#Machine Learning in Trading
signode-blog · 11 months
Mistakes Traders Make While Using Moving Averages
Moving averages have a long history in the field of statistics and technical analysis. Their origins can be traced back to the early 20th century, and they have since evolved to become a fundamental tool for traders and analysts in various financial markets. Here’s a brief history of moving averages: Early Development (Early 20th Century): The concept of moving averages can be traced back to…
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ganonfan1995 · 2 years
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Burnt out
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knifekris · 1 month
every day i struggle to make choices
#i should invest into some kind of education but cant make up my mind#mostly because options suck#i cant do trades unless my body sucks less which is sad because id love to be an electrician#cant even think about getting a pilots license cuz im not passing the med cert#i think id rather die than be a med assistant actually#working clinics at all makes me nervous tbh but probably where im headed in the short term#surgical tech would be cool but i cant do a Real program while working full-time#which is what limits most of my choices#i need to find more paid training programs i guess#if i had to pick a miserable but fulfilling job id go into education itself#but the teaching profession has always been in a downward spiral esp as of late#i dont want healthcare because i hate seeing dysfunctional glorified murder machines grinding around and around endlessly#acute care sucks id rather be in an icu for function but then im depressed because our patients are always dying#it was better as a phleb but this hospital doesnt have phleb and like i said im nervous about clinics#but i need to fucking commit to outpatient phlebotomy i think :/#the most fun ive had at a job ever#i wish i had more widely applicable skills but i cant be an emt/para even just for the training#because half of it is unpaid and the other half you pay for#and again#a job NOTORIOUS for being exhausting dangerous and traumatizing#if i was 17 again and wasnt escaping the tar pit of my mother id go for an english degree and i wouldnt even regret it#thinking about school in terms of a job i have to have forever vs for the sake of learning is so different#id like to know everything. i wanna read and write forever. and do research and have real technical skills that help people#im still riding off of the high of getting 5 ccs off of an oncology patient who desperately needed a port#they were able to run like seven tests off of it#i had to use a couple ped tubes#she only had to get poked Once and barely noticed it bc the doc team came in and im so happy i made her admission that muvh easier#labs are so miserable#checking back on the blood and seeing all of the results came through made me more pleased than anything else in the world
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gibbearish · 6 months
a weird little thing abt me is i will definitely mock shitty ai art but it never feels right doing it about the hands simply by virtue of the fact that a lot of them look indistinguishable from the hands i was doing years ago when i first got a drawing tablet
#like id have the right number of fingers obv but like. putting the thumb on the wrong side#fingers bending weird directions or connecting in weird places#weird anatomy at joints‚ freaky nails‚ bad proportions‚ bad perspective‚ etc etc etc#people say 'this isnt ai like in sci-fi its just machine learning' but to me its a lot more interesting to look at it as#'this isnt ai like in scifi /yet/'#like yeah the stuff ai does in fiction isnt possible at this point but like. i find it difficult not to wonder if this#is the ai version of infancy stages yknow? like.#ppl go 'its cant write its own stuff its just recycling stuff its been fed' as if thats not kinda how people . learn to talk?#idk i just find it hard to agree with arguments that act like where we currently are at is the furthest these technologies could possibly#evolve in our lifetimes#'it just makes things up' you mean like toddlers going on long winding rambles about unicorns and monsters or w/e#'it cant do art good' you mean like a child? or even just literally Anyone who doesnt know how to draw yet?#like. idk. i feel like people are trying very very hard to insist the ai of today is still the same as it was in the clevverbot days#and that its impossible to evolve any further#people want to cling to the old days when ai stuff didnt pass the turing test by a much wider marging than it tends to now#dont want to admit that it does indeed sometimes surpass the turing test and likely would be able to even moreso were it#not for restraints#(see: that one stock trading ai that did insider trading vs various chatbots not bring allowed to write disparaging things#about copyrighted people or w/e)#if ai stuff was still truly indistinguishable from human works then we wouldnt need to spend so much time#hashtag exposing things as being ai generated#and i just think its bad to‚ in pursuit of that‚ mock things that are like. just stuff all beginner artists struggle with#i guarantee you there is not a single artist out there who hasnt drawn a hand that made them want to curl up and die at least once.#i got very off-topic there but swung it back around at the end there so. hashtag win#origibberish
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danieldavidreitberg · 8 months
From Amateur Hour to Organized Crime: The Growing Sophistication of Sandwich Bot Networks
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Remember the early days of DeFi, when sandwich bots were clumsy scripts written by hobbyists, easily detectable and swatted away? Those days are gone. The landscape of MEV (Miner Extractable Value) exploitation has evolved into a sophisticated ecosystem, with well-organized networks employing cutting-edge tools and coordinated strategies to fleece unsuspecting users.
From Solo Players to Syndicates
Gone are the days of lone bots lurking in the mempool. Today, MEV teams operate like criminal enterprises, pooling resources, expertise, and infrastructure to maximize their gains. These teams leverage:
Advanced bots: Employing AI and machine learning, these bots can predict market movements, identify profitable opportunities, and execute complex arbitrage strategies in milliseconds.
Flash loan manipulation: Borrowing vast sums instantly, these teams manipulate markets, trigger liquidations, and extract hefty profits before disappearing.
Front-running bots: These bots predict user actions and place transactions ahead, denying them the intended price and reaping the difference.
Distributed networks: Operating across multiple nodes and blockchains, these networks are harder to detect and disrupt.
The Stakes are High
The impact of these organized attacks extends far beyond individual losses:
Market manipulation: By manipulating prices, these bots distort markets, creating unfair advantages and undermining trust in DeFi.
Exacerbated volatility: Their rapid arbitrage activity fuels market volatility, discouraging participation and hindering adoption.
Centralization concerns: Large, well-resourced teams gain an unfair edge, raising concerns about centralization within DeFi.
Fighting Back
The good news is, that the fight against organized MEV exploitation is not one-sided. Here are some promising developments:
MEV-resistant protocols: Projects like Flashbots and MEV Boost offer infrastructure to mitigate certain MEV exploits.
Layer 2 scaling: Solutions like Optimism and Arbitrum aim to reduce MEV by processing transactions off-chain.
Collaboration and research: Ongoing research and collaboration between developers, users, and researchers aim to develop fairer and more efficient mechanisms for distributing MEV rewards.
The Future of MEV
The battle against organized MEV networks is an ongoing one, requiring constant vigilance and adaptation. By staying informed, supporting responsible projects, and advocating for fair and transparent DeFi, we can ensure that this revolutionary technology benefits everyone, not just the digital robber barons of the mempool.
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saiyan34blog · 5 months
Synvestable - Financial Artificial Intelligence & Portfolio Management
Synvestable gives you access to state-of-the-art artificial intelligence and stock market portfolio tools used by the very best on Wall Street. Synvestable's machine learning models are accurate on 40-70% of the entire market every month. Synvestable also provides up-to-date stock market news and sentiment analysis for all daily headlines. Do you have what it takes to get the edge? Try Synvestable Today! https://www.synvestable.com
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webideasolutionca · 6 months
Discover the power of AI and machine learning for traders. Explore advanced analytics, predictive insights, and automated strategies reshaping investment decisions. From algorithmic trading to market sentiment analysis, uncover how AI and ML revolutionize trading efficiency and unlock new opportunities. Learn more at Web Idea Solution!
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algos11 · 7 months
Cryptocurrency has taken over the world because of its decentralised nature, enabling transactions without intermediaries, borderless transfers, security features, potential for high returns, and its role in pioneering blockchain technology.
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captainjonnitkessler · 10 months
I think I can trace my intense hatred for the whole "regulations are just corporate bullshit, building codes are just The Man's way of keeping you down, we should return to pre-industrial barter and trade systems" nonsense back to when I first started doing electrical work at one of the largest hospitals in the country.
I have had to learn so much about all the special conditions in the National Electric Code for healthcare systems. All the systems that keep hospitals running, all the redundancies and backups that make sure one disaster or outage won't take out the hospital's life support, all the rules about different spaces within the hospital and the different standards that apply to each of them. And a lot of it is ridiculously over-engineered and overly redundant, but all of it is in the service of saving even one life from being lost to some wacky series of coincidences that could have been prevented with that redundancy.
I've done significantly less work in food production plants and the like, but I know they have similar standards to make sure the plants aren't going to explode or to make sure a careless maintenance tech isn't accidentally dropping screws into jars of baby food or whatever. And research labs have them to make sure some idiot doesn't leave a wrench inside a transformer and wreck a multi-million dollar machine when they try to switch it on.
Living in the self-sufficient commune is all fun and games until someone needs a kidney transplant and suddenly wants a clean, reliable hospital with doctors that are subject to some kind of overseeing body, is my point.
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virtualfoxstranger · 8 months
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abiodun-360degree · 8 months
Information Technology
Information Technology What is Information Technology? Information Technology (IT) is a term that arouse during the 1970’s to describe the combination of two previously existing discipline, computing and telecommunication. Very many definitions of the term exist ranging from the narrow, that would encompass those traditional aspects of office data processing to the broad, that would involve the…
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ummakcem · 9 months
RSI Para Kazandırır mı?
RSI Para Kazandırır mı?
RSI Para Kazandırır mı sorusuna cevap arıyoruz, elle test yapmak yerine MQL5 yazılım dilini kullanarak tek tuşla binlerce işlem açtırıp doğru cevabı bulmaya çalışacağız. Tüm bu işlemlere başlamadan önce RSI nedir konusuna bir göz atalım. Makaleyi okumak yerine izlemek isterseniz Youtube videomu aşağıda bulabilirsiniz.
RSI Nedir ve Nasıl Hesaplanır?
Göreli Güç Endeksi (GGF veya İngilizce adıyla RSI), finans piyasalarının analizinde yaygın olarak kullanılan bir teknik göstergedir. J. Welles Wilder tarafından 1978’de geliştirimiştir. Bu gösterge, momentum osilatörleri sınıfına girer ve genellikle aşırı alım veya aşırı satım sinyalleri üretmek için kullanılır.
RSI’ın Hesaplanma Formülü
RSI’nın hesaplanması için kullanılan formül oldukça önemlidir. Öncelikle, pozitif kapanış değeri ve negatif kapanış değeri belirlenir. Pozitif kapanış, son mumun kapanış fiyatı ile bir önceki mumun kapanış fiyatı arasındaki farktır. Eğer bu fark sıfırdan büyükse, bu değer pozitif kapanış olarak kaydedilir, eğer fark sıfırdan küçükse, bu değer negatif kapanış olarak kaydedilir.
Kapanış değerleri, istenilen periyot içinde hesaplanır. Örneğin, 14 periyotluk bir RSI hesaplanırken, bu işlem şu anki mumdan geriye doğru 14 bar için tek tek yapılır.
İkinci adım ise pozitif ve negatif kapanışların toplanarak ortalamasının alınmasıdır. Bu, RSI hesaplamasında kullanılan RS değerini verir. RS değeri, aşağıdaki formülle hesaplanır:
RS=Ortalama Pozitif Kapanışlar / Ortalama Negatif Kapanışlar​​
Elde edilen RS değeri aslında yeterlidir fakat okumayı kolaylaştırmak ve göstergenin daha net ve geniş bir aralıkta yorumlanabilmesi için 0 ile 100 arasındaki değerlere dönüştürülür:
RSI=100−(100/(1+RS))RSI=100−(100/(1+RS)) formülü kullanılır.
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RSI’nın birden fazla kullanım yöntemi bulunmaktadır. Temel kullanımlardan biri, 14 periyotluk bir RSI’ın 70 değerinden yüksek olması durumunda satış yapmayı, 30 değerinden düşük olması durumunda ise alış yapmayı içerir. Bu kullanım stratejisinin temel mantığı, alım veya satım trendinin aşırı seviyelerde olduğunu ve yakın zamanda düzelme eğilimi gösterebileceğini işaret etmesidir.
Hemen Hızlıca Bu Stratejiyi Robotlaştıralım ve RSI para kazandırır mı görelim.
Görsel modda ilk denemeleri yapıp robotun doğru çalıştığına emin olduktan sonra hemen backtest ve optmiasyon aşamasına geçtim. Test için EUS/USD paritesini ve M15 zaman dilimini tercih ettim. Gelen ilk sonuçlar oldukça tatmin edici görünüyordu. Sadece 5 ay backtest yapıldı fakat bir stratejinin gerçekten iyi çalıştığını düşünmeye başlamam için önce 1 yıllık bactesti tamamlamalı daha sonra 3 yıllık testten geçmeli daha sonra ise 5 yıl backtest yapıldığında düzgün sonuç vermeli. Gerçek hesapta çalıştırmadan önce 2-4 hafta arasında demo hesapta işlem açtırır daha sonra 2-4 hafta backtest yaparak gerçek işlemler ile backtest arasında bir fark var mı diye kontrol ederim 🙂 Para kolay kazanılmıyor her zaman temkinli olmakta fayda var. Para kazanmanın ilk adımı cebinizdeki parayı kaybetmemektir.
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En karlı robotun sonucuna baktığımızda 51 Dolar kar ettiğini ama bazı haftaların sürekli zarar ettiğini görüyoruz. Bunun önüne geçmek için risk yönetimi yapmalıyız. Bu yüzden bende risk yönetimi algoritmasını devreye alarak yeni bir optimizasyon yaptım.
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RSI Para Kazandırır mı sorusunun cevabını ararken risk yönetimi algoritmasını devreye aldığımızda karımızın yaklaşık %45 arttığını ve zararlı haftaların artık olmadığını görebiliyoruz. Risk yönetim algoritmalarını BURAYA TIKLAYARAK inceleyebilirsiniz.
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RSI Para Kazandırır mı sorusunun cevabı kesinlikle evet fakat risk yönetimi ile birleştiğinde 🙂
RSI gerçekten güçlü bir indikatör başka indikatörler ile birleştiğinde harikalar yaratabilir hepsini zamanla test ediyor olacağız. Sizde eğer bu robotu kendiniz test etmek ve hatta kullanmak isterseniz sitemize abone olabilirsiniz. ANASAYFA‘mızı ziyaret etmeyi unutmayın 🙂
Daha detaylı anlatım için Youtube videomu izleyebilirsiniz.
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that-edgy-gal · 1 year
Sees "ai image" tag
Unfollowed. Blocked. Perish.
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danieldavidreitberg · 7 months
Trading Like a Pro: Outsmarting Sandwich Bots in the DeFi Jungle
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The Wild West of DeFi is rife with opportunity, but also lurking dangers. Sandwich bots, like cunning predators, exploit unsuspecting traders with lightning-fast maneuvers, stealing your hard-earned profits before you even blink. But fear not, intrepid investor! This guide equips you with advanced strategies to outsmart these bots and trade like a seasoned pro.
Understanding the Bite
First, know your enemy. Sandwich bots capitalize on frontrunning, placing trades before yours to manipulate prices and snatch your gains. They exploit the Mempool, a waiting area for pending transactions, where they see your trade details and react faster than your blink reflex.
Arming Yourself for the Fight
Now, let's sharpen your trading arsenal:
Gas Fee Finesse: Don't underestimate the power of a well-timed gas fee. While higher fees might seem like a pain, they prioritize your transaction, leaving bots scrambling in the dust.
Advanced Tools: Utilize tools like MEV estimators and flash bots protection services to gain insights into bot activity and shield your trades.
Strategic Timing: Avoid peak trading hours when bots are most active. Consider placing trades during off-peak times or utilizing scheduled transactions for more control.
Stealthy Swaps: Explore alternative DEXes with built-in MEV resistance features or privacy-focused protocols that obfuscate your trading intentions.
Community Power: Join forces! Collaborate with other traders to share bot spotting techniques and develop counter-strategies.
Beyond the Battlefield
Remember, the trading landscape is ever-evolving. Stay informed about the latest bot tactics, emerging countermeasures, and the ongoing battle for a fairer DeFi ecosystem. Don't be afraid to experiment with different strategies and adapt your approach as needed.
Trading like a pro isn't just about technical know-how, but also about mindset. Cultivate patience, discipline, and a healthy dose of skepticism. Remember, every trade carries risk, so prioritize informed decisions over impulsive moves driven by greed.
By mastering these advanced strategies and staying vigilant, you can navigate the DeFi jungle with confidence, leaving the sandwich bots whimpering in your wake. Remember, knowledge is power, and in the DeFi arena, it's your ultimate weapon.
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hmatrading9 · 1 year
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Opening a demat account for stock market investments
Demat account in place, you can start trading in the stock market. It allows you to buy and sell shares electronically, providing you with access to a wide range of stocks listed on various exchanges. You can monitor your investments, view your portfolio holdings, and track the performance of your stocks through the online trading platform provided by your Demat account provider.
Opening a Demat account for stock market investments offers several advantages. It provides a secure and efficient way to hold your shares, eliminating the risk of loss or damage associated with physical share certificates. It also facilitates easy transfer of shares, simplifies the process of buying and selling stocks, and enables seamless integration with online trading platforms for real-time trading and monitoring.
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algos11 · 7 months
In the fast-paced world of algorithmic trading, where automated systems execute pre-defined strategies in financial markets, success hinges on more than just sophisticated algorithms. To navigate this landscape effectively, traders must be aware of common pitfalls that can undermine their efforts and financial goals.
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