exhausted-undead · 1 year
masqueradeeeee is finally done omfg
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localratwithcowboyhat · 9 months
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moth-lace · 2 months
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Throwback Thursday
What’s wrong, Alice? My parents are…gone. What else is wrong, Alice? Something’s…broken. What’s broken, Alice? …I am.
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Drew this for my final project for Art I, 2003
Friends of Wonderland
Wonderland has become a right mess, and it’s up to Alice to set it right again. She’ll be largely on her own throughout her journey, but occasionally she’ll find a friendly face who can point her in the right direction. Friends, though, are few are far between as the Queen’s grip tightens around the downtrodden denizens.
Alice When Alice first visited Wonderland as an over-imaginative child of 7, it was an odd, intriguing place. She visited with the Duchess and played croquet with the Queen. She attended a tea party with the Mad Hatter and repeated poetry for the Caterpillar. Soon after, tragedy struck and her family was trapped in a flaming inferno as their home went up in flames. Alice alone escaped.
Following the death of her family, she retreated from the outside world and into a mind twisted by guilt, mourning, and pain. Ten years have passed, and still Alice lay unmoving in her bed in an asylum. Now she’s been called back to save Wonderland from the Queen of Hearts whose venom has poisoned the whole of the land. Only Alice can make it right, and she has nothing to lose.
The Cheshire Cat A dear friend from her childhood, the Cheshire Cat is the first to greet her on her return. His mouth is still frozen in that unnerving smile, but something’s different. The gleam of his eye speaks of the hunted, and the ribs showing plainly under his mangy coat speak of harder times than before. While he’d like to balance on the fence, and probably can being a cat, he senses the coming confrontation and has chosen to take a side. Unlike many of Wonderland’s residents, he’s chosen Alice.
He can be summoned to her side at any time to offer advice on her current situation. Sometimes his advice will be helpful, if cryptic, but sometimes his madness makes for nonsensical quandaries that have no solution.
The White Rabbit It was Alice’s stuffed rabbit, when mended by an asylum nurse, that brought her from her dreamless sleep back to Wonderland. He’s made a stand against the Queen and taken the opposing side. Now he’ll serve as Alice’s guide through Wonderland into the rotting heart of the Queen’s domain.
While he wears a haunted look as easily as he wears his hat, a few things remain the same. Familiar is his sense of time slipping helplessly by. Familiar are the gloves he wears; gloves she once fetched for him. Familiar is the same jacket he wore ten years ago. Most familiar of all is that fidgety, formal manner. If she can just keep up with him, maybe they’ll stand a chance.
The March Hare Once Alice was told that in once direction lived the Mad Hatter and in the other direction lived the March Hare. He said they were both mad, and it didn’t matter which she visited. Now things have taken a nasty turn and it seems that perhaps the Mad Hatter’s madness was deeper than anyone suspected. Once the member of a carefree tea party that lasted always six o’clock, the Hare is now strapped down and slowly being turned into a machine. Gears and metal plates have been grafted to his body, and he’s finally become aware of the Hatter’s evil.
The Dor Mouse Across from the March Hare is a familiar mouse. It’s a rather daft creature that couldn’t remember the proper words to “Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star”. Now, part machine and half inside out, he can remember even less. The words he mumbles come through as an unintelligible sigh. Every now and again he twitches and machinery acts up on him. On the wall next to him is an ominous phrase splattered carelessly in red paint: “You’re Next”.
White King The King is a seasoned warrior who has seen his share of fighting. The Red side has been attacking mercilessly under the guidance of the Red Queen. His side is being hammered and is threatened with defeat. It’s a dark era, and the end may be written, except that no ending wrote that Alice came.
Now, with the White Queen taken and soon will be beheaded by the enemies, the King is desperately in need of help. He will do everything in his power to give Alice what she needs if she will return his Queen to him. It’s a daunting task, but Alice has the wits and the pawn necessary to do the impossible and restore the Queen to her throne.
White Chess Pieces In Wonderland a battle rages. It’s a battle that will continue without mercy until one side or the other is no more. It takes place on a checked board, between pieces that move by strict rules. Now the battle is in the Pale Realm. Red has invaded White in a brutal, forced attack. These pieces will stop at nothing to destroy Alice, but here she isn’t alone.
On her side are the White Chess Pieces, courageous in the face of destruction, they refuse to yield, and will do everything in their power to help Alice. The rook is a powerhouse that can pummel anything in front or to either side. The bishop moves diagonally and unleashes the power of their staves on the enemy. The knight slips through enemies to attack in baffling patterns. Alice will need all these pieces to get through this one. The Caterpillar Who are you? It’s the question he Caterpillar once posed to a much younger Alice, and it’s still amazingly fitting. He is, after all, the wisest of Wonderland. Luckily he’s on Alice’s side and may have just the right questions…and answers, to shift the weights in Alice’s favor.
The Caterpillar is as vague as before, but there’s a sense of urgency in what he says. His hookah may clam him, but even through the haze he’s eerily aware of Wonderland’s situation. Listen closely, Alice, to what he says. His words will shed light on the true nature of her journey. Like so many caterpillars do, this one will appear in multiple forms to guide Alice throughout her journey. Always spoken in riddles and rhymes, sometimes seen, sometimes only heard.
Bill (a.k.a Larry) McGill The old lizard Alice once booted out a chimney is still around, now unwilling in the service of the Duchess. While he and Alice originally got off on the wrong foot, things have changed and he’s willing to help her out. Besides, he owes the Duchess one. She’s invaded his house for her headquarters and it’s surprising she hasn’t eaten him yet. While Bill is a brilliant conversationalist with good intentions, Alice won’t be able to rely too much on the lizard. After saving Wonderland perhaps they can get together and reminisce about her last visit? Or will he remember his journey out of the chimney and wonder if a friendship with her isn’t too hazardous?
The Mock Turtle Once upon a fairy tale, Alice visited Wonderland. While in the company of the Gryphon, she visited a very sad sort of turtle, a Mock Turtle. She thought his bovine-like head odd at time, but now it’s a blessing to easily recognize this friendly face.
The Mock Turtle is still crying with very real grief. His shell has been stolen by the Duchess, who has turned on Wonderland itself and lives in a mad frenzy of eating and peppering. Now she’s after the turtle to make Mock Turtle soup.
It’s a sad tale, and of course Alice will agree to help. She simply must have a reunion with the Duchess, after all. Besides, the Mock Turtle is the only one who can guide her to the Caterpillar, whom she seeks for advice.
The Gryphon In the heart of the Hatter’s madness, there’s one prisoner who has retained his sanity and resisted the evil that seeps through the walls. It’s a magical creature known through Wonderland, and even beyond Alice’s world. It’s a Gryphon, a beast with a noble heart and a pristine reputation. The Gryphon is held prisoner, and while a reunion chat would be nice, Alice only has until six o’clock to free him.
The Gryphon, when freed, will be one of the dearest friends Alice will make on this journey through hell. He will take her from behind he Looking-Glass to the Land of Fire and Brimstone, and be her aid when she goes to war against the vicious Jabberwock.
Mayor Elder There’s a crusty old dwarf who has been hiding in the deepest caverns of the mines. His will has not bent to the Queen and so he’s driven into hiding. Perhaps if he were younger he would fight, but he’s not. He’s an old man who wants to live what life he has left. Until Alice came that life seemed destined to play out in voluntary exile, but now that may change.
He’s willing to help Alice in her first mission, to get small, but there’s a price. He needs a key. While that doesn’t seem like much of a price, it may mean Alice’s skin as it sends her through the Fortress of Doors. He’ll be there to do what he must, but Alice will be on her own through the danger.
Miners In the heart of Dementia there’s a small village. It’s a quaint little place ornamented with wooden shacks and bellows and things. It’s silent except for the bellows, but quite pretty, really. It’s called the Village of the Doomed. For the most past it’s abandoned, but there are a few humble folk left. They’re thin, downtrodden, grungy miners. They’ve all but lost hope, but now Alice has come.
While they hardly dare hope, they’ll still offer any help they can, be it advice not to stir up trouble to hints about a dwarf who hides in the heart of the mines who might be able to help Alice on her journey.
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You caught it! Yea! They are indeed conjoined at the hip XD
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Yup! It was the idea I was going for :D. Thank you!
Wonderland Items
Darkened Looking-Glass A Looking-Glass shows a reflection, a Darkened Looking-Glass reflects nothing. When Alice uses this enchanted mirror, she disappears for a short amount of time. Enabling her to slip through a great number of enemies rather easily.
Grasshopper Tea Grasshopper Tea, a delectable drink, that increases Alice’s agility and jumping ability, as well as increasing her speed.
Meta-Essence Meta-Essence can be found in Blooming Crystals throughout Wonderland. It serves as Wonderland’s life force and as the life-force begins to escape under the Queen’s harsh rule, it crystalizes above the surface, ready and willing to be picked up by passers-by and set back into the pattern.
Rage Box “How fine you look when dressed in rage. Punish their Conversion,” the Cheshire Cat advises Alice. With the Rage Box to inflame and protect her, Alice can wade through packs of enemies slashing and crushing in a berserker-like rage. Each blow of her chosen toy inflicts multiple times more damage than usual, and her rage repels the wounds her enemies would inflict on her. It’s a nasty little helper she has when she inhales the furious fumes.
Sanity Shards What many know as health is also known as sanity, and without it Alice cannot continue her journey. When her sanity drops, Alice will lose her mind and Wonderland forever. To guard against that eventually are Sanity Shares dotted here and there in Wonderland. They are often guarded by the Queen’s minions as the completely insane denizens cannot use them and they cannot be destroyed. They will restore portions of sanity only.
Will Shards Will is the force required for Alice to use all her toys with the exception of the knife. Will Shards will be absorbed by Alice so she has the Will to keep fighting.
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The mirror bits was intentional because checkerboard XD, but I actually didn't even notice the mask was in the wrong hand until you pointed it out. I should have done that for sure! Thanks for the awesome input!
Wonderland Toys
Blunderbuss The Blunderbuss is Alice’s most potent toy, and it comes late in her travels. Power comes at a price, though, and it will take all her will to fire a single shot of the weapon. The destruction of the weapon is unparalleled, and those on the other side of the bullet just might find it smiling at the prospect.
Croquet Mallet The Croquet Mallet with the head of a flamingo is reminiscent of a happier trip to Wonderland, but will do just as well for its current purpose. This flamingo, happily made of wood, no longer gives Alice trouble and seems intent on revenge against the Queen for all those unfair games of croquet.
Deadly Jacks One, two, buckle my shoe…Jacks originated as playground fun for children. In the game of Jacks, a ball is bounced, and children would have to pick up increasing amounts of Jacks before the ball hit the ground a second time. Wonderland has turned this game upside down, and it is only fun for Alice, not her playmates.
Dead Time Watch This little trinket is Alice’s reward for defeating the Mad Hatter in a test of skills. When time’s master falls, it will seek a new master and finds one in Alice, who will be grateful for the company. But remember the words of the Cheshire Cat, “This unique watch stops time…for a time. Unlike death, time moves on. Those who stood still with time move on also, unless they’re dead.”
Deck of Cards These Cards may be used for a casual game of poker, but their abilities far exceed ordinary card games to encompass games that are only fun in Wonderland. Razor sharp edges slice and dice, and the Cards attract themselves to the closest target handy, making it a game weighted heavily in Alice’s favor.
Diabolical Dice There’s a common saying that girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice. With this wicked set of Dice in her hand, that saying clearly doesn’t apply to Alice. With it she can call forth any one of three demons to fight on her behalf, depending on the number of Dice she’s collected. Careful not to play alone, Alice, or the demon may turn on you. Their loyalties are weak and their blood lust is great. Depending on the number of Dice she’s collected, she can summon increasingly powerful demons. If she has a single Die, she can summon a lightning-happy lesser demon. If she’s found a second, she has the chance of summoning a tailed serpent who loves to play with fire. If she’s collected three Die, she can summon the most powerful of them all, the winged Demon Lord.
Ice Wand A frigid death awaits those who dare to challenge Alice when she plays with this chilling toy. Indiscriminant and powerful, the Ice Wand is one of the most stunning toys she will pick up. It is incidentally the only toy birthed completely from the imaginations of the developers. Other toys, like a Mushroom Wand, were considered but finally scrapped but the Ice Wand remained, thanks to its handiness and beauty.
Jabberwock Eyestaff The Jabberwock Eyestaff isn’t a toy to be trifled with, but it’s a toy Alice must have if the end is to be reached. It must be made from collected pieces, the last guarded by the vengeful Jabberwock. There is only one way to get the staff, and that is to make it from a number of pieces collected throughout Wonderland. The first piece, the Staff: lies on a platform surrounded by lava in the Caterpillar’s Plot by Looking-Glass Land. The second, the hook: can be found in the middle of the Mad Hatter’s platform in About Face in Behind the Looking-Glass. The third is the Eye of the Jabberwock, and can only be obtained through combat with the monster. Afterwards, beware the Jabberwock’s wrath at his stolen eye. The Jabberwock is a vengeful monster and appears to have many lives, just like a cat. Remember the innocent days, when the Jabberwock made his first appearance in the poem.
Jack Bomb Jack Bombs are amusing little trinkets intended to make children giggle. Helplessly twisted by Wonderland, they’ve become even more amusing. They crank out a merry tune before belching flames and extinguished lives. They’re a delicious addition to Alice’s little collection.
Vorpal Blade The Vorpal Blade, a famous weapon dating back ten years in Wonderland, is the first toy Alice will add to her Toybox for her trip through Wonderland. This toy will serve her well through nearly any situation, and has the added benefit of functioning without the use of will.
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I know right?! It's one of the reasons why I did it. I was mostly inspired by this 1986 version of Alice in Wonderland and the flowers were real women in flower costumes. It's a great idea, so I just ran with it.
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The Map of Wonderland
Village of the Doomed Alice will begin her journey through Wonderland in the mining area called the Village of the Doomed. It’s an indoor area of depressed, gray, and brown mine shafts. It’s as she travels through this area that Wonderland’s true state of decay is hinted at. Toys: Vorpal Blade and The Deck of Cards Chapters: Dementia and Pandemonium
The Fortress of Doors After leaving the closed-in oppression of the Village of the Doomed, Alice may find herself longing for the security of walls to either side protecting her from many side attacks in the deranged Fortress of Doors. Where the soulless Insane Children wander and other dangers lurk. Toys: Croquet Mallet and The Diabolical Dice Chapters: Fortress of Doors, Beyond the Wall, Skool Daze, and Skool’s Out
The Vale of Tears Alice may recognize this vista that at first seems so relaxing. The Vale of Tears, where as a giant girl she cried salty tears that filled a pool. It has gone from a lush room to a vast outdoor vista of burbling salt-water streams and leaping, frolicking Snarks. Toys: Jackbomb Chapters: Pool of Tears, Hollow Hideaway, Just Desserts, and The Wholly Morel Ground
The Wonderland Woods After her interlude in the Vale of Tears, Alice will leave in search to renew her acquaintance with the Caterpillar. She will travel in the woods and underground, through the air, and on foot until she finds her old friend to ask his advice. But the Woods are not as they were before, and danger is everywhere. Toys: Ice Wand Chapters: Dry Landing, Herbaceous Border, Rolling Stones, Icy Reception, Fungiferous Flora, Centipede’s Sanctum, and Caterpillar’s Plot.
Looking-Glass Land After her travels through Wonderland Woods, the wonders of Looking-Glass Land may at first seem overpowering. The blacks and whites and reds soon gain to the apparent order in her mind, as she readjusts to the hustle and bustle of city life. Chapters: Pale Realm, Castling, and Checkmate In Red
Behind the Looking-Glass Alice will pass through the Looking-Glass again, but this time it won’t be by choice. When she regains consciousness she’ll find herself in an ethereal sort of land. Cleverly placed in a maze like a rat, and while it’s tempting to stay, Alice must hurry on her way, as she has things to do and a Queen to see. Toys: Jacks and The Dead Time Watch Chapters: Mirror Image, Crazed Clockwork, and About Face
The Land of Fire and Brimstone Just when she’d kill for a fire to warm her hands, Alice will stumble into the Land of Fire and Brimstone, where she will have plenty chance to do just that while playing fast-paced reflex games designed to ward off the sleep that comes with warmth. The Land of Fire and Brimstone will lead her through the winding lagoon of bubbling molten rock and sulfurous mountains and onto her main goal, the Queen of Hearts Land. Toys: Jabberwock Eyestaff and the Blunderbuss Chapters: Burning Curiosity and Jabberwock’s Lair
Queen of Heart’s Land With her new toy in hand, Alice will reach her destination in the next leg of her journey, the Queen of Heart’s Land. It will be a challenge to get through all the hedge mazes and all the towers in one piece, but if anyone can do it, it’s Alice. Chapters: Majestic Maze, Airborne Terror, Mystifying Madness, Water Logged, Labyrinthine Revenge, and Machinations
Queensland After she’s passed the trails of the towers and the mazes, Alice will make her way deeper into the Queen’s territory, into Queensland. She’ll have to use her wits to make her way clearly to the Queen for the final confrontation that will decide Wonderland’s fate. What comes of her travels here will be the deciding point in whether the Queen continues to reign or whether Wonderland will shine again. Chapters: Royal Rage, Battle Royale, Ascension, Castle Keep, and finally Heart of Darkness
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Victims of Wonderland
There are those in Wonderland who have not taken a side, but they have been so deeply scarred by the rotting that they have become a mad jumble. Incapable of real thought or conscious action. These pitiful reminders serve as Alice’s fuel as she struggles to right the crippling evil. There’s a slim hope they might find healing in Wonderland’s restoration and Alice will take the chance.
Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. He sits there still. Guarded by a mass of Fire Imps who pretend he isn’t there. He sits motionless. Whether he’s afraid to fall or afraid to look around, it’s impossible to tell. The disease of the land has had no visible effect on the oblong statue, but what it’s done inside his shell can only be imagined. Looking at the glazed, terrified eyes, it’s easy to see that something snapped inside, and now the rhyme is complete. “All the king’s horses and all the king’s men cannot put Humpty together again.” No one can.
Insane Children It is said that the Children who now roam Wonderland were once the hope for salvation. But their minds and bodies were unable to stand up to the Queen, and now they have been utterly crushed into almost unrecognizable creatures that barely pass for human. They do not respond to sounds, or attacks, or pleas for help. They are so oblivious to it all. Hopefully, they are also oblivious to what they have become.
They roam from the Skool in the Fortress of Doors to the mazes on the Queen’s doorstep, ornaments to her majesty’s power and testaments to the sickness that has claimed Wonderland.
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Wonderland by Frank Wildhorn = A swing and a miss. Oh Mr. Wildhorn, why oh why did you make Alice into a modern pop musical? My friend @kirstinmdarling agreed with me on this, citing that she: "[hadn't] even seen it in its entirety. I don't known if I ever will.  You have to pair that with the visual presentation. I stumbled upon in on YouTube. And promptly went *nope*" I, on the other hand, just wasn't prepared and now I'm crying all the tears. I was just listening to it before work and I don't think there is an emoji to properly express my disgruntled face. I just kept thinking "maybe it will get better...maybe now....or now.....or.....damn it".
It's on Youtube. I actually discovered it because I was having an obsessive moment and trying to hunt down all the Alice in Wonderland material I could get my hands on. Now I'm sad because Frank Wildhorn does primarily period pieces such as The Scarlet Pimpernel, Dracula, and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, but those are very much NOT pop. So, needless to say this was a shock to the system.
Minor Foes of Wonderland
Ant Lions Ant Lions are slightly less intelligent than soldiers, and slightly more ferocious. They attack mindlessly and continue to fight until all the blood has stilled in their bodies. It’s time they learned some new tricks, because the ones they know won’t save them from Alice.
Ant Soldiers Despite the danger they present, it isn’t the Ladybugs who are the serious threat to Alice in the outdoors. It’s the Ants. The Ants make up the meat of the Centipede’s army, and they make themselves worthy of the honor. They train endlessly, they fight voraciously, and they willingly obey any orders that come their way. Army Ants come in two varieties: the soldier and the commander. Ant Soldiers are far more common and slightly less dangerous than their superiors. Slightly more dangerous are the Ant Commanders, who have foregone muskets in favor of cutlasses and grenades. They are cruel and ruthless fighters who will stop at nothing until they kill Alice.
Boojam It’s said that the Boojam are malicious spirits, and that their screams kill souls. They’ve become an infestation in Wonderland, preying on those few who still have souls. These apparitions float freely through the air, pausing only to direct a rending scream at their victim, and are searching for Alice to end forever the threat of a Wonderland where they cannot prey freely. But it’s time these ghosts were sent to the netherworld where they belong.
Blood Roses “Be grateful that thorns have Roses.” It’s a touching sentiment, and generally it works. In Wonderland it works a little differently. In Wonderland, Roses take pride in their thorns, in their ability to hurt and draw blood as red as their traitorous petals. With a look of apparent innocence, not unlike Alice’s, they pull themselves together and wait. They’ve been waiting for Alice. Now their wait is over.
Card Guards Waiting to greet Alice in Wonderland are the Card Guards, and they will hurry and harass her throughout her journey, seeing to it that she never has a peaceful moment. They’re the mindless guards of the Queen, and are more than willing to give up their lives in her service.
Card Guards are divided into four suites: club, spade, diamond, and heart. The threat of the Guard changes with the suite, from the inept club and spade Guards to the slightly more dangerous diamond Guards to the lethal heart Guards (the Queen’s personal Guards). Each suite will also favor its own attacks. Alice will have little trouble cutting this deck.
Clockwork Automatons Automatons are the once human Clockwork minions of the Mad Hatter and protect his sanctuary from any who would dare intrude. Never lost in the mirror maze, they hide in wait behind the reflective walls to leap out and surprise the intruder with a mechanically furious attack.
Evil Mushrooms Often found in close proximity to Ant Soldiers or Blood Roses, Evil Mushrooms are trouble waiting to happen. Literally. They seem so un-dangerous and inviting that one may want to take a little bite and see whether she grows or shrinks, but they like to wait until their victims are unsuspectingly close before showing their teeth.
Fire Imps These fierce little demons carry their pitchforks proudly and patrol with their meanest glare glued on their faces. They tend the pools of larva and probably fetch cocktails for the Magma Men. As fierce as they like to appear, they aren’t hearty fighters, but they’ll never give up either.
Jabberspawn Jabberspawn are the land-bound little cousins of the Jabberwock, and all the more clumsy for their lack of flight. They go about on two stumpy legs and their tail for support, but the jaws are nothing to laugh about. Jabberspawn are aggressive and will fight despite their stumpy legs.
Ladybugs Treacherous snakes. The Ladybugs have sold into the service of the Queen. No longer the favored bugs of the gardens, they instead have set upon destruction. Their goal? Alice. Alice is the only obstacle between themselves and a Wonderland playground for their Queen.
Magma Men Magma Men are fiery beings made of the very lava that bubbles from the core of Wonderland. They spend most of their time languishing in the steam of melted rock and waiting for entertainment to happen along. Entertainment is rare in the barren wastes of Fire and Brimstone, but when Alice happens along, it will be rare entertainment indeed. But Magma Men are as sluggish as the liquid they come from and will slowly cool until they become nothing more than stone.
Nightmare Spiders The Nightmare Spiders may look like a china doll, but illusions are deceiving, and when the illusion comes to life, it’s twice as deadly. Straightly out of a wicked asylum, these spiders are well-versed in drug application. A slash from their syringe-like legs will cause immediate vertigo and vision distortion. Beware Alice. These dolls aren’t for playing with.
Phantasmagoria Phantasmagoria seem like the bigger cousins of Boojam. They resemble bodiless spirits and scream as they send forth spectral chains. They prefer to hunt in isolation from other phantasmagoria, and are drawn to Alice’s awaiting soul.
Red Chess Pieces Alice will join the side of the White Chess Pieces in battle, making forever an enemy of the Red Chess Pieces, who would have wanted her dead already. Now every Piece will do its part to attempt her destruction, and the resolution will be a bloody sort of checkmate.
The rock is a powerhouse that can pummel anything in front or to either side. The bishop moves diagonally and unleashes the power of his staff on the enemy. The knight slips through enemies to attack with his sword in baffling patters.
Snarks Snarks are the misfits of Wonderland. They don’t actively serve any side, but instead attack anything handy, though they find Alice the most appealing with her deceptively innocent appearance. Until she shows her knife, of course. But even if they can’t eat Alice, they’ll work on causing her no end of grief.
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Major Foes of Wonderland
Since Alice last visited, many of those she once thought friends are now out to make sure she doesn’t get in their way…permanently. These foes surround themselves with minions, refusing to admit that perhaps there’s a chance they can’t win against a girl who has nothing to lose. When Alice comes face to face with her enemies, they will be the most difficult challenges she will have to overcome if Wonderland is to have a chance.
The Queen In the heart of Wonderland, the Queen crouches on her throne and plots the slow death of the world around her. She poisons those near her with a suffocating air of madness and hate. Now Alice will come face to face with this thing of her nightmares, this thing responsible for the decay of a once beautiful land. It will be by far the most difficult encounter Alice will meet, and if she can vanquish the Queen, perhaps the evil can be undone and Wonderland reborn.
It’s after the Queen falls that Alice will discover the truth of what she is up against. In a world that is neither earth nor Wonderland, she will come face to face with the true poison of Wonderland. It’s a blind fight to the finish, and the outcome will decide the fate of Wonderland.
The Duchess Alice once saved the Duchess from a beheading by the Queen. If she remembers that act of kindness, she doesn’t show it. She’s been hiding too long from a Queen who wants her dead, and he years of being a fugitive have twisted her mind beyond recognition…almost. She still likes to pepper her food and keeps a pepper shaker with her at all times. Now she’s in the mood for an Alice snack and only one will make it out of this confrontation still breathing.
The Mad Hatter Since Wonderland’s innocence was lost, the Hatter’s strain of madness has taken a wicked turn. Gone is the eternal tea party at six o’clock and the answerless riddles. The fascination with clockworks has taken the Hatter’s mind and made it tick and tick with mad ideas he nurtures, fancies, and tests. None are safe from his experiments, be it the March Hare or the Insane Children that roam the mirrored maze. For the sake of all Wonderland, this poison must be destroyed, and only Alice can do it. Even if she fails, she can rest assured that he would rather be rid of her than keep her for one of his experiments. Unfortunately, the Mad Hatter is a philosopher and would rather save his own hide, so when the clock strikes, he whisks away to a tower where he can gleefully watch as Alice is forced to defend herself against a pair of Automatons until the clock strikes again and the Hatter will take up the battle once more. But, rest assured that without order, the Hatter has no chance.
The Tweedles Tweedle Dee (the big brother) and Tweedle Dum (the little one) were a pair of cheerful, if dim, souls last time Alice visited Wonderland. Now they’ve sold into the employ of the Mad Hatter and his thugs. Gone are the grins, songs, and dance, to be replaced by gaping maws and sullen glares. Despite the beanies and schoolboy clothes, these two could never be mistaken for innocents. Gone is the innocence, but the mind of a child remains.
The Jabberwock Before this trip to Wonderland, the Jabberwock was a mystery. A strange poem in Looking-Glass house mentioned a fierce creature with snapping jaws and catching claws, but neither hide nor hair of the Jabberwock was actually seen. Now the Jabberwock’s come out of hiding and has rallied in defense of the despotic Queen. He’s twisted the cruel, lit by a fire that feeds on fear, guilt, and defeat. If Alice succumbs to the guilt, the Jabberwock has already won.
The Red King A battle rages between the Red Pieces and the White Pieces of the chess board. Alice has taken the side of the White Pieces in the war against the merciless Reds. He keeps himself safe deep in his domain of garish red tiles, sending scores of his soldiers out in attack. Under the guidance of the Queen he has become the ultimate power and he knows it. It is the King Alice must battle to reach the heart of the Red Domain and restore the Queen, and he’ll do his best to make the obstacle a deadly one.
The Centipede Once a bug, always a bug. This one’s no different, but he’s much more dangerous than the average insect. The Centipede is the Queen’s sword, the iron in her fist that enables her to crush Wonderland in her unyielding grip. He’s the commander of the armies of Ants and Ladybugs, and he’s a classic soldier. He takes no nonsense and will unconditionally attack first and not bother with the questions.
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Angel Dust x Husk - S*x is not the only thing im good at ~ 💗
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royal-couplecats · 11 months
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Мasquerade ball on All Demons Day)))😈🎭
Happy helloween!)
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thelowerdecker · 8 months
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Aw, I love his lil angry face! 🥹♥️
So adorable!! 😍♥️
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bangchanslefttoenail03 · 11 months
The Masqurade
The mask of hidden faces
The mask of hidden intentions
The mask of identity
The mask of unknown faces
That reveals many cases
The mask of forced smiles
That shows the freedom flies Under those beautiful masks Hides a very ugly picture
In this masqurade The truth dance like a fight with death...
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miss-am · 8 months
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bwthornton · 10 months
Moorcroft Pottery Masquerade 32/5
#moorcroft #pottery #masqurade #art #ceramics #stratforduponavon
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Moorcroft Pottery Masquerade 32/5
#moorcroft #pottery #masqurade #art #ceramics #stratforduponavon
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hex-bags · 11 months
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Second and third Van Hellsing sisters
Another commission to go alongside the old one of Wicker! Karina Szabo is a philologist and antique book dealer who lives out of a large van, with her 'sisters'. Along with her coven-mates, Karina is a vampire. (The van dubbed 'the Van Hellsing' is also part of the family. I refuse to think otherwise.) Perhaps we will see the final sister too? 
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tumiaartstudio · 1 year
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Masque Reliquary. These masks have been in my life for over a decade now and have been featured in several past artworks, so it only seems fitting to design a special place to store them when not in use.
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probablybadrpgideas · 9 months
It's getting hard to justify a masquerade as communications tech advances.
Get around this by ruling that there's no masquerade. Everyone knows vampires exist. It's just that by sheer coincidence, the players have never met one or been near anyone mentioning them or seen them on TV or otherwise found out about this. Your girlfriend has a vampire roommate, it's just that any time you'd be in the same room together something came up.
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spell-fox · 6 months
was anyone going to talk about the pre-vampire Tremere chantry trading knowlege and hospitality with Tzimisce, and several (mortal) Tremere mages being embraces as Tzimisce or was I going to have to read it myself
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From Guide to the High Clans
The betrayal! Imagine playing a Tzimisce that bears the Tremere name! Later on it suggests playing a koldun trying to infiltrate a chantry and !!! The Tzimisce trying to return gargoyles to their composite parts! And un-immortalise the Tremere.
At least they will all return to the Eldest in the end 😌
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comfiecore · 2 years
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coffeeastronaut · 1 year
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rrigamortis · 3 months
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Girls will say “i know a place” then take you here
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