#Marist College
athleticperfection1 · 2 years
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Marist Swim & Dive
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angel-of-genders · 1 year
Hi!! Please do this form for a class I’m a part of! 100% anon
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reportwire · 2 years
What Will Happen in Georgia?
What Will Happen in Georgia?
ATLANTA—The three dozen young Black men and women who gathered in a church meeting room last Friday night were greeted with a rousing exhortation that had the added benefit of being true. In welcoming remarks, Bryce Berry, a senior at nearby Morehouse College and the president of the Young Democrats of Georgia club, told the group that none of the party’s national-policy accomplishments of the…
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 3 months
by Seth Mandel
But it’s also the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in microcosm. Compare Khan’s description of the role played by NGOs and sympathetic media with how Matti Friedman, a former Associated Press reporter who wrote about the media’s problems covering Israel after the 2014 Gaza war, describes the effects of this same alliance on coverage: “these groups are to be quoted, not covered. Journalists cross from places like the BBC to organizations like Oxfam and back. The current spokesman at the UN agency for Palestinian refugees in Gaza, for example, is a former BBC man. A Palestinian woman who participated in protests against Israel and tweeted furiously about Israel a few years ago served at the same time as a spokesperson for a UN office, and was close friends with a few reporters I know. And so forth.”
In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, these NGOs are extremely powerful, because their perceived authority magnifies their voices above those who may know much more about the issues but who don’t have the megaphone or the credibility lent to the European-funded activist groups masquerading as “humanitarians.” Throughout the current war, polls of American public opinion have never demonstrated that the progressive pro-Hamas rump on college campuses or among city protest groups should be catered to. In Israel vs Hamas, Americans don’t hesitate to side with Israel. Even the “ceasefire at any cost” crowd is smaller than it looks and sounds. A Marist poll last week put their share of the public at 25 percent. Yet they have nudged President Biden’s policies in their direction.
How? The protests on college campuses showed not just the organizing power of the left but the role of the media in amplifying their grievances and whitewashing their violence and lawbreaking. And it works in the other direction too: In many cases the media plays a key role in feeding the wildfire of misinformation that fuels the protests before turning around and reporting on them.
UN groups have been uncritically parroting the obviously inaccurate Hamas-produced death tolls. So have the media. In explaining why the Washington Post trusts Hamas propaganda enough to report it as fact, the paper quoted Omar Shakir in Hamas’s defense. Shakir is the Israel/Palestine director of Human Rights Watch and someone who was expelled from Israel over his support for BDS-affiliated groups that seek Israel’s destruction. In other words, if you switched the staffing of the Hamas Health Ministry and Human Rights Watch, the output of both organizations would likely be unchanged.
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With less than two weeks until the first presidential debate of the 2024 election cycle, CNN has released additional details on the parameters agreed upon by the Trump and Biden campaigns. The debate, which will be hosted by CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash in Atlanta on June 27, will mark the first in-person showdown of the 2024 campaign between President Joe Biden and his predecessor, former President Donald Trump. Both candidates have accepted the network’s invitation and agreed to accept the rules and format of the debate, as outlined in letters sent to the campaigns by the network in May.
The 90-minute debate will include two commercial breaks, according to the network, and campaign staff may not interact with their candidate during that time. Both candidates agreed to appear at a uniform podium, and their podium positions will be determined by a coin flip. Microphones will be muted throughout the debate except for the candidate whose turn it is to speak. While no props or pre-written notes will be allowed on the stage, candidates will be given a pen, a pad of paper and a bottle of water. Some aspects of the debate – including the absence of a studio audience – will be a departure from previous debates. But, as in the past, the moderators “will use all tools at their disposal to enforce timing and ensure a civilized discussion,” according to the network.
In order to meet CNN’s qualifications for the debate, candidates must satisfy the requirements outlined in Article II, Section 1 of the US Constitution to serve as president. Both Biden and Trump meet those requirements, as do Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Cornel West and Jill Stein, who are running on non-major-party tickets. Participants must also file a formal statement of candidacy to the Federal Election Commission. All five have done so. All participating debaters must appear on a sufficient number of state ballots to reach the 270 electoral vote threshold to win the presidency and receive at least 15% in four separate national polls of registered or likely voters that meet CNN’s standards for reporting. Polls that meet those standards are those sponsored by CNN, ABC News, CBS News, Fox News, Marquette University Law School, Monmouth University, NBC News, The New York Times/Siena College, NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist College, Quinnipiac University, The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post.
Both the Biden and Trump campaigns have agreed to rules for the June 27th Presidential Debate originating on CNN and airing on other outlets, such as mics being cut when not their turn to speak and no pre-written material or props. There will be two commercial breaks, but campaign staff are NOT allowed to converse with the candidates during that time.
See Also:
HuffPost: Trump And Biden Agree To Mic Muting, Other Rules For Upcoming CNN Debate
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lboogie1906 · 20 days
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Mayor Eric Adams (September 1, 1960) grew up with adversity—and overcame it.
As one of six children, born in Brownsville and raised in South Jamaica by a single mom who cleaned houses. He was beaten by police in the basement of a precinct house at 15, he faced a life-changing act of injustice. He turned his pain into purpose and decided to change the police department from within. He joined the NYPD and became one of its most outspoken officers, calling out racism and bias in the department and pushing for major reforms.
As a founder of 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement Who Care, he would often police the streets in a bulletproof vest one day during the high-crime 1980s and 1990s and protest bad behavior by cops the next, marching side-by-side with his fellow civil rights advocates. He rose to the rank of captain, helping to build the first computerized system for tracking crime in the city, which led to historic gains in public safety.
He moved on to the State Senate, where he represented sections of central and Brownstone Brooklyn. He built winning coalitions to advance New York City’s values and goals, helping to push through measures to protect tenants and workers, combat gun violence, end the NYPD’s abuses of stop and frisk, and advance human rights — including marriage equality. He became the first person of color to chair the Senate’s Homeland Security Committee.
He was elected Brooklyn Borough President (2013) by putting together a diverse coalition of Brooklynites to become the borough’s first Black leader. He fought to grow the local economy, invest in schools, reduce inequality, improve public safety, and advocate for smart policies and better government that delivers for all New Yorkers.
He became a national leader in public health policy after learning he had developed Type 2 diabetes. He changed his diet and his body, reversing the disease and launching a personal mission to educate New Yorkers about preventative care and wellness.
He received his MPA from Marist College and is a graduate of New York City Technical College and the John Jay College of Criminal Justice. He has one son. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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arboretumm · 10 months
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OVERCOAT AND UNION SUIT - Christopher Lagasse, Marist College Silver Needle Show (x)
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psychmewz · 11 months
Welcome to my blog!
Hi, my name's Marshall (or Isaac) [they/she]! I'm a psychology major at [Redacted] County College, but I'm hoping to transfer to Marist in Fall 2024!
I was pursuing the application for Marist and it mentioned the idea of linking external webpages and I thought "Oh... I've been wanting to write more posts about mental health on my main, so maybe I'll transition to posting them here!"
My main account is @rainbowmewz which is a lot more lighthearted, but sometimes I'll be reblogging my serious posts from there.
Tags I use!
#og = All original posts from me!
#writing = Any original posts from me that contain detailed writings!
#fanblogging = Sometimes I like connecting the media I like to mental health topics. If a post contains that, it'll be tagged with this!
#asks = Any asks I get will be tagged w/ this!
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“Marist College for the last few years has carried forward a project originally conducted by Beloit College in 1998. The idea was to create a profile of topics of concern and cultural benchmarks for students entering their first year of college. It became known as the Mindset List, now the Marist Mindset List, after the Hudson Valley college that now produces it.” When I was a high school history teacher I used the Beloit list to remind me what the students might not know about the world.
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mariacallous · 2 years
Editor's Note: This is part 1 of a series in which we will discuss whether the recent setbacks Trump has experienced mean his chances for a political comeback are truly gone.
Donald Trump has had a bad month, probably the worst of his political career. His hand-picked Senate candidates lost winnable races in New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona, torpedoing Republicans’ chances of retaking the Senate. The same thing happened to the gubernatorial candidates he endorsed in Pennsylvania and Arizona. Meanwhile, Republican governors who kept their distance from him or criticized him publicly won landslide reelection victories in New Hampshire, Ohio, and Georgia.
Mr. Trump’s legal difficulties are compounding as well. On November 6, a New York court convicted the Trump Organization on 17 criminal charges of tax fraud and related offenses. Mr. Trump is facing numerous other state and federal investigations, and the January 6 committee may well include him in the criminal referrals it will send to the Justice Department before the end of December.
Mr. Trump’s conduct since announcing his candidacy for the 2024 Republican nomination has weakened his credibility within his party. His decision to have dinner at Mar-a-Lago with a notorious Holocaust denier along with the anti-Semitic artist and Hitler admirer formerly known as Kanye West, led to a chorus of criticism from Republican elected officials and even his closest Jewish friends and supporters. His tweet calling for the suspension of the U.S. Constitution to reverse or redo the 2020 presidential election sent many of his long-time boosters running for the tall grass.
Against this backdrop, signs are multiplying that Mr. Trump’s party no longer sees him as the path to victory in 2024. A Marist poll conducted in mid-November found that only 35% of Republicans think he would be their strongest candidate, while 54% said “someone else.” A recently released Marquette University survey showed Joe Biden tied with Ron DeSantis in a potential matchup but leading Donald Trump by 10 points, 44% to 34%. Among the Republicans in this poll, Trump’s negatives were three times as high as DeSantis’s. Just 32% of the electorate has a favorable opinion of Trump; among Independents, just 22%.
Most Republican analysts believe that anti-Trump sentiment within their party has expanded significantly, in part because the former president’s recent conduct has been outrageous by even his standards, but largely because Trump is increasingly seen as a loser—and rightly so. In 2018, he led his party to a 42-seat loss in the House of Representatives. Two years later, he lost his reelection bid to Joe Biden by more than 7 million popular votes and by 74 votes in the Electoral College as five states he won in 2016 shifted into the Democratic column. Two months later, his ham-handed intervention in two Georgia senatorial runoffs gave Democrats control of the Senate. Against this backdrop, Republicans are increasingly viewing this year’s midterm election results as the continuation of a long trend that they need to disrupt.
Does all this mean that Trump is finished? Not quite, because he still has a narrow path to victory in 2024. He would probably lose a head-to-head contest with Ron DeSantis for the Republican nomination, but many other ambitious Republicans are lining up to join the race. Unless the contest narrows quickly, we could see a repetition of 2016, when the division of the anti-Trump vote among multiple candidates allowed Trump to rack up an insurmountable string of victories with only a plurality of the vote.
If Donald Trump becomes the Republican nominee, it is not hard to imagine circumstances in which he could defeat Joe Biden. For example, assume that inflation proves even more stubborn than the Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell now believes and that the Fed is forced to keep raising interest rates well into 2023, triggering a recession that continues into 2024.
Granted, voters do not live by bread alone, as the recent midterm elections prove. But it would be dubious to assume that a recession following hard on the heels of the highest inflation in four decades would not have a significant impact on voter sentiment. Mr. Trump’s path back to the Oval Office has gotten narrower and steeper in recent months, but it is not yet completely blocked.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
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Unaccompanied migrant children arrived on flights to a rural New York community and local officials said Friday they were given no advance notice by the Biden administration.
Montgomery police chief Paul Arteta and Mayor Steve Brescia joined "Fox & Friends First" to explain what happened when the flights arrived at Orange County Airport from Texas, carrying minors between 13-18 years old.
"I've never seen anything like this before," said Brescia, whose town is located in the Hudson Valley, about 75 miles north of New York City. 
Arteta said officials don't know where the parents are, but the children continued on to other areas of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. 
Brescia said he wished he had received some alert before the flights arrived.
"They thought that the village or town knew about it and we knew nothing. And there wasn't much we could do about it, unfortunately. But just a little forewarning or little information would have helped us considerably," he told Carley Shimkus.
Brescia said the leaders in his community were worried about the safety of the children and did not have answers to provide to residents. He said the town would have had to handle the response if "God forbid" the bus that picked up the migrants at the airport was involved in an accident. 
Arteta said after "dozens of phone calls" to local officials, they were able to verify that the flight was sanctioned by the Office of Refugee Resettlement within the federal Department of Health and Human Services.
Arteta said officers were alerted by a resident who called to report "suspicious" activity. 
"It astounds me," Brescia told Brian Kilmeade on "Fox & Friends" on Friday.
"We're being dumped on and we're not going to put up with it. We hope there's no more flights coming into the airport because we can't handle it. There's not enough security there. There's not enough resources in our community. The taxpayers cannot absorb what they did to us," he said.
Meantime, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul is tapping the National Guard to help with New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ migrant tent city, Fox News Digital has confirmed. 
The development comes after Adams announced Monday night that the city was relocating its first humanitarian emergency response and relief center for asylum seekers from Orchard Beach, condemned for being flood prone and far from public transportation to Randall's Island.
In the past several months, New York City has seen an influx of more than 16,000 asylum seekers, Adams' office said Monday. But according to figures from Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s office Friday, the southern border state has bused just over 2,900 migrants to New York City since Aug. 5. 
Time to play spot the major difference between this and the different governors doing similar
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chiefarbitermoon · 1 year
William J. Spain Seismology Observatory at Fordham University
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William J. Spain Seismology Observatory at Fordham University
Kevin Bergin
Adjunct College Professor at Marist College
March 5, 2021
When a magnitude 7.5 earthquake in Alaska struck with enough power to generate a tsunami warning. Scientists all around the world compiled extensive data from many international sources concerning this frightening event. Included in their analysis were seismic recordings from Fordham University’s Observatory. A seismic station developed chiefly by the contributions of two extraordinary men.
The William J. Spain Seismic Observatory, on the university's Rose Hill campus, in The Bronx, rests approximately 5,000 miles from the epicenter of this sudden, earth shaking release of energy in Alaska’s Aleutian Islands region. Despite the great distance, the seismology center provided valuable information as it has continued to do for over 100 years.
Fordham is not an institution that you might typically think of for this very nuanced, capital-intensive field of investigation. But The Jesuits have had a long history working in this field. According to an article in the Seismology Society of America Journal: The first seismographic station installed by Jesuits was about 1868 in the Observatory of Manila. In 1909 sixteen identical horizontal Wiechert seismographs of 80 kg mass were purchased in Germany and were distributed to fifteen colleges in the United States and one in Canada.
In fact, the university doesn’t have a geology department. But because of the unique rock-formations, in that part of The Bronx, and the generosity brought on by a school tragedy, the oldest observatory in the region, as well as one of the oldest in the United States, was developed.
"(It is) best with contact to underground bedrock.” explained Stephen Holler, PhD, Associate Professor of Physics and literally the keeper-of-the-keys for the observatory, “In this part of The Bronx, the bedrock, is exposed near the surface on the campus as well as the nearby New York Botanical Gardens and Bronx Zoo.
The superstructure of the observatory was a beautiful quadrangular Gothic building of native gneiss ( metamorphic rock) which was quarried from the excavations for the Grand Concourse Subway station.* It included a flat roof, turreted ledge and two smaller wings, which extended the building into an oblong structure approximately 40 feet by 20 feet. A concrete pier was sunk to the bedrock. This is essential for obtaining proper, accurate readings.
William Spain Steps In
On April 3rd, 1922, William Spain Jr. died as a sophomore at Fordham. His father, William J. Spain Sr., a late 19th Century Irish immigrant, famous hurler and Gaelic footballer, donated the seismic observatory. It was erected to the memory of his son. Spain graciously assumed all the expenses including donating a new set of three electro-magnetic seismographs, two horizontal components and vertical component(s).
The building was opened in October of 1924. At the dedication ceremony, the building was blessed by Bishop John Collins S.J. (after whom the Collins Auditorium was named). The prayer used at the ceremony blessing was sent over from The Vatican and has since become the official prayer to be used at any future Blessing of Seismic Observatories anywhere in the world. In addition, Pope Pius XI sent over a bronze plaque; which depicts a 4th Century Roman Bishop, St. Emidio, who performed rescue work-some deemed miraculous-after a tragic Italian earthquake during his time.
The 3rd Time or the 3rd location seems to be the charm
Originally located by the slope across from where the softball field currently stands, near Faber Hall, it was moved two years later, “since the rock on which the observatory had been built, sloped off or down rather sharply.” According to Professor Holler.
As a result, the pier developed a decided daily tilt or sway, mostly as a result of thermal expansion caused by the sun's rays. The lines on the record-which should be straight lines-wandered all over in response to the pier's tilt. The recording of an earthquake, during such wandering, was nearly impossible. The observatory was moved in one piece on soaped beams. Those supporting beams of the observatory were slid a few feet at a time. The new site chosen, known as Rose Hill, was an outcrop of (bed)rock that comes to the surface.
Moving the seismology station under the direction of J. Joseph Lynch, S.J.
In the 1930s, the University made the decision to create a more powerful structure on the site known as Rose Hill. Although generally referred to as the collective name of Fordham’s Bronx campus, its specific location, complete with previously mentioned exposed bedrock, lies below the Gothic-Stone structure and internationally known clock tower, at the centerpiece of the campus-named Keating Hall.
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To make room for this construction, the seismology station would be moved once again. Now it rests at its current location just off Edwards Parade Ground.
Building a Support Structure to Last
To take care of the seismographs, specifically to avoid corrosion, an underground vault some 40 feet by 20 feet, was first blasted out of the rock. This vault was lined with concrete walls and a roof one foot thick. Buried deep in the ground it created a dark soundproofed repository
The top of this 10 feet high vault, ended 6 ft. below the surface level of the ground. This depth was necessary to maintain a constant temperature (65 degrees Fahrenheit during Winter & Summer). Any use of artificial heat would impact the sensitive instrument readings.
From the earliest days of earthquake recording, annoying, disturbing ground waves were observed periodically on seismograph outcomes. “When the waves from an earthquake roll into an observatory, superimposed angry ground waves make it almost impossible to decipher the quake.” Wrote Father John Joseph Lynch, S.J., who directed Fordham’s seismology center for over 30 years and in 1946, designed an observatory for the Dominican Republic to give warning of earthquakes. “Heavy commuter trains from the neighboring New York Central (now Metro-North rail lines) all leave their distinctive record and can be identified.” Father Lynch, also encouraged the class of 1924, as Sophomores, to donate the first modem addition to the Station in the form of a horizontal seismograph with optical recording.
To avoid the interference of the Big City, including the then active 3rd Avenue el train, a new station was set up at the Jesuit Seminary, College of St. Andrew, in Hyde Park, NY (which is now the main campus of the Culinary Institute of America).
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“Not only were readings affected by traffic and trains.” added Doctor Holler, “They had horses to eat the grass rather than have lawnmowers disturb readings.”
Stephen Holler obtained his Doctorate in Applied Physics from Yale University and joined the faculty of Fordham in 2011.
Rev. J. Joseph Lynch, SJ: An Immigrant Story
Father Lynch was born in London. He joined the Society of Jesus and was sent to study the physical sciences in the Netherlands and at Oxford University. He once likened the earth to a ''bowl of Jell-O'' and said that New York City was just ''writing her autograph'' each day at rush hour. He came to Fordham in 1920 where he began work on the university's seismic observatory and served as a professor of seismology and mathematics until 1967. At the New York World's Fair in 1939 and again in 1940 an extensive seismological exhibit was set up with an attendant in charge daily from 10 a.m. until 10 pm. Some 3,000,000 people visited the exhibit.
Among his lifetime of dedication to causes both geological and religious, in 1951, he conducted seismic tests in Rome to help Vatican Officials search for the tomb of St. Peter. Described in a March 1954 article in Pageant magazine as “six-feet-two with a broad, trim build.” Since the age of nine, Lynch was without the tips of his first two fingers, on the right hand, because of an accident on his Aunt’s farm, in Ireland, while playing near a thrashing machine.
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Father Lynch holds a graph which may have recorded China's 1st atomic bomb detonation.
In his memories, Watching our Trembling World for 50 Years, Lynch recounts an incident in 1929. He spied a running car, near present day Finlay Resident Hall (then the Chemistry Building) with its lights out after 10 PM. It proved to be two bootleggers. They had imported bulk liquor in barges brought up the nearby Harlem River. It was bottled and likely diluted under a Grecian stage on the Southeast corner of Edwards Parade ground, then used for graduation ceremonies. As the tall priest approached, the intruders tried to flee in their “darkened car”. He Jumped in the car, via the back seat. Despite the criminals efforts to knock Father Lynch from the vehicle, he held his position and was taken for a gangland style ride through the then relatively deserted swamps of The Bronx.
After some negotiation, the apparently unarmed bootleggers agreed to return the Jesuit to campus.
If true, Father Lynch concludes this tale with a bit of a comic narrative:
“The bootleg era … gave rise to gangland murders ... to much bad liquor, but to many good stories. It was by no means agreed among theologians whether the Prohibition Law was a moral law or merely penal. Newly ordained neophytes (priests) were therefore sometimes on the spot. A young curate, with one such offender in the confessional box, excused himself and asked an experienced pastor for guidance. ‘Father, I have a bootlegger in the confessional, what should I give him?’ The answer came back at once, ‘don’t give him more than four dollars a quart.”
William J. Spain: An Immigrant Story
William J Spain Sr. (September 3, 1865–April 9, 1936) was a famous Irish hurler and Gaelic footballer. He was the first player to win All Ireland hurling and football medals. He played Gaelic football with the Limerick senior inter-county team in the 1880s. Spain also played hurling with the CJ Kickhams club. Spain emigrated to the United States in April 1890. Spain played in an exhibition Gaelic football game in Madison Square Gardens in December 1890 for New York Gaelic who beat Port Chester Sarsfields.
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Spain settled in New York and became a very successful silk merchant. He married Margaret Shanahan and they had two children. His son William died aged twenty while a student at Fordham University. His daughter Mary married Herbert Weston and they had a daughter Melissa who married Thomas Bancroft Jr.
William J Spain died at his holiday home in Florida on April 9, 1936. (Courtesy of William J. Spain Wikipedia Page)
*The 5 train on White Plains Road opened in 1920 and may be a better materials source?
Check this Out
There is a lot more to the history of Fordham and seismology. Check out the Pinterest link to meet other early directors of the observatory; photos of the World’s Fair Exhibits (1939-40) as well as a Seismology PinBall game: https://www.pinterest.fr/bergin0639/fordham-seismology/
The Fordham University Seismic Station, New York, New York, St Louis University Archives, Monograph, J.Joseph Lynch, SJ
nytimes.com › 1987/05/17 the rev. j. joseph lynch, 92; noted scholar of seismology
Pageant Magazine, 1954, Vol. 9 No. 9
Seismology Society of America, (from Seismological Research Letters, Vol. 67, No. 3, pp. 10-19; May/June 1996)
Watching Our Trembling World For 50 Years, J. Joseph Lynch, SJ © 1970.
William J. Spain, Wikipedia page
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heavenboy09 · 1 year
Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 To A Very Well Known Bad@$$ Actress In Action 🎬 On The Most Iconic TV Series 📺 Of The Early 90's Of A Bad@$$ Female Warrior Close Enough to Be Wonder Woman's 🦸‍♀️ Sister
Hailing All The Way From New Zealand 🇳🇿
She is a New Zealand actress and singer. She is best known for her roles A Famous Amazon Warrior, as D'Anna Biers on the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica series, and Lucretia in the television series Spartacus: Blood and Sand and associated series. Since 2019, she has starred as Alexa in the television series My Life Is Murder.
She was born in the Auckland suburb of Mount Albert to teacher Julie Ryan (nee Haynes) and Mount Albert's mayor, banker Frank Ryan. She is the fifth of six siblings (four brothers and one sister). She has described her family as "this big, sprawling Irish Catholic family", and while filming in Ireland for the Discovery Channel in 2004, told Ireland on Sunday that her father's family originated in Quilty, County Clare.
Her first musical was at age 10 and she began acting in secondary school. She attended Marist College, Auckland, and began studies at Auckland University in languages. At 18, she went on her "overseas experience", travelling through Europe and Australia with her future husband, Garth Lawless. At 21, she won the 1989 Mrs New Zealand competition.
She Gained International Global Fame When In 1995 She Starred As The Greatest Bad@$$ Female On Television To Ever Grace The Small Screen Every Day Of The Week.
A Amazonian Warrior Princess 👸
Sounds Too Good To Be True.
But its not the 1 your thinking of.
She starred as
Since then Her Fame has changed over the years but She will always be the 1# Female Action Heroine Of The 90's & the Only Actress to Show such a Powerful Strong Woman To Take on Man In A Man's World 🌎
Please Wish This Incredible New Zealand 🇳🇿 Actress Of Action 🎬 & Etc. A Very Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊
You Know Her. For those who do.
You Gotta Love Her 💘
The 1 & The Only
Ms. Lucille Frances Lawless
Happy 55th Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 To You. Ms. Lawless & Here's To Many More Years To Come
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stubobnumbers · 29 days
CFB Promotion and Relegation - The Big East
Big East Tier One - The Big East (FBS): Louisville Cincinnati West Virginia Penn State Pittsburgh Syracuse Rutgers Boston College Connecticut
Big East Tier Two - Conference USA (FBS): Marshall Temple Villanova Albany Buffalo Stony Brook Massachusetts Rhode Island New Hampshire Maine
Big East Tier Three - Coastal Athletic Association (FCS): Central Connecticut State Merrimack College Monmouth (NJ.) Long Island University Marist College Wagner College Duquesne University Robert Morris (PA.) St. Francis (PA.) Bryant University
Big East Tier Four - Patriot League (FCS): Georgetown Holy Cross Stonehill College Colgate University Fordham University Bucknell Lafayette College Lehigh University Mercyhurst University
Big East Tier Five - Atlantic Football Association (D2): Sacred Heart University Southern Connecticut State Western Connecticut State University Post University U. of New Haven American International College Assumption University Bentley University Franklin Pierce University Saint Anselm College
Big East Tier Six - Eastern Football Association (D2): Pace University College Of New Jersey Fairleigh Dickinson-Florham Kean University Montclair State Rowan University William Paterson U. Trinity College – Connecticut Wesleyan University
Big East Tier Seven - Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (D2): Slippery Rock University Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania California University of Pennsylvania Clarion University of Pennsylvania East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania Edinboro University Gannon University Indiana University of Pennsylvania Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Lincoln University Pennsylvania
Big East Tier Eight - Keystone Football League (D2): Lock Haven University Millersville University of Pennsylvania Seton Hill University Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania West Chester University of Pennsylvania Allegheny College Carnegie Mellon University Albright College Alvernia University Gettysburg College
Big East Tier Nine - West Virginia Conference (D2): Alderson Broaddus University Bethany College – West Virginia Bluefield State College Concord University Fairmont State University Glenville State University Shepherd University University of Charleston West Liberty University West Virginia State University West Virginia Wesleyan College Wheeling University
Big East Tier Ten - Northeast Football Alliance (D3): Bates College Bowdoin College Colby College Husson University Maine Maritime U. of New England (ME.) Plymouth State Salve Regina University
Big East Tier Eleven - Little East Conference (D3): US Coast Guard Academy US Merchant Marine Academy Vermont State – Castleton Middlebury College Norwich University Massachusetts Maritime SUNY Maritime College Amherst College Anna Maria College Curry College
Big East Tier Twelve - Eastern Football Association (D3): Bridgewater State University Fitchburg State University Framingham State Dean College Endicott College Umass-Dartmouth Springfield College MIT Nichols College Tufts University
Big East Tier Thirteen - Northern Small Colleges Coalition (D3): Western New England U. Westfield State Williams College Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) Worcester State Alfred University Alfred State Buffalo State University Hamilton College Hartwick College
Big East Tier Fourteen - Empire Football Alliance (D3): Brockport State Cortland State Hilbert College Hobart College Ithaca College Rensselaer Polytech – RPI St. John Fisher College St. Lawrence University SUNY Morrisville Union College – New York
Big East Tier Fifteen - Northeast Conference (D3): U. of Rochester Utica University ASA College – New York Erie CC Hudson Valley CC Monroe College – New Rochelle Nassau CC Sussex County CC College Of Mount Saint Vincent
Big East Tier Sixteen - Small Pennsylvania Schools Conference (D3): Delaware Valley University Dickinson College Eastern University Franklin & Marshall College Geneva College Grove City College Juniata College Keystone College King's College – Pennsylvania Lebanon Valley College
Big East Tier Seventeen - Pennsylvania Football Alliance (D3): Lycoming College Misericordia University Moravian University Muhlenberg College Saint Vincent College – Pennsylvania Susquehanna University Thiel College Ursinus College Washington & Jefferson College Waynesburg University
Big East Tier Eighteen - Eastern Football Coalition (D3): Westminster College – Pennsylvania Widener University Wilkes University Lackawanna College Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology New England College Williamson College of the Trades
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