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werelupe-king · 1 year ago
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maiandros & maiandros + regia
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coffeenewstom · 1 year ago
Athener Kaffee-Tagebuch: Maiandros Restaurant und Leckereien in Monastiraki
Die Tram bringt von von Edem zum Syntagma. Von dort nehme ich die Metro zurück nach Monastiraki. Nach den letzten, durchaus laufstarken Tagen will ich mir diesmal die Tavernen-Wahl leicht machen. Und das geht nirgends besser, als in diesem quirligen Stadtteil zu Füßen der Akropolis. Hier war schon in der Antike die Agora, der Platz an dem man sich traf. Ich schiebe mich durch die belebten Gassen…
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shelloil · 2 years ago
whether or not it dredges up the severed head of medusa from the Maiandros, any human interaction contains data, and is hence a sou [[[CONJECTURE: it might suck and you might learn nothing]]]
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ambergreyowl · 5 years ago
Red and purple (for the colour asks😊)
thanks for asking, youre a doll! just got the red ask so im only answering the purple here
purple: what’s your astrological sign? what’s the best piece of advice you ever received? when’s the last time you followed your instincts? what’s your favorite food? what’s your secret dream?
pisces! / move country with me / yesterday? / toast with butter and salt (yes i know there are more interesting things but is anything really as satisfying?) / that i will have a wife one day and we will be happy and ill be happy with the life ive lived and history will know we were here
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adamworu · 5 years ago
Glad you're back + that you're ok💖💖💖
Thanks! It’s good to be back :D !
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twowivestwoknives · 6 years ago
Hot cocoa, bath bomb, and seaside☺
hot cocoa - three things you love about yourself?
my singing voice, my writing, and the way i hold love for others (bonus, my eyes and cheekbones work real nice together) 
bath bomb - what is the best form of self care?
singing really fucking loudly and passionately. followed by going on a long ass walk, followed by body care (massages, showers, moisturizing, hair masks, ect. yes i worked at lush)
seaside - ideal date?
go to a concert and then a 24hr diner or go to kareoke and walk home singing shitty 90s songs in the rain. 
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maiandros · 6 years ago
Hard at work🤓
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leftovies · 7 years ago
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Terminus. This is a dangerous place.
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alatismeni-theitsa · 3 years ago
Just for some minor explanation: Leuce, as an Oceanid or just in general a nymph, didn't have anything to do (romantically or otherwise tbh) with Hades in Greek mythology. In fact, the only two mentions we have of her are these:
R. E. Bell, Women of Classical Mythology (sourced from Servius on Virgil's Eclogues 4.250) :
"Leuce was a nymph, a daughter of Oceanus, who was carried off by Hades. After her death she was changed into a white poplar in Elysium. The white poplar was sacred to Hades. When Heracles returned form the underworld, he was crowned with poplar leaves."
Pausanias, Description of Greece 5. 14. 2 (trans. Jones) (Greek travelogue C2nd A.D.) :
"Herakles found the white poplar (leukê) growing on the banks of the Akheron (Acheron), the river in Thesprotia, and for this reason Homer calls it Akherois (Acherois). So from the first down to the present all rivers have not been equally suited for the growth of plants and trees. Tamarisks grow best and in the greatest numbers by the Maiandros (Meander) . . . So it is no wonder that the white poplar grew first by the Akheron."
"Leuce was a nymph, a daughter of Oceanus, who was carried off by Hades. After her death she was changed into a white poplar in Elysium."
Maybe that's why people see Hades and Leuce like lovers. I admit I hadn't searched any sources so thank you for providing them! Doesn't the "carried her off" imply that he wanted her for his lover? He didn't take her to Hades after her death. And then she became his sacred flower, like hyacinth was to Apollo.
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egorodriguez · 4 years ago
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Kalamos was the son of the Maiandros, God of the river Meander. Karpos, whose name mean "fruit" was the son of the West wind, Zephyrus and Khloris, the Spring. One day they were swimming and decide to race reach other from bank to bank of the river. Kalamos knowing of his advantage on the water was letting Karpos overtake him, when a gust of wind and a wave came over and drowned Karpos. Kalamos can't believe his lover is dead. The poem reads: "My star sank in the stream and hasn't risen", he cries. "My morning star has not shone. Karpos is drowned, and why should I see the daylight anymore? Who has quenched the light of love? Come along, my boy, why do you stay on the water so long? Have you found a better friend than me? Have you thrown the love of poor Kalamos away so that you can stay with him? If a water nymph has carried you off I will kill them all! Karpos, have you reached the bank further down the river? I've shouted till I'm tired and you don't answer" "If my father carried you off on the merciless rush of a his wave, let him receive his son also in the waters" And after that he drowned himself. To honour his sacrifice the gods turned him into water reeds. When the reeds move with the wind they say is Kalamos weeping for the loss of his only love. #egorodriguez #illustration #mythology #art #queerart — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/31cGhmL
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reefscom · 8 years ago
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Top Ten Trimma - https://reefs.com/2017/07/06/top-ten-trimma/
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whimsical-witch-art · 5 years ago
Tagged by @maiandros
Coffee or tea | early bird or night owl | chocolate or vanilla | spring or fall | silver or gold | pop or alternative | freckles or dimples | snakes or sharks | mountains or fields | thunder or lightning | egyptian mythology or Greek mythology | ivory or scarlet | flute or lyre | opal or diamond | butterflies or honeybees | macarons or eclairs | typewritten or handwritten | secret garden or secret library | rooftop or balcony | spicy or mild | opera or ballet | london or paris | Vincent van gogh or claude monet| denim or leather | potions or spells | ocean or desert | mermaids or sirens | masquerade ball or cocktail party
I shocked I got tagged in this but thank you! I tag @chamikhan and @mostuselessgay I guess. 👍✌
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sorryicantquitequeeryou · 2 years ago
I've been doing some light research on the mythological story of Karpos and Kalamos
At first, I was finding the same summary over and over with slightly different wording. Summary in my own words: Karpos was a gorgeous youth who was deeply in love with his boyfriend Kalamos, the child of Maiandros (god of the Maeander river) and Khloris (or Chloris) (spring, or new vegetation). The two decided to have a swimming competition in the river. Karpos drowned causing Kalamos to fall into despair and allowed himself to drown in the river as well. Kalamos was then transformed into a water reed whose songs are said to be sighs of lamentation.
Then I came across a completely different summary from a library that said the two were friends yet decided to include the detail that the water reed is quite phallic-like.
What. How can you call them friends and in the same paragraph make a dick joke?
Anyway- this lead me to look deeper and I found this awesome blog post that explains more in-depth about Karpos and Kalamos. I wanted to share!
Some of the additional information you get to learn in the article is:
Kalamos tries to blame the gods of the four winds for drowning Karpos by creating a wave in the river
Kalamos comes to the conclusion that it must have been his father, god of the river, that created the wave that drowned Karpos
His last words were of how he wanted to have a single grave and headstone for himself and his love Karpos
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starweed · 2 years ago
hermaphroditus (the god of hermaphrodites and effeminates as well as one of the erotes (a group of winged gods)) is the son of hermes (one of the 12 olympians, the god of trade and the patron god of merchants, he also acted as a messenger of the gods) and aphrodite (another one of the olympians was the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility, she’s also interesting because she (along with zeus) is one of the only gods to be regularly worshipped by all of ancient greece), he was seen as an exceptionally handsome boy.
cw // sexual assault/rape & non-consensual body modification by a third party (one of the gods)
according to the poet ovid, at the age of fifteen hermaphroditus grew bored of his home on mount ida, he decided to venture down the mountain to explore lydia and karia. salmacis (assumed to be the daughter of the river god maiandros, seen as atypical for her kind due to her rejecting the ways of artemis) was the naiad-nymph of a spring in the town of halikarnassos in karia (south-western anatolia, near bodrum, turkey) who became infatuated with hermaphroditus. she approached the boy in the woods of karia (near halikarnassos) hermaphroditus rejected her advances, and told her to leave. after he assumed salmacis had left he undressed and entered the empty waters of a nearby pool. salmacis had been hidden behind a tree, she entered the water after him, and then raped him by passionately kissing him on the lips. she prayed to the gods to unite them forever, and that the gods did, they merged them together creating the first hermaphrodite. hermaphroditus then cursed the river where this all took place to cause any man who bathed in aforementioned river to experience his transformation.
an account of this tale can be found in a chapter of ovid’s metamorphoses. of course, it’s worth mentioning that ovid’s accounts of the greek mythos do need to be taken with a grain of salt. ovid was a roman poet recounting greek tails to people who typically hated the greeks, so most of his writings surrounding the greeks put a derogatory spin on the greek deities to help show just how much better their gods were to the greek’s. you can also see this in his accounts of the stories of medusa and arachne with him making athena seem much more spiteful than she is normally portrayed. in a description found on the remains of a wall in non-mythical halikarnassos aphrodite names salmacis the nymph who nursed and took care of hermaphroditus, which obviously tells a very different story compared to the one ovid wrote. lucian of samosata also implies that hermaphroditus was born like that, not later turned against his will and blames it on his father.
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The Nymph Salmacis and Hermaphroditus (1829) by François-Joseph Navez.
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leftovies · 7 years ago
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it’s my technique. it’s my technique. it’s my palette. it’s my palette.
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specialistmorgenj · 3 years ago
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