#Mallow's mom
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puella-1n-somn10 · 1 year ago
☀️What your favorite parent from the Sun and Moon anime says about you🌙
Kukui: There is a 70% chance that you are a gay man, and I mean this not out of a place of judgement, but experience with the fans. The cause tends to differ between his game and anime incarnations, but, in the latter's case, not only are you happy about his character being developed there, but also are happy to see Ash having that father figure he craved so badly.
Burnet: You've probably popped the BIGGEST bottles when you've recognized her all the way back from Dream Radar, and have managed to get even bigger bottles when she and Kukui got married. Honestly, most of the Burnet fans I saw were real chill people. So long as you're not one of those Gen 5 fans, I have no mean words. The chillest group.
Guzma: Oh, hello, LGBTQ+ community. Either that, or you relate to him and Team Skull on levels that may be deemed as unhealthy. You're a bit on the feral side; chaotic gremlins who will not only listen to whatever combination between Breakcore and Metal there is, but would also make it your neighbors' problem. You understand the pressure of having to succeed in life and inevitably breaking under it, only to receive no compassion nor any form of apology from your elders. Also, def neurodivergent.
Plumeria: Two possibilities; either you're definitely a lesbian and/or trans gal, or are a hardcore Guzmeria shipper- though, it is more than likely that you're both. You love a good ol' girlboss who is not necessarily a villain; someone who was hardened up by experience, but is still, at the day's end, a human. Either you were the one who needed protecting back in the day, or were that protector; either way, you, too, deserved better in life.
Lusamine: Just like Professor Kukui, the reason as to why she's your favorite depends HEAVILY on which Lusamine from which canon we're talking about. Maybe you like the overzealous Lusamine who is presented as a person with actual flaws that hurt everyone around her - including herself - without her knowledge. Maybe you like the prospect of a morally ambiguous Lusamine who is ready to do everything for "the greater good" even at the cost of hurting others, including her own family. Orrrrrrr maybe you have had a parent like Lusamine in the Sun/Moon games, a classic narcissistic parent, and want to hold out to the hopes that, just like her, your own folks would see the error of their ways; that they would actually apologize to you and finally start improving on themselves rather than drag everyone else around them through the mud of their own misery.
Mohn: There is a high chance that you just want the family back together; you reminisce on the old days where they were complete, before they incident with the ultra wormhole, before Lusamine inevitably lost her marbles, but such is the way of life, right? The ultra games were your golden era, and his anime debut? Let's just say that your wishes FINALLY came true after so long. You love fix-fics and those surrounding the pain of amnesia a bit too much.
Abe/Mallow's dad: Him being a hunk - a himbo - aside, the trauma, the potential, the raw emotion; all there as garnishes for this fine steak of a man and you love each and every one of them. His incompetence and portrayal as a neglectful parent in Mallow and the Forest Teacher forever gives you the ick, but you either tend to ignore it or use that as another source of angst potential.
Mallow's mom: I just know your ass is either suffering from trauma, sudden loss, anxiety, fear of death, or a combination of the above. Yes, you wish she could have been developed a little more, but at least we got a huge chunk of her personality and even development in one episode, which is nothing short of impressive. Also, you like hurt/comfort fics.
Sima/Kiawe's mom: You're right.
Rango/Kiawe's dad: Autism rep? In MY Pokémon anime?! Sorry, but it is so frustrating to see that ya'll are few and far between - just as shy and anxious as your husbando -, but I know you guys exist! Please, let yourselves be known! I would kill just to see some more content regarding him! Also, I just know you love meganes, and, of course, there's nothing wrong with that.
Sophocles' dad: Traumatized. You probably crave the very affection he's giving his wife and kid, and seeing an honest, brash, funny man like him who isn't an abusive rat gave you whiplash initially, but eventually you wanted more. Crafting and/or gardening lover, and maybe a lore fanatic as well because how the FUCK do you know about all the things he's done for Sophocles' happiness from scattered dialogue alone? Also, like Kukui fans, there's a high chance you're neither straight nor cis.
Sophocles' mom: Also traumatized. Maybe a little bit on the autism spectrum, too. Back when the anime first aired, you were scared that maybe the dynamic between and her hubby was imbalanced, until later episodes began to showcase that she is more in charge than he is. You're probably a quiet person irl who is hiding nothing but the most chaotic of thoughts. You wanna try the malasadas she makes at least once.
Lana's mom: I'm saying this right now; if you are well over the age of 20, you are not seeing the pearly gates after the Day of Resurrection.
Lana's dad: Nothing but respect. A man with a design that irradiates potential having less dialogue than Sophocles' mother is infuriating, and the lack of content being made around him by both canon and the fans is even worse, but you don't let that bother you. Either you're the less degenerate version of the fans of his wife, or just like him because he looks way too much like Archie for it to be a coincidence.
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itzahk123 · 1 year ago
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star-on-a-beach · 7 months ago
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She's making biscuits now
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missd476 · 1 year ago
Slight SMRPG spoilers below!
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Mallow's parents are adorbs.
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alolanrain · 2 years ago
Ash:*drinking coffee* I see you. I know you're watching me.
Mallow & Kiawe: *bolting out of hiding in anger* HOW-
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Mallow: Dad...? What are you doing?
Abe: Making chocolate pudding...
Mallow: It's 4 o' clock in the morning- why on Earth are you making chocolate pudding?
Abe, with bags under his eyes, revealing that he's been crying for a while: Because I've lost control of my life.
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star3synth · 8 months ago
so i was recently rewatching the pokemon sun and moon anime and i arrived at season 3 episode 16 (memories in the mist). i won’t go into too much detail to avoid spoiling things but yeah it was an impactful episode
me, right before watching it: ok yeah i know this is gonna be sad but this is gonna be like the third time i’ve watched it so surely i’ll be fine
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squidkidcelebi · 1 year ago
Hey guys, guess what? I actually WRITE sometimes too. Crazy huh?
Anyways have a this. :)
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foxgloveinspace · 2 years ago
Me: yeah I’m not that big of a fan of birds.
*loves ravens crows and tufted titmouse’s*
Me: well…. Maybe I’m not a fan of parrots??
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mallowberryshake · 5 months ago
omnomnom iced coffee for being so so brave <3
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explodingcrayon · 6 months ago
i don't know how to explain to my mother that i'm terrified of her dog that attacked me 4 months ago and is constantly running up to me, barking at me, and blocking narrow entryways to then get tense and stance up and i can't get around him
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puella-1n-somn10 · 9 months ago
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Figured I should add context.
Eh, maybe later.
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golddude64 · 1 year ago
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Been playing Mario rpg so I drew the “new” characters plus me because I can
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sillyboigaylus · 2 years ago
I kind of… feel like… idk sleeping? But I also don’t want to. My brain cell is telling me sleep but the spider in the corner is telling me to remain vigilant for the moment I turn away he shall strike.
i also want to eat some marshmallows but my mom hid them so
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janmisali · 8 months ago
Super Mario Bracket: ROSALINA vs BOWSER
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"Your friends are waiting for you in the Garage."
SEED: 3 (101 nominations)
DEBUT: Super Mario Galaxy
NOMINATION EXAMPLE: I think that she contributed to a lot of the thematic depth of Super Mario Galaxy. I relate to her as someone who also used space as a kind of escape in my childhood. Galaxy is a game that understands the childlike whimsical appeal of space so well in general. Also I think she's pretty.
[Super Mario Wiki article]
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"My plan is too far along now! Do you really think you can stop me?!"
SEED: 14 (45 nominations)
DEBUT: Super Mario Bros.
NOMINATION EXAMPLE: Cool ass mf dragon turtle guy why wouldn't you love him. He's a single dad just trying to get a mom for his kids. Entirely misunderstood. Firmly HC that he's actually in an agreement with Mario and peach and the games are actually their sick larps where peach is kidnapped but she's totally fine lol. Bowser is cool as fuck and a sweetheart at the same time but nobody gets it.
[Super Mario Wiki article]
[link to all polls]
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luxthestrange · 5 months ago
TIGRAAS Incorrect quotes#71 Girl dad
When Daddy Rimuru is finally resting after a loooong meeting with the council his "Daughters" come to ask him to play with him but Rimuru middle-aged mentality is too tired to play...his three daughters have other plans-
Milim*Bringing her new sisters to a huddle and whispers* Okay, Girls, this is going to take a serious please face...
Alice & Chloe: Yes, serious!
Milim: Let's get these lips in a pout~ *Puts the girl's lips in a frown*And I'm going to need to see tears!
Chloe & Alice now have tears in their eyes and pouty trembling lip
Milim: That's good! And let's hold these! *Gives the girls a plushie and rimuru slime squish mallows; the toys squeak as they hug them*-Okay, let's do this~
The scene changes back to Rimuru on the couch, The girls walk up to Him
Rimuru*Opens one eye and sees them* What do you want?
Pov zooms in on Three whimpers as Milim speaks; the scene focuses on Milim or Rimuru when either one of them speak-
Milim*Tear eyes hugging the girls* Why do you never play with us?!
Rimuru*Sits up and looks at the two in shock* What?!
Milim: You're always at work!
Rimuru*Confused and hands up* I'm never at work!
Milim: It's like you don't even love us!?!
Rimuru*Looking offended at the trio*...You are joking, right?
Milim: How can you not love your own children?!?
Rimuru*Sighs and rubs his face* Aw, cheese and jam! Alright-
Milim,Chloe & Alice*they giggle as they run away*Hooray!!Hehehe~
Mal: That was impressive...
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Part 2 of:
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