his men until he was behind the paladin. But Lance saw that coming, whirling around and burying the blade into the galra’s stomach. He yanks it out, the soldier down and bleeding out alongside his friend.
As soon as their leader was down, the remaining galra soldiers were frozen in place, pure fear etched in their yellow scleras. They began to back up, but Lance isn’t about to be merciful. Why be merciful to the beings that imprisoned and murdered thousands of innocents? Why be merciful to the empire that forced Allura and Coran into a sleeping pod for 10,000 years, their home and all they knew eradicated? Why be merciful to those who caused the rift between honorable galrans and bloodthirsty ones, shunning anyone who beheld an inkling of the race. 
Why be merciful to the soldiers who killed his best friend?
By the end, Lance’s blade is covered in crimson, the fury in him quelling to a small pit-fire, ignoring the walls and ceiling dotting the floor with its loose drips. 
He hears a shift behind him, Lance’s head perking up. So there is one last survivor afterall.
He turns and moves the blade to puncture the still conscious galra, about to impale them in the chest when he realizes it is not a normal grey and red armor sitting up, but the deep purple with lines running across the chest.
Keith groans, a hand going towards where he was shot. He is about to stand up when he takes note of the pointed, sharp metal an inch from him, his eyes growing wide as he stilled and looked up. 
Lance takes in a sharp breath, losing his grip on his bayard. A hand flies to his mouth, as if the smother the cry tearing through his throat. How is he alive? He was shot. Bleeding out right in front of him. Is this a hallucination? Did he crack?
“You...I saw you die...” Lance whispers, the shock keeping him in place.
Keith looks down at his damaged armor. “Oh...I...Allura and Kolivan created this new armor. It takes the brunt of the damage and releases a red liquid similar to blood to fake our deaths, giving us an element of surprise when the enemy is vuln...er...able...” Keith looks around him, his sight taking in the dead sentries and soldiers. His mouth hangs open, caution and a tinge of fear entering his recovering look.
“Lance, what did you do?”
Lance doesn’t answer the question. Instead he crumbles next to Keith, pulling him close to his chest. His arms wrapped around him tightly, the other boy wincing from the squeeze due to bruising, but not exactly pulling away. He is freaked out by the damage. The blood covering the hallway not too far from them, by the aftermath of a force of nature Keith has never seen in Lance.
But he doesn’t have the heart to act coldly to the paladin, noticing how while the two were silent, he can feel Lance’s body shake with relief.
He just holds him. Letting him know Keith is there. Staying in place so Lance doesn’t feel the need to pick up the drenched bayard again.
Keith hopes he doesn’t. Not for this purpose.
They will need to talk. But for now, he leans into the touch. 
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oosteven-universe · 5 years ago
Cosmo the Mighty Martian #2
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Cosmo the Mighty Martian #2 Archie Comics 2019 Written by Ian Flynn Illustrated by Tracy Yardley Coloured by Matt Herms Lettered by Jack Morelli     During a recon mission on the asteroid Ceres, Cosmo and his crew learned that the evil Venusians have been using a mineral called Aphrodite, which allows the Venusians to mutate lifeforms to do their bidding. As if that wasn't bad enough, one of the elite Venusian warriors, Battle Princess Shih, kidnapped Cosmo's best pal Orbi! With no time to lose, the Martians race after Shih, determined to rescue their friend before something even more awful happens to him...     I am so enamoured with this book. I grew up watching cartoons on Saturday mornings, and weekdays after school, that in our current climate are deemed too violent which is utterly silly. This reminds me of those days it has the right mix of humour and danger that makes it such a standout. There is this brilliant mix of characters in this book all of whom have their own ideas of what it is they do and who is in charge. The dialogue is phenomenal and the way they act and behave is something you cannot resist making you smile.     The way that this is being told is fantastic. I think it's amusing that after all the time they've spent together that Astra would realise that Cosmo's headaches were the result of these visions of his. Also the language barrier with Max and the way he and Cosmo go back and forth is hilarious not to mention the sheer amount of imagery that we see which has all these, I am trying not to laugh as I type, references we all know and love that shouldn't work but by goodness sake it certainly does. I am particularly fond of the way the gang enters Cronius Aerial Base.     The story & plot development we see through the sequence of events unfolding as well as how the reader learns information is extremely well done. I am particularly impressed with how Ian manages to make this all-ages friendly so that adults have a wide range of humour and the younger set will appreciate this style of cartoon splendour. The character development is incredible as we see the character interact with one another as well act and react to the situations they find themselves in flesh out their personalities. The pacing is spot on great as it takes us through the pages and reveals the twists and turns which create a wonderful ebb & flow to the book. I love the way that this book is structured and how well the action flows here.     The interiors here are superb! The linework is great and while everything is done with a tongue-in-cheek attitude it works perfectly well here. There is some really nice utilisation of old school classic techniques, think Sunday Strips, as well as from Dynomutt and all of it gives the reader this comfortable feel like visiting some old friends. The utilisation of the page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective in the panels show a really strong talented eye for storytelling. There is so much expression happening within these page with the way we see Vegemites (sorry I start singing Men at Work when I say that word) and our intrepid explorers. The colour work from Matt is spectacular as usual and he manages to breathe that fun air of life into this in ways complete the entire book. ​     There is such a thing as fun for the whole family and this is it! Archie has it's hand on the pulse of what makes people happy, they always have and this just continues to demonstrate it. Cosmo the Mighty Martian should be that guilty pleasure that finds it's way into your reading pile anytime it's out.
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laurens-lil-fics · 6 years ago
Hallucinate - Matt Murdock x Powered! Reader Part 2
Series Summary: When members of a criminal organization start flooding precincts all over New York, turning themselves in, Daredevil must investigate to see what new player has them running for the hills.
Chapter Summary: Matt recounts last night’s events at the dock to Foggy and Karen, only for a familiar presence to interrupt him.
Word Count: 1969
Warnings: none!
Author’s note: Drunk Matt is a fucking trip, I love him
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“Did... did she try to jedi mind trick you?”
That earned a swift jab at the ribs, causing Foggy to whine in pain and send a playful glare Karen’s way. 
“Fog this is serious...” Karen sighed, looking back at Matt who was nursing a glass of cheap whiskey. “You don't think she... got into your head, do you?”
Matt shrugged, his fingers nervously tapping against his glass at the thought. If she had, she would know Daredevil’s true identity. If was was trouble, which it certainly seemed like it so far, she could use it against him.
“I don't know... She drained me, I know that much. But I don't know if she actually got in my head... I mean... I didn’t feel anything.” Matt said, keeping his voice low so the other bar patrons wouldn’t catch wind of what he was saying.
Karen slowly nodded, glancing down at her own drink as she tried to think of a proper response.
“Well, if she did then our best hope is that she’s just trying to take down a couple baddies here in Hell’s Kitchen. From what you said was happening at the docks she’s trying to stop those guys from doing harm.” Foggy said, trying to ease his friend’s worries.
“Yeah but... is she doing it without killing anyone? Or is she going the Castle route?... No offense, Karen.” 
Matt could tell the comment would have set Karen off had she been on her fifth drink. Luckily she was only at drink number two, still enough to earn a scoff from her. 
“Let’s try to think about something else... it’s Friday night, let's enjoy it.” Foggy interjected, feeling the tension beginning to rise.
For the next hour the three kept the alcohol flowing, the conversation drifting off to something lighter and not anxiety inducing. 
Matt, feeling the first buzz he had in months, stopped mid drink when he heard the clunk of a familiar pair of boots. Slightly disoriented from the alcohol, he struggled to focus his hearing past the music and the laughter around him.
Once he heard the door to Josie’s open, he was finally able to focus on that heartbeat. The one he had heard at the docks. He choked on his drink, earning worried looks from his friends and a couple other patrons. 
He felt the woman glance his eye, her eyes looking him up and down before she turned her attention back to the bar.
“It’s her... jedi...” Matt coughed, hearing Foggy and Karen both whip their heads in her direction. “Not all at once, what the hell is wrong with you guys...”
“When you point out a jedi I have to look, Matty...” Foggy grumbled, struggling to keep himself from looking back at the bar.
“Matt...” Karen slurred, struggling to sober up, “if she did....jedi you... she woulda left, or headed our way...”
Matt continued to focus on her, trying to confirm it was really her and not the alcohol in his system. He could still smell the docks on her.
He slowly stood up, ignoring his friends as they began asking him to sit back down and leave it be. He staggered over to the bar, pretending to trip over his own feet as he gripped onto the empty spot of the bar beside her.
“Woahhhh, sir, you okay?” she asked. Her voice was different. Softer.
Matt slowly nodded, chuckling softly as he stood up straighter and brushed his hair back, a classic Matt move. “Yeah... Yeah sorry, guess I overestimated how well I knew this bar.”
He heard her chuckle and shift in her seat to turn towards him. “Well you need an escort back to your seat?”
Matt gave her a lopsided smile, slowly sitting in the stool beside her. “Actually uhh... this is a little awkward, my friend over there told me I should talk to the pretty woman who just walked into the bar... you are her, right? I have no way of really knowing.”
He felt the heat rise to her cheeks, his smile growing as she giggled and looked in Foggy’s direction. “Well, if he did mean me I’m flattered.”
“Well in that case, lemme get you a drink.” He offered. He heard her nod, heat flooded to her cheeks again before she gave him verbal confirmation. 
Once Josie brought the woman her drink, Matt took the opportunity to introduce himself. “Oh damn, I almost forgot. Name’s Matt Murdock.”
“Love the alliteration.” she smiled, sipping at her drink.
“Thanks, picked it myself.” he snickered, earning a laugh from her.
“Well, I’m (Y/n) (L/n). Not as nice as Matt Murdock but I get by.”
Matt shook his head slightly, leaning in closer to her. “Still got a nice ring to it... hey how bout you join me and my friends. Not to toot our own horns but we’re pretty good company.”
Lucky for Matt, (Y/n) accepted the invitation and lead him to the table, sitting between him and Foggy.
Matt introduced the three to each other, knowing Karen and Foggy were too nervous to do it themselves. He silently prayed that they would play along and help her loosen up a bit.
A couple drinks later and she was cracking up at one of Foggy’s over the top stories involving Matt and their college years.
“This city was ours! Two lone wolves, out on the prowl, howling at the moon looming over Hell’s Kitchen. This city was, and is, still lucky to have us.” Foggy boasted, snickering as Karen nudged him and rolled her eyes.
“Karen doesn’t get it, she’s not from here.” Matt said, giving Karen a look that told her to play along.
“Really?” (Y/n) asked, smiling at Karen as she swirled her drink in her glass.
“Yeah... I just needed a change of scenery, and boy did I get what I bargained for. What about you, (Y/n)? What brought you to Hell’s Kitchen?” Karen asked.
Matt felt (Y/n) tense slightly beside him. Not enough alcohol to get that out of her.
“What’s a place like you doing in a girl like this, Ms. (L/n)?” he teased, internally cheering as she smiled and relaxed.
“Well, I was a photo journalist. I’m doing more freelance work... figured New York was the place to come to since some new dude in a mask shows up, what? Like every three days?” she explained. 
Her heartbeat was irregular, but that didn’t keep Matt from knowing she was lying. But of course, he couldn’t tell her that outright.
“Sooo, you’re here for Daredevil?” Foggy asked, smirking slightly as he glanced between Matt and (Y/n).
“I mean... it would be pretty cool to get his picture. But I’d settle for anything that could make me a quick buck.” (Y/n) said, punctuating her statement by shooting the last of her drink.
“Well, Karen here has had her fair share of run ins with him, maybe you will too.” Foggy responded, becoming a bit too lost in the illusion.
(Y/n) smiled slightly, glancing between the three of them. “Like I said, anything interesting... Yall are lawyers, right?”
Foggy and Matt nodded. Now they were getting somewhere.
“Is there anything... weird going on? That I could get photos of. I’m trying to build up a resume here in New York, get a full time job and all that. If there’s any tips you can legally give me, I’d really appreciate it.”
Hook. Line. And Sinker. 
“How about we exchange phone numbers and this be a little ‘help me to help you’ situation. You see something, you tell me, I see something, I tell you. Deal?” Matt smiled, holding his hand out for her. He could feel her heart beat quicken for a moment before she took his hand and shook it like she meant it.
The two exchanged numbers, and the next hour or two passed by smoothly. Karen and Foggy eventually left the two alone. Once Matt felt it was time to leave, he asked (Y/n) to walk with him.
“Are you usually this forward with pretty girls at bars, Mr. Murdock?” she asked, fiddling with the zipper of her jacket as the two made their way through the streets of Hell’s Kitchen.
“Not usually,” he shrugged, “I mean, Foggy will always say otherwise, but don’t believe him. He’s always over exaggerated those kinds of things.”
She chuckled, biting her lip as she looked him over. “I dunno, you sound like a real ladies man to me.”
Matt shrugged, smiling slightly as he gave her arm a light squeeze, “Now who’s being forward?”
The two exchanged their goodbyes once they reached Matt’s apartment. He pretended to fumble with his keys as she walked off, instead focusing on the direction she was walking in.
Once he got into his apartment he quickly changed into his Daredevil suit, the alcohol that was still in his system caused him to trip over himself a couple times. Once he was suited up, he headed back to the docks, hoping she would be back there patrolling the area. 
He tried to convince himself he had done enough recon work for one night, that he earned a good night’s sleep. But a part of him knew he couldn’t sleep well until Daredevil could speak to (Y/n) without any goons interrupting them. 
It felt like an eternity passed before she showed up. There was that heart beat again. He turned towards her, remaining crouched at the edge of the roof as she levitated beside him.
“I thought I asked you to stay out of my way.” she stated simply, her voice as coarse as the first time they met. 
“You said you were a fan, figured you’d want some one on one time.” he replied, making his voice deeper as well.
The two remained silent, studying each other, before (Y/n) decided to speak up. “The only reason I haven’t reached into that head of yours and forced you to stay away is because I know how much good you do for this city... I got no right to go prying around in your head, seeing your private things.”
Matt gave her a slight nod, “I appreciate that...” he paused. “But I can’t let you run around my city and kill people you should be brought to justice, real justice.”
“Who said I was killing people?” she scoffed, turning away from him to face the docks. “I just want one man... one asshole out of all the rest, dead and in the ground...but you already knew that, huh?”
He stayed silent, so she continued. “But you have no idea who he is... why I want him... that’s why you’re here, right?”
“You’re half right... I got a source, one who might know where ‘Blum’ is hiding...” He pulled a flip phone out from one of the various pockets on his suit, holding it out for her. “I can help you find this guy, bring him and his lackeys to justice...”
(Y/n) looked back at him, trying to swipe the phone out of his hand only for him to whip it out of her reach at the last second.
She huffed.
“We do this the right way, or we don’t do it at all... I give you the information you need, help you take these guys down, and you don’t kill anyone. Help me to help you.” Matt explained, slowly holding the phone before her once more.
(Y/n) took it from him, snorting when she saw his phone number, under ‘DD’ was already in it. “Damn, and it’s only our second date. I’m flattered.”
“Don’t lose it... I’ll call you the second I get something.” With that, Matt turned and casually made his way to the opposite end of the roof, feeling her eyes burning into him the whole way. 
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rovvboat · 6 years ago
Abort Mission - Cable/Nathan Summers x Reader P.2
Part 2
Warnings: Angst, swearing, mentions of killing, confessions
A/N: PART 2 is finally done!!! (POSTING AGAIN COS TUMBLR LMAO) w some reconciliation ;))) Leave a request if you’d like for me to do anything on the two metal husbands hehehe! Keep an eye out for more Colossus based fics too cos I am IN the mood for them, angst or not! kekekek ENJOY!!
Words: 3.5k
Summary: Your team had been tipped off about a possible resurrection of an unnamed villain by Black Talon and his followers, which prompted a recon mission led by Cable. Your team heads to the location to put a stop to Talon’s plans, but the tension between you and Cable was driving you nuts - prompting you to put your foot down and do what was best for the team.
 The X-Jet came to a slow stop above the large rain forest; engine whirring loudly as the pilot motioned for the team to make their descent via the thick wire ladder. One by one the team – comprised of you, Wade, Colossus, Ellie, Yukio and Cable – lowered themselves down the ladder. The team separated into smaller groups to cover the two bases effectively, with Cable keeping an eye on the surrounding situations.
You were armed in your protective gear – military-grade green and brown camouflage pants with a dark green long-sleeved shirt - with reinforced fibers built to absorb shock and kinetic energy from long range bullets. You also had on a heavily-padded bullet-proof vest over the shirt.
The whole ensemble was heavier than any normal protective gear you would usually wear – the shirt specifically engineered for you by Cable with his knowledge of future tech.
The first stop for you and Wade was an abandoned military base taken over by followers of Black Talon. X-Force got tipped off by a trusted source that Black Talon was planning on bringing back dead but formerly powerful mutants as zombies; this coincided with the recent increase in reports of grave-robbers. Summed up, all this was no good.
The leaves gave way under you made your way through the trees. A stray ray of light filtered through the high trees, onto one of the corners of the military base – illuminating it in the process.
This would possibly be the worst place put a covert base. No wonder it was abandoned. You thought to yourself with a smile.
The base was of decent stature – two stories high, surrounded by vines and shrubbery in its corners. It was made of a kind of dark grey, matte-looking metal formed into a honey comb-structure. It was nothing like you have ever seen before.
The metal had all but rusted over all the areas that hadn’t been galvanized – namely the holes which housed screws and bolts, as well as the space between the honeycomb pattern – but it looked sturdy. Sturdy enough to hold a ritual probably. Wade suddenly motions for you to switch off your comms device, and you suspiciously oblige.
‘’So, tell me Fingers, what’s up with you and Foxy Grandpa these days?’’ Wade asked, as he walked beside you, absentmindedly plucking at leaves and branches. ‘’I don’t see the playful teasing anymore. Did he have some ‘performance issues’ during your fun little camping trip?’’
‘’I… He didn’t want to pursue anything further.’’ You answered, a little crestfallen.
‘’Woah! You really hit that? Good on you! But forget about him, I’m sure he’s just confused. Older – Sorry – Old men are like that. You’re a catch if I do say so myself.’’ He winked with a head tilt, before activating his earpiece and motioning for you to do the same.
You didn’t know how, but what he said was strangely reassuring. It was rare to see Wade be so… supportive and encouraging. You grinned at him, before getting back to the task at hand.
You looked back towards the building. From your distance you couldn’t tell if it housed any living soul. But you knew better than to assume that there wasn’t. You took your enhanced heat vision goggles and got to work.
‘’One… two… three… four…’’ You breathe in, as you positioned your goggles back on top of your head.
‘’Nine. I see nine heat signatures. What’s the move, Captain?’’ You reported with a quip, as you looked back to Deadpool. ‘’Do you seriously think using a pair of binoculars would work in this situation?’’ You added.
‘’NINE? Is that all you need for a secret sacrifice /slash/ ritual nowadays? And here I was, thinking there would be an equal numbered of virgins,’’ Wade continued as he tossed his binoculars onto the ground, ‘’But then again, maybe we’re providing the virgins. We do have Colossus and Negasonic – ‘’ Wade got cut off by the voice in your comms earpiece.
‘’Hey fuckface, could you shut the fuck up? We have patrol officers coming towards your location. Stay alert. Only attack if spotted. Maintain cover in the forest. Colossus and NTW, I need you to be ready in the case of a shoot-out.  Fuckface and Y/N, go in to investigate. Report in if you see any signs of Black Talon. Remember, try not to provoke them. We only need to destroy that main tower to stop Talon. Anything else is icing on the cake.’’
‘’Roger that.’’ Colossus responded.
‘’I guess someone’s got the case of angry grandpa.’’ Wade remarked, elbowing you. ‘’Alrighty, get on with the creepy mist, magic fingers. It’s go time.’’ He prompted as he waved his hands in a shoo-ing motion. You giggle lightly as you got to work with your powers.
You gently put your hands on the ground, your mind focused on all the water molecules you can feel in the soil surrounding the base. With one quick motion, you pressed your palm down onto the ground – increasing the heat in the ground and causing the moisture to evaporate. The resulting vapour engulfed the area, rendering poor visibility to anyone not expecting an ambush (AKA the dumbasses inside the base).
You and Wade slowly made your way towards the base. You made sure to tread lightly across the leaf litter and reached the corner of the base, crouching down in response to clinking sounds coming from the heavy metal door.
The door swung open haltingly, as if the building itself was an old man trying to maneuver his joints in order to function. Two figures emerged from inside. They had N95 masks on and were carrying submachine guns pointed forwards. They tentatively plod through some thick shrubbery that laid adjacent to the doorway. The person on the left straightened their back and turned to the other to convey that is was probably nothing – as Deadpool launched himself at the unaware vigil, pulling off the N95 mask as he landed a slice to his throat.
The vigil drops to the ground with a thud. The other vigil turned to aim his gun at Deadpool, but just as he raised his finger to the trigger, you snuck behind him and knocked him out cold.
‘’And that’s why we call you magic fingers.’’
‘’That’s only 2 guys, where’s the other 7?’’ You inquired.
As if on cue, you felt something whizz past you, mere inches from your face and impale onto a nearby tree. You quickly see that it was an arrow – shot clean through the bark – and took cover behind the nearest tree trunk.
You twisted your body back towards the base, still hidden from any other attacks, and peeked over the trunk to see where it came from.
Your eyes scaled up to the roof of the base, and through the mist you saw three black figures; their bows held up and taking aim. You look down at the entrance and you notice the mist had started to slowly dissipate, revealing a confident Deadpool standing out in the open; square in their sights.
‘’Well fingers, our cover’s blown.’’ He mentioned, looking back in your direction and then back up to the roof. ‘’I guess It’s time for some real good fun.’’
‘’Wade, there’s –‘’ an agitated Cable voiced through the earpiece before being cut off by Deadpool.
‘’No time, Oldilocks. I’m going for the assholes on the roof.’’
He pulled out both his guns from his holsters and took aim at the figures. He pulled the trigger several times, one bullet straight through the head of one of the roof archers and one through the neck of the other. The third archer had wisely taken cover.
Meanwhile, you were using your goggles to figure out where the last of the vigils would be. Scanning the vicinity, you whispered
‘’Where the fuck are yo– ‘’  
And before you could finish, two arms wrapped themselves around your neck and torso. Tight enough crush you. You struggled, unable to call out to Deadpool for backup.
‘’What’s a pretty little thing like you doing with an abomination like that?’’ a gruff voice said to you.
‘’Fuck you.’’ You grunt.
You dug your fingers into the thick armour of the assailant, changing the composition of the fibers using chemicals present in the air. In a split second, the clothing withered away, leaving his skin exposed. You hastily clawed into him, and begun oxidizing the skin it in the process
In other words, you were setting him on fire.
He started screaming.
He promptly released you from his grasp as he stumbled backwards, fervently trying to put out the combustion on his left arm. You swung your body back, trying to catch some momentum, before planting a roundhouse kick to his face.
As you caught your breath, you hear a gunshot coming from the base. You turn around to see Deadpool on the roof, presumably looking for the third archer – who is also now probably dead.
‘’That should be the last of them.’’ You spoke into the comms device.
You suddenly hear some rustling behind you.
Followed by a click.
  ‘’Y/N! TAKE COVER.’’
As you turned to the source of the voice, you felt two arms wrapping around your shoulders, followed by a massive weight moving you away from the oncoming projectile; which had shattered into pieces, inches before your body
Unbeknownst to you, Cable had shot at the rocket before throwing himself at you with his back to the shards of exploding metal.
There was smoke all around you. Cable was still on top of you, and you were bearing the full weight of his body. You used your powers to shift the heavy smoke away from you and towards where the rocket was shot and heard heavy coughs from behind the thicket of the forest.
‘’Kid, don’t move. They’re still there. Cable hissed with a laboured breath. ‘’Wade, I need cover from the roof.’’ He whispered into the comms device.
‘’RETURN TO THE MAIN BASE!’’ A shrill voice ordered, coming from the thicket; followed by a swift retreat marked by the loud, intense rustling of the leaves surrounding the dense growth.
Gunshots reverberated through the trees, and the bullets wisped past the smoke cloud in the direction of the assailants, but they had already vanished.
‘’What the fuck-knuckles was that? Holy shit, was that a fucking mini-missile?’’ Deadpool exclaimed as he emerged from the base. He walked towards where you and Cable had landed.
‘’Holy shit, that looks… so cool! And so painful!’’ Wade commented as Cable staggered up off of you.
‘’I’m fine, Wade, Thanks for asking.’’ You coughed. As you pushed yourself up off the ground, you heard a cackle of static coming from Cable’s body. His face twisted in discomfort as he put a hand to his left metallic shoulder. Heavily he breathed out and straightened himself up, turning around towards the direction where the enemies had run off to.
Which gave you a clear view of his back, and you saw why he had winced in pain.
One of the missile shards – presumably from the explosion – had lodged itself into Cable’s Techno-Organic back. The grey TO metal seemed to throb from the pierced missile fragment.
‘’Woah there, Cable. I’m going to have to take a look at that.’’ You say, concerned at how far into his back the fragment had lodged itself.
Cable turned to you, frowning and just as he was beginning to answer, you heard Colossus’ voice coming in from the earpiece.
‘’We have found the main base, but it seems we have company. Black Talon might have been expecting us. Follow the coordinates of our trackers, and be here quickly.’’
‘’Looks like the party’s just started. Hey, retired winter soldier, what’cha gonna do about that big, fat achey-breaky back?’’ Deadpool quipped.
With a groan, Cable pulled out the missile fragment and dumped it away from him. You watch him, alarmed, and yet… somehow turned on.
‘’Done. Let’s get a move on.’’ Cable said, slinging his gun to the unwounded side of his back, then booking it towards the main base; with you and Deadpool at his heel.
‘’Cable, that doesn’t look so good. Let me take a look at it, I’ll be quick.’’ You said as you caught up to his stride.
‘’Listen darlin’, I don’t think your healing fingers are up for it. It’s a futuristic virus, not regular human flesh or metal.’’ He said dismissively.
You looked away at that. You won’t lie, that did sting a little.
Maybe a lot, coming from Cable.
‘’Besides, I think we have more important things to worry about.’’ He grumbled.
You look up ahead to see the main base – towering over the trees. Made of the same black metal the first base had been comprised of. All three of you could hear the unmistakable sounds of grunts and bullets against chrome plating, and rushed towards it.
Colossus and NTW were head-to-head with 10 assailants, all adorned in matching uniforms.
How cute.
You were particularly agitated at this moment. Not only because of what Cable had implied, but also because you weren’t given an opportunity to use your powers to their fullest, with it being more of a covert mission – but clearly it had now developed into something else.
Time to show them that I’m not just some medic that needs protecting.
 You ran to the nearest tree, hurriedly putting your palms across the trunk. You focused your powers to one point, disintegrating the thick fibers of the tree and fashioning it into a concave shield; shaped like a half-open umbrella.
It was big enough to cover your entire body, and was extremely thick. You grabbed your reinforced shirt, a stripped some of the special fibers from it to enhance the shield – ultimately making it almost bullet proof.
Cable and Deadpool had already made their way to the action before you had, but you were right on their tail. You enhanced the metabolic activity in your body, allowing for you to reach top speed in mere seconds.
‘’Y/N! Don’t do anything stupid!’’ Cable called out.
You went in headfirst into the group of enemies – making a sort of curve around their group before colliding into them from their sides at full speed – whilst Cable and Deadpool shot at them with their guns.
The collision was disorienting enough for you to make your main assault. Peeking over your shield, you quickly wrapped your hand around one of their machine guns, and catalyzed the explosive reaction of the gunpowder inside.
‘’Hasta la vista, fuckers.’’ You said triumphantly as quickly you ducked behind the makeshift shield.
The gun exploded around the enemies, and in the midst of the chaos and panic, your team managed to subdue the rest of the group.
‘’There are two more assholes up in the tower. If I’m right, they’re the ones who need to signal Black Talon if the coast is clear – and since it’s clearly not, I think BT is gonna be a no-show’’ NTW explained.  
There was a moment of silence, as the team contemplated their next move. And in that moment, you heard the static of Cable’s wound as he grimaced.
‘’For fuck’s sake,’’ you walked over to Cable, ‘’sit down. I’m going to heal you.’’ You instructed.
‘’Y/N, listen to me. This is way beyond what you can help wi– ‘’
‘’I’m not hearing any of that crap. I didn’t train with the X-Men to be incompetent. I’ve handled mutants before, and you’re not special. So, I suggest that you sit down, and let me Do. My. Fucking. Job.’’
The following silence was deafening, as the rest of your team stared at you in disbelief.
You maintained intense eye contact with Cable until he yielded – looking away with a disgruntled ‘’Fine.’’
You circled around him as he sat on a fallen tree stump and got to work. Centralising all your powers onto the throbbing mess of metal and static. Some of it had shocked you, but it wasn’t anything you weren’t used to. As you fixated on the metal, you felt a sudden sense of life to it. The wound was throbbing as if it was inflamed – like how a human wound would – but it felt entirely foreign, and very powerful.
You backed away from feeling its life, and focused your energy on enhancing the recovery of the living metal, just enough to buy some time and get back to the mansion before actually operating on it. The recovery process was admittedly taking longer than it usually does on humans, but you relented. The virus wasn’t resisting any of this, but something – or someone else – sure was.
Suddenly, two bodies dropped from the tower – presumably the minions of Black Talon.
‘’That’s the last of them!’’ Deadpool announced. ‘’So, when are we breaking this thing apart?’’
‘’NOT ANYTIME SOON.’’ A deep voice emerged from the forest. All of a sudden, a thunderous noise enveloped the vicinity growing louder and louder, as you watch a horde of zombies charging towards you.
Adrenaline coursed through you, as you hastened the recovery and expertly closed up the wound. ‘’All done.’’ You said to Cable. He rotated his arm 360 degrees and seemed pleased with its mobility. He gave you a nod, before taking his fighting stance towards the horde. You charged at the zombies, as the rest of your team also got to pounding them into the ground.
‘’Wade and Colossus, destroy that tower! This fight is pointless. Once we destroy the tower, we can retreat!’’ Cable yelled into the comms. Colossus grunted an affirmative before getting to work on the tower.
The more you fought the group of zombies, the more they reappeared. Like they were multiplying. This wasn’t going to be sustainable, and you knew you would soon be outnumbered.
‘’I am calling the X-Jet for an emergency extraction. The tower is coming down!’’ Colossus informed through the comms.
‘’TIMBER!’’ Deadpool yelled, hanging off the side of the tower, hopping off just as it went down.
The tower came crashing down onto an area infested with the zombies, which was followed by the loud roar of the incoming X-Jet.
‘’Evacuate now!’’ Colossus rumbled into the earpiece. Everyone rushed up the ladder dispatched by the jet. Everything was happening at once, and you were caught off-guard. Black Talon lunged out of nowhere, and managed to almost knocked the living daylights out of you. You’re stunned as you brought your hands up to your head to reverse the internal damage. Cable fired his repelling rifle at Talon, giving him enough time to pull you into safety. You stumbled back and felt unconsciousness sneaking up on you, but not before you felt one strong arm holding you up.
‘’I’ve got your back too, darlin’’’ He whispered to you, as he hoisted you and himself up onto the ladder – holding you tight to his body. The jet promptly accelerated away from the forest, whilst pulling you and Cable up onto the jet, back to safety.
You recovered quickly in the jet, with the help of your team. Cable had helped stabilize your vitals, enough for you to be able to recover yourself from your head trauma. You gave him a solemn thank you, but didn’t make conversation with anyone throughout the journey back home.
Back at the mansion, Colossus debriefed everyone on the day’s mission and dismissed the team for the night.
As you entered your room, you hear Cable sound out from behind you.
‘’Y/N, can I talk to you for a moment?’’
‘’Why? So that you can belittle my powers again?’’
‘’That was not what I intended, Doll.’’ He said, walking into your room and shutting the door behind him.
‘’Then what was the intention Mr. Angry pants?’’
You give yourself a mental facepalm. God you were terrible at sassy nicknames; but only when it came to Cable.
‘’I just didn’t want you to get hurt. This virus is an infection. Who fucking knows what would happen if you got your cells or blood mixed with it? The last thing I want is for someone close to me to get hurt because of me. Why do you think I made you that reinforced shirt?  And no, it’s not because I think you’re weak. You’re pretty damn strong and you have the wits to back you up. But the assholes out there, I’ve seen what they do to people. And the last thing I want was for you to end up in that position. So, no, that was not my intention at all. I only ever wanted to keep you safe.’’ He looked away sheepishly.
You contemplated all this, before giving a resigned sighed. You didn’t want to stay angry at the man, especially not when he was pouring his heart out to you.
‘’It’s okay. Thank you for… having my back.’’ You said sincerely, stretching out a hand for him to shake – a proposition for friendship, since that was what he wanted. He looks at you, and takes a few steps toward you.
‘’What are yo–‘’ and before you could finish, you find your lips locked with Cable. He places his hands on your waist as you moved your hands to hold his face between them – melting into the kiss.
Cable slowly breaks the kiss, and moves into a hug. ‘’I’m sorry if all this is… confusing. I know I said I didn’t want to move forward. But I don’t want to lose you. And I want to keep you close to me. How does that sound?’’ He asked, looking intensely into your eyes.
‘’I’d… like that, Nate. I’d like that very much.’’
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everlastingdreams · 6 years ago
Karen Page, Matt Murdock, Foggy Nelson x Reader
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Notes: I wrote this back in 2016 and never bothered to check and post it. I finally did and here it is.
Summary: Reader is part of the avengers team. One problem, her friends have no idea.
Word count: 1471
You were looking around in the cozy little gift shop. In search for a housewarming gift for your friend Karen, who had invited you ,Foggy and Matt for dinner in her new apartment. You scratched your head and let out a sigh, not knowing what to buy. Picking presents was never your best quality. "Can I help you dear?" The elder lady that owned the shop was now standing next to you. "Yes, please. I am looking for a gift for my friend, she just moved into her new appartment and I thought I should give her something to decorate the place with." The lady smiled kindly "I see, wait here for a moment dear. I think I have something that might interest you." You nod and the lady dissapears in the room in the back of the store for a moment before she returns holding a box. She puts it on the counter and opens the box, taking out a gorgeous lamp in the shape of a flower. "Maybe your friend will like this." You smile brightly while examining the lamp. "I'm sure she will love this. I'll take it.”
After the lady wraps the lamp up, you pay and leave the store.
On your way to Karen's appartment you thought back at what happened earlier today.
Coulson had requested that you joined the avengers on a small mission. Taking down some kind of robots that had gone rogue. Piece of cake for you, considering your powers.
You were fighting your way through them easily, one of them charged at you and with a flick of your wrist the robot was hit by your powers as if it were hit by a truck, crashing into a building.
Everything was going as planned, but as you were fighting one you failed to notice another one behind you. Before you knew what was going on you felt yourself getting thrown to the ground. You struggled under it's metal claws before mjolnir slammed against the robot throwing it off of you. You quickly got on your feet and slammed your hand in it's chest ripping out it's metal heart. You pick mjolnir up and hand it back to Thor. “Thanks buddy.”
He takes the hammer back, after all this time he was still suprised that you could lift it. “You're welcome (y/n). And you lost your mask.” he pointed at your mask laying on the ground.
Damnit. You wore the mask so you could lead a normal life besides being part of the avengers. You quickly picked your mask up and putted it back on. Hoping no civilians had seen your face. You shook the thought away, who would be so close to a life threatening fight ?
You alway wore the mask, only the avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D knew who you were. Not even Karen, Matt or Foggy knew of your secret identity. They only knew you as their shy and quiet friend.
It was hard keeping it a secret for your friends. But you knew telling them would put them in possible danger.
You arrive at the appartment and knock on the door. You quickly wiped some blood away that had dripped from one of the small cuts on your arm. Karen opened the door a wide smile on her face.
“ (y/n) !!! I’m so glad you could make it.” she gave you a bear hug.
“ Of course I came. And I brought you something to help lighten up the place.” You grinned at your own pun.
Karen raised an eyebrow at you “It’s a lamp isn’t it ?”
You nodded with a silly grin on your face.
“Awesome. Come inside Foggy and Matt are already here. They are watching some program about law, pretending to be the lawyers.”
“Oh god.” You followed Karen inside and saw Matt and Foggy sitting in front of the tv.
You looked around you and saw that the apartment was small but very comfy. “Take a seat (y/n). I’ll be back with some snacks in a second.” Karen says and walks into the kitchen.
You take a seat in the small couch next to the big one were Matt and Foggy are sitting.
“Hey (y/n) ! Glad you could make it ! Now you can see me beat Matt in this courtcase.” Foggy pats you on the shoulder.
“ Hi (y/n).” Matt says “ And I’m winning this one Foggy.” Matt says and you all chuckle.
“Alright guys ! Shut that thing off. It’s time to celebrate not work.”.
“Karen’s right, Foggy.” Matt says.
“Alright fine. I’ll shut it off.” Foggy grabs the remote but instead of turning off the TV he accidently switches the channel.
“Oops, my bad.” Foggy studies the remote for a moment trying to locate the off button.
“Hey wait! Look there’s been another attack not far from here!” karen suddenly exclaims.
Your attention quickly snapped back to the TV screen, as did Matt and Foggy’s.
Oh no, it couldn’t be ? Or could it ?
A newsreporter stands in a spot that you reconize, the one were you had been fighting the robots with the others of the team.
“I am now standing right in front of were the attack is taking place. The man who is known as Thor is fighting off what appears to be robots. We will now try to take a closer look.” The newsreporter says.
You can feel your body tense up, you think about trying to convince your friends to turn the Tv off but if the people of Hell’s Kitchen are watching the news as well it would only be a matter of time until they found out the truth. All you could do is hope that they did not see your mask fall off.
“We are now closer to the scene, there seem to be others fighting as well. One of them has a sort of inhuman strength.”. You could see that the reporter was talking about you.
And than the camera zooms in on you using your powers to throw a robot into a wall. Followed by you being attacked and losing your mask. The camera turns away quickly at that and back to the reporter but it was to late. They saw.
You hear glass shattering “Oh my god…” Karen
Karen had dropped the plate she was holding, followed by a silence that filled the room.
“Uhm guys, what’s going on ?” Matt finally says.
Foggy looks at you for a second, than back to the screen. “(y/n).. you don’t happen to have a secret twin that you know of ? ”.
You look at your hands, trying to control your nerves.
“Foggy, what are you talking about ?” matt looks confused
“(y/n) was just on the news.. I..she just ..” karen shakes her head.
“What Karen is trying to say is that (y/n) beat up a bunch of robots this morning while casually hanging out with the god of thunder. And they are now showing it on the news.” Foggy explained.
Matt shook his head “What? That.. you guys must be mistaken. Right, (y/n)?”. You felt your heart race, trying to find a good excuse. But how long could you keep up with lying to your friends ?.
You took a deep breath.
“Listen, I know this must be a shock to you guys. And this isn’t how I wanted you to find out. It is true. I am a part of the Avengers team. And yes, I have powers.”
“Wait, wait ,wait. Do you mean THE Avengers ? As in flying metal suit guy and that ninja lady?” Foggy’s eyes were wide and full of disbelieve.
You nodded. “Yup, that is correct.”.
“So.. what exactly are your powers? Are you like.. really strong.?” Matt asked.
Karen took a step closer “ Can you show us ?” her voice excited.
You couldn’t help but smile at their sudden enthousiasm.
“Uhm, sure.” You leaned forward and grabbed Matt’s hand, it would be easier to make it clear to him too considering he can’t see.
“Don’t worry. This won’t hurt.” Matt nodded and you placed one of your hands under his and your other head above them. You concentrated a moment and slowly a small flame formed and you made it grow about the size of a football. Your friend’s mouths dropped open as they saw and felt what you were doing.
“That is a very usefull power to keep your hands warm during the winter.” Matt grinned.
You spend the entire night showing of your powers to your friends and talking about all the villians you took down. Being happy that you finally told them about who you were.
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pixiesstolemyapples · 7 years ago
Stormy Night Chapter 7
A/N: Alright guys..... this is really really long, and I really apologize, but I seriously could not stop writing. I am incredibly proud of this chapter, so I hope you all really enjoy reading this!! If you’d like to read this chapter on my FanFiction or my AO3, please click those links! Also I definitely will be putting a read more on here, like I always do, but this is especially long, so I apologize in advance if it’s really long on the mobile app, it sometimes doesn’t want to add the read more on the app and I still don’t know why.
Chapter 1/Chapter 2/Chapter 3/Chapter 4/Chapter 5/Chapter 6/Chapter 7
P.S. Is it weird that I watched someone play Resident Evil 7 Biohazard throughout the entirety of writing this? Yes right???
               After everything she'd been through, she finally found him. It took almost everything out of her, but Pidge finally found him. Her brother, Matt, she'd finally found Matt. She nearly thought she'd lost him on that planet of infinite gravestones, but thankfully enough, she remembered the deciphering book both her brother and father had studied together. All thanks to that, she finally found Matt. After all this time. She still hadn't found her father, but her brother was finally here, in the castle, directly in her eyesight. It almost felt like a dream.
               And Lance. Lance had never been so incredibly happy for Pidge. She'd been through so much, losing both her brother and her father in this same mission, both of them presumed to be dead. And yet she had stayed so strong, doing everything in her power to bring them back to her. And here Matt was, sitting next to them, eating breakfast. The night she'd brought him back, she was so happy. She'd talked and talked and talked until her eyes were drooping. But when they'd snuck off to bed finally, Lance and Pidge almost couldn't get to sleep. Pidge was smiling so hard, and yet so many tears were streaming down her cheeks as Lance held her tight, smiling in tandem at the sheer happiness he held in his heart for her.
               The next few weeks had been pretty standard. Matt did recon work with his fellow rebels, the paladins helped to strengthen the Voltron Coalition. Everything had almost been a little boring at times. Every once in a while they'd go and take out a Galra strike or blockade, but even then, Lance and Pidge mostly fought side by side, played some video games, did some training, went to sleep. It was all very... domestic at times. Not that Pidge exactly minded.
               Finally one day Allura alerted everyone to the main deck of the castle. Wondering what it could be, everyone quickly met her and Coran to find out what the important news could be. Allura was found standing in the middle of the main deck, excitedly wringing her hands together.
               "Princess?" Shiro asked inquisitively. "Are you okay?"
               "I mean she's wringing her hands together with a giant smile on her face, it's, uh, just a little unsettling," Hunk said, peering over at Shiro. "Are you sick, Allura?"
               "I am just fine, everybody, but I have amazing news!" Allura beamed, looking around at everybody as Coran pulled up a screen that showed what looked vaguely like a... party invitation?
               "What is this, some kind of party we're going to have or something?" asked Lance, putting his hand on his hip as he set his other arm atop Pidge's head.
               Pidge's eyebrows went up in realization, not even a little bit phased by Lance. "You want to have a ball commemorating all who are currently in the Voltron Coalition, I'm guessing." She wasn't asking, she figured that's what it was. Coran's and Allura's faces drooped a bit.
               "Pidge, you're entirely too smart for your own good sometimes, you know that?" Coran said, pinching his orange mustache between his fingers.
               "That is why we love her," Allura said after recovering. "That is correct though! We've been having so much success gathering members of our coalition that I believe it's time to have a show of good faith. We'll be inviting everyone from foreign dignitaries to rebel forces alike, right here to Olkarion. I want them all to know that we are here supporting them, no matter what."
               "Ahh, okay, so you want us to fly around in our lions, do a little show, form Voltron, give em the ol' razzle dazzle?" Lance said, his one arm still on Pidge, the other gesturing around wildly.
               "Um, actually, no," Coran said, putting his hands behind his back, Lance taken aback at the statement.
               "While we will still be highly alert at any security breach," Allura began to explain, "I'd actually like you all to wear formal wear when the evening comes. No paladin armor, nothing casual, none of those things you affectionately call "sneakers" despite the fact that they squeak quite often, Hunk." Hunk sadly looked down at his shoes. "Everyone will look their very best! Even Keith and Kolivan will be there briefly in support. In the meantime, we'll be sending out invitations, however the ball will be happening in five quintent's time. We shall be ready then!"
               "Plus it's a time for us to all de-stress," Coran said in his ever enthusiastic voice, "it is a party after all!"
               With that, Allura parted ways with the gang with Coran on her tail, the two of them obviously excited for the party they were throwing. Pidge was happy Allura was so excited. She certainly needed some time to wind down, act like the princess she was every once in a while.
               "Soooo, you think there will be good food at this shindig? Ohhh, you think Allura would let me help with the caterers? Have we even gotten caterers yet? Oh man now I'm excited!" Hunk was gleefully babbling, Lance and Pidge smiling as he hurried out the door after Allura and Coran. Hunk nearly screamed of fright when Allura suddenly popped her head back into the room.
               "Oh and Pidge?" she asked, Pidge quickly looking in Allura's direction. "Would you mind coming with me, please?"
               Lance and Pidge looked at each other, Pidge shrugging at Lance as she smiled and waved him goodbye. Allura somehow had an even more excited look in her pink-blue eyes as she pulled Pidge along, giving Lance one last alarmed look on her face as Lance watched her leave with Allura, maybe even more perplexed than Pidge at that point.
               Everything was set, decorations were insane, food was to die for, mostly thanks to Hunk, and most importantly, there was security at every possible entrance of not only the castle, but a beacon made by the team's resident green engineer that would send a signal to the paladins if an unauthorized ship arrived within a certain perimeter of the planet for extra security measure. They obviously did not want a repeat of what happened on Arus.
               Many foreign dignitaries, representatives from planets apart of the Voltron Coalition, rebel leaders and hopeful contenders for the VC were gathered around parts of the castle, important conversations happening in all corners of the ball room. Allura and Coran really went all out, everything around the castle had been decorated in all the colors of Voltron, music reverberating throughout the hall.
               Lance was standing at a small table over near Hunk, sipping on what he knew for sure wasn't that horrible vitamin juice he drank the last time. He had been snacking on a small hors d'oeuvre that had a crunch like a cucumber but tasted almost like avocado and shrimp topped with what he assumed was maybe something like cream cheese, but Lance didn't exactly want to pry into it. All he knew was that it tasted good.
               "Hunk, you did a really good job on all of these," Lance told him, Hunk beaming at the compliment. "I can barely even tell these aren't Earth flavors."
               "Thanks, Lance," Hunk replied with a wide smile. "I worked really hard on complimenting everything together, like the one that tastes like smoked salmon topped over what feels like Italian bread was interesting since neither of those things originally look anything like- uh, Lance? Lance?"
               Lance was no longer listening, his cup slipping from his lip, green punch dribbling out of the cup and onto the tablecloth, Hunk's voice drifting slowly from his ears. He'd spotted someone, standing next to Matt, a small smile on her face as she conversed with Ryner, her fingers linked together behind her back. Pidge looked the same as ever, however her fringe was braided down two sides, wrapped behind her head, thin green cord wrapped into the braids. Everything about her was as if she were a part of nature. Her forest green lacy dress stopped right above her knees, the skirt flaring around her legs, a thin black belt sitting softly above her hips. The collar was a short V-neck, the laced sleeves of the dress stopping at her elbows. Somehow the color brilliantly brought out her eyes, the brilliance in her eyes bringing out her freckles. He could just barely see some of the freckles still dotting around her arms where the sleeves stopped. Everything about the way she looked was so Pidge, so natural and simple yet it had such an incredible effect on him.
               Pidge was having a compelling conversation with Ryner and Matt on the integration of their tech and nature, Matt fascinated by the Olkari intellect when Pidge peered over where Lance and Hunk were eating. Lance was staring off into space in her general direction, noticing that his drink was dribbling onto the tablecloth in front of him. Pidge's eyebrow quirked up in wonder, peering behind her for a moment, seeing Allura with her hair up in a long, wavy ponytail and wearing a shimmery silver dress with long sleeves, mermaid style with an exposed back, talking to Keith and Kolivan who were wearing similar tuxedos, black with hints of purple akin to their Blade of Marmora armor. Pidge turned back around, seeing Lance striding toward them. She turned back to Ryner and Matt, assuming Lance would be passing by to speak to Allura. She nearly jumped when he stopped and spoke up to her.
               "You sure look fancy," he finally said after a silent moment. She quirked her eyebrow once again, only for a moment later a wide grin to appear on her face.
               "Thank you, Lance," she replied, pushing her glasses slightly up her nose. "Allura kind of freaked out a little bit, she wanted us so badly to pick out outfits together, but she said she didn't want to pressure me into wearing a dress because she didn't want me to feel uncomfortable, and I was like 'Allura, I've worn dresses before!'" she laughed, peering up at Lance as he chuckled.
               "Well, you look incredibly beautiful," Lance said without thinking. Pidge looked away suddenly, a small smile forming on her lips, a deep red blush painting her cheeks, trying to push her hair behind her ear despite it being braided behind her head already. Lance held the back of his head sheepishly, feeling his heart beat a little faster when he heard a quiet "thank you" leave her lips.
               Pidge looked around at all of the people surrounding them. Some were dotted around the tables, snacking on all the food Hunk almost singlehandedly planned and helped make, some were conversing with others, such as Allura talking to other leaders, and some, Pidge noticed, were dancing to the slightly upbeat tempo of the music. Pidge let out a small sigh, watching them all sway to the music.
               She felt a nudge to her elbow, looking over at Lance. "Do you want to dance, Pidge?" he asked her, a side smile appearing on his face, a sheepish blush dusting his cheeks. Pidge raised her eyebrows, couldn't help from smiling.
               "I-I don't know," she said, looking away and trying to brush her hair behind her ear again. "I'm a little too short to dance with."
               Lance laughed, holding his stomach a bit as he reached out his other hand to her. "Don't be silly, Pidge. Please?" he asked, his last statement coming out in a soft breath. "Dance with me."
               She peered up at him, looking into his deep blue eyes, the way they crinkled with his smoldering smile made her tummy flip a few times. She bit her lip, looking down and peering up at him through her eyelashes, a blush covering her freckles. She placed her hand into his, his fingers curling gently around hers, his thumb rubbing softly over her knuckles as he lead her to the dance floor.
               Soft, semi slow music was playing, a song that almost sounded jazzy with an intergalactic flair to it. Lance gently placed his hand on her hip, feeling the texture of the lace of her dress under his fingers, still holding her hand in his other hand. She held his shoulder and the two began to sway to the music. At first it felt a little awkward, they swayed to the music in silence, purposefully looking in opposite directions.
               "So," he said looking back at her," is having Matt back everything that you dreamed of?"
               Pidge beamed, her white pearly teeth showing. "It's made me so happy to see him again, Lance. He's done so much since he was liberated by the rebels. And look at me. I'm the left arm of Voltron, also battling against a galactic empire. It's interesting how similar we've lead our lives, huh?"
               "Heh, the Holt siblings," Lance chuckled, spinning her around. "I'm really happy you were able to find each other, Pidge. I know how close you two are."
               "Thank you, Lance," Pidge said with a smile. She looked down, her smile faltering, and then eventually fading. "I just wish... I knew where my dad was.... a-and I'm sure my mom thinks we're all dead by now..." Her fingers curled into his suit jacket, setting her forehead against his loose aqua blue tie. His eyebrows knitted up, suddenly hearing the music get a little more upbeat than before. Lance grinned, pulling away from her for just a moment, readjusting his hands and spinning and swaying along with Pidge a little faster. She stared up at him in surprise, a laugh escaping his throat as he spun her around again. All traces of sadness had left Pidge's face as a look of astonishment replaced it all. She giggled as the two went on swaying, dancing, spinning and laughing. She forgot all her sadness after only  a couple of minutes of watching his handsome happy face.
               Finally after a short while, the two stood at the edge of the dance floor, talking about everything they could think of, Lance's niece and nephew, Pidge's taste in music (Spanish she conveniently left out), Lance getting punched when he admitted he lost her headphones again. Pidge was sharing some of her Killbot Phantasm tips as they headed towards a table where a couple plates of food were sitting. Allura and Hunk walked over, making small talk as Lance offered to go get Pidge and him a couple drinks. Pidge leaned her elbows on the table, hooking one leg behind the other, catching her breath.
               She turned to Hunk. "Am I sweating at all?" she asked him, leaning toward him a little more.
               "Uuuuuaaaahhhhhhhhmmmmm," Hunk stammered, looking her over but not wanting to embarrass her. "Yyyyeahhh, you kinda are."
               Pidge side smiled, nodding and grabbing a couple napkins from the middle of the table, slipping her glasses from her face and wiping her eyelids, nose and forehead. She wasn't embarrassed at all, she knew she had a bit of a sweating problem. But at that moment, she really did not care.
               Pidge felt a light touch on her shoulder, turning around to see Allura smiling down at her. "I hope all of you are having a grand time tonight," she said with a sweet cock to her head. Allura's pink blue eyes were sparkling with curiosity and a hint of... anticipation?
               "...Allura?" Pidge asked quietly, noticing she was twirling a strand of her wavy white hair around her finger. She looked so beautiful tonight, if that were even possible, since she was beautiful all the time. But Pidge definitely was noticing something a little off with Allura in that moment. "Are you okay?" Allura perked up when she realized Pidge was peering into her face with a perplexed look.
               "Well... Pidge..." Allura murmured. "You know that device you have, the orange one that you analyze things with and to tell the time?"
               Pidge nodded. "Sure, what about it?"
               "It's such a nice night tonight, would you please take a picture of the both of us?" Allura asked quietly, a blush creeping up her face. Pidge grinned, her shoulders rising up as she took in a deep breath of delight.
               "Of course, Allura, I'd love to!" Pidge exclaimed as she quickly pulled her device out of her skirt pocket. Pidge wrapped her arm around Allura, turning on the camera function and taking a quick picture of the two of them together. Pidge and Allura looked down at the picture, the both of them entirely delighted at the way it turned out, Allura with her shimmery dress and Pidge decked out in forest green, both of their smiles big and beautiful. They would surely cherish this picture forever.
               "Thank you, Pidge," Allura said, pulling her into a tight hug. Pidge smiled, squeezing her back in turn, a wide smile nearly splitting her face. Allura pulled away. "I just had so much fun getting ready with you today and I have so much work to do, talking with all of our guests today, I wasn't sure when I would be able to catch you. And..." she leaned in close. "You and Lance seem to be having a very nice time, wouldn't you think?" Pidge was a bit taken aback by the way Allura said that, but Pidge smiled softly, a small pink blush covering her cheeks as she gave a single nod. Allura smiled, leaning back.
               "Well, I'm afraid I must get back to it, I'll see you all later!" Allura left with a wave just as Lance was coming back balancing four small drinks in his hand, holding one out for Allura to take with a smile. He happily handed one off to Pidge, setting one down for Hunk and sipping on his as they sat and talked. Suddenly remembering something with a gasp, Lance picked up a small thick square disc and handed it to Pidge. Hunk squee'd, excited about the small piece of food.
               "We made these just for you, Pidge!" Hunk exclaimed, holding his hands together in excitement. Pidge quirked up her eyebrow, eying the little disc before popping it into her mouth. Her eyes got big, her cheeks puffing out in delight, her hands raising up in excitement.
               Peanut! Butter!! Cookies!!!
               Almost bringing tears to her eyes, Pidge slowly chewed the treat and swallowed.
               "Guys....." Pidge whispered. "That was the most amazing thing I have had in a long time."
               "Well, it certainly wasn't easy to recreate something that tasted like a peanut butter cookie," Hunk replied. "But we wanted to do something nice for you, after everything you went through with finding Matt."
               "You guys are the best," Pidge murmured. "You're my best friends."
               Hunk smiled back at her, his eyebrows knitting up in empathy. He looked into his drink, seeing that it was empty, saying that he was going to go off to refill it. As she watched him go, Pidge realized what amazing friends she had. They cared about spending time with her, her interests, taking pictures with her, knowing what her favorite foods were. She was incredibly loved and happy. She just wished her dad were here with her.
               "Hunk worked really hard on those cookies," Lance said with a smile. "I hope you liked them."
               "Of course I did," Pidge replied, popping another into her mouth, silently reminding herself to save some for later. "How did you guys know peanut butter was my favorite?"
               "Allura told us," Lance told her. Pidge looked down with a smile. She was incredibly thankful for Allura, too. "Plus," Lance added, setting his hand between her shoulder and neck, leaning his lips toward her ear, a soft whisper escaping him, "you talk in your sleep."
               Pidge's eyes fluttered, her breath catching in her throat, butterflies erupting in her tummy. Was it the whisper? The closeness? Or just Lance that made her react in that way. However she didn't have much time to dwell on it. The music shifted to a soft, achingly slow song. Lance stared back at the band for a moment, slowly turning his head again to peer down at Pidge. His face was shaded, his pupils growing as he stared down at her, a hot, smoldering look on his face. Pidge had trouble looking away from him in that moment, curling her hands into the table cloth. He held his hand out to her, an almost serious expression on his face. Without taking her eyes off his, she took his hand, Lance leading them to the middle of the dance floor once again.
               Lance held her hand, placing his other hand on her hip, a similar position they were at the beginning of the night. They swayed to the music once again, much slower this time. But there was no content talk, no Killbot Phantasm strategies to discuss, no witty remarks. They simply peered into each other's eyes. Lance had such deep dark blue eyes, like staring into the deep waters of the ocean from below the waves, looking up to see streaks of moving light in the shimmering waters. Pidge's eyes likewise were like orbs of amber, like delicate drops of honey with flecks of gold and green surrounding her pupils. With every moment passed, Lance pulled Pidge closer, his hand slowly moving from her hip, curling around the small of her back. He let go of her hand, wrapping his free hand around her, holding his hand between her shoulder blades, Pidge placing her palm to his chest, sliding her other arm to his neck, her fingers caressing the hair at the nape of his neck. She felt him suck a quick breath in at her touch, squeezing his eyes closed as he let out his breath. He opened his eyes to stare back into her infinite orbs, endless sparkling shards of luminescent drops of starlight. She could feel his heart thrumming in his chest, his arms wrapping tighter around her with every passing moment, pulling her closer and closer toward him.
               Pidge's glasses had slowly slid down her nose, but she barely noticed as the romantic music surrounded her and Lance. He finally pulled her until she was flush against his chest, the two of them feeling their hearts beat incessantly against one another. Lance moved closer and closer to her face, finally pressing his cheek to hers, feeling his cool breath against her ear, a shudder running throughout her body as she threaded her fingers through his chocolate brown hair. She felt his body shake momentarily with mirth at her reaction, at this point Lance and Pidge wrapped in each other's arms, just barely still swaying to the music.
               So many emotions were running through Pidge's mind, feeling them in her body and soul as he held her in his arms. This tall, dark, witty, kind and fun loving boy had to have been feeling the same things she was feeling in that moment; this boy who had made her laugh so hard, feel so safe, so secure, so happy, so loved.
               She moved her head back, looking into his face once more, his eyes searching her face. So loved.
               She loved him.
               Pidge loved Lance.
               It was like a ton of bricks hit her. Like a complete revelation, as if she had found the meaning to life right in front of her. Like she had the answer to every quantum physics question ever thought of.
               Pidge placed her fingers at the base of his jaw, the other still feeling his hair between her fingers. She found herself moving forward without realizing it, Lance's pupils getting bigger as they snapped from her eyes to her lips. Her lips were just a hair's breadth from his, feeling his cool breath on her lips when she stopped, her eyes scanning around at the couple guests staring at them, a deep red blush painting her cheeks, suddenly pulling away and staring down at her shoes, feeling his smiling lips against her hairline. He stepped away from her, his hands slowly running down her arms, causing another short shudder from Pidge, lacing his fingers between her own. She peered at him through her eyelashes, seeing his bright, genuine smile and hearing a short, compassionate laugh escape his throat, he too dusting a red hue across his cheeks. She loved that look. His gaze held so much gentleness, a curl in his sweet smile, a crinkle in his eyes. But a serious look crossed his face for a moment, looking around him and Pidge, letting go of one hand and suddenly pulling her behind him, eventually leaving the main hall, the music fading slowly away behind them, only faintly being heard from the castle comm system.
               Pidge quickly followed after him, her heart beating so hard and fast she could feel it in her ears. Heading up the stairs where Lance knew none of the guests would venture, he stopped, backing Pidge against the nearest wall, one hand on the wall next to her shoulder, his other forearm on the wall directly next to her head. Both Lance and Pidge were breathing hard, Pidge's hand wrapped in the collar of Lance's suit, the other snaked around the nape of his neck. Lance moved his face dangerously close to hers once more, this time no one around to interrupt what she was about to do before. Her glasses were still slipped down nearly to the tip of her nose, Lance side smiling before carefully moving them back up to where they were supposed to sit, Pidge's eyes nearly crossing at how close Lance was to her again. His hands rested upon her once again, one to the small of her back, one sitting heavily on her shoulder. Pidge's hands both were at his jaw, her heart beating so fast, flutters in her tummy never ending. He moved once again, his eyes never leaving her lips, finally moving so close that she could feel his breath on her lips.
               And finally their lips pressed against each other. Pidge breathed in quickly through her nose, feeling sparks explode in her stomach, seeing stars behind her closed eyes, her heart beating so hard she thought it would burst from her chest. She could feel him smiling against her lips before he slanted them against hers, getting a new angle and feeling her upper lip between his mouth. He slipped away from her lips with a pop, a soft chuckle escaping his throat as he pressed his lips back to hers the very next second. His arms were wrapped so tight around her, feeling his fast beating heart against her chest. Gasps and groans were reverberating from the back of his throat, Pidge's eyebrows knitting up as she felt another shudder move throughout her body. Lance moved back, removing himself from her close vicinity, his arms still around her as he looked into her deep red face, her eyes looking down as she tried to calm her breathing.
               Lance looked around once again, gently taking her hand as he moved down the hallway into one of the rooms off the hall. Suddenly Pidge realized that they were in Lance's bedroom. He closed the door, digging through one of his drawers, pulling out a couple pairs of clothing. He looked back, the dim light shading his face in a way that made Pidge's heart beat swiftly. He handed her some of the clothing in his hands, gently pushing her to the side of the room and turning her around. She could hear him removing his suit, Pidge's heart beating even faster as she unzipped her dress, slipping on her sleep shorts and sleep shirt Lance had been keeping in his drawers since they change rooms at times. She nervously looked behind her to see him slipping off his dress shirt, revealing his broad, toned, dark skinned back. She quickly turned back around, her face growing extremely hot, finishing changing into her sleep clothes. She finally looked back again to see him in his pajamas, hanging his suit on the wall,  carefully peering back at her, almost as if he still wanted to make sure she was finished changing.
               Pidge quietly padded over to the bed, laying down with her face toward the wall. She felt the mattress move, feeling Lance's hand heavy on her hip before moving his hand toward her neck, moving her hair behind her ear, pressing his lips to her neck. Pidge bit her lip, squeezing her eyes shut at the incredibly different sensation. She let out a quick breath, turning over to see Lance directly overhead, both his hands on either side of her head. He slipped the glasses from her face, setting them down gently next to the bed, turning back only to feel Pidge wrap both of her arms right around his neck, smashing her lips to his. Their lips moved against each other, slipping away from one another only to slip back like magnets. It was everything Pidge had dreamed this would feel like, how his lips would taste, the feel, his arms wrapped around her, his body weighing on top of her. Was this real? Was it a dream? Please. Please don't let this be a dream.
               One last, achingly long finishing kiss, his lips slowly parting from hers, he peered down at her, her eyes sparkling in the dim light, her hair slightly messy, her lips pink and puffy, her cheeks red as his Lion, her freckles dotted all over her face.
               "You're astonishing," he murmured, his eyes shifting between her eyes, her hair, her lips. The remark made her stomach flip, squeezing her lips together and letting out a shuddering breath. She peered back into his blue eyes, caressing his jaw line with her fingers, Lance leaning down to press his lips to her jaw, and then her cheek, her forehead, Pidge closing her eyes at the gesture. He pressed his lips once more to hers, his hands finding her hands above her head, lacing their fingers together. His lips moved against hers again, suddenly feeling his tongue swiping between her lips. She squeezed her fingers against his hands as she felt his tongue touching hers, an entirely unusual and unexpected sensation erupting from her chest. The two finally parted, barely able to catch their breaths. She could feel his breath on her mouth, feeling his palm cover her cheek, caressing under her eye with his thumb.
               Lance leaned over to lay down next to her, Pidge quickly wrapping her arms around him, their legs tangling around each other, Lance squeezing her tight to his chest, resting his cheek atop her head. Everything that happened was completely unexpected, extraordinary, remarkable. She curled her fingers into his soft sleep shirt, snuggling further into his chest, feeling him softly chuckle, holding her closer. I love him, she thought as she closed her eyes. I love him, she thought as she listened to his heartbeat. I love him, the last words she remembered thinking as she drifted off to sleep.
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dappledpetals-blog · 8 years ago
Kerberos Lance Role Swap AU
So, here’s part 1 of Kerberos Lance Role Swap Au!! (smh, I need to come up with a better name for this)
Now, be prepared for part 2!!!: -So, the whole Allura awakening thing happens pretty much like the show (except Shiro’s the one who catches her because Shallura amiright) -Allura tells them to go find the lions, so they do-They go and bust out the Red Lion-Then everyone’s like, “But wait, who’s gonna pilot Blue???” -Allura just stands up and says that she’ll pilot Blue until they find the real pilot for her-So, pretty much the same stuff happens for a while (they bond, beat up some robobeasts, find some cool new weapons) -BUT THEN -While Pidge is off searching for their family, Hunk starts to low-key ask Shiro about Lance and Pidge’s family so they can find them -And SHIRO BEGINS TO REMEMBER (dun dun dun >:3)
-So, flashback to the whole arena stuff-Lance, Matt, and Shiro were sent to the arena to be tested for the spot of the Champion
-Samuel was still sent to the work camp because he’s too weak to fight (rip poor Samuel, he really loves those peas)
-The guard points to Matt and Shiro cuts his leg like before-Lance grabs Matt and looks up at Shiro, looking really scared (because goddamnit he’s just like a 17 year old who was just kidnapped by a bunch of freaky space aliens and then his mentor/friend just cut his other friend’s leg open and he doesn’t know if he’ll even get back home)
-Shiro is like “Shit I might have traumatized the children” before he’s carted off to the arena
-The guards take Matt away to the work camp, and Lance goes fricking ballistic and starts trying to run after Shiro, until the guards tranquilize him and cart him off with Matt
-Flashback end
-So the children start like trying to find more about Matt and Lance, while trying to bond with their lions
-The castle’s taken over by Sendak, only this time Coran’s the only one caught in the explosion and gets really hurt
-Everything’s okay
-Until a recon mission happens
-It’s simple: Keith and Hunk are supposed to infiltrate a small Galra ship, put Pidge’s flash drive in the computer in the control room, and let their sneky skills get them the information they need
-But then it goes wrong because everything always has to go wrong
-Hunk falls unconscious at one point in a battle against some Galra soldiers
-Keith is tranquilized by one of them and begins to fall asleep
-But then some person in armor runs into the room and shoots the Galra soldiers
-They’re wearing Blade of Marmora armor
-They grab Hunk and Keith and shove them into the nearest escape pod, input the coordinates for the giant Castle ship, and lets the pod escape
-Hunk and Keith wake up back at the Castle, somehow with the information they needed
-But what happened??? They wonder
Who is this mysterious Marmora person? What happens next??? Well, we’ll have to wait and see >:D (because I’m so evil)
Thank you to all of you who like my au! I hope you like this part!!!!
Also, question: Would anyone like to see this in a fan fiction? Because I might write this if people like it. I’m not the most prodigious writer out there (yet lmao, we’ll see what happens in the future) but I will try really hard. Tell me what you think! Send an ask, a message, a note! I’ll read them all! :D
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commanderfrost · 8 years ago
Tournament Report: 2017 X-Wing Regional - Connecticut
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We made the 2 hour trek down to Newington Connecticut for our second X-Wing Regional of the season. There were a ton of great players in the building, and I was happy to see so many of our New England X-Wing shirts being worn with pride. After registration, they announced that we had 93 Players, this meant we would have 6 Swiss Rounds with a cut to Top 16. 
I am flying Triple Defenders with Swarm Leader
Triple Defenders (Swarm Leader)
100 points
Delta Squadron Pilot (28)
TIE Defender (30), TIE/x7 (-2)
Countess Ryad (36)
TIE Defender (34), Push the Limit (3), TIE/x7 (-2), Twin Ion Engine Mk. II (1)
Colonel Vessery (36) 
TIE Defender (35), Swarm Leader (3), TIE/x7 (-2)
Round 1 vs Matt K. - NYC X-Wing
I am excited when I see Matt putting his list on the table, as it appears to be one that I was testing for a while. I ask him about it and find that it is only one card off - he swapped in C-3PO instead of Recon Specialist for Miranda.
Expertise Rey
100 points
Rey (62)
YT-1300 (45), Expertise (4), Finn (5), Kanan Jarrus (3), Millennium Falcon (Segnor's Loop Version) (1), Engine Upgrade (4)
Miranda Doni (38)
K-Wing (29), Twin Laser Turret (6), C-3PO (3)
My testing with this list paid off in this game. I was able to get the jump on Rey and get her off the board in two rounds of shooting, while avoiding that nasty front arc of hers. Miranda proved to be tougher to catch, but thanks to multiple SLAM's to stay out of arc, I avoided a lot of combat rounds as well. I eventually catch her for the 100-0 win. A strong start against a good player. Win 100-0
Record 1-0
Round 2 vs Ray L. - Top cut finisher at the last BG Regional.
Ray and I got to know each other a bit at the last regional we hosted, and it was nice to see him again. A strong player with a strong list. He is running HOTCOP RAC with Vader
HOTCOP RAC with Vader
100 points
Darth Vader (37)
TIE Advanced (29), TIE/x1 (0), Proton Rockets (3), Adaptability (0), Engine Upgrade (4), Advanced Targeting Computer (1)
Rear Admiral Chiraneau (63)
VT-49 Decimator (46), Veteran Instincts (1), Hotshot Co-pilot (4), Emperor Palpatine (8), Engine Upgrade (4)
Ray sets up semi-mid field across from me, and I am in the corner with all three Defenders. I advance slowly, and he comes roaring out of the gates at me! I was surprised. I am able to get a lot of damage into RAC on the first round of shooting, including two vital crits - white maneuvers that give him stress, and all hard turns are red. This really limited what he was going to do. He was diving into the rocks, where Vader has the advantage, so I turned away from combat to regroup. He seemed surprised by this and really came after all three Defenders with Vader - I do some damage, and we disengage. I get the Decimator off the board the next round, but Vader proves to be a tough customer, putting a lot of damage into my guys and taking my Delta off the board. I get Vader at the end for a 100-28 win. Win 100-28 Record 2-0
Round 3 vs Evan G.
I didn't know Evan previously, but he was a nice opponent. He was flying a list I flew for a long time: Palpatine with Inquisitor and Countess Ryad. He opted for the Sensor Jammer variety on the Shuttle instead of the Proton Rockets, which is mostly a style choice.
Palp Aces : Inq & Ryad
100 points
Countess Ryad (36)
TIE Defender (34), Push the Limit (3), TIE/x7 (-2), Twin Ion Engine Mk. II (1)
Omicron Group Pilot (33)
Lambda-Class Shuttle (21), Sensor Jammer (4), Emperor Palpatine (8)
The Inquisitor (31)
TIE Advanced Prototype (25), Push the Limit (3), TIE/v1 (1), Autothrusters (2)
Evan jousted with all three of his ships in formation on the left side of the board, which I do not believe was in his favor. I was able to circle around the back of the shuttle and take it off the board quickly, but he was able to get my Delta on the same turn. All of the dice went my way at this point and I was able to keep both of my remaining Defenders for a 100-28 win. Win 100-28 Record 3-0
Round 4 vs John D. - NYC X-Wing, finalist 2015 MA Regional, Winner 2016 NYC Regional
John is a very accomplished X-Wing player and a true class act. I am always glad when we get to meet up. I knew this would be a tough match regardless of what John brought with him, however he made it particularly difficult with Parattani - The Mind Link list.
This is identical to the list that (Local Player) Bob had been running with great success lately, and it has gained a lot of steam in the larger meta, winning several Regionals this season.
100 points
Fenn Rau (32)
Protectorate Starfighter (28), Attanni Mindlink (1), Concord Dawn Protector (1), Autothrusters (2)
Manaroo (28)
JumpMaster 5000 (27), Attanni Mindlink (1)
Asajj Ventress (40)
Lancer-class Pursuit Craft (37), Attanni Mindlink (1), Latts Razzi (2)
This was a tough loss for me. I was only able to get half points on Ventress, and not quite enough for half points on Manaroo. I learned a lot here, but I know this list is a bad matchup, and in the hands of a skilled player, it is even tougher. Loss 20-100. Loss 20-100 Record 3-1
Round 5 vs Brendan M. - Local Player
I met Brendan a few weeks ago when he came down to BG to get some practice games in. Great guy, and a strong player. Brendan is flying "Commonwealth Defenders" the Palpatine, Vessery, Ryad combo. It is a proven list for sure, and I’ll have my hands full.
Palp Defenders
100 points
Omicron Group Pilot (29)
Lambda-Class Shuttle (21), Collision Detector (0), Emperor Palpatine (8)
Countess Ryad (36)
TIE Defender (34), Push the Limit (3), TIE/x7 (-2), Twin Ion Engine Mk. II (1)
Colonel Vessery (35)
TIE Defender (35), Juke (2), TIE/x7 (-2)
This was a VERY tight game with a lot of back and forth. He got my Delta and my Ryad off the board, and I got his Palpatine and Vessery off the board. We tie at 74 points even - a Final Salvo! We each roll dice, and I am lucky enough to have one more hit than him in the end. The fist pump I did was pure emotion. Win 74-74 - Final Salvo Record 4-1
Round 6 vs Jason W. - CT X-Wing Player - He has come up to many of our BG events.
Jason is a great guy and a great player. I look over and see that he has three Defenders as well, and I am mildly surprised that we will have a mirror match. He wins the initiative bid and keeps it.
Mirror Universe!
100 points
Delta Squadron Pilot (28)
TIE Defender (30), TIE/x7 (-2)
Countess Ryad (36)
TIE Defender (34), Push the Limit (3), TIE/x7 (-2), Twin Ion Engine Mk. II (1)
Colonel Vessery (36)
TIE Defender (35), Swarm Leader (3), TIE/x7 (-2)
Another VERY tight game - lots of maneuvering, and lots of green dice that come up hot on both sides. We both take away one of the "Aces" He gets my Ryad, and I get his Vessery - time is called and we both have 36 points. - FINAL SALVO II - ELECTRIC BOOGALOO!! We both roll dice, and I once again have one more than my opponent! Incredible luck, and I know that it puts me into the final cut. I am overjoyed. Win 36-36 - Final Salvo Record 5-1
The day ends and they announce standings, I am so excited to see so many of the BG regulars in the top cut, besides myself, Dereck, Mike, and Parker all make it in. As well look at the standings we come to realize that Parker and I will meet in the first round of elimination.
Day 2
There are no bad players in the top cut. All of them have played in top cut matches previously and all of them have the skills to make it to the top. I look at the Bracket and see that John D. is in the next table, and the winner of his game will face the winner of my game with Parker.
RD1 elimination (Top 16) - Parker B. - Battleground Regular, Top Cut finisher at Danvers Regional
Parker is an incredible player, and he put a wallop on me at the Danvers Regional with essentially the same list. He has Zuckuss crew on his party bus, and I know NOT running into that all day at swiss is a big reason why I am here today. Manaroo, Contracted Scout, and Trandoshan Slaver coming up!
Parker's Torpedo Circus
100 points
Contracted Scout (31)
JumpMaster 5000 (25), Extra Munitions (2), Plasma Torpedoes (3), Attanni Mindlink (1), Guidance Chips (0)
Manaroo (35)
JumpMaster 5000 (27), Attanni Mindlink (1), Extra Munitions (2), Plasma Torpedoes (3), R4 Agromech (2), Guidance Chips (0)
Trandoshan Slaver (34)
YV-666 (29), 4-LOM (1), Zuckuss (1), Dengar (3)
I have my hands full with this match. I get a lot of damage into one of the scouts and he gets my Delta off of the table. I am lucky enough to get a good crit on the scout - Stunned Pilot - So that if he lands on any ship or obstacle he takes a damage. We slug it out for many more rounds, and Parkers dice just go on strike. The crit ends up mattering as time runs out. The scout ends up in a bad spot and has to land on a rock in the last turn, and he only has one hull remaining, killing the ship, and putting me ahead … by three points. In a game that could have gone either way, lady luck was on my side here.
After the game I look over to see John D. packing up after his game - he lost to Dengaroo, so our rematch will have to wait for another day.
RD2 elimination (Top 8) - Danny T. -  NYC X-Wing - Grim Brothers crew.
I had met Danny once before, but we have never played against each other previously. Dengaroo is typically a bad matchup for me, because of the Zuckuss crew. Danny has swapped things up though, and has included 4-LOM instead of Zuckuss and moved things around on Manaroo as well. He also went for an AGGRESSIVE bid at 95 points. ================ Dengaroo Variant ================ 95 points Pilots ------ Manaroo (41) JumpMaster 5000 (27), Push the Limit (3), “Gonk” (2), R5-P8 (3), Feedback Array (2), Engine Upgrade (4) Dengar (54) JumpMaster 5000 (33), Lone Wolf (2), 4-LOM (1), Overclocked R4 (1), Glitterstim (2), Punishing One (12), Counter-Measures (3)
This was a long game, and ultimately the reason I won was all of the practice I have gotten over the last several months with our local crew. Knowing how to deal with Dengar is 75% of the match. We meet up in the middle of the board, and I am able to get some quality shots onto Manaroo almost immediately, as he brought her right into the meat of things. Dengar plinked away at my Defenders, but my green dice were keeping me in the game. I take Manaroo off the board shortly after, but not before Vessery is taken down to one hull. There is a lot of time on the clock, and I know that if I shoot Dengar in-arc, I lose this game. So I run. For nearly 50 minutes. In what must have been a very frustrating game for my opponent, I avoided giving him any quality shots, and refused to shoot him in arc, which meant many, many turns of no attacks back from my side. Eventually time starts to run out, and I feel more comfortable - Manaroo is worth more points than one of my Defenders, so even if I lose one, I am OK. But I don’t, we squeak through to the end and shake hands. It was a mentally exhausting game. It is worth noting that I had some abnormally good Green Dice rolls here and he had some abnormally bad Red Dice rolls for about 50% of the game.
RD3 Elimination (Top 4) - Will D. - CT X-Wing Player. Made the top cut at the last BG Regional.
Will is a VERY good player, and we have faced off in the past. At the NYC Regional last year, I had to face Will to make the top cut. Will is flying Parattani, identical to John D’s list. =========
100 points
Fenn Rau (32)
Protectorate Starfighter (28), Attanni Mindlink (1), Concord Dawn Protector (1), Autothrusters (2)
Manaroo (28)
JumpMaster 5000 (27), Attanni Mindlink (1)
Asajj Ventress (40)
Lancer-class Pursuit Craft (37), Attanni Mindlink (1), Latts Razzi (2)
We place rocks and joke about how this will be an annual tradition of facing off once a year at a big event. Will sets up on the opposite corner from me and I start to set up a kill box for Fenn Rau - I want to get him off the board asap. I have a tremendous stroke of luck when Will lands Ventress on a debris field sending stress to all of his other ships. This left Fenn Rau without tokens. I am able to capitalize quickly, and take Fenn off the board in two turns with a monster Swarm Leader shot. I take Ventress off the board a few turns later and Will concedes. We will undoubtedly face off again in the future! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RD4 Elimination (Final Table) - Solomon L.
I had never met Solomon before, but I saw that he had beaten Jeremy Howard (national player, NOVA local) one round previously, so I know he is clearly very skilled. Solomon is playing Ketsu with two TLT Y-Wings. A simple build that is very strong - knock off all of your agility, and dump unmitigated damage into your ships. Strong, effective, scary.
============= Ketsu's Thugs ============= 100 points Pilots ------ Ketsu Onyo (50) Lancer-class Pursuit Craft (38), Expertise (4), Dengar (3), Burnout Slam (1), Black Market Slicer Tools (1), Shadow Caster (3) Syndicate Thug (25) Y-Wing (18), Twin Laser Turret (6), Unhinged Astromech (1)
Syndicate Thug (25) Y-Wing (18), Twin Laser Turret (6), Unhinged Astromech (1)
He sets up his ships across from mine on the right side of the field. I want to charge into Ketsu and get behind her quickly. I was surprised that he placed her there to my advantage. I scoot forward a bit to see if he commits to the joust, and he does. My follow up turn is all guns blazing into the fray. I immediately cripple one of the Y-Wings and follow up with a massive shot into Ketsu that sets the entire game in my favor. He is able to knock Vessery down to 1 agility with no tokens … and by some stroke of luck none of the TLT shots land. He got one hit per shot, and I rolled hot fire with that one little die. My survival there all but sealed the game. I looked at him and said “I don’t think I’m eligible for any Christmas presents after that” and he agreed. I flipped behind Ketsu, and finished her off, then took the crippled Y-Wing off the board. I had to chase the last Y-Wing for some time, but I eventually was able to set up a kill box that allowed for a monster Swarm Leader shot that ended the game. We shook hands. It was over.
From here on, it was kind of surreal. Lots of hugs and high-fives, and this disbelief that there wasn’t “one more game”. This was my first Regional win, and a highlight of my X-Wing “career”.  Thank you to everyone I played, you were all amazing opponents. I’ll see you at NOVA for Nationals!
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3onthetreecarreviews · 5 years ago
So I have driven quite a few hybrid vehicles lately I’ve never actually driven a pure electric vehicle or EV before so I was a bit excited when Hyundai gave me the keys to the IONIQ Electric for the week. Hyundai have doubled down on the IONIQ by not just bringing out an EV model but also a Hybrid and plug-in hybrid versions of it as well. On the outside I quite like the sloping fastback profile, the frontend features LED day time running lights DRL’s, front bumper air ducts (which create an air curtain around the front wheels to improve high-speed aerodynamic efficiency), and active grill shutters which will open when the engine needs more cooling. While the frontend isn’t too bad I’m a fan of the grey grill I would prefer it to be black. The 16inch alloy rims are Aerodynamically designed to minimise air turbulence, The rear end features LED tail lights, integrated rear spoiler and a matte grey insert to tie in with the front end another one of those personal things I would prefer it to be black and it would suit the gleaming white paint work better as well.
On the inside the IONIQ is where Hyundai have extended the car green credentials through the use of eco friendly materials. With sugar cane by products accounting for 25% of the raw materials for the soft touch door trim panels and recycled plastic, powdered wood and volcanic stone contributing to 10% of the plastics used elsewhere inside. Bio fabrics were used to make the carpets and head lining where sugar cane by products made up 20% of the raw materials. The slip behind the flat bottomed leather clad wheel that’s not only comfortable to hold but the right thickness for me, behind the wheel  your greeted by a 7 inch high resolution TFT LCD that provides information including energy flow, battery state and Eco drive info as well as a digital speedo.
The slim dash line brings your eye sight to the main focus of the interior the 10.25inch multimedia touchscreen that dominates the centre stack with Apple CarPlay, Android Auto and full Bluetooth connectivity which can be accessed via steering wheels buttons you hardly have to take your hand’s off the wheel. I found the system very easy to use and connecting my phone via android auto took no time, the standard fit satellite navigation system works wonderful and also features a ‘Charging Station’ category allowing you to identify nearest Type 2 charging stations from your location which I did use and it worked great. The bottom of the centre stack features the climate control aircon buttons that are touch controls, which integrate well into the centre stack and the piano black finishes just adds to the look. The leather appointed seats are comfortable and supportive being the premium model they also the front seats are air ventilated and heated and there is also a memory function to keep you fav driving position. The rear seats are comfortable and offer a decent amount of legroom but the fastback styling means rear passengers have to watch their heads getting in. Storage wise the Ioniq has plenty of storage available with a big glove box, console storage bin with a USB connection,  door pockets with bottle storage, dual cupholders near the gearshift, wireless charging bay, a tray for other items which has two 12-volt sockets and a USB connection. The back seat has plenty of options as well including a map pocket on the back of the front passenger seat, door pockets, 2 cupo holders in the fold down centre arm rest boot space is an ample 462 litres with the seats up and grows to a healthy 1417 litres with the 60/40 split folding rear seats.
Under the bonnet is where all the magic happens and the IONIQ electric is powered by a 100kW electric motor connected to a 38.3kWh lithium-ion polymer battery. Since it was my first experience with an all-electric I wasn’t sure what to expect on the road but the advantage of and electric engine is you have all that wonderful torque available from the moment you push that go pedal which means not only can the IONIQ easily with traffic and sit on the speed limit on the freeway it can also get along quite rapid if you want.
The IONIQ Electric uses regenerative braking to add charge to battery while driving which works really good, using steering wheel mounted paddles you adjust the level of brake force while on the move. By using the left hand paddle, you’ll increase the regenerative braking effect while as the right hand paddle will decrease the regenerative level, coasting further to maximise efficiency. The IONIQ Electric, with a choice of Eco, Normal, Sport and all new Eco+ drive modes to choose from  which maximise the performance of IONIQ. Eco setting the controls to the most efficient balance, while Normal mode harmonises responsiveness and efficiency, Sport mode offers instant throttle response. The all new Eco+ drive mode maximises vehicle range by setting a 90 km/h speed limit, switching off the air conditioning, heating, and fans (user override-able), as well as optimising the default regenerative braking level. As far as charging goes  time it takes the Ioqniq to charging varies depending on what method you use. Hyundai sells what they call an emergency charge cable which lets you charge from any standard 10a power point not exactly how long it would take from dead empty to 100% but it took just over 5hrs to charge it to 100% from 73% when I charged it at home. You can also buy a home charger unit from Hyundai for your garage which will charge it to 100% in just over 6 hours. The Ioniq can also be charged from a 100kW fast charging station and which will charge the Ioniq to 80% in 54min or 57 min from a 50kW charging station quoted range for the Ioniq is just over 370km depending on how you drive it. But that means that most people using it for a commute in the city would probably only need to charge it once a week my commute is not that long so I recon I could go 2 or 3 weeks in between charges.
If you want to take a longer trip however it would require some planning though. On the road and the Ioniqs has benefited from Hyundai’s local suspension tuning program and it rides awesome I found it great to drive it soaks up small bumps and even bigger surface imperfections with ease, the steering has decent feel and will go where you point it, remember this is not a sports car so it’s not going to handle like one it makes one hell of great cruiser. Safety wise Ioniq has 5 star ANCAP rating  and comes with huge list of safety features including  7 airbags ABS, brake assist, EBD, as well as traction and stability control, Hill-start Assist Control, Blind Spot Collision Warning, Forward Collision Avoidance Assis’ (city/urban/interurban/pedestrian) Lane Following Assist, Lane Keeping Assist, Rear Cross Traffic Collision Warning and Smart Cruise Control. It gets full and bonus points from me for having front and rear parking sensors as well a rear vision camera. Warranty wise the ioniq comes with Hyundai’s ‘iCare’ ownership program 5 year/unlimited km warranty, with 12 months roadside assist and a (complimentary) 1500km first service included. The Ioniq battery warranty extends for eight years/160,000km. Service intervals for the Ioniq Electric are every 12 months and cost $160 each year for the first 5 years. Servicing your car with a an authorised Hyundai dealer will get you 10year sat nav update plan and a roadside support plan.
Pricing The Ioniq was my first step into an all electric car and I can’t help but can’t come away more impressed,  Ioniq electric is great car that is comfortable to drive and ride in has a decent amount  of room is well equipped and comes with a bucket load of safety features. Price wise the Elite version starts at just over $53,300 while the Premium model I tested starts at just over $57,000 and yes cars when you compare them to a similar sized conventionally powered car then yes it looks a little expensive but compared to others in it’s class it’s priced well. Really if you are in the market for an electric vehicle you should have the ioniq on your list for more information on the Ioniq visit Hyundai’s website www.hyundai.com/au/en .
2020 Hyundai Ioniq Premium Electric review So I have driven quite a few hybrid vehicles lately I’ve never actually driven a pure electric vehicle or EV before so I was a bit excited when Hyundai gave me the keys to the IONIQ Electric for the week.
0 notes
glitteringconstellations · 7 years ago
Beacon, Chapter 8: it’s no more men i’m afraid of
Despite the dire circumstances, seeing the Castle of Lions bustling with life once more made Coran’s heart swell with happiness.
It’d been more than a millennia since so many people roamed these halls at once. Even just in the trek from the hangars to the bridge upon their return, he’d spotted human crewmembers of the Stations intermingling with the ever-growing number of rebel fighters from the reinforcement fleet. Discussions of upkeep procedures for the new engines and stories of varied and distant planets echoed through the corridors, easing slightly the weight that came with the looming severity of the situation.
It’d been as long since he’d seen such a diverse group of people grouped on the Castle’s bridge. The Paladins stood near their stations, and the crew of the Renegade milled about between them. At the helm of the controls, maps of Earth and the surrounding galaxy were marked with notes provided by the Commanders of the Lunar Stations.
Seeing the convergence on the bridge, Coran couldn’t help but wonder what the late king of Altea would think, if he could have seen where his legacy would lead. He hoped they were doing him proud.
Alfor, my friend… are you seeing this from wherever you are now?
Still, there were more pressing matters at hand. The journey back had been long due to their stopping to pick up the Marmora leaders, and Coran was weary, he would admit. But rest would be in short supply in the coming days, and he had to be a hundred and ten percent focused on their plan. He was not too humble to admit he played a crucial role in all of this. He used that happiness as a boon against the tension and turned his attention back to the conversation with a shake of his head.
“…crewmembers can handle the repairs from here,” Pidge was saying. “The work is almost done, and more and more rebels are showing up to play defense. We’ll have plenty guarding the civilians and then some to spare for the mission.”
“Splendid,” replied the Princess. “That is one burden eased from our shoulders, then. I trust the civilians are in good hands. Which brings us to the main concern at hand…”
“Actually taking back Earth,” said Shiro solemnly, his arms crossed tight over his chest. “We can’t go at this half-cocked. The Galra have a planet’s worth of hostages they can and will use against us and we want to make sure there are as few casualties as possible.”
Coran took the opportunity to look to the guests he and Keith had acquired. The Marmora leader stood between Keith and the Princess with his mask and hood removed as a sign of respect, though his companion did not. The uneasy looks at their presence exchanged between the rebels present did not escape Coran’s notice, and he bit back a sigh.
“Kolivan, I’m aware you’re unfamiliar with Earth and its galaxy, but perhaps you could provide some insight as to the Empire’s movements?” he suggested instead.
“Negative,” Kolivan responded, his expression grim. “Our losses during the last confrontation were great. Although Thace’s actions ensured the success of the mission, they also exposed the Blade’s efforts to the Empire with absolute certainty. Our information has all but ceased. We must operate under the assumption that all of our sources on the inside have been detected and compromised.”
Read more on AO3
“If you had to hazard a guess, then,” Coran pressed, trying not to let his optimism falter in the face of such staggering odds. “What would be your recommendation for the next course of action that would minimize the risk to the humans?”
Kolivan frowned. “Ideally, reconnaissance. Stealth is our greatest ally in this instance, and the Blade’s greatest strength. If my people could identify where the strongholds are, we could strike before they have the chance to fully establish themselves.”
“We don’t have that kind of time, though,” Keith chimed in, his brow deeply furrowed. “I get not wanting to run in there blind, but a full reconnaissance would take way too long. It’s already been weeks since the first ship landed. We don’t know if they’ve already started rounding people up.”
It was a fair point, Coran thought, and even their calm and collected Black Paladin seemed troubled by the idea of waiting any longer than strictly necessary to initiate a counter-assault.
“What if we started somewhere with the highest probability of Galra occupation?”
All heads turned toward Matt, on Pidge’s other side, as he rattled out something on a keyboard off to the starboard side of the bridge. With a swipe of his hand, a three-dimensional projection of Earth appeared over the Princess’ pedestal, several points of light beaming from various points on the planet, and Matt turned to rejoin the group.
Pidge’s eyes lit up in understanding. “Those are—!”
“All fifteen of Earth’s major aeronautical bases, and where all of the evac shuttles departed from, according to the Commanders.” Matt pointed out to one light in particular on the southwestern portion of a large continent, this one lit up in red where the others gleamed yellow. “Except the Garrison. We have to assume that’s ground zero.”
“Why there?” the Princess asked. Coran could tell she was frustrated by her lack of insight into the Terra Firma Quadrant and Earth, because he shared that frustration. He felt so helpless—and it made him more determined than ever to rectify that ignorance when all of this was said and done.
“Because when the Garrison got the comms running on that Galra pod, they likely triggered a kind of homing beacon,” Pidge offered, continuing when Matt nodded. “Plus it’s closest to where we found Blue. If they’re tracking any residual quintessence from where she sat for over ten thousand years, that's where it’d take them.”
Hunk hummed in agreement. “The Garrison was the central hub for all intergalactic communication on Earth. It’s not too much of a long shot to say that if they did take the Garrison, they’d use it for the same purpose. Just, you know, for resurrecting an evil tyrant instead of exploration in the name of science.”
Lance straightened from where he’d been leaning against his chair, hope lighting up his face. “So if we go back to the Garrison and the Galra have taken it over, all we’d have to do is take them over and we could essentially reverse-track the homing beacon out to any ships they have stationed there!”
“Back to where this all began…” Shiro murmured. He peered up at the red light, the look in his eyes utterly unreadable. Then he turned to face Kolivan, determination a fire flashing in his eyes that almost took Coran aback.
“Do you think it’s feasible for your people to infiltrate all sixteen locations at once?”
Amid the shocked exclamations from both the Paladins and the rebel crew, Kolivan blinked in surprise. “It is possible, yes, but I would not advise it. We would be stretching our already limited forces dangerously thin.”
“What if Keith and I came with you?” Shiro pushed on earnestly. Coran looked to the Princess, raising a confused eyebrow at her. She merely shook her head, not understanding what Shiro meant either. It was one of those times where Coran really wished he knew more about humans. But even Keith looked like he wasn’t quite following.
“What are you planning, Shiro?” he asked.
“We don’t have time to do a full recon mission, that much is clear. But there’s too much at stake here to make guesses and just hope for the best. If we cover all of the bases, we better our odds at being able to disable as many ships as possible before they cotton on to us.”
“But why just you and the Red Paladin?” asked Nox, face twisted in bemusement. Shiro grimaced, glancing down at his arm, and Coran couldn’t help but feel uneasy.
“We’re the only ones besides the Marmora who can interact with Galra technology without hacking,” Shiro answered vaguely, focusing on the hologram projection. “Once we take out their power, we can focus on rescuing any prisoners and then bring Voltron in to wipe out the Empire there.”
“It’s a solid plan, Shiro,” Princess Allura said slowly. “I’m just concerned about the risk of splitting up.”
“We could join you,” Olia suggested. “We rebels are used to stealth missions. If we split up into groups and pair up with at least one Marmora per team, we could—”
A hush fell over the room at the sharp word. Coran almost didn’t believe he’d heard truly, until heads started turning toward Friel, the Unilu flight engineer from the rebel crew. Both sets of his arms were crossed over his chest, his expression darkening more and more with each passing second.
“I don’t like it. We can’t trust them,” he said, nodding brusquely in the direction of Kolivan and his soldier. “They’re Galra.”
Kolivan’s only reaction was a slightly more downward turn of his lips, but Keith stiffened, his face betraying a sting of hurt for a brief moment before he reigned it in. Coran immediately felt a swell of indignant anger on behalf of their Red Paladin, something he could see mirrored in the faces of the rest of his team.
“Uh, were you even listening to Kolivan before?” Lance asked incredulously. “We wouldn’t even be having this conversation without the Marmorites, because Zarkon would still be at full power. We’d have lost Keith if it weren’t for them.”
“Because he’s one of them, is he not?” Friel stared down Keith in a challenge. Keith did not rise to his bait, opting to look away at anything but him. Friel scoffed. “I thought as much.”
“Hey! That’s uncalled for,” Hunk said angrily, drawing himself to his full height. “Are you insinuating that the Blade wouldn’t have done the same thing if it wasn’t Keith?”
“Are you so sure that they would have?” Friel retorted.
“Yes, we are, because they have done just that on multiple occasions,” Coran said, his voice dangerously low. It was only years of training in diplomacy keeping him from losing his temper here, now. “The Blade of Marmora has more than proven their loyalty to Voltron. I should think our word would be enough.”
Nimern clicked her tongue disapprovingly at her teammate. “Now is not the time for you to act on old grudges, my friend.” She made to put a hand on his shoulder, but he batted her hand away.
“Mahfaeraak hokoron Galra. Grah-zeymahzin ni kos,” he hissed to her. Once upon a time Coran might have been able to work out what he’d said, but it’d been centuries since he’d heard genuine Unilu being spoken. He didn’t really need to know the meaning of the words, anyway—the tone spoke enough for itself.
“Stand down, Friel,” Olia ordered, her voice coming out in a growl.
“Daar bah aus. Zu beyn aav krif,” Friel continued, as if his captain had said nothing.
“Look, the Marmora are on our side, whether you believe it or not,” Shiro snapped, clearly losing his patience. Friel sneered at him.
“Dukaanvos. Hun daar, Kaal—”
“Faaz nah, Friel! Ahzaal grik zul!” Matt roared. He looked absolutely thunderous, and his hands shook with barely-suppressed rage. "Don't you ever call him that again!" Friel appeared taken aback for a split second, his mouth opening with a retort, before he seemed to think better of it.
Pidge took Matt by the crook of his elbow gently, shock and concern and residual anger warring on her face. Matt seemed to let the touch ground him, and he took a deep breath before speaking again. “Bah folaas. Bo nah gut. We’ll discuss this later.”
Friel set his jaw firmly, squaring his shoulders. But at length, he bowed his head. “Krosis," he muttered, before turning to march from the room. His glare caught Kolivan’s eye, and he made a point of bumping Keith’s shoulder roughly as he passed.
When his storming footsteps had faded, Olia heaved out a groaning sigh, running a hand down her muzzle. “I apologize for the actions of my engineer. Friel has a… particularly thorny hatred for the Galra.” Kolivan’s grave expression never faltered, but he nodded his head once in acknowledgement of the apology.
The Princess, who had been quiet up until now, hummed in displeasure. “Allies in this war are few and far between, but our common enemy unites us,” she said quietly, clasping her hands together before her. “We will need to lead by example in moving past any prejudices we may have.”
She turned to Keith, sending a meaningful, almost sorrowful look his way. Keith bristled and crossed his arms tight across his chest without a word. Coran picked up on Allura’s line of thought, and continued for her.
“We have all made many sacrifices for the cause. We have all lost much. But we must let nothing hinder us in our fight against the Empire.”
A long moment passed in silence, no one quite sure what to say in response to that.
Blessed, blessed Hunk was the one to break the silence. “So,” he started lightly, though the strain in his voice betrayed the tension. “Matt. You speak Unilu?”
“Ah—yeah, I do.” Matt cleared his throat, shifting on his feet. “I speak the languages of all my crew, and I taught myself some Galran while I was in prison. It’s why I’m in charge of communications.”
“That is wise,” Kolivan commended, and Coran nearly jumped. He hadn’t expected the Marmora leader to speak anytime soon, not after that outburst. “Galran has been the official language of the Empire for the last 10,000 years. Comprehension is an incredibly valuable skill to have.”
“But we have communicators?” Lance said, the question clear in his tone.
“Comms can be compromised,” Matt explained. “They generally work by intent. If someone doesn’t want you to understand, you won’t. Hence…” he trailed off, waving a hand vaguely in the direction of the door. “Or they can be hacked, or destroyed. But if you have the language in your head, it doesn’t matter if they want you to understand or not. The mind can never be hacked.”
“So you learned, what, six languages? Seven? In the span of two years,” Pidge said, awed. Matt nodded.
“Pretty much. Just whatever you do, don’t ask me to pronounce Nox’s full name,” he finished. “Elyxion is a bitch to speak.”
“What is it?”
“I just told you not to ask me that!”
“It’s Noxqokukxokxaht,” said Nox matter-of-factly.
“All right, all right, let’s get back on track,” Shiro said sternly, though Coran could see the relief in his eyes that they seemed to have put the rockiness behind them, for now. Coran himself was more than happy to let Shiro and the Princess reign in the discussion.
His eyes fell on Keith, who hung back from the group where they’d reconvened around Allura’s pedestal. While the others were pointing up at the various lights, hashing out a plan of approach, Keith seemed to curl in onto himself. A moment later, he turned and slipped quietly from the room, leaving through the door Friel had left wide open.
Coran watched him go with a heavy heart, wondering if perhaps he should have stopped him, instead.
When Keith needed to get away, there was really only one place in the Castle that he knew most of the others dared not follow him, and that was Red.
He was perched atop one of Red’s massive paws, hands stained with polishing wax when Red gave the first grumble, alerting him that someone was approaching. He could feel her questioning probe into his mind, seeking out if he wanted her to put up her particle barrier to keep anyone out or not. At first, Keith was tempted to let her. But considering he had left the briefing before hearing the finalized plan, it probably wasn’t the best idea to leave himself completely closed off. There was time for that later.
“It’s fine,” he murmured, gripping the rag a little tighter. The only person he could think of that would be awake at this hour besides himself was Pidge, though, with the earlier commotion, he wouldn’t be shocked if anyone else had trouble finding sleep, too.
He was shocked, however, to see none of the Paladins walk through Red’s hangar door, but Matt. The usual rebel fighter suit had been replaced with a mint green sweater Keith could have sworn he’d seen Pidge wear once before, and the boy had tucked his hands into the front pocket. Matt looked nervous, Keith observed.
When Matt spotted him, he hesitated, before coming to stand on the ground beside Red’s paw. Keith said nothing, continuing his long, even strokes of the polish, giving Matt the opportunity to speak first. It was clear he had something on his mind, and Keith wasn’t the type to fill the dead space with meaningless words like Lance did.
At last, Matt spoke. “Hey, uh, how’s it going?”
“Fine,” Keith replied, because it was. Going fine, he meant.
“What’cha doing?”
Keith raised an eyebrow at him, his arm pausing mid-stroke. Matt coughed awkwardly. “Right, you’re uh, you’re cleaning up Red.” He gave the great lion a long look-over, whistling in awe. “She looks good.”
At that, Keith pinked, slightly. “Thanks.”
A brief silence lapsed between them, then, Matt shifting his weight from foot to foot briefly while he worked out what he wanted to say. “Listen, I’m sorry about Friel—”
“Don’t,” Keith said, his voice coming out snappier than he meant it to. Matt’s mouth snapped shut, guilt marring his face, and Keith sighed. “You don’t have anything to apologize for. It’s not like you made him do it.”
“I’m his superior officer,” Matt replied forcefully. “I knew he hated the Galra and I suspected he’d take working with the Blade badly, but I had no idea he would be so hostile towards you.”
“It’s not your fault you didn’t know that I’m part Galra. I don’t exactly broadcast it.” Matt still looked conflicted, and Keith suddenly wanted to put a stop to that line of thought. He leaned over and grabbed a spare rag from his pile and the bottle of polish, tossing it down without a word. Matt squawked, scrambling and just managing to catch them. Keith gestured to the side of the metal paw he hadn’t gotten to yet, and Matt got the hint.
For a while, the two of them worked in silence. Not until Keith finished up his section and leapt down from the top of the paw did Matt speak again.
“I regret it, you know.”
Keith stopped, blinking owlishly at Matt. “Huh?”
“Not getting to know you at the Garrison, before all this happened. I regret it.” He kept his gaze focused on the rag, not daring to meet Keith’s eyes. “Shiro raved about you all the time. About how well you were doing, how proud he was of you and of being your mentor…”
Keith’s stomach lurched unpleasantly. Shiro had been committed to helping him learn during his Garrison days, despite knowing Keith’s reputation of being irritable and impossible to work with. But even he hadn’t realized that Shiro had so much faith in him. No wonder he kept insisting on Keith becoming the leader, if anything happened to him.
“I didn’t take the time to see what he saw in you,” Matt went on. “Hell, I didn’t even recognize you when I first saw you out here.”
“To be fair,” Keith deadpanned, “you had more pressing things to worry about. Namely Pidge and Shiro.”
Matt threw his arms in the air, only barely managing to keep hold of the rag. “That’s exactly what I mean! I should have recognized you! I really should have, and I didn’t. Just because I had some petty jealousy against you back in the day, I shouldn’t have…”
Jealousy? Matt had been jealous of him?
Matt took a shaky breath, finally lifting his head to meet Keith’s eyes. “Did you know you were supposed to be the pilot of the Kerberos expedition, not Shiro?”
Keith’s eyes widened, his jaw falling slack. “What?”
Matt wrung the rag in his hands tightly. “They were going to graduate you early and send you instead. Shiro was all for it. You were clearly a capable pilot, and he wanted you to have that opportunity as your first mission. But I threw a fit, because that was my first mission, too. I wanted it to be him up there with me and my dad. So he relented.”
Keith’s heart pounded in his chest. Before his racing thoughts could catch up to his mouth, Matt glanced up at Red and continued talking. “And after… when I was in prison, I was mad at myself for it. My selfishness got Shiro captured, and my weakness got him thrown in the arena.”
Words failed him still, and Keith swallowed thickly in search of them around his dry mouth. “Why are you telling me this?” he managed at last.
Matt let the rag go, tossing it into a pile with the other discarded ones, and turned to face Keith fully. “I guess… with this mission coming up, and with what happened earlier… well, I guess I figured I shouldn’t leave anything unsaid. So, I wanted you to know that I’m sorry. And that, you know, if we make it out on the other end of this unscathed, I want to make it right. I don’t know how yet, but… yeah.”
He put a hand on Keith’s shoulder, remorse clear on his face. Even though his mind still felt like it was sprinting at a hundred miles an hour, he thought he ought to say something. Anything. Apology accepted or something. But he honestly still didn’t understand exactly what Matt was apologizing for. Not being his friend? Stealing the chance to go on the Kerberos mission from him? Stealing Shiro?
If he had gone on that mission, he would have been the one captured with the Holts. And though he was loath to admit it, the thought terrified him—he was nowhere near as strong as Shiro was. He doubted he’d have been able to sacrifice himself to the arena for Matt, doubted he’d have survived even half as long as Shiro had.
And Matt had inadvertently spared him that.
So instead of accepting Matt’s apology, he said, “Thank you.”
Matt stared at him, slack-jawed. Whatever he’d been expecting Keith to say, that wasn’t it. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, before he forced out a quiet laugh. He clapped Keith’s shoulder a couple times for good measure, before letting it fall.
“Get some rest. Princess Allura said we’re setting off when the Castle tickers strike the twelfth varga, which was as of two vargas ago. So you’re looking at more like ten vargas or so.”
“Sure thing.”
Matt left him with his thoughts, then, and he stood there beneath the watchful eye of his Lion for a long time, her purring at the back of his mind trying to calm his churning mind. Only when the chime of the ticker rang out another varga did Keith finally clean up his things and start making his way back to his room.
The walk seemed longer from Red’s hangar to his room. What was he supposed to do with this new knowledge? Should he ask Shiro about it? Did Shiro resent him, or wish that Keith had been the pilot on Kerberos after all? No, that wasn’t like Shiro at all… but still, he couldn’t help but wonder…
So absorbed in his thoughts was he, that Keith didn’t notice the presence when he stepped through the door into his darkened bedroom until there was a blade pressed to his throat and a pair of arms wrapped around him in a vice grip. He sucked in a sharp gasp, an aborted shout dying on his lips as the blade pressed tighter, digging painfully into his skin and drawing blood. He heard the figure behind him shift, felt the puff of warm breath on his ear as they leaned in.
“Krii lun aus.”
“We’re sorry, but your call could not be completed as dialed. Please check the number and dial again…”
The tinny operator’s voice chirped at him for the eighth time in four minutes, the young man cursed, throwing the phone down in the passenger seat and pushing a little harder on the gas pedal.
“Shit, come on, come on…” he muttered, peering into the darkness of the deserted highway. It was hard, looking for the turnoff by the light of the full moon, but he didn’t dare use his headlights. Driving at all was a risky gamble, but he was banking on the dense thickets of trees lining either side of the winding road to muffle the sound of his engine, throwing the noise all over the hills.
Phone reception had been in and out over the last few weeks, ever since the invasion began. First it was major cities, where the population was most dense. Then it spread to the suburbs, and then to the countryside.
Only one of his many calls had successfully gone through to his parents since then, and even then, he’d only gotten a breathy sentence out before it dropped.
“Stay where you are. I’m coming to get you!”
Honestly, he didn’t know which he hoped for more—that they’d listened to him, or that they’d gotten out to one of the evac shuttles somehow and that they were safe.
His parents only lived a few hundred miles away in a quiet, sparsely population pocket of the country. It was less than a half-day’s journey under ordinary circumstances, easily traversed on a full tank of gas. But these were anything but ordinary circumstances. He’d taken to traveling by night, mostly in short spurts when the cloud cover allowed the absolute minimum visibility to see.
He’d hardly slept the last few days, parking his car somewhere out of the way during the daylight hours and dozing upright, still belted into his seat in case he needed to make a quick getaway. This long into the invasion, people who hadn’t been captured already were likely holed away in hiding, but he still didn’t want to risk detection, human or otherwise.
It made his stomach turn. He wasn’t sure what would’ve happened if he’d stayed in his apartment in the city—he didn’t want to think about it.
He cursed again, tapping his thumb irritably against the steering wheel. He needed to focus. He was getting close to the turnoff now, he was sure… And then from there, it was just two lefts and a right, just a few more miles. He could see the little one-story ranch with the ivy crawling up the side in his mind’s eye…
It happened so fast.
A deer sprang from the darkness, and in the split second he had the young man could only think to do one thing—he swerved.
There was a deafening crash as the car collided with a tree, shattering glass raining down on him as the metal of the car crumpled inward. The air left him all at once as the airbag slammed into him and then—
A ringing in his ears brought him to, along with a high-pitched whining noise. He groaned, a blinding pain shooting up his left arm. Warm blood trickled down the side of his head and into his eye as he blinked the world back into focus. The cabin of the car was flooded with a red light—the brake lights, shit—and he belatedly realized the whining noise was the horn blaring, loud and steady like a claxon.
He needed to get out of here.
Rolling flat onto his back, the man took a minute to get himself oriented. The car lie on its passenger side, and he couldn’t hope to climb out the broken driver’s side window with a busted arm. The windshield had cracked, but not shattered.
That was his only option, then.
He braced himself against the cockeyed seat, drew his legs up to his chest, and kicked with all the force he could muster. It took three tries, but the windshield finally gave way, the cracked safety glass flying back as a whole sheet and finally shattering on impact with the pavement.
Crawling from the wreckage and wincing at the glass digging into his arms and knees, the man righted himself, swaying unsteady on his feet. The deer was long gone, and he was fully and completely alone on the empty highway. For now. He had no way of knowing how long he’d been out.
So he started running. Stumbling at first and gaining more speed, he cut through the trees he’d run through so many times as a child. Though it was difficult in the dark, he’d know these woods if he were blindfolded. He cradled his injured arm against his chest gingerly as he ran, trying to keep from jostling it too much.
The sky was beginning to lighten on the horizon when he finally turned the last bend to cross onto the road where his parents lived. The next house was half a mile down the way, but on any given night, flood lamps above the garages lit the road all the way down until it curved into the underbrush.
Tonight the street was pitch dark, illuminated only by the waning moonlight that filtered through the canopy of trees.
Dread settled heavy in his stomach as he hastened toward the house. His parents’ car still sat in the driveway, though it was covered in a layer of pollen and dust that had to have been at least a few days old. Although the house seemed calm and undisturbed, the man couldn’t shake the feeling that something was terribly, terribly amiss.
His eyes scanned the front porch, landing on a single flowerpot, and he hurried to it. The spare key was still hidden there, and he sent up a prayer of thanks. He fumbled for it, his hands shaking violently with the adrenaline coursing through him.
“Come on…”
Finally, he wrenched the door open, almost falling in past the threshold. The house was as dark as the woods outside, and flipping the switch inside the door did nothing.
“Mom? Dad?” he called. He wished he’d thought to grab the flashlight from his dashboard before abandoning his car. The rising sun cast long shadows into the house, barely setting it aglow with an increasingly crimson light. He searched the front room and the sitting room first, the fireplace sullied with ashes long gone cold.
“Where the hell are they…”
A quick search of the bedrooms yielded no sign of his parents, although the kitchen stunk with the stench of rotting food. Charred lumps sat curdled in a pot on the stove, and the landline phone lay in shattered pieces before it. Clearly, his parents had left in a hurry.
But where had they gone without their car? Their keys still sat in the misshapen ceramic bowl on the kitchen counter.
Bile threatened to rise in his throat, and the man racked his brain for a logical explanation. Maybe they’d gone to the neighbor’s house down the road. The Coopers had a storm cellar they could have taken shelter in…
A sharp chill ran down his spine and the hair on his neck stood on end as he was suddenly overcome by the feeling he was not alone. Without a second thought, he grabbed the keys from the bowl and turned to leave the house as quickly as he’d come.
He was barely through the door when he stopped dead in his tracks.
A strange cat unlike any he’d ever seen sat a few paces from the front porch, stock-still and staring at him, unblinking. Wrong, wrong, something’s wrong, his mind screamed at him, but he found himself unable to move, unable to even draw his gaze away from the cat.
“Looking for these fellows?”
Shadows shifted beyond the trees, and five beings moved into his line of sight. If he could, he would have screamed—these creatures were most certainly not human. They towered over him by at least foot, all of them.
His eyes were drawn to the largest one, massive and bulking and menacing. But more than that, his eyes were drawn to the two people the creature held by the throat in either hand.
His parents.
They were boneless in the creature’s grip, and the man could see their pallor from where he stood. Tears sprung to his eyes and fell unbidden, unable to blink them away. The smallest of the bunch gave what could only be described as a gleeful chuckle as her comrade carelessly tossed their corpses to the dirt.
“Now, now, Zethrid. That wasn’t very kind of you,” said the creature in the center—the one who’d spoken before. It was said with a sneer that belied just how little he cared for kindness, and he alone stepped forward to approach the man where he stood frozen on the doorstep. Despite the inexplicable paralysis, the man felt himself begin to tremble from head to toe.
The creature grinned as he leaned forward, his face inches from the man’s. “You are a very hard man to find, Ryou Shirogane,” the creature said. “I must say, you do look remarkably like your brother.”
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