#MS thoughts
Today is the third anniversary of me being officially diagnosed with MS.
It’s kind of a fucked up thing to keep track of, I guess, but…it feels like it hasn’t been that long, but at the same time, it feels like it’s been much longer.
It’s a weird thing to live with, MS. I feel like I just got to a point where I can accept that I have it. I still mourn the days before-life before I had infusions and medical debt and a fucked up immune system that makes it hard to fight off even a simple ear infection. I hope it will get easier with time, but who knows?
3 damn years I’ve been putting up with MS. 3 years my wife has been putting up with me having MS. I can say that as scary as it is, I’m glad that I’ve always had her. Her love and support have never wavered. Even on my bad days, my hard days, my worst days, she’s been there to love me through it and I have no idea how she’s done it.
3 years of MS Living. I’ll be on this fucked up ride for the rest of my life. At least I’m what they call “stable.” No new lesions, no PML, I’m doing as well as a person with MS can be, and I’ve learned to accept that.
I just hope that I can continue to be “stable.”
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mythicaltomlinson · 2 years
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kidovna · 1 year
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loved the 1990s european dance music segment in good omens x
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clownowo · 1 year
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been replaying the Portal series I think this is where its heading
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What’s William Afton’s problem in FNAF….
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ms-all-sunday · 6 months
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who knew shed inspire such blind loyalty?
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artbyblastweave · 1 month
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This is a great example of a joke that's significantly funnier if you drop the bottom two panels. The facial expressions sell both the gag and your ideological point with no further commentary necessary. Who is Ivy addressing that to. The insane mass-murdering clown lady who you're gonna try to render unconscious or dead in a couple minutes? Or the audience, who you're soothing like a startled horse with assurances that both the character and the author have the Correct (tm) politics?
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yashley · 7 months
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It’s a little wrinkly because I’ve been sitting on it.
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mirrorhouse · 6 hours
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megaawkwardhuman · 1 year
gotta be prepared
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sunnymainecoonx · 11 days
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And errr whatever this guy is
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liesmyth · 10 months
My Coronabeth Dominant Twin manifesto is simple and it's as follows: there's no way the twins could have planned for Canaan House.
John requesting new Lyctors wasn't something anyone in the Houses would've expected to happen in their lifetimes with any meaningful probability. This means that when the Tridentarii started the double necromancer ruse, they expected to carry on for life. It was an arrangement that benefited Corona vastly more than Ianthe.
What Ianthe got out of it, as far as we know: Corona would rule Ida, which she isn't keen on (as per NtN). But it also meant that Ianthe signed up for a life in her sister's shadow, with everyone regarding Corona as the perfect heir and Ianthe as the lame spare. Worse, for Ianthe, everyone believed Corona was the better flesh magician (as per As Yet Unsent). There's a lot more in for Corona in this arrangement and a lifetime of mild humiliation for Ianthe. As we see during the reveal in GtN, she was just dying to tell anyone that SHE is the necromantic genius of the pair, actually.
On their relationship with Babs: in GtN, Gideon notices that Babs obeys Ianthe's orders over Corona's. She also notices that Corona looks shocked about this — to me, this means that it's NOT something Coronabeth is used to. Pre-Canaan House, they are equals in their ruse. At Canaan House, it becomes obvious that if Ianthe ascends she'll leave Corona in the dust, and their relationship has to change. I don't think the way they act around each other from Canaan House onwards is at all representative of their relationship back on the Third, and I don't think Babs deferring to Ianthe over Corona is something that has happened often before, if at all.
There's the bit where Corona routinely threatened suicide to get her way since they were teenagers. In NtN she's doing it to save Camilla's life, but she reminisces fondly about it like it was something she did often to get her way, like it was a fun mind game they played with each other.
You've also got Ianthe calling Corona a bimbo and insulting her and whatever, and me arguing that Corona pulled the few strings doesn't make Ianthe good but as things stand I'm much more inclined to believe that, before Ianthe attained Lyctorhood, Corona was the one in charge — and I’m also firmly convinced that she’s using BoE for her own ends, and we’ll see her Fuck Shit Up in AtN.
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mythicaltomlinson · 2 years
uhhh… i assumed the specials would be for 3rd degree only.. since we’re getting half the livestreams and amas i thought the specials were gonna replace it? or atleast that’s what it kind of sounded like. but it’s for each degree.. and the only 3rd degree thing we get this month is a react..
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buttfrovski · 4 months
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mother knows best it's a scary world out there
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I drew Michaels mom (game mike)
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mspaint-flower · 8 days
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