arkidelik · 1 year
New Music: Schmoopy Loopz, Vol. 1
Peace everybody, introducing Schmoopy Loopz, Vol. 1. A beat tape about nothing. Straight from the MP to your speakers. I hope you enjoy it!
A beat tape about nothing.
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freshthoughts2020 · 2 years
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Performing Live Oct 15,
JHarry @ Outer Limits Lounge.
Doors Open @ 9PM
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fictionkinfessions · 8 months
Hello, dear Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss fictives~! You may have guessed, I am Stolas, and it is quite wonderful to know you all are here. That being said, I will begin to speak to those I must;
To Stella- I am sorry for not being your “ideal husband”. I never wanted to be with you, I never loved you and now I am not afraid to say this, now that I am free from your abuse. From the moment I saw your picture as a little owlet, I started crying, I knew how terrifying you were and always have been. Respectfully, I hope you get whatever it is that you deserve, but I do not loathe you as you are/were the mother of my child.
To Octavia- My dear girl, my sweet owlet.. I am so very proud of how much you’ve grown, and how you have developed into your own person, with your own opinions and emotions. I tried my very best to shield you from the abuse and negativity of your mother, and strived to give you the best childhood I could. Thank you for communicating your feelings with me, for using your words and allowing me to spend time with you. Wherever you are, I will always be here in the stars when you need me.. 💙
To Blitzø- I.. I appreciate and loved our relationship. You were all I could think about at times, and from a young age the only thing that would show me how to live, how to be myself. I don’t care if you’re an imp, I adored you truely and wholly. But, after time being here in this life, I have learned to grow apart from my dependency on you and instead to appreciate you for your flaws, for your actions and your heart under those walls you put up for valid reasons. I do not wish to be in a romantic relationship with you, nor sexual, but I simply appreciate you immensely and hope you the best.
Thank you, MPC, for such a splendid opportunity to reach out into the world and speak what I must. You truely have my appreciation. Additionally, Fizzarolli says hello, oohoohoo~! ^v^
-Stolas (fictive), #🪶🪺 gang
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yooo mpc gang, i was lighting!
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vfxexpress · 1 year
MPC's expert VFX and Animation team deliver hilarious Canine Capers for Universal’s 'Strays'
Strays follows Reggie an abandoned Border Terrier, who forms an unlikely bond with a misfit gang of stray dogs. Together, theyembark on an epic trek across town to help Reggie find his way home – facing various adventures and overcoming challengesalong the way.Led by Production VFX Supervisor Jason Billington and Animation Director Matt Everitt, 370 artists across MPC Adelaide,Bangalore and…
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schoenes-thailand · 2 years
Bangkok: Thai-Baht setzt Talfahrt fort - man erwartet einen Fall bis zu 37,80 Baht zum US-Dollar
Der thailändis­che Baht set­zte zu Beginn der neuen Woche seine Tal­fahrt fort, und das Kasiko­rn Research Cen­ter geht davon aus, dass die thailändis­che Währung im Laufe dieser Woche auf bis zu 37,80 Baht zum US-Dol­lar fall­en wird. Der thailändis­che Baht, der am Fre­itag die Marke von 37,50 Baht zum Dol­lar durch­brochen hat­te, wurde heute Mor­gen auf einem 16-Jahres-Tief von 37,63 gehan­delt, das let­zte Mal auf diesem Niveau Anfang Sep­tem­ber 2006. Die Kasiko­rn Bank erk­lärte, sie erwarte, dass der Thailändis­che Baht in dieser Woche zwis­chen 37,00 und 37,80 Baht pro Dol­lar gehan­delt werde.
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Das Kasiko­rn Research Cen­ter sagte, dass die Bewe­gun­gen des Thailändis­chen Baht während des Zeitraums vom 19. bis 23. Sep­tem­ber 2022 zeigten, dass der Thailändis­che Baht seinen niedrig­sten Stand seit fast 16 Jahren seit Sep­tem­ber 2006 erre­icht hat und er weit­er­hin kon­se­quent gegenüber dem Yuan und anderen asi­atis­chen Währun­gen abw­ertet. Die Bank sagte, dies sei haupt­säch­lich auf den stärk­eren US-Dol­lar zurück­zuführen, der auf­grund des starken Anstiegs der Zinssätze, mit denen die Vere­inigten Staat­en die ausufer­nde Infla­tion zu bekämpfen ver­suchen, an Wert gewon­nen hat. Der Baht bewegte sich in ein­er engen Spanne, bevor er sich nach der Sitzung der US-Noten­bank (Fed) wieder abschwächte. Diese sig­nal­isierte weit­er­hin eine Beschle­u­ni­gung der Zin­ser­höhun­gen für den Rest des Jahres. Im Anschluss an die Sitzung vom 20. und 21. Sep­tem­ber wur­den die Zinssätze um 0,75% auf eine Spanne von 3,00 bis 3,25% angehoben. Außer­dem wurde eine Prog­nosezahl und ein Aus­blick auf die Zin­spoli­tik in Dots Plots angepasst, die darauf hin­deuteten, dass die Zinssätze bis 2023 weit­er auf bis zu 4,7% steigen wür­den. Dies ver­an­lasste die asi­atis­chen Währun­gen zu ein­er Abschwächung gegenüber dem US-Dol­lar und ver­an­lasste die Anleger, ihre Gelder in höher ren­tier­liche Anlageziele umzuschichten. Thai­lands geld­poli­tis­ch­er Auss­chuss (MPC) wird am Mittwoch, den 28. Sep­tem­ber, zusam­men­treten, und es ist jet­zt garantiert, dass der MPC die Zin­sen um min­destens 25 Basis­punk­te (0,25%) anheben wird, obwohl der MPC angesichts des aggres­siv­en Anstiegs der weltweit­en Zin­sen unter Druck ste­hen kön­nte, die Zin­sen um bis zu 50 Basis­punk­te anzuheben. Der MPC hat auf sein­er August-Sitzung die Zin­sen zum ersten Mal seit mehr als drei Jahren erhöht, um die Infla­tion zu bekämpfen, die seit 14 Jahren auf einem Höch­st­stand liegt. Der Baht ist mit sein­er Abw­er­tung nicht allein, die meis­ten Län­der der Region mussten eine Abw­er­tung ihrer Währun­gen hin­nehmen, wobei die japanis­che Zen­tral­bank zum ersten Mal seit 1998 inter­ve­nierte, um den japanis­chen Yen zu stützen. Ende let­zter Woche schwächte sich der Baht jedoch weit­er ab, da die weltweit­en Wirtschaft­saus­sicht­en Anlass zur Sorge gaben. Während der Dol­lar durch den Anstieg der US-Anlei­heren­diten nach der von der Fed angekündigten Straf­fung der Geld­poli­tik starke Unter­stützung erfährt. Am Fre­itag, den 23. Sep­tem­ber 2022, schloss der Baht bei 37,55 Baht pro Dol­lar. Nach­dem er mit 37,57 Baht pro Dol­lar den schwäch­sten Stand seit fast 16 Jahren erre­icht hat­te. Im Ver­gle­ich zu 37,07 Baht pro Dol­lar am vorheri­gen Fre­itag (16. September). Dies geschieht trotz der Forderung des geschäfts­führen­den Pre­mier­min­is­ters Praw­it Wong­su­won, dass der thailändis­che Baht zu einem Kurs von etwa 35 Baht pro US-Dol­lar gehan­delt wer­den sollte, und trotz der mas­siv­en Inter­ven­tio­nen der thailändis­chen Zen­tral­bank, die Bericht­en zufolge seit Beginn dieses Jahres mehr als 19 Mil­liar­den US-Dol­lar zur Vertei­di­gung des thailändis­chen Baht aufgewen­det hat. Die thailändis­che Zen­tral­bank will eine zu schnelle Abw­er­tung des Baht ver­hin­dern und die Infla­tion eindäm­men, da sie sich auf die schwache wirtschaftliche Erhol­ung auswirken kön­nte, die ger­ade erst wieder in Gang gekom­men ist. Zwischen dem 19. und 23. September verkauften ausländische Investoren netto thailändische Aktien im Wert von 1,56 Mrd. Baht und verließen den Anleihemarkt im Wert von rund 7,93 Mrd. Baht. Was die Entwicklung des Baht in dieser Woche (26.-30. September) anbelangt, so sieht die Kasikorn Bank den Kurs des Baht bei 37,00-37,80 Baht pro Dollar. In der Zwischenzeit hat das Kasikorn Research Center die Schlüsselfaktoren bewertet, die beobachtet werden müssen, wie z.B. das Ergebnis der MPC-Sitzung, vor allem in Bezug auf die Zinssätze und die Aussichten für die Situation des Baht. Die thailändischen Exportzahlen für August, einschließlich der ausländischen Kapitalströme und der regionalen Währungssituation. Die wichtigsten US-Wirtschaftsdaten in dieser Woche waren der Verbrauchervertrauensindex für September und die Aufträge für langlebige Güter. August-Verkaufsverträge für neue Häuser, die zum Verkauf anstehen, und die Inflation (PCE/Core PCE Price Index). Der Hauspreisindex für Juli und die Zahlen für das zweite Quartal 2022 zum BIP. Darüber hinaus wartet der Markt noch auf die Ergebnisse der Sitzung der indischen Zentralbank, die monatliche Inflation für September und die Wirtschaftsdaten der Eurozone und Chinas wie den Industriegewinn für August und den Einkaufsmanagerindex (PMI) für September. / Thaienquirer Read the full article
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wunovnun · 3 years
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nexgenhiphop · 7 years
@otgenasis Merry Cripmas 🧢👕👖🔵🔷🔹🌎 #crip #cripmas #christmas #gang #squad #nexgenhiphop #new #today #viral #trending #hiphop #rap #music #flstudio #ableton #recordingstudio #producers #producer #beats #beatmaker #protools #mpc #flstudio #atl #toronto #newmusic #rappers #houston #miami #losangeles (at Houston, Texas)
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arkidelik · 2 years
MPC Cook-Up 3-19
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brattybookclub · 3 years
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NEW EP ON ROD C6! We discuss V being a snitch, Ellie's peeking and meddling in everyone's business, Ellie's role in the MPC without Logan, Ellie's relationship to Colt and Mona, and the new rival gang, The Brotherhood. 
 Listen here: https://hypel.ink/playchoicespodcast
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fictionkinfessions · 7 months
hey mpc i hate to be a bother but on my ssk abt missing the bg gang it looks like you messed up the tags a bit? u combined my character tag with my custom tag. sorry lol >_<
Oh facepalm* Sorry Sanya friend! Looks like the inbox gnoes ate my comma! XD Thank you for pointing it out, it's fixed now!
Mod party caT!
* do people still do this...?
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flowerpowell · 4 years
The Dream Life of Ellie Wheeler (Colt x MC // Logan x MC)
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A/N: .... I headcanon (fancanon?) that Colt and Ellie live in the same house as they did in The Boy Next Door (except we only have one bedroom here 😉). Sorry for the wait but I hope it’ll be worth it. Let me know what you think about this series because I’m still unsure 🙊 
Rating: G 
Tagging: @delightfullypinkglitter, @mskaneko, @desiree-pow, @lovehugsandcandy, @badchoicesposts​, @kingliam2019​, @client-327​, @walkerduchess​, @sophxwithers​ ❣
“I go on too many dates But I can't make 'em stay At least that's what people say, mm, mm That's what people say, mm, mm”
“My daddy commissary made it to commas Bitch, all my grandmas dead So ain't nobody prayin' for me, I'm on your head, ayy”
“Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake”
“If I gotta go hard on a bitch, I'ma make it look sexy I pull up, hop out, air out, made it look sexy They won't take me out my element Nah, take me out my element”
“Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake I shake it off, I shake it—"
“Hey!” Ellie exclaimed when Colt turned off the radio. “I was listening to something, you know!”
“I was listening to something as well,” he replied, his eyes glued to the road ahead of them. “But since you kept changing my song back to that pop shit, I’d rather drive in silence.”
Ellie rolled her eyes. They were on the road for many hours now and apart from the time she took to take a nap, they had been arguing about the music playing in the car majority of the time.
“Taylor Swift is not that bad, actually. I’m sure you’d enjoy—”
“Right now, all I want is to enjoy the silence.” Colt narrowed his eyes but still didn’t look at Ellie.
“Hey! I have that song somewhere on my phone! I can play it and—”
“Ellie! I’m driving! Can you keep your mouth shut for at least ten minutes?”
“Okay, okay. Sorry,” she quickly said and looked away. Not that there was much to look at but she didn’t want risk Colt changing his mind and driving her back to California. After all, he agreed to her plan and now they were driving to Oklahoma. Ellie really tried to be nice to him. Colt definitely didn’t even bother. Not that she expected anything else.
Her father also didn’t take it in very well. When she came home with marriage certificate in one hand, dragging Colt with the other one, detective Wheeler almost passed out from anger. And shock. But mostly anger.
She knew why.
Yes, he was angry that she got married without telling him but she married a Kaneko. And her father hated Teppei and devoted his life to find dirt on him. And now with Ellie being married to a Kaneko, Mr. Wheeler had to drop the case completely in the name of ‘no family affairs’ policy. Colt’s “hello Daddy” probably didn’t help either. In short, her father was so angry that Ellie was sure there was no higher level of angry.
Colt and Ellie left the same day and Ellie hadn’t spoken to her father since. Freedom tasted a bit sad but so good at the same time.
“Oh! McDonald’s! I’m so hungry, maybe we could—” Ellie pointed her finger at the restaurant as Colt picked up speed and they passed it in a blink of the eye. She looked at her husband and rolled her eyes. He couldn’t even bother to hide that awful smirk. Jerk.
“Your ten minutes of no talking isn’t over yet,” he noticed and Ellie sighed. This man was a nightmare.
Just a few more weeks. You’re doing it for Langston. Think of Langston. Think of—
“We have only six more hours. I think it’s pointless to stop anywhere to eat. You can make dinner when we’re home, wifey.” Colt finally looked at her and smiled smugly. Ellie wanted to punch him so bad but instead she only nodded and focused on the road.
Langston. Think of Langston.
Colt didn’t intend to make it any easier for Ellie Wheeler. She blackmailed him, him, and now he was stuck with her. He couldn’t even leave the country as he wanted initially because her father would be capable of sending literal troops after him.
He still remembered Mr. Wheeler’s face when he realized Ellie married him. Teppei Kaneko’s son. For a short moment, Colt thought Mr. Wheeler would explode. Literally explode because Colt could count every single vein on his neck and face. At least he had to drop his father’s case. Colt was safe, as Ellie promised.
He looked at Ellie as she was stretching after the long ride. She was like a weed, he couldn’t get rid of her no matter what he tried to do.
“Here we are,” Colt said, taking his suitcases and leaving Ellie’s still in the car. “Take your stuff and you can start making dinner. I’m quite hungry.”
“You wouldn’t be if you’d stop at McDonald’s! Or literally anywhere else.”
“Why would I do it if my wife works in a coffee shop and is great at cooking?”
He heard her taking a deep breath and counting quietly to ten.
As he said. He had no intention of making it any easier for Ellie Wheeler.
After dinner, for which Ellie ordered pizza since there was nothing edible in the house, Colt went upstairs to his bedroom, leaving Ellie alone downstairs. Her suitcases were still in the living room and she wondered where she was supposed to go. The house was pretty small; there was a spacious living room and a kitchen on the first floor and one bedroom and a bathroom on the second.
Ellie climbed up the stairs and hesitantly knocked on Colt’s bedroom door. At least two minutes passed before he opened the door.
“Umm… Where can I sleep?” She asked hoping there was another bedroom which she hadn’t noticed before. She surely didn’t want to sleep with Colt in the same room. Considering what Colt thought about her, she was sure he felt the same.
“Definitely not here,” he replied.
“That I know.” Ellie took a deep breath. “But I need to sleep somewhere.”
Colt shrugged. “Not my problem. Should’ve thought about it before you made me marry you.”
“I’m sorry, okay! It’s only temporary, I’ll ask around and find a place in a dormitory and you’ll get rid of me.”
“You can sleep in the living room. Sofa’s comfortable.” And with that, Colt closed the door, ending their conversation.
Ellie went downstairs and put her blankets and pillows on the sofa, taking a mental note to buy some bedding. She took a quick shower, taking another mental note to buy a shower gel because the one she found smelled like Colt and she didn’t like it. Feeling a rush of anxiety, she ran to her improvisatorial bed. She closed her eyes, dreaming of her life here, hoping her mother would be proud.
“See you’re already in a wife mode.”
“What?” Ellie stopped reading a book to look at Colt.
“Wearing baggy sweats and all. I think I’ve seen you in this Langston sweatshirt a million times and I’ve known you only for a few days,” Colt mocked her, not trying even for a split second to be nice to someone who blackmailed him.
“Well, it’s not like I have anyone to impress,” Ellie snapped back and Colt rolled his eyes. If he thought his job was difficult, he clearly never experienced being fake-married to someone like Ellie Wheeler. Although to be fair, he was probably more awful to her than she to him.
“Good,” he thought to himself. “She blackmailed me. She deserves it.”
And even though he hated her, he also understood her. She wasn’t the only one with a terrible father.
“Did Mona leave the country?” She suddenly asked.
“Hm? Why are you asking?”
“Just curious. You said it was your last job so I assumed…”
“Yeah, left. I would too if someone didn’t force me to put a ring on my finger.” He waved his left hand to prove a point. He wasn’t even sure why he was putting this stupid wedding band onto his finger every day. Ellie wasn’t wearing hers.
“As I said… I’m sorry. But at least my father dropped the case. And as far as I’m concerned no one else was involved in it but my father so… you’re in the clear.”
“Gee, thanks. How nice of you.”
“So it was you and Mona then? Only the two of you? Or is there someone else?”
Colt eyed her suspiciously. “Why are you asking?”
“Just curious,” she repeated. “When Teppei was still around I didn’t see anyone else. And then only you and Mona.” She was silent for a moment. “Colt?”
“I’m really sorry about your father.”
Colt didn’t say anything for a while and Ellie assumed it was the end of their conversation. She went back to reading her book when he spoke.
“Just me, Mona and Pop.”
“Like three musketeers.” Ellie smiled.
“No. Like MPC.”
“Geez, don’t you have classes to go to or something?” Colt rolled his eyes.
“Not in another two hours,” she replied. The classes technically hadn’t started yet but Ellie signed up for additional classes for freshman students.
“Mercy Park Crew. That’s us.”
“Hmm, I’ve seen MPC somewhere in my father’s files but I’m pretty sure he never realized it was you.”
“And hopefully he never will,” Colt added. Why was he telling her all of this?
“Don’t worry about it.”
“Was there anything in the files?” Colt asked. “About other car gangs?”
Ellie looked at him curiously. “No… Are there any other gangs?”
Colt was looking somewhere in the distance and it took him a moment to reply. “Yea. Our rivals. Forget it.”
“I could… do some research if you’d like—”
“Just go to your class, okay? Stop with this investigation,” he said and left the house, banging the door on his way out.
Ellie sat stunned for a few minutes before she finally decided she’d rather come too early to her class than stay in the house for another second.
Freedom smelled like fall, felt like sun warming her face, tasted like cold air and looked like Oklahoma.
Ellie’s dream life was finally starting.
She felt tears forming in her eyes as she looked at her Langston University. Everything she went through, the arguments with her father, marrying Colt, bearing with Colt… it was all worth it.
Slowly, looking around as if not wanting to miss a single thing, she made her way through the campus. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Freedom filled her lungs. She was walking with her eyes closed, smile on her face. Everything was—
“Ooof!” She bumped into someone and would have fallen if the stranger didn’t catch her in time. Dream life or not, she still was clumsy.
“You know,” the stranger started, helping her stand up. “There are easier ways to get my attention.”
“I, uh… Thanks. I’m sorry about bumping into you. I won’t happen again, I promise.”
“It won’t? Too bad.”
“I… I’m sorry… I…” Ellie stammered as the handsome stranger smirked.
“First day?”
“Yes,” Ellie got her voice back. “I’m Ellie.”
“Nice to meet ya, Ellie. I’m Logan.”
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Diaz, Z. (2018, November). Analysis of Sampling Techniques by J Dilla in Donuts. SFA State University. 
Helfet, G. (2020, April 12). This film explores how J Dilla used the MPC to revolutionise hip-hop. The Vinyl Factory. 
Okoth-Obbo, V. (2017, October 16). Brent Faiyaz : “Gang Over Luv.” Pitchfork. 
Scribe – Dreaming. (2019, May 13). Humanity4HipHop. 
Zadeh, J. (2014, July 7). Just One Song: “All Falls Down.” Clash Magazine. 
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davehollandpics · 3 years
Sony Pro Services at Tokyo 2020
For the first time ever Sony has a pro services booth at the Main Press Centre at Tokyo Big Sight.  Canon and Nikon have always been present at the Games, but the great strides made by Sony since the PyeongChang Olympics have solidified their position in the game.
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Sony was at PyeongChang but they were at an office near the media village.  I had the chance to visit them one for a small repair and the service was great then.  Not being in the MPC has its limitations though, especially as the media village wasn’t in operation for the PyeongChang Paralympics, so nobody could really use it.
I was one of a handful of photographers using Sony in PyeongChang.  The longest lens they had at the time was the 100-400mm 4.5-5.6 which was great but it is an outdoor lens, even with good Olympic lighting.  The most current camera was the a9.
Since PyeongChang Sony has introduce the a9II and the aI cameras, as well as the 400mm 2.8, the 600mm 4.0 and the 200-600 5.6-6.3, all brilliant lenses.  The 400 is my indoor lens of choice and the 200-600 I’ll use outdoor most of the time.  Both are excellent lenses.  I particularly like the 200-600 for winter events like halfpipe, moguls and ski cross.
I managed to get a sneak inside Sony Pro Services at the MPC and it didn’t disappoint.  
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All of this is available to borrow.  I couldn’t begin to calculate the dollar value of everything in here.  My kind of tickle trunk. 
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200-600s, 400s, 600s, whatever you need to borrow is there.  For a little while at least.  Demand will be higher and generally it is first come, first served.  Thankfully I don’t need to borrow much as I came with everything I need, but it is nice to know that this is available if something happens.
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You’ll notice on this shelf is the brand new 14mm 1.8.  I have one of the few copies of this lens and it is amazing.  If there were two lenses I would live my photo life with it would be the 14mm and the 400mm.  
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I brought my camera bodies in for a customary ‘clean and check’, just to make sure there isn’t any dust on the sensor and everything is just so.  I also got firmware updates to pretty much all of my cameras.  All of this is provided free of charge to members of the press.
Sony is also set up for remote help if people can’t make it in to the MPC or prefer to be distanced.  
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Make sure you drop by and say hi to the gang.  They are always welcoming and eager to help!
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leelee10898 · 5 years
No Control
Gonna blame One Direction yet again for this.. This Idea popped in my head the same day that You & I did.... so here ya go.. Also if you. aren't a 1D fan... im sorry LOL.. But at least enjoy the fluffy gooey Colt moment!!
Colt huffed, finishing his last set and setting the weights down. He worked out.. alot, more on days where his mind could not shut off, Where his every thought was consumed by her. It had been 1 month since he had seen her last, her hair was different,  her makeup was excessive, and if she had been someone he had seen randomly on the street, he wouldn't even recognize her… but those eyes. Those eyes we're the only thing that mattered. 
What he wouldn't give to be on the outside right now, to hold her,  feel the softness of her skin against his. To press his lips tightly against hers, the ache to be with her almost too much to bare, but in here he had to be strong,  always vigilant. He made his way back to his cell, waiting for the metal door to click shut as he tossed himself onto his bunk. One positive thing about the entire shitty situation he landed himself in was he had no cellly, no bunk mate if you will, And no one to beat to a pulp when they thought they could go up against him. His last one tried and failed. He did not leave visible marks, he didn't cause a scene Colt was smart, savvy, and calculating.
The bed shifted above him late one night, he knew what was coming and he was ready. As the man lurched over him, he kicked his foot out with all his might, right into the center of his stomach sending him flying back. He jumped out of bed stealthily gripping the man up and holding him against the wall, both arms pinned behind his back. "One move and I will end you right here, I can make it look like an accident.  You suddenly stopped breathing in your sleep." He seethed. "Im sorry. Im sorry. Dont kill me. I'll tell you everything you need to know." His cellmate squealed quickly, folding like a piece of paper.  
Colt had big dreams, he wanted to be the king of L.A. he wanted to take the reigns of the MPC and rule with his Queen by his side. The more time he sat in that cell with the days and months passing by at a snails pace, the more he thought of another life, one beyond the thugging and gangs. A small house somewhere in the suburbs with 2 or 3 kids running around.  He would open Kaneko Autobody there and he and Ellie could live the life she deserved. 
 He would move heaven and earth for that girl, just to make her happy.  He remembered the time he knew he had fallen for her, the exact moment he knew that he was completely head over heels in love with Ellie Martin. 
The rest of the crew were out on a job, they wouldn't be back until the next day. Ellie and Colt were ordered to stay behind and watch the shop, a bitch job that Colt hated. Ellie walked over to the couch in the makeshift living room of the garage, grabbing the remote from his hands. "Hey, what the hell?" he snapped, turning his body towards her. She gave him a smug little smirk as she started clicking through the channels. "So what, you think you can just flop down and take control of the tv because you're cute?" His eyes wide, a piece of popcorn stuck to the corner of his mouth. 
"You just said I was cute." She smirked, she was challenging him and he knew it. She had been the only person he found to challenge him, a fact he bith loathed and also secretly liked and she had just made him slip up. 
"I was watching that." 
"Annnd now you're not!" He could see the corners of her lips curl up as she kept her eyes on the tv screen. 
"I could take it back. Just like that." He snapped his fingers.  
Colt began to get irritated, she knew exactly how to push his buttons and she did it well. 
He let out a furious growl as he pounced, pushing her down onto the cushions, pinning her hands above her head. The remote clattered to the floor as she stared back at him wide eyed, wiggling underneath him. "Let me go or else." She giggled, prompting him to roll his eyes. "Oh. Yeah. So frightening." He snorted. 
"I could make you." She challenged. 
"No offense sweetheart but, I kind of have the upper hand here." His face inches from hers. She lifted her head slightly, her lips pressing against his catching him off guard.  He let go of her hands, cupping her face gently as he deepened the kiss, the task of reclaiming the tv remote all but forgotten. 
The next thing he knew he was on the floor, Ellie reaching down grabbing the remote and continuing her clicking. Colt sat there dazed, what had just happened? He climbed back onto the couch, Ellie scooted over nuzzling into his side. He threw his arm around her as she sunk into his embrace.  "So what are we watching?" Just like that, he folded.
The next morning he woke up to the sound of her phone. Music from the speakers.  Oh god, not this shit again He silently groaned at the familiar voices of her favorite band. 
Waking up
Beside you I'm my loaded gun
I can't contain this anymore
I'm all yours
I've got no control
No control
And I don't care it's obvious
I just can't get enough of you
The pedal's down, my eyes are closed
No control
The lyrics resounding in his head. He looked over at her sleeping peacefully next to him on the couch.. he hated the music, but one thing was for sure. The pedal was definitely down, full speed, he was all hers. He had no control anymore, he was in love with her... absolutely and irrevocably head over heels in love.
The sound of his door clicking open for chow pulled him from his thoughts. Five more months to go, and he would be with her again.. All hers, for he still had no control when it came to her.
@daniv2278 @brightpinkpeppercorn @lovehugsandcandy @going-down-downtown @mercyparkcrew @emichelle @annekebbphotography @walkerismychoice @yesivefallenpreytothechoicestrap @zaira-oh-zaira @sweetest-marbear  
@simsvetements @zaffrenotes
@akrenich @ifyouseekheart @client-327 @choicelogansbitch @choicesarehard @paisleylovergirl @itskismetbb @itsmarleen
@rhischoicesfanfics @distinguishedsaladoperawinner @iplaydrake @coffeebeandragon @jasidu2 @charliezchan
@umiumichan @sarwin85 @skdskdskdskdskdsk @liamzigmichael4ever @sumbarbietingz @mskaneko @choicesgremlin
@allaboutchoices @hopefulmoonobject @crookedslimecreatorpasta @be-still-my-aching-heart @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @riseandshinelittleblossom @cocomaxley @bobasheebaby @ownworldresident @cordoniaqueensworld @indiacater @blackcatkita @darley1101 @choicesgremlin @desiree-0816
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its-moopoint · 5 years
Jill, V and Trashy are a joke. Vanessa is a C stan mostly with fashion and Trashy is a mpc ambassador lol. I used to follow Trashy on tw but one day she made a post and I politely disagree but tried to understand her pov. She was extremely rude. Sending people to gang up on me. It was silly and childish. They have connections since they always in the right place and right time. But hey they are no different from the other stans like the DG ones. Anyway they are just the mean girls stereotype.
Don't know any of them personally, just got to hear about them online thanks to their activities and they aren't better than any obsessed stalker thinking they are Roland and Catalina's besties.
The funniest thing is their not realising they are in the receiving end of the SC shade. LOL
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