#Maldivian Foreign Minister
defensenow · 7 days
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bloghrexach · 25 days
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🇲🇻 … anything/anywhere/anyone standing up to IsraHell will be bashed/insulted/demeaned!! Makes me think about a spoiled child!! — it’s the Maldives turn now.
By: LaillaB, founder ‘Reclaim the Narrative’, from LinkedIn …
“Pro-Israel social media users are urging a boycott of the Maldives with the hashtag “#boycotttheMaldives" following the Maldivian government's announcement of a ban on Israeli passport holders.
Begs the question if one can actually advocate to boycott something that had already actively been boycotted first?!
Renowned for its beautiful beaches and luxury resorts, The Maldives joined over a dozen countries that do not allowing Israeli passport holders to enter their territories.
The archipelago's minister for homeland security and technology made the announcement to "impose a ban on Israeli passports" at a news conference on June 2, according to a statement from the president's office.
It comes amid rising pressure from political leaders in the world's smallest Muslim-majority country on President Mohamed Muizzu to take action in protest against the genocide.
The Maldives suspended diplomatic ties with Israel 50 years ago, however, Israelis have been able to visit since the early 1990s, when the nation lifted a previous ban on Israeli tourism.
Restrictions on Israeli passport holders are not new.
In 2023, 28 countries did not recognise Israel as a sovereign nation and 14 of those countries would not allow entry to citizens with Israeli passports.
Algeria, Bangladesh, Brunei, Iran, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Pakistan, Syria and Yemen all impose bans on Israeli nationals, including Israeli Arabs. These countries do not recognize the State of Israel, and as such, they do not allow entry to Israeli passport holders.
Other countries have policies which prohibit Israeli citizens unless in certain circumstances. Iraq has a ban on Israeli nationals except in Iraqi Kurdistan, Oman will not allow Israeli nationals unless for transit reasons and Saudi Arabia imposes a ban excepting religious and business purpose. Malaysia also does not allow Israeli nationals unless they have a clearance permit obtained from the ministry of home affairs.
Following the announcement by the Maldivian government, the Israeli foreign ministry advised citizens to "avoid all travel to the Maldives."
In a statement on its website, the ministry said it recommended any Israelis currently in the country to leave, "as in the event of any distress, it will be difficult for us to provide assistance."
The Maldivian government also announced it will start a fundraising campaign for Palestinians and hold a nationwide rally called "Maldivians in solidarity with Palestine."
Who will be the next to take a stand and refuse to normalise genocide? — 🕊🍉 #Maldives — 🇲🇻 #Respect …
🇩🇿 🇱🇾 🇸🇾 🇮🇶 🇮🇷 🇰🇼 🇵🇰🇧🇩 🇧🇳 🇲🇾 🇴🇲 🇾🇪 🇸🇦🇱🇧 …
#reclaimthenarrative … @hrexach
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5gdiginews · 6 days
Secretary Blinken’s Meeting with Maldivian Foreign Minister Zameer - United States Department of State
The following statement is from spokesman Matthew Miller: Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken met with Maldives Foreign Minister Moosa Zameer today in Washington, DC. Secretary Blinken reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to partnering with the Maldives to promote a free, open, secure, and prosperous Indo-Pacific region. The Secretary of State highlighted the U.S. donation of eight patrol boats to…
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shrutius · 11 days
History of Maldives: Insights From a Kingdom to Republic
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The Maldives, an archipelago of over 1,200 islands in the Indian Ocean, is renowned for its stunning turquoise waters, white sandy beaches, and vibrant marine life. Beyond its natural beauty, the Maldives boasts a rich and intriguing history that has seen it transition from a series of ancient kingdoms to a modern republic. This article delves into the fascinating historical journey of the Maldives, tracing its evolution from early settlements to its current status as a democratic nation.
Early Settlements and Ancient Kingdoms
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The history of the Maldives dates back thousands of years. The earliest settlers are believed to have arrived from the Indian subcontinent around 500 BCE. These early communities were likely fishermen and sailors who established small, self-sufficient settlements on the islands. The strategic location of the Maldives made it a crucial point along ancient trade routes, connecting the Middle East, Africa, and Southeast Asia.
By the 3rd century BCE, the Maldives had established itself as an important trading hub. The islands were known to ancient mariners for their cowry shells, which were used as a form of currency across Asia and Africa. The Maldives' early inhabitants practiced Buddhism, as evidenced by archaeological findings of Buddhist stupas and statues on several islands.
Conversion to Islam
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A significant turning point in Maldivian history occurred in the 12th century CE when Islam was introduced to the islands. According to tradition, a North African scholar named Abu al-Barakat Yusuf al-Barbari played a pivotal role in converting the Maldivian king and his subjects to Islam around 1153 CE. This conversion marked the beginning of the Maldives' Islamic era, which profoundly influenced its culture, governance, and daily life.
The adoption of Islam also led to the establishment of a sultanate, with the first Sultan, Mohamed Ibn Abdullah, ascending the throne. The sultanate era saw the Maldives develop a centralized system of governance, with the Sultan holding significant religious and political authority. This period also witnessed the construction of numerous mosques and the integration of Islamic principles into the legal and social fabric of Maldivian society.
Colonial Influence and Independence
In the 16th century, European colonial powers began to show interest in the Maldives due to its strategic location. The Portuguese were the first to exert control over the islands in 1558, but their rule was short-lived, lasting only 15 years. The Maldivians, led by a local hero named Muhammad Thakurufaanu, successfully expelled the Portuguese in 1573, restoring the sultanate.
The Maldives then became a British protectorate in the 19th century. Under the terms of the protectorate, the Maldives retained its internal autonomy while Britain handled its defense and foreign affairs. This arrangement lasted until the mid-20th century, with the Maldives gaining full independence from Britain on July 26, 1965.
Transition to a Republic
The post-independence era was marked by significant political changes. In 1968, the Maldivians voted in a national referendum to abolish the sultanate and establish a republic. Ibrahim Nasir, who had been the Prime Minister, became the first President of the Maldives. His presidency focused on modernizing the country, improving infrastructure, and promoting tourism, which would become a cornerstone of the Maldivian economy.
The late 20th century saw further political developments, with Maumoon Abdul Gayoom serving as President from 1978 to 2008. Gayoom's long tenure was characterized by both economic progress and political repression. Calls for democratic reforms grew louder, culminating in the first multi-party elections in 2008, which saw Mohamed Nasheed elected as President.
Modern Era and Democratic Reforms
Nasheed's presidency marked a new chapter in Maldivian history, emphasizing democratic governance, human rights, and environmental sustainability. However, his time in office was marred by political turmoil, leading to his resignation in 2012. Subsequent years have seen a dynamic political landscape, with alternating periods of democratic progress and challenges.
Despite these ups and downs, the Maldives has continued to develop its economy, primarily driven by tourism. The nation has also become a vocal advocate for climate change action, highlighting the existential threat posed by rising sea levels to its low-lying islands.
From its ancient origins as a series of small settlements to its current status as a republic, the Maldives has undergone a remarkable historical journey. The nation's ability to adapt and thrive amidst changing political, religious, and environmental landscapes is a testament to the resilience and resourcefulness of its people. As the Maldives continues to navigate the complexities of the modern world, its rich history remains a vital part of its identity, shaping its path forward.
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Maldives Announces Ban on Israeli Travelers Amid Gaza Conflict
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The Maldives has announced a ban on Israeli travelers entering the country, a decision driven by public outrage in the predominantly Muslim archipelago over the ongoing war in Gaza. The office of Maldives' President Mohamed Muizzu stated that his cabinet has decided to amend laws to prohibit Israeli passport holders from entering the Maldives. Additionally, a subcommittee will be established to oversee the implementation of this ban. President Muizzu also plans to appoint a special envoy to evaluate the needs of the Palestinian people and to initiate a fundraising campaign to support them. This move is part of a broader show of solidarity with Palestinians amid escalating tensions and violence in Gaza. In response to the Maldives' announcement, Israel's foreign ministry has advised its citizens, including those with dual citizenship, to avoid traveling to the Maldives. For those already in the Maldives, the ministry has suggested considering leaving the country. "For Israeli citizens already in the country, it is recommended to consider leaving, because if they find themselves in distress for any reason, it will be difficult for us to assist," the ministry stated. According to data from the Maldives government, 528 Israeli nationals visited the archipelago in the first four months of this year, a significant decrease from the 4,644 who visited during the same period in 2023. Last year, nearly 11,000 Israelis visited the Maldives, making up 0.6% of the total tourist arrivals. The ban comes in the wake of large protests in Tel Aviv, where tens of thousands of demonstrators called for the resignation of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the immediate release of hostages. This domestic unrest adds to the already tense international landscape influenced by the conflict in Gaza. As the Maldives moves forward with its decision, the impact on tourism and diplomatic relations remains to be seen. The ban on Israeli travelers is a significant stance by the Maldivian government, reflecting the broader regional and global tensions surrounding the conflict in Gaza. Read the full article
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jobaaj · 1 month
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🔴BREAKING NEWS: Maldives is suffering! And Sri Lanka is benefitting from it!! 🤔What happened?
The Maldives and India are currently entangled in a contentious diplomatic dispute.
As a result of this dispute, there has been a noticeable decline in the number of Indian tourists visiting the Maldives.
Interestingly, this diplomatic tension has led to an increase in Indian tourists opting to visit Sri Lanka instead.
Indian tourists have chosen to boycott the Maldives as a vacation spot after Maldivian ministers showed disrespect towards the Indian Prime Minister.
This boycott has led to a significant drop of over 60% in Indian tourist arrivals to the Maldives, which previously had the highest number of visitors from India.
Over the past two years, India's relationship with Sri Lanka has strengthened considerably, particularly in trade and tourism sectors.
Consequently, Sri Lanka has experienced a substantial increase in the number of Indian tourists visiting the country.
😲Interestingly: ▪ A record 34,400 Indian tourists visited Sri Lanka in January 2024, almost 3x times higher than the same in January 2023!! ▪ In the same month, Sri Lanka beat the Maldives for the first time in 4 years as the former had over 208,000 while the latter could bring in only around 192,000. ▪ Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar had urged Indians to visit Sri Lanka and interact with the locals! ▪ Sri Lankan Tourism Minister Harin Fernando recently stated that Indians are set to become the world’s fourth-largest travel spenders by 2030!!! ❓Did the Maldives pick a fight it shouldn’t have? Should Indians give Maldives another chance?? Follow Jobaaj Stories (the media arm of Jobaaj.com Group for more)
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cavenewstimes · 2 months
Maldives anti-India stance: It shouldn't have been done, says Foreign Minister Moosa Zameer | Mint
Copyright &copy HT Digital Streams Limited All Rights Reserved. Business News/ News / India/  Maldives anti-India stance: It shouldn’t have been done, says Foreign Minister Moosa Zameer 2 min read 09 May 2024, 06:53 PM IST Livemint Maldivian Foreign Minister Moosa Zameer on Thursday held talks with External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar. PremiumL to R: Maldivian Foreign Minister Moosa Zameer…
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thxnews · 4 months
Strengthening Ties: US-Maldives Enhance Cooperation
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A New Chapter in Bilateral Relations
In an impactful visit to Malé on February 22, Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources, Richard Verma, embarked on a mission to deepen the multifaceted relationship between the United States and the Maldives. This journey not only underscored the shared priorities of both nations but also paved the way for enhanced economic cooperation, maritime security, and people-to-people connections. At the heart of the discussions with Maldivian Foreign Minister Moosa Zameer was the United States' commitment to bolstering the Maldives' maritime capabilities with a significant $8 million funding for patrol boats.   Advancing Security and Economic Cooperation The talks between Deputy Secretary Verma and Minister Zameer extended beyond maritime security, touching upon the broader aspects of bilateral relations. With the collective presence of Maldivian officials from various sectors, including economic development, defense, homeland security, climate change, environment, and fisheries, the discussions highlighted the comprehensive approach both nations are taking toward strengthening their partnership. The focus on expanding bilateral cooperation was further emphasized with initiatives such as the opening of a new U.S. Embassy in the Maldives and the re-opening of the Maldives’ Embassy in Washington, D.C.  
Addressing the Piracy Concern
The Maldives, known for its tranquility and picturesque landscapes, has faced emerging concerns regarding piracy, especially during the peak of Somali piracy activities. Despite the absence of major incidents in recent years, thanks to international efforts and improved security in Somalia, the potential for small-scale attacks remains. The United States' provision of patrol boats is a timely intervention, enhancing the Maldives' capacity to safeguard its waters against any form of maritime threats, thereby ensuring the sovereignty and safety of the nation.   A Multifaceted Approach to Cooperation The comprehensive dialogue between Deputy Secretary Verma and the Maldivian government officials underscores a mutual commitment to addressing both traditional and non-traditional security threats. This collaboration extends into economic domains, aiming to unlock new opportunities for growth and prosperity for both countries. The strategic partnership is not merely about addressing immediate challenges but also about laying the groundwork for long-term resilience and stability in the region.  
A Future of Shared Prosperity
The visit by Deputy Secretary Verma to Malé marks a significant milestone in US-Maldives relations, signifying a mutual desire to foster a secure, prosperous, and interconnected future. Through increased economic cooperation, enhanced maritime security, and stronger people-to-people ties, both nations are poised to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century together. As these diplomatic efforts continue to bear fruit, the bond between the United States and the Maldives will undoubtedly grow stronger, serving as a beacon of international cooperation and mutual respect. Sources: THX News & US Department of State. Read the full article
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morningmantra · 6 months
India-Maldives Dispute: Foreign Ministers Meet in Maldives
During the recent discord between India and Maldives, their foreign ministers held a significant meeting to address bilateral relations and discuss the withdrawal of Indian troops from the Maldives, amidst rising tensions following controversial remarks.
At the time of discord between India and Maldives, the foreign ministers of both nations convened for a meeting. Diplomatic tensions have recently surfaced between India and Maldives following controversial remarks from Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Maldivian ministers concerning the territory of Lakshadweep. Consequently, a significant meeting between the foreign ministers of both…
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theleadersglobe · 6 months
Diplomatic Tensions Escalate: Indian Tourists Cancel Maldives Getaways Amidst Social Media Uproar
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Amidst a deepening diplomatic feud between India and the Maldives, social media platforms are witnessing a surge in claims of Indian tourists canceling their planned vacations to the picturesque island nation. The controversy ignited when a Maldivian minister accused India of targeting the Maldives, asserting the nation’s superiority in beach tourism. The hashtag ‘#BoycottMaldives’ has gained momentum on social media, reflecting the escalating tension between the two nations.
Outcry and Divergence in Diplomacy
Former Maldives president, Mohamed Nasheed, condemned the minister’s comments on Prime Minister Modi in a post on X, stating, “What appalling language by Maldives Government official @shiuna_m towards the leader of a key ally, that is instrumental for Maldives’ security and prosperity. @MMuizzu gov must distance itself from these comments and give a clear assurance to India they do not reflect gov policy.” The tweet provoked outrage among many Indians, leading to the sharing of screenshots of purportedly canceled flight and hotel bookings to the Maldives.
While the Indian government has not officially endorsed the ‘#BoycottMaldives’ campaign, numerous Indian citizens are using social media to express their discontent with the Maldives. This controversy sheds light on the delicate state of bilateral relations between India and the Maldives in recent months. Notably, after Prime Minister Modi visited Lakshadweep, Indian celebrities have taken to social media to promote tourism in India with the hashtag #ExploreIndianIslands.
Shifting Alliances and Upcoming State Visit
The diplomatic tension between the two nations has been mounting, particularly since President Mohamed Muizzu assumed office in November last year. His tenure marked a shift in the Maldives’ foreign policy, signaling a desire for closer ties with China and a departure from the previous “India first” approach. The Maldives, strategically located in the Indian Ocean, has historically played a crucial role in India’s regional initiatives such as ‘SAGAR’ (Security and Growth for All in the Region) and the ‘Neighbourhood First Policy.’ However, recent developments have cast a shadow over the once-friendly relations between the two countries.
President Muizzu’s upcoming state visit to China, scheduled for January 8 to 12, is seen as a significant move toward strengthening ties with China and distancing the Maldives from India. The choice of foreign destinations, including visits to Turkey and the UAE before engaging with India, has raised eyebrows and added to the perception of a shift in the Maldives’ foreign policy priorities. The unfolding diplomatic rift raises concerns about the future of bilateral relations and regional cooperation. As tensions continue to simmer, the question remains whether both nations can find a way to address their differences and restore the once-close ties they shared.
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believersias · 1 year
India-Maldives Relationship
Present Development:
The foundation stone for the project was laid by Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh and his Maldivian counterpart, Mariya Didi. The project is a joint effort between India and the Maldives to develop the Maldives National Defence Forces Coast Guard ‘Ekatha Harbour’ and repair facility at Sifavaru.
One of India’s largest grant-in-aid projects in the Maldives, the Coast Guard Harbour and Repair Facility aims to improve the Maldives’ maritime security capabilities.
Both ministers reiterated the need of preserving regional peace, stability, and security during the Indian Defence Minister’s visit, and they acknowledged the need to cooperate to address shared security issues.
They reaffirmed their commitment to safeguarding these principles and emphasised the significance of respecting international law and the rules-based international order.
The Ministers agreed to investigate future opportunities for cooperation, especially in the areas of defence trade, capacity building, and joint exercises, according to the joint press statement released after Mr Singh’s visit.
Notably, this was the first visit by an Indian defence minister to the Maldives in eleven years, underscoring the strengthening of their bilateral relations.
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Military Operations
Operation Cactus: In 1988, terrorists from Sri Lanka attempted to overthrow the government in the Maldives. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, the Maldives’ then-president, asked India for military aid. India’s military intervention, “Operation Cactus,” which was undertaken in response, was successful in thwarting the attempted coup and restoring the Maldivian government. This operation is regarded as a significant turning point in India’s foreign policy and regional power role.
Joint military drills: Over the years, India and the Maldives have held several joint military drills to increase interoperability and cement defence ties. These drills include the “Ekuverin” series of drills, which concentrate on counterterrorism and counterinsurgency operations.
Cooperation in surveillance and intelligence: In the Indian Ocean, India and the Maldives also work together to share surveillance and intelligence. To combat piracy and other marine dangers, this also entails the installation of radars and other technology to monitor maritime traffic.
Increasing trade and investment with the Maldives is one way to strengthen economic ties. India can also look into joint venture opportunities in industries like tourism, fishing, and renewable energy.
Increasing connectivity: India can assist the Maldives in building out its infrastructure, particularly in the areas of transport and connectivity, which would enhance the country’s efforts to promote tourism and economic growth.
Increasing security cooperation: India may keep giving the Maldives security advice and training, and it can look into possibilities for combined patrols and exercises to improve marine security in the area.
Increasing cultural exchanges and cooperation has the potential to strengthen people-to-people ties between India and the Maldives, which share a rich cultural legacy.
Addressing climate change: Given that both India and the Maldives are susceptible to its effects, there is room for cooperation on topics including marine conservation, sustainable tourism, and renewable energy.
India may continue to assist the Maldives in international fora and collaborate with them on matters of shared concern like regional security, anti-terrorism, and disaster management.
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shaktiknowledgeblog · 2 years
maldivian | maldivian airlines | Maldivian Male fire | Maldivian Foreign Minister | Foreign Minister
maldivian | maldivian airlines | Maldivian Male fire | Maldivian Foreign Minister | Foreign Minister
10 killed in a fire in Male; 9 Indian workers were also involved, Maldivian Foreign Minister expressed grief 9 Indian laborers died in a Maldives fire accident. (signal picture) maldives fire News: Bad news has come from Male, the capital of Maldives. A fire broke out in the houses built for foreign workers in Male today i.e. on Thursday, in which 10 people were burnt to death. 9 Indian workers…
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hereandtherediaries · 2 years
6 Interesting Facts about the Maldives
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Are you planning a holiday in the Maldives? While you are surfing online for good hotel deals, and air tickets, and wondering what to pack for the tour, wouldn’t it be exciting to read some interesting facts about this island nation? Perhaps, during the tour, you’ll be able to impress your kids or friends with some jaw-dropping answers as they exclaim, why are the beaches in the Maldives so white, why do Maldivians work on Sundays, and so on.
Let’s dive in.
The World’s First Underwater Cabinet Meeting
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Perhaps, this is the only cabinet meeting ever witnessed by underwater creatures. 
 In 2009, Mohamad Nasheed, a former president of the Maldives conducted a cabinet meeting on the seabed. Clad in diving gear, President Nasheed, the Vice President, 11 Cabinet Ministers and the Cabinet Secretary plunged into the depths and conducted a meeting. This event drew worldwide media attention as well as the tourists who gathered there to witness the world’s first underwater cabinet meeting.
However, this was organised with serious intentions. It was to raise awareness about climate change, rising sea levels and its threat to the tropical archipelago’s existence.
The World’s Flattest Country
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Qatar is the world’s second flattest country, with  an average elevation of 26 metres. Bhutan, on the other hand, is the country with the highest elevation, at a height of 3280m above sea level. Comparatively, the highest elevation in the Maldives is just 2.3 metres! 
This mound - it’s doubtful that it can be called a hill or hillock - is found on Villingili island.
Why Do Maldivians Work on Sundays?
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If you arrive in Male, the capital of the Maldives, on a Sunday, you'll be puzzled that what you’d have expected to see on a sleepy Sunday no longer exists. You’ll see the locals rushing to work and back..  this is because the Maldivian weekend falls on Friday and Saturday.
Pristine White Sandy Beaches
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The flawless rings of broad white beaches encircling the isles are the most remarkable feature of the Maldives. Why do the beaches in the Maldives look so pure and white where 95% of the beaches around the world are brown or yellow?
Usually, beaches are covered with sand containing quartz. But the Maldivian beaches are made of coralline sand which is the fine grains of eroded corals. 
Your favourite Maldivian beaches aren’t just spectacular, they are one of the rarest kinds of geographical features in the world. 
Will the Maldives Vanish from the Face of the Earth Soon?
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Global warming is a threat  to natural ecosystems. Coastal lowlands are gradually becoming uninhabitable as the sea level rises. Being the world’s flattest country, the Maldives is in a dire situation. Experts say the islands could be 80% uninhabitable by 2050 at the current rate of sea level rising. 
But the Maldivians haven't given up. They have successfully executed several projects including creating artificial islands and relocating residents to them to mitigate the threat of continuous loss of land.
An Economy That Depends on Biodiversity
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Due to the limited land size, the terrestrial biodiversity of the islands isn’t significant. The greatest diversity of species is found below the sea level - in coral reefs, lagoons, seagrass beds and small mangrove areas. You can learn more about biodiversity in the Maldives and the country’s efforts to preserve it here.
Interestingly, a study has shown that 98% of national exports, 89% of the GDP, 62% of foreign exchange and 71% of national employment of the Maldives are derived from biodiversity.
Maldivian resorts such as Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives are actively involved in marine conservation efforts being well aware of how invaluable biodiversity is for the tourism industry as well as for the nation as a whole. 
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5gdiginews · 7 days
Secretary Antony J. Blinken and Maldivian Foreign Minister Moosa Zameer Before Their Meeting - United States Department of State
Secretary Blinken: Well, good morning, everyone. I am very pleased to welcome my colleague Minister Zameer from the Maldives to Washington, I think this is your first visit in this position. Welcome, welcome, welcome. For us, the Maldives is an important partner, and we want to make sure that we are a good partner to the Maldives. We are working together to make sure that we have a free and open…
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alwaysfirst · 2 years
Maldives Defence Force Chief receives Guard of Honour in New Delhi
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Jul 28, 2022 10:55 IST New Delhi , July 28 (Always First): Maldivian National Defence Force Chief, Major General Abdulla Shamaal received a Guard of Honour in the national capital on Thursday. He visited India to strengthen the bilateral ties and defence cooperation between the two countries. The Maldives is more than just India's foremost development partner in South Asia but also a reliable and trustworthy defence, more so since defence partnership is emerging critical to maintaining peace and stability in the Southern Indian Ocean Region. There have been several high-level defence visits between the two countries. Earlier, Indian Chief of Naval Staff (CNS) Admiral R Hari Kumar visited the Maldives to strengthen the ties between both countries to maintain security in the Indian Ocean Region. Development cooperation has been an imperative pillar of the Indo-Maldives relationship. New Delhi has provided Lines of Credit of over USD 1.2 billion for infrastructure development besides several grants for community development projects in the island nation. Since 1988, defence and security have been major areas of cooperation between India and the Maldives. This cooperation extends to assisting the Maldives with defence training and equipment requirements. India provides the largest number of training opportunities for MNDF personnel, meeting almost 70 per cent of their defence training requirements, POREG reported. Apart from defence and security partnerships, India and Maldives have in recent times expanded their strategic cooperation including focusing on counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency. India and Maldives share common perspectives on maritime security issues in the Indian Ocean and have been working together closely in several bilateral, mini-lateral and multilateral fora such as the Indian Ocean Naval Symposium and the Colombo Security Conclave. India's "Neighborhood First" policy and Maldives' "India First" policy work in tandem to tackle shared concerns and advance mutual interests. For India, Maldives has always been a close and important maritime neighbour. Multifaceted ties between the two countries have strengthened despite the pandemic-related disruptions. High-level engagements continued with External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar visiting the Maldives in February 2021 and two visits by the Foreign Minister of Maldives to India in April and July 2021. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Maldivian counterpart Ibrahim Mohamed Solih had a telephonic conversation in July 2021. Bilateral cooperation with the Maldives includes the creation of people-friendly infrastructure - housing, water and sanitation, health and education, ports, roads and stadiums. It also includes maritime security; connectivity and people-to-people exchanges. India gifted 200,000 doses of Covishield vaccines to the Maldives in January - February 2021 and this set the stage for a rapid and successful vaccination drive in the Maldives. This has enabled the Maldivian economy to get back on a path to recovery. India has emerged as Maldives' second-largest trade partner, with around 13 per cent market share for Indian exports. In July 2021, India extended the agreement on quotas for restriction-free export of 9 essential commodities to the Maldives for the next three years. (Always First) Read the full article
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jobaaj · 4 months
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Have you heard the news? The government of the Maldives has been revealed and exposed! Former ministers are actively refuting and debunking the falsehoods propagated by Muizzu! President Mohamed Muizzu has consistently targeted India throughout his campaign, exhibiting what some perceive as an 'anti-Indian' position. He has persistently advocated for the removal of fewer than 100 Indian troops, arguing that their presence undermines Maldivian interests.
Nevertheless, former Maldivian ministers are currently unveiling the falsehoods propagated by him.
Abdulla Shahid, the former Maldivian Foreign Minister and current President of the opposition MDP, has recently disclosed that there are no armed foreign soldiers present in the country, directly contradicting President Muizzu's claim. He took to X as he called out President Muizzu’s ‘string of lies’ and slammed his government’s inability to provide specific numbers. Currently, around 80 Indian troops are stationed in Maldives alongside a Dornier 228 aircraft and 2 HAL Dhruv helicopters. Interestingly, these troops are stationed for humanitarian and medevac purposes, and are not allowed to act unless the MNDF allows it to!! In fact, former Defence Minister Mariya Ahmed Didi called President Muizzu immature, citing a recent case where a young boy died because President Muizzu refused to take help from Indian forces! Should India maintain relations with the Maldives? Are normal relations possible?? Follow Jobaaj Stories (the media arm of Jobaaj.com group) for more.
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