gpstudios · 3 months
Happy National Get Out of the Doghouse Day! 🐾
Celebrate National Get Out of the Doghouse Day by mending fences and making amends. Apologize, take responsibility, and spread positivity. Strengthen connections and start fresh, healing rifts and building stronger relationships. 🐾
Today, we celebrate National Get Out of the Doghouse Day, a day dedicated to mending fences, making amends, and fostering positive relationships. We all make mistakes, and sometimes those mistakes can lead to strained relationships and misunderstandings. This special day encourages us to apologize, take responsibility for our actions, and spread positivity to strengthen our connections and start…
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spiritual-rain · 1 year
Would You Be Ready For Judgment Day?
Every morning I do some divination as part of my spiritual practice and I'd like to share this with you! Today I used my Dark Mansion Tarot Deck by Krzysztof Wasiuk and Magdalena Kaczan. I pulled the Judgment card. This card asks us if we need to take care of unfinished business, to apologize, to change a bad habit or maybe to make restitution to someone we may have hurt.
Here is the link to the video for today's Morning Magic: https://youtu.be/X_MLIOXN2n8
If you'd like to see my Morning Magic videos, please feel free to check out my YouTube channel Spiritual Rain.
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sherlockedin1776 · 27 days
Does anyone have any good fic recs for Lestappen fics where Charles is famous f1 driver and Max is just a normal guy? That trope is like crack to me.
I’ve read And Everything’s Easier Out West by Anon and Four Espressos (And a Lifetime) by makeamends and am obsessed with both.
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grounded-parasocial · 3 months
Day 15-Simon’s Month
Sometimes their relationship is an epic secret, sometimes they keep secrets from each other, sometimes there is a little bubble of secrecy around them and sometimes there’s just a little… withholding-ranging from heartbreaking to hilarious SECRETS!
Reckless Abandon @zee-has-commitment-issues by fandom_commitment_issues (E, 142K)
and Simon Eriksson: Just Some Guy From Biology (G, 5K)
Little Acorns by wilmonlibrarian (not rated- WIP- 40K)
should’ve said no (and you might still have me) @bigalockwood (T- WIP, 42K)
Incognito mode @oneofthosebells (E- WIP, 59K)
Where we left off @gulliblelemon (T, 84K)
No Tomorrow by p_brown (M, 31K)
You Are Unbreaking @unfortunate17 (E, 37K)
and Fools in a Fable (E-WIP, 13K)
Is It Over Now @iwouldnevergetintofanfic (E, 75K)
Hate Me Like You Love Me @in-amor-veritas (E- WIP, 33K)
also We Left Footprints When We Passed By (E, 131K)
also it’s a little too late for us (G, 3K)
@hillerskaconfession @piebingo (T, 2K)
You’ve Began To Feel Like Home @s0urcandy112112321 (E- WIP, 207K)
The Royal Secret by rainboze00 (M, 52K)
You and me, meant to be by makeamends (M, 20K)
Pretty Boy by littlemessss (E, 105K)
In Another Life @ungaroyals (E, 100K)
Constellations of Love @simons-purplehoodie (M, 79K)
I want you (to take me out) by witchjeans (E, 30K)
roads lead back to you by insieme (M- WIP, 22K)
take any heat - take mine @royalwilmon (E, 31K)
Faroe gone @groenendaelfic (E- WIP, 36K)
and The Prince and the Barista (E- WIP, 48K)
Play my song byElin98 @ishotforthestars (G, 54K)
Chasing Our Sunlight by fitz_y (E, 137K) Series Yours to Keep
You Kill Me @saynomorefic (E- WIP, 32K)
Language of Roses by despssurlaneige (E- WIP, 462K)
There are SO many versions of secrets in fanfiction with these two. The list it is very very long, especially if you include every time their relationship is a secret, so I did my best to trim it down. (I may have to make a separate- secret relationship- post 🤷🏻‍♀️)
It’s a community so share your secret fics if I missed (or haven’t read) any!!
Happy reading! 💜
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grapehyasynth · 9 months
young royals fic rec, 18/?
i’m (slowly) working my way through the wilmon tag on ao3 and thought that as i go i might shout out some fics i enjoy along the way! i've tagged authors where i knew their tumblr url, but please feel free to tag folks or dm me if you know ones i've missed!
1. cashmere by @thedecadenceofwar - Simon pulled the sweater from his backpack and something so deep lurched within him, he felt like crying. Almost on instinct, he bunched it to his nose and mouth like an oxygen mask, and breathed deep. Oh, fuck.
2. (Online Love) by @oatflatwhite - Wilhelm comes out. The world (via social media) deals.
3. don't you wanna be nobody? by falseari - Markus talks to the press. Simon and Wille deal with the fallout.
4. if i had one more moment with you by @altruistic-meme - Just a quiet moment from an easier time. Simon is tired and Wilhelm has a solution.
5. Grant Me a Stay by fitz_y - Two weeks before Wilhelm’s high school graduation, Simon gets a shitty unexpected phone call.
6. a feeling that never left by @aniara - They had kissed, Simon and Wilhelm, that first month at Hillerska. Wilhelm had taken it back the next day, suggested they stay friends, and that was all they were now, two years later. Best friends.
7. you and me, meant to be by makeamends - When Simon has to get one of his wisdom teeth removed, Wilhelm doesn't hesitate to offer his help. It definitely has nothing to do with the fact that he's been in love with Simon for years.
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toppamplemousse · 23 days
rec 5 fics with titles you particularly enjoy
me and the bestie (YES both of us decided on this one for once) have discussed and picked these five but there were many. we have strong opinions on titles. lo and behold:
straight lines (that unwind you) by @alphatinies
genuinely the best fic name in the whole world. nothing tops this. can't describe how perfectly fits the vibe and this fic did a lot of damage by inflating our perception of math majors and what they would be like (got stuck in a situationship with one immediately after this fic came out rip)
winning mentality by @drivestraight this is THE gax fic. exactly their dynamic and exactly what they would do. max not having george's number saved is the basis for everything we've ever written
grapefruit mignonette by slapshots aside from being the most incredible fic, we love this one because it originally was not called this!!! the author says this was called "i wanna get better" -- and that's a fine name, but GRAPEFRUIT MIGNONETTE is just perfect.
here’s to all the mistakes i never made by @3ncr1pted what can we possibly say about this... "firstly, if you told me the name of this fic and guess who it is about, i'd say sebchal" - bestie. SO TRUE. the most compelling thing about chollie isnt actually chollie, its the reverse sebchal. and the lestappen of it all. PERFECT.
four espressos (and a lifetime) by @ferrarisma everyone say hi to makeamends aka ferrarisma who just joined tumblr (YAY). this title is so perfect. it's so cute. it perfectly encapsulates what happens. we have yapped so much about this. chouquettes iykyk
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ferrarisma · 19 days
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make a mess (i’ll try my best)
by makeamends on ao3
Max was wholly unprepared for Charles turning up at his door without warning, holding a bottle of tequila in one hand and a chocolate cake in the other. So unprepared, in fact, that the only thing he had thought to say was “your nutritionist wouldn't like that cake”.
Charles had laughed, and Max’s heart had started beating embarrassingly fast, and the world had kept spinning as it somehow always tended to do.
“Got a fork?” Charles had asked before not waiting for an answer, barging past him and looking around before he’d found Max’s living room to the left. Not that Max minded, he wasn’t going to stop him. He didn’t know when, if, he’d ever have this privilege again.
or: max is in love with charles, there's no escaping it. one rainy day in monaco changes everything and absolutely nothing, all at once.
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f1stories · 6 months
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Epiphanies - Interludio (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1391407005-epiphanies-interludio?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading En una especie de giro poético de los acontecimientos, Charles Leclerc conduce su auto de carreras de Fórmula Uno de la Scuderia Ferrari hacia las barreras del Red Bull Ring en una tarde de principios de julio de 2023 mientras intenta defender su posición contra George Russell de Mercedes en la vuelta 52 de la carrera. carrera. En cambio, el coche de Leclerc se bloquea, sobrevira y se sale de la pista hacia las barreras antes de que casi nadie pueda reaccionar. Se puede escuchar por radio al ingeniero de carrera de Leclerc solicitando un control de salud; su solicitud no será atendida. De hecho, él, como el resto del mundo, no recibirá respuesta alguna. El Gran Premio de Austria de 2023 recibe una bandera roja casi de inmediato y no se reanuda. o; Charles Leclerc choca contra las barreras en Austria y los conductores a su alrededor luchan por afrontar las consecuencias. -------------------------------------- Esta obra no me pertenece, pero tengo el permiso para su traducción, todos los créditos a @makeamends en AO3
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livethrujesus · 1 year
Stop Feeling Guilty: Jesus Died to Set You Free
Why are you still paying for your sins when Jesus already paid for you? His sacrifice is pointless towards you if you don’t accept it and apply it to your life. #guilt #Jesus #salvation #absolution #repent #reconcile #restitution #makeamends #forgiveness
When we wrong another person, God demands that we make restitution. That’s justice for both parties involved. But there’s also a spiritual reason He requires restitution. If we’ve already made things right with the person we wronged, then when we go to God to ask for forgiveness, then we’ve already demonstrated true repentance. This proves that we aren’t just trying to be absolved from our…
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Roommates (part1)
Anywhere you go, I will follow Status: completed Rating: T Author: littlefandom Summary: Simon and Wilhelm have been best friends since forever. They know each other inside out and there is no such thing as secrets when it comes to them… or there didn’t use to be. Because there’s one, huge thing Wille’s been hiding from Simon. Namely, he’s in love with him. But there is no way Simon could ever like him back in this way. Right? Or, Simon is stunning, Wille gets jealous and a party game uncovers some deep secrets… in a way that Wilhelm for sure doesn’t expect.
guess this could be worse (walking out the door with your bags) Status: incomplete Rating: T Author: tobuildahome Summary: In which simon gets a boyfriend, and wilhelm is an idiot)
In the Back of my Mind, You Died. Status: incomplete Rating: T Author: zelinkies Summary: The second-born son of Queen Kristina, nineteen-year-old Prince Wilhelm, has just gone viral for getting into a fight at a party. In a public statement, his immediate transfer to Hillerska College was announced. His one request (other than not transferring entirely) was to have an “ordinary” person as a roommate. Conveniently for him, the roommate of one Simon Eriksson has just gotten suspended. 
all this time Status: completed Rating: M Author: makeamends Summary: In an alternative universe where Wilhelm is still born in Stockholm but not anywhere near the palace gates, in a regular hospital room to a pretty regular set of parents and a pretty regular big brother, the Swedish monarchy is someone else’s responsibility to uphold and protect. Instead, Wilhelm’s top concern at the moment is his best friend Simon, who he has been hopelessly in love with for the better part of two years, ever since they met in their Intro to Political Science class.
The only flaw Wilhelm has ever been able to find in Simon Eriksson is his goddamn boyfriend.
Imagine his surprise when he wakes up one morning to texts from Henry implying he should maybe, just maybe, consider asking Simon why he’s dating Markus in the first place, because an apparently viral reddit post by someone sounding suspiciously like Simon published last night on r/AmItheAsshole seems to imply Simon’s been living under the assumption that Wilhelm is very, very straight for the last two years
Simon is very, very wrong. 
You Can Feel It On The Way Home Status: completed Rating: T Author: wilmonsfolklore Summary: Wille and Simon are roommates during their first semester of university and Wille slowly realises that Simon might just be the best person they've ever met) 
Eleven Status: completed Rating: G Author: Skamownsme4ever Summary: Wille has the biggest crush on his roommate and Simon overhears their conversation while he is talking to Erik on the phone. Simon can't believe what he is hearing.
the way you look at me Status: completed Rating: T Author: strummerjoe Summary: After spending his whole life in Bjärstad, Simon is excited to go to university. He wants to embrace all aspects of student life and he's ready for anything.... Anything, except finding a disgruntled crown prince in his new bedroom. 
will you hold me tight and not let go? Status: completed Rating: E Author: toffeelemon Summary: The fancy French restaurant that Simon sings part time at has offered him a free candlelit dinner for two - obviously Simon is not about to say no to free food, but he doesn't have a boyfriend, so he asks the next best person to go with him. His good friend and housemate Wille. (Ex-Crown Prince, drop dead gorgeous, might actually be the best person Simon has ever met Wille.)
The line between hate and love Status: incomplete Rating: M Author: neverlookbehind Summary: Wille goes out with his group of friends one night. The rage that was raging in his body that night, makes him bump into a boy with dark curly hair. The two fight and he still doesn’t know about a series of events that awaits him. What if the thin line that divides hate and love breaks? 
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youngdisciples · 4 years
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When you borrowed something from a friend and you broke it, are you going to tell that friend? Or are you just going to let him/her discover it? Are you going to come clean and confess that you broke his/her valuable thing or you’re just going to act like you did not do anything?
One of man’s nastiest assets is pride. We mostly do not care about anything other than preserving our pride. We hate it when we have to admit something and we hate it when people call us out because of something we did.
We tend to show our alpha-male-like attitude to every situation we face even if we know that most of the time it’s our fault. We refuse to accept the fact that we messed up but instead we put up a hard front to sway away from our mistakes. 
However, the best way to clear misunderstandings is to confess your mistakes and make amends. This situation is also very similar to our spiritual life. We mostly do not accept and admit our sins because of our pride. We act like everything we are doing is acceptable and we do not like it when we are caught red-handed. 
God is reminding us now that we should drop our prideful attitudes and confess our sins to Him because He is very faithful to forgive us. Instead of acting mighty and prideful, we should humble ourselves, confess our sins and ask for forgiveness. 
Jesus Christ came to this world to offer us His unlimited forgiveness— a favor we never deserve. He died on the cross for all of us so we will not suffer the everlasting pain in hell. Jesus is so faithful and just that if we confess our sins and believe in Him, we will be forgiven and saved. 
We can never repay God’s faithfulness and love and the only thing we can do is to pray that He will help us abandon our pride and instead put all our faith in Him. We must pray that He will give us the strength to confess everything to Him and that through Jesus Christ we can find redemption and forgiveness. 
Let us stop our proud-alpha-male attitude and submit everything to Jesus. Let us all acknowledge that we sinned, confess it one by one to Jesus, repent, turn away from our sins and make amends. We must never forget that even if we are not faithful, our God is faithful and He loves us so much. 
Acknowledge that you sinned, confess it one by one, repent, turn away from our sins and  make amends!
For more daily reflection, verse and encouragement, you may follow us. You can also like, follow and visit us on:
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/YoungdisciplesIntl
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midlarts · 6 years
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Some Make Amends Icons! 🧡🧡❤❤
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kylahrayne-blog · 6 years
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I know how #Lonely it can be when you finalise and decide "NO MORE SECOND CHANCES!" You're #Hurt, I get it, but to not give anyone a #SecondChance, ever, because of your #Painful past, isn't fair, on them, or yourself, you end up cutting everyone off until there's hardly anyone left, even though quite a few of those you cut off, probably deserved another chance, and could have brought much #Happiness to your #Life, and they're gone, because of one #Mistake.. And if enough time has passed and someone is proving themselves that they've changed, and are really trying hard to #MakeAmends, that shows that perhaps they have had time to realise their folly, and #Appreciate what you had together, #Platonically, #Romantically, or in any other way. "You're just cutting off your nose to spite your face" is a phrase that comes to mind (thanks #Nan lol) Don't #Spite yourself through #Fear, be #Brave, throw yourself out there and take #Risks! I look forward. Kiss my Arse or call me a Bitch, I will still be #Queen 😘 (at Birmingham, United Kingdom)
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grapehyasynth · 8 months
young royals fic rec, 22/?
i’m (slowly) working my way through the wilmon tag on ao3 and thought that as i go i might shout out some fics i enjoy along the way! i've tagged authors where i knew their tumblr url, but please feel free to tag folks or dm me if you know ones i've missed!
1. All Bets Are Off by yr_bb - It’s not a secret if it’s to win a bet, right?
2. blame it on the mistletoe by @ishotforthestars - "You have all been given the name of one of your classmates. As their Secret Santa, you have to make sure this December is a little better for the person you’ve drawn, by whatever means you deem appropriate."
3. Well all the stars would shine a bloody red by YoungRydbergs - Sara's comment about Karin Boye makes Simon worry. He spirals and starts overanalysing everything.
4. bet you'll go far by @gh0sthugs - When Simon moves to Uppsala following a particularly painful breakup, he meets (and slowly falls in love with) his new neighbour — the constant appearances of his adorable daughter are definitely a bonus.
5. An Unfortunate Romance by @i-love-semicolons and @ungaroyals - The obvious plan to get Prince Wilhelm's image back on track is to find him a stable and respectable boyfriend. And who better than Simon Eriksson?
6. christmas morning by makeamends - It was Christmas morning, and he had yet to get his boyfriend of seven months a fucking Christmas present, because he was an idiot.
see all my rec lists here!
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23percentchallenge · 4 years
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Inspiration for the Week Featuring Forgiveness Day #23percentchallenge #keystoforgiveness #marriage #heartfelt #verbalapology #makeamends #patience #willingnesstoforgive #rebuildtrust https://www.instagram.com/p/CFaI3-jJv-X/?igshid=1u6wdiimiqbdc
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dionnetarongoy-blog · 6 years
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The 21st century is a generation where in technology became more high tech. The mellenials can't seem to catch up with all those stuffs. Some can't even seem to figure out how those gadgets work. Generation Z looked down on the mellenials because of their lack in knowledge about technology.
The mellenials or generation Y was a generation crawling with responsible people, people that has proper etiquette, people that are dedicated in their future and life, and people who are willing to help others. What happened to us?
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