#Malleus vs Leona twst
p484 · 6 months
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(Hmmmm…. I wonder what would happen if I look for materials here… HMMMMM!)
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"Hey guys, whatcha doin’ ?! Anyway, can you three help me fight a bunch of students for a few sticks and some paper?"
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the-great-empress · 1 month
Random IX/?
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Luke: In the name of the Great Father I purify you! *sprays them with holy water of Michael and God* Bad! Bad students! *throws a Bible and a large crucifix at them*
Ob! boys: *screams of agony*
Simeon: Oh~ his first exorcism
Raphael: *records the moment*
Michael: I'm so proud
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thekinglycrown · 8 months
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I was told to post this so here you go guys. Megamind vs Twisted Wonderland (REAL NOT CLICKBAIT
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briry18 · 4 months
Cannon Jamil: Sarcastic, sneaky, and just a tad grumpy. Fannon Jamil: A Thirsty Flirt
(Also couldn't help but throw in a bit of Mal/Leo content XD )
(On a separate note does anyone else think Leona makes a great Inuyasha? XD )
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Yandere Neighbor Wars: Boundaries...There Are None
Leona Kingscholar 🦁vs Malleus Draconia🐲: Boundaries…There Are None
🦁🐲You’re new neighborhood was especially upscale 🦁🐲A far cry from what you were used to but recently you had come into a great deal of money 🦁🐲Added on by a promotion that would up keep your new living space 🦁🐲Along with your large new home you had especially…interesting neighbors 🦁🐲One you met before officially moving  🦁🐲Stepping on one of them who you somehow didn’t notice was lounging on your front steps 🦁🐲“Hey! Watch your feet, herbivore!” 🦁🐲“S-sorry! Wait hold on, why are you even here?!”  🦁🐲You’d later find out that your lazy neighbor was named Leona from his money-pinching caretaker Ruggie 🦁🐲Most would think that after you made it quite clear that you were moving in that perhaps your neighbor would be less inclined to lounge on your property 🦁🐲He did not. 🦁🐲In your yard, on your porch, in your bedroom 🦁🐲He had no boundaries and every time you tried to get him to not equate your house to a daycare cot for his nap time he’d just wave you off 🦁🐲“You’re not sleeping here anyway and if you were it’d be an honor to use you as a pillow.” 🦁🐲You’re other neighbor was a different situation 🦁🐲Finding the tall handsome ravenette with cat like eyes in the dead of night may have incurred a confrontation with a bat/pepperspray in hand 🦁🐲Only to find that the mysterious man simply liked the architecture and has been enjoying the abandoned property aswell as the new tenant 🦁🐲“I find that I’m already quite fond of you. I do hope we can be close with one another.” 🦁🐲And for a while he’s your midnight rendezvous chatting with you until he dismisses himself  🦁🐲It wouldn’t be until you invited your friend to one of the community amenities with you that you’re enlightened on the identity of your mystery friend 🦁🐲Malleus Draconia, the illusive and feared heir that had most of the community quickly excusing themselves 🦁🐲With the exception of one  🦁🐲“Oi Dragon you're stinking up the pool with your presence. Do us all a favor and fly home.” 🦁🐲“I am sure you would like that, especially in order to make room for that ego of yours.” 🦁🐲“Grrr.” 🦁🐲Their contentious relationship only gets worse when they realize how you each know each other 🦁🐲“He…sleeps at your house?!” 🦁🐲“Yeah he comes over to just nap and eat. Which is fine I just wish he’d at least text me or something.”  🦁🐲“Child of–(Y/n) may I too come to your house as I see fit? With warning, of course!” 🦁🐲“Uhh sure.” 🦁🐲Nowadays isn’t odd for both parties to be at your house whether you’re there or not:
“Oh, it is you.” Malleus sneered he had retreated to your home, letting himself in as you recently gifted him a key. Finally finishing his business he excitedly rentered hoping to find you in the midst of whatever domestic activity that you were doing. Unfortunately instead of you he found the repulsive, cattish, neighbor–Leona. Still laying on one of your couches he sat up only to scowl as he too recognized the heir dressed in black and green
“When did you get a key?!” 
Snarling in disgust it only worsened his mood as the man preened, showing off the metal object before delicately stuffing it into his chest pocket. 
“Earlier this week. Since then I’ve been given express permission to come inside whenever I please.”
Smug in his smirk he missed Leona's own smirk flash upon his face before feigning an annoyed face. Pretending to be peeved and disinterested as Malleus continued to boast about all the freedom’s he’s been allowed. So engrossed he completely missed how he casually followed Leona who was getting up and headed to a bathroom. He eventually stopped as Leona leaned on a doorway with crossed arms.
“Why have we come here? Do you need a chaperone for such a simple task?”
“Grr no princess! Use your eyes.”
“What do you want me to see? Is it the toilet–your house?”
“No. The tooth brushes one of them..is mine.” Ducking out of the room with a toothy smile he let Malleus’ neutral expression turn into a shocked look of horror as he once again somehow fell short to the one he never had a problem with defeating in the past. He fought the urge to drop the yellow toothbrush in the toilet but this was your house and he wouldn’t dare disrespect you in the case you had bought it. 
“Don’t cry too much princess, I’m sure if you rot here long enough you’ll get to my level.”
He chuckled as he trotted up your stairs expecting to end the conversation so that he could indulge  in his favorite passtime before you came back home. Malleus hesitated before recalling the layout of your house as if he made time to fully note the floorplans. Leona ducked into your room, easily unlocking the door that was decorated with memorabilia of your favorite things. 
“Where did you get that key?! Did they give you–?”
“Quiet! We only have thirty minutes before they get home.”
He spoke distracted as he began delicately rummaging through your things before sliding onto your bed. Malleus was both enamored with everything in your room and completely stunned by the catlike nuzzling Leona was giving within your pillows. Restraining himself, he ran his fingers along the fabric of a hoodie he saw you wear religiously.
“I’m surprised you would share this with me…I thought we most certainly are rivals.”
Taking a deep wiff of your pillow before pulling back for oxygen he spoke with a growl lingering in his throat.
“Oh we are but I’d prefer you get your..fix this way than creeping on them the way you do.”
“...You saw me?” 
“I did. And getting worrisome calls at odd hours of the day about some strange creep lingering outside their house isn’t ideal…but when they let us have free reign to scare them off, well I guess I owe that to you and I wouldn’t be caught dead feeling indebted to you.”
“...But if I were to stop then that would have been all for naught, correct?”
Turning away from his own intense smelling of your hoodie the emerald eyed heir asked, watching Leona casually lay on your bed. 
“Not if you got your lackeys to do it for you, not to mention an actual stalker is actually lingering around right now.” 
Speaking so casually Malleus frantically turned wearing your hoodie. 
“An actual stalker?”
“Yeah it's someone who lives nearby and if we don’t at least keep an eye out it’ll be easier to…”
He was cut off by the call coming from his phone, looking at the caller ID he immediately got up quickly fixing up your bed before making his way out of your room down the steps. Leaving Malleus who was especially engrossed in the comfort your hoodie gave him before realizing that Leona was no longer present. 
“Ugh, I must have left the door unlocked! Uhm Malleus can I have my hoodie back?”
“I..may I have this its quite snug.”
“...For a little while but before you leave you’ll have to give it back.”
“Of course, child of man!” 
He didn’t. And Leona’s debt was paid therefore all gloves were off. Time to even the score.
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pumpkincarriage3 · 2 years
Regarding the Twst Characters, who do you think is the most frequently misinterpreted character of the fandom? And of those misinterpretations, what bothers you the most about it?
Particularly when people are writing headcanons, or anything to do with romance (this could be with X readers or character x character) is where a lot of the misinterpretations come from I think. Especially in x readers because people like the character so they take what they like and run with it regardless of if its canon.
Take for example, here are some of the characters I think are misinterpreted quite a lot:
Vil - I’ve seen a lot of people that think Vil only sees beauty as skin deep. Which is canonically false. What Vil sees as beauty is trying your hardest to be the best you can be. A lot of people assume that Vil only sees outer appearances, when its just that Vil thinks you should pay attention to your physical appearance just as much as everything else because that is what people see first and will judge you on, and general healthy behaviors. Personally, I don’t think Vil would care that someone was conventionally unattractive as long as it wasn’t something they actively did from not taking care of themselves.
Another one is Leona - a lot of people compare him to a housecat. And he isn’t one, he’s a lion and a lot of people seem to forget that. I think the main reason for this is because he slacks off, but I think that’s more from the implication that he has depression rather than him being like a housecat. People with depression sleep a lot and generally won’t do a lot of things. While it’s not confirmed and I’m not a professional that can give him an official diagnosis, it certainly seems to be the implication. So I wish people would stop using a sign of depression to compare him to a housecat because they think it’s endearing.
Malleus is also misinterpreted I think - Take for instance, a lot of people ship Yuu and Malleus and because of that they think Malleus would let Yuu do just about anything, because he already lets them call him Tsunotaro. But I think it should be pointed out, and this is confirmed in the fifth chapter, he does this for his own amusement. That’s not to say that he doesn’t care for Yuu, but I don’t think he realize he does. So the reason he lets Yuu get away with it isn’t because he likes them, but because he finds the idea of someone so beneath him, because --let’s face it -- he has a superiority complex, call him that is because he finds the idea amusing. It’s why Grimm can also get away with it.
Silver is another good one - Though this mainly has to do with his potential narcolepsy or potentially being cursed to frequently fall asleep. It’s played up a lot as him just being a sleepy person, but its something that genuinely bothers Silver because he doesn’t know what’s wrong and it keeps happening. He can’t physically control it and I think it should be acknowledged more.
Kalim - though I can’t explain him as much as the others. He’s just written wrong? Like, he’s super sweet, don’t get me wrong, but there is a reason why he drove Jamil crazy. And it’s because he jumps into things without really thinking about the positions of other people, he says some really morbid things and has more of a morbid thought process than people give him credit for (food poisoning being something he brings up a lot, even if he doesn’t directly say it, it’s heavily implied) and I also think he’s a lot more observant than most people write him as. But that might just be me? And I might be misinterpreting something?
Or Azul - A lot of people bring up him being insecure or getting embarrassed easily? Not to say he doesn’t have insecurities, but I think a lot of people see what happened at the end of his overblot and run with it. That wasn’t his typical behavior, that was him after having a mental break down and not having the opportunity to recover from it before he was already being jumped by several people that had aired out his dirty laundry for everyone to see. He’s a confident person that doesn’t want to and will not bend on what he wants if he doesn’t have to. A capitalist in anything and everything and is always looking for how something will benefit him and people seem to forget that at times.
These are just some examples that I’ve noticed. This isn’t every grievance I have with every character, because I can probably find something for everyone that gets twisted in writing if I look hard enough.
And there’s also the possibility that I got some things mixed up, I haven’t been in the fandom for a super long time after all.
But what do you guys think? What is a character you think gets misinterpreted and what bugs you the most about those misinterpretations?
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squishosaur · 1 year
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3rd year housewardens are so shaped... :0
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Mundane TWST Headcanons
Riddle: expanded the room the hedgehogs and flamingos have in their enclosures
Trey: actually eats super healthily when it comes to cooking for himself. He can make food taste like whatever he wants, so he has no problem with vegetables
Cater: used to have three diamonds on his cheek because the aesthetic was nicer, but stopped doing that when Jade and Floyd came to school because he didn’t want to ‘steal their shtick’
Ace: the type of kid to throw everything into the trash can from across the room. If it looks like it’s going to miss he does a quick little bit of wind magic to send it back on course
Deuce: his hair is blue because he dyed his hair black a while back and he doesn’t know how often you’re supposed to touch it up (his mom dyes her hair with him)
Leona: actually physically can’t stay awake through a whole day anymore because he accidentally conditioned his body into taking naps
Ruggie: is best friends with the kitchen ghosts. They pile extra food on his plate
Jack: likes to watch the sunrise while jogging in the mornings but will never admit it
Azul: allows his workers one free meal a day
Jade: when he takes off his shoes in their dorm, he stops to find wherever Floyd kicked his shoes off and sets them neatly by the door for him
Floyd: whenever he cooks, people make sure to send their compliments to the chef. He knows it’s at least partially out of fear, but it makes him happy to hear that people enjoyed what he made anyway
Kalim: always makes sure to not throw any parties within a week of Jamil’s birthday. He wants to throw Jamil a party himself, but Jamil would up stressed and trying to micromanage everything from the sidelines, so this is the best he can do
Jamil: his hair is long as a tiny act of rebellion. It’s inconvenient in every part of his job, and it makes him happy to grow it out despite this
Vil: when he gets free samples from brands he models for, he gives them to his dorm members. He can afford to buy it all himself, anyway
Rook: if someone in the dorm ever cries, he’ll stand outside their door making sure no one comes in
Epel: his family sends all of the other first years almost as many apples as Epel himself gets
Idia: used to play ‘monsters vs heroes’ with Ortho when they were kids. Ortho always insisted on being the hero, and Idia would always do the most dramatic, drawn out ‘deaths’ when he ‘lost’
Ortho: he knows he can watch and analyze movies in a second, but he likes to enjoy them in real time
Malleus: if he has ice cream, he will temporarily make the area around himself colder to make sure it doesn’t melt
Lilia: the only reason he remembers his birthday every year is because he makes a point to throw a (small) party just so he can invite Malleus to it
Sebek: is good with volume control if you ask him to be quieter
Silver: his hair is always a mess because birds try to preen him
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violetlunette · 25 days
I hope that in book 8—which hopefully there is—the cast discovers the truth about the “great seven.” Namely, that while they were all great, they still did awful things.  (Seriously, attempted child murder is on all their lists, and it barely meets the top 5 of their crimes for most.)
It’s a great reflective moment to see how they all could have turned out if they didn’t have friends to reel them in, or how they could still turn out if not careful.
It also be interesting to see how it rocks their world. The people they admired and looked up to were villains, all of whom earned their titles as VILLAINS.
This would be especially interesting to see in Malleus, who is a direct descendant of Maleficent (1939). A woman who loved being wicked so much that she named herself the Mistress of Evil. Provided they don’t turn her into her wicked rip-off, which I don’t think they will as they use clips of her original version and whatnot. But I digress.
This would especially be meaningful if Silver was a descendant of Aurora (which is canon because I say so and I have a twst cannon. It’s on paper and not real, but I have it nonetheless).
Oh! And I want the cast to fight the OG villain just because I think it would be awesome!
Think about it: Leona against Scar and his army of Hyenas in a battle of wits and strength; Riddle vs. the Tyrannical Queen of Hearts; The Evil Queen and Vil in a beauty face-off; Ursula and Azul attempting to scam one another; Jamil and Jafar in a game of wits; Hades and Idia trading witty comebacks; DRAGON MALEFICENT VS DRAGON MALLEUS!
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But that’s just me.
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sinfullyrosey · 2 months
Masterlist (TWST)
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Riddle Rosehearts
Study Session (Male!Heartslabyul Student; NonReader) NSFW
Smut Headcanons (NonReader) NSFW
Peck a Pretty Rose (GN!Reader) SFW
Rule 53 Clearly States (GN!Reader) SFW
Family & Safe Sex HC (Fem!Reader) Suggestive
Family & Safe Sex HC (Fem!Reader) Suggestive
Family & Safe Sex HC (Fem!Reader) Suggestive; *Sensitive Topics Mentioned
The Rules are Not Colorblind Friendly (GN!Reader) SFW
Riddle's Childhood Analysis (NonReader) SFW; *Sensitive Topics Mentioned
Trey Clover
Cream-Filled Buns (Fem!Reader) NSFW
Why Trey Get No Love?? (NonReader; mentions of Leona, Malleus, & Leech Twins) SFW
Deuce Spade
(De)flowering the Garden (Fem!Reader) NSFW
Vil Schoenheit
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who's the Simpiest of Them All? (GN!Reader) NSFW
Spanking Minific (GN!Reader) NSFW
Unfinished Mini Fic Snippets (GN!Reader) NSFW
What's in the Name? (NonReader) SFW
Rook Hunt
Match His Freak (GN!Reader) Suggestive
Epel Felmier
Apple Creampie (Fem!Reader) NSFW
Bobbing for Apples (GN!Reader) NSFW
Leona Kingscholar
Sexcapades (Fem!Reader) Suggestive
Ruggie Bucchi
Eating Out (GN!Reader) Suggestive
Scratch My Back, & I Scratch Yours (Male!Reader) NSFW
Therapy Hyena (GN!Reader) SFW
Idia Shroud
Hair Leash (GN!Reader) SFW
Ortho Shroud
Little Metal Pinocchio (GN!Reader) SFW
Rant on Ortho idk (GN!Reader) SFW
Malleus Draconia
Sexcapades (GN!Reader) NSFW
Laying the Dragon (Fem!Reader) NSFW
Smut Headcanons (NonReader) NSFW
A Simple Prick (Fem!Reader) NSFW
How to Tame Your Dragon (Male!Reader) NSFW
Candy Cane Kisses (GN!Reader) Suggestive
Dragon Fae Courting (GN!Reader) SFW
Dragon Fae Courting (GN!Reader) SFW
That One Yandere HC (GN!Reader) SFW
Family & Safe Sex HC (Fem!Reader) Suggestive
Freiburg Minister Gargoyle (NonReader) SFW
Gargoyle Fans (GN!Reader; & Rollo too) SFW
Lilia Vanrouge
Bratty Bat (Male!Reader) NSFW
I F'ed Your Dad (GN!Reader) Suggestive
General Lilia (GN!Reader) NSFW
Anti Daddy Kink (GN!Reader) Suggestive
Pushing Your Buttons (Fem!Reader) NSFW
When I Was Your Age/Height (GN!Reader) SFW
Model of a Modern Major General (GN!Reader) SFW
Lilia's a Good DadTM (NonReader) SFW
Azul Ashengrotto
Sexcapades (GN!Reader) Suggestive
Jellyhead (GN!Jellyfish!Reader) NSFW
Jellyhead How They Met (GN!Jellyfish!Reader) Suggestive
Jellyhead: Part Two, Electric Boogaloo (GN!Jellyfish!Reader; Leech Twins hinted at the end) NSFW
Electric Kiss (GN!Jellyfish!Reader) Suggestive
Aggressive Affection (Fem!Reader) NSFW
Stranger in the Rain (Fem!Reader) SFW Angst Songfic
Fish Puns (NonReader) SFW
Sight & Glasses Discussion (NonReader) SFW
Sight & Glasses Discussion (NonReader) SFW
Jade Leech
Lingerie Mini HC (GN!Reader) Suggestive
Wading in the Pool (Fem!Reader) NSFW
Mushroom Caps (GN!Reader) SFW
They Took the Mushrooms in the Divorce (GN!Reader) SFW
How to Woo Your Eel (GN!Reader) SFW
Twin Tails (GN!Reader; mentions of Floyd) SFW
Floyd Leech
Feral Follies Part 1 (GN!Honey Badger!Reader) SFW
Kiss with a Fist (GN!Honey Badger!Reader) Suggestive
Too Rough of a Pursuit (MtF!Eel!Reader) SFW
Hand Holding (GN!Reader) SFW
Annoyingly Beautiful Eel (GN!Reader) SFW
How to Woo Your Eel (GN!Reader) SFW
Octatrio Nonsense (yes, they get their own section)
Fish Mafia (GN!Reader) SFW
Eel Repellent (GN!Reader) SFW
Eels in the Tub (GN!Reader) SFW
Watering the Eels (GN!Reader) SFW
Bring Back the Chub! (GN!Reader) SFW
Shrimp vs Shrimpy (GN!Shrimper!Reader) SFW
He'll Most Certainly Catch Me (GN!Reader) SFW
Two Eels and a Shrimp (GN!Shrimpmer!Reader) SFW
How to Get Banned from the Lounge (GN!Reader) Suggestive
Neige LeBlanche
Sabotage (GN!Reader) Suggestive
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Poly / Multiple
A Price for a Price (Fem!Reader; Leech Twins) NSFW
Height HCs (GN!Reader; Riddle, Epel, Ruggie, Kalim, Lilia, Leech Twins, Jack, Malleus) Suggestive
Beach Oral Minific (Fem!Reader, Leech Twins) NSFW
"Realistic" Courting Rituals (GN!Reader; Leona, Ruggie, Jack, Azul, Leech Twins, Malleus, Sebek, Lilia, Che'nya) Suggestive
20 Madols a Pop (GN!Reader; Ace, Kalim, Azul, Ruggie, Rook, Malleus) NSFW
How the Dorms Punish You (Fem!Reader; Everyone) NSFW
How the Dorms Punish You (Male!Reader; Everyone) NSFW
And Now I Shall Pleasure Myself With These Fish (GN!Octomer!Reader; Azul, Leech Twins) NSFW
What's Yours is Mine (GN!Leech Sib!Reader; Azul, Leech Twins *NonIncest) NSFW
(Pussy) Slappin' Them Fins (GN!Reader; Leech Twins) NSFW
Kissing the Homies (GN!Reader; Ace, Deuce) SFW
Lamia!Reader HC (GN!Lamia!Reader; Kalim, Jamil) SFW
GN!Eldritch Horror!Reader (GN!EH!Reader; Various) SFW
GN!Eldritch Horror!Reader (GN!EH!Reader; Various) SFW
Aggressive Affection HC (GN!Reader; Leech Twins, Leona, Malleus, Azul) Suggestive
Shrimpmer!Reader (GN!Shrimpmer!Reader; Leech Twins) SFW
NonHuman Reader Fic Ideas (GN!Reader; Leona, Jade, Ruggie, Leach Twins, Vil, Kalim, Jamil, Azul, Malleus, Lilia, Rook, Ace, Deuce) SFW
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Things Shoved Up Bums HC (NonReader; NRC Students) Suggestive
Yuu Wins VDC (Yuu, Vil) SFW
Overblot!Yuu Thoughts (Yuu) SFW
Floyd Tsum (NonReader) SFW
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156 notes · View notes
acey-wacey · 2 years
Hello! I hope you are having a great day, evening or night! Could you do a love triangle? Where 2 twst boys are crushing on Yuu and literally fighting over them while Yuu is oblivious to the whole thing. Maybe with these characters; Riddle, Jamil, Leona, Malleus and whoever else you choose???? If not then I completely understand!! So sorry to bother!!!
This is kinda fun and silly. I love oblivious Y/N bc that's just me :))). I also added Azul and Ace because I think the dynamic of them fighting over someone would be really funny.
🌹 Riddle Rosehearts 🌹
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🐍 Jamil Viper 🐍
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Neither of them see each other as competition tbh.
Riddle thinks Jamil is too scheming for you to like him and Jamil thinks Riddle is too stuck-up for your taste.
They both do little things to get your attention, neither being particularly fond of bold declarations.
Riddle always let you have the first slice of tart at unbirthday parties, which is actually a huge deal in the Kingdom of Roses but no one is allowed to say anything to you.
You're the only person Jamil can tolerate being in the kitchen with him while he's cooking.
He'll even let you put on your own music because he thinks it's cute watching you sing along.
They only notice their rival on Valentine's Day when you make chocolates for all of your friends.
In your alchemy class, Jamil was watching closely as you handed Riddle a box of chocolates to see the boy turn as red as his hair.
Riddle had never really noticed Jamil even though they were in the same class, but he did notice how the Scarabia dormleader smiled when you gave him his chocolates.
Riddle had never seen Jamil smile that genuinely and after asking Kalim, it wasn't a usual occurrence except for things that were really special.
After that, the boys didn't go out of their way to make a rivalry. They didn't want to spark any inter-dorm conflict.
But secretly, their hearts ache whenever they see you talking to the other.
They have to up their game on trying to subtly woo you.
It's quite a field day for you since you're receiving twice the homework help as usual, as well as many sweets left on your desk.
Grim is very pleased about this development because you always come back to the dorm with a bag full of Trey's baked goods and what is apparently some leftovers from dinner that Jamil made last night and definitely not something he made specifically for you.
Neither even consider conceding defeat since they're both so stubborn with things they want.
All the while, you are completely and blissfully ignorant of the glares they send each other across the classroom when you aren't looking.
🦁 Leona Kingscholar 🦁
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🐉 Malleus Draconia 🐉
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They already hated each other, what's one more reason?
They both immediately noticed that they were rivals in love.
You were the only person who wasn't afraid of Malleus and he milked your attention, not afraid to show small shows of affections towards you which you interpreted as platonic intimacy even though it clearly wasn't.
And it wasn't very hard to tell that Leona acted differently around you.
He made an effort to actually stay awake when you were talking and, on occasion, even came to class when you asked him too.
It didn't take long for both Leona and Malleus to put together the feelings their rival harbored for their crush.
Mostly Leona saw Malleus as an active threat to his territory while Malleus just didn't like that you were spending time with the lion instead of him.
If you know anything about dragons, they get very possessive with their hoard which was, in this case, his very special human.
You would think that you would notice how you were being tugged on by two angry monsters, but you just assumed that was how they showed affection.
Whenever you were with Leona, he would put an arm around you or pull you into his lap.
Every night, when you went on your walks with Malleus, he would present you with some shiny knick-knack of some sort, which was practically a confession in the Faelands, though he knew you wouldn't understand.
To anyone else, their disdain for each other, as well as their affection for you, was entirely obvious but you just went along as if nothing was wrong.
You knew they had a Magishift rivalry and you assumed that was the only reason they butted heads so often.
Eventually, neither of them was getting anywhere with you and you seemed to favor then both equally, so they made a bet.
"Listen, you horned b*stard. I know you have a thing for Y/N and I know you know that so do I."
"Get to the point, Kingscholar."
"The winter ball is coming up. We both ask them to go and whoever they turn down has to back off for good."
"That's a bold move. Sure you're ready to give up Y/N forever?"
"I don't intend to lose."
It was kind of odd for you with the Winter Ball being the only thing people talked about.
Every time you approached a group, they flicked away from you like you were on the wrong end of a magnet.
You thought it was because no one wanted to go with you but it was really because they knew if they got within 10 feet of you, they would be viciously attacked by your love interests.
No one was allowed to ask you before Leona or Malleus, even if you rejected them.
They both fought to be the first person to ask you, resulting in neither of them actually asking you until a week before the ball.
They weren't worried about you already having a date though since they'd scared off all your potential dates.
Both were running out of time so they decided to ask you at the same time.
When you chuckled nervously in response to their question, they knew something was wrong.
They though they had scared away all potential suitors but they forgot about the one person they never considered a rival.
"I'm really sorry, you guys, but I already promised Grim I would go with him. He has this dapper little bowtie, it's so cute! I'll save you both a dance though!"
The two of them stood there stunned in silence as you skipped away.
Grim scampered up to them and put his hands on his hips, grinning smugly.
"Hehe, neither of you will ever date my henchman if I have anything to say about it!"
Leona just had to growl at him for him to run back to you with his tail between his legs.
🐙 Azul Ashengrotto 🐙
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❤️ Ace Trappola ❤️
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You wouldn't normally think of them having a rivalry.
But Ace had always liked you and Azul just realized his feelings after his overblot.
You comforted him and accepted him which meant more than you knew.
So imagine his surprise when he discovered that the idiot who got himself indentured to the Mostro Lounge was also vying for your attention and succeeding.
Azul had never been so envious of a first year.
He considered ignoring you until his crush went away but he saw Ace as competition now and he was far too stubborn to give up.
Meanwhile, Ace had absolutely no idea of Azul's feelings for you.
You had 3 classes with Ace and the two of you spent a lot of time together, with the other first years and just with each other.
Ace knew it was strictly platonic but he just loves your attention in any form, even if it was scolding him for something stupid.
One day, his and Grim's antics got far more out of hand than was intended and he found himself in need again.
It was quite a coincidence that Azul was right there willing to clean up his mess for just a small price (?)
It was ever so satisfying to watch his rival slaving away at the Mostro Lounge, but Azul had calculated the outcome of this encounter.
All according to Azul's plan, you came to the Mostro Lounge to scold Ace and Grim and try to bail them out again.
Don't get me wrong, you were seething at how irresponsible they was, being indentured for the second time, but Grim was your responsibility and if Crowley knew the only other member of your dorm had gotten in hot water again, he would use it as another excuse to cut your allowance.
Both you and Ace were very suspicious of how amiable Azul was when you asked what you'd have to do to get the first years out of their payment.
Azul offered to let the entire ordeal go if you would agree to go on a date with him.
You thought he was joking because what self-respecting businessman would stake a money-making endeavor on a personal matter?
You didn't think it would be that easy to get Azul to let Ace and Grim off the hook but at that point, you would do anything to get Grim to stop whining your ear off about "being a slave to the takoyaki".
You took the opportunity and signed on the dotted line: you would go on a date with Azul and he would let your friends go free.
Ace, though he now was freed from servitude, was not happy at all about this development.
Why did that shady b*stard even want to go out with you anyway? He doesn't deserve that!
You are a little wary of Azul, seeing as how he actively tricked you into going out with him but he grew on you.
You started hanging out at the Mostro Lounge, making Ace even more jealous.
Azul was the picture of perfection around you though that didn't stop Jade from bringing up how Azul turned into a blushing, feet-kicking mess as soon as you left.
Grim was very conflicted when he discovered that your options were either the boy who attempted to enslave him at any opportunity and the boy whose mistakes get him enslaved.
"What do you need a boyfriend for, henchman? You've got me!"
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dilatorywriting · 2 years
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➢ Dilatory, She/Her, 20s; vet med idiot just trying to eke out some writing in what little spare time I have
➢ Everything I write is in general rated T, with a prolific amount of swearing sprinkled in as Sentence Enhancers; Otherwise, everything is in general SFW unless indicated otherwise
➢ Peppers Next to a Story or in the Warnings Indicate Mature Content. In general:
🌶️ = Mild Spice; Rated T+ (Various Implications & Innuendos, No Outright Smut) 🌶️🌶️ = Medium Spice; Rated M (No In-depth Descriptions) 🌶️🌶️🌶️ = Spicy; Rated E (The Big Bang Itself) ➢REQUESTS: CLOSED ➢COMMISSIONS: Slots Available - 0/3 [INFO]
➢Check out the #Fanart tag for some absolutely lovely art from some even lovelier people!!
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Heroes vs. Villains Series: 'Woe to the Ramshackle Prefect, being caught up in the drama between the Disney Villains and their respective heroes.' GN!Reader
✥ Octavinelle [PART 1] [PART 2]
✥ Pomefiore [PART 1] [PART 2] [PART 3]
✥ Diasomnia [PART 1] [PART 2] [PART 3]
✥ The NRC Staff [PART 1] [PART 2] [PART 3] [PART 4]
❖ Extras & Oneshots: ✥ Valentine's Day (Malleus vs. Vil vs. Azul x Reader) ✥ The Prince & The Pauper Prefect (Prince Stefan x Reader) [COMMISSION]
➢[Tag List] CLOSED
➢ Meet the Heroes! Art: Prince Stefan, Prince Rielle
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Monster Mayhem Series: ‘Lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my! And… snakes, and eels, and crocodiles, and—is that an actual dragon? Oh. Oh my.’ GN!Reader
✥ Jack Howl [PART 1]
✥ Leona Kingscholar [PART 1] [PART 2] [PART 3]
✥ Vil Schoenheit [PART 1] [PART 1.5] [PART 2] [PART 3] [PART 4🌶️]
✥ Rook Hunt [PART 1] [PART 2]
✥ Malleus Draconia [PART 1] [PART 2🌶️] [PART 3] [PART 4🌶️] [EPILOGUE🌶️🌶️🌶️]
❖ Extras & Oneshots: ✥ Succubus!Reader 🌶️🌶️🌶️ Vil: [PART 1]
➢[Tag List] CLOSED
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❖The Woes of the Witch of the Wastes Vil Schoenheit x GN!Reader (Howl's Moving Castle AU) ❖ How to Survive a Shovel Talk 🌶️ Malleus Draconia x Fem!Reader [COMMISSION] feat. Azul Ashengrotto x OC
❖ Pity Party Malleus Draconia x GN!Reader [COMMISSION]
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'100 Prompts to Make a Reader Swoon' Requests
➢ Masterlist Link
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An Archive for my Twst!OC Writing
➢ Archive Link
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**If for some reason the links aren't working (sometimes Browser-Tumblr likes to give me the middle finger), everything should be tagged as 'My Writing' but also, for ease of access, also more specifically by its series name and part (ex. 'Monster Mayhem Malleus Part 1' or 'Heroes vs Villains Diasomnia Part 1'), so if the links are inaccessible, they should still pop up in the blog/tag search
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tunabesimpin · 3 months
Office au twst got me brainrotted at work...
Just thonking of Leona in a suit...
Ace &Duece break the copy machine tryna copy his buttcheeks for hahas...
Azul being the section manager of marketing argueing with Idia in the design department about 'aesthetics' vs 'usability'...
Malleus missing a meeting cause he doesn't understand emails...
Cater hosting the greeting parties...
Floyd and Jade using very 'legal' marketing methods...
Silver falling asleep on the keyboard mashing "hhhhhjjjkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk" for 5 pages...
Yuu is the only one in HR...
Grim is the receptionist....
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yuurei20 · 4 months
Magic in Twst (non-UM, non-flight): Cater
Cater uses clothes-changing magic in Book 1 arc of the game, manga and novel.
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In the novel this ability comes up at least twice, with Cater also changing the group’s clothes before the practice match against Savanaclaw, where Yuuya recognizes it as Cater’s magic:
On JP we recently learned that this may be a fairly high-level magic, only recently learned by first-year students and even a second-year students admitting that they struggle with it.
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We have seen clothes-changing magic used by Rook, Crewel and Leona. (thank you so much @sealpointrex !)
The housewardens and Jamil also use this magic to change from their STYX-issued uniforms into their dorm uniforms in Book 6.
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Kalim reacts to Malleus changing Lilia's clothes with, “You can make clothes with magic? That’s so cool!,” so creating outfits from nothing may be a different genre of magic from the "clothes changing" we see performed by the other characters.
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Other magic we have seen Cater use is levitation during Halloween (to expel troublesome campus visitors without their knowing) and fire magic during the Playfulland event.
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We see Cater struggle with "autocleaning via implement magic infusion" spells, which seems to including things like getting brooms dustcloths to clean automatically.
This seems to be high level magic, with Riddle saying that he has not learned it in class, as a 2nd-year student, but he has read the spell formula in a book.
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Riddle tutors Cater (despite how it is third-year-level magic) who gets an "A" on the applied portion of his assignment, and later uses the auto-spell in another vignette to put away cups and saucers.
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janahanooo · 5 months
Nope, still not finished. However, I'll post it anyway. Also, hi guys! :)
- sitcom
Season 1 ep [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
- crossover of the AUs
The first meeting
Some explaining to the others
- mom!yuu
Grim's new mom
Baby's first appearence
It's a girl!!
Her name is Aurelia
Bring your child to your date
Crayons are not good for children to eat
Until college
Delusional big cat
Breaking mom's back
Flowers for mom, money for Sam
- rapunzel!yuu
The talk
Speaking portres?
Will you be my parent figure?
Cookies and an unconcious lizard
Ace and his feelings
The fool(Ace) in love
Dating is hard, harder for Ace
- Pokemon Trainer Yuu
Champion of Twst
What made Idia work on Pokémon Go twst version
"A duck?" "A yellow one."
Modded Pokemon Go
Use Damp!
God??? Is that you??
Evolve to something blue
Speaking the language of the humans
Overblots VS Arceus
Catching floyd
Peace for Azul
Marriage concelour Floyd
The son
How to be a ruler - By Malleus
- Valentines day specials (why didn't I made this easier for myself?)
Ace and Deuce
Floyd and Jade
- Rabbit!Yuu
Tea time
Holes on the floor
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parallels between sunset savanna and briar country
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***Book 7 part 4 spoilers below the cut!!***
We learn in the recent main story update that outsiders arrived on a boat to the Briar Country 500ish years ago (from modern day TWST). These humans began harvesting ore from the land and taking other resources from nature. We also see that humans obviously have much more modern technology than the fae do; they have tanky machines that fight for them. Meanwhile, fae tend to be in tune with nature and act conservatively (at least from what we know about the Briar Valley); there is very little in the way of modern technology and they rely on magic for basically everything.
Now let’s look back at what we know about the Sunset Savanna. The people there also place high value in living in harmony with nature--so much so that they’d willingly inconvenience themselves rather than adapt to changing technology, even if it is for their own benefit. They are against efforts like mining, as this would disrupt the harmony they strive to keep with the environment. The Sunset Savanna does not have invaders pilfering their land, but Leona is the one pushing for change and saying that his home country could benefit from improvements to infrastructure and making use of their natural resources.
Again, we see the issue of preserving nature with very slow change vs making quick progress, but destroying nature in the process, just told in slightly different ways in the Sunset Savanna and the Briar Country. (Also consider that there are tensions existing within their groups; different kinds of fae and beastmen do not get along with other fae and beastmen.)
It’s a veeery interesting parallel, especially given that Leona and Malleus are both main cast members who are princes and “mirrors” of each other. Malleus is crown prince (a position of recognition that Leona wants), but is lonely. Leona is second born and has no claim to the throne, but has the company and the casual following/relationships (something which Malleus desires). It’s just. UGH. So goooood 🤡 All of that definitely seems like something those two could sit down and have long, meaningful conversations about... (You know, barring their attitudes toward one another 💦)
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