#Matt Parker
cxivo · 1 year
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elposting · 2 months
never listening to spooky mormon hell dream again bc it’s bad luck. i just got into an elevator while listening to it and the elevator fucking broke.
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ellasmellas · 2 months
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gary brannan thinks really hard about a waterslide loop-de-loop (citation needed 7x04)
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andmaybegayer · 7 months
had the same very interesting experience twice today which was seeing a good explanation of a thing I mostly understand already that is aimed at an absolute beginner, bringing them up to a high level of conceptual understanding in one long continuous delivery. Those two things are 1) this Matt Parker video on Quadrature Amplitude Modulation and 2) This Bartosz Ciechanowski article on how aerofoils work.
These both start off at a very fundamental level - "Do you know how a sine wave looks", and "You know about wind" - and build up to a fairly good explanation of the thing they want to talk about.
Ciechanowski's article is astoundingly detailed, beginning with ideas of what air movement means, detouring through the fundamental origins of air pressure and a very convincing series of arguments about how air pressure is realized as a force applied to an object, into fluid flow and viscosity, and finally using all this to describe the function of an aerofoil.
Parker's video is not as thorough, but still starts off from a more conventional time domain representation of waves before switching fairly smoothly into the more engineering-y representation as a point in complex space (albeit without calling it that) to show how QAM encodings are distributed for efficiency.
Now my question is basically, how good are these. I will always fill in the bits I know when I read these, so I might miss holes. I feel like Parker is definitely the one that could lose you more easily, it's a short video so it maybe doesn't cleanly explain how a sine wave maps onto an XY plot, although the visualizations probably help you get it even if you don't get it at first. Ciechanowski's article is very, very detailed, full of interactive simulations and widgets to help you get everything, building from almost nothing, but I will be honest I skipped a lot of it when it was clear I got the point, I've already got the link between brownian motion and pressure down, you don't have to reiterate.
If you aren't familiar with either of these I'd be interested to hear your opinion.
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weiszklee · 3 months
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Baby girl keeps they-theming historical figures and looking dreamy like this <3
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blockgamepirate · 6 months
!!! Actual explanation for the boat fall damage glitch?? Maybe?
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mejaydee · 11 months
Me spending money on hobbies I’m obsessing over but will never actually participate in
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everyothermouse · 1 year
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Comedians as robots for the hell of it
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sailormaya · 6 months
happy pi day it's a perfect day to watch matt parker find amongi in the digits of pi
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dat-physics-gal · 1 year
This is hilarious to me specifically. Also, 3Blue1Brown and Matt Parker collab, hell yeah.
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ranidspace · 2 years
happy pi day let me show you my favourite series of pi day related videos:
he hasnt uploaded this year yet tho, ill reblog with it when its up
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thatboisus · 8 months
“english isn’t my first langua—“ say no more.
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l0caltiredgirl · 9 months
when i want fluff/angst fics and all i’m getting is smut
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the struggle is real
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nstaaf-book · 4 months
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Love Triangle: How Trigonometry Shapes the World by Matt Parker
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daniel-nerd · 7 months
i hate the fact that i already spent so much on preordering the bill cipher book so i cant preorder the signed matt parker book!!
why is it so expensive
why now???
why specifically the one month that i don’t have as much money to spare!!
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itshelia · 3 months
My mom to her friends, my aunts, and literally everyone she knows: Yeah, my kid is so smart. She is on her phone a lot of the time, but it's not like you guys think, She is not like how kids nowadays are, She reads a lot of books on her phone!!
Me, a fanfic reader who can survive off nothing but just words and day dreams herself to sleep:
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