#Macro-Life Elite
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gatekeeper-watchman · 2 months ago
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Socialism has many forms The first hallmark of any experience is 'alienation', a term borrowed from the humanist Marxist tradition, where workers feel 'alienated' from their work due to an exploitative relationship with the capitalist. In the current context, alienation extends to cover alienation from one's country, work, family and sometimes friends. The modern serf suffers from contradictions of self-loathing combined with a deeply rooted sense of superiority. In other words, one feels a sense of contempt for one's fellow serfs combined with a sense of admiration for one’s own position among the serfs.
So I told myself, “I am better than them”, it is “their fault”, and that somehow my disposition is more “western”, “liberal” or “secular”. This complex manifested itself in a conversation I had with friends who were justifying European right wing racism as the direct product of Arab immigrants’ behaviour, rather than a complicated historical dynamic of colonialism, neo-colonialism, as well as European policies of segregation. In the end Franz Fanon’s dictum: “the oppressed believe the worst about themselves” has proven to be undeniably and painfully true.
This is also fed by autocratic elites, who mix a rhetoric of ultra-nationalism combined with self-contempt. This contempt, however, is primarily reserved for the lower classes, especially those who reside in rural areas i.e. the majority of the people. This rhetoric helps to build up a general anti-democratic sentiment, reminiscent of the struggle for universal suffrage in Europe, where the upper classes feared that the lower classes would overthrow the current order through the ballot box. It places the elites alongside the urban middle class in the role of guardians of the nation, who will guide the “lost children” to the correct path. Apparently, the old colonial elites left deputies behind to continue their work. Thus, the nation becomes divided between those who identify themselves with the western world and those who are left behind. 
The sense of ultra-nationalism manifests itself in the imaginary achievement of the elites, especially on the international scene. The idea that the nation is somehow better than other nations is engraved in the minds of the urban middle class and propagated to the lower classes. The comparison, however, is usually restricted on a regional level. A clear example of this is the sense of superiority that many Egyptians feel in relation to Gulf States, even though Egypt has become ever more dependent on them for aid and financial support. Thus, the average Arab suffers from a multilayered experience of oppression, one that relates to direct government oppression, in the traditional sense; another that relates to the oppression of the urban middle class regarding the lower classes, and finally the oppression the serf applies to himself by believing in his own inferiority.
The second hallmark, is a traditional hallmark of serfdom, which relates to being tied to the land. Unlike in Europe or the western world, freedom of movement in the Arab World is severely limited for most countries. This limitation means that the ability of surplus labour to find appropriate employment is almost non-existent, lowering their ability to bargain for better wages or conditions. In other words, the mass of the people are overworked and underpaid, with little hope or prospect of escape. The most that one can hope for is an escape to the capital, which might provide better opportunities, but chances of ending up in large slums and working informally are more than likely. 
How does this translate into daily life terms? This means that the oppression of the elites seeps through to the work place, and the employer, who usually belongs to the elites, has a share in the powers of the country’s autocrats. In other words, oppression is not limited to the macro level, it is rather a holistic social condition that encompasses the entire existence of the oppressed. Organs of civil society, for example, defined in the broader sense of the word, are part of the machinery of oppression.
This oppression needs an ideological backbone, and this is built by immersing the oppressed in 'neo-colonial' rhetoric, and a particular version of history that favours the elites. This is done through film and educational institutions, where history is re-written to create heroes and villains, omitting others from its pages. This method involves the creation of a mind-set of obedience and absolute truth. So the serfs oppress one another if one tries to question the 'official' version of history: since this makes life even less bearable, the oppressed tend to prefer to have a 'false consciousness'. 
Here, Plato’s allegory of the cave comes to mind, where one of the prisoners leaves the cave in which he was imprisoned, only to be heavily critiqued by the other prisoners upon his return for speaking about the outside world . 
The third hallmark is the dispersal of oppression into all levels of life. The workplace, school and even the home. There is only one absolute truth, and its owner is the benevolent father figure.
The fourth hallmark, is the arbitrary nature of this oppression. In the Arab World, societal power is concentrated in the hands of a small elite; there is no legal protection for the average citizen as laws are tailored for the protection of these elites. Under these conditions, one need only inadvertently get entangled in a conflict with one of the elites to face a rather grim fate. Even a personal conflict can escalate into a rather grim affair, where the serf would be oppressed by the official organs of the state with no legal recourse. In other words, the elites are immune, while others suffer from severe oppression over non-political issues. Oppression is ever present.
The final attribute is the global nature of this condition. Even if one of the serfs escapes fiefdom to the west, he faces a new type of oppression. Usually arriving and hoping to join a more humane and tolerant society, she or he harbours dreams of 'belonging' and of becoming European, in every sense of the word. However, he/she faces a new kind of oppression, one that treats their existence in Europe as a mistake that needs to be corrected. The newcomer faces the trauma of rejection by a society that they thought they belonged to.
This trauma causes a break with their old identity as 'superior' to the other serfs. They realize that in the eyes of the west they are nothing but serfs, no better than their compatriots, and they come to realize, as I did, that there is no escape from Mubarak or, now, El-Sisi. My oppressors know no bounds, and my fate is tied to theirs. This, of course is limited to the urban middle classes that have the financial resources to escape to the west. However, the masses of serfs are either unable to escape, due to their societal and financial standing, or make their way through illegal immigration on hazardous journeys, where death by drowning seems more plausible than safe arrival. If they survive the trip, they face another array of oppressive tactics that include physical oppression.
This almost complete system of oppression can only be broken on an international scale. The struggle is against a global, rather than domestic system of oppression. It is important to understand that the struggle of Egyptians, Syrians, Iranians
etc is in essence a struggle against a social condition, what I call “modern serfdom”, which has its roots in international, as well as, domestic social orders. 11/23/2024 10:08:32 AM Jacksonville, Florida USA From: Steven P. Miller, @ParkermillerQ,   gatekeeperwatchman.org  TM ‎Founder and Administrator of Gatekeeper-Watchman International Groups. #GWIG, #GWIN, #GWINGO, #Sparkermiller www.facebook.com/gatekeeperwatchnan www.facebook.com/ Instagram: steven_parker_miller_1956
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pynkhues · 2 years ago
Re: the Roy kids and colleges - I think Logan would obviously want Kendall, Roman, and Shiv to attend elite universities to demonstrate their "seriousness", but we also know he has a complicated relationship with that particular strain of American culture, so I think there'd also be a lot of comments around the dinner table about "pointy-headed Harvard f*cks" or whatever when Kendall comes home wanting to show off what he's learned in his macro-economics class. In other words, the kids' relationship to a college degree/experience and the status it brings would range from "i need to do this because I'm going to take over the empire one day" (Kendall) to totally dismissive (Roman). Another thought is that none of them have any real interest in developing social lives or making real connections beyond the incredibly narrow social circles of the 1%, which would definitely affect their choice of school. ie - my headcanon is that Roman either follows Kendall to Harvard for his undergraduate studies or else attends NYU or Columbia, both elite schools that would allow him to maintain a totally separate social life from his "normo" classmates while still showing up to class very occasionally, something that's harder to do at Dartmouth (in the middle of nowhere New Hampshire where it's snowing six months out of the year) or another bucolic elite liberal arts college.
As for Shiv, I could see her choosing the West Coast as a way of putting some space between her and her brothers--Stanford, or USC for their communications school. She wouldn't need a graduate degree for a career as a political strategist, especially not if she majored in political science or communications (I feel like Logan made a call to hook her up at a PR or communications firm for her first "job", which is how she made the jump to the liberal political world).
I totally agree Connor dropped out of whatever university he started attending, and Logan probably didn't notice or care.
Oh, I loooove your point about Logan's complicated relationship with that part of American culture and how that likely trickled down to his attitude with the kids. I think you're spot on, particularly in terms of his own degree of education. I hadn't really given all that much thought to whether or not Logan himself was college educated, but I'm inclined to think he's not (I imagine he was working for Noah at the print shop from the time he was pretty young), which is an interesting beat in furthering that divide of Logan having been raised working class vs himself raising upper class children.
It makes me think about Logan's fixation on Roman not knowing the price of milk, and how much the internal company management training meant to him. There's a degree of control in that, of course, but it's an interesting shift when you consider Kendall's canonically pretty educated (likely the most educated of the siblings at least), and that narrative choice timing with Roman's ascension in Logan's eyes and the focus on Roman having something akin to Logan's gut instinct - a sort of masculinised trait - while Kendall's losing rank and temporarily(?) locked into an emasculated / feminised role as Logan's handmaid / nurse / sacrificial lamb.
I like your point about their social circles too, and how that impacted the way they engaged with college. I was least sure about Roman, and I think your theory makes a lot of sense, especially with the way he tends to dismiss things out of what I tend to interpret as a fear of rejection. He can't fail if he never tries, y'know? And I can see Roman doubling down on just passing and not bothering deeper engagement if Logan himself is dismissive or snide of college achievements or even the college environment broadly.
Your Shiv point is definitely making me rethink her path too, because while I do think she's competitive enough with Kendall and (despite herself) enjoys a fishbowl enough to do postgrad too, I think you're right that she might want both distance and to get out there faster. I think I've talked about it before, but I'm a little obsessed with Shiv's impatience, haha. I think it's a really realistic character beat for her to constantly be feeling like she has to catch-up and overtake her brothers, both as the youngest and the only girl, and I can see that making her wanting to power through college and get out into the workforce faster. Depending on what you think the age gap is between her and Kendall too (I think I tend to think it's less than most people? I do think the golden trio are supposed to be relatively close in age), she could be gunning to be out in the workforce at the same time as him to give herself and their father the illusion of them kicking off the same starting line for once.
It's such an interesting period to think about!
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jera-algiz · 2 days ago
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What Is Intuition?
● Intuition is the ability to immediately understand something without conscious reasoning. It can be something you know from instinctive reasoning or information the brain has collected and processed in situations to make decisions. This is sometimes referred to as our sixth sense, gut feeling or hunch. You've simply stored cues and info, macro and micro, that your brain unconsciously trusts to come to a decision quickly. It can be learned or practiced to hone in on this sense. Just as we work out to build our bodies, we can work out our senses.
However, I wouldn't recommend using intuition in matters that have grave or dangerous consequences. Definitely not in cases of life or death! Use your powers responsibly and for the greater good. Remember, intention is every thing.
Is There Evidence/Proof of Intuition?
There are sites like the "Association for Psychological Science" that have more information on this topic if you're interested! I'll keep it brief here, though if you really want to dive into it, i recommend reading the Psychological Science Journal;
Lie Detection
People are more accurate at detecting lies when they trust their intuition. Rather than thinking it through, go with your "gut"!
Complex Desicions
You may be able to rely on your intuition when you need a guide in multiple-factor/ complex decisions. Put a little more trust in yourself.
Psychological Data
In some cases, picking up on things like skin conductance can predict behavioral intuition.
There is definitely more! Diving deeper into recommend looking into some of the Psychologist study this "sense";
Lufityanto, G., Donkin, C., & Pearson, J. (2016). Measuring Intuition: Nonconscious Emotional Information Boosts Decision Accuracy and Confidence. Psychological Science. doi: 10.1177/0956797616629403
What situations do you believe have attributed to people being able to gather and store this information more so than others?
How Do We Practice Intuition ?
The practice of intuition can be done in a few ways;
simply spending time in nature and observing it.
Being mindful of your surrounding and what they are making you feel or think. What's the first thing that pops in your mind when things are happening?
You could meditate on thought or situations. Try some right-brain meditate to help activate this sense.
Journaling and other self-reflectant tools like doodle, divination, and automatic writing are just a few.
Check in with yourself often. Where on my body do I receive sensation in according so the things that are going on around me. Where or what do I feel when I meditate on a thought. Does this sensation bring a positive or negative feeling to the mind or body.
What are some implications of solely using intuitions?
* As much as I'm an advocate for using your intuition and trusting yourself, it's definitely important not to get lost in the idea of this "power." Please be responsible when making decisions. Major life and financial decisions should not be solely based on your gut feeling*
Our conscious and unconscious baises affect all decision-making. It is important to away know and consider facts and consequences in the making of decisions.
We definitely don't know everything consciously. Otherwise, we could all be surgeons or astrospace engineers from birth. Your mind still has gaps it needs to fill sometimes in the forming of big decisions. I mean, unless you're truly a professionally elite master in the knowledge of one thing, pure Intuitive following is not the best route to follow.
If we become fixated that our first idea when falling our intuition is right, it makes it hard for us to evaluate and elevate to solution. Use your discretion and always collect data first
These are only a few of some of the issues that can arise from purely rooting your decisions in intuition. Trust yourself, but remember to apply your physical knowledge! Bring both physical and internally based, knowing together can bring beautiful things forth. We have to trust in the factual knowledge of others as well.
(When I state personal beliefs, as I'm about to below, they aren't necessarily cemented. I'm open to all ideas. This is simply just where my personal development and growth are right now. Feel free to change my mind 😌)
*I believe that this skill of picking up micro and macro cues and information of our surroundings in a situation can come from us being put in similar situations over and over again. Sort of like your mind picking up a deja vu. I also think it can come from stress inducing situations in accordance to protecting our brains from the effects of trauma.*
May this help guide you to discovery and discussion you might not have made before. May it expand your mind and lead your thoughts to new ideas, so it is.✚
A gift from you to you,
💜Please feel free to share or discuss 💜
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batteryshop · 4 days ago
Honor Magic7 Pro: The powerful flagship smartphone impresses almost across the board
The Honor Magic7 Pro boasts a high-quality design and innovative technology. The smartphone is available in black, marbled white (Lunar Shadow Gray) and blue (Breeze Blue). With its rounded edges, it sits comfortably in your hand despite its weight. Its frosted glass back is resistant to fingerprint marks. The front is protected by NanoCrystal Shield with an additional protective film. Thanks to its IP69 certification, the device is not only dust and waterproof, but can also withstand high-pressure and steam jet cleaning.
When it comes to connectivity options, the Magic7 Pro features tried-and-tested technology such as a fast USB 3.2 port, NFC and an IR transmitter—but no UWB or Bluetooth LE. Its ultrasonic fingerprint sensor works precisely, while the phone's software is based on MagicOS 9.0, which integrates numerous AI functions such as live translations and image editing. The announced deepfake detection will be added in an update. Sustainability is demonstrated by the device's plastic-free packaging, although repair instructions and information on recycled materials are missing. Honor is set to provide four major software updates and five years of security patches—which also leaves some room for improvement.
The phone's OLED display offers dynamic 120 Hz, high brightness values and precise color accuracy. Circular polarized light and high-frequency PWM dimming make it easy on the eyes. The Snapdragon 8 Elite delivers strong performance, but the Honor smartphone is slightly inferior to the competition in view of its benchmark results, presumably due to its cooling.
Its camera setup is a sure highlight: the 50 MP main camera features variable apertures, an improved portrait mode and good results in low light. The 200 MP zoom lens enables lossless magnification up to a 6x zoom, while the ultra-wide angle also impresses as a macro lens. Videos can be recorded in 4K at 60fps. The front camera also has a 50-MP resolution and can take UHD recordings.
The device's battery life is good despite the smaller-capacity model installed in the EU version of the phone (5,270 mAh). Fast charging options at up to 100 watts (wired) and 80 watts (wireless) ensure short charging times.
Honor's Magic7 Pro currently can't be purchased in the United States. It has an MRSP of approximately $1,340.
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ap-great-structures-trip · 12 days ago
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Blog #7 - Jan. 10, 2025
Sustainable Architecture & Urban Design
Sustainable architecture and urban design is of the utmost importance. Sustainability is the ability to meets the needs of people today with longevous tactics that will allow (and not harm) people’s needs to be met in the future. The three main focuses of sustainability are the 3 P’s: people (human needs and quality of life), the planet (food systems, pollination, etc.), and prosperity (economic viability now and in the future). When designing for sustainability, the 5 main considerations are water consumption, energy usage, materials, site, and indoor environmental quality. Creating sustainable architecture and urban design is all about the balancing act of these focuses. These considerations may often conflict with each other, creating many challenges. When sustainable urban environments are developed, tax incentives are often the most effective way to bring people and companies in to fill up these districts.
Because sustainability is about planning for own needs today without jeopardizing those of the future, sustainable architecture and urban design also involves social justice. Often the most sustainable solutions are the mostly costly to obtain. Because the wealthiest are the only ones who can afford the most sustainable solutions, sustainable design involves systemic inequality on an economic level. For example, Puorto Nuevo’s Bosco Verticale is an incredibly building with many sustainable elements. Notably, the building incorporates renewable energy from solar panels and a filtration system that recycles everyday excess water. It also elevates full trees into the air on its many balconies, incorporating natural ecosystems into the building and creating habitats for the many fauna around. While the Puorto Nuevo Bosco Verticale is an incredible mergence of architecture and sustainability, only the most wealthy and elite can afford to live there. This creates macro level issues for society as creates more social inequality for economic inequality. Along with the challenge of incorporating the many important considerations into sustainable solutions, it’s also a challenge to blend these macro and micro levels.
One particularly interesting concept in sustainable urban design is tactile urbanism. Tactile urbanism is the use of fast, cheap, participatory interventions in a city. Often used to experiment with creating more public squares, designers block road intersections off from cars and then add these fast, cheap, participatory interventions to these newly converted squares. For example, sometimes urban designers will bring artists in to create art in the square, set up temporary cafes, or bring in play structures for kids. The thought process is that if the participatory interventions work in creating a communal space that the community utilizes, keep it. If it doesn’t work, then just turn it back into an intersections. Often, people have the mindset that we cannot more our cities or community more sustainable for human well-being because they’ve already been built and around for years. Tactile urbanism is a great example of the innovative options we have for helping our already built cities update to more strategic urban planning.
Ways to Conserve the 5 Main Sustainability Considerations
Water consumption
- Catching rain run-off and reusing it
- Elon does it with the lakes and use it to irrigate the land
- Choosing low flow water
- Toilets, showers, facets
- Choosing landscapes that don’t require irrigation
- Turf takes a lot of water
- Toilets with different level of flushing
- Sink sensors
Energy Use
- automatic lights (motion sensor)
- Building, bathrooms, etc
- Energy efficient appliances
- More windows for natural light
- Insulation to reduce demand on mechanical systems (reduce amount of power required)
- Using solar panels, wind turbines, geothermal systems, etc. for electricity
- Strategic about operating buildings
- ex. south side of building on different zone with different heating
- Not using heating or air before an event, then turning it on right before
- Ex. Schar Center
- Alternative technologies to reduce energy
- Recycled content - renewable materials
- Energy usage to get the materials
- Alternative materials for material look
- Ex. Marble powder with asphalt
- Preserving green space
- Materials used outside of building
- Landscaping
 turf or no turf 
 wild grass
- Locating a building near other necessities or close to mass transit
- Building multi-use neighborhoods
- Being able to do something all on foot
Indoor Environmental Quality
- all about you
- You and your well-being
- more natural light and space for humans
- Giving people control over their space
- Temp, open a window, lighting, etc.
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shobujtech1 · 1 month ago
Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro in Bangladesh November, 2024 The Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro will come with 12GB or 16GB of RAM and 256GB, 512GB, or 1TB of storage. The Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro in Bangladesh 65,000 Taka. It has a 6000mAh battery and supports 120W fast charging. The phone runs on Android 15 and is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Elite chip. Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro Review The Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro is a powerful smartphone that offers great features at a reasonable price. It is designed for users who want high performance, a stylish design, and great cameras. In this article, we will discuss the main features and details of the Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro. Key Features of Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro FeatureDetailsPriceAffordable, varies by locationStorage128GB or 256GBRAM8GB or 12GBBattery5000mAh with 67W Fast ChargingOperating SystemMIUI 13 based on Android 12ChipsetQualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 Design and Display The Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro has a modern and sleek design. The phone is slim, comfortable to hold, and has a premium feel. It features a large AMOLED display with vibrant colors, making it great for watching videos, browsing, and gaming. The screen is bright and sharp, offering a fantastic viewing experience. Performance The Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chipset. This is one of the most powerful chipsets available, ensuring fast and smooth performance for all your tasks. Whether you're using social media, playing games, or multitasking, this phone can handle it all. The phone is available with 8GB or 12GB of RAM, so you can choose the one that fits your needs. Battery Life The Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro comes with a 5000mAh battery. It provides a long battery life, lasting all day on a single charge with regular use. The phone also supports 67W fast charging, so you can quickly charge your phone and get back to using it. Whether you are browsing the web or playing games, the battery can keep up with you. Software The Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro runs MIUI 13 based on Android 12. This version of MIUI provides a clean and easy-to-use interface. It also comes with new features, customization options, and better performance. The phone receives regular updates, keeping it up-to-date with the latest software and security patches. Camera The Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro has a strong camera system. It comes with a 108MP main camera that captures clear and detailed photos. The camera performs well in different lighting conditions, whether it's bright sunlight or low light. The phone also has other cameras for wide-angle shots and macro photography. The 20MP front camera is great for selfies and video calls, delivering sharp and clear images. Is the Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro Worth Buying? Yes, the Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro is a great option if you want a high-performance smartphone with a sleek design and excellent camera. It offers good value for its price with fast performance, a large battery, and impressive camera quality. Whether you're a gamer or someone who loves photography, this phone will meet your needs. Conclusion The Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro is a fantastic smartphone with powerful features, including a beautiful display, fast performance, and great cameras. If you're looking for a phone that offers high-end features at a reasonable price, the Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro is an excellent choice. It’s perfect for users who want a phone that can handle gaming, photography, and everyday tasks. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro What is the price of the Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro? The price of the Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro varies by location and storage options, but it is generally affordable for its high-end features. What storage options are available for the Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro? The Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro is available with 128GB or 256GB of internal storage. How much RAM does the Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro have? The Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro comes with two RAM options: 8GB or 12GB.
What is the battery capacity of the Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro? The Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro has a 5000mAh battery. Does the Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro support fast charging? Yes, the Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro supports 67W fast charging, which charges the phone quickly. Which operating system does the Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro run on? The Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro runs MIUI 13 based on Android 12. What chipset is in the Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro? The Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chipset, which provides excellent performance. Is the storage in the Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro expandable? No, the Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro does not support expandable storage via a microSD card. What kind of display does the Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro have? The Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro has a large AMOLED display with bright colors and sharp resolution, making it ideal for media and gaming. How good is the camera on the Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro? The Xiaomi Redmi K80 Pro features a 108MP main camera that captures high-quality photos. It also has additional cameras for wide-angle and macro shots. The 20MP front camera is great for selfies and video calls.
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anmolsmsblog · 3 months ago
Noise New Macro Smart Watch with 2.0” HD Display,Metallic Finish BT Calling, Functional Crown, 7 Days Battery Life, Sleep Tracking, 200+ Watch Faces (Elite Black)
Price: (as of – Details) From the manufacturer Get a 1-year assured warranty from NOISEWarranty Type: 1 Year; Closure Type: Single Pusher Foldover Clasp; Target Gender: Unisex; Sport Type: Multi-Sports Customers say Customers like the quality and value of the wearable computer. They mention it looks good, is good for the price, and has good features. However, some are disappointed with the

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craftholsters · 5 months ago
Best Red Dot for P365 X Macro by Craft Holsters
Why You Need a Red Dot for Your P365 X Macro
The SIG P365 X Macro is a highly versatile and optics-ready handgun, designed to seamlessly integrate red dot, RMR, or reflex sights without removing the rear sight. This makes it an excellent choice for shooters who value quick target acquisition, enhanced accuracy, and improved performance in various lighting conditions. However, it's important to choose a red dot that is compatible with the RMSc footprint, which is standard for the P365 X Macro. Options like the SIG ROMEOZero Elite, Holosun HS507K-X2, Burris FastFire 3, and Vortex Optics Viper stand out as some of the best choices for this model, each offering unique features that cater to different shooting preferences.
Best Red Dot Options for P365 X Macro
When selecting the best red dot for your P365 X Macro, consider factors like dot size, battery life, and durability. The SIG ROMEOZero Elite offers a compact design with a 3 MOA dot, while the Holosun HS507K-X2 provides a multi-reticle system with exceptional battery life. For those looking for versatility, the Burris FastFire 3 offers both 3 MOA and 8 MOA options, and the Vortex Optics Viper delivers a low-profile design ideal for concealed carry. Each of these optics enhances the capabilities of your P365 X Macro, making it a more effective tool for self-defense or tactical use. To learn more about the Best Red Dot for P365 X Macro, check out Craft Holsters' Best Red Dot for P365 X Macro blog.
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maabhagwatistatus · 7 months ago
Noise New Macro Smart Watch with 2.0” HD Display,Metallic Finish BT Calling, Functional Crown, 7 Days Battery Life, Sleep Tracking, 200+ Watch Faces (Elite Silver)
Price: (as of – Details) Get a 1-year assured warranty from NOISE Customers say Customers like the appearance, and quality of the wearable computer. However, some customers have connectivity issues and complain about the display. Opinions are mixed on performance, battery life, accuracy, and value. AI-generated from the text of customer reviews
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99easyshop · 7 months ago
Noise New Macro Smart Watch with 2.0” HD Display,Metallic Finish BT Calling, Functional Crown, 7 Days Battery Life, Sleep Tracking, 200+ Watch Faces (Elite Black)
Price: (as of – Details) From the manufacturer Get a 1-year assured warranty from NOISE Best Price: Price too high? Subscribe to our price drop alert
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lesser-mook · 9 months ago
Evolution is just change, change is just part of the design. They're not separate. (The Folly of Accidental Design)
Thats the riddle humans need to figure out and stop trying to make the two separate because tribalism is one helluva drug that man can't seem to quit.
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If spontaneous combustion of all that is- is accidental, how does Evolution happen accidentally without design to aplly specific function when according to these same people, all of it is meaningless anyway BECAUSE its an accident.
So if its an accident, why is there specific functions applied to micro-animals we cant even see?? Why do microorganisms serve a purpose, why does anything serve a function if its all an accident anyway?
The lie itself isn't even sustainable. Red flag.
One of the biggest lies is religion using the truth as a weapon and the scientist enclave convincing people that universal specification and design from the solar system operating like an atom, to us designing computers, tv & smart phones like mini-universes in our hands just like God or Quantum Intelligence designed this simulation we live in.
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Hell we modeled an actual game after our own simulation (The Sims) where we are god watching our creation.
The Earth being specified for our every need from herbs, spices, livestock, natural painkillers, water. Etc. Even using our corpses as fertilizer.
Some parasites are harmful to humans but help the ecosystem which includes humans.
From a microorganism animal living on your skin, the bacteria in your mouth. To a Seed with glider wings. To a SuperNova. Or Eclipse.
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All of that parallel, ALL of that specific function is an accident, all a coincidence. 😂Bold faced lie told by smart people.
And the elites pushing that crap, so many more smart people writing all those folly books & narratives trying to convince you a macrocosm of articulate CONSISTENT effects & functionality NO DIFFERENT from a computer (a creation of man which is not an accident) is somehow a meaningless accident anyway on a macro-cosmic scale.
This isn't even about God, think of it as what it is a Transdimensional "Quantum Intelligence". Really think about how specific everything is from a blade of grass to our own white blood cells.
Think about how eerie it is that most of what we do & create emulates the universe.
Just as the orbiting motion of the solar system emulates the atom, a lot people overlook that.
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Evolution Scientists/Theorists (Keyword:THEORY) explaining how things work aren't wrong. The folly is not their findings on how organisms develop the issue is some do not credit it to any design, when by design its too consistent and articulate to be an accident, its not wishful thinking, it's simple logic.
Cause and Effect. You dont get a chemical reaction without a catalyst, it just doesnt happen. Anything less is magic or a very elaborate cope to dance around the fact that some people refuse to admit that something primed this dimension that we perceive to be: Life
So at that point it boils down to hubris, ego. I have zero problem considering that this is all a very very epic nigh impossible happenstance-- I'm not above the possibility that it is an accident. That all of this is a result of matter, particles and gas compiling and colliding into cosmic crescendo.
I can consider that it is exactly that. Thats intellectual honesty.
But what most ppl need to consider is can you get out of your own way and see what is as it is, regardless if the realization intimidates your existential confidence in what you WANT to be true because what most of us want is a sense of control than the truth.
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Anything less is Blue Pill baby. Blue pill.
Two lies of the same rusty coin. Misuse the truth or deny it.
One as a means of control.
The other is a desperate attempt to maintain an illusion of control.
Otherwise, a seed with wings, incredible. That's one spectacularly specified/ modified accident.
The code of the universe is what drives function: DNA
If there is functionality thus function was installed, if it's installed, that implies design. Design is not random.
Do what I did: merely consider it.
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mediaevalmusereads · 10 months ago
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The Gilded Wolves. By Roshani Chokshi. Wednesday Books, 2018.
Rating: 2.5/5 stars
Genre: fantasy
Series: Gilded Wolves Trilogy #1
Summary: It's 1889. The city is on the cusp of industry and power, and the Exposition Universelle has breathed new life into the streets and dredged up ancient secrets. Here, no one keeps tabs on dark truths better than treasure-hunter and wealthy hotelier SĂ©verin Montagnet-Alarie. When the elite, ever-powerful Order of Babel coerces him to help them on a mission, SĂ©verin is offered a treasure that he never imagined: his true inheritance.
To hunt down the ancient artifact the Order seeks, SĂ©verin calls upon a band of unlikely experts: An engineer with a debt to pay. A historian banished from his home. A dancer with a sinister past. And a brother in arms if not blood.
Together, they will join SĂ©verin as he explores the dark, glittering heart of Paris. What they find might change the course of history--but only if they can stay alive.
***Full review below.***
CONTENT WARNINGS: blood, antisemitism, imperialism, suicide, violence, animal cruelty
OVERVIEW: This book has been on my TBR pile for a while, so I decided to clear out my backlog and pick it up. The premise was intriguing, and I tend to like fantastical stories set in the past. Unfortunately, I did not enjoy this book as much as I wanted to. While the world was vibrant and interesting, the writing and plot progression left a lot to be desired, so this work only gets 2.5 stars from me.
WRITING: Chokshi's prose is fine at a sentence level. It's not hard to read and contains some fairly lush descriptions, especially of Forged ("magical") objects. I genuinely enjoyed some of the settings and the objects were creative and enchanting.
The main problems I had were more macro-level. For one, Chokshi tends to overwhelm the reader with worldbuilding details, making her world so complex (and sometimes convoluted) that it's difficult to get a handle on all that's happening and how things relate to one another.
For two, there are a lot of moments when telling takes precedence over showing. Not only are a lot of character dynamics established in the past and off-page (thus requiring the author to tell us that SĂ©verin and Tristan are like brothers, for example, before we are given any flashbacks), but when big emotional things happened, Chokshi would frequently have to pause and give the reader context info for why the thing was important.
For three, a lot of the humor fell flat for me and made the characters read quite young. Maybe they are young - it's hard to tell. One character is definitely 16, another is not yet 19, but it's hard to tell for the rest, especially since they do "adult" things like own hotels and headline a cabaret.
PLOT: The plot of this book follows a group of 5 misfits as they work together to pull of a heist in an alternate-history, fantastical 1889 Paris. SĂ©verin - a prominent hotelier and heir to the extinct House Vanth - leads a group of extraordinary individuals to recover a treasure that will not only set them up for life, but will restore him to his rightful place as House patriarch.
While I like a good magical heist, I often felt like I was being pulled in too many directions with this plot. Not only was I supposed to immerse myself in the magic and history of the world, but each character had their own motivations which required additional worldbuilding that existed on the periphery of the story. I also wasn't quite sure how all the plots of the plan were fitting together with the lore of the world, and part of that may be my own confusion but part might also be all the complexity and details of the worldbuilding. There were multiple moments when the worldbuilding seemed to be inserted so that certain details conveniently explained certain things (for example, people don't make noise going down the laundry chute because they have special bells made by Zofia). There also seemed to be very few real limits on Forging, so it was hard to build suspense when literally anything could happen.
Also, I felt like this book was trying to say something about colonialism with several of its plot points, it ultimately, the book as a whole didn't end with a strong message. At times, I felt like it made some good points - portraying Europe as plundering all the magical knowledge from the rest of the world, for example, was reflective of the wealth extraction that happened primarily during the 18-19th centuries. The book also acknowledges some difficulties about being mixed race and navigating structural racism. But mostly, it seemed like the heist had nothing to do (thematically) with anything like fighting colonialism or giving power to marginalized people. I'm just not convinced that this book wanted to engage with the topic of colonialism as deeply as I would have liked, even though colonialism was very clearly built into the world.
CHARACTERS: This book has 6 prominent characters: the 5 misfits and their ally, Hypnosis.
SĂ©verin is the heir to the fallen House Vanth and acts as the strategist in the group. He makes plans, leads everyone on "aquisitions," and employs them at his hotel. While I could understand SĂ©verin's motivations, he was also hard to connect with because I felt like I was told more about him than I was shown. He felt more like an archetype than a person, which is a shame because his background could have made for some interesting critiques regarding who has access to power amongst the French elite. I also think his clove-chewing habit got repetitive and his relationships with people mostly developed off-page.
Laila is a baker/dancer who can "read" the history of an object by touching it. She is also looking for something (I won't spoil it) that will potentially take her away from the group, but for the time being, she's devoted to helping them. While Laila was sweet and fun, her backstory didn't seem to drive her to do much like ally herself with more connected people or drive more conversation/thought on what it meant to be someone like her. Her relationship with SĂ©verin also didn't so much develop as it did remain awkward, and I wish more was done to show the two growing closer emotionally.
Enrique is a historian who wants to join a community of intellectuals who reject him because of his mixed parentage. He's also bisexual and has some romantic tension with multiple characters, but I wouldn't go in expecting a prominent queer romance (mostly because the romance is barely present). I liked his brilliance and his awareness of race, but he also could have developed more to make his arc more interesting.
Zofia is an autistic Jewish-Polish woman who was kicked out of school after an arson incident. She's a brilliant engineer with Forging affinity, and she designs a lot of the group's gadgets. I probably liked her the best; her perspective was charming and she had real challenges to overcome on-page, like being able to navigate social situations and feel like a valued member of the team. Whether or not she is good representation is up for debate; I don't think she's offensive, but she's also perhaps not quite as nuanced as some would like.
Tristan is a botanist with Forging affinity and is perhaps the most under-utilized character. Of the 5 members of the crew, he is the only one who doesn't get POV chapters, and his main functions seem to be 1.) Being protected by SĂ©verin, and 2.) Getting hurt. Tristan has supposedly been with SĂ©verin for years and the two are like brothers, but we don't really feel that emotional intimacy so much as we're told about it. His inventions are sometimes useful, but most credit goes to Zofia; I wish he had gotten to use his abilities more on-page and in a way that truly helped with the heist.
Hypnos is the patriarch of House Nyx and originally forces SĂ©verin to help him locate an artifact, but he quickly becomes something akin to an ally or member of the group. He mainly uses his power and influence to get the team the resources they need, and he's very flirty and charismatic. He's generally fine; since he's not a main character, I wasn't as bothered by his lack of depth. He had enough.
TL;DR: The Gilded Wolves is notable mostly for its imaginative world and likeable character archetypes; however, the plot and lore is rather convoluted and clashes with the heist-style narrative, and a lot of key character relationships are developed off-page.
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skills-course · 1 year ago
Vince Sant – Fat Loss Extreme for Him LINK DOWNLOAD: https://skillscourse.net/vince-sant-fat-loss-extreme-for-him/ Vince Sant – Fat Loss Extreme for Him Description of Fat Loss Extreme for Him Here's What to Do When You've Tried Everything to Lose Weight and Keep it Off and Nothing Has Worked... This program is NOT for guys looking to drop 3 or 4lbs of fat. This program is specifically for guys who want to drop 20-50+ lbs of excess fat that they are plain fed up with seeing in the mirror. (You are about to learn underground fat-burning secrets that elite bodybuilders, fitness models, and celebrities use to lose fat fast and keep it off year round!) Finally... A complete step-by-step blueprint for melting away pounds of stubborn body fat and building a lean and muscular body! Everything is completely taken care of for you. Just lift what we tell you to lift, eat what we tell you to eat and get results... fast. Never be confused or overwhelmed in the gym or kitchen again. Follow an extremely simple, but insanely effective system built for people who need to lose weight and keep it off long term. All your workouts and meals planned out and listed in a step by step guide and schedule. Everything mapped out for you in a mobile portal, so you can take your workouts and diet with you anywhere. What You'll Learn In Fat Loss Extreme for Him? 12 Weeks Weight Training A detailed overview of the 10 commandments of weight training. Learn how to shed fat around the clock. A specific 90 day fat scorching, muscle building program. Detailed, step-by-step, video and text breakdowns of ALL exercises Ab sculpting abdominal workouts. Workouts that get you in and out of the gym in under 45 minutes. Fat Shredding Nutrition The art of shedding body-fat through diet. How to calculate the exact amount of macros you need a day. Precise instructions to create your own carb-cycling diet to shred fat. How to incorporate “flexible dieting” into your everyday life. Supplement Truth Science and referenced research behind the most beneficial supplements in the industry. No overload of supplement recommendations. We keep it simple and tell you exactly what works best so you don't waste money or harm your body. More courses from the same author: Vince Sant
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science-rpg · 1 year ago
How do subsections of zoology work? Are they elite classes obtainable only by someone with zoology levels? Subcalsses? If so how do you handle further specialization, like an entomologist who specializes in ants?
My gosh so sorry being so late with the reply!
 Like the fool that I am I picked up more projects after making this one and I forgot about this and got lost.
So before I get into zoology, I'm going to try to explain my half baked game mechanics of how skills and classes work. My apologies also if I switch back and forth between terminology, such as Class = Science = Field of study or Discipline = Skills or Skill specialization.
 I also just noticed I put Zoology as a required field for summoning the Salmon Shark, which I don't think really works anymore, I'd rather just use Biology at the moment.
Class Mechanics
What determines classes is mostly skill ratios that effect certain move proficiencies and allow one to change from one class to another.
Units below a certain threshold at the start of the game (say, below lv 10) are classified as students.
 After overcoming a certain threshold (for now say max skill level) for a skill, that skill get added to their skill ratio pool. So for a unit to become a Marine Biologist, you need to reach your max level in Biology & Hydrology.
By maxing out that unit's Hydrology, you become a hydrologist. Following that, maxing out the Biology skill level the unit will get the option to add Biology to their skill ratio and become a Marine Biologist. The cost of which is halving their proficiency in hydrology. 50% Hydrology , 50% Biology. Each specialization equals 100%, as the scientist can only hold onto so much info at a time.
How skill ratios change and how units change class are currently undetermined, but at the moment
 I'd like them to involve battling (debating?) alongside allies and defeating certain enemies like EV's in Pokémon (my main exposure to RPG's are Pokémon, Fire Emblem and Baldur's' Gate so I'm aware how these mechanics are laid out might be scuffed from the norm).
Now onto Zoology and other Biology classes.
The specializations of Zoology are all treated as a equal subsections of Biology (including Zoology itself).
Biologist that study extant, land based macro-organisms don't need specific specializations mostly because creating classes, moves and abilities for a myriad of specific clades don't seem feasible in a video game setting about various kinds of science, although for a Tumblr setting (I might make exceptions here and there because I'm somewhat making this up as I go and forget stuff sometimes.)
So you've got the three "default" biologist that broadly study extant, land based Eukaryotic Phyla.
    Zoologist, Botanist, Mycologist
(I don't really know atm what would determine someone becoming a Zoologist vs Mycologist as they would probably have the same skill ratios as each other).
Power wise they'd ideally be on-par with the more specialised classes, and be more desirable in certain circumstances. The biologist that are more specialized are so because they require more discipline in other fields to study their subjects.
  So to study Marine Biology, you're going to require hydrology since the most of the biology in which that scientist studies is evolved for life engulfed in ocean water.
A Palaeontologist is going to need Geology because they need to know about taphonomy and similar geologic forces.
A microbiologist is going to require more chemistry since the lifeforms they're studying directly interact with molecular forces more often and use similar equipment as chemist.
Theses scientist classes are usually summoners that let said organisms attack or defend or support for their team. (Marine/Paleo/Zoologist = Attack orientated with varying stat spread trends, Botanist = Wall/Defenders, Micro/Mycologist = Passive ongoing support).  These aren't strict rules but are more the general trends for each kind of summon.
And that's about all I got so far. Sorry if this answer is disappointing or confusing.
 Like I've said, things aren't really set in stone and this is just a little side project for fun.  I haven't forgotten about this, I'm just distracted and lazy depressed at the moment and am putting my energy into other things. I'll still be making post on here in the future!
  That being said if you or anyone has got better ideas, want to make your own rules or just go on with your own take on the science rpg idea, that's totally fine with me! I just wanted be a bit creative and get people invested in science in a fun, gamey way!
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arisingonmorningsinnocent · 1 year ago
"[Britney] Spears’s Instagram has always been a place where fans go for clues about how she’s actually doing. Between viral Facebook-core image macros about positivity and self-love and cute photos of flowers or the phases of the moon, Spears dances, twirls, and shows off her bikinis and bralettes in dizzily edited videos and heavily filtered photos taken at unusual angles. Hers is the opposite of a typical celebrity social-media account: It’s chaotic in a fun way and in a way that can arouse concern, all of which is deeply confusing for fans who are used to seeing their starlets post careful, publicist-approved content. Over the course of the conservatorship, Free Britney activists developed detailed theories about messages Spears was sending via her Instagram posts.
Since this past December, Spears has only rarely left her Instagram comments open. She turned them off after posting a series of nude photos and pictures of herself in her great-great-grandmother’s veil; on one post, a top comment was a theory that Spears was being locked in her house and that all of her videos were being secretly recorded from behind a mirror. Even fellow celebrities had theories — after Spears posted a photo of her sister, Jamie Lynn, former Bachelorette star Kaitlyn Bristowe wrote, “Ok well now we know who’s running her account. Cough Jamie cough.” On December 21, when actress Alyssa Milano tweeted, “Someone please go check on Britney Spears,” Spears reposted the plea on her Instagram Stories and wrote, “It saddens me to see things about me from people who don’t know me!!!” A month later, after briefly deleting her Instagram, she explained on Twitter that she’d shut down her account “because there were too many people saying I looked like an idiot dancing and that I looked crazy. Honestly, I was doing my best, but it disturbed me to see people freely talk about it on TV 
 yep, it hurt my feelings.”
Lipscomb and others say that most of the inconsistencies Free Britney 2.0 points to can be explained by other means; he suspects much of the fan theorizing comes from the public’s ignorance of the peculiarities of L.A. celebrity culture — there was a rumor, for instance, that Spears was being sex-trafficked because she would only dine in hotels; Lipscomb notes that hotels are often the most discreet places for celebrities to eat because many have private entrances. Other theories, he says, reveal ignorance of Spears the person. “I’ve talked to so many people who’ve worked with Britney and I’ve talked to people who’ve dated her,” he says. “People question, ‘Why doesn’t she have her hair done?’ I knew her hairstylist — she hates having her hair done. They’re still analyzing every movement and trying to zoom in to see if that’s a bruise on her ankle. It’s just like, ‘Oh my God, you guys, at some point you do have to get a life.’”
The original Free Britney movement may have been proved right, but it has always attracted extremist thinkers. Even QAnon believers used Spears’s case to exploit their own aims, seeing a beautiful woman controlled and abused by “Hollywood elites” as evidence that she is a victim of a larger cabal of Satanic cultists. Jasmin Vargas, a Free Britney supporter since 2016, has written about how conspiracy theories derailed the movement, which was largely made up of fans trying to do the work of journalists — a necessary tactic when journalists wouldn’t take them seriously, she writes. But that still didn’t make them journalists.
Vargas cites a 2019 episode of Britney’s Gram — the podcast run by Tess Barker and Barbara Gray that was crucial to eventually revealing the truth of the conservatorship — that discusses one of Spears’s Instagram captions, in which she celebrated losing five pounds. “If you know Britney at all, if you’re a fan even casually, you’d know that she would never write that,” Tess says. “No. Never,” Babs responds. They later backtracked their comments when Spears continued to discuss her weight in future posts. Perhaps Spears would talk about her weight now? The fandom’s fixation on knowing the “real” Britney is rooted in an idea of who she used to be, and to accept who she is now would mean giving that up.
“Her whole career, there was an image of her that was created, and if she didn’t comply with it, there were consequences,” says Miller. “Now that she’s finally allowed to have control over how she’s portrayed, that makes people uncomfortable. And that’s good. It should be a little uncomfortable, because what happened is not right.”
--"Where Is Britney Spears?"
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starseedfxofficial · 1 month ago
Monthly Timeframes + Stop Loss Orders: Ninja Forex Tactics The Secrets of Monthly Timeframes and Stop Loss Orders: Ninja Forex Strategies In the vast ocean of Forex trading, where every tick and pip counts, the monthly timeframe is the wise old owl of the charts. Combine it with stop loss orders, and you’ve got a powerful duo that can revolutionize your trading game. This guide dives deep into these advanced strategies, sharing insider tips, little-known secrets, and proven techniques to elevate your trading. Why Monthly Timeframes Are a Game-Changer Trading on a monthly timeframe might sound like watching paint dry, but here’s the kicker: it’s worth the wait. Think of it as the difference between sipping a fine aged wine versus gulping down instant coffee. - Big Picture Clarity: Monthly timeframes help you identify long-term trends, avoiding the noise of shorter timeframes. - Market Psychology Insights: They reveal institutional buying and selling zones, which are critical for making informed decisions. - Reduced Emotional Whiplash: No more staring at your screen, sweating over every candlestick wiggle. Example: Suppose EUR/USD shows a strong bullish trend on the monthly chart. Instead of guessing reversals on the 1-hour chart, you align your trades with the macro trend, increasing your success rate. Stop Loss Orders: Your Safety Net in the Forex Jungle Stop loss orders are the unsung heroes of risk management. They’re like the seatbelts of trading—you don’t notice them until they save your life. - Risk Limitation: Set a predefined level to exit trades, capping potential losses. - Emotional Control: Prevents impulsive decisions during market turbulence. - Strategic Placement: Advanced traders use monthly timeframe levels to set stop losses, leveraging the reliability of major support and resistance zones. Pro Tip: Avoid the rookie mistake of placing stop losses too close. Let your trades breathe! A stop loss hugging the market is like wearing shoes two sizes too small—painful and counterproductive. The Hidden Power of Combining Monthly Timeframes with Stop Loss Orders Here’s where the magic happens. By using monthly timeframe levels to place your stop losses, you align with major market movers. Why? Because institutions often respect these levels. Step-by-Step Ninja Strategy: - Identify Key Levels: Use the monthly chart to spot major support and resistance zones. - Set Wider Stops: Place stop losses beyond these zones to avoid getting stopped out by market noise. - Trail Strategically: As the trade moves in your favor, trail your stop loss below higher timeframe support levels. Case Study: A trader identified a support level at 1.1000 on the EUR/USD monthly chart. By setting a stop loss below this level, they avoided the whipsaw of intraday volatility and rode the trade to 1.1500. Myth-Busting: Common Misconceptions About Stop Losses - Myth: Stop losses guarantee no loss. - Reality: They mitigate risk but don’t account for slippage during high volatility. - Myth: Tight stops are always better. - Reality: Tight stops often lead to frequent stop-outs. Monthly levels provide a more reliable buffer. - Myth: Setting stops too wide wastes profit potential. - Reality: It’s about finding a balance. Use monthly timeframe levels to strike that sweet spot. Underground Trends: Emerging Stop Loss Techniques - Dynamic Stops: Adjust stop losses based on market volatility, using indicators like ATR (Average True Range). - Time-Based Stops: Exit trades if they don’t hit your target within a specified time, minimizing opportunity cost. - Market-Driven Stops: Set stops at levels where liquidity is likely to dry up, avoiding manipulation zones. Expert Insight: According to John Doe, a Forex veteran, “The best stop loss strategies adapt to market conditions. Static levels are a thing of the past.” Elite Tactics for Monthly Timeframes and Stop Loss Orders - Pattern Recognition: Combine candlestick patterns on monthly charts with stop losses below key levels for high-probability setups. - Correlation Hacks: Cross-check multiple currency pairs on monthly timeframes to confirm major levels. - Position Sizing: Use a smart trading tool to calculate position sizes based on stop loss distance and risk tolerance. Try it here. Real-World Application: A Trader’s Journey Jane, an intermediate trader, struggled with overtrading and inconsistent results. After shifting her focus to monthly timeframes and refining her stop loss strategy: - Result #1: Her win rate improved from 40% to 65%. - Result #2: She reduced stress and found more time for research. - Result #3: Her account grew steadily over six months, despite occasional losses. Her secret? Combining the big picture of monthly charts with precise stop loss placement. Mastering monthly timeframes and stop loss orders is about more than just avoiding losses—it’s about positioning yourself for long-term success. As you integrate these strategies into your trading, remember: patience is a skill, not a weakness. Embrace the slow grind, and watch your Forex game transform. —————– Image Credits: Cover image at the top is AI-generated Read the full article
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