Here’s a literal BASKET OF PUPPIES to brighten your day
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enigmatic-bumble · 1 year
You read something and its like wow!!! This possibly can't get any worse!!!
And it's just progressively getting so much worse
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odysseys-blood · 4 months
i havent posted any songs i like in a minute so heres one thats been playing on repeat in my head for days
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alas-i-cannot-sim · 1 year
Don't wanna jinx myself, but..
I think I've found my Gomez 🥹♥️
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
flutter??….. she gonna eat her out in her sleep isnt he??? 🤦‍♀️😭…. break?? what breakk?? no break.. just break my heart all over again
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necrorotted · 1 year
long post but...
the wangxian confession scene just hits so different. it's so genuine, the way wei wuxian fumbles some with how to say it. the way wangji doesnt believe him right away. the build up, the choice of words... UGH
Taking a deep breath, Wei WuXian said quietly, “……I really do have terrible memory. I’ve forgotten a lot of things from before, including that night at the Nightless City. What really happened during those few days, I really don’t remember a thing.”
Hearing this, Lan WangJi’s eyes widened slightly.
Wei WuXian abruptly clutched Lan WangJi’s shoulders and continued, “But! But starting from now, everything you say to me, everything you do to me, I’ll remember them all, I’ll never forget a thing!”
Wei WuXian said, “You’re wonderful. I really like you.”  
“Or rather, I should say, I fancy you, love you, want you, can’t be without you, whatever you want it to be.”
“I want to spend the rest of my life night hunting with you.”
Wei WuXian pressed three fingers into the air—one for the Heaven, one for the earth, one for his heart. “And I want to sleep with you everyday. I swear to you that it’s not a spur of the moment thing and it’s not me teasing or playing with you. It’s not out of gratitude either. Basically it’s not for any other bullshit reason apart from the fact that I just really like you, so much so that I want to get into bed with you. I don’t want anyone else except you. It has to be you, no one else will do. You can do anything you want to me—whatever and however you want, and I’ll be happy—as long as you are willing to do it with me……”
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let’s see the others
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*As then moments later, Nagi opens the door*
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Alright everyone, Nekomaru is now up but remember that he's still recovering from surgery.
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Nekomaru...? Is everything okay, how are you feeling.
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Hahahaaaa, you kidding I feel great and while my chest still stings a bit, I'm doing great!
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Still... I can't shout as much, given I just got heart surgery... Sorry everyone...
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It's okay, at least you seem okay from the looks of it so-.
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*Akane moves her wheelchair in and rushes over to Nekomaru pass Mahiru* Wh-Whoa!
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Wh-Whoa, hey Akane good to see you too!
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You...do you realize how damn worried I was! I mean seriously, I had to wait until after your heart surgery to talk with you!
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Well sorry but as say, my health has gotta take some priority but still...
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*Pats Akane on the head* Still Akane, happy to see you doing okay as well! Man, does it feel great being alive now!
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Damnit...your smiling like this you got me so damn worry...
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Nekomaru, oh thank god your okaaaaaaay! I miss yoooooou!
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Huh? You... seem a lot more emotional, I wasn't expecting that at all...
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Anyway, I remember that Hajime and someone else help with my surgery, can I see them?
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Ah certainly, hey you 2 - I think your needed.
*As then Hajime and Kyoji walk in*
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Hey Nekomaru, good to see you up and about - how's the new heart treating you?
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Well... my chest hurts a lot and I need a lot of rest, still didn't expect your talent to be something medic-related so did you create this heart then?
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Thank you, it's good that your back with us now but I didn't create your heart, it was Dr. Nakamura over here.
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Yes if curious, I was the one that grafted your heart and created you a new one, it took sometime but we were able to make it.
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Wait you mean... your the one that created me a new heart?
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Well yes I did, but when I heard that your heart defect was heredity from your dad side of the family, I decided to work on this and make you a new one so you don't need to-.
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GAH! *As then Kyoji was pulled into a hug by Nekomaru*
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U-Um, yes that's great and I'm happy to help but you just got surgery and you should rest!
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Yeah Nekomaru, chill out - you don't want to get another heart attack, do ya?!
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*let's go* So-Sorry about that, just... I always figure I wouldn't get a new heart and accepted this as fact but still, thank you so much for helping me...re-really...thank you...
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Ye-Yes... I'm happy to hear that, just remember to take it easy and try to get plenty of bed rest.
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Yeah but still, good to see you back man, seriously...
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rosella-writes · 2 years
What is one thing about Virelan, created as part of her character development, that only you knows?
And please tell me a baby story about Tulin, because I love that precious bean!
Cat 🥺 oh my heeeeeart. Thank you.
I forget what I've told people and what's been hinted at and what is just in my brain lol. HOWEVER I think I can say with near certainty I haven't told this one:
Virelan's early design included her being a devotee of Falon'Din for the very emo and edgy reason that she muttered the prayer to Falon'Din, said at Dalish funerals, as she killed someone. She was meant to see her path as paving the way for souls to reach the Beyond, and that she sent them on their way (via mUrDeR). I was trying to think of a way for her and Solas to connect in the early story, so I intended for her to be morbidly fascinated by spirits and the souls of the ancestors and to pester him for information about them, since he interacted with them directly — something she's never been able to do!
That whole idea has developed into something a bit more nuanced, and something I worked into her being a reaver. Reavers manipulate demons via dragon blood infusions to do their bidding, but as Breaker Thram puts it, demons have nowhere to gain a foothold in a non-mage, so reavers are spared the stigma of maleficarum. Reaver weapons, like her claws and her draw on the lifeblood of those she harms, are the direct intervention of demons — the same 'demons' she tells Solas are dangerous, the same blood magic she tells Solas is 'evil, not a tool,' the same spirits she says aren't people.
Anyway yeah Virelan's a dirty dirty hypocrite and I love that she's gone from a kind of one-dimensional device into a person, all because of that one too-edgy too-emo idea.
His first word after the typical 'mama' and baby babble was 'want.' 🥺 Virelan saw it as him learning to communicate properly with her, to express his needs and give her an opportunity to meet them. It wasn't until years and years later, when she found out he's been bound to his twin, Yearning, all this time, that she realised why that was his first word.
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hopeaterart · 2 years
Actually, thinking about that…remember that one ask with the scenario where the turtles learn of Usagi’s prior crush on Tomoe and Leo is completely crushed because surprise incompatible orientation (or so everyone thinks)?
Well…I had a mental image where Leo is still pretty despondent over that, and Splinter (who has likely dealt with this sort of thing before) sits with him and offers—genuinely good—reassurance and advice. ;-; and my heeeeeart (he might not be their dad in this universe but he still cares for the turtles)
Aeough you're so right.....
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isbuckybarnesokay · 2 years
just wanted to say I loved your headcanon about steve not realizing when he was cold! and to thank you for it! bc it's been helping me this week. I sometimes get like that to an extent when I’m stressed and later question why I didn’t just take the 2 seconds to get a sweater or close a window. but now this story has been popping into my head when I’m realizing I’m cold and it reminds me to take care of myself more. funny that a short little story is what’s helped it stick for me lol so thanks!!!
anon!!! i'm going to cry, goodness me <33 thank you so much for this. i am so glad that my little HC has brought some good into your life. sending you the biggest hug <33
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bonvoyagenoona · 3 years
Yoongi seems really special to the Kims (as he should). Can someone elaborate on how special he is to the family including Namjoon how he is different than friends you've had in the past?
Yoongi: we really don't have to---
Jin: Yoongi is special to us because he's kind, and funny, and smart, and sweet, and fine as fuck---
Yoongi: oh god
Jin: And he always has an interesting take on things, always willing to reassure you when you're feeling down.
Yoongi: i really was just looking forward to a regular dinner
Taehyung: He's also suuuuuper fun to wind up, like my other hyungs are. I treat him like one, and he treats our parents like they're his parents. Because they are.
Mr. Kim: (grinning) Proud to be.
Mrs. Kim: (smoothing his hair, smiling) Gotta look out for all of our boys.
Yoongi: (beaming, leaning into Mrs. Kim's touch) you do feed me well and invite me to things and that's nice
Namjoon: (holding up his wine glass, using his spoon to clink the stem) Yoongles, my love---
The others hold up their glasses.
Yoongi: please don't do this
Taehyung reaches over and forces Yoongi to raise his glass.
Namjoon: ---you welcomed me back to town all those years ago, when I first started teaching at the school. And to this day, you are the only one who really talks to me at work for some reason.
Yoongi: Everybody else is waiting for their turn in the Mrs. Kim mapping system or program or whatever it is.
Namjoon: But it's not just at this school, or for this job. You're really one of the only few real friends that I've ever had outside of my family. You've been there when I've been really down or sick. You really listen to me talk about what I'm thinking and feeling, and you aren't afraid to speak your mind about things, even when we might have a conversational clash. I really value that.
Yoongi: (feeling genuine emotion, very touched by Namjoon's words)
Namjoon: We talk all the time about how hard it is with your family being on the other side of the country and all. How much you love your work, and how that's constantly at odds with how much you miss your family. I've been there. I've been far away from my family, and it's so hard. No one was there for me then, but I'd like to think that if we happened to be in the same place back then too, we would've banded together like we do here. (smiles) I just hope that for however long this job works for you, that we continue to be your home away from home.
Yoongi: (clearing his throat, gathering his emotions up before speaking, only when he knows for sure he'll be able to say it as neutrally as possible) (keeps his glass up, without Tae's help) (takes another moment to think) (everyone is on the edge of their seat but also fondly watching him in this quiet moment) What is it that you say? To best friends and brothers?
Namjoon beams excitedly. He holds up his glass even higher, and everyone follows.
Namjoon: To best friends and brothers!
Everyone: To best friends and brothers!
Yoongi smiles and lets Mrs. Kim give him another serving on his plate.
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seventeenlovesthree · 3 years
What do you mean you cannot wait for chrikra and per???????
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holasonbrero · 4 years
I stan Astrid ok let this girl have a happy ending PLEASE
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angsty-aliens · 4 years
Someone wanted Michael. 😭
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bisexualalienblast · 5 years
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for @youaremyworldlois
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