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lascitasdelashoras · 2 months ago
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Eadweard Muybridge, estudio de movimiento
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nubis84 · 1 month ago
Quien piensa mucho no hace nada.
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bambinamoon · 9 months ago
Solo pon tus ojos en mí mientras me muevo.
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derivaimageia · 2 months ago
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2 de enero 2025 | Quito, Ecuador
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daffy-rimi · 2 months ago
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jorgema · 1 year ago
El Baile del Ayer: memorias en movimiento
Hoy, varios recuerdos danzan en el caos de mi memoria, moviéndose a su propio ritmo y en su propio mundo. Algunos bailan de alegría, mientras que otros se deslizan en un vals lento de profunda melancolía. Hay aquellos que tienen nombre y apellido, rostros amables que invitan a una danza familiar, y otros que provocan temor, moviéndose erráticamente y causando temblores inesperados. Algunos recuerdos tienen imágenes nubladas por el paso del tiempo, pero con sentimientos tan vívidos que permanecen más que existentes en el presente. Otros, mágicamente, parecen recientes, aferrándose al ahora para no olvidar la sublime sensación que una vez embriagó el alma y la piel. Son memorias que danzan entre aromas, sensaciones e imágenes, evocando suspiros, sonrisas e incluso un par de lágrimas. Con su música infinita y etérea, otorgan sentido al caos mental, siendo principio mas no fin. Bailan desde el amanecer hasta el profundo sueño, donde toman el control y celebran con su amante cotidiano, mi subconsciente. Por favor, sigan bailando sin cesar, pues el día en que detengan su danza, yo marchitaré por dentro, ya que, ¿qué es un simple mortal sin ustedes, sublimes recuerdos?
— Contemplación Poética 08 || @jorgema
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mykpopwire · 9 months ago
exclusive interview: BANG YONGGUK shares moments from 'III' US TOUR 2024, challenges, future plans and more.
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Q: Congratulations on completing your ‘III’ The US TOUR 2024! How did you feel to successfully wrapped up a full month of concert?
I want to say thank you so much to the fans who gave me so much inspiration and love. Without them, I couldn't carry out the schedule. It felt like we performed together in every performance.
Q: What was it like during the tour? Any moments that you want to share with fans?
I sang all the songs on my new album live. It was just released, and it was really special that so many people sang it together. These were moments where I felt deeply in my heart how much they loved me and my music.
Q: You’ve been to Europe, Asia, America, almost all over the world. Did you perform differently each time or did you try to convey the same experience?
Usually, I make one chapter of setlist for a tour. I think I naturally take the ending and encore songs according to the atmosphere of each city or country. After a year-long tour, we prepare a new set list from the next year. That's why I think I put a lot of time and thought into making a set list for the tour.
Q: Can you describe the atmosphere and vibe of your tour that will make people want to attend again and again?
It's hard to fill up the entire 2 hours by myself. I think it's a special moment that the fans fill the empty space on the stage together. I'm not a good speaker, so I'm going to sing at least one more song live rather than a comment. I feel like I'm performing together with the fans. I think that creates an atmosphere where my performances become special.
Q: Performing every other day must have been challenging for you. How do you keep your energy and voice healthy throughout the tour?
It's not easy. This time, there were performances that I was not in good condition, and there were moments when I blamed myself. I refrain from going out as much as possible and stay inside the hotel only before the performance. I only take a light walk when I go outside. It's important to save energy and prevent other illnesses. Sometimes, my manager comes to check if I'm alive, and I think it's the only time I've met someone. Unfortunately, that's how I keep myself in good shape and protect myself throughout the tour. (laughs)
Q: What should we look forward to from your next plan?
I'm preparing for a new project in summer, and I've been planning it slowly since the U.S. The moment I came back to Korea after the tour, I haven't had a day off yet.
Q: In the future, when people look back at Bang Yongguk and the music you’ve made, is there a certain way you would like it to be seen or remembered?
I like to hear that Bang Yongguk's music is like Bang Yongguk. If people remember me as an artist who has his own style, regardless of the chart rankings and album sales, I think my career has succeeded just by hearing that. That's why I make music.
Q: To all your fans and listeners who wants to know and learn more about Bang Yongguk, what is the best way for them to do so?
I hope you listen to my first full-length album, "BANGYONGGUK." I think you'll know more about me. And I don't think I'll be able to make an album like that in the future. (laughs)
Listen to Bang Yongguk's "BANGYONGGUK" here!
Q: Thank you so much for spending some time with MY K-POP WIRE! Any last words to your fans?
I would like to express my love and respect to the fans who always give us a lot of love. Please continue to show your interest and support for that way I will show as an artist,  Bang Yongguk. I will be back. Thank you.
*photo courtesy of YY Entertainment
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Soundcloud: BANG YONGGUK 
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Desde 2022, Bullrock Chile ha sido el aliado ideal para proyectos de ingeniería y construcción. Como una empresa familiar con más de 30 años de experiencia en el sector, nos especializamos en la venta de mini excavadoras, mini cargadores y grúas horquilla y otros equipos de alta calidad.
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viejospellejos · 1 year ago
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ernestdescalsartwok · 2 months ago
EAST FINCHLEY-ART-PINTURA-LONDON-LONDRES-CARRETERA-ROAD-E END R-CICLISTA-NIEBLA-FOG-CYCLIST-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS por Ernest Descals Por Flickr: EAST FINCHLEY-ART-PINTURA-LONDON-LONDRES-CARRETERA-ROAD-E END R-CICLISTA-NIEBLA-FOG-CYCLIST-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS- Un ciclista en la carretera E END R en el barrio de EAST FINCHLEY de LONDON, UK, movimiento entre la suave niebla que cubre el paisaje, árboles y casas limitan el recorrido, pintura con acuarelas del artista pinor Ernest Descals sobre papel de 50 x 70 centímetros, Pintar la vida cotidiana en la ciudad de Londres, cada momento es único y he disfrutado pintando la escena con su atmósfera concreta. Obra con profundidad visual y la luz londinense en este invierno.
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mrosabel · 2 years ago
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“El amor, que no es más que un episodio en la vida de los hombres, es la historia entera en la vida de las mujeres”.  Mary Shelley
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50yearsnewlife · 1 month ago
Movement #1
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leregirenga · 1 year ago
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Viento, se que sabes volar, cómo tú también sabes lo que escondo bajo mi piel. Te sabes poseedor del movimiento, si, es cierto. Me se poseedora del amor que le tengo, si, es cierto.
Alborotas la brisa, se alborota mi corazón. Sobrevuela el ave, sobrevuela mi alma. Levitan las hojas y levitan mis emociones. Navegas entre las copas de los árboles, navego en los sentimientos que me nacen.
Me llevas, me dejó llevar, entre la tarde y la noche. Ya de madrugada se aquietan nuestros sentires y un poema brota deo que compartimos tu y yo.
Leregi Renga
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derivaimageia · 2 months ago
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28 diciembre 2024 | Quito, Ecuador
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sefaradweb · 3 months ago
Portrait of Jacques Derrida as a Young Jewish Saint
🇪🇸 Hélène Cixous, filósofa feminista francesa y amiga cercana de Jacques Derrida, explora en su obra Portrait of Jacques Derrida as a Young Jewish Saint la compleja relación entre la judía identidad y la filosofía de Derrida, especialmente en su búsqueda por desmantelar las identidades fijas y las fronteras rígidas. Derrida, nacido en Argelia en 1930, creció en una familia judía sefardí cuya identidad era en parte velada por el catolicismo. En su hogar nunca se mencionaba directamente la circuncisión ni la Bar Mitzvá, sino que se empleaban términos católicos como bautismo y comunión. Esta ambigüedad de la identidad marcó profundamente su pensamiento, reflejado en su teoría de la deconstrucción, que buscaba cuestionar oposiciones binarias como judío/no judío o hombre/mujer. La escritura de Cixous sobre Derrida, influenciada por su propia filosofía, utiliza recursos como la metonimia, la aliteración y los juegos de palabras para capturar la fluidez y el dinamismo de la vida y obra de Derrida, quien, según Cixous, se presenta como una figura inestable, siempre en movimiento y en constante transformación. En este retrato, Cixous fusiona la biografía de Derrida con un análisis literario profundo, creando una obra que no solo habla de su vida personal y su relación con la identidad judía, sino también de su influencia filosófica.
🇺🇸 Hélène Cixous, a French feminist philosopher and close friend of Jacques Derrida, explores in her work Portrait of Jacques Derrida as a Young Jewish Saint the complex relationship between Jewish identity and Derrida’s philosophy, especially in his quest to dismantle fixed identities and rigid boundaries. Derrida, born in Algeria in 1930, grew up in a Sephardic Jewish family whose identity was partly veiled by Catholicism. In his home, terms like circumcision and Bar Mitzvah were never mentioned; instead, baptism and communion were used. This ambiguity in identity deeply shaped his thinking, reflected in his deconstruction theory, which sought to question binary oppositions like Jew/non-Jew or man/woman. Cixous's writing about Derrida, influenced by her own philosophy, employs resources like metonymy, alliteration, and wordplay to capture the fluidity and dynamism of Derrida’s life and work, who, according to Cixous, presents himself as an unstable figure, always in motion and transformation. In this portrait, Cixous merges Derrida’s biography with a deep literary analysis, creating a work that not only speaks of his personal life and relationship with Jewish identity but also of his philosophical influence.
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almostshygarden · 5 months ago
Ay ¿Qué les puedo decir de Ollie? Es mi pequeño bebé sensible. Puro corazón. Claro que puede, pero primero va a llorar un poquito!
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