#Magitek Magician
sunnyxiv · 4 months
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So easily we're persuaded, when the lines are blurred and faded.
No one ever starts that way. But this is how villains are made.
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bye fallen mobile generation and hello rising mobile generation
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triple/tripler heroer has to become grand/grander heroer after he kill kingblader & rillaboom & sevens road magician & cyberverse bumblebee & super magitek deity magnum over road as he has to end mobile generation 8/eight to start mobile generation 9/nine for good forever.
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astrology-bf · 19 days
FFXIVWrite 2024 | Day 3 "Tempest" [Mirror]
Because the machine spirit won't stop me from sharing this. [CW: Blood, Angst, Slight Stormblood Spoilers]
“Ah. Bringer of Light. It has been too long.”
Elidibus’ voice rang out from under Zenos’ helmet as he spoke. The eye which could be seen through the rough hole where Lyse’s wristblade punctured it was roving, eyeing the Warrior of Light as he stood opposite the Ascian.
Ifan didn’t answer. He hadn’t said a word since telling Arenvald to take the others somewhere safe; only stood there, fists clenched and resting at his sides as he stared back at Elidibus.
His face was calm. But his eyes were burning.
The Ascian’s visible eye returned to Ifan’s face, and he gave a light scoff. 
“No words to mark our reunion?” he asked, more a jeer.
Ifan gave no answer still, though his fists clenched. 
As no answer came, Elidibus shifted his stance; standing upright, blade held at the ready in a challenge to his foe. 
“...So be it.” he said. His voice rang out across the rough arena in the Ghimlyt Dark, edged by a burning ring of twisted magitek and corpses. “ Equilibrium must be restored… and only your death will redress the b-”
“Shut up.” Ifan said quietly.
Elidibus blinked. His words were caught, and all that left him was a curious hum.
“Shut up!” Ifan snapped. The magician’s face began to twist, and he tensed up as his lips parted in a baring of his teeth.
Elidibus said nothing, raising his chin in curiosity at the reaction.
Ifan’s fists began to shake. His chin lowered, the baring of his teeth became a savage snarl. His breath came more heavily, more audibly… enough Elidibus could hear it, several yalms away. Like a bellows at a forge, stoking an ember to a blaze which could melt steel.
“I’ve had enough of you.” he hissed. “Had enough of your speeches, your schemes… You’ve taken everything from me. My friends. The men I love. My life!” Ifan snarled, saliva flecking from his teeth as his face wrenched into an expression of unbridled, primal fury.
Then he paused. He took a breath, and raised his hands - steadily, in terrifying contrast to the way his face continued to twist up, and his fists unclenched to show what he was holding.
In his left, he held a crystal of dark violet etched with a symbol representing a meteor. No sooner did his fingers part than did the Gem of Shatotto start glowing, and Elidibus blinked sharply as he felt the sudden pull; the hunger for raw aether, ripping it in crackling arcs from the earth, the very air. 
In his right, Ifan held another gem; jagged, heart-shaped, and hue of blackest night. But its face was etched with a greatsword, and where the sigil was carved there was an orange light burning; dimly, but brighter with each passing second, as Ifan carelessly poured aether and anger right onto the blaze. 
Ifan rose up, clenching his fists tightly; his right hand began bleeding where the dark knight soul crystal cut into him, though the blood soon ignited in black-crimson fire. 
His eyes met Elidibus’, and his rage reached its peak. Ifan’s voice rang out across the Ghimlyt Dark in mirror of the thunder overhead.
“You want your damn Weapon of Light, Eorzea? You’ve got him!!” roared the Warrior of Light. “FRAY!”
Ifan… if that was who he was… lowered his chin again. His eyes were nearly shuddering with the intensity with which they stared down at his prey, all reason lost. 
He’d kill him. Even if it killed him.
“...He’s all yours.”
The Warrior of Light then snarled as he brought his right fist up, and drove it into his chest. A fulmination of raw aether sparked and then erupted, as flames of ruddy black lashed out and scarred the space with welts that left even the cermet molten. 
When it faded - if the sizzling in the air could be called ‘faded’ - the magician clad in sun-bleached white was gone. Instead, the Ascian was greeted with a man in black; a knight in darkened plate, still and silent as a corpse, save for his eyes which gleamed like golden pyrelights as they fixed upon Elidibus.
Though still behind the barrier he conjured to protect himself from Ifan’s flames, Elidibus still took half a step back.
The knight brought his hand up, and the Gem of Shatotto began warping; twisting into a blackened replica of its first bearer’s Stardust Rod, which soon crackled in ianthine arcs from the sheer volume of ambient aether beginning to collect in it.
Six seconds passed. And on the seventh, Fray let out a short huff.
“...As you say.”
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zeemczed · 1 month
Silly Game Time: Who are some of your favorite magician characters? And what do you like about them?
They can be of any class or variety of magic-user (wizard, witch, sorcerer, warlock, healer, druid, etc.), of any race or species, so long as using magic is *primarily* their thing in the story. Not just something they do occasionally, but something that is a major element of their role and their identity.
I'm gonna give you a two-shot here. First, Tedd from El Goonish Shive (the predictable answer). Tedd is a seer, so they can see magic and put spells into wands. They are very good at this, and see themself as something of a magic-scientist. This was also a source of major character growth for them, as magitek bodging is what got them out of their deep and profound funk after their mom left. Tedd is the blorbo-est blorbo and I love them.
Second, Rune from Phantasy Star IV. He's a straight-up wizard in a world that has forgotten a lot about true magic ("technique", implied to be functional psionics, having more or less replaced it) but he's DARN good at what he does despite being a smarmy jerk about it. Also he's the reincarnation of an ancient order of espers, and the member of the order you eventually recruit in the game is not exactly happy about that revelation.
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synne-spades · 6 years
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If the heaven’s ever did speak
She’s the last true mouthpiece
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changeling-rin · 2 years
Since the Guardians and similar magitek robots were probably being used for everything in Archive's time rather than just fighting Ganon, what is the first thing Steam and Sketch do upon getting there? How does everyone else react to it as well?
Oh they go absolutely nuts. Within the span of two hours they've gotten themselves apprenticed to three different mechanics, a tech coder, two different mech magicians, and also an architect just to be thorough. How are they gonna have time for all this? Oh they're gonna make time, this is the best thing that's happened to their collective inventive inspiration in years!
Everybody else is the normal level of interested. Well, maybe not Gen, who has one or two mild flashbacks when confronted with magitek robots, but once he gets over it he can admit it's all pretty neat. Someone should probably follow Steam and Sketch though. At all times. Just to be safe.
('how much trouble could they possibly get into' is an evil question and shall not be uttered. the answer, for the interested, is 'way too much')
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ofthepuzzle · 3 years
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       what if...
       magician with magitek gear and armor —
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otternally-afk · 7 years
[insert mumbled theoretical techy bullshit here bc the player knows jack shit irl]
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atomicdeke · 5 years
tea orange: what is something that your muse is fascinated with?
Jaaster is endlessly intrigued by people that build or work with fine-tuned and intricate devices and instruments, like clocks or magitek, like they’re some kind of magician. Intellectually, he knows that he could follow a similar path if he were so inclined, given his dexterity and aptitude for crafting, but he considers that sort of painstaking attention to detail beyond him. At any rate, he’s happy with his carpentry and his very minor forays into leatherworking and metalworking as it relates to his craft.
As for Vander, it’s very much at odds with his personal preferences regarding flying things - namely, that they are ridiculous and inherently untrustworthy - but airships have definitely attracted his fancy. He has an extensive sailing background, so he feels like life aboard an airship wouldn’t be that much different, but for a good while, every moment spent in flight would be one he’d spend in the hold, pretending he wasn’t where he was.
Thanks for the ask, @sharlayanwanderer!
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If I Go Back In Time Part 2
I realized that were I to actually pitch the movie, the executives and producers would probably ask about more movies going forward. After all, this is supposed to be a cinematic universe to compete with Marvel. I've given it some thought- firstly, the casting of the heroes will be the same, because as far as I'm concerned they all did okay. Secondly, here's a list of possible films in my version of the DCEU:
Man of Steel 2
Plot: See the old post.
To Be Released: Given I said I'd go back to 2012, earliest release would probably be mid 2014
Marketing Notes: Keep it to a minimum. Maybe 2 trailers and a handful of tv spots. Around 4 minutes of footage total, all of it from the first half of the movie. Lower people's expectations a little so they can be surprised if it's any good.
Wonder Woman
Plot: Mostly the same as the one we got for real, but a few significant changes...
Lois Lane is the one conversing with Diana about the photograph, not Batman.
Ares did not kill all of the gods, they simply withdrew from the world of man once humans got too violent. They're in some pocket dimension version of Mount Olympus, waiting for future movies.
Diana does not think that Danny Houston's character is Ares. But she does think he knows where Ares is, because she has a very black-and-white view of the world right now, and Steve told her that Britain and their allies were the good guys. So obviously Ares is on the side of the 'bad' guys, the Germans.
Towards the middle of the movie, when Charlie the sniper is having his breakdown, Diana takes him aside and tells him that the older Amazons still have nightmares about battles from thousands of years ago. It's nothing to be ashamed of. It tends to help them when their friends are nearby. Now, they're not going to force him to fight, but they do want him to come with them. After all, if he stays, who will sing for them? I just think that having that conversation beforehand would be a bit more respectful of his condition. Also it comes back in the climax, Diana at one point has a gun to the back of her head in the middle of a fight, and Charlie shoots the guy first.
When Ares shows up towards the climax, he's actually a good guy who's been trying to end the war peacefully. Turns out, the mythology Diana was taught was wrong. The gods withdrew towards the end of the reign of the first Amazon queen, Otrera. Otrera according to the real world myths had a fling with Ares, which probably ended badly. Here, she would have lied about the reason for the gods' leaving just because she doesn't like Ares. And turns out, mankind really are just a bunch of warmongering assholes. Sometimes.
The real big bad is Doctor Poison. She uses Diana's discarded sword to stab Ares in the back, poisons Diana to weaken her, then huffs some of her own super-serum gas to make the boss battle a fair(-ish) fight.
When Steve comes up to Diana to tell her about his plan to destroy the plane, she can hear him and actually gives him her blessing. So no more 'hung up on her ex' version! It's just not possible if she told him to do it.
There are a couple bits of set up for the next film. First, at some point underwater ruins are mentioned, and Diana asks if Atlantis has fallen in the war. Steve asks if it actually exists, to which Diana replies, “Last time I knew...” The second part is a mid-credits scene where Lois sends Diana another message, asking her to look at a video. The video is exactly the same as the one we got in BvS, of Aquaman underwater stabbing the camera with his trident. During the clip, we hear a part of what will be Aquaman's theme, same as how WW's theme played in her pre-credits scene.
To Be Released: Probably late 2015, early 2016
Marketing Notes: Nothing is released or announced regarding this film until after MoS 2 has been in theaters for a week. I want people to go absolutely fucking apeshit in theaters when they realize that Wonder Woman of all characters will be the next film. Considering how she'd been regarded by Warner Bros. in the past.
The Aquaman
Plot: It's like a crazy Star Wars/Black Panther/Moana fusion. An Operatic Superhero Political-and-Family Drama based out of a futuristic Polynesian magitek version of Atlantis, with only a few scenes above the water.
To Be Released: Mid to late 2017.
Marketing Notes: Don't have a lot of action in the trailers. There will be action in the movie, including a badass final fight, but it'll be less than most superhero films. Focus on the drama in the trailers to accurately represent the movie.
Knight of Gotham
Plot: This movie will be the smallest scale movie in the franchise. It'll focus in on Batman's detective skills more than anything (though he'll still kick major ass).When the movie begins, all of Batman's more famous foes are locked up in Arkham Asylum. He hasn't been seen much lately. So smaller criminals are starting to think it's safe to operate in Gotham again. Mob boss Don Carmine Falcone wants in on it. So he puts out a hit on Commissioner Gordon, the only non-corrupt official in the city. The first taker is Deadshot (setting him up for you-know-what, but a better version). After that a couple of small-time killers. Then Ra's Al-Ghul shows up and tells Batman that every assassin not a part of the League will likely be heading to Gotham to try and kill James Gordon. However, there's only one to really be concerned about: a man named Victor Zsasz. The rest of the film is a cat-and-mouse game between Batman (plus Jim and Batgirl) and Zsasz, culminating in a boss fight that would rival both John Wick movies put together. At the end, Zsasz is a sore loser and blows up Arkham, releasing the villains for future films. At some point, Batman talked to Deadshot in prison and got him to give up Falcone as the one who put out the hit, so Falcone goes to jail and Deadshot is placed in lesser security, with his name marked under the Task Force X label.
To Be Released: Early to mid 2018.
Marketing Notes: Give a significant amount of focus to Batgirl's involvement. People will love that, so long as there's no hint of anything between her and Bruce (there won't be).
Justice League
Plot: We introduce The Flash and Cyborg as a comedic duo of superheroes from STAR Labs, with a dynamic not too dissimilar from Deadpool and Cable, or maybe Hawkeye and Scarlet Witch. The villain of the film is Abra Kadabra, a Flash villain from the distant future who uses nanomachines to do... a lot of different things. He styles himself after a stage magician. As a character in the film, he wants to shunt the Earth into a pocket dimension (make the whole world... disappear!) in order to save it from future disasters. However, the process would kill most of humanity, which is why the League have to stop him. It takes all five powered heroes to hold him down, while Batman delivers the disabling blow using one of his gadgets.
To Be Released: Day after New Year's, 2019.
Marketing Notes: In the film, Abra Kadabra will use his powers to shape shift into the heroes at multiple points. We can use this to run a “Who can you trust?” tagline, with emphasis on the fights, because this movie is spectacle incarnate. With a simple plot.
Man of Steel 3
Plot: This is the one where Lex Luthor reveals his true nature. The big fight will be Warsuit Lex vs Superman. Kryptonite will be introduced here. Other than that, I'm not sure.
To Be Released: Fall 2019.
Marketing Notes: Fake anti-Superman propaganda clips put out by Lex Corp.
Wonder Woman 2
Plot: Villain will probably be Cheetah, since she's the one of the most popular. Might be good to have Diana team up with Flash, just to bring that fun element in, and maybe some time travel stuff. Possibly bringing Steve Trevor back.
To Be Released: Late spring 2020.
Marketing Notes: If Flash is involved, focus on his and Diana's dynamic.
Gotham Sirens
Plot: Catwoman and Lady Shiva have been partners in thievery for a while now. They're hired by Silver St Cloud to steal a sacred amulet (it's actually magic), and they decide to team up with Arkham escapees Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn for the extra muscle. Ivy has her own plans, however, and it involves using the amulet to turn the whole city into a jungle.The reason they needed the extra muscle to steal the amulet is because it was guarded by a private security firm named Grayson and Sons. One guess to who the survivor of the Siren's attack is. Yeah, this movie introduces Nightwing (he skips the Robin identity). He teams up with Batman, Batgirl, and most likely our two thieves to stop Poison Ivy.
To Be Released: Mid fall 2020. Hitting a rhythm now.
Marketing Notes: One half of the material is about the all-girl villain team, the other half is about the growing Bat Family.
Fall of Justice: Tower of Babel
Plot: After Abra Kadabra's tricks, Batman realized how dangerous the rest of the League were and created weapons to stop them if they ever went bad. Unfortunately, someone (maybe Joker? Who would not be played by Jared Leto- I'm thinking Nicholas Hoult, considering his performance as Nux in Mad Max Fury Road) has stolen those weapons and the League is in genuine danger. If not the Joker, perhaps The Rogues came over from Central City and this is Leonard Snart's origin as Captain Cold (the cold gun is in the weapon cache).
To Be Released: Spring 2021.
Marketing Notes: This'll be the darkest entry in the canon so far. Someone will probably die, though who I don't know. Probably a supporting character, but an important one.
There will of course be more movies, but I'm not sure of the order or most of the details. Here's a really quick list:
Constantine (introduce the weird mythos of Dream and the Endless)
Dark Justice (aka, Justice League Dark- the villain will be Enchantress)
Titans (a second superhero team is started by Nightwing and includes Beast Boy, Starfire, and a couple others, and Deathstroke is the villain)
Crisis on Infinite Earths (eventually)
Fall of Justice: The Crime Syndicate (evil versions of our heroes from another Earth)
Flashpoint (without the major reboot aspect)
An Untitled Green Lantern Film (used to introduce planets like Thanagar and Tamaran, as well as the Manhunters)
Identity Crisis (without the “Doctor Light is a serial rapist” part)
Final Crisis (not the last movie)
Suicide Squad (alternately titled “Task Force X”, with a different villain)
Untitled Justice League Sequel (with the Legion of Doom as the bad guys)
Untitled Titans Sequel (with Brother Blood as the villain)
New Gods (I don't know enough about them to even speculate, but this oughta be cool)
Untitled Man of Steel Sequel (uses “Death of Superman” plot)
The Dark Knight Lives (at some point, probably in a League film, Bruce Wayne retired and Batman was believed to be dead. Now he comes back, because Gotham City truly does need him)
Batman Beyond (so it turns out Bruce needs to retire, too, so he finds a protege to take his place)
Justice League Kingdom Come
Man of Steel: Rising Son (deals with the “multiple heroes trying to be Superman” scenario from the comics, before bringing Kal-El himself back)
Green Arrow
Untitled Flash Movie
Untitled Green Lantern Sequel
Untitled Justice League Dark Sequel
Blue and Gold (Blue Beetle and Booster Gold buddy comedy film)
All Female Justice League Film
The final film in the entire universe would be titled Fall of Justice: Blackest Night (the “FoJ” title is applied to all the truly dark entries). This is the finale because it would include every character ever introduced in all the films, at least as a cameo; even the dead ones would return as Black Lanterns.
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sunnyxiv · 5 months
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|| Tнё Ѫаgїтёк Ѫаgїcїап ||
Art by: @minoruru
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astrology-bf · 4 months
May DWC Day 4: Celebration
(CW: Death Mention, PTSD, Mild Spoilers for A Realm Reborn)
The success of Operation Archon was nothing short of miraculous. Still struggling to recover from the Calamity and barely united in the face of internal and international disputes, Eorzea nonetheless stood free in the face of both Garlean and Ascian machinations. There was every reason to celebrate.
And yet…
Y’shtola’s face was somewhat pensive as she made her way through the halls of the Waking Sands. Much like Eorzea herself, the Scions of the Seventh Dawn struggled to rebuild in the aftermath of tragedy; the demands on their organization were proving a bottleneck to replenishing the ranks, so their desert headquarters remained uncomfortably empty. Truth be told, Y’shtola herself had business elsewhere were there not a more pressing concern demanding her attention.
There was every reason to celebrate. And yet, the hero of the hour, the man who rode out of the burning ruins of the Praetorium on the back of a magitek reaper after having defeated van Baelsar, the Ultima Weapon, and Lahabrea himself… seemed not to care.
Ifan had wasted not a moment in celebration before immediately returning to work. He seemed disinclined to spare time for socializing, let alone revelry, and Y’shtola had begun to notice a distinct pattern of Ifan being conspicuously elsewhere whenever Thancred was around.
All of that bothered her. Ifan was a hard worker, yes, but this recent display of ascetic diligence would have put a Studium valedictorian to shame: it was unlike him to forgo his indulgences, Thancred included. But what bothered her the most was his incuriosity about the more arcane aspects of his encounter with the Ultima Weapon and Lahabrea. He was disinterested in discussing the subject outside of formal meetings, and even during those he largely stayed silent beyond answering direct questions. Not a single insight, nor even idle speculation. Very unlike him, indeed.
Her ears perked as she heard a door open and close from the corridor ahead of her. Sure enough, Ifan rounded the corner a moment later. He stiffened briefly as he caught sight of Y’shtola, then smiled and gave the sorceress a wave that was too casual by half. “Hey, ‘Shtola. Wasn’t expecting to see you here.” he greeted.
“I had heard you were due to stop by here. It is good to see you, Ifan.” Y’shtola replied with a graceful nod. ”Might we have a word, if you’ve the time to spare?” she asked.
“For you, always. What’s up?” Ifan answered brightly, crossing his arms. 
“That was my question, actually.” stated Y’shtola, watching Ifan carefully. “Is aught amiss?”
The magician failed to hide a momentary flag in his expression. “Amiss with…?” he asked, only for her gaze to provide all the clarification needed. “Ah. Do I give that impression?” Ifan hummed as his smile became sheepishly sedate.
“I feel I know you well enough by now to say that you are not the sort to spurn chance to celebrate a victory. And lately you have achieved a triumph beyond what any of us could dare hope.” she said. Her voice was gentle, and her expression softened as she stepped forward to close the distance between them. “Ifan. If my perspective on things is skewed, you needn’t feel like you can’t correct it.” 
Ifan’s smile cracked. He sucked on his lips and closed his eyes, expression twisting. “...I can’t get anything past you, can I?” he let out in a strangely tense tone, as if breathing pained him.
The sorceress’ expression grew more serious as the tips of her ears lowered slightly in concern. She reached forward and placed her fingers over Ifan’s, feeling his digits twitch at the contact. “Do you remember the Navel?” she asked as she peered up at him. “You confided in me about you being a black mage, and then bade me promise to check your ambition. I should think that includes reminding you that you have people willing to help shoulder your burdens.” 
There was a long and ugly silence. Then Ifan opened his eyes and let out a choked noise like he’d been struck in the chest, his other hand gripping his shirt. “Lahabrea, he k-... I died...” he forced out, tilting his head to hide his eyes behind his hair as if unable to close them of his own volition. The confession itself was almost inaudible.
Y’shtola’s ears twitched as if uncertain they’d heard him correctly. “You d-” She leaned back slightly, looking him up and down as her hand tightened around his. Then her lips pursed as she bit back all but the most relevant questions. “...You live now, yes?” she asked, leaning forward to peer at Ifan’s face again.
Ifan’s face was twisted up, teeth bared in a grimace and eyes fixed on a memory. “I don’t… I don’t know. Maybe? I…” he mumbled, hand trembling against hers. He took in a choked breath, fighting back tears. “T-thought it was Thancred, that he’d got control back, and I… I hesitated…” 
Y’shtola’s ears fell flat upon realizing what it was Ifan was implying: how Lahabrea had gotten the best of him. A faintly horrified gaze broke through her usual composure, and she reached up to cup his cheek with her free hand. “But you were returned to us? How c–" A breath escaped her.  "Ah. Hydaelyn. I see.” The sorceress lowered her eyes to Ifan’s chest where his other hand was wrenched into his shirt so tightly that his knuckles turned white. He was hunched over slightly, and he seemed to labor for breath: the very image of a man remembering being impaled through the chest. Y'shtola placed both her hands over the straining knuckles, her fingers gently coaxing him to release his death grip on the white fabric and take a breath. 
Ifan's fingers laxed, his eyes slowly closed, and he inhaled shakily. “...’Shtola, what if I’m a…” he whispered, then trailed off. He seemed unwilling to finish the sentence.
“Even assuming that is true, what are you afraid would change?” she asked.
Ifan took a while to answer. He tensed repeatedly, as if struggling physically with the question. Then, at last, he spoke. “I don’t want to have to fight my friends again. Every time Thancred laughs, or even just reaches for me, I’m back there. It’s not even his fault, it’s m…” His hand left his shirt, moving instead to cover his face as the tears began to fall. “I ca… I don’t want to do it again. Can’t. Sorry. Y’shtola, I’m sorry…”
He was still speaking as Y’shtola stepped forward and threaded her arms around his chest, a hand placing itself opposite where he’d clutched his chest and rubbing in soothing circles. “You needn’t apologize, Ifan.” she said quietly. “I merely grieve for you, having had to endure something so…” She grimaced and shook her head. “I cannot imagine."
Watery hisses escaped between Ifan’s teeth as he stifled his weeping in an effort not to attract the attention of passersby within the Waking Sands. His face remained hidden behind his hand as his other arm clung tightly to the sorceress embracing him. “Don’t tell the others. Please.” he managed, his jaw resting against Y’shtola’s temple. “Hurts too much right now, I can’t… When does it stop hurting?”
“I’m uncertain.” she answered quietly. Her voice remained even, but the sorceress was privately grateful that the fabric of Ifan’s shirt quickly wicked away the moisture from her eyes. “But you have my word that I will still be here for you even after it does.”
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chocobutt-trash · 7 years
What are your thoughts on how Ardyn approached Verstael for the first time?
I have this idea in my head that it went something like it did in The Prestige, when Robert Angier meets Nikola Tesla in the midst of an esoteric experiment and is left in awe, frightened and yet terribly intrigued. Verstael would be, like Angier, the dedicated and determined, ambitious showman, and Ardyn of course would be like Tesla, who in this story is a true magician, possessing some kind of ancient knowledge. The scene is so impactful, and coincidentally has a LOT to do with clones and a fusion of magic and physics and technology (magitek, hehe).
Basically I think Ardyn would orchestrate a situation in which Verstael would be attracted to his work of his own accord (perhaps by setting up an experiment or two in some spare laboratories in Gralea, in the sort of places that Verstael would notice but nobody else would care much for), and request he provide help for his own projects. This would leave Verstael feeling like he was the one who initiated everything, and Verstael would be unawares of the true level of control Ardyn had over the development of his progress. Fitting, for a scientist with such an ego as Verstael’s - leaves him easier to control, on Ardyn’s part.
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sunnyxiv · 5 months
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Morning Glory
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astrology-bf · 18 days
FFXIVWrite 2024 | Day 4 "Reticent"
Master Post | My AO3 | Challenge Info
~ 2.1k words | Explicit | M/M | WoL/Ardbert | CW: Light/Referenced Violence + Death, Smut, Mild ShB Spoilers, Vampirism (sorta lmao)
The ax came free from the Garlean’s breastplate with a bloody wrenching; pried loose from the cracked metal with hardly a grunt from Ardbert, despite the weapon’s size and how deeply he had lodged it when he’d made his final strike. 
He let out a breath as he surveyed the battlefield. Neither soldiers nor any magitek remained of the small cadre of Telophoroi which had been harrying Ala Gannha, having met their ends by Ifan’s spellcraft or by Ardbert’s ax. The Warrior of Light himself was doing much the same as his more martially-inclined companion; making sure that all their foes were dead, however eminent the sad necessity of their demise had been.
Ardbert gazed at Ifan. His eyes crinkled with worry, but his lips curved in a half-smile at the sight of his magician. Truly his, now, after all that had conspired to deny them happiness.
All that was still conspiring. Right down to Ardbert’s very nature.
The smile twisted into a sharp frown as he felt that strange sensation in his core again. The dryness… He had no other word for it, nor any point of reference save something wanting desperately for moisture. Dry clay, stale bread, chapped lips; something lacking an essential fluid element.  
He swallowed, and buried the sensation with it. 
“Think that’s the last of them?” he asked, casually.
Ifan glanced back at him, and smiled reflexively before his face became more serious. 
“I think so.” he answered, returning a small nod. “For now, at least. They seem endless sometimes.” A sigh escaped him, and his jaw tightened as his gaze began to drift again. 
Ardbert nodded, but his eyes remained affixed on Ifan even as he reached back to reholster his ax. No sooner had it come in contact with the magicked leather straps than did the blood simply disintegrate into a shimmer; a sorcerous contrivance the magician had devised for him, sparing the need to clean his weapon of the blood. One of a hundred little ways in which the Warrior of Light had showed the former Warrior of Darkness his affection.
The latter stepped forward, and reached up to place his hand on Ifan’s bicep in a loving squeeze.
“Are you all right?” Ardbert asked, peering at his partner.
Ifan’s gaze flicked back to Ardbert’s eyes, and he gave him another nod and a small smile. There was a firmness in his gaze, however, which made the warrior’s lips twist.
“I didn’t get hit,” he answered. “How about you?” The question was accompanied by a slight lowering of Ifan’s chin.
“Didn’t get hit, either.” Ardbert replied. His hand squeezed Ifan’s arm again, thumb running over where the skin was bared between his shoulder and his glove. 
Ifan didn’t answer right away, and the silence seem to take on a leaden quality as his expression grew more grim.
“...And how’s your appetite?” he asked, at length.
Ardbert set his jaw. His hand came away from Ifan’s arm, and he gave a polite nod.
“Fine.” he lied. He smiled, but it was strained and soon proved feeble under Ifan’s gaze. Ardbert’s expression settled; his lips twisted, and he broke eye contact.
“...Bit hungry.” he admitted.
A huff left Ifan’s nostrils, and he nodded. 
“I figured. You spent a lot of aether.” The magician straightened up and looked at Ardbert with a resolved smile. “Let’s get you fed, then.” Ifan said.
“Doesn’t have to be right away...” Ardbert muttered, with a slightly aggrieved tone.
“Doesn’t have to be later, either,” Ifan countered, “and I’d rather not risk it.” He gestured off to the side before beginning to head away from the carnage where they could take care of what was needful in more pleasant ambience.
Ardbert didn’t follow, however. Only his eyes did, his fists clenching as his face began to tighten. Then his lips twisted again, and he swallowed before he couldn’t hold the words back any further.
“How can you be okay with this?” he demanded, sharply.
Ifan came to a halt, back turned to the warrior. There was a long pause before he sighed and slouched. 
“We’ve had this talk before, Ardbert.” Ifan said. He didn’t turn to face his partner.
Ardbert grit his teeth quite stubbornly at Ifan’s stubbornness. He crossed his arms, and stared Ifan down firmly. 
“Well, we’re going to have it again.” he stated.
Ifan turned around, then, and Ardbert saw his face was set in a resigned expression - but his voice contained no hint of brooking any argument.
“All right,” he said, crossing his arms to match the warrior. “Is ‘I love you’ still not a good enough answer?” 
“That’s what I’m afraid of,” Ardbert answered. “If I lose control, I need you to tell me to stop.”
“And you don’t trust me to do that? Is that it?” Ifan said. His hands grew tighter where they rested on his biceps, and his head drew back a little as his eyebrows lowered at the ends.
Ardbert shook his head. He took half a step forward, and uncrossed his arms so he could place a hand over the magician’s gently.
“I know you, Ifan. You’ll cut out a bit of yourself rather than let someone get scratched.” He paused, and let out a long sigh; more a groan, at his hypocrisy. “...We would, rather. We’re the same. So you know I’d pick fading into nothing than hurting you.” Ardbert stated. The hardness in his face then eased, and his eyes gazed into Ifan’s with that sky-blue hue which conjured a warm lightness in his partner’s breast.
Ifan uncrossed his arms, but kept his hand against the warrior’s. “And I’d rather die than lose you again, Ardbert. I know it’s a risk.” Ifan took in a breath, then closed his eyes. “I’m the reason you’re like this.”
Ardbert shook his head sharply, keeping his gaze fixed on the magician’s face. “You didn’t mean to. It was an accident.” he said.
“But you’re still my responsibility.” Ifan countered. “Not even just because of how I summoned you back, but…” He paused again to take a breath, then opened his eyes to look back into his partner’s. 
“I don’t take back what we said in Amaurot,” he said. “You and me, always. Through good and bad, we’ll take care of each other.” Ifan gave Ardbert a sad smile, squeezing his fingers where their hands hung interlinked loosely.
The smile that grew on Ardbert’s face was irrepressible; nearly from ear to ear, and his cheeks turned slightly pink. It didn’t matter what the context, the reminder always elicited the same response.
“...Weirdest bloody marriage in history, I reckon.” Ardbert muttered, breaking eye contact momentarily to look off to the side bashfully with a small chuckle. Then he returned his gaze to Ifan, smiling more softly but just as mirthfully. “I don’t take it back, either. I love you, Ifan. You mean the world to me… More than one.” he said.
Ifan smiled in turn, and stepped forward until their torsos were near-touching.
“That’s why I trust you not to go too far. I love you too, Ardbert.” He seemed to be about to lean forward for a kiss, but instead lowered his eyes. “Besides…”
Ardbert’s smile began to fade, and his eyebrow rose curiously. “Besides…?” he repeated.
Ifan’s gaze slowly returned to Ardbert’s, and the warrior could see a small flicker of some feeling which he couldn’t identify but nonetheless made his cheeks tingle. 
“Why do you keep feeding from me, specifically?” Ifan asked, suddenly. “There’s beasts, bandits.”
The warrior blinked sharply. He didn’t answer. Instead, his lips tightened as he looked away.
Ifan kept on looking at his face, just as before. But as no reply came, the magician tilted his head and gave Ardbert a faint and teasing smile.
“Go on,” he coaxed. “You can say it.”
Ardbert ran his tongue over his teeth, under his lips, as if trying to identify the flavor of the answer before its utterance.
“...I like how you taste.” he said, voice almost a whisper.
Ifan snorted, and gave the warrior a lazy grin. “You do know how to make a boy blush.” he teased.
Ardbert scoffed, and rolled his eyes. “Ass. C’mere.” He unthreaded his fingers from his partner’s, and instead slid both his arms around his waist as Ifan’s draped around his shoulders. Their rhythm was instinctive, now; Ifan’s head was already tilted slightly to the right, and Ardbert’s lower lip slightly protruded so his partner could greet him by gnawing on it.
He paused, however, and swallowed once again before squeezing the magician’s waist.
“You really don’t mind this? Me not being a real man?” Ardbert asked, more fearfully than he intended to. “I’m not even like an Ascian anymore… more like a sin eater, than anything.”
Ardbert blinked as what he received in answer was a kiss; a light nipping of his lower lip before Ifan invited him to press their lips together, which he did with growing eagerness at the blissful familiarity - the long-missed familiarity, after a century of incorporeal existence. 
A flush was visible on both their faces when their kiss finally broke, and Ifan gave his beloved warrior a loving grin.
“Luckily, for you…” he replied, chuckling mirthlessly, “...I have a lot of sin to spare.”
Ardbert grinned back with equal gravity, and pulled his magician close to kiss him once again. A longer kiss, this time, much deeper and more passionate; his tongue grazed tightly against Ifan’s as their lips slid over each other, and his jaw vibrated from the humming leaving Ifan’s mouth as his love kissed him - soon joined by a similar noise of contentment from the warrior, as Ardbert relished the flavor of the Warrior of the Light.
Briny. Not unpleasantly, but more a taste which recalled sea air in Kholusia. Kissing his partner made Ardbert think of a warm day back on the First, sitting naked on an euxine shore while he basked under a bright sun; skin baking from the heat, while his legs and cock were lapped at lovingly by the cool wine-darkness of the Tempest. 
A heat that was enjoyable, until it wasn’t. Far too hot… an unslaked thirst clawing maddeningly within his chest, but Ifan was an Ewer full of sweetest water. So Ardbert drank; he drank, and drank, and though the aether quenched that dryness, every other sip convinced him there was yet a richer prize he hadn’t tasted. 
His fingers started tightening, arms cording like steel bonds around the Warrior of Light as the former Warrior of Darkness felt the urge to seize the vessel he was drinking from and shatter it. To dig his teeth into that burning pyre at the core, and wring every bloody drop of his love’s life out of each scap.
His love.
Ardbert’s eyes snapped open, and he ripped his lips free with a rough gasp as aether misted in the air between their lips. He pulled back, but then stepped forward again as the magician began slumping with a dazed expression on his face. Ifan fell forward, and Ardbert caught him - holding him tenderly, and rubbing his back with an apologetic, deeply guilty look twisting his features.
“I’ve got you. Just breathe.” Ardbert soothed. He hugged Ifan tightly, and closed his eyes as he took in a long breath. “I’m sorry.” he added, opening his eyes and peering at his partner.
Ifan took a little while in finding his lucidity, or as much of it as he could muster. Most of his strength was already focused on returning the embrace, but soon enough he calmed sufficiently to shake his head and try to answer.
 “See?” he began, “Noth-...” His reassurance was disrupted by a sudden aftershock of weariness, and Ifan closed his eyes again for a few moments as he once more tried to collect himself. The magician shifted his weight, pulling himself up on Ardbert so his forehead was pressed tightly to the warrior’s. 
“Nothing to worry about.” Ifan managed, very unconvincingly.
Ardbert scoffed, and shook his head before kissing Ifan again; normally, gratefully, and much less insistently, heedless of the fact they hadn’t moved from where they’d fought. Not that either man felt much of any need to do so; Ifan felt no safer anywhere than in his partner’s nearly-living embrace, and Ardbert felt no calling higher than protecting the magician in his arms.
A hum left Ardbert’s lips as their kiss broke for the last time. “Let’s grab a real bite. My treat.” he offered.
Ifan chuckled, still weary but less debilitatingly.  “Asking me on a date, hm?” he asked, teasing.
“Oi.” Ardbert warned. Then he chuckled in return, and gave Ifan a wry grin. “All right, then. Call it a date, meaning that you’re getting the living shite fucked out of you when you get your strength back.” he countered, one hand sliding down to give Ifan’s rear a firm grope.
Ifan let out a quiet laugh before returning Ardbert’s grin with equal eagerness. “Now we’re talking.” 
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sunnyxiv · 3 years
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