#Mace windu is tired
threebea · 4 months
Refering to MBMBAM au Inspired by This
Fox: ... Ja na na jana na na.
Cody: What's happening?
Fox: ja na na jana na na 🎶
Wolffe: oh?
Fox (reving up on air guitar) Ja na na na Na na na na Ja na na na na Na na na jananananana 🎶🎸 I WANNA SHOCK (self echoing) TROOP ✊ ja na na na na na Naa Naa 🎸 I WANT TO SHOCK 🎶
Wolffe/Cody (into it): TROOP ✊
Fox: ja na na na na na Naa Naa Naaaaa 🎸-- welcome to Shock Troop a holo-cast within a holo-cast about the latest and greatest in Senatorial Briefings--
Cody: no wait you need to explain--
Fox (ignoring him) Senator Stonk released the following statement yesterday that he will be proposing a bill that would have Clone Troopers forage for food on planet to bring down military budget expenses.
Wolffe: wait what?
Fox (carrying on): when asked to clarify how that would work, Stonk had this to say: Our spending is out of control and we must come up with imaginative solutions. Many of the planets they are sent to have an abundance of flora and fauna. We should have them use the resources available. If they can destroy droids surely they should be able to find food sources.
Cody (blue screen of death face audible even in an audio format): wh..........
Fox: in response to the bill, Master of the Jedi Order Mace Windu had this to say: No.
He then gestured in tired exasperation to Clone Commander CC-411 who explained in great detail the pitfalls of having to feed an army of millions with this method. Windu's initial response has become a reaction 'gram on the holonet that has been shared three billion times and has sparked numerous mocking posts towards the proposed bill on SX (The stream formerly known as space twitter). I'll put the 'gram in the show notes.
Many of the bill's initial supporters loudly insisted they were never going to vote it through if it came up in session. Senator Stonk's press secretary claims that this is all a joke taken out of context and the Senator had no intention to actually propose such a bill.
Wolffe: that's too bad. I like the idea of hunting.
Cody: yes, but to feed your entire battalion?
Wolffe: oh no, I meant the senators. I would hunt them.
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butterflydragon14 · 2 years
Mace was the Obi-Wan of their age
Dooku was the Anakin
Change my mind
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chocmarss · 6 months
Tales of the Empire has little effect on me, considering the bad way they treated Barriss. And I think we have enough storylines about the Empire, WHERE is my promised tales of the Jedi where I can watch padawan shenanigans and the deep dive into Jedi teachings. Filoni’s view of them is so skewed, he needs to amend this by actually learning about the Jedi and how they work lmao
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jaguarys · 9 months
Thinking about a Jedi Maul AU where Palpatine decides to send him out too early to hopefully Kill Some Jedi and he ultimately picks possibly the worst target imaginable in going after Mace Windu. Both because Mace is inarguably the best swordsman of the Order and just not menaced at all and also because he's way too tired for a feral teenager bouncing off him with seemingly never-ending energy to continually try to kill him. And so Mace kind of picks him up by the scruff of the neck and carts him off to the Order like "Um. Evil child. Help" but at this point Maul has imprinted on him with some really warped form of respect and so. Mace ends up with a fucked up little padawan who's more domesticated than really redeemed. But if the results are the same, who really needs to know
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thestarwarslesbian · 1 year
Obi-wan Kenobi: My Padawan is not THAT dramatic. Anakin enters the council room carrying Ahsoka, the cricle of life playing, lifting Ahsoka a light shines on her: Master, behold. My padawan. Mace Windu: You were saying.
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charmwasjess · 2 months
...but now that I'm not on the main Glass Abyss tag, can I meanly whisper just to my cool friends (who I hope understand that I love Qui-Gon but also I love him in his true form: a PROBLEM) how I'm dismayed to see that the plot appears to once again revolve around Blameless Space Jesus Qui-Gon Jinn, the Only True Jedi Who Ever Helped Anyone, We All Have Much to Learn From Him?
Like UGHHH we just DID this with The Living Force
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candiedstardust · 2 months
20 minutes left of my birthday, so OFC I’m gonna finally post 3.3k of out of 15k words (so far) of ongoing nonsense!
INTJW’s hot older sister fic that I trashed because I just wasn’t feeling it, but there’s actual ass plot I’m following and not just winging it. Hera’s a senator in this one, though.
Still garbage, but self indulgent garbage and that’s what birthdays are for 😘💖🥰
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Mace, to Agen: I fully support your bad decision
Mace: but I do not approve of your unironic use of the word yolo
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the-lonely-human · 2 months
I have two emotions whever i watch 2003 Clone Wars:
2) Why tf do you look like that
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skyjadesolo · 2 years
Anakin, defending himself to the council: I have a license to commit war crimes.
Mace Windu: Where’d you get that?
Anakin: I made it myself, with glitter glue.
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sulevinen · 1 year
born to create, forced to SLEEP FOR SOME GOD UNKNOWN REASON
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snow-dragon-rider · 2 years
Instead of carrying my soapbox around, I’m going to make it into a pair of platform shoes so I’m always on it and ready to spout strong opinions.
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I put him in the microwave >:)
none of you are prepared for the power of me and free editing software.
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jedi-starbird · 5 months
Mace Windu can do whatever he likes with whatever attitude he wants actually cause he's in charge of wrangling a group of superpowered, psychic adreneline junkies who like to have heated academic debates using laser swords in their spare time. and then. AND THEN!! he has to regularly talk with politicians too??? disgusting. awful. my man is so tired.
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starlightandsunshine · 10 months
I am apparently in the mood to choose violence and post Star Wars takes that would probably get me lynched if I had more followers.
But hey: the clones shouldn’t be Mando. I’m tired of Mando clones and I think they should be allowed to pick and choose what they want their culture to be based off what they say and what has meaning for them.
They hear the Mando trainers talking about colours having meaning so they take that. But they make their own meanings
White is family and home bc their armour is white and kamino is white and everything growing up was white and so white means each other
Cream and brown are peace and compassion bc those are the colours the Jedi wear and that is what the Jedi stand for
Blue and green are protection and defence because those are lightsabre colours and that is what they are used for
Orange is ferocity bc Shaak Ti’s skin is orange and she is calm and kind but the first thing she did was stop decommissioning and she has has never stopped being fierce in their defence
Purple is determination because the only purple lightsabre they’ve seen belongs to Mace Windu and he is never anything but determined to save as many people as possible
Like stop making everything about the clones Mando and start making them associate things with what they know and holds meaning for them. Fives calls the Jedi the clones best friends so let the clones assign meaning to things they associate with the Jedi bc the Jedi didn’t hesitate to love and trust them and offered nothing but compassion and friendship
Let death be about the ocean bc they come from a water planet
Let fighting be about fighting for something not about winning against something bc their generals always talk in terms of protection and saving innocents rather than making it about victory and winning battles
Let winning the war not be about winning but about making peace and let their thoughts about after not be about “protecting the generals” but about being able to learn and grow and discover what it means not to have to fight
I’m just so tired of clone culture being all about Mandalorians and fandom Mandos that have little basis in canon and even less association with the clones when there is so much else you can do with them with just a little thought
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fanfic-obsessed · 8 months
Here I try a hand at Emperor Obi Wan. It just feels right. 
It starts after Order 66, after the march on the temple. When Obi Wan says that he cannot go after Anakin, Yoda believes him. Instead of Yoda going for Sidious and Obi Wan for Anakin, they reverse it.  Yoda heads for Mustafar. 
Obi Wan goes for Sidious.He’s so done, traumatized and tired. He is also somewhere between passively suicidal and actively suicidal.  He attacks Sidious in front of the newly formed Imperial Senate and no one is more surprised than him when he takes Sidious’s head off cleanly (Sidious did not consider this one tired, hurting Jedi to be a threat and Obi Wan went in full throttle, hoping to do some damage before his death). Even though the Empire is only a few days old at this point, there are some old rules that are already in place, backed by the Force (which is why no one really questions what happens next). One of those rules is the right of conquest. 
To the winner goes the Empire. 
Now Obi Wan is the recognized Emperor, including to the chips in the Clones.   Obi Wan does not want to be the Emperor. Obi Wan wants to go sit in a depression cave and contemplate his infinite sadness in peace, please. 
Bail Organa manages to convince Obi Wan that being the Emperor and helping to unfuck everything is his duty (Bail is both semi reluctant-he knows that duty is Obi Wan’s buzzword and hates that he needs to take advantage of that-, and not, as he is pretty sure that is all that is keeping Obi Wan alive right now). 
So Obi Wan agrees to be Emperor until they can figure out how to undo the Sith’s great plan (while all 1000 years was not spent creating a web of fucked up laws that slowly built the trap they all fell into, a good portion of that time was).  He manages to rescind the Order that the Jedi are traitors, but is not able to deactivate the chips (this is another where the chips turn the clones into Automatons, with no independent thoughts). There is some code phrase that will shut the chips off, but only Palpatine knew it. The Kaminoans are sure that, now that the chips are active, removing the chips will cause brain damage and death to the clones (this is not true, but we are still several months away from Ahsoka and Rex-as the only two who have proof this is patently false- coming back into Obi Wan’s life).  Obi Wan has recalled the 212th, unable to stop himself from wanting them around him, even as they are. Yoda successfully captured Anakin, who is currently being held in a medically induced coma until they figure out what to do with him (he is decidedly fallen, but also is coming off as being in middle of a clinically psychotic episode-also both Yoda and Obi Wan are not so secretly hoping there is something that makes his actions…not Anakin of his own free will slaughtering children). Now Yoda is off in the galaxy trying to find Jedi survivors. Mace Windu was found and is Bacta and would be there for a minimum of a year. 
Padme is on bedrest for her own safety, and the safety of her children. She is also subject to frequent lectures on seeing an actual medical professional while pregnant. It turns out that she had an uncommon, but not rare, condition that meant that a natural birth would kill her. This condition can only be diagnosed in the third trimester (also notably that this condition could not be fixed with the Force, Light or Dark). Obi Wan cannot bring himself to visit her, if asked he would have the excuse of ‘too busy’ ready to go but the truth was he couldn’t face Padme, whom he had considered a friend, after she had spent so much time lying to him about her relationship with Anakin (Also he now has access to all the instances that Palpatine knew about where both of his dear friends abused their power for the sake of the other).  Even after the children are born, Obi Wan keeps his distance. 
So we have Obi Wan, holding himself by a thread as he simultaneously tries to: figure out how to undo hundreds of years of damage against democracy, run an empire (if he has to do this, he will do it right), deactivate the chips (this means going through every single Palpatine has ever recorded in hopes of discovering the code- no matter how horrific), figure out a place that the remaining Jedi can live (the temple is out of the question with the death that clings to the walls like a slime).  There is no one he can truly trust, not even Bail (For all that Bail entreaty to remain emperor was 100% necessary, it did damage Obi Wan and his friendship in a way that it would take a decade to recover).
It will eventually get better. Other Jedi will come from hiding, giving Obi Wan people he can fully rely on. But right now, about a year into the Empire, Obi Wan is running on the barest fumes, heart sick. He is surrounded by the Senate, whom he does not trust, and the puppeted bodies of the clones, whom he forces himself to treat just the same, to never forget that these are people. He has had to order the clones to ignore any order that contradicts his (in order to prevent abuse by senators) and make an explicit order for the clones to defend themselves and to see to their own needs. He is facing the prospect that there may be no way to undo this damage.  
However there is something that no one knows about the chips. Like in cannon, they do eventually break down, as the clones are forced to go against their own morals and fight the chip, it wears it down.  The irony is that Obi Wan treating them as sentients causes less wear than Palptine’s treatment. 
The 212 love their general, none more so than Cody.  As part of that, each one made a point to memorize the signs that Obi Wan was overworking himself.  Now Obi Wan is, to the clones trapped by the chips, overworking himself beyond anything they had seen. The chips do not allow for this kind of care, which starts to cause the same kind of wear that cannon saw. While most of the clones do not fight the chips with Obi Wan in charge, the 212th begins to fight even harder. 
Their general needs them. 
It starts around the 1 year mark, and is so small that Obi Wan thinks he is imagining it.  It starts with Cody frowning faintly at a senator bringing another unnecessary problem to the Emperor to solve (something that they should have been able to solve themselves).  Then Obi Wan realizes his cup of tea keeps getting refilled (Boil does it when Obi Wan isn’t looking-it both is and is not a breakthrough, the chip means that if Obi Wan had asked for the tea Boil would have provided it, but it is Boil himself that is able to anticipate the need and choose Obi Wan’s favorite tea). Several of his guards (all members of the 212th) subtly herd him down lesser known hallways and paths to his destination, causing him to avoid other senators trying, badly, to curry favor. All the while not able to say anything but “Yes, Sir” or answer direct questions with the least amount of words in a monotone.
Something shatters, just a little, in Obi Wan’s heart at those responses. He continues to talk to any of the clones,including promises that he will find a way to fix this, but does not ask as many questions. 
The first substantial sign that the chips were wearing out on their own came from Cody. It was late, Obi Wan had not slept in days, had not eaten in even longer. Cody's voice was raspy, and his words were slow, deliberate (if you have ever spoken to someone with mild aphasia, think of that with long pauses between words). He looked right at Obi Wan and said “You…have…not…eaten.”
Obi Wan found himself whipping around so fast he nearly tripped on the pretentious robes he had been forced into to stare at Cody, whose face was twisted into this incredibly focused look. 
“Cody?” Obi Wan asks, breathless. 
Obi Wan takes another step closer, almost close enough to touch “Cody?”
Cody’s jaw tightens,  “We…are..still…here…we…we…we...can…hear…you.”
Then all at once Cody’s face smoothed out again, responding to Obi Wan with a monotonous ‘yes sir’, back under the chips' control.  
It is both better and worse for Obi Wan. He now knows for sure that the clones are in there, but he still does not know how to free them.  His mindset and self care is bad enough that he actually cannot make the connection between what seems to bring members of the 212th forward in spite of the chips (and Cody is only the first, the spark is usually Obi Wan taking particularly bad care of himself, and that definition is variable for each clone-Helix the head medic is almost himself more than he is controlled within a few weeks).
It is a few weeks after this that Rex and Ahsoka finally arrive. They had been found by Yoda, who convinced them that it was safe to return to Coruscant.  Part of the reason they had not believed it before hand was that it was clear that the Clone were still controlled by the chips. 
They are the ones to break the news to Obi Wan that the Kaminoans were wrong (and it was they were wrong, not they were lying, they truly did believe that the chips could not be removed after they had been activated), the chips could be removed. 
Obi Wan takes that news in, asks a few questions on what is needed to remove the chips, then makes arrangements for the medics to have their chips removed (with the idea that they can then supervise the surgery of everyone else-Obi Wan currently has trust issues and cannot think of letting anyone who is not a clone operate on the 212th, in particular). At that point he sits on the floor of the room they were in and has a small breakdown (Disturbing both Rex and Ahsoka, and bringing his current guard, Wooley, to the point of breaking the chip entirely). 
There is still so much to do. Obi Wan still knows that. He still has a duty to keep the Empire together and undo enough damage that it can become a republic again.  He still has to live with the horrific things that Palpatine had recorded (experiments, thoughts, his plans for Anakin) and figure out what to do with Anakin (who is still being held in a medically induced coma). The knife’s edge of the politics he has been balancing on has not grown any easier (in fact Ahsoka and Rex, having internalized Anakin's beliefs more than they realized are going to make it more difficult not less). 
But Obi Wan has hope, hearing that the clones would soon be free. Through he does not make any kind of suggestion or let himself have an opinion on who goes when for choir removing (save that all of the medics needed to go first so they could sort out who was going next), the medics in charge prioritize the 212th, because Obi Wan desperately needs his battalion back. Also because no one is completely sure that they won’t all give themselves brain damage fighting against the chip. 
There are enough medics that Ghost Company is dechipped at the same time, with minimal recovery.  Boil and Wooley immediately take charge, while the others lock Cody and Obi Wan into Obi Wan’s ‘temporary’ apartment (What had been Palpatine’s living space- the senate insisted) opening the door only for to provide food while Obi Wan is made to take an enforced ‘vacation’ or at least a ten day (They accept no criticisms, or questions from the Senate. The first senator to protest was shot with a stunner and told to be glad for it-the others decide that they will accept Wooley and Boil as a substitute Emperor).
Cody cuddling Obi Wan produces the first true sleep he had since Utapau.  Obi Wan sleeps for a full 24 hours.
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