#felicity thread
morethanweseem · 8 months
"You're even more beautiful than yesterday." (Oliver and Felicity)
"It's a new face cream I'm using." Felicity bubbled happily. Pausing, she grinned. "Oh I get it." He was flirting. God she was an idiot. "Or maybe I'm just happy." She poked his chest.
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n444ra · 6 months
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a falta de tareas asignadas, nara aprovecha el gimnasio para entrenar y así mismo parecen hacer otres —— el lugar no está lleno pero definitivamente tampoco tranquilo, y en cuanto le tira una patada a altura media a la bolsa, ésta se balancea más de la cuenta: ‘ ¡ay! perdona, ’ avanza a tiempo y la abraza para detener su vaivén, ruega no haya llegado a darle. ‘ creo que la cadena es demasiado larga... ’ la que sostiene del techo al saco. alza la vista para comprobarlo porque le es más fácil que ver a los ojos a potencial víctima, ‘ ¿te golpeó? ’
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runefactorynonsense · 11 months
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Cozytober - Day 20 - Wreath
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rising-in-the-ash · 3 months
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Allow me to introduce you to the Gates of Corruption pirate AU! Pictor having a pirate/matador look is a vibe. Also, Imagine Groudon being a captain of a ship with all these silly guys.
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m4ybanks · 27 days
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@downs1de asked: "You’re about as intimidating as a butterfly." (for Felicity, from House)
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⸻ "just because i'm five foot nothing doesn't mean i can't terrorize your ass."
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exmcrtis · 2 months
closed starter for: @ofescapisms (felicity)
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"i did not wear enough sunscreen." it was more of a warning than anything, the skin of her shoulders already feeling as though they were sizzling. for a redhead, fiona practiced no caution when it came to being outside. she had three shades: red, red, and redder, and you'd think she would do a better job of trying not to turn those shades. and yet there she was, standing next to her aunt with a guilty smile, shoulders lifting up to her ears. "so how's your day, aunt felicity?"
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legxllyblxndc · 1 year
“He’s barely even spoke to me, Iz.” Felicity huffed, shaking her head a little. After the night that she and Miller had spent together, she had thought that things might change. She had thought that they would get to move forwards - at least a little bit. But it felt like they had come to a stalemate and Felicity had no idea how they were supposed to move forward. Miller was her husband and she loved him. Why did everything have to be so complicated? “Honestly, I wish he’d never said anything, you know? At least before I thought he didn’t want me but now? Now I know he does and he just threw this bomb into our lives because he was confused.” She rolled her eyes. “I’ve never seen Meg look as happy as she did when he said he was going to stay..” She muttered. She hated letting down her kids. She had always wanted to be the best mum that she could and she felt like she was letting them both down. She shook her head then, though, before she looked up at Izzy, “But who cares about that - you spent the night with Nick?!” 
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heartfe1t · 2 months
@famefckr | barbie starters
i'm definitely not thinking about death anymore!
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    ❝    well i should certainly hope not!    ❞    francesca looks at her, concern across her face.    ❝    was some suitor talking just... simply too much? or being all too forward for the season's first ball?    ❞    she loathes being spoken to in that sort of way. it's so difficult for her to handle the intensity of all of this.
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brutclhonesty · 1 year
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"what are we gonna do with you?" catalina inquired with a fond voice, coming up behind felicity at the small table she sat waiting at. they'd been texting about a long overdue lunch since she got back from europe, but it had taken a few months to actually schedule. in that time, cat had been struggling with feeling completely forgotten and felicity, well, she'd been struggling with a lot. "can i have a mojito and a water with lemon, thank you," she spoke softly to the waiter, until he walked off and she leaned closer, trying to inspect her friend's appearance. "okay, what the hell have i missed?" @elxctrics
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greedaeye-a · 7 months
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@tvintedspvrk asked: i don't talk about my feelings with anyone. { to felicity from alex karev }
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ofgentleresolve · 2 years
quick tag ur muse in one of these categories:
Would never stab anyone: Calum, Patrick, Nell, and Annie.
Would stab in retaliation: Raphael, Yoojin
Yells “I won’t hesitate bitch” first: Lamon, Suki
Would stab without warning: Mana, Felicity, K, and Alfred
Would stab as a warning: Myungdae
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morethanweseem · 9 months
'Whoops' from Malcolm @protectxthem
Felicity hadn't even thought before she opened Malcolm's message. They'd become...friends? Something. But the picture of him lying boudoir-style across a chaise and his hand on his cock had her gaping. The choked sound she made was stifled when she got a sharp look from her boss across the room and she waved him off.
[text: MM] WHAT
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lavndrhazed · 2 years
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another late saturday morning woken up by the pounding of his head, hair a mess, and one sock missing -- but at least he was waking up in his bed and not the front lawn of their fraternity. again. hangovers were thankfully no stranger by now, after four long years of college.. he vowed now that he was doing his fifth and final year that he'd get his act together. and step one was resisting the urge to lie in bed all day after a night of partying. responsibilities were at hand; like those assignments and maybe some laundry. but first, a shower was in order. tiredly meandering to the bathroom down the hall, boxers low on his hips and towel slung over his arm along with his necessities. it had been a good twenty-five minutes by the time he was emerging, towel wrapped tight around his waist and water still dripping from the thick curls he had pushed back out of his face. what he hadn't expected was the angelic blonde at the end of the hallway just short of pounding on the door across from his. "you mean... you're not the girl i heard screaming this morning?" a puzzled look took over his features for just a few lingering seconds, only for a laugh to erupt and his eyes rolled as if to already dismiss any annoyance shot his way. "it was a joke, we both know that's unrealistic anyway." so maybe antagonizing his ex wasn't the most mature move... but it sure as hell beat the word vomit that might come out otherwise. stopping just as he was reaching his door, his better judgment telling him to lock himself away and far from felicity before his lack of impulse control got the better of him. "i really did think he was with you though," the brunet commented as he glanced back over his shoulder, turning enough to meet her gaze. "he didn't come back to the house last night, figured you two decided to have a sleepover somewhere you didn't have so many fond memories of me in." // @campuscvtie​
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clemencetaught · 1 year
round and round ( @ashbtten is also getting a starter bc ferre said so :3 )
The sitting room he was escorted into is no different from the others, if not a tad dustier…almost like the owner barely uses it. Nevertheless, over his cup, Patrick watches his client sitting on the other end of the table. A polite, if not forced smile crosses his face. “While I don’t mind the tea, I must say you’re being rather…generous with your time, once again.” For the third time, Patrick doesn’t add. It doesn’t make sense, really- the President doesn’t rent out his belongings for less than a pretty penny and considering that almost nothing has happened each time Patrick has been summoned here, it almost seems like Mister Hrodvitnir likes to spend his money frivolously. 
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Or maybe he doesn’t. Patrick doesn’t know- but what he does know is that citizens of the Capitol are deceptive. Not to be trusted. “And here I was under the assumption Capitol citizens preferred to make use of every penny they owned.”
Heavens know they already have enough to last a lifetime and more.
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bcforedcwn · 2 years
@retroactiive​ ~closed starter~
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Felicity sat across from roommate’s boyfriend, brushing her fingers over the condensation collecting on her drink. Thankfully Abby left early that morning to go to class. She had a full schedule in the morning, and two classes in the afternoon, so they were good to be able to talk this out. Talk about the fact that the two of them had done a hell of a lot more than just get to know one another like Abby had hoped.  “So...what happened at that party...” Felicity managed to get out after clearing her throat. She reached back to tuck some hair behind her ear. “We...We did something we shouldn’t have.” It wasn’t just a kiss. It wasn’t even just a drunken make out. No, the two of them had found an empty room in that house, far away from everyone else and locked the door. She had woken up at 2 in the morning to find him naked and their clothes strewn all over the floor and a used condom in the trash can. 
The night came flooding back to her and she had snatched up what she could and ran. They hadn’t talked until she got a text from him asking if he could. So they could talk, since Abby was noticing something was up. This wasn’t her, she didn’t do things like this! Looking up at him, her cheeks darkened. It was hard to not seem him...in the way she had.  “I...I don’t know if we can really clear the air, I mean, we did a lot...a lot of things that night. I’ll try my best to keep the peace, but we shouldn’t tell Abby.” No, Abby would never forgive either of them for this. Felicity didn’t want to loose her first friend in college! Not to mention the two of them would still have to live together. It would be awful.
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m4ybanks · 3 months
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open: anyone about the muse: felicity aguilar. 22. nursing student. pansexual. connection: ex-lover. toxic lover. fwb, etc.
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⸻ "lately, i don't even know what page you're on," felicity confessed, sounding way more frustrated than she would have liked to. not that felicity was ever good at hiding how she felt in the first place. no matter how badly she tried to hide and deny it.
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