#Made In Riot
minutestildawn · 18 days
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Becoming something Different
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thecmaly · 1 month
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can't even cat nap in peace 😾
more windbreaker comics
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jasmancer · 1 year
X-Ray Spex
Bad Brains
Pure Hell
The Muslims
Pleasure Venom
Fuck U Pay Us
Big Joanie
Nova Twins
Tina Bell: frontwoman of the band Bam Bam, often called the Godmother of grunge because of its influence. Racism within the scene has led to her influence being pretty extensively erased but her bandmate and lifelong friend Scotty Buttocks has been working hard to counteract that by doing press and preserving their music here. Kurt fucking Cobain was their roadie
Betty Davis: 70s funk rock legend who just recently passed away. Incredibly unique performer that was way ahead of her time. Not to be confused with Bette Davis.
Sistah Grrrl Riots: A black punk collective put together in response to alienation and racism in the 90s punk and riot grrrl scenes. Organized by legends Tamar-Kali Brown, Honeychild Coleman, Maya Glick, and Simi Stone. You can read more about sistah grrrl in this article.
Ronnie Spector: Frontwoman of the Ronettes and rock n roll pioneer. Black girl groups were a huge influence on the sound of Rock n Roll as we know it from The Beatles to Led Zepplin to the Rolling Stones. She recently passed but her autobiography came out last year and it's worth the read.
Black Diamond Queens: African American Women and Rock and Roll by Maureen Mahon
Rip It Up: The Black Experience in Rock N Roll by Kandia Crazy Horse (Anthology)
Shotgun Seamstress Zine Anthology by Osa Atoe
POC Zine Project @poczineproject
Maya Glick's Storm fan film RAIN
Black Women in Rock Archive
IMDb for the documentary Afro-Punk (2003) currently not available for streaming in the US
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r04sty · 8 months
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Sins of the flesh is a fun update
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eastgaysian · 1 year
why do we bash greg's gay dad for not being there for his child but never question if greg had bad vibes? or if he was just unpleasant to be around?
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pjs-everyday · 8 months
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today, pinky requests that our heroes put on their best disguises!! tooootally unrecognizable, right? 🤭❤️
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whiskeyswifty · 23 days
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The Black Dog - Taylor Swift (Emo Bar)
prints available on my etsy
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radiance1 · 9 months
A castle mysteriously appears in Gotham one night.
Nobody who noticed it knows where it came from, nor how it got there as it seemingly appeared overnight. It wasn't anything big, as far as castle's were concerned, it seemed to be on the smaller side of things.
However, no one could truly estimate it's actual size. For there seemed to be an ever-present fog that never seemed to stray past the castle's gates.
Just like the fog, you always seemed to hear the cawing of crows and the flapping of bats whenever you step close enough. Yet their visibility was kept hidden in the fog.
Appearances aside, there did seem to be something... off, about the castle and not just because it appeared from thin air, no. It seemed to have a distinct aura of something... other.
No one knew how to explain it, but they could tell there was nothing natural about it. There was something fundamentally wrong with the castle, it wasn't the way it appeared out of nowhere, nor it's appearance.
When Sam finally became an adult, she didn't have to think twice about moving out. It was a bit difficult, with her parents not wanting to let her go just yet, but her grandmother managed to persuade them, thankfully.
When she was younger, Sam had always dreamed of owning a castle. Though its appearance did change in her mind when she grew older, from pretty and pink to one of darker colors and crows, which is why she never got one when she was younger, she realized.
But now that she was an adult, what was stopping her?
Nothing, that's what.
So, Sam buys one that matches her tastes and moves in. There was a lot of space, far more than she really ever thought about and now had to find a use for.
Was something that enthralled Sam ever since she was young, that and the occult as a whole. So, for a few months after moving did she try and get her hands on things like magical tomes, items, scripts and learn it.
Surprisingly, she was strongly successful in her attempts of learning magic. It was surprising to be sure, but now that she compares it to the portal to the afterlife, having a half dead friend and having hunted down ghosts, she realizes that magic wouldn't be that much farfetched in the equation.
A fair bit of her time now was spent covering her castle in wards, sigils, and runes, ones that would strengthen themselves over time, various protection wards and multiple others that she found useful. Most of them were ones that she found through text, though others were ones she personally made.
After she finished the entirety of the castle, she studied thoroughly to gain more knowledge and power for herself, she even made a few spells of her own along with various potions. Unfortunately, she was interrupted in her studies by various other witches, because apparently having such a powerful fledgling witch on her lonesome was too tempting of an offer to pass up for the nearby covens.
So she had to... move, before they tried to force her to join them. As for how, well, she moved her entire castle! What better way to refuse, really?
Unfortunately, it was her first time using such large-scale teleportation magic and she messed it up. Not that her calculations on where the castle was supposed to be were wrong, but while in the midst of moving through space she was... thrown off kilter.
She didn't even know how or what caused her to mess up. But her castle both was and wasn't where she wanted it to be. Her original destination was coordinates near Amity Park, and while they were on said coordinates.
This wasn't Amity Park.
To say she worried was an understatement. She scrambled to find something about where she ended up, and realized not only was she thrown off kilter, but she was also thrown off so badly that she ended up in an entirely different dimension. Luckily, she managed to make the philosopher's stone.
To say making it was easy would be wrong, for even she didn't know how she created it. It was by accident and for a while she didn't even know she had made it, when she had and tried to do something with it the stone had, uh, well.
It fused into her skin.
It had placed itself right over her face, on her chest, and it granted her immortality it seemed. Though that wasn't the effect she was currently thankful for no, the effect of making gold would be valuable to her, she wouldn't have the Manson wealth, but she could at the very least sustain herself.
For now, though, she did have her studies to get back to.
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aegoneggon · 3 months
i liked the episode but now that I'm thinking about it for more than 2 minutes and I turned my brain back on some things just make no fucking sense to me
why are there still so many city watch people completely loyal to daemon and mysaria? why hasn't anyone (larys) cleaned up the city watch of daemon supporters after the blood + cheese fiasco? also why are there still SO many citywatch people who are daemon loyalists when he hasn't been a leader to them in like 20 years?
also does kings landing just get a huge majority of their food via the sea? how are we in such dire straits foodwise?
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dustykneed · 3 months
HAPPY (last day of) PRIDE MONTH!
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i'm reasonably sure it's still june in the states. humor me
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pretty-fishy · 6 months
Remember when the Basketball images first appeared and we were like
:0 Buck has other friends???
And now it turns out its just Eddie, Chim and the guy hes mad Eddies hanging out with
The boy truly doesn't have other friends
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dipstick-university · 26 days
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jasmancer · 8 months
at the end of the day riot grrrl wouldn't exist without bell hooks and Poly Styrene. their work was foundational not only in terms of feminist philosophy from the both of them, but in the case of Poly Styrene, her performance style as a feminist punk artist.
it just kills me that a movement that has been so thoroughly (and justly) associated with White Feminism was built off the work of these brilliant black feminists with every intent to be intersectional in theory. but in practice it only created space for white women and actively alienated nonwhite women ESPECIALLY if they spoke up about it. the fact that the sistah grrrl riots even had to be created by and for black women because they were so alienated both from the general white male population of hardcore/punk spaces AND the riot grrrl spaces made in response makes me crazy!!!
riot grrrl did a lot in terms of making feminist education and art more accessible to young women and teaching young women how to organize for their rights but in terms of intersectionality riot grrrl failed big time. went the way of 2nd wave white feminism with little resistance. the road to hell is paved with good intentions and all that.
I just. it had good bones. yknow?
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macbeth-s · 2 years
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S01E02 | “Infected”
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wentian · 9 months
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🐑: Never one...
           🐺: ...without the other.
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For context, Dr. Goldfoot (in this film) builds anatomically correct girl robots. He has planted a bomb in each one, and whomever she kisses, they explode into smithereens. He's plotting to exterminate the leader of each country in order to take over the world.
Vincent Price as Dr. Goldfoot////
Dr. Goldfoot and the Girl Bombs (1966)
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