hereandtherediaries · 2 years
Maldivian Nightlife: What Are the Best Things to Do after Sundown?
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Are you looking for some fun things to do in the Maldives after sundown? While there are numerous activities from snorkelling to perfecting that island tan to keep you busy during the day, finding something to do after hours might be a bit harder than usual, as you’ll be on your resort island and boat services between islands generally stop at sunset. 
For those staying at a resort like Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives, you’ll find pre-planned themed evenings to keep you entertained during your stay. And if you’re staying in Male city, you can explore the city limits after dark. Let’s dive into the things you can do in the Maldives at night.
Cocktail evenings by the beach 
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A cocktail or two while watching a beautiful island sunset should be the only way to start your first night in the Maldives. Keep in mind that you will not find alcohol in the city, and can only consume it when you’re staying on a private resort island. On resort islands, you’ll have plenty of bars to choose from, like this pool bar or The Sunset Deck. If you’re planning to stay longer than 2-3 days in the Maldives, do look for a resort that has a few restaurants and bars on the island for you to choose from; this way you get to experience different settings without getting bored of the same bar/restaurant during your holiday. 
Themed nights
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Depending on where you choose to spend your holiday, most resorts offer special events held exclusively for inhouse guests. From beach BBQs to private dining experiences, guests have a variety of activities to choose from when staying at luxury resorts. If you’re travelling with your family or partner, look out for these options.
Sunset cruise 
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Sail into the sunset on a boat cruise in the Maldives. Most luxury resorts offer a romantic sunset cruise to take advantage of. Lounge on a boom net with a glass of champagne or beer and watch the sun set over the horizon. 
Night dive
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An incredible opportunity for certified divers, night diving in the Maldives opens up a world of adventure to enthusiasts. Based on the sea and weather conditions, the dive centre will help prepare you for what to expect. Keep your eyes peeled and your torch ready for some incredible sights of what lies beneath the surface after dark. 
Movie Nights
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Some resorts screen a movie on the beach, under the stars. This incredible experience allows you to enjoy your favourite movie with the gentle lull of waves while a soft island breeze keeps you cool through the movie night. Grab a popcorn and a glass of wine for a unique movie night in the Maldives. 
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hereandtherediaries · 2 years
New Trends That Shape Up the Maldives Tourism Industry
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The world is ever evolving. Because globalisation has made the world ‘shrink’ and communication faster than ever, the changes today’s society is undergoing are rapid, more frequent and immense. A small change in a seemingly distinct and unrelated field may affect the other - a new invention in the digital industry might change the face of the entire tourism industry. As a country whose main economic pillar is tourism, the Maldives acts quickly to adapt to the new waves and trends to sustain and grow in the tourism industry. 
Let’s dive in and find out the recent trends and changes in society that had an impact on the Maldives tourism industry. Also, let’s find out what were the challenges the industry faced, and how they found the way out. 
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The internet changed everything. The way we interact, connect, socialise and even travel. You can plan and arrange a tour anywhere in the world using your smartphone; piles of documents, physical visits to your travel agent or long hours on the phone with them are a thing of the past. With a few taps, you can buy tickets, book hotel stays, plan excursions and so much more. Not only digitalisation; all aspects of technological development have been an integral part of today’s tourism industry. It’s even possible to travel outer space for a vacation now, that was only a sci-fi a few decades ago.
Maldivian hotels and resorts have embraced tech-empowered tourism with enthusiasm. They have made their presence on the digital interface in many forms such as websites with booking engines, multi-purpose apps and so much more. They are in touch with the trends in the digital and e-commerce industries upgrading their assets and strategy accordingly. Isn’t it impressive that one of the first few hotels that allowed cryptocurrency transactions is based in the Maldives?
Environmental concerns and sustainability efforts
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Being the world’s flattest country, the Maldives is facing a dire crisis as most of its islands will be lost to the rising sea level soon. The Maldivian tourism industry makes use of the rising social interest in environmental preservation to grow as an industry; and by doing so, they attempt to preserve their valuable ecological resources. 
Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives is an exemplary eco-hospitality entity. Their CSR and sustainability initiatives include renewable energy projects, biodiversity awareness and protection efforts. You can take part in marine conservation efforts, especially coral reefscaping projects during your stay at the resort. You can also accompany a marine biologist on excursions such as snorkelling, diving, and whale-watching safaris. 
Post pandemic trends
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The tourism sector was one of the biggest hit industries across the world during the pandemic. The Maldives tourism industry was badly affected, and its consequences rippled throughout the country's tourism-dependent economy.
In the post-pandemic period, the pent-up need for travel spurred global tourism back to life; however, in a slightly different form. Many seem to prefer working from home or extending their vacation at a remote destination, so they can work while enjoying leisure time. Due to health concerns, some prefer less-crowded destinations, and to include more health and wellbeing activities in their itinerary. The Maldives is one of the ideal destinations for these types of travel needs that surfaced in the post-pandemic era. This is one of the major reasons why the Maldives tourism sector is showing a skyrocketing recovery.
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hereandtherediaries · 2 years
6 Interesting Facts about the Maldives
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Are you planning a holiday in the Maldives? While you are surfing online for good hotel deals, and air tickets, and wondering what to pack for the tour, wouldn’t it be exciting to read some interesting facts about this island nation? Perhaps, during the tour, you’ll be able to impress your kids or friends with some jaw-dropping answers as they exclaim, why are the beaches in the Maldives so white, why do Maldivians work on Sundays, and so on.
Let’s dive in.
The World’s First Underwater Cabinet Meeting
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Perhaps, this is the only cabinet meeting ever witnessed by underwater creatures. 
 In 2009, Mohamad Nasheed, a former president of the Maldives conducted a cabinet meeting on the seabed. Clad in diving gear, President Nasheed, the Vice President, 11 Cabinet Ministers and the Cabinet Secretary plunged into the depths and conducted a meeting. This event drew worldwide media attention as well as the tourists who gathered there to witness the world’s first underwater cabinet meeting.
However, this was organised with serious intentions. It was to raise awareness about climate change, rising sea levels and its threat to the tropical archipelago’s existence.
The World’s Flattest Country
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Qatar is the world’s second flattest country, with  an average elevation of 26 metres. Bhutan, on the other hand, is the country with the highest elevation, at a height of 3280m above sea level. Comparatively, the highest elevation in the Maldives is just 2.3 metres! 
This mound - it’s doubtful that it can be called a hill or hillock - is found on Villingili island.
Why Do Maldivians Work on Sundays?
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If you arrive in Male, the capital of the Maldives, on a Sunday, you'll be puzzled that what you’d have expected to see on a sleepy Sunday no longer exists. You’ll see the locals rushing to work and back..  this is because the Maldivian weekend falls on Friday and Saturday.
Pristine White Sandy Beaches
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The flawless rings of broad white beaches encircling the isles are the most remarkable feature of the Maldives. Why do the beaches in the Maldives look so pure and white where 95% of the beaches around the world are brown or yellow?
Usually, beaches are covered with sand containing quartz. But the Maldivian beaches are made of coralline sand which is the fine grains of eroded corals. 
Your favourite Maldivian beaches aren’t just spectacular, they are one of the rarest kinds of geographical features in the world. 
Will the Maldives Vanish from the Face of the Earth Soon?
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Global warming is a threat  to natural ecosystems. Coastal lowlands are gradually becoming uninhabitable as the sea level rises. Being the world’s flattest country, the Maldives is in a dire situation. Experts say the islands could be 80% uninhabitable by 2050 at the current rate of sea level rising. 
But the Maldivians haven't given up. They have successfully executed several projects including creating artificial islands and relocating residents to them to mitigate the threat of continuous loss of land.
An Economy That Depends on Biodiversity
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Due to the limited land size, the terrestrial biodiversity of the islands isn’t significant. The greatest diversity of species is found below the sea level - in coral reefs, lagoons, seagrass beds and small mangrove areas. You can learn more about biodiversity in the Maldives and the country’s efforts to preserve it here.
Interestingly, a study has shown that 98% of national exports, 89% of the GDP, 62% of foreign exchange and 71% of national employment of the Maldives are derived from biodiversity.
Maldivian resorts such as Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives are actively involved in marine conservation efforts being well aware of how invaluable biodiversity is for the tourism industry as well as for the nation as a whole. 
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hereandtherediaries · 2 years
Shipwrecks to Explore in the Maldives
Exploring ships that sank a long time ago can be a special interest to anybody. Even if you are not that person, trying it out will be one of the most unforgettable experiences. If you are planning to visit the Maldives, plan a diving excursion to witness the colourful marine life that thrives amongst these shipwrecks. 
Kuda Giri Wreck, South Malé Atoll
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A sunken fishing trawler lies on the seabed a swimming distance from the nearby reef ‘Giri’, southwest of Dighu island. Since its sinking in 1994, soft coral has been growing into the trawler. But the vessel is so well preserved that the hull appears almost intact. It lays on the slope of the seabed in a way with the bow facing upwards and the stern below it about 30 metres from the surface.
It’s home to a large population of jackfish, batfish, glassfish and many other small fishes. You’ll be able to see it from about a 19-metre dive down at the location.
Machchafushi Wreck, Kudhi Maa, South Ari Atoll
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This wreck was caused neither by an accident nor by abandoning a ship. A huge Japanese cargo ship was intentionally sunk in 1998 in order to create the wreck. Now, this artificial reef is teeming with marine life from tiny batfish, and pufferfish to large lionfish.
This is one of the wrecks in the Maldives divers are most attracted to. You’ll be able to snap some epic underwater photos here. 
The Machchafushi wreck is visible from 12 to 30 metres below the surface. You can even enter the interior of the vessel through the access points of the hull on either side. 
SS Sea Gull, North Malé Atoll
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Even a 1000-tonne ship won’t last for centuries at the bottom of the sea where the ever-growing corals are. The steamship SS Sea Gull sank in 1879 while sailing from London to Calcutta. Now, the wreck is hard to spot as the corals have taken over most of the ship and the parts of the ship are scattered on the seabed. 
It’s located northeast of Gaafaru island. The ship’s anchor sticks out at low tide and usually sits just about a metre beneath the surface. But the ship was split into two halves and stationed on each side of the reef ridge. The deepest parts of the wreck are up to 30 metres below the surface. 
This location is swarming with stingrays, eels and barracudas in some parts of the year. And it’s one of the most mysterious sights you want to catch on your stay in the Maldives.
The Shipyard, Lhaviyani Atoll
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This spot is unique. A ship’s bow sits erected out of the sea as the rest is submerged and stuck in coral. If the waters are clear, another wreck which is about 28 metres below the surface gets noticeable. This coral-rich area is filled with a variety of marine life such as sponges, anthias, batfish, angel fish, and even stingrays in the deeper rifts in the coral formation.
Lady Christine, North Malé Atoll
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In 1974, Lady Christine was sailing the area laying communication cables and conducting an underwater survey. Unfortunately, it ran into a coral reef and sank. What is left of it is the bow protruding out of the water and the scattered remains. However, the sad story of Lady Christine had a colourful ending; now, the ship is bound to the coral reef and the natural cave system beneath it and has become home to spectacular marine life. Witness turtles, sharks, and rays, and a spectrum of tiny species that’s found a home around the wreck. 
Not sure where and how to start? Some hotels like Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives offer an exciting  Wreck Safari tour that’s perfect for divers on holiday. 
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hereandtherediaries · 2 years
Your Guide on What to Pack for the Maldives
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You are going to see a lot of sun, surf and sea during your time in the Maldives. Swimwear, sunscreen, and flip-flops are some of the essential items you’ll need to pack before setting off for the holiday.  Follow this quick guide to help get you prepared for your holiday in the Maldives.
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The Maldives is a tropical destination. If you’re used to cold winters and windy summers, the Maldives is going to be a bright ball of sunshine for you! As you’ll be spending most of your time  outside your room, mostly on the beach and by the sea, you’ll need a good, high  sunscreen with SPF 50.  Remember to buy a water-resistant sunscreen. 
Sun Hat
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Cover your face from the direct sunlight with a sun hat, especially if you go out around noon. A good sun hat can be expensive in the local shops in the Maldives. So, bring one from home. Pack it well so that it doesn’t get crushed in your suitcase or simply carry it in your hand.
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To protect your eyes from harmful UV rays, you’ll need to buy a pair of sunglasses that specifically mentions that it blocks UV light. Dark glasses that don’t block harmful rays do more harm to your eyes than if you didn’t wear them at all. . Also, polaroid glasses have nothing to do with UV blocking. So, get a pair of UV-blocking glasses. 
Dry Bags
In the Maldives, you’ll participate in a lot of water activities. Whether you’re heading sunbathing on the beach, snorkelling or partaking in a range of water sports like jet skiing. A couple of dry bags should come in handy to store your valuable items such as mobile phones, snacks etc. 
Wet Bags
You don’t want to make a mess with wet clothes, towels and sandy slippers when you are going back to the resort. Keep a wet bag with you to pack them all in and carry. 
Underwater Camera
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Everybody takes a camera when they go on a holiday. But, when you’re visiting the Maldives  an underwater camera is what you must have. The sea around the islands is clear and full of amazing sights. You’ll need to capture the right moments during your stay at a water villa, while diving, snorkelling or just swimming in the shallow waters with your loved ones. 
What to wear in the Maldives?
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The Maldives is an Islamic country. So, in Male or whenever you step out of your resort, it’s recommended to dress conservatively.  Pack a few clothes that cover your knees and shoulders. 
You’ll definitely need to pack a lot of swimwear and resort wear for the Maldives. Keep in mind that most resorts ask you to dress in normal attire before dining at their restaurants – i.e. swimwear inside the restaurants is generally not allowed. 
Summer dresses are ideal for the Maldives. Pack your light, comfortable and airy tank tops, shorts, and mini dresses. There will be a lot of events such as themed dinners, DJ parties , and beach parties organised by the resort. Check this list of events Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives planned for the guest.
Pack a pair of flip-flops or sandals. Shoes and heels won’t help you on the beaches. And don’t forget dive shoes. They are comfortable and safe to wear for water activities such as swimming, snorkelling and diving. 
What not to bring to the Maldives
Alcohol is banned in the Maldives. So, it’s a big no. Don’t pack your favourite drink and get into trouble. But the resorts will provide the drink you are looking for. Check out Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives’ restaurants and bars here.
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hereandtherediaries · 2 years
A Beginner’s Guide to Underwater Photography in The Maldives
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The Maldives is the photographers’ dream. The broad sandy beaches and the vast blue ocean. Especially in the golden hour - when the sun is setting down - the seascape is heavenly picturesque. 
But the most amazing sights around the Maldives are below sea level. Around some islands, the sea surface starts glowing at night in bright ethereal colours. This phenomenon is caused by bioluminescent planktons that appear closer to the beaches. As you go deeper there are more magical phenomena to be experienced. 
If you are going to the Maldives for a vacation, always prepare yourself for a snorkelling or diving experience. And never forget to take a camera with you to capture the geographical and biodiversity of the Maldives. 
There are a few things you should know before going to the ocean to take photographs.
Get Used to the Sea
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The best photographs are the ones taken at the right moment. The keen eye of the photographer waits for the external conditions to be perfect. If you aren’t comfortable at the sea - if you are struggling against the waves while snorkelling - you won’t be able to be attentive to get a good shot. 
For inexperienced divers and swimmers, Maldivian hotels offer training plans while you stay. Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives, for example, conducts beginner-level training programs for the guests. Enrol with these programs before you jump in the water, so you’ll be well prepared and comfortable photographing underwater.
Choosing the Camera
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There are affordable DSLRs and Mirrorless cameras that are designed to shoot underwater. Do your research before buying, most waterproof cameras would work just fine within a few metres below the surface, but if you are planning to dive, the camera must tolerate the increasing water pressure. An underwater camera housing is the best option, and you’ll need a little bit of practice to operate. You can also use your waterproof smartphone camera for underwater photography, , although the smartphone camera lens is smaller, hence the aperture of the lens won’t be sufficient to work in low light conditions beneath the sea surface. One way to solve this problem is by attaching an external lens kit designed for smartphones. Choosing the camera is just the beginning, you’ll need to familiarise yourself with the technical requirements for underwater shooting such as what are the best lenses, whether to set up the flasher on auto-mode or manual mode, etc. Have a basic read-up on camera configuration for underwater photography as you are about to put what you have learned into practice. 
Find the right spot
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Dark and murky water is not a friendly set-up for underwater photography. And the ideal location is where there is an abundance of marine life. In the Maldives, there are plenty of places with calm and clear waters home to a plethora of strange creatures. From the shallow coral reef ecosystems full of tiny and colourful marine life to the deeper dark waters where the massive whale sharks roam solemnly is the range of experiences you are welcome to take part in, in the Maldives. Talk to your hotel staff and tell them what kind of sea excursion you need to add to your package. You’ll not only find the best spots to snap some amazing pictures but you’ll also be provided with the service of excellent guides. If you are staying at Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives you can request for a marine biologist to accompany you on snorkelling or diving excursions. 
If you are new to underwater photography, it won’t be easy at first. Familiarise yourself with the camera settings and try different configurations to find what works best.  
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hereandtherediaries · 2 years
Scuba Diving in the Maldives
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Why wouldn’t the Maldives be an idyllic place to scuba dive? Clear blue waters all around, magnificent coral reefs home to innumerable marine life, islanders ready to help with time-tempered knowledge on diving, and after the underwater adventure, white sandy beaches await for you to lie down to catch a breath, the Maldives is ideal for scuba diving.
In the Maldives, you’ll see plenty of marine life from Manta rays, Whale sharks and Reef sharks, Turtles and more.
Where is the Maldives, exactly?
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The Maldives is an island nation consisting of 26 atolls, forming a total of more than 1000 islands. You see, the idea itself about the Maldives tempts a continental resident to visit this strange land at least once in a lifetime.
The set of islands are located 400 miles southwest of India, closer to the equator, and is sunny year-round. 
Marine life photography in the Maldives
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Your scuba diving session won’t be perfect unless you catch a snapshot of the world down there. There are a few reasons that the Maldives is one of the best places for underwater photography.
The number one reason is the high biodiversity and the population of the species is denser in the Maldivian area, mainly because the waters are tropical and warm attracting a variety of marine life. 
Get a good action camera for your journey to the Maldives and make sure it’s well charged! 
What should you expect to see in a dive in the Maldives?
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From hundreds of Manta rays gliding through the blue waters and graceful Whale sharks leaving you mesmerized, to vibrant coral reefs teeming with marine life from Whitetip reef sharks to tuna, trevally and more. Depending on the atoll you’re in and the season, you’ll even be fortunate enough to see some Hammerhead sharks! During your scuba diving experience in Maldives, always remember to keep a safe distance between yourself and any marine life, be it, fish or coral. 
The best practice of diving in the sea around the Maldives
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The Indian Ocean is turbulent with currents, their strength varying from medium to high. So, drift diving is the easiest and the most common in the area. It’s advised to descend to the bottom from the moment you enter the water, so you avoid getting caught in any currents midway. 
Due to active currents, diving in the Maldives is only recommended for intermediate and advanced divers. However, if you’re a beginner, there are a number of hotels and resorts with dive centres where you can easily learn and get certified to dive in less than 5 days!
Resorts such as Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives can facilitate you with customizable diving excursions for your preferences. Whether you are an advanced diver or just a person dreaming of diving at least one point in life, diving in Maldives will be a memorable experience! 
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hereandtherediaries · 2 years
Be Part of Marine Conservation Efforts in the Maldives
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Given the vast size of the ocean, the fact that 91% of all oceanic species are yet to be discovered is not far fetched. Marine biologists discover around 150 new marine species each year. It’s said that it’ll take another 30 years to categorize 5,000 marine species unknown today. The picture is clear, the ocean is mysterious and unexplored, with thriving ecosystems and a hidden world of trenches and underwater caves that even the best technology can’t navigate through. 
Dwindling Ecosystems 
One thing we know for sure, biodiversity on earth is rapidly declining, an alarming number of species and ecosystems have been extinct already in the last few centuries with many facing the same fate in the near future. The number one cause of global biodiversity loss is human activities such as hunting, habitat destruction, pollution etc. The impact of these actions aren’t just limited to the land; slow-decomposing materials are dumped in the ocean, sedimentation of toxic chemicals make underwater ecosystems such as coral reefs uninhabitable, overfishing threatens stability of marine ecosystems, the list goes on. 
Marine Biodiversity and the Environmental Crisis in the Maldives
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The Maldives consists of 1,192 small islands formed in 26 natural atolls made of ring-shaped coral reefs. The coral reef system in the Maldives is the seventh-largest in the world which is also considered the fifth most diverse ecosystem among the reef systems in the world. Therefore, the coral system is the epicentre of the biodiversity of the Maldives, though the country is known for many other marine species, birds and plants.
Why is the Maldives More Vulnerable? 
The Maldives, a group of low-lying islands, is vulnerable to the environmental crisis, especially with the rising sea levels. The reef-bound biodiversity faces not only the effects of climate change but anthropogenic causes such as unsustainable tourism, waste and untreated sewage disposal to the sea, land reclamation, channel building etc. Overfishing is another contributing factor, the Maldivian government has banned fishing turtles and sharks. Coral mining, an industry where live corals are taken out to use for other purposes, is also banned in the Maldives.
The tourism and hospitality industry, the largest economic industry in the Maldives is heavily reliant on natural resources, therefore they have a bigger responsibility towards conservation efforts. The industry’s future entirely depends on how well the natural settings and biodiversity is preserved. The Maldivian hotels and resorts have contributed significantly to these efforts in recent years. For example, Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives conducts environmental awareness and fundraising campaigns, conservation and sustainability activities involving visitors.
Coral Reefscaping Project
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The resort partakes in this project aiming to revive and rebuild a healthy coral reef around the property. Guests can sponsor artificial coral frames and will help in coral regrowth. Sponsors' guest ID will be tagged to the frame, and four times a year the progress of the coral’s growth will be sent to the guest with photos. Alternatively, you can also join in the initiative of replanting corals when you’re staying at the hotel. Within a couple of years, numerous marine creatures will have made the reef their home.
Marine Conservation
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The resort knows the value of the exotic marine life teeming in the waters around, thereby ensuring they take grand steps in its conservation.
Sea Turtles and Manta Rays are endangered species in the Maldives, so the resort takes part in various projects to protect them. From conducting awareness campaigns for the guests and the local communities, to walks around the island with a biologist to learn more about the diverse flora and fauna of the island, there’s plenty you can be a part of here. 
Make your holiday in the Maldives more worthwhile by giving back, either by partaking in a Reefscaping project or learning more about marine conservation. 
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