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Marțolea is a demonic entity in Romanian mythology.
An impure being in the form of a goat, yet bearing the voice of a human, with short, thick horns, and hooves instead of feet. If need arises, he can shapeshift as he wishes: within the span of a night, he may disguise himself nine times. Most often, however, he chooses to be a charming young man, or a poor old lady in floor-length gowns.
It is known that he lives deep into the mountains and that he is a charming singer. His melody is mournful, able to bring anyone to tears. Merciless with those who break the rules, yet he can be equally generous with whoever follows his word.
He is the patron of Tuesday evenings (marți) and 1st of March, gifting a silver coin to girls who wear the white and red charm.
In some legends, Marțolea appears as a wicked lover who devours the hearts of those he falls for. Within the archetypes of the week, he is the bloodiest patron, which led many to believe Tuesdays are bringers of misfortune.
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Mythic Creatures by Culture & Region
Part 5: East Europe, Northwest Asia
Europeans often think that East Europe and Northwest Asia is simply Slavic: if Poles, Czechs, Russians and many Balkan people are Slavic, surely all the areas of East and Southeast Europe must be Slavic. And if West Asia has Indo-Germanic languages and cultures, surely those must be Slavic too? Well no.
So here is an exhaustive list of Wikipedia's creatures for people who just get lumped in as "Slavic" when they are, in fact, from totally different cultures. While browsing Wikipedia, I also learned that there is a autonomous Buddhist European Republic run by descendants of the Mongol horde in Eastern Europe, something I was utterly unaware of (probably because they are incorporated into Russia, but also because I have some biases to work on).
Albania (not Slavic)
Djall Albanian (technically not Slavic!); Drangue; En_Albanian_Deity; Fatia; I Verbti_Albanian_Deity; Kukudh; Kulshedra; Ljubi; Lugat; Nëna e Vatrës; Ora; Perëndi; Perria; Prende_Albanian_Deity; Shtojzovalle; Shtriga; Shurdh; Stihi; Tur; Turoń; Vitore; Xhindi; Zana; Zojz_Albanian_Deity
Armenian (not Slavic)
Griffon; Hayk; Lake Van Monster; Vishap; Werewolf
Caucasus Region (not Slavic)
Batraz North Caucasian culture may not be Slavic; Germakochi; Ossetian Myth; Tutyr; Vainakh religion Georgia (NOT Slavic); Kopala; Ochokochi; Q'ursha Hungary (NOT Slavic); Busós ; Lidérc; Luwr; Ördög; Sárkány; Turul also Turkic; Vadleány
Romanian (not Slavic) (Land of Vlad Tepes)
Iele; Ileana Cosânzeana; Little Wildrose; Moroi; Muma Pădurii; Muroni; Nosferatu (word) allegedly Romanian; Pricolici; Samca; Sântoaderi; Sânziană; Solomonari; Spiriduș; Strigoi; Swan Maiden; Uriaș; Ursitoare similar to Roma & Slavic Ursitory; Vâlvă; Vântoase; Zână; Zburător; Zmeoaică; Zmeu
Having said that, many East European cultures are in fact Slavic. I will have to revise this section at a later date because I am rarely differentiating the Slavic cultures and lumped them all together.
Ala (from Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia); Alkonost; Aq Bars (winged snow leopard, heraldry from 800s onwards, also Mongolian); Baba Yaga; Babay; Baloz; Bannik; Bardha; Baš Čelik; Bauk; Bies; Black Arab; Black Panther; Błędnica; Blud; Błudnik; Bobak; Božalość; Božić; Bukavac; Cambion; Căpcăun (Romanian ogre); Chort; Chut; Cikavac; Cornflower Wraith; Čuma; Death; Ded Moroz; Devil Boruta Poland; Dhampir; Djadadjii (Bulgarian vampire hunter); Dobrynyna Nikitich; Domovoi; Drekavac; Drioma; Dvorovoy; Dzedka; Dziwożona; Fext; Fiery serpents; Firebird; German; Gold Duck; Goldenhorn; Ispolin; Karapandža; Karzełek; Kikimora; King Kojata; Kostroma; Krasnoludek; Kukeri Bulgarian; Laddy Midday; Lakanica; Lazavik; Likho; Likhoradka; Lisunki (see Lyeshi); Lyeshi; Mara_Goddess identical name with unrelated(??) death goddess from India Mara_Goddess2; Marțolea; Maruda; Masovian dragon; Mavka; Mermaid of Warsaw; Misizla; Moryana; Nav; Nocnitsa; Ovinnik; Paraskeva Friday; Pavaró; Pereplut; Płanetnik; Polevik ; Poleviki; Poroniec; Psoglav; Psotnik; Pvitrulya; Rarash; Raróg; Rokita; Rozhanitsy, Narecnitsy and Sudzhenitsy; Rübezahl; Rusalka ; Rusalky; Samodiva; Schrat also medieval European; Shatans; Shubin; Simargl; Skrzak; Slavic Fairies of Fate; Slavic Mythic Creatures; Slavic Pseudo-deities; Slavic Water Spirit\; Spor; Stricha (Ukrainian, while Strigoi are Romanian); Strzyga; Stuhać; Swan Maiden; The Nine Peahens and the Golden Apples; Tintilinić; Topielec; Unclean Force; Upiór; Ursitory also in Roma similar to Ursitoare from Romania; Vampire pumpkins and watermelons; Vazily; Ved; Vedmak; Verlioka; Vesna; Vila; Vjesci; Vrykolakas also Greek; Wars and Sawa; Wawel Dragon; Werewolf; Wild Hunt; Wild Man, Wild Woman ; Wild Men, Wild Women; Wurdulac; Zduhać; Zheuzhyk; Zhytsen; Zilant; Zlydzens; Zmaj; Zwodziasz
Russia (the European parts)
Russia; A Hut on Chicken Legs; Al (also in Mongolia, Persia, Afghanistan, Caucasus); Azovka; Brosno dragon; Chernava; Gamayun; "Go I know not whither and fetch I know not what" folktale includes creatures; Indruk; Koshchei; Meduza; Oksoko (3 headed eagle see article's points about scripture for ideas); Polkan; Russian superstitions; Shishiga; Swan Maiden; The Mistress of Copper Mountain; The Sea Tsar and Vasilisa the Wise; Tugarin; Verechelen; Vodyaniye; Zmei (aka Zmei Gorynich)
Kyivan Rus (modern Ukraine)
Notify me please if you find any mistakes or would like a disclaimer added if any of the creatures on this list are sacred or should not be used in art by outsiders.
#mythic creature list#mythic creatures#mythical creatures#legendary creature list#legendary beings#legendary being#creature list#list of creatures
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Marțolea is a demonic entity in Romanian mythology. Its gender is unknown, and it can change its shape at will, though it often appears as a goat with a human-like head.
Marțolea dwells high in the mountains, but descends every Tuesday to punish women caught working. It will lure them in with a song, and either disembowel them or kill their husband or child if they have one. Marțolea will reward women who keep Tuesday sacred by leaving eggs and flowers on their doorsteps.
Image source.
Monster master list.
Suggest a spook.
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The Four Houses: 15th century
Founders of the Village

Berengario Benev(i)ento
Carpenter, herbalist, and part-time surgeon. Interested in the region's geography and the possibility of founding a village.
Voivode (Count/Duke) Cesare (Cezar, Cezary) Dimitrescu (son of Dimitri)
Nobility. Master vintner (winemaker) and esteemed military commander. Leads forces in quelling Ottomans and peasant revolts.
Guglielmo (William, Vilhelm) Heisenberg
Mastersmith and Ferrier of the Royal Hungarian Army. Supplies forces with weapons & gear for the men and shoes for their horses.
Preot (Father) Nichola (Nikola) Moreau
Orthodox Priest with a specialization in anatomical studies. Exploring the land for ruins left by the Magyars, but comes across something far bigger.
The discovery of this ancient civilization and the massive fungal root colony under the mountains leads the four lords to seek immortality using the mold. Each of them gains unnatural powers which solidify their rule, and they found a new village that remains in the midst of countless border and rule changes.
Powers gained by the lords:
Berengario - Upon contact with the mold, he begins seeing visions and memories of past events. Cultivation of the root gives him the ability to project those memories as strigoi and moroi to onlookers. He is said to raise the dead and can heal most any ailment.
Cezary - Gains immense strength and a lust for blood. Is able to transform into a large winged creature at will. The village fears the castle as much as the bală that appears in the sky above them. Hushed whispers say he is the lord of strigoi, and that the castle brings only blood and death.
Vilhelm - This lord gains near alchemical skill and control of his forge. After rumors start of him being seen sticking his hands in the fire with no burns, he isolates himself to the mountains to do his work. Villagers hear strange noises come from the mountains and girls doing chores on the holy day have been said to disappear to the forge and not return. ((Based on Marțolea))
Nikola - Develops a taste for human flesh, and transformative abilities. Tales of a vârcolac spread through the village and their faith is the only thing that can save them. He reassures the people as a holy figure, then butchers them by night.

(Bonus art of Cezary, post-mutation)
#resident evil village#re8 headcanons#resident evil headcanons#resident evil oc#resident evil#resident evil 8#re8 heisenberg#re8 dimitrescu#house dimitrescu#four houses#house heisenberg#house beneviento#house moreau#historical fiction#middle ages#romania#RE8 4 Houses
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These two are the iterations of Marțolea, the being who punishes women who dare to work on Thursdays. Wouldn’t that be nice, huh. #sketch #blackwork #illustration #adobefresco #adobedrawing #moldova #romania #folklore #folk #boardgames #tabletopgames #digitaldrawing #czechartist #darkart #martolea (at Sokol, Košický, Slovakia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEljEwDn0O0/?igshid=16z0rhutch2a0
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Joi, 13 aprilie 2017, începând cu ora 18.00, în Noua Galerie a Institutului Român de Cultură şi Cercetare Umanistică de la Veneţia va avea loc vernisajul expoziţiei de grafică ”Folk Ink” de Rada Niţă, curatoriată de Andreea Pocol.
„Expoziția Folk Ink prezintă o serie de gravuri realizate de artista Rada Niță în tehnicile acvaforte, acvatină și ac rece, între anii 2011–2017, cele mai recente constituind parțial și subiectul tezei sale de doctorat. Lumea care ia ființă pe suprafața gravurilor sale reunește elemente culturale și decorative specifice atât pentru folclorul românesc și cel slav, pătrunse de credințe îndeosebi precreştine, cât și pentru manuscrisele iluminate și arhitectura gotică a burgurilor medievale. Acest univers personal este populat cu făpturi fantastice construite pornind de la personaje cunoscute din folclorul românesc și slav, dar cărora li se țese din fusul Radei o altă poveste, primind noi însușiri definitorii și desfășurându-și existența într-un cadru diferit de cel cunoscut. Originalitatea operelor constă tocmai în această îmbinare metaforică fără precedent a două culturi aflate la poli opuși, dar care se completează armonios în lumea fantastică a artistei, oferind un spațiu propice nașterii unui bestiar subiectiv, personal, unic. O parte dintre aceste făpturi fantastice sunt realizate în chip de demoni precum Zmeul, Dragonul cu două cozi, Omul Nopţii, Centaurul sau Tulnicarul cu mască folclorică. O parte dintre aceștia apar însă sub forma unor reprezentări feminine, cum ar fi Sânzienele, Marțolea, Pâca (Divinitatea Tutunului), ţăranca îmblânzitoare de zmei sau Știma Apei care ademenește oamenii la înec. Nelipsite sunt, de asemenea, personaje acvatice în chip de sirene zburătoare sau pești care duc în spinare catedrale gotice. Demonii Radei au comportamente umanizate, fiind surprinși în ipostaze ghidușe, inocente, melancolice, blânde sau exaltate. Multe dintre chipuri prezintă valențe umoristice, dar, desigur, ele își pot manifesta și caracterul malefic în anumite situații. Cu toții însă sunt preocupați de viața cetății şi, în călătoria lor întreprinsă prin spațiul central-european, tranzitează lumi metaforice în căutarea menirii lor și, de asemenea, a umanităţii lor. Artista ne invită să pășim pe tărâmul numai ea de ea cunoscut și să ne împrietenim cu făpturile sale fantastice, care cu siguranță ne vor călăuzi în a visa la propria noastră lume imaginară.” – Andreea Pocol, curator.
Rada Niță, născută în 1989 la Cluj-Napoca, a absolvit Universitatea de Artă și Design din Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Arte Plastice, secţia Grafică, cu licenţă în 2011, masterat în 2013 şi doctorat în 2017 (cu teza Gravura intaglio contemporană în ţările slave. Ipostaze ale fantasticului). Burse de studiu şi stagii de practică la Academia de Artă şi Design din Wrocław (Polonia) şi la Universitatea ”Sf. Chiril şi Metodiu” din Veliko Tărnovo (Bulgaria). Participări la expoziţii colective în Belgia, Polonia, Rusia, Bulgaria, Italia, Portugalia, România, Cehia, Serbia şi Lituania.
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Rada Niță, ”Zmeu”, ex-libris Tudor Pamfile, acvaforte, 2012
Rada Niță, ”Procesiune”, acvaforte, ac rece, 2015. Sursa: IRCCU Veneția
Expoziţia va putea fi vizitată până pe data de 28 aprilie 2017, în Noua Galerie a Institutului Român de Cultură şi Cercetare Umanistică de la Veneţia din Cannaregio 2215 – 30121 Venezia, de marţi până vineri în intervalul orar 16.00–19.00 şi de sâmbătă până duminică în intervalele 10.00–12.00 şi 16.00–19.00. Intrarea este liberă.
Știri: Expoziţia de grafică ”Folk Ink” de Rada Niţă în Noua Galerie a Institutului Român de Cultură şi Cercetare Umanistică de la Veneţia Joi, 13 aprilie 2017, începând cu ora 18.00, în Noua Galerie a Institutului Român de Cultură şi Cercetare Umanistică de la Veneţia…
#ac rece#acvaforte#acvatină#Andreea Pocol#bestiar subiectiv#Centaurul#cultură#Dragonul cu două cozi#folclor slav#folclorul românesc#Folk Ink#Institutul Cultural Român#IRCCU Veneția#lume imaginară#Marțolea#Noua Galerie a Institutului Român de Cultură şi Cercetare Umanistică de la Veneţia#Omul Nopţii#Pâca (Divinitatea Tutunului)#personaje acvatice#pești#precreştin#Rada Niță#Sânzienele#sirene zburătoare#știri#Universitatea ”Sf. Chiril şi Metodiu”#Veliko Tărnovo#Wrocław#Zmeul
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More About Noros (Abilites)
These have been updated from the first post about them after thinking about them more
Tactical Ability - Shadow Shroud
— Noros steps into the shadows and teleports to a nearby location
Passive Ability - Sanctuary In the Dark
— Noros can heal faster in a shaded/darkened area
Ultimate Ability - Marțolea
— Noros’s shadows engulf her and she becomes a demon figure, going on a rampage and damaging enemies and taking less damage
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Demon Of Tuesday

Marțolea, also known as The Demon of Tuesday, represents a demonic entity who lives in the mountains and descends on Tuesday nights, luring people with its singing. Due to the fact that it can shape-shit in any form (mostly a handsome man, full of charm or a crone dressed in long white clothes) its gender is unclear.
It is also called Marț Sara which means Tuesday evening (marț ➡ marți: Tuesday; sara ➡ seară: evening) and demands people to respect the semi-holy day of Tuesday and forbids four women's chores on a Tuesday: spinning of the wool, sowing, boiling laundry and baking bread.
Being a demonic entity, its punishment for females who don't show him respect is harsh: for the unmarried women is killing by ripping, hanging the guts on nails to the wall and around the dishes and for the married ones is killing or possessing their baby or their husband.
Even though its apprence changes constantly, it is said that its original form is one of a goat with human like head, hornes and hooves. To married women it shows as an old woman, to married men as a virgin and to unmarried women as a young charming man.
In Bucovina, it is believed that Marțolea pays respect to women who keep the Tuesday day sacred by leaving eggs or flowers at their doorstep. On March 1st, women who wear Mărțișoare (March Trinkets) will receive a silver coin from Marțolea, which they will have to keep the whole year.
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It lives up in the mountains and descends on Tuesday nights to lure with its singing and punish the women caught working. . Called Marțolea (or Joimărița) is a malefic entity, who demands the semi-holy day of Tuesday to be respected and who forbids four women's chores: spinning of the wool, sowing, boiling laundry and baking bread. This is a pagan being. Usually his form is of a goat with human like head, horns & hooves. He can shape shift into a big old woman dressed all in black, ugly, soldier/warrior or as a handsome man. To married women it shows as an old woman, to married men as a virgin and to unmarried women as a young charming man. -mainly from Wikipedia.
#aph romania#aph vlad#aph vladimir#aph hetalia#hetalia#axis powers hetalia#aph halloween#aph hetaween#hetaween#mithology#romanian mithology#romanian miths#romanian folklore#romanian culture
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Amalia Ioveanu, a Marțolea
for an upcoming project ill be working on OWO
she’ll be a npc
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Folklore Monster Poll
December 1st is my country's national day 🇷🇴 and I thought I'd celebrate in a less orthodox way, but in the spirit of my blog nonetheless.
So I'll be writing a Monster x Reader fanfic featuring one of our traditional Folklore creatures! What would you find most interesting? It’s still very early, I am aware, I’d just like to plan ahead in case I get swamped with schoolwork.
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Marțolea - Noaptea Dihăniilor - Full Album
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Marțolea is a Demonic entity in Romanian mythology (especially in the regions of Bukovina and Maramureș). The entity's gender is unclear, as it can shapeshift at will. It lives up in the mountains and descends on Tuesday nights to lure with its singing and punish the women caught working. Called also Marț Sara (the old Romanian words for "Tuesday Evening") is a malefic entity, who demands the semi-holy day of Tuesday to be respected and who forbids four women's chores: spinning of the wool, sowing, boiling laundry and baking bread. This is a pagan being. Marțolea's punishments for these things are harsh like: killing by ripping, hanging the guts on nails to the wall and around the dishes, in the unmarried women cases. For the married women the punishments are killing or possessing their baby or their husband who is far from home. Usually his form is of a goat with human like head, horns & hooves. He can shape shift into a big old woman dressed all in black, ugly, soldier/warrior or as a handsome man. To married women it shows as an old woman, to married men as a virgin and to unmarried women as a young charming man. Marțolea repays the women who keep the Tuesday day sacred by leaving them eggs on their doorstep or flowers from the highest mountains in Bukovina. On the first night of March, women that wear March Trinkets (Mărțișor) are repaid by Marțolea with a silver coin that the girls will have to keep all year.
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Noros: Apex Legends OC
Bio: Noros was brought up in a brutal cult family that worshipped demonic entities before she escaped in her teenage years. She has been hunted down numerous times by the cultists but time and time again, she outsmarted them or used her newfound abilities to fight them. Years of abuse has led her to one day end the life on one of the radical cultists: her father Rozric.
Noros’s plague of nightmares has left her unable to rest much and thus she has searched for years wondering what these nightmares and random visions mean. She hopes that by joining the Apex Games, she could discover more of what she’s meant to do in life.
Real name: Zoey Kilduff
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Tactical Ability: Shadow Tread
- Noros disappears into a black haze and will pick up speed in the direction you were going. While you are invulnerable to being hit, your vision is clouded and you may not see anyone in your vision for the duration of Nightshade
Passive Ability: Shadow Talk
- Noros speaks in an unknown language (presumably a mix of Slavic and Old Transylvanian) and is given a vision of where an enemy was last seen
Ultimate Ability: Marțolea
Noros’s shadow cloaking turns her into a demonic figure, luring one nearby enemy to her and her allies with a song before attacking them
#Apex Legends#Apex Legends OC#hope this is okay .___.#I tried not to make her as op as possible#do tell if she does#Nik's Writing
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