#Jaume Rosselló
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Kings of Mallorca out of the islands

The Palace of the Kings of Mallorca was built by King Jaume II in Perpinyà in 1276, when he assumed the crown of the new kingdom established ten years earlier by Jaume I the Conqueror.
It was the main centre of power for the territories that the new kingdom brought together: the Balearic Islands, the counties of Roussillon and Cerdanya, the lordship of Montpellier, inherited by Jaume I from his mother, Maria, and other fiefs north of the Pyrenees.
Gardens and several chapels were built in the palace, which is protected by powerful walls and a moat. These were consecrated when the complex was completed around 1309, even while King Jaume II of Mallorca, who suffered the temporary loss of his island territories to his uncle, Alfonso III of Aragon, during his reign.
When the islands were recovered around 1291, following the death of the Aragonese king and an arbitration decision by the papacy, James II continued to build the kingdom both in Mallorca and in Roussillon. He was able to enjoy the completed fortress for only two years, as he died in 1311 and was succeeded by his son Sanç.
Sanç I of Mallorca, who became king when his older brother renounced the crown to become a Franciscan friar, continued his father's work and began to build a naval power based on the insularity of most of his kingdom. He clashed with the institutions of the capital of Mallorca.
He died childless in 1324, and was succeeded by his nephew as Jaume III, who immediately assumed vassalage to his relative, King Pere IV of Aragon, whom he supported in the conquest of Sardinia and in the war with the Republic of Genoa.
The Crown of Aragon wanted to annex the kingdom again. Pere IV seized the islands in 1343 and the trans-Pyrenean counties in 1344. Jaume ceded the rest of the baronies to the King of France in exchange for support to recover his kingdom.
The Mallorcan royal dream ended at the Battle of Llucmajor in 1349, certified by the death of Jaume III in the same year. His son claimed the crown of the short-lived kingdom under the name of Jaume IV, but was unsuccessful and his territories were reincorporated into the Crown of Aragon.
After this, the palace of the kings of Mallorca in Perpinyà lost its importance and was only a royal residence when the Catalan-Aragonese monarchs visited their territories in what is now Northern Catalonia.
The wars between the Aragonese and French crowns throughout the 15th century meant that the palace-fortress centralised the defence of the territory. Between 1538 and 1587, Kings Carlos I and Felipe II of Spain enlarged the enclosure with brick walls.
The Treaty of the Pyrenees (1659), by which Spain ceded the former Catalan counties of Rosselló, Cerdanya, Vallespir and Conflent to France, ushered in the French occupation. During the occupation, the military engineer Sébastien Le Prestre, first Lord and then Marquis of Vauban, reinforced the defensive system of what is still today a partially military enclosure.
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Palau dels reis de Mallorca

El palau dels reis de Mallorca fou construït pel rei Jaume II a Perpinyà a partir del 1276, quan asssumí la corona del nou regne instituït deu anys abans per Jaume I el Conqueridor.
Es tractava del principal centre de poder dels territoris que el nou regne reunia: les Illes Balears, els comtats del Rosselló i la Cerdanya, el senyoriu de Montpeller, heretat per Jaume I de la seva mare, Maria, i d’altres feus al nord dels Pirineus.
Al palau, que és protegit per poderoses muralles i un fossar, es van bastir jardins i diverses capelles, que foren consagrades en acabar-se el complexe cap al 1309, encara essent rei Jaume II de Mallorca, que va patir durant el seu regnat la pèrdua temporal dels seus territoris insulars a mans del seu oncle, Alfons III d’Aragó.
Recuperades les illes vers el 1291, en morir el rei aragonès i per una decisió arbitral del papat, Jaume II va continuar bastint el regne tant a Mallorca com al Rosselló. Va poder disfrutar del conjunt de la fortalesa acabada apenes dos anys, doncs va morir el 1311 i el va succeïr el seu fill Sanç.
Sanç I de Mallorca, que va ser rei en renunciar el seu germà gran a la corona per fer-se frare franciscà, va continuar la obra del seu pare i va iniciar el bastiment d’un poder naval basat en la insularitat de la major part del seu regne. Va xocar amb les institucions de Ciutat de Mallorca.
Mort sense fills el 1324, el succeí el seu nebot com a Jaume III, que de seguida va assumir el vassallatge respecte al seu parent, el rei Pere IV d’Aragó, al qual va donar suport en la conquesta de Sardenya i en la guerra amb la República de Gènova.
La Corona d’Aragó va voler annexionar-se de nou el regne. Pere IV va fer-se amb les illes el 1343 i amb els comtats transpirinaics el 1344. Jaume va cedir la resta de baronies al rei de França a canvi de suport per recuperar el seu reialme.
El somni reial mallorquí va acabar a la batalla de Llucmajor, el 1349, certificat amb la mort del Jaume III el mateix any. El seu fill va reclamar la corona de l’efímer regne amb el nom de Jaume IV, però no va tenir èxit i els seus territoris es van reincorporar a la Corona d’Aragó.
Després d’això, el palau dels reis de Mallorca de Perpinyà perdé protagonisme i només va ser una residència reial quan els monarques catalanoaragonesos visitaven els seus territoris de l’actual Catalunya Nord.
Les guerres entre les corones aragonesa i francesa al llarg del segle XV va fer que el palau-fortalesa centralitzés la defensa del territori. Entre 1538 y 1587, els reis Carle I i Felip II d’Espanya engrandiren el recinte amb les muralles de maons.
El Tractat dels Pirineus (1659), pel qual Espanya cedí els antics comtats catalans de Rosselló, Cerdanya, Vallespir i Conflent a França, va donar pas a la ocupació francesa. Durant aquesta, l’enginyer militar Sébastien Le Prestre, primer senyor i després marquès de Vauban, va reforçar el sistema defensiu del que encara avui és un recinte parcialment d’ús militar.
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Manel Camp & Big Band Conservatori Illes Balears (Auditori Conservatori Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca. 2022-06-16) Por José Luis Luna Rocafort [INSTANTZZ AKA Galería fotográfica AKA Fotoblog de jazz, impro… y algo más]
Manel Camp & Big Band Conservatori Illes Balears (Auditori Conservatori Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca. 2022-06-16) Por José Luis Luna Rocafort [INSTANTZZ AKA Galería fotográfica AKA Fotoblog de jazz, impro… y algo más]
Fecha: Jueves, 16 de junio de 2022. 20:00h. Lugar: Auditori Conservatori Illes Balears. Palma de Mallorca Grupo: Manel Camp & Big Band Conservatori Illes Balears Manel Camp: dirección, piano Xisca Oliver, Sergi Sellès, Pau Vallbona: piano Esteve Huguet, Jaume Rosselló, Martí Genestar, Goran Levi: guitarra eléctrica Llúcia Gomila: contrabajo Josep Servera, Marius Koopmann: batería Miquel Ramon,…

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#Aina Tramulles#Amparo Chust#Cecilia Giménez#Esteve Huguet#Gabriel Saitto#Genís Navarro#Goran Levi#Jaime de la Cruz#Jaume Rosselló#Jérôme Grin#José Luis Luna Rocafort#Josep Servera#Juan José Gallardo#Lleonard Martínez#Llucia Gomila#Manel Camp#Manel Camp & Big Band Conservatori Illes Balears#Marius Koopmann#Martí Genestar#Miquel Àngel Rigo#Miquel Gayà#Miquel Ramon#Pau Vallbona#Pep Garau#Pere Miquel Molina#Sergi Sellés#Sergio Vicente Aranguren#Sinead Cormican#Xema Borrás#Xisca Oliver
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Johann Sigismund Kusser - Wo bleibst du, mein Leben
Alkan Ensemble : Maria Rosselló, soprano Enrique Sánchez, flauta Sebastià Pou, violí Joan Fiol, viola de gamba Jaume Tomàs, clavicèmbal
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Manual práctico de plantas medicinales - Jaume Rosselló & Janice Armitt http://dlvr.it/RJ0lDK http://dlvr.it/RJ0lDK
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February 23 2018 Barcelona

This afternoon our English Chat Group’s excursion was to visit Casa de les Punxes, which we had heard about but none of us had ever visited before.

According to Wikepedia:
“Designed by modernist architect Josep Puig i Cadafalch, la Casa de les Punxes is located in the intersection of the three surrounding streets Avinguda Diagonal, Carrer Rosselló and Carrer Bruc, in the Eixample of Barcelona.

In 1905, Bartomeu Terradas Brutau commissioned Josep Puig i Cadafalch to design a house for each of his three sisters, Angela, Josefa and Rosa. The result was a building reminiscent of old medieval castles, with elements of different architectural trends and various technical innovations, with six pointed towers (crowned by conical spikes), one of its distinctive features which gave the popular name of Casa de les Punxes.

This spectacular building is one of the most emblematic of Barcelona, as well as being key to understanding the movement of Catalan Modernism. Declared a historical monument of National Interest in 1976, Casa de les Punxes is one of the most emblematic buildings in Barcelona. It is now privately owned, with space for different offices.

La Casa de les Punxes, also known as Casa Terradas, underwent rehabilitation work in 2016 inside one of the buildings. These renovations were executed under the guidance of architect Jaume Falguera.

It has always been a tourist attraction thanks to its façade and its location among other tourist spots of the city such as La Pedrera or La Sagrada Familia. “

It would probably be very romantic to have dinner on the house’s terrace, but a bit dicey to get there because we had to climb several staircases, to get to the terrace. There is also a very winding one to get up to the very top of one of the towers.

There is also a VERY interesting experiential movie inside the house about the story of Saint George (San Jordi in Catalan) and the Dragon, which makes the trip to the house even more worthwhile.

For more details about this amazing building, visit the website at:

After all that climbing we needed sustenance, so we continued our quest to visit all the crepe shops in Barcelona and went to this one near Casa de les Punxes, but, unfortunately, I didn’t keep track of the name and the crepes weren’t the best, but they were good, and we were together, so we had a great time. I’m going to miss these excursions when I return to Boulder next week, but, the good news, is, I’ll be back!
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INSTANTZZ: Marco Valero (Recital Fin de Carrera. Conservatori Superior Illes Balears) [Galería fotográfica AKA Fotoblog de jazz, impro… y algo más] Por José Luis Luna Rocafort
INSTANTZZ: Marco Valero (Recital Fin de Carrera. Conservatori Superior Illes Balears) [Galería fotográfica AKA Fotoblog de jazz, impro… y algo más] Por José Luis Luna Rocafort
Recital Fin de Carrera Fecha: Martes, 01 de junio de 2021. 15:00h. Lugar: Conservatori Superior Illes Balears Grupo Marco Valero Marco Varelo: contrabajo Pau Solsona: piano Teo Salvà: batería Jaume Rosselló: guitarra eléctrica © José Luis Luna Rocafort, 2021

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An island with more than a king

The Kingdom of Mallorca was born when Jaume I the Conqueror, Count of Barcelona and King of Aragon, began the conquest of the Balearic Islands in 1229, although its constitution was not made official until the following year.
The island of Mallorca was the central point of a territory that entered as an equal in the kingdoms of the Crown of Aragon, along with the islands of Menorca, which was incorporated (1231) maintaining its autonomy as a territory governed by Andalusian authorities, Ibiza and Formentera (1235).
During the reign of Jaume I the islands maintained a certain autonomy within the new kingdom, to the point that Mallorca participated in the courts of the Crown of Aragon, and Menorca in the Catalan courts.
But the kingdom of Mallorca, as an independent entity, began its history in 1276. In that year, James I decided to bequeath his territories, to which he had added the kingdom of Valencia in 1239, divided.
The Balearic kingdom, which together with the counties of Rosselló, Cerdanya, the viscounty of Carladès and the lordship of Montpeller - bequeathed by his mother, Maria - had been constituted as a political unit in 1262, to his son Jaume.
This should dislike the eldest son, Pere, who had inherited the rest of the territories ruled by Jaume I, and who suddenly began hostilities to recover the unity of the Crown of Aragon. Hostilities that his heirs would continue.
Meanwhile, Jaume II of Mallorca assumed the royal title, although he did not take long to do so as a vassal of his brother, although he experienced a Catalan-Aragonese invasion soon, in 1285, as a rebound of the war in Sicily between France and the Crown of Aragon. This imposed a parenthesis on his reign until 1298, which ended in 1311 with his death.
King Sanç assumed the government of the kingdom of Mallorca with more peace than his father, strengthening the feudal ties with his cousin Jaume II of Aragon, with whom he participated in the conquest of Sardinia, a collaboration that meant he did not have to pay vassalage.
His possessions received his attention equally, as he established residences both in Mallorca and in the counties of Rosselló and Cerdanya -which were bordering both France, to which he paid homage through Montpeller, and Catalonia.
In Mallorca, one of the residences to which he dedicated more interest was the hunting lodge that he extended in Valldemossa, a town in the Tramuntana mountain range. The building is attributed to have been the castle of an Arab nobleman named Musa, who gave his name to the town, but it seems that it was Jaume II of Mallorca who had it built in 1309.
In this way, the palace acquired the name of the second private king of the Mallorcan lineage, and continued to attract the attention of his nephew, Jaume III, who succeeded him in 1324. Jaume III was the son of Prince Ferran of Achaia, who followed the campaign of the Almogavars of the Catalan Company in Greece, where he died in 1316 without knowing his son.
Jaume III had to face his brother-in-law Pere the Ceremonious, who in 1343 reincorporated the kingdom to the Crown of Aragon. In 1336 he had married Constança, daughter of Alfons IV of Aragon, but that did not prevent his father-in-law's successor, his brother-in-law Pere, from demanding that the kingdom of Mallorca return to the main lineage of the Casal de Barcelona.
Once the reunification of the Crown of Aragon under a single monarch had been formalized, in 1399 King Martí the Humane, known to have been a religious man, donated the palace to the Carthusian order to create a cloistered monastery. The monks adapted many of the original rooms to their needs.
The disentailment of Mendizábal (1835) caused the monks to abandon the monastery, and the building passed into private hands. The successive owners renovated and modernized the rooms, which were maintained to the current appearance of a stately home of the rural Majorcan nobility.
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Palau del rei Sanç de Mallorca

El regne de Mallorca va néixer quan Jaume I el Conqueridor, comte de Barcelona i rei d’Aragó, va iniciar la conquesta de les illes Balears el 1229, tot i que la seva constitució no es va fer oficial fins l’any següent.
L’illa de Mallorca va ser el punt central d’un territori que va entrar d’igual a igual als reialmes de la Corona d’Aragó, juntament amb les illes de Menorca, que s’hi va incoporar (1231) mantenint la seva autonomia com a territori governat per autoritats andalusines, Eivissa i Formentera (1235).
Durant el regnat de Jaume I les illes van mantenir certa autonomia dintre del nou regne, fins al punt de que Mallorca participava a les corts de la Corona d’Aragó i Menorca a les corts catalanes.
Però el regne de Mallorca, com a entitat independent, va començar la seva història el 1276. En aquell any, Jaume I va decidir llegar els seus territoris, als quals havia afegit el regne de València el 1239, dividits.
El regne balear, que juntament amb els comtats de Rosselló, Cerdanya, el vescomtat de Carladès i la senyoria de Montpeller -llegat de la seva mare, Maria- s’havia constituït com a unitat política el 1262, va ser per al seu fill Jaume.
Això no deuria fer gaire gràcia al fill gran, Pere, que havia heretat la resta de territoris governats per Jaume I, i que de ben aviat va començar hostilitats per recuperar la unitat de la Corona d’Aragó. Hostilitats que continuarien els seus hereus.
Mentre tant, Jaume II de Mallorca va assumir el títol reial, encara que no va trigar a fer-ho com a vassall del seu germà, tot i que va viure una invasió catalanoaragonesa ben aviat, el 1285, com a retruc de la guerra a Sicília entre França i la Corona d’Aragó. Això va imposar un parèntesi al seu regnat fins el 1298, que va finalitzar el 1311 amb la seva mort.
El rei Sanç va assumir el govern del regne de Mallorca amb més tranquilitat que el seu pare, refermant la vinculació feudal amb el seu cosí Jaume II d’Aragó, amb el qual participà a la conquesta de Sardenya, una col·laboració que li va suposar no haver de fer-li vassallatge.
Les seves possessions van rebre la seva atenció de forma equitativa, doncs va establir residències tant a Mallorca com als comtats de Rosselló i Cerdanya -que eren fronterers tant amb França, a la que retia homentage per Montpeller, com amb Catalunya.
A Mallorca, una de les residències a la qual va dedicar més interès va ser el pavelló de caça que va ampliar a Valldemossa, una població de la serra de Tramuntana. A l’edifici se li atribueix haver estat el castell d’un noble àrab anomenat Mussa, que seria el que dona nom a la població, però sembla que va ser Jaume II de Mallorca qui el va fer bastir el 1309.
D’aquesta manera, el palau va adquirir el nom del segon rei privatiu del llinatge mallorquí, i va continuar atraient l’atenció del seu nebot, Jaume III, que el succeí el 1324. Jaume III era fill del príncep Ferran d’Acaia, que va seguir la campanya del almogàvers de la Companyia Catalana a Grècia, on hi va trobar la mort el 1316 sense conèixer el fill.
Jaume III es va haver d’enfrontar al seu cunyat Pere el Cerimoniós, que el 1343 va reincorporar el regne a la Corona d’Aragó. El 1336 s’havia casat amb Constança, filla d’Alfons IV d’Aragó, però això no va evitar que el successor del seu sogre, el seu cunyat Pere, reclamés que el regne de Mallorca tornés al llinatge principal del Casal de Barcelona.
Ja formalitzada la reunificació de la Corona d’Aragó sota un únic monarca, el 1399 el rei Martí l’Humà, reconegut per haver estat un home religiós, va fer donació del palau a l’orde de la Cartoixa perquè s’hi creés un monestir de clausura. Els monjos van adaptar moltes de les seves estances originals a les seves necessitats.
La desamortització de Mendizábal (1835) va fer que els monjos abandonéssin el monestir, i l’edifici va passar a mans privades. Els successius propietaris van reformar i modernitzar les estances, que es van mantenir fins a l’actual aspecte de casa senyorial de la noblesa rural mallorquina.
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INSTANTZZ: Sergi Verges y la Big Band del Conservatori de Palma (Teatre Xesc Forteza. Palma de Mallorca. 2018-01-13) [Galería fotográfica]
Fecha: Sábado, 13 de enero de 2018. 21:00h.
Lugar: Teatre Xesc Forteza. Palma de Mallorca.
Formación: Sergi Verges y la Big Band del Conservatori de Palma. Sergi Vergés: dirección, arreglos Ivan Caro: flabiol sec,tamborí, gralla dolça, ocarina, caramella, pandereta Alfredo Ardanaz: violín Carlos Sanchis: acordeón Margulis Rotger, Roger ‘Pistola’, Masé Jara Llinàs, Alejandra Cabello: voz Guillem…
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#Adrian Selles Serra#Alejandra Cabello#Alfredo Ardanaz#Angel Rivero#Carla Plà#Carlos Ortiz#Carlos Sanchis#Cati Picó Ximelis#Diego Riudavets#Esteve Huguet#Francisco Javier Gonzalez Garcia#Gerard Olives#Guillem Calvillo#Guillem Nadal#Isaac Verdú#Ivan Caro#Jaume Blázquez#Jaume Cerdà Amengual#Jaume Riera Mestre#Jaume Rosselló Salleras#Joan Frontera Luna#Joan Palerm#Lupe Vidal#Marc Forteza#Marco Valero#Marcos Herrada#Margulis Rotger#Marta Alcover#Masé Jara Llinàs#Miguel Mateu
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