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Magical Girl
Wish I could transform to untangle my nappy head with magic
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lukewarmspicysoda-mahp · 2 years ago
Did someone say......Zombie E-boi?
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adampplace-lukewarm · 2 years ago
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okay, hear me out. He looks crazy for a 14 yr old cuz......... ya boy is crazy. He has his reasons okay
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a-fix-of-muses · 2 years ago
Currently Listening To: "Duke Baron of Mahps (Instrumental)" by AnimalJam
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jackalspine · 7 months ago
Cat: *turned away from me*
Me: 🖐️
Cat: mAhp.
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virromanus · 11 months ago
20 Intermediate Italian Phrases for Travelling Around Italy
Dov'è la stazione? (Where is the train station?) - Pronunciation: doh-veh lah stah-tsee-oh-neh - Phonetic: /doˈvɛ la staˈtsjoːne/
Potrebbe aiutarmi? (Could you help me?) - Pronunciation: poht-rehb-beh ah-yoo-tar-mee - Phonetic: /potˈrebbe ajˈutarmi/
Posso avere il menù, per favore? (Can I have the menu, please?) - Pronunciation: pohs-soh ah-veh-reh eel meh-noo, pehr fah-voh-reh - Phonetic: /ˈposso aˈvere il meˈnu, per faˈvore/
Quanto dista? (How far is it?) - Pronunciation: kwahn-toh dees-tah - Phonetic: /ˈkwanto ˈdista/
Posso pagare con la carta? (Can I pay with a card?) - Pronunciation: pohs-soh pah-gah-reh kohn lah kahr-tah - Phonetic: /ˈposso paˈɡare kon la ˈkarta/
Un biglietto di andata e ritorno, per favore. (A round-trip ticket, please.) - Pronunciation: oon bee-lyet-toh dee ahn-dah-tah eh ree-tor-noh, pehr fah-voh-reh - Phonetic: /un biʎˈʎetto di anˈdata e riˈtorno, per faˈvore/
Che ore sono? (What time is it?) - Pronunciation: keh oh-reh soh-noh - Phonetic: /ke ˈore ˈsono/
Posso vedere la mappa? (Can I see the map?) - Pronunciation: pohs-soh veh-deh-reh lah mahp-pah - Phonetic: /ˈposso veˈdere la ˈmappa/
C'è una guida in inglese? (Is there a guide in English?) - Pronunciation: cheh oo-nah gwee-dah een een-gleh-seh - Phonetic: /tʃɛ uˈna ˈɡwida in inˈɡleːze/
Mi sono perso/a. (I am lost.) - Pronunciation: mee soh-noh pehr-soh/ah - Phonetic: /mi ˈsono ˈperso/ˈpersa/
Potete chiamare un taxi? (Can you call a taxi?) - Pronunciation: po-teh-teh kyah-mah-reh oon tahk-see - Phonetic: /poˈtete ˈkjaːmare un ˈtaksi/
C'è una fermata dell'autobus qui vicino? (Is there a bus stop nearby?) - Pronunciation: cheh oo-nah fehr-mah-tah del-ow-toh-boos kwee vee-chee-noh - Phonetic: /tʃɛ ˈuna ferˈmata delˈlautobus qui viˈtʃino/
Quanto tempo ci vuole per arrivare a...? (How long does it take to get to...?) - Pronunciation: kwahn-toh tem-poh chee vwaw-leh pehr ah-rree-vah-reh ah... - Phonetic: /ˈkwanto ˈtempo tʃi ˈvwɔle per arriˈvare a.../
Posso avere una mappa della città? (Can I have a city map?) - Pronunciation: pohs-soh ah-veh-reh oo-nah mahp-pah del-lah chee-tah - Phonetic: /ˈposso aˈvere ˈuna ˈmappa ˈdella tʃitˈta/
Ho prenotato una camera. (I have booked a room.) - Pronunciation: oh preh-noh-tah-toh oo-nah kah-meh-rah - Phonetic: /o prenoˈtato ˈuna ˈkamera/
Dove posso comprare un biglietto? (Where can I buy a ticket?) - Pronunciation: doh-veh pohs-soh kom-prah-reh oon bee-lyet-toh - Phonetic: /ˈdove ˈposso komˈprare un biʎˈʎetto/
Posso avere il conto? (Can I have the bill?) - Pronunciation: pohs-soh ah-veh-reh eel kohn-toh - Phonetic: /ˈposso aˈvere il ˈkonto/
C'è Wi-Fi qui? (Is there Wi-Fi here?) - Pronunciation: cheh wee-fee kwee - Phonetic: /tʃɛ ˈwiːfi qui/
Dove posso trovare un bancomat? (Where can I find an ATM?) - Pronunciation: doh-veh pohs-soh troh-vah-reh oon bahn-koh-maht - Phonetic: /ˈdove ˈposso troˈvare un baŋkoˈmat/
C'è uno sconto per gruppi? (Is there a group discount?) - Pronunciation: cheh oo-noh skon-toh pehr groop-pee - Phonetic: /tʃɛ ˈuno ˈskonto per ˈgruppi/
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jo3ydr3w · 1 year ago
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Mahp of where ahll of us ahre from (with the originahl picrews lol)
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mybuddyjimmy · 9 months ago
Cosmopolis [kahz-MAHP-ə-ləs]Part of speech: nounOrigin: Greek, mid-19th century1. A city inhabited by people from many different countries.Examples of cosmopolis in a sentence“Thanks to its history as a thriving cosmopolis, my family felt comfortable immigrating to London.”“In a comic book cosmopolis, the population may include humans and alien life.”#wordoftheday
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lukewarmspicysoda-mahp · 2 years ago
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A Lukewarm Halloween OC
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adampplace-lukewarm · 2 years ago
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How you like a color sketch panel? Magen didn't always have his glorious lilac hair. His mom Elise always keeps her boy sleek
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mahp-cro · 10 months ago
Empowering Pharmaceutical Innovation: Gaya Pharma CRO Services by MAHP-CRO
In the ever-evolving landscape of pharmaceutical research and development, Gaya Pharma, a division of MAHP-CRO, emerges as a leading Contract Research Organization (CRO) dedicated to empowering pharmaceutical innovation. With a focus on delivering high-quality services and comprehensive solutions, Gaya Pharma CRO offers a range of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of clients in the pharmaceutical industry.
Comprehensive CRO Services
Gaya Pharma CRO provides a comprehensive suite of services to support pharmaceutical research and development efforts. From preclinical research and clinical trials to regulatory affairs and post-marketing surveillance, our experienced team of professionals offers expertise at every stage of the drug development process. Whether you're a pharmaceutical company seeking to bring a new drug to market or a research institution exploring potential therapies, Gaya Pharma CRO delivers customized solutions to meet your specific needs and objectives.
Expertise and Experience
With years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, the team at Gaya Pharma CRO brings a wealth of expertise to every project we undertake. Our team includes skilled scientists, clinicians, regulatory experts, and project managers who are committed to delivering excellence in every aspect of our work. Whether it's designing and conducting clinical trials, navigating regulatory requirements, or implementing quality assurance processes, our team has the knowledge and experience to ensure the success of your projects.
Commitment to Quality and Compliance
At Gaya Pharma CRO, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of quality and compliance in everything we do. We adhere to Good Clinical Practice (GCP) guidelines, Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) standards, and other relevant regulations to ensure the integrity and reliability of our research and data. Our commitment to quality and compliance is reflected in our rigorous processes, thorough documentation, and commitment to continuous improvement, ensuring that our clients receive the highest quality of service and support.
Collaborative Partnership Approach
At Gaya Pharma CRO, we believe in building collaborative partnerships with our clients based on trust, transparency, and mutual respect. We work closely with our clients to understand their goals, challenges, and priorities, and we tailor our services to meet their specific needs and objectives. Our collaborative approach allows us to align our efforts with our clients' goals and ensure that we deliver value-added solutions that drive success.
Gaya Pharma, a division of MAHP-CRO, is your trusted partner for pharmaceutical research and development services. With our comprehensive services, expertise and experience, commitment to quality and compliance, and collaborative partnership approach, we empower pharmaceutical innovation and drive success for our clients. Contact us today to learn more about our services and discover how Gaya Pharma CRO can support your pharmaceutical research and development efforts.
Source URL: - https://mahpcro.blogspot.com/2024/05/empowering-pharmaceutical-innovation.html
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a-fix-of-muses · 2 years ago
Currently Listening To: "Duke Baron of Mahps" by AnimalJam
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wewontfall-asleep · 1 year ago
o.o *Babi Cin*
o.o *baby Mahp*
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alexiaatheducc · 1 year ago
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mmap map mehp map map mep mahp!!!
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i havent been consuming my singing monsters content for several months and am getting antlion’d back into it and HUH THERES SO MUCH NEW STUFF??? anyway my art inspo juices are FLOWING COURSING THRU MY VEINS NOW so maybe expect some goodies. yknow for the first time in like a year :p
this ain’t MY first rodeo , blarret! i’ve drawn mustelid creachures before!
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aizhits · 3 years ago
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apageantsmile · 3 years ago
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A warm breeze rushes passes through the valley, rustling the green leaves of the trees of the forest that surround the small campground. The water on the lake crashes onto the sandy shore just a little harder with the shift in the air.
“Please tell me you’ll be at the bonfire tonight.”
“I don’t know...”
There is a sigh that sounds to Kacey’s right where her fellow female staffer sits beside her, the pair perched atop a fallen log as out in the distance, two of their peers swim in the lake.
“You’re such a grandma, just come hang out with us after the kids go to bed.” There is a pause and then... “He’ll be there,” she follows up with a nudge of her elbow into Kacey’s arm.
It’s immediate, the scoff that Kacey exhales. Surely she hadn’t been that obvious - she was certain that her interactions with Matt were minimal at best and all of the glances his way were fleeting. Was she really that transparent?
“I can see through you like cellophane,” says her friend as she’d easily read her mind. A smirk quirks the girl’s mouth upward when Kacey’s head whips around to look at her. “Don’t think I don’t see how you two eye each other up.”
“What?! I don’t... He doesn’t...” Though Kacey shakes her head vehemently in protest, the girl on her right only carries on with her smug expression, as if she knows some unspoken secret.
“You’re blushing, Kacey. It couldn’t be more obvious.” As quickly as the topic has been brought up, it is dropped as the girl stands from the log and dusts off the back of her denim shorts before calling out to one of the two in the lake. “C’mon, Jude! We have to get set up for the kids’ talent show!”
In the distance, Kacey’s brother yells back, his voice carried away with the wind to make the response inaudible. The girl gives Jude a dismissive wave before offering a parting goodbye to Kacey and disappearing up the trail to make her way back to the cluster of cabins. It isn’t long until Jude joins her, a trail of water following him away from the lake’s beachfront - leaving Kacey alone with a still swimming Matt.
[ @potheadsinner​ ]
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