#Manel Camp
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Vil·la romana dels Munts (Els Munts Roman Villa) is one of the best preserved Roman villas in the Iberian peninsula, the Roman province of Hispania. It's located in modern-day Altafulla (Camp de Tarragona, Catalonia), in the countryside near the important Roman city of Tarraco (modern-day Tarragona). The villa's archaeological remains are included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site "Archaeological Ensemble of Tarraco".
The oldest part of the villa dates from the 1st century AD, when it was a small farming villa, but it was soon abandoned. In the early 2nd century AD, the old villa was demolished and the place was rebuilt as a large, aristocratic villa: it still kept having a significant agricultural role, but included a magnificent and luxurious residence area. To get an idea of how luxurious it was, a normal 2nd-century Roman villa might have one marble covering, while Els Munts has hundreds of coverings made of marble imported from the Eastern Mediterranean and the North of Africa. The residence also had wall paintings, mosaic floors, statues, fountains, and artificial ponds. The villa also included a bath house and a the largest temple of the Mithraic religion known in the Western Roman Empire.
When the Roman emperor Hadrian stayed in Tarraco the winter of 122-123 AD, it's thought that this villa could have been the place where he was staying. A statue of Antinous (Hadrian's lover) was found in Els Munts.
Statue of Antinous, Higea, and Asclepios found in Els Munts. Nowadays in Museu Nacional Arqueològic de Tarragona.
The villa was partially destroyed by a fire in the late 3rd century, starting its decline. In the early 5th century, it was remodelled into a Late Roman villa and then a Visigothic one, and was in use until the 7th century.
Photos by Quim Roser/Dep. Cultura, ArqueoXarxa, Manel Antolí/Tarragona Turisme, Tjerk van der Meulen/Ara, MNAT - Google Arts and Culture. Drawing reconstruction by Hugo Prades/MNAT. Information from Museu Nacional Arqueològic de Tarragona and Ara (Josep Anton Remolà).
#vil·la romana dels munts#arqueologia#història#altafulla#catalunya#arts#archaeology#archeology#ancient rome#ancient roman#antinous#emperor hadrian#ancient#antiquity#roman empire#mosaic#catalonia#europe#travel#travel photography
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On continue...je sais j'exagère. Le cinglé s'est appuyé sur mon about de Cargo Collective pour dire que j'étais un nullard. Je me demande soudain s'il a pas cliqué ici sans ouvrir les vignettes et en a conclu que je faisais des cadrages pourris, en effet ce sont des crops de Cargo... Je suis particulièrement fier de cette sélection Cargo que j'avais faite en 2 014. A l'époque mes photos, beaucoup moins basées sur la composition, étaient largement plus accessibles et plus "chatoyantes".
Avec cette sélection, n'importe qui, donc y compris ceux qui ne sont pas formés à la compo, voit que je suis un maître. N'importe quel galeriste, directeur de festival, de magazine, qui connaît son métier, saute dessus.
Un galeriste qui m'exposait en 2 013 à Barcelone - ancien ami qui ensuite s'est mis dans un ignoble groupe de boycott car Anne et moi serions "racistes", et qui une fois kidnappée, a aidé Anne au péril de sa vie, disait que j'étais "le nouveau Miró". Il le disait pour mon travail abstrait expressionniste - à l'époque je faisais beaucoup de "decay", comme cette pièce (2 012) que j'estime absolument maîtresse et qui vous rappellera John Squire, le génie des Stone Roses ; ou encore celle-ci (2 012 également).
Ce jeune galeriste avait monté - comme un cheval, évidemment - un remarquable petit espace : galerie, lieu de concerts occasionnels, librairie - dans une rue malheureusement peu propice à l'activité, à Gràcia (Barcelone). En un an et demi je crois le lieu a fermé malgré l'aide parentale. J'ai souvent parlé de ce genre de cas, qui sont nombreux - voir le P.S 2. En tout, cas, Miró a un musée à Barcelone, moi pas vraiment. Un autre maître barcelonais, Adela Fonts, elle, est morte du corona, lancé par "un certain gang". Le galeriste susnommé était également étonné qu'elle soit ignorée. A Barcelone vous avez deux galeries spécifiquement photo :
-Valid Foto, tenue par un ultra-gauchiste à moitié...miraud, qui rate allègrement tous les meilleurs de sa ville et se prend pour une lumière. -Il Mondo Fotografico, qui a cessé de me boycotter assez récemment mais chez qui je n'ai jamais exposé Adela n'est plus là, mais il y avait elle et moi à Barcelone et en Catalogne, puis d'autres comme Sílvia Foz, Albert Gràcia, Anna Camps, Juan Antonio Zamarripa Esqueda (Dabnotu), Sergi Ballesté, Antoine Khidichian, Ramón Pruneda Segura (Moncat), Oriol Jolonch (photo-montage, donc plaît aux galeristes...), José Conceptes, Marc Llach, un des deux meilleurs photographes de Gérone, ville qui manque cruellement de galeries et de talents, Marc, malheureusement en pause depuis 2 ans suite à des déboires liés à nos harceleurs, Georgius Saevarsson, Nuria (Muros Hablados), Rodrigo Gómez, Montse Ramis (désolé, pour l'instant elle n'a qu'un Tumblr en scroll), ou trois clients d'Anne que je ne nommerai pas (prénoms Martín et Manel, l'autre sous pseudonyme). J'isole le cas Nuria (Muros Hablados) car conviendrait parfaitement aux galeries, musées et médias et leur obsession sémantique mais...ont rien vu. Depuis environ 12 ans... Je n'ai pas pu promouvoir Nuria qui avait refusé de façon hallucinante une interview en 2 014. Elle a cela dit aidé Anne. Un peu en-dessous vous avez par exemple Gil Garriga, José Antonio Rodríguez Sánchez ou Camila Ruiz. Laia Beltran est brillante, largement influencée par moi, a aidé Anne et l'a même interviewée pour Time Out en 2 019 avec un superbe dossier. Gravissime problème de boycott de sa part sur moi mais pas que, alors qu'elle est très influente en tant que journaliste et écrivaine bien plus mainstream que mézigue. Aucune exposition personnelle. Le cas Camila Cañeque est différent, je l'estime de la 2e catégorie en niveau mais elle fait de l'art conceptuel comme Gil et a les "bons réseaux" donc est soutenue par les galeries dont H20, qui nous a boycottés dès notre arrivée en Espagne en 2 013 suite à demande sonnante et très très bûchante (miam miam y a bon bon fric fric) du gang pédo-sataniste. Tuée il y a quelques mois par le gang après avoir aidé Anne - ce qui ne doit pas vous empêcher de nous aider, ce sont les gens qui ont essayé de libérer Anne lorsqu'elle était otage qui se sont fait tuer. Si je continue à parler d'elle au présent c'est que...à vous de comprendre. A part Camila Cañeque, Oriol, Sílvia et José Conceptes sont moins ignorés que les autres mais ni Valid ni Il Mondo, ni une galerie qui a fermé vers 2 014 à cause...des délires du gang, ni une autre, tenue par un Français soralien haineux chassé par...les indéps car "étranger" en 2 018, ne nous ont jamais exposés sauf Oriol (2 013, Victor Lope, en arrière-salle d'une galerie pourtant gigantesque...), malgré la mise en avant que je faisais de ces maîtres.
Une des meilleures galeries (Victor Lope) de Barcelone est située comme la plupart des plus chères sur l'Avinguda del Concell de Cent dans le quartier central de l'Eixample - ou se déroule mon roman à paraître. Elle expose surtout de la peinture, et le galeriste, dont nous avons appris qu'il nous boycotte par gauchisme, pontifie lors de vernissages sur la supposée "absence de talents en photo". Avec moi à 4 mètres...PUTAIN LE GLAND.
Au lieu de simplement "pick up" dans le mag et me sélectionner, les galeries bourgeoises barcelonaises et catalanes en général font une expo gigantesque avec des couchers de soleil volés (vol massif de copyright) pour se foutre de la gueule de "ces beaufs qui prennent des couchers de soleil alors que nous on "travaille sur le sens"" (Fundació Col.lectania, 2 013).
Toute cette merde infâme s'inscrit dans la lignée de la vision catalane de la "gauche divine" (c'est réellement une expression qui existait avant la néo-collaboration). Le mouvement, avec un nom français "pour faire chic", a commencé dans les 60's. Il est attesté que c'est un mouvement intellectuel et artistique "gauche caviar". BP.
P.S : il n'y a strictement AUCUNE ouverture du monde de l'art officiel barcelonais. Non seulement les galeristes et participants aux vernissages sauf de quelques lieux alternatifs amis ne sont pas capables de se comporter avec la politesse basique, sans parler de l'intérêt qu'ils devraient évidemment porter à des pointures de notre genre, non seulement en production mais en curating.
Je parle là de 20 vernissages. Anne qui se fait belle - et moi quand il fait chaud en tongs (ok classe) parce que j'en ai rien à branler - pour qu'on se prenne vent sur vent. P.S 2 : je vous laisse chercher Albert qui a fait quelque chose de grave contre Anne, Maria Luisa et moi en 2 017 puis s'est racheté comme le jeune galeriste évoqué en début de texte, "introuvable" depuis environ deux ans - sauf que nous savons où il est, et qu'il a été "cañequisé". Le projet d'art total qu'il avait créé avec L'indiscret était remarquable, tout comme celui de Felipe Coudeu (La Hormigonera, quartier de Sants). Chaque projet de ce type doit fermer ou se rediriger (co-working, etc). Felipe, également cañequisé, à moins que ce soit Camila qui ait été coudeuisée... Felipe vient d'être retrouvé après plus d'un an d'absence. Il n'y a aucune politique de soutien aux jeunes galeristes dans le soi-disant "phare culturel" qu'est Barcelone. Les budgets de l'ultra-gauche dont ceux de Colau vont systémiquement aux institutions reconnues, et à la propagande raciale, islamique, et LGBTQ truc.
La ville, foisonnante, fantastiquement diverse dans le véritable sens du terme, souffre de sa passion pour le Barça et de l'absence de goût artistique d'une population pourtant énorme (1,6 million d'habitants), plus les banlieues, ce qui donne...4,8 millions d'habitants, plus Badalona, grande ville (200 000 habitants) très proche de Barcelone, à la vie artistique officielle complètement réduite, et en proie aux migrants quasi exclusivement marocains, cambrioleurs voire pire. Il n'y a aucune politique d'incitation au soutien aux artistes, notamment par l'achat d’œuvres. Personne ne pense à "jumeler" les deux grandes villes pour des partenariats artistiques.
P.S 3 : l'ultra-gauchiste obèse carrément atroce dont j'ai parlé récemment et qui a participé aux harcèlements du pédo par vengeance politique, mais qui s'est excusé récemment, est dans la catégorie 2.
P.S 4 : un simple coup d'oeil au about du mag, au mag, à mes likes ici, aux chansons sous mes photos, permet de voir que je développe depuis treize ans tous les jours (et bien plus que ça avant le web) une vision absolument ouverte mais sans propagande raciale, religieuse et sexuelle. Il faut littéralement être trépané pour m'imaginer "raciste" parce que je lutte contre la violence dont celle de rue. Il se trouve que ma liste de photographes de haut ou très bon niveau (voir plus haut) est quasi exclusivement blanche. Il ne tient qu'aux dits "racisés" de se montrer à la hauteur des membres de cette liste ou d'Hanan Kazma, mon amie libanaise (cliquer sur son nom sous le lien précédent en tag 1 car bug, puis cliquer sur le rectangle gris en bas de page de galerie pour accéder aux pages après la 1e : 63 posts dont environ 15 Choix du Jour, probablement le plus grand nombre de l'Histoire du mag. Hanan est une des plus grandes photographes ayant jamais existé, et qui la connaît ? La gabegie est PARTOUT. Il eût suffi aux "anti-racistes" (TM) de "pick up" dans le mag chez "Basile Pesso l'islamophobe". Au lieu de cela Hanan doit travailler dans un autre domaine (métier alimentaire) et raser les murs pour éviter la "police des moeurs" islamique. Pauvres abrutis de collabos...). P.S 5 : il y a évidemment du haut niveau dans cette liste de 250 photographes environ en Catalogne, sur le site Fotografia Catalunya. Vous ne retrouvez pas UN SEUL des génies ou des gens de haut niveau dont j'ai parlé en milieu de texte. Vous avez certains photographes vivants dont Martín Gallego, qui est de très bon niveau mais en-dessous de tous ceux de mon haut de llste qui va de moi à Montse. Il est littéralement, littéralement impossible que ces gens, qui connaissent parfaitement la photo et notamment catalane, n'aient remarqué aucun de nous.
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BBC 0417 2 May 2024
12095Khz 0359 2 MAY 2024 - BBC (UNITED KINGDOM) in ENGLISH from TALATA VOLONONDRY. SINPO = 55334. English, dead carrier s/on @0358z with ID@0359z pips and Newsday preview. @0401z World News anchored by Roisin Hastie. The office of California's governor has criticised the police response to violence on campus at the University of California, Los Angeles. A masked pro-Israeli group assaulted a pro-Palestinian student camp, before officers were called to the campus. Governor Gavin Newsom's spokesperson said the "limited and delayed" police intervention was "unacceptable". Hundreds of police officers were on campus and around the perimeter on Wednesday. Riot police in Georgia fired tear gas and water cannon into crowds protesting against a bill seen by the opposition as targeting media freedoms. Thousands waving Georgian and European Union flags gathered outside parliament for a second night to protest what they see as a Russian-inspired law. MPs approved the second reading of the controversial "foreign agent" bill on Wednesday. The EU warns it could harm Tbilisi's ambitions of joining the bloc. The Arizona House has voted to repeal a 160-year-old law banning abortion, a major victory for the Democrat-led effort to take the law off the books. A key member of the Federal Reserve, the US central bank, has told the BBC that inflation is only coming down "very, very slowly" and "let's not be in a hurry" on interest rate cuts. Lawmakers in the Solomon Islands have selected a pro-China candidate as their prime minister, in an indication the Pacific nation will remain a close Beijing ally. Jeremiah Manele won the prime minister vote on Thursday, beating out his opponent Matthew Wale in a 31-18 count. He will succeed former PM Manasseh Sogavare, a vocal critic of the West. Scientists have produced a remarkable reconstruction of what a Neanderthal woman would have looked like when she was alive 75,000 years ago. @0406z "Newsday" begins. 250ft unterminated BoG antenna pointed E/W w/MFJ-1020C active antenna (used as a preamplifier/preselector), JRC NRD-535D. 250kW, beamAz 315°, bearing 63°. Received at Plymouth, MN, United States, 15359KM from transmitter at Talata Volonondry. Local time: 2259.
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You're in for a big surprise about these adaptations! With an unexpected apparition of... the Nazis.
As context for people who might not know, Terra Baixa is one of the most iconic plays in Catalan theatre. In English, it's usually translated as Marta of the Lowlands. It premiered in 1896.
There have been at least 8 film adaptations of Terra Baixa made in various countries (1907 Spain, 1913 Argentina, 1914 USA, 1922 Germany, 1940/1944 Germany, 1950 Mexico, 1982 Catalonia, and 2011 Catalonia). It has also been adapted into 3 operas (La catalane by the French composer Ferdinand Le Borne in 1907, Tiefland by the Scottish composer Eugen d'Albert and German librettist Rudolf Lothar in 1903, and a third Catalan production from the 1990s).
You might be thinking: what's will all this German stuff? Germany 1940-1944?? Leni Riefenstahl??? Yes, my friends. You're about to hear something weird.
Àngel Guimerà (author of Terra Baixa) is famous for his works being explicitly against racism and against religious discrimination (that's Mar i cel's whole point), and denouncing the unfair gender-based violence that women go through such as domestic abuse, rape from men who abuse their social situation (such as bosses) and lack of freedom to take decisions over their lives and, more generally, the control that landowners have over workers (Terra Baixa). The topic of migration and culture mixing also comes up often in his work, which makes sense considering that Guimerà himself was from a mixed Canarian-Catalan family and grew up in the Canary Islands before moving to Catalonia. And, of course, he's also known for his defense of Catalan language and rights for Catalan people, becoming one of the main representatives of political Catalanism, one of the main enemies of Spanish fascism.
So it will come as a shock to anyone familiar with his work to hear that Leni Riefenstahl (a Nazi collaborator) directed a movie version of Terra Baixa.
You're probably thinking "what the fuck? How is that possible when Terra Baixa denounces situations that Nazis were in favour of?", and it's definitely a weird movie. To begin with, they had no idea about (nor interest in) where the play is set (the rural Pyrenee mountains of Catalonia), instead choosing to replace it with a stereotypical Spanish (Andalucía) setting and cultural aesthetic, which they created through casting Romani people that were later sent to concentration camps. So that's a shitty start.
The reason why it resonated with them was the contraposition of Terra Alta ("highland") and Terra Baixa ("lowland"). The play follows the story of a shepherd boy named Manelic who grew up in the "high land", up in the mountains, isolated without knowing many other humans. He is innocent and naïve, and doesn't conceive that people have bad intentions. One day, Manelic is contacted by a rich man from the town in the plane under those mountains (the Lowland). This rich man is Sebastià, the owner of the mill where the Lowland's population works. Sebastià proposes Manelic marry a girl named Marta, who is one of the workers in Sebastià's mill. Manelic immediately falls in love with Marta, and accepts. Of course, nobody asks Marta about this because this is a contract between two men, and so the marriage is set. What Manelic didn't know is the reason why Sebastià proposed this: Sebastià has been taking advantage of Marta and sexually abusing her since she was of young age, using the fact that he's the landowner and a respected man, and she's a much younger working-class girl who depends on him to make a living. Despite owning the land, Sebastià is also in debt, and for this reason he is preoccupied with marrying a rich heiress, but everyone has heard the rumours that Marta is his mistress and so he can't find any respectable (=wealthy) family who will marry their daughter to him. To solve this problem, he decides to marry Marta to someone else and end the rumour, and thus he brings some naïve fool who has no idea of what's going on to be used in his scheme and marry him to Marta in the eyes of the public.
Manelic only finds out about this in his wedding night when Marta, terrified and traumatized, tells him that she doesn't love him and that she refuses to sleep with him. She explains that she did not consent to this marriage, that Sebastià forced her to marry Manelic, and explains how she has been at the mercy of Sebastià all these years, and how she blames Manelic for joining this scheme to clean Sebastià's image after everything he has done to her. Thus, the plot of the story is how Manelic, who comes from the idealistic and naïve Highlands, comes to know about the horrible conditions, the terror, the oppression, and the violence that routinely goes on in the Lowlands. Throughout the story, all the workers laugh at Manelic for being so naïve that he doesn't realize the role he's playing in Sebastià's scheme, but Manelic ends up learning of what happens and swears to leave the Lowland, that he considers a horrible world of lies. Marta, realizing Manelic's pure heart and real respect for her, falls in love with him, and they both decide to escape to the idyllic Highland. However, Sebastià finds out and locks Marta in his mill. The play ends with a fight to death between Manelic and Sebastià, until Manelic manages to kill him and proclaims "I've killed the wolf!", a sentence that has become the most iconic phrase in the history of Catalan theatre.
As you can see, the story is a critique of the conditions that allow these abuses to happen, particularly of "caciquism" which was the majoritary economical-political system in the rural areas of the Iberian peninsula, including Catalonia, at the time when the play was written. The same critiques of Sebastià's power over his agriculture workers under caciquism can be applied to factory owners to the proletariat in industrialized areas as well. And, sadly, Marta's situation of gender-based violence rings true in both of those settings as well as our modern society. The contrast between the ideal Highland (a good-hearted, honest place) and the corrupt Lowland (where exploitation and materialism has degraded its inhabitants into cruel people) is present throughout the play, and it's precisely what caught the attention of Nazi sympathisers.
Instead of understanding this as a critique of hierarchies and how they create the perfect conditions to allow the abuse perpetrated by those above, they saw this story as the contraposition between the "ideal national past", a perfect and pure rural world that never existed, vs the corrupt modern civilization. The same "reject modernity, embrace tradition" that neo-nazis still parrot today, accompanied by their white families with stay-at-home wives (potential Martas! same as her, without their own means to escape if the situation gets bad, at the mercy of their husbands who hold absolute economical and social power over them).
Of course, the Nazis didn't propose anything that would solve those problems, they only pointed at them to blame them on "the decline of Germanic civilization", Jewish people, communists, etc. In fact, Nazi proposals exacerbate the problem. They are Sebastià (though in this case, the wolf killed himself 🤭). But we all know the Nazis aren't exactly bright, to put it softly.
So, yeah. Sorry for this massive tangent lmao, but I love Terra Baixa and I find this such a fascinating topic.
Hey @useless-catalanfacts I just learned that a century ago Terra Baixa got so famous in the international scene that an opera was made in Germany, and also films in the same country and the US!!
Do you know anything about that?? 👀👀
#terra baixa#btw El Búnquer de Catalunya Ràdio tenen un episodi sobre la Leni Riefenstahl que parlen d'això!#àngel guimerà#teatre#literatura#arts
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Manel Camp & Big Band Conservatori Illes Balears (Auditori Conservatori Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca. 2022-06-16) Por José Luis Luna Rocafort [INSTANTZZ AKA Galería fotográfica AKA Fotoblog de jazz, impro… y algo más]
Manel Camp & Big Band Conservatori Illes Balears (Auditori Conservatori Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca. 2022-06-16) Por José Luis Luna Rocafort [INSTANTZZ AKA Galería fotográfica AKA Fotoblog de jazz, impro… y algo más]
Fecha: Jueves, 16 de junio de 2022. 20:00h. Lugar: Auditori Conservatori Illes Balears. Palma de Mallorca Grupo: Manel Camp & Big Band Conservatori Illes Balears Manel Camp: dirección, piano Xisca Oliver, Sergi Sellès, Pau Vallbona: piano Esteve Huguet, Jaume Rosselló, Martí Genestar, Goran Levi: guitarra eléctrica Llúcia Gomila: contrabajo Josep Servera, Marius Koopmann: batería Miquel Ramon,…
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#Aina Tramulles#Amparo Chust#Cecilia Giménez#Esteve Huguet#Gabriel Saitto#Genís Navarro#Goran Levi#Jaime de la Cruz#Jaume Rosselló#Jérôme Grin#José Luis Luna Rocafort#Josep Servera#Juan José Gallardo#Lleonard Martínez#Llucia Gomila#Manel Camp#Manel Camp & Big Band Conservatori Illes Balears#Marius Koopmann#Martí Genestar#Miquel Àngel Rigo#Miquel Gayà#Miquel Ramon#Pau Vallbona#Pep Garau#Pere Miquel Molina#Sergi Sellés#Sergio Vicente Aranguren#Sinead Cormican#Xema Borrás#Xisca Oliver
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La conclusión del tercer álbum y último de Fusioon, “Minorisa”, publicado por Ariola en 1975. En mi opinión, lo mejor que dejaron los manresanos fueron los once minutos de electrónica del último tema “Llaves del Subconsciente. 1 Parte: Mente. 2 Parte: Cerebro” debidos a Manel Camp y sobre todo a su compositor Martí Brunet, ambos tocaron todos los sintetizadores. Un disco para recordar, con diferencia el mejor de los tres que hicieron.
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absolutely have not been able to stop thinking ab this album cover ever since my friend showed it to me ..... like I must own this on a tshirt or I will literally spontaneously combust ........
#it just looks so good more manelisti need to have fun covers#its so camp i love it#i dont even listen to manele id wear this and be a total poser 😔#ض
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The key Romanian camp/excursie experience is:
- the autocar is actually a low budget dubita with linoleum on the floor
- chewing gum until it loses its taste because the trash bag is missing
- assaulting any gas station for snacks that wont be eaten
- trying to convince the teacher to put manele on the car stereo
- teacher tries to teach some history about the places that you visit; no one is paying attention
-sharing old and embarrassing pics of everyone in the car (and the school)
- someone brings a salami sandwhich and the whole car starts stinking so the teacher bans food (the kids in the back still have a feast)
- the roads are terrible and someone gets carsick so the car stops
- for lunch you stop at a horrible and cheap restaurant where you get served snitzel and fries and the whole meal lasts and hour because theres only two waiters
- someone falls asleep and someone stuffs pufuleți in their mouth while the whole car se cracănă de râs
- the teacher says to stop and lidl but buying chips or fizzy drinks is prohibited; someone still buys a 1 liter bottle of cola and everyone drinks
- this one is personal but "uitați Dunărea!" " OMG Marea Neagră??!!"
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1st image: tweet from Evil-Lyn Manuel Miranda (@Lin_Manuel) Listen guys. Every two years I moonlight as a Billy Joel Weird Al but only with very specific lyrics for podcasts I like. Here are the lyrics. [then there are pictures, the next two images, and two photographs, the first of the mcelroy brothers, lin manel miranda, and I think Matt Doyle, the next of Matt Doyle at a microphone and Lin at an electric piano]
2nd image: We didn’t start the Brothers by Dr. William Joel. G, D, Am, C
Hoops Juice McElroy, Charlie’s Daddy, Island Boy/Sawbones, Farm Wisdom, he knows Tae Kwon Do./Travis Patrick, Middlest, sexpert, Riddle Piss,/Huntington to Cincinnati, Sad Libs on the Show
Sweet Baby Brother Griffin, sees things a little different/South Park, Cursin’ Jerry, Under Thirty Luminary/Dungeon Master brings the drama, Barry Hussein Obama/Most people forget Hussein but he thinks it’s important
We didn’t start the brothers/they’re from West Virginia/Now they’re always in ya/We didn’t start the brothers/No we didn’t light it/So we Candlenight it
Hand Dog, Face Cat, Pete and Pete and All That/Live show, Face to Face, Play with me in this space/Good Burger, Keenan Kel, Off to Margaritaville/Matt Doyle, Matt Doyle, Holy shit it’s Matt Doyle
Torsey, Horse Champ, Juggalo Church Camp/Teen Google, Munch Squad, Travis is a Mango God/Staxx Soap, Time Belt, Warrior Cats, Bramblepelt/
(last line cut off, beginning of next image)
3rd image: (last couple paragraphs of 2nd image, then)
Finally Emerging like the freed Chilean Miners...
We didn’t start the brothers/They’re our patron saints/Who plug Extreme Restraints/We didn’t start the brothers/No they’re very nice/But it’s bad advice
Glass Shark, blast my cache, Olive Garden Golden Pass/Flapjack Nickelsack, Which one Vapes?/Roker Animosity, Garfield Monstrosity/Quantum Leap, Bakula release the Gooshie Tapes/Future McDonalds Pizza, Sydnee, Rachel, Theresa/WATCH THEM PLAY EVERY DAY/PACK YOUR BAGS AND MOVE AWAY
We didn’t start the brothers/But they know we all watch/Like a Haunted Doll watch/We didn’t start the brothers/But we’ll make some noise/for the McElroys
It’s familiar...but not too familiar.../But not too not familiar.../It’s a new craze...
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Bon dia! Vull utilitzar el meu Spotify per aprendre / practicar més català .. si tens temps, ens dius uns artistes que canten en català i que a tu t'agraden? Moltes gràcies!
Algunes cançons que escolto últimament: Homenatge a Teresa d’Ovidi Montllor, Per la bona gent de Manel, Jo mai mai de Joan Dausà, Per una copa de Lax’n’Busto, Tornem al Penedès de Buhos, Hui la liem d’Auxili, On de Whiskyn’s, Milionària de Rosalía, Louisiana o els camps de cotó d’Els Amics de les Arts, No puc parar de 4 de Copes, Noltros som així d’Emboirats, Les coses ara són diferents de Panellet, Renaixem i A ple pulmó de Xavi Sarrià, Tren de mitjanit de Sau, Jo tenc una enamorada de Ressonadors (en realitat és una cançó tradicional).
I alguns dels meus grups preferits:
Obrint Pas: barregen ska i rock amb elements de la música tradicional del Països Catalans. Les meves cançons preferides són La vida sense tu, Al país de l’olivera, Som, Barcelona, I si demà no tornara, Si tanque els ulls...
Ebri Knight: fan una barreja de rock i folk. Les cançons que més m’agraden són Viurem lliures, Per tu, La línia del front (aquesta és una cançó tradicional de la guerra de 1714), Cridarem, Sàvia i rebel, Conte Medieval, Foc...
Zoo: aquest grup és el que està més de moda entre els joves. Principalment fan rap. Les meves preferides són El cap per avall, Corbelles, Imperfeccions, Ventiladors, Correfoc...
Oques Grasses: un dels grups de pop actuals més famosos. In the night, Serem ocells, Sta guai, Més likes, Cançó de l’aire.
Buhos: un altre grup de pop molt popular. Volcans, La gran vida, Transmets energia, Barcelona s’il·lumina, Escales fins al cel...
Sopa de Cabra: un dels grups més importats del pop-rock català dels anys 90. El Far del Sud, Camins, L’Empordà, El Boig de la Ciutat, Els teus somnis, Seguirem somiant...
La Fúmiga: pop principalment. Mediterrània, Cançó que mai s’acaba, Monstres i gegants, Primera conjugació.
Maria Arnal i Marcel Bagés: a mi personalment m’agraden molt. Fan una reproposta de les cançons tradicionals, i algunes les han compost ells a partir de poemes o són covers de cançons clàssiques. Tenen moltes cançons en castellà però també en català. Jo no canto per la veu, No he desitjat mai cap cop com el teu, A la vida, Cançó del farigoler, La gent, Miris on miris.
La Gossa Sorda: Esbarzers, Quina calitja, Camals mullats, La Nostra sort, Diuen, Tres de Pego.
Frida: Volant, Dóna-li color.
Roba Estesa: Sense por, La reina mora, Viu, Una altra ronda...
A part d’aquests, depèn de quins tipus de música t’agradin et puc donar més recomanacions. Per exemple, si t’agrada el rock recomano sobretot Smoking Souls (Líquid, Nit salvatge, Vida, Alacant per interior) i Brams (Brindis, Rojo separatista). Si t’agrada el pop, doncs Doctor Prats (Caminem lluny, Ara!), Txarango (Músic de carrer, Amagada primavera, Agafant l’horitzó, Esperança, Alegre i encantada, La dansa del vestit). Si t’agrada l’estil de la música tradicional, Al Tall (Romanç de cec, El cant dels maulets) Maria del Mar Bonet (Què volen aquesta gent?, Alenar, Merhaba), Marina Rossell (La gavina, La santa espina) i Pep Gimeno “Botifarra” (Malaguenya de Barxeta, L’u d’Aielo). Heavy metal amb Sangtraït (El vol de l’home ocell, Somnis entre boires, 15 juliol 1099, Les creus vermelles). I els clàssics dels anys 60-70 com Lluís Llach (Ítaca, L’estaca, Venim del nord venim del sud, Corrandes d’exili, Tinc un clavell per tu), Ovidi Montllor (Perquè vull, La cançó de les balances, Homenatge a Teresa, La fera ferotge) i Joan Manuel Serrat (Paraules d’amor, Pare, Ara que tinc vint anys). També hi ha trap com P.A.W.N Gang i Lil Dami. Si vols, digues-me quins estils de música t’agraden més i et puc recomenar coses més precises.
Ah! I per últim, tot l’àlbum Verdaguer, Ombres i Maduixes que van compondre els Obeses. És un musical rock sobre el poeta Jacint Verdaguer. Escolta La buidor del poeta, L’Atlàntida, Sóc l’hereu, Algun dia m’alçaré, Lo cor de l’home és una mar, and La buidor del poeta. M’encanta aquest disc. Aviso que moltes de les lletres estan basades en poemes d’en Jacint Verdaguer, per tant hi ha algunes expressions una mica antigues (del segle XIX, com per exemple utilitzar l’article “lo” en comptes de “el”).
També et deixo l’enllaç a aquest post on @useless-catalanfacts va fer un recull de grups de música que canten en català classificats per estil.
Buscant aquell post també he trobat aquest amb cançons d’estils típics catalans i aquesta llista de cançons pop. De fet, ja de pas, recomano que miris tota la tag #música de useless-catalanfacts, hi ha moltes cançons xules.
Espero haver sigut d’ajuda!
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El 25 de gener (“The 25th of January”) is a song by the Catalan band Manel that we could maybe describe as... doubtful post-Christmas music?
I really like the song and its lyrics. I’ve translated them here. Read until the end and let me know what you think what the story is talking about!
But before we get to the lyrics, I’ll give some context for people from other countries who might not be familiar with these characters. According to the tradition, the White King (Melchior), the Blonde King (Gaspar), and the Black King (Baltazar) are the Three Wise Men, who in Catalan we call the Eastern Kings (els Reis d’Orient). These kings were magicians and astronomers, and they followed a shooting star that would lead them to the birth of a child who would be the Messiah. On the night of January the 5th, they reached the barn where baby Jesus was, and offered him the gifts of gold, incense, and myrrh.
For this reason, Catalan people and other cultures with a Christian background celebrate the day of the Three Wise Men as our equivalent of what Santa Claus is to the USA. The Three Wise Men bring presents for all children and families meet to eat a cake.
This song is set after that event, on the 25th of January (a date they probably chose as the title as a reference to the most famous traditional Catalan Christmas song, titled El 25 de desembre, “the 25th of December”), when the kings are on their way to return back home.
These are the lyrics:
Segons els pastors de l'últim poble darrera els horts veurien uns pins, passats aquells pins el camp d'oliveres i, al fons, tres camins.
According to the shepherds from the last village behind the orchards they would see some pine trees, and past those pine trees, the olive trees field and, in the background, three paths.
Han pres el trencall i s'ha obert la clariana i han ordenat als homes descans. Al camp d'oliveres tres reis s'acomiaden i encaixen les mans.
They’ve taken the detour and the clearing has opened and they have ordered their men to rest. In the olive tree field, the three men say goodbye and shake their hands.
Melcior aixeca el cap i veu la muntanya que abans que enfosqueixi ha d'estar travessant i es treu la suor amb el coll de la capa tacada de fang.
Melchior raises his head and sees the mountain that he must be crossing before it goes dark and he sweeps away his sweat with his cape’s collar stained in mud.
I no vol ni pensar que les forces s'acaben i ni us imagineu com s'emprenya quan, en beure en el riu, només troba la cara d'un home gran.
And he doesn’t want to even think of the strength coming to its end and you can’t even imagine how angry he gets when, as he drinks from the river, he only finds the face of an elderly man.
El rei dóna l'ordre pel toc de corneta pensant en aquells que, no fa pas tant, li besaven l'escut i entregaven les armes agenollats.
The king gives the order for a bugle call thinking of those who, not so long ago, used to kiss his shield and turn in their weapons kneeling.
Des de dalt del camell fot un crit el rei negre, que faci el favor algun bon soldat d'aixecar el cul de terra i fer un ràpid recompte de racions de pa.
From on top of the horse, the black king shouts for some good soldier to raise his ass from the ground and quickly recount the rations of bread.
Qui pogués creuar el bosc i trobés una barca! Qui abans d'adormir-se amb el braç estirat notés com els dits mica en mica retallen l'aigua del mar!
Who could cross the forest and find a boat! Who, before falling asleep with his arm straight out, could feel how his fingers slowly cross the sea’s water!
Qui arribés a palau i triés una dona, arranqués unes roses i li allargués un ram! Baltasar té el desig corrent per les venes com si fos sang.
Who could reach the palace and choose a woman, pick a few roses and hold out a bouquet to her! Baltazar has desire running through his veins as if it were blood.
Gaspar pot sentir clavats a l'espatlla els ulls d'alguns patges que estan esperant un cop d'atenció, potser una mà alçada, una ordre reial.
Gaspar can feel fixed on his back the eyes of some page boys who are waiting for a shout of attention, maybe a raised hand, a royal order.
Un dels homes canta enmig d'una rotllana amb la veu més dolça que hagueu sentit mai una cançó antiga que el rei taral·leja amb els llavis tancats.
One of the men sings standing in the middle of a circle with the sweetest voice that you have ever heard an ancient song song that the king hums to with sealed lips.
El patge més vell es gira i comenta mirant un segon de reüll cap al cel “sembla mentida que bé que vivíem seguint un estel.”
The oldest page boy turns around and comments quickly glancing for a second at the sky “It’s hard to believe how well we used to live following a star.”
#música#arts#manel#llegendes#music#legends#christmas#song rec#translation#catalan#january#music rec#indie#indie music#langblr#legend#christian mythology#three wise men#reis d'orient#català#nostalgic#indie pop#alternative music
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Ca’ d'Oro - second floor, Venice, Italy 🇮🇹 • Ph. Manel Camps
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/sports/parkland-shooting-survivor-to-meet-barcelona-heroes/
Parkland shooting survivor to meet Barcelona heroes
Borges was the last patient to be released from hospital after the February 14, 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.
The then 15-year-old was shot five times while shielding his peers from the gunman. He had barricaded a door with his body and was shot through the door. Seventeen people were killed.
A huge soccer fan, Borges played for Barca Academy in Lauderhill, Florida, in 2016 — a soccer academy based on the model of Spanish giant Barcelona. He gave an interview from his hospital bed wearing a Barcelona shirt, and some of the team noticed.
Then, journalist Santiago Segurola got in touch with Borges’ family and the club looked into how it could help.
The club kept tabs on his recovery and former vice president Manel Arroyo visited Borges at his home in Florida to check on his progress. It was there that he invited Borges to the club’s home Camp Nou stadium once he felt able to attend.
Borges and his family will attend Barcelona’s Champions League match against France’s Lyon Wednesday before meeting the players at a training session the following day.
Barcelona said he will receive a signed shirt from the squad, “in honor of his bravery after putting his life on the line to save his classmates.”
In a statement, the club added: “As a result of injuries, the youngster’s life was in the balance but after many months of medical care in hospital he recovered and now his health is much improved.
“In light of this, FC Barcelona have helped him make the trip to Barcelona to make his dream of seeing Barca play in the flesh come true.”
Barcelona will hope to progress to the quarterfinal of the Champions League after the first leg of the last-16 clash finished goalless.
#Barcelona: Parkland shooting survivor Anthony Borges to meet heroes - CNN#Football#latest sports news#news sport#Sport#sportnews#sports articles#sports breaking news#sports latest news#sports news headlines#sports news in english#sports scores#today's sports news#today's sports news headlines
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Manel Camp “Piano & Cia – La Nit dels Pianistes” (L’Auditori, Sala 2-OM, Barcelona. 2022-02-04) Por Joan Cortès [INSTANTZZ AKA Galería fotográfica AKA Fotoblog de jazz, impro… y algo más]
Manel Camp “Piano & Cia – La Nit dels Pianistes” (L’Auditori, Sala 2-OM, Barcelona. 2022-02-04) Por Joan Cortès [INSTANTZZ AKA Galería fotográfica AKA Fotoblog de jazz, impro… y algo más]
Fecha: viernes, 04 de febrero de 2022 Lugar: L’Auditori, Sala 2-Oriol Martorell (Barcelona) Proyecto: Manel Camp “Piano & Cia-La Nit dels Pianistes” Albert Bover, piano Francesc Capella, piano Elisenda Duocastella, piano Agustí Fernández, piano Josep Mas “Kitflus”, piano Joan Monnne, piano Ludovica Mosca, piano Elisabet Raspall, piano Toni Olaf Sabater, piano Eduardo Tancredi, piano Ignasi…
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#Agustí Fernández#Albert Bover#Eduardo Tancredi#Elisabet Raspall#Elisenda Duocastella#Francesc Capella#Ignasi Terraza#Joan Cort��s#Joan Monnne#Josep Mas “Kitflus”#Lluís Vidal#Ludovica Mosca#Manel Camp#Manel Camp “Piano & Cia-La Nit dels Pianistes”#Toni Olaf Sabater
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Dissabte 19 de gener a les 17h. a la seu de la Fundació tindrà lloc l'acció poètica - lectura pública '100 poemes per a Joan Brossa'. Aquesta activitat donarà el tret de sortida a l'#AnyBrossa
roda de premsa divendres 18 de gener a la seu de la Fundació per presentar l'#AnyBrossa. El 19 de gener del 2019 començarà l’Any Joan Brossa amb motiu de la commemoració del centenari del naixement del poeta. L’Any Joan Brossa serà comissariat per Manel Guerrero i coordinat des de la Fundació Joan Brossa per Judith Barnés. A banda de consolidar la seu de la Fundació com un espai de referència per a la ciutat de Barcelona, l’Any Joan Brossa té alguns objectius a assolir. En primer lloc, aconseguir l’edició i/o reedició de la poesia de Brossa per tal que s’hi pugui accedir fàcilment i es fomenti la lectura i el coneixement del corpus poètic brossià. En segon lloc, generar noves mirades a partir de l’obra del poeta per afavorir-ne la representació en l’àmbit del teatre i l’experimentació en el camp de la pràctica artística tot donant cabuda a noves generacions de creadors. Per acabar, teixir una constel·lació brossiana potent que aculli totes aquelles entitats que vulguin retre homenatge al poeta i que tinguin interès a formar part de l’Any Brossa. El 18 de gener, a les 12.30 hores, tindrà lloc la roda de premsa a la seu de la Fundació per presentar als mitjans algunes de les activitats que hi ha programades. Pel que fa a la seu de la Fundació, en acabar la primera exposició temporal ‘Art i follia. Joan Obiols i Vié, psiquiatre i humanista’ a mitjans d’abril, està previst que s’inauguri ‘La crisi de la paraula. Joan Brossa i la poesia experimental’, una mostra que serà comissariada per Eduard Escoffet i coordinada des de la Fundació Joan Brossa per Maria Canelles. L’exposició es podrà visitar fins al setembre, moment en què s’inaugurarà el festival sobre art i poesia en acció, una proposta dedicada a la poesia concreta, sonora i d’acció, amb la complicitat de l’Escenari Joan Brossa. A la vegada, l’espai comptarà amb una programació regular i transversal en què destacaran els cicles ‘Ens va fer Joan Brossa’, una proposta de diàlegs entre persones que van conèixer Joan Brossa i nous creadors influïts pel tarannà del poeta, i ‘En els marges’, un seguit d’experiències úniques i molt selectives vinculades al programa expositiu. També hi haurà visites guiades específiques en què figures de renom donaran la seva visió particular de l’espai per tal de generar debats d’interès. En l’àmbit de les publicacions caldrà destacar l’edició del catàleg raonat sobre la poesia visual de Joan Brossa a càrrec de la Fundación Azcona i el tancament de l’edició del teatre complet Poesia escènica d’Arola Editors a cura de Glòria Bordons i d’Héctor Mellinas. Altres esdeveniments rellevants per a l’Any Brossa seran el congrés acadèmic ‘Els arbres varien segons el terreny’, organitzat pel grup de recerca Poció. Poesia i Educació de la Universitat de Barcelona, i la presentació del documental ‘Brossa’, produït per ZEBA, a la Filmoteca de Catalunya i que emetrà TV3. La Fundació sumarà esforços amb altres entitats culturals afins i col·lectius com són l’Escenari Joan Brossa, el MACBA, el Teatre Nacional de Catalunya, la Filmoteca de Catalunya, la Fundació Joan Miró, la Fundació Antoni Tàpies, L’Auditori, Cabosanroque, etc. per tal de fer arribar l’univers creatiu del poeta arreu.
Para Joan Brossa (Barcelona, 1919-1998) la poesía era una aventura abierta que quiso recorrer a través de todas las disciplinas posibles: poesía literaria, poesía escénica (teatro), cine, poemas visuales (obra sobre papel), poemas objeto (artes plásticas) o poemas transitables (escultura). 'Brossa, poeta transitable' se centra en su producción plástica, pero se asoma también al resto de sus campos creativos. El hilo conductor es el propio Joan Brossa, a través de diversos programas que se le dedicaron. Para ello, el documental rescata del Archivo de RTVE entrevistas y reflexiones que hizo en el cénit de su reconocimiento como creador plástico. Tampoco faltan los testimonios de aquellos que le acompañaron en su camino creativo. La primera noticia pública de Brossa es como miembro del grupo vanguardista creado en torno a la revista Dau al set. Allí coincidió con creadores como Antoni Tàpies (al que le uniría una larga amistad), Joan Ponç o Arnau Puig. Con los años, obtuvo reconocimiento individual, aunque no siempre en los ámbitos que más amaba. Nunca dejó de ser poeta literario, como destacan Glòria Bordons, directora de la Fundación Joan Brossa, y Manel Guerrero, su antólogo. Durante bastantes años, trató de triunfar escribiendo para la escena sin conseguir el eco que esperaba. El compositor Carles Santos habla de las primeras reacciones a sus performances.
https://www.facebook.com/FundacioJoanBrossa/?fref=ts http://www.fundaciojoanbrossa.cat/
21 SEP. 2017 - FEB. 2018 El MACBA presenta Poesia Brossa, una revisió exhaustiva del treball d’aquest artista des dels primers llibres fins a les darreres recerques plàstiques, travessant el teatre, el cinema, la música, les arts d’acció, els gestos dels quals va ser pioner...
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#Repost @bonobogroup with @get_repost ・・・ ⚡️1980 POP FESTIVAL ⚡️TOUR 2019 ⚡️MI GENERACIÓN⚡️ #LLEIDA‼️(Pabellón Camps Elisis) ...................................................................... 🌟LA UNIÓN 🌟NACHA POP 🌟LOS REBELDES And Fernandisco⚡️⚡️ Dj’s Manel López & Joseph⚡️ ...................................................................... 🗒9 de MARZO 23:30h /Apertura 22:30h ENTRADAS ONLINE a la pág: https://entradium.com/entradas/1980-pop-festival PROMOCIÓN 1a EDICIÓN‼️ Entrada Anticipada 20€‼️ ...................................................................... 📍LLEIDA (Pabellón Camps Elisis) #80S #popfestival #nachapop #launion #losrebeldes https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs-1CDvDvoo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kletgq5wu3s
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