#Trimma caudomaculatum
reefscom · 7 years
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Top Ten Trimma - https://reefs.com/2017/07/06/top-ten-trimma/
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wishfishy · 6 years
what’s your top ten aquarium fish wish list?
It’s a little hard to whittle it down to just ten: do I go for the top ten that are realistic price-wise and considering the space I’ll likely have? Do I list the top ten dreamy but never-in-a-million-years fish? Fresh? Salt? 
Ah well, here is what I came up with today. In no particular order: 
Rhinogobious zhoui (sometimes called the Scarlet Goby, but the common name is super variable) 
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Doryrhamphus excisus (Bluestripe Pipefish) 
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Breeding pair of a Parosphromenus species (Liquorice Gourami: I’m not picky I love them all) 
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Antennarius maculatus (Painted or Clown Frogfish) 
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Scleromystax barbatus (Banded “cory”)
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Plectranthias inermis (Geometric Perchlet) 
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A group of Demekin, provided space for a large tank or pond. 
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Ptereleotris grammica (Lined Dartfish) 
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Trimma caudomaculatum (Often misidentified as T. tevegae, the blue-striped cave goby) 
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stiphodon rutilaureus (one of my favourite LFS had them and I fell in love) 
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And that’s the first ten wish-fish I thought of today. There are tons more, for example a few of the Psudomugil species (blue-eyes), rainbow emperor tetra, and some dream fish that are just tooooo ‘spensive, like Anampses lennardi. 
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