#Manicure Leeds
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wilsweb-asientour · 1 year
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Tag 22. 25.07.2023
Schweinecafé. Erstmal wollen wir Mama und Papa herzlichst zur Silbernen Hochzeit gratulieren und ihnen alles Gute wünschen. Darüber hinaus gratulieren wir Wenzel herzlich zum Master-Abschluss „Biotech with Enterprise (Industrial)“ an der Universität zu Leeds. Mit seinem praktischen Jahr bei AstraZeneca und seinen 4 Jahren in Leeds hat Wenzel tolle Erfahrungen gesammelt und einen super Abschluss in der Tasche - wir sind wirklich stolz auf ihn. Wir schicken viele liebe Grüße nach Leeds aus Tokyo, sind virtuell beim Festessen dabei und freuen uns auf ein baldiges Wiedersehen.
Wir wachten heute beide erst um 12:00 Uhr auf! Webster konnte es nicht glauben, Jowita wäre stolz. Einen Wecker hatten wir aufgrund Wilsons Auseinandersetzung mit dem Seeigel nicht gestellt und Webster war nach 16,0km Laufweg auch komplett am Ende. Vielleicht brauchten es unsere Körper aufgrund der vielen Reiserei. Nichtsdestotrotz standen wir mit guter Laune auf, Wilson ging’s wieder besser, und wir frühstückten gemeinsam im Hotelzimmer. Draußen herrschten 36^C und blauer Himmel als wir das Hotel verließen.
Die erste Station hieß „Shinjuku Gyoen“, ein japanischer Garten so groß wie das Leipziger Rosenthal mit Wasserflächen und beeindruckend gepflegten Grünflächen. Wir verbrachten 2h in den Gärten und unterhielten uns über dies und jenes. Daraufhin ging’s nach Shinjuku, wo wir wie gewohnt ins Apple-Geschäft gingen und den Adidas-Laden besuchten, um für Wilson ein Fußballtrikot zu kaufen. Daraufhin ging’s langsam durch Shinjuku rüber nach Harajuku, wo wir einen Vintage-Kleidungsladen bewunderten und dann unseren Platz im Mipig-Café gebucht einnahmen.
Wilson hatte den Mipig Trend auf YouTube betrachtet: man setzt sich auf ein Sitzkissen, genießt ein Getränk und rund um einen herum laufen Mini-Schweine durch die Gegend. Gelegentlich setzt sich ein Schweinchen auf einen auserwählten Schoß, um sich streicheln zu lassen. Komisch aber witzig. Zum Abendessen gabs wieder Ramen (Afuri), dieses Mal aber nicht auf dem Niveau von gestern (Ichiran). Der makabere Wilson musste natürlich anstatt von Hühnchen Schweine-Ramen bestellen. (Greta Thunfisch beginnt morgen ihre Bootstour rüber, um mit Wilson ein paar Wörtchen auszutauschen…). Jetzt trinken wir Suntory im Hotel und ruhen unsere müden Beine aus. Wir freuen uns natürlich weiterhin unsere Erlebnisse mit euch teilen zu dürfen. Gute Nacht!
Notiz. Bei Wünschen aus Asien, bitte melden. Wir fahren in den kommenden Tagen Richtung Südwesten nach: Kyoto, Osaka, Nara, Kobe und Hiroshima. Danach gehts für 6 Tage nach Seoul. Also, falls Wünsche vorhanden sind, die nicht zu viel Platz im Hauptgepäck wegnehmen, dann per WhatsApp schreiben!
Day 22. July 25, 2023
Pig Café. First of all, we would like to warmly congratulate Mom and Dad on their Silver Wedding Anniversary and wish them all the best. In addition, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to Wenzel on obtaining his Master's degree in "Biotech with Enterprise (Industrial)" at the University of Leeds. With his practical year at AstraZeneca and his 4 years in Leeds, Wenzel has gained valuable experiences and has an excellent qualification in hand - we are truly proud of him. We send many warm greetings from Tokyo to Leeds, virtually joining the celebratory feast, and looking forward to meeting again soon.
Today, we both woke up at 12:00 PM! Webster couldn't believe it, and Jowita would be proud. We didn't set an alarm due to Wilson's encounter with the sea urchin, Webster was also completely exhausted after 16.0 km of walking yesterday. Maybe our bodies needed it after all the traveling too. Nevertheless, we got up in good spirits, Wilson was feeling better again, and we had breakfast together in the hotel room. Outside, it was 36°C with a clear blue sky when we left the hotel.
The first stop was "Shinjuku Gyoen," a Japanese garden as big as Leipzig's Rosenthal Park with water features and impressively manicured green spaces. We spent 2 hours in the gardens, chatting about this and that. After that, we headed to Shinjuku, where we visited the Apple store as usual and also stopped by the Adidas store to buy a football jersey for Wilson. Then, we strolled slowly through Shinjuku over to Harajuku, where we admired a vintage clothing store and then took our reserved spot at the Mipig Café.
Wilson had watched the Mipig trend on YouTube: you sit on a cushion, enjoy a drink, and mini-pigs run around you. Occasionally, a piglet sits on someone's lap to be petted. It's strange but funny. For dinner, we had ramen again (Afuri), but this time not as good as yesterday (Ichiran). Of course, the macabre Wilson had to order pig ramen instead of chicken. (Greta Thunfisch will start her boat tour tomorrow to have a chat with Wilson...). Now, we're having Suntory at the hotel and resting our tired legs. We'll certainly continue sharing our experiences with you. Good night!
Note: If you have any requests from Asia, please let us know. In the coming days, we'll be heading southwest to Kyoto, Osaka, Nara, Kobe, and Hiroshima. After that, we'll spend 6 days in Seoul. So, if you have any requests that don't take up much space in the main luggage, feel free to send them via WhatsApp!
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markeduke · 3 months
All About Harmonizing Countryside Charm with Modern Living Comforts
At Prospect Homes Burscough, our commitment lies in crafting superior residences that seamlessly blend aesthetic appeal with everyday comfort. Enter Bridgemere Burscough, an enclave of executive homes boasting three and four bedrooms, nestled within the serene West Lancashire countryside. Positioned adjacent to the Leeds and Liverpool Canal and embraced by verdant farmland on the outskirts of Burscough, Bridgemere exudes a vibrant ecosystem teeming with local wildlife. Here, residents are greeted by the tranquil ambiance punctuated by the clucking of moorhens, the melodious chirping of songbirds, and the gentle hum of passing barges.
Despite its idyllic rural setting, new builds burscough maintains convenient connectivity to urban amenities such as shops, schools, and major roadways, epitomizing modern living at its finest. New homes burscough offers the allure of countryside living without compromising proximity to essential services, delivering the best of both worlds to its residents.
Bridgemere new build homes burscough presents an unparalleled opportunity for those yearning for a harmonious blend of natural splendor and contemporary convenience. Let’s delve into what renders this community an appealing haven for the owners of new homes in burscough.
Nestled amidst the West Lancashire countryside, Bridgemere, property for sale burscough offers residents breathtaking vistas and an unparalleled sense of tranquility. Homes to buy burscough Surrounded by lush greenery and rolling landscapes, Homes to buy in burscough serves as an escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life, allowing residents to immerse themselves in the beauty of nature.
The proximity to the Leeds and Liverpool Canal and the abundance of farmland create a haven for diverse wildlife, from vibrant butterflies fluttering in the breeze to graceful swans gliding across the water. House for sale in burscough Bridgemere fosters an environment where nature enthusiasts can revel in the wonders of the natural world.
Prospect Homes Burscough prides itself on crafting residences that seamlessly integrate with their natural surroundings while providing modern comforts. The new builds in Burscough, including those in Bridgemere, feature contemporary architecture, spacious interiors, and high-quality finishes, ensuring a luxurious living experience for residents.
Thoughtful community planning lies at the heart of Bridgemere’s design, fostering a sense of belonging while respecting individual privacy. Well-manicured green spaces, walking trails, and communal areas encourage neighborly interaction, cultivating a tight-knit community atmosphere.
Despite its rural setting, Bridgemere offers easy access to essential amenities, including shops, schools, healthcare facilities, and recreational areas. For those seeking property for sale in Burscough or new homes to buy, Bridgemere presents an enticing option, blending countryside serenity with modern convenience.
Situated in close proximity to major roadways such as the M6 and M58 motorways, Bridgemere ensures seamless connectivity to nearby towns and cities homes for sale Ormskirk, Liverpool, and Manchester. Commuters can effortlessly access urban centers for work or leisure, enhancing the community’s appeal.
With a selection of three and four-bedroom homes, Bridgemere caters to families of all sizes. The community is designed with families in mind, offering safe play areas, schools, and recreational facilities nearby, fostering a family-friendly environment.
The combination of Bridgemere’s idyllic location, modern amenities, and strong community appeal makes it an attractive investment opportunity. Whether as a primary residence or a rental property, homes in Bridgemere are poised for long-term value appreciation.
Above all, Bridgemere offers residents a superior quality of life, characterized by clean air, tranquil surroundings, and a sense of belonging within a close-knit community. Bridgemere epitomizes the perfect fusion of countryside charm and modern living, offering residents an exceptional lifestyle where nature meets luxury in Burscough and Ormskirk. For those considering homes for sale in Ormskirk or houses in Ormskirk to buy, Bridgemere’s allure extends to those seeking a tranquil yet connected living experience.
Bridgemere epitomizes the perfect fusion of countryside charm and modern living, offering residents an exceptional lifestyle where nature meets luxury in Burscough and Ormskirk. For those considering homes for sale in Ormskirk or properties to buy in Ormskirk, Bridgemere presents an enticing option. With its idyllic surroundings, modern amenities, and strong sense of community, Bridgemere promises a superior quality of life for homeowners. Whether seeking a peaceful retreat from city life or an investment opportunity with long-term value appreciation, Bridgemere by Prospect Homes Burscough stands as a testament to excellence in residential living. Experience the best of both worlds at Bridgemere, where every moment is an opportunity to embrace the tranquility of the countryside while enjoying the conveniences of modern living.
[Related site1] [Related site2]
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posthavenblog · 7 months
All About Harmonizing Countryside Charm with Modern Living Comforts
At Prospect Homes Burscough, our commitment lies in crafting superior residences that seamlessly blend aesthetic appeal with everyday comfort. Enter Bridgemere Burscough, an enclave of executive homes boasting three and four bedrooms, nestled within the serene West Lancashire countryside. Positioned adjacent to the Leeds and Liverpool Canal and embraced by verdant farmland on the outskirts of Burscough, Bridgemere exudes a vibrant ecosystem teeming with local wildlife. Here, residents are greeted by the tranquil ambiance punctuated by the clucking of moorhens, the melodious chirping of songbirds, and the gentle hum of passing barges.
Despite its idyllic rural setting, new builds burscough maintains convenient connectivity to urban amenities such as shops, schools, and major roadways, epitomizing modern living at its finest. New homes burscough offers the allure of countryside living without compromising proximity to essential services, delivering the best of both worlds to its residents.
Bridgemere new build homes burscough presents an unparalleled opportunity for those yearning for a harmonious blend of natural splendor and contemporary convenience. Let's delve into what renders this community an appealing haven for new homes in burscough.
Nestled amidst the West Lancashire countryside, Bridgemere, property for sale burscough offers residents breathtaking vistas and an unparalleled sense of tranquility. Homes to buy burscough Surrounded by lush greenery and rolling landscapes, Homes to buy in burscough serves as an escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life, allowing residents to immerse themselves in the beauty of nature.
The proximity to the Leeds and Liverpool Canal and the abundance of farmland create a haven for diverse wildlife, from vibrant butterflies fluttering in the breeze to graceful swans gliding across the water. House for sale in burscough Bridgemere fosters an environment where nature enthusiasts can revel in the wonders of the natural world.
Prospect Homes Burscough prides itself on crafting residences that seamlessly integrate with their natural surroundings while providing modern comforts. The new builds in Burscough, including those in Bridgemere, feature contemporary architecture, spacious interiors, and high-quality finishes, ensuring a luxurious living experience for residents.
Thoughtful community planning lies at the heart of Bridgemere's design, fostering a sense of belonging while respecting individual privacy. Well-manicured green spaces, walking trails, and communal areas encourage neighborly interaction, cultivating a tight-knit community atmosphere.
Despite its rural setting, Bridgemere offers easy access to essential amenities, including shops, schools, healthcare facilities, and recreational areas. For those seeking property for sale in Burscough or new homes to buy, Bridgemere presents an enticing option, blending countryside serenity with modern convenience.
Situated in close proximity to major roadways such as the M6 and M58 motorways, Bridgemere ensures seamless connectivity to nearby towns and cities homes for sale Ormskirk, Liverpool, and Manchester. Commuters can effortlessly access urban centers for work or leisure, enhancing the community's appeal.
With a selection of three and four-bedroom homes, Bridgemere caters to families of all sizes. The community is designed with families in mind, offering safe play areas, schools, and recreational facilities nearby, fostering a family-friendly environment.
The combination of Bridgemere's idyllic location, modern amenities, and strong community appeal makes it an attractive investment opportunity. Whether as a primary residence or a rental property, homes in Bridgemere are poised for long-term value appreciation.
Above all, Bridgemere offers residents a superior quality of life, characterized by clean air, tranquil surroundings, and a sense of belonging within a close-knit community. Bridgemere epitomizes the perfect fusion of countryside charm and modern living, offering residents an exceptional lifestyle where nature meets luxury in Burscough and Ormskirk. For those considering homes for sale in Ormskirk or houses in Ormskirk to buy, Bridgemere's allure extends to those seeking a tranquil yet connected living experience.
Bridgemere epitomizes the perfect fusion of countryside charm and modern living, offering residents an exceptional lifestyle where nature meets luxury in Burscough and Ormskirk. For those considering homes for sale in Ormskirk or properties to buy in Ormskirk, Bridgemere presents an enticing option. With its idyllic surroundings, modern amenities, and strong sense of community, Bridgemere promises a superior quality of life for homeowners. Whether seeking a peaceful retreat from city life or an investment opportunity with long-term value appreciation, Bridgemere by Prospect Homes Burscough stands as a testament to excellence in residential living. Experience the best of both worlds at Bridgemere, where every moment is an opportunity to embrace the tranquility of the countryside while enjoying the conveniences of modern living.
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hoodoverhollywood · 9 months
Enjoy beautiful nail art from awe-inspiring nail technicians at Townhouse nail salon
Townhouse nail salons count celebrities like Margot Robbie and the cast of Sex and the City as clients, and now NationalWorld reporter Rochelle Barrand has joined the brand’s list of fans NationalWorld reporter Rochelle Barrand had a signature gel manicure with elevated and elegant nail art at Townhouse nail salon in Leeds. Photo by Rochelle Barrand. One of the ultimate beauty treats is having…
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Nutrition Counseling in Nelson, ON: Unlocking Your Path to Optimal Wellness
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stillunusual · 4 years
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Alternative Ulster (issue #72) YEAR: 1978 CREATED BY: Gavin Martin, Dave McCullough and various contributors (including Morrissey and Mark E Smith) LOCATION: Bangor (Northern Ireland) SIZE: A4 WHAT'S INSIDE.... Alternative Ulster was one of the fanzines that really defined the punk and post-punk era. It was founded by Gavin Martin and Dave "Angry" McCullough, both of whom would soon go on to become proper music journalists with NME and Sounds respectively. Contributors included a young Steven Morrissey and Mark E Smith of The Fall, both of whom left a significant mark on this issue (which I'm pretty sure was actually the seventh and not the 72nd). On page 31, it's Morrissey who asks the question "did you get your name from a SLF song or was it vice versa?" and gets the answer that it was Stiff Little Fingers who named one of their most famous tracks after the fanzine and not the other way round.... Issue #72 features pretty much all of the bands who were active in Northern Ireland at the time - The Undertones, Protex, Victim (who had already found time to split up and reform), Rhesus Negative, Rudi, The Outcasts, Ruefrex and the aforementioned SLF - as well as a sarcastic tribute of sorts to Bangor, which makes it crystal clear that you really wouldn't want to live there. The zine also boasts special features about Manchester and London, with some great original photos throughout. The "Focus On Manchester" section (continued from the previous issue) includes Magazine, John Cooper Clarke, The Nosebleeds and Joy Division (who had just released the "An Ideal For Living" EP). Morrissey claims the latter is "faultless" in his personal round up of the Manchester music scene on page 6, which also mentions A Certain Ratio, Manicured Noise and an all-female band called The Abortions, among others. He also briefly covers the Northern Carnival Against The Nazis that took place in Alexandra Park on 15th July 1978, which gets a more detailed review on the next page by Alternative Ulster's Leeds correspondent Danny McAndrew. The bottom half of page 8 is a contribution from Mark E Smith and it was subsequently reprinted on the back of the sleeve of The Fall's first album "Live At The Witchtrials". The Fall had just released their first single, "Bingo Master’s Break Out", which is advertised on page 23 alongside some nice pics of the band. The London coverage features The Flamin' Groovies, Radio Birdman, The Motors and The Lurkers, and a review of a gig in which The Clash were supported by Suicide (who got a predictably hostile reception from the crowd) and The Specials - and were joined on stage by ex-Pistols Paul Cook and Steve Jones, as well as Jimmy Pursey of Sham 69. Gavin Martin also praises The Clash's latest single "White Man In Hammersmith Palais” and condemns Malcolm McLaren's abuse of the Sex Pistols' name on the recently released "No-One Is Innocent" collaboration between Cook, Jones and Ronnie Biggs ("corpses should be buried when they start to smell").... Speaking as someone who went through a period of being obsessed with Patti Smith back in my stylish youth, the four pages about her (including two lovely photos supplied by Terri Hooley of Good Vibrations) were also very welcome. Other artists featured include Wreckless Eric, Wilko Johnson, Thin Lizzy, Boomtown Rats and Bruce Springsteen. There's also a guest article from Jane Suck (AKA Jane Solanas). The back cover includes a letter from Billy Idol of Generation X (promising that the band will come over to Northern Ireland in the near future) and a typically idiosyncratic missive from Mark E Smith: “The Fall are a rock 'n' roll band, Mr Angry! It’s our primary objective! That’s what I think separates us from the bands we are classified with (Subway Sect, Magazine – aargh!). We love it. We dig the beat. I think that’s where all these up and coming middle-class bands fall (!) down. They sort of run before they walk....AU in general builds me up. It’s one of the only papers I can identify with. The UK press is all gloomy and shallow. You’re not elitist, non rock 'n' roll Devo pseuds. You like us and the Dogs and I think that’s great”.... The bottom half of the back page is a Good Vibrations advert, which features their first four releases, the fourth of which was the almost legendary "Teenage Kicks" EP by The Undertones. Click on the title above to see scans of all the zine's pages.... my box of 1970s fanzines flickr
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Marvel Snippet - Is This For Real?
Something written on a whim for fun. I wanted to play around with adult variations of the MCU spidey cast. Ned and Betty dated briefly, broke up and he ended up as godfather of her baby.
He didn’t really expect to take on the full fatherly part.
The overweight man releases a shaky kind of laugh as he leans back a little in the overly plush chair that he's seated in. Ned is finding it hard to really gather his thoughts. Everything feels so decidedly scattered. The stuffy air of the office and quiet low toned classical music doesn't help much either.
"This is... for real?" He questions slowly, dark eyes searching the woman seated behind the desk's face for any hint of humor. He finds nothing on her face but a polite distance. Ned's gaze drops back to the name plate at the front of the desk.
Elizabeth Warren-Mckinley Is written out neatly in what Ned assumes has to be fake gold. He can't picture anyone really doing real gold name plates these days. It all feels too weird for his tastes. Then again, everything about the situation is weird.
"It is very real, Mr. Leeds." The Elizabeth says brusquely with a brief flash of a smile meant to be reassuring. Ned does not feel reassured, not at all. He feels nauseous.
He mostly wants to pop open one of the tiny windows behind his seat and crawl to freedom. Elizabeth continues without giving Ned a chance to respond. "I know this must be a shock to you. It was quite sudden."
The lawyer's words make Ned grimace a little as he runs a hand through his black hair. His vain attempt at styling it is quickly going to the wayside. "To be honest, I didn't even know Betty had her baby yet."
The last time he spoke to her she was pretty early on in her pregnancy. Hell, Ned didn’t even know who the actual father of the baby was. When Betty asked if he would be the godfather, he kind of assumed symbolically given she moved to California two years ago.
The woman's carefully maintained brows pinch together in a brief flash of surprise as she speaks, "I see."
She drops her gaze back to the paperwork on her desk. She shuffles it casually as she begins to speak. "Well, Ms. Brant thought highly enough of you to give you primary custody of her child, that should say something, shouldn't it?"
"I_ guess?" Ned wishes he was more eloquent in the moment. Hell, he wishes he was more eloquent at all times. Right now, he feels like he is going to maybe throw up in this rich white lady's office. He's trying to stay focused on her overly perfect teeth and coifed hair opposed to the fake potted plants he could horf into. The plants look like very tempting targets. His mind keeps jumping around erratically, wishing he could pull a Peter move and actually jump away from problems.
He sucks in a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down, even if every cell in his body wants to panic. "Okay, so, primary custody, did she... appoint anyone else?"
The semi-intelligent question is enough for Elizabeth to smile at him. "There was another name or two, but you were given the most credence. All my paperwork paints you as the primary guardian." She spreads the paperwork across her desk, paging through it with well-manicured hands. She settles on a page easily enough, looking back up at him with another smile.
“What… what should I do?” He ends up asking as he tries to parse out his feelings.
“That’s entirely up to you, Mr. Leeds.”
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uonsu · 5 years
A very merry Christmas list: what to do when you’re not going home
Written by Jane-Menn Cheong, a fourth year Pharmacy student from the University of Nottingham. 
As Christmas approaches and Mariah Carey’s voice is heard in every retail store imaginable, you know the winter break is here! No more lectures for a whole month; you can do whatever you want, and most may choose to go home – unless home is 6,000 miles away!
Having moved here about a year ago, this will be my second Christmas away from home. Although the holiday season isn’t as huge back home as it is here, the cold weather and quiet campus can make you feel a little home sick. So, here are a few ideas for those of you who are a little too far from home to spend Christmas with your family:
1. Christmas markets 
If you have yet to visit the Christmas market at the Old Market Square in town, I highly recommend it. There’s an ice skating rink, carousel, the smell of hot chocolate and cute little vendors you can purchase random trinkets from. The market is open from now until New Year’s Eve, so you can be filled with that fuzzy festive feeling throughout the winter break.
Besides the Christmas market in Nottingham, why not take this opportunity to visit a city you’ve never been to and go to a Christmas market there? Here are a few that I’ve heard are pretty great:
Frankfurt Christmas Markets, Birmingham (Thursday 7 November to Monday 23 December)
Christkindelmarkt, Leeds German Christmas Market (Friday 8 November to Saturday 21 December)
Manchester Christmas Markets, Manchester (Friday 8 November to Saturday 21 December)
Hyde Park Winter Wonderland, London (Thursday 21 November to Sunday 5 January)
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2. Head home with a friend
If you’re not from here and have never had the experience of celebrating Christmas in a British household, get the full cultural experience and spend Christmas with a close friend at their home. It really makes a difference when you’re around a family environment, especially when you haven’t been home for a long while. Plus, you might even be lucky enough to have a home-cooked roast dinner – something I didn’t know about until last Christmas. You’ll also be surprised to find out that Yorkshire puddings and mince pies don’t taste like what they sound like.
Alternatively, you could have a little ‘family dinner’ with a few friends who might still be around. This could be a great opportunity to learn to cook something new and get closer to people you may not necessarily have hung out with before.
3. Christmas concerts and carols 
If you like a little music and can’t help but sing along to the jingles, there will be a couple of Christmas-related shows going on at Nottingham’s Theatre Royal & Royal Concert Hall. They will be showing A West End Christmas, which will feature musical favourites from The Phantom of the Opera to Jesus Christ Superstar, accompanied by the West End Theatre Orchestra. If that’s not for you, they also have a couple of orchestra performances with festive favourites.
For more information on dates and times, visit their website.
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4. Help the homeless
Christmas is all about giving back, and volunteering at a food bank for the homeless is a great way to do so. There are a few organisations in Nottingham who actively help feed the homeless and you can always offer your help, especially during Christmas. There are a few organisations based in Nottinghamshire that can help give back and spread Christmas joy, including Emmanuel House and Tracy’s Street Kitchen.
5. Have some alone time
The winter break also means that you may be home alone or alone in halls with no distractions. This could be a great time to get into that skincare routine you never started or read that book you bought during the summer. Alone time can help you recharge your social energy, so you can function better when assessments start. Self-care isn’t necessarily an expensive face mask, going on a shopping spree, or treating yourself to a manicure – it could also mean getting to sleep earlier, going to the gym and eating better – and now you have the time to do just that.
Whatever you choose to do during the winter break, I hope this blog has helped. With that, I hope you have a very merry Christmas and don’t forget to prepare for your assessments!
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Reveal Radiant Skin with Microdermabrasion Facial in Leeds
If you're looking for a non-invasive and effective way to achieve smoother and brighter skin, Eden Beauty Salon has got you covered with their Microdermabrasion Facial in Leeds. Using advanced technology, the treatment gently exfoliates the top layer of dead skin cells, revealing fresh and rejuvenated skin underneath. This helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation, giving you a youthful and radiant glow. The experienced therapists at Eden Beauty Salon tailor the treatment to your skin type and concerns, ensuring that you receive the best possible results. Plus, they use only the highest quality products to enhance the benefits of the treatment. Say hello to a more confident and glowing you and book your Microdermabrasion Facial in Leeds with Eden Beauty Salon today.
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rey-129-fan · 5 years
Chapters: 8/? Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man (Movies), Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Spider-Man - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker, Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Pepper Potts, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Pepper Potts, Michelle Jones & Peter Parker Characters: Tony Stark, Peter Parker, May Parker (Spider-Man), Mystery Character/OC, Pepper Potts, Ned Leeds, Sally Avril, Abe Brown, Michelle Jones, Flash Thompson, Charles Murphy (Spider-Man: Homecoming), Thanos (Marvel) Additional Tags: Twitter, Group chat, Texting, Not Canon Compliant, Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant, Not Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Compliant, What Infinity War and Endgame?, Don't exist, Mysterious OC, Peter is a Little Shit, Irondad, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Post-Spider-Man: Homecoming, Manicures & Pedicures, Bonding, Good Peter, Peter is curious, Pepper and May friendship, Peter Parker can thermoregulate, Tony Stark can be an idiot, Responsible Pepper Potts, Aca Dec Team, no far from home spoilers, Not Spider-Man: Far From Home Compliant, Unwanted Sex change, Alien Technology Summary:
Peter got a Spider-Man Twitter without warning the adults that look after him.
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ao3feed-harleypeter · 5 years
by Archangel777
"Even serial killers live next door to somebody. If I've learned anything, it's that people hardly ever let you know who they really are. Just past the manicured lawns and friendly waves, inside any house, even the one across the street, anything could be happening and you'd never know. And that's the thing about this place. It all might seem normal and routine, but the truth is that small towns are where the craziest shit happens. You never know what might be coming around the corner."
Or After the death of his uncle, Peter Parker and his aunt move to the small town of Dryden, New York. Peter and his new friends soon try to prove that their teacher and neighbor Mr Stark, is a cold blooded killer with an obsession for taking advantage of 15 year old boys. Along the way things get complicated, and no one is as innocent as they appear.
Words: 2251, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Iron Man (Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: M/M
Characters: Peter Parker, Michelle Jones, Ned Leeds, May Parker (Spider-Man), Tony Stark, Gwen Stacy, Flash Thompson
Relationships: Peter Parker/Harley Keener, Michelle Jones & Peter Parker, Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Peter Parker/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Coming of Age, Horror, Homecoming, loosely based on Summer of 84, Dark Tony Stark, Teacher Tony Stark, Nerd Peter Parker, Manipulation, It's not Starker, Non-Consensual Kissing, I promise to come back and edit
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melananin · 5 years
Get to know me pt. idk
200: My crush’s name is: brantdypoo 199: I was born in: us 198: I am really: quiet 197: My cellphone company is: tmoblie 196: My eye color is: brown 195: My shoe size is: 7ish 194: My ring size is: idk  193: My height is: 5′2 192: I am allergic to: eggs 191: My 1st car was: subaru  190: My 1st job was: working with kids  189: Last book you read:  a million little pieces 188: My bed is: medium 187: My pet: dog 186: My best friend: 3 people  185: My favorite shampoo is: the one from costco 184: Xbox or ps3: ps4 183: Piggy banks are: ok 182: In my pockets: nothing 181: On my calendar: days i work  and finals 180: Marriage is: whatever 179: Spongebob can: laugh 178: My mom: is cool 177: The last three songs I bought were?  movements 176: Last YouTube video watched: patd live at reading and leeds festival 175: How many cousins do you have? too many 174: Do you have any siblings? 1 173: Are your parents divorced? hA 172: Are you taller than your mom? no 171: Do you play an instrument? i can 170: What did you do yesterday? @ my bbb [ I Believe In ] 169: Love at first sight: idk 168: Luck: eh 167: Fate: ye 166: Yourself: no 165: Aliens: probably 164: Heaven: idk 163: Hell: idk 162: God: idk 161: Horoscopes: no 160: Soul mates: maybe 159: Ghosts: no 158: Gay Marriage: sure 157: War: no 156: Orbs: huh 155: Magic: no [ This or That ] 154: Hugs or Kisses: hugs 153: Drunk or High: drunk 152: Phone or Online: online 151: Red heads or Black haired: black 150: Blondes or Brunettes: brown 149: Hot or cold: hot 148: Summer or winter: sumemr 147: Autumn or Spring: spring 146: Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla 145: Night or Day: night 144: Oranges or Apples: orange 143: Curly or Straight hair: curly 142: McDonalds or Burger King: mcd 141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: milk 140: Mac or PC: mac 139: Flip flops or high heels: flioops 138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: sweet 137: Coke or Pepsi: coke 136: Hillary or Obama: obama 135: Burried or cremated: cremated 134: Singing or Dancing: dancing 133: Coach or Chanel: coach 132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: who 131: Small town or Big city: big city 130: Wal-Mart or Target: target 129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: ben 128: Manicure or Pedicure: hands 127: East Coast or West Coast: east 126: Your Birthday or Christmas: christmas 125: Chocolate or Flowers: chocolate 124: Disney or Six Flags: six flags 123: Yankees or Red Sox: who cares   [ Here’s What I Think About ] 122: War: it dumb 121: George Bush: which 120: Gay Marriage: it okay 119: The presidential election: ugh 118: Abortion: it okay 117: MySpace: idk 116: Reality TV: it whack 115: Parents: mine suck rn 114: Back stabbers: you dumb 113: Ebay: it okay 112: Facebook: it okay 111: Work: i complain a lot but its actualy good 110: My Neighbors: they okay  109: Gas Prices: they high now 108: Designer Clothes: eh 107: College: its alright 106: Sports: they alright 105: My family: broken rn 104: The future: im scared [ Last time I ] 103: Hugged someone: yesterday 102: Last time you ate: 30 min ago 101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: today 100: Cried in front of someone: a week ago 99: Went to a movie theater: almost two weeks ago 98: Took a vacation: two weeks ago 97: Swam in a pool: the winter 96: Changed a diaper: never 95: Got my nails done: looong time ago 94: Went to a wedding: friday before last 93: Broke a bone: never? 92: Got a peircing: when i was 2 months old 91: Broke the law: a few days ago 90: Texted: rn [ MISC ] 89: Who makes you laugh the most: my friends  88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my dog and bed 87: The last movie I saw: it may have been la llorona 86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: school ending and going to nyc and doing stuff 85: The thing im not looking forward to: my dad moving out 84: People call me: nani 83: The most difficult thing to do is: ask 82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: no 81: My zodiac sign is: virgo 80: The first person i talked to today was: my grandpa 79: First time you had a crush: prob kindergarten or something 78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: certain person 77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: today 76: Right now I am talking to: bbb 75: What are you going to do when you grow up: i dont know 74: I have/will get a job:? 73: Tomorrow: i have a final 72: Today: i had a final 71: Next Summer: im going to ny 70: Next Weekend: idk what im doing 69: I have these pets: dog and fish 68: The worst sound in the world: screaming 67: The person that makes me cry the most is: idk 66: People that make you happy: my friends and fmaily kinda 65: Last time I cried: a bit ago idk 64: My friends are: cool 63: My computer is: nice 62: My School: alright 61: My Car: cute 60: I lose all respect for people who: believe dumb things 59: The movie I cried at was: i dont remmeber 58: Your hair color is: brown 57: TV shows you watch: non rn 56: Favorite web site: pornhub  55: Your dream vacation: all of europe  54: The worst pain I was ever in was: golf ball sized blister on my foot while having a shoe on it 53: How do you like your steak cooked: yes
52: My room is: messy
51: My favorite celebrity is: kaya 50: Where would you like to be: in a good place 49: Do you want children: porbably 48: Ever been in love: i think so 47: Who’s your best friend:  46: More guy friends or girl friends: 45: One thing that makes you feel great is: 44: One person that you wish you could see right now: bbb 43: Do you have a 5 year plan: no 42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: no 41: Have you pre-named your children: kinda 40: Last person I got mad at: dad 39: I would like to move to: washington 38: I wish I was a professional: [ My Favorites ] 37: Candy: reeses 36: Vehicle: subaru 35: President: obama 34: State visited: washingotn 33: Cellphone provider: idk 32: Athlete: uj 31: Actor: evan peters 30: Actress: kaya 29: Singer: sky 28: Band: movements 27: Clothing store: hm 26: Grocery store: king soopers 25: TV show: twd 24: Movie: not sure 23: Website:  22: Animal: fox 21: Theme park: universal florida 20: Holiday: 19: Sport to watch: 18: Sport to play: 17: Magazine: 16: Book: 15: Day of the week: 14: Beach: 13: Concert attended: 12: Thing to cook: 11: Food: 10: Restaurant: 9: Radio station: 8: Yankee candle scent: 7: Perfume: 6: Flower: 5: Color: 4: Talk show host: 3: Comedian: 2: Dog breed: 1: Did you answer all these truthfully? 
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coastmoor · 3 years
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7 Must-Visit Architecture in the Philippines
7.Where We Build Your Visions
GALUA PLUS Architectural Design Studio is an architecture firm established in 1998 ( the former name was RD Galua Associates). It is dedicated to providing a diversified range of services from space planning and design, to project development and management. It also offers consultancy services not only for architectural design but as well as for sustainable development.
Pursuant to Executive Order No. 366 , the BIR offices throughout the country will stablished their own Document Processing Division in every Regional Offices, or proximate to the same office, ensuring for the exclusivity of such Division where returns shall be archived in its storage facility. Thus, results to the creation of a permanent DPD Building for each Regional Office throughout the country. This three storey Document Processing Division Records building comprises of offices, conference room, and huge document storage.
6. Zuellig Building, Makati
Situated at the busy intersection of Makati Avenue and Paseo de Roxas, Zuellig Building sits right in Makati City’s heart, the Philippines’ business hub located in Metro Manila.
Known for its financial institutions and upmarket hotels, the area is home to some impressive skyscrapers; but nothing quite compares to the glistening sky-rise that is the Zuellig.
Notable for its environmentally conscious design and modern technologies, the 155-meter high building has daylight dimming sensors, rainwater harvesting facilities and a double glazed low emission curtain wall.
In 2013 it was the Philippines’ first building to qualify for the Platinum certification level by the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED).
Unfortunately, with it being a primary office tower, you can’t quickly go inside unless you have an official business meeting. But admiring the sun reflecting off this impressive contemporary building from the outside is reason enough to visit this spot.
While you’re there, be sure to talk for a walk in the neighbouring Ayala Triangle, a famous park in Manila. You can also join Manila tours that include attractions in Makati City.
5. The Ruins, Talisay, Negros Occidental
On a sugar plantation in Negros Occidental province near Bacolod City lies The Ruins in Talisay, a massive ancestral Italianate mansion.
Join trips and experiences in Bacolod City that includes The Ruins
As the story goes, in the 1900s, a sugarcane baron named Don Mariano Ledesma Lacson built this ten-bedroomed mansion in memory of his beloved wife, who had died during the pregnancy of their 11th child.
If that wasn’t tragic enough, the building was set on fire by WWII Filipino guerrillas employed by the US Army to prevent the Japanese from using it as their headquarters.
Check out other activities and attractions in Bacolod City.
Despite its turbulent history, which included burning for three days, the frame of the enormous residence still stands, surrounded by perfectly manicured lawns. Today The Ruins are an architectural marvel and a much-visited tourist attraction.
As you walk through the shell of what was once a luxury family mansion and admire the intricate Italian-inspired decor, you can all but picture what life was like for its residents a long time ago.
4. The Mind Museum, Taguig
If you’re in the mood for something more modern, it doesn’t get much more inspiring than the Mind Museum. Taking five years to complete, this futuristic building in Taguig is the brainchild of father and son duo Lor and Ed Calma, who is said to be a formidable force in architecture.
What sets this building apart is its unusual design. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? The structure is inspired by cellular network and growth, fitting for the country’s first interactive science museum.
In 2014 this landmark work won an international award from the 20th annual Thea Awards for taking the “extra step in expanding science into a fully experiential world.”
It would be a real shame to visit this mind-boggling structure without spending hours of fun interacting with its 250 science galleries and exhibits.
3. San Agustin Church, Manila
San Agustin Church, Immaculate Conception Parish, or the Archdiocesan Shrine of Nuestra Señora de Consolacion y Correa is a sight to behold.
Located in the historic Intramuros or Walled City in Manila, this massive stone building is the oldest and most iconic religious buildings in the Philippines.
Browse Intramuros tours that include the San Agustin Church
The Spaniards built the perfect example of early Baroque in the 16-century, who brought both Spanish and Chinese influences to its architectural style. As you enter the hollow interiors of this historic church, pause a moment to take in the details.
The symmetric Latin cross plan, the abundance of religious relics and those beautiful trompe l’oeil frescos on the vaulted ceiling are enough to take your breathe away. San Agustin Church is a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site and still an active church today.
2. Calle Crisologo, Vigan
Another UNESCO World Heritage spot to tick off your list, the Calle Crisologo, is not so much a specific building as it is an entire street of architectural wonders.
Considered the most beautiful street in the Philippines, the more than 500-meter long Crisologo Street sits within Vigan, the best-preserved example of a planned Spanish colonial town in Asia.
Browse Calle Crisologo tours for your Vigan getaway
Taking a stroll along the cobblestone streets is like taking a walk back in time. Filled with colonial architecture from Spanish colonization in the 18th century, take note of the preserved rustic mansions, giant antique wooden doors and overall festive street ambience.
Find out what other Vigan activities and attractions you shouldn’t miss
If you’re really in the mood for some old-world charm, catch one of the many calesas, the beautifully bright horse-drawn carriages used as the country’s main form of transportation up until the early 20th century.
1. Intramuros, Manila
No list of the Phillippines’ most beautiful architectural spots would be complete without mentioning Intramuros.
The historic centre and oldest district in Manila, Intramuros, literally meaning “within the walls” in Latin, is a fortified city surrounded by ancient walls dating back to the 16th century.
Established as the Spanish capital by conquistador Miguel Lopez de Legazpi in the late 1500s, the walled city is brimming with centuries-old history architecture to admire.
Right in the heart of it all is Fort Santiago Fortress, the historic citadel with picturesque gardens where national hero, José Rizal, spent his last days.
The Casa Manila Museum depicts what 19th century Manila homes would have looked like inside and out, while the Manila Cathedral is an example of Romanesque Revival architecture.
Whether you’re a history buff, an Rey Galua architecture lover, or merely a curious tourist, Intramuros is a must-visit.
With one of Asia’s longest and most multicultural histories, the Philippines is home to some truly unique and inspiring architecture.
This list has only just scratched the surface of places for architecture lovers to explore, but no doubt that once you visit this incredible country, you’ll find much, much more.
SOURCE: guidetothephilippines
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