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digitalrohtash · 6 months ago
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Spectacular Zongo waterfalls, incredible Mount Stanely, amazingly beautiful Lake Kivu and Okapi Wildlife Reserve, and various other beautiful sites make your decision of visiting the Democratic Republic of the Congo one of the best decisions of your life. Now, you have decided to enjoy your vacation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, but have you prepared your wish list for food of congo that you will try in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
To Know More Detail Click Here
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itsallinm3 · 1 year ago
really just slayed this rice just now….can’t wait to make this again tomorrow…shaking with excitement about having rice with sardines and Chili oil …drop some sesame oil in the rice cooker and a star of anise and cardamom…..yeah .
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sandeepsingh11 · 11 months ago
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Spectacular Zongo waterfalls, incredible Mount Stanely, amazingly beautiful Lake Kivu and Okapi Wildlife Reserve, and various other beautiful sites make your decision of visiting the Democratic Republic of the Congo one of the best decisions of your life. Now, you have decided to enjoy your vacation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, but have you prepared your wish list for food of congo that you will try in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Well not to worry we are here to suggest to you some of the famous dishes of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. These delicious traditional dishes of the Congo have the potential to capture your heart with their amazing taste and simplicity. When you try the food of congo, it gives you a golden opportunity to know more about the culture of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
So, before knowing the famous foods of Congo, let’s firstly know about the country a little bit.
About Democratic Republic of the Congo
The Democratic Republic of the Congo is one of the largest countries in the world and placed 2nd in the list of largest countries of African Continent. The country is located in the center of the African Continent. The country has a tropical climate and blessed with many natural resources. The capital of the country is Kinshasa. The Democratic Republic of the Congo is the home of many ethnic groups. Christianity Religion is followed by the majority of the people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The official language of the county is French.
Food of the Democratic Republic of Congo
The food of any country is the representation of their culture and culinary art. The Democratic Republic of the Congo also owns tempting dishes having a unique taste. Cassava and Maize are the main staple food of the people of the country.
So, let’s know about some of the famous dishes of the Congo-
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Saka Saka is one of the popular dishes of the Congo that is widely consumed in other countries of central Africa. The main ingredients of the dish are cassava leaves, palm oil, onions, peppers, garlic, smoked fish, and many other important ingredients which make it more and more delicious & a must-try dish. The dish is also referred to as Mpondou, Mpondu, or Pondu. The dish is usually served with meat, fufu, fried plantains even rice.
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Chikwanga or kwanga wrapped in banana leaves is a traditional bread food of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The name of the dish may differ as per the region. This fermented bread is usually served with the main meals. It is a great combination of soups and sauces.
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Fufu is the common dish of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and also in other countries of central and West African countries. The dish is made with cassava, yams, plantains, and other important ingredients.  All the ingredients are boiled and a paste is made from which small round balls are made. These small balls are usually eaten with soup, stews of meat, chicken, and other spicy foods.
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While you are in the Democratic Republic of the Congo you must have to try this dish. This is the national dish of the Congo. The main ingredients of the dish are cassava leaves, fish, chicken, palm nuts, rice, and many other important ingredients that give it an exotic taste. The dish is usually served with saka saka and rice.
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Madesu is one of the great options that you can choose for your breakfast from all the delicious dishes of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The dish is prepared with beans, tomato, onion, peanut, and many other important ingredients. The dish is usually eaten with cassava and rice.
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Fumbwa is one of the most famous dishes of the Congo. The dish is prepared with wild spinach hence the name Fumbwa (fumba is the word which is used for wild spinach in the Congolese language). The main ingredients of the dish are wild spinach, tomatoes, onions, peanut, palm oil, and many other important ingredients. The dish is usually served with fufu or fish.
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When you have enough spicy food and you are craving something sweet then try this dessert named caakiri. It is one of the popular dishes of the Congo. Caakiri is made from couscous and cream.
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Dongo Dongo is one of the famous dishes in Congo and other African counties. The main ingredients of the dish are okra, garlic, onions, fish, and many other important ingredients. The dish is usually eaten with rice and fufu.
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Palm wine is a famous beverage in the Congo and various parts of the South African countries. Palm Wine is an alcoholic beverage produced from the sap of the Palm trees. The name of the beverage may differ as per the region.
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Mikate is another popular dish of Congo and other South African countries. Mikate is basically a snack made of fried dough. The name of the dish may differ as per the region.
Do try these traditional and famous dishes of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
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korniawan · 6 months ago
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Bertemu teman Genk rusuh saat berkuliah di Jogja dulu. Dulu kita bertiga (aku, @novanyogar dan @artboardsize) adalah mahasiswa-mahasiswa yang terlihat selengek an di kelas PTI UNY 07 dulu. .. Karena tingkah laku kita yang nyeleneh, gak serius, dan banyak bercandanya, kayanya banyak yang menganggap kita bakalan jadi generasi madesu (masa depan suram) .. Tapi nyatanya tidak. @artboardsize telah sukses berkarir menjadi praktisi komunikasi di Jabodetabek selama 10 tahun, menyelesaikan S2 di Jakarta, lalu sekarang balik ke Medan untuk menjadi Dosen dengan status ASN yang sekarang sibuk-sibuknya dengan proyek-proyek penelitian kolaborasi, baik penelitian dalam maupun luar negeri. Katanya juga dalam waktu dekat akan mengambil doktor. Wah, hebat ya. .. Mau lihat gimana tampang kita yang kata banyak orang klo kita bakalan jadi generasi madesu? Aku sisipkan di slide terakhir. Hahahha
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fatzbitchez · 4 months ago
Hidup madesu bgt
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diarysarahvitradini · 4 months ago
Assalamualaikum warohmatullohi wabarakatuh selamat malam semua alhamdulilah gue bisa aktif menulis lagi hari ini.
Gimana sih rasanya lo dibikin cinta setengah mampus sama gue? Pasti enak ya apalagi lo udah bikin gue sakit hati hancur rasanya disitu juga ngerusak mental gue,sadar ya?udah sadar dari awal.
Cabe-cabean bersabda:”bahwa suatu hari nanti gue akan dapet pacar kok, butuh waktu berapa bulan untuk pacaran sampe akhirnya gue putusin untuk menikah susul temen-temen gue tuh semuanya madesu sih emang tapi lo mikir nggak bokap lo udah tua udah saatnya momong cucu, udah saatnya lo bahagiain orang tua lo yang udah ngurusin lo dari lo orok sampe gede kepikiran nggak kesitu.”kata gue.
Hebat ya tuh hape bisa lo tendang, toh juga kalo misalkan ada nomor penting yang harus dihubungin gimana tuh? Orang tuh hape udah pecah, lo gatau apa-apa jelas bego banget lo.
Gue tahu kok itu cuma modal tetesin obat mata doang, gue tahu kok lo itu cuma geplakin pala gue mentang-mentang gue bondol, apes sih lo pengen punya iphone tapi lo gak bisa pecahin hape gue, gak bisa ganti hape gue karena hape ini’mahal’ perlu disebutin gak harganya berapa?jangan nanti ada yang sirik.
Seketika ada yang ngomong:” eh, yang namanya sarah masih gak berubah ya kemana-mana masih naik sepeda” justru naik sepeda biar lebih sehat.
Dan seketika ada yang ngomong:”wah, yang namanya sarah tuh gak berubah masih nulisin aib orang “ gue cuma bilang:”justru kedok lo, kebusukan lo kebongkar sama gue”.
Karena lo pinter harusnya bisa dong nerapin cinta setengah mampus bikinan gue itu.
Ada juga yang niruin gue ngomong :” idih apa sih” tapi giliran gue ngomong lantang dibilang :”suara berisik kayak toa justru itu bisa jadi pemimpin kok”
Susah ngomong sama pejabat musti pakai hati, sekarang bisa nggak lo jadi pejabat, bisa nggak lo ngoceh-ngoceh politik? Jangan cuma bisa tapi ujung-ujungnya ketangkep KPK.
Kapok sih lo gak mau kemana lagi ya gausah jauh-jauh misalnya lo pengen maen ke rumah gue, terus tetangga gue gasuka karena lo mau sabotase rumah gue, rumah gue yang tadinya bersih berubah jadi berantakan lagi sekali lagi?udah keterlaluan.
Itu aja yang pengen gue sampein kurang lebihnya mohon maaf terima kasih assalamualaikum warohmatullohi wabarakatuh dan selamat malam.
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unrecyclableme · 7 months ago
Read Carefully Before Using
I have experienced how much I hate myself, yet I still, though. But not as much as before.
Formerly in primary school until high school, I guess, I was infamous as a "buluk" which refers to "aura Maghrib" terms nowadays. It hurts my jelly-ass-heart sometimes, but I shake it off lah. I've never tried to purchase whitening or brightening skincare, never tried to impress people with my appearance. There was a peak moment that also turned into my turning point for how I interpret humans in social life, I won't tell the era, but when I was in high school I was never excited about high school romance discourse since I knew boys or girls always chosen by their look, wealth, popularity and so on, you name it. That means, I, the "buluk" one will never get any chance of it, so I don't even dare to dream about it. I was the grey one from that time until now, tho. Not to mention I started my enthusiasm with philosophy. DANG! Lone wolf in high school carrying Jean-Paul Sartre's "Being and Nothingness" book that she got from lapak buku bekas Pasar Senen. I am wibu too back that time OMG *cries*. Being involved in some events at high school is not my middle name. I notable as "tukang telat", "madesu", beside the "not so have a pleasant face". All those words that labeled me, I've never cared about, because I don't know, I kinda felt superior since I am the Jakselian amongst Jakpus-Jakut kids, which is, hey Imma the gaulest one! That pride strengthened my 3 years of high school era--even when it came to 11 grade my mom had the idea to transfer me into one of the hype public high schools at Jaksel, and I resisted since I didn't want a reunion with my junior school friends (which (un)fortunately we reunited at uni). Later, I passed school life and was accepted into one of the top 3 unis, I was a dark horse. Okay, enough for this biography section.
So where do bodo amat and pede aja which tend to be sweet but psycho vibes come from, from a very young age until now?
The answer is, I dunno lol.
But I can explain why I still survive in the middle of the Indonesian-standard sea:
Anything. Since I was young I loved to read. From comics to a novel. Fables, to politics. When in preschool I began knowing that God created many unique creatures including humans with their features because of that since my parents didn't teach me, they're busy bees. I gathered all the information from what I read and somewhat, it attached inside my head for years thus assisting in establishing a paradigm and perspective through the life phase.
Beside of that, I always like to watch documentaries. I learned about anthropology, culture, history, religion, wildlife biodiversity and so on from the documentary. When PlayStation indulges kids my age in the neighborhood, my house is only providing cable TV and no PlayStation is allowed in my house. Poor my bros ever get borrowing PS, they instantly get scolded by mum. LOL. I'm glad now anyway, because of those strict things my childhood was enriched with good stuff about human diversity and the uniqueness of the world. I could make a self-proclaiming I have no narrow mindset. We couldn't define people upon their surface, appearance may mislead but yet at the same time appearance is important if you want to get a better job *sobbing*.
Along with all my experiences, I became a thoughtful woman in every era yet I still have an inferiority complex until now. When people around me have pretty glass-skinned faces or bright skin, it doesn't irritate me because I already know my own value isn't defined by the look. My reading willingness and ability helped me stand up against Indonesian silly beauty standard raids.
So why do I still hate myself? Yes, I hate myself because I ever fallen many times into the same dirty mud and still being stoic with every awful experience. It is not good for yourself to be utterly nice to others. I was overly positive too against everything because of reading.
I forgot to do a semiotic analysis when I read (IYKWIM).
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royalgroove · 1 year ago
Looking Back at 2023
From acid jazz to hypnotic world grooves and beyond, Royal Groove presenter DeLuca (that's me 🤓) brings a personal selection of tracks from his favourite releases of 2023.
🎧 Listen to Royal Groove's Looking Back at 2023 over at Mixcloud.
The list is also available on Spotify.
Joy Guerrilla - Golden Gate
Azamiah - Night Woman
Tommaso Cappellato - The Flow Must Go On
Melodiesinfonie - Seaside (feat. OG Florin)
Golden Mean - The Breaks
Brian Nasty - Loso Na Madesu (feat. Natanya)
Robohands - Individuation
Sven Wunder - Ultramarine
Adja - Sambafassa
Yoni Mayraz - 1999
Mestizo - Arroyo
Surprise Chef - Spike Boy
The Lahaar - Chase Scene, pt. 1
Il Mago del Gelato - Maledetta Quella Notte
The Kanpai Quartet - Rick James Dwells In The Abyss
Huw Marc Benett - Red Valley
Qwalia - Electric Highway
Erobique - Acquamarina
Lorenzo Moressi - Pop Flop
Espen Horne - Bakeren
Psyché - Kuma
Last Nubian & Sweet Fruity Brunch - og outro
Gotts Street Park - Got To Be Good
Move 78 - Hal Wandered Off
Greg Foat & Ayo Salawu - Stasis Loop
John Roseboro - How To Cope (feat. Mei Semones)
Jasual Cazz - Mèches
Isobella Burnham - Roam The World
13th Ward Social Club - Chariots of The God
Bibio - Sorry Won’t Cut It
Mama Terra - A Mind Supreme
Don Leisure & Amanda Whiting - Walk With Us
Cujo - Early For Clink Street
Menagerie - Earthrise
Kutiman - Darkness In My Light
The Offline - Cap Camarat
JJ Whitefield - Parmigiano
Pedro Ricardo & Damián Botigue - Sem Dizer
Sholto - The Pearl That Glitters
John Haycock - Reunify
Me And My Friends - Witness
Flaer - Follow
Mocky - Just A Litte Lovin’
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elizabethaftonstan · 2 years ago
i luv cassava especially boiled cassava. it’s so good w madesu
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madesustyle · 2 years ago
yess berhasil
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bahtiar · 3 years ago
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Mengapa mereka jarang sakit : #Haluu #Stroke #Tumor #Kanker #Jatung #Depresi #Madesu #Diabetes #Obesitas #Kejiwaan #AsamUrat #Kolesterol #Hipertensi ***** #kanekes #baduyLuarTrip https://www.instagram.com/p/CYDIP1NBVTj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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varietycuisine-blog · 7 years ago
Congolese Food Pondu (Cassava Leaves) Madesu & Makayabu (Salt Fish)
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sinkronzzz · 5 years ago
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arsipliriklagu · 6 years ago
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Nibo tangi tak lakoni Enenge yo mung wani Mergo tresno ora kudu nduweni
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muterterus · 4 years ago
Ayam MEDASU lho ya, bukan ayam MADESU! 🤭
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babblingpipit · 3 years ago
Mellow menjelang lebaran. Gela w terakhir lebaran di Indonesia tuh 2017, ngalah-ngalahin bang toyib banget 5 kali lebaran ga muncul batang idungnya.
Jujur ku bukan orang yang gasuka sama Indonesia dan pengen cabut gitu. Bahkan w sangat apatis dan tidak peduli dengan pemerintahan yang penting keluarga dan teman-teman sehat wal afiat sudah sangat bersyukur dan bikin pengen balik Indonesia selama-lamanya. Dulu pas cabut ya mikirnya buat sekolah aja, one day I’ll be back, kemungkinan besar kalo udah lulus. Malah pas S1 mikirnya ke Bandung tuh ya buat sekolah aja, kalo lulus bakal balik ke Lombok seperti sebagian teman-teman SMA, settle dan berkeluarga di lingkungan keluarga dan teman-teman masa kecil.
Tapi ya namanya kehidupan ya. Sempat bertanya-tanya ngapain banget ya ambil jurusan astronomi huhu madesu amat. Kalo pulang ke lombok mau jadi apa (dosen fisika?). Tapi makin dijalanin sekolahnya ternyata seru juga. Meskipun lebih sering demotnya. Sampe tahun lalu pun jujur masih ga kebayang masa depan mau settle dimana, masih pengen pulang, masih nanya2 lowongan dosen di itera.
Pas dapet postdoc disini, ditawarin buat apply permanent resident, dan alhamdulillah dapet. Bisa stay di Australia indefinitely. Bittersweet. Bahwa ternyata kedepannya bisa settle disini juga. Ada negara selain Indonesia yang akan menerima tanpa syarat lagi sampai kapanpun(?) what a strange feeling. Meskipun udah berasa “rumah” juga disini, apalagi Salma juga dimakamin disini.
Sohib-sohib w banyak yang memprotes kalo lagi lebaran gini kan w jadi yang paling susah menjalin silaturahmi in person ya. Tidak bisa bukber, tuker-tukeran hampers, makan bareng saling berkunjung pas lebaran. Apalagi mingdep ku ultah juga huhu. Tapi gapapa. Somehow merasa disini banyak ketemu orang baik juga dari doa-doa baik keluarga dan teman-teman di Indonesia. Selalu ketemu orang yg care.
Besok ini aku ngajar zumba perdana di Canberra setelah > 9 bulan vakum. Terus sorenya ada zumba party karena Jarrod (yang training aku jd instruktur) dateng ke Canberra dan kita ada dinner rame-rame juga. Minggu malem diajakin dinner di rumah mbak Loli, anak TI ITB 2003 yg suaminya matem ITB. Terus lucu karena TI, matem sama astro tuh satu gedung wkwk jd kita himpunan dan kuliahnya tetanggaan. Senin adit kerja dari pagi jd gabisa solat ied huhu. Tapi udah ngajakin mbak Try sama ciwi2 housematenya buat sarapan dirumah abis solat ied.
Cruel banget ya betapa hidup terus berjalan gabisa di pause bentarr aja. Lisa juga mingdep katanya ke Boston dan akan mendiskusikan posisi postdoc dan visaku jadinya gimana. Lisa ini spv postdocku dan dia mulai Juli nanti akan jadi direktur centre for astrophysicsnya harvard. Hebat banget orangnya masyaAllah. Baru tadi pagi dapet email congratulations juga karena dia terpilih jadi anggota kehormatan American Academy of Arts and Science bersama para nobel dan pulitzer winner. Meski kek gitu kemaren pas aku covid dia masih nawarin buat masakin dan nganterin makanan kerumah. Sok ga sibuk banget huhu super baik. Tapi kalo di jam kerja sibuk bgt sih hahah miting aja kalo bisa 15menit doang. Kita lihatlah kedepannya gimana ya.
Banyak banget yang berubah dalam setahun kemarin. Semoga memperkaya khasanah kehidupan dan bikin ku jadi orang yang lebih baik setiap harinya. Merasa bersalah karena Ramadan ini ga maksimal ibadahnya huhu. Semoga bisa bertemu Ramadan tahun depan dengan kondisi yang jauh lebih baik dan ga confuse lonely dan ngawang-ngawang spt sekarang. Semoga tahun depan bisa pulang kampung lebaran dan bukber dirumah ����🌙
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