#Market Research Companies for Healthcare Providers
philomathresearch · 1 year
Aging Population and Healthcare: Navigating the Challenges of a Changing Society
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At Philomath Research, we explore the profound implications of the aging population on healthcare systems worldwide. In this blog post, we delve into the complexities and opportunities that arise as a growing number of individuals enter their senior years. Join us as we examine the evolving landscape of healthcare and discover strategies to effectively address the unique needs of older adults.
I. The Dynamics of an Aging Population Definition and Drivers of the aging population:
Gain insights into the factors contributing to this demographic shift, including declining birth rates and increased life expectancy. Explore how these elements shape the aging population and its impact on healthcare systems. Delve into current demographic trends and projections, emphasizing the importance of proactive measures to accommodate the changing needs of older adults.
II. Healthcare Challenges in an Aging Society Prevalence of chronic diseases:
Uncover the age-related health conditions that become more prevalent among older adults, placing a burden on healthcare resources. Explore the complexities of managing multiple comorbidities in the elderly population. Workforce shortages: Analyze the impact of an aging healthcare workforce and the challenges associated with recruiting and retaining professionals to meet the growing demand. Highlight the need for specialized geriatric care providers to cater to the unique needs of older adults. Financial implications: Examine the escalating healthcare costs associated with an aging population and the strain this puts on healthcare budgets. Discuss potential solutions and policy approaches to address these financial challenges, including long-term care funding and insurance reforms.
III. Promoting Healthy Aging Preventive healthcare measures:
Emphasize the importance of early detection, screenings, and preventive interventions for age-related health conditions. Explore the significance of vaccinations and immunizations to safeguard older adults against preventable diseases. Highlight the role of promoting healthy lifestyles and wellness programs in enhancing overall well-being and quality of life. Enhancing geriatric care: Advocate for person-centered care approaches that prioritize the individual needs, preferences, and goals of older adults. Explore the use of interdisciplinary healthcare teams and technology-enabled solutions to improve access and quality of care for older adults. Social support and community engagement: Address the issue of social isolation and loneliness among the elderly population and its impact on health and well-being. Discuss the importance of creating age-friendly communities that foster active aging and social integration. Highlight the need for supportive programs for caregivers and families.
IV. Policy and System-level Strategies Healthcare policy reforms:
Advocate for tailored healthcare policies that address the specific needs and challenges of an aging population. Discuss long-term care financing and insurance reforms to ensure affordable and accessible care for older adults. Collaborative healthcare models: Explore the benefits of integrated care systems and care coordination to improve the continuity and quality of care for older adults. Highlight the importance of intersectoral collaboration with community organizations, housing agencies, and transportation services. Research and innovation: Advocate for advancements in geriatric medicine and technology to improve diagnostics, treatment options, and quality of life. Highlight the need for increased research efforts focused on age-related diseases and conditions.
At Philomath Research, we recognize the profound impact of the aging population on healthcare systems. By understanding the challenges and opportunities presented by this demographic shift, promoting healthy aging practices, and implementing policy and system-level strategies, we can ensure that healthcare systems are equipped to provide high-quality, person-centered care. Through collaboration, innovation, and comprehensive approaches, we can enhance the well-being and quality of life of individuals as they age. Join us on this journey of navigating the challenges and embracing the opportunities of a changing society.
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On-page SEO optimization for service-based businesses
On-Page SEO Optimization for Service-based Businesses – A Complete Guide by Dhrubo Organization As a service-based business, you need to optimize your website for search engines to attract potential customers. On-page SEO optimization is the process of improving your website’s content and HTML source code to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). In this article, we’ll cover the key…
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postitforward · 2 years
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Mental Health Spotlight: Jasmine Marie, Founder of black girls breathing®
Jasmine Marie is a speaker, breathwork practitioner, and the founder of black girls breathing®. Her work is innovating the wellness, healthcare, and research industry by making mental health services accessible to Black women while filling in the gaps of data and research available on this underserved and underrepresented demographic. Marie plans to impact one million Black women and girls with her work by 2025. She is a serial founder with a past life in global haircare brand marketing and an alum of NYU Stern. The impact and range of her work to date is expansive—ranging from underserved minority communities to stressed-out college students and executives. She’s brought her expertise to elite colleges such as Harvard Business School, Columbia University, and Cornell University, and her client list includes corporations such as Estée Lauder Companies, Under Armour, Capital One, Ford Motor Company, Facebook, and Twitter. Marie has been featured in Oprah Magazine, Good Morning America, VOGUE, Forbes, Harper’s Baazar, Marie Claire, Glamour, Nylon Mag, Wall Street Journal, and Black Enterprise, to name a few.
What is black girls breathing®? And why was it created? black girls breathing® is a safe space for Black women to manage their mental and emotional health and heal trauma in their bodies with breathwork and community.
I created black girls breathing® after finishing my breathwork training and seeing so few facilitators that looked like me yet knowing how much chronic stress and trauma (generational, societal, etc.) and decided to create it. I used my background in business to help me develop a model where we could provide this work accessibly.
Do you have any secret hobbies, skills, or interests?
I don’t think I have any secret hobbies but for a while, I would always feel embarrassed whenever anyone asked that question, as a lot of my hobbies can maybe seem boring to others lol. But I love to read. Reading is one of my favorite hobbies. I love having quiet time…any activity that allows me to feel refreshed, sit with my own thoughts and enjoy my solitude. I think because I deal with so many people’s energy that in my spare time, I just like to spend time with self. I love to cook though…it’s a very meditative activity for me that allows me to unwind from my day.
How did you get started in this work? And why is it important to you?
As mentioned above, after my breathwork training, I realized there were so few Black breathworkers. But before that, I found breathwork while being stressed out after graduating from business school at NYU and working in beauty in NYC. My nervous system was so fried I began having physical symptoms…rashes and an inability to sleep. The doctor would see me and always say, “This is stress. How can you reduce your stress?” Fast forward to me finding my first breathwork class and falling in love with the way it allowed me to just feel more space in my mind and body.
WOW — ONE MILLION Black women and girls breathing by 2025 what an ambitious goal! What impact do you see this having?
It is an ambitious goal, but in 2020, we fundraised $55k to make our work accessible for one year. After the year was done, it was so clear that we couldn’t stop there. So many Black women needed this work, and we would hear that over and over again. So I decided if I was going to do this work, I was only interested in creating real impact and a goal that would signify that. Imagining 1 Million Black women using breathwork as a tool to regulate their nervous systems, heal from compounded trauma and reduce the effect that chronic stress has in our community (health challenges linked to chronic stress: heart disease, high blood pressure, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, fertility issues, and the list goes on) will not only affect them but our community as a whole. Ending the passing down of generational trauma and normalizing healing.
What would you suggest to people who feel like they cannot find the time to breathe or practice mindfulness?
I would first affirm that it’s okay they feel that way. Western society has done a great job of making us feel that anything outside of productivity is not only a waste of time but the least important thing we should make space for. Making time for yourself for any mindful activity can be eased into and it can start with being more aware of the present moment and practicing that action on a daily. Maybe you create a routine where every morning for 3 minutes right when you get up, you take a moment to be still, notice your breathing pattern and focus on each and every inhale and exhale.
Why is Black representation important in this industry?
The wellness industry isn’t unlike other industries where Black representation is lacking. I think it’s important to see other Black women caring for themselves because, historically, we’ve been taught to do the opposite for oh so long.
Where do you find joy?
I find joy with my family and my loved ones, in intimate moments with friends, in good food and conversation, and in being able to create something and see it grow, shift, and evolve.
Want to learn more about black girls @blackgirlsbreathing?
Check out their website!
Breathe with us on March 27th @12pm EDT during their Mindful Monday Breathwork for Anxiety session on Tumblr Live
Ask black girls breathing all the questions on your mind for IssueTime on Navigating Anxiety in an increasingly digital, lonely world
Take the pledge with black girls breathing®
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happigreens · 5 months
Fair Trade
By going beyond accreditation practices, consumers and companies can reach those at the bottom of the global social production ladder. Nonetheless, these efforts require purchasers to take personal responsibility for their impact, rather than relying solely on certifications. Simply by being more thoughtful and ethical in our sourcing practices, we have a huge opportunity to create brighter futures for all people and their families throughout the supply chain.
Despite many well-intentioned consumer attitudes, fair trade product markets frequently feature marketing strategies that conjure up imperialistic images [...]
[...] In products marked as fair trade, the certification might only apply to the product’s raw materials, rather than the full process of production. [...] A 2014 study theorizes that these practices are somewhat effective, “although on a comparatively modest scale relative to the size of national economies"
Social Media conversations about Fair Trade Practices:
[From user seriousxdelirium] - Like almost all other labels for coffee, it's absolutely useless. It only applies to growers large enough to afford the fees, and is not regulated well enough to make meaningful impact on the industry. If you really care about this sort of thing, do some research and develop an understanding of what you think a fair price is for farmers, and ask roasters what they paid for that coffee. Most good roasters are willing to be transparent about that sort of thing, and even publish transparency reports where you get a breakdown of the entire transaction.
From user Ramakrishna Surathu:
[...] Here are some reasons why fair trade may not always be as fair as it seems [...]
1. Market Access and Power Imbalances: Fair trade initiatives often focus on small-scale producers in developing countries, who may face challenges in accessing global markets and negotiating fair prices. Power imbalances within supply chains, influenced by factors such as geography, politics, and market dynamics, can limit the ability of producers to fully benefit from fair trade practices.
2. Certification Costs and Barriers: Obtaining fair trade certification can be costly and time-consuming for producers, particularly small-scale farmers and artisans with limited resources. Certification fees, auditing expenses, and compliance with standards may pose financial barriers and administrative burdens, leading some producers to forego certification altogether.
3. Limited Impact on Poverty Alleviation: While fair trade aims to reduce poverty and improve livelihoods, its impact may be limited by systemic barriers and structural inequalities. Addressing poverty requires broader social, economic, and political interventions beyond the scope of fair trade alone, such as access to education, healthcare, land rights, and infrastructure.
4. Market Volatility and Price Instability: Fair trade prices are often based on predetermined minimums, which may not fully reflect fluctuations in global market prices. Producers may be exposed to market volatility and fluctuations in demand, which can impact their income and livelihoods, particularly in commodity markets subject to price instability.
5. Complexity of Supply Chains: Fair trade supply chains can be complex and challenging to navigate, especially in regions with limited infrastructure and logistical challenges. Ensuring compliance with fair trade standards, maintaining transparency, and traceability throughout the supply chain can require significant investment in monitoring and management systems.
[...] Some manufacturers also use tricks. For example, some products do not explain exactly which part of a product was produced fairly. Another trick is to increase the percentage of "fair" ingredients by subtracting out the water content. The credibility is of course "fair watered".
[...] The statement here should not be that fair trade is useless, but one should always question things or understand them better and not just be blindly guided by seals in the purchase decision. Since this works so well, manufacturers like to use such seals or make one up themselves.
[...] rather than cutting out the middle man, and offering farmers a more direct compensation for their work, Fair Trade still facilitates a level of bureaucracy that supports an uneven distribution of revenue.
[...] The price point that separates Fair Trade produce from the rest of the market is often significant enough that lower-income households cannot afford to budget for it. This means that Fair Trade cannot reach mass markets in a way that would really effect wide-scale change, and instead serves as a token gesture to alleviate the guilt of middle-class consumers.
[...] [premium pricing coffee] is a worthy move if the coffee is of a high quality, but if it is not of sufficient quality to merit this price tag, then it risks turning consumers away from Fair Trade produce, and further impeding its reach to mass markets [...]
Fair Trade is a concept worth embracing, but first it must prioritize effective and transparent processes of production and distribution. What Fair Trade aims to achieve is admirable, but what it could potentially achieve is far greater [...]
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Opportunities and Risks for Stock Market Investors
Investing in the stock exchange is a very emotional business, some people find it thrilling yet scary at once. However one must consider the associated dangers to succeed at this risky venture. This article will show you all that can be derived from investing in stocks and what losses may follow. In light of these, we can improve our investment choices.
Worries over Investment in the Stock Market
The Potential for Exceptional Gains
One thing that draws investors to the share market is that they have a chance to earn huge amounts of money. Normally, statistically speaking, shares tend to surpass all other forms of investment such as bonds or saving accounts over time. If one picks good stocks, she/he stands to earn high returns if their prices rise in line with the development of companies being represented by those shares
Risk Reduction Through Variety
There’s a huge variety available when investing on shares; hence, diversification is possible. This means putting your money into different types of assets as well as sectors and industries in order to avoid being affected by risks related to only one asset class. Hence, diversification protects one against massive losses that follow underperformance by one sector alone which may cause havoc during market downturns such as when comparing technology sector performance with that of healthcare or consumer goods sectors respectively.
Some stocks provide dividends, which are bascially payments from a company’s earnings made at regular intervals to the shareholders. Even if there is no significant growth in stock prices, dividends can still be dependable sources of income. This may be more advantageous if you are looking for an additional reliable income stream aside from possible capital gain.
Ownership and Influence
Whenever one buys stocks, he/she acquires partial ownership of that particular corporation. This type of ownership gives certain advantages such as having the right to vote on specific company decisions as well as accessing various reports on its finances and earnings. While your influence may be minimal when owning only a few shares; but it brings about some uniqueness in investing through stocks.
Typically, stocks rank high on the liquidity scale meaning they can be bought or sold with relative ease compared to other investments like real estate. Therefore, this liquidity allows for quick access of cash when needed or adjustments made on portfolios according to changing market circumstances.
Risks in Stock Market Investing
The Fluctuations In The Market
The most important risk that comes with stock market investing is fluctuating prices.
There are unpredictable changes in prices as well as rapid ones in stock markets which can cause stress because of potential losses. Economic events, political developments or investor sentiment shifts may also drive market-wide swings. It is important to be prepared for these ups and downs and avoid hasty decisions based on short term fluctuations.
Risks That Are Specific To The Company
Investing in individual stocks exposes you to how specific companies perform. For instance, if a company hits financial problems or faces regulatory issues its price may drop. In this case this company-specific risk could lead to huge losses when its performance worsens. Diversification can help to some extent in dealing with this risk though care must be taken while researching and picking firms.
Economic And Political Risks
The stock market can be adversely influenced by economic downturns and political instability for instance; during periods of recession, inflation or shifts in government policies there occurs depreciation in stock prices. However, these greater economic/political issues often lie outside of your control but keeping an eye on key indicators related to the economy as well as polities enables one to expect possible effects on their investments.
Risk of Bad Investment Choices
In order to invest in the share market one has to engage themselves in research and make wise selections. If you do not understand, you can invest poorly and lose money. Thus, it is vital that you learn about market trends, stock fundamentals and investment techniques. Moreover, you may want to seek financial advisors or reliable sources to help guide your investment decisions.
Making Decisions Based on Emotion
One of the largest dangers of stock market investing is making decisions based on emotions. For example, when a stock price drops, fear and greed can make an individual sell stocks that they shouldn’t otherwise sell, or instead pursue rapidly appreciating stocks regardless of their fundamentals. Emotional investing results in buying high while selling low thus eroding your returns. A practical way to avoid emotional investing is by creating a sound investment plan and adhere to it.
Balancing Risks with Opportunities
Making money in the stock market requires a balance between the opportunities that are available and the dangers which are involved. Below are tips on how this balance can be achieved:
Educate Yourself: Knowledge is key when it comes to investing. Investing in other vehicles, such as stocks and other related areas, is worth your time. The more information you have on these areas the more informed decisions you will be making.
Set Clear Goals: Know your objectives and risk acceptance level. Is it for long-term gains, income, or for both. Knowing what you want going forward will make choosing instruments easier hence developing suitable plans which are in line with such objectives.
Diversify Your Portfolio: Never depend on one source. Conduct portfolio analysis. By varying the types of investments among many sectors, industries and asset classes, you minimize risk and maximize chances for favorable results. Invest in dividing paying stocks, bonus providing stocks and also blue chip companies in order to reduce the risk
Stay Informed: Track news on the market, economic progress, and performance by companies. A well -informed investor can then make informed decisions about investing and adjust accordingly.
Emotional Investing Must Be Avoided: Unless it is a part of your investment strategy, do not allow feelings to influence your choices. Regardless of price changes in shares, be disciplined and stick to the approach you have set.
While there are many opportunities in the stock market, there are also risks involved. Understanding these variables, along with having a measure of balance in your approach increases your chances of success as well as avoiding losses. Remember that patience, research and discipline are crucial to a successful investing journey. Stay informed, make wise choices while keeping in mind your long term objectives as you navigate the exciting world of stock market investing.
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Digital Marketing Agency Near Me
Choosing the Best digital marketing agency near you can be hectic for your business. A local agency not only understands the market dynamics but also has the advantage of being easily accessible for those who live near. Here’s a guide on how to find a well reputed digital marketing agency near you, what to look for, and the benefits of working with them.
1. Research and Identify Agencies near you
Start by conducting a simple online search for digital marketing agencies in your area. Use search engines, business directories like Yelp, and platforms like Google My Business to compile a list of agencies. Local community websites, forums, and social media groups can also provide recommendations. Pay attention to the agencies’ reviews and ratings, as these can give you an idea of their reputation and the quality of their services.
2. Analyze the Agency’s Expertise
Once you have a list of all potential agencies, check their websites to understand their offerings. Reach for agencies that specialize in the areas of digital marketing that are most important  to your business, such as SEO, PPC, content marketing, social media management, or web development. Agencies often showcase their previous work and case studies on their websites, which can give you a clear understanding of  their capabilities and the types of clients they served.
3. Look for Industry Experience
It’s necessary to choose the right agency that has experience in your specific field. Whether you are a retailer, or in the healthcare sector, real estate, or any other sector, an agency with relevant industry experience will be able to better understand your business’s challenges and opportunities. They will also have a better grasp of the competitive landscape and the digital strategies that work best within your industry.
4. Access Their Communication and Culture
Effective communication is important when working with a digital marketing agency. During earlier consultations, assess how responsive and honest the agency is. Do they understand your goals and business types? Are they clear about their strategies and expected results? Additionally, evaluate the agency’s culture and whether it aligns with your company’s values and working style. A good cultural fit can lead to a next level of marketing and be productive for you.
5. Evaluate the Wide Range of Services
A full-time digital marketing agency can provide a better solution to your marketing requirements. These agencies offer a wide range of services,such as, Seo, web design to content creation, google analytics. Working with a single agency that offers all these services can give you consistency in your marketing efforts and save you from  the hassle of communicating with multiple agencies.
6. Compare proposals of different agencies
After lessening down your options, request proposals from the evaluated agencies. These proposals give you ideas about their strategies, timing, services, and charges. You should Compare the proposals not just on the basis of cost but also on the outcomes from their services they offer.Best option can not always be a cheapest option and the cheapest option is not always the best; focus on the agency that provides a clear, and great results-driven strategy that aligns with your business goals.
7. Benefits of Working with a nearby Agency
Choosing a nearby digital marketing agency has many benefits. Local agencies are more likely to have a deep knowledge of the regional market and consumer behavior. This can be beneficial for small businesses that target local customers. Additionally, it allows for easier communication and collaboration, with opportunities for face-to-face meetings that can strengthen the partnership. A local agency can also provide ready to fit support, which is beneficial for considering urgent marketing needs or responding to market trends in real-time.
Finding the best digital marketing agency near you involves careful evaluation, assessing expertise and industry experience, and evaluating the agency’s communication and norms. By choosing a nearby agency that aligns with your business needs, you can create a strong, collaborative partnership that drives your business’s digital marketing growth. Whether you’re looking to expand your online business, generate leads, or enhance customer involvement, the right agency can help you achieve your goals effectively. You can read more interesting blogs about marketing by visiting-thegrowingcreator
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Hi everyone,
I was curious, and I wanted to ask ChatGPT how AI can feed into human intelligence. Here’s what it had to say:
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been transforming the world as we know it, from healthcare to finance, and from education to entertainment. One of the most promising applications of AI is its potential to help us understand human behavior and improve our decision-making processes. In this essay, we will explore the ways in which AI can feed human intelligence by analyzing human behaviors.
Firstly, AI can help us understand human behavior by providing us with data-driven insights. By analyzing large datasets, AI algorithms can identify patterns and correlations that humans may not be able to detect on their own. For example, AI can analyze social media usage patterns to identify which types of content are most engaging to different demographics, which can help marketers create more targeted campaigns. Similarly, AI can analyze user behavior on e-commerce platforms to recommend products that are most likely to appeal to individual users.
Secondly, AI can help us understand the underlying psychological mechanisms that drive human behavior. By analyzing brain activity and other physiological data, AI can identify patterns that are associated with different psychological states, such as stress, anxiety, or depression. This can help researchers develop more effective treatments for mental health conditions. Additionally, AI can analyze speech patterns and other behavioral data to identify early warning signs of cognitive decline or other neurological disorders.
Thirdly, AI can help us make better decisions by providing us with more accurate predictions about human behavior. For example, AI can analyze data on consumer preferences and purchasing history to predict which products are likely to sell well in the future. Similarly, AI can analyze data on employee performance and engagement to identify which workers are most likely to leave the company. By providing us with more accurate predictions, AI can help us make more informed decisions that are more likely to lead to positive outcomes.
However, there are also potential risks associated with the use of AI in understanding human behavior. One concern is that AI algorithms may reinforce existing biases and stereotypes, particularly if the data used to train the algorithms is itself biased. For example, if an AI algorithm is trained on data that disproportionately represents one race or gender, it may produce biased predictions or recommendations. Additionally, there are concerns about the potential misuse of AI to manipulate human behavior, particularly in the context of social media and political campaigns.
In conclusion, AI has the potential to feed human intelligence by providing us with data-driven insights, helping us understand the underlying psychological mechanisms that drive human behavior, and providing us with more accurate predictions about human behavior. However, it is important to be mindful of the potential risks associated with the use of AI, particularly in terms of reinforcing biases and manipulating human behavior. By using AI responsibly and ethically, we can harness its power to better understand ourselves and the world around us.
I found this very interesting. And somewhat terrifying knowing an AI wrote all that by itself.
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What to Look for When Buying Residential Properties in Dubai
Buying residential properties in Dubai requires careful consideration of various factors to ensure you make a wise investment. This blog outlines what to look for when buying residential properties in Dubai.
For more information on real estate, visit Dubai Real Estate.
Proximity to Amenities: Choose a location that offers easy access to essential amenities such as schools, healthcare facilities, shopping malls, and public transportation. Proximity to these amenities enhances the property's value and convenience.
Future Development Plans: Research future development plans in the area, including infrastructure projects, commercial developments, and recreational facilities. Areas with planned developments often experience appreciation in property values.
Neighborhood Safety: Ensure the neighborhood is safe and secure. Check crime rates and the presence of security measures such as gated communities and surveillance systems.
For property purchase options, explore Invest in Dubai Real Estate.
Property Condition
Structural Integrity: Inspect the property for any structural issues, such as cracks, leaks, or foundation problems. A property in good structural condition requires less maintenance and ensures a longer lifespan.
Interior and Exterior Finishes: Evaluate the quality of the interior and exterior finishes, including flooring, walls, roofing, and fixtures. High-quality finishes enhance the property's appeal and durability.
Age of the Property: Consider the age of the property. Newer properties may require less maintenance, while older properties might have historical charm but could need renovations.
For mortgage services, consider Mortgage Company in UAE.
Developer Reputation
Track Record: Research the developer's track record and reputation in the market. Established developers with a history of delivering high-quality projects on time are usually a safer choice.
Customer Reviews: Look for customer reviews and testimonials from previous buyers. Positive feedback and satisfied customers indicate the developer's reliability and commitment to quality.
Completed Projects: Visit completed projects by the developer to assess their construction quality, design, and overall appeal. This provides insights into what you can expect from the property you are considering.
For rental property management, visit Rent Your Property in Dubai.
Legal and Regulatory Compliance
Title Deed Verification: Ensure the property has a clear title and is free from any legal disputes or encumbrances. The DLD provides title deed verification services to help buyers confirm the property's legal status.
Sales Agreement: Review the sales agreement carefully and seek legal advice if needed. Ensure all terms and conditions are clearly outlined, including the price, payment schedule, and any additional costs.
Permits and Approvals: Verify that the property has all the necessary permits and approvals from relevant authorities. This includes building permits, occupancy certificates, and compliance with zoning regulations.
For property sales, visit sell your house.
Investment Potential
Rental Yield: Research the potential rental yield of the property. High rental yields indicate strong demand and profitability for rental properties. Areas with high rental demand, such as those near business districts or tourist attractions, tend to offer better returns.
Capital Appreciation: Consider the potential for capital appreciation. Properties in areas with ongoing infrastructure development, economic growth, and high demand are more likely to appreciate in value over time.
Market Trends: Stay informed about market trends and economic indicators that impact property values. This includes factors such as interest rates, inflation, and government policies affecting the real estate sector.
Real-Life Success Story
Consider the case of James, an investor who successfully bought a residential property in Jumeirah Village Circle. James conducted thorough research, inspected the property's condition, and chose a reputable developer. By following the guidelines outlined in this blog, James secured a high-yield investment and has seen significant appreciation in property value.
Future Trends in Dubai Real Estate
Sustainable Developments: There is a growing demand for eco-friendly and sustainable properties in Dubai. Developers are increasingly incorporating green building practices and energy-efficient features into their projects.
Smart Homes: The adoption of smart home technology is on the rise. Properties equipped with advanced security systems, automated lighting, and climate control are becoming more popular.
Mixed-Use Communities: Integrated communities that offer a mix of residential, commercial, and recreational facilities are gaining popularity. These developments provide residents with a convenient and holistic living experience.
When buying residential properties in Dubai, it is essential to consider factors such as location, property condition, developer reputation, legal compliance, and investment potential. By paying attention to these aspects, you can make a well-informed decision and secure a valuable investment. For more resources and expert advice, visit Dubai Real Estate.
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phuket-solicitors · 3 months
Thailand Board of Investment
The Thailand Board of Investment (BOI), established in 1966, serves as a vital gateway for foreign businesses seeking to invest and establish a foothold in the Southeast Asian nation. Acting as a one-stop shop, the BOI offers a range of incentives and support mechanisms to make Thailand an attractive and competitive investment destination.
Who Benefits from the BOI?
The BOI's programs target a broad spectrum of foreign investors, including:
Manufacturers: Companies engaged in the production of goods, particularly those aligned with Thailand's focus industries (like automotive, electronics, and food processing).
Technology Companies: Businesses involved in areas like software development, biotechnology, and digital innovation are highly encouraged.
Service Providers: The BOI welcomes foreign companies offering services in sectors like healthcare, tourism, and logistics.
What Incentives Does the BOI Offer?
The BOI provides a compelling package of incentives to attract foreign investment. These benefits can include:
Corporate Income Tax Exemptions: Partial or complete exemption from corporate income tax for a set period.
Import Duty Exemptions: Reduced or waived import duties on machinery, raw materials, and technology crucial for business operations.
Tax Breaks on Investment Costs: Incentives to encourage investment in research and development, infrastructure development, and employee training.
Simplified Business Registration: The BOI streamlines the business registration process for promoted companies.
Work Permit Facilitation: Assistance in obtaining work permits for foreign skilled workers needed for the project.
Focus Industries and Thailand's Development Goals
The BOI's promotional programs strategically align with Thailand's national development goals. By prioritizing industries like advanced manufacturing, digital technology, and environmentally friendly practices, the BOI aims to:
Drive Economic Growth: Attract foreign investment that fosters job creation and boosts Thailand's export capabilities.
Enhance Technological Advancement: Encourage technology transfer and innovation to elevate Thailand's industrial competitiveness.
Promote Sustainable Development: Support businesses that implement environmentally responsible practices and contribute to a greener future for Thailand.
How to Apply for BOI Promotion
Foreign businesses can apply for BOI promotion by submitting a detailed proposal outlining their investment project, including the nature of the business, target market, and projected economic benefits to Thailand. The BOI provides clear guidelines and application procedures on their website https://www.boi.go.th/en/index/.
Investing in Thailand's Future
The Thailand Board of Investment presents a compelling proposition for foreign businesses seeking to expand their reach in Southeast Asia. With its attractive incentives, strategic focus, and commitment to development, the BOI paves the way for a successful and mutually beneficial partnership between foreign investors and Thailand's growing economy.
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elsa16744 · 3 months
Healthcare Market Research: Why Does It Matter? 
Healthcare market research (MR) providers interact with several stakeholders to discover and learn about in-demand treatment strategies and patients’ requirements. Their insightful reports empower medical professionals, insurance companies, and pharma businesses to engage with patients in more fulfilling ways. This post will elaborate on the growing importance of healthcare market research. 
What is Healthcare Market Research? 
Market research describes consumer and competitor behaviors using first-hand or public data collection methods, like surveys and web scraping. In medicine and life sciences, clinicians and accessibility device developers can leverage it to improve patient outcomes. They grow faster by enhancing their approaches as validated MR reports recommend. 
Finding key opinion leaders (KOL), predicting demand dynamics, or evaluating brand recognition efforts becomes more manageable thanks to domain-relevant healthcare market research consulting. Although primary MR helps with authority-building, monitoring how others in the target field innovate their business models is also essential. So, global health and life science enterprises value secondary market research as much as primary data-gathering procedures. 
The Importance of Modern Healthcare Market Research 
1| Learning What Competitors Might Do Next 
Businesses must beware of market share fluctuations due to competitors’ expansion strategies. If your clients are more likely to seek help from rival brands, this situation suggests failure to compete. 
Companies might provide fitness products, over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, or childcare facilities. However, they will always lose to a competitor who can satisfy the stakeholders’ demands more efficiently. These developments evolve over the years, during which you can study and estimate business rivals’ future vision. 
You want to track competing businesses’ press releases, public announcements, new product launches, and marketing efforts. You must also analyze their quarter-on-quarter market performance. If the data processing scope exceeds your tech capabilities, consider using healthcare data management services offering competitive intelligence integrations. 
2| Understanding Patients and Their Needs for Unique Treatment  
Patients can experience unwanted bodily changes upon consuming a medicine improperly. Otherwise, they might struggle to use your accessibility technology. If healthcare providers implement a user-friendly feedback and complaint collection system, they can reduce delays. As a result, patients will find a cure for their discomfort more efficiently. 
However, processing descriptive responses through manual means is no longer necessary. Most market research teams have embraced automated unstructured data processing breakthroughs. They can guess a customer’s emotions and intentions from submitted texts without frequent human intervention. This era of machine learning (ML) offers ample opportunities to train ML systems to sort patients’ responses quickly. 
So, life science companies can increase their employees’ productivity if their healthcare market research providers support ML-based feedback sorting and automation strategies. 
Besides, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and animal care facilities can incorporate virtual or physical robots powered by conversational artificial intelligence (AI). Doing so is one of the potential approaches to addressing certain patients’ loneliness problems throughout hospitalization. Utilize MR to ask your stakeholders whether such integrations improve their living standards. 
3| Improving Marketing and Sales 
Healthcare market research aids pharma and biotechnology corporations to categorize customer preferences according to their impact on sales. It also reveals how brands can appeal to more people when introducing a new product or service. One approach is to shut down or downscale poorly performing ideas. 
If a healthcare facility can reduce resources spent on underperforming promotions, it can redirect them to more engaging campaigns. Likewise, MR specialists let patients and doctors directly communicate their misgivings about such a medicine or treatment via online channels. The scale of these surveys can extend to national, continental, or global markets. It is more accessible as cloud platforms flexibly adjust the resources a market research project may need. 
With consistent communication involving doctors, patients, equipment vendors, and pharmaceutical brands, the healthcare industry will be more accountable. It will thrive sustainably. 
Healthcare Market Research: Is It Ethical? 
Market researchers in healthcare and life sciences will rely more on data-led planning as competition increases and customers demand richer experiences like telemedicine. Remember, it is not surprising how awareness regarding healthcare infrastructure has skyrocketed since 2020. At the same time, life science companies must proceed with caution when handling sensitive data in a patient’s clinical history. 
On one hand, universities and private research projects need more healthcare data. Meanwhile, threats of clinical record misuse are real, having irreparable financial and psychological damage potential. 
Ideally, hospitals, laboratories, and pharmaceutical firms must inform patients about the use of health records for research or treatment intervention. Today, reputed data providers often conduct MR surveys, use focus groups, and scan scholarly research publications. They want to respect patients’ choice in who gets to store, modify, and share the data. 
Best Practices for Healthcare Market Research Projects 
Legal requirements affecting healthcare data analysis, market research, finance, and ethics vary worldwide. Your data providers must recognize and respect this reality. Otherwise, gathering, storing, analyzing, sharing, or deleting a patient’s clinical records can increase legal risks. 
Even if a healthcare business has no malicious intention behind extracting insights, cybercriminals can steal healthcare data. Therefore, invest in robust IT infrastructure, partner with experts, and prioritize data governance. 
Like customer-centricity in commercial market research applications, dedicate your design philosophy to patient-centricity. 
Incorporating health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) will depend on real-world evidence (RWE). Therefore, protect data integrity and increase quality management standards. If required, find automated data validation assistance and develop or rent big data facilities. 
Capture data on present industry trends while maintaining a grasp on long-term objectives. After all, a lot of data is excellent for accuracy, but relevance is the backbone of analytical excellence and business focus. 
Given this situation, transparency is the key to protecting stakeholder faith in healthcare data management. As such, MR consultants must act accordingly. Healthcare market research is not unethical. Yet, this statement stays valid only if a standardized framework specifies when patients’ consent trumps medical researchers’ data requirements. Healthcare market research is not unethical. Yet, this statement stays valid only if a standardized framework specifies when patients’ consent trumps medical researchers’ data requirements. 
Market research techniques can help fix the long-standing communication and ethics issues in doctor-patient relationships if appropriately configured, highlighting their importance in the healthcare industry’s progress. When patients willingly cooperate with MR specialists, identifying recovery challenges or clinical devices’ ergonomic failures is quick. No wonder that health and life sciences organizations want to optimize their offerings by using market research. 
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soniez · 3 months
India's Pharma Industry – The Leading Companies You Need to Know
India's pharmaceutical industry stands as a global powerhouse, contributing significantly to the world's supply of medicines and pharmaceutical products.  The country's ability to produce high-quality, affordable medicines has earned it the title of "Pharmacy of the World."  As the industry continues to grow and innovate, several companies have emerged as leaders in the market.  For Centurion HealthCare Pvt. Ltd., understanding the landscape of the top pharma companies in India provides insights into the key players driving the industry's success.
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The Rise of the Pharmaceutical Industry in India
The pharmaceutical industry in India has seen exponential growth over the past few decades.  From generic drug manufacturing to complex biotechnological innovations, Indian pharma companies have made substantial contributions to global healthcare.  This growth can be attributed to several factors, including a skilled workforce, robust research and development infrastructure, and supportive government policies.
Key Players in India's Pharma Industry
The landscape of the pharmaceutical industry in India is populated by numerous companies, each contributing to various segments of the market.  Here are some of the top pharmaceutical companies in India that are leading the charge:
1.   Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
As the largest pharmaceutical company in India, Sun Pharma is renowned for its diverse product portfolio, including generics, branded generics, specialty medicines, and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).  The company has a significant global presence and continues to expand its footprint through strategic acquisitions and partnerships.
2.   Dr. Reddy's Laboratories
Dr. Reddy's is a major player in the global generic pharmaceutical market.  Known for its strong focus on research and development, the company offers a wide range of pharmaceuticals and biotechnology products.  Their commitment to quality and innovation has solidified their position as one of the best pharmaceutical companies in India.
3.   Cipla Ltd.
Cipla has been at the forefront of providing affordable medicines for over eight decades.  The company specializes in respiratory, cardiovascular, anti-retroviral, and anti-infective therapies.  Cipla's dedication to healthcare accessibility and its significant contributions to global health initiatives make it a top pharmaceutical company in India.
4.   Lupin Limited
Lupin is a leading pharmaceutical company known for its focus on complex generics and specialty drugs.  The company's strong presence in both developed and emerging markets has earned it a place among the top 10 pharmaceutical companies in India.  Lupin's investment in R&D and its broad therapeutic portfolio are key drivers of its success.
5.   Aurobindo Pharma
Aurobindo Pharma is recognized for its extensive range of generic formulations and APIs.  The company's robust manufacturing capabilities and strategic global presence have made it one of the top pharmaceutical companies in India.  Aurobindo's commitment to innovation and quality continues to propel its growth.
6.   Zydus Cadila
Zydus Cadila, a leading pharmaceutical company, offers a wide range of healthcare solutions, including small molecules, biologics, biosimilars, and vaccines.  The company's integrated operations and strong research capabilities have established it as a key player in the pharma industry in India.
7.   Glenmark Pharmaceuticals
Glenmark is a global research-led pharmaceutical company known for its focus on innovation in the fields of dermatology, respiratory, and oncology.  The company's strong pipeline of new chemical entities and biosimilars underscores its position as one of the best pharmaceutical companies in India.
8.   Torrent Pharmaceuticals
Torrent Pharma is a major player in the cardiovascular and central nervous system therapeutic areas.  The company's strategic acquisitions and focus on niche segments have helped it become one of the top pharmaceutical companies in India.  Torrent's commitment to quality and patient-centric approach is evident in its product offerings.
9.   Biocon Ltd.
Biocon is India's largest biopharmaceutical company, specializing in biologics and biosimilars.  The company's focus on affordable innovation and its significant contributions to chronic disease management make it a leader in the pharmaceutical industry in India.  Biocon's global partnerships and strong R&D capabilities are key to its success.
10. Cadila Healthcare (Zydus)
Cadila Healthcare, also known as Zydus, is a prominent player in the Indian pharma industry, offering a wide range of healthcare solutions.  The company's innovative approach and comprehensive product portfolio have positioned it among the top 10 pharmaceutical companies in India.
The Role of Pharma Manufacturing Companies in India
Pharma manufacturing companies in India play a crucial role in the global supply chain of medicines.  These companies not only produce high-quality generics but also invest heavily in research and development to bring new and innovative drugs to the market.  The efficiency and scale of Indian pharma manufacturing are key factors in the country's ability to provide affordable medicines worldwide.
Finding the Best Pharma Companies Near You
For those searching for "pharma companies near me," it's important to recognize the regional presence of leading pharmaceutical companies.  Many top pharma companies in India have established manufacturing and research facilities in various parts of the country, ensuring widespread access to their products and services.
Centurion HealthCare Pvt. Ltd.  – A Leading Player in the Industry
Centurion HealthCare Pvt. Ltd. is an emerging name in the Indian pharmaceutical landscape.  As a medicine manufacturing company in India, Centurion HealthCare is dedicated to providing high-quality pharmaceutical products across various therapeutic categories.  The company's commitment to innovation, quality, and patient care positions it among the best pharma companies in India.
The Future of the Pharmaceutical Industry in India
The future of the pharmaceutical industry in India looks promising, with continued growth driven by innovation, increasing healthcare needs, and expanding global reach.  Indian pharma companies are expected to play a pivotal role in addressing global health challenges, developing new treatments, and ensuring the availability of affordable medicines.
India's pharmaceutical industry is a dynamic and rapidly evolving sector, with numerous companies leading the way in innovation, quality, and global healthcare contributions.  From established giants like Sun Pharma and Dr. Reddy's to emerging leaders like Centurion HealthCare Pvt. Ltd., the top pharmaceutical companies in India are making significant strides in improving healthcare outcomes worldwide.
As the industry continues to grow, these companies will remain at the forefront of pharmaceutical advancements, ensuring that India retains its position as a global leader in medicine production and innovation.  Whether you are looking for the best pharma company in India or seeking reliable pharmaceutical companies in India, the landscape is rich with options that exemplify excellence and commitment to health.
For Centurion HealthCare Pvt. Ltd., being part of this esteemed group of pharma companies in India is a testament to its dedication to quality, innovation, and patient care.  As the industry moves forward, Centurion HealthCare is poised to continue its growth and contribute to the global healthcare landscape, solidifying its place among the best pharmaceutical companies in India.
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philomathresearch · 1 year
Healthcare Market Research Services
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At Philomath Research, we understand that navigating the healthcare landscape requires accurate, actionable insights. That's why our team of expert researchers is dedicated to providing you with comprehensive market intelligence to drive your organization's success. Let's Connect! Reach out to us today to explore how our Healthcare Market Research Services can drive your organization towards greater success. https://www.philomathresearch.com/health-care.php
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ashimbisresearch · 4 months
Transforming the Health Landscape: The Global Blockchain in Healthcare Market
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The integration of blockchain technology into the healthcare sector is revolutionizing the way medical data is managed, shared, and secured. As the demand for transparent, efficient, and secure healthcare services grows, blockchain offers promising solutions to longstanding challenges.
Understanding Blockchain in Healthcare
Blockchain Technology is a decentralized digital ledger that records transactions across multiple computers in a way that ensures the security and transparency of data. In healthcare, blockchain can be used to manage patient records, track pharmaceuticals, ensure the integrity of clinical trials, and streamline administrative processes. The immutable nature of blockchain helps in preventing data breaches, ensuring data accuracy, and enhancing patient privacy.
According to BIS Research, the Global Blockchain in Healthcare Market was estimated to grow to a value of $5.61 billion by 2025, and still the market is showing a steep growth till 2030 witnessing a double-digit CAGR growth rate throughout the forecast period.
Key Market Dynamics
Several factors are driving the growth of the global blockchain in healthcare market:
Data Security and Privacy:
Need for robust data security and privacy solutions.
Healthcare data breaches are a growing concern.
Blockchain's secure, immutable nature protects sensitive patient information.
Interoperability and Data Sharing:
Facilitates seamless data sharing between healthcare providers and systems.
Overcomes current interoperability issues.
Leads to better patient outcomes by providing a comprehensive view of health history.
Supply Chain Transparency:
Tracks the entire lifecycle of drugs in the pharmaceutical industry.
Ensures the authenticity of medications.
Helps combat counterfeit drugs.
Efficient Administrative Processes:
Streamlines various administrative processes, such as billing and claims management.
Reduces fraud and administrative costs.
Support from Regulatory Bodies:
Increasing support from regulatory bodies and governments.
Initiatives by FDA and EMA to explore blockchain for drug traceability and clinical trials boost market growth.
Request for an updated Research Report on Global Blockchain in Healthcare Market Research.
Global Blockchain in Healthcare Industry Segmentation
Segmentation by Application:
Data Exchange and Interoperability
Supply Chain Management
Claims Adjudication and Billing Management
Clinical Trials and Research
Segmentation by End-User:
Healthcare Providers
Pharmaceutical Companies
Segmentation by Region:
North America
Latin America and Middle East & Africa
Future Market Prospects
The future of the global blockchain in healthcare market looks promising, with several trends likely to shape its trajectory:
Integration with AI and IoT: The integration of blockchain with artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) will enhance data analytics, predictive healthcare, and real-time monitoring.
Expansion of Use Cases: New use cases for blockchain in digital healthcare will emerge, including patient-centered care models, personalized medicine, and enhanced telemedicine services.
Focus on Patient-Centric Solutions: Blockchain will enable more patient-centric healthcare solutions, empowering patients with greater control over their health data and enhancing patient engagement.
Development of Regulatory Frameworks: The establishment of clear regulatory frameworks and industry standards will facilitate the widespread adoption of blockchain in healthcare.
The Global Blockchain in Healthcare Industry is poised for significant growth, driven by the need for enhanced data security, interoperability, supply chain transparency, and efficient administrative processes. By addressing challenges related to regulatory compliance, implementation costs, standardization, and scalability, and leveraging opportunities in technological advancements, investments, partnerships, and government initiatives, the potential of blockchain in healthcare can be fully realized. This technology promises to revolutionize healthcare delivery, enhancing efficiency, transparency, and patient outcomes, and setting new standards for the future of digital health.
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adamsvanrhijn · 1 year
I'm sorry nobody knows what a tumblr job is
if you aren't missing a comma or a "but" there. thank u i love u
if i had unlimited characters and thought people would bother reading context associated with a poll, (i am pretty sure they usually do not) and also had some foresight about some of the specific things people would interpret differently than i intended, here's what this would have looked like:
[begin post]
[begin poll]
which of these listed tumblr job types is yours?
retail, grocery, consumer-facing service and sales (excludes call centers and food service)
food service (includes restaurants, cafes, coffee shops, bars, cafeterias, food trucks, commercial kitchens, food kitchens, etc; cooking + serving + hosting)
teacher, professor, tutor, teaching assistant, childcare provider, but not educational administrator, if you do another kind of education read the rest of the options first because one of them might be a better fit
engineer, developer, technical designer, data or computer scientist, not including technical writers
parks and wildlife, outdoor research, animal care (including animal boarding and veterinary care), animal keeping (such as zoos or aquariums), animal husbandry, farming, ranching, environmental conservation, gardener or plant nursery worker (but not florist), field archaelogist, equine therapist, outdoor camp counselor if you work with and have knowledge around plants and/or animals
librarian, archivist, docent, tour guide, curator, patron-facing researcher, consultant historian or sociologist, community educator at a cultural or knowledge (probably nonprofit) institution (including but not limited to historical reenactors); reception or guest services related to any of the previous, excepting food service, which is the food service option
writer - content, technical, proposal, marketing, fiction, nonfiction, educational, research, including editing, but has to be actively working and receiving pay from a company, an organization, and/or clients/commissioners including publications/publishers, even if income is inconsistent or not received at regular intervals. does not include captioning or transcription. translators use your best judgment
artist, illustrator, graphic designer, but has to be actively working and receiving pay from a company, an organization, clients/commissioners including publications and galleries, may include visual marketing but does NOT include ad sales, also does not include video editing unless you do like, speed paints or show off your art in videos
patient healthcare, caregiving, and advocacy. does not include animal care, pharmaceutical research or dispensing, or medical coding/billing
you are not currently working as / do not currently have any of the Tumblr Jobs listed above
[end poll]
a "Tumblr Job" is decided based on the following criteria, which is based on my own dashboard/Tumblr experiences, and tumblr searches:
either many Tumblr users have or have had that job, OR, one to a few high-profile Tumblr users have or have had that job
posts are made about that job, either about the day-to-day work itself (positive or negative), as an appeal to authority ("librarian here!"), or about the concept and/or vibes of the job or having that job
posts are reblogged about that job, and reach an audience of people who do not have that job; posts go viral about that job, even
Tumblr users might aspire to have that job, or be studying toward it
it might require a high level of interest and/or personal investment with limited positions available, OR, it might be a very common job in the world
the job is NOT one that many Tumblr users would perhaps complain and/or rant and/or criticize about other people having
the job is NOT one commonly associated with things Tumblr tends to skew away from, like industries known to contribute to climate change or jobs that tend to be associated with ultra high earners with wealth inequality in the same industry (editing to plug my other poll that 6 & 7 apply to that nobody is taking)
a "Tumblr Job" is NOT just a job anybody on tumblr might have or even a job most people or many people on tumblr might have. it's not even a job that is necessarily common on tumblr (common on tumblr != common tumblr job), that's something i am interested in finding out via the poll.
just because tumblr users you know also have your job doesn't mean it Is a tumblr job. and just because your job type isn't listed doesn't mean it is Not a tumblr job. there are only 9 job hodgepodge types here. there are more jobs in the world than this and there are more tumblr jobs on tumblr than this. these are also not and are not intended to be standard industry classifications. they are grouped by tumblr vibes, not necessarily by job role or duties.
if you do not have a job at this time, you do not currently right now have one of the listed tumblr jobs. being unemployed or being a student, even if you once had one of these jobs or are studying to obtain one of these jobs, are not jobs for the purpose of this poll.
the purpose of the poll is to see how many respondents actually have and are doing these specific jobs that i have identified as "tumblr jobs". nothing more and nothing less!
[end post]
but nobody is gonna fucking read all that & tumblr polls have character limits. if the poll was as specific as i wanted it to be it would not have however many thousands of votes it currently has. curse of my autisms <3
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lastlycoris · 8 months
Things that make you angry about medicine?
You really want to watch the world burn, huh. Alright.
Is it the fact that I live in a nation with privatized healthcare that spends more money per capita than any other country in the world but still can't deliver top quality care? There was a paper about where the USA stands against Australia, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, and the UK in multiple health care metrics - and manages to find itself last. (Netherlands happens to be first while spending half the money the USA spends.)
Or maybe it's the fact that life-saving medications are sold at such expensive prices despite having such low manufacturing costs? Yeah, I'm looking at you, insulin and insulin analogues. It takes around $2-3 to make a vial of insulin analog, yet these pharmaceutical companies are selling it for over $50 to $100 to even $300.
Or how about the anti-cancer drug Gleevec / Imatinib? A year of Imatinib costs $159 to make but is sold for over $100000 to patients. And this isn't tied to any sort of research and development or market forces. It's just simply greed. To everyone involved in that garbage, was your conscience eaten by dogs?
Let's talk about privatized health care / insurance - the sort that only exists to make a profit and are driving up health care costs. How? The hospital sends a bill to the the private insurance - the insurance decides which services it will reimburse for and sends the bill to both patient and hospital. Insurance tries to pay the hospital as little as possible as it exists only to make a profit, which means the hospital will get badly stiffed if it continues to play insurance's game and accepts their lowball - so the hospital counters by increasing the prices on everything to try and make insurance pay its fair share.
The result? A devastating bill that you, the patient, have to pay should you not have insurance because of this horrible back and forth between hospital and insurance companies.
Privatized health care might've been something good early on its creation where it provided stability to hospitals by providing it a more regular income flow. But it's a rotten institution now. And that's because the insurance companies don't care about patients, just profit. At least with socialized health care, the government has to at least pretend to care for the people as people are both voters and a country's resource. But you'll never get socialized healthcare here because private insurance is so entrenched now that they will lobby any attempt to get socialized healthcare to death.
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dangalante · 10 months
Trends in AI & Generative AI: Insights from The 2023 AI Summit New York 
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Last week, I covered the AI Summit in New York. I was excited to learn about the trends in AI and generative AI and to see some commercial applications of these new technological advancements. 
Patrick Murphy of UAB led the AI Exhibitor hub. Patrick shared insights from his research on Entrepreneurship. He shared how start-ups use AI, and Generative AI to scale up and bring products to market. 
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Generative AI is being used in the following eight ways:
Content and Asset Generative
Automated Processes
Financial Management
Project Design
Optimized Structures
Acceleration and incubation
Ethics and Risk Management. 
There was a pitching completion where start-ups did pitches in multiple rounds. At the beginning of the competition, they received advice from judges on best practices. 
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One of the start-ups that was of interest was Botwise. Jan Nowak shared how his team shared a use case on how they leveraged Language Learning models (LLM)using statistics and GPT solutions for rapid automation in customer service for Mylead.global is a platform that allows influencers to earn money. As a result, MyLead.global was able to screen influencers faster and better for their big brand clients.
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AI-Powered Use Cases from across the board panel discussion
Leaders Saira Kazmi Ph. D. (CVS Health), Matthew Blakemore (Creative Industries Council) Taha Mokfi (HelloFresh), Kriti Kohli (Shopify), and Kris Perez (Data Force) share how they use chatbots, improving both the buyer and seller experience using AI. How AI can be used in video games to identify levels of violence and how AI can improve in healthcare and Radiology reducing the amount of time images are read while improving accuracy and detail. 
Another interesting Panel was by Tim Delesio CTO of techolution
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Tim asked What’s driving the explosive rise of AI all of a Sudden?
The answer is the economics of the labor market.
On the demand side, he cited labor shortages and persistent high inflation. 
On the supply side, he cites the rise of ChatGPT and, major scientific and Technological breakthroughs in the past five to seven years. 
He shared trends in AI for 2024 that include:
Physical Labor with AI to help deliver small batch sizes with high-precision quality control
Improved customer engagement by providing a new generation of customer service agents using Generative AI 
Tim demonstrated some of these trends when he ordered a soda using an AI-powered robotic arm. 
The booth had another machine showing how AI can enhance inventory management when items are ordered. 
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I was amazed to see some AI Tech that techolution brought to the marketplace.
On that note, I saw an AI-powered Kiosk by Graphen where a man ordered his food and paid. This company is using AI to revolutionize all industries.
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Man orders food AI Kiosk
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Man pays for food at AI Kiosk
There were so many great talks and exhibits. 
Additional pictures can be found on Instagram. 
I want to thank the AI Summit for having me as their guest. If you want to use AI and Generative to improve business outcomes, sign up for the AI summit in your city.
What do you think is next for AI and Generative AI?
Comment and share below.
Additional pictures can be found on Instagram. 
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