#Marvel's The Gifted
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nekoannie-chan · 2 years ago
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Title: Continue.
Fandom: Marvel, X-men, The Gifted.
Pairing: Underground mutants.
Rating: Teen.
Word count: 595 words.
Warnings: Mention of characters death, run away, Sentinels.
Summary: You and the rest of the mutants are trying to survive to the “new” world.
A/N: This is my entry to @multifandom-lover, Annie-1018 & square 1:
"You know. I keep telling everybody they should move on and grow. Some do. But not us."
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other's people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou  @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad​ @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum​  @real-fbi​ e @caplanbuckybarnes​   @nana1000night​ @talia-rumlow​ @writingshae​  @azulatodoryuga​ @chaoticcollectivenightmare​ @endlesstwanted​  @chemtrails-club​  @whiskeytangofoxtrot555​ @here4thefanfics​ @theestorm​ @patzammit​
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You kept running; the only thing on your minds was that you had to escape; if you didn't, then the Sentinels would catch them. You still didn't know what would happen if that happened; you had had no communication with anyone about what the Sentinels had caught.
The X-men no longer existed; now where would there be a safe place for mutants?
Finally, after a couple of hours, you found a place where you could hide. It did not seem very safe, so you had to make several modifications to be able to condition it and try to make it as close to the home you used to have as possible.
"I'm sorry about James," you said to John.
"He has always been like that; I knew that sooner or later he was going to sacrifice himself, but I didn't think that so soon...
"I know he was always trying to protect us; we have lost a great member...
"Am I interrupting something?" Lorna asked with a playful little smile.
"No, we were just remembering James," you answered, and the smile disappeared from Lorna's face.
"Do you need anything?" John questioned her after a few minutes of awkward silence.
"Marcos and I were checking out the place; maybe we could set up here, but we will need to make some modifications so we can be safe," "Lorna informed.
"We also need to look for the others, as well as other mutants; we are all useful in some way or another."
Slowly, you were able to rehabilitate the place; it definitely didn't look anything like Mansion X, nor did you have the same technology, but none of that mattered; it was your home now.
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You saw the old photos; that first place after you had to flee from the mansion no longer existed; the Sentinels had destroyed it. Not counting all the casualties, you had, you missed Sonia. Whenever you had nightmares, you went to her.
You were waiting for me to return from the confrontation against Reeva. It was indescribable what you felt when they started telling about Reed's sacrifice.
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A couple of nights later, you reunited; the Sentinel program and the Accords had been cancelled, and the Purifiers were also being tried for your crimes.
You began to talk about what you were going to do—everything you would like to do—you were finally free, yet an emptiness was felt; without hesitation, you would have liked all mutants to be there and be able to live such bliss—all those you considered your family, the family that a few had taken from them.
"You know. I keep telling everybody they should move on and grow. Some do. But not us." John suddenly said
"I miss Mansion X and all the adventures we had..." you started to say, but your voice broke.
In the last five years, you had lived through horrible things—running away, hiding, and countless other things—and it seemed implausible to be able to have a relatively normal life or as close to what it was before all the chaos broke out.
"Well, now we can do whatever we want. Our Aurora will grow up happy and normal," Marcos commented.
"There's nothing normal about Dawn's parents," you whispered, causing everyone to laugh. You still didn't understand how Lorna had fallen in love with Marcos.
You kept joking until something distracted you.
"Y/N? Is something wrong?" Clarice called you.
"Steve Rogers is coming to get us," you said, still staring blankly.
"What does he want?" John questioned.
"Our help."
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ayo-edebiri · 3 months ago
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#It's been months and I'm still grateful for this scene
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torpublishinggroup · 1 year ago
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A guide of books to gift the people in your life and yourself!
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mohish-ko · 13 days ago
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☆ Who tf asked for Winter Soldier?
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newwavesylviaplath · 16 days ago
sad to announce hugh jackman oiled up and wearing nothing but a bow was NOT under my tree this year.. but i understand they might be shipping him from new york so i can wait a while
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scottxlogan · 1 year ago
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Misc. Wolverine in front of a mirror gifs
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mobius-m-mobius · 1 year ago
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Loki + searching for Mobius moments after disaster
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mylittledelulucorner · 16 days ago
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I hope Santa got it right this year!
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keylimeart · 10 months ago
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krakoa era i'll love you forever
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flowers-poetry-poc · 4 months ago
Why does Marvel have this amnesia towards their projects pre Disney plus? Every year they’re talking about “gayest tv show yet” or “first gay character” like they didn’t have Karolina and Nico from Runaways in 2017 in an explicitly canon lesbian relationship.
And the fans are just as bad. The incels calling everything woke DEI nonsense when marvels shows c.2013-2019 were probably the best tv marvel has put out while also having quite diverse stories.
Now they purposely rate any female lead project poorly, purely because they expect less from women. But shows like Jessica Jones, Agent Carter, Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D were really popular when airing.
Marvel used to focus on Black stories, have disabled/ neurodivergent characters, explicitly queer charcters, conversations about rape and PTSD and more! So why have they forgotten that they made these high quality shows? And why are the fans now having such a negative reaction to anything that’s not white male lead?
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nekoannie-chan · 2 years ago
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Título: Continuar.
Fandom: Marvel, X-men, The Gifted.
Pareja: Mutantes del subterráneo.
Clasificación: B15.
Palabras: 548 palabras.
Advertencias: Mención de muerte de personajes, huir, Centinelas.
Sinopsis: Tú y el resto de los mutantes están intentando sobrevivir a los “nuevos” tiempos.
N/A:  Esta es mi entrada para Multifandom Flash Bingo Cards, Annie-1018, cuadro 1:
“Saben, sigo diciéndole a todos que deberían superarlo y continuar. Algunos lo hacen, pero nosotros no.”
También puedes leerlo en Wattpad y Ao3.
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        Si te gusto por favor vota, comenta y rebloguea.
No doy ningún permiso para que mis fics sean publicados en otra plataforma o idioma (yo traduzco mi propio trabajo) o el uso de mis gráficos (mis separadores de texto también están incluidos), los cuales hice exclusivamente para mis fics, por favor respeta mi trabajo y no lo robes. Aquí en la plataforma hay personas que hacen separadores de texto para que cualquiera los pueda usar, los míos no son públicos, por favor busca los de dichas personas. La única excepción serían los regalos que he hecho ya que ahora pertenecen a alguien más. Si encuentras alguno de mis trabajos en una plataforma diferente y no es alguna de mis cuentas, por favor avísame. Los reblogs y comentarios están bien.
DISCLAIMER: Los personajes de Marvel no me pertenecen (desafortunadamente), exceptuando por los personajes originales y la historia.
Anótate en mi taglist aquí.
Otros lugares donde publico: Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter.
Tags: @sinceimetyou​ @black23​  @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad​ @azulatodoryuga​
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Seguían corriendo, lo único que tenían en la mente es que debían de escapar, si no lo hacían… si no lo hacían entonces los Centinelas los atraparían, aún no sabían lo que ocurriría si eso pasaba, no habían tenido comunicación con nadie de lo que estos habían atrapado.
Los X-men ya no existían, ¿ahora donde habría un lugar seguro para los mutantes?
Finalmente, después de un par de horas, habían encontrado un lugar donde pudieron esconderse, no parecía muy seguro, debían de hacer varias modificaciones para poder acondicionarlo e intentar que fuese lo más parecido al hogar que solían tener.
—Lamento lo de James —le dijiste a John.
—Él siempre ha sido así, sabía que tarde o temprano se iba a sacrificar, pero no creí que tan pronto…
—Lo sé, siempre buscaba protegernos, hemos perdido a un gran miembro…
—¿Interrumpo algo? —Lorna preguntó con una pequeña sonrisa juguetona.
—No, solo estábamos recordando a James —respondiste, la sonrisa desapareció del rostro de Lorna.
—¿Necesitas algo? —John cuestionó después de unos minutos de silencio incómodo.
—Marcos y yo estábamos revisando el lugar, tal vez podríamos establecernos aquí, pero necesitaremos hacer algunas modificaciones para que podamos estar a salvo —Lorna informó.
—También tenemos que buscar a los demás, así como otros mutantes, todos somos útiles de alguna forma u otra.
Poco a poco pudieron rehabilitar el lugar, definitivamente no se parecía nada a la Mansión X, ni tenían la misma tecnología, pero nada de eso importaba, ahora era su hogar.
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Veías las fotos antiguas, aquel primer lugar después de que tuvieron que huir de la Mansión, ya no existía, lo habían destruido los Centinelas, sin contar todas las bajas que tuvieron, extrañabas a Sonia, siempre que tenías pesadillas acudías a ella.
Estaban esperando a que regresaran del enfrentamiento contra Reeva. Fue indescriptible lo que sentiste cuando comenzaron a contar acerca del sacrificio de Reed.
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Un par de noches después se reunieron; el programa Centinela y los Acuerdos habían sido cancelados, los Purificadores también estaban siendo juzgados por sus crímenes.
Comenzaron a hablar sobre lo que iban a hacer, todo lo que les gustaría hacer, finalmente eran libres, no obstante, se sentía un vacío; sin dudar, les hubiese gustado que todos los mutantes estuviesen ahí y pudieran vivir tal dicha, a todos los que consideraban su familia, la familia que unos pocos les habían arrebatado.
—Saben, sigo diciéndole a todos que deberían superarlo y continuar. Algunos lo hacen, pero nosotros no —John dijo de pronto.
—Extraño la Mansión X y todas las aventuras que vivimos… —comenzaste a decir, sin embargo, tu voz se quebró.
En los últimos cinco años habían vivido cosas horribles, huido, escondido y un sinfín de cosas más, parecía inverosímil poder tener una vida relativamente normal o lo más parecida a lo que era antes de que todo el caos se desatara.
—Bueno, ahora podremos hacer lo que queramos. Nuestra Aurora crecerá feliz y normal —Marcos comentó.
—No hay nada normal en los papás de Dawn —susurraste, provocando que todos rieran, aún no entendías como era que Lorna se había enamorado de Marcos.
Siguieron bromeando hasta que algo te distrajo.
—¿T/N? ¿Pasa algo? —Clarice te llamó.
—Steve Rogers viene a buscarnos —dijiste aún con la mirada perdida.
—¿Qué es lo que quiere? —John cuestionó.
—Nuestra ayuda.
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diva-calderu · 18 days ago
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Loosely inspired by Bloody Mary by the lovely and talented @jubshead xoxo
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crowlixcx · 5 months ago
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The Scrapbook Series
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stovreye · 6 months ago
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Logan doodle from like a week ago!! I’m trying to get more comfortable with posting drawings that I don’t really like and/or are incomplete so here’s Logan 🙈
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5ummit · 10 months ago
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Source: 缭乱阁 | Weibo
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buckypascal · 1 year ago
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Matt Murdock loosening his tie #forscience
+ bonus
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