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neggielove · 1 year ago
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blog-aventin-de · 3 months ago
Glieder und Magen
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Glieder und Magen · Aesopus Latinus Fabel · Beistand Missgunst
Man erzählt von den Gliedern des menschlichen Körpers, dass Hände und Füße einst unwillig wurden und dem Magen keine Speise mehr reichen wollten, deswegen, weil er ohne Mühe täglich sich anfüllen und tatenlos sitzen bleiben konnte. Daher empörten sich die Hände und Füße gegen ihn und wollten nicht mehr arbeiten. Sie versagten ihren Dienst und gaben dem Magen nichts mehr zu essen. Vor Hunger schrie nun der Magen; aber jene beharrten auf ihrer Missgunst und gaben ihm mehrere Tage lang nichts mehr zu essen. Da nun der Magen ganz leer und matt war, erschlafften schließlich auch die Glieder. Die Glieder wollten zwar nachher dem Magen wieder etwas Speise zuführen, konnten es aber nicht mehr, weil sie jetzt ebenfalls zu schwach dazu waren. So gingen endlich die Glieder und der Magen zugleich erschöpft miteinander zugrunde. Lehre: Niemand vermag etwas ohne seiner Gehilfen Beistand im Leben. Glieder und Magen · Aesopus Latinus Fabel · Beistand und Missgunst · Lehre Read the full article
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adndmonsteraday · 6 months ago
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Magen (pronounced: /ˈmeɪdʒɛn/ MAY-jen), were green-skinned constructs created by the create magen spell. There were at least three known varieties found on Toril.
While they appeared as humanoids with green skin, magen were not living beings but magical constructs. All of them had green skin and blood that appeared similar to liquid mercury.
While they all shared similar characteristics, the powers of each magen varied depending on their type. All magen had inherent protection against magical spells and similar effects, and their bodies combusted into innocuous flames upon their death.
While all magen were able to understand the language(s) spoken by their creator, they were not granted the ability of speech.
Magen were formed with a sense of perfect obedience. They protected their creators and catered to their needs without question or delay.
Demos magen
These magen were often outfitted with armor and weaponry, and relegated to the duties of guards and protectors.
Galven magen
Imbued with electric energy, galven magen could shock others with their touch and discharge bolts of lightning seemingly at will.
Hypnos magen
Perhaps the most powerful of their kind, hypnos magen were granted telepathic and psychic powers, giving them the power to strike at the minds of others or command others with their thoughts.
The arcanists of ancient Netheril used magen as servants in a variety of different roles, including laborers, bodyguards, and personal attendants.
A number of magen lived in the ruined Netherese enclave of Ythryn for over a millennium after the fall of Netheril, well into the 15th century DR.
Source: https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Magen
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bearbench-img · 8 months ago
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goatgodschild · 1 year ago
Gear Acquisition Syndrome in Magen, Entry 1
I am not one of those who believes that, in this day and age, one must or even should gain everything from our own backyards. For one thing, excessive rock collection is a concern in gathering stones (see jade deposits or moonstones at their respective beaches, here in California). This has the potential to be as destructive, in its own right, as the overharvesting of plants or shells. Even with careful harvesting, illegal collecting is still an issue. There are practitioners who primarily or even exclusively use local materials, but I do not think we should all be equally bound to this, any more than all practitioners should be bound to create the sacred furniture of John Dee.
Overbuying of occult items often is an issue for practitioners, from "baby witches" to people who have practiced for decades, leading to anything from space issues and dust to anxiety or even financial trouble. While consumerism is usually blamed for this, or consumerism under another name, I have long felt that this does not cover all angles of this, and that it is not applicable to many practitioners who may very well struggle with this issue.
I was not sure how to get a hold on this, until I saw a Twitter thread written by Dan Olson just after the James Somerton affair. As I was not particularly close to that whole business, I'm not going to comment further on it. But apparently Olson noticed that Somerton had a $4000 camera as his second camera, and his "main rig being a $6000 camera with about $1000 in accessories". Scammers and overspending is nothing new, but it was later tweets in the thread that I found interesting.
"Again, on its own, this says nothing, it's just indicative of poor financial decisions, maybe impulsive purchasing, Gear Acquisition Syndrome. Biblical sins, but not crimes." "Paired with the constantly inflating fantasy scope of the Telos films it was clearly an expression of a very, very common bad filmmaker habit of 'if I just get the right gear then my movie will basically make itself' Buying stuff because it feels like progress."
Seeing this made me feel as though I had gained a breakthough in perspective. Consumerism doesn't explain why someone who isn't dependent on outside attention still finds themselves buying (for example) an egg-size moonstone with shapes on it like a polar storm. If that person isn't making a purchase video, isn't posting #crystalblessed photos or something -- what gain is there if the stone is bought but not displayed, verbally or not?
Consumerism doesn't line up with that scenario, but Gear Acquisition Syndrome does.
I found this article useful, and plan to go over it in a longer form later.
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sethmacenzie · 4 months ago
I'm guess this is hebrew
magen = shield, defender, protecor
giving it a great, meaningful fitting message.
But I need everyone to know that in german
Magen= Stomach
and that is what I read.
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Inktober Day 27: Road
baby's first vehicle theft
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adampplace-lukewarm · 2 years ago
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How you like a color sketch panel? Magen didn't always have his glorious lilac hair. His mom Elise always keeps her boy sleek
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brykman · 2 months ago
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Photographer Chris Levitan captured a rare and mesmerizing moment involving Capella, the brightest star in the constellation Auriga. Without any editing, his lens recorded an intriguing figure of double inverted triangles, likely caused by the diffraction of light in an ice crystal that passed through the exact angle as soon as the camera clicked.
Capella, with its apparent magnitude of +0.24, is one of the brightest stars in the night sky, positioning itself as a cosmic beacon 42.2 light-years away. Its proximity to the Celestial North Pole makes it even more special for astronomers and sky lovers alike.
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scarletgemstone · 2 years ago
Crossover idea
Disclaimer I own nothing everything belongs to the rightful owners please go and support them and be nice
what if Magen paried with raz
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deinheilpraktiker · 2 years ago
Technisch hergestellte Partikel aus gereinigtem Sand könnten ein potenzielles Heilmittel gegen Fettleibigkeit sein Technisch hergestellte Partikel aus gereinigtem Sand könnten die nächste Therapie gegen Fettleibigkeit sein, da neue Forschungsergebnisse der University of South Australia zeigen, dass poröse Kieselsäure verhindern kann, dass Fette und Kohlenhydrate im Körper adsorbiert werden. Die technisch hergestellten Kieselsäurepartikel bestehen aus gereinigtem Sand und sind optimal mit einer großen Oberfläche ausgestattet, die es ihnen ermöglicht, große Mengen an Verdauungsenzymen... #Bauchschmerzen #Blähungen #chronisch #Diabetes #Drogen #Durchfall #Fettleibigkeit #Forschung #Gewichtsverlust #Herzkreislauferkrankung #Kinder #Kohlenhydrat #Krebs #Magen #Magen_Darmtrakt #Schmerz #Verdauung
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thbiedermann · 5 months ago
Hähnchenmägen-Ragout in würziger Cognac-Sahne-Sauce mit Couscous
Zart geschmortes Ragout Wenn Sie Innereien mögen, sind Hähnchenmägen beim Discounter oder Supermarkt manchmal eine gute Wahl. Es gibt sie in der Packung frisch im Kühlregal mit 400 g Inhalt für wenige Euro. Hähnchenmägen sind Schmorfleisch. Also nichts zum Kurzbraten. Da es eine Innereie ist, wird es von manchen Hundebesitzern auch gern einmal als Frischfutter für ihre Lieblinge verwendet. Aber…
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baroque-hashem · 9 months ago
I wear the Magen David for many reasons, but do you know what my proudest reason is? The reason I display it proudly for all to see rather than hide it when antisemitism is skyrocketing across the globe? I wear it because it makes other Jews feel safe. I work in a very popular tourist location, and thus I see people from all over the country (USA) and the world. I wear my Magen David proudly for that older Jewish woman who feels insecure next to my goyish coworkers, so that when she sees me she smiles and shows me her necklace too and says how nice it is to find another member of the tribe way out here. I wear it so that the Jewish couple from out of town can see it and find another Jew in the crowd, someone they know they can trust, someone they can wish a "Good Shabbos" to. I wear it so that the Jewish woman my age can see it and then excitedly show me her Judaica tattoos, thrilled to find another Jew her age who isn't afraid to be openly Jewish.
I am not a Jew with trembling knees. And I want every member of my community to see me and know that they are safe with me, that here is a proud Jew to whom they can go. That is why I wear the Magen David, above all other reasons, so that my fellow Jews feel safe.
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nesyanast · 1 year ago
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10 times Amy Winehouse was iconic showing off her magen david.
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girlactionfigure · 7 months ago
No Jewish symbol is more misunderstood than the Magen David, "The Star of David." A thread on the actual connection between the Magen David & Jewish magic:
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Its magical origins are obscured by the English phrase, "The Star of David," which is a poor translation of Magen David. Magen = "shield." It is a symbol of a shield, not a star. Nowhere in Jewish literature do we find the phrase "kochav David." It is the "Shield of David."
Before the modern era, we most commonly find the Magen David in amulets. Since the role of an amulet is to provide protection, and a shield is a sign of protection, they are common in Jewish amulets.
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For instance, since a Mezuzah is a home amulet, medieval scribes would often add the "Shield of David" along with names of angels [in the boxes on the left column] to boost its protective powers. Like angels who bestow protection, so does the shield.
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In recent articles, Moshe Idel has shown that Nehemiah ben Shlomo ha-Navi, a medieval Jewish mystic, claimed that David's shield was inscribed with Divine names. It was the magic of these "shielding" names that protected him in battle, not his military power.
For Kabbalists, the following verse shows David's reliance on magical, Divine names in battle: "David replied to the Philistine, 'You come against me with sword and spear and javelin; but I come against you in the name of the Yah of Hosts.'" [1 Sam. 17:45] 
One magical name became especially associated with the Shield of David, the name AGLA. Abraham Saba (1440-1508), even claims that AGLA is called Magen David.
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This association is likely due to the kabbalistic claim that AGLA is an acronym for the liturgical line, "ata gibor l'olam Adonai," which appears right after a reference to Magen Abraham. Hence this magical name became linked to the Magen, the shield.
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By the early-modern period, the Magen David often appears in amulets with the name AGLA written in it (in various styles). The most common use of these amulets was to extinguish urban wild-fires. 
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This type of amulet became so popular in 17th-18th C. Germany (among Jews & Christians), that Lutheran theologians, who were extremely anti-magic, had to polemicize against the use of such amulets.
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At exactly the same time (early 17th C.), Jews begin to be forced to wear the Magen David as a Jewish ID. While Jews had to wear ID badges since the Lateran Council of 1215, those were commonly a yellow wheel, and never a Magen David. 
This is the earliest depiction of a Jew wearing one, from the early 17th century.
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While there is no explicit evidence of such, it is likely that, at least in Ashkenaz, the Magen David became associated with Jews at this time because of its prevalence in popular Jewish amulets. To be a Jew was to have access to protective magic. 
For instance, Wilhelm Schickard, a Lutheran theologian, in his work Tarich (1628, Tübingen), critiques the Jews for this: "The shield of David is the very thing which the most superstitious Jewish nation believes to be strong even against fires."
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The Nazis, ostensibly, reversed this association. The Shield of David became a symbol for those bodies that are unworthy of protection.
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When the founders of the State of Israel chose the Magen David as the national symbol, they were likely oblivious to this long history. But they could have done worse than choosing a Jewish symbol of protection that is other than military power.
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It is unfortunate that right at time of the Holocaust and the founding of the State of Israel, the phrase "Shield of David"—with all its magical history—became overshadowed by the erroneous phrase, "Star of David."
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The Magen David does not need to be a symbol of Israeli military power. For much longer it was associated with Jewish protective magic—a protection that comes not from swords & tanks, but from the Divine.
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thejewitches · 4 months ago
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These incredible solid brass Magen David (Star of David) candle holders are perfect for rituals like Shabbat, holidays, or decor. 
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adampplace-lukewarm · 2 years ago
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Magen, my brain baby
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