#Marionette mentioned
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ciceroisaware · 2 months ago
Bite my tongue, bide my time
Wearing a warning sign
Wait 'til the world is mine
Visions I vandalize
Cold in my kingdom size
Fell for these ocean eyes
(Circus Baby standing there, no eyes drawn until Ocean eyes (blue), dark background, arms to her sides, Warning sign blinking at appropriate line, at last second background flashes white and eyes go green)
(another flash of white)
(Bam Scrap Baby is there now)
You should see me in a crown
I'm gonna run this nothing town
Watch me make 'em bow
One by, one by one, one by, one by- (Each one by it rotates between Scrap, Frightened! Elizabeth, SD, and ends on Broiler)
You should see me in a crown (she leans forward, and some embers spill out)
Your silence is my favorite sound (she's bludgeoning someone with her scoop, perhaps Flaming Springtrap)
Watch me make 'em bow (heavily smoking from the mouth now, before she falls over stumbling)
One by, one by one, one by, one by one(Broiler -> CB -> SD -> Heartsick)(they are slowly standing up from where Broiler was when she stumbled, like poor stop motion at each word until fully standing)
(Marie writing about CB, watch them fall - William making CB loosely on Marie’s design and writing CB to be activated by the green band Charlotte had (Elizabeth had swapped bands with Charlotte that day, as children do, and got yoinked. JR’s Puppet used same system as the Fredbear's because its endo was just refitted.), Elizabeth dies, hit scream where Heartsick is seen biting someone [reference to her eating like two people])
Count my cards, watch them fall
Blood on a marble wall
I like the way they all
Tell me which one is worse (sitting there on a throne type thing, waving an arrow around in one hand, her chin in her other because she's leaning over and resting her elbow on the armrest)
Living or dying first (stands, Wings (her right at living and left at dying) open big and draws bow back with an arrow)
Sleeping inside a hearse (shoots at viewer)
(I don't dream) (paused right before hit and camera moves so we can see the viewer, there's a pattern spinning around the background)
You say, "Come over, babyI think you're pretty"I'm okay, I'm not your baby
If you think I'm pretty (CB (first two lines) to Frightened Elizabeth (second two lines))
(this line is about CB wanting to like… mother Elizabeth because she feels bad and sees Elizabeth as one of her kids because it's been so long together and she gets along with the Bidybabs and Electrobab and Minireenas so well but Elizabeth is frightened of her and wont go near her, and so CB is really pained and sad because she can't nurture her and Elizabeth is doing a analog horror stare at CB)
(8-Bit)You should see me in a crown (she's got a lil crown she's so silly =])
I'm gonna run this nothing town (Hand on her chest and gesturing to CB)
Watch me make 'em bow (leaning forward)
One by, one by one, one by, one by- (She's tapping a finger at each of the CBs minus Frightened Elizabeth and Scrap Baby)
You should see me in a crown (Arms out, woozy background (Reminicent of the remnant hallucinations of CB, and how 8-Bit helps show her what is and isnt there because shes all fucked up from the remnant))
Your silence is my favorite sound (CB electrocuted (she wasnt in her gallery and got shocked for it))
Watch me make 'em bow (Gesturing at a Hallucinating CB, who is glowing with remnant, which is also spilling out of several of her orafaces)
One by, one by one, one by, one by one (Funtime Freddy, Ft. Foxy, Ballora, ENNARD)
(Scrap Baby)
Crown (crown and lights blinking and blonking and)
I'm gonna run this nothing town (swinging claw around to monitor displaying the labyrinth, but it's expanded. Rooms expand on and on and off the screen. It zooms out, and more rooms are displayed, all connecting. Showing her disorientation while being in the labyrinth.)
Watch me make 'em bow (bludgeoning and fighting with Scraptrap)
One by, one by one, one by, one by-(Cut to the speech, she's leaning forward over a table, smiling maniacally. A ghost CB is beside her, hand on her dilapidated counterpart’s arm, looking sad but accepting. Referencing how CB felt so alone because Elizabeth couldn't interact with her as Scrap Baby for whatever reason.)
You should see me in a crown
(you should see me, see me) (Burning, but holding onto Scraptrap’s arm so he can't go nowhere and He Will Die Here For Abandoning Me. He Put Me Back Inside. (He put her corpse back into CB after CB was scooped for killing Elizabeth, and William didnt know it was her until he got home so he just left her there inside the clown and called a gas leak, and turned it into a rental)
Your silence is my favorite sound
(you should see me, see me) (Ucn, harassing William, but she looks tired.)
Watch me make 'em bow (Marie finding Elizabeth’s bones, and putting them inside SD Baby because she can't tell who's bones they are, but they want an anchor.)
One by, one by one, one by, one by one (HW1 Baby (looks like she wants to die), HW 2 Baby (wayyyy happier!), SD Baby (has Marie looking proudly at her on one side refrencing their relationship (CB was originally her Brainchild and now her brainchild is a reality and SHE DID IT ALL BY HERSELF!!!! Shes so proud of herself and of SD for being exactly how she originally envisioned, and how happy this thing she created was to be alive. There is joy here inside this rovot for the first time in forever, and it shows how happy her creation is.), ghost Elizabeth lurking over her other shoulder. They cool now. This one can't hurt her, she has a computer inside of her and this particular body didn't kill her. Apparently beating the shit out of your crap dad over and over is very therapeutic))
Written to be an animatic I will never make cuz I can't sit still and draw for that long rn Not for any particular reason brain won't let me. And I can't animate cuz I don't have the skill nor app/program to do so.
Background info:
Marie = my Mrs. Afton for those who are unaware, she originally came up with the idea of Circus Baby (she was a D&D Char LMFAO)
8-Bit Circus Baby is basically a program inside of CB, like a interface type deal, Circus Baby coded her herself. 8-Bit manifested her own appearance. She also appears in Special Delivery as an app assistant, however that one isn't sentient and those two aren't the same person, and the one from SD doesn't have the cool bowling alley carpet patterned vest. She isn't the one who is being mentioned I just started yapping here
My Elizabeth doesn't like William 👍
Heartsick ate two people to see if it was possible
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chloesimaginationthings · 11 months ago
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Abby and the FNAF puppet would get along..
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pillowspace · 2 years ago
Moon and Marinette talking is the cutest thing. Sun and Moon feeling bad for this child who was locked out and killed.
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achillean-knight · 1 year ago
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Safe Haven.
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zetasann · 1 month ago
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five nights at freddys movie the 2nd (WIP)*WIP* DID I MENTION WIP!!!!!!!!
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gurorori · 1 year ago
bein' completely honest here i have considered npd shu be4 soooo often cause the. the shoe fits (laugh please), i feel like his past & family environment cld really serve as a push, in the end cluster Bs r all jus' sets of survival & coping tactics ya adopt into yr personality as a result of unjust treatment & trauma <- this is true
nawt 2 armchair diagnose him but like we shall go over sum npd traits. cause we kno here it ain't jus' high self esteem (when the opposite is usually evident)
intentionally or nawt i feel like exvalk shu especially fits the npd mold like dat was his entire character conflict /lh (i miss him)
> a grandiose sense of self-importance
need i say anythin'. listen 2 like the first shu voiceline in ! it was literally 'i am the emperor of ymnsk academy'. .. doesn't he also go as far as 2 declare himself the god of this world? like ''kono sekai no kami da' i remember dat. oh & how much stronger & imposin' his timbre was compared 2 how much softer his voice is rn. he was very much self-focused even though it manifested thru valkyrie, he was distinctly treatin' the unit as his creation & his own creation only. the focus on the self is very real
> a preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
i feel like if ya know shu ya will nod away at every single one of these cause. pre-fall valk <- dat wasn' even a fantasy, i feel like he was really narc-thrivin' back then cause it was the reality, they WERE on top. (srry if ya came here 4 thorough analysis i don' do that round here i jus' show ya smth & we both nod solemnly) success, power, brilliance, beauty, even ideal love (shnz wink?) - exvalk shu is both a perfectionist & a maximalist i think he craved it all, an' even when he has achieved great success he jus' can't get enuff, leadin' him 2 get overconfident 2 the point where he was /dat/ oblivious 2 his own (& valkyrie's, but at dat time he saw valkyrie as himself only, & the rest as just an extension, a tool) imminent demise practically laid out in front of him.
> a belief that he or she is special and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions
this guy?
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the guy who calls the general public philistines & views ppl who don' adhere 2 the same high standards he holds 4 himself imbeciles?
> a need for excessive admiration
the 'go on, praise me more!' guy? it might seem at first like he'd b too prideful 2 outright ask 4 external validation but if ya really look a bit into it, he's very reliant on it.. i think it gets amplified by bein' an idol too, bein' very self conscious of yr image. ofc mr oshisan wld find himself in a field where the entire point is 2 b the center of attention & appraisal.
> a sense of entitlement
i think this jus' circles back 2 every other point i made...!!!! exvalk shu is control & acknowledgment hungry. he wants 2 step on n crush the skulls of every1 who is unworthy & soar thru the skies on the mechanical wings of valkyrie.. or wtv. he is intensely focused on his goal 2 the point of tunnel vision cause he fully believes himself 2 deserve the throne. no1 else can b above him. he despises 'commoners' & those below him yet who brought him all the recognition & glory? wats the expression? rest on yr laurels? dunno if 'm usin' it correctly!!!
i also hope i don' come off as dramatisin' too much. like ik marionette is literally jus' one story but i feel it dat much stronger, i guess. 4 (introject) reasons. i hope these things don' read as a huge stretch.
> interpersonally exploitive behavior
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> a lack of empathy
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> envy of others or a belief that others are envious of him or her
gettin' lazy. i feel like this cld jus' b self explanatory... i don' wanna go in depth into every single one 4 shu, esp cuz. ya don' need every single criteria 2 match. 4 a diagnosis. but if ya have any specific moments 4 this one feel free 2 add on 👍🏼
> a demonstration of arrogant and haughty behaviors or attitudes
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solarcitymelodies · 3 months ago
Hey this is the guy who reblogged the puppeting as a display of trust to that NSFW blog. It's literally such a good post. I'm holding it in my hands and shaking it around because it's so good
no genuinely thank you for understanding this post on the EXACT level I needed it understood. I am so deeply insane about puppetry (ventriloquism specifically and I was specifically thinking of ventriloquism when I wrote the post lol) and YES.
Puppetry as a form of trust. As platonic love familial love, romantic love, attraction, even. Intimacy. In every form it is perfect
And also I do love to tinker with the thought of puppeteers having a gay thing for their puppets.
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cheeseanonioncrisps · 4 months ago
Alastor if he were a terrifying puppet literally instead of just figuratively.
(The whole channel is Like This btw…)
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habitual-creatures · 5 months ago
Dammit. I'll go put him on the porch. Just everyone watch the blood.
(He's helping him to the porch, making sure he's ok)
-Mystery guest
Yeah- uh- I'll start cleaning.
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chloesimaginationthings · 1 year ago
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FNAF puppet and Michael Afton got beef,,
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ask-the-celestial-family · 2 years ago
Golden, do you have trauma we don't know about?
My...My last wife, Mari, Marionette, my Phantom disguised himself as me, made a baby with her. All that bullshit he put us through before I locked him away. It was such a difficult pregnancy and it was immensely magically powerful and draining for her. She didn't make it an hour after having Glamrock. When she died, I was broken, I had a new baby, because I couldn't not keep him, she gave her life for him to be born, he was the last thing she gave me. I..I thought I couldn't love anyone after Mari. -Golden Freddy🐻
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perceremade · 2 years ago
I dont think marionette will be the third reminiscence anime but maybe it will be because Stuff keeps Happening. I just feel like if that were the case they wouldve bothered to already make a mika and nazuna model beforehand to use in element 😭 instead of reusing footage from the tv anime but Maybe Im a bit foolish in my logic
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year ago
Just had a hilarious idea in the Meat Marionette au of Clark idly picking up the robins like oversized chickens without realizing he does so. Like sure he grew up on a cow farm, but they definitely also had chickens or other poultry for things like eggs.
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lindwyrmrelinquished · 2 years ago
Relyn, what are some more ideas you have for the Priest from the tftsmp Wild West episode by any chance? I'm curious and need to think more about him honesty, he's neat. Also, I like your interpretation of him, it's interesting.
Mf was so insanely religious it made everyone else in town groan any time he was mentioned. He's like that guy that makes it his whole identity
(in reality he's insanely scared of getting doomed to hell forever so he sets up this entire persona in front of people and even in private and. yeah religious trauma. i think it's something about his family)
He think human/mob hybrids are an affront against nature and those of an otherrealm nature(i.e. Nether and End hybrids) are demons incarnate (this is why he tried to baptize Butler that one time and it only ended with him horrifically burned) (he also tried to baptize sherman once. he was Not having it for a solid three months but finally gave in just to get him to shut up. this didn't end in horrific burns, just a fair bit of annoyance)
People are trying to get him to unlearn all that stuff, and it's?? Sort of working??? No one can really tell???? Because any time he seems to be getting better, he rebounds worse than before and they give up for a while (he's forced his walls up higher and thicker than before in a desperate attempt to not be doomed by God. they're flimsy and shaky but they're there and he'll keep rebuilding them for as long as it takes)
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spg-fanbot-cousins · 9 months ago
//Ships are in the tags, folks!//
TikTokers are such pussies when it comes to ships. “B-but they’re not canon 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😖😖” honey back in my day we shipped characters from entirely different medias uphill both ways in the snow
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monstersqueen · 2 months ago
i've thought about it and the thing that annoys me the most about the cliche plot of the villainess isekai is that she ends up with male lead every fucking time.
she comes in different from the person she's possessing and not interested in him and now suddenly he's in love with her. gods do that annoy me. can't they be relieved instead of intrigued ? suspicious then relieved when she's genuine ? become actual good platonic friends ??? anything but a romance please !!
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