#Girlboss Yennefer of Vengerberg
wackyart · 2 years
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Still thinking Jaskier and Yennefer had more chemistry together than Yennefer and Geralt but yeah-
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perseruna · 1 year
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like you just have to GET it
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terenos · 1 year
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witcher 3 gifs [15/??]
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Propaganda under the cut.
Edalyn Clawthorne:
She canonically turns into a bloodthirsty ’owl beast’ sometimes (and then was ableTAKE TAME IT and becomes an even cooler harpy thing instead), is an outlaw for most of the show, sells shady human things (runs her own business, such a girlboss), and does weird magic for fun
She does crime, she is bi, she hates the government she is awesome!!!
Yennefer of Vengerberg:
she's a girlboss in the books, the games and the series. mostly she works for herself doing questionable shit, but if she likes you she'll do questionable shit for you too (all while pretending not to care (she does, or does she?))
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Rex propaganda:
Yennefer propaganda:
“She's powerful and ambitious (100% of what she has, she achieved it by herself too. Love a girlboss), witty and sarcastic and confident. And yet Yennefer goes against the stereotype of "power hungry witch" by being extremely caring and loving too, she lets herself be vulnerable around who she loves. Badass sorceress literally tied to the main character through destiny yet destiny isn't what makes them in love need I say more... Bonus propaganda: she and Geralt have a canon love song written about them!!”
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"great. incredible. mean but loves her shitty little adopted daughter. would kill a man. the tv show does NOT get it."
"She's a mother, she's an older woman, she's a girlboss, she's got a weird gay relationship with Supergirl, she's horny all the time, she's played by Calista Flockhart"
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jenneferofjengaberg · 2 years
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1,527 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
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I think the fundamental issue with Anne Elliot’s character in Persuasion is that some people (eg. idiots writing a screenplay for Netflix because an algorithm told them to) think the fact that Anne in the novel is passive, meek, and self-effacing, is only because she’s a woman in 1817 who is oh so oppressed! Which is like, completely ignorant of the fact that for the time period, she occupies a place of enormous privilege. She’s the white daughter of a wealthy white land-owning male, and while she can’t vote or work, she’s still pretty high up on that regency hierarchy. There’s no reason to conclude that all, or even most, of her personality is due to being a woman in a patriarchal society, and not just her natural disposition. 
This is obvious if you’ve read Austen’s novels, and actually find out that plenty of women are NOT passive, meek, and self-effacing (Elizabeth Bennet, Emma Woodhouse, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, etc.). Even within Persuasion itself, there are other women who are not, like both of Anne’s sisters, Lady Russell, and Mrs. Croft. And since nearly all of Austen’s female characters occupy a similar social position, you can assume that they all face nearly identical gendered oppression. And yet somehow still ended up with distinct personalities!
Austen recognizes and admires Anne’s personality, the parts that are compassionate, kind, polite, and modest (in the sense of being unconceited, not sexually). Austen does not see these as negative traits, and neither should the reader. 
But, for Austen, moderation is the key to all things, and this is a theme that crops up in a lot of her novels. The whole premise of Persuasion is that you can take even positive traits too far. Anne is a decent and unselfish person, willing to sacrifice her own comfort for others. But before the novel begins, she allows herself to be persuaded to act against her own personal inclinations, in order to please her friends and family. This causes both she and Wentworth a lot of misery, certainly much more pain and distress than would have been suffered by her friends and family if she had just married Wentworth in the first place.
What Austen is saying is that it’s fine, and even admirable, to be unassuming and selfless, if that’s your natural personality, but that you should take care to not let that natural inclination to please others interfere with your own happiness. That in some cases, doing so actually causes more suffering than just doing what is best for yourself. It’s basically a guide for women like Anne, praising them for the sweet and noble aspects in their natures, while warning them to still take care of themselves.
Turning the character into a secret girlboss who’s just living in the wrong century, completely erases this very important theme, and one that resonates even with many modern women, who despite Hollywood’s opinion on the matter, are not all snarky, confident, and assertive. There’s nothing wrong with women who are those things, but women are people, and therefore their personalities vary to a near infinite degree.
The current vogue for only allowing female characters who are quirky, sassy, and confident is as deeply sexist as the idea that only women who are demure, meek, and self-effacing are acceptable. And Austen, a woman born in 1775, never did that. She wrote female characters with a wide variety of personalities and saw the worth (and the foibles) in all of them, from Elizabeth Bennet to Anne Elliot. No two were alike, but they all had something to offer, and a voice that deserved to heard.
2,398 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
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potatofu-art · 2 years
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i hadn’t drawn anything witcher related in months but i suddenly had the urge to draw yennskier?? 
anyway yennskier rights 
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jughead/veronica and jaskier/yennefer belong in the same bi/bi category of couples that would actually be good if the writers let them be involved romantically
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carlsdraws · 2 years
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heliotropicmages · 3 years
I definitely think that Netflix Witcher could have spent more time on developing Yenralt, but Henry Cavill exudes so much "I love my wife" energy in the little that they kept in that I genuinely cannot be mad at it
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cycian · 2 years
Sorceresses as levels of mental illness and general unhinged-ness.
15-Vanielle Of Brugge **Sodden Hill fertiliser** : a rather well adjusted person. Unless Stregobor is in the room, she's perfectly fine.
14-Coral **SKEEEELLLIIIGEEEE**: anyone who sleeps with Geralt loses one point in mental stability and in olfactive awareness.
13-Nina Vivero **Underrated Rita-sitter**: homegirl lost mental stability after being around Rita, who absorbs mental health as fast as alcohol.
12-Book Francesca **Emergency Plan B**: stopped giving a shit last century ago. The lodge is quickly making her unhinged.
11- Tissaia De Vries. **World's Number** **Mommy Issue Provider :**Very well adjusted until Yennefer happened. Also, after spending decades with Rita and raising Conspiratory Owl Girlboss, she lost points.
10-Ida Emean Aep Sivney **Elven Stoner** : she knows too much. Has seen too much. Lost mental stability upon hearing
Sabrina for the first time.
9-Yennefer Of Vengerberg **Die, Cry, Hate mom**: gives zero shits, constantly running from problems she caused, only to cause more. Needs therapy.
8-Sheala De Tancarville **The** **Koviri Boner**: poor introvert forced into constant social situations with extroverted, nymphomaniac sorceresses with one braincell and death wishes. Needs a xanax and vodka.
7-Speaking of, KEIRA METZ, **the OG MATERIAL GWOOORL**: constantly complaining, unhinged little gremlin with a knuckle duster and endless lust. Queen shit. Turns into an angry mess whenever bed bugs are in the vicinity which is fair and understandable.
6-Assire Var Anahid **Milfgardian Pussy Lover**: girl you are GAY. She needs to come to terms with that.sapphic mess.
5-Fringilla Vigo **Nilfgardian Clown**: ma'am you are also very bi and very much into every member of the lodge. Lost so much mental stability points after clowning for Geralt. Seriously, called out another woman's name during sex, and you're still simping? Get a grip.
4-Triss Merigold, **Crème Brûlée** : a disaster on all fronts. Chronic gaslighter, thinks with her vagina and needs to get ahold of herself. Has clowned for Geralt of Rivia, most of the lodge and most notable the world's most sociopathic owl.
3-Margarita Laux-Antille **Alcoholic Bisexual Disaster**: there is something deeply wrong with her. Love her for it. Simps for men, has the smarts to know it but cannot help herself. Needs ten new livers and so much therapy.
2-Sabrina Glevissig **Kaedweni Kebab**: local homophobic racist is in fact a gay mess and very much into elves. Needs to get her head out of her arse, go to therapy and might need to be restrained. Her willingness to commit acts of unspeakable violence with Keira Metz automatically puts her on the naughty and most wanted lists.
1-Philippa Eilhart LESBOMANCYY: all hail the queen of mommy issues. Needs therapy and imprisonment. Is a threat to the continent, gaslights and Girlbosses every day of her life. Throws up pussy-scented pellets on her foes-- keep slaying but also please confront your issues.
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gayregis · 3 years
honestly whats interesting about geryen is that like. having only the canon book material their relationship is imo much more understandable as two victims clinging to a dynamic where they endlessly drag one another down and cant ever truly heal bc theyre both incompatible and stuck rather than some genuine romance. esp with how geralt whos like Severely starved for affection and also fully lacks emotional intelligence binds himself to a woman who at the time had done nothing but manipulate him
like idk all their cutesy romance bits in the later books feel completely out of place when from what we've seen since SOD they were apart for years with a brief break on thanedd and we can figure out that every time they were together for a longer period of time it ended horribly. they were literally never in a genuine healthy relationship (in TOC they spent a night together where they also immediately started falling back on their toxic behaviors) and idk it doesnt sit right with me in any way
also im so sorry but just as a sidenote. sapkowski fully failed in the romance department where he made it canon that yennefer needs a spell for geralt to get it up. like he cant try and make me believe theyre so in love and that its well written after he made me read that
i mean i disagree with this because i think having similarities with another victim can help you process what happened to you, to share vulnerability... i feel like they are just very similar people at the end of the day, and this can foster both a supportive and a detrimental environment. i dont think geralt bound himself to yennefer because he lacked emotional intelligence, i think he’s an adult man capable of making full decisions and he bound himself to yennefer out of compassion because they were both in pain. 
i think he and yennefer both hurt each other in the last wish (geralt was thinking misogynistically towards her, as she points out - the comment about “for the stony way you look at me, for your eyes which fish for every detail (...) for thinking that you could stand face-to-face with yennefer of vengerberg and beliver her to be full of self-admiration and arrogance, a calculating witch, white staring at her soapy tits!” and yennefer got her “revenge” for this which basically is a statement which says, you can’t use me. and her revenge isn’t a #girlboss moment, it’s not feminist, it comes out of fear of being used and disrespected, it’s a reaction to the abuse she has suffered before. neither one of them is willing to trust the other, and they bring each other down, as you said - but then geralt’s wish, which binds them together, condemns him to her, i think is like an extension of a hand from one victim to another. she can’t understand at first, she’s shocked that he would give her another look after they both treated each other poorly, she’s shocked that he didn’t kill her. he demonstrates goodwill to her when he didn’t have to, and i don’t think this comes out of a lack of emotional intelligence, i think it comes from having emotional intelligence, the intelligence to recognize that she’s in the same kind of pain that he is. and geralt, as we know from his characterization, is the merciful type that would choose to un-curse a striga instead of kill her, wouldn’t bring his sword to deal with a “devil”... he’s compassionate, and he extended this compassion to yennefer to show her that they don’t have to be enemies. however, this initial act of kindness and the honeymoon-esque love at first sight love that envelopes them then isn’t the kind of love that lasts a lifetime. they fall out of love soon enough (inverting the love at first sight trope). they then have to basically come back together to work at what love really is, because real love takes work - and at first, they can’t do it, they cant commit, but then...
i think there is appropriate context between the sword of destiny and time of contempt for why they now succeed in bein together for longer periods of time, and the answer is ciri. being parents individually helped them grow out of their more immature and selfish behaviors, made them relize that there is something more important than just themselves (more personally, i dont care if this specific part is unrealistic, because. self indulgent fantasy). 
so yeah also idk really what you mean by falling back into toxic behaviors in time of contempt because like idk what did they do in time of contempt that was toxic?? have sex????? yennefer playfully dragging him for his fantasy of playing house?? i just dont think that yennefer is as manipulative to geralt as you are making her out to be. i could be wrong since geryennefer parts tend to bore me in the books so i dont reread them with the repetitiveness and intensity that i reread a hansa scene with but thats from what i remember anyways
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Propaganda under the cut.
Yennefer of Vengerberg:
she's a girlboss in the books, the games and the series. mostly she works for herself doing questionable shit, but if she likes you she'll do questionable shit for you too (all while pretending not to care (she does, or does she?))
Toriel Dreemurr:
Every character in undertale is morally grey BUT I'm just gonna focus on toriel here. She was queen of the underground and took in a human child, but when both the human and her son died she due to humans her husband declared war on humanity and she left him, living alone for however long. Personally I feel she should've helped asgore because he was obviously grieving too. She also took the humans body so. Yeah. Then when other humans fell down she'd take them in and try to stop them leaving the ruins, which was both a way to protect them and a way to make herself less lonely. The humans didn't want to stay, always left and always died. She obviously blamed asgore for this, but it's shown he didn't really want to, it was a sense of responsibility to his kingdom. If she was there instead of hiding away this could've been avoided. Anyway, when you fall down, she takes you in and does the same, then forces you to fight her to leave, where you can either kill her or spare her. She does take good care of you when you're there, but there's the whole issue of not letting you leave, even if she believes it's in your best interests. When you leave she doesn't answer your calls, but if you do the pacifist ending she reveals not long after you left she got worried and followed you. She still hates asgore and refuses to be called 'dreemurr' (his surname). Idk she's mainly quite good but some of her actions are eeehh. Idk if this counts.
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Propaganda under the cut.
Yennefer of Vengerberg:
she's a girlboss in the books, the games and the series. mostly she works for herself doing questionable shit, but if she likes you she'll do questionable shit for you too (all while pretending not to care (she does, or does she?))
Men want her, the authorities want her
Elizabeth Swann:
Over the course of three movies she goes from governor’s daughter to the king of pirates, that’s how girlboss she is. She also kills Jack Sparrow, says she isn’t sorry, and then goes and rescues him from death afterwards. She is also so incredibly horny and violent and I love that for her. She has murdered so many people but is also generally a pretty good person at heart. Kinda. Also she was my gay awakening.
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Yennefer propaganda:
“She's powerful and ambitious (100% of what she has, she achieved it by herself too. Love a girlboss), witty and sarcastic and confident. And yet Yennefer goes against the stereotype of "power hungry witch" by being extremely caring and loving too, she lets herself be vulnerable around who she loves. Badass sorceress literally tied to the main character through destiny yet destiny isn't what makes them in love need I say more... Bonus propaganda: she and Geralt have a canon love song written about them!!”
Scarecrow propaganda:
No Scarecrow propaganda :(
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