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cateyeswrites · 3 months ago
part 1
at one point Lance at one point during training is unable to turn his bayard back to a gun from the blade form.
he has a panic attack because he feels like he is losing more of himself than he already did
Lance is unable to look at Allura after that of shame of being scared/ anxious/ mad that he has such a legacy on his shoulders. Alfor's
One day Lance wakes up and goes to have food. he enters and leaves and realizes no one in the kitchen acknowledges he was there.
Lance one time did not speak to another person for over 10 days
there are days when red would shut down and not listen to Lance if the castle or the paladins are not in immediate danger.
Lance forgets what his grandma looks like after he uses the group exercise machine. He puts it on and realizes the picture of his grandmother comes up blurry.
Lance secretly never gives up in piloting the black lion and at times still tries when he knows no one is watching.
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peralta-guaranteed · 4 years ago
After that Jake-Mac-Rosa fic, you dropped this queen: 👑 Next time, a Jake-Mac-Holt piece?
Oh dang, THAT's where I left it. Thank you for that. 🤪
Grandpa Holt is always a pleasure to write, but let's try for some Dad Holt too...
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"Is everything alright, Peralta?"
Jake has been sitting off to the side of the group for a while now, so Holt finds it necessary to inquire. He's not used to the eager detective being so closed off and quiet unless something is wrong, and nothing he can think of right now strikes him as 'wrong': they have been celebrating the end of a rather arduous case for Diaz and Boyle, and Peralta had been as helpful as he could be as a tertiary, which was not his preferred position at all. The first round at Shaw's had been paid by himself as Captain, obviously, and the next by Diaz, so Boyle has promised to shoulder the third, were it to happen. Ergo Peralta could not be thinking about his usual money problems, which have lessened anyway ever since Santiago took over his budgeting.
That means something else entirely must be 'wrong' in order for Jake to keep out of the conversation, only reply when he is mentioned by name, and drift off to a corner of the bar while the other congregate around the various game options of the room.
"I'm good, Captain, thanks." Jake answers with a smile and an obvious lie, so Holt doesn't even bother replying, just raises one of his eyebrows a quarter of an inch, which he knows usually gets him results with Peralta. The ensuing sigh shows that it is still working.
"It's just..." Jake shrugs and rubs the back of his neck, another tell of his discomfort. "This is my first night out alone since the baby."
"Indeed." Holt replies. "I remember your phone call to Amy to inform her you would be back late today."
"Yeah." His hand is still on his neck, the other one clutched around his half empty beer bottle. "She told me to have fun. But..uh... I still kinda feel like I shouldn't be here."
"Do you think having a child robs you of autonomity? I know I am not speaking from experience, here, but it does seem to me like you are allowed to enjoy time away from your family, especially if your spouse insists you do."
"Getting drunk at a bar while my kid might be crying at home doesn't feel like the responsible thing to do, is all."
"Ah, I see." Holt nods, and he does see - he actually sees a lot more than what Jake might be trying to imply in his statement. He remembers how he used to self-medicate with alcohol in the past, after ending his relationship with that defense attorney, or even before, while feeling heartbroken over Santiago. He also remembers anecdotes about his father's drinking, not from Peralta himself, obviously, but from the rest of the squad, whenever Jake would cancel on a promised night out after Roger Peralta's visits. As much as Holt hates idioms, one of his most despised is probably 'the apple doesn't fall far from the tree', and Jake seems to fear it as well.
"Here is my solution, then, if you are willing to listen." Jake looks up at Holt as he's standing in front of him, and his hand drops from his neck. "You make the beer you are currently drinking your last for the night, and spend some quality time with your colleagues instead, enjoying a few parlour games, and then you head home at an agreeable time and still see your child before he falls asleep."
Jake grins and takes a sip of his beer.
"Sounds like a plan, Cap." He nods, and Holt doesn't ignore the fact that Jake has been using this shortened nickname for him a lot lately, and how eerily similar it sounds to 'Dad' in his voice.
(An hour later, he receives a picture on his cellphone from Peralta: The man himself, asleep on his couch, with his infant son equally asleep on his chest. Santiago must have commandeered his phone, and Holt is glad for it.)
The sound of that little voice echoes through the hallway as loudly as the ensuing footsteps, and Holt feels something warm and solid wrap around his legs.
"Hello, McClane." He smiles down at the little boy currently clutching his knees, and he smiles back before raising his arms in an obvious demand to be lifted up. Holt obeys it immediately.
He notices Mac looks surprisingly tired for an otherwise very energetic two year old, and Amy, who's now following him to Holt's side, looks equally exhausted.
"Good afternoon, Captain. I'm so sorry, I should've messaged you that I have to bring Mac in for an hour, the babysitter cancelled and the day care couldn't keep him longer than-"
"It is quite alright, Santiago. McClane knows how to behave himself at the precinct, right?" He gives the little boy in his arms a look, and receives a strong and eager nod in reply, the curls on his head bouncing back and forth. If anyone were ever to question Peralta's parentage, that alone would classify them as an imbecile. "I can watch him for the time being, if you have paperwork you need to get in order before leaving for the day."
"God, Captain Holt, would you- that would be so- I was going to ask Rosa, because I know she's at her desk-"
Amy seems far more frazzled than usual, and Holt realises that her regular schedule must be in quite a disarray, considering she has been a single parent for about a week now. Mac must not have been making it easy for her, either, nor must the baby currently growing in her stomach, which has started to show about a month ago, at which point they finally informed the squad about it (when everyone had already figured it out just like last time).
"RoRo!" Mac yells, happily, almost leaning out of Holt's arms, but he quickly hugs him tighter.
"Your aunt Rosa is working, McClane, and we should not interrupt her. We can spend the time in my office, and you can draw if you would like."
"Roro working." He echoes like a little parrot. "Like Daddy."
"That's right." Holt has learned from the parenting homepages he's visited that you are to encourage a child trying to talk and string together a coherent topic, no matter how long it might take.
"Daddy's working away." Mac continues, and out of the corner of his eye Holt sees Amy's forehead wrinkle in worry.
"Yes, your father is in New Jersey for the week to work on a special case." It's not a dangerous case at all, rather a boring standard task that happened to involve some out-of-state suspects, but Jake had still been trying to hand off that trip to anyone who might be willing to help him out. Seeing his son with bags under his eyes and his wife with stresslines around her mouth and her hand on her belly, Holt understands why.
"He comes back." Mac says next, and it is a statement, but the look in his eyes makes it a question, and Holt is quick to answer. He's glad that he has a definite answer to that, instead of the empty promises and assurances he sometimes has to make as the head of a police department.
"Yes, your father will be back soon. In two days, in fact."
Mac holds up two grubby little fingers, and Holt nods with so much fervor it surprises himself.
"Very good, that is two. Only two days and two nights until your father is back home." The worry in Mac's eyes seems to dimish a little at that as he stares at his own fingers. "If we go to my office, we can check on the calendar exactly how long that is." He barely waits for another nod before taking the diaper bag out of Santiago's hands, who whispers a quiet, but relieved "Thank you" to him. He understands again that it means far more than to thank him for taking care of the child for an hour so.
(If he uses that hour to assure Mac several times that no matter what, his father will always find a way back to him with far more emotion in his voice than he'd usually use, well, no one needs to know. Peralta certainly seems happy about the picture he sends him of Mac with his captain's hat behind his desk.)
"Congratulations." Holt's hand on his shoulder is heavy, but not uncomfortably so, and it gives a quick squeeze before dropping.
They've done the whole customary introduction to the newborn baby, the apparently necessary picture round, and now Kevin is having an amicable chat with Amy in her hospital bed. They've waited two days for their official visit, to give the new parents a chance to get at least a few of their bearings. (Holt was there merely an hour after the birth, of course, with the rest of the squad, but that was a moment of joyful chaos and many voices.) Now the room is filled with an almost serene quiet, Amy's and Kevin's voices low and comfortable in the background as Holt watches the man he truly considers a son hold up his new granddaughter.
"Do you want to hold her again? I know you already did for the photos but-"
Holt only nods and takes the infant out of his hands with perfect ease. He's more used to a wriggling toddler now, but he still clearly remembers the days when Mac was equally quiet and frail in his arms. The little one in them now is asleep amidst all that is happening, her tiny mouth open just a fraction, and he feels her arm bump against his chest while she seems to be having a dream.
"She is as perfect as her older brother, Jake."
"Yeah." Jake smiles, and there's nothing of that boisterous, loud, cocky detective grin left in it that he used to know. It is soft and kind and full of love, and it might be one of Holt's favourite expressions. "Amy did a superb job again."
"As did you."
"I'm sure I don't gotta explain this to you, Cap, but I didn't really do much." Jake jokes, and Holt can tell he's trying to divert the attention to a simpler topic, but sometimes things must be said.
"You do a lot, Jacob." He continues, then. "Far more than a lot of fathers do. Far more than many would expect of you. And you do it all perfectly right, with heart and determination."
Jake nods, swallowing down a lump in his throat, it seems, and it might be a step too far for his already emotional state, but Holt feels like it needs to accompany his accolades.
"I am very proud of you, son."
Jake is very obviously fighting back tears as he replies.
"Thanks, dad."
The little girl in Holt's arms stirs right at this moment, and Jake seems to want to interject immediately in fear that she'll start crying, but she simply stares up at Holt with impossibly big, brown eyes for the first time. And he realises, just as he did two years ago when Mac's little hand tightened around his finger for the first time, that there is a child in this world that he would literally do anything for. There are four of them now, even if two of them have not fallen under the category of a child for several decades.
"Hello, Maya." He says to the little face that seems to be inspecting him. "I'm Captain Raymond Holt. Your grandfather."
He looks up at Kevin and Amy, who've stopped their conversation while Amy is lifting her phone in their direction, and then at Jake, who's looking at Maya as well with shining eyes. Then he looks back down at Maya, stretching her arms out of her swaddle as if she's reaching for him.
"You are a very lucky little girl."
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cocochannel00 · 4 years ago
Things that Husband!Harry would definitely do (a thread)
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(If you don’t think that Tiny Desk Harry doesn’t give off mad husband!harry vibes - he looks so fluffy- then we can’t be friends)
- He’d sneak into your room the night before the wedding because he missed you even though he knows its bad luck and when you’re mad at him for it he would just smile and place a kiss on your forehead and say “I don’t need any luck, I just need you”
- At your wedding reception he would walk around the room introducing you to everyone as “my wife” as if they didn’t already know who you were 
- During your wedding dinner he’d spend the whole night whispering dirty jokes in your ear trying to make you laugh because he knew that even though it was your wedding day you were still spooked by all of the attention
- On your first year anniversary Harry wanted to surprise you by making you breakfast in bed so he started making pancakes as you slept. You woke up to the sound of your fire alarm going off and Harry blowing the smoke off a pan with a pillow. He’d give you a sheepish smile before mumbling a “maybe we get takeout this year?”
- During the holidays he’d hang mistletoe all around your house and force you to kiss him at every one. “Look love it’s mistletoe, you know what that means” he’d state with a grin. “Harry I just kissed you literally 2 minutes ago in the other room” you’d grumble “Doesn’t matter love, it’s mistletoe and those are the rules. Now come here and kiss your husband”
- Anytime the two of you would get into any sort of major fight where you would say “I hate you” he would shoot back “Well I love you so I guess you’re stuck with me” before going to sulk on the couch
- Whenever you went to his shows or stayed with him on tour he would force you to sit back stage and watch him from the wings so he could watch your reaction to his corny jokes and steal a kiss from you in between sets and on his bathroom breaks
- You agreed to be the designated drive for your group for a night out so Harry gets drunk and becomes extra clingy. He spends the entire night stuck to your side, shoving his face in your neck whispering “I’m going to marry you one day” to which you’d remind him quietly that you were already married. He’d then nod thoughtfully and mumbled “Well then I’m going to marry you again just in case” 
- One night you would be tossing and turning in bed unable to sleep and you would accidentally wake up Harry. You’d apologies because you knew he had to wake up early the next day, but he would just shush you with a quick peck before repositioning you so that you could lay your head on his chest. He’d then softly start humming the tune to one of the new songs he was working on until you’d fall asleep
- Harry would convince you that he was capable of building the Ikea coat rack the two of you had bought for your new home on his own so you’d go into the room next door to take a nap. When you woke up and hour later you found him laying on the floor facetiming Mitch as he tried to figure out why the last piece wasn’t fitting properly only for you to look at it and realize he had built half of it backwards
- Harry would come home late from one his movie shoots and would mumble a quick hello as he walked in through the door. You’d be sitting on the couch watching and episode of Dateline and he would throw himself next to you and lay his head on your lap. You’d start running your hands through his hair as you finished watching the last couple of minutes of the episode before asking Harry how his day was only to realize he had passed out on your lap and was now quietly snoring, a small trail of drool slowly coming out of his mouth
- The next season of your favorite show Handmaid’s Tale had come out so you and Harry started watching it. Every five minutes Harry would ask you a question about the show until mid way through you looked at him and bursted out “Harry if you ask me one more question about the show I’m sending you to our room”. Harry would pout at you and sink into the couch, grumbling about how it wasn’t his fault he couldn’t remember what happened last season before he shoved some popcorn into his mouth
- You’d need to go shopping at Target one day to get some decorations for your niece's birthday party and Harry would decide to come along. “This is our list Harry, we’re not buying anything that’s not on the list” you’d say in the car before getting out, but it would be hopeless because every other aisle Harry would pick something up and say “babe we need to get this” and you would stare at him and say “is it on the list?” and he would grumble a no before sulking back down the aisle to put it back
- On road trips when he let you pick the music he would grumble when you would change the song every 30 seconds. “Love just choose a song, it’s not that difficult, gave you the bloody playlist” he’d state as you would continue to skip through the songs mumbling “I’m tired of that song though, just wanted to hear the chorus”. “Is that what you do with my songs too, just skip all the good parts to get to the bloody chorus?” he’d ask mockingly as you gave him a sheepish smile and mumbled a “sometimes” before finally picking a song
- It would be nearly 4 am and you would still be awake reading your book in bed as Harry slept soundly next to you. You could feel the tears running down your face as the main character just had their heartbroken and a soft sniffle left your nose which caused Harry to startle awake. “Babe what time is it?” he’d mumble as you continue reading, paying him no mind. He’d turn on his phone and groan as he saw the 4 flash at him before turning to see the tears on your face. “Oh no love did she get her heartbroken again? Sure they’ll get back together by the end” he’d state, knowing this was your third rom-com book of the month. You’d mumble a yes as Harry gently dog eared the page before you could protest. He turned off your lamp before tucking you into his side, pulling the covers up to your chin, letting you crying into his chest over your fictional characters
- You and Harry going to your 15th high school reunion together and he gets jealous when he sees you talking to your ex-boyfriend from when you were 16. He’d come up behind you and wrap an arm around your waist while placing a kiss to the side of your temple before reaching out his free hand to introduce himself. “Hello I’m Harry. The Husband” he’d say as he shook your ex’s hand just a little tighter then necessary
- Harry would be overly invested in your work place gossip so when the two of you would have dinner together he would constantly ask questions about what happened with your coworkers that day. “So did Stacy and Justin get caught yet or does Janet still have no idea? Did Kathleen ever get that promotion? If I ever see Garrett I’m going to punch him”
-  He’d force you to wake up early with him so the two of you could workout together in your home gym, but you’d just sit on the floor against the mirror in your workout clothes staring at him. After several attempts at trying to get you to stretch with him he’d give up and say “If you’re not gonna workout at least give me some motivation babe” so he’d do his abs workout in front of you and every time he came up from a sit-up you’d give him a kiss
- Harry would come down with a cold and he would turn into a 5 year old boy and try to milk it for everything it’s worth. “Think the doctor mentioned that cuddles would really help with my headache, love.” “Harry I don’t think that’s what the doctor said” you’d reply as you placed a cold wash cloth on his forehead. “Don’t think I would have forgotten such an important order from her. Now, come here I want to cuddle my wife” 
- He’d come home from the studio fidgeting with his beat-up blue iPod in his hand as you were finishing up a quick dinner for the two of you. He would gently place the iPod on the counter next to you as he poured himself a drink to calm his nerves. You’d stare at it for a minute before asking “Is it finished? Can I listen?”. He’d nod before you gave him a quick kiss and took the device to the living room, leaving him there with his thoughts. An hour later you came back into the kitchen, tears streaming down your face as you ran up to hug him. “Liked it?” he’d ask nervously, this being the first time you’d heard the finished album. “Absolutely loved it” you’d whisper back causing Harry to release a deep breath before taking your face in his hands and kissing you roughly
- He’d start every award acceptance speech with “I’d like to first thank my wife for always supporting me” and then try to catch your eye in the crowd, giving you a soft smile that was only meant for you before going on to thank everyone else
- “We need an intervention Harry. Why are your suits in my side of the closet?” you asked as you came down stairs with one of Harry’s Gucci suits. “I was running out of space and I didn’t think you would notice” he replied with a blush. “Well I did so either you move them or I’m throwing them out” “Love but they’re Gucci you can’t just-” “Ah ah ah I don’t care. My side of the closet” you’d state before dropping the suit in his lap and walking back upstairs
So many others come to mind but these are just a couple that came to mind. I’ll probably do a Dad!Harry version at some point as well 
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likesomekindofcheese · 4 years ago
Promised Part Five (The Great Mini-series, Arranged Marriage AU)
A/N: Here it finally is!!!! Sorry it took forever, life happens.
Word Count: 4K
Summary: When the Emperor’s behavior gets your families alliance with Russia in danger, you agree to marry his best friend Grigor in order to make sure the alliance does not fall apart. You’re tossed into the Russian court and into the arms and bed of a Russian count, dodging his jealous ex lover, trying to survive the unpredictability.... but...what about yuou two? Are you and Grigor finally...feeling something for each other?
Warnings: Swearing, drunkeness, mentions of sex and nudity, marriage, and an in universe reference I couldn’t resist.
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“Come here Sonya! Come here!” Lady Svenska cooed, wiggling her fingers.
The puppy trotted to her and she squealed in delight.
Tatiana bent her knees, her lime green dress bunching below her like icing on a cake as she did.
“Sonya! Sonya come!” she gestured.
With a happy trot, Sonya waddled over. She reached up, her tiny tail wagging.
“Oooo, good girl! Good girl!”
You had been invited to a tea party with the other ladies. Although you had gotten closer to the empress, you feared if they would see you as an enemy. Especially hearing of Catherine’s last tea party with them. So walking in, you brought your secret weapon. And it worked.
The only woman it seemed who was not having the time of her life with what was happening was Georgiana. Dressed in her purple gown and largest wig, she sat a little slumped on the couch. She was sipping her tea every now and then but crossing her arms. She stared daggers at the dog and how it trotted. She preferred any small circle that came over to obsess over the latest scandalous affair, but even then she kept one eye on Sonya as if the dog was a wolf ready to attack. She didn’t dare say a word to you. And you didn’t say a word to her. But if there was nothing said, then nothing bad could happen.
Smiling, you helped yourself to a red macaroon, delighting in the crunch and cream of it’s taste. Lady Svenska walked over to you and asked.
“Can she do tricks?” she questioned.
“Almost. She’s getting better at walking. She used to pull and run a lot, but she’s better at being obedient.”
“And she doesn’t tear things up?” she asked.
“Only sometimes. I have to watch where my dresses are stored,” you answered.
“Ah! She’s such a good dog! How lovely of you to bring her here, Madame Dymov!”
Georgiana’s eyes went dark.
“Will you come to our ball throwing this evening! It is most fun! Mine might go another inch!”
“I’d be delighted to! And be sure to tell me more about that maid with the baron old enough to be her grandfather too! And with copous details!” you added on.
“Oh! I do like you! And what of the Empress?”
“Well, we read. And we chat…”
“But all that reading!? Isn’t it time consuming!”
“A little. Her books can take time. I reread pages over and over…but in the best way. I suppose. It keeps her happy.”
“If you have any gossip about her, please share!”
“I..I, uh, will!” you promise.
“First of all, have you any plans or gifts to give her on her birthday, it’s coming up in about a month!”
“Hmm, I don’t know…” you mumbled.
At that moment your husband entered the room. He seemed a little uncomfortable with all of the flowers and pastel dresses, eyeing birds singing ditties in shiny cages and macaroons piled to his chest on platters.
“Oh, Y/N…where is Y/N?” he asked to one lady in a pink dress and grey wig.
She pointed in your direction and he smiled.
As he walked by, he passed the couch where Georgiana was sitting. Her shoe tapped his calf and he turned.
“Hello, Grigor…” she said with a faded grin.
“Hello, George,” he replied politely. Somehow, your blood felt hot. But yet, the marriage was over, so what if they even talked? He probably just enjoyed you talking with him and occasionally sleeping with him. But no, they had to be soulmates. And it was better not to disturb them. After all, despite the suddenness of the marriage, it would work. He would be happy.
“How is the party?” he asked, hands placed behind the back.
“Going perfect. We’re being introduced to the loud, hairy creature that lifts her leg when she pisses. Her dog is there too.” She quipped with a surprisingly relieved smile.
You froze. Little Sonya recognized Grigor and ran up to him, oblivious to how white his face was turning. A few fans were spread, and you barely heard feminine whispers of “…quite bitchy…” It got a little quiet. Even with the string quartet in the back was playing at a piano as if they wanted to hear what would happen next to.
Getting up, you turned around to leave them alone. Let them take it out. Let him laugh, Let her smile. Maybe even fuck against the wall like you noticed the odd couple doing on a night of reveling in the palace, no matter who might see or hear.
“George. I can’t control what you do on your own. But when you are with me, you will not speak about my wife in that matter.”
Pausing, you turned around. A couple quiet tears fell down your cheeks.
“You’re an esteemed lady of the court with the world at your fingertips. She’s a poor creature thrown into an arranged marriage, stolen from another country, and little to never to see any of her family or friends again while you just lay down and let Peter put fruit in your pussy and drink champagne.”
Wiping away tears with your hands, you stood still, not sure what to say. Grigor continued, truly angered and passionate.
“I didn’t marry her because of you. And she didn’t marry me so she could have my cock when you couldn’t. I did this so that we all- we all-“ he gestured to the people in the room “won’t be fucking ripped apart by Swede’s in a fortnight thanks to her families army. You will show her what little compassion you have in your tiny heart. You could even show her an ounce of gratitude for the sacrifice she and I made for the safety of everyone here, including yours. Or else I could have said no and let the swedes stab you in your tits when you’re asleep in the emperor’s bed. And I wouldn’t lose a wink of sleep over it too. But I did.”
She froze. There was even a couple of gasps.
Scooping the tiny dog in his arms, he turned ot you promptly.
“I hope you’re enjoying yourself.”
“I…I am…” you answered. “But I’m tired, let’s go home and play cards.”
“I agree.”
 A week later, Grigor had partied so much with the Emperor last night, wrestling and playing with some man named Leon or whoever. You peaked in the door, and yawning, retired to your own apartments to sleep even if alone.
Waking up briefly in the grey air, you felt him crawling into bed at four in the morning. So you let him sleep in as you took Sonya on her morning walk. Besides, she would pout and whine if you didn’t walk at her certain time.
“Here you go, I know, Papa can’t be there-but I will,” you assured the dog.
You made your way through the halls into the gardens. Sonya was already getting bigger. The collar and leash made for her a while ago was getting snug on her fluffy body.
Enjoying the forest, you heard the rhythmic crunch of the leaves and sticks beneath Sonya’s prancing paws. The cold air stung your lungs in the best way. The sky looked clear and crisp.
Sonya pointed her snout in one direction. She began pulling and barking.
“What is it? Some sort of creature!” you thought, walking forward.
It wasn’t a mouse of squirrel, there was a person slumped against a tree, sitting on the dirt. Walking closer, you made out a dark green skirt and a hat, but a head of dark, curly hair made loose. She reeked of vodka and beer. Her face was pale to where she seemed ill, rather than the lovely cream color of her skin. And beneath her eyes there were several bags.
She turned her head to you, squinting.
“Yes…” she grunted.
“What are you doing here?”
She began to laugh a little, bitterly.
“I could ask the same…what are you doing here?”
“I’m walking Sonya…she needs to be exercised so she won’t get into trouble from being bored,” you explained, gripping the leash.
“Huh, I know sometimes…sometimes Grigor goes with you…” her voice was deep and throaty, far from her usual speaking tone. As if every word was choked up.
She seemed so pitiful you didn’t have the heart to chafe her.
“Yes, yes he does…”
Her exhausted eyes wandered forward into the grove of trees. She kept speaking to you.
“Sometimes we’d walk together. Only if it was nice. We did everything together. Walking. Eating. Dancing. Bathing together. Did you know…I even got my portrait painted and he kept it in his room! Right next to his bed…he…he cared for me so much to where I was right there with him every morning even when I wasn’t next to him and now…now he hates me…”
She began to sniffle, and a few tears worked up.
“No. No, I don’t think he hates you at all…”
“Why did he speak to me that way?”
“He just…he got emotional. And he has been emotional because he loves you. He’s every bit as sad as you are for not marrying…”
Sonya walked over to the crying woman. Alerted by the sounds, she walked over and sniffed at her wet face. She broke out  a smile.
“But the truth is…in this court, there’s plenty of women who’ve fucked Peter. More than half. That’s just a fact of life. But I… I love it. I love having men want me, being worshipped, loved, is that wrong?”
“It’s normal,” you admitted. “it’s normal to want to be loved.”
“And the things it gives you. It’s not the least bad. I have all sorts of things. Dresses. Hats. A high position in court. Security. Comfort. Occasionally I can change laws and save lives with just a word-imagine that! And jewels. Jewels I used to dream of having. And I get to enjoy making love to a man who’s skilled at it. It might be the only way for a woman here to move up. That’s the way it is, is that wrong? Is it wrong to enjoy fucking and love a man too? For them to be separate men? They do it all the time and no one bats an eye bit when I do…”
She finally fell down into sobs.
“And he just...he couldn’t accept it. He claimed he loved me, and I… I love him, I still do, he just couldn’t accept me as I am and this world as it is…I thought he knew me…and that I knew him…”
She began to cry more; Sonya reached over and began to lick her face. She laughed at the ridiculous feeling of a dog’s tongue right on your nose and you began to laugh too.
“Georgiana…I’m so sorry I yelled at you that first day…I saw you as a threat and didn’t stop to think what you would feel. How I would feel if I was in your shoes…”
“Ugh, you’re…you’re as saccharine as…as…I don’t even know, Y/N. I’d put you in my…my mouth and my blood would rush, and they’d have to let it out with slugs.”
Taking out a handkerchief, you began to wipe her tears from her face.
“I’m not the one in tears…but…he used to keep a portrait of you…” you questioned.
“He did…is it there? Maybe….”
“Not anymore…” you explained flatly.
So that explained the circular area on the wall next to the bed.
“I know you really do love Grigor. And you care for him…but loving someone is hard. I love my family and friends back home, or unless I wanted to make all of them suffer or even get killed, I had to let them go to come here…sometimes, there are things you have to let go and move on from…” you assured her. You aren’t a bad person for wanting those things. You’re a smart person for figuring out how to get them. I admire you for it.”
“I just keep wondering…I keep wondering what would happen if he said yes…if he agreed to the terms…we’d be so happy…”
And he would see you with Peter and be miserable. Then god knows what would happen you thought.
You took her arm and helped her to her shaky legs.
“But there’s no use in that. Here, let’s get you back to the palace. I think after you get some water and some sleep, you might feel better…”
“But Y/N, Grigor I think…he’s in denial how Peter works here. If a woman needs anything in court, and if Peter picks you…he picks you. And, well, there’s nothing you can do about it…”
Your stomach lurched.
    “Grigor might want a faithful wife. He might’ve thought he got that with you but…defying the Emperor is a risk. Too huge. Why say no? After all, he’s a genius at fucking so it could be worse…”
“You need water, Georgiana. And you need to clean up. Then you’ll feel better…” you interrupted, trying to mother her away and ignoring the fear in your gut.
 But as you were strolling later in the week, returning from another one of the Empresses’s private discussions, you saw a few ladies eye down at the book. Perhaps they judged you. Perhaps they were jealous. But one bespecaled face saw you, smiled, and then hurried up.
“Orlo! How are you?”
“Y/N-er-Madame Dymov! Enough about me already- I heard the Empress gave you a copy of the Rousseau! What do you think!?” he asked excitedly.
His dark eyes glittered at the book in your hands. Holding it up to him you let him inspect it.
“I was…I was shocked at first. His ideas felt like…like a blast of cold wind. But I…he made good points. And I found myself agreeing after some time…” you explained with a shrug.
“He’s one of my favorites, and tehre’s so much…so much inside there. But I…I wish I could explain it all…”
“Let’s go to my place, I’ll call for a plate...” you offered with a shrug and a smile.
Introducing him to the drawing room, he settled down shyly on the seat in front of the fire. You brought in some tea with a strawberry cake and wound up talking for a straight hour. He got his own turn to pet on little Sonya as she licked his fingers from the cake crumbs. You discussed Rousseau, then he went on to talk about Voltaire, Plato, Paine. Ideas stretched you and you found yourself talking about things you could never imagine debating about with anyone. About people. Power. Faith. Life. Death. Purpose, if there was one at all. Your cup became cold and you had to reheat it by pouring some liquid into it.
Orlo glowed as he explained it all. He was not condescending. In fact, it felt like being in school with  a good teacher. You understood and appreciated it even more. You were amazed with the depth of knowledge he had. Beneath his mousy exterior, there was a brilliant mind. Perhaps even genius. You were amazed in him. Strands of his hair loosened out and he smiled more, seeming relaxed and confident. Far more confident than you ever knew him to be in public.
“But out of all of them, I think my favorite is…”
The door creaked as it opened.
His head turned and you saw Grigor walking in. His face was pink, and his eyebrows crossed.
“Hello Orlo, what are you doing with my wife?” he asked, his lips tight and his voice firm.
“I, uh…” he found himself blubbering. His posture slouched and his hands retreated.
Standing at once, you walked up to Grigor with as much poise as you could.
“The empress gifted me with a book and Orlo was asking me about it over tea, nothing more…” you explained plainly.
“It’s fascinating. Isn’t it!” you added, throwing back a look.
Orlo nodded shyly, getting out of the seat like it had spikes.
“Oh, alright…” Grigor replied quietly.
Once Orlo thanked you for hosting him and shuffled out, Grigor’s eyes never left his steps.
 He was quiet over dinner. You had to ask questions about his day and have Sonya’s begging fill the silence. Later, you changed into your nightgown to see Grigor was already in bed.
You saw him curl up to the other side. Not turning around, holding the blanket over his shoulders and leaving your side disproportionally cold.
With a huff, you placed your hands on your hips.
“What is it?” You had a guess, but you wanted to hear it from him.
“Nothing. Nothing’s wrong” he said in a tone that said something was definitely wrong.
“What is it…tell me…” you wheedled, sitting on the bed and leaning closer to him.
He turned around.
“I understand we agreed to follow orders to marry. Not for us. Our countries, the safety of your family and for their workers and tenets to not go hungry, for protection, the alliance, and for Russia to succeed against the Swedes… but I know you didn’t choose to marry me…if you…if you…are in love… then I guess it would make it easier…but you will at least be honest with me and not play around when you fall in love with some man!”
“In love? With Orlo?!” you added.
His head snapped back at the sound of his name.
“If you love the prick, then that’s fine! It will make you bear being here better- it’s all fine!” He if it will make you bear this, bear being married to me…”
“I’m not in love with Orlo!” you laughed, placing a hand on his shoulder. He flinched a little, but didn’t turn away.
“What…you aren’t? Both of you always talk together.”
 “I always talk with the empress, and Tatyana and everyone else too. They’re my friends. He’s my friend as well… and…I…I promised you I won’t hurt you. That I will do my best not to hurt you…and you’re obviously hurt…” you reasoned.
The clock chimed the hour in the back.
“I…yes, I was…I had memories of when…you know…” he muttered out, looking down.
You folded your arms and turned away from him.
“Well, have you ever kissed Georgiana since our marriage? I guess you can run back to her, like I’m apparently running to Orlo. Should I be worried about her?”
“Uh-no! Not at all! We’ve barely talked since the betrothal! I talk more to Sonya than I do to her in a fortnight!” he said, pointing to the dog curled asleep on her pillow.
You crossed your arms and started to laugh a little. A smile cracked on his thin face as well.
“If I have no reason to suspect you of anything with George, you have no reason to suspect anything of me and Orlo!” you reasoned with a shrug.
Leaning forward, you pulled more of the cover to your side. He relented.
 Both of you were tense. Words left your voice.
“Just dinner and drinks with your friend, nothing more. Perfectly normal.” You assured.
Even if it meant eating in his chambers with large portraits all over the wall and a big green bed on the other side. Peter stood up and greeted you both. His arms were wide, pearls dangling from his neck.
“Ah, hello! Join me!” Peter cheered. “Grigor-make yourself at home! There’s already some food.
You carefully walked in, placing yourself on the couch and folded your hands in front of your lap. Unsure of what to do or say. A finger nudged you.
“Here, Y/N…here’s the seat for you!” your husband said, taking his large hands around your waist and picking you up as you let out a smile.
Grigor placed you on his lap, like he did on your wedding. Smiling, you accepted the feeling of him nearby and settled your weight. The closeness far more natural than ever. Grigor’s arms were warm as they passed dishes around from one man to the Emperor. A serf poured a Kiev vdoka and you enjoyed yourselves.
“I tell you- fucked a horse! It’s just a rumor-but can you believe it!” he said.
Laughing in spite of yourself, you shook your head insisting “no, I don’t!”
Smiling. Laughing. Everything felt normal. You laughed so hard you almost snorted your drinkand covered your mouth, laughing more at the dirtier humor. Years ago, your mother would have become so uncomfortable at such words she would excuse herself and complain about it later. Laughs held back were finally released, you jaw uhrt and your cheeks felt hot.
“And that’s what hapoens when you use the duck whistle on the balcony-“Oh, Grigor! Have I fucked your wife yet?”
The drink you were sipping almost spat out of your mouth and you coughed it out. Both of you froze again. You felt Grigor tense up. His breath quickened. His face turned white and then red and then white again. His jaw clenched and his nostrils flared.
Turning your head back, you began to give a charming smile at the emperor, even giving the little half smile you noticed to do. You decided if the subject came up, you would be prepared.
“Your highness, of yes, of course we’ve fucked. Several times!” you said.
Where he couldn’t see, you kicked Grigor’s leg to alert him.
“Oh, really!” he said.
“Ah! What a Casanova you are, Emperor! Losing track! But…”
You circled the rim of your glass, and then added on.
“I have an eternally dry pussy, can’t suck cock to save my life, and an ass so tight that deflects any object near the hole so it’s been rather disappointing. It’s a miracle my husband tolerates me. He’s hardly been able to finish the job!”
He tilted his head, pondering it with a hmmmm. Glancing at Grigor, you quickly mouthed “play along.” His eyes bright, he nodded at you, and then to the Emperor in agreement.
“Yes! Fucking Y/N is a total disappointment. Remember her place? They’re boring, plain people even when fucking.”
Peter nodded in agreement, his eyes up to the sky as if thinking about the fake experience. Not that it was to think.
“Humph. I…I think you’re right. It was disappointing. Grigor, if you need me to order you a whore, let me know.”
You kept your hand on his and you saw his eyes dart in confusion and realization, his brain thinking a hundred thoughts.
“Please pour me another drink…” you said, holding your cup to a serf.
“Besdies, Catherine…she’s been having all these ideas about art. And I saw a portrait and I…I cried! I fucking cried-can you believe it? I never knew she could..could even make me feel like that!”
 As you left the chambers, you squeezed his hand. Both of you let out a breath and continued some nervous laughter until you were both home.
“That was brilliant!” He praised, sinking in relief in the chair. There was already a fire crackling, drawing warmth into the chilly room.
“I knew he would bring it up, soon. So, I might as well. Now you don’t have to worry about anything…at least for now…” you said with a shrug.
“Oh, but the party tomorrow…you’ll be careful. I think people will be very merry and he might…get carried away…”
“Just give him a galloon a vodka then, he’ll won’t be able to stand.”
As the party the next night raged on, it struck you that it was Grigor who was well on his way to drinking a gallon of vodka. The rooms glowed yellow orange with all of the candles. Stringed guitars played out dancing tunes with throaty Russian lyrics where although the words were hard to understand, you had to tap your toes. Women walked by with snakes draped over their necks and you stared in frightened awe at the creature, as if in Eden. Your own gown was a pale pink with bows on the stomacher, a ruffled skirt beneath the first one, and you hair done up in flowers and feathers. You even agreed to wear a beauty mark of a small dog on your cheek. Girgor himself had a grey wig and his finest, deep green suit. He eyed plates of vodka, reaching for two small glasses and downing them…and supper would be served in an hour.
You noticed and Empress and Emperor dancing. She swished her pale pink skirt and he twirled in a black skirt, carefree. It was almost like watching a fight, how they were both powerful yet matched each other.”
“Come on, you sad bastards!? Why aren’t you dancing!? Dance! I command you!” Peter cried out in joy.
“Y/N! Y/N- we haven’t danced too much-let’s dance! Dance with me!” Grigor insisted, pulling you further down.
“Grigor, that’s the vodka talking!”
The musicians were warming up for the next piece in the corner.
“I…I don’t know the…” you mumbled in a panic as other couples filled the floor.
“Oh no-just follow me!” He said with a big smile and his face flushed.
  Still you ran out with him, mimicking hand movements and your feet trying to keep up with the steps. If you felt him leading you somewhere, you followed. If you sepearted in lines, you kept an eye on him.
“Girgor…do the trick! The trick!” Peter insisted, running up in the middle.
Eyes wide, you saw your husband grab hold of your body.
“Here. Y/N! I can do it- hold on! Jump up.
He lifted you up in his arms and twirled you up, his arms adjusting to hold you up so that he held you up by your legs, your stomach to his face. You could hear him muffling beneath your clothes.
“We need smof practif…”
But Peter laughed and you heard loud applauding as faces turned to look at you. Even George’s own face had a smile, albeit a sad one.
He set you down.
“Let’s try it again, put your leg on my shoulder…now your other leg..ooof! Now, this one is better!”
He lifted you up so high, you realized you were on his shoulders, and emabarrasingly his head was near your crotch. The court applauhded and laughed and huzzahed. It was so fun you almost forgot your fear of being dropped. you laughed as you held onto his shoulders for deaer life, thrilled to see everyone smaller before you. As if they dhrunk or you became a giant. The chandeliers dripping with diamonds were easy to your touch, your fingertips grazed one as Grigor walked in a circle.
“Ha! I knew you could do it good chap!” Peter applauded before asking.
Grigor placed you down with a smile, he placed his hands on your cheeks and for a moment you thought he was going to kiss you, then his eyes wandered to some vodka and he took another shot.
 He was singing as the party ended late in the night. You struggled to support him over your shoulders.
“Grigor…be careful…”
Once you got into the room, Sonya woke up from her nap and barked, jumping at your feet. Staggering, you brought him to your bedchambers.
“Let’s get your clothes off…” you said, pulling his coat off and placing it on the floor.
“You wish to see me naked, you could’ve asked, darling…”
Sighing, you poured the hot water into the golden tub.
“If you don’t bathe, then you’re sleeping with Sonya…”
He leaned down in his shift and breeches to the wagging tail beneath him.
“Oh….hello doggie, cute doggie…good doggie…”
“To bath, Grigor!”
Eventually, you got him to bathe enough to where he didn’t reek of alcohol. Once he dried off, you pushed his breeches onto him.
“None of that tonight with you drunk off your head!”
“Can’t I at least kiss you?” he complained childishly.
“Fine, but it stops at kissing!”
Once you finally settled within your own sheets, legs and feet sore from dancing, you barely put the blankets over you when  you felt two large arms wrap themselves around you and hug you tight, pulling you close. He laughed a bit before kissing you on top of your head. You smirked and let him obloge. Then you felt him relax.
“Y/N, I love you….”
You froze solid, your stomach dropping.
He took a hand and placed it on your cheek again, before it sloppily fell down.
“Y/N, my sweet angel…I love you…”
Shaking your head, you pulled the covers above you both.
“That’s the vodka talking, now go to sleep….”
He went back to holding you, turning you so that your back was turned to him, you felt and smelt his breath as he kept speaking.
“I love you, Y/N. I’m falling in love with you this minute and…I’m fucking terrified…”
You let his arms settle.
“Don’t wanna…get hurt, get shat on…but every day I’m….falling more in love with you…and it makes me both so happy and scared I could fucking scream…that was why Orlo fucking scared me, and Peter, that wonderful, bastard. I love him, but if he lays a hand on you, I swear to god…”
“Grigor…you need to sleep. You’re drunk. Only time will wear it off.”
Besides, it was better to not get your hopes up.
‘I can’t believe I’m fucking falling in fucking love all over again…never thought after George that I would….never would let myself…thought ”
“But Grigor…you….”
“I’d like to see you…see you happy. See your smiling face before I sleep.”
You gave him a small smile and his eyes fluttered shut.
“Grigor…do you…do you love me….do you really love me…”
You gave him a small smile. He then rolled on his belly, spread like a starfish. He was snoring deeply in minutes.
“Because I think I’m falling in love with you too…” you wanted to say.
taglist:  @retropetalss @queenlover05 @joesleee   @grigorlee@itsametaphorgwil @always-a-fairycat @foxinaforestofstars @simonedk @i-wished-upon-a-star-one-night @queenlover05 @xviiarez @kiainspace @gwilymleeisbae @writeroutoftime @staradorned @iwritefanficnotprophecies @panagiasikelia @marshmxllowfluf @rhapsodyrecs @sebastiistan​ @yourlocalmusicalprostitute @gwiilymslee @isitstraightvodka​ @cherry--coke​
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letsperaltiago · 4 years ago
a merry little christmas
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Welcome to (once again belated) door four of four! 
Behind my Christmas calendar’s fourth door is a... baby’s first christmas, pure fluff oneshot ♥️ 
Summary: It's Baby's First Christmas and Jake and Amy are taking it all in - both presents and tiny surprises from their son. Pure domestic fluff for days.
Rating: G
Words: 2.2k
Read on AO3 here
Right then and there keeping a straight face, or just anything that looks somewhat close to it, is beyond impossible.
It’s Christmas morning, six AM to be more precise, and the still rather new, little family of three is slowly making their way through the presents waiting for them under this years’ Christmas tree. As a matter of fact, it’s rather Jake opening gifts meanwhile Amy is on the couch with their two-month-old son eating his second breakfast - that is if his previous meal at three AM can be considered breakfast. Jake likes to call those meals Midnight Mac Snacks.
“They really need to communicate more,” Amy chuckles, which causes her chest to jolt just the tiniest bit, alas apparently enough that it earns her a grumpy little cry from Mac to which she immediately reacts by stroking and repositioning the tiny infant’s head. “No need to complain, Mr. Mac. Mommy and daddy are just having some fun.”
“He’s bitter because all he got for Christmas is ‘Baby’s first Christmas’-ornaments.” Jake hasn’t stopped laughing since he opened the third ornament, from auntie Roro, which came after uncle Charles’ ornament. Upon unpacking this second ornament, from Charles, matching the first ornament from Holt, it didn’t cause much worry. The new parents simply saw it as a matching coincidence and they’d just keep both. Although upon unpacking a third one, they should’ve known: it was a perfect, hilarious 99th precinct-disaster.
Fast forward to present time, Jake is sat on the living room floor with not three but six ‘Baby’s First Christmas’ ornaments for his son. Sure, they’re all different styles and designs but Jake can’t help but laugh. In retrospect, he and Amy had told the squad that baby Mac didn’t need anything grand for Christmas as he was still so small and had everything he needed so far. They told their friends to save the money and spoil Mac for next Christmas, a Christmas he’d understand much better than the current. Turns out great minds think alike and everyone’s creative take on Mac’s gift had been the same.
“It’s kind of cute that they all had the same idea.” Mac has gone back to quietly suckling on Amy’s breast, allowing her time to chime in on perhaps this Christmas’ funniest moment yet. It’s too soon to declare it the funniest as they’re headed to a huge Santiago Christmas-dinner in the evening and anything can happen there.
For Christmas morning though they very early on, already before Amy gave birth, decided to stay home as they knew it’s what they’d prefer with their very new son. Sitting there, in the moment, looking at gifts from their incredible friends and Mac quietly eating in the lights coming from the Christmas tree, they’re both thankful to have made that choice. Sure, Santiago-Christmas morning was an event that you didn’t want to miss out on but this year, with very few hours of sleep behind them and vomit on both clothes and hair, it’s nice to be able to soak in the sweet surrender of their little trinity.
“We do have the best friends.” He picks up the ornaments, hanging them on his fingers to put on display for his wife. “What do we do with these?” A sheepish smile replaces the goofy grin from before.
“I don’t know…”
The doubt on Amy’s face, biting her lip, thinking hard, is clear as day which is understandable since Jake himself doesn’t hold the answer for their little dilemma. Giving them back to their respective giver is not an option - what would Holt do with a ‘Baby’s First Christmas Ornament’? -  and getting a refund also seems too cold. Fact is that each of their friends has had the same idea: they wanted to mark and somehow be a part of Mac’s first Christmas. Jake and Amy can’t, nor want to, take that away from their son nor their friends. All in all, there seems to be no good solution but one: keep all six ornaments.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Jake cocks an eyebrow, implicitly suggesting what his wife is already thinking.
“If you’re thinking that we should keep them all and put them on the tree, then yes, I am thinking what you’re thinking.”
At just the right time, almost as if he’s agreeing, Mac lets go of his mom’s nipple before letting out a small, hazy gurgling sound. A sound he’s never made before. Both parents freeze on the spot, forgetting all and everything about the ornament-issue.
“Did you hear that?” Amy asks, making it sound as if she doesn’t believe her ears and a second opinion is needed. Having studied all and everything for her first child’s arrival, everything this could possibly imply, Amy shouldn’t be surprised that her two-month-old is finally introducing his first small noises. The fact resides very clearly on the Milestones to Expect-index, page 2, in her ‘Two month’-binder. Yet here she is, Jake right there with her, surprised by this new accomplishment of her newborn - one of many accomplishments that she both loves and, even two months in, still is a bit nervous about discovering as she just rather know her baby fully by heart already. On those occasions where Mac’s changing, something she swears happens daily, makes her feel uneasy as if she doesn’t know him at all, she holds onto Jake’s reasoning: Some tests can’t be studied for.
And no matter how much she hates that fact, Amy knows her husband is right and she does love him for reminding her whenever she happens to fall down a spiral of doubt and frantically tries to grasp for the control that lies within facts, books, and lists.
Jake jumps from his spot on the floor as if it were lava and falls into place beside her on the couch where he can hover over his incredible son.
“I did but I didn’t fully realize where it came from right away, but oh my gosh, Ames! Our son is a genius!”
“Perhaps… Or simply in accordance with average-”
“No, Amy - a genius! Like his parents.”
Her husband looking as if he could burst any second, a firecracker of sorts and there’s no stopping the explosion, Amy hurries to put down her before lifted shirt and places Mac against her shoulder. Here she hopes he can both burp and, hopefully, make another glorious sound for them to be proud of. Jake leans in as though he and Mac are to exchange secrets behind Amy’s back and the milk-drunk infant, unable to control a whole lot, waves around his arm and just so happens to grab Jake’s index finger. During these first two months of Mac’s life, this has happened a few times already, the first time being at the hospital which caused Jake to cry happy tears Still, every single time, Jake feels reaffirmed by the fact that creating this tiny human being is one of his best decisions ever - that and telling Amy Santiago that he wished something could happen between them - romantic stylez.
“C’mon, mister. Show daddy how you talk.” Jake coos even though the little man of the moment seems far from interested in or bothered by his parents’ admiration and swooning over his new talent. His mommy patting his back does feel good though, especially when it helps a burp escape and Jake, of course, has to laugh because Mac is truly and fiercely his son. “Now that’s talking!”
“Not what I had in mind but nice to know he’s burped.” Amy chimes in and replaces the soft patting with small loving strokes, hoping to soothe her boy to sleep as the next step in his ‘eat, burp, sleep’-routine - even if Amy wishes Mac would make another sound. Just to confirm that she wasn’t hallucinating before.
“Make a sound for mommy, baby. Just a tiny one.” Amy takes her turn cooing a plea but it happens to be very much in vain.
“Aaand he’s dozed off,” Jake chuckles quietly whilst using his thumb to caress the tiny fist still wrapped around his index fingers, a fist that doesn’t let go even though the owner is already fast asleep with a mix of drool and milk caught in the corner of the gaping mouth.
“That was fast.”
“I don’t blame him. Life is exhausting.” Jake is carefully pecking his son’s head covered by thing, soft, black hair and even though Mac on her shoulder blocks the view, Amy smiles and wonders how she got to lucky with these two boys.
“Bedtime?” Amy asks, expectant of confirmation of whether or not Mac is far enough gone to be moved without waking up and throwing a tantrum that’ll mean they’ll have to spend another half hour or so lulling him back to sleep.
“I sure wouldn’t mind. I did prepare breakfast though.” It comes out mid-yawn, proving Jake’s point further, as he nods his head in the direction of the pancakes, courtesy of Jake, and hot cocoa, courtesy of the local bakery that has blessed their lives by opening at five AM, waiting for them in the kitchen.
“Not you, silly. McClane. You and I are definitely having that delicious cocoa. The smell of it has been tempting me since I sat down to feed.”
They mostly call him Mac. Mac or a thousand other things like Mr. Mac, Magic Mac, baby, monkey - one time, macadamia nut - and the options are limitless and renewed every day. Jake doesn’t know for sure but this might be the reason why the full name McClane being said, the context being that it’s his son’s name, makes him feel butterflies in his belly.  Either that or because he still can’t believe they named their son that. Perhaps it’s a bit of both reasons.
“Still can’t believe you agreed to that name.”
“Must’ve been a moment of weakness for me. I was pregnant and delusional.”
Amy teases and proceeds to carefully remove sleeping Mac from his spot on her shoulder, relocating him to the safety of her cradling arms.
“Delusional from the incredible round of sexy timez we had just prior to picking his name.”
“Jake,” she scolds as if the sleeping baby, which doesn’t even grasp the concept of speaking yet, were to be scarred by their explicit flirting.
Amy’s already up on her feet, heads down the hall and into their bedroom with Jake close on her heels.  “I remember it so vividly.” Jake points to their bed. “We were right here, post incredible sex, and we got talking about baby names because a new suggestion had stroked your mind right before I came in and wooed you with my good, amazingly hot looks.” Amy’s head whips around from where’s she’s just focused on placing Mac in his cradle, double-checking that he’s still asleep, now displaying a cocked brow and overall expression that challenges his recollections of that conclusive night. Defeat hits him and his shoulders drop with a sigh.
“Okay, you were seven months pregnant and going through a particularly horny phase - which I, by the way, loved - and I, being a dutiful husband, couldn’t decline your explicit requests. But I do still stand by the fact that I boinked my way to the name McClane.”
“Oh my god,” Amy groans, partly in reaction to her husband, partly in reaction to her sore back making an appearance when she straightens up from tugging in the baby. “Stop besmearing our child’s name. I can still change my mind.”
“I’m right though.” In the meantime, Jake has approached his wife and wraps his arms around her. Pulling her closer, back to chest, and she instantly relaxes under the pecks he places on her neck. “And it’s an amazing name for an amazing little human.”
They smile in unison as they admire the life they created, carelessly and contently sleeping Christmas morning away, before them. Wrapped up in her husband’s arms and their perfect little son to look at, a fuzzy feeling that is way beyond and greater than happiness flows through Amy’s veins. The pecks to her sweaty and tired-feeling skin pick back up where they left off, systematically and how he knows she likes it, going around her neck and shoulder-area.
“I really wanna give in to how inappropriately horny you’ve suddenly made me, but…” she trails off with a sigh.
“You can’t stop thinking about the hot cocoa.” He finishes her sentence and the pecks are replaced by a muffled chuckle that tickles her skin. “It’s okay, Ames. I’m right there with you.”
“Thank God,” she groans.
“Hot cocoa and a Christmas movie we can fall back asleep to?”
This suggestion of Jake’s that will allow Amy to give into her tiredness is what she’s wanted to hear all morning.
“Sounds perfect. Grab the baby monitor?” She turns around to follow him back to their kitchen only to see him already holding the gadget with a tired, knowing smile plastered across his face and to Amy, even with his messy curls and shirt clad with stains of baby-vomit, her husband looks absolutely perfect.
Baby’s First Christmas might just be her favorite Christmas so far.
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brianc521 · 6 years ago
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They always say the first year is the hardest. 
There is a lot of compromising, and learning new things about the other that you might not like very much. 
Maybe your wife leaves her wet towel on the bed. Or your husband just kicks his shoes off wherever he is.
In Shawn and Y/n’s case? Things went much deeper than laundry and clutter.
Shawn was on tour for 9 months of their first year. He’s just recently returned home. 
Now the long distance thing, him constantly on the move, time zones interfering with facetime dates, it’s nothing new to these newlyweds. 
They’ve been together for 4 years now, they’ve survived 2 world tours. 
It’s just, when Shawn returned home this time, something was off. For the first few days it was constant; ‘I love you’s and heaps of cuddles. To be truthful, they never really left the bedroom until his third official day when they really needed to get food. 
But now it’s been almost 3 weeks since he’s come home, and it’s been 2 weeks of constant fighting. It’s almost become unbearable for them to be in the same room as each other. 
With brave faces on they went to Karen and Manny’s for Sunday family dinner. But the tension is high, you could practically cut it with a knife. Shawn didn’t dish up Y/n’s plate, she didn’t offer to get him a drink when she went to get hers, they aren’t all over each other like normal, and what really caught his parents attention is the fact that he hasn’t told her that he loves her since he arrived. 
Shawn is a very affectionate person, always has been, always will be. With his job, it takes him away from those he loves most, so when he is around them he makes sure they know that he absolutely adores them. Y/n is the one he tells the most. 
It’s very unusual to go longer than an hour with Shawn not telling her that he loves her. 
Karen gave her Mom code to Manny, letting him know he’s in charge of speaking to Shawn while she sought out Y/n. 
While she helped her in the kitchen, finishing up the dinner dishes Y/n let a shaky breath slip and Karen was on her in a hot minute. 
“Let’s go talk.” 
Karen gave her the Mom look and Y/n sighed, nodding as she reached for her coffee cup. 
“Let’s head out to the back porch.” 
“Shawn,” Manny spoke up, leaning against the door frame of the old playroom Shawn and Aaliyah shared. “Let’s have a quick chat.”
“About?” Shawn inquired, watching his Dad open the balcony door and step out.
“Just come talk to me.” 
Shawn sighed, hanging his head and groaning as he followed his Dad outside.
21, married, and living on his own and he was still getting in trouble with his Dad.
Manny’s just about to take a deep breath to start this conversation when he hears Y/n’s voice.
“What’d you wanna talk about?” 
“Oh Honey,” Karen coos. 
Shawn’s brows furrow and at the same time both boys lean over the balcony rail to see Y/n and Karen leaning against the porch fence. Karen is rubbing Y/n’s shoulder as she bury’s her face in her hands. 
“It’s been so rough since he got home.” She cries. “I don’t know how to fix it. I really don’t know what’s wrong, or what I did to make him so upset with me.” 
Shawn’s breath catches in his throat, training his ears to listen intently.
“What do you mean?” Karen asks.
“I don’t know what happened? I mean I’m utterly in love with him. Nothing changed for me. He got home and we were really good for like a week and then everything, I don’t know, everything just shifted.”
“Shifted how?” 
“He stopped coming to bed with me at night, and then he stopped coming to bed at all. I’ve woken up and found him asleep on his office couch,” A strained cry choking it’s way through her throat, “He’s even gone as far as the guest room.” 
“I didn’t want to wake you.” Shawn mutters.
“He won’t talk to me anymore, we only scream at each other. It’s like we’re roommates and not husband and wife.” 
Manny’s shaking his head, looking at his son with a touch of disappointment in his eyes. 
Shawn starts to crumble, he can’t believe he’s ever made her feel this way. He brings his left hand to his forehead, rubbing away at the stress. The cold of his ring shocking his skin. 
“Have you talked to him about it?” Karen ponders.
“No, she hasn’t.” Shawn answers to himself. 
“I try to everyday,” She looks over to her mother-in-law. “But I chicken out every time because I’m so scared.” 
“Scared of what?”
“That he’s gonna leave me.” She sobs, breaking Shawn’s heart completely at the sound. “I’m scared that I don’t make him happy anymore. That I’m not enough for him. I warned him that I thought this was gonna happen. That he was going to wake up one morning and realize that he settled for me. That he wasn’t gonna want to do this life anymore, that he was going to want so much more.” 
“You are more than enough.” Karen tells her sternly, hates to hear her daughter-in-law speak of herself in such a way. 
“Really I’m not Karen.” She shrugs.
“Yes you are!” Shawn tugs at his curls.
“I can’t go on tour with him, or travel at all with him like he wants me to.” She starts explaining the reason why she feels the way she does, and Shawn’s head lolls back because he’s never listened to her reasons. “And I never feel like my feedback is enough when he asks for it. He’ll have me listen to something, and I’ll tell him what I think but all I can hear in the back of my head is that I don’t know the first thing when it comes to creating music, so how the hell am I supposed to help him? He asks my opinion, I give it, and he does the exact opposite of what I’ve just said, so what’s the point in trying?” 
“I want your feedback! That’s why I ask! If you don’t like it then it’s not the right fit for me!” Shawn hisses. 
“And have you seen him? Like Karen to do you know that you birthed a Greek god?” 
Karen snorts, shaking her head a little. 
“Compared to me? The poor ratty peasant he picked up on the side of the street?”
“Hey,” Karen says. 
Shawn turns around, whipping the balcony door open and stomping down the stairs, grumbling the whole way about how you always say stuff like that and it drives him insane. 
He just about rips the back porch door off it’s hinges when he opens it. 
Y/n and Karen jump, turning to look at the fuming Shawn coming their way. 
“Call yourself the ‘poor ratty peasant’ one more time.” He growls. “I dare you.” 
“Shawn,” She sighs, realizing he’s heard everything she’s had to say. 
“You are not,” He shakes his head, trying to calm down and gather his thoughts. “You are not just someone I’ve picked up on the side of the street. You are the angel that was sent in my direction to show what it’s like to want to live for something. You’re the calm to my chaos, and the chaos to my calm.” 
Karen excuses herself back inside where she meets Manny in the kitchen.
“No!” He says, stopping her from interrupting him. “We’ve got things to work on, I know that. We both do. I’m sorry that I’m not that easy to live with, I’m sorry I’m not easy to be married to. But if I ever hear you say that you’re afraid that I’m gonna leave you again I think my heart will physically break in half. I can’t believe that I got us into a place where you were afraid to speak your feelings because you thought I would leave you.” 
“Shawn, you’re, what? Not easy to be married to? Marrying you was the easiest thing I’ve ever done, because it was like finding my missing puzzle piece.” 
“The night I fell asleep in my office? I honestly fell asleep in my office, I didn’t mean to. You went to bed, I kissed you goodnight when you came to tell me, I told you I’d be in shortly, you were wearing my favorite Eddie Vedder shirt, your hair was in a messy bun and you hadn’t taken your make up off. I remember thinking that you’d probably fall asleep with it on and that I should find your wipes so I could take it off for you.” 
She gasps as he recalls the night, “You remember?”
“Of course I do, looking at you in my shirt, with your hair and mess and face sleep swollen I remembered why I married you, and I fell in love all over again.” He smiles sadly, “I was writing my new song, I wanted to get the lyrics right and when I saw you looking like that it was like a light bulb went off, so I got to writing and the next thing I knew you were leaving for work after kissing my forehead goodbye.” 
“So you meant to come to bed?”
“Of course I meant to come to bed!” 
“Then what about the guest room?” 
“That was the night I went out with Brian and Matt, remember, it was guys night, the first one since I had been back from tour. Brian was determined to get shitfaced, and while I didn’t get as wasted as he did, I did get pretty sloshed. When I got home you were already in bed, and I knew you had just washed the sheets that day, and would be so upset with me if I went to bed smelling like a bar. I was so tired, and drunk that I wasn’t in the mood for a shower, so I decided to sleep in the guest room so I wouldn’t make your sheets smell bad. My drunk brain thought it was the greatest idea I’d ever had.” 
She smiles at his dumb tactics. 
“Quite honestly my sober brain thinks it’s pretty smart as well. You had literally just washed the sheets. I smelt like tequila and cigarettes. What was I supposed to do?”
“You could have told me the next morning so I didn’t spend the next 2 weeks thinking that you didn’t want to sleep next to me anymore.” 
His shoulders sag and he reaches out for her. 
“I can barely sleep without you next to me.” He mutters into her hair. 
“It feels so good to talk to you again.” She sighs. 
“I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean for it to seem like I was pushing you away.” 
“I’m sorry for yelling at you so much lately, I just, I can’t cope with the thought of not being enough for you.” 
“Stop saying that! You’re more than enough. You’re everything and then some.” 
“Can you just take me home and hold me tonight?”
“Of course I can Honey, let’s go.”
They walk back inside, where Karen and Manny are sipping their coffee as the couple slips their jackets on. 
Shawn looks to his parents and gives them a nod, “Thank you.” He says, arm holding his wife close. “I love you both.”
“We love you.” They murmur together. 
“Y/n,” He hums as he walks her to the front door.
“I love you so much Baby.” 
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naturaldisasterfanfiction · 4 years ago
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Placing Fenty in her crib in our bedroom, it’s easier for us that she is in the bedroom rather then travelling around to her room. I am honestly at a stage where I think this is all so unreal for us, I can’t believe that I am a mother to a beautiful girl, I am a mother. Something I gave up on a while ago, I thought it wouldn’t have ever happened for me and it did, I am married on top of that to the love of my life and I wouldn’t change that for the world. I am finally thinking of me and I love it, I am entering a new year being a mother and wife, it’s so surreal when just last year I was crying to Mel that I am lonely and I have nobody, it was the perfect mistake to us. Fenty is very on time with her feeding, like her night feed is on time, she will wake up and then play up a little and then just want to feed to then go to sleep, the girl can sleep. If anything she is not like Chris, she sleeps well, and I am thankful she does sleep and doesn’t cry all of the time. Dennis and my mother have parted ways for the New Year, they have gone home, so that leaves just Chris and I with our daughter, it’s been a weird feeling to feel. It’s quiet and I don’t think Chris is dealing well with it, things are settled. But I give him his space, since Dennis went two days ago, he spent the first day on my hip, I mean like he was following me and I tried to do things with him, but I fall asleep, I am tired. My body is still healing, the day after I couldn’t find him and he was alone for the most of it but he’s not sleeping either now, which that has started again. When Fenty was crying and I didn’t feel the bed move I knew he wasn’t in the bed. Chris doesn’t like silence; he doesn’t like to be in silence and then also he has so much going on in his mind. I have never asked him if he takes his medication, I totally don’t do that with him. I have so much on my mind, I know things are quiet, but it will get better for him, like the home will start to get busy when the team is back.
It’s so hard, it’s so fucking hard to know where Chris is in this house and it’s bugging me. I have to wait it out until he comes to me, I am going to have to put some sort of tag on him to locate him because I can’t find him. I stifled out a yawn, I am trying to watch Real housewives, but I am failing at this, I have my daughter swaddled up next to me as I laid out on the couch, I am falling asleep again. I jerked at the sound of my phone blaring out ringing “Jesus” grabbing my phone from the side, Tina is calling me on New Year’s Eve too, surprised she isn’t drunk somewhere “hello bitch” answering the call “I can’t wait to see you! I miss you so much. I wish we knew you would be pregnant, then we could have had one last drink blowout” I chuckled at Tina “miss me huh, well I am going to be a reserved woman now thank you. I am married and a mother, my daughter don’t need to see her mother’ ass hanging now” I missed Tina “I will give it a year but anyways, erm what is Chris doing?” she didn’t even call for me “honestly, I wish I knew, he is somewhere in this house. I should have got an apartment; I can’t locate him or have the energy to find him” I need to start actually figuring out his spots in this home “I didn’t really ask what is he doing but like what is he doing on Instagram?” I breathed out “I don’t know, I don’t look at that shit Tina. Please don’t tell me it’s stupid shit” I hope he isn’t being dumb “there is whole battle going on with him and Drake, Chris did start it by commenting on a post and it was a old picture of you and Drake, he said that you all think I am the bad guy when Drake wrote a diss song on Rihanna. Drake wish he had a black child; his child is albino. And now like it’s kicking off, Jen text me and I called you” what is he playing at “god, why. Oh my god, Jen knows so someone as personally contacted her because she doesn’t check for it, what is being said? I don’t need this shit” I am just so fucking annoyed now.
I am going to not snap on him, but I want to know why, leave fucking Drake alone “sorry I am back, so Chris started with the albino thing, he commented on that post of you and Drake, then the IG gossip blogs saw it. Then Drake responded back but he posted a picture of your matching tattoos and said it was a great night. Then Chris went on his page and commented saying you, wait a minute just getting it now. So yes he put, you are old news nigga, how you saved pictures of a woman that don’t want you. Then Drake commented back saying you seem unsecure, is there some issues at home which Chris went on a full blown rant on how he is going to beat Drake for posting that, the thing is Chris is looking like the bad guy in this even though he made some valid points. He quoted a line from the diss track, but Drake denied it now, he is making out that never happened, Chris is losing his mind. He is currently doing it now; Chris is going back and forth with him. Jen didn’t mention who contacted her. She just said that Robyn should have had him under control” shaking my head sighing out “I am not controlling him Tina; he is free to do what he likes. I would never control him, I don’t know what idea you all have got thinking I control Chris, that I need to put a gag on him because it is not that and never will be” I kind of snapped on Tina “Robyn, I didn’t say that. Jen said it, but I think someone else has mentioned it” that annoyed me “he is my husband, he is not a dog. I am not his carer either, yes Chris shouldn’t have started but he is defending himself now he is making him sound crazy. Tina, just tell Jen that I want to know who said control him, but anyways. I have an appointment to go too, talk soon” disconnecting the call.
Zeus laid his head on my foot, I was supposed to go and see to Chris, but he will find me. My stomach hurts a little “you are so hairy, Chris needs to sort that out” Zeus looks fed up, I would move him away, but he doesn’t seem happy and he is also on my couch “where is Chris Zeus, you know where he is?” I asked him, this dog knows what I am saying. I have an appointment in an hour so he better hurry up “I literally came into this room but didn’t see you, I went all the way upstairs” Chris walked around the couch “where have you been all day Chris!? Seriously, and all night” Chris sat down but at a distance “in the office area thing, next to the garage. I been spray painting it” my eyes widened “what!? You’re joking right?” he shook his head without a care, he is being serious “not this house Chris, I didn’t want you to do that. What if we don’t stay here forever then what!? Is that what you been doing all that time” he nodded his head and clasped his hands together “smoke a blunt, paint. Just do what I want, then repaint it” staring at Chris in annoyance “so you decided to make a mess in this home, I am not having this home like the shit in your house!” I spat “it’s not, it’s one place, nobody will see. What do you want me to do all day, stare at you?” getting up from the couch as Zeus jumped off “well you could tell me, just tell me you are doing that instead of just doing what you like” I hissed out sitting up “well I went out in the morning, got them and came back” I didn’t even know he did that “why wasn’t I told?” Chris laughed, he finds it funny, but I don’t “you were asleep, man. I didn’t come to argue, I know you got an appointment” Chris got back up from the couch “walk off, we still have so much to speak on. Go on” waving him off, I swear to god.
Chris decided to come into the bedroom, I mean he has to eventually see me “have you stopped doing all that shit on Instagram?” zipping up the baby bag “I can’t take a shit without you knowing” I laughed shaking my head “what is wrong with you? You know what, just take the baby bag and go outside. We need to go; I don’t have the time to be just stood here hearing shit from you. Has the driver put the car seat in?” Chris shrugged, his lack of care disappeared, I mean where the fuck did it go “thank you Chris, really I mean it” picking up Fenty from the bed “the bag Chris” walking around the bed, I know Chris is struggling he probably feels like he has no freedom but it’s not that, he is fighting me on this now, I can tell he is. The fact he is going out without me knowing, I like to know what he does. I mean first of all I am his wife, and second of all he can easily go off the rails and end up taking drugs. I can’t let Chris slip, I can’t have this because then it will be I told you so, I know it’s not going to be plain sailing, I know for a fact it takes work and I am here for that but he needs to just try and help a long the way. Just tell me so I can make it right, try and make it better for him to be here. I understand he is struggling; I really do.
It’s been a while since I have been out of the house, but all I can think of is Chris and his behaviour “Robyn” looking way from the car window “mhmm, yeah?” I am not impressed of course “I just don’t feel like doing shit, my mood is low, and I am irritated. I just want to be zoned out and be alone, I am trying to break this mood by thinking of the good, but I can’t. Even now I just feel like I am not here, I feel like I am battling two parts of my mind, one part is wanting me to jump on a flight and go back to Cali and go back to normality and the other part is wanting to just cry and bang my head against a wall because my mind is racing. It’s really racing, and I can’t stop it, I need too” he spoke to me without being an ass “what made you feel that way Chris? I need you to tell me where I go wrong to help you” I asked “I just feel like I am not in control and in my mind I feel like it is a bad thing, it’s like mind games. I want you to take control but then there is another half where I want to be in control” shaking my head “you are in control Chris; I am only guiding you. Who said about this control shit!?” I have heard it a few times now “Ant messaged me, Jay Brown emailed him saying that he is not my manager no more, that Rihanna is. If I am to be married to you then I have to be under Roc Nation. Ant said it’s all games and control, she is controlling you and I said it isn’t and that plays on my mind” Jay Brown is a fucking liar “I didn’t even say that he mentioned about wanting you! That bastard” they want to play games “I am no good for you, like you love me, but you deserved a man to guide you” frowning at him “no, this is your mind talking. It’s not that Chris, too much is happening, and you can’t process it. I wanted a man which I have got, they are lying to you, I am not controlling you” they want Chris to seem like a little bitch and it’s not even that, they are playing on his mind “do you think that I am?” I have to ask Chris “no I don’t but shit just plays on my mind Robyn, it’s hard fighting your own demons on your own” reaching over touching his arm “you’re not on your own Chris, you got me. I am here for you, even if I am tired I am here for you. I see the change Chris, I do” this is what has been irritating Chris.
I filled out all of the paperwork while Chris sat with Fenty in the waiting room, I though there is no reason to just make them wait around while I did it. I had to fill out Chris’ part too which was funny to me because I knew everything, I had to even mention the Bipolar, but I did it while they waited in the room “is she awake?” Chris is getting her out of the car seat “yeah, she just woke up now” nodding my head “it’s ok, get out there” Chris has become a little shy with doing it now I am here “I am not judging you Chris. I want you to be comfortable” too late now, Chris is not doing it “why did you do that? It’s ok you know, I am not judging you” Chris is so deflated about things, I hate that for him. Reaching into the car seat “my little angel is awake, awww” kissing her little cheek before resting her over my shoulder, Chris placed the blanket over her “when we get back home we will talk, because you caused some shit on Instagram too” lightly rubbing Fenty’ back “they tagged me in some shit Robyn, the caption stated that you loved him and that I don’t deserve you. I am sick of seeing that fucking shit so I said it, they playing in my face I hate it” rolling my eyes.
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verilyruth · 5 years ago
A New Beginning
(Part One of my series, A New Beginning)
“Katherine? What’s the matter?” “Nothing, I just…” She took a moment to look at him and realized that what she was doing was unfair and selfish. So much was going on right now that he didn’t have the time to think about her. Christ, he was suddenly responsible for feeding his family and co-organizing a strike. And even assuming that he was interested in Katherine, this wasn’t the time for her to have this discussion with him. “Nothing.”
Or: Katherine likes Davey, not Jack.
Pairings: Davey/Katherine
  Katherine watched as Davey attempted to control the boys at the lodging house. He, Specs, and Race were trying to help the injured kids and calm down the crying ones. Some of the other older boys were also trying to help but they all looked exhausted and most of them seemed to not even have the energy to rise from their bunks. Katherine wasn’t sure she had ever seen somebody look as overwhelmed as Davey currently did. 
  She approached him when he was talking to Race, figuring it was better than waiting until he was helping a kid again.
  “I don't know, Race,” he said. “I’m…I’m going to try but…” Davey inhaled sharply and Race put a hand on his bicep.
  “It’s okay, Davey. I know you’re trying.” He walked away.
  Katherine saw Davey pinch the bridge of his nose in a way that suggested he was holding back tears.
  He spun around. 
  “Oh, Ms. Plumber. Are you okay? I’m sorry, I should have asked if you were injured.” He looked guilty. 
  “No! No, I’m fine, Davey, I just wanted to see how I can help.” 
  “Oh. Um…I’m not sure that you can.”
  “Well, what do you have to do? Maybe I can help with that,” she said. Much to her dismay, he looked shocked by her offer. 
  “I’m…aren’t you supposed to stay out of it?”
  “I am. This isn’t the strike right now, I’m just with a bunch of injured kids who happen to be striking.”
  Davey chuckled humorously. 
  “Okay. Thank you. I really appreciate it.”
  “Of course.”
  “I…I’m trying to get them all food but I’m not sure how. Mr. Kloppman - he runs the lodging house - he’s not making anybody pay for dinner tonight but not this many kids are usually here or buy it so he doesn’t have half as much as we need. I’m…Jack keeps an emergency fund but it’s not enough and I don’t know what to do.” He looked desperate and helpless.
  “Hey, it’s going to be okay, Davey.”
  “I have to figure out how to treat the injured kids too. Some of them should really see doctors but they can’t. And…and…” he trailed off and looked directly in her eyes. “Why am I in charge? I’ve been a newsie for less than a week! Race is Jack’s second and…I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, I get that he’s helping, but I don’t understand why I’m in control. Why?” 
  “They see you as a responsible person.” 
  “But I’m not! I’m just as lost as the rest of them!”
  “Yeah, but they don’t know that. Here, why don’t you sit down for a minute?” She tried to take his arm and lead him to the old couch but he shook his head. 
  “No, there’s no time.”
  “Then let me help you.”
  He bit his lip contemplatively for a moment. 
  “Could you…do you know anything about first aid?”
  “A little bit. I have younger siblings.” 
  Davey exhaled amusedly. 
  “That’ll do it. Would you be able to check on some of the younger boys? Most of them are just bruised or have scrapes from falling that need cleaning. If you ask Specs he’ll get you some rags and water.” 
  She nodded. 
  “Of course.”
  “Thank you, Ms. Plumber.” 
  “Katherine,” she corrected. She got a weak smile in return. 
  “Davey. Davey. Davey!” Katherine ended up shaking his arm to bring him out of his catatonic state. He was sitting on a bunk and the little kid he was helping a minute ago had gotten up, but he remained, staring off into space.
  “Hmm? Oh, Katherine. Sorry. What do you need?”
  “Nothing except for you to get some rest.”
  “What? No, there’s still stuff to be done.”
  “Like what? All the kids are treated and most of them are asleep, even some of the older ones.”
  “We have to talk about finding Jack, and helping Crutchie, and how we’re going to proceed. I…fuck, we still have to get food for them for when they wake up.”
  “Let others handle it.”
  “I can’t.” He shook his head. “Race asked me to be in charge so I have to be.”
  Katherine sighed. 
  “At least come sit on the couch. The other boys who are awake are over there.”
  “Where’s your brother? Les, right?” 
  Davey nodded. 
  “Yeah. I took him home.”
  “What? When?”
  “Right from the distribution center.” He stood up with a cringe. 
  “Davey, are you hurt besides your face? Why didn’t you say anything?”
  “I’m fine. I fell, it’s just from that.”
  She was skeptical but decided not to push. They walked over to the couch area where the boys were spread out on the couch, the few chairs and the floor. He rested his hands on the arm of the couch and put his weight on them.
  “Take my spot, Davey,” Mush said, standing from the couch. 
  “What? No, that’s okay.” 
  “You need it more than I do.”
  “I’m okay standing.” 
  Katherine disagreed and it seemed the boys did too. All of them ordered him onto the couch between Race and Albert. He only relented when Mush put his hands on his shoulders and physically led him there. Davey looked at her. 
  “Katherine, you should sit, I’m fine.” 
  “I’m not injured.” She sat down on the floor next to Specs.” 
  “What, because I’m a girl I can’t sit on the floor? Seriously, this isn’t the time for chivalry.” 
  He nodded reluctantly. 
  “Okay. What’s the plan?” 
  “Let’s wait and regroup in the morning,” Specs said. “It’s not like we could sell tonight even if we wanted to.” The others nodded. Davey didn’t seem happy but he didn’t argue either.
  “Fine. What about food?”
  The others looked at each other tensely.
  “Kloppman said he can feed twenty but there’s fifty-two kids here total.”
  “All right. I…I’m sorry, but I have to get food for my siblings and parents first but then I can buy for…” Davey was quiet for a moment, probably doing math. “I can probably afford four others. Five, if we spread it out more.”
  “I can do two,” Finch said.
  “Is that including yourself?”
  “Three, including myself.” 
  “Good. Seriously, all of you have to make sure you eat first, got it?” Nobody said anything. “Got it?” 
  “Thank you. So that’s twenty-eight.”
  Katherine sat and listened to them try to figure it out, feeling like she should say something. She could pay for food for all of them but she didn’t want to compromise her journalistic integrity more than she already had. There was only so much she could ethically do. 
  Then again, she had to consider if her ethics as a journalist outweighed her ethics as a person. She decided to wait and see. Katherine wouldn’t let anyone go hungry but she would let them pay for what they could. Still, she felt a guilty pit in her stomach.
  “No, Romeo, it’s okay,” Davey said as she zoned back in. “That goes for all of you. If you can’t afford it then say so.” 
  “Sorry, Davey. I don’t even have enough for myself,” Sniper admitted. 
  “Don’t be sorry. We’ve got enough food for thirty-eight people, and that’s pretty impressive.”
  “How do we get enough for fourteen more?” JoJo asked.
  “I…I can go to Mr. Jacobi and see if he’ll let me pay him back later or work it off,” Davey said. “If someone who he knows better wants to join me just to ask him that would be great. I’ll handle the payment.” 
  “Davey, you’re not doing it by yourself,” Mush said. “That ain’t fair.”
  “No. I got us into this mess.” The boys all protested. “No, I did! I’ll figure it out. If anyone has any better ideas I’m happy to hear them but I don’t think we do. How much is a meal at Jacobi’s usually?” 
  “About a nickel.”
  Davey looked pained. Katherine couldn’t imagine what it was like to be so poor that you needed to work off seventy cents. God, how could her father be so selfish? These were children! He would never accept it if someone did this to his kids so why were these kids any different?
  “All right, that’s fine,” Davey said, even though it clearly wasn’t. “Specs, when you said fifty-two, were you including the kids who don’t stay here too?”
  “Yeah. You’re eating here, right?”
  “No, I’ll eat at home.” 
  Except he wouldn’t. Katherine knew that face. It was the same face she wore when she told her mother that she, Darcy, and Bill were going for a late dinner with friends when they were really going to Darcy’s apartment to get wine drunk because she knew it would upset her and it was the same face she wore when she told her boss that his wife was lovely even though she was the rudest person she had ever met. He was lying to protect the feelings of others. When he had said he was feeding his parents and his siblings, that was exactly what he meant - not himself. 
  “Then it’s fifty-one.” 
  “Great. I’ll go down to Jacobi’s now and see what he says.” 
  “I’ll join you,” Katherine said and stood up. “I don’t know him well but I’ve been there for lunch a few times.” 
  Davey nodded.
  “You go to Jacobi’s for lunch?”
  “I have once or twice. It’s near my office, so…”
  “Yeah.” He kicked a rock as they walked.
  “Davey, let me buy the food.”
  “What? No. That’s very generous but we can’t put you out like that.”
  “No! It’s a lot of money and I can’t ask someone who isn’t even responsible for us to do that. I’m not going to let you potentially go hungry because of us.”
  She stood awkwardly, unsure of what to say. Katherine didn’t want to lie but she didn’t want to make Davey feel embarrassed either. He seemed to notice her expression and he blushed again. “Oh. Sorry. I should’ve…I mean, not that you look poor or anything - not that poor people look a certain way, I just meant that you dress nice, and your hair is always perfect - we’ve only met twice, but both times and…and - yeah, I’m going to stop talking now.” 
  Katherine giggled and (unfortunately for her) snorted. Davey looked at her but she couldn’t tell what he was thinking. 
  “I’m sorry,” he said after a moment. “I really shouldn’t have made any assumptions about you.”
  “You don’t have anything to be sorry for, Davey.” Katherine laid her free hand on his bicep and held it. Davey’s eyes jumped to it and then quickly returned up. “My family has money and I want to use it for this. Please?”
  Davey sighed.
  “I can’t let you pay for all of them. You’ll compromise your journalistic integrity.” 
  Katherine smiled. She hadn’t expected anyone but her to be thinking about that. 
  “Okay. Just the fourteen you guys can’t.”
  “It’s thirteen,” he reminded her. 
  “No, it really isn’t. You’re a bad liar, Davey, and you need to eat.”
  “I’ll be fine. I’ve gone without food for a night before, it’s really not that big a deal.” 
  Her heart twinged and she found herself gripping him a little tighter. 
  “It’s a big deal to me. We’ll talk to Mr. Jacobi and then you’ll sit and eat.”
  “I have to-”
  “They can survive on their own for an extra twenty minutes. It’s not like all that food is going to be ready anyway. Okay?”
  He sighed and nodded. 
  “Thank you. It’s really kind. I’ll pay you back when I have the money, I promise.”
  “Please don’t.”
  Jacobi agreed to make the meals and told Davey to bring some other boys to come back later to help carry them. He even agreed to let them use his dishes if they promised to bring them back the next day. Katherine asked if they could have something to eat and ordered Davey a soup and a half sandwich. 
  “You really didn’t need to order both. Just one would have been more than enough for me,” he said as they sat down. Katherine rolled her eyes. 
  “Don’t be silly.” She looked at his hand where it lay on the table. “Davey, your hand.”
  “It’s shaking.” 
  “Oh.” He glanced down. “Just tired, I guess. I’m fine.” He avoided further questioning because Mr. Jacobi brought them the food. Katherine watched as he ate. It was different than seeing her friends and family eat. When they had meals, it was relaxed and casual and there was nothing special about it. When Davey ate, he ate slowly and carefully, savoring the food and trying to make the meal last as long as he could. He made satisfied noises as he went (that were definitely not at all adorable, nope, not even a little). 
  Katherine stopped being entertained by it after a minute though. She realized the reason he was eating as if it was his last meal was probably because he didn’t have any idea when he would eat again. He was on strike now and she didn’t know how he was going to buy food.
  “Thank you so much,” he said after a minute or two. “I really, really appreciate it.”
  “I…yeah, no problem. Any time.” 
  “I never have meals this big so it’s…” he trailed off and blushed suddenly, as if realizing what he had said. “Sorry.”
  “Don’t be.” 
  It hurt to hear that. A soup and a half sandwich shouldn’t be a treat, it should be the kind of thing Davey could have whenever he wanted. He was skinny, certainly, but she hadn’t considered the idea that it could be due to lack of food more than anything else. Come to think of it, most of the newsies were pretty skinny.
  She cleared her throat awkwardly. “So it’s good?”
  “Yeah, it’s great, thanks,” he said with a nod. “Sorry that I’m taking so long. I’ll be ready to go in a minute.”
  Katherine smiled softly at him. 
  “Take your time.”
  “Katherine! Katherine!” Katherine turned around and saw Davey running through the crowded street, trying his best not to knock over any pedestrians. 
  “Hey! Watch where you’re going!” 
  “Sorry, ma’am!” He swiveled his head around to apologize as he worked his way towards her. 
  “Katherine! Wait!”
  “Davey? What’s wrong?” she asked. “Are you hurt? Did you find Jack?” 
  “Wh- no, I’m fine. I just…” David sighed and handed her the paper he was holding. She looked down at it and then back up at him, confused. 
  “Why are you handing me the paper I just gave you?” 
  “I didn't read it before and now I have.”
  “Is there something wrong with it?”
  He picked his cap up and ran his hand through his hair.
  “You talked about me.”
  “I’m not the leader, Jack is.”
  “I talked about him too.” 
  “Yeah, but then why’d you have to talk about me at all?” He sounded frustrated and Katherine was suddenly very aware of the fact that they were standing on a busy street corner, people passing by them on their way to work. 
  “Davey, I’m sorry, I don’t understand what the issue is.”
  “It wasn’t important to talk about me!”
  “Why not? You and Jack started the strike and you’re the vice president of the union.”
  He paled. 
  “I’m the what?” 
  Katherine couldn’t help but laugh. Davey looked upset and she tried to suppress it but she just couldn’t. 
  “Did you not know? I asked Jack and he said you’re the vice president.”
  “I’m…no, I’m not.”
  “Then who is?”
  “I don’t know! Race? Crutchie? Not me!” 
  “Davey,” she said softly, touching his arm, “why are you so upset by this?”
  “Because…it’s hard to explain but it’s too late now anyway. Never mind. Sorry to bother you.” He turned away from her but she grabbed his wrist. 
  “What’s wrong? Seriously, if I did something wrong you have to tell me so that I don’t do it again.” 
  David shook his head.
  “It doesn’t matter.”
  “Of course it matters! Why don’t we go somewhere a little less crowded and we can talk about this, okay?”
  “No, I have to get my brother and go look for Jack.”
  “Well, then let’s do it together.”
  “You don’t have to do that,” he assured her. 
  “I’m in this with you guys now, okay? One hundred percent.” 
  He nodded reluctantly. 
  “Great. Where should we look?”
  “I told the guys I’d look for him at Medda’s - the Bowery, I mean. She owns a theater there.”
  “I’ve met her. All right, let’s go get your brother.”
  “Yeah. He’s back at Jacobi’s with a couple of the boys.” He started walking but Katherine stood still. He stopped and looked at her. “I thought you were coming.”
  “What, you’re not going to offer me your arm, like a gentleman?”
  “I-I…I’m not- I- sorry,” he spluttered and blushed. Katherine laughed.
  “I’m just teasing.” 
  “Oh. Okay.” He walked back to her and offered his arm anyway.
  “So why are you so upset about the article?” 
  David sighed and looked down for a second. He almost bumped into an elderly woman and Katherine had to try really hard not to laugh again. He kept his eyes up after that. 
  “It’s not that…it’s a good story, Katherine, it really is. I mean it, you’re an excellent writer.”
  “But I would’ve preferred not to be mentioned. It’s my fault, I should’ve told you beforehand.”
  “You made a speech that got other kids to join your side. Your words are the reason yesterday worked even a little.”
  “Also the reason why Crutchie’s in jail.”
  “Hey! That’s not your fault, all right?” 
  “All right?” she repeated sternly. He sighed but nodded. 
  “All right.”
  “My point is, it would have been weird not to include you. You’re a big part of the story, Davey. Why didn’t you want your name in there?”
  Katherine watched as Davey chewed on his lip. He seemed to not even realize he was doing it. She wished he wasn’t so nervous but she couldn’t help but find it endearing. 
  “I want to go back to school.”
  “Back? Sorry, I just don’t know you all that well and I’m-”
  “No, it’s okay. Yeah, my dad got injured on the job and so my siblings and I needed to go to work. If he finds work again then we’ll go back to school.” 
  “Siblings? Not just Les?”
  “I have a sister too.”
  “Yeah? Does she sell too?”
  “No, Sarah got a job at a factory. It’s more consistent, you know?”
  “Tell me about school,” she said. “What does that have to do with being in the paper?”
  “I’m not exactly popular at my school. I’ve got…I go to a school with people who really don’t like me for a bunch of reasons and no one else has ever had to leave because they needed to work. I was already going to be mocked when I go back and this is just going to make it worse.”
  “You’re embarrassed to be a newsie?”
  “Then why-”
  “Because the things they mock me for aren’t always embarrassing.”
  “Oh.” She didn’t ask any questions because she had a feeling she wouldn’t enjoy the answer, no matter what it ended up being. “Well, I’m sorry. I won’t mention you in the future if it’s going to hurt you.”
  “Don’t be sorry; it’s not your fault. And if you want to mention me again, you can. Might as well, right?”
 “Right.” Katherine smiled. She meant to take her eyes away but they seemed locked on Davey’s face. He was just so…handsome. She tried to think of a better word but couldn’t (and wasn’t willing to contemplate what that meant for her skills as a writer). She snapped herself out of it. “So you think he’s at the Bowery?” 
  “Davey! Wait a minute please.” Katherine grabbed Davey’s arm as they made to exit the theater and pulled him into an alcove. 
  “What’s wrong?” He looked at her with concern. 
  “David, are you coming?” Les shouted. 
  “He’ll be there in a minute, Les! I’m just borrowing him.” 
  “Why are you borrowing me?”
  Katherine hadn’t let go of his arm but he didn’t pull away. This was stupid. She never did this and she told herself that there was a reason for it. Katherine had been flirted with by plenty of guys in her life. Most of them, however, just wanted to marry a Pulitzer. 
  It wasn’t like there weren’t guys she was interested in before, but this felt different. Usually, she developed crushes after she knew a guy for a long time and by then she never thought it was worth ruining a friendship over. The first real conversation she had had with Davey was only a day ago but she already wanted to kiss him.
  Was it a bad idea? Probably. Was she going to do it anyway? Probably. It wasn’t like everything she had done in the past week or so wasn’t crazy anyway. 
  “Hello?” Davey called her attention back to the present. “Katherine, is everything okay?” She nodded. “Are you sure? You don’t seem very sure.”
  “I’m sure, Davey.” 
  “Okay? Then what’s happening?”
  “Nothing, I just…” She took a moment to look at him and realized that what she was doing was unfair and selfish. So much was going on right now that he didn’t have the time to think about her. Christ, he was suddenly responsible for feeding his family and co-organizing a strike. And even assuming that he was interested in Katherine, this wasn’t the time for her to have this discussion with him. “Nothing.”
  Davey frowned and looked like he was about to say something but he was interrupted before he could even begin. 
  “Dave! Let’s go! Your brother’s getting antsy!” Jack yelled.
  “He really means he’s getting antsy,” Davey told her. She laughed. 
  “I heard that!”
  She found Davey with his head in his hands and elbows on his knees, sitting on a staircase backstage. Les was absent. She sat down on the step above him and said nothing. Katherine had no idea if he noticed her presence or not but she waited anyway.
  After a while, he inhaled and said, “I’m an idiot.”
  “What? No, you’re not.” Katherine slid down to sit next to him. “Why would you say that?” 
  He picked his head up and looked at her. 
  “I can’t believe I thought this would work.” 
  “We all thought it would. And I don’t think all hope is lost. It’s obvious that everyone else is united and once we get Jack back-”
  “I don’t mean the rally!” he said. “I mean the strike.” 
  “What? Davey, the strike is going to work,” she tried to assure him but he just shook his head. 
  “No. No.” Davey stood up and started pacing in front of her. “We’re going to have to give in soon and…fuck! Fuck Jack!” Katherine remained silent, thinking it best to let him vent. “Fuck him for making me believe in him and I know this isn’t the point but fuck him for making me look like an idiot! He promised me I wouldn’t have to be the one to speak!”
  “You did a really good job, Davey. I’m sure if he had let you keep-”
  “I sounded ridiculous! But…” He deflated completely. “But that doesn’t matter anymore. It’s over.”
  “Don’t say that.”
  “Why not? Why shouldn’t I? Without Jack there is no more strike! The newsies need a leader who knows what he’s doing.”
  “Nobody knows what they’re doing! This is brand new and none of us know how to do it but the newsies have been following you most of the strike. This is the second time he’s disappeared.” 
  “You can be the leader then.”
  “I’m happy to help but they need a newsie to lead them. You know that.”
  Davey shook his head decisively. 
  “No, I’m not- I can’t be the one to do it. If they still want to then fine but it isn’t going to be me. Race can do it.”
  “Davey, you know I like Race but he isn’t going to be able to do it like you would.”
  “You saw him the other day in Jacobi’s! He gave everyone hope again without them even realizing what he was doing.”
  “And I saw you speaking the first day of the strike. I saw you organize a citywide rally! You’re their de facto leader now! You shook hands with Spot Conlon, which I’m told is a pretty big deal.” Davey scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Why can’t you listen to yourself and seize the day? Isn’t that what you said?”
  “Because there’s nothing to seize anymore! The day’s over.”
  “So we start again tomorrow.”
  “You know that’s not what I mean.”
  “I do.” Katherine stood up and went to him. Davey didn’t pull away when she put a hand on his shoulder and she took that as a good sign. “You need to have more faith in yourself. Let’s go find the others and-”
  “No.” He shook her off. “No, I’m sorry, Katherine, but I’m finding Les and going home.”
  “It’s what I should have done as soon as the rally ended. I’m not a strike leader - I’m a brother and a son and that’s my responsibility right now.”
  “Davey, stop. You have to be more rational about-”
  “Good night, Ms. Plumber.” He kissed her cheek and left. 
  She watched him walk away. Katherine knew that unless she had a solid plan nothing was going to convince him.
  “Oh, and if I were a boy you’d be looking at me through one swollen eye!”
  “Oh yeah, don’t let that stop you, huh? Give me your best shot!” 
  Katherine pulled her fist back and punched Jack as hard as she could. 
  “Fuck!” he screamed and fell to the ground. Katherine shook out her hurt hand, hissing in pain. “What the fuck, Katherine?”
  She shrugged. 
  “You said I could hit you.”
  “Yeah, but I didn’t think you would! Or that it would hurt that much! Jesus, you can pack a punch.”
  “Thank you.” 
  “At least help me up, would ya?” She begrudgingly extended the hand she hadn’t hit him with and he pulled himself up. “Thanks.”
  “Yeah.” She paused and looked at him regretfully. Maybe it was wrong to punch him. She was quickly learning that she knew a lot less about the hardships people her age went through and she had no idea what Jack’s life was like. “I…I need to know that you didn’t cave for the money.”
  Jack exhaled sharply and turned around. 
  “No, I spoke the truth. You win a fight when you got the other fella down eating pavement,” he explained sadly. “All right, you heard your father. No matter how many days we strike he ain’t never giving up. I don’t…I don’t know what else we can do!”
  “Ah, but I do,” she told him, excited.
  “Oh come on.”
  “Really, Jack, really? Only you can have a good idea? Or is it because I’m a girl?”
  “Oh, I did not say nothing about-”
  “This would be a good time to shut up,” Katherine suggested (ordered, really). “Being boss doesn’t mean you have to have all the answers, just the brains to recognize the right one when you hear it.” She took the paper out of her pocket.
  “I’m listening,” Jack said, sounding beyond exasperated.
  “Good for you. The strike was your idea, the rally was Davey’s, and now my plan will take us to the finish line.” He took it from her. “Deal with it.”
  “The Children’s Crusade?”
  Katherine explained it to him and was pleased that he couldn’t help but admit that it was a good idea - risky, but good. Jack figured out that they could use the printing press in the The World building’s cellar.
  “Let’s go,” Jack said. “If we’re going to get this done by morning we need to get started.” She followed him down the firescape but hesitated when they reached the street. “What?”
  “Where does Davey live?” 
  “What, he ain’t at the lodging house with the others?” 
  Katherine rolled her eyes. 
  “No, Jack, believe it or not he didn’t hang around waiting for you to come to your senses.”
  “Besides, I’m pretty sure Les was crying when I saw him and he had to get him home.”
  “Well, we ain’t gonna be able to do this without him.” 
  “Agreed. We just have to convince him of that.” 
  “What do you mean?”
  “He’s lost hope, Jack. He doesn’t think the strike’s going to work.”
  “Because you abandoned him! Twice!”
  “I didn’t mean to-”
  “I know that and you know that but he doesn’t,” she explained. “Come on, we have to go get him and you have to apologize.” He started to protest but she shut him up with a single look. 
  “Well, then you go get those friends of yours you mentioned and I’ll go.”
  “We should go together.”
  Because she wanted to make sure he was okay. Because she wanted to see his face when he started thinking they could win again. Because she wanted to see him. Jack was right though. They didn’t have time for both of them to go to Davey and it was more important that he did. Reluctantly, Katherine conceded. 
  “You’re right. I’ll meet you there in an hour.” 
  “Good luck.”
  “What the hell, Katherine? It’s almost one in the morning.” Bill did not look happy to see her. 
  “Hey!” She pointed to Darcy behind her. “He’s here too, be mad at him!” 
  “He looks like you dragged him out of bed.”
  “She did,” Darcy said with a perfectly timed yawn. Katherine glared at him. 
  “What’s going on?”
  “Get dressed and we’ll explain on the way.” 
  “Come inside and explain to me while I get dressed. I want to know what I’m getting myself into.” He walked away and left the door open for them. “So how illegal is whatever we’re about to do?” Bill asked from beyond his closed bedroom door. 
  “Only slightly,” Katherine promised. “We’re sneaking into The World building’s cellar and printing something.”
  “Is this about the strike?” 
  “Yes. We want to shut down the city all together. Not just the newsies, but every working kid.”
  “I’m in,” he said without hesitation. “I’m assuming Davey is going to be there?” 
  “What? How do you know Davey?” 
  Darcy snorted from his place on the couch.
  “You mentioned him at least five times yesterday. It’ll be nice to meet the guy who gave Katherine Pulitzer herself writer’s block.”
  “I don’t have writer’s block.”
  “Speaker’s block, then,” Bill amended Darcy’s statement as he opened the door. “You kept having trouble describing him.”
  “Stop talking, both of you. We need to go. I told Jack we’d be there in an hour and that was forty minutes ago.” 
  “Yes, well, we wouldn’t want to be late to meet Davey.” 
  She punched Bill’s arm. 
  “Ow! What was that for? Darcy’s the one who said it!”
  “You enjoyed it more than he did.”
  “Davey?” She was about to leave to go to the governor but was stopped by a gentle hand on her wrist. “Is everything okay?” 
  “Yeah, just…” He kissed her on the cheek. “Good luck.”
  “Y-you too.” He turned away with a smile. Behind her, Bill and Darcy laughed quietly. “I hate you both.” 
  After Jack came outside to tell them that they had won, the newsies bought their papers and took a few minutes to chat and celebrate Crutchie’s return. Most of them didn’t really have time to, but the energy in the air was invigorating and people wanted to be with their friends. Les was talking excitedly to JoJo about something and Katherine took the opportunity to approach Davey, who was counting his papers. 
  “So, Mr. Jacobs, how are you planning on celebrating your big victory?” 
  He looked up at her and smiled, though it seemed a little forced. 
  “I’m going to sell and then go buy food from the grocer’s. Fun, huh?” 
  “Very. Well, when you’re done with that, I’m taking the boys down to Jacobi’s for dinner this evening. Want to join? I’m buying.”
  Davey shook his head regretfully. 
  “I’d like to but I can’t. Thanks though.” 
  “Oh. Okay.” Could he actually not come or was she being obvious and this was his way of letting her down easy?
  “Sorry, I just haven’t had any time to get chores done in a while.”
  “Chores? You just won a strike and you’re going to do chores while everyone else celebrates?” 
  Davey huffed, apparently annoyed, and put his bag on forcefully. 
  “Yes, chores. Sorry if that doesn’t work for you, Ms. Pulitzer.” 
  “What did I do? Why are you so upset with me? Is it about my father? Because you weren’t that-”
  “It’s not about your father.”
  “Then what is it about?”
  “You led me on!” he exclaimed. Davey looked around them and then repeated himself more quietly. “You led me on and you made me think you liked me and then you kissed Jack.”
  She sputtered incredulously.
  “I kissed Jack on the cheek! Are you serious right now?” 
  “You’re allowed to kiss whomever you want, Katherine,” he said dismissively and started to walk towards Les. 
  “Hey! Would you listen to me? I kissed Jack on the cheek! Who told you we kissed? Did Jack? I swear to-”
  “No! Not Jack!” 
  “Then who?” 
  Davey looked down and picked at a thread on his bag. 
  “Les,” he eventually admitted. Katherine laughed. “Hey! How was I supposed to know what he meant?”
  “Whatever! I’m assuming this means you’re interested?”
  “Interested? As in-”
  Katherine didn't let him finish before she pulled him into a kiss, heedless of the fact that they were right in front of the distribution window. Davey didn’t freeze for even a second, and kissed her right back, his arms wrapping around her. He had one on her waist and one on her neck. She took the opportunity to draw him in closer, her hands going to his shoulder blades and the back of his head.
  It was magical. It wasn’t her first kiss but she could tell it was his. That was okay though. He was excited and passionate about it and Katherine loved it. She felt warm inside and wanted time to step and let the moment last forever.
  “Guys!” Katherine heard someone yell, and she distantly thought it might have been Les, but she didn’t really care. Then, there was suddenly more yelling and she smiled into the kiss. Davey pulled away and rested his forehead on hers.
  “So? Was that a better celebration than chores, Davey?”
  “I’d- I’d prefer if you called me David.” 
  Katherine smiled and kissed him again, but only briefly. As she ended the kiss he leaned in for more and she laughed at his eagerness.
  “Jacobi’s then? Or are you still too busy?”
  “No, I-”
  “Davey!” Jack called. David let go of her and turned to him. “Want to do the honors?” Jack held out his hand and pulled him up onto the box.
  “Newsies!” David yelled. “Hit the streets! The sun is up, the headline stinks, and I’ve got a date!”
  Katherine smiled and when he smiled back, it felt like a new beginning.
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loridrabbles · 6 years ago
That Would Be Enough
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Boba struggles to give you the life he thinks you deserve.
Warnings: Angst. Hella fluff.
Dewdrops, anointing the petals and leaves of lush greenery and flowers, glistened in the sunlight as the day broke over the planet you called home for the past 2 years. Boba, your husband refused to tell you the name of it in fear that it would come up in conversation around the wrong group of people, haunting the both of you.
Steam from your fresh cup of tea rose to the air, swirling, before being taken away by the soft morning breeze. A robe of the warmest and most hard to come by threads draped over your shoulders before coming to a stop just dusting your ankles, fluttered across your soft skin.
Taking a deep breath, you took in the comfort of the moment. The only thing that could perfect mornings like this was your husband who, as much as you hated to admit, seemed to never be home. Off again after another one of innumerable bounties. The lavish gifts he left you with could never make up for his presence.
You longed for his scent. To be able to feel his arms around your waist was you traced patterns on his chest with your fingertips. To leave kisses along his jawline as he whispered sweet nothing in your ear, even if you couldn't understand the language.
"Nose in that journal again, my darling?" Your husbands velveteen voice warmed your heart as you stood and turned to meet him face to face.
"You're home!" You exclaimed, crashing into his chest, pulling him closer to you in a longing embrace without even the chance to catch a glimpse of his rich dark eyes.
"At last." He punctuated his words with a kiss to your forehead. It had been 4 long days without him and you drunk up every second you could with him before he would have to depart again. "I've brought you something. Close your eyes."
You complied and hear a few high pitched clanks and the sound of liquid being poured into 2 vessels. You bit your lip, stifling a small laugh.
"What?" He asked, almost laughing as well at your small outburst.
"I just love you. Can I open now?'
"Yes darling." As you opened your eyes, he handed you a crystal glass containing a sweet red wine.
"What's this for? You know I love wine but its 7am." You gasped. "It's not our wedding anniversary is it?"
"No it's not." He replied laughing at your questions. "Take a closer look at the glasses."
"Huh? Wait. Are these-?"
"The glasses from the restaurant where we had our first date? Yes. And the same wine we shared. I bought two bottles. I knew right then you would he the one to tame me, and I would never let you go."
You teared up at his tender actions. It were moments like these that made the days he was gone feel like minutes.
"I can't believe you remembered, Boba. I barely remember that night at all. If you remember this you'll probably how flustered I was that night. I could barely keep my eyes off you, but I was so lost in your eyes I didn't hear a word that was said." You admitted, pushing a stray lock of hair behind your ear.
"I have that effect on people." He scoffed, taking your chin in his hand. "I wanted to do something nice before I leave again. I have 2 days. I won't be gone long."
Aside from your feelings after he retuned home and showered you with guilt gifts, Boba felt a lasting emptiness inside of him. This next job was the first in a month. Down a glass. He knew how much it tore you apart when he left, but there was no other choice. He could love no other life. Down a second. He knew of your dreams and desires, things you hoped to accomplish. He couldn't provide them. Down a third and a fourth.
He sat with his head in his hands, leaning over his holopad at the table, hoping for something to pop up. Hopeing someone wanted someone alive. Those payed the most. Down half a fifth. This is how you found him.
The room was dark, illuminated by only the glow of his screen and light crackling in from lanterns outside the window.
"Love?" You asked, voice stirring up the darkness. You got no answer. "I want to talk about something."
Still no answer. You could feel something was wrong. Stepping behind him, you ran your hand across his shoulders a few times before is stopped at the base of his neck, thumb rubbing soft circles of comfort.
"What is it?" You asked and he pulled you onto his lap, burying his face in your shoulder.
"Nothing. I'm just...so tired." He said, looking up at you forcing a smile. "Let's go to bed"
"Ok." You could smell the drink on his breath and you knew he was lying through his teeth.
"Oh. What did you want to talk about?" He said, pausing in the doorway, hands landing on your shoulders. You put your hands on his wrists and leaned your cheek against his hand.
"I just wanted to say I miss you and I wish you were around more. Especially since..."
"Since what?" He asked, almost a little angrily from the alcohol. You didn't want to tell him in this state, but knew he wouldn't let it go until he fell asleep or passed out.
"Since...I'm pregnant. I was going to tell you before you last left, but I didn't want you to worry." You said, not bothering to hide from him. His heart sparked in his chest, then sank.
"How long have you known?"
"About a month or so. I'm sorry I should have told you as soon as i found out."
"No, I'm sorry." He pulled you to him. "I shouldn't have been so selfish."
"What? What in the world for?"
"I can't give you the life you deserve. How am I supposed to do this. I can't be a father. I mean.... I would love to but I can't. You can never do what you dream of and this child will never have a normal life because of who I am. I can't afford the life you deserve. I know you worry when I leave. I hate worrying you. I hate it. I shouldn't have kept you to myself. I should have let you go that first night."
"Boba!" You called, snapping him out of his ramblings. "Stop it! I love you so. much. Stop talking that way!"
"Tell me the truth, (y/n)!"
"I said stop! You're drunk. Go to bed!"
Trying not to cry, you decided against climbing in with him at the moment, and returned to your journal again pouring you thoughts out onto the paper.
The sun had risen again. You were up and ready for the day way before your husband could awake from his drunken slumber. Finally his eyes fluttered open.
"I'm heading out to the market. Don't stay in bed too long sleepyhead." You said kissing him on the cheek. "There's a pot of tea on the heater and an ice pack in the fridge. If you need some medicine for your headache it's on the counter next to your mug. I'll be back shortly."
She knows everything about me. She knows I prefer ice instead of heat for headaches. She knows I can never find the medicine when it's in the cabinet. Hell she even knew I'd wake up with a headache... though I did drink quite a bit last night.
He got up, poured a cup of tea, popping a few pills in his mouth and grabbed the ice pack out of the freezer. He noticed your journal sitting out on the side table next to the couch. He knew you didn't like when he read your things, and he respected that, but this time curiosity got the best of him and he cracked it open to last night's entry. He had to know what you thought of him.
I’ll never leave you when things get rough
I love who you are
I knew it from the day I met you
I relish being your wife
Look around my love open your eyes
Look at where you are
Look at where you started
The fact that you’re alive is a miracle
Just stay alive, that would be enough
And if our child
Shares a fraction of your smile
Or a fragment of your mind, look out world
That would be enough
I don’t pretend to know
The challenges you’re facing
The plans you keep erasing and creating in your mind
But I’m not afraid
I know who I married
So long as you come home at the end of the day
That would be enough
If I could grant you peace of mind
If I could help you rest at night
If you could let me inside your heart
Oh, let me inside your mind
Let me carry your burdens with you.
Then I could be enough
And we could be enough
That would be enough
"Getting nosy?" You asked setting your bag on the table. He was so lost in his thoughts as he sat there, head in his hands, tears falling down his face. You didn't mind one bit. He knew everything you wrote in that journal was truth, straight from your heart, no your soul. You knew he would never listen to those words had it come from your mouth.
"I don't understand."
"Don't understand what?" You asked sitting next to him.
"After all this time, everything I've put you through, that you see nothing wrong in me."
"I love you, Boba." You ran your fingers through his hair. "I don't need money, or possessions, or this lavish lifestyle you want me to have. I just need you."
He was quiet for a moment, before turning and pulling you close. He let the tears fall as he held you tighter and tighter, kissing the top of your head and whispering sorts of apologies in a foreign language.
When his tears dried he let you go, then grabbed your face, laying a hard kiss across your lips.
"I love you so much." He said. "I want to give you everything."
"Then stay." You interlocked your fingers with his as his land lay on your cheek. "You're everything to me, love. Stay home. Just for once." You begged. He let out a deep sigh and placed another kiss on your forehead.
"Ok." That's all you wanted to hear. Finally having the time to relax, he kicked back on the sofa. You sprawled out across his chest, needing nothing more than this moment to last forever.
"Do you think we'll have a boy or girl?" He asked after what seemed like an hour of silence.
"Hmm... A girl. I can feel it."
"I hope your right."
"There's enough of me in the world. I hope she's just like you."
You smiled and nuzzled your face into his chest before you both passed out into a mid-morning nap.
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crqstalite · 5 years ago
For Mierro and Andronikos Revel Please, important otp quesiton!
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oooo more questions to answer. i love answering these, thanks luhcy! <3
now i wasn’t completely sure how many questions this entailed, so i kinda sorta just decided to do all of them XD.
Who rocks the Ferris Wheel seat and who flips out and begs them to stop?  
Bold of you to assume they wouldn’t have a hell of a time and just cause absolute chaos together.
Who is always horny and will have sex at any time, at any place and at any time?
Good question. I’ll get back to you in four years when I’m legally allowed to answer this question in more detail. But probably Mier, for now.
Who is more into taking showers/baths together? Who tries to make it relaxing and who tries to make it sexy time?
See above. But as hectic as she is, Mierrio sometimes needs someone to slow her down for a second, so Andronikos. She’s kind of self-conscious about being so pale (corruption doesn’t exactly do wonders for your skin tone), but Andronikos reminds her she’s still beautiful no matter what.
Who likes to walk around the house naked and who tells the other to go put some clothes on?
Mier gets too cold too easily (a headcanon I’ll probably write about at some point), so she’s often bundled up in clothes. A shirtless Andronikos, however? Enough to get her to take off a couple layers.
Who sleeps on the couch when they get into a fight?
Andronikos. As much as he loves his Sith wife, he’s not about to risk his life to sleep with her when she’s angry.
Who takes photos of the other while they sleep?
Neither is one for taking pictures all that often, but Andronikos loves the way Mier looks when she sleeps. Kind of like how a tiger looks adorable until it’s chasing you.
Who said “I love you” first? and who ends their arguments in a fight with “Because I love you”?
Mierrio told Andronikos she loved him first (as skittish as he seemed, she figured she might as well tell him she was in for the long haul), and as much as they argue, Mierrio is always the one to reassure him she won’t leave him.
Who likes to wear the others sweatshirts?
Mier. She usually has her own clothes, but Andronikos finds something so cute about when she wakes up in his oversized clothes (Mier is, to remind you 5″5 and rather skinny).
Who wakes the other up in the middle of the night to tell them a cool dream they had? Who has the most nightmares, and who sings them back to sleep after?
Usually if they stay up, they stay up together. Sometimes Andronikos wakes her up for what she sees as the dumbest reasons, but Mierrio has the most nightmares from when she was still controlled by the ghosts. It takes a while, but Andronikos can soothe her back to sleep.
Who is more likely to cheat?
Urgh, idk. I don’t really like hitting these points with my characters but I am very aware that not everyone is as committed as me. In the beginning, it’s equally both of them. Andronikos reminds Mierrio that he doesn’t like being tied down, and Mierrio is quick to accept that. It isn’t until she’s alone with another man that she realizes that she’s fallen for this pirate, and hard. After endgame, I’m not sure. I doubt they’d ever want to, but probably Mier.
Who makes fun of the other for having a crush on them, and who has to remind them that they are in a relationship?
Mierrio, and then Andronikos. You’d think a pirate and a sith would be more dark and gritty, but the pure chaotic energy they both have is sometimes a little too much.
Mierrio: You have a crush on me?
Andronikos: Sith, we’ve been married for three years now.
Who starts a food fight in the kitchen?
Mierrio. He could be trying to help her cook (because God forbid 2V needs repairs), and she’d get so fed up about following directions that the goopy mess would end up on him instead of in the pot.
Who initiates duets? and who is the better singer?
I don’t know why, but I imagine Andronikos is a rather good singer. Mierrio despises singing (unlike her counterpart, Naji), but will sometimes join in if she’s feeling particularily daring.
Who starts the hand holding? Who grabs the others butt? Who slides their arm around their waist? Who likes to put their fingers in the belt loops?
Mierrio, especially when she’s feeling protective of her pirate boyfriend. Then Andronikos, because she doesn’t like initiating things (though it always ends up leading to bedroom times). Mierrio likes to hug him from behind, if that counts, but being cuddled up together in the lounge play pazaak with the crew too. I’m not sure whether belts in-game have belt loops? But if they do, Andronikos.
Who likes writes the others name on their wrist?
Mierrio found someone who did tattoos on Dromound Kaas, further from the prying eyes of legality and main streets, and had Andronikos name written in aurebesh on her arm. It’s not very big, so unless someone went looking for it, no one would really know it was there. Once he did notice it was there, he disappeared for half a day or so and came back with her name written in the same spot on the opposite arm.
Who is more seductive when they are drunk? and who is louder in bed?
Mierrio. She doesn’t drink a lot until KOTFE, but when she does, it’s hard to remember she’s a sith and not a cantina dancer. And also, Mierrio.
Who is more protective?
Andronikos. Mierrio might be more powerful in terms of the force, but no one gets in between him and his wife.
Who talks to the other while they are sleeping?
Andronikos. There are some things he won’t admit to her when she’s awake, so he talks to her when she’s sleep. Sometimes, she hears everything, and sometimes she’s out cold.
Who drives and who has the window seat?
Andronikos. Screw taxis when you can speed across the streets and plains of planets at a speed that would make your mother cry. Mierrio never learned how to pilot or drive, so she’s happy with her seat behind him with her arms around his waist, or in the co-pilot’s chair. Or in the captain’s chair (lap if you dare), if she’s feeling daring.
Who falls asleep in the others lap and who carries them to bed?
Mierrio. She has a nasty habit of overworking herself (screw the council she runs her own missions by herself), by using the force too much. When she gets too tired, Andronikos is happy to carry her back to bed.
Who cuts the others hair?
Neither of them?? Not until after KOTFE, but then Mierrio botches her hair cut by having uneven bangs and choppy ends. Andronikos makes it worse, so they just shave it off and she wears a pixie cut.
Who is super bad at sexting? and who sends them encouraging messages throughout the day?
Mierrio sees it as beneath her to sext, but she has tried before with horrible results. She’ll take the real thing over just imagining it (she does not have a way with words like her husband does), but is rather good at encouraging others. In her own...sith-ish way.
Who thinks they are not good enough for the others love? and who’s more afraid of loosing the other? Who thinks they keep messing up, only for the other to tell them they don’t need to worry?
Andronikos. He’s kind of afraid after her ascendance to the dark council that she’ll throw him away for someone more powerful and force sensitive. He’s terrified of losing his wife to death, or someone else. On the flip side, Mierrio thinks she’s on eggshells with Andronikos, because she has no example of what love is supposed to be. As many mistakes as she makes, she constantly wonders if he’s even good enough for him, but at the end of the day, both of them can soothe the others’ worries long enough to remind why they love each other.
Who starts random slow dancing with the other in the kitchen? Who holds the other just above the ground and kisses them?
The few memories that Mierrio has of those that raised her is dancing. Given, not exactly the kind you do with a lover at a ball, but she figured now was a good time to learn. Neither of them is very good at it, so they step on each other’s toes a lot, but they don’t mind as long as they spend time together. And Andronikos, he definitely seems like the kind of man who would do that spontaneously.
Who says shitty puns and sex jokes just to see the other giggle and blush?
Andronikos. Mierrio’s horrid with figuring them out, but once she does...that’s another story entirely.
Who kissed first?
I don’t remember at this moment who did in-game, whether it was Andronikos or Mierrio, but for my purposes I’m going to say Andronikos.
Who orders take out at two in a morning? and who wakes the other up at three in the morning to go downstairs with them to get a glass of water because it’s too dark?
Andronikos. He doesn’t like Mierrio staying up so late, but he’ll join her anyways. 2V doesn’t really get a break from cooking, so they eat really late at night sometimes. Also, Andronikos. Not even because Mierrio is scared of the dark (you could say she...revels in it), but because of the things they can get up to in the dark.
Who writes poems/stories and love songs about the other? Do they sing the songs the write for them?
I don’t think that has a definite answer. Andronikos doesn’t seem like the kind of person to write poems or songs (evident from his letters after the endgame), and as written above, Mierrio is shit with writing anything. So..no.
Who does some crazy stunt to try and impress the other and who ends up driving them to the emergency room after it backfires?
They’re both stupid. So they probably both end up having their stunts backfiring and having to get 2V to help them.
Who is embarrassed when they have to wear their glasses and who thinks they look super cute?
Mierrio. She hates wearing anything on her face (never let her wear masks in-game for this very reason), and having to admit to being nearsighted probably would make her really embarassed. Andronikos, doesn’t care lol.
Oof, that was a lot more than I thought it was. Hope this answers your questions, Luhcy!
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polygamyff · 6 years ago
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This is why my sister stays the fuck home, my dad never lets her do shit but because of me she does. I really should be going back but my sister is like one more day, we having fun. The party ain’t ending because my clubbing days should really like come to an end, but my sister decided to tell the club we coming and to book out VIP, least I got my siblings with me but everytime I do go to the club I end up paying for everyone drink, I get too happy when drunk. I’ve been in London for three days now, in those three days since Naomi met Robyn she hasn’t said it to me, I am wondering why Robyn won’t say she saw Naomi, I just don’t think I should say it. Robyn ain’t going to be impressed that I’m going to the club again, I don’t even need to be here just all good vibes that is happening “after today I’m going, I have too. I got things I need to sort out” like fucking Naomi, she needs to fuck off back to Texas. She’s around waiting for me, she wants to remain married to me for gain which in reality we both will win if we do. I don’t know what to do, I do need to speak to Robyn. How do I say that to her “so do I in Dubai” side eyeing Nalah “sure, you’re busy is having a good time. Eric left you yet?” He will leave her ass soon “not yet Maurice, but thanks for bringing it up” grinning at my sister, he will leave her soon.
Sitting in the back of the car with my brother, I’m glad it’s just me and him. I can talk to him in private because since being here, we never get it. London has been busy but now it’s all play and just having fun, the clubs here always treat me well which is a bonus for me, I love to turn up “I want to ask you something” I said to Malik looking out of the car window “sure” his mind is going to be blown “so I put in a divorce to Naomi, she came crying to me. We me in Cali, she begged me crying to stay married to her until she can work things out. She said I can have a second wife, have my own life. She will pull up a contract, I get it Malik. She had shit too as well as me, we both been through it. She can’t have kids so it’s bad on her, I get she is a bitter wife now that I am with Robyn. She followed me that night at the hospital and now knows Robyn is pregnant. So a few days ago when I got to London, she calls me. That Robyn went to her place of work, that I done well for myself. The point is, she fucking knows. She thinks she now has the upper hand in this, I feel bad because as much as I get the shit so does she but she lied. Honestly on both ends it’s personal gain, she wants to do over her dad firstly and then we can get divorced. That to me, gives me gain because the fuck can dad do if she agrees? It’s all a money hungry game, I am dragging Robyn into this but at the end of the day, I want her. She is the one I want to be with, period” it’s a mess of a situation “wow, so Naomi and Robyn met? That shit would have been intense, wish I was there to see that. So what happened when they met?” Malik asked, I shrugged not knowing “how can I call Robyn and then say to her oh I heard you met my wife, I rather she say it to me but she hasn’t, now that worries. You’re my younger brother I know but I need advice” I need to hear it from someone else “you know our family is a mess, I mean Robyn is a nice girl. I think you should talk to her, tell her everything and tell her what you want, she may not want that” looking over at my brother “what do you mean?” I asked him “I know you Maurice, you are wanting to remain married under a contract so then you don’t look bad but you need to think about Robyn, she may not want that but then again she got with you married. I can’t say, I would speak to her but Naomi ain’t nice, I can’t imagine that conversation being nice” Malik ain’t wrong, I don’t know what to do because I want to say it to her. I will beat Naomi myself if she was talking shit to her.
I am going Germany before I even leave for LA, or Texas. I don’t even know where I am going actually, I need to go Texas before. Looking down at my phone and staring at my emails, I need to get a removal van to move my things to Santa Monica, that will cause some issues which I know of. I could actually see my dad about Atlanta hotel that he wants me to have, blowing out air looking up from my phone. My sister put a finger up at me, she is such a bitch. I have no idea who these guys are in this VIP section, side eyeing Malik letting females in. Feeling someone nudge me “cheer up!” Ally shouted over the music, rolling my eyes. I have too much on my mind right now, I can’t have fun when there is so much to do “excuse me” some girl said to me, she could have just moved by me but she purposely went by me and her booty just grazed my crotch. She laughed at she did, nodding my head at her slowly knowing she did that on purpose. Picking my drink up from the side, watching bottle service come towards us. With so much stress on my mind I am surprised I ain’t had a stroke, I am only stressed because I am scared to lose. I never had that fear before but I have so much to lose, I have the woman I love and my child.
Sat back on the couch, drinking the Moet from the bottle. I don’t think it’s ideal that I am sat on the couch full of women but then again I am not taken, but I am taken. Maybe I’ve drunk too much, rubbing my eyes and looking up. Biting my bottom lip looking so confused, am I in a strip club or did I request for entertainment. Someone grabbed the bottle of Moet from me, seeing the female at the side of me take it. I think it’s my home time, it has to be. Getting up from the couch, she tried to give me the bottle back “keep it” I pushed the bottle back to her, I did find that girl on girl kissing a thing, but it really is my time to go “you going!?” my sister shouted “I’m a taken man, I got to go” my sister looked at me dumbfounded “like you care, stay!” shaking my head “Maurice Davenport” some guy just shook my hand out of nowhere, staring at this guy in a suit “thank you so much for coming to my club, twice too” nodding my head “the owner?” I said “yes, on me. Have this on me” looking behind him, more bottles “appreciate it” shaking his hand still “anything you want, tell me” I want to go the fuck home yes.
I have been roped into staying, which is not the best thing but I can last it out. The owner is practically partying with us, how can I fucking leave now. I ain’t no celebrity but I did make a name for myself with partying, Robyn isn’t wrong calling me that but I don’t want to hear that from her mouth at all “have one together” the owner held out a shot to me, shots are dangerous but it’s one “you getting me drunk” taking the shot from him, downing it like that shit don’t burn my insides, a female stood at the side of me wanting to give me that lemon and I am like nope. I will stay away from that “my man, come picture!” the owner placed his arm around my neck as the photographer took a picture, smiling but deep down knowing I need to get the fuck out of here.
I am so tired, didn’t get to leave that club until closing. Barely slept and now I am going to Germany, my dad thinks I wouldn’t find them. I found them and I want to see this bullshit he telling me, I am just glad that lastnight I wasn’t’ too drunk. No females in my bed, I just went back to the hotel a little tipsy but no messing around. I don’t want to cheat on Robyn, I have no intention in doing that when I am happy. Malik on the other hand, I did try and egg him on to have sex with someone but he wouldn’t. He is so not me because don’t give a fuck Maurice would have it all, Malik is better than me and that is what I want. I want him to be better than me, to be the better brother. He is knocked out asleep though, he doesn’t want to see this brother of ours but I do. I don’t like what he did, no matter what he is that’s my brother and I want to know. Robyn on the other hand, she ain’t call or text me because she said I came to London for fun but it’s always fun. My dad did most of the hard work and I just watch over the things, people like me and I can’t help it.
Malik refuses to go with me to see the lady dad originally married but I don’t care, Malik said he will wait somewhere else. I got in contact with her, through Facebook that is. She was like fine but good luck with meeting him, she acting like she wont’ be with him. I swear my dad said he has down syndrome unless he got a carer, I don’t know but I am here anyways. Some random ass park, I would have preferred to eat somewhere but no “Maurice?” some guy walked over to me, strong British accent. Maybe he knows me from somewhere “yeah” looking around him, I am not here for him I want to see my half brother “you wanted to meet, my mom ain’t coming” dragging my eyes back to this guy “who are you?” the fuck is this “Adam” my mouth fell open in shock, staring at his face truly he has the same small eyes as me “but…” I dragged out “I don’t believe you” it could be my dad fucking with me “you think I would come here for you? You messaging my mom, golden child” this cannot be real life “I don’t want to know you, dad or anyone. Dad left me for you, left me and my mom for you mom, you think I care about you or anything else. I have my own life now, just don’t message my mom, we left that life when dad didn’t see me as his child. Clearly, we look the fucking same, I Googled you, I envied you. Would watch dad holding your hand as a child taking you everywhere. Hates me because he had to marry my mom and said to her she will never get his money. Ain’t your fault, I get it but no, I don’t care for you” I cannot believe he lied like this, I don’t know what to say to him “I’m sorry” is the only thing I could say to him, I feel so bad “have a good life” he was quick to walk away, I don’t know what I can say to him. I cannot believe it, he’s a fucking liar.
I ain’t said anything to Malik, I am in shock. We just got back on the jet and leaving, so he left Adam for what. He is fine, just because he didn’t want to marry his mom but dad made me marry Naomi. If I did have a child by her I wouldn’t hate my child for it, he is a sick man. He doesn’t deserve any type of happiness, that is so wrong “you look in shock, what is it? Even though I don’t want to know” I am in shock “Malik, dad said Adam was downs. He lied, the guy looks like us, he’s normal. I felt bad, he was like I have my own life and leave me alone. I assumed he was not well, I fucking hate dad so much. How can he lie like that, leave his family like that” I am shocked “dad doesn’t have a heart, we do. You know this” Malik is right but he is deadass wrong, my phone started ringing “hello” I picked up straight away, it’s Robyn so of course “when are you coming back? We need to talk” that word talk, that is never good “I miss you and also I found a place, I just need you to come back yeah?” I was going to Texas but I can redirect “I am coming, are you ok? Is the baby ok?” I hope nothing is seriously wrong “we fine, I just want you here” my baby is feeling hurt “ok, I am on the jet now. I am coming” I am scared now.
The worst jet ride ever, my jet had to refuel in New York I was like I ain’t got the time so I caught a flight on Delta and that got delayed. It’s taken me longer than twenty four hours to get back to California, I am so jet lagged “you know I hate being here, when we getting an apartment?” Malik complaining like he can’t do it “do it then, do not go to Naomi or whatever she is affiliated with. Find some, come back to me. You got the bag?” Malik turned around dragging his legs “we will go back to Texas, I just need to see Robyn. And I will probably be late” Malik held out the Burberry bag “but you shouldn’t drive like this? You’re tired” taking the bag from him “I am not, I got a SUV. I am not stupid, I feel like I have been away for so long or maybe so much has happened. I’ll be back and do me a favour, find out where Naomi is. She is in California, find out for me ok?” I want the bitch to leave, she is staying here for a reason and I don’t like “I will after my nap, you drained me. You never stop” he is not me at all.
I know for a fact Robyn ain’t living here “this can’t be it” I said to myself in the car, let me drag myself out of this SUV. The driver got out “it’s ok, I will get out. I will contact you when I need to go” opening the car door, grabbing the bag as I got out “are we in the hood?” closing the door “the hood? You wouldn’t know the hood even if you tried, see what I tell you about him Leon” this is not it “I said get an apartment not a traphouse, what is this?” Robyn wants to be mad at me but she also wants to laugh “wow, she knows you. You actually are boujee” she knows me then why do this “I am tired, I will be nice come here” wrapping my arms around Robyn, she has arms across her chest not impressed “you called my new place a traphouse, you’re not in my good books now” I chuckled “I mean, I didn’t see inside. The place around looks a little bad, come show me then” shaking Leon’ hand “you love shaking people’ hands, you have issues” I thought I was being polite “he has soft hands, it’s ok” Leon said “but I hope you like it, I mean we haven’t done anything to it. She was kind of mindful to you” if she was mindful she would let me do it “I am sure I will like it” I lied, I am just going to say no.
Walking up the steps “it’s two bedrooms” Robyn said before we got there “you have to walk up the steps, that’s dangerous. It can be raining and you fall. Two bedrooms? So where is my child staying? You want my child to hear it’s parents having sex?” Robyn elbowed me in the stomach “ouch” holding my stomach “we have a pool out there” Leon added “community pool, no thank you” Leon gasped “you are so boujee, I did say for you to get it but Robyn said no, I did say move closer to you and she also said no. I tried” I like Leon, he’s good. Watching Robyn unlock the door, so this is a open plan for anyone to just come. I mean ok it’s nice, it’s not bad. It’s not secure at all “don’t give me that face” Robyn pointed at me, she knows I won’t like it. Walking by her and into the apartment, the living room already. It’s rather big actually “if you put Leon on a sofa bed then the baby will have it’s own room” it’s a great idea “how about you put your child in a damn crib in the same bedroom like any normal child, not everyone is boujee as you” there is a couch here already “you got this?” I asked “it was here already” sighing out “I am not happy” I openly said “I am not shocked, but I like it. You maybe wealthy but nobody knows me, I am good” shaking my head in annoyance, this is stupid.
Placing the bag down, I am happy to see Robyn is ok. I was worried that the bitch would do something “who did you go through to get this?” I asked, we haven’t spoke on this “oohhhh yeah, this is me going. I am just going to get some pizza, yes just that” Leon said, I hope to god this has nothing to do with Naomi “cool, I am hungry Leon” looking down at my caller I.D it’s Malik “bro” answering the call “she’s in California, she’s staying in the same hotel as us” she got balls “seriously?” Malik snorted laughing “I was walking to go and investigate and she is right there, so yeah”just great “ok thanks, I will see you soon and Malik. Apartments, look for them” needed to remind him of that, disconnecting the call “I am glad to see you, to see you’re ok” Robyn walked by me to sit down “likewise, you had fun though. Partying” scratching my head “well yeah, it’s just my sister and brother” which is true “it’s funny because I didn’t know nothing about you, it seems like I do now. You’re there, pictures of you partying are all there. Maybe I should take the Google alerts off but least you had a good time but when you said business, that should mean business” she is not happy “it is business though, in a weird way I get to meet people at this parties. But I missed you like crazy, I did go shopping though. I mean I did for myself and I got you something” grabbing the bag, walking over to Robyn “for you, the black dress is not from Burberry I just put it in the bag. I saw that in in Chanel, I hope you like it. I picked them, I did it” Robyn bit her bottom lip smiling, she wants to be mad at me but she can’t, I mean it is me. Robyn opened the bag, she picked out a Burberry cap “I hope you like it” she placed it on the couch “you shouldn’t have you know, I just want you. Not this” she picked out the black dress, Robyn smiled so wide “Oh my, this little black dress is beautiful. How do you know my size though” she stood up “I studied your body, I know you” Robyn held it up against her body “you really do, I love it. Thank you, this is so beautiful” she gushed “I got you a Burberry coat, I saw it at the fashion show, the whole fit and I know it will look nice on you” Robyn shrieked running to me with the dress in hand “I adore you so much Maurice, oh my god. I could cry right now” she hugged me, that means she likes it “I do work when I am away, I saw Burberry fashion show and I imagined you in such things” I really do.
Robyn put the things back in the bag “I am keeping the bag too, I think this is the most expensive thing in my closet but don’t. I don’t want you spending on me” sitting down on the couch “you can wear it, we can go out on a date or something. When you free that is, I will be in California now. I am going Texas but that is nothing” I am so happy to see Robyn smiling “that is fine, we will arrange a date. So you really don’t like this place?” she is asking like she knows I won’t “it’s ok but I can’t promise you will be staying here for long, if it’s Leon I don’t mind him. I just want to keep you safe, I don’t feel it like this” not now Naomi knows “because of Naomi” I cringed, I don’t like to hear Robyn say that name “Leon set up a meet, he didn’t know but I didn’t know she owned that either. How does she know me? That is what scared me the most” I hate this, I hate dragging Robyn in this “she called me, I was scared to bring it up to you because then you will think I am just talk with her. She said she saw you, I have done good for myself. Protect her” Robyn scoffed “is that it?” nodding my head “she called our baby a bastard child that will never be accepted, she told me to run from you and your family, she made me feel like she would harm my baby so I left, she was being a bitch” Naomi never said anything like that “bastard child? You know that is not true, I am here. It has a dad, she is bitter. Don’t take that to heart” I am going to get that bitch killed, she is pushing me. I am trying to be nice “I want to know from you she won’t harm us?” Robyn asked, licking my bottom lip “she won’t but” she will only stay away for that one thing I do.
“But what?” I can feel Robyn looking through me, it’s making me nervous “Robyn, I don’t want to lose you. You’re the only person I want, I know we are working things through. You found out I was married, I am blessed you want to know, I am blessed you’re having my child but it will break me if you leave me. You said what we have don’t have a tag because it’s what I feel in our heart, we are together. You bring out the side of me I never thought I would see, this Maurice is different from any other Maurice people know. You changed me and my whole outlook in wanting to be here, there is a reason to be around. I just don’t want to lose you, you have to understand being married was on paper and I still don’t understand why I let it happen but I was very lost, I was still lost until I met you. People talk about love but I never understood till now, with you. I haven’t cheated if you thinking that” I am making it sound like I am “you are scaring me, the heartbreak I went through I can’t go through with it again. I thought my life was over, me being pregnant bought me out of it. Don’t hurt me like that again” shaking my head “I have not cheated, never have once being with you and I wouldn’t with you. I am happy with you, I did make that mistake in not saying I was married but I wanted a chance. I didn’t expect this anyways, not to be in love. So that night I came to you in hospital, I got the phone call. I was with Naomi to talk, that was it. I didn’t know she was staying here after I left to see you, she followed me to the hospital and I am guessing she saw me with you and put one on one together” I wish I used my brain with that “so you met with her for what?” she don’t care about that part then “I put my divorce through, it got sent to her. She called me crying, said let’s talk. So she came to California, we just spoke. I told her the marriage is dead, as much as she is holding onto something but I want to be free from it. She said” how can I say this to Robyn, this is hard “she said that she needs time, she needs time to gather herself. I felt bad because she was telling me how much she craves a baby and she can’t have it, as much as our marriage is over I have a feeling so is her mom’ because she knew. She said she doesn’t have anything and she has the business, her family that more than likely won’t want her. She said she wants to remain married to me until she is set up and ready for this, she will set a contract out for it and for me to get a second wife that will love me” Robyn looked down at the ground, she is upset with me but I didn’t want to lie.
Robyn looked up from the floor “and what did you say? The truth?” Robyn said “I said that I will think about it, to send the contract but she has to leave me alone” Robyn shook her head “second wife? I am nobody’ second wife or second best, this is what hurt me the most firstly! You treated me well but then had a whole ass wife. She wants you still, I can tell with the look in her eyes. You have to keep up with the marriage, family events when she is there. What am I then huh? Is my baby the bastard” rubbing my face in annoyance “you know that ain’t true, don’t call my baby that because I am here. I am here for you, I want you. You not second best. It works out for the best because then they will leave me alone meaning my family and then she will leave me alone and she will leave you alone, it won’t be forever and it will be in a contract” Robyn covered her face up with her hands, I am stressing her out “so you want this?” Robyn asked “I just think it takes a lot of pressure off me for now, I am stressed the fuck out. I have a lot going on, it’s not ideal but it may work out because she will tell my family about you and then I will tell her family about her. We will just rip each other apart, in a way we are working together to undertake the two people that ruined my life and then hers. It’s a mess I get it, but you are my priority. You are the person I want, you not my second anything because I am with you” Robyn got up from the couch “I just need space” I fucked up again.
Robyn hasn’t come out of the bedroom in a while now “Maurice?” Malik said my name “yeah?” I am already ready to cry, what if she is done with me which I don’t blame her “it’s best you did tell the truth, I know you could have kept it a lie but Robyn doesn’t deserve the lies. Just stop worrying, you need to sleep too so things seem worse than it it. I mean it is bad but I am glad you said the truth, I mean you are going to be a dad which is a blessing either way” he is right, Robyn finally appeared from the bedroom “thanks, I will call you back” I don’t know what she been doing in that bedroom, maybe crying or thinking “I don’t know what to say right now, this is all so too much. What do you want me to say or even do? I am now connected to the madness that is your family but” she paused “but I see how you are trying to protect me from that, I am not second best. I am not” Robyn put her hands up for me not to get up and hug her because I was about too “don’t” she said through her sob “I am crying for a lot of reasons right now” she wiped her tears with the back of her hand “I was put in your life for a reason, a reason I may hate. I am crying for you not me” she sniffled “I know I am not your second best or second wife, when I love you, I love you for keeps because I look into your eyes and I see a future with you. You know what scares me the most, if I never met you. Who was going to save you from yourself, who was going to make you happy. I make you happy and who am I to deny that, to deny something people pray everyday to have” my lips quivering as tears fell involuntary from my eyes “I can walk away and say I don’t want to know but I will be in that bed at night thinking of you, thinking on what you doing. Is he back on drugs, is he sleeping, is he looking after himself. You gave yourself to me, you gave me part of yourself to me that night you made love to me you gave yourself to me and we may not have realised it then but I do now. Love is just not a word to me, it’s actually showing it. Because with love Maurice you have to take on the bad, the bad is your family and I know you can’t take them on. You only taking them on now and that is for me and I see it” I sobbed out like a pained child “we will continue to grow Maurice, I am not leaving your side because that’s not how real love is, and I know you need me we will work through. Naomi is nothing to me or us, she doesn’t have what we have” Robyn has made me a mess, my heart is in pieces right now.
I am a grown ass man just crying my eyes out, she just read me. She knows me “I didn’t want to make you cry actually, that was not supposed to be it. I know you have been through a lot, no matter how much people hate me or you but I decide that. I don’t care about my parents, I am making that decision to be with you through this, to be the person that heals you and helps you and loves you. It’s a little shit the situation, but with our love I know we can get through this. I just need you to be truthful with me and let me help you, love ain’t easy and that is being tested. You can say I love you to anyone but not show it, I can do that. I could be doing that now but this is deep, I get physically sick being without you. You are actually my other half, Tiff always said I am always in my feelings but I knew I would someday find the one and I have” nodding wiping my tears, she has got me balling “you don’t understand, I didn’t think you would. You deserve better, shit like this you don’t deserve. I held it in, I didn’t want to lose you. I knew this was it, I was stuck between two worlds” Robyn shuffled over to me on the couch “you ain’t stuck between anything because you are mine, you are in this with me” Robyn placed her arm around my neck, placing her free hand under my chin “I want you to be good, I want to know you’re ok. I want you to move closer, don’t cry. I get you, I get your heart and we will heal” nodding my head, Robyn wrapped her arms around my neck and I couldn’t help it, I just ended up crying more.
My eyes are already small but it’s even worse now, my eyes are so sore “so this pizza is good” Leon said breaking the silence “we all friends now?” I can’t even eat, I am just drained “I mean do you agree on this traphouse? It’s fine though, I mean come on. It’s not that bad” looking around the room “it’s ok, I did say to Robyn she won’t live here for long. I am going to let her have her little fun, she is determined to be here” Leon gasped “but then you leave me with the bills? Bitch, I swear to god you are still paying. Hell nah, I ain’t about to be here on my own” I chuckled “I didn’t say you couldn’t come along, you looking for work? I may have an opening for you, I don’t know right now but I could give you a job” Leon shrieked out “can I be your assistant? I mean, there will be fine business men around, that way I can travel the world for free” Leon would be a dreadful assistant with doing no work “he shouts Leon, he is demanding” Robyn said “oh that is not much, light skinned niggas with tattoos are always demanding, I am ok with that. You done told me it made your pussy clap when he was angry” looking over at Robyn “Leon, seriously shut up. This was supposed to be between us” Leon opened the Burberry bag “well would you look at that, is the cap mine?” Leon said changing the subject putting the cap on his head.
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kaz-2y5-images · 6 years ago
One Drunk Night (Turns Into Paradise)||Jenneel x Reader PolyVerse Part One
Summery: You’re feeling a bit uneasy at a party held in your honor, and Jensen and Danneel come to the rescue when the night goes from bad to horrible, leading to a (slightly) drunken night of passion.
Characters: Y/N L/N, Jensen Ackles, Danneel Ackles, Reader’s partners (Jameson[OMC] and Lilia[OFC]).
Mentioned Characters: Jared Padalecki, Genevieve Padalecki
Parings: Jenneel x Reader, Original Characters x Reader, Original Character x Original Character.
Warnings: Drinking, RPF, spoiler in tags, betrayal, angst, slightl social anxiety, oral sex (male and female receiving), f/f oral sex, threesome (f/f/m), non-penetrative sex and it’s unbeta’d, (also, first time writing smut so please be kind.)
Word Count: 1218 + 846 smut
Notes: Feedback is loved and appreciated!
Tumblr has killed links so search IcyMasterlist on my blog, or if you want the series masterlist search JPSeriesMasterlist
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You did not want to be here. It wasn't that you didn't like the parties or events that came with being famous, but it was your birthday. And it was always too much of a hassle, dressing up, putting on a smile because god forbid if your face is neutral because then you're fake, and making your voice as cheerful as possible because you don't want to sound like an uptight bitch... but it is better than being at home with your lovers. You just wanted to sit at home, alone, and watch a movie.
But instead you were at party with all your friends and their husbands and wives in an emotionally exhausting environment. You cared about these people, yes, even loved a few of them, but the idea of spending hours at party walking and talking and drinking and knowing that one slip-up could make you the next celebrity scandal took its toll. Especially when the party is being held in your honor, marking your fifth year on Supernatural and twenty-seventh birthday, it was all so tiring to say the least.
It was getting late and you were in need of an escape when you heard your name being called, turning around to see Danneel and Jensen. You walked over to them quickly, hugging them tightly, and asking them to take you as far away from the party as possible.
"I've missed London," You said as you leaned over the balcony, "Too bad I'm spending my time at party and not at home."
"Why don't you just ask people to stop throwing parties on your behalf?" Danneel asked you. "It would clearly be much better for you."
"It's rude."
"Nothing's rude about asking to not do something that makes you uneasy." Jensen said, smiling sweetly. 
"Trying telling that to my boyfriend," You sighed. "Or my girlfriend."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Danneel asked you, moving to your other side and putting her hand on your bare shoulder and your skin lit up at the contact.
"Oh, no, nothing bad or anything, they just, you know, encourage me to-"
"Go to places that make you anxious." She said, rubbing her hand down your back and you tucked your face into her neck. It wasn't a secret that you used to have feelings for Jensen and Danneel, and you acted on them once. For about a week and you were sure you fell in love, for at least right then. But it was before you were on Supernatural, before you were an actress and was still just a model, it was before you found your partners, Jameson and Lilia, it was before they got married and had JJ and the twins. It was before. It's the past that you can never relive.
And you were never sure if they reciprocated those feelings, sure sometimes they flirted with you, but it wasn't really flirting, but it wasn't the way that they treated Jared or Misha or Gen or Rob or Rich, any of your friends. Sometimes they acted like they did want to be with you, but it was more like, if we could, we would do this. If you weren't in a relationship, if we weren't famous. If, if, if. It was all just "what if's" and "if we could's", and you were almost sure that- they're married and I'm in a relationship, I need to stop thinking like this. They're just flirting.
"Can you get me out of here?" And come home with me? You said, moving your head from Danneel's neck and turning to look at Jensen.
"Do you mean 'get you out of here' like 'go back to our hotel room and give you awesome birthday sex' or 'get you out of here' like 'take me home so you can make fun of our old shows'?" Danneel flirted. But it wasn't serious, and no matter how much you wanted to go back to there hotel and fuck until you can't remember your own name... you just can't.
"I'm in a relationship." If you could even call it that anymore.
"We know." Jensen said and gave you soft kiss on your cheek. "Where are they?"
"They didn't want to come." With me.
When you got back to your apartment, you weren't surprised to see the mess. It wasn't unusual for you to come home after work or a party to find your place looking like hell, always deciding to throw a party of there own. It was unusual to not find your lovers passed out on your couch.
"Jameson? Lilia? Loves where are you?" You said as you walked through your house. "You guys home?"
When you found them in your shared bedroom they were dressed and ready to go out and spend a night in London, and they were also packing their bags.
"Babes? Where're you going?" You asked as you stepped into the room.
"We were, uh," Lili said, looking to James, "We were just leaving dear."
"Leaving? Leaving where? Do you have a photo shoot?"
"Leaving, like leaving you, Y/N." He sighed and took his bag from Lili's hand. "Look, this was fun and all, but it's time for Lili and I to get serious about our relationship."
"I, I, I thought we were serious about our relationship."
"Y/N/N, how could we be? There's three of us," Lili said, "Honey, that's not a love thing, that's a let's have fun thing."
"A year and a half, a year and a fucking half of 'let's have fun'," You said, walking closer to them, "A year and a fucking half of my life wasted for 'let's have fun,' I thought you were in love with me."
"How could we be in love with you while you were in love with other people?"
Fucking bastards. 'How could we be in love with you while you were in love with other people?' My ass. You thought as you took a shot of whiskey. You were not in love with Jensen and Danneel. They're my friends, my best friends I am not in love with them. They were just the people that you went to when you should be going to your lovers, ex-lovers, the ones who make everything better when you know that it won't. They've always been there for you. And they offered themselves to you! Tonight! Screw your faithful ass, they would have been worth it. By now you were on the strong side of tipsy and felt like I have to do something! You took one last shot for courage and left your apartment.
When you got to the hotel you're friends were staying at, you knocked on the Ackles' room door, soaked in rain and with a tear-stained face. When Jensen opened the door, Danneel by his side, you, slightly drunkly, wrapped your arms around his waist and asked if the offer still stands, pressing sloppy kisses to the side of his neck and reached for Dee's hand.
"Not until you're sober and tell us why you've been crying, Y/N/N."
They took you inside and you talked and cried and they told you that you didn't deserve to be dumped like that, you got the slightest bit more sober and they got a little drunker. You fell asleep with your head on Danneel’s shoulder.
You woke up a few hours later, the clock said it was 2:30 in the morning, holding Danneel and Jensen was holding you. You tried to get up but only succeeded in waking them both up.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." You said and slipped your arms out from under Danneel. "Go back to sleep."
"Leaving already?" Jensen said jokingly, letting you go.
"Sadly so, I've taken up too much of your night already. I don't want to invade."
"You don't have to go." Danneel said, her voice was friendly but her eyes were lustful. "If you want, you can stay here with us tonight."
"Oh really?" You said and turned to face her, taking some of her hair twirling it in your finger. "And what would we be doing?"
Jensen put his hand on your waist and kissed you softly on your cheek. "Each other?"
"Fine by me." You said and Danneel kissed you, her lips were warm and soft and her kiss was gentle and sweet. Her kiss became deeper and Jensen kissed your neck, both of their hands going under your shirt.
You broke the kiss to take off your shirt, leaving you in just a bra and jeans, and straddle Jensen, leaning down to kiss him passionately. His hands went around your back and unclipped your bra, you leaned back to take it off while he took of his shirt.
Danneel put her hands on your hips and gently nipped at your jaw, you grabbed her hands and brought them up to your breasts. She massaged your breasts as you shared a passionate kiss, grinding against Jensen's confined erection. She put her hand down your jeans and into your panties, just barely brushing her fingers against your slit. You moaned and grinded harder against Jensen.
"Dee, honey, you are wearing way too man clothes." Jensen said, reaching down to unbuckle his belt. "We all are."
You grinned and got off the bed, pulling down your pants and your underwear, Jensen took off his pants and his boxers. Danneel kneeled on the bed and took off her shirt, she wasn't wearing a bra. You and Jensen both groaned at the sight and he pulled his wife in for a kiss and she shimmed out of her jeans and pulled off her panties.
You watched as they kissed and grind against each other, remember those few nights all those years ago and wonder why did you let them go.
"Are you gonna join us or are you just gonna watch?" Danneel asked, reaching down and wrapping her hand around her husband thick cock, making him groan.
You got back onto the bed and crawled over to them, taking Jensen's cock in your hand and kissing Danneel. You put your other hand in between her legs and run your fingers through her folds, collecting her arousal. You put your fingers in your mouth, tasting her sweet juices.
"You taste great."
"Doesn't she?"
Danneel crawled up Jensen's body, still facing you and kneeled over his face.
"Wanna taste?" He whispered a quick yes and pulled her down onto his face and started to eat her like she was gonna be his last meal. She moaned loudly and looked you dead in your eyes, and beckoned you over with her finger. You moved to kneel right next to her as she ride her husband's face and kissed you harshly, making you moan into her kiss.
"You wanna suck him off?" Dee said between kisses. "You suck Jay while he eats me out and I'll eat you? You'd love that, wouldn't you?"
"Fuck yes." You said and put your knees on each side of Jensen's stomach and bent over, giving Dee a perfect view of your cunt and took Jensen's member in your hand and slowly licked up his cock making him groan. Danneel bent over as well and lick a strip up your slit making moan out in surprise. "Oh, fuck." You took the head of Jensen's cock into your mouth sucking him into your warm wet heat and bobbed your head.
Dee teased your outer lips with the tip of her tongue until you were begging for her to fuck you. She smiled against your cunt and sucked your clit into her mouth and slipped a finger into your wet pussy, then another and you moaned around Jensen's dick. She moaned and grinded against Jensen's face and curled her fingers in a "come hither" motion and you took Jensen's dick as far into your mouth as you could, she thrusted her fingers against your G-spot and you moan loudly, coming hard. She fingered you through your orgasm and you sucked Jensen harder until he came, shooting ropes of his thick come down your throat. Danneel came as Jensen sucked her clit into his mouth, moaning softly and biting her lips. All three of you rolled off of each, took a shower together and fell asleep, not thinking about how you should be getting back to your apartment before anyone knows you’re here.
I hope you guys liked this, sorry it took so long.-Icy
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nighterfangirlwriter · 7 years ago
Fandom: The Originals 
Paring: Klaus x Reader
Prompt: (Requested) 30 “the vow doesn’t mean anything to you.” 32 “You mean the world to me.”
Warnings: None
Word count: 1668
A/N: I hope the story is up to your expectations. I have to admit I had no idea where to start. I hope you enjoy!  
“Where are you going?” Y/N rubbed her sleepy eyes, and as her vision become clear, she realised that her husband Klaus is getting dressed. “Go back to sleep, love.” He said as he was putting a leather jacket on. “I will be back soon.” He added and leaned in to kiss her. Then he left their bedroom.
Klaus and Y/N were living in the mansion with Klaus’s siblings, his one-night stand and his daughter; surrounded by enemies, constant threat and very little friends. And now that they were married, Y/N was in more danger than ever and since she didn’t want to go through the change yet, she was an easy target for Mikealson’s enemies. To protect their home and the most vulnerable members of the family – that being Y/N and Hope -  Y/N become the owner of the mansion and only invited could enter.
Y/N loved Klaus. She fall in love with him three years ago, when she came to New Orleans as a tourist after her parents died in the car accident – it is safe to say that winter roads plus New Year drunkenness equal drunk road pirates. – when they were coming home at night from their friends’ party. She was supposed to stay for a couple of days with her friends when she met Klaus and knew that he was the one she wants to be with. Since then they were like that; bonded by pure love. The day of their mirage was the happiest and saddest day of her life. She was filled with joy because she finally found her prince charming, but she was devastated because the two most important people in her life were no longer with her. Thanks to Klaus she had now a new family, a new life. They all accepted her as their own. She become best friends with everyone in the family. However, sometimes she wished it was only her and Klaus. The two of them with a family of their own. She never told anybody, especially the hybrid because she didn’t want them, him to think that she was selfish. So she kept it a secret. Weeks passed by and her sadness deepened, especially now that her king was never around, she falls asleep alone, and most of the time she woke up when Klaus was getting ready to leave. She missed him. His touch. His warmth. His essence.
Y/N sat on the couch in the living room, she was reading a book and sipping green tea from her favourite cup that she bought in Paris when she and her lover were on their honeymoon. Intensely focused on the love story, she was reading; imagining the prince in the book, that she didn’t realise that her own walked in.
Klaus was leaning against the doorframe. He observed his beautiful wife, and he couldn’t help but smile. She was his, and he would do anything for her. He still did not comprehend how she, pure as an angel could fall in love with a monster like himself. He let out a breath he did not realise he was holding and Y/N’s attention shifted from the book to him.
He walked up to her and sat beside her. Klaus extended one of his arms, and she came to his embrace. “How was your day, love?” He started the conversation. “You know the usual stuff.” She said. ‘Like what?” He questioned. “Well, I made myself breakfast, then I took a shower, cleaned a little, then I painted a little, okay more than a little, and now I am reading some book I found in the library.” She listed. “Seems like a busy day.” She nodded, and he added, “Wait a minute, did you only eat breakfast?” He looked at her with frowned brows and playfully angry eyes. “It is very possible.” Y/N answered. The hybrid rolled his eyes and took her hand motioning her to get up. “Come, I’ll make us something to eat.” She smiled and took his hand, getting up really fast. She lost her balance half collapsed into his arms. “Are you alright?” Klaus was worried. “It’s nothing.” She said taking his hand, walking to the kitchen.
Y/N sat on the countertop and Klaus prepared them dinner. The house was quiet. Rebekah and Freya went away for a shopping trip. Elijah took Hayley and Hope to spend some time together, and even Kol found himself somewhere else to be so the two of them could be alone for at last couple of days. After they had dinner, they sat on the couch in the same spot as before. They cling to one another telling the ridiculous stories from their past. It was so cute just the two of them. No one to interrupt. No worries. Just peacefulness. One thing led to another, and now in their bedroom, they were reliving their first honeymoon night.
The weekend was lovely, but like most things, it came to an end. The mansion was full once again.
                                                  Three Weeks Later
For some reason, you become angry. At everything and everyone.
“Urgh, where is it?” You searched angrily for your bracelet; the last gift from your parents. You crawled under the bed to search for it, but instead of finding the jewellery, you found a spider. And you being hysterically afraid of them you screamed, lifting your head instantly and you hit yourself, shouting ouch, and desperately getting out of there. “Y/N, is everything alright?” You recognised Elijah’s voice. You sat on the floor, your back resting against the wall. You breathed out loudly and tilted your head back to face the vampire. “Yes, I’m fine.” You lied, in reality, you were an emotional roller-coaster, in one moment you were happy and then seconds later you wanted to cry and the next you were angry. Truthfully you didn’t understand why. “It’s just-“ You continued “I lost my bracelet, and I wanted to look for it under the bed, and instead of finding it, I found a bloody spider.” You rolled your eyes. Elijah smiled amusedly. He lived for thousands of years, and there were not many things that could scare him, especially the most mundane things such as spiders. “I am sure you will find it.” He smiled kindly. “I hope so.” You said sadly, not looking at him. “I think I’ll go for a walk, to calm down a little.” You announced and got up getting your jacket which rested on the floor as you had a tendency to throw thing and clean them up later. “Would you like me to keep you company?” Elijah asked kindly. “No, I need some time to think.” You smiled in apology. “As you wish.” He said, and the both of you silently went down the stairs.
You left the mansion and was on your way to nowhere in particular when you hear. “And where do you think you’re going, love?” You rolled your eyes annoyed. Not turning around, you answered your husband. “For a walk. Alone.” Your annoyance clearly noticeable in your voice. “I am sorry, love, but it not safe for you to be out and about especially alone.” He replied calmly and added. “How about we go home now, and I promise that we will escape the town for a weekend. We can go anywhere you want. Deal?” You knew it was not an argument you could win. Because the truth to be told he would not let you go alone. And it would end up with you back in the mansion. However, stubbornness was something you got from your father, and so you decided to pursue your plan. You started to walk. With a speed of a wind, Klaus was standing right in front of you. You crossed your hands and squinted your eyes and pursed your lips. “You know it is dangerous, Y/N.” “It is always dangerous, now get out of my way Niklaus.” The moment he herd his full name leave your mouth he was confused, you only used his full name when you were angry with him. So, what did he do? He questioned in his thoughts. “What’s wrong? What did I do?” He asked, his voice filled with hurt. You took a deep breath and sighed. “I need to put everything together. I am scared, Klaus. Every time you leave, I’m scared that you will not return to me, to us.” Tears were fighting their way to escape, but you fought them back. “I am scared that the promise we made, that the vow doesn’t mean anything to you,” You couldn’t fight it any longer, and you let the tears loose. Klaus swallowed hard and stood there like a statue, while you continued to speak. “I understand you made a vow to your siblings and they made one to you. But I- I can’t, I’m lost, I don’t know what to do, now that I-“ He didn’t let you finish as he took you to his embrace and gently pressed his lips to yours. “You mean the world to me.” He said against your lips and then pressed them back to yours. “I am sorry if you felt abandoned by me. It will never happen again. I swear.” You smiled through your tears which were like a wild waterfall streaming down your face. He cupped your cheeks and softly whipped the tares off. “I need to tell you something.” You said to him. He looked deep into Y/E/C eyes. “What is it darling?” A cheerful smile appeared on your face. “You need to promise that you will stay calm.” You toyed with him. “I cannot make such promise, love. But I will try.” He said seriously but playfully, attempting to match your tone. You leaned in and whispered in his ear so nobody else could hear you. You wanted to share this moment with him and only him. Your warm breath made him shiver awaiting the news, and then you said sweetly “I am pregnant.”                  
  PS: Requests are open!
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Tagged: @graysonmalfoy @sassymcgonagal1651 @elenavaldez02
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noexit-ff · 7 years ago
47. Part 2
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Staring at Mijo as he walked over to my car ever so slowly, I done waited on this nigga for half hour to come out. He needed a shower but whatever, he out here now “what’s up nigga?” he said as he opened the car door “why the hell you out here? Ain’t you supposed to be with your new besties” he is still butt hurt “are you still crying over that? They ain’t new niggas, I told you my reasoning. If my wife and I died I would want to know my son is sorted, you have too much going on with you. You’re still his uncle, when we fucked up did you think I took it out on your kids? I still saw them” he banged my car door shut “I just got upset nigga, I wanted to be godparent. I am over it but I am still upset” he needs to get over it “so where we going? Why are you out? You ain’t answer me?” I have no idea where we going “erm somewhere but what can I say, I can’t deal with that place. I don’t want to sit there, I feel odd as fuck” Mijo chuckled “you married their spouse you marry the family, why you think I ain’t marry no bitch but hey, I am out here lonely now with kids. But Rih really let you out” driving off slowly “I walked out, I just don’t feel the need to be there. She can chill with her family she loves so much” I don’t give a fuck “wow, my nigga. Who hurt you?” why is Mijo sounding so shocked “that family, fuck them. I find them fake asses, fake like Jay Z” Mijo snorted laughing “wow, ok. You beefing with the family now. You got to save that for papa Clinton” Mijo doesn’t need to remind me.
“Oh hell no, I am not dealing with no drunk breezy. Fuck no” turning my car engine off laughing “calm down, I just want to play some pool and relax. A few drinks, I am not getting drunk because they are there” Mijo sighed out “alright but on a real, you should be with Robyn. They come out for your family and you out here, I just don’t want you to be in trouble” why is Mijo telling me what to do “I know what I am doing, Mijo bro. I am telling you now, I know her family don’t like me. That dickhead Rajad out here holding my son, I was chilled at first. When that shit happened to me, I was cool but when I think about it. They all probably want to lowkey kill me, I mean I ain’t done shit good. They tolerate me but with me I don’t need to tolerate shit” Mijo shook his head “but you do, we all don’t like shit. I don’t like Mel but I have to because that’s my child, that is my little nigga. Her family about to be there tomorrow, you think I ain’t lowkey trying to not be seen? They want to beat my ass, I think you are just not letting go of what happened in Barbados. You think being like this is going to make your wife like you? I saw she has text you, you don’t want to read it because you know. You need to let shit go with that family, you assume they be talking shit but that is because you trying to act ready for when they do” grabbing my phone from the side panel “you nosey” Mijo pointed at the screen “it popped up, I know she is cussing you out. That is Rihanna for you” unlocking my phone, tapping on the message.
From: Robyn
To: Chris
I’ll leave your food to the side so don’t eat out
She ain’t cuss me out, locking my phone “did she cuss you out then?” shaking my head “then you fucked up even more, you need to let it go. You fighting with your family, that’s family point blank now. You married into that family like she is married to yours, I ain’t even going to talk to you because you dumb, so let’s go” Mijo opened the car door, rubbing the side of my face, I rather be out here then there anyways.
Dapping Fresh walking around the pool table with my drink in hand “it’s like a family reunion, you ain’t tell me you told the boys to come out too?” Mijo said behind me “how is young prince Brown? You ain’t bring him out?” Fresh asked “he good, y’all still coming? Remember, act right” sitting down as Mijo sat next to me “they lead by example” Mijo said, glaring at him “what is your problem? You should be on my side” Mijo shook his head “I am not your little bitch, I messed my life up but that don’t mean I can’t tell my best friend when he is wrong” looking away from Mijo, Fresh looked away “don’t worry ok, I ain’t getting drunk. My marriage is fine” sitting back in annoyance “that’s why you out here a day before your son’ Christening?” Lo said “shiiit nigga” Fresh said “nah, I was just saying” why are these niggas coming out “I pay for y’all, you better act like you know too. I did that one thing and y’all think my marriage is all fucked up. I can go out, my home is busy” the boys fell ever so silent “well according to Ronald, I quote in his interview. Chris feels trapped in the marriage that is why he is acting out, he has brainwashed my daughter to stay” frowning at Mijo “what interview? The hell you read that from Mijo?” I don’t know about any interview “just today, it’s all over twitter, it got released today. He feeling butt hurt about not being around” everyone is so full of shit, why is everyone out here watching me and my marriage “if you out here and not home, it looks it” sighing out, I come out to not hear it but they still on my case.
Stepping off the elevator, I didn’t get drunk. I just stayed out longer then I should have but atleast the house is quiet, they all asleep, well I hope so. Rubbing the back of my neck while walking the lobby “these steps are no good for me” I stopped in my tracks looking up, Robyn’ grandfather is awake “I startled you, I just need some water” looking behind me “there is an elevator you could use” he sighed out reaching the bottom “oh lord, I forgot. You need to show me how to use it, my back is going” he stretched out “you just come in son?” nodding my head “just had a lot to do” he nodded his head “can you show me where you keep your glasses, I came for water” letting an oh “stay here, I will get you a bottle” walking off down the lobby, turning onto my right to see who is sleeping in the living room. Poking my head around and snorted laughing, do all of the Barbados family breath heavy when sleeping. Shaking my head, let me get that water.
Passing him the water bottle “thank you, you have a lovely home. Thank you for letting us stay, I told her that we can say in a hotel but no. My granddaughter said if you coming here, you coming in style and staying in my home. I am so proud of her so much but thank you for letting us stay” licking my lips not really saying a word “she didn’t have to send the jet over, I said commercial flying is fine. I don’t do all the expensive things” furrowing my eyebrows, she sent the jet over but she didn’t tell me “I didn’t even notice you left, I said where is Chris and my daughter said oh Lionel he needs to work. I love a man that works hard” I didn’t even work “anyways, show me the elevator. I don’t do these new things in homes, I didn’t want to get lost” Robyn really did shit without me knowing, that is fucked up “yeah, let’s go” turning around to walk back towards the elevator “Clara always said you would be back, she liked you a lot” Lionel grabbed my arm “my back has gone a little, I need a little help” nodding my head “I liked Clara too, she was like my grandma. What would have you done if I didn’t walk in?” I questioned “sat down and then try again, I am a little fighter. I don’t stop, I just try again. My back will be fine, I just need to take my tablets” he is a frail man, I feel somewhat bad because he came here.
“Goodnight Christopher, and little Chris has your ears, oh boy” looking behind me laughing, touching my ear “goodnight” he is crazy, hopefully he can use the elevator on his own now. Shaking my head sighing out, Robyn been doing things without me knowing. That’s not how a marriage works, I just feel like I always have to put my guard up with her family. Like they would do something, that is just me but I am not evil. I am just confused and hurt, I have been such a dickhead and I mean they don’t deserve it. I am annoyed at Ronald creating whole ass rumour, Robyn and I are fine. I mean she is probably hating me but I am stupid, I just get nervous because everything just comes at us. I have a lot of making up to do, pushing open the bedroom door. Closing the door behind me, looking over at a sleeping Robyn. She is sleeping in the middle of the bed again and has the bed side light on, I am going to have to drag her back to her side. I hate how my mind works sometimes, my mind is fucked but my heart ain’t and maybe I need to listen to my heart rather than my mind. Walking around the bed, stupid ass nigga I am, seeing the pillow on my side placed in front Junior. My son has really took my side of the bed, they both look so cute together. Junior is laid out on his back, his one hand just resting on Robyn’ face and other resting on the pillow. They both look so adorable, smiling at them both and hating that I miss out on things like this. I guess I will sleep on the couch in the bedroom, I don’t want to wake them.
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Staring at Junior with my eyes half hooded as he played with his hands, he sure did wake my ass up with a hit to the face. Junior stuck his fist in his mouth and dragged his eyes to me, he froze staring at me and then a smile grew on his face “stop it, you’re melting my heart” his fist his mouth smiling at me “morning handsome, you make the best person to wake up too” Junior kicked his legs as he gurgled out “we have a busy day today” I best get out of bed, I have my family here but no husband because he ran away, he’s not even made the effort in texting me back “your dad is an ass” shifting onto my back, I am still feeling a little tired but I am excited. Pushing the covers back “come here handsome” picking Junior up, holding him close and shuffling out of bed “you think you going to let mommy have breakfast first or do you want breakfast first?” fixing Junior on my hip, noticing the pile of clothes in the middle of the room which is Chris’ so where is he half naked. Walking slowly ahead and then seeing Chris sprawled out on the couch with just his boxers on and no blanket “what is he like Junior” I sighed out, I guess I better get a blanket for him.
I can smell food, my mom is at it again with the breakfast “mommy, you didn’t need too” I said smiling at her “no baby, I want too. I want my babies having all the strength today and my grandbaby” she kissed Junior’ cheek “come, we have space on the table. I woke up the girls, we have so many people to get ready” my mom waved me over, she knows her way around my home now I just love my mom so much “thank you mommy, she is the best. Ain’t she handsome” walking behind my mom “let me have him, you eat” my mom said taking Junior from me “if he doesn’t cry, I haven’t fed him yet so he may just cry” Majesty ran at me “hey baby, I am guess you want to sit with auntie. Come” turning Majesty around “morning bitches, it feels like old times. I have my girls with me, like it makes me feel so warm inside. Mel, Jen, Sonita, Noella, Nicolette. I am just so happy” I said while sitting down “last night was even fun but you not drinking really annoyed my life” Sonita said pointing at me “look, I need to feed my baby but look at you hoes, y’all look awful. Drunk asses but did you enjoy the couch” shuffling my chair in “it’s comfy but let’s ask Mel, she is the one sleeping in a baby crib” shaking my head laughing “the baby crib is huge ok!” Mel said defending herself.
I wish my mom didn’t sit across me, Junior is staring at me like how dare you leave me sitting here not feeding me “mom this is awful, everytime I eat he is looking at me like excuse me bitch” my mom laughed looking down at Junior “he got his father’ attitude, give me those titties bitch” Jen spat “hopefully Chris will make time for us this time” Sonita said, rolling my eyes “I am sure he will” Jen giggled “Sonita wants a meet and greet, we got it girl” Sonita waved Jen off “it’s not that, like I don’t get to interact with the man that is making my bitch happy. He runs away, what can I say. I like to know family” I can barely get Chris to sit with my family “maybe he scared of your big mouth, I am playing. He is asleep but he will give you all of the attention you demand” I will have to see what his mood is like, I don’t wish to speak to him but I have too “awww no, that is it he is crying now” I am happy he is crying, this is my time to run away from the Chris issue.
Closing the bedroom door, I am thankful for him crying “I was going to come down” Chris half scared me to death “right” seeing his ugly face “go down” walking round him “I want to apologise, now you’re being childish” here he goes, I walked around him and I am childish “you look ugly, just sort your face out. I am sick of seeing it” he does nothing right and I am so happy to go to Barbados without him, laying Junior on the bed. Turning around and hitting into Chris’ chest “I said I am sorry Robyn ok” looking up at him “and I said you look ugly, go down and leave me alone. I am trying to look after our son, the thing you run away from” Chris stared at me all offended “fucking bullshit, I am always here” stepping back from Chris “great, you are here now. I accept your sorry, lets move on to the next thing you are going to say about my family. I am done ok? Now shut up and move” he won’t let me go and get Junior’ towel “I don’t want to argue with you, I feel bad. I acted stupid” nodding my head without a care because he has done it before “ok, now move. You ditched me, you stormed off and didn’t care about me did you? I am just a sperm donor my ass” Junior started to cry “get out my face ok, I am trying to feed him and I don’t need you killing the vibe” I am so angry at him.
Chris hasn’t really moved, he is still staring at me for what ever reason “I don’t have the time to argue, please go and shave. Look a little less ugly” I just want him to go “but you acting like I am a bad dad, I am there for you both. You the one lying about things, you got them a whole ass jet, you didn’t say” shaking my head laughing “tell you so you can throw abuse at them? It’s come to the point where I just don’t tell you, why? Why should I tell you, for you to just say how horrible they are and they don’t deserve it, I rather not hear it. I don’t want you to come to Barbados at all, even if you decide yes I don’t want you there, you can’t be sat with me in our own home then you can’t be sat in the home in Barbados. I am going there to enjoy my family, not to hear you complain about everything. Then you didn’t text me back, stayed out with your pathetic friends, I don’t actually accept your sorry. All I want from you today is to slap on a smile and carry on with the day, tomorrow I will be gone with my family. You can do what you like, if you feel like cheating then do it because you’ve just worked my last nerve” I am done with him, I just want to be left alone. Hitting his hand away “didn’t I tell you? Leave me alone, you couldn’t do one thing. You know what annoyed me the most? The fact my family are being nice to you, it’s actually making me angry. Don’t fucking touch me and act like I will have sex with you, fuck off and go” he is a man child, I can’t deal with it and I need to get away from him.
Rubbing Junior’ back, he’s asleep now and content with things. Least he is happy, his eyes opened lazily but they was quick to shut again, that looked like it was so much effort “so you are going to tomorrow?” Junior’ eyelashes are so long, so pretty “you damn right I am, do as you please. You do that anyways, please don’t try and come chasing me to please me, leave me alone” laying Junior back down in my arm, dragging my eyes up to Chris he is thinking and I know him so well, he is thinking on what do I do. He has something planned, probably was going to come to Barbados because Chris really doesn’t know what to do with himself alone “what about Maurice? Two weeks away from him is long, what if he forgets me” Placing Junior on the bed “you’re going to make everyone late, just do what I said. Please use the fake smile today, I am certainly getting used to doing that since you leave me every chance you get. Selfish” I wish he would stop staring at me and does what he needs to do, he is wrong and doesn’t know what to say.
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imoutofreach1 · 4 years ago
I have decided to turn this into a blog. A blog where truth honesty and integrity and I don't have to be intimidated by feeling and showing my life as raw and hard and the challenges I face on a daily occurance truly is as someone who suffers with schizoeffective disorder lives feels and thinks. Welcome to hell and bliss All in one. Oh and don't let me forget to tell you drug addiction. Also. Starting this completely fucked up story off and how I abused a very important friendship. This is a true and accurate story of life and how easily you someone can fuck everything up. Life for me started off completely shitty as a child I would have to guess that life started with abuse at the age of 8yrs of age. See my parents were not fit to be parents they should have. Protected me as a child and throughout my. Younger years but they failed. I was molested by their friend who was a " family friend" haha.you know even your parents can be. Bought to turns blind eye. At the age of 1p we moved from the east coast to California. Wowwwhat a mistake. My father not a dad. Brought his family if 5 here and divorced my mother less then a yr after arriving. Wait. So my dad left my mother for a woman he started N affair with before the move band we were forced to move in with. My dad's brothers. Family. Mistake number 3 they subjected me too. My uncle molested me what the fuck you're supposed to trust family's oh hell no. I was 10 and a half or so. That's when life just started to get rich.. so as his wife walks down the hall and asks what he's doing and he replys I'm covering her up. And the good lil soilder I am I agree. Life is not easy knowing that night if my mom was with her kids and not conceuwith getting boned or drinking that I would have been safe that night asleep with a mother not hands down my pants. By a blood relative..well I. Think like anyone would do at the age that would have become rebellious and try not to feel. Some conflict. Happens I in the home that was mine that my father's brother bought and moved his family in and like that I was a guest in my own home. And I got the added bonus of family "love" sick shit so conflict broke out between my dad's brother and me and I ran away. I. Had gotten in the ice cream trucks guys truck well oh yeah he took real good care of me I don't know junk I was 11 yet.well he took me to Escondido didn't know where I was at that time but I know it now. Well like any kid would think they were safe with the ice cream man. He and his buddy persued to get me drunk and high.so much that I couldn't function he out me in the station wagon of his where I'm blacked out and came to where I found a fat ass dirty ass Mexican pin my back where he was fucking a 10 yr old and when I got up weather or heard my cry's idk I was able to make it to the tree next to the car and I don't know. How
Does a kid feel when they were just raped . I was brought to his friends house and as I sat on her sofa sue had cartoons on for her kid. I fucken hate cartoons. I made it home and walked in my molesters home and my mother who is never around and my perpatrators home that was mine first. I was put on the couch and had a fist raised in my face she didn't hit me but had she I might have. Thought she loved me.. while theyre being responsible they had no idea I was just raped. No child should experience this type of life yet or ever. I'm living with this in mind and body. There was never love it life by the two people who brought me in this God awful world. So we cont. to live with them .the family that demised my life. My older cousin was getting married and I was probably 12 and everyone was drunk at the reception and I had asked for an older woman to stay because she was to fucked up to drive bi was chocked. By my father's brother and yes mind me. I had to get through this alone too. I went to my father's home where I pounded on the door and was just tring to find a safe place. My dad's wife knew I was there so I climbed throughout the bathroom window where I was greeted by my dad's wife naked with a knife no lil one a butcher and was escorted to the door. As i noticed the bruses went around my entire neck.so as I am realizing at this moment I have only had myself for my whole life. So that's the horror story as I'm still young I guess we are at the age of 12 . I'm giving you the gore of my life leaving most of the moving between dad's. Home and moms homes. And all the time my life has been filled with men who only want lil girls to rub their dick and give me booze give me crystal and smoke pot with me. I'm surprised that. Not more damaged to that I am. It's amazing that I have not started to attempt suicide much earlier in life than my early 20s 23 to be exact. And all the while I'm doing methamphetamine and drinking and smoking pot I figure it this way I deserve to get high in this stage only life. I don't think I deserve to live with the pain of loss or memories of someone I love it and I lost because I won't tell the people I care about and treat them with the respect they deserve simply because Im scared to trust and love. Now I have my life to finish up the way it is supposed to play out. . I have love one woman with every fiber of my being and had 2 chances to have her in. My life and you guessed it did fuck it up once I did it twice now I have to live with the fact that I have to live the rest of this life without my best friend
I want to make it clear and honest when you love someone with all your heart you don't think about anything except wanting to be a better person and not for yourself but for them. Not the fact of sex. If you're still thinking about sex I definitely did not reach you. And if you ever think that it might have ended different no probably not. In the end there's always an end. Love the experience I got to share with you I didnt know it could be anything but honest and felt with courage and just know. It's a life I only wanted to share with her and forget about one of the biyches in my past I want nothing more but to forget one day I'll get to rest and stop hatred I want freedom complete
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mentalgrenade · 5 years ago
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I wrote the below a few years ago in response to a writing prompt about a memorable moment. When I re-read it recently, I thought about overhauling it, but decided to leave it in its original form. It illustrates a bit of the fear, loneliness, and anxiety families of our deployed service members experience.  
“I’m going to die in a fiery inferno after all.” I laughed out loud at the irony.  All my life I knew that’s how I would meet my maker, but I never expected it to be in a new house, all alone, 900 miles from home.  July 1st my husband unexpectedly deployed to a combat zone, leaving me in a new house, in a new town, with three diaper-wearing, time-sucking babies.  
When we looked at the house months before, we saw the cul-de-sac and children on their bikes; we saw well-manicured lawns and happy, normal families.  Maybe we saw what we wanted to, maybe the neighborhood changed in those few months.  Either way, I now lived by a house full of single, rowdy Marines, partying in a home no one was paying for.  Judging by the pink Dora toddler bed and mountain of toys I saw on trash day, the wife and kids moved out and left the Marine to live mortgage free with his buddies until the bank foreclosed on the property.    
I made it through July 4th like I made it through the three days before.  I changed about 21 diapers, fed my kids, played with them, changed their clothes, etc etc. and now, I was enjoying that moment of pure joy where everyone was finally asleep and the house was quiet.  I laid down on the couch, feeling sorry for myself.  I turned on a stupid reality show where a celebrity whined about being away from her husband for a weekend.  I turned it off.  The irony of the patriotic holiday disgusted me.  It mocked me.  My husband was at war, putting himself in danger, suffering for the cause of who really knows what at this point, serving our country, and on this day where I should be somehow honored for my sacrifice too, I’m alone in a new place and unhappy.  Normally, that entitlement attitude irritates me in others, but I was allowing myself to wallow in my self-pity.  I drifted off to sleep too exhausted to even cry.
In my hazy dreams I saw Drew.  In the distance he was running away from me, I couldn’t see his face, but I knew it was him.  I tried to catch him, but I could never run fast enough.  Explosions started going off, and I tried to warn him, but I couldn’t get the words out.  My heart raced, and my body was so tense it hurt.  Suddenly I was awake.  The explosions weren’t just in my dreams, they were a part of my reality.
I jumped off the couch, nearly falling down because my foot had fallen asleep.  Ignoring the pins and needles of my limbs coming back to life, I made my way to the back deck.  Our dog, Tucker the timid, afraid of all things thunderous, refused to join me.  As soon as I opened the door, I was hit with a wall of humidity and heat, and I heard explosions accenting the music coming from my neighbors’ yard.  I’ve never known a Marine to pass up an opportunity to play with explosives.
I stood for a minute trying to see over the privacy fence, then I saw what was coming—bottle rockets.  Into the woods, into their yard, into MY yard, onto MY roof, where my kids were finally tucked in for the night.  “They are so stupid,” I thought, “it isn’t even dark enough for fireworks yet.”  Drunk Marines do stupid things.  Should I confront them? What should I say?  Am I being unreasonable?  Then I realized, what if something were to happen to me, I have no friends, my husband is gone, no one would notice.  I have family, but it isn’t like I talk to them every day.  How long would it be before anyone really even noticed I was gone?
Wouldn’t it be ironic for Drew to lose his family because of explosives while he’s on the other side of the world diffusing IED’s and blowing things up?  Fireworks are considered explosives, right?  Maybe I’m too obsessed with irony.
I went back inside and half-heartedly consoled trembling Tucker.  Was he upset because of our neighbor’s party or because he sensed the sadness that dragging me down into a pit of defeat.  When the kids were awake, I tried to be happy for them, but when the house was finally quiet at night and the exhaustion set it, I couldn’t fake it anymore.
I went to my room and through the closed window, heard the loud, drunken cackles from my neighbors’ deck.  They mocked me; the whole day mocked me.  Maybe the house would burn down tonight, but at this point, I just didn’t care.  I put a pillow over my head, and was asleep almost immediately.
Morning came too soon, as it always did.  I took the kids outside before the heat became unbearable, and surveyed the yard.  Bottle rockets were strewn all over my grass, some having scorched the grass beneath them.  I began tossing them over the privacy fence, imagining if I found one intact, would I light it first?  My aim was good, I could get it on their roof.
My adorable one year old waddled up to me and with piercing blue eyes full of innocence and asked, “Mama happy?”  
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