#poor peter parker
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irondadfics · 2 years ago
Hey! Sorry again for causing trouble. I love you guys and you are really doing gods work. I was wondering if you could help me find a fic I read.
I don’t remember a lot about it so I know this is a long shot but In the fic, it was kind of like a 5+1 of all the times Peter had asked Tony for stuff that he needed, like say a new coat, or a new pair of shoes, and one time he asked for something he wanted, like a new Lego set or something. If you could find it that would be incredible but if not thank you for looking!
Hi this is such a cute fic, we hope you enjoy reading!
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 2 years ago
If you walk up to your girl in public and she says ‘You! How did you find me?!’ - that’s not your girl, Peter.
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monaisme · 10 months ago
1554/800 words
I LOVE Fridays and having a writer friend to share a few hours of chaos with while I yell about how I don't know why I even try planning and can't stop using the word 'just' while she simply mutters about how speaking two languages only means that she's a mediocre speller in both!
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hemlock-dreams · 4 months ago
How was their first kiss like?
(huge fan of you AU and art style<3)
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First kiss? Spidey's (and Wade's) brain go out the window.
Unfortunately, most of Peter's body is poison. :(
I decided to combo the questions and there's an explanation under the cut.
Peter produces venom both on demand but also unconsciously when he's excited/high on adrenaline etc.
When he's producing venom, it mixes into his saliva and acts like a neurotoxin, which can produce intense highs that can quickly tip over into oversensitivity and pain.
His mouth is EXTREMELY sensitive because of this. Wade's skin is like the fourth of july for his brain.
Prolonged internal exposure (kissing/oral/licking a cut/etc) creates a headrush that leaves most normal people unconscious. Skin to saliva contact is just tingly.
(Making out for long periods of time/oral with MJ was NOT on the table- which had MJ coming to wrong conclusions.)
His blood is straight up poison. Would not recommend ingesting. (Don't eat brightly colored spiders, kids!)
His sweat is so negligible as to be be unnoticeable- unless you're wringing towels into your mouth.
His semen also produces intense sensation- mostly oversensitivity, that can be incredibly pleasurable, but can also tip into pain and paralysis for most people. Peter has no idea his semen can do this- because he's never experimented with it (always a condom. ALWAYS).
Because Wade has an incredible healing factor, as well as extensive nerve damage and scarring, he doesn't experience the negative aspects of Peter's venom. A big enough dosage could cause paralysis and death, but it's also going to have to be a WAY bigger hit than Spiderman would normally apply.
This is a super fun learning experience for them both!
Once again, thank you so much for all the support and the asks, it's been so fun figuring Peter's venom out and finding ways to play with him!
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abi7100 · 10 months ago
Everytime Peter and Tony get into an argument whether big or small, Peter always mumbles an apology right before storming off. He didn't get the chance to apologize to Ben about their argument before he died, And he won't let that happen again. He Won't.
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erinwantstowrite · 17 days ago
me and my homies who know why loki feels so guilty and peter has so many concerns about falling rocks reading their convo with absolute HORROR like yeah you sure do need to channel your uncle ben petey . on an unrelated note I think you should go talk to B
hehe yeah,,, i can't wait for the next chapter cause he finds out about that and we get to talk to B (+ more lore about Peter, specifically about his experimentation and Amaia). i posted a while back a comic for Peter and Bruce (that... i thought we'd have figured out by now... alas... LoF got longer...) where i didn't tell you guys what they were saying
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might redeaw this since it's been a minute but yeah!! it's for the next chapter and it's such a sweet scene
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mustasekittens · 1 year ago
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good news harry i think that bi awakening just happened
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snakes4pool · 30 days ago
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Ohhh my peter :'(
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mamaspidershit · 6 months ago
Natasha: So today I learned that Peter has me in his cellphone as "Ms Spidermom". Clint, shrugging: Could be worse. Wanda and Pietro have each other down as "spare parts"
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stealingyourbones · 3 months ago
Peter Parker dimension travels to Metropolis. Not MCU Peter, but 616 late 20s Peter Parker who can forge his identity and works for Lex Corp, initially not realizing it’s a bad company, but when he does he continues working for them to slowly yet surely make plans to expose and dismantle the company.
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lovelystarkersworld · 5 months ago
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Pepper leaving him during this scene definitely gave him some form of insecurity about his PTSD. i get that she was also spooked because of the suit but to just leave him and then MOCK him afterwards as if she didn't just wake him from a night terror was cruel imo.
And once Peter find out what happened, his heart is broken. Almost as broken as when Tony found out that Peter had an entire building collapse above him one time.
The first time it happens Peter immediately wraps his arms around Tony and pulls him close to his chest, whispering sweet nothings into the older man's ear. Tony sobs because he'd never had someone hold him when he was most vulnerable, soaking the boys t shirt in tears.
i don't dislike pepper btw. i dislike this scene
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anonoite · 1 year ago
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 2 years ago
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To her the ring is worthless, but knowing he'd actually consider it is priceless.
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avensartt · 6 months ago
This audio fit too well not to do this
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erinwantstowrite · 4 months ago
imagine the panic the waynes must feel when they are trying to take care of 4 year old peter who breathes wrong and gets sick after living with 14 year old peter who is practically immune to getting sick because of the spider 😭
peter normally is like "you have to be trying to kill a small island of people if you want to get me sick or poisoned" but peter as a 4 year old is like "if i even look wrong when im doing something i will get sick for five hundred years and then YOU will get sick"
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girbirty · 3 months ago
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just watched no way home for the first time . man
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