#Matsuda Taka
theamityelf · 6 months
Haven't seen anything more with your zombie infected au, I kinda miss it. I would like to see more shennanigins with Makoto and his classmates pretty plz.
Ooh, I actually have a post in my drafts for the Undead AU! (It's unrelated to this ask, though, lol.)
But yeah, ask for whatever AU you want anytime! 😁
"Mail day!" Makoto cheered, returning to his classroom and finding, to his relief, that Taka and Sakura had succeeded in keeping everyone there in his absence.
Sakura immediately took the large package that he was struggling to carry and set it down in the middle of the room.
Those still in power over Hope's Peak could only get packages onto the barricaded campus once a week, and since each class had to be given their own package, the 78th class only received theirs once a month. Mail day. (Email day happened weekly, and the video calls with Matsuda happened biweekly.)
The box was lined with insulation, for it contained frozen meat for the undead and food for the luckster, along with whatever else they saw fit to send. (The meat ran out pretty fast, but at least it meant he wouldn't have to hunt for a few days and his friends weren't starving.)
Makoto pulled up a chair.
"Let's see..." He opened the letter from the headmaster that accompanied the package. "Yep, we have a few assignments today. Um..." He set aside the actual math homework and history assignment that had come enclosed for him, because for some reason the lucky students were expected to contribute to the pretense that this was still, on any level, a functioning school. "Hiro! You're first."
Yasuhiro climbed down from the shelf he'd ascended (because Syo had been fronting for most of the day and she'd gotten into it with Mukuro this morning).
"Okay, it looks like they just want you to choose something out of a list again. Oh, actually, you have to pick three. And it's a really long list. It says here there's a set of index cards, if that's easier..." He checked the box and found the centimeter-thick stack of index cards that had been mentioned. Like the list that was printed on the headmaster's letter, all the cards seemed to contain the name of a different chemical (all of which Makoto had never heard of). Makoto fanned out the cards as best he could, so Hiro could at least somewhat see the words on them. "So, you just have to pick three of these, and I'll tell them which ones you picked, okay?"
Hiro picked a card.
"Okay, that's one."
He picked another card.
"That's two. You're doing great."
He picked a third card.
"Great, that's three- Oh!"
Actually, the third "card" was two cards stuck together.
"I...don't know what to do about that, so I'll just tell them both cards and that they were stuck together. Thanks, Hiro!" Makoto wrote down the results, and Hiro skulked away, giving Syo a wide berth. "Okay. Sayaka?"
He turned and found that Sayaka was right behind him– the kind of thing which would have startled him at the beginning, but at this point he took it in stride.
"Great. They sent another recorder, and they want me to record you singing again, so I'll just start it now..." (He pushed the record button on the little device.) "...and I'll give that to you, and you can just hold it until it runs out of battery."
Sayaka took the recorder with a smile, like it was a treasured gift. Her smile was still as camera-ready as ever. And as usual, anything that made her the slightest bit happy made her start humming. And the sound of her own lovely voice only made her happier, which led to singing. She crawled off with the recorder in hand, vocalizing wordlessly.
"The new glasses are in! Byakuya, Syo- Oh, Toko!"
Byakuya got to his feet and shambled over to take the newest replacement for his broken glasses, but Toko merely crawled glumly over, snatched the little black glasses case from Makoto's hand, and crawled away. Rather than return to his original spot, Byakuya sat on the desk that corresponded to the chair Makoto was occupying, looming passively over him.
"Do you need help putting them on? No? Okay." (He still watched carefully, making sure neither of them poked themselves in the eye or broke the new glasses.) "Hifumi, a new sketchbook and pencils. Not that I don't love what you've done with the walls."
He handed off the art supplies, and Hifumi made a kind of squealing noise that was definitely getting picked up on Sayaka's recorder.
"I'm glad you like it. Don't forget, though, we're sending it back to them after a month so they can see your work." (He would still probably put up a fight about it, when the time came. Makoto had found that giving him money worked to make him relinquish his work, but it wasn't like he had a bunch of that here.) "Kyo- Ow!"
Celeste had at some point found her way to Makoto's side, and she was now pointedly yanking his hair. He knew that her choice to pull his hair was meant to communicate something, in lieu of speaking; if her primary goal had been to hurt him, it would have hurt way more.
"No, sorry Celeste. They didn't send your new hair clip yet. I only sent that email yesterday. Now, if you'll let go..."
Byakuya placed a hand on the back of Makoto's chair and leaned in, like a tiger about to pounce. (Though he didn't growl, as that would actively escalate things by getting Toko or Syo involved.) For a moment, he and Celeste had a bit of a stare off– him snarling at her and her glaring vacantly back. But then Sakura made a small noise like a clearing of the throat to remind them all that she was right there, and Celeste released Makoto's hair.
"Uh, thank you. Kyoko, your dad sent you a gift. And he says to tell you that he hopes you're feeling alright and that you know everyone is working hard to find a cure."
Makoto held up the little, flat box with the black ribbon on it, but Kyoko just dismissively batted it out of his hand and back into the package.
He sighed. "Well, if you change your mind, try to do it before Junko takes it."
Junko made a high, distinctly offended noise– more at being treated as predictable by Makoto, of all people, than anything.
Kyoko stood up and rested her weight on the back of Makoto's chair. She seemed to be reading over his shoulder, but one of the first things the people in charge had had him test was whether the undead could still read, and none of the results had been conclusive. The fact that Taka hadn't been able to complete assignments like the ones they sent Makoto (and not for lack of trying; they always sent him a copy, anyway, as much to track his mental faculties as to appease his desire to be a good student) suggested he probably couldn't read, but every now and then Kyoko did things like this, and it was unclear whether she was just going through the motions of gathering information or if she actually knew that she was looking at. She did nothing in particular to demonstrate comprehension.
"Um...what next..." Makoto took a little longer than he had to, pretending to find his place, just to see if Kyoko would point it out to him. She didn't. "Chihiro, another new tablet."
The functioning-tablet-for-Chihiro to broken-plaything-for-Kazuichi pipeline was pretty short, but Chihiro enjoyed the tablets while they worked, and it kept attention away from Makoto's laptop, which he needed to receive and answer emails and calls.
Not just because it would be bad if the laptop was broken, but even more so because the laptop's ability to contact the world outside the school meant that Chihiro could do something malicious with really bad consequences, like hack the people who were trying to find a cure and confuse or destroy all their records. At least, that was how it had been explained to Makoto. He was sure that Chihiro wouldn't mean to upset or sabotage anyone, but an intuitive skill for programming and a decreased situational awareness did not go well together.
Rather than take the tablet from his hands, Chihiro climbed onto Makoto's lap and started tapping at the device while it was still in his hands.
"Okay, it's getting kind of hard to read the letter, guys..."
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mmani-e · 22 days
What's going to happen with Takaaki & Takemichi since they are not hit list targets in Demix?
Hello, thanks for the ask!
Takaaki and Takemichi are some of the first victims of the despair that would take over the world. Takaaki is killed trying to bring his son back to some semblance of decency after the immediate aftermath of the most-despair inducing event in history, think Danganronpa Zero but more of a political thriller than a mystery. It ends with Taka using his father as a convenient scapegoat as he ultimately betrays Japan for his own vision of a hyper-authoritarian state.
Takemichi is killed even earlier, a murder to make an example of the consequences of disobeying Taka's new management, bringing Mondo's more decent and well-meaning gang members to heel.
In the UDG equivalent in Demix, the hit lists are replaced by warrants of various kinds. Arrest warrants, deportation warrants, search warrants, and the like.
And as a replacement for Takaaki and Takemichi, a warrant for Yasuke Matsuda's arrest can be found, while a frustratedly scribbled document theorizing Mukuro's connections that aren't her sister can be found, written in the handwriting of Taka himself, with no conclusive answers except random polish aliases and blurry photos of bikers.
Hoping to be able to write a full list of these, because I'm gonna personalize them a lot. But know that I'd likely be changing a few of them where it can be interesting. Like Yasuhiro's mother, who has been chilling in the Bahamas enjoying her son's winnings without noticing anything different, Celestia's cat having his own baseball card, Toko's stink bug having a warrant for execution, and Komaru with an approved form for being kept in solitary confinement
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coreofgold · 1 year
Hoping on the bandwagon for post event starter call ! There's no cap because I always am in need of threads and love them. These will be posted either Saturday or Sunday; I have to do a deep cleaning at work on Saturday so might not be able to do it then but we'll see !
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Abby Matsuda- aware (0 of ??)
Agastuma Zenitsu- aware (0 of ??)
Aloth Corfiser- now aware (0 of ??; Alec-hiddenpxpers)
Anya Forger- now unaware (0 of ??; Sam-hiddenpxpercuts, Mananow-drvcxrys)
Aziraphale- aware (0 of ??; Chloe-spellbcok)
Ban Yue- aware (0 of ??; Xie Lian-mvsicinthedvrk, Sylvie-youllalwaysbemyporcelain)
Baymax- aware (0 of ??; Tadashi-youllalwaysbemyporcelain)
Beelzebub- aware (0 of ??; Belphie and Soo Oh-youllalwaysbemyporcelain)
Dewey Duck- aware (0 of ??)
Dizzy Tremaine- aware (0 of ??; Onjo-spellbcok, kaya-mcrcki)
Fawkes- aware (0 of ??; Elliot-purelybilateral)
Honami Koyuki-aware (0 of ??)
Hua Cheng- now unaware (0 of ??; Shen Qiao-masqce)
Ignis Scientia- aware (0 of ??)
Imogen Temult- aware (0 of ??)
Jester Lavorre- aware (0 of ??, Hwang Jun Ho-mischiefxmuses)
Julian Alfred "Jaskier" Pankratz- aware (0 of ??, Yennefer-mischiefxmuses, Josh Washington-purelybilateral)
Kili Oakenshield- aware (0 of ??; Dis-bcrncoldx)
Lan Jingyi- now aware (0 of ??; Anya-spellbcok)
Lan Xichen- now unaware (0 of ??; Glenn-withinthem, Jin Guangyao-masqce)
Legolas Thranduilison- aware (0 of ??; Bloo-youllalwaysbemyporcelain)
Loquatius Seelie- now unaware (0 of ??)
Lu Ten- aware (0 of ??)
Luo Binghe- aware (0 of ??)
Markl -aware (0 of ??)
Neil Perry- aware (0 of ??; Patrick-hiddenpxpercuts, Emma-drvcxrys)
Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham- aware (0 of ??; Intouch-drvcxrys)
Prince Justin- now unaware (0 of ??; Ahkmenrah-purelybilateral, Sophie-mcrcki)
Sanguine- aware (0 of ??)
Taka- aware (0 of ??; Marina-hiddenpxpercuts, Apollo-youllalwaysbemyporcelain)
Vax'ildan Vessar- aware (0 of ??; Tamlin-withinthem, Percy-mischiefxmuses, Lee Yeon-youllalwaysbemyporcelain, Benjamin-purelybilateral)
Wen Ning- aware (0 of ??)
Wu Xi- now unaware (0 of ??; Euntak-spellbcok)
Xiao Xingchen- aware (0 of ??)
Zhang Chengling- aware (0 of ??)
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sorakazeno · 9 months
Sera Myu Music Festival 2022 Blu-Ray
Event was held at the Shinagawa Prince Hotel Stellar Ball in Tokyo from November 17th – 20th, 2022.
I missed it by less than two weeks since I wasn't in Japan until December of that year. I doubt I would have stood a chance getting tickets.
Can we also talk about how excited I am to have Japanese Blu-Rays being the same region where I live? Makes it so much easier!!!
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Back cover of jacket.
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Performance booklet and musical performance dice.
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Disc set. The performance on Disc 1. Bonus features on Disc 2. I love how all of them are also huge fans of Sailor Moon. Soundtrack for musical on CD 1. Special performances for the different guests on CD 2.
I haven't see a Sera Myu in a while so a lot of the music was new to me even if it had been out for a few years.
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 Sailor Moon: Riko Tanaka
 Sailor Chibi Moon: Chise Niitsu
Riko Tanaka has a great voice.
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Sailor Mercury: Kaon Maekawa
Sailor Mars: Rei Kobayashi
I can't be the only amused that the actress' first name is Rei, right?
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 Sailor Jupiter: Kisara Matsumura
Sailor Venus: Marin Makino
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Sailor Uranus: Shinjyu Terada
Sailor Neptune: Ayana Kinoshita
Sailor Pluto: Chisato Minami
Sailor Saturn: Yuzu Ide
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Tuxedo Mask: Riona Tatemichi
Princess Snow Kaguya: Sayaka Okamura
Luna: Yune Sakurai
Human Luna: MARISA
I was fortunate to see Riona Tatemichi perform as part of the America Tour for the Super Live in 2019. I really loved seeing the bonus section with the senshi that were also on tour.
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Guest Performances varied by date and time:
November 17 Show 1: Akiko Kosaka, ANZA
November 17 Show 2: Akiko Kosaka, ANZA, Toshino Akamine, Misako Iwana, Emi Kuriyama, Akiko Miyazawa
The original Sera Myu cast performed La Solider on the first night. Loved it!
November 18 Show 1: Tomomi Kasai, Cocona, Yui Hasegawa, Takae Obana, Hoshinami
November 18 Show 2: Shu Shiotsuki, Sayaka Fujioka
November 19 Show 1: Reona Hayashi, Samejima, Yui, Kyoko Ninomiya, Mayuka Ida, Yuko Nakanishi
November 19 Show 2: Yume Takeuchi, Karen Kobayashi, Kaede, Satomomo Hasegawa
November 20 Show 1: Satomi Okubo, Hyakuyo Koyama
November 20 Show 2: Satomi Okubo, Meiku Harukawa, Saki Matsuda
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plaindangan · 1 year
Miu! The always forgotten best girl! How about making a machine that lets you know how much pervy a person is in %… and exposing the fact you’re the biggest perv in school! Except you’re not.
Disclaimer: Below is content that's more on the racy side! If not for you, you probably shouldn't read!
"Not a bad idea!! Those other sluts think they're so sneaky and clever by hiding their dirty sides! I'm gonna show everyone just how much hypocritical they really are!!!" she declared and spent the next few nights building her latest contraption. When she finished it, she proudly began showing it off in Hope's Peak.
"Gyahaha! Witness whores and horndogs!! To the one and only Lewd Rate-inator! Just one click with this baby and it'll instantly analyze just how much of a freak you guys are!! Now, whose up fi-!!" Unfortunately, when Miu tried to walk closer to her peers, she had tripped over her feet a bit. Thus, resulting in a situation where she frantically began trying to catch her new invention. And while she succeeded...
"PERVCENTAGE...68%!" It also rated her first, causing snickers to come from out in the crowd and Miu blushing in full embarrassment.
"H-h-heeeeey!! What gives!? Not even a 69%!?" Turning to the crowd she, pointed the rater and locked on target to the likes of Kirumi. "Alright, let's see how you like being laughed at now!!"
Kirumi sighed and tried to gesture for Miu to put that rater down. She can see nothing good coming from this. "Miu, this is completely immature. There are other ways to spend you ti-" "PERVCENTAGE....71%!!"
"..." Almost instantly did Kirumi's face go from annoyed to full on cold rage as she glared at Miu. When this is over, perhaps another 'punishment' under Kirumi's ass would do her some good. But Miu was too preoccupied at the moment for another thing...
"What the actual Hell!? That's bullshit, how did you out lewd me!? This can't be right." Looking about the crowd she suddenly spotted Chihiro. "R-right! No one way a shrimp like you could-!" "PERVCENTAGE...84%!!" Quickly going red in the face, overwhelmed by the newfound public pressure, Chihiro ran off (with those like Mondo or Taka soon after to comfort the poor guy).
"Fuckin' how!? This can't be a constant thing!!" In utter frustration, Miu turned her rater at the remaining students, pressing the trigger again and again in hopes of finding someone there that she beat out in terms of perversions...buuuut!~
Angie! 96%! ("Nyahahaha!~ Quite the accurate thing!~")
Byakuya Togami! 88% ("You'll be hearing from my lawyers...")
Chisa Yukizome! 90% ("...Detention...detention for a full month!")
Hiroko Hagakure! 94% ("...Hm? I'm heading to a PTA meeting, but cool I guess..."")
Yasuke Matsuda! 69%! ("There is no neurologist in the world that can help that shitty mind of yours.")
Kyoko Kirigiri: 92% ("...Once this is over, I'll be doing a thorough search of your lab to confiscate everything that allowed this machine to be built)
Maki Harukawa! 78% ("...You're going to die.") Sakura Oogami! 95% ("...")
Mikan Tsumiki!.....Er....ERROR! ERROR! ERROR! ERR-!!!!
With good grip and a strong toss into the wall, Sakura had utterly destroyed the machine, much to everyone's relief and Miu's initial complaints. But she immediately shut her trap after she began to, finally, notice the entire student body glaring at her. Looking down at the lewd inventor, Sakura gave a stern look...which in her case is equivalent of seeing Death for anyone else. "You'll comply with what happens next, correct?"
Whimpering, all the inventor could do was nod submissively. From there, an entire raid of Miu's lab occurred. Blueprints and prototypes related to her pervy rate were ultimately destroyed and Miu herself received quite the scolding and ban from her workshop for her stunt...
Well, that and some 'extra punishment' from the few who wanted Miu to really see why they were pervier than her. Especially the likes of a certain artist or nurse...but that's something for another time!~
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goldenkamuyhunting · 5 years
Ramblings and crazy theory time about GK chap 221 “Bear Man”
And so we come to the end of the Heita arc which, ironically, will likely sign the start of Vol 23.
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The chapter starts with a rather meaningful cover, there’s a bear with its mouth open, inside it we see Heita and, on Heita’s head we see the faces of the old man, Taka, Saburou and Noriko.
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Symbolically it seems to tell us they’re a single creature… but, while the old man, Taka, Saburou and Noriko only lives in Heita’s head, the bear basically swallows Heita whole. So, fundamentally, although Heita is the primary identity, the bear personality is the one who’s truly dominant and who can take over Heita.
To tell us more about Heita the scene moves to Kadokura and Kirawus, Kadokura coincidentally telling Kirawus about Heita.
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This very obvious plot device, allows Noda to share with us info about Heita’s backstory in a rather fast paced way, including his full name, Matsuda Heita (松田 平太) which, as usual, is given to us as to signal we’re going to know the character in full.
The fact we’re told Heita was on the death row also answers to a question posed long ago, among the tattooed convicts there are some who were sentenced to death and, apparently, they weren’t kept into complete isolation (as it happens nowadays) as Heita somehow came into contact with Nopperabou and managed to get a tattoo.
Kadokura is slightly tipsy as he tells this story to Kirawus, we can see he’s drinking and his face is red. According to the background they seem to be in Hijikata’s old hideout in the outskirt of Otaru… though, of course, it could just be another house which has, coincidentally, the same structure. If they’re in Hijikata’s old hideout this could become relevant in the future so let’s rememebr it.
Anyway, back to Heita.
Kadokura starts by telling Kirawus how there was something weird about Heita, as he kept on switching the way he talked (something that is probably lost in the translations but that might have happened in the story as well starting with how sometimes he used ‘watashi’ and sometimes he used ‘boku’ to refers to himself) and sometimes he even started to talk as if he were a sexy girl (probably Noriko) and how, one day, Heita himself confessed to him that inside him lived more than one human and they tended to shift into taking control of his body… and of how Heita has always been terrified by the brown bear which hangs around him.
Kadokura explains that according to Heita the bear was a ‘whatchamacallit-Kamuy’, an evil god who eats people and Kirawus corrects him by providing him the right name, ‘Wenkamuy’.
This tells us Heita’s meeting with Ainu happened much before Heita met Sugimoto and Co, as Heita knew about Ainu prior to ending up in jail... and also that somehow Kadokura should be a man to whom it’s easy to open up. Sekiya wanted to tell him about his past and why he killed, Heita felt comfortable confessing Kadokura his fears and his feelings. This even though Kadokura was the head jailer in charge of keeping them trapped.
Even the men under Kadokura seemed to like him.
I’m really curious to learn more about Kadokura and I look forward to the day we’ll learn his full name.
It’s also interesting because, for once Kirawus’ bandana isn’t projecting a shadow on his eyes, though of course maybe it’ll be corrected in the volume version.
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Anyway, Heia explained to Kadokura how the Wenkamuy would eat all the personalities in his head and, ultimately, would ‘eat him’ as well, taking control of his body and forcing him to go and attack and kill someone REAL. Then,once he kill that someone, he would explode into pieces and return to his original self... to then restart everything all over.
This means that, when at the start of chap 217 we saw Heita being eaten by the bear,
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what happened afterward was that Heita killed someone, probably his fifth victim since he ‘killed 5 people since last year’....
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...which can also be our clue convicts had escaped the year prior to the one Asirpa and Sugimoto are.
The drunk Kadokura finds this part of the story hilarious but Kirawus instead recognizes in it the way his people deal with a Wenkamuy . They chop it into fine pieces and scatter the pieces on the mountain, while saying ‘Kaishinshiro’ [改心しろ “Convert”], they own way to lecture the Kamuy to mend its ways. According to Kirawus this is way Heita was trying to explain to Kadokura and this is also a further confirmation of how Heita was influenced in his delirium by Ainu beliefs.
An info box though tell us that the way Ainu deal with Wenkamuy varies from region to region. Kirawus was from Kushirou. Heita met the Sugimoto group on Uryugawa river, fairy distant from Kushiro but, conveniently closer, although not by much, to Abashiri and pretty close to Asahikawa.
Long story short it’s possible that Heita was from Kushirou but ended up in the Uryugawa river when the convicts escaped the men of the 7th division on their way from Abashiri to Asahikawa.
The only problem to this theory would be that Heita somehow retrieved the tobacco case and the bear pelt, so he should have gone back home... so maybe his home was on Uryugawa river in the first place and it was only convenient that place was on the way to Asahikawa from Abashiri.
Heita goes on in his story by confessing he’s glad he was captured because in this way he doesn’t get eaten/possessed by the Wenkamuy as the bear can’t reach him because he doesn’t have ‘that’ (’that’ clearly being the bear pelt that so frightened him and that he claimed he attempted to get rid many times, the bear pelt he wears when the Wenkamuy takes over his body)… and therefore the bear can’t force him to kill anyone.
It’s clear Heita, or the Heita personality, is fundamentally a person who doesn’t want to do any harm and prefers to be in a prison, sentenced to death, than free to commit murders.
However Heita admits that even in the prison he’s not safe from the Wenkamuy, that the bear is still trying to get him by controlling his body and working on plans to break Heita out of prison. He then shows Kadokura how he has ended up on having a tattoo on his body and believes he had got it while he was under the bear’s control, the visual showing us the bear peeking at Heita from the window.
This also tells us the ‘Wenkamuy’ isn’t just a ‘bear personality’, as it’s apparently clever enough he can plot escape plans and keep calm so that Heita’s body could receive a tattooo.
On a sidenote I don’t know how Nopperabou picked up the convicts for his tattooing project.
Evidently at the time Nopperabou too wasn’t kept into isolation… but still supposedly it was Asirpa who was meant to collect the skins. Sure, in Wilk’s mind he likely expected her to do it with Hijikata’s help and choosing a certain type of convicts would make harder for Tsurumi to collect them but really… it’s a plan that, more than clever, just requires a huge suspension of belief from the get go.
We know Nopperabou gave a tattoo to dangerous 24 convicts, meaning he gets to see them more than once to complete their tattoos as such big tattoo require time to be drawn.
We also know the convicts were passed their escape plan by Hijikata who, however, doesn’t know them all while Wilk apparently only tattooed them and didn’t really talk to them, some convicts, like Shiraishi, avoiding to look at him at all.
This two info however enter in conflict.
Supposedly the convicts agreed to get a tattoo because this would give them a chance to escape… unless Wilk had opened up a nice tattoo shop in Abashiri and getting a tattoo from him was considered the last fashion.
I mean, if the convicts agreed to be tattooed because this would allow them to escape and, since the escape plan was passed to them by Hijikata as Wilk only tattooed them silently or so Shiraishi said, it was Hijikata who picked them up and proposed them to get a tattoo so that they could use it to escape... so he should know them all… but no, Hijikata doesn’t know them all either.
Not mentioning in order to request for all the tattooed prisoners to be moved Tsurumi too should have gotten a list with their names on but no, he doesn’t know them all either or he would have found Youichirou immediately as the guy, after escaping, went straight home.
Besides, whoever told Tsurumi about the tattooed prisoners? Usami was a rookie learning how Abashiri worked by the time we saw him working as a guard… meaning he wasn’t around when the convicts escaped so did Tsurumi have a previous spy in the prison? And if the answer is yes, where is he now? Couldn’t he remain there? Was he among the guards who were moved away?
Oh well, hard to answer to all this now so let’s go back to Heita.
As @bloody-fabre​ pointed out in this ask, interestingly enough Heita’s tattoo isn’t cut in the middle of his torso but seems to continue.
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A mistake from Noda’s part that will be corrected in the volume version or is there a purpose for this?
I discussed this in a more detailed way in my answer to that ask so I’ll merely send you there if you’re interested and dig into something else.
One of the kanji on Heita’s body could be read as ‘shi’ (刺). Currently we were assuming the ‘shi’ kanji that would represent the ‘shi’ part of Horokew Oshikoni was the one Gotou had but it can be the right ‘shi’ is this one. Hard to say as this is the first time that, as far as we know, someone has this kind of tattoo.
We’ll see.
Back to Kadokura, he gets thoughtful and, although he claims one would think all Heita said was something Heita made up, the truth is Heita was arrested and sentenced to death because he murdered someone and ripped apart his body while wearing a bear pelt.
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From the instruments near to the victim we can easily figure the guy was a gold panner.
Anyway this caused Heita to be called ‘Dōtō no higuma otoko' Matsuda Heita (「道東のヒグマ男」松田 平太 “Matsuda Heita, “the bear man of east Hokkaido””)... but what Kadokura also realizes is that, if what Heita told Kadokura is true, Heita might be trying to do the same again and again… which in fact is exactly what’s happening.
We switch back to Heita and Sugimoto’s fight and yes, Heita really broke Sugimoto’s arm which we can see swinging around the way Ogata’s arm did when Sugimoto broke it so, even though the visual might not have been perfectly faithful (Heita is much shorter than Sugimoto, he couldn’t have attacked him from that height) the arm breaking really happened.
Not that Sugimoto is bothered by it as he uses his rifle to… swing it at Heita, trying to hit Heita with it as if it were some sort of wand.
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Now, it’s not a bad move, as Sugimoto really have no time to aim and shoot and probably wouldn’t have managed to do it with just one arm, but, as Sugimoto is more prone to use his rifle as if it were a club or some sort of javelin he tosses at enemies, while shooting isn’t really his strongest suit, maybe Sugimoto should consider adding a club or something similar to his equipment.
Anyway Heita fights exactly like a ferocious bear. He bits Sugimoto’s good arm...
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and causes them both to roll off the mountain and down a cliff (the whole thing ironically reminds me of Sugimoto’s meeting with Ogata in which he broke Ogata’s arm and caused him to fall off a cliff by hitting him with his rifle… but it’s probably just a coincidental parallelism) a tree probably breaking their fall so they don’t exactly slam straight on the ground from the cliff.
As Sugimoto falls Shiraishi reaches Asirpa with Vasily’s draw in his hand, asking where Heita is and telling her Heita is a tattooed convict.
Meanwhile we discover that Sugimoto’s rifle remained trapped in the branches of the tree while Sugimoto and Heita reached the ground and Heita is again jumping on Sugimoto, impressing Sugimoto with his terrible strength... which is quite a feat really as I remember the only people who managed to impress him previously were Ushiyama and Gansoku.
As Heita growls like a bear, trying to bite Sugimoto again, Sugimoto keeps him away with his foot and retrieve his bayonet, with whom he stabs him multiple times, same as he did with Henmi.
The visual shows us the bear screaming… and then, from his mouth two hands emerge, one of them pulling the rope close to Sugimoto’s head,
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rope which we’ve come to associate to an amappo trap, which, predictably, fires. However, as it’s about to hit Sugimoto, Heita gets in between, and is stabbed in his neck.
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Sugimoto is surprised as Heita falls and Asirpa and Shiraishi reach them.
Heita comments he finally beats ‘it’, ‘it’ being the Wenkamuy. As Asirpa realizes that was the place in which the Amappo trap that almost killed Vasily was, Heita explains he basically tried to lead the Wenkamuy there on purpose... meaning he has some vague measure of awareness and control on the Wenkamuy, at least as he and Sugimoto were fighting.
Shiraishi would like for Asirpa to save Heita from the arrow… but Heita doesn’t want to be saved.
He explains when he was 12 he heard the story of the Wenkamuy from the Ainu. The visual focuses on the cigarette case, as if to imply he got it in that circumstance. The whole story scared him a lot yet he was always fantasizing about it.
Then Heita switches to talk about his family. Even if he worked hard to pan gold, his family would have wasted it all in a single day.
It’s worth to note here Heita is using ‘Watashi’ (私) to refer to himself.
Watashi ga asemizu nagashite sakin o hotte mo sonohi no uchi ni sanzai suru kazoku-tachi.
“Even if I sweat to pan gold dust, my family would waste it all in a single day day.”
Heita claims this digusted him and he wanted to punish those greedy, ugly guys who were blinded by gold...
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until one day, FINALLY, HIS Wenkamuy killed his whole family.
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Yes, Heita says
Wenkamuy or, more specifically he says:
Boku no Wenkamui ga kazoku o zen'in koroshite shimatta
“My Wenkamuy killed my entire family.”
Yes, he has switched again to using ‘boku’. This can be our hint that, when his family was killed by the Wenkamuy he was pretty young and also, in the past, when he used ‘boku’ he was merely reliving what had happened to his family when he was younger. Was he only 12 when this happened? Or did he manage to get a little older? Hard to say as there’s no visual showing us how Heita was at the time.
Anyway, although Heita is clearly telling us the truth, the situation is deliberately unclear. Does he defines the ‘wenkamuy’ as HIS because he’s admitting he was the one doing the slaughtering or is he calling it as such because he fantasized about it to the point he believes a real bear has become his own Wenkamuy and he had called it?
It’s hard to say, the slaughtering of his own family at the hands of a real bear as well as a misplaced sense of guilt could be the drama that caused Heita’s mind to shatter and reduce him the way he is now… or he could have shattered much earlier, as it’s pretty clear he has no love for his family and views it as ugly and greedy from when he was pretty young, so it’s possible they might have abused him as a common characteristic of who suffer of DID in real life is that a great percentage of them also suffered of abuse.
There’s no doubt though his story is told in a rather rushed manner to fit the 18 pages which constitute the lenght of each Golden Kamuy chapter printed in the magazine and I think, very likely, it be expanded in the volume version as it happened to other convicts (see Youichirou or Sekiya for example).
Heita switched again to Watashi as he says ‘the greedy me’ was also eaten in punishment by the Wenkamuy as well.
Soshite yokubukai watashi mo batsu to shite taberare…
“Then it ate the greedy me in punishment...”
Is Heita defining himself greedy because he wanted Noriko for himself as in his hallucination/flashback we saw him trying to kiss her?
Or he views himself as greedy because he too wanted the gold and this is why he was mad with his family who wasted it and wanted it to be murdered?
Hard to say with the little info we have.
Heita continues saying that after he was eaten by the Wenkamuy he turned into a Wenkamuy as well and went off to eat someone… but he wanted to stop this.
Rather long ago I made a post titled ‘Do the Golden Kamuy characters feel guilty when killing people?’.
Heita, like many other characters, in his own way confirms he too felt guilty for what he did, even though each time he murdered he apparently lost control of himself.
Not only Heita believed he too needed to be devoured in punishment by the Wenkamuy...
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...but he told Sugimoto and Asirpa to escape when he met them after he re-lived the murder of his whole family,
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a sign he didn’t want to kill them, and the whole thing with the Amappo trap is, ultimately, Heita’s desperate way to stop himself from murdering Sugimoto.
In fact his last words are for Sugimoto. He thanks ‘Sugimoto-san’ for fighting him, so that he finally managed to stop himself (by killing himself).
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In a way Heita’s story is tragic. He’s a guy whose mental illness forced him to commit crimes he didn’t want to commit. The poor guy only wanted to be stopped.
After thanking Sugimoto Heita dies.
Asirpa explains Heita’s understanding of the story of the Wenkamuy was wrong.
According to her, in her region, people think that the ones killed by the Wenkamuy are killed, not in punishment, but because ‘they were liked by the kamuy’.
Basically she thinks Heita misunderstood or didn’t know in full the story told by the Ainu and let grow inside himself the wrong type of Wenkamuy.
Due to this Asirpa concludes it’s important to communicate things correctly.
As she says so Asirpa is likely thinking at her own culture… which she wants to save and pass down... and which ended up being tied to Heita’s demise... but in this manga it can have a double meaning as a lot of people here don’t convey things correctly or don’t convey things at all, among which there are Asirpa and Sugimoto themselves.
I’m really curious to know if this chapter will work as the opening to them reaching a better understanding of each other by talking more.
Sugimoto, who instead has no real worry for Ainu culture, focuses on the gold and Heita’s madness.
He wonders if it was the greed for gold that turned Heita’s life into madness…
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Or there’s a magical power in the gold that turn people mad?
As he says the last sentence we’re shown Tsurumi, whose background behind him could be Otaru but it’s really hard to say, Hijikata, whose background behind him I can’t recognize and Ogata, whose background behind him is the one of the outside of Hijikata’s hideout in Otaru… though again it could also be a random building who looks like it.
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Hard to say.
The last person we’re shown is Shiraishi who hugs Heita and begs him not to die before telling him where he should pan next, as if to imply he is a guy who would care only about the gold and not about Heita’s death.
Likely the scene is meant to lighten the spirit, even if I can’t say I find it that funny as I really can’t think Shiraishi would mourn Heita only due to Heita being tied to the gold.
Anyway… going in reverse order I’ll focus first on the last page and then I’ll go back a little.
The fact that Ogata is back in Otaru is an interesting possibility.
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Although he was actually in an alliance with Kiro and Hijikata could have guessed it, it’s hard to figure if Hijikata has the means to prove it as Hijikata likely didn’t get to hear Inkarmat’s story and it’s unlikely Ariko knew about it and could report it to Hijikata.
Long story short, Hijikata might not know Nopperabou was shoot by ‘a sniper’ and Ogata could claim he merely escaped with Kiro following the escape plan they had prepared previously together. After all he didn’t exactly swore to follow Hijikata through thick and thin and Hijikata was currently missing, likely busy hiding from Tsurumi’s men with Ushiyama, Kantarou and Toni Anji.
Besides it’s not like Hijikata can claim to be a perfectly loyal boy, not after he had used Sugimoto as a bait in cooperation with Kadokura and Toni Anji.
On the other side, attempting to resume a cooperation with Hijikata would require quite an amount of risk as yes, the possibility Hijikata figured out Ogata was actually working with Kiro to kill Wilk and steal Asirpa is HUGE and since Ogata is a poor liar he might not want to have to defend himself form such accusation.
So yes, while it’s possible Ogata will want to resume a cooperation with Hijikata… is also possible he went there to check the place without meeting anyone as the hideout is BEHIND Ogata meaning he’s leaving it… unless he’s actually meeting someone outside of it.
Hard to say as I can’t figure out where Hijikata is.
Anyway, all this reminds me that Tsurumi planned to post on the newspaper some fake news regarding the death of Asirpa’s grandmother.
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While Asirpa likely hadn’t read any newspaper (it was told long ago Asirpa didn’t know how to read, although she might have learnt to recognize the kanji on the convicts’ skins as she figured out correctly which were the relevant ones on Gotou, prisoner number 1 and Shiraishi) it seems no one who knows how to read had the chance to read a newspaper and report the info to her as they had hid in Ainu villages where there was apparently shortage of newspapers.
So, unless Heita had a newspaper and the guys will read it now, it almost seems as if the whole plan was a moot point.
It could be, Tsurumi wasn’t putting much faith in it… but on the other side Hijikata read newspapers and could be interested in checking this as he could try to use the info to win Asirpa over to his cause. On the other side we also have Ogata who has a weakness for grandmothers so he could end up being involved in this as well.
We’ll see.
So let’s go back into the chapter a little more.
This arc ends again with Sugimoto wondering about something, namely the connection between gold and madness. He’s unsure if madness is caused by greed or gold just has a ‘magical power’ that turn people mad.
Sure, it could be just a reference to the title, ‘Golden Kamuy’ which imply the gold is a ‘kamuy’, where ‘kamuy’ for the Ainu are ‘all the things that are useful’ but also ‘all the things with power beyond their control’.
The gold can, of course, be labelled as a ‘kamuy’ because useful... but now Sugimoto is wondering if it actually has a power beyond their control.
Personally I don’t like much this idea because it discharges the men’s responsability in being greedy and places the blame on the gold, which would just drive them to insanity.
Of course it  can also be Noda’s way to remark again the difference between Sugimoto and Ogata. Ogata is a guy who strongly believes in the relation between cause and effect. It’s not the kamuy who save people, it’s the Orok’s hat and him shooting to the Russian border guards’ leader. Sugimoto instead is more prone to think into magic and divine punishment, like how he assumed through the whole chapter that the bear was sent by the gods of the mountain to punish them for not sending off the bear properly.
I wonder if this is going to turn out relevant in the future… or it’s just a mere characteristic of the two of them… and let’s keep on talking of them as Heita, with his uncontrollable Wenkamuy reminds me of Sugimoto and how he lost it while fighting Gansoku.
Is Sugimoto going to lose it again?
Is the Heita arc going to foreshadow that? Sugimoto losing complete control of himself and his friends having to find a way to bring him back?
It could be interesting, Sugimoto’s loss of control was touched only once… it would be good to see it again and, this time, being handled by his friends and not just by people who were to tell him they’ll kill him if he were to lose it again (albeit I like to think Tsukishima did it to try and motivate Sugimoto not to lose it again…).
On the other side the only other character who attempted ‘suicide’, albeit indirectly, is Ogata when he tried to persuade Asirpa to shoot him… and while Heita’s actions were tied to him misunderstanding the Wenkamuy’s story, Ogata’s actions were also tied to him mistakenly thinking Asirpa had been set up to be the Ainu’s idol… never mention both Heita and Ogata started their wrong path when they both were pretty young.
So this small arc of apparently little importance could actually be meant to work as a bridge to introduce us to the future development of both Ogata and Sugimoto or of just one of them.
Personally I’ll be glad if we’ll learn more on either of those two as I’m greedy for more info about Sugimoto or Ogata. It might be just me though but they’re both in interesting situations with Ogata back in Hokkaido and, possibly, in Otaru and Sugimoto now with his arm broken… poor Sugimoto out of late seems to have troubles not to end up seriously injured… the past time it was bullet wounds, now it’s a broken arm… he’s really not having it easy.
Anyway Noda is taking a break so next week there sadly will be no chapter. We’ll see what he’s preparing for us.
He still has only four convicts to reveal and if he’ll handle them as fast as he did with Heita we might be closer to the ending than we’ve assumed.
We sadly can only wait.
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dgrpprideflags · 3 years
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aroace agender flag picked from yasuke matsuda!
requested by: anonymous
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leenaevilin · 4 years
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[Announcement] 舞台「エンタメSTAGE-SHOW CASE-」(butai entame stage -show case-)
the show will be running from May 3rd, 2021 to May 9th, 2021 (Tokyo) @ 博品館劇場 (Hakuhinkan Gekijou)
Higano Shou Izawa Yuuki TAKA Kurita Manabu Matsuda Gaku Agata Gouki Sugie Taishi
homepage twitter natalie
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verdebian · 4 years
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I present you my otp
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askthedespairkids · 4 years
Mukuro, any luck on Taka?
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*She walks back into the central area with Taka’s arm around her shoulders for support* Hey, I managed to get him.
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Taka, holy shit, man!
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N-not to worry...they are not fatal injuries. I should be fine...
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Still, I’ll clean those wounds once we’re on the helicopter out of here. Can’t let them get infected.
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Yes...thank you, Matsuda-kun.
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rubymikun · 5 years
[TsukiSta] CYBER-DIVE-CONNECTION Bluray RIPs for share [through donations only]
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Following up the Rabbits Kingdom donation here, this time as per request, I’m opening up CYBER-DIVE-CONNECTION. Please DM (on Tumblr or Twitter) to receive the files there!
Info are below cut.
Like usual, remember NOT to share those files outside! DO NOT re-upload, claim those are yours, re-publish the links and files, or any commercial purposes. Screencaps and short clips (with credit) are welcomed.
I share this as sharing with fellow fans, but because many people would go against my will that is “sharing outside freely”, so I would like to ask for an amount of donation to reduce this problem. Please understand, since the BD are expensive and hard to rip. 
This is based on voluntary, ALL the money will go to newer products of TsukiPro to support the company, so please be assured that your money still going to one place in the end.
I will delete everything immediately if I see a trace of leaking!
Disc 1 - Main Stage - 4 coffees
Main stage
Daily sections (different acts per day)
Stand camera version
Disc 2 - Backstage - 3 coffees
Backstage - main
Actors talk to camera/Cast interview
Nakai-san section
Theme song CD - CYBER-DIVE-CONNECTION (for full donation for both disc only)
Theme song - on vocal
Theme song - off vocal
BK scan
Disc 1 + Disc 2 + CD = a set - 7 coffees
Donation is made through Kofi.
Please DM me to confirm your donation and receive your links after donating. If you have any questions please contact me there too.
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[Video] 2.5次元ダンスライブ「 ツキステ。」 ステージ 第9幕 「しあわせあわせ」(2.5 jigen dance live tsukisute. stage dai 9 maku ~ shiawase awase)
the Blu-ray will be released on April 24th, 2020☆ ☆ ☆
☆ Blu-ray         ♪ Amazon ☆ Blu-ray         ♪ CD Japan
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hopespeakwriting · 2 years
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Sayaka Maizono:
Mukuro Ikusaba:
Leon Kuwata:
Mondo And Leon Friendship Headcannons
Chihiro Fujisaki:
Mondo, Taka and Chihiro with a s/o who was killed in the killing game
Mondo Owada:
Mondo calming down his paranoid s/o at the killing game
Mondo with a s/o who's kinda oblivious
Mondo and Leon Friendship Headcannons
Mondo, Taka and Chihiro with a s/o who was killed in the killing game
Kiyotaka Ishimaru:
Mondo, Taka and Chihiro with a s/o who was killed in the killing game
Hifumi Yamada:
Celestia Ludenberg:
Sakura Ogami:
Aoi Asahina:
Toko Fukawa:
Genocider Jack:
Yasuhiro Hagakure:
Byakuya Togami: Byakuya, Miu and Kokichi in a rainy date w/ s/o.
Kyoko Kirigiri:
Makoto Naegi:
Impostor, Nagito and Gonta with a s/o who draws anime
impostor confessing his feelings to reader
Teruteru Hanamura:
Mahiru Koizumi:
Peko Pekoyama:
Ibuki Mioda:
Hiyoko Saionji:
Mikan Tsumuki:
Mikan, Nagito, Kokichi and Shuichi with a tired/sad s/o.
Nagito, Mikan and Kokichi with a s/o who confesses and draws for them
Nekomaru Nidai:
Gundham Tanaka:
Nagito Komaeda:
Impostor, Nagito and Gonta with a s/o who draws anime
Mikan, Nagito, Kokichi and Shuichi with a tired/sad s/o.
Nagito, Mikan and Kokichi with a s/o who confesses and draws for them
Chiaki Nanami:
Kazuichi Soda:
Kazuichi Dating Headcannons
Akane Owari:
Sonia Nevermind:
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu:
Hajime Hinata:
Izuru Kamukura:
Seiko Kimura:
Ruruka Ando:
Izayoi Sonosuke:
Ryota Mitarai:
Rantaro Amami:
Kaede Akamatsu:
Ryoma Hoshi:
Kirumi Tojo:
Angie Yonaga:
Tenko Chabashira:
Korekiyo Shinguji:
Miu Iruma: Byakuya, Miu and Kokichi in a rainy date w/ s/o
Gonta Gokuhara:
Impostor, Nagito and Gonta with a s/o who draws anime
Kokichi Ouma:
Nagito, Mikan and Kokichi with a s/o who confesses and draws for them
Mikan, Nagito, Kokichi and Shuichi with a sad/tired s/o.
Byakuya, Miu and kokichi in a rainy date w/ s/o.
Kaito Momota:
Shuichi Saihara:
Mikan, Nagito, Kokichi and Shuichi with a sad/tired s/o.
Maki Harukawa:
Himiko Yumeno:
Tsumugi Shirogane:
Ryoko Otonashi:
Yasuke Matsuda:
Takumi Hijirihara:
Misaki Asano:
Ted Chikatilo:
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emiefaunwrites · 3 years
Hey!!! I’m back again!! Been thinking about your oc Shinjiro Hamasaki (I think I got his name right lol)! I just gotta know; what’s he like? How did he and Takaaki become friends? Does he know Taka well? And… what do you see their relationship as? Do you see them as good friends… or something more? 😏😏 sorry if this is a lot lmao! You don’t have to answer all these now! They’re just thoughts that I had!
Haha yep you got it right! And yeah, let's give him backstory! I've actually (mid writing this) realised how I want them to be connected and why he didn't abandon Takaaki like everyone else...slight change to what I originally said when I introduced him but pfft. I'll go back and edit it!
As for question on what he is to Takaaki...sorry to disappoint, but he's his best friend. Takaaki for me is a straight man as is Shinjiro. I quite like the HC of Takaaki and Hiro's mum being a thing - contemplating it in my AU but not sure. So no romance for Takaaki today haha!
Fun fact - when I picture Shinjiro I get a combination of Matsuda from Death Note and Adachi from Persona 4 (like...early version of him...which you'll know what I mean if you've played it...).
But let's give him a friend, shall we? Thank you so much for your ask and I hope you enjoy!
• Shinjiro and Takaaki have been friends since University.
• They were roommates and, despite having polar opposit personalities, they got on like a house on fire.
• Takaaki was always a serious man, even before his father's scandal, and it wouldn't suprise you to know that Taka is pretty much his teenage carbon copy.
• Shinjiro, on the other hand, was quite quiet and gentle.
• But the opposite personalities clicked and they became inseparable.
• They both studied law and partway through decided that they would apply to the police force as soon as they could after graduating.
• And Shinjiro was actually the one to introduce Takaaki to his future wife...who happened to be his sister.
• Kiyomi Hamasaki fell head over heels for Takaaki Ishimaru the moment she lay eyes on him and her brother made sure they ended up together.
• Naturally, Shinjiro was the best man at their wedding five years later.
• During this time, they both signed up to be in the police and passed with flying colours.
• And as soon as they stopped being seen as 'rookies', they were assigned as each other's partner.
• Life was easy at first - Takaaki and Kiyomi were enjoying life together and Shinjiro was always around to spend time with.
• When he found out he was becoming an uncle, Shinjiro was over the moon.
• And don't you know he was the best damn uncle!
• His confidence had grown a bit and although still a quiet man, he could lay down the law when he needed to - not that baby Taka was much trouble.
• He was also the one of the few that stood by the Ishimaru's when the scandal happened.
• He knew that Takaaki and his father had a rocky relationship and knew that he had no involvement with what happened.
• So when the world turned its back on them, Shinjiro helped them find a home and looked after Taka when they had to work late nights just to feed their son.
• He watched as Takaaki's personality changed around everyone - even his family - but vowed to stand by him no matter what.
• He stopped coming around so often - not because he wanted to, but because Takaaki was embarrassed of how he and his family were forced to live.
• But they stayed partners, even though the police tried to pull Shinjiro away.
• And so Shinjiro was treated the same as Takaaki - given the worst cases with no emotional support.
• It was fine though. He had his best friend by his side and he would always keep him above the water when things seemed tough.
• But when Kiyomi died...Takaaki changed.
• He became distant and cold, throwing his whole life into his job.
• And it was so he didn't have to go home to an empty house - even if that meant Taka was alone.
• Shinjiro was also devastated - of course he was, she was his only sister.
• But one of them had to be strong. And he decided it would be him.
• He would often make sure Takaaki ate, told him to go spend an evening with his son, anything to keeo him going.
• He could see Takaaki trying not to drown, could see the love in his eyes whenever they spoke about Taka.
• But Shinjiro knew this was something he just couldn't fix.
• Once Taka was older, Takaaki started to change as well.
• Maybe it was this boy that his son was dating that did it - but he could see more happiness on his face whenever he spent time with Taka.
• The OCD, the social awkwardness, the bullying...it seemed to be getting better for Taka - and Shinjiro knew these were things that Takaaki had no idea how to deal with.
• So seeing his son finally happy made him happy too.
• Sure, work still sucked and they were treated like the scum of the earth.
• But Shinjiro was able to finally see the man Takaaki used to be.
• And that made him happier than he could possibly imagine.
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mythgirlimagines · 4 years
Headcanons for toddler Junko hearing them crazy diamonds saying the f word so she just says it randomly and how everyone would react to it? Like Komaru gasping and then covering Makoto's ears and walks out of the room while covering his ears and gasping while glaring at little Junko. I imagine there would be that one dude who's just like "Who taught her that?"
We haven’t had a toddler au req in a while!
Sayaka Maizono (the other idols in her group):
They tried distracting Sayaka from what Junko was doing.
Hopefully she wouldn’t repeat it.
But they couldn’t really control if she did.
Leon Kuwata (Kanon, Ibuki, Nekomaru):
They started laughing hysterically.
Leon had no idea why it was so funny.
It was not as funny when he repeated it, apparently.
Chihiro Fujisaki (Taichi Fujisaki):
Taichi explained to Chihiro why he shouldn’t repeat that.
Then he tried telling Junko.
That did not go over well.
Mondo Owada (Crazy Diamonds):
Yeah, so maybe it was their fault. And maybe Mondo knew it too.
But it wasn’t like she was never going to learn it!
Kiyotaka Ishimaru (Takaaki Ishimaru):
Takaaki had less of a reaction that Taka did.
Taka knew instantly it was a bad word, so he tried giving Junko a time-out.
Which was actually pretty amusing.
Hifumi Yamada (his sister):
Actually, she wouldn’t be surprised if he’d heard it before.
If she didn’t act like it was a big deal, it wouldn’t be.
So that was that.
Celeste Ludenberg (her cat):
Her cat couldn’t do much apart from hissing and swatting at Junko.
Since Celeste saw he was angry, she didn’t do what made him angry.
So in effect, it worked.
Sakura Ogami (Kenshiro):
His stare shut Junko up pretty nicely.
All he had to do was explain to Sakura why she shouldn’t repeat that.
Sakura was an obedient child; she wouldn’t say that.
Junko Enoshima and Mukuro Ikusaba (Yasuke Matsuda):
Yasuke did exactly nothing about it.
It wasn’t like Mukuro was repeating it.
And Junko...well, he couldn’t control her anyway.
Makoto Naegi and Toko Fukawa (Komaru Naegi):
She took both of them away from Junko immediately.
Seriously, who taught her that?
She had to keep that word away from Makoto and Toko’s ears.
Kyoko Kirigiri (Yui Samidare):
She had to hide her smile while taking Kyoko away.
And Kyoko, being curious, asked what the word meant.
Thankfully she would listen when Yui told her not to repeat it.
Byakuya Togami (Alonsyius Pennyworth):
He demanded to know who taught her that.
Byakuya should not hear such language.
It was very improper for both toddlers and a Togami.
Aoi Asahina (Yuta Asahina):
Okay, Yuta had to laugh.
Then he took Hina out of the room.
Hopefully she wouldn’t remember that word.
Yasuhiro Hagakure (Hiroko Hagakure):
She didn’t bat an eye.
He was going to learn it sometime or other.
Nothing wrong with hearing it once now.
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moonlit-manifesto · 5 years
Tsukista 10th Stage: Taikyoku Denki Cast Visuals & Synopsis
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The tenth Tsukista stage play is titled, ‘Taikyoku Denki.’ I explained what the Chinese title and theme are in my other post here! The play features both Six Gravity and Procellarum, but the dance live portion will be different depending on the performance. The main cast is the same as the previous (ninth) stage.
Six Gravity:
Agata Gouki as Mutsuki Hajime
Matsuda Gaku as Yayoi Haru
Nakajima Reiki as Uduki Arata
Jounin Tatsuki as Satsuki Aoi
Sawabe Neo as Shiwasu Kakeru
Suzuki Youta as Kisaragi Koi
TAKA (from CUBERS) as Shimotsuki Shun
Hirai Yuuki as Fuduki Kai
Kurita Manabu as Haduki You
Akiba Yuusuke as Nagatsuki Yoru
Sato Yuusaku as Minaduki Rui
Miyama Ryouki as Kannaduki Iku
Synopsis (translated from the Tsukista website): 
In a certain place where shadow (night) and light (day) are imbalanced, shadow rules over the world. Those of the light, the human tribe, are outcasts. The light of day shines but only for a short while, and the rest of the time the humans shoulder together, conceal their breath, and try to live on. Thus, the human tribe is known as “the weakest tribe.”
On the other hand, controlling the long nights are ferocious demons who live as they please and whose justice is final. Among them are humanoid demons - considered prisoners - who possess the power to control darkness, acquired various techniques, and gained certain knowledge. They are distinct from other demons. Thus, the prisoners are known as “the strongest tribe.”
This is where the “strongest” and “weakest” begin to clash with each other, and is a story of the battle for the existence of the world!
“I-I’m... so... hungry...”
“This is going to be about the battle for the existence of the world!?”
“More like the existence of Kakeru’s dietary needs.”
“What do you mean by that...?”
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