#Masquerade Mask oc
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katiekatdragon27 · 1 month ago
Hey. Hey, guys. You'll never guess what I've been drawing.
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Glisten: ...??
Glisten and his lame ass boyfriends!!!!!! Cheers to art dumps <3
[CW: SUGGESTIVE JOKE] More doodles below cut:
So! I know most of you come for the shinyshrimp stuff (WHICH WE WILL GET TO) but let me yap about Glisten and Razzle for a bit.
Glisten and Razzle got together like 3 months after Glisten and Boxten broke up. Razzle never really looked to Glisten that much outside of acquaintances (cuz he was kinda sorta lowkey jealous of Glisten's charisma and stage-presence). In fact, they were much more focused on Vee and maybe possibly had a crush on her, which is really funny in hindsight with Dazzle lol. However, after learning that Vee was a lesbian/being very rudely rejected by her, Razzle found comfort in Glisten and fell head-over-heels almost immediately.
The only problem is, Razzle has -10000 aura. His ass cannot be flirty or cool-charismatic at all.
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Glisten: What do you do when you aren't distracting? Razzle: (Glisten likes mysterious people) I sell drugs!! Glisten: ... Excuse me? Razzle: (But Glisten also likes kind people) But ONLY to kids in need! Dazzle: (STOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOP-) *defeated whimper*
Razzle thinks he's that guy (they're not, they're pathetic honestly lol)
Also like, Razzle is suuuper dense when it comes to everyone except Dazzle. They struggle with self-reflection and other-people reflection, so he is completely convinced he is doing all the right things, when in actuality, they are very very very cringe.
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Razzle: No see Dazzie, this is why they call me Rizzle. Dazzle: (No one has EVER called you that.)
Denseness is one hell of a drug, aye, fellas?
Dazzle is being pulled through the wringer trying to preserve whatever was left of her (and Razzle's) pride. It's not working. Girl is fighting for their life every time she is dragged over by Razzle in order to say a horrible pick-up line to Glisten.
(This is all pre-relationship btw. After they get together it becomes an inside joke and Glisten retorts with his own awful (although not nearly as bad) pick-up lines)
Now the moment you've been waiting forrrr 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
✨ Shinyshrimp ✨
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I love them chat, I love them sm. They have so much drama and love and interesting things going on, they're so cool and fun n stuff and AUGHHHHH💥💥💥
Shrimpo being that one guy who craves affection but would literally bite anyone who gives it to him is so real to me. Homie wants a hug but ends up suplexing whoever hugged him outta reflex. Glisten, on the other hand, is one of the most affectionate people ever. He's not affectionate to everyone, but when you catch his interest (both platonic and romantic), he is very verbally and physically affectionate. He'll buy you things, he'll give you hugs, he'll let you invade his personal space, all stuff he would never let normies do.
Shrimpo loves this, however, homie has no idea how to deal with any kind of affection in a positive way. Cat-coded ahh guy. Glisten does find this amusing tho, so he's more inclined to be affectionate with Shrimpo to help him "get over it" in a way.
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This is just for shits and giggles. I feel like everyone should draw this meme with their ships. It's a canon event at this point.
What can I say? He was hungry.
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Can't forget my fankids. I love my fankids. I miss my fankids. I need to draw my fankids more istg I need to revamp their ask blog soon (especially with some new editions coming soon).
Also Hamlet looks smaller because most of his internal structure is made of ribbon and stuffing, so he shrinks into a ball when happy. He also loafs like a cat, what a guy.
Also also also what the skibidi sigma happened to my prep-jock ship?? Why is it backwards???
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I drew these because I had a vision of the little doodle below and only thought it would work if they were swaped... sooooo... here we are.
Scapmi is a preppy goth-ish shrimp with an eye for fashion and artistry. With a smart mouth and a massive ego, he often comes off as an annoyance to others. He loves to be front and center in everything but often has to fight with his internalized idea that everything is a competition that he needs to win no matter what. It causes him a lot of stress and self-doubt, but he'd never let anyone see his weaknesses.
Gash is a shrap-toned violent mirror who speaks more with his fists than his voice. He hates everything that is not himself (and sweets) and makes sure people know that. He used to be a perfectionist, but after an accident permanently cracked his face, he dropped his "perfect" persona in favor of a messy, more hateful one. He wants connection but doesn't know how to express his needs in an understandable way, and that frustrates him immensely.
As you can see, match made in heaven.
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Gash: DUDE, WHAT THE F*CK!? Scampi: There's a smudge on you- Gash: I DON'T CARE! LET GO!! Scampi: Not 'til I'm done. (Your natural blush is gorgeous; shame it's on you tho)
So yeah, swap shinyshrimp lore drop yippee.
Have a good one chat, til I reappear again✌️✌️
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jewelulu · 7 months ago
“This girl…”
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“Who is she?…”
Taglist: @skriblee-ksk @taruruchi @scint1llat3 @thehollowwriter
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robo-milky · 8 months ago
SSR Glorious Masquerade! Cloche
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"To think Master Grim’s begging actually worked! I don’t care much for an overglorified field trip, but if there is a chance I can rid the curse or go back home…”
[Voicelines Below // Groovy!!]
Groovy: People can sink or swim. All that matters is if I can stay afloat.
Summon Line: Looks like it’ll be just you and me, the only ones left out of literally everything that’ll be discussed during the magic symposium.
Home: This is heavy.
Home Idle 1: I don’t seem to call Rollo ‘Master’ anymore? Well, yes, he’s one of the decent few that bother ordering me to call them by name.
Home Idle 2: I seriously need to cut back on stationery. I’ve so much that it’s not practical anymore.
Home Idle 3: After chatting with Master Rook about the play set here, I’ve been thinking, doesn’t he just make the perfect Romeo? J-Just a thought.
Home Idle Login: If I must nitpick one thing about my outfit, it has to be the mix of silver and gold. I personally think the silver is out of place, what about you?
Home Idle Groovy: …You know that wasn’t actually me, right?
Home Tap 1: Back at home, we had either rice or noodles to go with everything. I know bread is a staple food as well, but eating just that for carbs still feels foreign to me.
Home Tap 2: I’d love to take home and press some of the flowers here, but of course there’s signs prohibiting that.
Home Tap 3: I just wanted the little wooden cat charm but it came as a pair with this bunny. Eh, I’ll pawn it off to Master Epel.
Home Tap 4: It’s not everyday I see goat milk for sale. ‘Freshly squeezed and locally sourced’, hm… How local?
Home Tap 5: Don’t tug on the chains! It’s not a leash.
Home Tap Groovy: To fool your enemies, you must fool yourself first.
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[Full Groovy art]
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the-gardenview-family · 22 days ago
Your favorite food?
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Shimmer: Is it cheating if I say my dad's cooking? If it is, Cosmo's cookies are also really good. (I should ask him to make some for us later.)
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Hamlet: Sprout makes some banger seafood. I'm especially a fan of salmon and crabs and--
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majoruyeda · 6 months ago
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Collab art ♥ Theme: Masquerade ball 🎭 "Your mask doesn't fool me. You know where to go. Behind the curtains. Away from prying eyes."
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Reference: I don't where this is from :C
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gibbberishhh · 8 months ago
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hope this one won't catch on fire
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pangolin-404 · 10 months ago
buddy loves its crew dearly but something about the average masked lifestyle remains very intoxicating to it. especially after some months living the company life and coming face to face with its own mortality and getting so stressed it forgets how to function. sometimes when a masked is spotted on the terminal it wanders first to meet it. usually to distract it, or get it to stay in one spot in a room, but . sometimes it slips to that temptation, oh the life seems so much softer. simpler. arms will always welcome it with just as much animal desperation as it itself craves contact. there is (mostly) no danger beyond natural decay there. to any masked that stumbles across another, there is nothing to worry about, buddy is instantly welcomed like an old friend, and it is pulled into that dionysian song and dance part of its core as an individual (/as a masked). oh can't it stay for just a while, can't it linger, where time stands still and it can rest and feel safe and have every ounce of its heart reciprocated. but it can never stay long and the peace never lasts.
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idiotic-cryptid · 30 days ago
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low quality/effort doodle of Casimir, and that sabbat he diablerised.
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pinkiexneomorph277 · 10 months ago
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-Hello i am Mari! I’m announcing an exciting small event called the May-Masquerade ball! I know a little cheesy!
This event is a event that last till the end of May! This is a time to show off your fancy clothing styles and art, not to mention socialise with others!! If your not interested in a dance with me then maybe these lovely gentlemen can persuade you~
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That’s right the famous Subway Twins are here ! If you join the Ball you can pick one or both to dance with!
Ingo:We do hope you come join, it’s a lovely experience
Emmet: Verrrrry fun! Not to fancy and pokemon can participate too!
||Just a small free form collab between friends and followers and others! Ocs can be entered and other fandom too, as long as the outfit they wear is pokemon related to fit in the Theme.
Ps some people will get VIP invites to be part of a mini event , those who get it will have more info on the event.)
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mr-bagel-dude-that-draws · 4 days ago
Sasha 10!
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Ben 10 oc of mine! Somewhere in the multiverse Sasha Masquerade wields the omnitrix.
Sasha found the Omnitrix after it crash landed in her backyard before she was suppose to go on tour around the country, she tries to keep a secret identity but eventually she does get found out. It made her a lot more famous but also brought alot of more villians after her.
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Alien names and timelapse bellow
She didnt at first name her aliens but after her identity got out she thought "What the hell, Sure" (These arent all the aloens she got, these are just the ones i wanted to draw)
In order
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katiekatdragon27 · 4 months ago
Your my fav glisten x shrimpo artist btw (and your art is epic ^_^)
Awwww thank you! I'm so flattered to be your favorite shinyshrimp artist!! Here's a doodle as a thanks!
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Glisten: Hehe squishy❤️~ Shrimpo: I HATE THIS AND YOU!! Glisten: Your tail says otherwise~
But would you still like me if they were in a polycule~~~????
Yeah, polyamorous Glisten turns his partners poly too #livelaughlovepolycules (More art below cut):
Wanna guess who the third person in the polycule is?
You reeeeeeeeeeally wanna know?
HERE!! *runs for the hills*
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So like, I've been a closeted glittermask shipper for like, idk, two weeks now?? But shinyshrimp is my mvp, so like, what if I merged them? Poly Glisten isn't too out there so this could happen, right? (says the delusional idiot).
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Glisten: Teagan and Tisha helped me out. Whatcha think? Razzle: You look great, Hun~? What? Feeling underdressed "Shrimpy"?
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Shrimpo and Razzle have beef. Razzle is petty. He doesn't like Shrimpo at all because he's bullied Dazzle in the past (and thinks that Glisten is too good for Shrimpo). Shrimpo hates Razzle for being whiney and smug to him (and also cuz he's slightly jealous of Razzle and Glisten's relationship). They work through these grievances as time passes, but it does take a while.
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These doodles are from one of the many work parties the toons get up to. Glisten decided to doll up more than he usually does as do his dates (to mixed levels of effort lol). They all end up drinking and partying the whole night and have a blast.
Drinking makes everyone get along ig.
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Yeah so some quick lore on glittermask: Glisten and Razzle have been in a relationship for a while now. They got together shortly after Glisten and Boxten broke up (on good terms btw). Razzle knows Glisten is poly and is chill with it, even if he questions the mirror's taste in men. Dazzle third wheels their relationship. but she and Glisten are friends so it's not too awkward lol.
Glittermask is everything shinyshrimp isn't. Where shinyshrimp is bickering, angst-comfort, and fighting over PDA, glittermask is a very PDA, lovey dovey, Hallmark movie-esque romance. Their only flaw is that there isn't open communication when it comes to darker problems. When Glisten is having one of his moments, Razzle does what he does when Dazzle is having one of her moments; he leaves Glisten alone. Which can be good, but it's not what Glisten needs (and what Shrimpo unintentionally excels at).
Both relationships are healthy but have flaws, like normal relationships lol. I hate when things are perfect. Make is messy! Give it ✨DRAMA✨!!
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???: So? Who broke it?
And since I'm cringe, I made a fankid! His name is Hamlet (Razzle named him) and he's a super blinged out masquerade mask. Now Shimmer has a little brother who is insanely hyperactive and attention seeking. He would throw a fit about not being served first at the dinner lol. They get along well enough, and Shimmer is happy to have a sibling, but they tend to get on each other's nerves a lot.
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But that doesn't stop the only slightly messed up family. They all care for each other in their own ways, and I love that for them.
Have a good one dudes!
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zigmatism · 1 month ago
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New Moon Academy is having a upcoming masquerade party. I HAD to dress up Brenda in something nice.
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lunar-disillusionment · 2 months ago
I’m bored and wanna cause chaos because the emotional fuckery SOMEONE 👀/lh just put me through so until feel like it otherwise. Vespers and a few other ocs will have to be blatantly honest about their feelings for others
Ask Whatever and remember. They can’t lie
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the-gardenview-family · 3 months ago
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Shimmer: Oh oh! I think it's on now! (I think.) Hamlet: HI INTERNET!!! Shimmer: Be careful- Hamlet: It's so nice to meet you all!!
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Hamlet: I'M HAMLET!! The masquerade mask!! Shimmer: And I'm uh, Shimmer. The... glass shrimp. Hamlet: (Wait. Where's the paper?) Shimmer: (Here, but don't rip it.)
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Together: And we're opening an ask blog!!! Shimmer: It is only for us two right now, but in the future, it may be open to everyone else here at Gardenview! (Hopefully they'll say yes to joining.) And make sure you read the rules before asking anything, please.
General info about these two can be found here
You can be mean to them a little, as a treat, but don't be too mean
Asking about OCs is allowed!
Sharing art is also allowed (as long as it's blog relevant)!
No transformation asks or "anon magic"
No complaining about the ships in this blog (this is rarepair town, don't like, don't look)
No complaining about characters not showing up
This blog focuses on Shimmer the Glass Shrimp (she/her) and Hamlet the Masquerade Mask (he/him). Shimmer is a 12-year-old who is adventurous but reserved and sort of a push-over, and Hamlet is 9-year-old who is outgoing and loud, always fighting to be the center of attention. They are half siblings, with their common parent being Glisten. They are using Boxten's computer to access Tumblr, so no one knows that they are doing this (except for him, sorta).
This blog has canon ships, those being (more may be added in the future):
Glisten x Shrimpo
Glisten x Razzle
Dazzle x Vee x Shelly
Creator's name: Koy
Creator's blog: @katiekatdragon27
You may refer to me directly to ask questions, but make sure you specify it's for me
Same blog rules apply to asks directed towards me (and anyone else who may join the production of this blog)
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Hamlet: I'm so excited!!! This is gonna be so fun!!! Shimmer: Me too! But be patient, no one has asked anything yet.
Take care dudes, happy asking!!
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scawykittycat · 4 months ago
The masked man outside your window is pining for your attention
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