MPC (Multiversal Pokemon Center)
683 posts
Unreality rp blog. Asks and magic anons are open. Pelipper mail is open
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
mpc-unofficial · 10 months ago
…That’s… well, I certainly wasn’t expecting that. Sorry Ren, I don’t think we’ll be able to send you anything for a while. ~Irene
Pelipper mail!
It’s burn cream! Or it’s supposed to be. It disintegrates into ashes a few seconds after arrival.
It comes with a note, that’s now also ashes.
Free ashes I guess?????
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mpc-unofficial · 10 months ago
By any case, I’m glad you’re alive.
Do yall think I can get away with saying I'm practicing special effects makeup or should I just stay in my room today
[An image is embedded.
It's a selfie of Ren, his face absolutely covered in scars. There's a burn scar covering his lower left cheek and neck, the same one he had in Sinnoh, and what looks like an entry wound from a laser on his forehead, and various other smaller scars on his face and neck.]
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mpc-unofficial · 10 months ago
Just how much…
Oh god, ok. I’ll check in with Irene and Asif about the burn cream. Still… that’s a lot of scars, how are you…
…Never mind.
Do yall think I can get away with saying I'm practicing special effects makeup or should I just stay in my room today
[An image is embedded.
It's a selfie of Ren, his face absolutely covered in scars. There's a burn scar covering his lower left cheek and neck, the same one he had in Sinnoh, and what looks like an entry wound from a laser on his forehead, and various other smaller scars on his face and neck.]
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mpc-unofficial · 10 months ago
Ren, what the heck?!
I looked away for ONE SECOND, ONE LITERAL SECOND, and like a million things popped up on my feed, this included.
What the heck happened?! Are you alright? Do you need anything? I don’t know if anything can get through mail right now but we could very well try.
Also are those cat ears real?
Do yall think I can get away with saying I'm practicing special effects makeup or should I just stay in my room today
[An image is embedded.
It's a selfie of Ren, his face absolutely covered in scars. There's a burn scar covering his lower left cheek and neck, the same one he had in Sinnoh, and what looks like an entry wound from a laser on his forehead, and various other smaller scars on his face and neck.]
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mpc-unofficial · 10 months ago
Irene, is there something up with time in multispace?
Uh… Irene here. Rotomblr isn’t letting me type so I’m lending Asif’s account. Is there something up with time? I don’t feel anything strange here but time is a weird thing to measure to begin with. You can’t exactly measure time out of time after all, and multispace’s time is a whole other level of complexity. How much time has passed there?
A few hours.
It’s the same here, so it shouldn’t be a problem… ~Irene
Yea but… it appears to have been months for many of the other blogs.
Oh, hold on… ~Irene
…I see. ~Irene
You don’t seem too concerned?
It’s definitely a cause for concern, but it’s happened before and it’s a pretty natural occurrence for multispace. Occurs every now and then up here. ~Irene
But if time’s been passing without our knowledge then what about Borb?!?
Oh, shi—
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mpc-unofficial · 10 months ago
It’s been a few minutes… right?
…how long does it feel to you?
A day.
Now that you’ve mentioned it…
Hold on.
How long has it been?
A few hours, why?
…something feels… strange.
Minato, what’s—
It’s probably just my imagination.
…you know you can talk to us right? I know that I’ve no right to say this but don’t… don’t be like…
Yea, I know. I’m sorry, I’m probably just tired or something. Time just feels… strange…
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mpc-unofficial · 10 months ago
How long has it been?
A few hours, why?
…something feels… strange.
Minato, what’s—
It’s probably just my imagination.
…you know you can talk to us right? I know that I’ve no right to say this but don’t… don’t be like…
Yea, I know. I’m sorry, I’m probably just tired or something. Time just feels… strange…
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mpc-unofficial · 1 year ago
Pelipper mail! Wilhelm scream.
…that’s not Borb…
Also how did it scream like that—
Perhaps it’s a multiversal thing? Irene’s mentioned finding a universe populated with smeargle that had that cry.
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mpc-unofficial · 1 year ago
Ooc post
Yea remember when I said I was ready to come back? Yea…
I thought I was, but I apparently wasn’t 😔
Apologies, but I’ll be breaking from rotomblr once again, I don’t know how long this break will be, but I’m predicting it to last at least a month or so. I may still come up to post every now and them, but I doubt I would be doing much anytime soon. Next next couple of posts will not follow the real world’s timeline, just take it as though multispace’s timeline is currently extremely wonky.
Apologies again for everything, I hope everyone reading this stays well and has a nice day ahead.
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mpc-unofficial · 1 year ago
Ok me and Asif are back at the center and uh… I think I’ve forgotten how small pelipper usually are…
We may have to go with mounts this time. Kalani who would you recommend?
Maybe Arv if you’re going for speed? Plus I know that rapidash likes a good run.
Or maybe Opal, that lapras is very stable, she’s great with transporting delicate objects and giving smooth rides.
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mpc-unofficial · 1 year ago
Pelipper mail!
Five pokeballs, and a note. The note reads:
"Hi! I'm a trainer on my pokemon journey! My Professor has given me the ArcDex Challenge, where I have to fill out a special PokeDex by cooperating with people from other universes. I just need a few more to finish out the dex, and then I'll be ready to take on the Elite Four and maybe even become Champion!
I've sent five of my pokemon to help you. Use them to catch the pokemon I need from your universe, and then send the pelipper back to my universe with them all. Got it? If you're not up to the challenge then just send them back, but I caught the one from my universe with my starter, so you should have no trouble. And remember, I need all six pokemon back when you're done!"
All five of the pokeballs contain Arceus. It's pretty clear what the sixth is meant to be as well.
Well, I’ve got some potential good news for you! I believe we have an arceus roaming the center recently. However, here’s the thing, we usually let the pokemon at the center decide where they want to go. So if the arceus isn’t keen to go with you, I’m not allowed to capture it. Also uh… it may take a couple of days before I’m free enough to ask the current arceus about this because I’m currently stuck someplace else. That being said, you’re free to come down to the center yourself to ask if you want to do so!
Contact me if you’ll like to come down and I’ll send the Pokemon back and refer you to another person.
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mpc-unofficial · 1 year ago
That's the power of the delibird delivery! Always running, but sometimes they're a bit late and only deliver small gifts and treats (mostly around holidays, both national and international)
It's not the best delivery service and Im pretty sure the delibirds just eat the treats sometimes instead of delivering them.
I see, hopefully they don’t end up like the pelipper…
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mpc-unofficial · 1 year ago
Delibird delivery!
A bagel. It's just a bagel.
I’m surprised this made it through but thanks for the bagel?
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mpc-unofficial · 1 year ago
…ah. Yea, the firewall is currently in a mess… I’ll have to look into that later. Still, it’s good to know that Borb is currently someplace safe.
Also, apologies for the late reply, we were caught up in something.
Something? What happened?
We found someone unaffiliated to the MPC opening portals in Multispace. It’s… probably not a big thing, but it’s still something.
A hopefully working pelipper mail! Borb, alongside a thermos of soup, a heated blanket, and five sandwiches. Also a note.
"Please let this work. Get home, Borb boi. If you only get the items and not borb, please tag me.
- @steeltraptrainer"
Error, string 3056190389249024894393733899347489393 is unable to compute. Sending mail back to origins.
…Pelipper mail can get error messages?!
We’ll probably have to ask Irene about that…
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mpc-unofficial · 1 year ago
Thank you, thank you so much…
Is Borb still with you? I think the pelipper mail failed…
If he is, would you mind helping to look after him for a while? Apologies for putting this on you but I really don’t know what else I could do…
He was gone for a bit, but reappeared late at night. Including soup thermos and sandwiches. Guess that didn't work out... I'll make him comfy until we know pelipper mail works properly again, yeah?
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mpc-unofficial · 1 year ago
“…That was something.” Asif looks at the crystals, and the cans of soup.
“Yea… I certainly was not expecting… that.” Irene gestures in the general direction of where the portal had been.
Asif hops off Byte, looking at the crystals and the soup. “Can we keep these?”
“We could probably keep the soup, but the crystals may be a little dangerous.” Irene was very intrigued by the crystals as well, but she has no idea how to transport them safely. The last thing she’d wanted to do was accidentally blow up the center, especially given their current situation. She stares at the crystals for a while longer, before getting Byte to record down the location of the crystals. She’ll come back for them another time, if she ever gets the chance to do so.
“Alright.” Asif was disappointed, but he supposes it couldn’t be helped. He picks up the soup cans, packing them into his bag.
“Back to the center?” He asks.
“Yea, back to the center.” Irene agrees.
~ | Dimensional Rift! | ~ ~ | Wait. | ~
~ | W H A T . | ~
~ | Close to, whoever was around, a crackling red, seemingly portal opened, the red swirling motion inside settling into place as a view of a laboratory, small, and seemingly homemade was on the other side, with vials, machines, and technology strewn about like it was a college dorm. | ~ ~ | Standing directly in the middle of the now opened portal, was a brunette, hands sparking as she fell back into a rolling chair, seemingly wiped after, something.. Most likely opening that portal. | ~
~ | Her breaths were drawn out, as she smiled, looking at the rim of the portal itself.. | ~ " I.. I did it.. I DID IT.. " ~ | After another round of breaths, her eyes moved down to the portal itself, rolling back as she realized WHERE it was going. | ~ " O-oh uh.. " ~ | She remained silent, before rolling out of view, then back into view with a few cans of Progresso Soup. | ~ " Soup for multiversal studies? H-heh? "
Irene and Asif were riding on Byte when a red portal had opened in front of them. Byte instinctively brakes as it appears, careful not to accidentally get too close. "What in the-" Asif exclaims as Irene grabs her tablet. "Byte, do a scan please." A whirling sound could be heard as Byte performs a basic scan, data being sent over to Irene's tablet. "Thank you," Irene gives her pokemon a couple of pats on their head. "Now let's see... it appears to be a universe not in our records, likely opened with a device of sorts. It's force field is close to non-existent, so it is unlikely for us to be sucked in if we get closer to it." "A device?" Asif echoes, when he was interrupted by someone asking if they would like soup. He looks over to see a person standing in the portal, holding up a couple of soup cans. "Uh... who are you?"
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mpc-unofficial · 1 year ago
“Thank you…” Irene accepts the number, she had no idea how to feel about this, but it was still good to know. She also wonders if it’ll be compatible with the devices at the MPC, given how their identification codes appeared to be numbered differently.
Well… she guesses she would just have to find out. Besides, she had scanned the portal earlier, so she would be able to do some cross referencing if it came down to it.
“Here,” Irene pulls out a card, handing it over to Andrea. It was one of the cards she would gift to certain visitors to the center. The card was simple, with no other information besides Irene’s name and the MPC’s emblem. “So you can contact me if you ever find us again.”
It would probably be for the best, all things considered.
~ | Dimensional Rift! | ~ ~ | Wait. | ~
~ | W H A T . | ~
~ | Close to, whoever was around, a crackling red, seemingly portal opened, the red swirling motion inside settling into place as a view of a laboratory, small, and seemingly homemade was on the other side, with vials, machines, and technology strewn about like it was a college dorm. | ~ ~ | Standing directly in the middle of the now opened portal, was a brunette, hands sparking as she fell back into a rolling chair, seemingly wiped after, something.. Most likely opening that portal. | ~
~ | Her breaths were drawn out, as she smiled, looking at the rim of the portal itself.. | ~ " I.. I did it.. I DID IT.. " ~ | After another round of breaths, her eyes moved down to the portal itself, rolling back as she realized WHERE it was going. | ~ " O-oh uh.. " ~ | She remained silent, before rolling out of view, then back into view with a few cans of Progresso Soup. | ~ " Soup for multiversal studies? H-heh? "
Irene and Asif were riding on Byte when a red portal had opened in front of them. Byte instinctively brakes as it appears, careful not to accidentally get too close. "What in the-" Asif exclaims as Irene grabs her tablet. "Byte, do a scan please." A whirling sound could be heard as Byte performs a basic scan, data being sent over to Irene's tablet. "Thank you," Irene gives her pokemon a couple of pats on their head. "Now let's see... it appears to be a universe not in our records, likely opened with a device of sorts. It's force field is close to non-existent, so it is unlikely for us to be sucked in if we get closer to it." "A device?" Asif echoes, when he was interrupted by someone asking if they would like soup. He looks over to see a person standing in the portal, holding up a couple of soup cans. "Uh... who are you?"
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