#Malewife Jaskier
wackyart · 2 years
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Still thinking Jaskier and Yennefer had more chemistry together than Yennefer and Geralt but yeah-
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twyllodrus · 11 months
witcher s3 vol 2 thots
just full on spoilers down below
soo, just to pre-face i rlly liked these 3 episodes
there were some moments that made me especially crazy i.e.
not the resident malewife getting turned into elven soup 😭 fil bb yer still aen seidhe kingshit to me 🥲
fringilla & cahir both having realized emhyr's bs and trying to do good by the others :')) thats nice
stregobor kinda going out w/ a bit of redemption?? :// also that man was way too obsessed with falka
speaking of falka 😍 call me (also so incheresting she cut her own ears into points........ many thoughts)
ciri singing in the desert the song that jask sang to her before :'))))
fringilla telling francesca who actually was responsible for the infanticide HAD ME EATING MY OWN HAIR anyhways all their scenes are just 👌
milva 🥰
the moment radovid told his brother that he's leaving court i knew we are getting some good regicide coming up next 🥲
love how loyal sigismund is to philippa - the moment vizimir hinted at her being punished for thanedd, the man immediately started bracing himself to die in her stead. malewife material huh
tissaia (((((((((((((((((((((((( i was almost so certain they wouldnt go that route, but when the narration started, i realized she was writing that letter and 🥺🥺🥺
the last line of the season being 'call me falka' GJDYSHDHFH i actually had it on my bingo card that thats how the season will end AND THEN IT DID that's the gift of prophecy & rereding time of contempt for you 🌚👍
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potatofu-art · 2 years
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i hadn’t drawn anything witcher related in months but i suddenly had the urge to draw yennskier?? 
anyway yennskier rights 
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cvbeebop · 3 years
when people say bisexual people are straight when they date the opposite gender
have they ever seen jaskier and yennefer together?????? you can't get gayer than that
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lucienff · 2 years
That's it. I'm gonna say it. I actually prefer Yennefer x Jaskier over Geralt x Jaskier/Geralt x Yennefer LOL (they all hold hands it's cool)
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iliveinmyblanket · 2 years
Jaskier: i don’t think we can mansplain, manipulate or malewife our way out of it this time
Yen: [cracks knuckles] girlboss then?
Jaskier: i was gonna suggest manslaughter
Geralt: what is wrong with the two of you?
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perseruna · 3 years
5 times jaskier called yennefer his wife + 1 time she called him malewife
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I did not expect jaskier and yennefer to be the girlboss/malewife couple of this season but I am not fucking complaining
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friendofhayley · 2 years
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The February 2022 Multifandom Fic Rec is here! This month flew by too fast but also got me knee deep into a new poly ship that I'm obsessing over. Thank you to every content creator out there, y'all are our shining stars. This Fic Rec includes fics from the fandoms. Enjoy!
Geralt/Jaskier/Yennifer (The Witcher)
1. lilac and buttercups by @ivegotbreadinmypants | pre-transformation Yennifer is the best, she's as feral! as Jaskier - more heavy on the Yennskier - immortal Jaskier - star-crossed lovers - 5k
Jaskier has walked the Continent for decades. He's seen it all. Nothing, however, could have prepared him for the violet-eyed hunchback who shines with hurt and power.
He's never been so enamored.
2. Couples Therapy by TheBookMouse | modern AU - this is literally my dream - Geralt is a himbo malewife and Yennifer is a power girlboss, as usual - and they were roommates - 6k
Geralt and Yennefer have been in an on-again-off-again relationship for six years. When they start pissing off their roommate Jaskier with their arguments, he suggests they go to couples therapy. They go in a couple, they come out at the end as more than that.
3. lilacs and dandelions by @limerental | listen this fic got me in the feels, I literally had to stop and come back a week later! aaa! - they just love each other so much - found family with a pinch of pegging - slow burn bc of Geralt's self-esteem - 46k
“The Witcher believes you’re under a spell,” Yennefer said, conversationally, drawing a sip from her tea.
“I most certainly am,” said Jaskier to her in a warm drawl that Geralt recognized as the tone of voice he slipped into when flirting and frankly, things needed to start making more sense and fast before he gave into his impulse to do something rash and wholly unhelpful. Namely, chuck himself out the cottage window and into the sea.
4. our voices collide with each howl of the tide by dragon_rider | creature Jaskier - if you have body dysmorphia, mixed-race, and/or have low self-esteem this will be a rollercoaster ride for you, trust me - WINTER IN KAER MORHEN - found family - 29k
It reeked of slaughter, both fresh and old, as soon as he went through the portal and into enemy territory.
Soldiers in black armour immediately tried to take him down so he started Singing, reaching for the dormant power deep within him.
Sterek (Teen Wolf)
1. Driving Mr. Derek by I_JustWokeUp | author-made media to tell the story, so cool!!! - misunderstandings - a splash of Derek/Jackson - mutual pining - 9k
Derek no longer has a license to drive. So Laura steps in and hires fresh-out-of-college-with-useless-major Stiles Stilinski to drive him around.
2. And We'll Be Complicated by ingberry | selective amnesia - homophobic gnomes - magical Stiles - misunderstandings - 18k
Stiles already had his hands full with the case he was working on for the enigmatic Mrs. B. He really didn't need this too, but there was no changing the fact that he no longer remembered Derek Hale or anything connected to him. And no one could figure out why.
Drarry (Harry Potter)
1. A Touch Of Respect by donnarafiki | consent! is! for! everybody! including! kids! - established relationship - chronic illness - family dynamics soz - 23k
Five year old Scorpius isn't fond of people touching him, and he has a million reasons for it. However, his father is of the opinion that just saying 'no' should be enough without giving any of those reasons, but not everyone in his new-found family agrees.
2. It's No Great Mystery by agentmoppet | first Drarry Harry POV time loop I've seen! - angst with a happy ending - ghosts and portraits are his only peers, v cool - Harry has PTSD and depression - 57k
Who on earth decided that bringing back the Yule Ball for their eighth year would be a good idea? It feels like the worst day of Harry’s life, watching everyone get glammed up like the war never happened, like the last Triwizard Tournament wasn’t such a colossal failure.
And then it happens again. And again. And again.
3. Petals on the Breeze by @luna-lenaa | Fae Drarry - canon divergence - Ron is a Bad Friend - BAMF Narcissa Black - 125k+
After witnessing Harry’s return with Cedric’s dead body at the end of the Triwizard Tournament, Draco begins to question his father’s ambitions and beliefs. His mother reveals her, and, therefore, his non-human heritage soon afterward, and they realize they must go into hiding or suffer as all non-humans will when Voldemort comes into power.
They go to the only person they think might be able to help and also be too noble to use their situation against them:
Harry Potter.
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persetoni · 3 years
I love thinking that jaskier has been the continent international manwhore for decades but then he and geralt got together and ciri came and now jaskier is the best malewife someone could ever wish to have, dedicating his life to take care of his husband, his husband's child, and his husband's ex-lover when they aren't so busy sassing each other.
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lesbianrobin · 3 years
i am firmly of the opinion that writing Normal Modern World aus about media that takes place in fantasy/sci-fi worlds is generally dumb and often defeats the point of the original media and isn't meaningful or entertaining enough to justify its setting. BUT. i would be willing to abandon that belief if someone wrote a witcher fic where jaskier goes on the bachelorette to get famous and geralt is just one of those dudes they hire to lug around equipment and drive golf carts etc. but jaskier sees him and is instantly obsessed and then has to manipulate manwhore malewife his way through the competition so he won't get sent home before he can charm this poor random p.a. who wants literally nothing to do with him. yennefer's an executive producer who occassionally hooks up with geralt and knows exactly what jaskier is doing but sits on this information until she knows for sure that revealing it will make the bachelorette cry a lot on camera. i don't know if there's really a plot here i just know in my heart of hearts that jaskier would go on reality television to get clout/find love (because he would genuinely at least half believe that it's possible to find true love via the bachelorette) and become a fan favorite and then afterwards his music career would take off and most people wouldn't even realize that he got famous off the bachelorette in the first place. and geralt would get very close to filing a restraining order on him before eventually being like fine 🙄 and then they'd be besties and possibly lovers depending on your personal opinion. so yeah if anyone wants to write that i'd appreciate it thanks <3
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sugarbabywenkexing · 2 years
How about 14 and characters are: Ming Xia, Gu Xiang, Jaskier/Dandelion, Ye Baiyi and hmm Xia Yao
14. Leave in charge of my home while I’m away
Ming Xia handles the new house and the restaurant pretty well in the living in the countryside arc, so even though there's a risk of some kind of elaborate scheme I think he'd be the best bet
Gu Xiang also send to function pretty well in that little house outside CWN's sect, but without her malewife I don't know what exactly I'd come back to. She wouldn't actively try to do any damage though (I hope)
Ye Baiyi would be profoundly disinterested in the whole thing. He might turn up a couple of times if the fridge is well stocked, but it's not going to be his priority
Xia Yao has never had a responsibility in his life
Jaskier has also never had a responsibility in his life, but with the added bonus of him being a sort of feral damsel in distress so I probably wouldn't have a home to return to in the end
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danowh0re · 2 years
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