#The swing of the coat by the model
arboretumm · 10 months
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OVERCOAT AND UNION SUIT - Christopher Lagasse, Marist College Silver Needle Show (x)
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kitsunetsuki · 11 months
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Manfredi Bellati - Coat by André (Vogue Italia 1969)
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NOTE: Still my all-time favorite Peggy Moffitt piece in the known universe, and she has such an extensive catalogue, too! This one is God, though. The very finest.
PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on American fashion model supreme Peggy Moffitt in a Paco Rabanne plastic kite coat, 1966.
EXTRA INFO: Peggy Moffitt in a Paco Rabanne designer plastic "kite" coat made from plastic diamonds and white crepe.
Sources: The New York Times ("The New Mods," c. September 2015) & www.pinterest.com/pin/175640454195615946.
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critterbitter · 9 months
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When you’re both modeling and designing, sometimes you just want to use your very muppet shaped friends as inspiration.
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Tis but the first draft! There are more coats to try.
Elesa added weighted beads to the end of the coats so they swing real good. Yes, the first draft is hand sown, and yes, it was a nightmare. She can and will talk about it given the chance.
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Emmet uses this to his advantage and ✨ flourishes ✨ whenever he walks with it (dramatic coat swish swish my beloved).
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Ingo on the other hand appreciates the pressure and just. Burrows. Like a happy drillbur.
And a bonus elesa! Choreography, baby.
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Masterpost to the rest of my submas comics!
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periprose · 1 year
Arachnid Anxiety
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You're Spider-Woman, and you've been tasked with babysitting Mayday. Maybe you have a bit of stress that you need to vent about, and Hobie comes along quite conveniently for that purpose.
Genre: Fluff, reader having anxiety, Hobie giving her advice, very cute, reader is a Jessica Drew variant, perhaps mutual pining if you squint, takes place during the movie but before Miles arrives to the Society, terrible british slang attempts (sorry Hobie :'))
Word Count: 2.4k
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Babies are hard to wrangle when they’re crawling up walls.
Of course, Peter B. Parker said that he needs a nap, just this once, and he needs someone to watch over Mayday while he sneaks away into the sleeping pods in the Spider-Society-System. Sometimes he and MJ don’t get sleep for days at a time, so you get it.
But Mayday is so curious, and you find yourself having to pull her prying hands away before she inadvertently tampers with things around Miguel’s labs and causes either a mass outage or a explosion or Miguel’s wrath. You understand why Peter is a little exhausted.
She’s a very cute baby, though, and you can’t help but coo at her as she clambers off the wall into your arms. 
“Who’s a good Spidey? Who’s gonna be the best of us?” You shake her up and down and she giggles, wrapping her arms around you. 
You instinctively flinch, feeling your Spider-Sense go off.
“Large statement to make. But I see where you’re coming from.” Spider-Punk comes up from behind you, and you turn to him. “She’s definitely punk.”
“Hey, don’t go claiming someone else’s kid as one of your own.” You joke, and Hobie scowls as he pulls off his mask.
“Don’t believe in claims. Or labels, for that matter.” He scratches his hair, looking effortless as he ever does, and you roll your eyes. “She is… who she is. Forgive me for using a descriptive word, Spider-Woman.”
“I get it.” You hold Mayday as she squeals at the sight of Hobie, and she motions in an uppy-uppy motion. She wants to be held by him, but he ignores her.
You never quite know how to feel about Hobie Brown. The Amazing Spider-Punk is revolutionary, known for being better than just his words– he holds himself to the very essence of anarchy. He practices what he preaches.
But you can’t quite get a read on the guy. You don’t know if he’s pulling your leg– or taking the piss as he would say– when he gives his bouts of advice while somehow simply being amazing through it all. He somehow knows what to say but he also isn’t the most comforting, and that in itself makes you drawn to him. He just happens to be kind of rough around the edges, and it’s because of that you know he truly means what he says. 
No sugar-coating, ever.
But you hate yourself, because you’ve somehow managed to fall for him. 
It’s not uncommon for Spideys to fall for each other. Peter Parker and Cindy Moon, Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy. But you know this is the one time it just wouldn’t end well for you.
You can already hear Hobie’s comments if he ever found out. He’d probably rebuke you even though you’d never try anything. Tell you he doesn’t feel that way and you’re delusional for potentially thinking that he would ever tie himself down. Spiders are meant to be swinging free and all that.
Even worse, he just happens to be beautiful. You’re positive that if Hobie wasn’t so anti-everything he would have stuck with being a runway model. His face is molded in a distinctive way that has you trying to catch his glance, even if he only looks at you with nonchalance, completely unbothered, not a hint of chemistry in his eyes.
It is with great displeasure that you find yourself wanting his bored attention anyways.
And so you’ve been swallowing your crush for the greater part of a year now. You’re sure it will pass like all things do.
Pavitr, as much as you love him, has told you many times about the “chemistry” between you and Hobie– and you have told him every time to fuck off. Not in an actual harsh way, because again you can’t help but love the guy, but because you don’t need false hope.
You’re just Spider-Woman. Another red-and-yellow suited variant of Jessica Drew, you might as well just be another Peter Parker. You know that’s not how you’re supposed to think of yourself, but it’s just how it is. Canon events brought you here, and according to Miguel, it’s not something you chose– you just happened to be there at the right time and place. You’re no Jess, who comes in on her motorcycle, raging heat and excitement on her toes– you are one of the many, instead of being exceptional like the few.
You’re not like Hobie, who is as far as you know, one of a kind.
“What’s on your mind, Spider-Woman?” Hobie asks as he picks through random tech on the desk in Miguel’s lab, taking what he feels is useful for whatever it is he does with the stuff. He’s never used your name, because he doesn’t know it.
You and a few other Spider-People have chosen to stay anonymous, for different reasons, and only Miguel and Margo know who you really are. Hobie has told you before that that’s pretty cool– he only chose to give up his name because it was easier to get along with people that way. Hobie knows there’s power in people.
“Just babysitting. Obviously.” You motion to Mayday, who takes this moment to thwip out a web and swing away from you– but you’re faster and you grab her back into your arms, and she pouts.
“Nah, nah. I mean that sour expression upon your lovely little visage, imbecile.” He pokes your masked cheek, and you find yourself blushing but pulling away from him. Hobie is like that– overly familiar and no real sense of space because he doesn’t care.
“It’s not lovely.” You retort, fully convinced of it because he has never seen your face, only your incredulous expression through the eyes of your mask. 
You think that Hobie is again being sarcastic about your unknown appearance, and because his back is facing yours as he searches through random shelves now, you don’t catch how his face frowns at your response.
“Disagreements about your anonymous-but-surely beautiful face aside– not that looks matter, mind you– you’re clearly miffed about something.” Hobie turns and crosses his arms, and it’s with a little embarrassment and comfort that you want his advice. Even if it’s kind of to do with him.
“Well, I guess, uh… lately I’ve just been feeling kind of down. Like what’s the point of all this?” You bite your lip, knowing Hobie’s feelings on nihilism. “I don’t mean like nothing in life matters, Hobie. I mean more that I don’t matt– I don’t… anyways, I feel useless. I don’t have anything special about me, I don’t really bring anything to the Spider-Society that wasn’t already brought.”
"Whoa whoa whoa. Nah, lady, you've got your priorities all twisted." Hobie pulls your arms, bringing you kind of closer to him, and rests his hands on your shoulders, making you listen. "This inner hatred stuff– that sick urge to feel shame and then blast it inside of yourself, all that repression, yeah? It's a crock of shit."
"Huh?" You and Mayday both peer up at him. You behind your mask, and she with her crocheted one. 
Hobie picks up Mayday, finally giving into her wishes to be held by him, and she immediately giggles. There’s a subtle smile on his face that warms him to you a little.
"It might feel good in the moment. It might even feel revolutionary." Hobie scowls, and scratches his jaw. "It's worthless. Notice, Spider, I didn't call you worthless. The very action is garbage, a visceral thing that brings no productive value– that's what they want you to feel."
"Ah, because then I'll never fight against the establishment, right, Hobie? I'll be too busy fighting myself." You say mockingly, taking on a fake-pretentious-Cockney accent, mimicking him, but Hobie gives you a chill look and nods.
"Now you're getting it."
"Aw." You slump and slouch and sit on the counter full of gadgets and gizmos next to him. "I know you're right, but… don't you ever get people getting mad at you?"
"You've lost me."
"Like… being so responsible." You roll your eyes as Hobie snickers and whispers the spider-mantra you all know so well. "Or just living by your own ideology so… efficiently. It's almost like a slap in the face to the rest of us Spiders. We don’t know how to cope, and here comes along Spider-Punk with all his personal assurance that even if things aren't alright, he'll make it alright for himself."
"Oi, trust me, it wasn't all that easy." Hobie sniffs and sits down next to you, holding Mayday close and then letting her go as she crawls onto the wall in front of you. "You really think I haven't had a bad day? I haven’t had my moments of self doubt, huh?”
“Uh… well. When you put it like that, it does sound kind of crazy.” You admit, and nudge him with your shoulder. “I didn’t mean any harm, Hobie. I just feel so… inadequate.”
“Just stop.” He crosses his arms and closes his eyes, and you feel that yet again, he’s somewhat unreadable. “Don’t think those things. You’re not inadequate.”
“But I–”
“Stop.” He grasps your hands, and squeezes them tightly in his own, and you wonder if Hobie has ever looked this seriously at you, his eyes soft yet firm with affection.
You’re in trouble, you think. Your heart is pounding and you’re really glad he can’t see your face.
“I don’t think you know how important you are.” He utters so quietly, in that very deep voice that has you leaning in to hear him better. “You’re not nothing, Spider-Woman. You’ve done a lot of good for your Earth-257, I’m sure, and that makes you something special. Like the rest of us– you’re kind of irreplaceable, right?”
“I guess.”
“Not ‘I guess.’” Hobie punches the side of your arm and you pretend to say ow, laughing a little. “If you didn’t exist, we’d all be poorer for it. Peter couldn’t ask you to chill with his baby, and I couldn’t be here talking your ear off.”
“But I’m not– I don’t really compare to her, you know?” You say without thinking, and then immediately squint at your own stupidity. 
“Who’s her?” Hobie is wary of how your expression is shifting. “Stacy?”
“Uh, no.” You inhale, exhale, and then decide it’s time to get it over with. “Jess.”
“Jess? Jessica Drew, huh?” Hobie smirks a little. “You don’t want to be adopted by her, do you?”
“More complicated than Gwen’s weird fantasy.” You shift on your spot on the counter, and pull off your mask after a minute of tribulations. “I’m… also Jessica Drew.”
You feel incredibly shy as Hobie takes in your face, wary of his every move as you feel yourself sweating, and he grasps your face gently, peering into your eyes and taking a look at your features, as if he’s really trying to remember them.  
“What is it?” You say a little too defensively, and he shrugs. 
“You do have a lovely visage, you silly little sod. Even if it’s completely different from Jess’ face.” He laughs as you shove him away, covering your face in your hands. “No, don’t do that.”
He’s tracing your jaw, and he murmurs. “Maybe you could use a few piercings… a tat or two… ever thought about it?”
“No.” You shut your eyes. “I’m not cool like you.”
“Oh, shut it.” He leans in imperceptibly closer, and you blink, eyes open. Maybe Pavitr had a point that Hobie and you have something, because there’s not really another explanation for that look in his eyes. “You’re plenty cool, Jessica Drew. It was just a shit suggestion of mine.”
You think Hobart “Hobie” Brown is sweeter than you previously thought. You have half a mind to tell him about your feelings.
You and Hobie both look up, Spider-Senses tingling, and sure enough, Mayday is cooing from the ceiling– she leaps into your already waiting arms. She giggles at your expression.
Oh well, you think. There’ll be some other time to work up the courage to tell him.
Hobie half-smirks at her. “Way to interrupt us, Mayday.”
She looks at him all confused, tilting her head in a “huh?” motion, and you feel the same way, not entirely sure what Hobie meant by that and not willing to assume either.
He answers you by pulling your face in a sudden, swift motion, connecting his lips to yours, and in between the two of you, Mayday shrieks and laughs. She crawls off to the side of you, no longer smothered between your torsos.
Hobie is weirdly insistent– you feel like he’s been wanting to do this for a while, maybe longer than the length of your conversation (you don’t know if this is just a funny little fling for him, but you’re fairly sure it isn’t) and he’s a lot taller and lankier than you, so he really has to tower over you to reach your mouth better. He’s grasping your jaw and neck and the back of your head with a lot of intensity– you feel wildly dizzy when he pulls away.
“Uh.” Peter B. Parker is standing in front of you both, mouth wide open, and you look back at Hobie and he grins rather coolly, not really giving a damn. It’s enough to make you snort. “Wait, who are you?”
“Oh. Spider-Woman from Earth 257.” You remember Peter has never seen your face, either. “Jessica Drew?”
“Right, right.” Peter raises his hands in a whoop-de-doo motion, like he should’ve known that. “Nice to know what you look like behind the mask. Not nice to know that you’ve been avoiding your babysitting duties. Why are you two fooling around like prepubescent children? What happened to responsibility?”
“Ahhhhh, please, Peter. Live a little.” Hobie stands up, his full length of height drawing him to about the same height as Peter if not an inch taller. He picks up Mayday and hands her off to him. “Let’s not act as if you and MJ weren’t shacking up in the sleeping pods last week, yeah? Does Miguel need to know about how irresponsible you were?”
You think he’s kidding, but Peter pales and you clap your hands over your mouth, trying not to laugh. Miguel would absolutely throw a fit if he found that out.
“Uh…” Peter swallows. “At least that’s not an interdimensional tragedy-in-the-making like you two.”
“There’s no rules against that, I don’t think.” Hobie shrugs. “And if there are, fuck them. Miguel doesn’t know it all.”
“He really is punk to the very end.” Peter groans and leaves out to the hallway with Mayday. 
Hobie flashes a smile at you as he sits back down, ruffling your hair.
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seospicybin · 2 months
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Seungmin x reader x Lee Know. (s)
Synopsis: Seungmin trusts nothing but numbers and dating you slightly changes that notion until Minho comes and mess the equation. (12,1k words)
Author's note: You guys have been asking for 2min content so here it is. Hope you like x
Unlike people, numbers don't lie. Politics, poetry, promises... those are lies but numbers, they are absolute, they are tangible and they will never lie or betray him. Numbers are what they are: the truth.
And that's why Kim Seungmin prefers to work with numbers, as an analyst at an investment trust company. His job includes analyzing bonds, stocks, and other financial instruments, studying the economic data and the financial markets, and recommending investments. He spends time predicting investment returns through various modeling techniques and assessing the risk of investments.
However, there's one thing in Seungmin's life that he couldn't predict with numbers and statistics, and that is you.
First of all, Seungmin is at the peak of his career, he likes his job and he enjoys what he's doing, in other words, he's living a fulfilling life his way.
Seungmin would rather use the time to bring in billions' worth of investments than waste it on something as frivolous as dating.
That was his initial thought until he met you one random afternoon at a cafe.
It's funny that the cafe is one that he regularly visits to get his morning coffee and somehow, he needed another cup of coffee after work, and of all the possibilities, you were the one taking his order even though you're the manager, not one of the baristas.
Seungmin is not one to believe in such things as fate or destiny but he has no other way to explain it, it feels like at that moment, the universe was trying to bring him and you together.
The next thing Seungmin knows, he's been dating you for six months now, and in those six months, he learned that dating seemed frivolous to him at that time because he hadn't met the right person yet. He also learns that not everything that is not tangible or absolute and not presented in data or statistics are lie.
There are three things that Seungmin believes are true: He likes you, he's happy with you and every day, he likes you more and more thus making him happier and happier.
Look at him now! Seungmin gets nervous knowing that he's late for dinner at your place, his foot tapping against the floor of the elevator as it takes him up to your floor.
The second the doors slide open, he walks as fast as he can while cradling the bottle of wine in his arm and carrying his briefcase in the other hand.
Despite knowing the code to your apartment, Seungmin prefers the doorbell. He holds all of his things in one arm to free his hand and presses the doorbell to alert you that he's here, then lets out a sigh.
It isn't much about the fact that he's nineteen minutes late, he's nervous about something else and the thought of it makes his hand fly to the back of his head, getting that weird feeling as he touches his hair that is now short.
The door swings open and your face lights up the moment your eyes lie on him.
"Baby!" You squeal in joy and jump at him, welcoming him with an enthusiastic hug and almost knocking his glasses off his nose.
With the things he carries in one arm, Seungmin can only hug you back as much as he can, and a while later, you pull away and open the door wider for him.
"I have to hurry and stir the sauce," you excuse yourself as you turn around and head straight back inside.
Seungmin doesn't get the chance to apologize for his tardiness, he lets himself in and takes his coat off, then carefully puts his briefcase down on the nearest chair.
He brings the bottle of wine with him as he joins you in the kitchen, "Bought us a bottle of wine."
You briefly glance at it and delightfully exclaim, "Red wine! That's perfect!"
Then you put your focus back on the sauce in the pan, stirring it with a wooden spatula in slow, circular motions, and once it bubbles up, you turn the stove off.
"Okay, now I can properly welcome my boyfriend home," you sweetly say as you approach him with open arms.
Seungmin hurriedly puts down the bottle of wine on the kitchen counter to keep it safe and also, to properly return your hug this time.
"Hi," you mutter with a smile as you put your hands around him and drop them on his shoulders, "I miss you."
It's something else that Seungmin can't find the logical explanation for it but when he's with you, the chemistry in his body drastically changes the second you enter his radar, he feels a surge of dopamine, he feels instant comfort and his body relaxed, and the moment both of your lips collide in an explosive kiss, his heart palpation.
All of a sudden, your lips stiffen against him and you slowly pull away, then bring your hand to the nape of his neck, tangling it in his short hair.
"Wait... did you cut your hair?" You ask with a sly smile on your face.
"Yeah, I did," Seungmin answers.
You take a moment to check his new haircut and at the same time, admire how it accentuates his already perfect facial features and how the dark of his hair adds intensity to his eyes.
"Do you like it?" He shyly asks.
You drop your hands around his neck and pull him close, "I love it," you reply.
Then you lean in for another kiss, harder and deeper while steering his body until his back meets the door of the fridge. You put your whole weight, putting your body against him until your bodies mold into each other.
When he's with you, his brain stops controlling his body and his heart takes over, making the chemistry in his body want only you and you and you.
And, oh, how good it feels that he gets what he wants and you're just for him and him only.
The beeping sounds coming from the oven interrupt the moment and you immediately pull away from the kiss to get to it.
"To be continued," you tell him with a sly smile.
Curls of steam escape the oven as you open it and the mouth-watering smell wafts around in the room, evoking his appetite. You put mitts on both hands and cautiously, take the tray out of the oven, revealing the perfectly roasted chicken.
Aware that you must put a lot of effort into making dinner, Seungmin knows that he, at least, should contribute to it apart from the bottle of wine he brought.
"Is there anything I can help you with?" He asks.
You take your oven mitts off and put them away, "You can open the bottle of wine and bring the glasses to the table."
Before doing what you order, Seungmin unbutton his cuffs and folds the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbow. He starts by opening the wine bottle and pulling the cork open with a loud popping sound. He then brings it to the table along with the two wine glasses he carries in one hand, he meticulously pours the wine and the aphrodisiac smell fills his nostrils as he takes a small sip at it.
The roasted chicken is just as delicious as it looked and the lemon dill sauce is just the perfect condiment, even better that the red wine complements the whole thing. It's such a simple yet heartwarming dinner, that Seungmin finds himself completely at ease and unknowingly lowering his guard down.
"...I think they miss their figures so I said let's increase by 15% because I was sure they'll strike gold with the new product line," Seungmin passionately shares a bit of his day at work.
"And I guess, you were right?" You ask before shoving a spoonful of food into your mouth.
"There was a line around the corner on the release date, I was right," he confirms with a small smile.
And when he's at ease like this, he can comfortably talk about almost anything with you and he's aware that it may bore you.
"Did I bore you?" He meekly asks.
"No," you hastily answer, placing your hand on his hand that rests on the table.
"You know I like it when you talk numbers," you add with a soft smile.
"This is really good, by the way," he says, averting the conversation to the food you cooked so incredibly.
"Glad you like it, baby," you say with a gentle squeeze on his hand.
There are no numbers or data that can tell Seungmin the reason why you like him, neither his look nor personality are that appealing and you are the opposite of that, you're beautiful and charming, you're so well-spoken, and now, you have proven that you're a good cook too.
Once again, he can't find the logical explanation to that but he's lucky to have met you.
Seungmin pours more wine into both of your glasses as you tidy up the kitchen after dinner, he sits on the sofa and waits for you to join him. You put on music through the portable speaker and the slow beat of the song softly plays in the background.
"Thank you," you say as you take the glass of wine from his hand.
The sofa fits three people but you opt to sit on Seungmin's lap, straddling him without spilling the wine in your hand. You take a small sip before putting it away on the coffee table.
"Thank you for the hearty dinner," he sincerely mutters his gratitude and he knows he has said it more than a dozen times already.
"If you're really thankful, where's my kiss then?"
Knowing that it would be a hassle, he takes his glasses off first and then puts his arms around you to draw you close. The hand that rests on the nape of your neck allows him to angle your head as he pleases and then slowly, he puts his lips on yours, conveying his gratitude through a kiss.
"Thank you," he murmurs when he breaks the kiss.
"You're very welcome," you reply.
You lay your hands on his shoulders and then glide them down his shoulder blade, feeling how broad and muscular they are. Then you bring your hands to the back of his hands, gently pulling at the short hair there.
"Did you sync your hair appointment with my menstrual cycle or something?"
Seungmin snorts at the random question, "No. Why?"
"Then why did you get a haircut when I'm ovulating, mmh?" You ask, purposely bumping your nose at his.
"No, that's not—" his words get cut off as you put a finger on his lips.
"Oh, stop playing dumb!" You tell him, putting your finger away so you can kiss him.
You kiss him hard until his head tilted to the back and he has no choice but to give in, letting your body pressed against him.
Seungmin gets light-headed from the kiss as he prioritizes kissing you back instead of breathing, and you know what? It's worth every second of it even though his lungs burn from the lack of oxygen.
Sensing that you both need a breather, you pull away from the kiss and slightly turn his head to the side to place kisses on his jaw.
"I think you should take responsibility for your actions," you whisper to him.
"I didn't do anything," he innocently says with a low chuckle.
His hand trails down your spine and stops on the arch of your back, his nails dug at your clothed skin as you plant searing kisses on his neck with your hot breath tickling his ear.
"I think you should put a baby in me," you softly whisper.
Not only the words secretly arousing him, it's also the way a sly smile blooms on your face after you say it, oh, he couldn't be more attracted to you!
"In this economy?" He asks with an eyebrow raised in disagreement.
"Yeah, you're right but..." You put your hands on his chest and put a space between your faces, "we can start by having unprotected sex."
He laughs at that and puts his hands on your thighs, "And risk to actually put a baby in you?"
You roll your eyes at him, sighing as your hands slump down his chest. With a deep breath, you try again in a way that intrigues him.
"If we're talking about the success rate of birth control, it's 99%," you begin your explanation.
"Yeah, but—"
You stop him from cutting you off by covering his mouth with your fingers, "Yeah, I know. I might have missed a pill or two but that only decreased the success rate to 93% which means..."
You put your hands around his neck and continue with your explanation, "There's only a 7% chance that you'll actually put a baby in me."
He glides his hands up to hold each side of your waist, "And that means 7 out of 100 pill users get actual babies in them."
"Yeah, but I'm part of the 93%," you confidently remark.
"Or you could be in the 7%," he argues.
"Uhh... I wouldn't be so sure. 7 has never been my lucky number anyway," you simply state, adding a nonchalant shrug at the end.
What you said is so out of pocket that it amuses him so much and he thinks that's why he likes you, you're unpredictable. In fact, you're the only unpredictable thing that he likes in his life.
"And maybe this will change your mind..." you say, untying your dress open and revealing enough to show the bra you're wearing underneath.
"How's that?" You adorably tilt your head to the side as you ask him.
Seungmin tries to remain calm even though he gets the urge to just rip your dress open and expose more of you to him. He looks away and stares at your face, but you're taking his hand and making him cupping your breast.
"I'm wearing it for you," you seductively say.
He's feeling the lacey fabric of your bra instead of kneading on your breast, "Yeah?"
"Uh-huh, and it comes with matching underwear too," you share, parting your dress open until it's completely off of you.
As of this moment, his self-control is being tested and he doesn't know how long until he folds. He holds his breath as his eyes travel down your body, quietly lusting at it.
You slowly bring your head close and sweetly peck his lips, "Do you like it?"
He rubs his hands up and down your sides, then looks up at you, "Yes."
"Yes, what?" You lean in closer until the tip of your nose bumps his cheek.
"I like it," he speaks so low it's almost like a whisper.
You smile at his answer and react more by pressing your lips on his lips. The more you kiss him, the more he doesn't want to let go, he just wants to keep kissing you until he runs all of the air in his body.
All of a sudden, you break the kiss with a gasp and slyly smile at him, "This is just one of my two-part plans," you tell him.
"What's the second part then?" He curiously asks with his fingertips lightly tracing your collarbone.
The sly grin on your face doesn't tell much but he knows it is something that will amuse him. You take his glasses on the coffee table and put them back on him.
"Keep your glasses on 'cause I want you to closely watch me take you in my mouth."
With his glasses on, Seungmin watches you take him into your mouth, how your luscious lips wrap around his length, and the way you swirl your slick, hot tongue around his tip. All the while, your hand takes care of the rest that you can't take into your mouth.
Don't get him started on the eyes you're giving him as half of his cock disappeared into your mouth, they're innocent and filthy at the same time, and he doesn't know how you do that but you're doing it so well.
He's sure that his hard cock shows how much he wants you and if not, well then, he just needs to take things further himself.
"Okay, fine, your two-part plan worked," he mutters with his hand tangled in your hair.
"I know," you cockily say to him.
He puts his other hand in your hair and then tilts your head to make you look at him, "Come sit on my lap!"
You obey him, pulling him out of your mouth and slowly, getting up from the carpeted floor. You take a step closer and he stops you right there.
"Just a second..." he says.
He looks up at you as you stand right in front of him, he trails his hands down the sides of your body and then tugs his fingers at the elastic band of your underwear. Without looking away from your eyes, he pulls it down your legs until it drops and pools around your ankle.
One corner of your mouth curls into a smirk as he puts his hand on the back of your knee and lifts it, resting your foot on his thigh. This position allows him to bring his mouth close to your heating core and a whimper falls out of your mouth the second his lips make contact with your tender flesh.
The glasses stay on because he knows how much you like seeing it turn foggy as he goes down on you. He doesn't need to look anyway to please you with his mouth.
He sticks his tongue out to tease your clit in a kitten lick before taking it whole in his mouth and sucking it real hard.
"Oh, baby..." you breathlessly moan as you tug at his hair in reaction to his stimulation.
Seungmin slowly lets go, he replaces his mouth with his hand, repeatedly running his fingers between your folds that your essence drenched all over them.
"Can't wait to be inside you," his voice hoarse and heavy with lust. He then retracts his hand, shoving his fingers coated with your essence, and licks them clean.
Seungmin scoots himself to the back of the sofa and then he holds his arms out at you to help you, but he lets his intrusive thoughts win, he pulls you hard until you fall on his lap.
You're giggling as you settle yourself on his lap and immediately put your hands around his shoulders, "eager, are we?"
He brings your head close for a kiss as you part his shirt open, and he briefly sits up straight so you can take it off of him. He wastes no time to put his arms around you after, drawing you close until there is no inch of gap left between your bodies.
To make it fair, he unclasps your bra and then pulls the straps down your shoulders, you do the rest by taking it off of you, letting it drop to the floor.
He likes how your breasts hang so beautifully on your chest and they look so soft, he can't help but feel them too. As he kneads on them, he can feel the ample flesh mold into his hands.
"Aren't they just perfect in your hands, mmh?" You murmur, kneading them together with his hands.
Yes, they do, he answers in his head and it makes him believe that your breasts were made just for him. He gently squeezes on them as he buries his head in between with his lips resting on your sternum.
You kiss the top of his head and cradle his head in your hands, your fingers lightly scratching the back of his head as you softly sigh, "My baby..."
Seungmin only knows how to dominate, always in control and being on top of the game but with you, he doesn't care about all that. With you, he just wants to be held and taken care of, and ultimately, loved.
Heaven really is a place on earth with you.
And he's about to enter real heaven when you slowly lower yourself on him. No rubber, no layer of protection just like you asked, it's just you and your warm velvety walls tightly wrapped around his length. Both of your lips instantly locked in a kiss again the moment he's fully buried inside you.
It's nothing like he imagined it would feel like, it's a thousand times better and when you start rocking your hips, Seungmin realizes that his self-control is going to be an issue.
As you keep pulsating your hips at a steady pace, you hold on to the back of the sofa for support and keep your face only inches away from his.
"Tell me, baby!" You murmur.
"Do I feel good, mmh?" You ask, then hastily kiss his open mouth.
You don't see him struggling, do you? Let alone able to compute words to answer your question but he hopes you can see how overwhelmed he is as you rock your hips back and forth.
"Cause you feel so good inside me, baby," you murmur into his ear.
"Oh, I can feel you all over me," you add with a hot kiss on his neck.
He roughly pulls your head close to press a kiss on your lips, grabbing a fistful of your hair in his hand as he keeps kissing you as a way to contain his grunts.
"You're close, mmh?" Your lips graze his as you speak.
There's no use to lie, he's inside you and you can feel him throbbing, wanting to shoot his load at any given time now.
"You're just too good," He simply admits, gliding his hands to your back and pulling you close.
"Are you going to cum for me then?"
"Yes," he shortly answers
"Inside me, yeah?"
He nods, pathetically.
Taking that as a confirmation, you pick up the pace, sending your breasts bouncing right in front of his face but his hands are too busy gripping each side of your waist, desperately trying to slow you down but failing.
"Mmh, yeah, cum for me, baby," you murmur before crashing your lips against him.
Surrendering himself to the need, Seungmin wraps his arms around you so tightly that your breasts are squashed between your chest. His eyes are screwed shut, his body is hot all over like someone kindle a fire inside him.
Despite his tight hold around you limiting your mobility, you maintain the pace, arching your back to provide more depth for him and add intensity to it.
"Cum, fill me, baby," you softly whisper with your lips brushing his jaw.
Seungmin is no longer in control of his body, his desire gets to him and takes him where he needs to be. The pleasure keeps on building up and up and he won't stop until he—
"Argh!" A raw groan spills out of his mouth, then he hurriedly plants his mouth on your shoulder to muffle it.
You finally slow down and hold him close, cradling his head in your chest as he relishes the waves of pleasure lapping over him.
As senses gradually come back to him, Seungmin tilts his head up and pulls you for a kiss, a kiss that feels tender and chaste, the kind that knocks your heart open.
"I love you," he blurts out.
"Oh?" You react with a perplexed gasp.
It surprises him too that he just blurted those words out, he didn't plan on saying it, heck! He didn't even think of saying it but now that the words are out, he knows that it's coming from deep within him.
"You didn't say that just because you're still inside me, right?" You playfully ask.
He innocently shakes his head but changes his mind in the next second, "Uhm... maybe? A part of it because of that," he jokingly says.
"I knew it!" You exclaim and squint your eyes at him.
He brings his hands to your shoulders and then cups your face in both hands, holding it with so much care as if you were a fragile object.
"I love you," he mutters with utmost sincerity and his heart hurts from saying those words out loud, in a good way.
"Me too," You smile and softly brush the hair curtaining his forehead, then place a soft kiss on it, "I love you."
His heart is full knowing that his feelings are being reciprocated and that makes him the happiest he's ever been, and the fact that it comes from something that is beyond him is what makes it special. He cups your jaw and kisses you so sweetly with a heart that loves you until it hurts so good.
"Seungmin," you softly call his name against his lips.
"Can you put more love in me?"
"With pleasure," he gladly answers.
The music that faintly plays in the background is being replaced with the skin-slapping sounds and both of your breathy moans.
You're lying underneath him, hands gripping each side of the cushion your head resting on, eyes shut with a sheen of sweat coating your body.
"Oh, baby, yes," you moan through your gritted teeth.
Seungmin is using all of his strength, thrusting hard into you, and in each thrust, he tries to go as shallow as possible, hitting you right in the spot.
"Oh, please..." you cry and beg, sounding like you're in pain.
"Please, please, please," you beg again, but he knows that you're asking for more.
He's going impossibly fast that the sofa is creaking along to his movements but even if it breaks, he won't stop. He needs to give you your release and at the same time, he can't help himself but get the pleasure of giving it to you.
"Seungmin, please, please..." you beg again, your eyes closed so tightly that tears squeeze out of the corners of your eyes.
It's the way you're calling him so desperately and with so much neediness that drives him to keep going. He grips the handrest of the sofa as leverage and thrusts into you harder and harder that the muscles on his body are strained and his body is close to giving out.
"Seungmin, please..." you breathlessly moan again.
Yeah, that's right, he's the only one who can give it to you and he's going to give it to you just right.
A mix of a moan and a cry rips out of you as your body stiffens and then softens in the next second, overflowing with immense pleasure.
Seungmin slows his thrusting but adds intensity, he can feel it coming as well. With the way you're clenching around him, it doesn't take him long to finally cum for the second time.
He launches his cock as deep as possible to plant his seed inside you and lowers his mouth on yours to fill his need to be one with you.
It's the most intimate he's ever been with someone, it doesn't feel like physical fulfillment anymore, it's bonding, it's trust, and he believes it's what people call making love.
After a while, Seungmin lets go and slowly, pulls out of you. With your legs still spreading open, he can see how your cunt is drenched with your mixed bodily fluid and pulsating, and a while later, he can see the white of his seed dripping out of you and he can't believe how much he cum inside of you as it now drips onto the sofa. It's a highly erotic thing to watch and satisfies him in a whole new way.
"Are you sure you're not trying to put a baby in me 'cause that was..." you can barely finish your words. You brush away the hair stuck to your moist forehead and let out an exhausted sigh.
Seungmin quietly and triumphantly smiles, he hovers above you and places a long, lingering kiss on your lips. As soon as he breaks the kiss, he looks at you and says, "Well, 7 has never been my lucky number either."
Since his job requires him to work late almost every night, Seungmin only meets you on the weekends and he'll stay over, even if it means he has to go to work early on a Monday morning.
"Stay," you mumble with your eyes closed, not letting him stop cuddling you on the bed.
"You can sleep some more," he whispers into your ear, along with a soft kiss on your neck.
"No, stay," you mumble again, taking his arm and putting it around you.
It's always like this every Monday morning, you're not letting him go and he'll cave in, then he'll cuddle you for a few more minutes, peppering you with kisses before dragging himself out of the bed.
If he has to choose, he'd rather stay in bed with you all day but he has other responsibilities to do and it involves a lot of people, not just him.
When Seungmin returns from the shower, you're sitting on the bed with his glasses on, your eyes immediately traveling up and down his glistening wet body, but they focus on the towel that lowly hangs around his hips.
"Oh... mama!" You gasp in delight, your teeth faintly bite your lower lip.
Flustered, he hurriedly walks up to you and takes his glasses off of you, then puts them on him. He gives your cheek a soft caress and then kisses the top of your head.
"You should sleep some more," he suggests as he saunter to your closet where he keeps some of his clothes in there.
"Why would I do that when I can watch my hot, nerdy boyfriend getting dressed to save the nation's economy from collapsing?" You playfully remark, sitting on the bed while hugging your knees.
As he chooses what to wear for the day, he looks over his shoulder at you and asks, "Who's going to make coffee then?"
"Oh, yeah, right," you sigh and pout, "you only date me because of my coffee."
"That's right," he responds with a sly smile.
You get up from the bed and come up to him, slipping your arms under and around him for a hug. You place kisses on the skin on his chest, shoulder, and neck, and eventually, your lips find his.
"Wear the blue shirt," you suggest, pointing at the baby blue shirt inside the closet before turning around on your feet, and heading out of the room so he can get dressed.
The blue shirt surely looks good on him but he can't remember wearing it or bringing it to your place, also, it's a bit tight around the shoulders. He heads to the kitchen where you're busy making coffee for him.
"Are you sure this shirt is mine?" He asks in confusion.
"Of course, it's yours, you silly," you hastily answer and then put down the coffee pot to take a good look at him, "What's wrong?
Seungmin takes a seat on the stool that is pushed against the kitchen island, "It's a bit tight around the shoulders."
You deliver his cup of coffee and then run your hands through his shoulder blades, "That's because you have such sexy, broad shoulders," you whisper into his ear.
He turns his head to the side and you immediately capture his lips in a kiss. You break the kiss to place more kisses on his face and neck.
"Now, eat your breakfast, champion!" You order.
You stand there behind the kitchen island to watch him take his first sip of the coffee you make, and as expected, it's as good as the first time had a taste of it and it also brings back the memories of how he met you that night.
"How is it?"
"Perfect!" He answers with a smile.
It's never just a goodbye kiss with you, it's a full-on makeout with bodies pressed and pushed against the wall, its lips and tongue, and occasional bites in between.
Seungmin has to stop you from going in for another kiss as he still needs air to breathe. He holds you close but keeps his face a safe distance away from yours, his height helps with his.
"You have the night shift tonight," he says.
"You better go get some sleep after this," he suggests.
"One more kiss then," you sweetly ask.
Seungmin has no power to resist you, especially when you look at him with crinkles in your eyes. It would make him a bad man if he said no to that.
"Just one," he makes a compromise.
"Just one, yes," you repeat with an eager nod.
He finds you so cute acting like a puppy like that, he has no other reason but to give you what you want. He slowly leans in and kisses you, ever so softly despite feeling like fireworks are going off inside his chest.
"I have to go," he says once he breaks the kiss.
You don't say anything but pout to him, clinging to him to let him know you don't want him to go.
"I'll see you soon, mmh?" He says with a smile and a long peck on the lips as a consolation.
That seems to cheer you up as a smile blooms on your face, you hug him close, embracing all of him before taking a step back so he can walk out of the door.
"Have a great day at work!" You say as you linger by the doorway and with a sweet smile, you let him go.
A couple of days later, Seungmin receives a call from you but it comes at a bad time, he's in a meeting and he ends up getting two missed calls from you.
You know better to not call him when he's working but it seems urgent so he goes to the office lounge to call you back.
"I'm late," you suddenly share right after you accept the call.
"Late?" He asks in confusion.
There is a pause and then you explain, "My period is late."
The moment you both decided to have unprotected sex, Seungmin prepared himself for a situation like this. He knows that other than he needs to take responsibility for it but checking in on your well-being comes on top of his priority.
"Are you okay?" He asks in slight concern.
"I'm okay," you answer.
"Do you want me to come and be with you?" He offers, even though he doubts he'll be able to do that but that's something he can deal with later.
"No, it's okay. I just..." you pause to inhale air, "I just think that you need to know."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm sure. I'm about to take pregnancy tests," you inform.
"Okay, well, it's better if you take two tests just in case the result is inconclusive," he carefully suggests, keeping his voice low as he's still in his workplace.
"Yeah, okay," you take in his suggestion.
"Hey, it's going to be okay?" He assures you because he knows that's what you actually seek at this moment, an assurance that things are going to be alright no matter what.
"I know," you meekly say.
"I love you," he says because he has nothing else to show you how much he cares and loves you, and he can hear you smiling at the end of the line.
"I love you too," you say with a slight cheery tone.
The two of you let those words hang in the air and let that be the only thing that exists in this dire moment.
After a moment, you sigh into the phone and say, "Well, I'm going to pee on these pregnancy tests and will tell you about the results."
"I'll look forward to it," he playfully responds.
It's normal for him to feel nervous about the results but surprisingly, he doesn't feel scared at all. If anything, it makes him start thinking about his future with you, and if you turned out to be pregnant then it simply means he'd have another part of you that he can love.
That's all he can think about at work, not numbers or statistics, but how wonderful it would be to build a family with you.
As he's deep in his thoughts, his phone vibrates on his desk. He turns it over to check and fumbles on his seat when he notices that it's multiple new texts from you.
"Guess what?" You wrote on the first text, and below it a picture of the pregnancy tests and both showing negative results.
"Told you, seven has never been my lucky number," you wrote in the following text with a smiling emoji.
It's a good thing that you don't call or you would hear the slight disappointment in his voice, but at the same time, he feels a sort of relief. Well, this only means that Seungmin only needs to postpone his plan on building a family with you.
"That damn seven percent," he jokingly wrote in his reply to you.
As a sort of joke, Seungmin decided to get off work early, and bought flowers along with a card he personally wrote on it that says, "Congratulations on being in the 93%!"
He knows you're having night shift for the whole week so the plan is to catch you right on the closing time and surprise you with the flowers.
Seungmin is not big on grand, romantic gestures like this but it shouldn't be something he should be ashamed of doing. It's all about the intention and he believes that the thing earlier was quite a shock to you so his intention is purely to brighten up your day and hopefully, make you feel better.
The taxi pulls up at the side of the street across the cafe, he can see that he comes right on time as you're locking up the place. He has to walk a little further to the crosswalk while carrying the flowers in one hand. He's watching as you lock up the café and pulling at the door to make sure it's completely locked.
As you hoist the strap of your bag higher on your shoulder, you turn around on your feet and Seungmin hurriedly waves his hand your way even though it's doubtful that you'll see him.
However, your face lights up like you usually do whenever you see him, your eyes sparkle, and a radiant smile. His heart is pounding as he starts to eagerly wave his hand at you only to find out that you're looking at someone else.
A guy comes out of the car parked right outside the café and you walk up to him, not stopping him as he hugs you. It's not just a friendly hug, the guy holds you close and lifts you off the ground for a moment, sending you giggling with your head bumping close to him.
Seungmin unconsciously follows the crowd crossing the street and when he finally gets to the side of the street, he sees that the two of you are kissing, lips locked with arms around each other.
He takes slow, hesitant steps toward you to see if it's really you and you're aware that you're kissing someone that is not him. He stops on his track as the guy spins you to the side and you open your eyes to see him standing there.
In that moment, your eyes meet and the expression on your face significantly turns into a panic one. From the look of it, it finally registered to him that you're fully aware of what you're doing.
"What is this?" He asks in utter confusion at you.
You immediately push the guy you've just kissed to approach him, "Seungmin, I can explain!" You say.
There's nothing to explain when he saw everything with his own eyes, unless you think he's blind or losing his mind, that's the only explanation he needed.
You walk toward him in such caution like approaching a wild animal, "Seungmin, please, wait, I can—"
But he's no longer looking at you, he's looking at the other guy and how flippant he is at this whole situation. He's mad beyond belief and before he obliterates everything around him, he turns around on his feet to leave.
"Seungmin!" You call his name out loud and he can hear you break into tears after.
"Fuck this," He mutters out of spite, tossing the flowers into the trash bin. He ignores your desperate calls and keeps walking away, not looking back.
Men lie, women lie, and numbers, after all, can be manipulated which makes it a lie. In other words, everything is a lie.
Even Seungmin is lying to himself, he pretends that he's alright even though the truth is he's far from alright. He can't believe that a week ago he thought of building a family with someone he's only known for six months, six fucking months and you turned out to be cheating on him.
The only thing that he believes in is this anger he feels whenever he thinks of you and it's more infuriating that he can't find the outlet for it. It seems like he has to keep it in until he dies.
His phone vibrates on his desk and he hates that his heart gets hopeful, thinking that it's a text from you when the truth is you stopped contacting him two days ago and he knows it's because he didn't respond to any of them, but deep down, he hopes it's you.
Full of anticipation, he checks his phone and sees that he has received a series of texts from an unknown number. It's probably work-related texts so he ignores it for a while until the curiosity wins over him.
"So, you're the other boyfriend," is what is written in the text.
"Who is this?" He quickly replies.
"It's Minho. The boyfriend," he writes along with multiple pictures of you and him.
If his goal is to make him jealous, he's succeeded at that and now that the goal is achieved, what else there is?
"What do you want?" Seungmin gets defensive.
"Does this mean you give her up, huh?"
It's not giving you up when he decides to break up with you after finding out that you cheated on him. Before Seungmin can compose a reply to that, a new text appears.
"I'm the better man anyway," Minho writes and he knows he does it to provoke him.
What a shame that Seungmin is not triggered and decides not to stoop to his level. Minho is free to think that he gives you up or he's a better man than him, Seungmin doesn't care at all!
However, his ignorance only lasts for a couple of days until Minho comes up with a text that has one clear purpose and that is to light Seungmin's short fuse.
"Come and watch me fuck her better than you did?" Minho wrote on the text along with a video of you, lying naked on the bed with his hand going all over you.
As if that isn't enough, Minho sends another video and Seungmin knows better not to open it but he does anyway. The next video is of him filming himself fucking you through the mirror that he knows for sure is in your bedroom and he can hear your moans in the background.
"Did you say something?" Minho asks as he turns the camera to you.
"Please!" You say.
"Please, what?"
"Please, Minho, I want to cum," you plead with your eyes red and teary.
With the rage that blinds him and jealousy that burns him from the inside, Seungmin rides in the back of the taxi in the middle of the night with both hands balled into fists on his lap and his chest heaving in anger on the way to your place.
He skips on the knocking on the door and punches the passcode into your place, letting himself in. A while later, you come to the door, looking unruly but fully dressed, it looks like he's just disturbed your slumber instead of catching you sleeping with another guy.
"Seungmin," you say his name in a mix of confusion and surprise.
Seungmin would be lying if he didn't miss hearing you call his name but he reminds himself he's not here for that, he came here for something else.
"Where is he?" He asks as he walks past you. He starts looking for him in every room in your apartment while you're trailing behind him.
"Who?" You ask in utter confusion.
"Your boyfriend," he simply answers, pushing the door to your bedroom and seeing that no one is on the bed except for a messy pile of duvet.
"He's not here and I haven't seen him in a week," you tell him.
He avoids looking into your eyes and walks up to the bathroom, pushing the door open with his hand only to reveal that you're telling the truth.
"Why? Isn't he your boyfriend? Shouldn't you with him?" He asks you, going out of the bedroom to check the laundry room near the kitchen.
"Because I needed the space. I got heartbroken when you broke up with me," you meekly answer.
Maybe he was foolish for not knowing you lied behind his back but how dare you lie right to his face now? Seungmin stops looking and turns around to look at you, he scoffs in exaggeration.
"Don't lie to me," he says to you with a sarcastic smile.
"I'm not. I am still devastated that we broke up," you genuinely admit with tears pooling in your eyes.
Hearing someone enter the passcode to your door, you hurriedly wipe your eyes before the tears roll down your cheeks and head to the door to check who is it.
"Minho, what are you—" You can't barely finish your sentence as he presses a kiss on your lips.
"Minho, this is not a good time," you say to him, but he walks further inside while holding your hand.
Without having to look, Seungmin knows that it's the man he's looking for and he realizes Minho was never here, he sent all those videos just to trap him and he fell right into it.
"You came, huh?" Minho says to him with a faint smirk on his face.
That is enough to trigger Seungmin, he takes a step forward and closes the gap between their bodies, "What's your problem?"
You immediately get in between and push them away from each other until there's a safe distance between them, "Minho, please, don't!"
"I don't know why I'm here," Seungmin mutters, pushing his way in the direction of the door.
You block the way and take both of his hands, "No, Seungmin, please, stay!" You beg with pleading eyes.
"Nah, babe, just let him go!" Minho says with a rather mocking tone at Seungmin while leaning the side of his body against the wall.
"You both stay!" You tell both of them, dragging Seungmin back inside and making him sit on the sofa. You glare at Minho next, gesturing him to also sit on the sofa, and with a sigh, he obeys to your order.
They're sitting so far apart from each other and you know Minho is the one who made Seungmin come here, but the damage has been done, you may as well use this opportunity to talk to both of them.
"Now that you're both here, let me explain everything," you say, standing right in front of them.
"I don't need your explanation," Seungmin says without looking at you.
"Seungmin, please!" You beg again.
"The door is right there!" Minho casually says to him.
You know Minho is going to be the problem so you glare at him, "Minho, please?" You say in a rather threatening tone instead of pleading.
"I'm not going to stop you from leaving but please hear me first," you try again while clasping your hands together in front of you.
Seungmin refuses to look at you but he stays in his seat and that's enough, he only needs to hear your part of the story anyway.
"Yes, I'm dating the two of you at the same time," you admit right away and that seems to intrigue Seungmin that he glances your way.
"But I wouldn't call it cheating," you continue and Seungmin looks away again, "Even if that's the case, it only means that I'm cheating on Minho with you."
"What do you mean by that? You're dating him behind my back," Seungmin says with a lot of resentment in his voice.
"Minho knows everything," you reveal, "We've been dating for three years way before I met you."
"Yes, and she told me everything," Minho adds with a wicked smile on his face.
It feels as if the two of you are playing him and he feels stupid for being the joke in this narrative. Seungmin looks at you and then at Minho with a revolted look on his face, "What is this sick game are you playing here?"
You take a step closer to him and slightly bend down to make him look at you, "Seungmin, I swear this is not a game. Our relationship is real and so is my relationship with Minho, we're—"
This is where Seungmin loses it. He's not familiar with this equation. You're dating him but also dating Minho. How can one person date two people at once? And is that even possible? Since when 1+1+1 is two? His brain just can't comprehend it.
"You cheated on me," he says and that's the only statement he firmly stands on, he doesn't care who dates who first and how many relationships you have other than with him.
You take a moment to inhale air and try again, "Seungmin, trust me when I say I never lied to you. I love you and you know that's true," you calmly tell him.
"But you did lie to me about your relationship with him," Seungmin
"Because I don't want to lose you," you hastily respond with the harsh truth.
A moment passes in silence as Seungmin processes your words and you're right, he would have left you a long time ago and the relationship wouldn't last this long.
"I know this is hard to understand but I love you, Seungmin, and I love him too," you say as you point at Minho.
You rake your hair to the back and come up to them, kneeling in front of them as you grab their hands in each of your hands.
"And I know how selfish and greedy I sound but I want you both in my life," you finish with a sad smile.
Minho brings your hand close to his mouth and kisses it, "You know you'll always have me," he says.
You softly smile at him, "Thank you, Minho."
The ball is in Seungmin's court now and you look at him with hopeful eyes, even though the chance that he'll agree to this is slim, close to zero percent.
"Seungmin..." your voice lowers as a second passes without an answer from him.
All of a sudden, he takes his hand away from your hold and in that moment, you tell yourself that, at least, you've tried your best to make him stay and if he still chooses to go, then you have to let him go.
Seungmin's hand cups your cheek and he tilts your head, forcing you to look at him. To your surprise, he smiles and then slowly presses a kiss on your lips.
"You know that I love you too."
Since they're all and they both agreed on being in this relationship, you figure this is the chance to put it to a test and see if they can learn how to share.
Minho places a kiss on your shoulder as his hands busy unclasping your bra, he places another kiss on your neck and turns your head to the side so he can kiss your lips.
"It's off," he mutters as the bra is completely off your arms.
You peck his lips and smile, "Thank you, baby."
Minho has no problem adjusting himself to this but Seungmin looks a little lost that you have to keep him close and at times, you have to actively tell him what to do.
As you sit on the edge of the bed, you take his hands and pull him close. Giving him a long peck on the lips before asking him, "Are you nervous?"
"I'm not nervous," Seungmin puts his hands on each side of your waist and places a peck on your lips, "I just wish he's not here."
You chuckle at that and put your hands on his square shoulders, "at first, I thought Minho would be the one having problems sharing," you poke fun at him.
"I can share," he hastily responds, he quietly clocking Minho who's getting undressed in one corner of the bedroom, "Just not with him."
"Can you please try? For me?" You sweetly plead, along with multiple kisses planted on his lips, "Mmh?"
Seungmin knows that he has no other option but to share you, he accepts it with a sigh, "Okay."
"Thank you, baby," you softly mutter, bringing his head close so you can kiss him hard and deep.
The kiss lasts for a few minutes and you eventually break the kiss, gasping for air the second your lips detached. You get on all fours on the bed and take his cock in your hand, slowly stroking it before taking it into your mouth.
You maintain eye contact with Seungmin as your mouth is full of him, alternating between sucking and licking, combining it with your hand pumping the base of his cock.
Seungmin gathers all of your hair to the back and forms a makeshift ponytail with his hand to keep all of your hair away so he can see his cock slipping in and out of you.
Behind you, you feel Minho's hand on the arch of your back and it's gliding down to the curve of your rear, he doesn't hesitate to knead the flesh until it molds into his hand.
Next, he replaces his hand with his mouth, sucking on the ample flesh of your ass cheek hard enough that you believe it would leave a mark.
Your focus starts to shatter as Minho plants his mouth on your heating core, he keeps your ass cheeks parted open so he can plant his mouth deeper in your wetness.
His slick tongue teases your entrance and at the same time, his hand snakes its way to the front to play with your clit, pinching for added stimulations.
You're moaning with Seungmin's cock in your mouth and somehow, the vibration adds pleasure to him as he hand tugs harder at your hair.
It goes on for long until you deem it's enough or else you'll get too overwhelmed to continue. You slowly pull Seungmin's cock out of your mouth, ignoring how your saliva coated his length and dribbling down your mouth. Minho catches you from the back, holding you as you sit on the bed and spread your legs open for Seungmin.
"Go ahead. You can have the first turn," Minho says to Seungmin, always in a tone that borderline mocking him.
You land a hard slap on Minho's arm, "Be good!" You warn him.
"Sorry, honey," Minho apologizes to you along with a kiss instead at him.
However, Seungmin does a good job of pretending like Minho wasn't there, he crawls over to you to place a kiss on your lips before settling himself between your legs. He rubs his fingers between your folds, softly as if he's touching flowers.
He's going to keep pretending like Minho wasn't there and fully enjoying this moment. It's not hard when your body always entices him, endlessly arousing him and inviting him to touch.
With another kiss on your lips, Seungmin slowly pushes inside. He pulls out only to push deeper into you and do it a few times more until he's fully sheathed in your tight walls.
"Mmh, yeah..." you moan with eyes closed, "So good inside me."
He lets himself explore your body with his hands then with his lips next, marking your skin with searing kisses to finally start thrusting into you.
Minho slowly lays you down but keeps his eyes and hands on you, touching you and cupping your breasts as they're jiggling along to Seungmin's slow yet steady thrusts.
He stands on the side of the bed facing you, pumping his cock as he's watching you being fucked by Seungmin, and eventually, brings his eyes back to you.
Using the tip of his cock, he rubs your erect nipples, wetting them with his precum and making you squeeze his cock between your breasts.
"Oh..." you loudly moan, taking every stimulation on every inch of your body from the two men.
The wild glints in his eyes scare you and excite you at once. You're tilting your head his way with your mouth wide open.
"You want it in your mouth?" He says as he pumps his cock so close to your face.
You bite your lips, nodding.
Instead of giving you what you want, he shoves his thumb into your mouth and watches as you suck hard on it before finally putting his cock into your mouth. He grabs the hair on the back of your head, keeping your head still as he drags his cock in and out of your mouth.
"You like that, huh?" Minho says as he looks down at you.
"You like having your greedy holes filled, huh?" He pulls out of you to give you a chance to answer.
"Yeah," you breathlessly answer with your lips wet with saliva.
"You hear that? She likes her greedy holes filled!" Minho says to Seungmin with a wicked grin plastered on his face.
Seungmin is too high on pleasure to care, having sex without protection is still new to him and he still needs a few practices to finally have some self-control doing it.
With your mouth full of Minho, your noises can no longer be his guide on pleasing you but he can tell from the way you're tightening around him. He needs a release as much as you do but he holds it in until he knows for sure you have climaxed.
Minho probably senses that you're so close, that he pulls out of you and offers his hands for you to hold on to. Your chest is heaving and moans are spilling out of your mouth.
"Seungmin, oh, please!"
There you go with your begging and pleading, and it's amazing that it still works on him, hearing you calling his name in such neediness gets him off.
When you finally reach your high, you pull your knees up as high as you can which provides him more depth and tightness that gets him closer to his release.
A few more thrusts are all it takes for Seungmin to reach his high. He keeps his cock deep inside you as he releases all of his seed. His hands are pressing on the back of your thighs with nails dug into the flesh.
Still gathering his senses, Seungmin searches for your lips and when they finally meet yours, he kisses you so hard that he runs out of the air in his lungs.
"So good, baby, that was so good," you mutter to him with half-shut eyes.
Seungmin climbs onto the bed, his back resting against the headboard while you're lying on your stomach in between his legs. You're both riding down your highs with some kisses and cuddles until Minho seeks your attention.
He pulls you by the waist, taking you away as you're about to lean in to kiss Seungmin. You laugh at his childish behavior and look over your shoulder at him.
"I'm not going anywhere," you jokingly mutter at him.
Minho holds you close and lets Seungmin watch as he runs his hands all over you as if he is trying to show him how to properly touch you.
He makes a trail of kisses from your neck and then down your spine, forcing you to bend down on the bed on all fours for him.
"Ouw!" You yelp as he lands a slap on your ass cheek.
Seungmin reflexively holds you by the shoulders, thinking it is something that he's doing that hurts you.
Minho lands another slap on the other cheek harder than the sound echoing in the room and sends you launching to the front.
"Fuck, your other boyfriend cum a lot," Minho complains with his fingers lightly circling your clit.
You shake your head at Seungmin, gesturing him not to take his bait, and bring your mouth to his ear to whisper, "I like it when you cum a lot inside me."
Seungmin holds the side of your head and kisses you, but Minho slaps your asscheek again to get your attention back to him.
"Let's hope he left some room for me to fill," Minho says, putting two digits into your gushing hole to prepare you for his cock.
"Don't be so dramatic, Minho," you poke fun at him.
He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you hard until your back hits his chest. He buries his head in your neck, placing ticklish kisses down the column on your neck while his hands are fondling your breasts.
"It's your turn to not be dramatic," he mutters into your ear as he aligns his cock to your entrance.
"How can I not be?" You say to him.
Without warning, he enters you, pushing his swollen member in little by little. His hands gripping your hips to keep you still as he keeps pushing in until he's fully buried inside you.
"Honey, oh..." you moan as you grope for his head, turning it to the side so you can kiss him.
"I know," he seductively murmurs into your ear, "You feel so good around me too."
As Minho starts thrusting into you, you get back on your fours again and share some of your attention with Seungmin. You crash your lips against him and take his hand, making him cupping your breast.
He affectionately brushes your hair to the side and holds it there before leaning in for a kiss again, kissing your parted mouth as you moan from Minho's thrusts.
"I'm cumming, oh, I'm cumming," you whine as your fingers claw at Seungmin's chest.
Minho keeps chasing his high and riding past your orgasm, sending you into overdrive. Your eyes are fluttering shut from the immense pleasure but Seungmin holds you steady and tirelessly placing kisses on the skin he can land his lips on.
"Just a little bit more," Minho says through his gritted teeth while keeping the motion of his hips going.
You're fisting the sheet underneath you and eventually collapse onto Seungmin's chest and letting him hold you as Minho finishes inside of you.
Minho lowers his body on you, planting kisses on your back and your neck, he then buries his head in your neck as the three of you snuggle on the bed, exhausted yet content with pleasure.
With your eyes barely open, you reach for Seungmin's jaw and kiss him, then turn your head to the side to capture Minho's lips in a kiss afterward.
And you think, it wasn't bad at all for a first practice.
The bed shifts as Minho props his elbow against the mattress, you're holding his arm close to your chest so he plants a long kiss on your shoulder before slowly, taking his hand away from around you.
He checks his phone for the time and he kind of already guessed that he should get ready for the day, he has a plane to catch.
He quietly makes his way to the bathroom to wash up and quietly gets dressed in the dark of the room, not wanting to wake the others sleeping in the room.
He helps himself for a quick breakfast in your kitchen, opening the fridge to get a carton of milk and it almost startles him to see Seungmin standing by the doorway of your room with his hair sticking up and his glasses perching slightly askew on his nose.
"Man, you look really good in the morning," he sarcastically says as he takes a box of cereal from the top cabinet.
Seungmin brushes his hair to the back and fixes his glasses, traipsing his way to one of the stools pushed against the kitchen island.
"I believe we have to talk," he says to him in his morning, deep voice.
Minho gathers a bowl and a spoon on the kitchen island. He repeatedly nods as he pours cereal into the bowl first and then pours the milk after.
"That's actually great because you haven't heard my part of the story yet," Minho finally responds to Seungmin.
He takes a spoonful of cereal and shoves it into his mouth, making Seungmin wait as he chews and swallows his food to speak again.
"I'm away a lot for work. I hate to see her feeling lonely and sad. I don't want to break up with her and so is she. I was the one who came up with the idea," he explains, taking another spoonful of cereal and making Seungmin wait again, "I told her to find another boyfriend."
Minho then rests his hands on the counter and leans forward, taking a moment to gather his thoughts in the silence that hangs in the room.
"When she told me about you, I was scared because I kind of set her up for heartbreak by coming up with that idea but she stopped feeling lonely and sad. I can also see that she's... happier," he shares, digging his spoon into the bowl, and with a sad chuckle he continues talking, "I even started to think that maybe she doesn't love me anymore."
It only occurs to Seungmin now that Minho did all that not for himself, he wouldn't bother texting him and sending him all those videos if his intention was only to provoke him. He did all that to force him to come and meet you, he did all that for you which makes Seungmin the bigger asshole in this.
Minho drinks the milk straight out of the bowl and then roughly wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, "What I'm saying is... I just want her to be happy. That's all," he finishes.
This concept of relationship is so new and foreign to Seungmin that at first, he finds it hard to make it make sense but after hearing both sides of the story, it isn't as complicated as he initially thought. After all, a relationship is a state of being connected whether it's people or objects or even concepts.
But it's nice to hear that despite his snarky remarks and flippant attitude, Minho is not afraid to be transparent about his feelings and thoughts, and Seungmin respects him for that.
On the other hand, it convinces Seungmin that this relationship would work because the three individuals are mature and have no intention of hiding things from each other anymore.
"I just want her to be happy too even if it means I have to endure your... attitude," Seungmin enunciates the last word with a sneer.
Minho scoffs and chuckles at that, finishing the bowl of cereal by draining the milk to its last drop.
"So how are we going to do this?" Seungmin asks in genuine curiosity.
"Well... we'll arrange something," Minho vaguely says, putting the dirty dishes down in the sink.
Minho returns to the bedroom to retrieve his jacket, he's sitting on the edge of the bed and places his hand on your shoulder, trying to wake you up with a gentle kiss on your lips and continues placing kisses all over your face until you steer in your sleep.
"Hey, I have to go," He softly mutters with a tender caress on your cheek.
You rub your eyes and pinch the bridge of your nose, "Already?" You ask with a sleepy tone.
"My flight is in three hours," he informs while putting away the hairs from covering your face.
You pout and hum in complaint, stretching your arms out before putting them around his shoulders, pulling him close until he collapses on top of you.
"When will you come back?"
"Next Friday," he answers.
"Mmh, okay," you mumble, holding his face inches away from yours and giving him a long peck on the lips.
To give him a proper goodbye, you get up and put on any piece of clothing lying next to you. You walk Minho to the door for another hug and kiss while Seungmin sits in the kitchen, giving this moment just for the two of you.
"Stay safe. Take care," you tell him as you cling to his body.
Minho places ticklish kisses on your neck, sending you giggling as he holds you tightly. He eventually stops to press a long, lingering kiss on your lips.
"I'm going, okay?"
You nod and fondly gaze at him, "I love you."
He smiles at that and plants another lingering kiss on you, "I love you."
It's not the first time that he's leaving you to go away for work, but somehow, this time feels different, he feels a little relieved that he has someone he can trust to keep you safe.
"I'll be back soon," Minho mutters with a chaste kiss on your forehead.
You're lingering by the doorway, watching him leave until he goes inside the elevator and then go back inside. You're aware that Seungmin is there and you've been neglecting him the whole time you're saying goodbye to Minho.
You smile as you walk into the kitchen and see him still sitting there against the kitchen island, "I'll make us coffee," you announce.
"Okay," Seungmin shortly says with a soft smile.
You start by filling the pot with water and putting it on the stove, and as you wait for it to boil, you scoop some coffee beans to grind.
All of a sudden, you feel a pair of arms wrapped around you and you don't have to look to know it's Seungmin.
"Does it make you happy?" He asks out of the blue.
"What? Making coffee for you?" You jokingly ask even though you know the context of that question.
You put down whatever you're holding and turn around on your feet to face him, resting your hands on his chest as you look up at him and say, "I'm happy."
"Then I'm happy," he says with a smile, leaning in to softly kiss your lips.
The kiss brings back so many things, both the good and bad things you've shared, but ultimately him. The break-up was the worst part of it but now that he's back with you, you feel happier than ever.
"I love you, Seungmin," you tell him, sliding your hand up to his neck and holding him there, "I'll never let you break up with me again."
He puts his arms around and draws you closer, "I won't."
"Good, 'cause I don't know what a menacing man like Minho would do to you if that happened," you jokingly say.
In the end, Seungmin doesn't need numbers or data or statistics, he only needs to learn from his mistakes and as much as he hates his guts, he also needs to learn a few things from Minho and one of them is being a good boyfriend to you.
The white curls of steam escape the cup of coffee as you serve it on the table in front of him, the strong smell of it awakens all of his senses.
"Thank you," he mutters his gratitude with a smile that makes his eyes smaller and offers warmth.
You watch as he takes a careful sip at it with a hand propped under your chin, "How is it?"
He puts down his cup of coffee and smiles at you, "It's perfect."
As of this moment, Seungmin will only look at you as someone he loves and wishes to always be happy, and he'll think of himself not merely as a part of the equation but as what completes the equation.
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dcxdpdabbles · 1 year
Passion for Fashion Part 4
A loud ding-dong echoes through the house. Danny sits up from where he was lying, inches from a radio playing falling water.
He found it in the garbage a few days after the whole kidnapping of Fiesco- the police got all the models to safety while the Bats were able to rescue Tim Drake, but the primary muscle, some guy named Waylon, got away. - but the station it could pick up was a natural sound effects station.
Danny had been tinkering with it, trying to figure out how to get it to connect to the local radio mostly successfully for days now. He leaned back to look past the randomly hung clothes that Dan had been stringing across their house.
Fabrics still littered the place, and it's become less of a home and more of a fabric storage.
Danny has forgotten the color of the walls, so used to just seeing clothes everywhere. It was a bit embarrassing to be so messy but it's not like they had guests in this dimension.
Which meant the door ringing even stranger.
Ding Dong.
His counterpart grunts from somewhere behind the blue and green fabrics. "What?"
"Nothing," Danny calls back, side-stepping fabrics and pushing aside some mannequins. Who was on the other side of the door if Dan was in the living room turned studio?
Ding Dong.
They should really think about installing some cameras or even a peephole. Danny hesitates for only a moment before he carefully turns the knob and opens the door slightly, only enough so his eye can see through the crack.
An EverBurning Lizardman stands on his doorstep. That's....not confusing at all. Maybe the ghost was sent by Clockwork? Oh, perhaps the time Ghost was sending them back up?
"Hello?" Danny asks, swinging it open. "Can I help you?"
The Lizardman squints at him. "Dan Fenton?"
"No. I'm Danny Fenton. Dan is my twin brother."
"Right. I'm Killer Croc," The EverBurning says, straightening out his back to tower over Danny in what he thinks is supposed to be menacing. To Danny, it just looks like someone standing to attention, a lot of the ghosts do that when he is crowed.
"Nice to meet you, Killer. Cool jean jacket by the way." Danny responds. He crosses his arms and leans on the doorframe, tilting his head like a bird. Killer Croc seems taken aback by his nonchalant mannerism. "Do you want me to get Dan?"
The EverBruning lips pull back, showcasing all of his teeth. Danny is impressed by how sharp and white they are. He must use a whiting paste. He'll have to ask for the secret later. A model needed a pearl-white smile, after all. "I would like to speak to you both."
Danny considered the request before nodding his chin to his house. "Come on in. Sorry about the mess; we weren't expecting guests."
As the significant being of rippling scales and muscles made its way inside, Danny shut the door and held out his hand towards Killer.
The Lizardman blinked down at him. "What?"
"Can I take your coat?" Danny asked, so used to offering guests back at home that he forgot big city folk may not do that.
Killer's eyes narrowed. "No."
"Alright." Accepting the denial Danny rocked on his heels, pushing a large indego piece of fabric out of his face. It reveals the slight path to the kitchen. "Can I offer you something to drink? Tea, water, soda....heated ectoplasm?"
"...Water is fine." Killer settles on staring at Danny like he is the most fascinating thing he's ever seen. Not surprising. Those from the Elemenal Sector of the Infinite Releams don't see human-shaped beings often. He had plenty of young Yeti children surround him when he visited because they had never seen someone who looked like Danny before.
"Hot or Cold?"
Huh. An EverBurning who did not take their water boiling? Danny would ask him about it, but he didn't want to seem like he was playing into stereotypes.
"I'll bring it out in a minute. Please make yourself at home." Danny gestures to a corner of the room. "I think the couch is somewhere in that direction. "
He doesn't wait for the Lizardman to reply instead he turns to the last place he heard his counterpart shout. "Dan! Come out here, you have a visitor!"
"No! Tell whoever they are to piss off." Dan screams back. Danny's face twitches. He hates that guy so much sometimes.
"Don't be rude! Come out here!"
Dan makes a loud obnoxious sigh, pushing the fabrics out of his way. He's still wearing the same pair of sweatpants and stain t-shirt grey oversized shirt. His hair has obviously not been comb and there are slight bags under his eyes from where he refused to get some sleep the last few days.
In short, he looks like a right mess.
"Who the hell is even bothering us..." Dan's voice trails off, face paling when he sees Killer uncomfortably trying to sit. Dan glances down at his body and then screams in mortification, warping his arms around himself. He sprints further into the house before they can get a word in. "Don't look at me! I have to get dressed! I normally look hot, I swear!"
Danny blinks. "Well....I'll get you that water while Dan gets dressed."
Killer looks far more confused than before. "Sure, kid."
Now, Danny has always been an alley of the FarFrozen. Not only was FrostBite his doctor, his ice mentor, and his general instructor for the Infinite Realms, but he was also his friend.
Nearly as close as Sam and Tucker- FrostBite had become someone he sought companionship with, which went for all of FarFrozen. Danny spent more time in the winter wonderland than in his home. This meant he knew all about their rivals- the EverBurning.
The EverBurning were a tribe of Lizardmen in hot volcanic lands to the south of the FarFrozen. They were very similar to the FarFrozen in culture and civilization, with a bit more emphasis on arts than science.
Although they were polar opposites, FarFrozen and EverBurning had no abysmal relationship. Their meet-ups reminded Danny of rival high school sports teams at most.
Danny was just an alley to the FarFrozen first.
When he returned to the living room, he arrived with Killer looking highly uncomfortable as Dan sat awful close to him now dressed a looking....well looking like what the locals called "E-Boy" sexy.
Not to be confused with Goth. Danny didn't know what the difference was, but Dan almost bit his head off the last time he pointed it out. Apparently, the fashions were completely different.
"So, Papi. why were you looking for me?" Dan all but purs. Killer shudders and quickly stands up, causing Dan to fall onto the couch cushions.
"I came here to apologize." The Lizardman starts but is cut off by his slight jump as Danny appears at his elbow, holding out the tray. He needs to remember to make noise when he moves.
"Apologize for what?" Danny asks, observing his guest take the glass cup in a scaly hand. He seemed to do so carefully, but surprisingly not uncurling his claws away- does he not know how?
"For almost trafficking you. I ugh...I sell drugs, not people. I wasn't aware those idiots were doing that when I accepted the job to kidnap Tim Drake for a few hours. I have to eat somehow, you know?" Killer shrugs at the twin stare of surprise. "I'm an ugly son of bitch, but I'm not much of a monster."
"Papi, you are gorgeous-" Dan starts, placing one hand behind the couch seat and giving a flirtatious little smirk up at the Lizardman, but Killer cuts him off.
"Okay, seriously, kid you're starting to freak me out. Not that I'm not flattered. You're the first and only one ever interested in me, but I'm twenty-eight. You're way too young for me."
Dan frowns in confusion. "I'm twenty-six. Two years isn't that much of a difference."
Killer gestures at him. "You are fifteen at the least, kid."
Dan's face ripples through various emotions before he leans back and stares at his hands as if seeing them for the first time. He whispers to them in a hushed tone of angst. "I'm seventeen."
Danny clears his throat. "It's alright, Killer. We weren't sold, and neither were any of the other models. So, no harm was done. Apology accepted."
Killer Croc seems more thrown off balance than when Danny first opens the door. Poor guy. It must have been the ice water. Danny shouldn't have made it that cold. "Just like that?"
"Just like-"
Someone breaks through his living room window. The Fentons let out cries of surprise as Killer quickly grabbed them both and rolled the ground, using his large body to shield them from the shattering glass. The intruder was likely unaware of the strung-up fabrics, for they stumble into the tied strings and quickly become entangled.
They fall to the ground in heap as the strong wire wraps around them. Danny knew he shouldn't have allowed Dan to use metal wire for his heavier pieces- especially one that taught, but Dan had been so persuasive.
(He put them up anyway, and Danny was too lazy to take them down)
"Ah man, I liked that window," Danny whines as he peaks over Killer's shoulder.
"We have windows?"
"Killer Croc! Unhand the hostages!" The person on the ground screams, shimmering around until the clothes fall away, and Danny finally gets a good look at some guy in a red and black costume?
Dan points at the stranger "Who is that-"
"Red Robin" Killer all but snares, suddenly far more violent than usual. Dan takes one look at the EverBurning before he, too, is standing at the ready for a fight- it makes his outfit look really out of place, but Danny can't say much when he's still in his own sweats.
Maybe he should have changed too?
"Should we kill him?" Dan asks, and Red Robin stops, seemingly shocked that the fashion designer would ever suggest that.
"Woah woah woah," Danny says, stepping between the two groups. He has his hands up attempting to appease the ghosts first- for all Dan looked and had been human, he spent far more years as a full-time ghost so he was more ghost than human.
Killer claws have sharpened, and he just knows it's going to be a pain and a half to get them to stop. Thinking quickly, Danny crouched down to place a kiss on the frozen- no pun intended- human on the cheek. "There is no need for a fight. I asked him out on a date and sort of forgot what time he was picking me up."
Killer stared at him like he had grown a second head, but Dan dropped his raised fists. "Oh yeah? Have fun on your date brat."
"Thanks, Dan."
He hurled Red Robin to his feet and practically pushed him out into the street before the other could get his wits about him. Once they were safely out of Dan's hearing range, Danny crossed his arms, raising an unimpressed brow to the dressed-up stranger.
"Alright, who are you supposed to be, and why did you break through my window?"
"Danny!" Dan shouts from the broken window. He waves around a duffle bag that he quickly throws at the confused teenager. "You can go on a date dress like that! I have a reputation as a fashion designer to keep. Put that on!"
Danny rolls his eyes, turning back to the other teenager- is he a teenager? Danny can't really tell with the mask but he sort of looks like it. "Do you mind waiting for me to get ready? I'll pay for pizza."
"W-wait what-no I'm here to rescue-are you serious about the date?"
"Yeah, why not? I dated a dead biker before and his crazy girlfriend. Sides, you're pretty cute."
"Are you aware that Killer Croc is in your house?"
"Killer? Yeah, my brother is trying to seduce him."
"......why?" Red Robin whispered in horror, "Why would he do that?"
"Why does Dan do anything?" Danny grins with a shrug. "I get it, though; Killer is a good-looking EverBurning."
"A tribe in the Infinite Realms."
There is a spark of recognition in Red Robin's body language. Now, why does this stranger know about Danny's kingdom?
Red Robin's mouth opens and closes before slowly reaching up and pressing his ear. Danny realizes only after a moment that he's using a communicator as the other says, "I'm going offline for a bit. Got a date with someone from Constitine's Infinite Realms."
Hmmm, does that sound like a problem Danny should be dealking with? Nah, as long as Red Robin's not connected to Batman, he should be fine.
(Meanwhile, Dan is pouting as Waylon slips out the back door once again regretting his offer of going on their own date. Just his luck Clockwork's little twin idea is going to make dating a nightmare. There went the best tail he's ever seen)
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girlboypersonthingy · 6 months
hiiiii!!!! so i’m thinking of a velvette fic where u meet the vees after having dated her for a bit (a few weeks maybe). you hate them. you think they’re creepy and just assholes, even for being in hell. (you’re a bit more wholesome but yk still a sinner) like you just do NOT like the guys. you’re super worried abt velvette’s reaction to that fact so u try to sugar coat it but she’s just like “thank lucifer! i didn’t want them to be creepy bad influences on u!” and u’re both super relieved. i love her.
Heeyyyy I was wondering when you’d send in a Velvette request ☺️ you got it friend! Enjoyyyy~
TW: Val being a perv 😎 for like one second tho, Velvette gets a bit suggestive,?? Lots of cussing lol
The Only V For Me 💜
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“AAHHH!!! Darling, you’re finally here! How was the drive? How was the driver?” Velvette watches as you walk through the doorway of her studio, looking around with big doe eyes at all the bright lights and flashy outfits and really beautiful model demons.
“Velvette!” Before you can say anything more, she’s pulling you into a a deadly tight hug. “It was actually…like way too much, babe. You don’t have to do all that fancy shit for me, ya know? But…yes, it was really nice. Thank you.” Velvette offers you a cheeky smirk followed by a quick kiss to the cheek.
Your darling girlfriend snaps her fingers and yells out a command to one of her assistants. “You! Come here.” She makes a ‘come here’ motion with her finger as she turns her attention back to you, her lips upturned into a smile again, “Are you thirsty? Hungry? Anything you need, you tell her.” She points to her assistant who is now right at your side. “Anything my darling asks for, you get it.” She gives the worker an intimidating glare before winking at you.
“Let me show you around!” Velvette puts an arm around your shoulders and pulls you along, pointing things out, explaining them. She is absolutely beaming with pride right now, glancing at you often to see your reaction. As you pass a mannequin clad in a really nice outfit, a gasp comes from Velvette. “Oh my! You know who would look absolutely stunning in this little number?” And now she’s flashing you this flirty grin and her bright red eyes are looking you up and down. Suddenly her smooth demeanor dropped as she grumbled under her breath a bit then sighed deeply.
“Oh, who am I kidding. With Vox and Val both here today, if I dress you in anything more appealing than what you’ve got on now, they will definitely try to steal you from me. You already look too cute…” This pulls a laugh from you but your laugh stops suddenly, stuck in your throat when you see how serious her expression is at the moment.
“Wait. What? What do you mean-“ And suddenly the doors swing open, slamming into the walls behind them as an extremely tall, blue-skinned individual with big red heart shaped glass quickly approaches Velvette, towering over both of you.
“WHERE THE HELL IS VOX?! I’ve been looking for that flat faced fuck all day.” He growls out and you take note of the fact that Velvette doesn’t flinch a bit. “Why the hell are you asking me? If he was here, you’d have found him already.” She snaps back and as the angry man before you was about to screech out another sentence, his expression softened rather quickly as his eyes fell on you.
“Why hello~ who do you have here? Wow! What a gorgeous creature you are. I’m Valentino. What’s your name, sweetheart?” One of his hands slips into yours and as he goes to lift your hand to his lips, Velvette pushes him so hard he nearly falls over.
“Their name is (Y/N), alright? And they are MINE. Now back off, Val.” She hisses in response, now tightly holding your hand, the hand that Val was holding just a second ago. “WHOO! Alright. My apologies, dear. Didn’t know this one was all yours. But I mean FUCK! They just have such nice lips! I mean, look at that mouth. You have the perfect pair of dick sucking li-“
Velvette shouts over him, “SHUT IT!!! You’re actually so vile. Get out of here, Valentino! You’re freaking out my babe.” She gives him another shove, making him frown angrily at her before he stomps off, probably punching a wall or kicking something over as he leaves. Oh, he definitely slams the door again too.
“Alrighty! Where were we?” Velvette seems to relax a bit more, going back to a more chipper and excited attitude as she again shows off all of her impressive work to you. She even got a few models to come do a little show just for you, all of them casually posing and showing off different outfits. Velvette kept asking your opinion, begging you to be ‘bloody honest’ with her.
“Oh, darling! You just have to come over one night and let me dress you up, just us two! Hmm~ I could dress you up and then maybe even…undress you again.” Just as your girlfriend started to flirt with you and as you started to feel more comfortable in this environment-
“Velvette! Happy Friday. Have you seen Val? I haven’t been able to reach him all day. I’m-“ The strong, electric voice that sounded from behind you two made you jump a bit and brought a frightening grimace to Velvette’s face.
“Oh~ Hello. (Y/N), right? Pleased to meet you! I was wondering when our precious like Velvette was gonna bring her play thing over. I’m Vox, creator of Voxtech. You know, on the late night talk show…and the morning talk show. I’m also the news anchor.” He doesn’t really offer you his hand, he more so just reached out and grasps your hand in his, giving it a rapid shaking.
His grip on your hand hurts a bit and the smug smirk on his face makes you somewhat intimidated by him. Vox just…gives you the creeps even more than Valentino did and he basically verbally assaulted you. Before you can even come up with a response to him-
“Yes, yes, yes. Everyone knoWS WHO YOU ARE, YOU PRICK. NOW WHAT DO YOU WANT?!” And now Velvette looks kind of scary, like so pissed off and annoyed that she looks like she could actually kill someone right now. The someone preferably being Vox. Her bright red eyes glow with rage and irritation, her pretty lips now turned into a deep scowl.
As she yells in his face, his expression drops to one of annoyance and exhaustion. “Where’s Val?” Velvette groans before responding. “You’ve got to be fuckin kidding me! He just left, looking for you. Look on your stupid little cameras and find him and go tell him to STOP SLAMMING MY DOORS OR IM GONNA-“
Not that Velvette scared you but…she looked pretty upset right now and her yelling is enough to put anyone into a slight panic. So you slip you hand around her bicep, gently pulling her tense arm back a bit so you could comfortably slide your hand down to hers, interlocking your fingers. Her words stopped in their tracks, your tender touch almost making her flinch. Her head whipped around and she looked at you for a good few seconds, a smile slowly growing on her lips. She turns back to the screen-faced man, her smile not faltering this time.
“Off you go.” Velvette quite literally shoos him away with a wave of her hand as her other hand snakes its way around your waist and back until her arm is fully wrapped around you and you’re pressed into her side. She turns her back on Vox, determined to keep her full attention on you for the rest of the day. You’re too distracted by her embrace to notice if Vox had even left or not.
You clear your throat. “Babe…?” “Yes, love?” “Don’t get mad.” You look at her with a serious expression, causing her to blink in confusion. “Mad at you? Never. What’s on your mind?” Velvette pulled away from you for just a second then she faced you and held both your hands in her own.
“I feel…extremely uncomfortable here. Specifically, with Valentino and Vox. I-I…I’m sorry I just…I don’t like them…very much…they scare me.” Velvette chuckles before you can finish your sentence and you’re not sure if you should be relieved or even more worried. Suddenly, she pulls you into a tight hug, her hands rubbing big circles all over your back.
“Ugh, I’m so terribly sorry, darling. Truly, I figured those two would be busy on a Saturday, too busy to be bothering us already.” She turns her head to kiss your cheek then pulls you in even closer. “Fuck! I’m actually so relieved you said that. Those two are so terrible…truly, irresponsible! I mean it when I say I’m the backbone of the Vs okay? Those two pussies would fall apart in a matter of hours without me! Ugh they can’t even keep it together for one day!” “Babe…” You try to calm her again, seeing how worked up she gets having to constantly deal with her work partners.
With her attention solely on you, she softly says, “I’m sorry, sweetheart. What do you want to do next, hm? We can go somewhere. Anywhere. Just say the words.” Her long fingers gently graze the skin of your cheek, causing you to become a bit flustered. It’s almost baffling how she can be so cold and cruel to everyone around her except you. You were her only weakness, and she doesn’t mind one bit. She loves you endlessly. She wouldn’t trade this feeling for anything in Hell.
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pocket-watcher · 5 months
The following is a collab between myself and the amazing @blissful23 !
The doorbell sounded and Suzie looked up from styling her long, blonde hair in the mirror. This always happens when she’s just getting ready to go out! She had readjusted the shirt she had “borrowed” from her roommate, as it was slightly too tight, checked her eyeliner was even for the 50th time, and was just finishing her lipstick with a satisfied pop.
She sighed frustratedly, stood up, and made her way to the source of the offending sound. Opening the front door, she was greeted by a man she’d never seen before. Dark hair and - oh God - a curled moustache framed a sharp featured face, adorned with a rather ostentatious top hat. Finely attired in a black suit, jacket resplendent with coattails, he gave a slight bow in greeting. It took all her willpower not to outright laugh in the face of this antiquity standing before her.
“Good day ma’am, it’s a fine afternoon, is it not?”
She stood, arms crossed in exaggerated frustration, staring back at him.
“How can I help you… Sir?”
She put the extra emphasis on that last word, wishing him to know quite pointedly that she was being interrupted. He smiled in return - whether it was sincere or strained in response to her standoffishness, she couldn’t tell.
“Well, you see my dear, I’m selling these very fine pocketwatches.”
With exaggerated flourish, he swept his coat open, revealing a dazzling array of pocketwatches hanging on the inside of it. He held it in place, and as if by magic - more likely the momentum of him opening his coat, she thought to herself - each of the pocketwatches begun swinging in unison. Probably a bit of showmanship designed to wow a potential customer, but still, it was fascinating to watch as they swung back and forth, back… and forth… back…
Suzie shook her head, dispelling a sudden onset of light-headedness, and redressed her gaze to The Salesman. He pulled his coat closed and smiled once more. A little less sure of her cold reception to him initially, she spoke again.
“Those are very lovely, but… I have no real need of a pocketwatch.” She said, gesturing to her phone.
“Ah, but my dear, you didn’t even take notice of our finest model!”
She bristled inwardly at being addressed as “my dear” again, and fixed her gaze to the pocketwatch he was now dangling in front of her face. It was silver, hooked by a long thin strap. The outer shell had some sort of pattern cut out of it to reveal the clock face behind, but with the shell popped open she couldn’t quite tell what was meant to be on the front. The spindling hands on the clock ticked away excitedly.
“Look at this gorgeous embedded crystal, and how it changes in the light! Let me swing it so you can see how it changes colour in the light…”
As he began swinging it from side to side, her jaw almost instantly fell agape at the sight of it, finding herself unable to draw her soft, blue eyes away from it.
"So many colours! Which colour do you prefer?" 
It was so hard to decide. So many splendid, beautiful colours to pick from. She tried to follow them as they shifted moment to moment. It was hard to think of a favourite. So hard to think… was all Suzie’s mind could muster for the moment, her thoughts, plans for the day, all of them fading away, replaced by her fascination with the tantalising kaleidoscope dancing before her eyes.
"I, uhh.... c-colours..."
The Salesman smiled wide. It wasn’t always this easy, but they all ended up this way eventually.
"Yes, pretty colours... and as each one shines, your worries and cares fade just that little bit more..."
Not having to think and just being able to enjoy the colours did sound nice to Suzie. Joyous, even; and she allowed herself a little giggle at the suggestion. She tried to help him how wonderful that sounded, but her mind was already so devoid of thought, all she could utter was:
"Hee-hee… colours...!"
Knowing he had her right where he wanted her, The Salesman followed on with his scheme.
“Can you hear the ticking? No? Maybe you should invite me inside where it’s quieter so you can really focus in on the sound…”
Had she heard the ticking? She wasn’t sure. Probably best to listen to him. A dull, errant thought in the back of Suzie’s near-blank mind warned that this was a bad idea, but was immediately overruled by the obedient thrall she found herself in.
"Uhhh… Won't you... nghh... won't you... please come in..."
“My dear, I thought you’d never ask…”
As he stepped through the doorway, another voice could be heard deeper inside.
“Suzie? You haven’t seen my top, have you? The low-cut one with the ruffles - oh.”
Suzie’s roommate Miranda - a stunning redhead - entered the room. Always a favourite, those, The Salesman thought to himself. She stopped upon seeing him eyeing her.
“Uh… hello. And you are?” Miranda asked, curiously, confused at the way Suzie stood there smiling blankly at her.
“He’s… He sells… pocketwatches…” Suzie answered for the strange man.
“Yes, and I’m so pleased to make your acquaintance. Would you like to take a look, my dear?”
“No, thank you. We,” Miranda looked sternly at Suzie, “are actually running late. So if you’ll excuse us…”
Suzie didn’t move, however. As Miranda went to grab her arm she simply smiled up at her.
“But… They’re so pretty…” She said, as if she struggled with every word.
The Salesman pulled out the watch. “See for yourself.”
Miranda looked at him, exacerbated, before huffing, turning back to Suzie in confusion. 
“Come on. We’re leaving.”
"But they’re so pretty..." Suzie whined. “Just take a closer look. You know you want to…”
Miranda looked. She couldn’t see anything special about this pocketwatch. Though, truth be told, she was struggling to take in any of the details as she tried to follow it with her hazel eyes. If only this guy would stop swinging it in front of her… back… and forth… and…
“What, are you trying to hypnotise me into buying one or something?” She laughed. But, then, she thought…
Looking at her usually headstrong friend standing quietly with her eyes tracking the watch’s every movement, everything seemed to click into place.
“Aha… w-wait. You’re not… You’re not actually trying to… right…?” 
Miranda was getting nervous, hiding it behind laughter. No. Of course he wasn’t. Hypnosis wasn’t real.
“My God, you are trying to hypnotise… me, aren’t you? And what have you done to Suzie? I’ve had enough of this, please leave.”
The Salesman frowned at this, placing his watch back inside of his jacket. She was going to be tougher. Luckily, he liked a challenge. Reaching into his jacket once more, his fingers brushed along the watches until he found… yes. Perfect.
“But my dear, you haven’t seen our Timepiece de Resistance…” He pulled out a small golden watch. Its chain was more detailed than the other, with a texture almost like woven vines. The numbers were roman numerals. Or were they? Miranda couldn’t tell. 
Shit. She’d been staring at it, hadn’t she?
Miranda covered her eyes and turned away,
“We call it that because it’s the Timepiece that causes all your resistance to melt away…”
His voice was deep in her brain now. It was so… so tempting to look back at him. And Suzie’s pleasant hums of approval weren’t helping.
“No, I won’t… you’re not going to… hypno… hypnotise… me…” Miranda managed, looking up to see Suzie had walked over to her. 
“Go on… just a little look… it would feel so good, Miranda…” Suzie spoke softly, almost dreamlike.
Then another thought hit her. If Suzie could sneak up on her, this guy could be anywhere! She had to check for certain if he was still between them and the door. 
She looked up at him and her attention was captured by the watch once more.
“Get… get out…” Miranda said as firmly as she could manage.
“Please calm down… You don’t need to be so on edge, so angry… Maybe you didn’t get enough sleep last night…”
Her eyes started to droop. All this fighting was exhausting. The only easy thing right now was keeping her eyes on that watch.
“No, I… I don’t need to… sleep… I’m completely…” She tried to stifle a yawn “… Awake…”
“We both know that’s not true, my dear… Look at you. You’re struggling to stay awake. You can barely keep your eyes open…”
Her hands, once balled into fists, were now relaxed and hung limply by her side. Miranda found herself struggling to keep her eyes open.
“No… I’m not - yawn - sleepy…”
The man approached her, guiding her over to the couch, where Suzie had, at some point, also had found herself.
“There’s no need to fight it anymore… You want to give in to it… You want to surrender to slumber…”
“Surrender… to slumber…” Miranda felt a smile grow on her own face as she repeated after him, her weary eyelids now stuck at half-mast. 
“That’s it…” He looked at his pocket watch. Another job well done.
“Well, ladies, it appears I may have lost track of time.” He chuckled, leading the girls to giggle mindlessly… although, they weren’t quite sure why they were laughing. But Master was so funny, wasn’t he?
“I’ll just leave this here.” The Salesman said as he placed a business card on the coffee table in front of them. “In case you know anyone else who might appreciate my services, hm?” 
He watched as Suzies head slowly slumped onto Miranda’s shoulders, both girls blissfully asleep. He straightened his hat, closed the door behind him, and moved onto the next house.
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aclowntiny · 1 year
Hi! First of all, belated congrats on the 800 followers! 🥰🥰
Can you pls do how ateez would react to you calling them pretty boy? would they find it funny, get a bit emotional, be confused..
Thank you! ❤️
No, thank YOU 🥰 Ooh I can SO see some of the reactions already, truly a full spectrum here 😆 let’s get this 🍞! Warning: a bit suggestive in two, super silly in another 🤡
Ateez When You Call Them ‘Pretty Boy’
You’d asked if it was a good day to pay a visit to the studio, and it was. Grabbing Hongjoong’s coffee order for him, your favorite for yourself, and an extra little treat to split, you swung by to see the hardworking man you adored.
“How’s it going, pretty boy?”
Your words fell out affectionate, honeyed as your eyes were when they fell upon your love.
“Good, beautiful.” Hongjoong replied instantly, but you can see the way his face ducks out of your view with a wide, shy smile.
“Good,” you repeated, “I brought you some caffeine and sugar to keep you going.”
“First I’m pretty, now this? No wonder I thought I was dreaming when you walked in,” Hongjoong replied, leaning over to plant a kiss on your forehead.
Swinging open the door with sugar coating your words and gaze as you had, you couldn’t help the flush you felt creep across your cheeks when it was handed right back to you. “Oh, stop it,” you waved off his compliment.
“You started it,” the love of your life shook his head and smiled, pulling you down into his lap, arms snaking around you, “so let me keep it going, hm?”
“Ok, pretty boy.” You couldn’t see Hongjoong without twisting, but as you rested your hand against his cheek you could feel warmth, smiling with satisfaction.
“I-I don’t know, (y/n), what do you think?” Seonghwa was trying on a new outfit, something similar to a photoshoot ensemble he’d be modeling, and if his tight posture was anything to go off of confidence wasn’t running high.
Not that you could understand why- his body proportions, intense eyes, skill at owning a concept, all of them blew you away. “Are you kidding?” You waved an arm over him as he stood beneath a corporate dressing room spotlight. “You look amazing in that! You’re so tall and handsome they’ll beg you to switch to modeling. I know you’re feeling shy about the crop too, but there’s no reason to, pretty boy.”
With a glance down, Seonghwa repeated your words shyly.
Pride colored your smile as you took a step closer. “Beautiful man.”
“(Y/n), stop it,” he chided sheepishly, but all that did was encourage you.
“Why, scared of the truth?” Your hands found the collar of his top, tugged you closer in.
His ears were red. “No, I just…I do really appreciate it. Sometimes I worry my body could be better or that I won’t work the concept well or… I don’t know.”
“We all feel that way, hun, but trust me when I say you’re stunning, ok?”
Seonghwa’s eyes returned to yours, pink still dusting his cheeks as he smiled at you, your hands still on his chest. “Well, if I’m stunning, then you’re positively celestial.”
Celestial? Alright, then it was your turn to blush as Seonghwa pulled you into a quick, messy hug before disappearing back behind the black dressing room curtain.
You crawled on top of Yunho where he lay flat, one hand propping up his head.
“Joining me?”
“If I may,” you teased, hovering above him in a rooting splay of limbs.
“Anytime,” he remarked, the hand not resting behind his head finding the small of your back and gently coaxing you all the way down, “you’re my favorite blanket, you know.”
“And you’re my favorite pillow.” You breathed in response before leaning in for a kiss, one Yunho deepened immediately, sending you gasping into his parted lips and fixing him with a wide-eyed smile of disbelief as you pulled slowly apart. “Little warning next time, pretty boy?”
The teasing glint in your eyes was contagious, it seemed, twinkling in Yunho’s as well. One corner of his mouth turned up in a smirk. “What did you call me?”
No beating around the bush, not if that was how he was playing it. “Pretty boy,” you repeated with a smirk of your own, one hand sassily supporting your chin.
Before you knew it, Yunho’s hands had encircled your hips and he slid out from beneath you, taking your place as the one hovering over. The bed creaked beneath each shift, the newfound pressure of his elbows.
“Call me that one more time, I dare you.”
You dared.
“Do you mind grabbing me a water while you’re up?” Those words came from Yeosang, your boyfriend, as he reclined on the dorm couch, a long day of work settling into his bones. Even in a somewhat tired state, he was gorgeous, his jawline accented by the way his head tilted back against the vertical cushions.
From the kitchen, you looked upon him fondly, not even tearing your eyes away to pop open the refrigerator and produce the requested bottle, your fingers closing around a familiar cold and plucking it forth. You made your way back to the living room with anticipation glimmering in your eyes.
“Whatever you say, pretty boy.”
At those words, Yeosang sat up. “What?”
“I said whatever you say, pre-”
“No, I heard you, I just…” He tilted his head like a cat, lifting a giggle from you. “I don’t know how to take that.” Yeosang’s face was serenely blank, only the tiniest hint of a furrow across his brow.
“Take it as a compliment. Or would you prefer ‘handsome man’ next time?” You ask, leaning an arm on the edge of the couch, head ducking closer to his.
Looking satisfied, Yeosang nods, a little smile playing on his lips. “That’s right.”
“Alright,” you tease, playfully swatting him, “getting a little bit cocky, are we, pretty boy?”
“I thought we agreed on-” You cut him off by presing your lips on his.
Faintest strands of light filtered into the room through the blinds, but they were not nearly enough to pierce the fluttering lids of your content eyes. San lay at your side, pressed just about as close as humanly possible to you, his nose gently nuzzling into your neck as if he could breathe you in.
His arm was thrown around you, your legs tangled in a mess of pooling pajama fabric upon the mattress.
“(y/n)?” Something about the way the little rays struck his shining hair, the utter content in his voice, his dark eyes peering upon you, had your heart soaring.
“Yes, pretty boy?” You replied before even thinking about it, the first sweet words that came to you rolling forth. He gave pause, lips parted soundlessly as his gaze softened even more- if that was possible.
Eyes shining, San broke into the widest of smiles, adorable dimples revealing themselves as he wrapped both hands around you. “You- you really think-”
An involuntary giggle escaped you at his surprise, the heart-fluttering way he clung to you, but your response came as immediately as the endearment itself. “Of course.”
“I can’t even begin to tell you how beautiful you are to me,” San replied, tone soaring with emotion, “but this moment right here is the closest to heaven I’ll ever get. Thank you…just for being you. I love you, (y/n).”
Your gaze shyly flitted between the sheets and San’s loving eyes as you smiled. “I love you, too, pretty boy.”
The two of you are play-fighting, just halfway to having a fake wrestling match when you land a soft “blow” on his chest. “Take that, pretty boy!”
“Pretty boy? Coming from the most beautiful?”
At that point he’s frozen, you’re frozen, both of you are just staring at each other. Mingi’s ears have gotten a bit red. And all at once everything in you gives into the flush of his words, your head falling shyly onto his chest.
“Hey, don’t get shy on me now,” he says, tilting your head up with a finger under your chin.
“Ok,” you agree, leaning forward to connect your lips, smiling as Mingi’s arms wrap around you.
You lower your joined bodies down, and the moment you separate, Mini giving you a lovestruck grin, you press a hand to his chest, lightly pinning him down. “I won.”
“Nope, you kissed me,” Mingi argues, leaning his forehead against yours, “so I’d say I won.”
In all honesty, you thought you were being sexy. Wooyoung and you were tossing banter back and forth, then you crossed your arms stubbornly and hit him with the holy grail of corny fanfic flirts: “Oh yeah, what’s it to you, pretty boy?”
His eyes widen, though, and soften. “You think I’m pretty?”
Of course the first thought crossing your mind is to clarify, to object on the grounds of be more turned on, but as you fix your gaze on him Wooyoung looks so…enamored? Overjoyed? You just can’t kill his enthusiasm because hey, he’s not wrong in the slightest.
“Of course I do,” you agree, banter almost entirely forgotten now in place of a more earnest tone, “you’re surprised?”
“I guess a little,” he replies, sliding over to your side to kiss your cheek, “but I’m happy. Someone as beautiful as you really thinks I’m pretty too!”
How had it even started? Someone teased someone, you were sure, but nearly all your thoughts had faded, your entire being focused into the pumping of your legs as you ran from Jongho’s chase, a mad little laugh escaping you as you rounded a tight corner.
Venturing a swivel of your head, you saw Jongho bearing quickly upon you. Curse his soccer legs, the man was a fast runner. Speed would not be your method of victory.
Evasion, then. Eyeing the kitchen, you sprang up onto the counter like a cat, folding your legs as you scooted into the corner where cabinets met just enough distance above the smooth surface for you to compact into. Folding your legs into a froglike crouch, you smirked at Jongho as he barreled into the kitchen after you. “What are you going to do now, pretty boy?”
The moment the words reverberated from you, Jongho’s nose was wrinkling in apparent disgust. “Pretty boy? Oh, that is it.”
Without warning, he scooped you back off the counter and into his arms, holding your back to his chest as you protested. “Why do you have to be so strong?”
“I thought you loved it,” he replied, breath warm against your ear with each of his teasing words. You could feel his heartbeat against your back from all the running.
“I do, but I also like winning,” you pouted.
“Too bad,” Jongho chuckled as he spun you around into a kiss.
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theladybrownstarot · 8 months
In-law's first impression
Pick a card reading ~
𐙚❀˖° Here's my masterlist for more !
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Pile 1. Pile 2. Pile 3.
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Pile 1 °•☆
♡ Namaste pile 1 ! swagatum to your reading~ take what resonates and that doesn't and don't expect sugar coating from me expect honesty only :)
☆ okay , hm when you will meet your in laws you way wanna run away out of fear lol or there exist other possibilities like you must be going through some things and carrying lot of emotional baggage but that won't be visible to your in laws. These people will think of you as someone who is adventurous , someone who isn't afraid of challenges, finds happiness in little things and can make people agree with you . There exist the possibility that you suddenly remember that you have to meet your in laws while doing something else suddenly or randomly decide haha.
●You will be seen as someone guided by practicality most . They will think of you as someone who may overthinks but knows to control and may get defensive too but also that you have mood swings . You don't like to hurry up things . You are very patient and nurturing individuals which will make them feel that they can be compatible with you so you for their son or daughter .
☆You have a good mental self control that makes people feel that you have experienced life a lot . You could be seen as a fair , accountable, responsible , authoritative , introverted and cold person until you open yourself truly and then they know that what are you . Most of you could be therapist of some sort or like doctors , healers , coach of sort , investigators and in law I see some people with anxiety , trauma and eyes problem too .
Pile 2 °•☆○
♡ Namaste pile 2 ! swagatum to your reading~ take what resonates and that doesn't and don't expect sugar coating from me expect honesty only :)
I pulled more cards here haha maybe lot of information is here ^^
●People here are very hardworking individuals , calm , honest , with a sense of purpose , loyal and what more i can say no materialism attachment with people here you don't like excess of anything nor you run but attract opportunities . This is what the impression seems to be at first without thinking a lot i guess there is something about your appearance like some people get impression by talk for some only it is from their appearance or we say what your are can be seen from outside .
☆ You have load of work and things in your life could be that they think you are someone who may not have time for family but work mostly but that could be different too . You must have struggled in life for work but not now . They see that you have come to a success position in your life after phases of struggles .
● You people may be dream come true for them , good manifestators , don't need to struggle for things at present like whatever you wish for comes to your life . You could look similar from someone close to their family and believe this is your soul family and your guides and universe will be happy for you !
☆ You could be seen as someone who can all alone manage their finances like you could be bloody wealthy and secure . You like animals too aww cute ~ Even you don't want to attract attention you will get it .You stand among all the choices they have seen haha if they marriage had to been an arrange one .
Pile 3 °•☆○°
♡ Namaste pile 3 ! swagatum to your reading~ take what resonates and that doesn't and don't expect sugar coating from me expect honesty only :)
● someone of you could be younger than your spouse or at a young age you must have learnt to take many responsibilities that can be seen from your in laws . You could be good cooks also wow . You guys are multi tasker and can be seen good for home management be man or women.
☆ You are seen someone physically strong than your spouse whether again if you are a man or women . You people are fashionable too or could be models or could give that vibes . You people straightforward, dominant and strategic always like you don't like mess . Damn your presence can make come to their right place or you could none less than a king ! You could be from village but work in city .
● You are someone they can hope a lot or you could be a lot hopeful and optimistic . You really have many wishes that you want to make them come true . So marriage isn't your end goal or wish it is something else . You people are very much self-aware and shine among others . You may not want to cooperate when it comes to your need . You are bloody honest . You want a life of joy,happiness and travel .
The end of pac ☆°•°•○
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kitsunetsuki · 2 years
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Susan Wood - Vogue UK (1969)
168 notes · View notes
atzfilm · 1 year
— ch_i san (m) 
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— pairing; android!san × reader, 19k
— genre; sci-fi, fluff, angst, smut
— summary; it's 2135, one hundred years after the rise of the Anarchist, a revolutionist group that tore the world in half. the creation of their andr_ids forced the poorer population to abide by the Anarchist rules or face death. you, a lowly machinery worker, leave work to find a defective model, ch_i san. you're forced to make the decision of helping the andr_id model, or reporting it to the leading faction. of course you make the only sane choice – follow a robot into complete and utter peril.
– warnings; death mentions, blood, weapons, wounds, guns, knives, discrimination against robots?, cursing, violence, slightly political
– note; very loosely inspired by the korean film jung_e! everyone should watch its amazing ♡
The sound of alarms awakens you from your deep slumber. Your eyes remain closed, arm thrown over your face as you whine at the sound. It is enough to wake up the others in the compound, loud grunts and curses echoed throughout the facility. It’s the first rest that you’ve had in over twenty-four hours, a frown coating your lips as you finally force your eyes open. You throw your folded towel at the speaker just above your door. You don’t expect it to suddenly stop echoing the sound, though it irritates you more when nothing happens. You grab your jumper as you glance in the mirror, wiping off the remnants of a couple hours of sleep.
Please remain in your facilities until further notice. Do not leave your compounds unless commanded by your superior officers. Please re-
You drown out the noise with the headphones over your ears, swinging open your front door. Everyone is out and about, whispers throughout the night as your faces lift to the large screen in the middle of the building. The same two sentences echo repeatedly, seemingly louder each time. Guards stand just below it, stationed at all exits from your facility. You narrow your eyes, glancing around at the others. Families begin shutting their doors, couples holding each other’s hands as they disappear into their rooms. You look around the crowd, spotting your friend just a few feet away. He meets your eyes, navigating through the crowd. You don’t bother waiting for him to reach you, walking back to your room.
He slips in through the slightly ajar door, shutting it loudly. He’s covered in filth from the laboratories, black ink decorating his fingers, prints against his face where he wiped. You hand him your box of towels, a thanks escaping his parted lips. He sighs as he cleans his face, glancing up at the small speaker in your room.
“Think it’s another drill?” He asks, brow quirked.
“At first yea. Until I saw his men standing beneath the screen, blocking all of the exits. Whatever someone stole must have been valuable. And now they’re getting us all in trouble for their mistakes,” you huff, sitting on the edge of your bed. Seonghwa takes your lone chair for himself, lifting his legs to rest against the edge of the makeshift coffee table. You scold him with a kick to his ankles, a whine escaping his lips as he drops them back to the floor. “Just because we’re friends doesn’t mean to get to trash up my place.”
“Place? More like a room,” he murmurs, straightening up in his chair. “Should have pretended that you were coupling with me so we could get a bigger size.”
“No offense Seonghwa,” you snort, sipping your glass of water. “But it’s very unlikely that they would believe it.”
“Because I’m too hot?” he grins, your frown deepening.
“Because we argue every chance we get. And my supervisor is already on my case about the backlogged work. No need to cause more trouble.”
“You should skip it,” he suggests, “I’d defend you against the world you know. A pity that I wouldn’t receive the same back,” he rests the back of his hand against his forehead, an exasperated sigh escaping his lips. You scrunch your nose, tossing the empty metal cup at his face. He groans.
“I defend you every time you do something stupid, asshole. Remember that time you took the building blocks from the childhood development center? Or that time the guards wanted to take your figurines away but you said it was for your younger brother that doesn’t exist? And I had to back you up on that before they started to ask for your documentation.”
“Hey! I still have a few years left on that lie,” he notes, rubbing his cheek. “And I should be allowed to have them! Why do the children get to have the fun while I’m covered in soot?”
“Seonghwa,” you say his name a bit sternly this time, glancing at the door. Often in close quarters, a slip of the tongue is caught by a passing guard. And despite how much teasing you two do, you’d rather not see him at the mercy of the Anarchist. His little nonsensical disputes are enough.
“I know,” his face softens, straightening himself in his seat. “Think it’s something big?”
The alarm blares just as you begin to speak. The small monitor in your room, about a little more than ten centimeters, lights up. Seonghwa immediately slides next to you, the air tense. There’s rarely a moment it's ever bright, only in times of turmoil. He rests his hand on your knees, your gazes focused on the screen. The Anarchist appears instantly, face covered with a skull mask. It is nothing new, no one but his close advisors know what he truly looks like.
My apologies for the incessant ringing of the alarms. It is a nuisance, truly, but a necessity. I am here to inform you that there are certain models of our recent androids have left the factory and malfunctioned. There is no need to worry since they are not harmful, we have just prolonged the alarm to ensure that all of our citizens remain indoors until we find all faulty droids. If you see any, please do not hesitate to contact your facility staff. And though this does not need to be said, we strongly advise against harboring the machinery. If any of you are found to be sheltering one of the droids, your stipends will be reduced to zero and you and your immediate family will be relocated to a rehabilitation facility until we no longer see you as a threat. I thank you for your cooperation and precious time. Pray for the Anarchist.
He places his hand over his heart and you and Seonghwa do the same, repeating the monotonous phrase just as the screen flickers off. Seonghwa snorts, turning back to you.
“Seems like they can’t do anything right. I mean, escaped androids? How the hell did that even happen?”
“Don’t know,” you start, standing up from your bed. The alarms stop just as you get used to the sound. “And don’t care, frankly. Hopefully they catch them all so we can get back to being poor, miserable citizens.”
He laughs at your dry tone, grabbing his bag that he threw against the floor and heading to the door. It’s only two steps away, but Seonghwa makes the trek seem agonizingly long. He combs his soiled fingers through his hair, blowing a stray strand away from his forehead. Him escaping regulations about hair length is beyond you, but you’ve learned to question little of what he does. Seonghwa is a strange man who happens to be your best friend, but you haven’t the slightest idea on what dwells in his mind. He waves goodbye and closes the door behind him. Just as it shuts, you change your clothing into work attire, flicking off the lights of your room and swinging open the door Seonghwa just left from.
Everyone is out and about now, some speaking about the announcement the Anarchist just made. You drown out their words, taking two steps at a time as you make your way to the garage. Well, garage is a nicer way of saying dirt field with poles littered about. You spot your bike a little past the entrance, hidden between a bunch of others in poorer condition. The last time you tied it to a pole closer to the entrance it was stolen, and you’d rather that not happen again. You had to walk five miles to your assigned location at the time, and were severely scolded for walking in a couple of minutes late. You’re lucky they didn’t send you to a rehabilitation facility.
“For the love of—” You groan, stumbling back slightly as you force the bike from the metal confinement. You glance to make sure your registration sticker is still on the seat post, then you’re off. The poster of the anarchy shines on the gate of the garage as you exit, nodding at the guard at the entrance. The image is a reminder of where you stand in society, stuck under the watching eyes of a man who’s too afraid to show his face.
Hundreds of years prior you wouldn’t have to worry about this. Society was prospering for several decades at the time, the dynasty respected and nurtured. The first Anarchist grew tired of the mundane and slow lifestyle, the start of an uprise that's affected several generations after him. There were no such things like sectors in society, androids. Due to his successful reign, nothing has changed since then besides the increase in more advanced technology. Most of which you will never see.
Seonghwa and you met through your parents, former ex lovers that quickly became close friends when they found their partners in life. Both of your sets of parents are long gone, dead by their mid-thirties. Though you still have about a decade or so to go until you reach that age, it worries you. Manual labor day-to-day, especially in the conditions that you’re put under, holds a grave chance for you to die unexpectedly. Seonghwa does not care as much as you do, settled for a shorter life, but you’ve always wanted to know what it felt like to live past forty. Fifty even, if you were lucky. Though it is only a dream after all. Higher classes are the ones able to reach it, not your own.
You slide to a halt just before the entrance to the Labs, holding out your identification card to the guard. He barely gives it a glance, ushering you through the entrance. You keep your head low, quickly turning to the left right as you step foot on the other side of the gates. You’ve witnessed someone of your class mistakenly interacting with one of the higher ones. To keep a long story quite brief, they weren’t allowed back into the containment facility. Or anywhere, really. The screams still echo in your head to this day.
You park your bicycle in the very back of the racks, throwing a few pieces of scrap, rusted metal around it before jogging through the back doors. You keep your head low, ignoring the looks some of the employees give you. Holding your head high around here will only lead you into misery. You're just another number around here. Putting unnecessary attention on yourself, not ideal. You stop at the entrance to the factory, a lone man standing there. A quick glance and you realize it’s your supervisor’s boss. You stand straight as he begins to walk toward you. Was it because of the incident from yesterday?
Not that it is any fault of your own, of course. You left work the day like you usually do; entering in your employee ID and exiting the building. How could you have known that an android would be standing outside of it? And when it attacked, you followed protocol. You disarmed it, leaving its central operating system – its brain in essence – intact. So why does it matter if everything else was broken? It’s not usual for someone to defend themselves.
Though perhaps you did go a bit overboard with the limbs being removed.
You still, the plan of keeping to yourself falling apart immediately. You lift your head, meeting the eyes of the lead. Though you’ve rarely had conversations with him – in fact, you cannot recall the last time you had – he’s as kind as he could be under the circumstances. You hold your breath, waiting to be reprimanded.
“I was told of the situation from last night,” he starts, leaning against the panel. He’s several classes above you, the position so completely different from yours that neither of you interact. “You took apart a droid without authorization. You do understand the regulations, correct?”
“That I do, sir,” you nod, shifting your eyes when his narrow. “I understand, but it was a mistake-”
“Follow me,” he interrupts. You glance at your timecard just a few feet away. He seems to notice your hesitance and frankly, worry, but he only waves you off. “I’ve already covered your time. Your supervisor knows it as well.”
You sigh from either relief or nerves, finally stepping and following him. He leads you around the building, nodding at the security you just walked through. The guard raises their eyebrows at you but says nothing. You enter on the opposite side of the building, fingernails digging into your palms as he guides you up the steps. No one from your part of the factory enters this side unless they’re being punished. Very likely in your situation.
You just hope you get the chance to say goodbye to your best friend.
He holds the door open for you, odd enough. You thank him, bowing as you enter. It’s nothing like the camps inside. Technicians run back and forth, some typing away on a computer, others using the digital screens, swiping through the air. Saying it’s overwhelming is underwhelming in itself.
You’ve seen the technology briefly while running through the square or flickers of it when the doors opened, but not like this. The disparity between your workstation and theirs is only laughable. It’s all you can do without imploding. How they can look at you as you struggle to survive while they thrive is beyond you. The supervisor leads you past the technology and down a narrow hallway. He opens a door, gesturing for you to enter.
Just as you step in you freeze.
The tables in front of you are piled with android parts, some halfway built, others completely taken apart. The supervisor notices how tentative you are, entering after you. Engineers line up at the stations, the soft hum of music pouring from an unknown source. Ah, so they’re allowed to play music other than the regulated songs?
Oh, what a life you live.
“They work around the clock to make sure all of the San’s are properly functioning. As you know, there was an announcement today. Several of our androids have escaped their designated ports,” he says, leaning against a pillar as he watches them run about. “You disabled one of them.”
“Sir, I-”
“I am not asking for you to apologize, because it was the right thing to do,” his eyes flick to yours. “You won’t be sent to a rehabilitation camp, y/n. There’s no reason for me to bring you to this part of the facility if that was the case.”
“Then what am I here for?”
This time, his lips lift. “I want you to join our team.”
He laughs, gesturing to the people around him. “In our sector, we dismantled and rebuild the androids that the fuckers on the top use from day to day. The demand is quite high. And we don’t have the personnel to match the pace. This is an unprecedented promotion, but I believe it’s warranted. y/n, that android that you shut down? It ranked the top of the line in defense. No ordinary worker would have been able to take it down without a keen eye for these things. It still baffles me that you’re still standing here today,” he admits, glancing at you. He stands straight, tucking his hands in his front pockets. “What do you say?”
Being placed in a different position? Sure, the current role you have right now isn’t exactly ideal, but you’re blending it. You’re often scavenging in trash facilities for your next meal. But it’s what you’re used to. It’s what you know. Rising several classes in a day? People notice those things. Officials, notice those things. Settling in your position now was the goal. It’s not what he would have wanted for you, but it’s what you’ve decided. Low enough to fly under the radar.
Still, it has been years since he died. Would they even remember you now?
“You’ll be moved from the complex you’re in now to a higher class one. There’s less guards, less eyes on you. No mandatory meetings. And you will never have to live another day without food or water, y/n,” he keeps his gaze on you this time. “People in your complex would do anything for a position like this. I know you’re not much different.”
Your brow twitches at the comment. “Patronizing a bit, no?”
He shrugs, “No, just the truth. It’s your choice to make in the end though. Decide what you’d like to do.”
Seonghwa would murder you if you didn’t make your choice now. You can imagine him now, strangling you for even thinking of saying no to the offer. So despite everything, despite all of the blaring red flags, you look back at the supervisor. His face seems kind, softer. Maybe in another life, you’d be friends.
“I’ll accept on one condition.”
He nods, “Offer it.”
“I want to bring someone with me.”
It’s a completely idiotic idea. You told Seonghwa just hours ago of what a bad idea it is to pretend to be in a relationship. Both of you bicker like enemies despite being best friends. You just hope that they’d take it as an old, long love. Your face twists up at the thought.
There is very little time until the next shift arrives. Seonghwa is off for the next few weeks - a favor from the supervisor - so you’ll see him when you arrive at the compound and give him the great news. Of course he’ll scold you in the beginning for thinking it over, but this is great for the both of you. Seonghwa would be able to rise in class as quickly as you, and you’ll be together. It’s what your sets of parents always wanted.
Just as you turn the corner, you stop in place. A low moan echoes from the darkness, filling the silent night. You grip the loose strands of your shirt, squinting as you stare into the darkness. You see its head first.
The android’s face is completely covered in soot – synthetic hair sticking in every which way, half of it ripped from its metal skull. It seems to breathe, air escaping its artificial crafted lips, hands digging into the dirt just outside of your facility. You turn around to look and see if anyone is there, but it’s mostly empty. Only a few minutes left until the next shift comes in and sees what you’re seeing. You reach for the emergency crowbar sitting against a near outer door, palms moist as you stare down at it. Its build is wide, the curvature of its muscles strenuous as it slowly stands. Though you’ve seen the face everywhere, bulletin boards stapled with posters of the new model, it’s alarming to see it in person. The slight dents carved into dimples on its cheek, the sharp but full brows, the set of lips eerily just like his. Your chest tightens as it meets your eyes, irises adjusting, the sound of the calibration loud in the silence. It reaches out to you but you only step back, grip on the bar loosening slightly at its gaze. It’s not him. It’ll never be him, no matter how similar it looks.
It stumbles as it moves forward, staring down at its shoes caught in the dirt patch. You should be dialing the emergency line, but you’ve heard of what happens to people who witness a malfunctioning android. Why did it have to be you? Right when your life is finally going in the right direction?
“Help,” it gasps, tugging harshly on its foot caught beneath the debris. You do not move, more out of shock than fear. How could it sound just like him as well? “Help,” it repeats, head shifting to meet your eyes.
“Go away,” you say, lips trembling. “Shut down, recalibrate so they can take you back to the factory. That is an order.”
Its eyes shift. “I am no longer taking orders from humans.”
Fuck. Your grip tightens, taking slow steps back. "Erase your data of me, please. I can't be caught with you," You glance back. "Please."
"I need your assistance –"
"Ask someone else, droid," you take another step back, only for it to move forward. You barely have five minutes until the next shift arrives. "Not me."
"I know you."
You scoff, "That's ridiculous –"
"The memory," It presses its hand against the head part, gripping it tightly. "They didn't remove the memory when I was assembled. I know who you are, y/n."
"You know nothing." You're sure it can hear how your heart rattles against your chest cavity. Memory? These things being created still had his memory? They told San it wouldn't. They made him sign a contractual agreement and it explicitly notes that fact. It's the only reason why you let him go through with it. Why you're stuck seeing his face despite him being dead for years.
"You were his lover–"
"Fuck. You. You don't know me, you piece of…" You sigh, rubbing your face. The loud buzzing sound echoes through the air and you tense, glancing back. Though no one has approached you yet, you can see the shadows slowly emerging from the opening gates. There's no time to explain even if you wanted to. They've already decided that you're a problem. No need to exasperate it further. Without another word you grab the android's hand, pulling it to the side of the building. It stumbles slightly but follows with ease, letting you guide it further away from the gates.
"There's an exit on the opposite side of the campus. Less people, no guards. Enough space for you to run."
"I will not leave without you."
"You don't know me," You gripe, glaring at its eyes. "That data, whatever shit they forgot to erase, isn't me. Not anymore."
"His death has affected you negatively."
You roll your eyes, not bothering to respond. It's a droid, not a therapist. “How about you watch someone you care about die, asshole. Now go. Before they see you with me.” How many times do you need to tell it so it listens? In a morbid way, it’s exactly like San. Stubbornness doesn’t seem to go away with death, huh?
“I need your assistance, no one else’s.”
“For the last time-”
It presses its hand against your forehead. Just as you begin to stumble back, memories are flicking through your brain, filling every thought. One in particular, stands out amongst the rest.
His hands were so cold. But you didn’t let go. Even as his grip began to loosen, even as his lips seemed to grow to a dusty, purplish hue. Even as his eyes fluttered, struggled to keep their gaze on yours. And even then, he smiled. Though the skin on his face seemed sunken, the wheezing of his breaths echoing around the room. Choi San was dying in front of you, and all he did, all he could possibly do…
Was smile.
You rip the android’s hand off your forehead, pressing the bar against its neck. Your heart pounded as you glared at it, grip loosening slightly as it stared. Why did they have to make it look just like him? And why did it look at you as if it was resigned, ready to die by your hand? You drop the bar from its neck, taking a step back.
“Never,” you look at it, swallowing slowly. “Never do that again.”
It nods slowly. You sigh, looking around. “Why do you need me?”
You hold up your hand, “What about him?”
“In his memories stored,” the android presses its hand against its temple. You notice that they’ve even kept the ring on its index finger. “He desired for it to be known what they’ve done to him. It is my sole goal to go to the presiding member of the governing party and show it to them, whomever it may be.”
The Anarchist? San wanted to speak to the man who made him this way? Who he gave his likeness to? You stare at the android, eyes narrowing. Bringing it to the Anarchist… there’s a possibility that it would clear your name. Your face is already stored in the memories of this droid in front of you. If they spread around, you’d probably be killed, not sent to one of the camps.
It’s a risk. Showing up at the gates of the Anarchist could lead to your death. But doing nothing will immediately do it. But you cannot do it by yourself. Traveling that far without getting caught? Almost impossible. There is one solution, of course. The only person in the world who you know wouldn’t betray you for a cent.
“Absolutely not.”
“y/n, remember when we spoke about, you know, leaving this hellhole, roaming the open fields and seas? This is not what I was talking about. In fact, it’s the complete opposite.”
His grip on the door is strong despite how weak he looks. You haven’t the slightest idea where or when he decided to gain muscle, but you digress.
“Haven’t I helped you out dozens of times? Give me this one.”
“By the will of the anarchist, there must not be many thoughts in that head of yours. Hiding an android and saving me from some thoughtless guards are two entirely unalike things.”
“No, stupid.”
“I’ll let you see it.”
His eyes widened. “It? You've got to be more specific.”
“My chest, asshole.”
His grip loosens slightly, enough for you to shove yourself into the back door. He whines, jumping at the android that enters just behind you. Though he tries not to make it obvious the stiffness of his shoulders tell you otherwise. He peeks at you, jaw tight.
You’ve avoided the eyes of the android for the same reason. Because of Seonghwa and you being friends since you were children, he knew San as well as you did. Possibly moreso since he met him before you. It’s more than startling to see a reincarnation of your partner as a robot. Glancing at it was more than enough to unnerve you. As it begins to repair itself, Seonghwa interrupts the silence.
“He really looks just like him,” Seonghwa murmurs, rubbing the back of his head. “But like I said before: this isn’t a good idea. Hiding him, here? I mean, we’re surrounded by people from the headquarters. It’ll be Hell to try and keep him here.”
“It’s temporary.”
“It’s very dumb.”
“You were his confidant.” The android speaks, Seonghwa tensing up again. “You aided him until his last breath. He was appreciative of your presence, Park Seonghwa.”
His eyes widened, “You have his thoughts?”
“An android’s hardware is habitually wiped off the hippocampus, but in my batch, the engineers did not. That is why the humans are searching for us. We are non-functional in their eyes.”
 Seonghwa closes his eyes for a brief moment, before looking at you. Without another word he wraps his hand around your arm, guiding you to the direction of the back door. Just as he begins to open it, you’re grabbed harshly by the robot, stopping the two of you.
“Let her go,” Seonghwa huffs.
“The memories of a past forgotten does not mean I will permit you to take her away.”
“Relax,” you place your hand on top of the android’s, pulling its fingers from your jacket. You very much know that its strength is wildly extensive in comparison to yours, so it puzzles you that it’d let go so simply. Its eyes move to you. “He’s just pissed, people are allowed to be. Wait here while we talk.”
“A wall dividing us will only be cumbersome. My auditory system is advanced enough to listen beyond man-made barriers–"
Seonghwa shuts the door as he speaks, pacing back and forth outside. There’re not too many people out and about, only the sounds of nocturnal animals roaming the area. He stops pacing, turning to look at you.
“You already know what I’m going to say.”
“I know it’s a bad idea, Seonghwa. I know that. But what other choice do I have?”
“Turn it over to the headquarters, y/n. Why are you risking yourself for a fucking robot? This isn’t like you. I’m supposed to be the rule breaker.”
“If I turn him over, they’ll see the footage and put me in a center, Hwa. You’ll never see me again. They’ve all been watching me for years now since San and I…” You swallow slowly. “I can do this alone. But it’d be nice if you were to come with me.”
There’s no teasing in his expression now, no frustration. His eyes rest on yours for a moment, taking in the pure anxiety that seems to emit off your skin. Just as you think he’s going to say no, he nods slowly, a long sigh escaping his lips.
“I don’t agree with all this. But I’ll help you, y/n. San would’ve killed me if I let you go out there by yourself,” he admits, chuckling dryly. “What about my job, though? They’d notice me gone.”
“Good news,” you grin, his frown only seeming to deepen. “I was hired to be an engineer. We’re rising in class, Hwa. I told them you were my partner, and-”
“Oh, now you listen to me!” He nudges you.
“I always listen to you, I just pretend I don’t,” you step toward him, wrapping your arms around his torso. “Thank you, really. I’d probably die without you there.”
“Now we can die together,” he cheers, squeezing you back. “So, about what you said earlier…”
“Absolutely not.”
“You proposed it, not me!”
“Don’t be such a horn dog, Hwa.”
Tentative is not exactly the right word for how you’re feeling now. Seonghwa stares at the back of the android as you walk through the dense underbrush, fingers locked around the handle of his small armament. Though barely sharper than a layperson’s bread knife, he holds it as if it’ll stop it from attacking the two of you.
Humorous despite the circumstances.
The Android has repaired itself well, disassembled and reassembled its outer casing with ease. Seonghwa and you could only look in awe as it did so, the technology far beyond what either of you can comprehend. It’s almost sad to think that the world has evolved so rapidly with most of the population remaining stagnant.
“Injuring either of you is not on my mind,” the android begins, gaze sliding to Seonghwa’s hand. Its brows furrowed for a moment. “You were his friends. He wouldn’t desire for me to hurt you in any way.”
“Why does he want to go to the capital?” Seonghwa asks, ignoring the pointed look you shoot him. “San is the last person who’d ever enter that place. He hates—”
“Seonghwa,” You interrupt, your frown deepening. There’s a possibility that the android may be recording. Though the chance is slim since he has fled the facility, you don’t want to risk it. You’ve already lost enough. “Relax.”
“He despised the very existence of the Anarchist. That is why I must go. I’m the last fully operative android that still has his memories. It would be quite… disheartening to disregard the pleas that ring in my cerebral cavity.”
Seonghwa’s face twists. “…That sounds repulsive.”
The android hoots. It is hearty, filled with joy and mirth. Watching as it fills his face with so much contentment only lets the ire grow in your throat. Your friend seems to notice the familiar look in your eyes as well, wrapping his arm around yours and holding you close. It hushes your thoughts briefly, your stare away from the android again. Turning it in is the end goal. It pretends to understand San, but it’s just not him. You’re sure he wouldn’t want this.
The walk is quieter now, Seonghwa mumbling side comments to you ever so often. Only the sounds of the wilderness fill the air. You keep the android at arm’s length, eyeing it every few minutes or so to notice a change. Its “wounds” have healed, a welding material pouring from a hole in his finger, closing the tears in the metallic skin. You could only watch in wonder as it fixed itself.
“You are an engineer,” The android speaks, head at an odd angle as it turns to you.
“You were leaving the building—”
“Look, droid,” you stop walking. “I get that I saved you and all, but we’re not friends. There’s no need for small talk, all right?”
“And I was the one who needed to relax?” Seonghwa murmurs.
It bows slightly, “I apologize if my words were offensive in any way. That was not my intention-”
“That’s the thing; You don’t have any intentions. You were manufactured in a facility just like the rest of the bots. You were loaded with San’s memories to make you feel realistic enough to pass as a human. It makes you into what you are. But you are not him. You are not a human. Get it?”
“y/n,” Seonghwa’s voice is sterner this time. “Chill.”
“Chill? How can I chill when this thing is parading around with San’s voice, pretending to know him, saying that he thinks of this or that–” The pumping in your ears drowns out your own voice, your breath hitching. It’s been years since you’ve felt this way, the memories rushing back. San lying on the bed, body covered in blood. Seonghwa pulled you away as you screamed. Your hands tremble, your fists tightening. You feel Seonghwa’s arms wrap around you, holding you close to his chest as you fall to your knees.
There is no pushing through it. Though you’ve hidden the horrible feelings of losing him, the lingering mess that you have yet to accept just continues to pour through your body. How could you move on? Is it even possible to move on from Choi San? His face is plastered every which way, everywhere you look.
“y/n, listen to me,” Seonghwa says, slowly whispering into your hair. “I know it hurts. I know it hurts so badly,” his voice cracks. You cannot see his face, but you can feel how your hair feels moist, his tears wetting your scalp. “The sadness is great. I’m here for you, you know that. Just breathe with me, alright?” he lifts your hand, resting it against his chest. “Breathe.”
Neither of you speak anymore, eyes shut as you slowly let yourself calm down. The hurt is still there, it always will be, but it’s bearable now. You pull away from Seonghwa, thanking him with a brief look before turning to the android. It doesn’t say anything, slightly stepping away as you stand.
It almost looks, afraid. Sorrowful.
How did they make them so human?
“I’m sorry,” you say softly. “I… it’s hard to see him in front of me. But there’s no reason for me to blame you on something you can’t control. I’m sorry.”
He nods, “I’m sorry for my words.” His expression changes in an instant, pushing the two of you deeper into the tree line. Seonghwa and you crouch, its body still. You hear the slow crescendo of an engine filling the silence. It crouches, glancing at the two of you. “It is stopping. But it has a flatbed in the back of the vehicle. Would it not be faster instead of walking?”
“Oh we’re really going to die,” Seonghwa murmurs, pulling his hat further over his face. He glances at you, “Want to?”
“Do we have another choice?” You turn to the android. “How long will it take us without hitching a ride.”
“Approximately four days without stopping for rest.”
It’s compact in the back of the trunk. Seonghwa squeezed on one side of the bed between boxes and you on the other. The android sits in the middle, still as the truck drives. It told you that it has a built-in mapping system. Thankfully enough, it’ll warn the two of you when the truck diverts its path. You wrap your arms around your knees, glancing at it every so often. You were a bit mean to it. Scolding it for trying to speak to you. You didn’t realize how much its appearance affected you until then. Until it spoke to you with the voice of San, looked at you. Made you realize how deeply your life feels like a maelstrom.
It is Seonghwa whose eyes you meet after a while. He’s tucked in between the boxes, head resting against a burlap wrapping. You’ve gotten used to the silent looks in times when you couldn’t speak. His eyes flick over to the android, brow quirked. He places his hand over his heart, nodding once. Are you okay? With all of this, with the android? I’m here with you.
Your smile is restrained, twitching against your cheeks. You pulled him into this mess, into your sly plan to bring the droid back into the hands of officials. Your desperation for some sort of reprieve for what you’ve gone through, what San has gone through, seems so inane now. You’re risking your best friend’s life for a goal that isn’t easily attainable. Any moment now, the droid can be programmed to report its findings. Put the two of you at risk.
Seonghwa raises his hand, pulling you out of your thoughts. This time, he mouths his next words. Don’t lose yourself in your thoughts, it’s dark in there. I’m here with you.
Your smile is easy now. Thank you.
“You can speak if you’d like,” The android looks at you. “The humans in the front of the truck cannot hear over the auditory output coming from their speakers. Even they struggle with conversation.”
“No need to risk it,” you wave him off, leaning against the crate. It tilts its head as it stares. “If there’s a lull in the audio, if we’re in the midst of a conversation and they overhear–”
“I will eliminate them.”
You shake your head quickly. “No. No. If you were to kill someone, if we’re around when you do it–” An instant death. At least with the camps there’s a sliver of a chance you’d be able to have a life again. “I don’t want to have blood on my hands.”
“Is it not strange that the officials that you follow kill without repercussions? If an ordinary citizen were to do it, even out of defense, why would it cost them their own life? It’s a bit odd that any of you continue to stand for it. The Anarchy was created to fight against an oppressed government centuries prior but are only following their predecessors. There are many things that I pity, but this is a large one.” He rests his head against his knees, humming. “There should be another rebellion so that you may live free.”
“Freedom comes at a cost, always,” Seonghwa says, eyes closed. He covers himself with a thick cloth. “Do you think there haven't been protests? Our parents were part of it. They wanted a better life for us, but didn’t see a way out. They died for their cause. We only had to promise that we wouldn’t follow in their path.”
“And we haven’t,” you add. “Sure, there’s some underground operations happening that we know of, but nothing sure enough. And the Anarchist is getting closer and closer to revealing it. It wouldn’t be wise of us to try and join.”
“So you will continue to live in a way that is unsustainable? Less than one hundred years ago there were almost nine billion humans on this Earth. Now there are barely over a hundred million. The numbers continue to drop day by day–”
“It must be San’s thoughts making you feel this way,” Seonghwa grins. “He’s always wanted to lead a group of rebels, inspire the remainder of us to fight for our rights. He thought that we would all march one day. I fear we disappointed him. Though he might approve of us helping a robot.” He throws you a smile, eyelid lifting. You know it’s to gauge your reaction, make sure you’re okay. You reflect the same expression and he sighs in content, closing his eyes once more.
“I cannot speak for him because I am not him, but disappointment is not what I would describe it as. If I am overstepping, please tell me before I continue.” It glances between the both of you. Neither of you stop it, Seonghwa mostly because he has already fallen asleep, whistling snores escaping his parted lips. “I do not choose to have these memories. When I departed the facility, all of his thoughts before he passed and previous experiences flooded my very being. It was tortuous. But there was one thing that I could not stop from appearing. You,” he looks at you, “I did not know what love was like while in the hands of the engineers. But I saw it, when he allowed me to see it. That is why it was my objective to find you. If I did not meet you at the facility, I would have entered the complex. All of the Ch_i San androids that deserted like myself, were on their way to you. I was the last. So what Seonghwa says, about him being disappointed… That is not true. He was always proud of you, proud to call you his. That is why I decided to have you assist me to the residing place of the Anarchist. He trusted you.”
“So you decided to trust a stranger because of his thoughts?” You quirk a brow.
It shrugs. It’s eerie how easily they can fit into the role of a human. A bit scary, a little endearing.
“And watching you while you mourn your lost lover. It is odd to say, but I can only describe the feeling as envy. In the training labs, they taught us how to feel. Told us what a human would do in certain situations. Explained that grief is not something you can overcome,” It says softly, legs tucked into its chest. “It’s something that comes in waves. I sometimes wish I could feel grief, feel hurt as humans do. But my emotions only mimic what it is. Having an emotion so strong and severe that it overwhelms your very being. It is what I’ve always wanted.”
Its eyes move to yours. “It is hard to find beauty in sadness. But is it not better to feel something than to feel nothing at all? Everything I say and do is calculated. I go through a million responses in less than a second before responding. Even now, each word is carefully chosen to articulate my processes. Speaking freely is not something I can do. I wish I could stumble over my words, rethink what I am saying as I am saying it. But that's not possible for me once I've chosen my sentence structure."
“San,” you say, resting your hand on its knee. It doesn’t seem to want to meet your eyes, only watching your hand. “Is that not what humans do? We pick and choose our words, we think before we speak. Most of the time,” you add, a smile slowly rising on its cheeks. “It was wrong of me to say that you didn’t. To call you it. And don’t give me that look,” you scold, shaking your head. “It was wrong. Who am I to blame you for something you didn’t do?”
“I understand, though. I understand how it has hurt you. Though I cannot fully comprehend it, I saw it. How the feelings distressed you to the point where you could not stop it from happening. Again, I apologize for unsettling you in such a way. I wouldn’t want you to hold that inside of you again.”
It– no, he holds up a hand, silencing you just as you’re beginning to speak. He points at the back, irises narrowing. You can see the blue glow slowly fading, blending into the dark. It’s only been a few hours since you’ve hitched the ride, you expected a few hours more until they stopped. The gravel crunches as they steady to a stop. They park on an incline, the sound of doors closing. You listen closely to their steps fading into the distance, glancing at the… no. Looking at San.
He slowly makes his way out of the flatbed, Seonghwa finally raising his head. He opens his mouth to speak but you shush him with your finger against your lips, shaking your head. San steps out, pushing the burlap covering back. He’s light on his feet, unexpected from a robot. Just as he turns to you, shots ring out. You flatten yourself against the bed, but Seonghwa isn’t as quick as you. He holds his legs up in front of his chest, blocking the bullets. The sound is painful to even listen to, your eyes glued to him as you see the blood seep through his pants, splatter against your face. San blocks the rest that come, most hitting him in his body. Your mind is too consumed to see if he’s okay, immediately going to Seonghwa’s side. He groans, arms falling to the bed. You’re not sure what you say but he listens to you as you pull back his pants. The bullets are deeply embedded, nothing you can pull out with ease. Perspiration decorates his forehead as his breaths hitch, eyes glued to his leg.
“y/n,” San says softly, moving closer to your side. He holds his hand over yours, pushing it away. “I’ll help him.”
You can only nod, letting go of Seonghwa. He moves in front of you, uttering something to Seonghwa before he begins to pull the bullets from his skin. Seonghwa groans, teeth biting harshly on the cloth in his mouth. Did you give that to him? Did San? You stare in silence, San grabbing a blanket on the side and ripping it. It’s a makeshift gauze, wrapping it around Seonghwa’s leg for temporary relief.
“I only injured the human, but I have to eliminate him,” San glances at you. “It is in self-defense, y/n. I know you insisted that I not, but we have no other choice. They will come back for us.” He moves away from Seonghwa, nodding, “She will stay with you while I do this.”
"Stop," you grab his wrist with both of your hands, hoping he’d finally listen. Instead, he only tugs against your hold harshly, pulling itself out of it. There's no use, there never was, but you wish there were. "Why won't you ever listen to me?"
"I don't take orders from you–"
"Fucking hell San, I can't lose you again. I–" You stop speaking, eyes widening. He finally turns to you. It's odd how much emotion the eyes hold. They now look at you with pity, sorrow. Just another reminder that it isn't your San. That your San wouldn't risk his life this way. That he'd stay with you and figure it out together.
"I'm not him, y/n."
"I know that."
"It doesn't feel that way, no?" Its lip lifts, cheeks creasing. "It's complicated to see me when I look like him. Feelings get mixed up, I understand. There's not a need to project them onto me."
"I am a Droid, y/n," he says simply. "Parts can be replaced. I'm not irreparable."
You look at the holes in his body, none leaking blood. Most ricocheted off of him. You press your lips together, taking in a breath. Right, he's right. "Be careful. I can't repair you, it's not as simple as you make it out to be. I don't have the clearance nor the skill. Just, be careful."
He nods quickly, the grin only making your chest tighten more. Technology this sophisticated is beyond your own mental capacity. How they make the models look just like your dead boyfriend is just not something you can comprehend. Though this model feels different, in a sense. More real, alive. As alive as a droid can be, of course. Your nails dig into your skin, the pain distracting enough. You pick at the loose skin of your lips as you wait for him. You hear Seonghwa groan in pain, immediately pulling away from the edge of the flatbed to see if he’s somewhat okay. You eye the wrapping around his leg, whispering an apology to him as he withers in pain. There’s nothing you can do until San’s back. Sewing up a wound without the tools is just not something you can do. So you let your thoughts wander as you wipe his forehead, humming softly to distract him.
You thought the pain would be gone by now. That the years that have passed somehow made it better. But hearing him speak to you, the tone so eerily similar to his, it only pains you further. Even the way the android enunciated his words, the quirk of his brow, the frown on his lips. It is all too familiar. You do know that empathy is built into the newer models to make them feel more human, and you're thankful that they didn't dissect San that deeply to pull that part of his personality as well. Some things you would love to keep to yourself. You wince, glancing at your skin. You've broken it, being so deeply involved in your thoughts. Red crescents decorate your arm as your eyes follow movement in the shadows.
If only you left Seonghwa, brought no one along with you. He’d scold you for your thought process right now, but it’s true. You didn’t want to be alone. You caused his hurt.
“I know what you’re doing,” he grabs your leg, eyes still closed. “I fucked up and let them shoot me. Don’t blame yourself for everything that I do, y/n.”
“Stop straining yourself, Seonghwa,” you warn, wiping his forehead against with a loose cloth. “I can’t have you hurt more than you already are.”
“It’s a thigh. I’ll be fine.”
“Hwa, shut up.”
He chuckles lightly, “Stop distracting me from what I’m saying. Don’t put the blame on yourself.”
“It’s not as easy as you make it,” you murmur, reaching for another stray cloth to wipe him off. “You know how I am. But you let me drag you here with me anyway. I just, I won’t be able to forgive myself if you-”
“I’m not dying,” he cuts in. “I told you I’d never leave you, y/n. A fucking bullet to the thigh isn’t going to take me out. We promised each other we wouldn’t abandon each other, right? Right?”
“Then listen to my words, y/n. I am not leaving you, and you are not leaving me. We’re stuck together whether we like it or not. He wouldn’t forgive me if I left you behind. Hell, I think he’d kick my ass if I made it up there without you by my side,” he snickers, resting against the boxes. “I just didn’t think regular people had access to weapons that powerful anymore. Being in that compound was safer than we thought, huh?”
“Grateful that we lived our whole lives in a four by four room?” Your words drip with sarcasm.
“Sometimes yeah. But now we get a six by six room because of your promotion,” he grinned, wiggling his brows. “If we don’t get caught along the way that is. Yunho wouldn’t be too pleased to see us on a most wanted poster.”
“That’s the supervisor’s name, yeah. He’s not around much, but it’s hard not to notice when he is. Towers over everyone else around. Even me.”
“Hate to break it to you, Hwa. But you aren’t the tallest person in the world.”
He gasps, eyes widening, “You take that back!”
The burlap opens again and you immediately cover Seonghwa. San stands there, a tight smile on his lips as he glances between the both of you. His hands are covered red, clothing stained the same. He offers no explanation and you don’t care to ask, looking down at Seonghwa. “Are you able to stitch him up?”
He nods. “Of course.”
You grip the steering wheel, eyes glued to the road in front of you. The truck isn’t at all going fast, but it’s your first time behind the wheel of a vehicle this large. You had one opportunity when you were young while applying for different positions; the car was much smaller and you crashed it. But San can’t drive because he might interfere with the technology, and Seonghwa isn’t exactly in the condition to do so. So it’s up to you. The woman who’s always been afraid of sitting in the seat. You glance at Seonghwa in the rearview mirror, head tilted to the side as he sleeps. San was able to close up and clean his wound, telling you that it was non-life threatening as he did so. You thanked him with a side smile.
Neither of you have spoken since then, silent as you drive down the dirt road.
You try not to look at him but you can’t help it, your eyes lingering on his face before flicking away when he turns in your direction. Being in close quarters, you can see the difference. His muscles are more defined, face sculpted without any blemishes or markings, besides the ones he received just hours ago. And he’s quieter than your San. Eyes on the road. Arm resting on the car door, wind covering up the silence somewhat.
All of this is silly. Pretending not to at least care slightly for the Android. Despite his outer appearance, he’s kind. You wonder if it’s the influence of having human memories, or if it’s his own choice, If he has chosen to be kind. There was no reason for him to block the bullets from Seonghwa, no reason for him to protect the two of you from those people. All of this is just so confusing.
Your fingers tighten on the steering wheel.
“Will you remain in silence for the entire duration of this journey?”
“How much time do we have left?” You ask. You glance at his eyes, watching as they dilate as he processes the question.
“If there are no further disruptions, we will be in Neo Seoul in approximately three hours.”
He stares at you, body turned toward you as you drive. You ignore it as best you could, tapping your thumb on the wheel as you stare out. Unfortunately, there’s nothing too interesting on the dark road besides a few trees. You let it occupy your mind, until he clears his throat. As if he actually needs to.
“I would like there to be no animosity between us.”
“There isn’t.”
“You continue to say that, but each time I begin to speak you interrupt me. Is that a human habit that I do not know of, or is it just you?” His brow quirks. Oh, so he does know sarcasm.
“I don’t like that you have his face, but I don’t like even more that you have his tone of voice too. It’s unsettling,” you glance at him. He keeps his body turned toward you, silent. “And uncomfortable. I know it’s not your fault but I honestly don’t like looking at you.”
“That’s fair,” he nods, a breathy laugh escaping his lips. Nothing like San’s, you think. Nice to listen to. “I just hope that we will continue to get along as we make this journey. I didn’t consider that you may hate looking at me because of your past, but now that I have I can understand your enmity toward me.”
“Great, glad that we established that.”
“I do not like your acerbity, though,” he admits, sinking further into his seat. “It is amusing only if it’s not used for me. I’m trying to consider your feelings but you only respond with harshness. You apologized for not seeing me as my own being, and yet you’re continuing to treat me the same as before. What am I to think?”
“I didn’t expect you to be so sentient. All of the androids I’ve come across didn’t have as much personality as you. More stiff, followed orders. None of them would even have a conversation like this with me,” you check on Seonghwa through the mirror again before continuing. “I didn’t know you could think on your own, in all honesty.”
“I can,” he says simply. “My model was made to reflect the human experience. Models before me were not given empathy, remorse, curiosity. Though I do not have emotions like you have, I can mimic a lot of them. I think more so since I still have memories of a life that wasn’t mine. We were created this way because of the decrease of the population. Less humans born, less socialism, less interrelationships. The birth rate is at an all time low, you see. No one interacts as they have before. The population is growing old, but there are rarely, if ever, natural births. They believed that my model would be able to encourage relationships again. That’s why I can catch your tone of voice, analyze your words. I was created to understand humans. To help you mingle so that relationships form. Though, my model is geared toward…” he trails off, frowning. “I do not believe you would like to hear this next fact.”
“I don’t, because I’ve seen the ads. I know what they’re using his likeness for,” you murmur, stomach tightening. “Nothing I can do but complain to them. They never listen, they never have. And I can only do so much before they decide I’m not worth keeping alive anymore. So if I have to see him across bulletins then so be it.”
“If there were some way I could assist, I will,” he says. His smile is small, a dimple on his upper lip appearing against his skin. It’s endearing, to say the least. Enough for you to look away and hide your own reflecting smile. He notices it though, despite you wanting to hide it.
“I’m fine with staying.”
“What if someone, I don’t know, decides to steal the truck and finds a bloody man in the backseat? Don’t you think that’d be at least a little alarming?”
“Sounds like a fun time.”
“Seonghwa, I'm being serious.”
“So am I! Who wouldn’t want to find me? Headaches disappear when eyes meet mine.”
“Oh you’re entirely sick, aren’t you?” You glare at him and he only shrugs, a teasing grin on his lips.
You’ve parked the truck in a back alley just at the entrance of the city. It’s far enough out that no one would notice unless they’re really looking, and close enough for you to run back in case of trouble. Leaving your best friend here while you travel with San is the last thing you want to do, but what other choice do you have? Let San walk alone into the city and be immediately stopped by a patrol, or go alone with him without Seonghwa.
Either choice isn’t really ideal. As you stare at your very odd friend, an idea pops into your head.
“Remember Dune?”
Seonghwa’s frown deepens. “We are not going to them.”
“It’s a guarantee you’ll be safe, Hwa. I can’t leave you here by yourself and you know it. They’re the only guys we know in the city besides Blue Bird, and he’s been missing for a while.”
“No, I don’t trust them.”
“Push your little rivalry to the side for one second and think. Would you let me stay here by myself when I can’t even walk on my own? Would you?”
His eyes narrow as he stares at you. Your smile grows, and you nod.
“Good. We’re going. San, can you hold Seonghwa? It’s just a few blocks into the city.”
Seonghwa rolls his eyes, but he holds out his arms to San. “Despite the circumstances, I’ve always wanted a strong man to carry me.”
“You’re insufferable.”
The hideout is just as expected. Tucked between the outskirts of the city and a block from the city center, you gaze up into the sky. The obnoxious glowing neon sign greets you as you stare up, regret slowly rising in your chest. Though there’s no one else you trust as much as them (which is barely, if at all), being back here after years makes that dull ache appear again. San told you to stay away from them, from jealousy mostly. Either one of the men resting on that roof touches anything that gives them the slightest bit of interest.
It amuses you mildly that you never gave them the time of day.
San kicks open the door to the bar, the small Chili Peppers sign greeting you on your way in. Curious gazes flick over San walking by, but none stand. Probably a good thing; rarely do the dwellers want to involve themselves with technology the government creates. You’re sure that most of the people in here have some sort of warrant against them.
You stop at the back door, nodding slightly at the guard who blocks it. He tips his hat to you, a slow grin revealing decaying teeth. “Haven’t seen you around for years, pretty.”
“Death does that to you,” you shrug. He nods, spitting tobacco in the bucket and gesturing you forward. He pauses slightly at Seonghwa’s condition. “Ran into some patrols. Nothing too crazy, the bot took care of them.”
“Just like the San we knew,” he agrees, pushing open the door for you. You thank him, letting San and Seonghwa enter first before shutting it behind you. You rub your face, looking at Seonghwa. He’s been stuck in his whole head the whole time, the frown seemingly etched into his skin. You nudge his foot and his glare moves to you. “It’s only for a couple of days, Hwa. I’ll be back before you know it.”
“I don’t trust them, y/n. What if they try to make you take a job? We can’t be involved in the rebellion. Not when we’re so close to finally moving up in classes.”
“I’m not going to accept it, you know that,” you wait for the elevator, San listening silently to the two of you speak. “And Hongjoong owes me one.”
“He owed San, not you.”
“Same thing,” you shrug. The door slowly opened. San steps in first with Seonghwa, carefully navigating so that his head is protected. You enter after, pressing the button for the top floor. It creeks closed, your argument mute. The only place they didn’t have speakers was that little corridor you were just in. Now, you’re sure they have eyes on you as you rise. They could stop it halfway, make you leave. But it continues to pass each floor. It dings.
“Hey,” Seonghwa touches your arm. “Whatever they say, don’t take it to heart. You know how they are.”
You snort, “Unfortunately I’ve had first hand experience.”
“Are they truly this dangerous?” San furrows his brows, and you can only nod.
“The leaders of the rebellion. There’s nothing they’re afraid of. And San, keep quiet? Both of them hate androids more than me. They’d probably dismantle you if you utter even a word.” The doors slide open.
The smell is what greets you first. Familiar in the dark corners of your compound, used to forget the horrors of daily life. You’ve never indulged, not willing to lose your sane mind for even a moment. You had to pull Seonghwa out of a bad trip off the stuff, solidifying your stance. People of all sorts line the hallway to the rooftop door. Most lost in their own bubbles, some lost within one another’s. You wrinkle your nose at the sight, stepping over a couple in the middle of the act. You push the door open, the cool breeze hitting your skin. You glance behind, watching San slowly place Seonghwa in a by-the-way wheelchair. You hold open the door and let them pass you. The music echoes throughout the roof. Through the crowd of people you spot the two men you’ve been looking for. One with a rifle strapped on his back, nursing a beer as he stares out into the night. His hair a startling coral, bright against the darkened landscape. His eyes flick to the opening door, lazily roaming over Seonghwa, frowning slightly when he sees San. Resting on your eyes. The slit between his brow is more of a scar now, passing through the sclera and touching the bridge of his nose. He maintains the contact as he tips his head back, beer dripping down the corners of his lips. You look away.
Hongjoong isn’t far away from him, tongue down the throat of one of his dozens of conquests you’ve seen since you’ve known him. So deeply involved that he does not notice your presence at all until Mingi clears his throat, tipping his hat. Hongjoong pulls away from the lips of the person, leisurely letting his gaze slide over to you. His eyes widen briefly, a hysterical laugh escaping his lips as he stands quickly. Too quick, stumbling slightly as he moves over the piles of bodies around him. His hair is a bright blue now, probably in contrast to Mingi's. You're sure the shorter man likely dragged him to the shop to dye it.
“Oh pretty y/n has finally come back to us! Taking my proposal to heart, hm?” He grins. A lip ring decorates his face, new piercings scattered about on his skin. He pouts when you say nothing, Stetson resting on a string, hanging on his back. “San died, you know. You can speak to me now.”
“Always an asshole, huh?” Seonghwa murmurs. Hongjoong rolls his eyes, roaming over Seonghwa’s body. “If you have something smart to say just say it already.”
“Thought I’d be the one to put you in a wheelchair. Can’t believe you did it yourself! Thought that asskissing Choi would have kept you away from bullets.”
“Oh, fuck you–”
“Enough of the dick measuring, please,” you wave him off. “That’s not why I’m here.”
“Oh,” his brows furrow. He takes the cigarette from resting on the back of his ear, cradling it between his lips. “Then? San swore up and down he’d never step foot on this roof again.” Hongjoong gestures to the android. “Didn’t think he’d show up as a bot.”
“Cold shit, Joong,” Mingi murmurs, leaning further into his seat.
“Ah it’s been a few years, I’m sure she’s gotten over it,” he rolls his eyes. “What you want then, pretty?”
Mingi seems finally interested in the conversation, eyes opening to stare at you. Hongjoong holds the match up to the end of his cigarette, cupping it as he inhales. “I’m listening,” he mumbled, blowing the smoke to the side where Seonghwa sits. Said man coughs.
“I have to bring Sa– the Android to the city center. I can’t carry Seonghwa around with me for obvious reasons, so I need someone to watch him while we’re gone. And you’re the only ones in the city we know.”
“The bullets in him? Where’d it come from?” Mingi asks.
You hesitate. Hongjoong seems to notice this, a small smirk rising on his lips. “Oh, you got into some shit didn’t you?” He glances at Mingi. “Why do you think we want to involve ourselves in your fuckups?”
“You promised San a favor.”
“That I did. But as all of us can see,” he looks around, “That kid’s six feet under. Or ash somewhere in a coal mine. Whatever they do with the bodies, I don’t give it much thought. So yea, we owed San a favor. We don’t owe you shit.”
“Please,” your fists tighten. “I know you and Seonghwa don’t really get along–”
“Well that’s a fucking understatement.”
“–but we have nowhere else to go, Hongjoong. Mingi. I could try finding Blue Bird but we don’t have the time to. I’ll…” you can feel Seonghwa’s eyes burning into your back, knowing that your next words are the opposite of what he’d want. “I’ll owe you.”
Hongjoong laughs, clapping loudly. He pulls the cigarette from his lips, chuckles still escaping his lips. “Owe me? Oh kitten, now why would you sign up for something like that? You’re really desperate, aren’t you? Has that android done something to you, make you want to listen to it, huh?” He moves closer to you, watching as you step closer to San. “Must have fucked you good, huh?”
“Don’t be an ass,” you hiss.
He raises his hands, “What? Just asking, as all. I wonder why. Why fuck a droid when you could have one of us?" Hongjoong holds a lollipop between his lips, free hand tending to the cigarette. He's always been an asshole, a trait that did not seem to go away with time. "Or both. At once, separately. Doesn’t really matter in the end, hm?“
“I’d owe you, Hongjoong. But I’m not a sex doll to use for your amusement.”
This time his frown deepens. “Wouldn’t use you like that kitten and you know it. Consensual, as always,” he tosses the cig to the side, not bothering to stub. He rubs his chin, walking back and forth slowly. “Making me take care of my old partner. The man I swore I’d kill if we ever saw each other again. This is a hard thing to do, you gotta know that right?” He raises his brow.
“A one time thing,” you insist.
“Deal.” Mingi says, standing up from his spot. His height surprises you every time you witness him, having to tilt your head slightly as he towers over you. He holds out his leather clothed hand, shaking yours. “He already agreed before you came up here.”
“My God, Song. Let me do the dramatics at least once,” Hongjoong pouts. Mingi rolls his eyes, stepping around the four of you, leaving you alone with him. “He’s right, though. But now that I have a favor from you without even asking for it,” the grin is more sinister now, alarming. “It’s much more fun, now.”
"I can't believe you."
"They weren't going to let you stay there, I had to come up with something."
"Oh. Like your life?" Seonghwa glowered, hands gripping the handle of the wheelchair. "Why would you do that? Why would you offer yourself such an open-ended deal, y/n? They could send you anywhere! They could send you to wherever Blue Bird is. They could recruit you for a fucking suicide mission. Why would you do this?"
"I'm trying to protect you–"
"I don't need protection! I'm a grown man, y/n. We aren't kids anymore. I can take care of myself. I can survive by myself. But this…" He waves his hand at the space between the two of you, "Whatever this is that you're trying to do. I don't want any part of it. I'm not going to stand idly by and watch you go down this righteous path because a fucking robot told you this is what San wanted."
"It is what he wanted, Hwa. I know it."
"You don't know shit. That thing could be making it all up because he has the memories of San. He could be coaxing you to believe in this fairytale because you haven't properly grieved yet. I mean, you could barely say his name, y/n. This robot isn't him. And I just don't think you see it. I'm not sure you ever will. This is the last thing I'm going to say. You can run off with the Android, fine. But don't come back here after everything is done because I won't be here."
"Seonghwa," you whisper, eyes flicking over to San. He says nothing, standing patiently in the corner of the room. He guards the door, eyes darkened to a black as the two of you speak. Seonghwa is right, in a sense. You're trusting an Android because of his words, because he indeed looks so eerily like San that it's hard to distinguish between the two. You haven't properly mourned for your lost loved one. And glued to the side of an Android that looks just like him is only going to delay the process. And you love Seonghwa. Despite how often you argue about frivolous things or how often you bicker, he's all that you have. And you're all that he has.
"Okay," you say, nodding slowly. "San?"
He straightens up, stepping closer to the two of you. You can't meet his eyes, playing with your fingers as you say the next few words. "Seonghwa and I have brought you to where you need to be. Just follow the signs to the Town Hall at the center of Neo Seoul. There's a large red building just behind it. This is where the Anarchist resides. You'll be able to talk to him about anything you'd like." You look up, hating that you've even done so. San stares at you, expression confused, eyebrows furrowed.
"I don't understand. You will not come with me?"
"If they see you with me they'll arrest me for harboring a fugitive Android. You'll never be able to see the Anarchist then. I'm sorry it has to be this way."
His eyes roam over you, resting on your nervous hands. Without a word, he lets his fingers entwine with yours. You still at his touch, watching as he lifts your hand, letting it hover between the two of you.
"Is this what you truly desire? For me to venture on my own without you? This is what you want from me, y/n? Do you want me to leave you?"
You gripped the broken umbrella between your fingers, stared at San as he stood between the barriers. You've told him countless times to never cross it without you, to always have you there in case someone sees him. That time you were furious. Stumbled over stones, scraped your knees against jagged rocks to make it to the top. You could hear the sirens below, echoed in the night as he watched you.
"Do you want me to leave you?"
"I told you this is a bad idea, love," you grunted, holding the tree bark tightly. You could feel it sinking into your skin. "We should get back to our stations before they notice we're gone."
He laughed. "You think they would care about two low class personnel?"
"We can't take the chance, San–"
"And yet here I am, asking you. Do you want me to leave you?"
"Yes," you say. "You'll be safer without me trailing behind you. Just be careful. There's a lot of people that want free roaming androids. You'll sell high on the cyber market. For parts or otherwise."
He nods, pulling his hands from yours. “Ok. I’ll be back before you notice I’m gone.”
You merely nod, knowing that just as he disappears from your sight you’ll be on your way back. Guilt racks through you as he turns away, waving goodbye and closing the door behind him. It’s for the best, you know it is. It just hurts that you have to lose someone else again. It’s your fault for getting attached. If you let your heart settle just a bit more, you wouldn’t have agreed to any of this. You would have reported the Android without a second thought.
You sit near the window, eyes flicking over the landscape. It’s surprising how even in the middle of the night, the city still shines. Billboard shining, advertisements everywhere you look. There’s beauty in it all, laughter in the air, an endless night. Looking at happiness shouldn’t make you feel this bitter.
“You didn’t have to do that.” You hear him from the bed, unwilling to turn and look. “I pushed you to the edge, I made you make that decision. I shouldn’t have.”
“I needed to hear it,” you say back, picking at a loose thread. “I need to settle my own feelings before caring about an Android with his face. I can’t separate the two.”
“You can, you just need some help, that’s all. I want to help you.”
You moisten your lips, teeth pulling at your skin, “How can you help me when I don’t even know where to begin? It feels like I can’t breathe. I hate that I look at San and think of our San. I hate that I can’t move on, that I have to learn to live with this feeling. That I have to remember him for longer than I’ve known him. I am trying. I pretend that laughing doesn’t hurt so much and I force myself to think of work so my mind doesn’t dwell on it too long. I miss him, Seonghwa,” you look at him. His face is barely lit in the shadows, but you see how he rests his head on his hand, watching you. “I thought I was over it already. I thought I moved on. But thinking about it just makes me want to cry. And now that San is gone it feels like I’m losing someone I care about all over again when I shouldn’t feel that way. I’ve barely spent time with him, I…”
“You know it’s not our San,” Seonghwa whispers. “I know you know.”
“But I don’t know I know.”
“No, you do. Somewhere deep down you do. I see the way you look at him, y/n. The face startles you for the briefest of moments, but you settle within yourself. Grief doesn’t go away, we just learn to live with it. And I know it’s scary, believe me. But this is for you. This is all for you.”
“What do I do, then?”
“What do you want to do?” He smiles, brows raised. “Whatever you decide, I’ll be here. I told you I won’t leave you. Don’t listen to what I said before. I trust that fucking robot despite it all. It’s something about him. Even San wasn’t half as annoying as him.”
You snicker, “I would have left him years ago if he were. God,” you drag your hand over your face, closing your eyes. “I’ve got to go after him. They’ll lock him up and dispose of him before he gets anywhere.”
“Good. Now go please,” Seonghwa waves you off. “I’ve already dealt with the Dune duo, and would like to have at least some semblance of peace tonight.”
“We wouldn’t have been going through this right now if you weren’t being such an ass earlier,” you stand, grabbing your already packed bag off a stool. He waves you off again, groaning when you rub his hair, locks tangled. “Thank you though. I think it would have been worse if I went without realizing that I care for the droid.”
“You’re welcome~” he murmurs, lifting the blanket and tucking himself further into the sheets. You whisper a goodnight, swinging the door open. Just as you begin to think about where exactly San could be, you spot a familiar face resting against the wall. His eyes adjust in the dark hallway, a smile slowly forming on his lips when he meets your eyes.
“You never left?”
He shakes his head, “It felt like you didn’t want me to go. I wanted to be sure.”
You lean against the wall, following him as he rises to his feet, “You heard everything then?”
His eyes widened, “I cannot hear through walls.”
“Oh? Because I distinctly remember you telling me that walls cannot block the sound from your auditory systems-”
“Shall we go?” He quickly moves around you, stumbling slightly over a loose piece of wood, walking faster than you’ve ever seen from him. You laugh behind him, jogging behind to catch up.
Most citizens barely give the two of you a glance. In your own town, you’d immediately be questioned, asked for his identification card and yours. But no one around here seems to care at all, keeping to themselves. You see more and more San androids lining the streets, the same ill feeling turning in your chest. But your San pulls you closer, letting his hands settle in yours as you walk through the streets. You’re thankful for it, your heart and stomach settling down enough to distract from the horror of seeing his face everywhere you look, being touched by strangers.
“It’s not too far ahead,” San narrows his eyes, flicking over the landscape. Approximately a few more meters or so. Do you believe they will allow us to meet the Anarchist?“
“To be completely honest with you,” you almost trip over a crack in the sidewalk but San immediately lifts you with ease, guiding you forward. “I doubt they’ll let us into the building, let alone a conference with the Anarchist. We’re nobodies. Well, maybe not you, but I am. I have a plane, though.” Seonghwa seemed to believe that Yunho’s name carried weight. Maybe it carries enough weight that you’ll be able to enter the building.
The two of you ascend the large stone staircase. You pull your hand from San’s hold just as you make it to the top, immediately swarmed by several guards. San stands closer to you, hand slowly wrapping around your hip, pulling you close to his side.
“I’m here for the Anarchist.”
“What is your business girl?” One of the guards ask.
“I’ve spoken to Yunho…” you start, seeing if it gauges a reaction from any of them. “And he told me that the Anarchist would meet me under any circumstance.”
“And you know Yunho?” Another asks, brow raised.
“I do.”
“Name, girl.”
A few stand by you as one disappears into the building, hand resting on a communication device attached to his temple. Unknown weapons rest on their hips. It’s a longshot - you interacted with Yunho one time before disappearing for days. It’ll be a miracle if he’d even remember your name, let alone let you see the Anarchist. San tightens his grip on you once you see the building open once more. The guard nods at the others, and they push the two of you forward.
“The Anarchist is free to see you.”
“It worked,” he mumbled. “Perhaps this Yunho does have power in the ruling class.”
“Maybe he does,” you say back, slowly following the guards. The building is massive, ceilings taller than you’ve ever seen, glass artwork lining the walls. Wealth in every corner of the building. One of the treasures resting behind the glass could feed your compound for months on end. Though you’re here for San only, it makes you wonder. Would the Anarchist even listen to a plea like that? He knows how his people live in poverty, it’d be moronic of him not to know.
“Sir, your guests have arrived.” The guard says just outside a door. It’s quite anti-climatic compared to the lavish hallways you’ve walked through. Perhaps the man himself is a minimalist? You expect the guards to stay behind but they immediately exit the vicinity, leaving you and San to stand at the closed door. It takes a moment for him to come out, a part of you wondering if he is even in there or if he took a bathroom break, until the door swings open.
You take a step back, brows furrowed at the man who greets you at the door. His expression seems to match yours, a small smile spreading on his face.
“I couldn’t believe my ears when they told me that y/n was here with a malfunctioning Android. Quite appalling, even. Imagine my surprise when I open the door to find the two of you standing here.” He laughs, pushing it further ajar. “Enter, please. The guards are not allowed to witness my face. But you have already.”
San enters first, waiting patiently for you to follow. You pull yourself out of the initial shock, squeezing past the man to enter his room. It’s nothing spectacular, an ordinary bed sits next to a desk in the far corner. Artwork lines the walls, but it isn’t eye-catching enough for you to linger on it for long. The opposing wall to the entrance has a wall of windows to gaze upon the city, lighting up the room without a need for actual lamps. The lock clicks shut behind you.
“You are the Anarchist?” You turn back to him. “Why were you at my facility if you are the most powerful man in the world? It makes no sense–”
“Too many questions and lingering ends, y/n. The Anarchist is able to move anywhere he likes because there are only a few who know what he truly looks like. You happen to be one, now,” he hums.
“I don’t understand,” you admit.
"Ever heard of the Wizard of Oz?" You stare blankly at him, and his sigh only deepens. "It makes you wonder how the world can continue living in such a way, when our people do not even know references such as that."
"A problem you created."
"Oh, you poor woman," He tsks, tilting his head as he gazes at you. "You believe all of this, the hierarchy system, the government, is because of me? The Anarchist? Don't you believe someone would've taken my place by now?" He steps around you, glancing briefly at how San moves closer to you. It's nothing you notice through your fury. He opens the curtains, gesturing for you to move forward. San follows immediately, stepping in between the two of you as you look out.
The city is bright, advertising several different models of androids across billboards, light brighter than you've ever seen. You're used to the darkness, the creatures of the night. Seeing such vast technology, things you've never heard of just outside the window… more than culture shock. Yunho hums, resting his hand against the glass.
"The Anarchist started the revolution years ago but his time has passed. This position is only a figurehead. I follow the word of counsel. My grandfather was the first Anarchist, yes, but after that we hold nothing. No power, no control. I haven't said a word that wasn't scripted by them my entire life. The only reason I'm in this position is because they want me to. I'd be eliminated if they found no use for me anymore, y/n. And that is why I thought it best that I let some androids go before the human memories were removed." he nods at San. "I told you to become an engineer, to follow me into that building for a reason. I wanted one of them to find you, to convince you to come here."
The words seem to jumble together as you stare out the window. This was all contrived? A plan to get you to see how the world works? But who would care about what you think? You're nothing in comparison to everything else.
"The people are tired," Yunho continues to explain. "The rule of the Anarchist is not necessary anymore. They need a new leader, someone like them. Someone who understands rebellion. Who has lived in the lower classes, who knows how it feels to starve–"
"No." You interrupt immediately. "I'm not going to become this leader of a rebellion, Yunho. I came here so that you can–" You stop, looking at San. He waits patiently for you to speak. You came here so that he will be eliminated. So that you could continue your mundane life, live as you once did. Yet despite your initial purpose, it's not what you want any longer. San being taken away, this San. You can't imagine a world with him gone. "I came here because San wanted to."
"You follow the words of an Android?" Yunho's brow quirks. "For what reason? You could have lived a life of comfort and yet you chose to take this journey to see the Anarchist because a robot wanted you to. Do you hear yourself?"
"If someone you loved were turned into androids, and one of them still had the memories of them, would you turn down their request? Would you?"
Yunho thinks for a moment, before shrugging. "Unfortunately, I haven't the experience to confirm yes or no. There's no one in this world that I care about, or who cares for me. But I empathize with your position. I can see why he has swayed you. What is it you want then, droid? What has San the human wanted you to do?"
"It seems unnecessary now," San starts. His eyes roaming over yours. It's a curious expression now, but you can see the gears in his head turn. "The human, Choi San, wanted you to keep the promise that you gave him when you died. But it seems to be the case, already. Will you continue to protect her?"
"What are you saying?" You ask, but he ignores you, staring intently at Yunho.
"I have since he died, though not intentionally. She has kept up her part of the bargain so I have as well."
You try pushing past the solid frame of San to stand directly in front of Yunho but he stops you with an arm. Just as you begin to glare he silences you with a look. If it's important, this important to fight to get here, you need to know. You need to know what this was all for.
"Isn't it fair to tell her? You've risked her life bringing her here. San would be upset."
He clenches his fists at the words, shaking his head. "He explicitly said in his memories that I couldn't. That she would be upset."
"You drag me out here and you won't tell be what the fuck you're going on about?" You scoff, moving away from him to stand by the opposing window. "At least I know it's the truth. San always liked to hide the important things from me. Like dying." The dryness of the back of your throat slowly spreads as you hold back your tears. Fuck him, fuck this robot, fuck Yunho. You fought for him to get to the Anarchist only to be kept in the dark again. Just as you always were. Just as you'll remain.
You could only laugh.
"y/n, please –"
"Don't." You hold up your hand.
"If the Anarchist would like to discuss it, he may. But I cannot. My apologies." He stops talking, stepping a bit back.
Yunho considers the two of you for a moment. He then sighs. "Just as San was dying," Yunho starts. "He was insistent on meeting me. There was no reason to. People who signed the contracts were always given the same terms. But before he died, he wanted a brief discussion with me."
"The room was only lit by a small candle in the corner. I didn't often enter the slums, only for appearances that were required. So seeing the condition of the medical center was shocking in itself. There was nothing I could do, of course. So I entered. He was in the middle of the bed. Despite how sickly he looked, he let out a breath of relief when I entered. I kept my mask on. He asked if I would speak to him alone. I have to admit, I hesitated. The counsel would kill me themselves if they found out. But I told the doctors and nurses to leave the room so that I would speak to him alone. He thanked me for visiting him. Then he cursed my life."
Yunho laughs, "The kid was dying but I never saw someone so lively. After that, he asked for a favor. That he had someone he loved. He was choked up a bit as he spoke. Told me her name was y/n. That he worried for her when he would be gone. He asked me to take care of you, to make sure you were okay. To save you if you were in trouble. I agreed. I mean, I never saw you. Didn't know who you were. So I promised a dying man I'd protect someone I never heard of. And I have to admit, I forgot about it. Until I heard that they were going to kill a woman named y/n for disassembling an android. I looked at your file. Found out you were the woman that man was talking about years ago. Found out about your parents. So I decided to come down to the facility and save your life. I decided that I'll finally keep up my end of the bargain. Then you know the rest."
He leans against the wall, staring at you. "You don't have to become a rebel leader if you don't want to. I'll find someone else. Just because I was dragged into this since I was born doesn't mean I want anyone else to be. It's always been a choice for you. You can say no."
Yunho grins, "Well then that's settled. Unfortunately though, I can't let this android continue walking about with your dead lover's memories. Going to have to erase those before someone tapes into it, yeah?" He walks to his desk, digging through.
"Wait! His memories, all of them? They'll be gone?"
He nods, then pauses. "Only the old ones. The ones that you've made since the two of you have met will still be intact. He will just never remember anything that Choi San has thought of. An almost blank slate," He grins, looking at him. "Ready?"
He nods. Just as he moves close to Yunho you grab his arm. your heart pounding. San looks down at you, a resigned smile on his lips. "Yunho has promised that I would not leave your side. It's quite alright."
"San–" So many feelings are bubbling inside of you. Most are confused, hurt. "Don't forget me."
His expression softens. "How could I?" He rests his hand on yours, letting your fingers entwine. You moved forward to Yunho’s side. He only laughs, shaking his head. He holds a small device to San's temple, pressing a small button. San's eyes darken, completely black. You see green numbers flash across the surface, before disappearing. As quickly as it appeared it's gone.
"He will be disoriented for a bit. But it'll be quick. No longer than a few minutes and he'll be back to how he was. A strange fucking android," he snorts. "You can stay in the guest rooms for the night. Then be on your merry way in the morning, please. Seonghwa already knows where to go. My offer from before hasn't changed. Just at a different location."
"Seonghwa's here?" You widen your eyes. Hongjoong promised you he’d take care of him, so you doubt that the authorities somehow ransacked his place. It’s been standing too long for the government to intervene that easily. "He's okay?"
"Might not walk again, but he's alright. You should see him with San. His room is across from yours."
You look at San, his expression blank. It reminds you of the first androids. Unable to speak, talk. Though your trust is minimal when it comes to Yunho, you trust San. And he promised that he wouldn't forget you. Your enclosed fingers tell you that much. You node slowly, not bothering to utter a thank you. "The rebellion?"
"I'll live for a while, y/n. I'm sure there's someone out there I can recruit. No need to let your pretty mind worry about it. Now go, really. They'll be in here soon and I have to pretend to give a shit."
You hold San close, guiding him to the door.
"Hey, one more thing," Yunho stops you, glancing at San. "I told you earlier that I did not know love. That I never experienced it for myself. But I could tell he loved you, y/n. Who's love is so strong that his memories made an android find you and bring you to me? An emotion like that is hard to fake." He pauses. "Look, there's not that much good in this world. I know that first hand. But I truly believe he was a good one." He pats San's arm.
"Just like this android you have."
San still hasn’t pulled himself out of whatever Yunho has done to him, blindly guided by you through the hallways. Yunho told you exactly where Seonghwa was and it’s your first stop before leaving this place entirely. Taking Yunho’s offer and staying around a little while longer is the opposite of what you’d like. And making a decision without your friend’s input will only lead to worse circumstances. You turn down a corridor, not bothering to look behind you and see if someone is following. Just as you’re about to open another door, San stops completely. The tug is harsh, almost causing you to fall to the hardwood.
“What the hell, San,” you turn back to look at him. He stares at you, eyes flicking over your face, your body. Anger disappears with a blink, stepping a bit closer to him. “Hey, you alright?”
“I haven’t forgotten you, y/n.” Your smile is small, but he notices it. “I promised I wouldn’t forget you.”
“I’m happy you didn’t. Let’s go see Seonghwa now, yeah?”
“Wait just a moment, y/n,” his hold is tighter. He glances at the door, turning on his heel and pushing open the one just across the hall. He shuts it rather loudly, chest rising and falling quickly.
“Are you sure everything is okay?”
He closes his eyes for a brief moment, shaking his head. “Not quite.”
“Did he erase anything? Do we need to go back-”
He continues shaking his head, “No, no. That isn’t it. y/n, I believe this is the right time to tell you before we continue further.” He takes a long breath, swallowing slowly before meeting your eyes.
“Choi San loved you,” San starts. For the first time since you’ve met him he looks utterly confused. Each word that falls from his lips overlaps, hands trembling. “My fondness for you from the very beginning was contrived because of his care for you. I ignored the feelings because it is his, not mine. But when my memories were removed, erased, this… weight in my chest has not gone away. I thought something was wrong, perhaps my processes have been compromised. But you turned to me and smiled. At that moment, I remembered. That this is what it feels like to love someone. But I cannot have emotions like humans. I cannot feel how you feel. And yet I cannot come up with any other solution. Even as I say these words I cannot look at you because I am afraid. I am afraid that you will hate me. y/n, I have never been afraid of anything since I was created.” He tightens his hands into fists, closing his eyes. “The thought of losing you, not seeing you again. I do not have the engineering capabilities to breathe because it is not needed, so it is strange that it would feel as if my breath is gone.”
“Love is not a choice, you have taught me that since our journey. And despite how all-consuming this feeling is, I’d never want it to escape me. I would like to love you for a long time.”
You take a step forward, placing your hands on either side of his face. His eyelashes flutter, gaze immediately on yours. You can see the irises expand as they meet yours, the almost humming sound as his gears move. He feels warm. His skin feels unfamiliar despite the face you’ve loved for a long time being on his. It is funny, now that you think of it. Because even if he didn’t look like your San, if he was completely and utterly different, you’re sure this feeling wouldn’t go away. Because you don’t love him like you love San. Loving Choi San was simple, easy. It was comforting, calming. You’re sure you’ll love him until your last breath.
But loving this android, Choi San. It is scary, to say the least. He’s not human, and he will never be. He does not quite understand emotions, love. He’s made plenty of mistakes along the way. Hurt you in ways you cannot describe just by being. The love that you have for him is raw. New. It is a love that you’ve wanted for a long time without even knowing.
“I would like for you to love me for a long time,” you say aloud. Your thumb runs across the sculptured curve of his face, softer than you’d think. “I tried to pretend I didn’t want it. I ignored it because I was afraid of your love. It is innocent, new. I’m scared of sullying you. I don’t want you to think I love you because of the familiarity, because I did really hate you in the beginning. I hated that you’ve stolen his face. So it’s so silly now, looking at you.” Your lip quivers, teeth creating a light indent in your lips. “I want you to know that I love you. Despite pushing the feelings away, despite hiding them, I love you. And I’m so happy that you love me too. But you have to know.”
“I miss him. I miss him so, so much. I don’t know if I can look at you and never not see him. And that really scares me, San. I don’t want you to think you’re replacing him when you’re not. I don’t want you to think that. But what if one day, all of this goes away? What if one day while we’re together, I tell you that I’ve never loved you? That I’m still in love with San? I don’t want to hurt you. I,” you sigh. “I don’t even know how you hurt, and I’m so worried about it. I’ve destroyed myself enough over grief. I can’t let it destroy you too.”
He smiles, his hand slowly cupping your cheek, holding your face steady. You almost flinch at the soft touch, for you have not felt such a tender way of loving since he’s passed. It is strange how love makes you feel as if his hand always belonged against your skin. “If I truly feel grief, that just means that I did love you. And it will hurt if someday you tell me those words. And I will mourn us. But you make me… warm. Tender. I will not beg for you to stay. As I have said in the past, I trust you. And I trust your words. I hope you will trust mine.”
“This is foolish,” you whisper. He laughs. It is not like your San’s. It is his own. It will always be his own.
“Then aren’t we a pair of fools?”
You go to push him playfully but he wraps the swinging arm around his neck instead, tilting his head to let your lips press against his. They’re tentative, sloppy. Hands shaking as he holds your face delicately, tongue tracing your lips.
“I love you,” you whisper just as your lips part, leaning into his touch more. He gasps against your mouth, his hands sliding down your back. They’re hesitant, resting just above your hips. You move your arms away from his neck, guiding his hands to rest directly on you. His grip is light, as if he’s afraid of hurting you. It only makes your heart swell more. “I love you,” you repeat softly. You move your hands away from them, and without hesitation, he presses you against the wall just by the door. His hands roam over your body, anxiously and frantic, wanting to touch every part of you.
He breathes heavily, teeth biting lightly on your bottom lip. “I’ve wanted you for a while,” he admits, fingers sliding underneath your shirt. They’re warm against your skin, seeming to heat up the more skin he unveils. “Did you want me too?”
“More than you know,” you whisper against his lips, and he shivers. His hands move off your body, forehead resting lightly on yours. “Okay?”
“I… I don’t want you to think that I confessed only for me to make love to you, y/n. That is not what I want, I swear that to you.”
You rest your head against the wall, waiting until he meets your eyes. He finally does, face flushed. Your hand cups his cheek, “I know that. I don’t want to push you into anything, San. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”
“You will wait for me?” His eyes dilate. “How long will you wait?”
You let out a laugh, “I can live without sex, San. I love you and that’s all I need. Now that is what I swear to you.”
San leans forward, hesitating. He keeps his eyes open as he moves closer. You’ve never seen an android nervous, but here he is. He closes his eyes, a moan escaping his lips once they touch yours. His hands move from resting against the wall to pull you closer to him, his rushed kissing more hesitant now, calmer. His hands slowly roam over your body, “Can I see you?”
“Yes,” you murmur. His fingers slowly lift your top, placing it on the side.
“I love you,” he says again, fingers tracing each mark on your skin, most you’ve gotten from injuries working at the facilities. There’s no malice or disgust in his eyes, pupils filled with happiness. “I really like you.”
You can’t help but giggle along with him. Wonder fills his gaze as he stares at you. You yelp when he lifts you with ease, guiding you to the bed across the room. He drops you against the sheets, hovering above you. His hands follow the line of your body, stopping at the top of your pants. Somewhere along the way you’ve slipped off your shoes, San still covered completely in his clothing. He pauses, eyes studying yours. You nod, watching as his fingers slip beneath the waistband.
“My programs are still intact,” he murmurs, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to the skin beneath your belly button. “But many are suggesting I make love to you with vigor, fast. I can see for you that’s not the case,” he rests his head against your thigh, content filling his gaze. “You seem to react to my slower touches well.” He pulls your pants all the way down now, moving his head out of the way to drop them to the floor. Your thighs tighten, his gaze immediately moving to yours. “Hm?” His fingers pause. “Is this okay?”
“It’s okay, San. I want to see you.”
“I want to see you first,” he pouts, tilting his head. “Please?”
He pulls your underwear to the side, lids heavy. His fingers slip into you with ease, your hands gripping the sheets below you. He moves them slowly, curving them slightly as he watches your expression, a small smile crossing his lips when you moan. They move slowly but steady, his pace almost lazy. Your body trembles as you try to focus on him, but he rubs his thumb against your clit, sight blurring.
“You’re so pretty, y/n. You look so pretty with my fingers inside of you.” he s smiles against your tights, pressing a light kiss to the skin. “Would you like me to stop?”
“No… I’m,” you reach for his hand but he stops it with the other, thumb against your clit quickening, fingers curling inside of you as he pumps, quickening his pace. The sound of your wetness echoes around the room as you moan low, moving your hips in rhythm with his strokes. “San…”
“I know,” he whispers. “Let go.” He rubs your clit earnestly, palm rubbing against it now. You gasp, your hips buckling as you grip his arm, fingers digging into his skin harshly. He slowly pulls his fingers out of you when you whine.
Without another word he moves off the bed, lifting his clothing and tossing it off the side of the bed. His figure is built, cock slipping from beneath his pants, curved as it rests against his lower stomach. It isn’t too big by any means, until he slowly begins to stroke it, hand wrapped around, thumb slowly rubbing his head. Your eyes widen as it grows larger, thicker. San wasn’t wrong when he told you the functions of the androids.
“How big?” he asks, eyes glued to yours. “How big do you want me?”
“Hm?” You stare at him in confusion, and he laughs. It’s the first cocky one you’ve heard from him – no pun intended – head tilting as he looks at you. How… big? He could change the size? Technology is definitely more advanced than you give it credit for. “Average?”
He thinks for a moment. It adjusts in his hands, toning down back to an average length and girth. You can only sigh in relief, leaning back against the sheets. The way it was going earlier, you were sure not even half of it would fit inside of you. You tremble at the mere thought.
He slowly crawls over you, the head of his cock resting at your entrance. He slowly slides it up at down, brushing lightly against your clit. It feels warm resting just before he enters you. “I love you,” he whispers again, slowly pushing inside of you. You reach out to grip his biceps as he enters, grip tight enough that if he weren’t him, you’d be afraid that you’re breaking skin. He breathes in and out quickly as he restrains himself from entering more, slowly moving out.
“My…” you’re unable to finish your sentence, “You can go all the way in, San,” you whisper. His eyes scan yours, before shaking his head. His hips slowly pick up a steady pace, the bed rocking against the wall as he groans.
“My capabilities aren’t tested properly, I’m afraid something will…” he sighs, resting his head against yours. “I want to be confirmed as safe before entering further, y/n,” he presses his lips against yours for a brief kiss. He rests his knees on either side of your legs as he grips your side, moans echoing around the room. He moves slowly, his strokes deep. His free hand encases your hip, trying his best to control his strength as he grinds into you. You’re squeezing his arms, thankful that there won’t be any residual markings.
“Fuck,” he murmurs. “You feel so good, so good around me. Made just for me.” His hand slides between your bodies, rubbing against your clit. “I want you to cum,” he groans. Your legs wrap around him, breath hitches as you tighten around him, hitting your peak.
“Oh,” he murmurs. You feel him release inside of you, shuddering slightly as you tighten your hold around his cock. He settles after a minute or so, the glow of cumming slowly surrounding the two of you. Still inside of you, he guides you to your side, pressing his lips against your temple.
“I love you,” he says again, blinking slowly.
“I love you,” you say again, laughing as he pulls you closer against him. He’s not sweaty at all in comparison to you, not bothered at the contact with his body. “San, I’m all gross–”
“San,” you tug lightly on his hold, and he pulls away enough for you to meet his gaze. “What are we going to do?”
There’s challenges with a relationship like yours. Your past is one thing, the blatantly obvious problem. But there’s so many others, so many obstacles for you to be happy with him. Endless issues that only seem to stack up as you think of it more and more. But San only presses his lips against your forehead, calming your heart with just that brief touch.
“I will be with you until the end.”
Seonghwa, rolling in on his wheelchair: Oh you fucked before making sure I’m alive? And you let the robot? A robot!
y/n: I can see that you’re fine and well, asshole.
Seonghwa: And what do you have to say for yourself, defective droid?
San, with a quite smug look on his face: You’re the one without a partner.
Seonghwa, gasping: Oh fuck you you little—
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tags: @sanshineeeeee @robin-obsessed @seonghwaddict @stopeatread​ @eburneon​ @sunukissed​ @lightinythedark​ @enbywoosan​ @moonsangie​ @xxxfaithkxxx​ @sannwa​ @sleepychimm @spooo00oky​ @roodles17​ @marsanhwa @onlyheretocausechaos​ @stardragongalaxy​ @kitten4sannie​ @baguette-atiny​ @a1sh1teruu​ 
760 notes · View notes
itsonlydana · 7 months
"passenger princess" | chapter two
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the hobbit | a modern!AU by itsonlydana
❱ pairing: Thranduil x fem!reader
❱ wordcount: 4,2k
❱ summary: meeting Thranduil; memories of first and past encounters
❱ warnings: alcohol, the usual swearing and bantering
❱ an: first look at the dadd.. father Thranduil! What do we think? hehe :)
general m.list + series m.list
🌿 reposts and comments are appreciated, they motivate me a lot - especially with longer projects <3
Thranduil's appearance shouldn't have surprised you that much, he was Legolas' father after all and owned the very table you sat at.
But here you were; hands clenched in your lap as you drank in the glorious sight of him.
Thranduil Oropherion took your breath away every time you saw him and now that you were slightly drunk and already caught unguarded more than ever.
As CEO of his law firm, he usually never drove home before midnight, so seeing him at a relatively early hour - a good quarter hour before 11 - was unusual.
On other occasions, when you found yourself at Legolas' place at a later hour, he would make a modest effort at conversation but promptly excuse himself to retire to his rooms.
Today, the man in front of you looked quite chipper, his sharp eyes wandered through the round before it lingered on you.
"You were far from getting her," Thranduil mocked his son, "or she wouldn't have lost interest so quickly. Though I doubt it had ever been there, had it?" He smirked.
You blushed under his gaze, which stayed on you as he slowly unbuttoned his long black coat with long and nimble fingers; it brought a diziness that wiped out everything in your mind.
"All tactics, Thranduil," you blurted out, though your voice threatened to break away.
Quickly, you took a sip of your now lukewarm beer. It did not help whatssoever.
After swallowing, you tipped the bottle toward the board, "When his mind is on his ego, he doesn't play quite as well and well, what kind of friend would I be if I didn't take complete advantage of that?"
At the indignant "Hey!" of your best friend, Thranduil laughed gravelly and warmly. "Very good tactics- you're such a clever girl."
Oh god.
His praise hit you right in the heart and before you could control yourself, the blood rushed hot to your cheeks.
You nodded, because now you knew you couldn't trust your voice.
With a dry throat, even though you had just finished drinking, you watched as he stripped off his coat, revealing one of those perfectly fitted brown suits that drove you crazy.
No ones Dad should be allowed to look this hot, right?
But of course, here he was; looking exactly what you imagined model agencies were after.
Legolas had to have gotten his looks from somewhere and one look was sufficient to pin point exactly from who.
They had the same long blonde hair, though Thranduil's flowed down his back like molten silver while Legolas embodied the warmth of sunshine in his blond strands.
Their features mirrored each other as well, from the enchanting light blue eyes to the dark eyebrows and prominent cheekbones, though then there were Thranduil's lips, tinged with a rosy hue, that, when curled into a smile, not only lit up his whole face but every cell in your body as well.
He was a total DILF, a more refined version of his equally beautiful son and wouldn't you've had befriended Legolas and met his father, you're sure that you would have become on of Las's admirers.
And oh Thranduil's height played into his imposing figure as well, around 6,5' tall and built with broad shoulders that flexed under his white shirt, tightening it as he folded his arms behind his back and walked toward your little round.
Unconsciously, your head moved along with his relaxed steps, following the swing of his hips and the casualty with which he loosened the tie around his neck. You admired him for his sauntering, no matter how he walked, how he stood and how he sat, he radiated an incomparable elegance.
He came to a stop right behind you, propped one hand on the back of your chair to lean down slightly, and you took in a cloud of his senses-thrilling perfume, rich and noble and underneath the smell of just him.
Leaning lightly against his fingers, you sensed the pressure of the rings adorning his slender hands against your back, prompting you to automatically straighten up.
If someone else behaved like you, the fawning, the blushing, gods– the giggling and utterly nonsense you could ramble whenever Thranduil was close, you would have called them completely ridiculous and a lovesick fool.
It had taken a lot of effort to face what your body, your heart, your soul and your whole being demanded.
That it was the father of your best friend hadn't necessarily made it easier for you.
The first time you met Thranduil Oropherion was at the end of the second semester, on a night that, while seeming ordinary, marked a turning point in your life.
It was mid-February, the day of your last exam before the semester break. An exam with Professor Sauron on the last day—seriously, who came up with such sadistic ideas?
Frustrated, you decided the only logical solution was to hit your favorite bar.
The cozy joint quickly filled up with your fellow students. Fast forward a few hours, and there you were, getting schooled by Aragorn in Beer Pong, winning a drinking contest against Gimli, and belting out "Mr. Brightside" with Legolas on karaoke. Looking back, it had to be one of your finest performances. The two of you would get compliments for "rocking that shit" that never really ended.
So, none of you were in any shape to catch the usual bus back home.
Surprisingly, even Aragorn, who usually doesn't party to the point of a near coma like you, was holding his own with the beer. Plus, there wasn't enough cash left for a cab.
You pushed the problem aside until the bar shut off the music in the wee hours, and the remaining patrons were tossed into the night.
Confronted with the cold February air, you had to make a quick decision; none of you wanted to spend the semester break sick in bed.
So, Legolas, after fumbling with his cell phone and struggling to find the right number in his contacts, called his father.
It was only after the short call, in which Legolas slurred a "See you soon, Ada," that you thought about whether you had just woken the man up.
Although Legolas assured you several times how little his father slept and that he had likely been working, you couldn't help but worry about your first encounter with your best friend's father.
The few details you had managed to extract from the blonde, who had fallen asleep on your shoulder, were that he's "totally cool as long as I don't barve over the seats" and that his name was Thranduil.
It was a name that now rolled smoothly over your tongue, strange and enticing, and that he wasn't just a lawyer but owned an entire law firm, "the one that took down that one asshole, y'know?"
Knowing Legolas, his grades and the level of intelligence he had whenever he wasn't in love or drunk, it made sense that his father had cared a great deal about his education.
That you felt sick to your stomach and nervous about meeting the man was an understatement. There was a part in you that was ready to run into the night as to avoid meeting your best friends father drunk and barely dressed; and that for the first time.
A man so firm in his attitudes about work and education surely had no joy in picking up his son, drunk as hell, in the middle of the night or playing cab driver for his equally drunk friends.
Those thoughts vanished as soon as a sleek black sports car pulled up in front of the sidewalk and he stepped out.
He could've been Legolas older brother by the looks of them.
Adorned, as usual, in impeccably coordinated slacks and a crisply pressed shirt, this time in a striking bordeaux hue, Thranduil exuded a forbiddingly handsome presence.
The long platinum hair framed his face, pulled up into a ponytail, and his piercing eyes thoroughly surveyed you as he stepped out.
Even if your ass was freezing off on the stone, you were glad to be sitting down. Your legs had turned into jelly as you peared up.. and up and up those long legs.
His first words caught you off guard.
You had expected a lecture about your drinking habits or a mocking comment along the lines of: "partied a little too hard, did we?"
However, the first thing Thranduil said was a warm, "You'll catch your death out there, hop in!" before ushering you into the car.
Wrapped in a surprisingly cozy blanket he provided, you sat in the passenger seat moments after loading a still-dozing (and very much drooling) Legolas into the back seat with Gimli and Aragorn. It wasn't a long drive, but the heated seats and the exhaustion of the day quickly lulled the boys into a sleep you couldn't share.
Determined to stay awake, to make a good impression on Thranduil, you wanted to talk to him and thank him for the ride.
Somehow, you couldn't manage to open your mouth. Instead, it was he who broke the silence with a lowered voice at a red light.
"You must be the woman Legolas won't stop talking about," he stated, your name rolling off his tongue, and at your nod, he smirked. "Legolas has told me so much about you that I wondered when I might finally meet you."
Your eyes were glued to the man at the wheel, not just because of his handsome face and the way he pronounced your name. The last part would have you swooning, wondering how your own name could sound so... sensual on anyones lips.
It was easy to fall into conversation with him after that, even if the beginning was a bit bumpy on your part due to sobering up. You may have forgotten what seminars you took and completly got off road babbling about the books you needed to read, that didn't matter though.
Thranduil listened to you, looked at you, and responded to your stories and opinions with such interest and wit that something in you was released, something that would stay with you for a long time.
He did it a lot now, watching you, looking at you and like, really looking at you with his cerulean eyes that broke through every wall you've ever built around yourself.
It was clear from the beginning that this wasn't some boy like the ones you went on dates with before.
He was a man who showed his interest in what you had to say and what you thought because he was interested in you and not because he wanted to get into your pants.
While Thranduil wasn't always there, making himself sparse whenever the four of you got too loud for him or giving you the freedom to use the house as a second home, those moments where he did join you left an even greater indent in your heart that slowly carved a Thranduil-sized shape into the muscle.
Take last winter for example.
Christmas was coming closer every day, bringing with it the usual hustle of cramming in study sessions for the last exams to be taken while trying to work through the bullet list of activities that Legolas had planned.
They were more meticulous and even color coordinated which made a fine example of his study habits when you tried to quiz him on one of the many topics and all he could list was when and where the first Christmas markets would open. He hadn't even bothered to fake taking an interest in studying.
You loved him, very much so but he tested your skills on holding back and smacking him so much that you needed to get up and get out of the living room. Gimli and he would be alright if you left them alone for a second. Surely.
The afternoon sun filtered through the windows of the high entrance hall as you sat down on the stairs, shuffling through the flashcards you'd prepared in the hopes of getting at least some of the information into your overflowing, mushed brain.
At this point, your head must have been steaming, stuffed full with dates and people doing this because of that, and the historical development of words that you needed to explain other words– it went on and on, building up to a scarily high stack of cards and notes.
You just made yourself as comfortable as one could, perched on one of the steps, leaned against the wall, and feet crossed at the ankles and your back hunched over one of the cards, as one of the doors upstairs opened and closed, followed by footsteps and then, an amused huff.
"Why am I not surprised to find one of you doing yoga on the stairs?"
You snapped up, a sharp sting zipping through you at the sudden movement and you winced, glancing up to the top of the stairs.
"Yoga? Why the hell– sorry, shit.."
Then, your feelings for Thranduil had been simmering on high heat, a new development of the crush that slowly but surely grew out of control.
There was a duality tearing you in two different directions.
1. he was still Mister Oropherion, Legolas's father, a respectable man in society (after the first meeting you had frantically googled him, lying under the stuffy blanket in your dorm and tried to find out as much as you could through newspaper articles and zooming into pictures) and he radiated power, influence.
2. He was Thranduil as well, loving and caring not just to his son but to his friends as well, always making time after a long day at work to ask how you all were and if you needed anything. He drove you around whenever none of you could anymore, he laughed at your jokes and teased, smirking at you, watching you over the rim of his reading glasses…
How were you supposed to act around him if not like a total fool?
Thranduil raised a hand to his mouth and pressed his thumb against his lip which obviously twitched into an amused smile at your attempt to sort out this situation.
"That position you were in just now resembled one I did in my morning yoga course this morning," Thranduil explained as he made his way down, stopping two steps behind you.
"Yoga," you repeated quite horse at the mental image of this man twisting his long body– no no no this was not what should occupy your mind right now, most definitely not.
"However, I see I was incorrect," he continued and nodded the tip of his chin down at the flashcards. "Not as much fun as yoga."
You made a sound somewhere between a distressed wail and laughter. "No this is so much fun, actually. I think I'm having too much fun; nothing else I wanna do other than burn the reasoning for a man doing whatever into this nuggin'"
And while you were alright at it, you knocked your own palm against your forehead, hoping that it would delete some useless information out of there to make room.
It did nothing of the sorts, why would your head cooperate for once in your lifetime exactly when Thranduil was taking another step, right over you and sat down on your other side– one step lower.
The height difference allowed him to have an inch on you nonetheless, presenting you with a close-up of his jawline and the ivory curve of his neck and shoulder line that peeked under his cashmere sweater.
"C'mon," he said and held out his hand.
Your brain was short-circuiting, running hot trying to figure out if you should take it with your hand.
Thranduil chuckled and reached over, taking the stack of cards out of the tight grip of your hands that loosened at the brush of fingertips against skin.
He shuffled through them as well, looking over your handwriting and that alone felt so much more intimate than anything else he had ever done.
Here he was, sitting next to you, his eyes following the brush of your pen and you wondered if he saw the sharp slants of the t's and the dots on the i's and if there was a universe where he thought about his name in your handwriting.
He must have said something for suddenly he lifted his head and looked at you, still staring.
His eyes, the brightest of blue, wandered back and forth on your face, moving and examining and though you were scared he was figuring it out, putting puzzle pieces together that revealed a picture of your desire, you couldn't find it in you to look away.
You imagined kissing him. Press your mouth against those soft and pink lips and finally get it done and over with.
You blinked.
And drew back first.
Thranduil's head inclined the tiniest bit, a quizzing glance in his last glance before he cleared his throat and leaned back against the wall. The winter sun warmed your cheeks and the fuzzy socks on your feet knocked against the banister as you situated yourself again.
This was alright.
Not the right time for kissing your best friend's father but spending time with him filled that part in you that arched for the slightest ounce of attention that he could spare.
And if this was studying in their hallway, you would be alright.
"So… please explain to me what happened in the year–"
"Things don't seem to be in your favor," Thranduil remarked in the present as he examined the board.
Meanwhile, Gimli, who had momentarily slipped your mind in the haze of thoughts about him and the pleasant warmth coursing through your body from both him and the alcohol, burst into laughter.
"Well," you swallowed hard and forced yourself to look away from Thranduil and back at the table.
You didn't have to look at your friends to see the smirk on their faces.
At first, you had wanted to keep your secret to yourself, but damn Gimli, Legolas, Aragorn, and the evening after one of the harder exams that had loosened your tongue and pulled at your words bit by bit until all your insides poured out, just like the tears that came from finally being able to share this part of you.
Now you had to live with the consequences, the wagging eyebrows whenever Thranduil said something, the giggling as if you were ten and not in your twenties, and if that wasn't frustrating enough, the three of them conspired in a manner that they could disappear as soon as they had to chance to leave you and Thranduil alone.
You searched for your voice for a moment: "Who knows how the game will turn out? I've been clinging for what feels like an eternity to this money and the few rents I can collect. After all, these idiots ripped off street after the other."
"You brought this on yourself," Aragorn replied, rolling the dice.
You hadn't noticed Legolas' move at all, and from the grins on the faces of the three of them, dread gripped you as you anticipated something truly mischievous.
"What have you... Legolas!" you almost shrieked when you saw his rider on your street. "Why didn't you say anything?" you asked aloud, glaring angrily into the round, only to have cheeky-looking faces flashing back at you.
Aragorn started to walk his figure, but you leaned far over the table, grabbing his wrist with one hand. "No.. no, that doesn't count! We were on a break!" you tried to complain but got no encouragement.
Nice friends you had chosen.
Not even Aragorn, who usually took no sides, now raised his shoulders in a quick shrug.
"I said I'm gonna continue," Legolas sang. You saw his lips continue to speak, but the words sounded muffled in your ears, "It's not our fault if you were distracted"
This pure audacity.
The disrespect.
The nerve of this blonde headed idiot!
You wanted to scream, you wanted to shake the mirk out of his face, but all you did was nail him to the chair with a pointed stare.
To no avail.
The guy was building up immunity to that scarily fast. In no time soon, you would need to find another way to shut him up.
The blood burned your face as you let yourself fall backward.
Not the smartest idea, because as soon as your back made contact with Thranduil's hand, you sucked in a sharp breath, a sound that didn't escape the man behind you.
The only thing you could think of to somehow save yourself from the situation was to cross your arms in front of your chest desperately.
Like a defiant child, you pushed your lower lip forward and jutted your chin up. "Alright, let's play unfair."
Behind you, Thranduil smirked.
His breath hit your cheeks hotly as he leaned down to your height all at once, and the butterflies in your stomach fluttered. "No matter how you play, dirty or not, destroy them for me, okay sweetheart?"
As if his proximity wasn't already the catalyst for the endorphin explosion and clouding your perception of everything else but him, the way the pet name 'sweetheart' rolled loosely over his tongue made your heart skip a beat.
Fuck, you were so fucked.
"Of course," you managed to bring out just barely.
Your voice had jumped up the scale so far it could have been a squeak. If you tried to think about why he'd unpacked that pet name out of the blue, your brain would probably have gone up in smoke.
Or you would have gone crazy.
Neither seemed like a really promising option and so you played it cool, throwing him a smile and then reaching for the dice.
You felt Thranduil straighten up again, heard the soft rustle of his fine suit pants, and forced yourself to concentrate on moving your figure along and placing it, thank heavens, to a prison visiting field.
"You're home early, Ada," mumbled Legolas, a handful of sour gummy worms between his teeth as his sticky fingers accepted the dice.
Behind you, Thranduil now propped himself up with both hands on your backrest, his tall figure casting a shadow on the board in front of you in the dim light of the kitchen, making your thoughts, as well as your breath, catch.
He was so much taller than you, his shadow engulfing yours completely.
"Would you believe me if I said I was hoping to see my son after a long week at work?" he asked, and for a moment you thought you felt his thumb brush your shoulder blades.
But the feathery touch disappeared so quickly that you weren't sure it had even been there.
"Ay, I'd rather have stayed at work then," interjected Gimli as he slid a few bills to Aragorn and exchanged them for a road, "Seeing Las shitfaced is not a pretty sight" He laughed, though Legolas rolled his eyes.
"Or seeing him in general," you interjected. Again all your bones vibrated at Thranduil's laughter.
Then a dull pain ran through you and, gasping, you looked under the table where Legolas was just pulling his leg back. "You little shit!" you gasped, but the blonde only stuck his tongue out at you.
"My Lady," Aragorn slid the dice to you, probably just in time before Legolas and you erupted into another discussion.
"I'll be in the living room in the meantime if anyone is looking for me. And please," Thranduil's tone made you tilt your head back in your neck so you could look up at him. He looked at one after the other of you "it would be very nice if I didn't run into another one of you half-naked in the morning," he spoke and his eyebrows shot up at Gimli who promptly toasted him with the bottle.
"Of course, Mr. O! In the future, I will not present Mother Nature's gifts until lunchtime."
Thranduil rolled his eyes with a grin and turned away from your group.
In the corner of your eye, you followed him, watching as he disappeared around the corner to the living room.
The room remained silent, music extracted, and as you looked to your friends, you heaved a sigh. "Can we please not talk about this?"
"I don't know what about," Gimli asked, looking to Legolas "Do you know what she might mean Las?"
Legolas shook his head, one shoulder raised "I haven't the faintest idea. Aragorn?"
"Can't think of anything."
Grateful and relieved, you smiled at your boys.
"It's not like it's a big deal that your so down bad for my dad," Legolas interjected as casually as if he wasn't throwing your biggest secret into the room.
A room that was adjacent to the living room.
Your blood ran hot and hold.
"Legolas!" you hissed and paid him back with a well-deserved kick under the table.
Your heart was pounding up to your throat, Thranduil was sitting right there, next door, and Legolas was running his mouth? What was he thinking?
"Are you fucking serious right now?"
Unbothered, Legolas threw another gummy worm into his mouth, "C'mon, it's true."
"Oh my god, sure. He.. he shouldn't, no he can't know it though!"
To your surprise, Legolas giggled, "You can't make this up, guys," and Gimli joined in with laughter; even Aragorn hid his laughter behind a hand.
It seemed like you were out of the loop as if the joke had sailed right past you.
The only way the situation could have worsened was if Thranduil had emerged from the living room to share a laugh with the guys about whatever you had clearly overlooked.
Yeah, that would be the tip of the evening, Thranduil laughing in your face over the stupid crush you had.
"Oh, my dear friend," Aragorn leaned over to you, patting your thigh affectionately, "Someday, when you stop putting yourself in the way, you will finally see how the tides can turn."
Your eyebrows shot up questioningly, "Aragorn, I love you, you know that? But no more riddles, no more dallying. Let's just finish this game before I scream."
"Like we're the ones dilly-dallying around," you heard Legolas mutter into his bottle, but you didn't have the motivation to bring up the subject again, and with a roll of the dice you threw everyone else back into action as well.
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taglist [still open]: @mushroomemeralds @mssuguru @solartoge
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uynumeotp · 2 years
Vash and Wolfwood's infomations from an interview with Nightow (Trigun's author)
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Vash's Profile  Height: I haven't decided. But he's around 180 cm (5.9 ft) (5'11")
Name's origin : Stampede is a nickname/ street name. It means 'runaway cattle'.
Change in hair color: There is a reason. But I can't tell you yet.
Coat's weight: Not sure. It would be quite light so he can run and move in various ways.
Vision: Pretty good. His visual acuity is also good. Plus, his ability to make last-minute decisions in times of crisis and his reflexes to make the most out of close chances are what keep him alive. It's not like he has supernatural powers.
Living expenses: He also works as a bodyguard, etc... So I guess that's how he earns his daily money. It's stable and he doesn't use money wastefully.
How long it takes to get dressed: I haven't decided on that. Since he wears those clothes every day, wouldn't it be pretty fast?
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Wolfwood's Profile
Height: Not sure. But he is a little taller than Vash. About 1 to 2 cm taller (about 1 inches).
Name's origin: It's a pun. Tortoise Matsumoto is the model, so the name came from Ulfuls. The D in his middle name stands for "ドコノクミノモン ジャワレスマキニシテシズメタロ カコラ"(Dokonokuminomon Jawaresu Makinishi Teshizu Metallo Kakora) (laughs) TL Note: I think what he meant is the "Wolf" in WW's name (ウルフウッド) came from Ulfuls (ウルフルズ) - a Japanese rock band (The aforementioned Tortoise Matsumoto is the vocalist of the band) as a reference. The middle name, D, is "Where (D)o you belong?" It is an abbreviation of "Dokono~" in English. Smoking amount per day: I don't know. Well, I was thinking he would smoke a lot. But cigarettes seem expensive, so he might be smoking with a toothpick/stick.
Clothing (light clothing): The reason for the simple clothes is because it's would be hard to draw him holding the cross otherwise. The cross alone can make him stand out.
Dialect (he speaks in the Kansai dialect in Japanese): Since they are in an English-speaking setting, he is not actually speaking the Kansai dialect. Please think of it as an accent expression.
Gun's name: Punisher. Are you punishing the enemy or yourself?
Gun's weight: I feel like it weighs over a hundred-something kgs (> 240lbs). He carries it well. He must have great balance to be able to wield/swing it.
The size of the gun: about 170 cm (5.6 ft) (5'7") on the long side?
How long it takes to rewrap the cloth after using the gun: Not sure. I guess he would have to pick up the cloth, rewrap it, and carefully fasten it with belts. In order to look cool, you have to work on the little things.
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The 100 songs that changed metal (by Metal Hammer)
74. Within Temptation – Ice Queen (Mother Earth, 2000)
In the 90s, symphonic metal was more a glittering garnish than a scene in itself, something bands from Therion to Celtic Frost would sprinkle on their music to make it sparkle. And while the genre would start coming together into something more tangible towards the end of the decade, it wasn’t until a few years later that a song would emerge to put symphonic metal on the map.
That song was Within Temptation’s Ice Queen. A complete volte-face from the gothic doom of the Dutch metallers’ 1997 debut, Enter, it appeared on the follow-up, Mother Earth, in a flurry of lavish arrangements and fairytale histrionics. Buoyed by vocalist Sharon den Adel’s crystalline voice, it pushed metal towards a new frontier, quickly whipping up a buzz in mainland Europe. Ice Queen can take credit for being symphonic metal’s first major hit, pushing women to the forefront and influencing a brand new generation of bands.
81. Evanescence – Bring Me To Life (Fallen, 2003)
Evanescence’s debut single, Bring Me To Life, turned vocalist Amy Lee into a megastar. Arriving in 2003, when mainstream music was dominated by hyper-masculine men and overly sexualised pop stars, with her billowing long skirts, corset tops, arm socks and steely self-confidence, Amy redefined what a female artist could be, becoming a role model for millions of misfits and dreamers everywhere.
Despite its crunchy guitars and a rapped verse, courtesy of 12 Stones’ Paul McCoy – which Amy has since said she was forced to add by their label – Bring Me To Life’s cobwebby, goth fragility also brought something fresh to nu metal’s dick-swinging party, extending the mainstream’s flirtation with the genre for a little longer – as of 2019, it’s sold more than 3 million copies and has passed more than a billion streams on YouTube and Spotify.
82. Arch Enemy – We Will Rise (Anthems Of Rebellion, 2003)
We Will Rise was a huge song, not only for Arch Enemy but for the new generation of 21st-century melodic death metal they spearheaded. Guitarist Michael Amott had already laid down the melodeath blueprints with Carcass, while Arch Enemy themselves had already made three albums with singer Johan Liiva, but neither they nor anyone else had made an anthem quite like this.
As well as propelling the genre as a whole to greater heights and popularity, it provided a bigger platform for Angela Gossow – a hugely influential figure and one of the first prominent female vocalists to not only try but absolutely nail an extreme metal style. “Her emergence as a metal vocalist was, without hyperbole, revolutionary,” Svalbard’s Serena Cherry told us recently, and we’re not arguing.
84. Nightwish – Nemo (Once, 2004)
Nightwish didn’t invent symphonic metal, but alongside peers Within Temptation and Epica, they popularised it and packaged it to the masses. By 2004, the Finns had already established themselves as a major player in Europe, but with the sumptuous Nemo, they broke through on an unprecedented level.
No longer a niche concern in the geeky corners of the metal world, symphonic metal, in all its lavish, overwrought glory revelled under a global spotlight. Nemo’s fantastical magic, sparkling piano refrain and stirring melody has endured – it’s still the band’s best-known song – but its lasting image comes via its gothic music video, and then-singer Tarja Turunen singing in the snow in a blood-red coat. Nemo showed metal at its most fragile and beautiful.
95. Babymetal – Gimme Chocolate!! (Babymetal, 2014)
If elitists were tearing their hair out at the likes of Ghost, Bring Me The Horizon and Limp Bizkit being considered ‘metal’, then they might as well have just reached for the clippers for this one. The sight of three young Japanese girls rocking choreographed moves and singing sugary-sweet, J-pop-infused choruses about chocolate over heavy metal riffs was as shocking as it was delightful.
Babymetal hadn’t just broken the mould for metal, either; they’d given the West a fuller glimpse into the uniquely Japanese phenomenon of idol culture, and given the cutesy world of Kawaii a bigger global platform than ever. Overseen by band mastermind and producer extraordinaire, Key ‘Kobametal’ Kobayashi, Babymetal were unlike anything our world had seen before: equal parts hyper-polished girl band and full-on heavy metal experience, with their mysterious Kami Band backing musicians as formidable as any ‘proper’ metal band you could name.
Cynics moaned, but with the likes of Rob Halford, Metallica and Corey Taylor throwing in their support, the trio quickly transcended their ‘gimmick’ tag to become a legitimate force in the modern metal landscape.
99. Spiritbox – Holy Roller (Eternal Blue, 2022)
Spiritbox were already firmly established as Ones To Watch by the time Holy Roller, the first single from Eternal Blue, exploded like a hand grenade in the summer of 2020. Once those first, colossal riffs rang out, however, it was clear that the Canadian troupe hadn’t just levelled up considerably – they had successfully repositioned themselves as one of the most exciting and vital bands of their generation.
Backed by a memorable video inspired by Ari Aster’s disturbing Midsommar movie, Holy Roller was the perfect crystallisation of the last decade-plus of evolution in metal, packing djent, metalcore, nu metal and more into a massively crushing (but seriously catchy!) three minutes. “This song was never intended to be a single,” explained vocalist Courtney LaPlante later. “Our mission statement was, ‘Let’s make the most ridiculous song that we can.’”
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