#Manipulation Mention TW
mvsicinthedvrk · 10 months
discord starter call, xie lian and jun wu for @tragcdysewn
When he didn't know who Jun Wu was-- when he only had Mu Qing's explanations, and his own nightmares, to worry him-- he would have been anxious to run into the man. But with his full memories back, Xie Lian knows that Jun Wu isn't unbeatable. They've dealt with him once, and they can do it again if necessary; and he would hope that he wouldn't be susceptible to manipulation from the other, either, now that he knows what Jun Wu is capable of. So the next time he sees him, he plans to make that clear, especially since he's sure the other recognized him before, even if has no proof except a strong feeling. It's a few days after the events of the maze before he manages to cross paths with the former heavenly emperor, and maybe he should have waited for backup-- Mu Qing, or Feng Xin, or quite literally anyone-- but he doesn't think Jun Wu would try anything underhanded in the daylight in public, not when there's no clear benefit to him. He's not entirely sure what to expect, but the conversation has to be had, so Xie Lian approaches the man with a sense of resolution in the pit of his chest, declaring bravely, "We need to talk."
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cats-and-confusion · 1 year
I used to have a fantasy as a tween that since I was so good at manipulating people into getting what I want, I'd start manipulating my friends into being healthy and happy
Instead I manipulated myself into feeling so bad about manipulating people that I developed an anxiety disorder around people so that no one would be at risk of being manipulated by me for any reason
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lcngliive · 10 months
eros & kore ( @tragcdysewn )
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"manipulated any jedi lately?" he grinned, draping himself over kore's sofa without even asking - he never did anyway. "or is it still that same one? what was their name? maya? raya? something like that."
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coreofgold · 1 year
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Was that [JI LI]? Oh no no, that was just [SHI MEI/SHI MINGJING], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [ERHA/THE HUSKY AND HIS WHITE CAT SHIZUN]. They are [TWENTY-FOUR ] years old, use [HE/HIM], and [ARE NOT] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long
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How long has your character been here Shi Mei thinks he's lived here since he was 8 but he's only been in D.C for a few weeks in actuality.
What is your character’s job He works as a blind travel doctor (like David Hartman), but instead of traveling to places worldwide, his focus is primarily on hospitals and clinics in D.C. that are understaffed and can't afford new doctors.
Where has your character been pulled from in their fandom Points to the end of the current timeline when he freed Chu Wanning, is blind and left as a traveling cultivator that heals all those who need it to atone; That traumatic and sad ending. He's taken from that, so even without his memories, he feels lost, unaccepted in all places and times, wondering why he is the way he is.
Has any magic affected your character It got rid of his memories and replaced it with a whole new life. He was adopted by an American family after being orphaned by his crazy father, killing and eating his mother. The adopted family fell through because they mistreated him, so he ran away and spent his life on the streets (open to found family plots). He already had a weak constitution, so he was weaker in terms of fighting, so he focused on healing and worked his butt off to get into med school and to get his job as a traveling doctor (though it's mostly interning now and working closely with a more experienced one just due to his age). Also, because he lived on the streets, he was used to manipulating others to survive and pave a place in a world that oppressed him (though in this place, instead of him following Hua Binan, Hua Binan is like the voice in the back of his head telling him what to do; Like an evil conscious that wants to survive. Though it's nothing like what happened in the novels; Just lying and playing up his innocence to get money and learn things to bring others down). He regretted everything once he got older, and while trying to atone, an accident occurred (he doesn't remember, but he knows his eyesight/eyes are gone from it a la Xiao Xingchen-like). That didn't stop him from wanting to atone, live a better life, and work as a travel doctor. Because he doesn't remember anything, he is depressed, he's lost, he doesn't know why, but he feels like he has regrets and pain that started centuries ago from a life he doesn't remember.
And any other information you might find useful for us and the other members to know!! Wiki Here Birthday: November 2 Siblings: Mu Yanli (half-sister) Zodiac: Scorpio Species: Half demon/half human Eye Color: Has no eyes/has a white bandage around where his eyes should be Hair Color: Black Scars: Missing eyes, various ones strewn about his body both from his life in ancient China and from being homeless in D.C. (because he did end up getting hurt here as well) Personality: kind-hearted, polite, wanting to reason with people instead of fighting, sweet temper and doesn't hold grudges, mediator, diplomacy and submissive, has a hidden bloodthirsty essence, manipulative, morally dubious Romantic Orientation: homosexual Sexual Orientation: homosexual
I am open to plots so please don’t hesitate to message me for plots and to know about his past !
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infcinity · 1 year
post continued from here bc the new editor sucks :))) @mischiefxmuses
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sarra smiled. "I'm glad you're alright, truly," a small laugh left her lips at the others comment - he was right, she wasn't usually as brash, but she'd been worried enough to forgo her usual calm and collected demeanour. "you didn't hurt me, so you have nothing to worry about in that respect, silco - I'm perfectly fine," maybe a little emotionally shaken, but she was fine physically and didn't want him to worry about her too much. "thank you," she smiled, taking the mug, moving her position to face him at a better angle. "I've heard that it's supposed to be lovely, one of the interns took his boyfriend there a few weeks ago - said it was very nice," she smiled. "it does sound wonderful, and different is good, which means it's not something that you're used to," she nodded. "I think I would hate it if it were like that," she did enjoy this city, it had its moments where chaos was thrown at them, but other than those little moments of carnage, it was a peaceful place to live - with no one controlling who she was anymore. sarra placed the mug back in front of her, taking his hands in her own. "sometimes we all must do things to survive," she paused - she'd become complacent to her husband's horrible treatment of their children, too afraid to speak out against him - too conditioned to be the perfect little housewife while failing at her duty as a mother. "you're not that person, that anger doesn't define who you are - your actions here in this city do," she smiled. "we both might have been different people at home, but now here, in this city - we're both better versions of ourselves and that's for the better,"
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strangersxxworld · 3 months
❛ Tell me about it? ❜ dewey and emma
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Emma sighed, taking a moment to herself as she got ready to tell him about what had happened. She would make it the condensed version because there was a lot to unfold. "It had been a span on what felt like months, but they had been rather manipulative. I had no idea she'd been my half-sister until she revealed it in that moment. Then there was him. He pretended to love me and be my boyfriend, but he'd been hers along and I had just never seen it. Then there was this trip to a remote island my friends and I took that had its own murderous secrets. I killed him before he could do it to me. He had been the last one," she ended it there. It was easier to tell in a way, but that had come with time and lots of therapy. Of course it still brought up some emotions. Emma was more angry about it now than sad though since they had all wreaked so much havoc on other's lives, not just her own. "I know that's a lot to unpack, but at least I know they're not here in this city."
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tragcdysewn · 1 year
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was that jenna ortega? oh no no, that was just eveline winters, a canon character from resident evil. they are eighteen years old, use she/her, and are aware that they are not actually from washington dc. too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
how long has your character been here:
a couple of years at this point
what is your character’s job:
she's a biochem major, and working as a research assistant
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom:
after shadows of rose!
has any magic affected your character:
she was unaware for a hot minute, and only just recently regained her memories of her real life
bonus info:
eveline is a real fucked up little monster, honestly. she was created as a clone of mother miranda's deceased daughter from the mold, in hopes that she would become a vessel for the actual daughter when her physical age matched up with eva's. her aging was advanced, and soon enough she was physically seven years old, and miranda attempted to implant her daughters consciousness into eveline. this didn't work, and miranda discarded her, giving her to her scientists to use as a bioweapon. evie only ever existed in a lab, until she was scheduled to be transferred. she took over the ship they were on, and escaped with her handler, mia winters, who she saw as a mother. they ended up in the dulvey house, and evie indoctrinated the entire family, as well as mia, into her 'family' through her abilities with the mold. years later, she made mia contact her husband to come and find her, so he could become evie's 'father'. ethan did come, but ultimately ended up destroying eveline's physical body. her consciousness continued to exist in the mold, even attacking mia and ethan's daughter rose years later, though rose also managed to escape. evie is honestly v complicated, because she is absolutely violent and insane, but she is also a child. she manipulates and controls people, but out of some sick desire to have a family that's been so warped and twisted by her childhood that she thinks this is the only way anyone will ever love or want her. she has such an intense desire for literally anyone to love her, and she doesn't really understand that this isn't the way to do it. at heart, she is a pretty sweet kid, who would do literally anything for the people she loves, to an unhealthy extent. but she's also somewhat sociopathic, struggles with human emotions, and has the genius level intellect and insane power levels to make those traits incredibly dangerous.
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rie-092 · 7 months
❥. yandere! emperor x advisor! reader
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• liam luwelton was one of the most famous emperor on the history of lobelia empire. while he was praised for being a good and powerful ruler. he was also famous for being a womanizer who hook up with so many girls yet, he didn't even chosen any of them to be his empress.
• don't blame him, he likes having fun. but he hates when he got attached or tied to something that will hinder him. he was only doing this for his own entertainment after all. no one stayed on his side for so long anyways, well maybe except to the captain of his imperial knights, warren, his childhood friend.
• that was the main reason why he became surprised when warren's younger sister, you, became his advisor. the most amusing part was warren is the one who recommended you. hmm, it seemed like your brother doesn't even care about the fact that liam's mother, the previous empress, fired all the female servants after knowing her son's tendencies to, uhm... seduce them.
• that was the main reason why he was excited to finally meet you. the famous sister of his friend. he wanted to know how long will it take for you to became smitten and obsessed with him? ahh, just thinking about it makes liam so excited.
• but you were fucking different that he expected. who in the hell is in the right mind to greet the emperor for the first time while wearing a damn pyjamas? what the fuck? as far as he knew, you were the damn daughter of a duke. so, what in the hell was wrong with your fashion sense?
• well, keeping your fuvked up fashion aside. you were indeed good at your job. even though you can be pretty hard headed sometimes, you were able to carry yourself with so much confidence and boy, oh boy. he likes it so much.
• maybe, that time when he basically threaten you to wear an appropriate dress to attend a certain banquet with him. was the time when he realized that he fucked up. yeah, his motto that 'no string attached' crumbled down as he saw your annoyed face when the maids' dressed you up with the most elegant dress that he gifted for you. and the fact that you got drunk that night and mumbled some cute nonsense didn't helped either. fuck. the main reason why he got you drunk anyways is to fuck you. but damn, he can't bring himself to do it since you looked so cute while clinging to him for support!
• as a yandere, liam was overbearing and posessive. gosh, this guy is unhinged and practically crazy. he's an emperor for the petesake! he killed his siblings to ascend to the throne. so don't expect that he's a nice guy!
• those times that he escaped the palace just to go outside and hook up with girls? yup, he stopped doing that for you. expect that while working, his eyes were focused on your every move. you talk to other guy other than him and warren? expect that he will be fired the next day. and why is that? well, it's your fault.
• he was now fine with you working in your pyjamas, you're so cute wearing that after all! but, in exchange he will increase your workload 10x because he knew that you always goes home after finishing your work, he just wants to spend the whole day with you!
• don't even think of quiting, darling. because liam will not let you to do so. unfortunately, he was able to wrap his pretty fingers around you with you being unaware of it. ahh, he just loves how clueless you are when liam fired all the male servants on his palace and replaced it with the female ones to make sure they you won't be able to flirt with them while working.
• all in all, liam is head over heels for you. he wants you for himself to the point that he spread the rumour about you being the next empress of the prestigious lobelia empire. just to shackle you by his side.
• but of course, your usual playful older brother doesn't like it at all. so be ready, because just like a prince on the fantasy stories that the two of you read before. he will do anything to save you, his precious little sister even if it means he needs to burn down the whole empire and kill liam for you. i mean, when you were a kid, you mentioned that you wanted to be a ruler. so just sit back and let your big brother, warren do the work <3.
“ our love comes first, everything is secondary.”
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robinspinknest · 3 months
... pick yr poison ...
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cupcakeslushie · 4 months
Does Donnie after getting rescued believes that he deserved all the things that Kendra did to him? Does he 'miss' a punishment when he messes up something?
⚠️ warnings: brainwashing, manipulation, gaslighting, implied sa/dub-con⚠️
So Kendra doesn’t really need to punish Donnie. More often than not, he’s eager to take her word as gospel and do everything he can to make her happy. He has moments of discomfort—like he said here, “I didn’t like it at first”. But eventually he tricks himself into believing that he’s content as long as Kendra loves him. If he ever did get it in his head to push back, Kendra would manipulate him into feeling guilty or spend the day ignoring him, which is enough to send him spiraling sometimes, and come back with an even stronger desire to please her. Donnie really believes Kendra when she says she only has his best interests at heart, and knows she’s already done so much to protect him. He feels like he owes her everything and more.
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lcngliive · 2 months
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Was that [EVA DE DOMINICI]? Oh no no, that was just [ASTRAEA ILLEN], an [ORIGINAL CHARACTER] from [STAR WARS]. They are [THIRTY] years old, use [SHE/THEY], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
how long has your character been here
they have been here for seven years now at this point.
what is your character’s job
she doesn’t have one, unless you count manipulating rich people one?
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom
after they were killed trying to save their apprentice.
has any magic affected your character
and any other information you might find useful for us and the other members to know!!
hello friends!! this right here is astraea!! my sith bitch who everyone loves xoxo they are an oc character from star wars - but pre plagueis - so they have no idea abt all of the events of the clone wars or the rebellion eras! 
their life started out normal, just like any other force-sensitive child - the jedi order came to her parents - they willingly gave their child over because they had another on the way. 
she grew up on the jedi temple and was trained in the ways of the jedi - but on a mission with their master, they encountered a sith lord, who killed their master and took astraea. 
they were sure that the jedi would come for them, to save them and bring them back to the jedi temple - but no one ever came, all calls in the force had been ignored. 
that was when the sith lord who had taken her put his plan into action - he needed a new apprentice after his had been a failure and he had killed them. 
and so their torture began. 
their master was not a kind man and would punish astraea for anything she did wrong - when she was appointed as a padawan learner and given a jedi master to work with, they were still learning and unsure of themselves - this was something that was taken advantage of. 
over the next ten years, astraea was tortured into submission, into the perfect little apprentice - or at least that was what they had allowed their master to think - beneath the surface, she was seething and waiting for the proper chance to strike. 
and so they did. one night while on a mission to kill a jedi - instead of striking down the jedi knight, she killed her master, the man who manipulated and tortured her. 
after that astraea fell away from the world once more for a few years, perfecting the skills they had learned and earned the name darth vehemens, becoming a fully realised sith lord. 
they were no longer the young padawan that the jedi order failed, astraea was now a different person, violent, cruel and manipulative - most of which was traits that she learned from her master. 
they continued travelling the galaxy, learning all they could, cutting down any jedi they crossed paths with and taking down anyone who stood in their way. 
while on a scouting mission, they found a young force sensitive child who was about to be sold - astraea killed everyone where they stood and freed every single slave, she never wanted another person to feel trapped like they had been years ago. 
astraea did not treat them like her master did - she was still firm, but used techniques that were more remnant of their training as a jedi padawan.
an attachment became apparent between master and apprentice, moving to a more familial bond, rather than that of a master and apprentice - they became mother and daughter and astraea is fiercly protective over kore. 
this bond was eventually what became their downfall - the jedi council at the time had learned about their apprentice, taking it upon themselves to try and seize them and bring them to the jedi order - dubbing them young enough for the teachings of the sith to be erased. 
they had settled on the planet of lahn in the outer rim, being able to blend in with the variety of different species that inhabited the world - but it wasn’t enough, the jedi order found them, sending some of their best masters and knights. 
astraea fought well in the beginning, but was wounded by an attack they didn’t see coming, they died in their apprentice’s arms, while still keeping the jedi back from them until they no longer could. 
astraea’s last words to their apprentice were those of love and of how proud they were of them. 
here in dc:
astraea has been here in dc for a while, they have been in the background of things, knowing full well that there are other force users in the city, but waiting for the right moment to reveal herself to them - they learned early on to mask their force signature, not allowing another force user know that they are there. 
astraea has once again been reunited with their apprentice, who is more like a daughter than a student and they are glad that she’s safe and back with her.
currently has a friends with benefits kind of thing with the vice president, which is great for her bcs he's got power and they want some so hehe.
does the odd job of killing people when it's needed, so if you need someone to murder, astraea is ur bitch.
possible wanted connections:
friends that she’s made here - despite being p evil, astraea is still a cool person to hang out with :) she’s nice to the people who are nice to her - so some friendships would be good? with either like-minded people who are kinda evil like they are would be good, either that or anyone tbh??? or even just someone that they could have a good time with - give my babe some friends pls
past relationships - she’s not one to settle down, so there would probs be a lot of these ??????
thinking abt adding on a connection of possibly a sibling that stayed with the jedi ?????? so if ur interested in that pls hmu on discord!
k so this idea has been playing in my head for a while of them possibly having like a bio child that the father took away after he learnt that she was sith so ????? kinda down to play around with that idea of potentially having the dad and kid here so lets fuck some shit up hehe.
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minxinq · 7 months
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[ OC ] gaia
a demon adept in mimicry who escaped from hell and slaughtered a magical girl. she wears her skin and uses dark magic to preserve the image of her host in order to trick unsuspecting victims.
age: 70000
mimic form: 5’1
true form: 12’0 (including horns)
species: mimic demon
sexuality: aroace lesbian
in her mimic form, she uses a variety of weapons to dispose of innocents she doesn’t deem “worthy” to inhabit. her favourite is the chainsaw due to its messy tendencies. being stuck in hell for hundreds of centuries and only now escaping to the surface, she is fascinated with man-made weaponry, and finds it satisfying to kill humans with their own creations.
in her true form, she has sharp misshapen teeth, sunken eyes, long thin hair, sharp horns and claws. she is not made to be comprehended by humans, so to mortals, her body is a thin, constantly altering and pulsing mass of black vines. this is used to disorient victims.
gaia’s mimicry can be identified by the blurry/muddied, almost glassy eyes of her hosts. she has yet to find a way to disguise eyes properly. this detail is almost unnoticeable to mortals, however to other demons and hunters from hell like lynne, its very easy to spot.
as gaia is a runaway sinner, she is actively being hunted by lynne. however, despite lynne’s orders, she seems to have formed a strange bond with gaia. whether it is genuine or simply a form of deceit to lure in and dispose of the mimic is unknown.
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lgbtiwtv · 2 years
god. god. the significance of the diary pages about claudia’s assault being torn out raggedly by Louis, clearly in a fit of guilt and anguish and trauma, vs the diary pages about louis mourning lestat and regretting killing him being removed with surgical control and precision. by armand. this wasn’t a heat of the moment action it was deliberate and calculated and I can’t stop thinking about it
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black-aurora-nora · 9 months
Give In | Platonic!Yandere!Hawks x Teen!Reader
This had to be the worst day of your life.
You didn't think anything would top being kidnapped, but here you were sunken into the couch of your 'home' weighed down by your own dejection.
Your entire body was cold.
Wet, muddied clothes clung to your body and there was an obvious trail coming from the door to the couch.
Everything was numb.
Your fingertips, your toes, your mind.
The sound of the door opening paused your inner monologue.
"Man, that rain is no joke today! I'm soaked!" Hawks' voice came from the front door, but you didn't bother looking at him.
He strolled over to you after taking his shoes off, but again you paid him no mind. You couldn't bear the sight of him.
He stilled for a moment, looking you over while a frown overtook his features, "(Y/N), my sweet little sister, did you go outside?" His voice was so soft yet unbearably sarcastic. He knew the answer.
He hummed unhappily when he received no reply, "You're gonna get sick if you sit in those wet clothes any longer. I'll go draw you a bat-"
"Yeah, I hope I get so sick that I die." You spat. But even that held no real emotion behind it. You couldn't even bring yourself to be angry at him.
You'd been angry at first.
You'd spent so long trying to figure out an escape plan, only to find the door unlocked when you didn't find a key. Then you anxiously ran out into the rain, screaming for help and looking for any other houses or even streets.
For miles, you ran.
For miles, you hoped and prayed that today was the day you'd be free again.
But as if your prayers were nothing but a joke, you found a tall wall at the end of your journey and it suddenly made sense why the door was left unlocked.
The image of Keigo laughing at you was the first thing that flashed in your mind and you felt something snap in your psyche.
You grabbed at the muddied ground, throwing clumps of mud and grass into the wall as if it were mocking you. Curses of Keigo's name left your mouth with fiery breaths and when the clumps of mud weren't enough, you hit and clawed at the walls.
It hadn't mattered that your fingers were bleeding or that a few nails were gone.
Nothing mattered anymore.
Nothing mattered except for Keigo.
"Okay, grumpy, you still have to take a bath."
You clenched your fists and took a deep breath, "Why didn't you tell me about the wall?"
Keigo stopped, turning back towards you. He had a cocky glint in his eyes, "Did you really think I was gonna let you go that easily? Or that someone wouldn’t find you and return you?”
"Why..." You trailed off, "Why did you let me think that I had a chance? I... I ran for miles... thinking I was free..."
A sound of pity left Keigo and you wished you could slap him, "(Y/N), you're a smart kid. I'm your older, smarter brother." You wanted to scoff at his ego, "Why wouldn't I or the Heroes' Commission plan ahead?"
Why wouldn't they plan ahead?
You felt so stupid.
Of course everything had been planned.
Your prior kidnapping from your home.
Your shipment to Japan.
And your 'rescue' accomplished by Hawks himself.
It was so obvious now that all of that had been an orchestrated to get you into Keigo's possession.
You were a business plan.
Something to keep Keigo occupied from losing his sanity.
"Y-... You're all sick... you're all fucking sick!" Your chest hurt and you clawed at your heart with mangled fingers.
"(Y/N), focus on your breathing for me." Keigo told you, ignoring your spiraling. When you couldn't calm down, he stalked towards you, "(Y/N), I said focus! Slow your breathing."
Violent sobs tore your throat.
Everything had been taken from you just so you could play house with some hero.
Keigo cooed softly and closed the gap between you to hold you close and slide you down to the floor, telling you to slow your breathing.
He uttered praises to you when you finally listened and slowly but surely, your breathing was dissolved into quiet sobs and sniffles.
He stroked the top of your head before grabbing one of your hands to look at your fingers. He gave a small sigh when noticed how bloodied and swollen they were. They were probably riddled with fractures and would surely bruise.
“Maybe,” he spoke, “If you’d let go…this whole thing would be easier.”
“I… I’m gonna go take a bath now…” Your voice was hoarse, grated raw from your sobs and you stood on wobbly legs to make your way to the bathroom.
Keigo only smiled reassuringly and before you closed the door, he spoke one more time, “I love you so much, (Y/N). Please don’t forget that.”
But how could you?
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radio-writes · 6 months
Hi, will u do a human alastor x side mistress reader, so basically he has a wife, but he doesn't really love her, so when he's on the air he has sex with his side mistress in the radio tower. His side mistress knows he's a serial killer, by the way. You don't have to do this if u don't want to. I love ur fics.
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By the Gold Ring on His Hand
Synopsis: He loved you and only you. You were his to cherish, to adore, to worship. Sweet words he whispered softy, promisingly, into your ear. Sweet words he also whispered softly to his wife.
Warnings: smut, oral (m receiving), mentions of murder, heavy manipulation, cheating
Tags: human!alastor, alastor x reader, gn!reader, reader is the other wo/man
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You've always revered Alastor.
You were entranced by the way his smile never broke. The way he seemed to take control of any situation he was put in. The he always managed to just charm the socks off of anyone he's ever met.
You loved the way he made little corny jokes. You loved the way he danced—barely drunk from the bottles of rye he downed.
And oh, did you love the way he spoke.
You could listen to him all day on the radio, just absolutely smitten and melting where you stood. 
The one thing you didn't love about Alastor—the one thing you despised, really—was his wife.
That naive little thing. So meek, so quiet. You always hated the way she would cling onto his arm at parties. Loathed the way she'd shyly smile at everyone, including you.
There was just no way that delicate stupid girl could satisfy someone like Alastor.
Alastor needed, deserved, a real partner. One that had enough of a spine not to be stepped on, at the very least.
Your fingers twitched, aching to touch him more; to caress his thighs that perfectly framed your head. You wanted to feel him beneath you, reassure your heart that he was here with you.
You groaned as your longing was denied. You felt Alastor press his shoes harder against your hands, pinning your palms to the floor. The fingers in your hair tightened their grip, guiding you more strictly down his cock.
It was enough to cheer you up a little. Although your touch was declined, the little vibrations your sounds made clearly still had an effect on him. You felt a little proud knowing something as small as you moaning around him pleasured the hefty cock in your mouth.
The reality was far more bitter, though. Not that Alastor would ever let you know that.
Truth be told his grip was a warning. He had explicitly told you to be quiet, to keep your hands to yourself. But you seemed to be so adamant on testing his patience today, as you were refusing to do both.
Alastor's smile strained just a tad bit more in annoyance as he spoke into the microphone. "Hate to finish up the broadcast with some sour news, but someone's gotta keep you lovely folks up to date!"
You continued to bob your head between his legs, hidden from the rest of crew by the control panel. You made sure to drag the flat of your tongue over the under side of Alastor's dick each every time you lowered your mouth to his crotch. If your ministrations did anything for him, you couldn't really tell.
His voice was perfect, not a tone out of place as he continued his broadcast. You've never seen a man so well put together while having someone's mouth serve them so reverently.
"Seems the coppers found a couple more for the good old wooden kimonos last night. Grizzly sight it was—so I heard. Hate to be the ones to dig those poor souls out."
Even though he was the one to put them there in the first place, you suppressed a laugh. Not that you were complaining, though. It was part of how you and Alastor finally got together, after all.
Alastor finished up his broadcast, and you continued your slow little prayer on your knees. He waved his staff away when they tried to approach, simply sending them off with a friendly jest that he'd meet them at the bar after he cleaned up his work station.
It was only when the lock clicked behind his crew did Alastor finally acknowledge you. His lovely smile was intact, but you could tell his mood was a little soured by the way his brown eyes narrowed at you from behind his glasses.
The hand gripping your hair pulled you off his cock, a pathetic whine escaping your lips as he did so.
Alastor tried to ignore the—rather off putting—sight of a thin string of fluids connecting your mouth to the head of his dick. He bent down closer to you, keeping his gaze locked on yours.
"My dear, I thought I told you to be quiet while I worked." His voice was as sweet as ever.
You chuckled lightly, you wanted to move your hands to cup his cheek, bring him even closer to you. Perhaps even for a kiss to lift his seemingly bad mood.
The moment Alastor so much as felt your fingers twitch, he stepped harder on your hands again, keeping them pinned to the floor and away from him.
You opted to shrug your shoulders sheepishly instead. "I may have gotten carried away," You responded coyly "You just taste so good."
Alastor did his best not to cringe, choosing to tighten his smile. Ah, you were in one of your moods again, he thought.
"Then why don't you go ahead and have your fill of me now." His hand left the back of your head, resting instead on the sides of his chair as he leaned back. The gold band on his ring finger momentarily caught the light and drew your attention to it.
Your chest tightened just the slightest bit. You absolutely hated the reminder that Alastor wasn't fully yours. That he'd still go home to his stupid wife at the end of the day.
But not for long, at least that's what Alastor had promised you. And not right now. 
You ran your tongue along the thick vein of his cock, from the bottom, up its shaft, and smiled at the sight of his hips bucking up to your touch.
"In your mouth now again, darling." It didn't sound like a request, but you obeyed faithfully anyway. You were rewarded with a soft sigh as you welcomed him back in your warm mouth.
You'd bet your job that his sweet little wife never pleased him like this. Skittish thing like that would probably run at the thought of putting her lips on a hard dick.
Well, her loss is your gain.
You were so far gone in your own head that you hadn't even noticed Alastor wasn't looking at you.
No, instead his head craned towards the ceiling of his studio, eyes closed and tired.
He was trying to focus on the physical sensations you brought him, not that he had much of an interest in it in the first place, but he tried hard to concentrate. All he had to do was finish, and he could finally leave. Leave you here with some sweet promises, and not have to deal with your disgustingly loving gaze on him until maybe his next shift on Monday.
Not that spending time with his wife at home felt any more appealing.
He pushed the thoughts away, willing his mind to stay on you instead. He thought he can finish, at least he could feel the bottom of his gut tightening just a tiny fair bit.
He focused on the way your tongue felt as it swirled around him. How your lips stretched so softly to fit his shaft. How you practically drooled over his cock. How you—
You were noisier now that you knew you were alone, and it wasn't doing Alastor any favors. A rather loud moan cutting through his mind and it almost made the coil in his gut loosen completely, his shoulders tensing instead.
No, no this just wouldn't do. He had much more interesting plans tonight than to sit there and buy your silence with his cock.
His hand reached out once more, much less gentle than it was before. With less grace and care, Alastor's hand rested on the back of your neck, before harshly pushing you down as he bucked his hips up.
Your eyes were wide, a surge of panic filled you at the suddenness of the sensation. His dick hit the back of your throat and you tried to pull back immediately.
Alastor's other hand came up to the back of your head to push you back down. Your nose pressed firmly to his skin as his cock pushed past your throat. 
Your arms strained as you tried to use your hands to push him away, but Alastor merely stepped on your fingers harsher to get you to stay.
"Ah, fuck, darling. Stay like that. Oh that's lovely." You thought you heard him say.
He was finally looking down at you. The way you heaved as you choked on him. The way your body spasmed to get away. The way panic filled your pretty tearful eyes. 
Your throat tightening around him as you tried desperately to breathe felt miles better than whatever you were trying to do before, and it was exactly what he needed.
"Finally," He breathed out softly, almost in a moan, feeling the coil in his gut finally snap. He pressed you down, just the tiniest bit more and you felt his warm seed flow down your willing throat.
"There we go, dear." Alastor's harsh grip in your hair loosened, slowly petting through your locks. The hand on your neck remained, locking you in and rendering you unable to pull free.
Your eyes flickered up to him, part of you ready to beg for mercy, but one sight of his dazed smile made you pliant. Your body relaxed into his touch, simply letting him ride his high out with your bruised throat. 
He must have just gotten carried away, that's all. Simply something new he never got to do with his stupid wife. 
You felt his softening dick slowly pull out of you, his shaft dragging across your tongue and you finally pulled free with a choked gasp of air.
A gentle hand tipped your face back to meet Alastor's before you could be too dramatic. He pressed a gentle, chaste, kiss to the corner of your lips to calm you.
"You'll have to forgive me, my dear. Your body just makes me feel far too good—just couldn't hold back." The charm practically oozed from his smooth tongue.
Your gaze softened immediately. Your hands, now free from beneath his feet, made their way to his cheeks but he easily pulled back.
Really, what on earth made you think he'd let you touch him with filthy hands. Had you forgotten he'd been stepping on them this entire time? Kind of rude, if you'd ask him.
Not that any of those thoughts showed when Alastor simply, gently, helped you up to your feet by your elbow.
"Always so good to me, my dear. How I got so lucky to have a divine thing like you service me, I'd never know." He stood up with you, part of him did enjoy it whenever he got to look down on you in a more literal sense.
He pressed his body against yours, arms on the control panel behind you as he caged you in. His lips barely grazed your ears as he continued his sweet, sweet, praises. "Why couldn't you have shown up sooner, dear? I would have had it all." 
You placed your hand on his chest, failing to notice the way he flinched at the touch. "You still could, you know? All you have to do is leave that naive little thing and I could give you this every night." Your voice was low, seductive, alluring.
Alastor held back an annoyed groan. This again. His eyes rolled, not that you could see it with his head nuzzling against your shoulder.
"We both know I treat you so much better." You continued, hand trailing up to scratch at the hair at the bottom of his neck. "And I'd never hold you back from that little hobby of yours either." 
He chuckled at that, you could feel his lips at the base of your neck. "My dear, we've been through this." His kisses were soft, gentle, barely touching you, just like how he preferred it. "You don't have to feel so threatened by her, it's you that I want."
"Then why don't you—"
A gasp passed your lips.
"Leave her?" Alastor continued your sentence when you couldn't. His warm tongue licked over the reddened skin he bit. "I will, my dear, I will. Things are just a bit complicated at the moment."
More complicated than you knew, really.
He couldn't leave his wife because her dad was a big boss of his station. His ass would be out on the streets in minutes if he ever hurt that shy doll.
But he couldn't just kill you either. Not when your dad was the town sheriff.
He was lucky you were so obsessed with him that fucking you once in a while was enough to keep your pretty little mouth shut.
Honestly, just fuck the day you caught him slicing that man's flesh. That scum was hardly worth all the trouble he now has to go through.
"But I'm working on it." Alastor promised as he finally pulled away from you.
You gazed up into his warm, honest eyes. You adored the way he towered over you, really. It's like you fit together so perfectly—like puzzle pieces, was it? Was that how that cheesy line went.
"And then we can be together?" Your palms move to cup his face, and Alastor caught them on instinct before they could.
But you didn't notice, not when he corrected his actions so smoothly by pressing his lips to your knuckles instead—he tried his best to ignore how filthy they are, just to hide his mistake. "Of course, darling. In fact, I think I can work things out by tonight." 
Your father was going to be alone at the station.
Your eyes lit up. "Really?"
"Yes, my dear. Soon all of this hiding and sneaking around will be a thing of the past." He said, almost with the same amount of excitement as you.
He couldn't wait to toss your body in a ditch next to your old man's corpse.
"But I musn't be late"
He'll miss his chance to slit your father's throat if he lingered any longer.
"Soon you wouldn't have to be jealous of my wife, dear."
After all, the dead don't envy do they?
Alastor willed himself to humor you one last time, pressing his lips to yours before he bid you a good night.
He couldn't have rushed out that door any faster.
Who would have known trying to keep his cover would have eaten up so much of his time? He barely had any left to do the very act he was even trying to cover for.
Honestly, how troublesome.
But no matter, no matter.
He glanced back at the station. He could vaguely see your lovestruck figure through the window. He watched amusedly as you pathetically held your fingers to your lips, absolutely lost on cloud nine.
It won't be long until he was rid of you, and that fact was enough to lift his sour mood.
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
The first mistake I see people make is assuming there are completely "nonviolent" ways to be transphobic. It seems like some people conceptualize transphobia as being either violent (which is always physical in some way) or nonviolent (which is "simple" emotional, verbal, or psychological abuse)
It seems, also, that people presume that when somebody has "noble" intentions for their transphobia - "I'm trying to save you!" for instance - it is suddenly nonviolent. Consider, though, how a transphobe would "save" a trans person. Would they allow that person to exist unadulterated (including being able to transition), or would they prefer to put them through conversion therapy, or revoke their access to bodily autonomy, or force them to have children, or anything that will prevent them from transition or even identifying as trans or otherwise tying them down with the obligations that prevent transition or identifying as trans?
There is no true "nonviolent" way to be transphobic because being transphobic relies on denying one the ability to autonomy and personhood. Fundamentally, even the transphobes who "want to save us" only do so in their own self-interest to save them from the horror of knowing that more people than they are alive and thriving.
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