lediz-watches · 1 year
The tears of a clown
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-Long, slow stare at the camera-
It had me in the first half, not gonna lie.
This show has such great MOMENTS. -frustrated screaming-
I’m liveblogging The Winchesters as a Supernatural!virgin. Please keep my lack of knowledge in mind if you continue...
In episode thoughts:
Yes, welcome back to the two-sentence horror stories! I love it!
Aww, Boy doesn’t want to Feel.
Also, adult Goosebumps again. Yessss.
Oh no.
Oh, that clown is not okay.
This is doing a wonderful job of creeping me the hell out.
Also I cannot imagine the photography skill happening right now.
Oh, that was… d’yaghh. I'm so creeped out.
Mary, please just realise you’re dating an aggressive bastard. This is your life. This is what your life is gonna be like.
Ada’s back. Oh, I kind of wasn’t expecting that.
I love this bar. Can I go to this bar?
Wow, Carlos, what’s the attitude?
I am intrigued by how witches work in this series. I want to know more about this world, where they call themselves dark force users but consider growth to be a powerful magic. Trapping a demon in a plant is considered notable, but not powerful, and they’re staying outside of wars. I'm so intrigued.
Rowena seems like another Known Character. Is she known?
This circus is obsessed with jugglers. I've counted three so far.
Oh, come on, Carlos, you’re better at comforting people than this. But then, we haven’t actually seen enough of your relationship with Mary. Maybe this is really weird for you two, and I’ve just been making assumptions based on how you treat Latika.
Yeah, can we have more Mary and Carlos interactions? This is too late in the series for me to be asking for this, but can I have that please?
Ooh, an interesting story, of men who aren’t dealing with their emotions falling victim to a travelling troupe. I like it a lot.
Oh god damn it, John, you’re not entirely wrong about Mary, but you are being such a prat. Show, do not prove him right, I do not have the emotional time for this.
Oh god damn you show.
I want you to appreciate how immediately checked out I am with this turn of events.
I’d also like to see more of Carlos and Jonathan, actually. We occasionally get the tension from Carlos being lowkey protective of Mary and him knowing full well that John is bad for her, but it’s NEVER explored.
Ooh, witch fight!
…immediately disrupted by the story I AM CHECKED OUT OF.
…That’s not Mary. John is so bad at falling for these pretend people.
John, that is not your line. I do not for a second believe you give a single damn about the world.
So that was Mary. Show. Please show. This was such a great premise. Carlos is doing so good. Live up to your moments, show.
That is SUCH A GOOD concept, such a good discussion on depression and dealing with it, and how ‘cheer up, kid’ is NOT the solution, and goddamn it show, you have such good moments.
I like Rowena. I want more Rowena and Ada and this whole situation.
Show, you better bloody well make Mary go into why it was good.
Okay, this make up scene is good, but I do not approve of these two and you will never convince me this is a good relationship.
Yeah, okay, Mary runs away from her problems too, and this episode would have been fine for her to address that if it hadn’t been such a better theme to make it about John dealing with his emotions instead and I am so annoyed that they turned it on its heel after THAT argument specifically.
This show has a habit of introducing concepts, characters, and worlds that I am so invested in, and so curious about, and want to see more of, and then shoving them off to the side as unimportant. It’s honestly like this whole series is a pilot episode promising ideas and plans and concepts that it will go into if the show gets greenlit.
(or back to chapter one if you care.)
So basically, Mr Ackles, YOU’RE KILLING ME HERE. Okay. Last episode, friends, let’s go.
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mattzerella-sticks · 2 years
Finished my second Dave Brandstetter mystery by Joseph Hansen and the desire to have this made into a series by the Ackles’ production company starring Jensen Ackles as Dave Brandstetter has quadrupled.
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bloodorangebetch · 7 months
Picture this: a fix it fic during christmastime where everyone knows about the confession and the two are both on edge around each other because of it so they use the holiday togetherness to parent trap them. What eventually breaks them is at the christmas eve party where they are left to dance together, they end up slow dancing to 'you make me feel so young'. It starts off half awkward and half sheepish but then they look into each others eyes and relive every moment, from barn to now and realize how dumb they were. Just how hopelessly in love they are and have been. okay bye
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holylulusworld · 2 years
Kinktober 2022
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Just like in 2019, 2020 & 2021 I am going to post a kinky, fluffy or scary one-shot from October 1st till October 31st 2022.
All upcoming stories got added now.
Please consider none of the stories are available until the set release date. Titles may change (all titles are working titles until release date.). The release date may change.
All stories contain smut, gore or horror elements. Please head the individual warnings for this event!!!
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October 1st: Irresistible Scent
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader
Kink: Marking kink
October 2nd: Revenge served cold
Pairing: Andy Barber x fem!Reader
Kink: Cuckolding
October 3rd: Like Hell
Pairing: Alpha!Soldier Boy x Omega!Reader
Kink: A/B/O
A/N: requested
October 4th: Dance for me
Pairing: Demon!Dean x Stripper!Reader
Kink: Cock warming
October 5th: Forbidden Lust
Pairing: Stepdad!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Kink: Homewrecker kink
October 6th: Mr. Orgasm (1) - Wrong Turn (Mr. Orgasm)
Pairing: Cultleader!Jensen Ackles x Author!Reader
Kink: Sex Cult
October 7th: Molded to perfection
Pairing: Steve Rogers x SextoyDesigner!Reader
Kink: big dick fetish
October 8th: Always daddy’s good girl sequel to Daddy’s good girl & Still daddy’s good girl
Pairing: John Winchester x fem!Reader
Kink: Daddy kink
October 9th: Best costume ever sequel to Is that a costume? & Where is your costume
Pairing: Wolverine x fem!Reader
Kink: Ripped clothes fetish
October 10th: Her concubines
Pairing: Dean x Fairy Queen!Reader x Sam
Kink: Feather play
October 11th: His favorite
Pairing: Alpha!Negan x Chubby(Omega)!Reader
Kink: Public sex
October 12th: Too much
Pairing: Nomad!Steve Rogers x fem!Reader
Kink: Cunnilingus + overstimulation + facesitting and a hint of beard burn
A/N: idea by @elle14-blog1​​
October 13th: Bearded Beast
Pairing: Andy Barber x fem!Reader
Kink: Beard fetish 😈
October 14th: Asgardian Possession
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x fem!Reader
Kink: possessive behavior/possession
A/N: idea by anon
October 15th: Her big bear
Pairing: Alpha!Sam Winchester x Omega!Reader
Kink: Size kink
October 16th: Got milk?
Pairing: TFatWs!Bucky Barnes x pregnant!Reader
Kink: lactation kink
A/N: idea by @elle14-blog1​​
October 17th: Perfect ending sequel to New Discoveries & Greenest Green
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x fem!Reader
Kink: Roleplay
October 18th: Put it there
Pairing: Stucky x fem!Reader
Kink: Strap-ons
October 19th: Tight places - sequel to Cramped
Pairing: Soulless!Sam x fem!Reader
Kink: Claustrophilia
October 20th: Dad Jokes
Pairing: Andy Barber x fem!Reader
Kink: Dirty Talk
October 21th: Enemy Mine
Pairing: Biker!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Kink: Exhibitionism (implied)
October 22nd: The strongest
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Kink: Strength kink
October 23rd: Mustache Monster
Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x fem!Reader
Kink: Gunplay
October 24th: You, me, and your hands tonight 
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Kink: Quorofilia / Hand Fetish
October 25th: Normal, not boring
Pairing: Endgame!Steve Rogers x fem!Reader x TfatWs!Bucky Barnes
Kink: Breeding kink
A/N: idea by @elle14-blog1 & anon (Bucky)
October 26th: The gigolo
Pairing: Escort!Tony Stark x fem!Reader
Kink: Paid sex
October 27th: Scavenger hunt
Pairing: Winchesters x fem!Reader (Dean, Sam, John, not Wincest)
Kink: unuasual sex toys & foursome
A/N: idea by @moosekateer13​
October 28th: Weather Goddess 
Pairing: Thor Odinson x fem!Reader (X-Men)
Kink: Hyperspermia & Cum fetish
October 29th: Take my breath away
Pairing: CEO!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Kink: daydreams
October 30th: Praise me like you should
Pairing: Sam Wilson x fem!Reader
Kink: Praise kink & dirty talk
A/N: idea by anon
Halloween Specials: ANGST/SMUT/HORROR
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October 31st: His prey
Pairing: Nomad!SteveRogers x Innocent!Reader
Kink: stalking
A/N: idea by @elle14-blog1​
October 31st: Carved
Pairing: Demon!Dean x fem!Reader; Sam x Girlfriend!Reader
Kink: Knife play
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Find all other Bingos and Special Events here: Special Events
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winchesterwild78 · 21 days
Austin part 4
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Austin Master List
Chapter Warnings: Language, cheating, pregnancy, mention of pregnancy loss, angst, Fluff, feels,
TRIGGER WARNING: ‼️ Loss of Infant ‼️
A/N: Reader is establishing a relationship with Jensen. Things are going great. Some news shakes the reader. Absolutely no disrespect to Jensen or his family. This is a work of fiction and does not represent reality. This chapter is a little long because y’all know I get long winded. 😂 I edited this fast so please overlook any mistakes.
All work is my own, don’t take it
18+ Minors DNI
Jensen had a hard time sleeping. His mind was racing with thoughts of the night you two had just spent together. His fingers could still feel your skin, his lips could still feel yours, and his body could still feel the way your body and his body responded to each other. A smile crept on his face and he let out a soft sigh.
As he rolled over his face was on the side of his pillow and he was breathing in your scent from the other. His smile grew wider as he took in your scent. He could smell your sweet shampoo and perfume. He slowly drifted off to sleep to the memories of the love you two made. He couldn’t believe you two had moved so quickly, but he regretted nothing.
The next morning Jensen woke up early. He showered and went downstairs. He looked over at the couch and chuckled when he saw the half eaten ice cream melted on the coffee table. “Sorry Ms Betty” he laughed. He cleaned it up and went to the kitchen to make coffee. It was still really early so he took his coffee outside to the porch. He sat sipping his coffee while watching the morning dew glimmer in the rising sun. There was a gentle breeze and all he could think of was how wonderful it would be if you were waking up here with him.
Jensen was startled from his daydream by his phone ringing. He looked at his phone and saw it was Danneel. “Hello” Jensen answered. “Jensen who was the woman you had in our house yesterday?!” She demanded. “This isn’t your house anymore, D and who I bring over here isn’t your concern.” Jensen said while making a mental note to change the password on the cameras. “Wow. I haven’t been gone that long and you’re already bringing home someone. Very classy Jensen. She’s NOT meeting my children” she growled. “Danneel I don’t want to argue with you. Besides you have no right to speak. You were sleeping with someone behind my back and moved in with him. So don’t lecture me. As far as OUR children go, when and if the time is right I’ll introduce them to whoever I want. Now I have to go. I’m late. Goodbye Danneel” he said as he hung up.
Jensen sat in the chair and ran his hands down his face letting out a frustrated sigh. He took a deep breath and went inside. Before he did anything else he changed the password on the security cameras and security system. He also updated the PIN number that deactivated the alarm.
Jensen looked at the time and decided to head to the store. He wore his sunglasses and ball cap trying to avoid being seen. Unfortunately luck was not on his side today. He could tell by the way people looked and whispered they recognized him. He was already frustrated from the phone call earlier. He really just wanted to get in and out of the store. A young woman approached him “Um, hi Jensen. I’m a huge fan. I was sorry to hear you and Danneel split up.” She offered a soft smile. Jensen being Jensen told her thank you politely and asked if she wanted a picture. She squealed in delight and he took the picture. A few other fans approached him and it was the same thing, huge fan, sorry about your marriage and can I get a picture.
His fans have always been a priority to him and he felt bad he wasn’t giving them 100%, he just didn’t have it in him today. As he made his way to the cashier he saw a familiar face. “Oh hey, Jacob. What brings you to the store so early” Jensen asked. “Oh hey Mr. Ackles, I mean Jensen. I just wanted to pick up some stuff for breakfast. Mom got in pretty late so I figured I’d make breakfast for her. I guess you knew she got it late though.”Jacob smiled at him.
Jensen blushed a little and shook his head yes. “I actually came here to get stuff to make breakfast too. Your mom was coming over and I was going to cook for her. If you don’t mind, maybe we can do it together.” Jensen offered. “Oh yeah man that would be great. I’d like to get to know you a little bit better. I can already see what you mean to my mom. I want to make sure you’re not going to hurt her.” Jacob smirked. “I wouldn’t dream of it Jacob. I care very deeply for her. Put your stuff with mine. It’s on me.” Jensen pulled out his wallet to pay for the food.
Walking out Jacob went to his car and Jensen to his. “I’ll see you at the house Jensen” Jacob said. “Yeah, see you soon Jacob.” Jensen replied. They both got in their cars and drove towards your house.
Jacob pulled in the driveway first then Jensen pulled in behind him. He grabbed the groceries out of his trunk and followed Jacob inside.
The house was quiet. Jacob turned and said “Mom must still be asleep. We can start breakfast if you want”. Jensen nodded and followed him to the kitchen. There was a silence that fell in the kitchen. “So Jensen, I googled you to find out more about you. Mom’s always been a fan, so I know a little bit but I know not everything about you is on the internet.” Jacob said. “Yeah, so what do you want to know, Jacob” Jensen asked. “I just want to know what kind of man you are. Mom deserves a man who will stand by her and not only protect her but protect her heart. She has a huge heart and believes in second chances. That’s why she stuck it out with my dad. I just want to make sure you’re not going to hurt her. I don’t want you to have to be another mistake she has to survive.” Jacob said.
“I promise you, Jacob. My intentions with your mom is to be there for her and love her better than she deserves. She’s incredibly kind, giving and so strong. The little time I’ve known her I can tell she has a huge heart and puts others above herself. People like your mom need to be loved and protected because there are people who will take advantage of her love and kindness. I know I have to earn your trust and I intend on doing that.” Jensen told Jacob.
Jacob smiled and nodded. “I’m glad she has you Jensen and you have her. I did read about your wife and I’m sorry to hear that. It sucks man. You don’t have to worry about mom doing that. If she gives you her heart, it’s yours until you betray her, and if you betray her I will hurt you.” Jacob smirked. “Got it. You have nothing to worry about.” Jensen said.
“Alright, looks like breakfast is about done. Can you make the coffee and I’ll set the table” Jensen asked Jacob. He nodded and started the coffee.
Your eyes fluttered open and you stretched. You smiled thinking about Jensen and the night before. You sat up and sent Jensen a text.
You: Good morning Jens. I just woke up. I’m going to shower and head over there. See you soon.
Jensen: Good morning beautiful. That sounds perfect. I’ll see you real soon 😁🥰
Jensen chuckled and told Jacob “she’s awake now. “She has no idea I’m here. I can’t wait to see her face.” “When we hear her you step over near the pantry and she won’t see you until you step out.” He grinned.
Jacob heard you coming down the stairs and motioned for Jensen to step to the side. “Hey mom. Good morning” Jacob said. “Good morning baby. What’s all this” you asked. “Oh just some breakfast. Wanted to do something special for you.” Jacob smiled. “Oh baby that is so sweet of you. Give me a minute honey. I need to call Jensen. We were going to meet up this morning but we can meet later.” You gave him a hug and started to walk out of the kitchen when you heard another voice.
“Why would you need to call me when I’m right here” Jensen stepped into view and smiled. “Jensen! What are you doing here?” You threw your arms around him. “I ran into Jacob at the store and we decided to cook breakfast for you together, so here I am.” He flashed that panty dropping smile at you. If Jacob wasn’t standing there you’d take Jensen right in the kitchen.
Jensen handed you a cup of coffee and Jacob motioned for you to sit. You took a seat at the table. Jensen and Jacob brought the food over and sat it in the middle. Then they took a seat on either side of you. The three of you sat chatting and laughing together while eating. “This is great guys. Thank you both for cooking.” You smiled and thought to yourself I’ve got my two favorite men right here with me. This feels perfect, comfortable.
After breakfast you insisted on cleaning since the guys cooked. After some back and forth you won and the guys went to the living room. You were standing at the sink washing dishes when you felt two strong arms wrap around you. You smiled and said “hey Jens”. He moved the hair that was laying on your neck to the side kissing you and said “hey sweetheart.” His lips sent a chill through your body. You turned around to face him and he pulled you close. “Told you I’d see you soon.” He winked and leaned in to kiss you. Your hands instinctively ran into his hair and pulled him closer. The kiss deepened and you both moaned.
You were pulled from the kiss by Jacob clearing his throat. “Don’t mind me, just getting some water.” He chuckled. “Please continue.” You blushed and buried your face in Jensen’s chest. When Jacob walked out you looked up and Jensen and giggled “oh my gosh. That was so embarrassing. I can’t believe he caught us kissing.” Jensen smiled, tilted your chin up and kissed you again. “At least he didn’t see what I have planned for you next” he winked.
You felt the heat rise in you. This man was going to be the death of you, you thought. “So what do you want to do today, Y/N” Jensen asked as he tucked a stray hair behind your ear. “Explore Austin a little more” you replied. “That sounds great. Maybe we can head to Dallas sometime so I can show you around my hometown.” Jensen beamed. “Why don’t we go today” you smiled. “Really? You would be okay with an overnight trip? It takes about 3 hours to get there and I’d want to show you so much. Jacob can come too. We could get two rooms so he can have his privacy and we can have ours.” He grinned.
“That sounds amazing Jensen. I appreciate you including him. That’s really sweet. Let me go see what he wants to do.” You stepped into the living room.
“Hey Jacob. Do you have any plans today? Jensen has invited us for an overnight trip to Dallas. Would you like to come? We’d get 2 hotel rooms and stay the night there.” You told him. “I don’t have any plans, but do you really want me to go with y’all” he asked. “Of course we do. I think it would be fun” you said. “Um, yeah I’ll go. Let me go get packed and ready.” Jacob said getting up.
Jensen was standing in the doorway between the living room and kitchen. He was leaned against the frame, arms crossed at his chest and his feet crossed at the ankles. “Guess I need to go pack too. Are you going to head home and pack?” You asked Jensen. “Well, I can but I was hoping you could go and help me.” He winked. You laughed “you know if I go with you we will never get on the road. Go home and I promise you and I will have some alone time later. I’m not only looking forward to seeing your hometown, I’m looking forward to falling asleep in your arms.”
“That’s going to be amazing, sweetheart. I can’t wait.” He smiled. Jensen gave you a kiss and told you he’d be back shortly. You went upstairs to pack. You pulled out your overnight bag and started to pack. You went to your dresser and pulled out some lingerie you never wore for Rob. You had bought it but never wanted to wear it for him. It was deep red with spaghetti straps, defined cups, open and flowy. The whole thing was see through and covered in flowers the same color as the material. You smiled thinking about what Jensen’s reaction is going to be. You finished packing and headed downstairs.
Jacob was downstairs waiting for you and he smiled when he saw you. “Mom are you sure you want me to come with you guys?” He asked. “I don’t mind staying here. Y’all need some alone time. I can see how much you two mean to each other. Mom you’re practically glowing you’re so happy now. I never saw you like this with dad. I’m glad you and Jensen found each other” he hugged you.
“Thank you baby. He does make me happy. More than you know. Jensen is an amazing man and I’m thankful for him too. I can’t wait for this trip. Seeing his hometown and spending time with my favorite men.” You smiled.
There was a knock at the door and Jacob answered it. Standing at your door was Cindi. He looked at her and then back at you. “What the hell do you want Cindi” you asked. She looked at you and Jacob and asked could she come in. You told her no. Whatever she had to say she could do it from the porch. You stepped out on the porch and asked Jacob to close the door. “Okay Cindi, talk.” You said. “First I want to tell you how sorry I am about everything.” She said. You rolled your eyes. “I know it was wrong but I feel like we should put all this behind us. When Rob and I get married I’ll be Jacob’s stepmom so I want us to be okay for his sake. I love Rob and he loves me. It’s important to both of us to have a good relationship with Jacob. Especially since we…” she was cut off by Jensen walking up. “Oh my god, you’re Jensen Ackles. Wow, what are you doing here” she stammered.
He walked on the porch said hello to her and turned to you. “Hey sweetheart, you about ready? “Yeah just about finished here and we are packed. I’ll be inside in a minute.” You said. He nodded and leaned in kissing you. Cindi’s jaw was on the floor. “Um Y/N, are you dating Jensen Ackles?!?” She asked. “That’s not your concern. What were you going to say Cindi. I need to get ready for our trip.” You told her. “Well Rob and I want to have a good relationship with Jacob and you because I’m pregnant.” She beamed. You stood stunned and speechless. “I’m sorry, what?!” You stammered. “I’m pregnant. Rob and I are having a baby and Jacob is going to be a brother.” She smiled. “I think you should leave Cindi. We will talk about this later.” You said fighting tears.
You walked in the house leaving her on the porch. Jensen and Jacob looked at you and then each other. They saw the tears in your eyes. You walked past them and went upstairs. Jensen told Jacob he’d be right back.
You went to your room, closed the door and cried. You were completely heartbroken. Jensen knocked gently on the door. “Sweetheart, can I come in” he questioned. Words wouldn’t come. Jensen heard the sobs on the other side of the door and came in. He saw you on the floor sobbing. He really hated seeing you like this. It broke his heart and made him angry that someone could cause so much pain to such an amazing woman.
Jensen crossed the room quickly and knelt down beside you. He grabbed you in his arms and held you. “Shh it’s okay baby. I’m here.” He kissed the top of your head as you buried your face in his chest. It took a while for you to calm down enough to talk to him. He helped you stand.
You sat on the edge of the bed as Jensen grabbed you some tissue and water from the bathroom. You whispered thank you when he handed it to you. Jensen sat on the bed and placed a reassuring hand on your knee. “She’s pregnant Jensen. She’s pregnant with his baby. I wanted to give Jacob a sibling when he was younger and Rob told me he didn’t want anymore. I got pregnant a few years ago and he was furious. Told me I was trying to trap him. Imagine that, his wife trying to trap him with another child. I was about 6 months along and there were complications. I was rushed to the hospital and I lost the baby. I was devastated and alone. He told me it serves me right because the child was being forced on him so that’s why I lost her. I lost my beautiful little girl. They made me deliver her and I did it alone. He refused to be there. I delivered her and held her tiny little body. He made me plan her funeral and bury her by myself. I spiraled into a deep depression and just wanted to disappear. Jacob, oh my sweet Jacob pulled me out of that hole. He’s my rock and my reason to live. I know he’s the reason I’m still alive today. Then Rob has an affair and now she’s pregnant with his baby. I feel so stupid and angry. Now I know he wanted another child, just not with me.”
You sat there quietly crying. Jensen wrapped his arms around you and held you. There were no words known to man that could come close to properly respond. So Jensen just held you. Sorry wasn’t enough and other words were just empty. His arms however, seemed to say what words couldn’t.
“Y/N, I am so sorry you lost your sweet girl and he left you alone in all of it. You shouldn’t have had to do that alone or grieve her alone. Did you name her?” Jensen asked softly. You looked into his green eyes that were full of sorrow for you. In that moment you realized what true love really was. Here this man was. You just met him and he has shown you more love and compassion in the little time you’ve known him than your husband had the whole time you were married. “Her name was Lilyana Beth” you whispered. “Beautiful name, Y/N.” Jensen whispered. “Would you like to see a picture of her?” You asked softly. “Yes I would, very much.” He said holding your hand.
You pulled your phone out of your pocket and unlocked it. You opened your photos and in a special album was your sweet angel. You looked at her picture and sighed as silent tears fell. The nurses had dressed her in a soft pink dress and put a little pink bow in her y/h/c hair. She looked perfect and like she was sleeping. They still weren’t sure what happened. You woke up feeling pain and started bleeding. Then you started to hemorrhage and went into labor. There was nothing they could do to stop labor and save her. You almost died too. You wanted to die. Jensen looked at the picture of your baby girl and tears filled his eyes. In that moment he thought of his children. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing any of them. He couldn’t imagine how you survived this without your husband by your side. “She’s absolutely beautiful, sweetheart. She looks just like you and Jacob when he was a baby” he said.
Jensen handed you back the phone and kissed your head. “Do you mind if I ask you a question, Y/N”. “No I don’t. Go ahead” you told him. “Can you have anymore children if you wanted to?” He asked. “Yes. The doctor said I should be able to, but Rob didn’t want anymore so I stopped asking. I wanted at least one more, but I guess that’s not in the plans for me.”
Jensen took your hand and looked in your eyes and softly said “maybe it wasn’t in the plans with him, but it could be with someone who loves you.” You let out a soft gasp. You wanted to scream at the top of your lungs you loved him but you knew now wasn’t the time. Little did you know he wanted to do the same thing.
“Oh, Jensen. Im so sorry. We should be loaded up and on the road by now. I’ve ruined our plans.” You sobbed. “No you didn’t sweetheart. So we get a later start than we planned. It’s okay. We are going to have an amazing time. I promise. If we have to extend our time, then we will.” He said cupping your face. Jensen placed a soft kiss on your lips and you melted into his.
He took your hand and pulled you up into his arms. He held you close to him and rubbed your back. “Thank you for telling me about your sweet girl.” He said. You held him tighter.
The two of you walked downstairs holding hands. Jacob was sitting on the couch and as soon as he saw you he jumped up. “Mom are you okay? I am so sorry. Dad is a jackass. I talked to Cindi after you went upstairs and she told me. I’m so pissed at dad and I don’t want anything to do with that baby or its whore mother.” “Jacob Andrew! I understand you’re mad at your dad and Cindi. You have every right to be, but that child didn’t ask to be born and sure as hell didn’t ask for them as parents. They will be your half sibling and I expect you to be a part of their life. Be a good role model for them and be there for them. Just like I know you would have been for Lilyana.” You told him. Jacob’s eyes went wide at the mention of her name. You haven’t talked about her for a while. “You’re right mom. I’m sorry” he hung his head. You gave him a hug. “Okay, enough talk about them. Let’s go on our trip.” You grabbed your bag and Jacob grabbed his. Jensen took your’s from you and kissed your lips.
He and Jacob loaded his car as you checked everything in the house. As you walked out you heard Jensen talking to Jacob about his car. Jacob was completely enamored with Jensen and his car. You stood at the door watching with a smile. Rob had never taken the time to talk to or show Jacob anything. That broke your heart. Jacob had so much to offer and you were glad Jensen saw that.
Jensen saw you and smiled. You smiled back and mouthed “thank you”. He winked and nodded.
“Hey Jacob, wanna drive her” Jensen asked tossing him the keys. “Wait are you serious?!?” Jacob exclaimed. “Yep, if it’s okay with mom” Jensen looked at you. Both of them were looking at you with puppy eyes. You rolled your eyes and said “Jared does it better” and laughed. Jensen smirked and opened the car door for you. Jacob climbed in the drivers seat and Jensen the passenger seat. He talked him through driving the car and you sat in the back watching them. Jacob was in heaven and Jensen was right there. Jensen turned in his seat and was beaming. He looked like a proud father.
Your heart warmed. You knew you were falling head over heels in love with him. He treated Jacob like his own son and he was everything you wanted and needed in a man. You sat back in the seat and watched the two most important men in your life and smiled. Enjoying your little road trip to Dallas, together with your son and your amazing boyfriend, Jensen.
Tags: @nescaveckdaily @kr804573 @k-slla @jackles010378 @jawritter @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @roseblue373 @cheynovak @jassackles @chriszgirl92 @suckitands33 @arcannaa @n-o-p-e-never @ladysparkles78 @smoothdogsgirl
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jackles010378 · 6 months
Instant Relief......
When a migraine hits you and you've ran out of your medication, Jensen knows exactly how to help relieve the pain 😏
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(Jensen Ackles x you)
(Small amount of Smut so over 18s only please 🔞‼️)
You felt it coming on all day. You're lucky enough to be able to work from home as you're a freelance photographer.
Raiding the bathroom for your medication you let out a sigh of frustration. You had run out. It was late at night so nowhere would be open now. Shooting your boyfriend a quick text you turned your phone off, got changed into your pjs and crawled into bed. Turning off every light and putting your eye mask on you tried desperately to try and get to sleep.
Jensen arrived home and threw his bags on the floor by the door after returning from the convention he had just attended. You had been invited to go along with him but couldn't because you were commissioned to take pictures at a wedding all weekend.
It was late and all Jensen wanted to do was find you and wrap you up in his arms. He expected to find you working in your light room. He loved how passionate you were about photography. But when he didn't find you there, he went in search of you.
Walking down the hall towards your shared bedroom he heard a light moan. He opened the door to see you lying on the bed in the pitch black with your eye mask on. You had heard the door open and let out a sigh " I swear to god if you're a burglar I'm so not in the mood for this shit right now" Jensen let out a small chuckle at your response, which made you sit up slowly and remove the mask partially from your eyes.
"hey sweetheart you okay?" Jensen asked walking towards you. You didn't expect him home till the following morning, so you were pleasantly surprised when you heard his voice and let out a sigh of relief. Pulling up the eye mask you squinted at Jensen. He could see you were hurting. "hey baby, you got one of your headaches again, you want me to get your meds for you?" Jensen asked as he went to stand to go to the bathroom. You pulled on his arm and told him you had run out so you were trying to sleep it off, but you were having a hard time getting to sleep.
Jensen pulled you into a side hug and a thought came to him. You felt and heard him chuckle slightly "you know y/n, I have read something somewhere about different ways of getting rid of migraines that don't involve taking tablets, and it could be fun for us both", you looked up into his emerald eyes and noticed the playful smirk on his face. "Oh yeah, what would that be Mr. Ackles" you replied to him biting your lip. That always did things to him, you biting your lip. "Ok, so hear me out before you say no" you placed a finger on his luscious lips to silence him "when do I ever say no to you" you asked as you kissed his cheek.
You still had the eye mask resting on your forehead, Jensen reached up and pulled it back over your eyes.
For a moment you thought he was going to leave you alone when you felt him guide you to lie back down and he walked away from the bed. All he did was shut the door.
You were both in complete darkness now. With all your other senses heightened you felt a rush move through your body as you heard Jensen walking back over to you.
The bed dipped besides you indicating he was now sitting right by you. Jensen gently kissed you. You hummed into the kiss, sliding your hands around his neck as your tongues fought against each other. Jensen was always gentle with you, and you loved him for it.
His hand slowly made its way down your body until it reached your pajama bottoms. Your breathing increased with the anticipation of what you knew was about to happen. Finding his way to your sweet spot you gasped as his finger started to massage your clit slowly.
"They say an orgasm is a natural remedy for pain relief, shall we see if it works darlin" he whispered to you, a small smirk playing on his face. You could feel the small knot starting to burn in the pit of your stomach. You nodded in return, to which Jensen responded by inserting a finger inside of you.
Your back arched as his finger pumped in and out of you his thumb now circling your sensitive bud. He inserted a second finger to your surprise. You could feel your release sneaking up on you, and Jensen could feel it as your walls were pulsating around his fingers.
Jensen was now lying close by your side, pumping his fingers into you as his thumb picked up its pace circling faster trying to get you the release you needed. His other hand finds its way under your pajama top to find your breasts, massaging them both. He lent over you and kissed your cheek, then your nose, then your lips. He made his way down to your neck and sucked the sensitive part behind your ear that one spot that drove you wild and he knew it. That's all it took for you to be pushed over the edge. Jensen didn't stop pumping his fingers until you rode your orgasm out.
As your breathing returned to normal Jensen pulled your eye mask off carefully and kissed both of your eyes. He turned the bedside lamp on and turned back to you.
You opened your eyes slowly meeting his gorgeous green orbs, oh how you could stare at those eyes for the rest of your life. "Hey beautiful" he said to you pecking your lips, "hey yourself handsome" you said back pulling him back in for another kiss. "So, how did we do. Has the migraine gone or do you still have some pain" Jensen asked with a playful look on his face.
You leant up on your arm squinting at him "well, as much as that has relieved some of the pain, there is still a dull ache just behind my eyes, do you think we could er, you know do anything to get rid of it permanently?" Biting your lip again, that's all it took for Jensen to hover above you kissing you deeply and hungrily "oh sweetheart I could think of quite a few things we can do" you laughed as Jensen ravaged your neck and then your collarbone "am I glad you came home early" you told him "oh me too gorgeous, I missed you so much" "I missed you too Jensen, I love you baby" "love you too sweetheart". You reached over to turn the light off again but Jensen stopped you "leave it on, I wanna see that beautiful face of yours when I make you come again and again and again" he said to you between kisses.
That night Jensen managed to get rid of the migraine many times, and you were very grateful for him. You even considered ditching the medication now you found a new and much more fun way to relieve the pain!
TAGLIST: @k-slla @cevansbaby-dove @kaleldobrev @janineb86 @deans-daydream @alternativeprincess94 @nescavaneck
144 notes · View notes
lucidlivi · 1 year
Chosen For Pleasure (IX)
Series Masterlist/Warnings
Tag List: @ladysparkles78 @suckitands33 @little-x-wolf @stoneyggirl2 @creative-writing92 @jc-winchester @mrsjenniferwinchester @lessons-of-red @jamerlynn @deans-baby-momma @willow-sages @ritz-hell-hotel @perpetualabsurdity @mhessellund @itzabbyxx @chriszgirl92 @abbybarnesstuff @larrem88 @commonsenseishard @impalaspixie @notsogoofyjelly @hzllxhoundxx @taylortots-world @kazsrm67 @k-slla @heavenlyackles @spnfamily-j2 @buckybarnes-1917 (oh my! if you look at the beginning to now you can see how much we’ve grown! I love you all! If you would like to be added please send me a message or an ask!)
Did ya miss me?
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“can we please try again? I promise to be more open, I promise to work on my intimacy issues. I promise I will never hurt you that way again.” He pleaded.
“okay but one condition.”
“what’s that?”
“we take it slow.”
“I don’t know if I know how to take anything slow.” Jensen laughed rubbing a hand along his neck.
I leaned in close so we were just centimeters apart. Jensen swallowed, looking from my lips to my eyes.
“you’ll learn.” I whispered.
I smirked as I pulled away from him. Jensen sighed rolling his eyes before offering me a smile.
“besides you have some making up to do, didn’t think you were going to get off that easy did you?”I laughed getting out of the backseat.
“okay that’s fair, how about I pick you up after work tomorrow and we go to dinner?” He countered getting out too.
“hmmm intriguing, but I have a better idea, how about you pick me up after work and we make dinner at my place?”
“sounds like a date.” He smiles.
Jensen and I stood in silence, taking in each other’s presence.
“I um should get going, cause I really want to rip that little black dress off of you.” Jensen says licking his lips.
I felt the heat pool between my legs.
“down boy.” I laughed causing him to chuckle as well.
“I’ll see you tomorrow though, right?” He asked as if he were unsure I still wanted to see him.
“yes sir.” I tease with a smile.
Jensen leans in placing a tender kiss on my cheek. As he’s about to walk away his name is being called.
“Mr. Ackles wait up!”
A girl runs over with two frames in her hand.
“here are your pictures sir, I can see you already met the photographer, so you can just pay her directly then.”
I watch as the girl walks away looking frazzled. I turn back around to see Jensen with his checkbook out.
“what are you doing?”
“paying for my pictures, you heard the girl.” He said filling out a check.
“Jensen I don’t want your money.” I argue.
“please I make this kind of money every hour.” He shrugs like it’s no big deal.
He smiles at me before ripping one of the checks out and handing it to me.
Sure enough it’s a check for $40,000.
I give him a look before ripping the check to shreds.
“I don’t want your money.” I said more sternly this time.
He rolls his eyes annoyed by my antics.
“but they’re such good pictures.” He says holding them up and looking at them.
something tells me this was the first time he was actually seeing them.
“yeah they are, wonder who took them?” I joked.
“oh just this perfect woman that I’m falling in love with.” Jensen shrugs.
A blush instantly formed on my cheeks.
“hmm she sounds like a keeper, better not mess this up.” I whispered before biting my bottom lip.
Jensen leaned in close, lips near my ear.
“I don’t plan on it sweetheart.”
Jensen gave me one last peck on the cheek before sauntering away. I couldn’t help but to watch him in awestruck.
“I’m falling in love with you.”
His words replayed like an echo in my head. I couldn’t believe he was really falling in love with me. It was all too surreal.
I got an alert on my phone snapping me back to reality. It was a notice from my bank.
a deposit in the amount of $40,000 has been made to your account.
I growled shaking my head, I would definitely have to talk to him about this tomorrow.
I felt extremely awkward going in to work the next day.
I had no clue why Gray was acting the way he was, but I felt like I owed him an apology, at least for Jensen’s behavior.
Stella was shocked when I told her what went down between the two men.
“oh my god they’re battling for your affection.”
“don’t be ridiculous Stella.”
I sighed getting out of the car slowly. I caught sight of Gray as he was walking in to the office.
“hey Gray, you got a second?”
He snapped his head up giving me a glare.
“make it quick I’m busy.” He snapped.
“doing what, you just got here?” I sassed back.
He rolled his eyes and continued to walk towards the office. I took a deep breath chasing after him. He made it so hard to be nice to him.
“I wanted to apologize for Jensen’s behavior.” I called while running to catch up with his quick strides.
At my words he stopped dead in his tracks forcing my body to collide with his. I fell back, my butt hitting the pavement.
“why would you need to apologize for him.” Gray asked crossing his arms across his chest.
I stood up dusting myself off trying to formulate a response.
“for how he talked to you, he just has a lot going on and we’re sort of back together so I feel that it’s my responsibility to..” I started to ramble but Gray cut me off.
“I think you’re making a mistake.”
“being with him, you’re making a mistake.”
I stood silent in shock.
He rolled his eyes before walking in to the office
I couldn’t help but feel bad as I made my way in too.
I sometimes wandered if I was making a mistake too. Jensen came with a lot of baggage, sometimes I didn’t know if I was equipped to handle all of it.
As soon as I walked in all sets of eyes flickered in my direction.
Oh god.
What now?
I glanced back at Stella to see her nervously looking at her computer. I sped through the cubicles to reach her desk.
“how bad is it?” I asked biting my nails.
It was a nervous habit.
“well unless you don’t mind being called a gold digger, not too terrible.” she said turning her computer around.
It was another article, this time it was a picture of me and Jensen from the auction last night. It was when we were standing in the hallway, and I was yelling at him.
Ackles pays $40,000 for pictures from rumored girlfriend. Is she only after his money?
“do these people have anything better to do?” I growled slamming the laptop shut.
“how do they find out this information so quick I mean it literally happened yesterday?”
A realization washed over me making me sick to my stomach.
“Gray, it has to be.” I said racking my brain.
Gray was one of the organizers of the event last night. I mean it doesn’t explain the first leak to the press but it has to be him.
“but how, he didn’t know any of the other information.”
I knew she was probably right, maybe I just wanted someone to blame.
“I don’t know Stell, but it has to be him.”
“I guess we’ll just have to prove it then.”
I slumped in my seat sighing.
Even when I was winning it felt like I was losing.
It was silent between us until Stella spoke up.
“soooo $40,000 huh?”
I rolled my eyes looking at her.
“right not the time.”
I couldn’t help but start laughing at my best friend. She always knew how to make light of every situation.
I ignored the glances from my nosy coworkers and tried to be productive. It made the day go by faster. It was close to the end of the day when Gray approached our desks.
“may I have a word with you?” He asked standing in front of me.
I slowly nodded standing up to follow him.
“get some dirt.” Stella mouthed to me making me roll my eyes in response.
I walked in to his office sitting down on one of the plush chairs.
“is this about the article?” I hesitantly pried.
“did you book our rooms for the convention in New York this weekend?” He asked completely ignoring my question.
“uh our rooms?”
“did you or didn’t you?” He asked annoyed.
“I mean, yeah I booked your room, I didn’t know I was supposed to book one for me to.”
“It’s expected that my senior editor be in attendance as well.”
“I’m sorry sir, I didn’t know.”
“well now you do, so go book yourself a room.” He said opening the door to dismiss me.
I walked out seeing most of the people leaving for the day. I sat down at my desk pulling up hotels in New York. I didn’t really want to spend a weekend in New York, especially with Gray, but I didn’t want to lose my job either.
“Matt is here, you going to be okay?” Stella asked squeezing my shoulders.
“yeah I’ll be fine, Jensen should be here any minute.” I said placing a hand on top of hers.
Stella gave me a smile before walking off. I quickly gathered my things shoving them in my bag.
I didn’t want to be left alone with Gray, something about being alone with him made me feel nauseous.
I hurried to the door. As I rushed out, I almost ran in to a young woman standing in front of the office.
“I’m sorry.” I immediately apologized offering her a smile.
“uh yeah do I know you?” I asked looking at the girl.
she had a sad distant look in her eyes.
“no, you don’t.” she said quickly shaking her head.
I was about to respond when I heard Gray calling my name. I glanced back towards the building to see him coming my way. I turned my head back to where the girl had just stood but she was gone.
where did she go?
how did she know my name?
I guess a lot of people knew my name now that the press leaked my information, it made a chill run down my spine.
“everything okay?” Gray asked as he got closer.
“yeah, there was just a girl.” I said staring at where the mysterious woman could’ve gone.
“did you find a room yet?” He asked completely ignoring what I just said.
“uh no not yet.” I said nervously.
Gray was about to respond when Jensen pulled up in his bright red ferrari. He opened the door sending a warning glare towards Gray.
“I should go.” I said not wanting there to be another confrontation.
“yeah, wouldn’t want to keep your billionaire boyfriend waiting.” Gray seethed before walking back in to the office.
Jensen got out, opening the passenger door so I could slip in.
“what was that about?” Jensen asked.
I could see the jealousy rolling off of him in waves.
“uh I have to go to New York this weekend.” I murmured.
“with him?”
“for work.”
“absolutely not.” Jensen growled gripping the wheel tightly.
“Jensen, if this relationship is going to work, you can’t control me.”
“I’m not trying to control you, I just don’t want you to go to New York with him.” Jensen said looking at me sincerely.
“Jensen it’s a work trip.”
“to you, it may be a little more to him. if you want to go to New York, I’ll take you there myself. just please don’t go with him.” He pleaded.
I sighed looking at his face. He looked really uneasy.
“okay.” I agreed.
Relief flooded his features, I can’t deny feeling a bit of relief myself.
“good, I hate it when we fight.” He said starting up the car and taking off towards my apartment.
“that wasn’t a fight, that was called a conversation with compromise.” I laughed grabbing his hand.
It was quiet the rest of the way to my apartment. I opened the door throwing my bag down on the sofa.
“so what are we making?” Jensen asked taking off his jacket.
“fajitas, want to start cutting the peppers?” I asked handing him a knife and the bell peppers.
“uh sure.”
“you do know how to cut peppers don’t you?” I joked
“I’m not completely helpless.” Jensen said
I laughed as he started to dice the bell peppers. I got out the steak, starting to prepare it.
“excuse me sir.” I said leaning over him to grab the seasoning.
Jensen growled as my breasts brushed over his arm. I smirked returning to the steak.
“pardon me.” I smirked reaching around him to grab the onions.
I made sure to drop my hand lower, rubbing it against his toned abs and down towards his crotch area. I could hear his breathing quicken.
“sorry, my hand slipped.” I said innocently.
Jensen chuckled before returning to dicing the peppers.
“one more thing.” I said leaning over.
Jensen was quick to catch my hands, pinning my body against the counter with his.
“you’re asking for trouble.” Jensen said licking his lips.
“I have no idea what you’re referring too.” I teased.
Jensen leaned down, his lips brushing against my neck.
“we’re supposed to be taking it slow.” I whispered, cocking my head to the side so he had better access.
“okay.” Jensen shrugged pulling away and returning to his peppers.
I sucked in a sharp breath as I watched him work. He smirked as I stared at him.
I didn’t realize how much I missed the feeling of being with him.
“you know what fuck slow.”
Author Note:
I must love you guys a lot because I wrote this entirely on my phone (which I hate doing) butttt I wanted to get something out to you! I return tomorrow! So sorry this was so short/suckish and I left you with ANOTHER cliffhanger! I hope you’ll return for more!
Part (X)
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tom-whore-dleston · 3 months
jordan turns 25
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hey siri, play my birthday playlist...
hello and welcome to my online 25th birthday party!! I hope you all got your dancing shoes on bc we're gonna party like it's 1999 iykyk xD we all know how much I love to party, but even the life of the party has to lay down some rules. Please click the keep reading button for more party information:
House Rules
This is an adults only party! You must show some indication that you are 18+
Any minors, blank blogs, ageless blogs will be blocked
You are welcome to participate in multiple party activities but please send one ask at a time
The party is open to all followers and non-followers ❤️ again, as long as you are 18+
Please do not send requests regarding the following:
non-con, smut with minors (all parties will be aged up), pregnancy/baby/child fics, a/b/o, bathroom kinks, incest, step-cest, foot fetish.
Please be patient with your response. I cannot guarantee I will respond in a timely manner however I can do my best.
The party begins April 4th (my official birth date) and ends April 30th
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Party Activities
Social Hour: ask me anything about me and my life on/off tumblr
BYOB: share one of your creations (fanfic, art, moodboard, gif, playlist, original writing) and I will share your amazing talents with others
Party Games: cym, fmk, wyr, smash or pass (with any hottie not listed)
Arts and Crafts: select a hottie + scenario/AU/trope/prompt** and I will make a playlist/moodboard/fic (please specify the creation you are requesting)
see prompts tag for ideas/inspo; please indicate the post the prompt is from
VIP Access: mutuals only! send me your fave hottie (doesn’t need to be on list) and I will create a ship moodboard based on how I imagine your relationship with them
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RSVP'd Hotties
Marvel: Loki Laufeyson, Xu Shang-Chi, Frank Castle, Peter Parker (any variant), Wanda Maximoff, Erik Kilmonger, Scott Lang, Thor Odinson, Sersi, Thena, Sam Wilson, Pietro Maximoff (Age of Ultron), Joaquin Torres, Bucky Barnes, Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley, Layla El Faouly, Adam Warlock, Gamora, Kate Bishop
DC: Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley, Jaime Reyes
Star Wars: Din Djarin, Anakin Skywalker, Poe Dameron
The Bear: Carmy Berzatto, Luca
Bridgerton: Anthony Bridgerton, Benedict Bridgerton, Colin Bridgerton, King George
Misc: stereotypical!Barbie (Barbie 2023), Tangerine (Bullet Train), Joel Miller (The Last of Us), Soldier Boy (The Boys) 
RPF: Harry Styles, Jensen Ackles, Will Poulter, Danny Ramirez
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Early Bird Invite tags
@inklore @psychedelic-ink @fluffyprettykitty @buckets-and-trees @witchywithwhiskey @mothdruid @mochie85 @navybrat817 @jobean12-blog @vonalyn @goldylions @wintersoldierdarling @wint3r-h3art @buckybleu @blackbat05 @neganwifey25-blog @give-me-a-moose @yummymatcha @ozarkthedog @hollandparkersx @mrs-illyrian-baby @jen-with-a-pen @late-to-the-party-81 @little-diable @undutchable11 @littlestatesman @tonystarksfavoritedaughter
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insanesonofabitch · 8 months
Since they’ve already deleted it, Mr. Jensen Ackles, could you please come to the front and kindly demonstrate and explain your now omitted jacting joices?
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destielgaysex · 2 years
when will the democratic party demand jensen ackles to release the tapes. mr joe biden please listen to your constituents’ wants
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hologramcowboy · 6 months
I read somewhere in tumblr that D said in one of OTH podcast that Jensen can never impress her and I'm like wtf! did she actually said that ? and if it's true why Jensen is like this? is he truly a spineless simp for this talentless stretched face bimbo? I'm mean no offense but she is a trashy flopped forgotten actress with creepy plastic face who is only known for her stripping roles ,does he really lacke self esteem and respect? Maybe because he father used to beat him up he was traumatised and ended up in marriage where he is just a moving back account simp for her and her jobless brother , yikes this is a major turn off
Anyone can feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but I think Danneel just repeated what Jensen keeps repeating (soundbite they agreed upon for PR purposes) but also said her answer would be different. Meaning she doesn't agree with his impression. That being said, I only "skimmed" that sucktastic interview so I might be completeley off. Will listen to it fully when I get some time to focus on that, it's just not a priority.
People still don't understand that actors build and image and carefully pick narratives to position themselves in certain ways depending on their goals. Jensen is well aware neither him nor Danneel credibly manage to sell their connection and marriage so he overcompensates by saying things like that to make it seem as if he values her but if we look at his actions, especially the way her career disappeared and her entire identity shifted to just being "mrs ackles" we can see he doesn't truly love her. When someone truly loves you they don't allow you to give up your dreams or identity. Danneel has no personality of her own. Aside from this, every family post they make comes off fake and planned, there is no real chemistry just a business interest.
One important thing I'd like to add is this: If you are in a relationship where you constantly have to impress your partner then run, that's beyond toxic and Jensen is so toxic for even promoting that as an ideal. The fact that he keeps mentioning that just reinforces all the devaluing Danneel does with him. If his marriage is all about constantly jumping through hoops and buying her affection then sorry but that is an abusive relationship.
That being said, I think Jensen desperately wants to sell a kind of fairytale love he never experienced, except he has so many toxic beliefs about love he ends up making up lines and stories that just make them as a couple seem vapid, aggressive and narcissistic.
Let me reinforce this: the fastest way to end up a self destructive mess is to engage in a relationship with someone that keeps moving the goalposts and asking you to "impress" them. That is not love, let's be real. Please don't expose yourself to that kind of treatment.
Also, please remember that public statements made by actors are made to frame an image, there's a strategy behind that, it's not someone realistically sharing their feeling or real life dynamic. It's someone selling a product: themselves as a bookable actor.
Jensen wants leading man roles without doing any inner work, he just wants to signal certain qualities he doesn't have to get a certain image. Especially since Danneel comes from an extremely trashy background. He is trying to overcompensate with comments that will hopefully stick or so he thinks.
My advice to you is not to look at Jensen's "statements" but to truly look at his choices, his actions. Danneel is just a commodity to him and he does everything in his power to either be away from home or to be inebriated when he is home. That is extremely telling. He is not a fulfilled man and so he is overcompensating by making comments that he hopes will cover his discontent.
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theangiediary · 23 days
Give this to me. Please Mr Ackles 🙏🙏. so damn cute.
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winchesterwild78 · 3 months
Chance Meeting pt 16
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Master list
18+ Minors DO NOT interact
Please be kind and all mistakes are my own. All work is mine. Please don’t take or copy it.
Warnings: fluff, angst, smut, Jensen being a sweetheart
Chapter Warning & summary: Nervous energy, SMUT (because y’all know me 😂), people crossing a line, mention of violence
A/N: This chapter is Fluffy and sees our lovebirds exploring the area together. I haven’t mentioned the kids names or his ex for a reason. This is fiction and I don’t want any disrespect towards Jensen’s family. I adore him and this is just fiction. However, because he’s older it made sense for him to be divorced and with children. I also got long winded on this one 😝
A few days later your alarm was blaring. It was time to get up and get the kids ready for school. The kids had a few days left before Winter Break and Jensen’s ex had asked y’all to watch them while she was away for work. You groaned and turned over to turn off the alarm. Jensen groaned and covered his face with the blanket. You laughed and slid back under the blanket. “Wake up sleepyhead. We need to get the kids ready for school.” You said kissing his face. He huffed and took off the blanket. “Ugh, why can’t we just stay here all day” he asked. You smiled, kissed his lips and said “I’ll get the coffee and breakfast started.”
You got out of bed and grabbed your robe and headed out the door as Jensen climbed in the shower. You walked through the house and went to the kitchen. You started the coffee and decided cereal and fruit were good for breakfast. You cut some fresh fruit and as Jensen walked into the kitchen the coffee was ready. “Mmm coffee, thank you babe” he said as he grabbed a cup. “I’ll get the kids up and ready, you drink your coffee” you said as you walked upstairs.
You knocked on the kids’ doors and got them up. They could dress themselves and you helped the girls with their hair. They all brushed their teeth and went downstairs. “Good morning, daddy” they said as they saw Jensen and they threw their arms around him. There was no denying they loved their daddy and he loved them. It made your heart warm seeing him with his babies. The kids got their cereal and some fruit. They ate quickly and before too long it was time to leave. Jensen told them to grab their book bags and head out to the car. You ran upstairs to change quickly while the kids were finishing up. As they loaded into the car you were walking out the door. Jensen drove and you sat beside him. He grabbed your hand and placed a kiss on it. Getting giggles from the backseat. You smiled at him and looked out the window.
It wasn’t long before he was pulling up to the school. “Daddy, can you walk me in” his oldest daughter asked. “Sure kiddo, let me park” he said pulling into a spot. You got out to help the kids out and stood there. His youngest two grabbed your hand and said “we want you to walk us in too”. “Okay, I can do that.” You said smiling. Jensen took his other daughter’s hand and the five of you walked towards the door.
“Oh, Mr Ackles, how are you today. We haven’t seen you in awhile” a young woman said with a blush on her face. “I’m doing well, how have you been” he asked. “I’m great now” she said. Smiling at Jensen blushing even more. “Hi, Miss Johnson, this is Miss y/n, she’s gonna marry daddy” his son said. You smirked at Jensen who whipped his head around to look at his son. You extended your hand and said “hello, Miss Johnson it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m y/n, Jensen’s girlfriend.” She was speechless but shook your hand and offered a quiet hello. “Jens, we really should get these three to class before they are late. Would you excuse us Miss Johnson.” You said looking at Jensen. He nodded and started walking.
After dropping the kids off at their classrooms and being introduced to everyone you and Jensen walked out hand in hand. You passed by Miss Johnson again and gave her a smile and a wave. Jensen chuckled as you walked outside. “What” you asked him with a smile. “Oh nothing, I just love how you put Miss Johnson in her place and did it all with a smile on your face.” He said smirking at you. “Why Jensen I was just being polite.” You said and smirked at him. “Yeah right” he said pulling you into a kiss. After he kissed you he opened your door and you climbed in. Once he got in he told you he had some errands to run if you wanted to tag along. If not he could take you home. “Nope, I’m good. Let’s go” you said.
Jensen told you he needed to head to the brewery for a little bit then he was headed to the grocery store. “Okay, babe. I’m excited to see the brewery. I can’t wait to meet everyone.” You said smiling. He took your hand and kissed it then said “I’m not sure if you know, but some of my ex’s family works there. They should be respectful but just stay close to me until we’re sure.” “Yeah, I can do that” you said swallowing a little hard. You were a little nervous about meeting her family. You weren’t sure how they would be towards you, but you knew Jensen had you.
You two walked hand in hand to the door. He gave your hand a slight squeeze and you smiled.
“Hey guys. How is everyone today” Jensen called out as y’all walked in. “Hey Jens. Welcome back brother” a tall dark haired man called out. Everyone started yelling their hellos from around the brewery. A few people walked up and hugged him. The dark haired man walked over and Jensen whispered to you “that’s my ex brother-in-law”. You squeezed his hand and took a deep breath.
“Hey man. How have you been?” The man asked Jensen as he pulled him into a hug. “I’ve been great man. Glad to be home. Where are my manners. G this is y/n, my girlfriend. Y/n, this is G” Jensen said as he introduced you. “Oh hey y/n. I’ve heard so much about you from my sister. Thanks for being so supportive of her and Jensen and their kids.” He said as he pulled you into a hug. “Um, yeah of course. She will always be part of his life and she’s their mother so why wouldn’t I be, but thank you. I appreciate you saying so.” You said as you pulled back from the hug.
An older woman walked over to Jensen and gave him a hug. “We missed you Jensen. So glad you’re back home” she said. “Me too Miss V. Miss V, this is my incredible girlfriend y/n. Honey, this is Miss V. She keeps all of us in line and takes care of the books for me. She’s been a family friend since before I was born.” He said to you. You extended your hand to shake hers but she pulled you into a hug. “Oh honey we hug here. I’m so pleased to finally meet the woman who stole his heart.” She said as she pulled you into a hug. She whispered in your ear “take care of our boy, he’s got a big heart but he’s been hurt before.” You hugged her back and whispered “I will, I promise. He means so much to me. I love him very deeply”. She offered you a soft smile.
“Well sweetheart I’ve got some things to check out in the brewing room, will you be okay here?” Jensen asked as he touched your arm. Miss V spoke up and said “I’ve got your girl. We will be fine.” She gave you a smile and you nodded to Jensen. He kissed you and said he’d be back. “Miss V, don’t tell her all my secrets” Jensen said with a wink. “Don’t worry I’ll only tell her the juicy ones.” She said with a chuckle. Jensen chuckled as he walked away and Miss V took your hand and led you to a table.
Miss V sat down and you sat across from her. “Okay sweetie tell me how you met our boy. I’ve heard rumors but I want to hear it from you.” She said with a smile as she took your hand. You told her about the convention and how you felt an instant connection to him. You talked and smiled as she watched you intently. You told her about your family and how you want to make sure you have a good relationship with his ex for the sake of the kids and him. She just sat and smiled at you. She took your hand in both of hers and said “oh sweetie I can see from your eyes how much you love him. It’s so sweet of you to keep his ex included. Not many women would do that.” “Thank you, I do love him and his kids very much.” You said with a soft smile.
Jensen walked up to the table and put his hand on Miss V’s shoulder. “What are my two favorite ladies doing over here.” He said smiling. Miss V smiled and looked at him “oh you know, talking about you and girl stuff” she said with a wink. Jensen laughed and you smiled. “Yep, you and girl stuff. Lots of juicy stuff too” you said with a grin. “Well I hate to pull you ladies apart but we have more errands to run.” Jensen said offering you his hand. Miss V stood up and gave him a hug. She walked over to you and whispered “You got yourself a great man. Let him take care of you and you take care of him. Don’t pay attention to the noise and you’ll be okay.” She gave you a hug and you thanked her.
You took Jensen’s hand and y’all walked out of the brewery. “How was your chat with Miss V” Jensen asked smiling. “It was nice. She gave me some advice and she really cares about you.” You told him. “Yeah, she’s been around for it all. The marriage, the kids and the divorce. She’s like a mom to me.” He said as he opened the car door for you. You slid in and he climbed in the drivers seat. “Where to babe” you asked him. “I’m taking my girl to lunch then grocery shopping. Maybe when we get home I’ll just take her.” He said as he grabbed your hand and kissed it. You smiled and blushed. “I’d love nothing more than that babe” you said.
Jensen pulled into a small diner and helped you get out of the car. He walked in with you on his arm. As you two walked through the door a middle aged woman greeted you. “Oh, Jensen! How are you honey. I haven’t seen you in forever, and who’s this beautiful young woman here.” She asked looking at you. “Hey Sarah, this is y/n. My girlfriend. Figured I’d bring her to my favorite lunch spot.” Jensen said hugging her. “Well, honey it’s so nice to meet you. Follow me and I’ll get you seated.” She said as she walked towards the back booth. She sat the menus down and took your drink orders. She walked away as you and Jensen looked over the menu. Well, as you did. He already knew what he was going to get. Jensen told you the bacon cheeseburger, fries and chocolate pie was amazing. When Sarah came back that’s exactly what he ordered. You told her you’d have the same thing. He chuckled and took your hands in his.
“I’m so glad I get to share this with you y/n. I love you so much.” He leaned over the table and placed a soft kiss on your lips. “I love you too, Jensen. I’m glad I get to see your life here. It seems like there really are a lot of people who care about you.” You said with a soft smile. He blushed a little and smiled. Lunch arrived and a comfortable silence fell over the two of you while you were eating. Sarah came over a few times to check on you and refill your drinks. Jensen was right, the food was absolutely delicious and you were stuffed.
Jensen paid the check and y’all headed for the grocery store. You and Jensen picked out groceries and decided on things for dinner. It felt good walking through the store and picking out groceries with him. Never in a million years did you ever think you’d be grocery shopping with Jensen Ackles. Yet here you were shopping for things for your house. Everything was so easy with him. You loved how comfortable everything felt. Once you finished shopping y’all headed for checkout. There was a little bit of a line and you got a bit nervous. Anytime you’re in one spot for too long he tends to get recognized.
There were three people in front of you. You noticed a few people looking at him and at you. Jensen could sense your anxiety and leaned over whispering “it’s okay baby. I’m here and I’ve got you”. He always knew what to say to help ease your mind. You smiled and he kissed your lips. He wrapped his arm around you pulling you close to his side. Just as y’all were about to get the front of the line you heard a squeal behind you. Everyone turned around to face the sound. It was a group of young women. Probably mid to late twenties and they had their eyes locked on Jensen. He gave them a small smile and wave and turned back around. You started to put the groceries on the belt and Jensen stepped up to the cashier. “Good afternoon. How are you today” he asked the cashier. “Hello Mr Ackles, I’m good.” She said with a smile. You smirked as you noticed she had a hard time looking at him.
The women from the store came around to the front. Jensen paid for the groceries as you loaded them into the cart. You both thanked the cashier and started to walk away. The women approached Jensen. Saying what big fans they were, asking him all these questions about upcoming things, how were the kids, etc. You stood by waiting because you know how much his fans mean to him. They asked for selfies and of course he agreed. You noticed there was one that was getting a bit grabby. Jensen jumped. He shook it off as an accident, however she let her hand slip to his butt. You stepped up but didn’t say anything yet. Jensen said “um sorry ladies hands above the waist”. He posed for more pictures and you noticed the woman was rubbing her chest on him and her hand “slipped” to his bulge.
This is when you stepped in. “Okay ladies, picture time is over. He asked you to keep your hands above his waist and you’re trying to feel him up while rubbing your breasts on him. Now step away from him.” You said sternly. Jensen stepped back and the woman stepped forward. “What’s your problem lady. We were just having some fun and taking pictures.” She said. “My problem is he’s asked you not to touch him and you did it anyway. That’s assault sweetheart. Now back away from him.” You said standing in between her and Jensen. She scoffed at you and looked at Jensen. He stood there smirking at her. He grabbed your hand and said “come on baby, let’s go home”. Her eyes went wide and you turned towards him and kissed him. “Yes, let’s go home. I believe you owe me a snuggle”. You said chuckling. You both walked out of the store leaving the women standing there with their jaws on the floor
Once in the car you asked Jensen if he was okay and he said yes. “That was kinda badass babe. It turned me on watching you get all protective” he said. “Hey, she shouldn’t have put her hands on you. So it turned you on huh” you asked smiling. “Oh yeah. So much.” Jensen said with a devilish smile. As he pulled in the driveway you looked over at him and said “prove it”. He growled and jumped out of the car running around to you. Jensen pulled you out of the car and grabbed your hand.
He pulled you in the house and started attacking your lips. “Jensen we have to get the groceries in first” you said laughing. “Ugh, fine. Let’s make it quick” he said running to the car. You helped him bring in the groceries and put them away quickly. Once the last bit was up he attacked your lips again. He pushed you against the wall and took his hands and ran them over your body. He deepened the kiss and slid his tongue across your bottom lip asking for entrance. You opened your mouth and his tongue darted into your mouth. Your tongues were fighting for dominance. God this man knew how to kiss.
You moaned into his mouth and he pulled you by your hand to the bedroom. He kicked the door closed and clothes started flying around the room. Jensen gently pushed you onto the bed and you landed with a squeal. His eyes turned dark with lust and you bit your bottom lip. “Mmm I told you that’s my job” he growled as he took your lip in his mouth. He gently bit it and you moaned. Heat pooled between your legs. Jensen’s hand slid up your thigh and he slid two fingers between your folds and felt how wet you were. “Damn baby, is this all for me” he said plunging his fingers inside you. You gasped and moaned yes.
You bucked your hips into his hand and he grinned. “So needy, aren’t you” he said with a smirk. “Yes baby. I need you” you said in almost a whine. Jensen moved his fingers in and out. Hooking up and hitting that spot. He rubbed your clit as you moaned and gripped the sheets. “Yes baby, right there. Oh god Jensen make me cum” you breathed out. He moved his fingers faster and he could feel your walls starting to tighten. “Cum for me darlin” Jensen said and it sent you over the edge. You came hard on his hand and he helped you ride it out.
When you came down from your high you told Jensen to lay down. You positioned yourself between his legs and kissed your way up his leg to his hard cock. “You don’t have to baby” Jensen said. “Oh but I want to, Jens. I want to make you feel good.” You said looking up at him. You took his cock slowly in your mouth. As you slid your mouth down Jensen sucked air in. “Mmm god baby that feels good” Jensen moaned. You took his cock all the way in and you swirled your tongue up and down his shaft. “Fuck, y/n if you keep doing that I’m going to cum”. Jensen said. You smiled and did it a few more times. He was moaning loudly and as you got to the head you licked the slit and pulled his cock out of your mouth.
“Damn baby you’re amazing at that” Jensen said. “Just wait until I ride you” you said with a wink. You crawled up and straddled him. You took his cock in your hand and lined it up with your dripping entrance. You slowly started to slide down his shaft. You both gasped as you bottomed out. You looked down at Jensen and his hands slid up your body finding your breasts. Slowly you started grinding and rocking your hips. You set a steady pace as Jensen moved his hands to your hips and gripped you tight. Moans and the sound of the bed squeaking filled the room. Jensen lifted his legs to help steady you and the change of position pushed him in at a different angle. It excited you and you picked up the pace. You leaned back and rocked faster. When you leaned forward Jensen leaned up and captured your lips in a heated kiss. You pulled back and placed your hands on his chest helping steady you. “Oh god baby just like that” Jensen moaned out. This excited you more so you moved your body faster. You moaned and whispered “I love you, Jensen”. “Mmm I love you too, y/n” Jensen said. You knew he was close so you picked up the pace and rocked your hips, taking him deeper inside. He grabbed your breasts and said “I’m gonna cum baby”. You leaned forward and whispered in his ear “cum for me baby.” That’s all it took. Jensen came deep inside you. Spilling his hot seed and costing your walls.
As Jensen softened you climbed off to get a washcloth to clean you both up. You cleaned yourself and helped him get clean. He threw the washcloth in the bathroom and laid back offering you his arm. You snuggled up to him and laid your head on his chest. He kissed the top of your head and you sighed softly. “I love you, y/n” he said softly. “I love you too, Jensen” you whispered back.
You both laid in each other’s arms for a while almost drifting off to sleep but you knew you had to pick up the kids. Jensen’s phone rang. He looked at it and rolled his eyes. “What’s up Jar” he asked as he answered it. “Hey man, Gen wanted to have y’all over for dinner tonight is that okay. We can pick up all the kids and bring them over here and you and y/n can come over later.” Jared said on the phone. “Hold on, let me ask her” Jensen said. “Hey babe, they want us to come over for dinner. Gen will get the kids from school and we will go over later.” He said looking at you. “Sure, do we need to bring anything” you asked. “Sure man, that sounds great. What do we need to bring” Jensen said. “Nothing man, we’ve got it covered. See you later man” Jared said as he hung up. Jensen set an alarm on his phone so you two could be at Jared’s on time.
“Well sweetheart, looks like we’ve got some time to just snuggle.” Jensen said pulling you back to him. You giggled and snuggled back into his arms. You felt peaceful laying in his arms. Nothing sexual, just you two laying holding each other. Feeling safe and happy. Before you knew it the two of you drifted off to sleep.
Jensen’s phone went off indicating it was time to get ready to go to Jared’s house. You both had fallen asleep for about two hours. Jensen grumbled and turned off the alarm. You started to get up and he pulled you back down. “Where do you think you’re going, sweetheart” he said holding you. “I’m going to get ready to go see your babies at Jared and Gen’s.” You said laughing. “Fine since you put it that way” Jensen said pouting. You laughed, leaned down and kissed his lips. “I’m going to shower and get ready. You have a few more minutes babe” you said as you climbed out of bed. “A shower you say” Jensen said with a smirk. “Uh, no. Just me this time. We always end up back in this bed and we need to get going” you said walking in the bathroom. “You’re no fun” he said laughing.
About 30 minutes later you and Jensen were ready to go. He grabbed a six pack of beer he had in the fridge and you got your purse and phone. The drive to Jared’s was quick. You got out of the car and walked with Jensen to the door. Before you could knock the door opened and Jared greeted you. “Hey guys. Glad y’all could make it. The kids are out back and Gen is finishing up the sides for dinner.” He said as he gave you a hug. “Hey Jar, thanks for the invite. Jensen and I appreciate it and we appreciate y’all getting the kids so we could relax” you said as you walked towards the kitchen. “Ha, is that what it’s called now” Jared said nudging Jensen. You rolled your eyes and laughed.
Gen was in the kitchen and you walked in. “Hey Gen. Let me help you with that.” You said as you helped grab some bowls. “Hey y/n, how have you been and thanks” she said. “I’m good. I went with Jensen on some errands today. We went to the brewery and he took me to a little diner for lunch. The grocery store was fine until this girl started groping Jensen” you told her as you two set the table. “Oh wow. I would have lost it.” She said shocked. “Yeah, I almost did but I intervened and we got out of there.” You told her.
All of a sudden you heard running feet and felt little arms fly around your legs. “Miss y/n! I missed you” Jensen’s son said. “Hey buddy, I missed you too. Did you have a good day at school” you asked as you picked him up. “Yep, Michael said a naughty word and got in trouble. I also got to feed the class fish. It was awesome” he said with a big grin. “Oh buddy that sounds great. I hope you don’t say the naughty words Michael said.” You told him with a smile. “No, mommy and daddy said I can’t say those words” he said. You smiled and he hugged your neck. Then he kissed your cheek and wiggled out of your arms. “Bye Miss y/n. See you soon” he said running outside.
You giggled and finished helping set dinner out. “That little boy loves you y/n.” Gen said with a smile. You looked out the window at him running around and said “yeah, I love them all too. They are really good kids”. Gen stood at the door and called everyone in for dinner. The kids came running in and you told them to go wash up. Jared and Jensen followed the kids in and you told them to wash up too. Jared said “yes mom” and laughed. Jensen came up to you and placed a kiss on your cheek and whispered in your ear “I saw you with little man. He really loves you”. You smiled and nodded.
Everyone gathered around the table to eat dinner. The kids talked about their day and how they were excited to have two days left of school before break. The adults chatted about plans to get together during the break and Gen and Jared were really excited to meet your family if they were able to come in town. “I really hope they can. It’s hard to get away, but I hope they can. Even if it’s for just a few days.” You said smiling at Jensen.
After dinner was done and the kitchen was clean it was time to say goodnight. You thanked Jared and Gen again for everything and hugged them goodbye. Jensen’s kids were tired and you carried his youngest daughter out to the car. His son was upset so Jensen carried him and chuckled.
Once you got home you and Jensen got the kids out of the car and ready for bed. You read a story to the kids and you two tucked them in. As you started to leave Jensen’s son’s room he called your name. “Miss Y/n” he said softly. “Yes baby” you turned and said. “Um can I call you mama y/n” he asked with wide eyes. You smiled and your heart swelled. “Oh honey, you can call me whatever you’re comfortable with. I love you and that is up to you” you said as you gave him a big hug. “Okay, good night mama y/n. I love you” he said as he snuggled under his blanket. “Good night sweet boy. I love you too” you said as you closed his door.
As you walked in the hallway Jensen was standing there smiling. You looked at him and smiled. He took your hand and you two went to bed. As you drifted off to sleep your heart was full. You were so glad you took a chance with Jensen. His family was quickly becoming part of yours and you were falling even more in love with him. You closed your eyes with a soft smile on your face and the arms of the man you loved wrapped around you.
Forever tags: @nescaveckdaily @nescaveckwriter @kr804573 @jensengirl83 @k-slla @jackles010378 @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx
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So Close Ch. 3
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Series Summary: Jensen Ackles is thousands of miles away from McKayla’s normal life, both figuratively and literally. Jensen is sure they can work things out, but McKayla is less sure that they can get through things and keep her heart intact.
Chapter Summary: It's been four months since their first date and Jensen has invited McKayla to come to Vegas Con and stay the weekend with him in Vegas. McKayla isn't sure what to expect, but is still dazed by what she gets.
Series Warnings/Explicit 18+: There will be eventual smut, likely much angst, and because it’s me, there will be fluff throughout as well. There is also awkwardness. More detailed warnings in individual chapters.
Chapter Warnings: Kissing, some angst on McKayla's part, Jensen being the sweetest and also, a bit clueless.
Pairings: Jensen x OFC (McKayla - Requester)
Word Count: 3,630
A/N: This was a request from @jensensgirl not for me specifically, but for anyone willing to write it. So, I adopted it for my 1K Follower Celebration. She’s asked that the character be given her name, McKayla, and I’ve added the last name “Brandon” just so the character has one.
This will be the third chapter in a short series. I hope this is what you were looking for MaKayla. 💓 Expect other aspects of your request (such as certain kinks) to show up in future chapters.😊
A/N 2: As always, of course this is a Jensen from another part of the Multiverse, who is single. This is an absolute work of fiction.
Series Masterlist
The beautiful divider below and at the bottom were created by @firefly-graphics​
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Mickayla dragged her suitcase behind her as she moved through the heavy crowds standing around at the baggage terminal. The one wonky wheel on her bag was constantly trying to pull it to the right and she scraped it loudly across the floor as she wrenched it closer to her, cursing beneath her breath.
She managed to wrangle the stubborn luggage onto the escalator heading down to ground level, jostling her carry-on backpack and jacket into a more convenient position. She let out a puff of air, trying to blow her hair out of her eyes. She should have tied it back.
As she reached the bottom of the escalator, she looked around trying to get her bearings. It had been a long time since she’d flown and she’d never been in the LAS airport, having never been to Las Vegas in her life. Searching the vast, crowded area for an exit with a cab stand, she was suddenly taken aback by a man in a neat, black suit holding a plain white card with her name printed in bold black letters.
Slightly confused, she sort of raised her hand as she walked nearer. The man holding the card had a bright beautiful smile that caused deep dimples to appear in his smooth, golden brown cheeks. He looked young and friendly.
As she approached him, he bobbed his head in greeting. “Ms. Brandon?”
She smiled back, slightly awkward. “Yes, that’s me.”
“Fantastic.” He said in a light Spanish accent, his consonants soft and vowels rounded. “My name is Enzo; Mr. Ackles booked our car service to come pick you up.” He nodded to the phone she held in her hand. “He was meant to inform you.”
“Oh!” She said, trying to jostle things in her hands again. “I forgot to turn off airplane mode.”
Enzo reached out to take her jacket so she could have her hands free. “Please, ma’am, allow me.” He took her backpack off her shoulder as well as she fiddled with her phone. Technology was not being her friend and her phone decided now was the perfect time to shut down and she closed her eyes in frustration.
“Long flight?” Enzo asked, sympathy filling his voice.
She smiled at him. “No, it was only four hours, but in order to get the weekend off, I had to work early this morning, so I started at six, and wasn’t off until two, and then I had to run home to grab my bags, and then catch a cab to the airport, and the cab took forever to get there so I got to the airport with hardly any time to check in, and they almost weren’t going to let me on because I was so late, but they ended up literally holding the plane for me, but they’d given away my seat, so I ended up in coach, stuck in the middle seat and -”
She caught herself rambling and shook her head. “I’m so sorry. I promise I’ll give you a big tip.”
Enzo chuckled softly. “Don’t worry, Ms. Brandon, things will improve now.” He leaned a little closer to stage whisper conspiratorially, “There is champagne in the car.”
McKayla laughed. “Thank god, and please call me McKayla.”
The ride from the airport was as lush and relaxing as Enzo had promised. He took care of everything to get them out of the airport and as she sat in the back of the limousine with a champagne flute of sweet bubbly goodness, listening to the soft jazz Enzo had playing over the sound system, she only felt vaguely ridiculous that she was traveling in such a luxurious, extravagant car.
They approached the Vegas strip and McKayla couldn’t help but gasp as the bright shining lights lit up the sky in the distance. It looked like the city was ablaze and even though glitz and glamor had never really been her thing, she couldn’t deny that the sight was thrilling and a bit exciting.
As they approached their hotel, a whole new level of surrealty began to hit McKayla as they pulled up outside the massive entrance. She was still staring up at the incredibly opulent structure through the tinted limo window, jaw open, when Enzo opened the door for her.
“We’ve arrived, ma'am." He said calmly. "I believe this is Susannah, and she’ll help you from here.” He gestured to a smartly dressed young woman standing to the right of the car door with a tablet tucked under her arm and a warm smile.
“Welcome to The Suites, Ms. Brandon.”
McKayla didn’t want to get out of the car.
She was wearing leggings and a comfortable sweater, clothes she knew would be comfortable to fly in. But they were old and there was a small hole in the underarm of the sweater and she’d spilled hummus on the leggings at lunch earlier that day. Nothing about her said she belonged in a place with a lobby four times the size of her entire apartment.
But Enzo was holding out his hand to help her step from the car so she took it tremblingly. Perhaps feeling her nervousness, Enzo gave her hand a small squeeze and spoke softly to her. “Just pretend you do this all the time.”
When she caught his eye he gave her a quick wink and a reassuring smile. She smiled back, grateful for the camaraderie. “Thank you so much, Enzo. I really appreciate all your help.”
He nodded and stepped back from her. “Not at all, Ms. Brandon, my pleasure. Enjoy your stay in Las Vegas.”
“You too.” She said and then caught herself, shaking her head. “I mean…you know what I mean.”
He laughed. “Yes, I do.”
He closed the door as she walked towards Susannah, and headed back around to the driver’s side.
Remembering suddenly, McKayla turned back to him. “Oh, wait. I didn’t tip you.”
She looked for her backpack, finding that it was already sitting on a little cart being wheeled by a very tall, lanky bellboy.
But Enzo just shook his head at her, waving his hand dismissively. “No, no Ms. Brandon, please, don’t worry about it. Mr. Ackles will sign for any tip he feels is fair.”
“Oh.” She said, nodding. “Of course. D’uh. Sorry. Take care.”
Enzo nodded again and ducked back into the limo to drive away. God, she felt like such an idiot. She had no idea how any of this worked and she felt like she was moving around in a very vivid, insane dream.
Susannah was standing by, smiling placidly, and waiting for McKayla to come back towards her. Throwing up a smile as a defense against her own stupidity, McKayla gestured forward. “Okay, lead the way.”
“Of course.” Susannah said.
The concierge (was that what she was?) walked them through the massive lobby, by-passing the check in counter and leading her to a set of 3 elevators.
“These are the elevators to the Skyline, Ambassador, and Presidential Suites. Skyline, where you’re staying, is accessed from this one.” She said as she pressed the button and led McKayla and the still silent bellboy onto a wide elevator that had a pure white, plush settee pushed against the back wall. McKayla wondered briefly how long the elevator ride would take if they provided their guests with seating.
But it was less than a minute before Susannah stepped out into a long hallway. She held her arm against the elevator door as McKayla and the bellboy exited. Susannah passed her a key card. “Enjoy your stay, Ms. Brandon, and please don’t hesitate to call down to the desk if you need anything at all.”
As she turned to get back to get on the elevator, McKayla held out the hand that was holding the keycard.
“Wait,” she swept her hand down the hallway towards the three doors she could see. “Which room is mine?”
Susannah smiled kindly. “Oh, the Skyline Suite occupies this entire level. The other doors are a maintenance room and the door to the stairwell.”
McKayla nodded slowly. “Right.”
Susannah stepped onto the elevator and nodded towards the looming bellboy. “Tim will make sure you get there.”
McKayla waved as the doors closed and then wanted to cut her hand off.
Am I at a fucking kindergarten Christmas concert? Why am I waving?
Tim pulled the small cart forward and she followed behind him to a set of double doors.
“This is your suite.” He said in a slightly squeaky voice. McKayla smiled and put the keycard in the reader, but it just beeped an angry red at her. She frowned and tried again, but it did the same thing.
“You’re putting it in backwards.” Tim said, helpfully.
McKayla sighed as she looked at the card and saw the very clear arrow showing her what end was meant to go in.
“Yep. Of course I am.” She muttered.
Before she could get the card in the right way however, the door opened and Jensen stood in front of her looking like an absolute miraculous mirage in the desert of her day.
“Mickey, you’re here, finally!”
His smile was a bright beam of happiness and she immediately smiled back, warmth rushing through her at the sight of him, and his use of the nickname he’d given her on their second date.
He took a step towards her and reached his hand out like he was going to pull her to him for a kiss, but then he noticed Tim still standing there and awkwardly pulled up short.
They weren’t exactly hiding the fact that they were in a relationship, their friends and families all knew, but they weren’t ready for it to get out into the world yet.
McKayla was definitely not ready. The idea of bearing the scrutiny of people she’d never met, people scrolling her social media for old, terrible photographs, trying to pull her apart, wondering what on earth Jensen could possibly see in this random, chubby barista? It was more than she could imagine at the moment, so they’d agreed to keep things out of the limelight for as long as possible.
Especially, while they were still trying to figure things out themselves.
It had been four months since their first date, and they still hadn’t slept together. McKayla cringed every time she thought about the fact that she was dating the sexiest man on earth, a man she’d lusted after even before she met him, and yet every time he’d initiated things, she froze up on him and she didn’t quite understand why.
She wasn’t afraid of sleeping with him - she was hardly a virgin. She was confident enough in her own sexiness and sexuality that she wasn’t worried she’d disappoint him in bed, (at least she felt that way most days) and she knew beyond a doubt that he wouldn’t disappoint her. Every time he touched her she melted into a puddle and desperately wanted to let him do anything and everything he wanted to do to her, just as long as he kept on touching her.
But inevitably when things turned hot and heavy, she pulled away.
She told herself in the beginning that it was just because she didn’t know him well enough yet. Then after a couple months she convinced herself that they just didn’t spend enough time together for it to feel natural.
But then, he’d come to visit her again, and booked himself into a hotel for a whole weekend, planning to spend every minute with her. And he had. They'd spent every minute cuddling and kissing and…that was it. He'd tried twice that trip to move things to the next stage and both times she'd pulled away.
After verifying that she was for sure interested in him in that way (as though it was possible for someone to not be sexually attracted to Jensen Ackles) Jensen had told her it was completely fine and there was no rush.
But it felt ridiculous to her, she couldn’t explain it in her own mind. As she stared at Jensen now, it made less sense to her than ever. The man was the picture of perfection. He wore a denim-blue button down shirt and a pair of black jeans. The jeans clung to him in a way that made her want to moan out loud, and the width of his broad, muscular shoulders made his shirt pull tight against the seams.
He smiled at Tim and even the stoic bellboy smiled shyly and blushed. Jensen pulled some cash out of his pocket, slipping a twenty into the young man’s hand.
“Thanks Tim, I appreciate you bringing everything up. I got it from here.” He told him, lifting McKayla’s suitcase and backpack off the cart.
Tim nodded and crumpled the twenty in his fist. “Thank you, sir.” He said, then he practically ran back to the elevator with the cart, and disappeared inside.
As the doors closed behind him, Jensen dropped her luggage to the floor so he could cup her cheeks and pull her into him for a kiss. She squeaked her surprise and then melted against him as he pushed his nimble tongue past her lips. He tasted like whiskey and something sweet and she wrapped her arms around his neck as he dropped his hands to her waist and walked her backwards until she was pushed up against the wall of the hallway.
She laughed lightly into the kiss and he moved his mouth down her neck to suck at her pulse point. “Why are we in the hallway?” She asked, breathless. She let her hands span the width of his shoulders, and then slide down to rest on his thick biceps.
Jensen grunted noncommittally and continued to nip and lick her skin. She thumped her head back against the wall and sighed. He finally pulled back from her a bit, and looked her in the eye. A warm smile spread across his face and he dropped his forehead to hers.
“Hi.” He said softly.
“Hi back.”
He brushed his lips against hers. “God, I missed you.” He pouted slightly and McKayla thought it should be illegal for a grown man to be that adorable. “Three weeks is too long to go without seeing you.”
She smiled indulgently. “It was two and a half weeks. And we didn’t have another option. You can’t leave New Mexico during the week, and I absolutely had to work the last two weekends because my boss is pissed that I keep taking them off.”
He continued to pout at her, and McKayla nodded. “But, yeah, it was too long.”
She reached up into his long, softly tousled hair and tangled her fingers up in it, pulling his lips back to hers. He moaned softly as she tugged and the sound went straight to her core. He delved his tongue deep into her mouth again, kissing her passionately and pulling all the air out of her lungs.
Only when neither of them had any breath left did he let the kiss go. They sipped at each other’s lips for a minute more before Jensen stood up and dropped his hands from McKayla’s waist and, moving back to the door to the room, picked up her bags again.
He smiled brightly at her as they walked into the suite. “Isn’t this place nice?”
McKayla was thunderstruck; “nice” didn’t seem to cover it. Jensen walked away, presumably to put her luggage in the bedroom, and all McKayla could do was stand in gapping awe at her surroundings.
The suite was easily four times as big as her apartment. Every surface, from the countertops in the massive kitchen to the floors throughout the space, were made of a cool, sleek, expensive cut of marble. The walls were covered in art that probably cost more than her yearly salary, and the couches, chairs, tables and lighting fixtures had clearly all been chosen by an expert hand to perfectly compliment each other. The fabrics were rich and warm, and looked like they were just waiting for her to spill a glass of wine on them.
One whole wall of the suite was made up of windows that looked out across the vast Vegas skyline that was set beautifully against the backdrop of the sun setting behind the mountains. And off in the corner was a spiral staircase leading to…
“There’s a second floor!” McKayla practically shouted as Jensen re-entered the room.
He smiled and walked up behind her to wrap his arms around her chest and pull her back against him. “Yeah, it leads up to a really nice exercise room, and a beautiful balcony. There’s an infinity pool up there too. Great for swimming at night, I hear.”
He dropped his head lower so he was looking out at the view from her vantage point. “Gorgeous, huh?”
She nodded, stunned speechless. He kissed her temple quickly and then pulled her down the wide hallway to the bedroom at the back of the suite. The room boasted a massive king sized bed, huge his-and-her closets, a modern looking desk with a chair that looked remarkably uncomfortable but was probably some kind of ergonomic design.
Jensen went to the drawers in the room that were built into the wall and pulled out a white box from the big bottom one. He brought it to the bed and set it down, smiling at her broadly.
“I got you something.”
McKayla shook her head; to say she was overwhelmed was an understatement. She felt like her mind was floating away somewhere and the feeling she’d had since she arrived - the feeling that something was going to pop at some point and she’d suddenly be awake, leaving all this behind in a dream - that feeling just kept increasing.
“Why?” She said about the gift.
Jensen chuckled. “Cause I wanted to.” He nodded and moved his hand back and forth as though acknowledging something. “Well, and also because I made reservations at this cool new restaurant that just opened, pretty hard to get a spot apparently, and I figured you probably hadn’t packed anything fancy if you were just planning on a weekend in a hotel and casinos, and a Con on Sunday.”
He gestured to the box. “Open it.”
She moved forward and pulled the top off. Inside was an absolutely stunning, burgundy cocktail dress. McKayla pulled the garment out of the box and listened to the soft swish of the chiffon material as it unfurled to reveal a flattering A-line cut, sleeveless, with delicate white bows at the base of each wide strap. Small white beads were woven modestly along the hem to give it weight and sparkle.
It was positively the most beautiful article of clothing McKayla had ever held in her hands and she couldn’t imagine how much something like that would cost. She laid it out on the white duvet cover and stepped away from it, sure she was going to get something on it from her grubby clothes.
Jensen was staring at her waiting for a response, and when she just mouthed soundlessly, he laughed a bit nervously. “What do you think?”
McKayla shook her head. “It’s, wow, Jensen it’s gorgeous.”
He cleared his throat. “Okay, but…?”
She shook her head again. “No, really this was…so thoughtful of you, and…” A thought occurred to her. “How did you know my size?”
He shrugged. “I just showed the woman at the store a picture of you. She figured it out.” He smiled at her, and his excitement seemed slightly defused. “If it doesn’t fit or something, we can just return it.”
McKayla felt terrible for dampening his enthusiasm and shook her head, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly. “No, it looks like it will fit perfectly. Thank you, this was so wonderful. I definitely didn’t pack anything as stunning as this.”
His eyes were sparkling emerald again as she kissed his cheek and he gestured back towards the drawers. “There are shoes to match. Size 9?” He asked with a grin.
She smiled back. “8 ½ but close enough.”
He dipped his head to kiss her quickly as his phone buzzed. “Okay, I’m running out for about an hour to talk to Rob about the concert tomorrow.”
McKayla clapped her hands. “Are you singing?”
He winked. “Possibly. I’m gonna see what the band thinks, what their set list looks like. Our reservations are for nine, so I’ll leave you to get ready and I’ll be back soon.”
She nodded and he kissed her again, calling out his farewell as he dashed out of the bedroom. She heard the door close behind him and stood, unmoving, in the huge, silent space for almost ten minutes, just trying to let everything settle into place in her mind.
When Jensen had suggested she come to the Vegas Con and stay with him for the weekend, he’d told her he’d pay her airfare and for the hotel. McKayla had balked and told him that was too much to ask of him, but he’d insisted and she missed him so much that she didn’t put up much of a fight.
But a first class ticket and this palatial suite was not what she’d been expecting from a Con weekend in Vegas. Nevermind a dress that looked like it cost thousands, shoes that were likely another grand at least, and dinner at a trendy restaurant.
“I am so far from trendy.” McKayla whispered out loud to the empty room.
In the end though, she realized she was wasting all her prep time and she definitely needed every second of it. So, she moved off towards the gigantic marble tiled bathroom to get started.
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1 - Jensen RPF + Any/All characters Jensen plays.
3 - Any/All Fics (regardless of fandom/character.)
4 - Everything (includes fan vid/DOOL edits as well)
47 notes · View notes
lucidlivi · 1 year
Chosen For Pleasure (III)
Series Masterlist/Warnings
Tag List: @ladysparkles78 @suckitands33@little-x-wolf (if you'd like to be added, please let me know!)
Buckle Up Ladies! It's Getting Hot!
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“so are we going to talk about the thing?” I asked fidgeting with my hands.
“I have no idea of this thing you speak of.” Jensen smirked, keeping one hand on the wheel, the other on my knee.
I could still feel his warm lips all over my neck, his beard scratching against it as he explored with his mouth and tongue. I fluttered my eyelashes closed, biting my lip as the feeling was still so real. I was trying not to lose my cool, which is exactly what he wanted.
“your kind of an ass sometimes you know that?” I joked giving him a smirk back.
“we’ll have plenty of time to talk about it tonight after work.” He said pulling up to my apartment.
Why did tonight have to be so far away?
I hesitantly got out, not trusting my knees not to cave out from under me. Jensen got out too, walking me up to the door. I was about to say something when the door flew open, a guy rushing out still struggling to button his pants.
Jensen pulled me to his chest out of the way. I peeked my head in seeing Stella laying on the couch clutching a comforter to her bare chest. I rolled my eyes laughing at her.
“I'll see you tonight, I’ll send my driver to pick you up.” Jensen said placing a warm hand on my cheek.
“you have a driver?” I laughed.
“yeah Cole.” Jensen said as if it were a normal thing for everyone to have their own personal driver.
I rolled my eyes laughing.
“see you later Mr. Ackles.” I murmured biting my lip.
“see you later then Ms. (L/N).” Jensen whispered.
He brought his lips down towards me. I thought he was going to connect them with mine, but instead he placed a lingering kiss on my cheek. I stood in the doorway grinning as he got in his expensive car and sped off down the road.
Did I mention how insane this all felt?
I walked inside fully, shutting the door behind me. Stella still sat on the couch naked, only the comforter covering her body.
I could see she was bursting at the seams to know everything.
“really Stell on our couch, where we eat dinner? Ya couldn’t make it to your bed?” I joked giving her a disappointed gaze.
“oh no no no..” she said standing up wrapping the blanket around her body.
“no we’re starting with you missy!” she squealed.
“what about me?” I played dumb going in our shared bathroom to finally get a hot shower.
“uh please do share.” she said stopping the door with her foot.
“there’s not much to share.” I shrugged simply.
It was true.
Sort of.
“c’mon (y/n) if I have to live this fantasy vicariously through you then you’re going to need to give me more details.” she all but practically begged.
“nothing happened, I mean we didn’t have sex if that’s what you’re asking.”
“butttt you’re seeing him tonight?” she pressed trying to understand.
I was trying to understand everything myself.
“It’s complicated, he’s complicated.” I said leaving it at that.
“just make sure it’s making you happy okay?” Stella said turning back to the protective friend she is.
“He is.” I said biting my lip, our elevator ride replaying in my mind.
I stepped in the warm water letting it soak through my aching muscles. As it slid down my neck, Jensen’s lips invaded my mind. He expertly slid them up and down kissing and licking each spot. I whimpered thinking about them.
I didn't have time to daydream though. I sighed bringing myself out of the shower and forcing myself to put on clothes to go to work. I still felt like shit, but a little better at least.
“sooooo who’s the mystery man who couldn’t get his pants fixed?” I asked Stella as we sat in the car on our way to the office.
Stella started to laugh.
"how have we not talked about this yet, it was so awkward." she said facepalming.
"Definitely didn't expect to see it." I laughed.
“Matt.” she said biting her lip.
“and Matt is….?”
“we connected awhile ago, and he's slowly trickling his way back in, but I think it could really be something this time."
“just make sure it’s making you happy okay.” I repeated her phrase from earlier earning a smile from her.
I stretched one last time grabbing my bag from the back seat. I hoped we were still in Gray’s good graces. I really didn’t have the energy for him to be on my ass today.
I felt sets of eyes on me as I walked in. I gave Stella a look but she wasn’t noticing the attention we were getting. I turned my head seeing the receptionist whispering to another coworker whilst they watched me walk by.
what’s there problem?
I shook it off. Maybe I’m just being paranoid. I sat down at my desk starting up my laptop.
“uh (y/n/n) you might want to come take a look at this.” Stella squeaked from her desk.
I ran over, hearing the concern in her voice. She had her gossip column open where the latest celebrity gossip and scandals filtered in. One article specifically caught my attention
Billionaire Jensen Ackles Fighting At Local Club? Who Is This Mystery Women?
Accompanying the title was a photograph.
What the hell?
When was this taken?
I didn’t see anyone else there? Of course I didn’t see much of anything thanks to the booze.
The picture was of Jensen putting me in the car, most of me was blocked out by his large body. But for people who knew me, it was obvious who it was.
“I’m sure they won’t figure out it’s you.” Stella said her voice raising an octave higher than normal signifying she was being deceitful for my sake.
“I think they already have.” I said glancing around at some female coworkers who were staring at our corner of the office.
“what’s there problem?” A deep voice pressed from behind me.
Stella quickly slammed her laptop shut as Gray made his way in front of me.
“morning sir.” I greeted, not sure where we stood.
yesterday he was proud of me, today he might hate me again. who knows.
“come to my office for a second will you?”
I gave a pleading look to Stella before hesitantly following him to his office. I just prayed he hadn’t seen the things going around. I stood awkwardly in the door way waiting to hear the reason I was here.
“sit please.” he said gesturing to a chair.
I sat down while he did the same. I glanced in his direction. I was met with a warm smile, something I had never seen on his face before.
“I uh bought you coffee.” He said handing me a large cup that was still hot.
Okay this is officially strange.
“thanks, though I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to be the one getting that for you.” I said sipping on it.
“you deserve it.” He shrugged.
Okay am I being punk’d? Gray being nice to me and telling me I deserve it.
Where’s the camera?
What’s the catch? There’s always a catch.
“look (y/n), I’m kind of in a bind. I had to fire our photo editor unexpectedly and nobody else could do the job quite like you could.” Gray explained.
there it was.
“I have an entire magazines worth of photos I need edited by the end of the day tomorrow.”
“but that’ll take forever.”
“I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t think you could do this.” Gray said standing up from his desk and coming to lean on it so he was closer to me.
“please.” He pleaded resting a calloused hand on my knee.
I got an uncomfortable feeling when Gray touched me. I stood up quickly making his hand fall away from me.
“you’re the most talented photographer we have, I just couldn’t see that before.” Gray said coming closer to me than i’d like.
I don’t know what was worse, having him hate me or having him compliment me like this.
“fine” I sighed hesitantly.
“you’re the best!” Gray said putting his arms around my small frame and squeezing.
He smelled of cigarettes and tequila. Not like the enticing scent of Whisky that followed Jensen around. I unwrapped myself not wanting his arms around me any longer.
“I’ll email you.” He dismissed.
I walked back to my desk coffee cup in hand.
“what was that all about?” Stella asked.
“he complimented me, and bought me coffee.” I said raising the cup.
“hey I made that article too!” Stella frowned crossing her arms.
“don’t worry he was just buttering me up, wants me to edit all the photos for the magazine release by tomorrow.” I sighed flopping in my chair.
“damn all of them by tomorrow? that’ll take forever! are you going to cancel on Jensen?” Stella asked concerned.
If there was one thing I absolutely wasn’t going to do it was cancel.
“I guess I better bust my ass then.” I laughed.
And I did.
For the rest of the work day I edited photos, even skipping lunch and break. I had almost all of them edited by the time I clocked out. I can’t believe I pulled that out of my ass.
“I’m going to head out, you sure you're okay?" Stella asked coming to stand in front of me.
"I'm good Stell, thanks."
"Alright, just call me if you need anything” Stella said winking at me while collecting her things.
I went to the bathroom freshening up my makeup and changing my outfit. I never knew what to expect with Jensen. It made me nervous but also very excited. I checked my reflection one last time before going out to collect my things and to go look for Cole.
I jumped as Gray’s voice startled me. I looked around seeing everyone had left except for him and I.
“uh yeah, I got most of the pictures edited so I should have no problem finishing tomorrow.” I said offering him a small smile.
“I knew you would.” He smiled back.
There was an awkward tension as I felt his eyes on me while I collected my things depositing them in my bag.
“you going out tonight?” He inquired.
“uh yeah, I have a date.” I whispered feeling uncomfortable.
Could I even call it a date? I had no idea what it was.
“Hmm well he’s a lucky guy.” Gray said licking his lips before retreating into his office.
What was that?
I felt uneasy as I grabbed my bag quickly rushing out of the building. I wasn’t looking where I was going as I nervously peered back at the office. I collided with a rock hard chest.
“woah easy there angel.”
His raspy voice snapped me out of my trance.
I glanced up at him feeling more at peace now. He traded his signature suit and tie for a dress shirt and a tan jacket.
Jesus Christ was there anything this man didn’t look flawless in?
He must’ve seen the uneasiness on my face. His smirk changed to a concerned frown.
“you okay? something happen in there?” He asked nodding his head towards the office building.
Did something happen?
I don’t know if I could qualify that as something. It definitely made me uneasy but they’re just words. I saw how Jensen was with Sebastian, and I really didn’t want to lose my job over what could be nothing. I decided it was probably better I didn’t tell him what Gray said.
“no, I’m alright.” I said with a smile plastered on my face.
“shall we.” I nodded to the car.
A man who I’m presuming is Cole got out of the drivers seat to open the back door for us.
“Mr. Ackles, Ms. (L/N).” He nodded.
"just (y/n)." I whispered making Jensen laugh.
"so are you going to tell me where we're going?" I asked glancing at Jensen beside me.
He leaned in close, his lips brushing against my ear.
"now where's the fun in that?" He whispered.
My breath hitched.
"besides, we're just about there." He spoke louder so Cole heard him too.
I felt my pupils grow as we pulled up to an airstrip, a helicopter sitting in front of us.
"holy shit Jensen, that's a helicopter." I said in awe climbing out of the car.
He climbed out too coming to stand beside me.
"you know I never knew how incredibly observant you were?" He joked.
"come on." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards it.
"wait we're going on that?" I squeaked.
"why? afraid of heights? you know you can always cuddle close to me." He smirked.
I shoved him away playfully making him laugh. He carefully opened the door, helping me in. Once he was in too he made sure to buckle me in tightly before doing the same for himself.
I heard the pilot telling command that we were ready for takeoff.
"Chopper 64-23 Departing for San Antonio."
"We're going to San Antonio?" I asked looking at Jensen.
He nodded his head smiling. San Antonio was only a little more than a two hour drive from where we were in Laredo. It would probably take only thirty minutes by chopper.
"What's in San Antonio?"
"My estate." Jensen answered.
I felt the helicopter lurch forward. I've only been on a plane one time before so this experience was all new to me.
I felt Jensen grab my hand intertwining our fingers. He sensed I was nervous. He didn't make a comment which I was grateful for.
Once we were in the air I dared myself to look out the window.
"everything's so beautiful up here!" I beamed, the smile not leaving my face.
little did I know Jensen was just staring at me the entire time.
"I agree." He said.
I was right about it being incredibly short. Before I knew it we were making our descent. I squeezed Jensen's hand as we got closer to the ground. If he felt it he didn't indicate so.
Oh my god.
A mansion stood before me, bigger than anything I had ever seen before.
"you live here?" I asked spinning around to get a look at the entire thing.
"come on, lets go inside." Jensen said laughing at my bewilderment.
I gasped, the inside just as beautiful as the outside. Jensen let my eyes wander for a couple minutes before he pulled me over to his large oak table. I saw a piece of paper in front of the seat Jensen pulled out for me.
"what's this?"
Jensen looked at me uncomfortably like he was afraid to say.
"It's uh a nondisclosure agreement, it means that anything that happens between us, you can't talk about." He said rubbing his bearded jaw.
I think he was worried I'd be offended.
"I would never do that to you." I spoke truthfully.
"I'm afraid my corporate lawyers insist that I have one."
I quickly grabbed the pen scribbling my name down. I handed him the paper sticking the pen between my lips. I felt the heavy tension as he sat next to me. It seemed like he was formulating in his head how to make the next move. So I decided to do it for him.
"so are you going to passionately fuck me now?" I whispered seductively.
I mean what else did he bring me here to do?
I could see Jensens eyes go dark with lust. He leaned in close as if he was going to kiss on my neck again.
"two things. one, there's nothing passionate about the way I fuck, and two, I want to show you something first."
I let him grab my hand, leading me up a staircase. He stops at a doorway, taking a key from his pocket and unlocking it. I walked in seeing a huge king size bed in the center of the room. On a stand there were pleasure items, handcuffs, blindfolds, lubrication, and lots of condoms. I ran my fingers over a pair of especially fuzzy handcuffs.
"say something please." He pleaded as I looked around in silence.
I smirked grabbing a pair of the hand cuffs, swinging them around my pointer finger.
"are these meant for me, or for you?"
Jensen groaned as I played with them. It was hot to see I could get him riled up too.
"they're definitely not meant for me, you see I'm in control angel."
"oh yeah?" I pushed urging him to continue.
"you want to know what this is?" He asked stepping closer.
I nodded not trusting my voice to crack.
"not here though." He said pulling me out of the pleasure room.
He led me down the hall to a regular bedroom. He nudge me over to the bed instructing me to sit.
"This is you and me, pleasuring each other, whenever we want it. I only have some basic rules. Rule one, I don't sleep with anyone else, and you don't sleep with anyone else. Two, I don't kiss on the lips. I also don't sleep with anyone. If you agree to this, this right here would be your room, but only on the weekends." He explained.
I took in everything he said. It was a lot. He was basically offering to be exclusive fuck buddies.
"Jensen, how many girls have stayed in this room?" I asked, not sure if I really wanted to know the answer.
"oh great only thirteen." I mumbled sarcastically.
He didn’t say anything.
"but we slept in the same bed the other night and it was fine, why do I have to stay in here?" I pouted.
"don't get too caught up on the sleeping arrangements, trust me after we're finished you're going to want your own space."
"and if I don't agree, we wouldn't have any relationship at all?" I asked biting my lip.
"this is the only kind of relationship I have, and I want it with you."
I could feel the air getting caught in my lungs.
"I gave you a lot to think about, let's go back downstairs." Jensen said grabbing my hand and leading me back down the staircase.
He sat me down on the couch, going to get me a glass of water as I mulled everything over in my head. I muttered a thanks when he came back.
"One more thing, I'm going to need your written consent. I need to know stuff you are and aren't willing to try." He said.
I took a long sip of water setting the glass down.
"how will I know what I what I would and wouldn't be willing to try?"
"well uh think back to when you had sex before, what felt good, what didn't." He shrugged.
I felt my face go hot. I turned my body slightly away from Jensen, catching his attention.
"what's the matter? for this to work we have to be honest." He said placing a hand on my knee.
"It's just, I uh, um I haven't"
Jensen looked taken back my confession. I felt embarrassed.
"you're a virgin? but you've done other stuff right?"
"only a couple times, awhile back but not exactly." I spoke.
"but I imagine men must throw themselves at you, how?" He asked scooting closer.
"it's never been one I wanted."
"and do you want me?" He asked.
I looked up at Jensen as his eyes bore in to my own.
"more than anything." I whispered.
Jensen smirked as if I said the golden words. He lifted me up, throwing me over his shoulder, making me squeal.
"what are you doing?" I laughed.
"I'm rectifying the situation."
"I didn't know I was a situation." I said biting my lip.
Jensen ran up the stairs to a master bedroom. He gently laid me on the bed. I felt my pulse increase as his eyes raked over me. He threw his jacket down unbuttoning his shirt before discarding that as well.
He leans down placing several soft kisses to my neck while trailing his hands under my shirt.
“is this okay to take off?”
I bit my lip nodding my head.
“words, (y/n) I need words.”
“yes” I whimpered.
He swiftly pulls my shirt over my head, reattaching his lips to my neck and holding my hips down. He starts to suck on a spot making a gasped moan escape my lips. His tongue massages up to my chin and back down again.
I could feel his hands start to slip down to the waistband of my jeans.
“and these?” he asks through kisses.
I felt my mind going fuzzy. I could only think about the heat that was slowly building in my core as he kissed and sucked on my neck.
“Mhmm” I moaned.
“mhmm’s not a word.”
“please Jensen.” I panted.
He tugged my jeans until they were pooling at my ankles. His fingers trailed down my leg making me shiver. He pulled my jeans the rest of the way off, leaving me in just my under garments. He stepped back taking me in.
“so fucking beautiful.” He growled.
He came back attaching his lips once again to my neck but this time he moved them down to the top of my breasts. I shivered at his touch.
He grabbed the straps of my bra pulling it down so I was now exposed for him. His kisses didn’t stop until his mouth met my nipple. I gasped as his perfect mouth wrapped around it sucking roughly.
I was panting, feeling myself getting wetter. His big hands massaged my thighs making them clench together. I needed some type of friction, I was going insane.
His mouth wrapped around my other nipple making me gasp just as loud. He removed his hands from my thighs, unclasping my bra so he could remove it once and for all.
I was gripping the sheets as Jensen sucked and licked over my breasts. He grabbed my hands putting them in his hair.
He groaned as I started to tug. He gave my breast one last kiss before licking down my stomach to my panty line. I moaned feeling his hot breath through the fabric.
His fingers grazed over my heat, sending shock waves of euphoria throughout my body.
“Jensen please.” I whimpered.
“what do you want (y/n)?” He asked trailing kisses over my thighs.
“just.want.you.” I panted.
“then I’m all yours.”
Author Note:
Ooh we love a consenting king, but we hate a cliffhanger! Remember please show some love with a heart, comment, reblog or a follow! y
Part (IV)
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spnbaby-67 · 10 months
Chapter 3
What is Mr. Grant up to??? Read on to see.
Remember, this is fanfiction, and Jensen is single. I love to hear your thoughts of how it's going so far. Please let me know.
Pairing. Jensen x reader,
Chapter 3: A Spark Ignited
As the photo shoot's first day came to a conclusion, Saamiya's emotions shifted like a whirlwind, ranging from exhaustion to exhilaration. She observed the crew industriously dismantling equipment and preparing for the following day's shoot. Their goal was to capture Jensen in a more grounded reality, avoiding the fairy tale setting of before. The initial day had served as a test, assessing his versatility, and he had gracefully accepted the challenge.
Approaching Jensen with a warm smile, Saamiya basked in a sense of accomplishment. "You did exceptionally well today, Jensen. I'm genuinely pleased with how the shoot unfolded."
Jensen returned her smile, his eyes reflecting genuine warmth. "Thanks, shutterbug. Your guidance and understanding played a huge role."
Saamiya's cheeks flushed, a blend of surprise and delight enveloping her. She looked up from her camera, meeting his gaze with an authentic smile. "I believe it takes more than guidance—it takes the right photographer," she responded. Her voice carried a soft blend of warmth and shyness.
Jensen chuckled, his tone light, echoing the camaraderie developed throughout the day. "You've been behind the lens all day, capturing moments. That nickname suits you well."
Her smile expanded, her shyness dissolving as she embraced the thought behind the moniker. "I can't argue with that," she playfully agreed. "I suppose I've earned it, haven't I?"
Jensen's laughter resonated like a melodic tune in the quiet studio. "Absolutely," he confirmed. "Your passion for photography is quite inspiring."
Pride and joy welled within her at his words. To have someone she admired acknowledge her craft was incredibly gratifying. "Thank you, Jensen. Your words mean a lot," she responded genuinely.
He shrugged, his smile easy. "Just stating the facts sweetheart."
Their conversation flowed with effortless ease, a true testament to the bond nurtured over the course of the photo shoot. Saamiya's newfound self-assuredness radiated from her gaze, and the endearing nickname "Shutterbug" acted as a bridge that united them—a symbol of friendship forged through their shared experiences. The smile that graced her lips was a reflection of her fondness for the moniker, something distinct and endearing that set her apart. It was a name that had breathed new life into her identity, replacing the mundane with a spark of warmth and playfulness.
As the studio gradually settled into a serene hush, their authentic connection hung in the air, hinting at the promise of future creative collaborations.
Their conversation continued, and Saamiya couldn't help but sense that their alliance had grown into something more profound than a mere professional partnership. A connection seemed to extend beyond the photographs, forged through mutual vulnerability and understanding.
Interrupting the momentary quiet, Jensen cleared his throat. "Hey, um, there's something I'd like to ask you."
Saamiya raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Sure, go ahead." Her hands moved to pack her equipment.
He scratched the back of his head, a hint of nervousness tinting his demeanor. "Well, considering the time we've spent together on this shoot, I wanted to express my appreciation."
Her curiosity deepened. "Appreciation? How so?"
Meeting her gaze directly, Jensen's eyes held a sincerity that caught her attention. "I was thinking, would you be interested in having dinner with me? As a thank-you for your help."
Saamiya blinked, her heart skipping a beat. This turn of events was unexpected. "Dinner? Like, a date?"
He chuckled, a faint blush coloring his cheeks. "Yes, a date. If you're open to it."
A mix of excitement and uncertainty swirled within her. Here was Jensen Ackles, an actor she had admired, asking her out. Her smile brightened, and she couldn't suppress her own excitement. "I'd love to, Jensen."
His smile widened, happiness evident on his face. "Fantastic! How about tomorrow night? I can find a nice place here in New York."
Saamiya nodded with enthusiasm. "Tomorrow night sounds perfect."
As they exchanged contact information and discussed the specifics of their upcoming date, their conversation transitioned to their collaboration and the potential that lay ahead.
Leaning casually against a nearby table, Jensen's gaze turned reflective. "Sam, I've been reflecting on this. With my upcoming projects and convention circuits, I'll be traveling quite a bit. Having someone I trust to capture the behind-the-scenes moments would be invaluable."
Saamiya's eyes lit up at the prospect. "You mean you're interested in having me as your photographer for travels and conventions?"
He nodded. "Yes, your dedication and work have stood out. Plus, I believe we make a great team."
A surge of excitement coursed through Saamiya. The idea of being Jensen's photographer during his travels was both thrilling and humbling. "I'd be honored, Jensen. It's a remarkable opportunity."
He met her enthusiasm with a genuine smile. "I'm glad you're onboard. I have a feeling we can create something extraordinary together."
As they delved into the logistics of their potential partnership, Saamiya felt a renewed sense of affirmation. Her path as a photographer was unfolding in ways she hadn't anticipated. Moreover, a connection with Jensen had transcended professional boundaries – it was a bond forged through shared experiences, mutual respect, and perhaps something more.
As the next day dawned, Saamiya entered her workplace brimming with determination and excitement. Her equipment and the photos from the previous day's shoot were in tow. Her radiant smile stretched from ear to ear as she navigated the office with newfound confidence.
Saamiya's steps held purpose, each movement resonating with a quiet assurance she hadn't exhibited before. Colleagues she passed couldn't help but notice the transformation. Whispers of curiosity and admiration spread, and heads turned to follow her progress with a mix of wonder.
Observing their gazes, Saamiya smirked, a sense of anticipation building within her. "They'll find out soon enough," she mused, reflecting on Jensen's offer from the previous night.
Mr. Grant took note of the shift in her demeanor and, prompted by the whispers, decided to see for himself. A gentle knock on her door signaled his presence, and she acknowledged it with a nod. Though she was engrossed in editing, she welcomed the interruption.
"Good morning, Saamiya," Mr. Grant greeted.
"Good morning, Mr. Grant," she replied, her smile brightening as she looked up from her work.
Mr. Grant's gaze moved between Saamiya's face and the spread of photos on her desk. "It appears you've brought back the results from the Jensen Ackles shoot."
Saamiya nodded, a touch of enthusiasm coloring her voice. "Indeed, I have the initial edits ready. I'm genuinely excited about how they've turned out." With that, she handed him a folder containing the edits.
"Delightful news," Mr. Grant responded, his tone laced with encouragement. "We're eagerly anticipating seeing them."
Handing over the photos, Saamiya observed as he took a moment to peruse them. "You seem different today, Saamiya. A newfound confidence, perhaps?"
A faint blush colored her cheeks, yet she met his gaze unabashedly. "Thank you, Mr. Grant. The experience yesterday was truly remarkable, offering me a fresh perspective."
Mr. Grant nodded, a knowing glint in his eyes. "Stepping into new opportunities can indeed result in transformation. I'm pleased to witness your embrace of it."
"Absolutely. Meeting Jensen was an awe-inspiring encounter," Saamiya responded, her voice a mix of gratitude and enthusiasm. She then handed him her camera, inviting him to explore the photos she captured with Jensen's approval.
"That's excellent to hear," he said, his interest genuine. While she continued with her tasks, he subtly selected a few photos that stood out to him and sent them to himself.
"I should have the final collection ready by 3 pm today. Currently working on some last-minute refinements," Saamiya explained, her dedication evident.
"Terrific. We look forward to it," Mr. Grant replied as he cleared his throat.
"Thank you, sir," Saamiya expressed, her smile sincere. After he left the room, she returned to her work, energized by the exchange and motivated to continue delivering exceptional work. Unbeknownst to her, his motives were anything but pure.
Amidst her excitement, Saamiya found herself caught in a whirlwind of haste. The anticipation of her date with Jensen set her heart racing as she stood before her closet, assessing her array of clothes. She sought an outfit that would embody her personality while remaining suitable for the occasion. Fingers grazed hangers, pulling out different outfits, only to discard them one after another.
With a growing sense of exasperation, Saamiya eventually settled on a knee-length navy blue dress adorned with delicate floral patterns. It was a personal favorite—simple yet elegant, providing comfort in her own skin. As she donned the dress, the realization that time was slipping away faster than she anticipated washed over her.
Her hands moved with haste as she fastened her necklace, fingers fumbling with the clasp. In her urgency, one earring slipped from her grasp and fell to the floor. An exasperated sigh escaped her lips as she crouched down to retrieve the runaway accessory.
Amid her search, her phone buzzed on her dresser, eliciting a start. She reached for it hastily, momentarily flustered as she answered the call without checking the caller ID.
"Hello?" she responded, her voice tinged with breathlessness.
A familiar chuckle emanated from the other end. "Sam, it's Jensen. Just checking if you're still up for tonight."
Relief washed over her as she recognized the voice. She laughed softly, a mixture of embarrassment and amusement. "Oh, hey Jensen. Yeah, I'm definitely ready. Just... getting ready."
He chuckled again, his tone warm. "No hurry, Sam. Take your time."
As she ended the call, Saamiya finally located her earring beneath her dresser, her triumphant smile reflecting her success. With her ensemble complete, she paused to calm her racing heart, reminding herself to breathe deeply and relish the moment.
Advancing toward the door, Saamiya readied herself to embark on the evening ahead. Anticipation mingled with a hint of nervousness
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