#Mary Ramsay
heavenbarnes · 4 months
dick van dyke in mary poppins was the kind of sexy you spend the rest of your life thinking about
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snacho-to-ur-nacho · 10 days
yall guess whos writing again!
some stories i *might* write (im already started on a few of these)
hamilton/ amrev:
- redcoat laurens au (british redcoats could stay in civilian houses in their stay in america, laurens is british, he 'runs away' bur not literally he just needed to get out but still writes to his family, stays with alexander who hates him, and slolwy falls in love
- a soulmate au set of oneshots
- alexnader overworking himself and slashing his wrists to stay awake through the night andnnot let washington down, too afraid of another father leaving, washington doesnt know the ammount of work tje other generals assigned him
- jamilton, handcuffed to eachother till thwy tolerate one another
-lams again but them working together and falling
- hamliza snipet, first meet, alexander being flirty
infinity alchemist:
- flowershop au
- harry potter crossover? (idk i just really see crossover potential in ia to literally any other fandom, might even do a avengers crossover for the sole sake of giving ramsay a father figure who is both an engineer, fatherly, rich, and sacrifices himself to save hundreds and whos bettwr than tony stark when it comes to this)
- c h a o s oneshots
- possible smut? ramsay pretending to forgive callum and worjing on his energy and seducing callum but sort of hate sex where ramsay just wants to make callum hurt but im not very good at writing smut so im getting help from a friend for it
- sort of idea i had of a talk between day and anden (nothign romantic) but i just added unnecessary drama to add chaos
and oneshots of eden being chaotic bc i love him
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reginaldqueribundus · 1 month
memes in my phone I made and forgot the context for, part 25
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yr-obedt-cicero · 2 years
Are there still descendants of any of the Laurens siblings still alive like you know how Hamilton still has descendants alive.
From what I've seen, all the surviving Laurens kids ( Patsy, Harry, and Polly ) had long lasting lines of families, and there are likely living descendants to this day; but I can't really find any persons in particular. The only one whose bloodline stopped rather shortly; is John Laurens, because his grandson, Francis Henderson Jr, didn't have any children.
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my-deer-history · 2 years
The Will of James Laurens
The handwriting here was incredibly difficult to decipher, so there are lots of gaps below - either words I could not make out at all, or some where I've included my best guess. If you have any corrections or suggestions to offer, please do let me know!
There are no line breaks in the original document, but to make for easier reading, I have added them in where they seemed most fitting.
Although all the other names are given in their English forms, for some reason the name Mary is given in the French form of Marie instead.
In the Name of God so be it on this sixth day of the month of September in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty two in the afternoon at the City of Vigan diocess of Alais in Languedoc I the undersigned James Laurens a Native and Inhabitant of Charles Town Capital of the State of South Carolina in North America but having been for several years in Languedoc because of my health being at present in an infirm state but of sound understanding and having the use of my Memory I find it necessary to explain my last will and testament and make the [—]
and first I recommend my Soul to God in the name of Jesus Christ and as to my body that it be buried in the most private manner and the least expensive
and as to what relates to my estate I dispose as I think I ought institute in [manner] following first it is my will that my proportion which is two fifth part of the debt in Great Britain in the partnership of Hawkins Petrie and Company be paid therewith the just and lawful Interest unless that an argument can be made with the Auditors to receive the payment in South Carolina
I give to my most dear and beloved wife Marie Laurens an annuity of five hundred pounds sterling during her natural life to be paid regularly every six months in advance in the proportions of two hundred and fifty pounds sterling to commence from the day of my decease and it is my will that all my Real and personal Estate be liable for the payment of the said annuity unless that my Testamentary Executors and Executrices should choose to give her some other security for the payment of the said annuity to the satisfaction of my said wife and in case my said wife shall remain in Europe after my decease it is my will that the said annuity be paid to her at the place of her residence [clear] of all deductions and expenses whatsoever
I give unto my said wife all the money I have at present or that I may have in the hands of Mr William Manning of London and also the sum of five hundred pounds sterling invested for my account in the Consolidated Bank of London in the name of Mr John Savage if those two sums exceed the sum of twelve hundred pounds sterling Madam Laurens shall have a right to receive the whole and she shall render an account of the overplus to the Executors but if the said two sums shall not make twelve hundred pounds sterling then it is my will that my Executors and Executrices or some of them pay the sum that shall be wanting in sterling or in that which shall be equivalent to its full value in sterling
I also give unto my said beloved wife all the plate [—] [—] my wearing apparel table [service] and furniture of every denomination whatsoever whether in France London or America
I also give unto my said wife all and [—] my Male and Female Negroes excepting the female Satira whom I declare free from all servitude whatsoever and I [recommend] it to all my Executors and Executrices to assist the said Negro Woman if she be reduced to poverty or in any other distress
I give unto my dear friend Elizabeth Petrie widow and sister of my dear wife an annuity of fifty pounds sterling payable every six months in advance during her natural life unto my friend Edmond Petrie as a token of my regard an hundred pounds sterling and to each of his Brothers namely Alexander and George fifty pounds sterling and to his sister Marie Petrie fifty pounds sterling
I give unto my dear Brother Henry Laurens as a token of my unalterable friendship and esteem the sum of five hundred pounds sterling and twenty pounds sterling to purchase a Mourning Ring as a remembrance of his Brother
I give unto my dear Niece Martha Laurens as a token of my friendship for her and as an acknowledgement for the service she has rendered to me and my family and for her good and gentle conduct upon all occasions five hundred pounds sterling
I give unto my Nephew Francis Bremar of South Carolina the sum of three hundred and twenty pounds sterling to my Nephew John Bremar two hundred and fifty pounds sterling to my Niece Martha [L—] widow two hundred and fifty pounds sterling
I give unto my dear sister in law Ann Sanders as a token of my friendship and esteem fifty pounds sterling
I give as a mark of my friendship and respect for the memory of my deceased friend Jacob Motte to each of the Children of his last Marriage two hundred pounds sterling
I give unto my worthy friend Isaac Motte as a token of my friendship fifty pounds sterling to my worthy friend Louis Gervais as a token of my friendship fifty pounds sterling
I give three hundred pounds sterling to be distributed amongst my poor relations in such proportion as my Executors and Executrices shall think proper
I give five hundred pounds sterling to be distributed among the poor of South Caroline at the discretion of my Executors and Executrices I give unto the Protestant Church at Vigan fifty pounds sterling and in case that the Roman Catholic Church should pretend to and could possess [herself] of this Legacy It is my will that It shall become void and of none effect
And lastly I give unto my dear Nephew John Laurens to my dear Niece Martha Laurens to my dear Nephew Henry Laurens Junior and unto my dear Niece Marie Eleanor Laurens Minor and unto their Heirs for ever all my [Real] and personal Estate of what kind soever and at what place soever they be situated to be equally shared between them subject nevertheless to the payment of the annuity of five hundred pounds sterling to my wife and as my said Niece Marie Eleanor Laurens is under age her share shall remain in trust in the hands of my said Brother Henry Laurens her father and in case that my said Nephew and Niece Henry Laurens and Marie Eleanor Laurens shall happen to die in their minority it is my will that the share to them here above bequeathed shall go and be divided in equal shares between their Brothers and Sisters who shall survive each as [—] [them]
I nominate for my Executors and Executrices of this my will my Brother Henry Laurens my Wife Marie Laurens my Nephew John Laurens my Niece Martha Laurens and my Nephew Henry Laurens
such is my last will and testamentary disposition which I will that it avail in the best manner it [can] by law which [—] of the difficulty I have to explain myself in french though I understand the Language I have transcribed it in English on an [separate] sheet of paper and Mr Louis Gendre Notary Public of Vigan aforesaid wrote and translated it into French upon this sheet of paper dictated by my dear Niece Martha Laurens and in my presence and that of my dear Wife my dear Nephew Henry Laurens and my dear Niece Marie Eleanor Laurens and the said translation made the said Mr Gendre read over the contents to me distinctly and intelligibly and which I clearly understood and comprehended and I declare that it comprises my will most expressively and it is my will that it be fulfilled after my decease the same as though it had been done at Charlestown the place of my residence even though it should not have all the required formalities In testimony thereof
I have signed my name under the two foregoing pages at the [House] where I reside at Vigan aforesaid on the day and year as above I annul all other wills which I have heretofore made Note the utilization of the words and [—] fifty pounds sterling I give as a mark of my friendship as approved James Laurens
(Thanks to @nordleuchten for filling in some of the gaps!)
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letmehave · 2 years
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Once click this blog, You will have Korean name
I'm the ENTJ type on the MBTI test. My personality type is a Commander. MBTI test says Commanders You May Know, Steve Jobs, Gordon Ramsay, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jim Carrey, Whoopi Goldberg, Harrison Ford, Malcolm X, Doctor Strange, Tony Soprano, David Palmer, Malcolm Merlyn, Mary Talbot, Francis J. Underwood, Jacqueline A. Sharp, River Tam, Milady Winter, Miranda Priestly, Raymond Reddington.
My name is Chang Hwa Letter shape of my name is 창 화 It means harmony with each other
Does MBTI look good on My name?
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mariocki · 1 year
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Calling Dr. Death (1943)
"You know, Doctor, it isn't death that frightens men. It's waiting. Anticipation. Your conscience, haunting you in your sleep, in your dreams."
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badmovieihave · 2 years
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Bad movie I have Julie & Julia 2009
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insidecroydon · 9 months
700 Londoners admitted to hospital as covid numbers soar
Doctors fear that New Year’s Eve parties and events could become super-spreader events, as the number of winter virus cases soars and the number of people testing positive for covid continues to rise in London. In the run-up to Christmas, London had the highest rate of covid in England, with data from the UK Health Security Agency estimating that around 6.1% of Londoners had the virus – more than…
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The Company's Revelations
From the Sydney Morning Herald on this day in 1932: GIANT CUNARDER ________ Could be Made to Pay. ___ COMPANY’S REVELATIONS ___ (FROM OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT.) ___ LONDON, Jan. 29 An extraordinary revelation of the financial affairs of the Cunard Company has been made in a special circular issued to shareholders regarding the suspension of the work on the new mammoth liner, the construction of…
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jeyneofpoole · 20 days
strip mall sansa works at the beauty supply store run by lysa and her mary kay mlm and she develops a headache disorder because there are no vents in the whole building so she passes out all the time and she barters with theon for illegal pain pills he gets from ramsay that are laced with fentanyl for the migraines and in return she gives him expired bleach for his frosted tip maintenance that fries off the bottom two inches of his hair every time but he keeps coming back for more because he’s planning on killing himself literally tomorrow and doesn’t care
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nevernonline · 4 months
✧.* grow as we go; svt smau.
entry #22 end it all.
synopsis: over the past ten years you’ve fallen in love many times. one day someone happens to stumble across your journal sitting out on your nightstand and started posting your entries online. after all of your secrets are leaked it’s clear things would ever be the same again.
𐦍 paring: svt members x afab! reader.
𐦍 feat: non-idol! svt
𐦍 genre/s: reader is super angsty low-key, fluffy, sexual themes.
𐦍 content: swearing, bullying, crazy ex’s, mentions of sexual relations, some drinking& mary jane 🍃
word count: 5.7k (some texts in between writing as well)
masterlist ▸ 021 we're so back.  ▸ 023 signing off for now. (coming soon)
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Y/N sat waiting for this moment for the past 24 hours, sitting around on Mingaho’s couch, his carpet in the living room, the floor of the shower, literally any spot you can name when he wasn’t at work or out with their friends. Which was a luxury she couldn't afford as of yet. 
Mimi hurt her deep and it wasn’t just her she was hurting anymore. It was everyone around her. Somehow y/n didn’t even care enough about her own wellbeing to do anything prior to the incidents with Minnie and her further threats towards her male counterparts. It hurt her to see the people she loved despite some bumps in the road hurting more than she was. 
Even though Mimi had single handedly been the issue in her life for many years she still couldn't figure out a way to hurt her back. Of course she could publicly embarrass her, call her family, fall in love with a boy that Mimi once wanted for herself, but it wouldn’t be enough, nothing would ever feel enough to get rid of her. Well, other than murder and y/n wasn’t ready to give up one weird fucked up version of prison to get the real one. Some part of her even wanted to just say fuck it and give Mimi friendship in hopes of all of this fading away even though she knew it none of it would be enough. 
Laying her forehead on the clean glass of Minghao’s coffee table, she took in a big ass sigh just waiting for the clock to hit 5:00pm when she’d finally be in her confrontational mode. Nipping (hopefully) all of this shit in the bud. 
Mingaho walked through the arched threshold of his house, the secret house apparently nobody had been too other than her. Standing in front of her staining his coffee table momentarily with her makeup, just looking at her with his concerned eyes, somehow still as statuesque as ever. 
All she could come up with was a simple response, wiping her stain not so secretly with the sleeve of her gray sweatshirt. 
“I got you some food, come on.” 
“Does this food happen to start with a “W” and end with a ‘INE?’ Or anything involving a content higher than zero?” 
“Do the letters THC sound okay?” 
“Wow, yes three of my favorites.” 
Minghao led her into the kitchen, still holding a grip on her arm from his helping her off the floor. Sitting her down at his overly modern kitchen table, where he set her lunch complete with a napkin that had a knife, fork, and rolled up joint sitting on it like it was meant to be used for her to shovel the various dishes into her mouth. 
“A real Ramsay.” 
“I do take pride in my plating and table setting.” 
“Did you roll it yourself?” 
Minghao waved his fingers to her, catching a slight smile from the girl as she beamed at the hello kitty themed rolling paper he had ordered online. 
“Feeling okay?” 
“Despite everything, yeah. I’m just ready to get rid of her at least for a while.” 
“Still not going to tell me what you planned or?” 
“No, sir. Out of the question.” 
“Ah, come on, I can keep a secret.” 
“I used to think that, but you’re friends with Jun now, he’d still find out.” 
“No way.” 
“How do you think I knew you had a garden in the back of your place, he stalked you. He’s impressive.” 
“And not scary at all.” 
“He’s harmless.” 
The pair ate the rest of their meal in silence not knowing how to continue the conversations they had been having recently, both in the same frame of mind and their end goal in sight. Minghao couldn’t lie that Y/n keeping him in the dark about what her plan was wasn’t making him nervous, he had built up a protectiveness to her, something he’d never experienced with any of his other friends. He knew that she could handle herself, but it still didn’t ease his anxiety further. 
“Hey, what time is it?” 
Mingaho just looked up at her, unaware she had been trying to ask him a question as he was in his own head. 
“Oh, uh. 4:30.” 
“Alright. Hand me your lighter and let me get a hit in before I have to dress for revenge.” 
Mingaho just laughed, handing over the black electric lighter to her across the table, being careful to not touch her fingers and go back into his trance. 
He had been doing good the past few days, not intruding on her space with his feelings to much, keeping it just how she wanted it, just friends. Hopefully, for him that just meant until she got the whole Mimi thing handled. 
Y/n took a deep exhale and blew the smoke behind her to not get it into Minghao’s space. The pair's phones  lit up at the same time, letting them know it was time to meet up for hopefully the finale. 
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Minnie and Y/n stepped outside of Mingyu’s black car, weirdly the perfect car for their bondess actions, not quite matching their casual outfits to their gut feelings. Minnie linked arms with y/n as they walked up to Mimi’s apartment, waiting for their meeting of the devil they both know. 
“Honestly, I’m surprised she lives here? I thought she had a good job?” 
“Last I heard she did? Some sort of social management or something?” 
“Perfect for her huh? Managing other people's lives.” 
“Yeah, but this.. Don't tell that truth.” 
“Maybe she was lying?” 
“Or y/n, maybe it’s a set up?” 
“No. I don’t think so. Her name is on the call box.” 
“This is becoming even more bizarre than I would’ve thought in the first place, ring the buzzer.” 
“Minnie, you ring the buzzer.” 
“Why would I ring the buzzer? You have longer fingers than me, less chance of being electrocuted or something, plus you have long sleeves you can wrap your hand in. They must protect you from that stuff too, right?”
“I don’t know? I’m scared to ring the buzzer. What if she puts some sort of magic powder on it and it turns me into a frog or something, I hate frogs.” 
“Why don’t we both ring the buzzer at the same time and then if there's a chance that she is some weird witch then we both turn into preferably not frogs but maybe cats or something?” 
“Well the witch thing is true. Okay, together.. Uh, ready?” 
Minnie and Y/n reached their pointer fingers together closer to the buzzer of apartment 4C that apparently belonged to their mutual enemy. When they made contact with the sticky silver knob they both jumped as the door unlocked, Mimi must have been waiting for their arrival right next to her intercom. 
“Okay.. Call me a snob or whatever y/n but this place is, uh-” 
“Not what you were expecting?” 
“Me either.” 
The girls walked through the courtyard following the signs on the side of the bricks that would lead them to the staircase up to the fourth floor to find Mimi standing outside with her door cracked, watching them timidly walk towards her. 
“I see you guys have no respect for other people's time still, you’re ten minutes late.” 
Y/n looked down at her watch. 
“Actually, we’re right on time, see?” 
She shoved her electronic apple watch screen with the exact time running across. 
“My mistake, I guess. Want to come in or are we just going to talk out here? Maybe the best idea considering you guys probably have some insane plan to tie me up and poison me or something.” 
“Why would we waste prison time on you exactly?” 
“Touche, Minnie. Come on, let’s get this over with.” 
Minnie and Y/n gave each other a look of disbelief as they walked into her apartment, clothes strung around everywhere, a board with thumbtacks of documents, pictures of her dog, some weird excerpts from fashion magazines.  Her laptop plugged into a wall socket paused on a scene from 13 going on 30, dirty coffee mugs staining on her side table. Definitely not the place she assumed Mimi was living, especially since Y/n knew her parents were unbelievably well off. 
“You guys can just sit on the couch or at the desk, it doesn't matter. Just throw the clothes on the floor. They should be clean, but I’m not sure.” 
“Is this your apartment? Like, full time or?” 
“Yes, y/n. Laugh all you want, but this is my apartment.” 
“What happened to-” 
“To the luxury one? Well after my parents found out about some of the things I’ve done, they cut me off. Luckily my job had a way for me to find vacant places I could actually afford considering I spent all my money on clothes the entire time I was working for my dad, so I had no savings. That’s how.” 
“Sorry? That’s all you guys can say is sorry? After you basically ruined my life? You’re both part of the reason I’m here right now.” 
“What the fuck? How are we responsible for this exactly?” 
“Well, Minnie. Since you so kindly asked. You know exactly why. Your parents told mine that I am a quote bully unquote to poor sad Y/n who gets everything she wants, so I blame you for that.” 
“You blame us for the way you obsessively have been trying to ruin y/n’s life for years?” 
“Ruin her life? Please, what life?” 
“What life? Are you like.. Doing well? On drugs? Hitting your vape pen a little too much and losing all your brain cells or?” 
“Come on, Minnie. Don’t tell me you actually think her leeching off other people and making them feel sorry for her to get them to hangout with her is actually having a life? Half of you guys are just her barking dogs because she’s too much of a pussy to call people out herself. Even now, you’re here with her fighting with me over a comment I made about y/n. Barking little dog. Seokmin too, just absolutely blind to the fact that she’s a shitty friend to him while he’s picking up all her broken pieces over and over again. She can’t even get a fucking boyfriend, all the boys she’s ever loved have fallen for her best friends over her, Me and Joshua, now you and Mingyu, I wonder who’s going to come and scoop Minghao up from under her considering she’s never going to give him wha-” 
“God can you stop being a fucking cunt for one second? What the fuck have I EVER done to you to make you say this shit about me? What? Tell your parents that you were recklessly drunk driving? You almost killed my father? You paralyzed a woman from the waist down? But, you left completely unscathed, no injuries aside from a little vomit and a paper cut sized gash on your hand because your vodka bottle shattered into the steering wheel as you drove into oncoming traffic? Tried for years to get Joshua to see that the type of person you are isn’t who he sees, that you were brainwashing him? Fuck. I even left and signed your stupid fucking note claiming I was doing all of this for attention, left my life, my friends, took time off of work, just because I needed you to stop trying to take it over and just wanted to give it to you so I never had to see you ever again. You think I actually want to sit here and look at how you’re living just so I can feel good about myself? No, it doesn’t make me feel good, Mimi. I don’t think this would make anyone feel good. But, unfortunately it’s karma. Karma for all those goddamn years of you poking and prodding and sticking daggers in my back until I finally bleed out completely and give you what you want. Well it’s fucking done, it’s over.” 
“What’s over, y/n? Huh. You think you’re actually going to win? Over me?” 
“Hah. I don’t care. Don’t you see that? I don’t fucking care anymore. I want you to get the fuck and stay the fuck away from me for a good long time. If you ever pull any of this shit again, you won’t just have a shitty apartment, you’ll have a shitty jail cell.” 
Y/n stood up now itching in closer to where Mimi was standing, leaving Minnie sitting with a shocked look on her face, almost proud. 
“What? Coming close to me so you can punch me or something?” 
“No. But, thanks for the idea.” 
Y/n took one last look into Mimi’s face before taking a deep breath in. 
“Stay the fuck out of my life. Leave my friends alone. Get a different hobby or you’ll get a very unfriendly visit from me accompanied by a few police officers coming to search your apartment and I’m sure you’ll love the new pretty set of silver jewelry they put on your wrists, matching cuffs are super in right now.” 
Y/n then pulled a twenty dollar bill out of her purse, walking away from standing in Mimi’s face, placing it under a thumbtack on her board. 
“Should get you a couple more trips to the laundry room, you could use it. Let’s go Minnie. Thanks for having us, Mimi. Your place is delightful.” 
Minnie got off the couch turning to follow y/n out, but turning back around just as quickly to look at Mimi feeling her rage build in her stomach. 
“Wait, I think I forgot something.” 
“What’s that?” 
Minnie lifted her right hand and laid a slap that could’ve been heard across town on Mimi’s cheek, making her gasp in pain. 
“Have a nice life, bitch.” 
Y/n and Minnie stayed nearly silent, running down the staircase from Mimi’s apartment and all through the courtyard back through the front doors and into Mingyu’s car. 
He wasn’t sure what they were thinking or even what they did, he just drove away without a word until the two girls made eye contact and started hysterically laughing, talking so loud in between their laughing breaths he couldn’t even make out a coherent sentence. 
“I cannot believe you did that, the delivery was SO good.” 
“What about you y/n? That speech, I mean that was cinema worthy, what the hell. I feel so proud of you after I finish laughing I might just cry? Also you tacking down the twenty dollars on the cork board was such a slap in the face.” 
“Oh my god, nothing like your actual slap in the face? I have so much adrenaline right now I feel like I could run a fucking marathon.” 
“Ew, no don’t do that. Let’s go get a drink at my place. Come on.” 
“Mingyu? Drink?” 
“Yes, of course. And I’ll need a full run down once the two of you stop laughing like two little girls, please.” 
“Shut up, you love us.” 
Mingyu smiled at the pair just laughing and giggling in the rearview mirror. Pulling his car into the parking lot of Minnie’s apartment, very different scenery than the one they just were at. 
“Wow, you know I just realized I’ve never seen your new place yet?” 
“Oh my god, I totally forgot about that, it's really cute. I’m trying to convince this tall bitch to move in with me.” 
“And what’s holding you back, Gyu?” 
“Nothing actually, I was going to tell her yes, might as well do it now while you guys are still on your high.” 
Y/n stopped in her tracks and held Minnie's arm, prompting them to jump up and down and scream slightly. 
“Wow, who would’ve thought THE Minnie Pinnie would have a MAN living with her. And her boyfriend at that, so adult.” 
“Hate to break it to you y/n, but we are adults.” 
“Psh, I know. “ 
“Okay, so let’s go up to my apartment first, I can lend you some clothes especially since you literally just sat on Mimi’s dirty laundry and weirdly stained couch, and we can wash yours.” 
“Sounds good to me, thank you my princess.” 
“Anytime, King Y/n.” 
“King? Excuse.” 
“It just came to me. Mingyu, do you mind grabbing the ice bucket and some wine and bringing it up to the roof? We’ll come in a few minutes.” 
“On it.” 
Minnie dragged y/n through her apartment, room by room, showing her all the new things she acquired to decorate, even though some of them are partially out of boxes waiting for their time to be hung up on the newly painted white walls. 
“Here, this was actually meant to be your birthday gift, but obviously we got distracted. Open it, open it, open it.” 
“You didn’t have to get me anything?” 
“Are you kidding me? Of course I did, I haven’t missed an y/n gift giving experience in a decade, come on.” 
“If anything I should be the one buying you a gift.” 
“My gift was slapping that bitch, hard, hurry please, I have to pee.” 
“Okay, okay.” 
Y/n tore through the tissue paper inside the pink bag, grabbing a hold of a garment inside and pulling it out, a silk black mid length dress with a matching black knit shawl on top. Something she remembers pointing out to Minnie through a car window months ago. Months before Mimi had entered their life again. 
“Oh my god, you didn’t.” 
“Hello? Of course I did, have you met me? Try it on while I pee, be right back.” 
Y/n took this silk fabric between her fingers and placed it carefully on the back of Minnies desk chair, sliding out of her jeans and t shirt and into the soft buttery fabric of her new dress, pulling the shrug over her arms and shoulders twirling a little, already wishing for somewhere to wear it. 
“Oh wow, y/n” 
Y/n walked over to Minnie with outstretched arms, hugging her tightly as another thank you and confirmation that she loved her gift. 
“I’m sorry we fought, I’m really sorry for everything, especially that you got hurt. I love you, Min.” 
“I’m sorry too, but it's over now, we’re perfect. Can I do your hair just so we can see how it’ll look with the dress?” 
“Yeah, sure. What about, Gyu?” 
“Ah, he’s fine, he has beer and a phone he can entertain himself well for ten more minutes, sit down.” 
Y/n obliged and sat down at the desk once again, letting Minnie brush her hair into a ponytail, slipping bobby pins in it, she was totally blind to what had been happening to the back of her head, Minnie came to her side brushing her bangs back and pinning them too into a perfect slicked back bun, topped off with a large black scrunchie as a hair accessory. 
“Okay, go look.” 
Y/n stood in the mirror, taking a long look at herself, some sort of light came back into her eyes, she looked almost happy. 
“You made me look good, now please sweatpants.” 
“No, you’re wearing this, I just put in all that work.” 
“But, you’re in sweats?” 
“I’ll change too, like a cute cheers to us killing a vampire.” 
Y/n smiled as Minnie very pixie floated around her room and grabbed a cute outfit to toss on very quickly all the while handing Y/n a few lip glosses and eyeshadow pallets touch her makeup up, and in five minutes she came out looking like an angel. 
“Drink time?” 
Minnie and Y/n walked back out the front door and up the single flight of stairs to the rooftop, little did y/n know lying behind the door to the sunset were the rest of her friends, here to makeup for her birthday one last time. 
“Can we be up here? Sounds like someone is having a party?” 
“Yes, y/n. You are.” 
“I am? I am what?” 
“Having a party stupid.” 
“You didn’t” 
“Like I said before, of course I did. Let’s celebrate, come on.” 
The two of them pushed open the door to a cheer of people, Mingyu smiling holding his glass of beer next to Wonwoo and Vernon who clapped as Y/n and Minnie ran through the door, Minghao sitting next to Jun, trying to push off his affectionate hug, Joshua, Jeonghan, and Seokmin huddling around each other next to the snacks cheersing the two girls who came outside. A few of y/n’s other various friends are smiling and taking sips of their cocktails.
“I must be really dense? You had this all planned?” 
“Duh. I can’t believe you didn’t catch on. Now go, my beautiful friend. Have some drinks, I’ll catch up with you in a bit.” 
Y/n was waved off as Minnie made her way over to Mingyu, jumping into his arms, waving to the boys he was sitting with. Y/n couldn’t help but smile seeing her friends so happy, she walked on her own looking over the city to the bar on the corner of the roof and grabbed the first clear cocktail she could get a hold of before turning around to find Seokmin smiling at her like a lost puppy. 
“Hello, lovely lady. How did it go with Mimi?” 
“Noo, no Seokmin, it’s over now I get to know what happened, that's the rule.” 
“Then can we make a deal? Let me finish at least three cocktails and THEN we can talk about Mimi, but a hint that it went perfectly.” 
“Good, come sit with us.” 
Seokmin picked up two more drinks and led Y/n over to a spot to sit in between himself and Jeonghan, she gladly nuzzled in between them, Joshua sitting across from her just smiling shyly, clearly not knowing how to insert himself again into a conversation after the one they had at her house, the tension was obvious but hopefully with the help of her friends he would get comfortable around her again while she made up her mind. 
“Happy Late Birthday, y/n. I missed you.” 
“Thank you, Hannie. I missed you too.” 
y/n wrapped her arm around him tightly after their hug letting it still rest around his shoulders, drinking away as he and Seokmin explained their crazy night out that somehow involved jumping off the pier after losing a bet with some girls at a bar. 
Y/n couldn’t help herself looking between Joshua and Minghao all night, almost like she was trying to force her eyes into making the decision for her. She knew in her gut what she actually wanted, but also wasn’t ready to hurt someone in the process. 
But, something about standing up for herself today made her realize a part of what Mimi was saying was true, maybe she did use people to make choices for her, maybe she was always too scared to admit how she felt because she was scared of the rejection that came with it, that’s why she chose to hide it away with pen and paper, obviously never thinking those things would come out. 
Her feelings for Joshua were nearly life long, she remembered when he didn’t feel like her friend anymore and moved himself into the painful crush category. Ever since fifth grade she couldn’t stop having feelings for him, all through high school, his stint with Mimi, even after he said and did terrible things to her, she did  them back so it was an even playing field. When she first lost her virginity, when she was seeing Mingyu, and even now. Joshua was so evident in her DNA from her childhood, it wasn’t really easy to shake him from her mind. 
Only one person had done it, Minghao. She didn’t always trust him or his intentions, which turned out to make sense once he had come clean, but she knew from the night he spent at her apartment, when he asked about her life, her photos. Even the simple things about him made her like him more, the way he’s always so engaged in her stories, never looking away from her eyes or her lips as she spoke, never using his phone when he’s with her only to take photos or show her a song that reminded him of her, writing down the movies she suggests just so he can understand her weird references she makes. He was a caretaker, someone who never questioned her, never made her feel less than, he always knew how to make her happy when she didn’t want to be. He fought for her, the same way she did for her friends. 
After her two drinks dried up and much of her conversations were lost on her picking her brain of how to make a choice between two worthy candidates, she got up to use the restroom, heading back down to Minnie’s place, on the way back out she ran into Minghao coming into the front door to pick up another case of beer to bring upstairs, he put it down and let her pass by, giving her hand a small squeeze and a smile without saying anything. Subtle but effective, he let her know he’d be right behind her on the way up. 
“Those are all for you I assume?” 
“No, you know I don’t drink beer. Mingyu is a little drunk so I offered to come down and grab it for him, I didn’t want him to get hurt.” 
“How very chivalrous of you.” 
Minghao put the case down and pulled a few out to pop into the cooler, grabbing a bottle of wine and an opener, waving y/n along to the otherside of the roof where only a few people were sitting and smoking. 
“Let’s share that birthday drink I owed you last time.” 
“Sounds perfect. I’m going to steal this blanket, hold on.” 
Y/n walked over to a couple sitting at a small table smoking a joint, holding hands lovingly watching the sunset. Minghao noticed her bright smile as she talked and waved to them while stealing the stray gray blanket from the open chair and skipping back over to Minghao covering them both up as she saw on the plush floor cushion. 
“That’s Mark, the guy I work for. I think I told you about him before. He’s super nice, he’s planning on proposing to her tonight. Maybe we’ll see it happen.” 
“That would be cute.” 
Minghao smiled at y/n’s eyes, lighting up talking about their proposal. He noticed they did that alot when she would talk about people being happy. It was one of the things he liked the most about her. 
“So, Swan.” 
“Yes, Mungbean?” 
“How was she?” 
“Ah, the subtle approach, I love it.” 
“Well, the place she's living in was sort of alarming at first. It’s totally fine, but not what I had expected, especially since last time I saw her she said she was living in some highrise just a few blocks over from here, actually. I guess it’s all she can afford because her parents cut her off for what she’s doing, she tried to blame me and Minnie, but we didn’t even say anything to them this time? Obviously, someone did.. Maybe Joshua or his mom? Not sure.” 
“Well, that’d be kind of silly for you guys to tattle on her like she's a child.” 
“Right. That’s exactly what I thought. Even if she does act like a child sometimes.” 
“What else happened? You guys just talked?” 
“I wouldn’t say it was talking, it was more of a shouting match at first. But it felt good to finally stick up for myself and not let someone else do it for me.” 
“So, she’s fine with it? Going to leave you alone?” 
“I threatened her with handcuffs.” 
“No, the police kind. I said if she ever tried any shit ever again I would come over and her small world would become a small jail cell, something like that.” 
Minghao laughed, picturing y/n upset, yelling at the girl who made her life hell as he poured them both another glass of wine, halfway through their bottle and moment alone already. 
“Surprised she didn’t try to rip your hair out or something. So you guys really just went over to talk?” 
“ No, not exactly, we did have more of an elaborate plan, but we got side tracked. Oh! And I tacked a twenty dollar bill to her board and said she needs to use it to do laundry which turned her face so red I thought she was about to, but Minnie slapped her instead and we ran off.” 
“The last part again?” 
“I know, I was so shocked I knew Minnie was a feisty bitch but I did NOT expect the slap it was so perfect. We laughed the entire way back here about it.” 
Minghao laughed, picturing the two girls running away childlike after Minnie finally let their bully have it. It seemed like the type of thing he wished they had gotten on camera. 
“But, yeah, nothing more than that. Just a bunch of girls fighting and slapping each other, something weird people on the internet would pay a lot of money for I think.” 
“Too bad you wasted your twenty on her.” 
“I can spare it, I think. Plus, she did have a lot of dirty laundry.” 
“Do you feel better now? I mean, less stressed about it? Because I was worried about you today, you looked like you were going to scream at any second.” 
“Yes, so much better. Thank you for this and for dinner and for letting me stay at your place, it was so nice seeing where you actually live, I was beginning to think you were some type of woodland creature at night or something.” 
“A woodland creature?” 
“Yeah, just you never showed anyone where you lived before. I don’t know? It’s really beautiful though, you should have people over more often, it's so cozy.” 
“You could move in.” 
“No, I just mean. I know you were afraid in your apartment alone after a while and I have the space, I mean you could have an office and a bedroom all to yourself, I don’t mean like-” 
“Are you ever going to ask me out?” 
“What? I-” 
“No. I mean. I’d like to go out with you, I’d say yes. We’ve moved faster in all the other steps and we’ve never really been on an actual date, so.” 
“I didn’t think you wanted me to ask you out?” 
“I thought I was the oblivious one.” 
“Oh, I-” 
“I mean at my parents house when we went outside, I thought you almost did. But, you never actually said anything. And I like spending time with you, just alone. It doesn’t have to be anything amazing or special, just us hanging out, unless you want to do something fancy? You’re kind of fancy. I like that. We kind of were getting to the maybe dating part before your art show, but that went to shit and I was dumb and went on a date with Joshua, which I’m sorry about by the way, that's complicated, but I don’t have feelings for him anymore like that, I have feelings for you. So? I’m talking too much, right?” 
“You’re not no.” 
“So? Yes? Unless you don’t have feelings for me which then makes this incredibly weird and we can just be friends. At least think about it. I-” 
“No, really just give it a few days. I’ve never asked anyone out before so this is weird, plus someone who’s my friends and friends with my friends, so.” 
Minghao took his hand and covered y/n’s mouth for a second just to get her attention back to him and stop her rambling so he can finally get a word in through her rant. 
“Y/n, I do like you. I thought that was obvious. I thought you just wanted to be friends.” 
“I thought you just wanted to be friends.” 
“I mean I like being your friend, but I’d like to go out with you. Thinking about staying your friend while I’ve liked you all this time and then watching you date someone else would probably kill me a little. So, yes I’d love to go on a date with you.” 
“Yes, please.” 
MInghao took y/n's hand, holding it tightly while he set their glasses of wine down in front of them and pulled her in for a small kiss on her stained lips. 
“The music started, should we go dancing?” 
“Shouldn’t we plan our date?” 
“That’s up to you, Mr. Minghao. I expect it to be nothing less than fabulous.” 
“Wait, but you asked me out, shouldn't you be planning it?” 
“Is that how it works?” 
“Okay, I will.” 
“Really, y/n. No, I can plan it.” 
“No. I’m planning. Now come on, let’s dance please.” 
Y/n pulled Minghao up from the ground, running with him to find the rest of their friends on the dance floor, never letting his hand fall from hers almost like a claim. 
Y/n and her friends spent the rest of the night, talking and laughing. Minnie told the story about the slap heard around the world to every separate group of people she talked to. 
When it was finally time to leave, y/n and Minghao hopped in a cab to his place. A place that someday, if things go right could be theirs together. 
When they finally shut the outside world away and got ready for bed, y/n glanced at the various mentions online from her friends, pictures, tweets, instagram posts, and some texts. But, one of them stuck out the most, a text from someone, an anonymous number she never had contacted before something that made her hair stand up on the nape of her neck. 
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note: hi! hope u enjoy this final written chapter, the next (two?) lil insert(s) will just to be finishing up this story and then we will be onto the next which I hope you'll all enjoy just as much!! have a good weekend my angel bb's :')
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snacho-to-ur-nacho · 3 months
you guys ever love a book so much you start talking in its language?
like for legend by marie lu saying 'goddy' or 'yea' a lot like in Day's pov
and in Infinity Alchemist saying 'source' rather than god?
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comtessezouboff · 10 months
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Paintings from Buckingham Palace: part I
A retexture by La Comtesse Zouboff — Original Mesh by @thejim07
100 followers gift!
First of all, I would like to thank you all for this amazing year! It's been a pleasure meeting you all and I'm beyond thankful for your support.
Spread among 13 occupied and historic royal residences in the United Kingdom, the collection is owned by King Charles III and overseen by the Royal Collection Trust. The British monarch owns some of the collection in right of the Crown and some as a private individual. It is made up of over one million objects, including 7,000 paintings, over 150,000 works on paper, this including 30,000 watercolours and drawings, and about 450,000 photographs, as well as around 700,000 works of art, including tapestries, furniture, ceramics, textiles, carriages, weapons, armour, jewellery, clocks, musical instruments, tableware, plants, manuscripts, books, and sculptures.
Some of the buildings which house the collection, such as Hampton Court Palace, are open to the public and not lived in by the Royal Family, whilst others, such as Windsor Castle, Kensington Palace and the most remarkable of them, Buckingham Palace are both residences and open to the public.
About 3,000 objects are on loan to museums throughout the world, and many others are lent on a temporary basis to exhibitions.
This first part includes the paintings displayed in the White Drawing Room, the Green Drawing Room, the Silk Tapestry Room, the Guard Chamber, the Grand Staircase, the State Dining Room, the Queen's Audience Room and the Blue Drawing Room,
This set contains 37 paintings and tapestries with the original frame swatches, fully recolourable. They are:
White Drawing Room (WDR):
Portrait of François Salignan de la Mothe-Fénelon, Archbishop of Cambrai (Joseph Vivien)
Portrait of a Lady (Sir Peter Lely)
Portrait of a Man in Armour with a red scarf (Anthony van Dyck)
Portrait of Alexandra of Denmark, Queen Consort of the United Kingdom and Empress of India (François Flameng)
Green Drawing Room (GDR):
Portrait of Prince James Stuart, Duke of Cambridge (John Michael Wright)
Portrait of Frederick Henry, Charles Louis and Elizabeth: Children of Frederick V and Elizabeth of Bohemia (unknown)
Portrait of Infanta Isabel Clara Eugenia of Autria and her Sister, Infanta Catalina Micaela of Austria (Alonso Sanchez Coello)
Portrait of Princess Louisa and Princess Caroline of the United Kingdom (Francis Cotes)
Portrait of Queen Charlotte with her Two Eldest Sons, Frederick, Later Duke of York and Prince George of Wales (Allan Ramsay)
Portrait of Richard Colley Wellesley, Marquess of Wellesley (Martin Archer Shee)
Portrait of the Three Youngest Daughters of George III, Princesses Mary, Amelia and Sophia (John Singleton Copley)
Silk Tapestry Room (STR):
Portrait of Caroline of Brunswick, Princess of Wales, Playing the Harp with Princess Charlotte (Sir Thomas Lawrence)
Portrait of Augusta, Duchess of Brunswick With her Son, Charles George Augustus (Angelica Kauffmann)
Guard Chamber (GC):
Les Portières des Dieux: Bacchus (Manufacture Royale des Gobelins)
Les Portières des Dieux: Venus (Manufacture Royale des Gobelins)
Les Portières des Dieux (Manufacture Royale des Gobelins)
Grand Staircarse (GS):
Portrait of Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen, Queen Consort of Great Britain (Martin Archer Shee)
Portrait of Augustus, Duke of Sussex (Sir David Wilkie)
Portrait of Edward, Duke of Kent (George Dawe)
Portrait of King George III of Great Britain (Sir William Beechey)
Portrait of King William IV of Great Britain when Duke of Clarence (Sir Thomas Lawrence)
Portrait of Leopold I, King of the Belgians (William Corden the Younger)
Portrait of Prince George of Cumberland, Later King George V of Hanover When a Boy (Sir Thomas Lawrence)
Portrait of Princess Charlotte Augusta of Wales (George Dawe)
Portrait of Queen Charlotte at Frogmore House (Sir William Beechey)
Portrait of Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saafeld, Duchess of Kent (Sir George Hayter)
State Dining Room (SDR):
Portrait of Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Queen Consort of the United Kingdom in Coronation Robes (Allan Ramsay)
Portrait of King George III of the United Kingdom in Coronation Robes (Allan Ramsay)
Portrait of Augusta of Saxe-Gotha, Princess of Wales (Jean-Baptiste Van Loo)
Portrait of Caroline of Ansbach when Princess of Wales (Sir Godfrey Kneller)
Portrait of Frederick, Princes of Wales (Jean-Baptiste Van Loo)
Portrait of King George II of Great Britain (John Shackleton)
Portrait of King George IV of the United Kingdom in Garther Robes (Sir Thomas Lawrence)
Queen's Audience Room (QAR):
Portrait of Anne, Duchess of Cumberland and Strathearn (née Anne Luttrel) in Peeress Robes (Sir Thomas Gainsborough)
Portrait of Prince Henry, Duke of Cumberland and Strathearn in Peer Robes (Sir Thomas Gainsborough)
London: The Thames from Somerset House Terrace towards the City (Giovanni Antonio Canal "Canaletto")
View of Piazza San Marco Looking East Towards the Basilica and the Campanile (Giovanni Antonio Canal "Canaletto")
Blue Drawing Room (BDR)
Portrait of King George V in Coronation Robes (Sir Samuel Luke Fildes)
Portrait of Queen Mary of Teck in Coronation Robes (Sir William Samuel Henry Llewellyn)
Found under decor > paintings for:
500§ (WDR: 1,2 & 3)
1850§ (GDR: 1)
1960§ (GDR: 2 & 3 |QAR 3 & 4)
3040§ (STR, 1 |GC: 1 & 2|SDR: 1 & 2)
3050§ (GC:1 |GS: all 10|WDR: 4 |SDR: 3,4,5 & 6)
3560§ (QAR: 1 & 2|STR: 2)
3900§ (SDR: 7| BDR: 1 & 2|GDR: 4,5,6 & 7)
Retextured from:
"Saint Mary Magdalene" (WDR: 1,2 & 3) found here .
"The virgin of the Rosary" (GDR: 1) found here .
"The Four Cardinal Virtues" (GDR: 2&3|QAR 3 & 4) found here.
"Mariana of Austria in Prayer" (STR, 1, GC: 1 & 2|SDR: 1 & 2) found here.
"Portrait of Philip IV with a lion at his feet" (GC:1 |GS: all 10|WDR: 4 |SDR: 3,4,5 & 6) found here
"Length Portrait of Mrs.D" (QAR: 1 & 2|STR: 2) found here
"Portrait of Maria Theresa of Austria and her Son, le Grand Dauphin" (SDR: 7| BDR: 1 & 2|GDR: 4,5,6 & 7) found here
(you can just search for "Buckingham Palace" using the catalog search mod to find the entire set much easier!)
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(Sims3pack | Package)
(Useful tags below)
@joojconverts @ts3history @ts3historicalccfinds @deniisu-sims @katsujiiccfinds @gifappels-stuff
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yandere-toons · 10 months
The relationship between thee sorcerer!reader and Ramsay is giving me kind of Mary on a Cross by Ghost-vibes I love it!! Can't wait for more!!
Oh my, this song is perfect for that dumpster fire! I'd heard the name, but now I have more sketches in front of me than my poor hand-eye coordination can handle.
Sorcerer!Reader: I could kill you easily.
Ramsay Bolton:
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my-deer-history · 2 years
I gently conveyed your chiding message to Sister patsy, She Smiled & received it as a mark of your Love for her_ Your Sister will forward this to you & when you meet will further answer for herSelf_ You will be highly pleased with your little Sister Polly, She reads to a degree of perfection which will Surprize you, but poor little thing She has to pass under the Surgeon's hands for the Small Pox immediately upon her arrival.
Henry Laurens to Jemmy Laurens, 24 May 1775
Henry's daughters, Martha and Mary Eleanor, were preparing to depart for England with their uncle and aunt.
Jemmy himself had been innoculated shortly after his arrival in England in October 1771 and suffered through a few uncomfortable days as the symptoms took hold.
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