hazeldragonblossoms · 5 months
aita for trying to summon a god to resurrect my wife?
i (142m) recently lost my wife (139f) to terminal illness. we were married for nearly 127 years, and were survivors of a disaster that destroyed our home city and killed nearly everyone in it. she was my best friend, the love of my life, and the light of my world. i’ve spent months trying to move on, but the pain of losing her has only grown stronger since her death, with my grief eventually leading me to quit my job and travel in the hopes of finding something else to live for. i will be upfront in admitting that, in the process of quitting, i blew up the school i worked at (no one was hurt), almost killed my assistant (he’s fine), and released a bunch of monsters from the abandoned gated community i had contained them in a few decades prior (long story).
anyway, during my travels i came across a relic that contained immense necromantic power, but i quickly realized that i would be unable to utilize it for my purposes on my own, as my wife had been dead for several months by that time and was well past the point of resurrection by conventional means. long story short, i decided to harness the power of the same god that caused the disaster that destroyed my and my wife’s former home.
as it turns out, my former boss (????m) picked up a kid (13x) off the street around the same time this was happening, and tasked my brother (also 142m, we’re twins) with teaching them magic. i won’t bore you with the details, but this thirteen year old now keeps following me around and fucking up my plans to reunite with my true love, which i’m frankly tired of.
(side note: this kid also won a fighting competition that hasn’t been won by someone from our school since i attended. i need to remind you, they are thirteen. i’m not certain they’d ever used magic before my boss picked them up, so i have no idea how this possibly could have happened, or when they had the time to even attend the fights since they’ve seemingly dedicated the majority of their time to fucking me over for no good reason.)
my ex-boss seems to think that summoning this being is a “bad idea” and could “destroy the world,” but 1. i’m doing it in my already ruined hometown and 2. i think that the world is a small price to pay to have my wife back. it’s not like it’s worth much without her in it, anyway.
edit: shut up about the fucking giant tree it’s an unrelated current event. you can’t prove that i actually did anything to him, and it’s rude to accuse people baselessly
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spockvarietyhour · 5 months
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Peter Malvia, grandfather of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
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cashforfurniture · 10 months
Old Furniture Buyer in Saket, New Delhi
"Cash For Furniture" – a renowned old furniture buyer in Saket, Malviya Nagar, Panchsheel Park, Hauz Khas, Safdarjung enclave, Sarvapriyaa Vihar, Niti Bagh, Kalkaji, Greater, Kailash, East of Kailash, Defence Colony, Sarita Vihar, Vasant Vihar, and Vasant Kunj that offers several benefits to Delhi residents looking to sell their old furniture. Firstly, it saves time and effort. There's no need to take photographs, write detailed listings, or interact with potential buyers. This is especially valuable in a city where time is a precious resource. Secondly, the pricing is fair and transparent. The expert evaluation ensures that you receive a reasonable offer, without the uncertainty of haggling or undervaluation. Moreover, the convenience of an online platform extends to safety. With online transactions becoming more secure, there's no need to invite strangers into your home for inspections or negotiations. The entire process can be managed from the comfort of your own space.
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that-wizard-oki · 1 year
One thing I find interesting abt the wiz fandom is I can’t say we have ship names for characters, or at least widely used ones. Like it’s not like we go around calling Malistaire & Sylvia’s relationship ‘Malvia’ or something similar.
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cheshiresartblog · 1 year
The Dark Revival of my Fantrolls
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Hello, you read right. My friend and I are reviving our old fantrolls form days gone by in the dark past of our high school days. Cringe is dead. 
So here they are. 
Innari - Rust Blood - Void Players - Derse
Kuniko - Beforus - Mage of Void 
Kojiro - Alternia - Sylph of Void
Tamamo - Alternia - Bard of Void 
Iznami - Beforus - Seer of Void
Jaclus - Lime Blood - Rage Players - Derse 
Pythus - Beforus - Bard of Rage 
Urobos - Alternia - Seer of Rage 
Nyokaa - Alternia - Rogue of Rage 
Opheus - Beforus - Maid of Rage 
Artmis - Jade Blood - Breath Players - Prospit 
Larisa - Beforus - Maid of Breath 
Helien - Alternia - Knight of Breath 
Aeisha - Alternia - Page of Breath 
Brigta - Beforus - Witch of Breath 
Barkin - Teal Blood - Space Players - Prospit 
Cerbus - Beforus - Page of Space 
Romlus - Alternia - Heir of Space 
Astrus - Alternia - Knight of Space 
Remnus - Beforus - Mage of Space 
Larker - Purple Blood - Doom Players - Derse 
Aminon - Beforus - Seer of Doom 
Azrael - Alternia - Rogue of Doom
Orrcus - Alternia - Prince of Doom 
Viduus - Beforus - Heir of Doom
Cetusa - Violet Blood - Mind Players - Prospit 
Ursula - Beforus - Witch of Mind
Marina - Alternia - Thief of Mind 
Malvia - Alternia - Mage of Mind
Scylla - Beforus - Prince of Mind 
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asks-n-trolls · 1 year
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Roseri, Danbora, Cici (belonging to bun) for Spiked Roseri
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Bubble, Shingo, Beelze and Wiggle form the best band ever WORM NATION (Bubble is mine. Shingo is Damis, Beelze is Gregs, and Wiggle is Roes.)
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this band is a duo Malvia and Eldemo form Drop Dead Devious!
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also the sycamore malvia diantha lysandre love square was underutilized in the post XY world no one understands the allure of the malva sycamore mutual revenge fuck
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444names · 10 months
Names generated from nut, seed, fruit, flower and herb names
Acats Accowatis Acink Ackonquit Acolia Alingonip Alkame Alloweeds Almel Alnugree Alnuts Amroseed Anditters Anter Apeadilia Apeppy Aperockra Appead Appeats Appyss Ashes Aspris Avaborian Aversil Avess Avockle Avorcard Azeaf Azeloweed...
Baleaf Balmis Balnut Bamsees Banelack Bapplant Bappyse Barciso Barther Basian Basille Beanne Begabass Begreeto Beloweria Berberb Bercarter Berchis Bereek Berryonge Bilana Blanar Blanats Blango Blockwery Bloquilp Bluce Bluebega Blumbsqua Bongon Bonipea Bopperry Brass Breed Brinaming Briseaf Brocoa Broniper Browber Buccollum Buniony Burdo Burnia Cabeava Cabon Cackwhers Caddlea Caddyhean Calar Calmige Camannia Camber Caminth Canbele Cangra Cannut Canthon Canutsum Carlip Carosa Carrona Caspinut Casprion Castnut Cathew Cayelle Cayll Celly Cemonya Cepea Cerria Ceyllowel Chermelia Child Chish Chium Choot Choybeed Chryse Chsian Ciang Cingold Clabash Cleedaff Clens Clenuts Clernut Cleyse Clicayel Clotullio Clowaly Cloweek Cocchese Cockber Cockpelot Cofforit Colin Colink Colip Collss Congoon Copped Corimes Corme Corns Corsle Counzell Crage Craspink Crealeaf Creed Crele Cucko Cudwed Culanha Culanney Culbeg Cullil Cumard Cumquit Curry Cyntrosaf Daiker Dailod Dallonia Damant Damellosy Damonia Damoseed Dange Dapriazel Darlice Dasand Dashto Dingons Dintha Disechea Dradole Dragonemp Dranpe Drapaza Drocorry Durgred Ellhe Eloserry Finelleas Finnip Flonbargo Flowdenut Flower Foxnuts Frenut Fruit Fucer Fucerrob Galac Galenna Galiged Galnut Garapop Ginged Glosa Gonbass Gongal Gonpe Grassaf Greenth Gress Halshail Hamelsia Hamingark Hazinkgon Hesta Hilacra Honmyrth Honquit Hoosalmia Hoyberuce Huatilyss Hucer Hunia Inese Irout Irryenut Ivelexans Jachile Jacicemon Jacin Japawat Japerry Jasallo Jestnut Jonamara Jonion Jorint Jorinuts Jícad Jícan Kalnut Kavabbad Kavesill Kelsh Kelysumme Kernsy Keypepic Kokchillo Koriand Kurnut Kurryme Labasmard Laching Ladberry Lambusro Landa Leencill Lenflow Lenut Liacches Lianowac Liarane Lilli Limrow Linetpon Lintid Lonber Lotarron Lowerb Lyches Lyroot Macaster Machalva Macks Maikorry Mairiness Malander Malea Mallwer Malvia Maman Mamonolum Manard Manat Manganut Mangetus Maran Mardgrob Maric Marisy Marle Marlia Marme Masia Masilower Mimelea Monianut Monpea Montroca Moybea Mulber Mullse Musflonk Musroures Myrint Myrtlehic Nariserro Niony Niparry Nolivy Oadber Oaddyhes Oadfroa Ogarrow Oldle Oldth Palmony Panberia Panut Papeaband Paranipea Parderry Parlemp Parlint Parry Parsnio Pazuchis Peadle Peafoxnut Pealmnut Pears Pearyle Peatane Peatora Pepanber Pepits Peples Pepot Pepowerry Pergon Pernut Petwood Pikorne Pileander Pinea Pinettle Pintay Pitante Plemoria Plueber Plumbil Ponquit Popay Poplet Popplum Prasa Priettoot Pringe Pringon Quaterel Quaves Quine Quits Quitte Quoia Rimerry Roaboke Roadfruck Roodereed Ropple Rourda Ruillemel Ruvion Saffoet Sager Sanfruts Sasabisia Sastan Savelen Scabasil Scado Scats Sconio Seenut Sehillout Serion Shamell Shania Shogalme Siane Skmats Snole Snowerry Sollidar Somer Somme Sorsnower Soybee Spalemon Spingarn Sprus Sterber Stnut Stnuts Sucenut Sugrenna Sugrey Sumbony Sunzall Swedewnut Sweed Sweek Swerbea Sweret Swerslet Tanut Tayena Teflonia Theaf Therry Thestnic Thickle Thonk Trestnut Trose Tungonge Turder Ulisy Vellify Venfruit Vestnip Wachea Walemince Wasagolil Watai Watemony Water Wather Watorea Whestnuts Wifruit Wifrus Wilber Willp Willsoy Wishoya Wisrosh Wooss Worry Xilint Xilliped Xyleypris Yapendens Yaphnut Yarasian Yaruinet Yenut
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bowsers-keep · 2 years
Just watched Disenchanted and AAAAAAAA IT WAS SO GOOD!!!! I am so happy that the film turned out great. I'm a big fan of the og so to see all of the characters back is amazing.
Spoiler free thoughts on Disenchanted: Robert looks o l d. Giselle rocks the villians vibe(this isn't spoilers we've all seen the trailers). Morgan's lil romance was kinda force ngl, needed more screentime. Malvia (is that how you spell it???) was a fun character, also her duet with Giselle was godly. Pip went through one wild ride, feel bad for him but kinda wish we got to see more cat Pip. Edward was great as always, James Marsden still kills it. Nancy got a solo song and oh boy yep that's the same lady who played Elsa alright, still a banger thou. Soundtrack in general was a banger. Lots of weird plot details but the fun about the Enchanted/Disenchanted world is that we can quite literally chalk it up to fairy tale logic and NOBODY IS ALLOWED TO SAY ANYTHING!!!
Overall as someone who was extremely hyped for this film, I think it lives up to the hype.
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mood2you · 4 months
scientific plant names: an untapped naming convention market
Pachira Aquatica : the money tree. This is a person named patch who has some sort of water theme
Malvia Neglecta : not only is this character "mal" (bad) they also neglecta
Centaurus Cyanus : they named a flower after centaurs?
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recentlyheardcom · 2 years
Dwayne Johnson’s Daughter Simone Officially Makes WWE Debut
Dwayne Johnson’s Daughter Simone Officially Makes WWE Debut
Simone Johnson joined the family business. In the footsteps of dad Dwayne Johnsonhis grandfather Rocky Johnson and his great-grandfather Pierre Malvia, the 21-year-old wrestler made her WWE debut on October 25, making her the first fourth-generation female wrestler in the sport’s history. By the way Ava Raine, she entered the ring wearing a Little Red Riding Hood-style mask and cape, which she…
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prabudhajanata · 2 years
बीजेपी नेता Amit Malvia पहुंचे रायपुर रायपुर। भारतीय जनता पार्टी आईटी सेल एवं...
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herbalslife · 2 years
𝐃𝐨’𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐨𝐧’𝐭𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐀𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐊𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝
If you are symptomatic or suffering from Arthritis, you would know to what extent the Arthritis pain torments and affects the day to day life of a human being. According to research published by Anand Malvia and his peers, about 7 million people in India suffer from RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis). These statistics are higher than that reported from China, Indonesia, the Philippines and rural Africa. Firstly one must understand that Arthritis is not just one ailment. There are various types of Arthritis, ranging from the ones that specifically target your skin and joints to the ones that could target multiple joints in your body. Mainly, three types of Arthritis are common in the population. Namely, Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic Arthritis. Is there a joint pain that you have been ignorant about for a long time? It is time you focus on your body and get it checked out by a professional. Let us understand what you should and should not do when you are suffering from Arthritis pain… 𝐓𝐨 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞: https://bit.ly/3PmkwbL
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#Arthritispain #arthritis #painrelief #relief #jointpain #jointpainrelief
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blangg · 2 years
Straight group of friends: Two blonde girls, a brunette girl, two brunet boys idk
Lgbt group of friends: A poetaster with a lute, a wild and lippy half-dryad, half-woman, a vampire who's about to notch up his fifth century, bloody nilfgaardian who insists he isn't a nilfgaardian and a witcher
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that-wizard-oki · 1 year
in like 2016 everyone called it malisyl I have no idea when the change to malvia occurred. but yeah the only other ship i know of here with an actual name is pistachio banana
Ooo that's interesting about the Malisyl name, i've never heard of that!
But what... what is... P... pistachio banana??
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auredosa · 4 years
By swap au, I mean Malistaire is the one who dies and Sylvia tries to revive him. Or with Cyrus and Chester
Oh shoot that’s a good one. I feel like a life wizard would be more stubborn in trying to bring back their deceased loved ones with magic than necromancers. Like, necromancers understand that death is a powerful force, but life wizards would have that fleeting hope that there’s some spell, some incantation they can do to bring somebody back . . . 
Here’s an idea: Malistaire dies, not Sylvia. Sylvia enlists the help of her brother in-law, Cyrus, and Cyrus’s husband, Chester Droors. Cyrus is hesitant to bring back his brother even though he loved him very dearly, and Chester tries to explain to Sylvia that even life wizards can’t cheat death. Sylvia gets mad envious of their happy relationship and sets out on a journey to find a way to revive her husband. 
I’d honestly love to see a rendition of evil Sylvia Drake-that sounds really cool!
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