#Malcolm merlyn imagine
Malcolm Merlyn x Queen!Reader Pt. 5
IMAGINE…it’s Moira and Walter’s wedding day, people aren’t as oblivious to your “thing” with Malcolm as you previously believed they were, and after (nearly) two years, you and Malcolm take a step further in your relationship.
A/N: I hope you all enjoy this! I’m so excited about getting to events that take place during the first two (ish) seasons of Arrow! ALSO, I such at summaries sooo sorry for the “imagine” line above.
Pt. 1 2 3 4 6 7
WARNING: None, possible ooc!Malcolm Merlyn
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Moira and Walter’s wedding ceremony was beautiful. Breathtaking even and you could do nothing but grin like an idiot next to Thea, both of you shedding tears of happiness (and some sadness as Oliver wasn’t alive to be there as well).
The reception was held at your family’s estate and thankfully the weather remained warm and sunny.
“…welcome, thank you for coming.” You and Thea stood under the arch that led to the designated reception area, greeting the guests.
With everyone you smiled at and thanked for coming, your nerves intensified. You knew the Merlyns were invited; they had been at the church after all. You just had no idea where in line they were. There were at least four hundred guests (six hundred at most).
“I am very glad mom went with blue for us. Can you imagine us in the pink?” Thea grumbled in between guests. She was growing impatient – no doubt your fifteen year old sister was ready to mingle with whichever of her friends had shown up.
You couldn’t argue with her; the baby pink dress had been…questionable. No way would Thea have worn it without a fight, and there was no way it would have looked as good as your step-mother had believed at the time.
“Thank you for coming. It means so much to us,” you smiled, hugging a few women you knew were companions of Moira.
And then you caught sight of Malcolm and Tommy. They were six people back, dressed in black with near matching ties (no doubt, Tommy had been coerced into wearing his by something fast and expensive).
Soon enough they were standing in front of you with Thea giggling Tommy’s name and hugging him while you greeted the CEO of Merlyn Global.
He was grinning, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he stepped toward you.
Your breath caught and you could do nothing but say his name, a nervous smile tugging at your lips.
“Y/n,” Malcolm said your name with amusement as he leaned forward and kissed your cheek as you placed a hand to his chest, grabbing at his shirt as if you were struggling to remain on your feet. “You look stunning,” he added, the hot air of his breath hitting your ear as he began to pull away.
Dropping your hand from his chest and reminding yourself that the two of you weren’t alone no matter how much the feelings you had for him always made you forget you weren’t the only two people on Earth, you teased with a laugh, “Save your compliments for the bride, Mr. Merlyn. Although Walter might forgo his poshness if you’re too friendly.”
Malcolm’s blue eyes held yours and for a moment you weren’t sure if he was going to be suggestive about the secret affair the two of you had or if he would simply go along with you, finally he said, “We wouldn’t want that.”
God he’s so attractive…
Your heart felt like it was beating out of your chest and you could hear all the noise around you disappearing, your existence narrowing to Malcolm and only him.
“…why don’t I show Tommy to your table?” Thea’s voice brought you crashing back to reality and your head snapped in her direction, confusion momentarily crossing your face as you watched her wrap an arm around Tommy’s, “I’m so bored.” Your sister mumbled, silently pleading for you to not argue – obviously unaware of where your mind had just wandered to.
“Thea,” you began, not too sure of what you were going to say after
Malcolm saved you by stepping in, his gaze locked on his son as he said, “Make sure you congratulate Moira and Mr. Steele.”
Tommy nodded, throwing a smirk in your direction as he let Thea drag him away neither giving you or Malcolm a chance to say anything differently.
Turning back to the guests waiting in line (and not allowing Malcolm a chance to speak right away), you greeted a few more before saying softly, “It wouldn’t have hurt her to stay put. Even a little longer. People can’t let her just…do whatever she wants when she wants.” On one hand, you were purposefully picking a fight in hopes that he would go away, and on the other, you were talking to him about something you had (in private) discussed with him a dozen times already so to avoid the man standing next to you from saying anything that might fluster and distract you further.
Malcolm, being Malcolm, just laughed and greeted guests alongside you, “Pick your battles. Thea is a child, let her have fun before she has to enter the world of adulthood and endless responsibility.”
“She’s not too far away from being an adult, Malcolm.” Your teen sister was spiraling like Oliver had. It just worried you because Oliver’s acting out could have had some serious consequences (they DID if you consider Sara Lance getting on the Gambit – and eventually dying – as a consequence of Oliver’s unchecked, poor behavior), and so could Thea’s if it continued to escalate. “She needs structure and…”
Malcolm placed a hand to your lower back as he leaned closer, cutting off your sentence to say, “You are not her mother, Y/n.”
“Neither is Moira at this point.” It hurt to admit, but it was the truth. Moira acted more like a friend than a parent when it came to Thea. She had since your father and Oliver had died. And you understood why Moira was like that. Thea was her last reminder of Robert so of course she didn’t want to risk hurting the bond she had with your sister, but there came a time when enough was enough.
And, unfortunately, your step-mother refused to listen to you no matter how often you brought it up to her.
Thankfully, for now, Malcolm didn’t press the conversation further.
Soon enough, you had finished greeting the rest of the guests and let Malcolm lead you to your table, frowning when you realized the Merlyn father-son duo had been placed at the same table as you and Thea.
“Wait…” you frowned, looking at Malcolm for a second before looking at the name card in the center of the table.
Malcolm and Thomas Merlyn
Y/n and Thea Queen
With the last two of six names belonging to Thea’s friends (who were currently too busy staring half in love in Tommy’s direction).
Deciding to rescue your dead-brother’s friend from teenage hormones, you were quick to rearrange the seating with Tommy safely placed between his father and Thea. At the least, it was sure to save you from a headache and Tommy (should he get wasted as he normally did at such events) from any possible legal trouble.
Placing a hand to Malcolm’s shoulder as you sat down, you murmured, “Either you had something to do with this – somehow – or my dear stepmother is attempting to prove herself right about there being something between us.”
Malcolm slipped his hand under the table and placed it to your knee as the both of you looked toward the table Moira and Walter were seated at, talking away to one another. “We both know I didn’t.” he smirked, returning his gaze to you after a moment, “If I did, however, it would be so I could do something like this.”
Once again in the course of your affair, you found yourself caught off guard by the boldness Malcolm showed as he let his hand slide from your knee, up your leg, and under your dress – his fingers digging greedily into your inner thigh.
Luckily, you were able to mask your gasp of surprise at his touch with a breathless laugh.
Throwing a look at the others at the table to make sure they hadn’t noticed anything, you steadied yourself before attempting to say anything. “If anyone notices where your hand is, our secret is out.”
Your lips barely moved, but you knew he heard you by the way he leaned toward you to respond, his breath hitting warmly off your cheek, “That’s what makes our game so fun,”
“Malcolm.” You warned, throwing him a pointed look of frustration, “I’m not playing games.”
Not only was this far from how you would want your family, friends, and associates to find out about your affair, but you couldn’t continue to treat you and Malcolm as just the two of you having fun.
You had allowed yourself (stupidly) to grow far too many feelings for him to try and act like it was a game, like things weren’t serious for you. Like it didn’t take everything you had not to admit your feelings to him and just…beg him to love you back.
“Please, not here.” You finally added, your breath nearly catching in your throat as you spoke.
Malcolm’s blue eyes watched you for several long moments before he was pulling his hand away and getting to his feet, moving his body away from you just enough so you couldn’t grab his arm without others noticing and drawing attention to yourself.
“Excuse me,” he smiled at Tommy, Thea, and Thea’s friends before looking back at you, “Miss Queen, we’ll speak later.” And he just walked away, heading for the bar, and away from you as you watched after him, your head and heart screaming for you to go after him.
You were thankful that he hadn’t gone any further, but you couldn’t help but wonder if you had been too snappy.
He wasn’t angry, or he didn’t seem to be, and he had never gone too far in crowded, public spaces…you could have trusted him to remain playful but also to keep his usual discretion.
And then you began to wonder if he wanted to get caught but wasn’t sure whether to admit it or not. To be fair, you always made a fuss about people finding out. Maybe he took that as you never wanting to tell anyone. Ever.
Or maybe that was just wishful thinking. That he would want to get caught.
Letting out a shaky breath, you grabbed your glass of champagne and lifted it to your lips. As you did, you locked eyes with Moira who was looking at you like she definitely knew something.
Once the dancing began, you wasted no time in accepting partners. You loved to dance and didn’t bother to keep yourself in check or to wisely choose who your next dance partner was. It was a wedding, and it wasn’t like you were doing anything that would disgrace your step-mother and her new husband.
And so, you didn’t bother (or think) to turn Tommy down when he appeared beside you at the end of a slow song.
“May I?” he teased, already grabbing your hip and pulling you into his arms
Placing your hands to his shoulders, you teased just as another slow song started up, “Are you sure you want to leave your fan club?”
Tommy cringed at the mention of Thea and her friends who had watched him all night, following him everywhere and asking him a million questions about college parties, fast cars, and anything else they thought he was interested in (and that’s all you knew about before you started dancing). “I am pretty sure Thea dared one of them to follow me into the bathroom.”
“Oh no,” you laughed, playfully concerned about your sister doing that knowing Tommy was only playing around.
“And what about you?” Tommy questioned as the two of you moved around in a slow circle, not truly trying to dance “My dad hasn’t stopped looking at you since your first dance. And I noticed the tenseness between you two before that. What’s going on between the two of you?”
His words froze you to the spot, your eyes wide as you tried to think of something to respond with.
Tommy wasn’t upset, but he wasn’t being playful anymore either. You knew him well enough to read the emotions on his face. Tommy was curious and…worried, maybe?
“My father hasn’t shown attention to another woman since my mother, as far as I know. And suddenly he’s…he’s different when he’s with you, Y/n. I don’t…I don’t know how, exactly, but he is.”
“Tommy,” you croaked, shaking your head to try and get him to stop talking. “Malcolm and I are…friends.”
Panic. Absolute panic was in your chest as you tried to defend yourself and Malcolm, to hide your secret from his only child.
Tommy laughed, almost as if he could sense the internal conflict within you, “Y/n, I’m not stupid and my eyes work just fine.”
The memory of a month earlier, at Malcolm’s, when he had spoken in some foreign language and how he had looked at you so gently came rushing to the front of your mind. Is that what Tommy was referring to? Is that the “different” Tommy had seen in his father?
Licking your suddenly dry lips, you forced yourself to meet Tommy’s gaze as you whispered, “Your father and I are…close friends. That’s all.” You stepped back from him, needing to put space between the two of you as soon as possible, “I’m sorry Tommy. Please don’t be upset but I…I can’t…it’s complicated.”
As quickly as you could, you left the dance floor and headed away from the reception, off to a more secluded area away from prying eyes.
Your hands were sweaty, and your heart was racing.
It wasn’t in panic, however.
For a moment you had been excited about someone knowing about you and Malcolm. Finally, you would have had someone you could confide in.
Then you considered others knowing and that, undoubtedly, they would have bombarded you with questions and wanting to know everything about your affair.
But at least you wouldn’t have had to be so secretive anymore.
So caught up in your desire to tell someone, you had nearly told Tommy until you caught yourself, realizing you didn’t want to cause problems for Tommy if Malcolm didn’t want him to know or if Malcolm wanted to be the one to tell him.
You were certain that a moment longer and you would have told Tommy, disregarding how Malcolm may have felt about it.
So lost in your thoughts, you didn’t hear anyone approaching until a hand was on your arm and Moira was standing in front of you – a look of concern and a little hint of suspicion on her face.
“Mom,” you were quick to, forcing a smile
“Are you alright? I saw you with Tommy. Did something happen?”
You appreciated how worried she sounded, but you saw the look in her eyes that she always had when she was trying to be sneaky and pry information from people, waving a hand about to try and make it seem like everything was fine, you said “What? No. Tommy didn’t do anything. I just got dizzy and…and needed some fresh air.”
Humming, Moira looked you over and then asked, refusing to let it go, “And the other Merlyn? Has he done anything?”
Gotcha. So obvious.
You wondered how long she had been waiting to ask you that?
Deciding to play dumb, you laughed and shook your head, “Malcolm? Of course not. I’ve hardly seen him today except for what little time we were both at the table at the beginning of the reception.”
“Honey,” Moira clicked her tongue with a small shake of her head, and you knew the look she had given you earlier hadn’t been you misreading her expression, “If there is anything between you and Malcolm, it needs to end. He’s far from the right guy for you.” She placed a hand to your arm, squeezing as if to comfort you.
“Mom,” It took some restraint to hold back any rude comments you had about Moira trying to tell you who to see romantically. You knew it was just you being defensive while Moira was just looking out for you (as she always had). “For the last time, I am not dating Malcolm Merlyn. We’re friends and close associates….”
Moira was quick to interrupt, her voice coming off sharp with a clear sign of frustration. “I see the way you look at him, Y/n. I don’t want you to get your heart broken.”
You sighed and opened your mouth to ask her to just stay out of your business when a threat cleared from behind you, stopping you before you could do something you would have absolutely regretted.
Moira’s gaze slipped over your shoulder and you watched the way she nodded and took a step away from you, “This family doesn’t need any more secrets, Y/n.” she advised with a smile, sad smile before she let go of your arm and walked away.
Her words were icy, and killed any excitement you had felt earlier about the possibility of people finding out about your affair.
“I couldn’t help but notice that my son upset you.”
You weren’t surprised that it was Malcolm who had interrupted you and Moira. Anyone else would have been sent away by Moira with a simple rejection. Still, the sound of his voice nearly surprised you as it filled the space between the two of you.
Turning to look at Malcolm, you shook your head and whispered, “Nothing happened. Tommy is a sweetheart.” You forced yourself to sound okay, to keep your emotions in check as you looked at him, doing your best to hold his gaze.
“Yes. He’s always been a charmer.” Malcolm’s gaze flickered over you as he moved closer, his hands tucked into the pockets of his dress pants.
You laughed softly and said, “Moira knows. Or she thinks she knows. She warned me about you, said you’re not safe for me. That there are other, better options for me.” As you spoke, you rubbed a hand over your forehead – completely exhausted – which made it possible for you to ignore the look of annoyance that flickered briefly over Malcolm’s face.
Grabbing your hand, Malcolm tilted your head back and held you against him. The warmth of his body nearly had you tucking yourself against him, searching instinctively for the comfort of simply being in his arms.  “What options?” He was smirking, trying to come off as playful, but he was also clenching his jaw and his fingers were digging into your chin silently screaming that he was only acting amused.
“Tommy? One of my dance partners?” you shrugged and grabbed his wrist, squeezing it until he released your face, “Why? Are you jealous?” Any other time and you would have been teasing him, trying to push him buttons. Tonight, however, you were just cranky.
Malcolm didn’t respond with words, only wrapped his arms around you – holding you as close as possible with no hope of you getting away unless he allowed.
And although you wanted him to, you hated him a little bit for holding you like that. For making you feel comfortable and comforted without even really trying to do so.
Your arms wrapped around his waist, your face pressed into his chest as you breathed in his cologne and the natural smell of him. It was comforting enough to nearly pull tears from your eyes and almost had you breaking down in soft sobs of confusion – your emotions feeling like they were snow balling and were threating to just spill over.
“We’re done playing games.” Malcolm finally said after a few moments, pulling back and moving his hands to grip your shoulders.
“Malcolm,” you started to say, to remind him that he was the one who always treated your affair as “fun and games” and “no strings attached,” but was silenced by the man in front of you as he pressed his lips against yours in a heated kiss, his will power seemingly breaking and making it impossible for him to hold back any further.
He growled something in that unfamiliar language once more before he was speaking English again, “You’re mine. All mine. I don’t’ share. I thought I made that obvious.” No doubt, he was referring to you dancing and your/Moira’s comment about there being “possible others” you could be seeing.
“You did,” you murmured, feeling light and like you were dreaming. “Malcolm…what is going on?” It was usually you who had erratic mood swings and made rash decisions. The man in front of you was frazzled and so unlike the Malcolm you knew…
His jaw was set, his fingers digging into your shoulders as he held you to him. Every ounce of possessiveness he had was in his darkened blue eyes as he pulled back just enough to look down at you.
“You want this to be serious? Monogamous? No games? Fine.” Malcolm hissed, one hand slipping from your left shoulder to tangle in your hair at the back of your head, “But you’re mine. Entirely mine.”
There were no words to express your scrambled thoughts.
What he was proposing was…what he was offering was a relationship. The one thing you had been dreaming about for months. At least, what you had been dreaming about the last month.
“You…you would have us be public?” You managed, laughing in disbelief as you stared at him, wide eyed.
“Unless you want to take Moira’s advice and run.” Malcolm suggested it, but it was clear by his tone and the way he was holding himself that there was no way Malcolm would go without a fight.
“My step-mother doesn’t get to decide my life, Mr. Merlyn.” Was your immediate response before you had collected yourself enough to ask, “Are you sure about this?” in a softer tone, searching his face for any signs of regret or that he was saying all of this without truly thinking it through.
“I refuse to let you end up in another man’s arms, Y/n.”
“Oh? So you didn’t like my dancing then?” You teased, dryly
Malcolm tried to look annoyed but a chuckle slipped out in the end, “Trust me, you don’t want to know what I thought about your dancing.”
What he thought about my dance partners is more like it…
“You know,” You hummed, reaching up to grab the knot of his tie, ‘I don’t want you in anyone else’s arms either.”
Malcolm’s face softened near completely as he placed a kiss to your forehead, “There’s no need to worry about that.”
Somehow, you knew he would respond with that.
After all, Malcolm Merlyn didn’t really seem like the type to cheat anyway…
Grinning, you leaned up to steal (another) kiss from him, “Good.”
In the back of your head, you knew this decision asnt as easy as you and Malcolm were making it out to be.
But, for now, you let yourself enjoy the moment.
Do not fall in love with him!
Too late.
Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed this and wish to support me, please consider leaving a tip over on my Kofi and stay tuned for further installments of this series and other words coming soon both FANDOM and Original Content!
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jackiequick · 3 months
Bravery in Her Blood | April Merlyn♡
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-> Face Claim: Grace Phipps
Name: April Roberta Merlyn-Queen
Aliases/Nicknames: Ally, Robbie, Goldie, Sparrow
Age: 8-22 years old (age depending on appearance)
Height: 5'2
Birthday: March 20
Zodiac Sign: Pisces  
Biological Father: Tommy Merlyn
Biological Mother: Isla Mendes
Uncle/Adoptive Father Figure: Oliver Queen
Aunt/Mother Figure: Dinah Laurel Lance
Aunt: Thea Queen
Uncle: John Diggle
Biological Grandfather: Malcolm Merlyn
Grandmother: Moira Queen
Grandfather: Robert Queen
April Roberta Merlyn, known affectionately as "Robbie" or "Goldie," was born into a complex family with connections to both the Merlyn and Queen families. Her childhood was marked by the dynamic relationships within her family, including her close bond with her biological father, Tommy Merlyn, and her adoptive father figure, Oliver Queen.
Raised primarily by Tommy, April grew up as a daddy's girl, cherishing her time with him and viewing him as the best father figure in her eyes. Her relationship with her Aunt Laurel also played a significant role in her upbringing, with Laurel serving as a maternal figure and role model for April.
Despite the challenges and turmoil within her family, April developed a protective streak, often finding herself entangled in their struggles and challenges. Her loyalty to her family was unwavering, even as she grappled with her own fears and vulnerabilities.
April Roberta Merlyn is a dynamic and multifaceted individual. She is ambitious and determined, always striving to achieve her goals and make her mark on the world. Her wit and charisma make her a natural at connecting with others, and her courage and compassion shine through in her interactions. 
April is also creative and imaginative, often using her talents in writing and photography to express herself and capture the beauty of the world around her. Her loyalty and kindness are unwavering, making her a reliable and supportive friend.
Despite her positive attributes, April has her struggles. She can sometimes be lazy and unmotivated, preferring the comfort of her own world to facing challenges head-on. Darkened by revenge for what happened to her father and hatred towards her grandfather. Trust issues and feelings of hopelessness occasionally cloud her judgment, leading to moments of jealousy and rash decisions. 
However, her faithfulness and respect for others usually guide her back on track. April's journey is one of growth and self-discovery, as she learns to balance her strengths and weaknesses while navigating the complexities of her family's legacy and her own aspirations.
Skills and Interests:
April is a talented writer and aspiring copywriter/content writer, with a passion for storytelling and creative expression. She enjoys photography, writing, and occasionally playing the guitar in her free time. In her youth, she created videos using her Barbies, showcasing her early creative instincts.
April also has experience playing baseball and possesses basic combat skills, having learned archery and firearm handling from Oliver, Diggle, and Laurel. Despite her initial reluctance to engage in combat, April eventually embraces these skills as a means of self-defense and protection for herself and her loved ones.
While April is single for the most part, she develops occasional crushes on individuals like Dick Grayson, Superboy, and others. Her friendships extend to superheroes like Supergirl, The Flash, Batgirl, The Atom, Starfire, Miss Martian, and Beast Boy, among others, highlighting her ability to form meaningful connections beyond her family.
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Writing and storytelling
Playing the guitar
Making videos using her Barbies (when she was younger)
Spending time with her family and friends
Watching comfort movies
Betrayal and manipulation
Feeling trapped or powerless
Uncertainty and instability
Conflict and violence
Being lied to or deceived
Feeling isolated or alone
Professional Aspirations:
April aspires to become a copywriter or content writer, leveraging her passion for writing and storytelling to pursue a career in creative and strategic communication. She envisions herself using her skills to craft compelling narratives and connect with audiences through impactful and engaging content.
Ambitious and determined
Charismatic and witty
Courageous and compassionate
Respectful and kind
Creative and imaginative
Faithful and loyal
Tendency towards laziness and lack of motivation
Struggles with trust issues and feelings of hopelessness
Prone to bouts of jealousy and rash decision-making
Vulnerable to manipulation and exploitation by others
Difficulty managing intense emotions and conflicts
Can become hateful and switch sides depending on the situation
Challenges & Turmoils:
April has faced numerous challenges and traumas shaped by the tumultuous events surrounding her family's past and their involvement in dangerous conflicts. The custody battle between Oliver and Malcolm placed her in the center of a power struggle, along with issues within the League of Assassins, forcing her to confront her own fears and vulnerabilities.
The death of her father, Tommy Merlyn, in a tragic accident deeply impacted April, leaving her grappling with grief and loss. The traumatic events surrounding her aunt, Thea Queen, further tested April's resilience and fortitude, exposing her to violence and danger that threatened her sense of security and stability.
Despite these challenges, April has demonstrated remarkable strength and resilience, navigating the complexities of her family's legacy and finding her own path amidst the chaos and turmoil. Her journey towards self-discovery and healing promises to be a compelling narrative of growth and redemption.
->Discovery of Oliver's Secret Identity:
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One evening, during a lavish party at the Queen mansion, chaos erupted as intruders infiltrated the premises, sending guests fleeing for safety. Amidst the confusion, April found herself separated from her family, lost in the crowd as panic spread throughout the house.
As she sought refuge on an upper floor, April stumbled upon a masked figure clad in green, engaged in a fierce battle with the intruders across the hall. Fear gripped her as she instinctively reached for the nearest objects, hurling them towards the intruder in a desperate attempt to defend herself.
To her surprise, the masked figure approached her with caution, his voice gentle and reassuring as he spoke. April's initial fear gave way to curiosity as the figure revealed himself to be none other than her uncle, Oliver Queen, known to the world as the vigilante Green Arrow.
In disbelief, April questioned Oliver's motives and identity, uncertain of whether to trust him. However, Oliver's gentle demeanor and familiarity with her family's history convinced her of his sincerity.
With a mixture of shock and awe, April watched as Oliver removed his hood, revealing his face beneath the mask. In that moment, the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, and April realized the truth about her uncle's secret identity.
Overwhelmed by the revelation, April struggled to comprehend the implications of Oliver's double life as both her beloved uncle and the masked vigilante who fought to protect their city. However, as Oliver extended his hand in reassurance, April made a silent promise to keep his secret, knowing that their bond as family was stronger than any mask or disguise.
With a newfound sense of understanding and connection, April emerged from the encounter with a deeper appreciation for her uncle's heroism and the sacrifices he made to keep their family safe. As she reunited with her loved ones, April carried with her the weight of Oliver's secret, a silent guardian of the truth amidst the chaos of their tumultuous lives.
Archery and Marksmanship:
April possesses a natural talent for archery, honing her skills with dedication and passion. She first discovered her love for the sport under the guidance of her uncle Oliver, who recognized her potential and encouraged her to pursue marksmanship as a means of self-defense.
Though April also knows how to handle firearms, her favorite weapon of choice is a crossbow. She finds comfort and familiarity in the weapon's design and mechanics, favoring its precision and versatility in combat situations.
Whether at home or at the Arrow Cave, April can often be found practicing her marksmanship with her crossbow, fine-tuning her aim and mastering her technique. She approaches each shot with determination and focus, channeling her passion and conviction into every arrow she looses.
As she grows in skill and confidence, April embraces her aunt Thea's words of wisdom, remembering what she's fighting for with every shot she takes. 
The quote, "If you remember what you're fighting for, you'll never miss your target.”, becomes a mantra for April, guiding her in both her marksmanship and her life's journey as a guardian of justice and defender of her family.
With her unwavering determination and her trusty crossbow in hand, April stands ready to face whatever challenges may come her way, knowing that as long as she keeps her eyes on her target and her heart set on her purpose, she will never miss the mark.
—April Roberta Merlyn is a young woman shaped by the legacy of her family and her own personal trials, continuously growing and discovering her path.
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As she navigates the challenges ahead, one thing is certain: her story is far from over, and the future holds endless possibilities for this resilient and determined heroine.
That's all folks! Pls let me know what you think Remember to like, comment and share
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @missstrawbs2001 @daughter-of-melpomene @t-nd-rfoot @yetanotherwells @rickb-chaos @sherloquestea @gcthvile @ohgodnotagainn @topgun-imagines @superspookyjanelle @xgoddessoffandomsx @cherrysft @lazywolfwiccan
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tommy-kinard-buckley · 7 months
Way more than seven sentence Sunday
This is for chapter 4 of my arrow/Torchwood au fic
Malcolm never thought he'd want to change who he was, but he also never thought he'd see Ianto Jones again. He didn't want to tell Ianto about all of the horrible things he'd done as Malcolm Merlyn until he was able to leave that life behind. Malcolm was sitting at his desk trying to think of a way of leaving his life behind when his receptionist let him know that Oliver Queen was there to see him. Malcolm let her know to let Oliver up while hoping that he wouldn't get in the way of him leaving the city. Malcolm leaned back and thought about where he might go and imagined moving away with Ianto to a secluded place and living happily together. Malcolm stopped smiling the second that the door to his office opened and Oliver walked in. “When Tommy's other father showed up at the club I wondered why he was never mentioned or present but then I remembered when Rebecca and my mom were talking. Rebecca came over upset and asked my mom for advice one day. She mentioned that she was in love with you but you were still caught up on a dead lover from the UK. That was Ianto, wasn't it?” Malcolm clenched his jaw a little but still didn't show any hint of emotions.
No pressure tags below
@thisbuildinghasfeelings @rmd-writes @firstprince-history-huh @storms-s @lemonlyman-dotcom @carlos-tk @carlos-in-glasses @paperstorm @goodways @reyesstrand @reeeallygood
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Our First Date
Imagine Damien taking you out on a fancy date but him feeling nervous about it.
Requested by anonymous.
When Damien asked you to go on a date with him, after thinking about asking you for nearly a year and getting Nora’s approval, he was fully prepared for you to reject him instantly. What was he thinking? You, this beautiful, confident creature would never want to date him. Would you? He took his handkerchief from his left breast pocket and dabbed away at the seemingly never-ending waterfalls of sweat from his forehead. As he was doing so, he looked at his Rolex. It was a bit of flashy object to be wearing, but he wanted to wear none the less. Damien caught you looking at them on a mission once so he thought it would be a nice touch if you saw him with one.
“Come on Y/N” He whispered to no one but himself “I’m sweating buckets out here” He wouldn’t blame you for being late, or for anything. I really should’ve planned this better. Or got multiple handkerchiefs Damien thought.
Bzz. Bzz. Taking his phone from trouser pocket he saw that it was the restaurant calling to confirm the reservation.
You weren’t taking too long to get ready, were you? At least that’s what you thought. Looking at your watch you realised you had ten minutes spare before having to meet Damien downstairs. You did a checklist in your head; Your outfit looked great (Damien had said elegance is key), your hair had been styled to perfection and your shoes were comfortable. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you recalled when Damien had asked you out;
You were a sweaty mess. Training with Malcolm Merlyn always ended up with you being super sweaty and super exhausted. This time was no different. Though somehow you had managed to bruise your knuckles more than you normally did. You sat on the bench in the corner of the Legion’s training room and wrapped your hands in bandages. Something you admittedly should’ve done beforehand, when Damien walked up to you, looking almost as sweaty, even in one of his really good-looking, sharp suits. You looked him up and down, smirking a little as he looked uncomfortable being around effort. He never did like to get his hands dirty unless he had to. And right now, he looked as if he had to.
“Hey Damien” You called to him “You looking to get a work out in?”
“Not likely” He smirked at you. When his eyes met yours, that small ounce of confidence seemed to fade away instantly. His eyes looked to the ground once again. He coughed a little. You raised your brow and gave him small encouraging smile. You knew he wanted to say something to you, you just weren’t sure as to what it would be. Though you were hopeful.
Damien cleared his throat again and gave a small chuckle. You couldn’t help but notice the dusty pink hue forming on each of Damien’s cheeks. You didn’t tell him, he’s already nervous as it is.
“I was wondering, if you wanted to that is...uh” He began
“Yes Damien?”
“I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date” He paused “with me?”
You smiled at him once more. Your smile would always make him feel better, not matter what the situation. It gave him comfort as to what your answer would be.
“Yes Damien” You smile got bigger by the second “I would love to go out with you”
“About damn time!” You both turned towards the door. Neither had noticed that Malcolm was still there. He had been cleaning his equipment since you had stopped sparring with him. You and Damien rolled your eyes and chuckled at Malcolm’s words. You and Damien set a date and a location with huge smiles being exchanged.
Looking at yourself in the mirror one more time, you deemed yourself acceptable to meet Damien for the date you have been anticipating for weeks. Double checking you had everything; you made your way downstairs.
Damien was still on the phone when you were half way down the stairs. Noticing your presence, he turned to see you coming down the stairs so gracefully it made him gasp. Though, this made the restaurant ask if something was wrong, he quickly corrected and turned to face you. The smile never wavered. In fact, he was in awe of you. You’ve never looked so good.
“You can close your mouth now, haha”
Damien hadn’t realised he was staring. He shook his head a little to bring him back to reality, though was a fantasy he wanted to come back to later.
“You (Y/N)” He began “You look amazing, like royalty”
“Thanks, Damien” You blushed “You don’t look bad yourself”
With a lingering, sweet stare, Damien offered you his elbow which you took affectionately. Both of your smiles never faded. Damien led you outside where a Rolls Royce had pulled up to the sidewalk. The sleek, black vehicle seemed to do its job. It left a lasting impression on you as you couldn’t stop staring at its features and complimenting Damien on his choices. Though as impressed as you are with the ride, you were more impressed with the amount of effort Damien was putting into your first date. No one had ever put this much effort into your other relationships.
After five minutes, you both had made it to the restaurant. You felt a bit bad having talked about the car most of the way there so you decided to let Damien steer most of the conversation. He told you that the restaurant he picked was a marvellous one. He spun a tale of tall ceilings, with chandeliers gold trims. And the art work was to die for, you could’ve been in the Louvre for all you knew. You were in awe, of the building and the man next to you.
“Damien, this is a lovely restaurant” You began “What made you pick this one?”
Damien blushed slightly. He didn’t want to admit that he was doing all of this just for you but he was going to tell you because he felt that you deserved to know.
“Well,” Damien began as he pulled out your chair for you to sit in. “I’ve been trying to impress you this whole time.”
“Oh, Damien-”
“No, please. I’ve been wanting to say this for a really long time”
He took your hand in his. His eyes never leaving yours. Your heart swelled with so much love that you actually couldn’t let him finish and kissed him there on the spot. That blush on his cheeks grew darker as he realised what you had done. Now was the time you made your confession.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself!” You grabbed his other hand and squeezed them both reassuringly.
“I know you did all of this to impress me. You really didn’t have to. I was so I’m pressed with before all of this, the way you walk and talk with high intelligence, that way you carry yourself when we fight the Legends, how much you love Nora. Everything about you is impressive and you don’t to try. I love you, Damien.”
He sat across from with a surprised look on his face. Did you really confess that to him? He knew you liked him back but he didn’t realise just how much. He squeezed your hands back, forgetting about the food that had just arrived.
“I love you too, (Y/N)”
And with that, you both enjoyed the rest of your time. Damien taught you how to use the many forks the restaurant gave you; you told Damien more about your life, still holding each other’s hands. Never letting go. This was a first date for the ages.
The End.
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Healing & Scars - The Darkness on the Edge of Town
Summary: Team Arrow discover Malcolm's true plans for the Glades. Oliver reunites with Laurel and has a revelation, one that alters their relationship going forward.
“I’ve been watching your mother for days now, Oliver, and nothing.” John moved to Felicity’s computers as she went through surveillance of Moira Queen. “She goes to work, she comes home. Occasionally, she goes out for dinner. She seems to particularly like the salmon tartar at table salt.” 
“I’m linked into her home and office phone. Nothing out of the ordinary. No mention of Walter’s abduction or the Undertaking. Just a few innocuous calls to Malcolm Merlyn.” Felicity turned her chair around to face Oliver. 
“Why wouldn’t she call him?” asked Oliver, gripping his bow. “They’re old friends. We’re all old friends.” 
Felicity stood and approached him slowly, concern filling her. “Are you ok?” 
“My mom and my best friend’s dad are involved in a conspiracy that may have dire consequences for the city.” Oliver answered, looking at her with hard eyes. “And I’m pretty sure they murder my father. I’m not planning on using the word “ok” again any time soon.” 
Felicity didn’t know what to say. She wanted to help, to comfort him, but she didn’t know how. 
“Listen, all we know for sure is that Malcolm and your mother are planning something for the Glades.” John joined them. 
“And that Walter and I were getting too close to it. That’s why they had him kidnapped.” Felicity added. 
“We have to find out what this Undertaking is,” said John. 
“I got to ask her.” Oliver stood, walking over to his case to set his bow down. 
Felicity followed his steps. “Well, no. The last time the Vigilante paid your mom a visit, you got shot, and I got to play doctor with you.” Felicity ran a hand on top of her head and down her ponytail in embarrassment. “Ahh! My brain thinks of the worst way to say things.” 
Oliver turned back to them. “This time it’ll just be me asking. Friendly mother-son chat.” 
Felicity and John watched him leave. 
Felicity wrung her hands. She hoped he was right or else she was going to have to put her ability to use again on him and frankly, she didn’t need another scar so soon after the last one. 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
Oliver entered the club from the bunker entrance, turning down the hall that led him to the bar. He spotted Laurel standing near the steps. ”Laurel? What are you doing here? It’s not even 7:00 a.m.” 
“That’s just after closing time, right?” asked Laurel, closing the distance between them as he came closer. 
Oliver chuckles. 
“How’s business?” asked Laurel. 
“Well, it’s busy. Busy. It was easier when Tommy was running things.” Oliver answered honestly. 
“Tommy’s a good guy,” replied Laurel. 
“Yeah.” Oliver agreed. 
“Are you?” asked Laurel. 
Oliver frowned. “What do you mean?” 
Laurel played with her hands nervously. “Last week, I told you that I wanted to get back with Tommy. That I needed you to go to him and explain to him that you didn’t still have feelings for me. But instead, you told me that you did. As I’m sure you can probably imagine, I haven’t been able to think of much since.” 
“I shouldn’t have said that,” Oliver admitted. 
“Then why did you?” asked Laurel. 
“I didn’t... have an agenda.” said Oliver. “I didn’t mean to make it more difficult for you to fix things with Tommy.” he squeezed her hand in apology and walked past her. 
“But what if you did?” Laurel turned, keeping her body angled toward him. Oliver stopped and turned back to her. “After you disappeared-- with Sara– I was sorry I ever knew you.” Oliver looked down at her words. “But now, things have happened that I never thought would. You coming home. My parents being in the same room. And you. What if I’m finally starting to see you for who you really are?” 
Oliver shook his head. “No, Laurel, it’s–” 
“And maybe Tommy was right.” Laurel cut him off. “Maybe he and I weren’t meant to be. Maybe I’m finally ready to admit that... that I still have feelings for you, too.” 
“Nothing’s changed.” Oliver gripped her wrist lightly. “My life hasn’t changed. I haven’t changed. I got to go. Walter’s coming home.” he let his hand fall to his side. 
Laurel inhaled sharply as he walked away and shakily exhaled. 
Oliver continued to walk away. When he was on the island, Laurel represented home. He was home now, and he needed her to be a light at the end of his dark tunnel because if there wasn’t one, he wasn’t sure he could handle that. 
~*~ ~*~ ~* ~
Moira walked into the foyer with Walter. “Everything’s exactly as you left it.” 
Oliver and Thea entered from another room. “How are you feeling, Walter?” asked Oliver. 
“I’m on the mend, thank you, Oliver.” Walter replied. 
Thea moved forward to hug him. “Oh, I’m so glad you’re home.” 
“That makes two of us.” Walter returned her embrace. 
“All of us.” Moira placed her hand on his arm with a smile. “We’ve prepared a delicious brunch for you. All your favorites.” 
“Oh, yum, English food.” Thea teased. 
“Actually, I’m more tired from the drive than I expected. So I think I’d like to lie down for a bit,” Walter said. 
“Yes, of course.” Moira leaned forward and Walter turned his head, her lips pressing against his cheek. 
Moira moved from the room as Walter started up the steps. 
Thea’s phone vibrated with a text from Roy, telling her to meet him tonight. 
Thea watched with Oliver as Walter ascended the steps. “Walter doesn’t really seem like himself.” 
“He’s gone through a lot. It’s just... going to take a little bit of time.” Oliver told her. 
Thea sighed, turning to look at him. “I’m really sick of us all having to go through a lot, you know?” 
Oliver tuned to look at her, and she walked away. 
Oliver had been through a lot and he was indeed sick of it. It was exhausting. 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
“Six scientists and three security personnel are confirmed killed in the massacre. Among the dead, respected seismologist Brian Markov. A spokesperson for Unidac Industries says a comment would be forthcoming.” 
Moira was watching a news anchor segment on the tv, and it was shaking her natural decorum. 
Oliver entered the room. “Mom, we need to talk.” 
“Oh, uh, later, Oliver.” she brushed him out of the room, heading out. 
Oliver turned to the tv to see what had his mother’s attention.
“...co-workers, parents and families of all the victims to see how they’re coping with their loss,” the new segment continued.
Oliver’s eyes narrowed.
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
“Hey, Mom.” Oliver greeted,entering the room. 
Moira turned from where she was looking out the window, exhaling. “Walter’s upstairs resting. I think he’s... doing well, don’t you?” 
Oliver closed the distance between them. “Who took him?” 
“Well, we don’t know yet. But I’m going to make sure all the resources of Queen Consolidated are behind it.” Moira answered. 
“That’s the answer that you gave to reporters yesterday.” Oliver pointed out. “Tell me the truth.” 
Moira scoffs. “I don’t know what you mean.” 
“I think you do.” Oliver insisted. “A couple months ago, when I showed you dad’s notebook, you seemed to know something. Something about our family being in danger.” 
Moira clasped her hands together. “Are you suggesting that I knew something about my husband’s kidnapping?” 
“I’m just suggesting that maybe you were scared. That maybe you didn’t mean for any of this to happen. But it was harder than you thought. And now you’re barely keeping your head above water. Please, Mom. Let me help you before you drown,” Oliver pleaded with her. 
Moira shook her head. “You need to stop asking these things. Do you understand? I need you to stop.” 
“I can’t,” said Oliver. He could hear his mother’s distress, and it only made him feel more urgent. “I need to know.” 
The lights in the room and house went out. 
“Is that a power outage?” Moira asked, looking up. 
“I don’t know.” Oliver answered, looking around. 
Glass breaking, a dart hits in the neck and he goes down. 
“Oliver!” Moira kneels at his side, worried. “Oliver!” 
More glass breaking, a dart caught in her neck. She gasps, pulling it out before crumping to the floor next to her son.
The hood walking in is the last thing she sees before losing consciousness. 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
Moira came to slowly to find she was tied to a chair in a dark warehouse. Oliver was across from her, tied into a chair as well. There was one single light angling between them, shining in their eyes. 
“Mom!” Oliver called to her when he realized she was awake. 
“Oliver.” she looked across at him alarmed. 
“Are you ok?” Oliver asked. 
“Oliver? What--what-- we got to get out of here.” Moira started to pull at her bindings frantically, but it was pointless. 
The hood stepped forward, staying just out of the light, his head down, hood up. “Moira Queen… You have failed the city.” 
Moira breathed shakily in distress. 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~
“Please! Do not hurt my son,” Moira pleaded, cheeks wet with tears. 
“Tell me what the Undertaking is and I won’t have to.” The Hood growled out, stalking close to Oliver. 
When Moira didn’t say anything, he stalked toward Oliver. 
“No!” Moira exclaimed. 
“Tell me!” He ordered, striking Oliver across the face with his fist. 
“Please! Leave my son alone!” Moira begged. 
The hood struck Oliver again. “What is Malcolm Merlyn planning?!” 
“I can’t tell you!” Moira exclaimed. “He’ll kill me, he’ll kill my family.” 
“You should be more worried about what I’ll do.” The hood back handed Oliver so hard, it tipped the chair over. 
“No! Malcolm is planning to level the Glades!” Moira cried. “He said so he could rebuild it, but…” 
The Hood stood in front of her. “How?” 
“There’s a device.” Moira answered. 
“What device?!” The Hood demanded. 
“He says that it can cause an earthquake.” Moira answered. 
“How is this possible?” The Hood asked. 
“I don’t know. It was invented by Unidac Industries. Malcolm used my company’s Applied Sciences to turn it into a weapon.” Moira answered, despair shining in her eyes. 
“Why would you get involved in something like this?” The Hood asked, moving behind her. 
“My husband...He got involved without my knowing. He was just trying to do some good. He was lost.” Moira hung her head down in defeat. “He… His decisions left me vulnerable to Malcolm, and I had no choice. I had to protect my family and my children.” 
Oliver watched his mother from his upturned chair. 
“This device… Where is it?” The Hood questioned. 
“I don’t know.” Moira answered.
“If you don’t tell me, I can’t stop Merlyn!” The Hood was back in front of her. 
“Oh, you can’t stop him. It’s too late.” Moira cried. She watched as the hood pulled out a knife and moved toward her son. “No, no, no, I told you everything! Oliver! No!” 
She fell silent when the Hood cut Oliver’s binds, her mouth falling open as he did the same for her and then he was gone. 
She rushed out of her chair to Oliver, kneeling at his side as he tried to pull himself up. 
“Oh, sweet– Please, I know what you must be thinking, sweetheart, but I never intended any of this to happen.” Moira tried to explain. 
Oliver let out a harsh cough. 
“You know I would never willingly be a part of anything like this,” said Moira.
Oliver stood slowly, looking down on his mother with a look of betrayal. “I don’t know anything anymore.” 
He walked away, limping, leaving his mother kneeling in the wet, dank, empty warehouse. 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
Felicity sat in a chair by the weapons table. John was at the gun table. He had changed out of the hood gear. She stood when Oliver walked in with a slight limp. 
“Oh, my God.” Felicity exclaimed. Oliver’s face was covered in bruises. “You said you were going to pull your punches!” she accused John. 
John turned around. “I did.”
Felicity moved to touch his face. “I can heal this for you.” 
“No.” Oliver caught her wrist in his grip. It wasn’t tight, but it was secure. “It can heal on its own. You shouldn’t use your gift on something so small and superficial.”
The word repeated in Felicity’s head as she withdrew her hand back. No, not even she had considered what she could do a gift. 
It was just something she did. Something she had to keep a guarded secret, but she never thought of it as a gift. 
However, hearing Oliver call it that caused a warmth to spread through her chest. 
“Then at least let me get you an icepack for… Everything.” Felicity insisted. 
“I’m fine.” Oliver touched her arm lightly. “I need you to dig up everything you can on Unidac Industries.” 
Felicity went to her computers, sitting in her chair and getting to work. “Well, we know Queen Consolidated acquired them seven months ago. That’s when we met.” 
“I need information about what I don’t know.” Oliver told her. 
“Unidac is a small research and development technology company that specializes in seismic infringement,” said Felicity. 
“Merlyn plans on leveling the Glades with a device that triggers a manmade earthquake.” Oliver said from just over her shoulder. 
“You’re kidding.” said Felicity. 
“What else does it say?” asked Oliver, moving to stand opposite her. 
“More information on the stock auction and, you know, the latest on what the media’s calling–” 
“The Unidac massacre.” Oliver finished for Felicity. 
“There’s no way this timing is a coincidence,” said John, moving to stand over Felicity’s shoulder. 
“Oliver, there’s a website claiming the police suspect a copycat archer.” Felicity informed him. 
“What?!” asked Oliver. 
“So the other archer works for Merlyn?” John asked, leaning over Felicity’s computer station. 
“He’s tying up loose ends. Erasing all evidence, this device exists so no one can trace the devastation back to him,” said Oliver. 
John pushed off the computer table. “All right, so you’re going to have a pointed conversation with Mr. Merlyn.” 
“Well, even if I take out Merlyn, the other archer is still out there. He can set off the device. We need to find it,” said Oliver. “Then Merlyn can get his.” 
“Well, maybe there’s another way to get Merlyn to tell us,” said Felicity, her full focus on her computer monitors. 
“What do you have in mind?” asked Oliver. 
“As I keep proving, people keep secrets. Computers don’t.” Felicity answered, her fingers moving over the keys of her keyboard at a rapid pace. 
Oliver moved to Felicity’s side. “Felicity, are you hacking into the Merlyn Global mainframe?” 
“”Hacking" is such an ugly word. No. I’m…” she trailed off. “Yeah, totally hacking into the Merlyn Global mainframe.” 
A sheepish smile played on her lips. She loved to hack. She enjoyed a challenge. 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
The computer beeped as Felicity was denied access. 
While she enjoyed a challenge, right now it was quite annoying. 
John was next to her, his forehead pressed to the table. 
Felicity scoffed in irritation. 
“Anything?” Oliver asked, appearing at her side. 
It wasn’t the first time he had asked her, and being asked the same thing was an annoyance to her already frayed nerves. 
John lifted his head. 
Felicity looked up at Oliver in exasperation. “Just for the record, I will pump my fist in the air and scream, “yes!” If I get in.” 
“You know, you can just say this isn’t working.” John suggested. 
Felicity glared at him. “This isn’t working.” 
“All right, there has to be some other way we can find out where he’s keeping this device.” John stood and sat on the edge of the table. 
“Unless I can waltz up to Merlyn’s mainframe and plug in my tablet directly, there’s no way of getting that location.” Felicity answered, standing up from her chair, moving to stand behind it. 
“Then we waltz.” Said Oliver. 
“Excuse me?” Felicity responded. She didn’t seriously believe that was an option. 
“You need direct access to the mainframe, so we get you direct access to the mainframe, and we figure out where the device is being kept,” said Oliver. 
“Oliver...I did mention that the mainframe is located inside Merlyn Global Group’s main headquarters, on the 25th floor?” Felicity stressed. “It’s only accessible through a restricted access elevator.” 
John looked up at the ceiling, already knowing what Oliver was going to say. 
“I know. We’re going to have to break in.” Said Oliver. 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~
Oliver walked through the doors of Merlyn Global, walking up to the security desk. “Hi. Oliver Queen. I have an 11:30 with Tommy Merlyn.” he handed over his id. 
The guard accepted his Id looking it over. 
Felicity appeared at the other end of the counter, dressed as a delivery girl with takeout from Big Belly Burger. “I have a super deluxe Big Belly Buster for a Mr. Andrews. I think he’s in security. He a good tipper?”
“You can go on up, Mr. Queen.” the guard handed him back his ID. The guard picked up the phone and looked at Felicity. “You can wait a second.” 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~
A guard in the security room had the phone pressed to his ear. “New guy, you order food?” 
John answered from behind him. “Yeah, I’m addicted to Big Belly Burger.” 
“Never had it,” the guard said, hanging up the phone as Felicity appeared in the doorway. 
“I’ll split it with you.” Moved around him, handing Felicity some money and taking the food. “Keep the change.” 
The security door shut after the exchange. 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
Felicity pressed for the elevator, Oliver came to stand beside her, waiting for the elevator. 
The elevator dings and Oliver and Felicity waited for everyone to step off before entering the elevator. 
“Hold that.” A man called.  
Felicity pressed the closed button rapidly, unfortunately the man stepped inside be they started to shut. 
“Where you heading, sweetie?” the man asked, looking back at Felicity. 
“19th floor.” Felicity answered, disliking his tone and the way his eyes looked her over.  
“Too bad, I’m going to 13,” the man answered. 
Oliver reached forward, knocking the man’s folders out of his hands. They went flying out of the elevators. Papers scattering on the floor. 
Hearing the man flirt with Felicity and look her over made Oliver’s skin crawl. 
The man scrambled out of the elevator to pick up the fallen papers. “Damn it!”
The elevator doors shut behind him. 
“Mr. Andrews got his lunch?” Oliver asked, looking straight ahead. 
“One Belly Buster with benzodiazepine.” Felicity answered, holding a clipboard to her chest. “Hold the mayo.” 
Oliver stopped the elevator and then climbed out of the elevator shaft. 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
John was watching the monitors. “Sleep tight.” the guard was on the ground behind him, unconscious after taking a bite from the burger. 
John stepped over him a removed one of the camera wires. 
“Mainframe’s on 25, guys.” he moved back to the surveillance camera. “That’s as close as I can get you.” 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
Felicity passed Oliver’s briefcase up to him and then he reached down for her, pulling her up beside him. 
Oliver opened the briefcase, pulling out a grappling gun and stepped onto a pillar. He reached his hand back for Felicity. ”Come on.” 
Felicity put his hand in hers and let him help her up. 
“Don’t look down.” Oliver cautioned her. 
“Too late.” Felicity said, looking down. “I should mention, I’m afraid of heights, which I just learned.”
“Hey, Felicity.” Oliver wrapped his arm around her waist as he looked up, searching for the perfect angle. 
Her stomach flipped with the feel of his arm around her. 
“Hmm?” Felicity reflexively wrapped her arm around his shoulder. 
“Hold on to me tight.” Oliver said. 
Felicity looked at him. ”I imagined you saying that under different circumstances.” Oliver turned his eyes to her and her heart pounded against her ribcage. “Very platonic... circumstances.” 
Oliver fired the gun, and the grappler imbedded in his target. “Ready?” he asked her. 
“Uh-huh.” Felicity answered and Oliver swung them across, his arm tightening around her. 
Oliver straightened his jacket and crossed against the edge of the wall, helping Felicity across. 
Moments later Oliver was opening the floor door, and stepped out. When Felicity didn’t budge, he held his hand out to her. “Come on.” 
Felicity stepped out, grimacing. Her stomach revolting. 
“You all right?” asked Oliver, concerned. 
“I’m fine. Yeah, this is just my “about to hack” face.” She looked around the hallway at her surroundings. “I always… Oh, look like this right before I, you know, hack.” 
“Security patrol’s on a ten-minute cycle. I’ll have my meeting with Tommy and be back in nine, ok?” Oliver assured her. 
“Ok.” Felicity replied, hoping her stomach with settled as she continued to look around. 
“Ok.” Oliver walked around her, walking through a glass door, leaving her in the hallway. ”Dig, you got eyes on her?” 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~
John watched Felicity moved down the hall on the security cameras. “Five by five.” 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
Felicity moved down the hall, stopping at a door at the end that had a scanner. She put in a code and was allowed admittance. She settled in front of the mainframe in the server room, setting up her tablet and link. ”Ok.” 
She wasted no time setting to work. 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
Oliver walked into Tommy’s office. “Sure beats the back of a bar.” 
“I saw your name in my schedule. I thought it must be a typo.” Tommy turns away from the window, a file in his hand. ”Why so serious? Did someone decide that they didn’t want you putting an arrow in them today?” 
“I thought it was past time we talked.” Oliver stopped in front of his desk. 
“About what?” Tommy tossed the file onto his desk. “Me leaving the club? You being a serial killer? We’re not lacking for topics.” 
“Let’s start with Laurel, since you’re still in love with her.” suggested Oliver. 
“So are you.” Tommy shot back. 
“I can’t be with her, Tommy. You know why I can’t,” replied Oliver. 
“So what? I’m her consolation prize?” Tommy asked bitingly. “I’ll pass.” 
“She’s not anyone’s...property.” Oliver defended. “Laurel makes her own decisions. And she chose you. Until you couldn’t handle it. Lord knows I am guilty of a lot of things between us, but not you and her. That’s all I came to say.”
Tommy sat down as Oliver turned to leave. 
Oliver paused, turning back after reaching the doorway, looking around. “What exactly do you do here?” 
Tommy looked up, glaring. “I work closely with my father.”
Oliver nodded and left, his jaw clenching. 
He had a feeling his relationship with Tommy would only get worse from here. 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
John was watching the cams when he was alerted to see an approaching guard. “Guys, you got trouble.” 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~
“What?!” Felicity reacted. It wasn’t time. 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
“Felicity’s about to have some head of schedule company.” John warned. 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
“I’m not there yet on the download.” Felicity protested. She needed more time to do her part.  
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
“Hold tight, I’m on my way.” Oliver moved down the hall, heading back for Felicity but when he turned. He was intercepted. 
“Oliver.” Malcolm greeted. 
“Mr. Merlyn.” Oliver returned. 
“I must say, I’m surprised to see you here,” Malcolm commented. 
“Tommy and I just had a little unfinished business.” Oliver answered. 
“Ahh. I know things have been challenging between you two, but I trust you’re working things out,” Malcolm replied. 
“Felicity!” Diggle said over the comms. 
“Just a few more seconds.” Felicity insisted over the comms. 
“Yes. I’m sorry, I have to go,” Oliver told Malcolm. “There are some investors waiting for me back at the club.” 
“I’m heading out to a meeting myself. I’ll walk you down to the lobby.” Malcolm motioned to the elevator. 
Oliver had no choice but to join Malcolm and his bodyguard in the elevator. 
“She’s going to get made, Oliver.” John’s voice was filled with urgency over the comms. “Oliver, did you hear me?!”
Oliver clenched his jaw, doing his best not to react as the elevator doors shut. 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
“Felicity!” John said sharply.  
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
“What? Just a few more seconds!” Felicity insisted. “Come on, come on, come on.” 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
“You don’t have a few more seconds.” John argued, watching as the guards got closer on the security footage. 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
The computer beeped. 
“Yes!” Felicity pumped her fist in the air. “Wow, I really do do that.” Felicity quickly gathered her things and exit the room only to run into a guard. “Oh.”
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
“Damn it, Oliver, she’s in trouble. Where are you?” John spoke into the comms. 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
“This is a restricted area,” said the guard. “Let’s see some I.D.” 
“I.D.?” Felicity moved her hand to her pockets. “Um…” 
What the hell was she supposed to do here?!
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
Malcolm and Oliver stepped out of the elevator.
“Tell your mother I said hello,” said Malcolm, shaking hands with Oliver. 
“I will,” said Oliver, keeping up the fake smile. When Malcolm was gone, he turned to head back upstairs, pressing his hand to his comm. “Got held up. Heading back upstairs.” 
“Ollie?” Thea called, spotting him in the lobby. 
“Thea?” Oliver turned back around. “What are you doing here?” 
“I, uh, just saw Tommy.” Thea answered. 
“Yeah, me, too.” said Oliver. “I’m going to run back up, I don’t want to be late.” he turned to head back up.
“Oh, I thought you just came down.” Thea called after him and he clenched his jaw, stopping. 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
“There you are!” John walked in. “Thanks a lot, man. This one snuck past security.” He strode forward, grabbing Felicity by the arm. “One of Merlyn junior’s bimbos. She’s pissed he never called her back.” 
Felicity hoped the guard couldn’t see her relief at the sight of John. 
“Copy that,” the guard said. “I read the tabloids.” 
“Yeah. Thanks again.” said John. “Let’s go, Barbie.” he started pulling her out of the room. “Your new last name ain’t going to be Merlyn.” 
“But I love him!” Felicity protested as they continued down the hall. “He’s my man!” she started laughing once they were out of sight, Digg looking down at her in amusement. “You’re my knight in shining armor.” 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
“Is that your friend, Roy?” asked Oliver, noticing a guy in a red hoodie with his back to him. 
“No, um…” Thea trailed off. 
“No?” Oliver repeated doubtfully. 
“Yeah, he gave me a ride.” Thea answered. 
“Thea, what are you really doing here?” asked Oliver. “The truth, please.” 
“The truth?” Thea repeated. 
“Mm-hmm.” Oliver nodded. 
“Um...We’re trying to find the Vigilante.” Thea answered, realizing there was no point in lying. 
“What?” Oliver’s eyes were sharp. 
“Roy’s been kind of obsessed with him since he saved his life at the subway.” Thea explained. “And I overheard Detective Lance saying that the other archer was connected to Merlyn Global, so–” Oliver grabbed her by the arm and started pulling her toward Roy. “Hey!”
“Roy.” Oliver said sharply, causing the younger man to turn around. “We haven’t met. I’m Thea’s disapproving older brother.” 
“Yeah, I know. Good to meet you.” Roy extended his hand. 
Oliver gripped his hand tightly, making him jerk. 
However, to Roy’s credit, he didn’t react. 
“Don’t mess around with the Hood. He’s a psychopath, he’s dangerous, and anyone who gets near him winds up dead.” He dropped his hand. “That will not be my sister. Do you hear me?” 
Roy nodded, his eyes hard as Thea looked between them warily. 
Oliver looked past him to see Felicity walking out the door. She looked back at him and continued out. Oliver turned his focus back on Roy. “Ok. Take her home...now.”
He didn’t wait for a response and walked past them, fully expecting Roy to follow his order. 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
“In addition to the download, I also took the liberty of uploading a trojan to Merlyn’s system. Figured it might come in handy.” Said Felicity, from her chair in the Bunker. 
“That’s smart.” John complimented. “If Merlyn thinks he’s been compromised, it’ll help if we know first.” 
“Can you locate the seismic device?” Asked Oliver. 
“I’m working on it. But there’s at least a terraflop of data to go through.” Felicity answered, her body turned toward him. 
Oliver walked over to his case from the island. 
“You all right?” asked John. 
“My father, he told me that he failed the city.” Oliver picked up his father’s case from the book. “Asked me to right his wrongs, but I never knew what he meant until now. It’s the Undertaking. I promised myself that when I crossed all these names off the list, I’d be done, but… Taking down these people, it doesn’t honor him. I was just treating the symptoms while the disease festered. I stop the Undertaking… I wipe out the disease.” 
“What are you saying, Oliver?” John questioned. “You would hang up the Hood?” 
Oliver turned around to him. “Merlyn’s plan is what I returned from the island to stop.” he turned to leave. 
“Where are you going?” John called after him. 
“Out.” Oliver answered, heading for the stairs. 
“Where do you think he’s going?” Felicity wondered when Oliver was gone. 
“Nowhere good.” John answered with a shake of his head. 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
Oliver knocked on an apartment door. 
“Hi.” Oliver greeted, when Laurel opened her door. “Can we talk?” 
Laurel stepped back to let him inside. 
“Thank you.” Oliver said. 
Laurel closed the door behind him. 
“What did you want to talk about?” asked Laurel, crossing her arms over her chest. 
“Wow, I thought this was going to be easier to say,” said Oliver. “But now I’m standing here… Looking at you, and it’s–” 
“Just say what you have to say and go, ok?” Laurel said, her stance not very welcoming.
“Ever since I’ve been back, we’ve been doing this dance. We come together, and then I pull away.” said Oliver. “Something pulls me away. But I think... finally... that something might be over.”.
“What are you trying to say?” asked Laurel, her tone softening
“That...you know me better than anyone.” Oliver told her. “And that you... are more important to me than anyone. I just hope I didn’t wait too long to say it.” 
Laurel kissed him. “You didn’t.” She immediately started unbuttoning his shirt, and he helped her, removing his shirt. He picked her up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. “You’re right on time.” she kissed him again. 
Oliver carried her through her apartment to her bedroom. He removed her jacket as they continued kissed and laid her on the bed, getting lost in each other. 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
Oliver had expected being with Laurel to feel different from before because he was different, but he had been wrong. 
It wasn’t different. It was just sex. 
He didn’t understand it. She was his hope, she was what he held onto to make it home. He thought that when this was over, they would find their way back to each other, but maybe they were just too different. 
He wasn’t the same man he was once was. He didn’t want a relationship based on sex.
He wanted more than that. He wanted something real. 
Laying in bed with her, he felt regret.
He looked over at the bedside table when his phone started vibrating. He eased her off of him and climbed out of the bed, grabbing his phone. “What is it?” 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
“Felicity found the Markov device.” John Infomed Oliver over the phone. Felicity was working away at her computers. “Merlyn’s keeping it at a warehouse his company owns in the Glades.” 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~
“Good. Coordinate an attack.” Oliver instructed. “You take the device, I’ll take Merlyn. Got a location?” 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
“Yeah.” John answered. “According to Felicity’s trojan, Merlyn’s logged on to his computer from his office.” 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
“I’m on my way.” Oliver said and ended the call, grabbing his discarded clothes, feeling relieved that he had to go.  
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
John moved through a warehouse, his gun and flashlight out. He opened a warehouse door, slipping inside. 
He moved through the warehouse until he found an open crate that read Unidac Industries. 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
“Very well,” said Malcolm, standing in the office. “I’ll be in touch.” 
The Hood walked in. 
“Can I help you?” Malcolm asked his back to the Hood. “No… “ he spoke into the phone, turning to face the Hood. “I wasn’t talking to you.” he ended the call. 
“Malcolm Merlyn…” The Hood began. “You have failed this city.” 
“And how have I done that?” asked Malcolm. 
“The Undertaking. It ends now.” The Hood told him. 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
“Oliver, the device…” John spoke into his comms. “It’s gone.”
The crate was empty. 
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 
“Where’s the device?” asked the Hood. 
“Safe.” Malcolm answered. “I don’t know how you got that trojan onto my system, but it prompted me to take precautions. There is nothing you can do to stop what is about to happen. And you shouldn’t. This city needs what is about to happen in order to survive. The people who are destroying it from the inside need to be erased from the map.” 
“Fine. Let’s start with you.” The Hood fired an arrow. 
However, Malcolm caught it in his hand. “Ironic, isn’t it? Last Christmas, I almost killed you,” he said, revealing he was the dark archer. “A few months ago, you saved my life. And now you’re here trying to kill me. You should make up your mind.” 
“Done.” The Hood declared. 
Malcolm threw the arrow back at him, the Hood dodged it. 
The Hood and Malcolm exchanged a series of blows. Malcolm ultimately gaining the upper hand and knocking the Hood out, he knelt down yanking back the Hood. 
“Oh, no,” Malcolm said as the Hood was revealed to be none other than his son’s best friend, Oliver Queen.
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years
1, 9, 13, and 28 for the wip game!!
I think I'll answer these for my Hartley & Tommy as roommates WiP
1. What's the log line for your wip?
When Hartley is disowned after coming out, Moira Queen jumps into action - bringing Tommy Merlyn along with her. While one friendship crumbles over the painful reality of bigotry, a new one grows out of unexpected acceptance.
9. What are the genres of this wip?
So this fic takes place while Oliver is still lost at sea - probably not more than a few months at most after The Queen's Gambit is sunk - which means no vigilantes or super powers.
I'd say the genres would be Drama, Coming of Age story, Slice of Life... and I think that's it.
13. Do you like working on more wips at once?
I do. If I stall on one fic, then I'll still have others to work on instead of frustrating myself on something I'm not making progress on.
Admittedly, sometimes I frustrate myself by working on a completely different fic than I intended to. Like a new fic when I wanted to work on an existing fic, but the shiny new idea was too shiny and I could not resist...
28. If you could pick three songs to capture the feel of your WIP, what would they be and why?
I think because Hartley's a bit dramatic and going through a lot, first choice would be Staind's For You. Not only do his parents disown him, but the boyfriend he thought he could depend on through all this he almost immediately winds up dumping instead, and he's struggling with mental health issues on top of it all. So the song kind of captures where he's at when the fic opens.
Moira's song would be How To Save a Life by the Fray. She's there to be on Hartley's side, but she's also expecting that she can just... browbeat Rachel into doing the right thing. Moira recently lost her her husband and son - she cannot imagine voluntarily throwing her own child out no matter what the circumstances. And it being because of who Hartley feels attracted to? Having to accept that she can't save Rachel from her own bigotry and that all she can do is help Hartley now is hard on her. She couldn't save her own family, but she desperately wants to save Rachel's. She has to accept that not being able to do that isn't her fault and sometimes doing the right thing by one person she loves means losing a friend in the process. (The lyrics work in my head, anyway.)
And finally, there's Tommy. He thought he'd help Hartley out a bit then go back to waiting on Oliver to come home and he slowly realizes that Hartley needs a friend to stick by him more than he'll admit. But also that Tommy himself really needs to be away from Starling (and Malcolm) with a friend who doesn't expect him to be the party boy. He can wait for Oliver anywhere, but Hartley needs him here. And maybe it's time he figured out who he is without Oliver anyway. So I think his song would be Demi Lovato's Gift of a Friend.
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morethanweseem · 8 months
Send "Desk Helper" to have my muse blow or eat out your muse from underneath their desk while your muse is working or studying. (Felicity and Malcolm)
Merlyn Global was one of the best tech businesses to be in. And it had the added benefit of being the best paying. Taking a job as an IT worker there had been a no-brainer. Of course, she hadn't imagined that her job would involve air dusting out a CPU tower on her knees. (She was going to have to throw out these stockings.) Especially not while the company's owner watched her from his comfy chair. "Alright. I think that should do it, Mr. Merlyn." She put the cover back on, looking up at him from her place beneath his desk. But he didn't move his chair away from the desk for her to crawl out. "Uh do you -- did you want to test it before I go?" She swallowed, pressed her glasses up her nose. Maybe it was the air duster fumes but her stomach fluttered.
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bi-bard · 2 years
You Take Every Part of Me, All of the Things You Need - Malcolm Merlyn Imagine (Arrow)
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Title: You Take Every Part of Me, All of the Things You Need
Pairing: Malcolm Merlyn X Child!Reader
Based On: Jigsaw
Word Count: 714 words
Warning(s): terrible parent (Malcolm), mentions of abuse, gunshot **READ WITH CAUTION**
Summary: (Y/n) had been raised as a warrior by their father, Malcolm. They get fed up when they see how fast he accepts his daughter.
Author's Note: Don't ask what season this is actually meant to be, I'm not sure.
I noticed the new person in my apartment the moment he was there. I just didn't care enough to acknowledge him. He's not the one that I wanted.
"Hello, Oliver," I said, turning around. He was standing in his Green Arrow attire. "Oh, take off the hood, you think I don't know who you are?"
"Why did you leave that message," he asked, not moving the hood and still using that stupid low voice.
"The one on the walls," I replied. "Don't worry, they aren't for you. Not really."
"What are they?"
"They're for Malcolm Merlyn," I explained. "I just need a... meeting."
"Why can't a child see their father?"
"Father," Oliver repeated.
"Am I the first of his children to suddenly pop up," I raised an eyebrow. "Now, Oliver, I advise you set up a meeting with my father."
"Or what-"
"My father is Malcolm Merlyn... do you want to take that chance?"
I turned back to my kitchen counter. I heard Oliver leave. I chuckled to myself. That was all my father was good for.
A scary name.
A spooky story.
That's all he was.
All he needed to be.
But I was the only one that story never worked on. Never train someone in your image.
A few nights later, I found myself walking into an abandoned factory. I smirked as I spotted my father.
"Hi, Dad," I said before pointing to everyone else. "And Oliver and Diggle and Felicity in that little earpiece... And... Thea. Nice to see family."
"What do you want," Malcolm asked.
"Justice. Answers. Quite interchangeable really."
He took a deep breath. "What do you want to know?"
"What did I do wrong?"
He furrowed his eyebrows.
"It took moments for Thea to be accepted. Loved. But me... I never got that. Wanna tell your little friends the truth?"
His jaw clenched.
"Tell me, Thea," I called up to her. "What was your childhood like? Fun? Loved? What words would you use?"
"Plenty of friends?"
"Yeah," she replied.
"Dates? Birthdays? Comfy bed at night?"
"I never got that."
"(Y/n)," Malcolm stepped forward.
I stepped back, pulling off my jacket. It was enough to show my arms and a part of my back. The scars clear as day.
"I never got any of it," I continued. "Behold! My father's finished jigsaw puzzle! Pushed until all that was left of me was what he deemed as perfect! Was that dramatic enough for you?"
"I made you a warrior."
"I wanted to be a kid!"
He froze again.
"You... You made me into a warrior because you wanted a warrior. But Tommy... Thea.... they got normalcy. They got a home. A proper home."
I pulled out my gun and aimed it at him.
"Dearest Green Arrow," I called. "With your permission, I'd like to be the last face my father sees."
"No," I heard Oliver behind me.
"I was only asking as a formality."
"(Y/n), wait," I chuckled at the sound of Thea's voice. "Come with us, let him find a way to make up for what he's done."
"Too late," I snapped. "I'm sorry, Thea, but it's too late. You went through training for 'as long as necessary'. For me, it never stopped."
"If you shoot him, I will shoot you," Oliver said.
"Will you, Oliver," I asked. "Blame the victim for fighting back?"
An arrow flew by my head.
"Alright, alright," I waved him off. "God, like all the little rich boys, aren't you?"
I took a few steps forward.
"Listen to me," I said quietly. Malcolm tried to stand taller. Appear like he wasn't scared. "I don't care how long I have to wait; I will be the last thing you see. And this little group... they'll turn on you. You always give them a reason to. You- Malcolm Merlyn- are a monster. And I hope Team Arrow knows better than to trust monsters."
I put on a fake grin before shooting a shot at his leg and watching him fall.
"Call that the first piece of your puzzle."
I waved back at the little team surrounding me before walking out.
Yes, I was a result of Malcolm's work. But what I did now was all me.
I was the consequence of his actions.
Author's Note: I really don't know how I feel about this ending.
Masterlist (Includes links to All Writing Challenges)
What I Write For
Some Original Characters
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“You killed people! You’re a monster!”-Y/N
“You have no idea what I’ve done for our family.”-Malcom
“Oh yeah? Then why is Tommy dead? And why did Thea leave? Tell me that much.”-Y/N
“Tommy died because he tried to save Laurel! And Thea and I don’t have that good of a relationship.”-Malcom
“Yeah, because you’re an asshole and you’re evil.”-Y/N
“I wanted to help you!”-Malcom
“So you paid mom off to have custody of me? Well guess what? I’m not staying. Goodbye, Malcom.”
For anon, hope you like it!
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myriadimagines · 5 years
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[x] [x] // requester: @crazywriterwizard // request here
You and Oliver stare at your father in disbelief, unsure about how to process the news that Malcolm had just dropped on you. You had always knew you and Thea had a connection that seemed beyond friendship, something the two of you always joked about, but knowing that there was an actual explanation for your closeness was shocking. 
“Oh, the two of you should see the looks on your faces.” Malcolm teases, a patronising smile on his face. “I’ve been wanting to tell this little secret for a while now.”
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Imagine you, Malcolm Merlyn’s child, being a metahuman.
Malcolm Merlyn was far from winning a father of the year award. Being his child was difficult. Your relationship with him was difficult. Your relationships with pretty much everyone were difficult. He was distant and overcontrolling at the same time. He took little time to listen to you yet somehow knew almost everything about your life, as though it were his business to know. In short, he was not an easy man to have as a father.
Then you got your powers and everything became even more complicated.
Did becoming a metahuman constitute a midlife crisis? Even if it didn’t, it was still a massive change. You were happy to pray to any god you could think of thanking them your outward appearance hadn’t changed. At a glance, you still looked just like the old [f/n] struggling under their father’s thumb. But something had changed, something fundamental. And, despite how hard you tried to hide it, it frightened you.
And your father was very good at sensing fear.
You felt like a prisoner in your own skin. The more you tried to hide the change, the more it seemed to want to burst free. And you were running out of excuses for the little incidents. You started sneaking out a few nights a week to use your powers. You had too much energy that needed to get out into the world. And, as frightening as it was, it felt good. It was something that was yours. Your father hadn’t given it to you. It was simply yours. Your small act of rebellion. You knew it would be short-lived. Your father was clever. He would figure things out eventually. But for now, your gift, your curse, belonged to you.
Gif Credit: Merlyn
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Welcome Home Baby Brother (a Queen!Reader x Malcolm Merlyn verse one shot)...
IMAGINE...being the eldest child to Robert Queen, (Being in a relationship with Malcolm Merlyn,) and having your baby brother, Oliver, come back from the dead after five, long years.
Word Count: 1,868
Warning: Possible out-of-character canon characters! Spoilers for any readers who haven’t watched Arrow (I guess lol)
A/N: This one got longer than I expected it to so I’ve decided to make it a two parter! PART SEVEN(7) will be a continuation of Oliver’s return home!
A/N2: I hope you all enjoy!
PT 1 2 3 4 5 7
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“You killed my Father and Brother.” The words had spilled from your mouth with so much belief, each syllable coated with a venom that might as well have been acid. You had been so angry, and your words had caused you to grow even more so.
You had stared across that coffee table at Malcolm, each of you seated on separate lush couches in his Merlyn Global, Starling City Branch office. Your gaze was made of daggers, your hands tightened into fists as you spoke once more.
“I don’t know why, not yet, but I will find out somehow and when I do…when I get proof that you caused the Queen’s Gambit to go down, I will watch you burn in hell.”
After a quick exchange of words, back and forth, you had sworn you wouldn’t regret your actions as you brought your knee up, driving it into his chest with a force nowhere near what you had meant to hit him with.
You hadn’t thought that you would regret hitting him, taking your anger and well-hidden grief out on him.
You had believed so deeply the whispered secrets you had accidentally overheard Moira and Frank say in the entry hall of your family’s mansion, there had never been a reason not to believe your dead father’s wife, and that belief had led you to Malcolm’s office. That belief led you to drive your knee into his chest after realizing how big his hands were compared to your own, after realizing that Malcolm wasn’t a man to mess with, after realizing that...that for once in your life you had been rash and let your emotions cloud your better judgement.
You had sworn not to regret it, he argued otherwise as his hand wrapped tightly around your throat.
You still believed that he had done something to your father’s yacht.
Malcolm swore otherwise. He had been oh, so convincing.
Even now, that moment between the two of you - the first ever kiss you had shared - was cloaked in confusion for you. Why had it happened? It came out of nowhere. Had he said something else before his lips were pressed to your own? Was it really just you staring up at him like an injured animal, confused and hopeless, that pulled him forward and led to that kiss?
Was there another moment you weren’t aware of? Something that even now was out of place, hidden in plain sight?
You were left so confused after that. Every time you saw him, for months after, all you could do was fight against whatever pull he had suddenly gained on you. Breathless with your thoughts always racing, you had sworn to yourself that Malcolm hadn’t killed your father and brother, but you had already placed yourself in Malcolm’s radar and even if you had truly wanted nothing to do with him, there was no way he would have allowed it until he was done.
Confused or not. Understanding what you were getting yourself into or not.
You chose Malcolm Merlyn to be your one selfish thing in life after spending your entire life being the good girl. The Golden Queen Child. The one who never stepped a single toe out of line.
Whether it ended badly or not...whether Malcolm turned out to be the bad guy or not...you chose him and all the pain that came with him.
You may have underestimated how much pain that was.
And what that pain could cause when left to fester and spill over.
“...believed to have died five years ago when his family’s yacht went down during a storm, Starling City’s Oliver Queen - of Queen’s Consolidated - has been found alive...”
On television sets across the country this broadcast was being shown. For complete strangers, it meant nothing to them. Wow. A billionaire playboy had been found after his family’s boat was lost at sea. Cool. For those in Starling City who knew of the Queen family, of Oliver in particular, there was a mixed reaction. Some were excited to have the well-known party boy back in town; the city was never dull with Oliver Queen around. For others, there was apprehension and sadness. If Oliver was alive, what about the others who had been on that yacht with him? Why did Oliver get to live, and the others didn’t?
And you?
For you it meant everything.
You were alone in the home you shared with Malcolm; he was overseas on a business trip and you had just returned from a very long day at Queen’s Consolidated when your late-father’s wife had called in a rush, ordering you to turn on the nearest television.
Whatever you had expected it to be, it certainly wasn’t a news broadcast reporting your baby brother to still be alive. Reporting that Oliver had survived the Gambit going down, reporting that Oliver had been shipwrecked for the last five years, and reporting that your father’s only son was on his way home.
Shock wasn’t a strong enough word to describe the feeling that immediately settled in your stomach when realization of what the news broadcast was reporting finally registered.
You could hear Moira saying something on the other end just before the call ended, your step mother having hung up.
Your cell was abandoned on the coffee table as you sat on the couch, watching the broadcast over and over. At one point, there was a far away live feed showing an airstrip and a crowd of people screaming as a dozen people descended from the single airplane that sat on the runway.
You couldn’t make out which was your brother; all of them kept their heads down and hurried to the awaiting cars.
Was it really him? Was he truly alive?
How long had you prayed for this? How long had you asked God for a miracle and to bring back Oliver? You had even offered up your own life if it meant your stepmother and Thea would have Oliver back.
And now it’s happening. And instead of taking his place, we’re both alive. We’re both here...neither of us will be taken away from Moira and Thea.
There was no thought then about the changes that happened in your family; there was no thought about things that rock Oliver’s world, about the things that were going to be a shock - things that could upset him.
Moira and Walter.
Malcolm and I.
Thea’s attitude.
Tommy and Laurel...whatever is happening between the two of them even if Tommy tries to hide it.
You wondered if your father had had any last words. You wondered if Oliver had been there with him if Robert Queen had lived long enough to say goodbye to his middle child.
And you wondered what kind of person Oliver was returning to Starling City as. Was he a playboy still? What horrors had he been forced to live through on that island?
Are you still my baby brother, Ollie?
Please. Please still be my baby brother.
How is one meant to act as they stand in their family’s home, waiting for a long-believed dead family member to be brought home?
You wished you had the answer as you stood in the living room, heart racing, and waited for Moira to return home. Nervously, you played with the ring on your left hand and hoped that everything went alright at the hospital.
“...your room is exactly as you left it...”
You met Walter’s gaze only briefly before he was heading into the entrance hall to greet your stepmother and brother.
You followed, remaining in the doorway - taking a moment to take Oliver in.
He looked the same. And the smile he gave your family’s maid, Raisa, melted your heart. There he was. Your sweet, baby brother.
A door shut from upstairs, drawing Oliver’s attention just as Raisa informed Moira that “Mr. Merlyn” would be joining the family for dinner.
Tommy, of course, as Malcolm was still away on business.
You barely acknowledged that small exchange, honestly, as you watched Oliver focus entirely on the stairs. On Thea.
Your heart broke all over again at their reunion; tears streaming down your cheeks as you watched your baby brother and baby sister interact after the tragedy that had fallen your family that fateful night when the Gambit went down during that storm.
Look at them dad. Look at us.
You weren't sure where the thought came from; it had been so long since you had thought about what your father would think if he could see the family he left behind. It reminded you of the pain and the sadness you had felt when you realized that only Oliver had returned, that Robert Queen was truly gone forever.
“Y/n,” Oliver’s voice saying your name pulled you from your thoughts before you could spiral down any further.
At first it didn't even register that he had spoken, and then you lifted your gaze and met his, stared back at your brother who looked so happy after reuniting with Thea. Happy, but with a darkened undertone that later you would wonder how much Oliver had gone through while he was shipwrecked?
Still, even with the onslaught of curiosity and thought...a sob ripped its way from your chest as you rushed forward and finally hugged your brother, holding Oliver for the first time in five years (but oh lord did it feel like so much longer).
"Oh Oliver. Olive." Thea and others referred to him with the nickname Ollie, but he had always been Olive to you. Since the day five year old you so proudly and confidently held newborn Oliver Queen for the very first time and swore to protect him with your own life.
As the two of you got older, your use of the nickname had faded; Oliver got older and became embarrassed by it, but as it slipped from your lips then your brother didn't cringe away from you as he would have years earlier, instead, Oliver's arms tightened around you and softly whispered the nickname he had childishly given you when he was a baby just learning to talk. A nickname he hadn't used since he became a teenager.
There was so much you wanted to tell him; so much you just wanted to start catching him up on. You wanted to apologize for being a bitch toward him the last time you saw him; for treating him like he was a mistake and worthless, useless to the Queen family name...
He knew. You knew that your baby brother knew how sorry you were and how grateful you were to have him back by that bright, Oliver Queen smile he gave you when the two of you finally ended your hug.
“Y/n/n,” your nickname, again, fell from Oliver’s mouth and you wanted to start breathing all over again. “You still look bossy.”
“Yeah well...” you cleared your throat and laughed shortly, “I have two younger siblings who need a bossy older sister. They’re always getting into trouble, you know.”
Oliver just chuckled and whispered, “Don’t I know it.”
You smiled, at the time oblivious to the hidden something in his words.
A/N3: I hope you all enjoyed it and that it’s a worthy addition to the series! Apologies for it taking a while to get typed out and posted! Please consider liking, reblogging, leaving a comment, and donating to my Kofi! Thank you so much! Please stay safe and healthy!
~ Atlex0616
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marvelanddcsmut · 6 years
Imagine being in a polyamorous relationship with the Legion of Doom
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envision-imagines · 6 years
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“No,” Y/N shook their head as they took a step back. “No, you’re wrong.” “Y/N, we’re not wrong. He’s a monster,” Thea spoke with such authority that Y/N almost believed her. Almost. “No, you’re wrong! He said you would say these things! That you would lie to manipulate me!” “Y/N, we don’t have any reason to lie to you,” said Oliver. “Stay away from me!” requested by hecatemacbeth7 requests are open
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Imagine being stuck in quarantine with the Legion
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Please note that all plots are subject to change at any time. Also note that requests on both accounts are open.
@southernfxckinghero is my main account, and @southernfxckingprizefighter is my side account.
[ Eowells x F!Reader ] | [ Main Account ]
The reader is Barry Allen’s younger sister who became a metahuman with the ability to manipulate air; she aids her brother in protecting Central City. Behind Barry's back, the reader and Harrison Wells begin getting closer, romantically. The reader accidentally discovers that Harrison is the Reverse Flash, and he forces her to choose between himself and Barry. Though she wants to side with Barry, she becomes loyal to Harrison to save her own life.
[ Malcolm Merlyn x F!Reader ] | [ Main Account ]
The reader is another vigilante that works with the Hood, who grew with Oliver and Thea. The Dark Archer nearly ends her life one night before ripping off her mask, revealing her true identity. After Okiver saves the reader, the two have a small argument, and part to prepare for a gala at the Queen mansion. Malcolm Merlyn approaches and seduces the reader into going to his mansion, the two almost sleeping together until Tommy catches them. Consumed by guilt from almost sleeping with her friend's father, the reader tries to leave, but is drugged by Malcolm. Malcolm reveals that he is the Dark Archer, and that he does not want to kill her, but he also cannot risk the Hood knowing his identity.
[ Avengers x F!Reader ] | [ Main Account ] | [ Series ]
The reader grows to hate the Avengers after hearing how amazing they are for her entire life, so she plots against them. After many attempts to take someone’s life, she is finally captured and interrogated by Captain America himself. This reveals that the reader truly hates not being a hero herself, and with the help of Team Cap, she becomes a vigilante wanted by the government and Team Ironman.
[ Hank Anderson x F!Reader ] | [ Side Account ]
The reader is an android that works as a detective alongside Hank, but no one knows that she isn't human. When Connor arrives and determines the truth, he informs Hank, but Hank doesn't believe him. The reader is checked by the police captain, and it is proven that she is an android. Hank, in disbelief and absolute rage, storms out of the station to go have a drink. The reader is runs from her job since she is deviant, and she ends up attacking Connor since he is chasing her. She yells that she loves Hank and that Connor would never understand before Hank appears and breaks the fight up. He is conflicted, but arrests the deviant reader. She is deactivated.
[ Samoa Joe x F!Reader ] | [ Side Account ] | [ Destroyer, Part Two ]
After many weeks, the second Mixed Match Challenge takes place. Kurt Angle makes the team of the reader and Joe, much to the reader’s annoyance; she wants nothing to do with Joe after what happened between them. Joe finds this amusing and decides to take advantage of the situation, placing the reader in awkward and sexual situations in front of the crowd. After a few times of this happening, the reader confronts Joe and the two end up having a heated argument before sleeping together again. Joe is gone when the reader wakes up, leaving her angry yet again.
[ Berserker!Kevin Owens x F!Reader ] | [ Side Account ]
Plot to be determined.
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