sophfandoms53 · 6 months
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jils-things · 10 months
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okay so pelo has a thing for teasing his next spooky month episode with funny stock images (he has done this for last ep) and this ... is VERY interesting..........
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batshit-auspol · 9 months
With the sudden collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, many of the former empire's resources were sold off to the highest bidder, and their $14 billion space shuttle program was no exception.
Seeking to recoup some of that eyewatering spend, in 1998, the "Buran" (Russia's answer to the American Space Shuttle) was offered up for sale on eBay for $10 million.
No serious offers were received - with most people assuming the listing to be a joke, until the New York Post confirmed the sale, with Russian authorities stating they "actually have two" if anyone is interested.
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(Pictured: A later auction of a smaller scale Buran in 2005)
Sensing an opportunity, a group of Aussie entrepreneurs including Australia's first astronaut and the lawyer for Prime Minister Paul Keating offer to lease the shuttle from Russia, to put it on display in Australia during the Sydney Olympics.
After gaining permission from the Kremlin for the lease, in 1999 the Russian military briefly stops bombing Chechnya in order to dismantle the Buran, and it is placed on a barge to be shipped to Sydney on the (soon to be infamous for other reasons) Tampa shipping vessel at a cost of $5 million.
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Once in Sydney, after a disastrous few months on display where crowds failed to flock to the shuttle exhibition featuring such compelling educational offerings as "activities is to assist in the development of issues of nutrition and hygiene at home" (an actual quote from their website) - the leasing company declared bankruptcy and washed their hands of the space shuttle completely.
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The Buran Gift shop where you could buy soviet space ship themed football jerseys, in case you needed one of those
One of four people listed on the lease, described as a business partner of the Prime Minister, also claims he never knew he was a director of the company, which went on to cause a lot more problems.
This whole debacle presented a slight issue for the cash strapped Russian authorities, who had now only been paid $100,000 for the 9 year lease of the shuttle instead of the $600,000 they were owed. Eventually the decision was made to abandon the once $1 billion Soviet pride and joy in a Sydney carpark, where it resided for a year under a small tarpaulin.
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Failed attempts to be rid of the shuttle included a 12 day auction hosted by an LA radio station, where listeners were offered the chance to buy the shuttle for $6 million, however all bids turned out to be pranks and the shuttle remained.
Multiple attempts were also made to sell the shuttle to Tom Cruise, with the exacerbated movie star's representatives repeatedly telling the insistent traders that he was not interested in owning a Russian spaceship.
Eventually a Singaporean group dismantled the shuttle and shipped it overseas, however Russian authorities soon reported they once again had been failed to be paid for the lease. Singaporean representatives responded that they definitely had paid for the shuttle, and that they simply couldn't remember when or how much was paid.
Representing the Russian government, Lawyer Suhaila Turani told the Wall Street Journal “I feel sorry for the Russians. They’re good in space, but they’re very naive in business.”
For a time the shuttle was abandoned in the storage yard of event company Pico, with the company owner telling the Wall Street Journal "I just want this thing out of my life" after three years of being stuck with it.
A few years later the shuttle was found by German journalists dismantled in a junkyard, and it was then bought and shipped to Germany to be put on display a museum, so all's well that ends well (except they dropped it from a crane while trying to set it up, but it polished up okay).
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deunmiu-dessie · 6 months
ⅰ ▬ ⁽ 𝓌𝑒𝓇𝑒𝓌𝑜𝓁𝒻 ⁾
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𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉 ♡︎ : ₃˖₅ₖ ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ 𝓌𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 ♡︎ : mdni----- unedited, NSFW, dubcon, rape/noncon elements explicit content, teratophilia, monster/human, rough sex, unprotected sex, creampie, very obvious size difference, dacryphilia, ( slight?? ) somnophilia, cunnilingus, knotting. ₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎
𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎 ♡︎ : you're invited to the bar by your bestfriend, barb. things go awry. ꒰m!werewolf ₊⊹ afab!reader꒱
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𝒜s you drift in and out of a light slumber, the sudden sound of your phone jolts you awake. The room is enveloped in darkness, and a chill lingers in the air, reminding you that you forgot to close the window. You shift in bed, directing your gaze towards the nightstand, and reach out to grab your phone, squinting against its blinding brightness. Running a hand through your tousled hair, you sit up and flick on the nearby lamp, illuminating the room.
As you settle in, your eyes slowly adapt to the light, allowing you to observe your surroundings. Glancing at your phone once more, you notice the time - it's already 9:27 PM. Your friend tried calling you five times, with the first call going unanswered for ten minutes.
As you slide out of bed, you stretch your arms and legs, grimacing at the sounds of your joints cracking. You brush your hands through your hair and make your way to the bathroom, turning on the light, and leaning against the sink, letting out a sigh at the sight of the bags under your eyes. Your lithe fingers gently pull at the skin under your eyes, eyebrows furrowed and lips pursed. Sighing, your arms drop to your side before lifting them to twist the faucet handle.
You bend down and form a makeshift bowl with your hands, sleepily awaiting the rush of water. The liquid cascades into your palms, filling them with a refreshing embrace. With a swift motion, you splash the cold water onto your face, instantly jolting your senses awake.
Huffing out a sigh, you shut off the tap, taking a brief pause to relish in the quietness of your home, before reaching for a soft hand towel to gently pat your face dry. Tossing the damp towel into the laundry basket, you pivot on your heels and exit the bathroom, flicking off the light and shutting the door behind you.
Glancing around the room, you notice the scattered clothing on the floor and your disorganized dresser, and as much as you wanted to clean it, you simply lacked the motivation. Your gaze swiftly shifts away from the mess and you clear your throat.
"Hey, Alexa, Call Barb back."
As her robotic voice obediently chimes, you collapse onto your messy bed, emitting a groan in response to the piercing sound resonating in your ears. A brief moment of silence passes before you're taken aback, startled by Barb's exuberant cheer.
" Thank god! I thought you were dead! What are you doing right now?" The ambiance of music and conversation engulfs her, prompting yet another sigh from you- the nth one since you've woken up. You're now well aware of the reason for her call, but you're not in the mood to socialize or have a drink.
After all, this was your only free weekend for the next month or so; and besides, you had already planned a date with a tub of ice cream and a marathon of horror movies.
"I just woke up from a nap, where are you? It's loud."
The woman softly utters a flustered 'stop', likely to a guy she's flirting with. Barb clears her throat to hide a giggle. "I'm at a bar with Crystal and Kevin. Please come down!" The idea of socializing at that moment sent shivers down your spine. No matter how much you adored Barb, her offer didn't tempt you in the slightest.
Actually, the idea of socializing at that moment sent mind-numbing shivers down your spine, and just as you were about to decline, her following words elicit a gentle chuckle from you.
"And! Before you say no, I promise I won't ask you to come to any events for the next three months." The anxiety in her voice is palpable, and it begins to chip away at your resolve, her small whine finally breaks you and with a sigh, you find yourself smiling at her proposal. "Fine, send me the address and I'll be there as soon as I can. "
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The place is bustling with noise and the unmistakable smell of sweat as you navigate your way to the bar. From the entrance, you catch sight of Barb's eye-catching cotton candy pink hair. She's engaged in light-hearted banter with a burly man, and although you hesitate to interrupt, you do so anyway.
Wrapping your arms around her waist, you bask in the comforting aroma that surrounds her. Barb was an absolute doll, and the instant connection you both had when introduced by a mutual friend three years ago is still strong. Barb was practically the sole reason you weren't a recluse.
A small chuckle escaped her lips as she affectionately placed her hand on your cheek. "That you babe?" She turns around as she hears your approving hum, and her gaze falls upon your attire. It wasn't flashy, considering this is just a bar. Your legs are clad in mom jeans, complemented by a band tee and a pair of chunky combat boots. In contrast to Barb's tight red dress, you may seem a bit underdressed, but your intention wasn't to find a hookup tonight; you're here to catch up with Barb.
She pressed her lips together, but eventually gave in and rolled her eyes before pulling you into a warm hug, without getting up from her seat.
" Henry, this is my best friend. " she beamed at you and playfully raised her eyebrows. "Bestie, this is Henry."
You cast your eyes towards him, uninterested."Hey, how are you?"
Without waiting for his response, you plant a kiss on Barb's forehead and gesture towards the other end of the bar. "I'll grab a drink and then search for Kevin and Crystal."
Barb's lips formed a pout as she nodded, her expression turning stern. "Don't leave without telling me okay?" You acknowledged her request with a nod, waving her off and making your way to the stool at the end of the counter, collapsing onto the chair, and releasing a weary sigh.
The bartender looked at you expectantly, prompting you to bite the inside of your cheek before simply requesting water - you had no intention of drinking tonight. Your eyes flit over the bar, taking small sips from your water bottle, looking for any eye candy. Eventually, your gaze landed on a man wearing a red, dirtied beanie, his eyes lowered. He's big and burly, with dark hair covering his forearms and a thick beard.
Your heart stutters in your chest, prompting you to clench your thighs together. His sun-kissed complexion exuded an irresistible aura of feral masculine energy, that made your nipples perk up and harden. You discreetly averted your eyes, taking a gulp of water to quell the sudden and embarrassing rush of desire.
Stealing another glance, your heart skips a beat when his hazel eyes meet yours. Flustered, you quickly look away, feeling the warmth spread across your cheeks. You had just got caught ogling a sexy hunky man, and you'd probably been drooling too.
You set your water bottle on the counter and pat your cheeks with your cold hands. Gradually mustering the courage, you decide to approach the man- the intimidating but hot man who sat in a booth alone. As you prepare to stand up, you are startled to find him just a few steps away from you, gaze searing and unwavering.
Towering at 6'4, he appeared even more imposing in person, his muscles clearly defined beneath his jacket. Despite your jitters, you offer a smile and a nod in his direction. His eyes briefly leave yours, locking with the bartender's. A surge of desire courses through you, his voice is deep and velvet-smooth, and it has your stomach in knots.
"Another bourbon."
His eyes fixated on you, captivating your very being and luring you into a trance. A timid squeak escaped your lips as you retreated into your shell - he exuded an aura of sheer intimidation. The slight twitch at the corner of his mouth accompanied a subtle nod, but little else. You couldn't help but feel foolish for even attempting to engage with him because even though he didn't wear an expensive suit or look well off, he was way out of your league. At least, that's how it felt.
As he grabs the glass of bourbon, he disappears into the shadows of his lonely little booth. You feel the urge to approach him but two things hold you back– one- you don't know what you would say and two– you really have to pee.
Downing the last drops of water, you bring the bottle with you to throw in the garbage can. Suddenly, you come to a halt, noticing the lengthy line forming at the restroom — that was like a thirty-minute wait, you couldn't possibly hold your pee for that long.
The longer you pondered your next move, the more your bladder seemed to betray you. Your only choice was to venture outside and take care of business in the back. You clenched your jaw, cursed under your breath, and hurried to the back door. As you made your way, you locked eyes with Barb at the bar and gestured towards your urgent need. She responded with a nod and a thumbs-up before returning to her conversation. With a sigh of relief, you slipped out into the cool night air, feeling its gentle touch on your skin.
The town may have been small, but it possessed an allure that captivated its inhabitants. It wasn't the kind of place where everyone knew each other, yet it still retained an intimate charm. Nestled at the edge of town, this bar stood amidst the endless forest that enveloped the surroundings. It was easy to get lost in there.
Into the heart of the forest, you went, careful to avoid prying eyes as you attended to your needs, wary of the consequences if caught by the property owner or law enforcement. As you made your way through the trees, the dim glow of the bar faded and you continued to walk until you had to squint to see the bar lights.
The sound of your belt coming undone echoed through the stillness of the area and you feel your skin crawl with anxiousness. You can hear the steady stream of your pee hitting the leafy-covered ground and you cringe at the loudness of the sound. After you make sure you're at least a bit dry down there, you stand and pull your pants up. As you adjust yourself, a rustle in front of you makes your heart race.
Your hands freeze at your belt buckle, a deep, low, guttural growl meets your ears and suddenly you can see golden irises looking towards you. It's a wolf. Fear grips you as you step back, trembling with terror. As your eyebrows knit together, your gaze intensifies upon the creature before you. There is no denying its identity as a wolf, yet its sheer size is awe-inspiring, towering over you. Its maw is much too big, its teeth much too large and its physique exudes strength.
What the hell were you looking at?
It takes a step forward, snarling at you. Your body quivers with nervous energy, unable to find calm, unable to focus. Without hesitation, you pivot on your foot and sprint away, your eyes scanning the surroundings with newfound intensity - every obstacle, every tree, every shadow. Uncertain if the predator is gaining on you, uncertain if more have joined in on the chase - you refuse to look back. The snarls and the sound of rapid footsteps fade momentarily. Breathing becomes difficult, and your face is flushed and covered in sweat.
Seeking refuge behind a tree, you struggle to regain composure, your heart racing wildly, adrenaline coursing through your veins.
Sprinting away, driven by an insatiable desire for safety, you disregard the possibility that it might not be the wolf. You suddenly experience an excruciating pain that travels up your ankle, causing an ear-piercing shriek to erupt from your throat and obscure your vision with tears.
Your skull collides with the rugged terrain, engulfing your vision in darkness for a fleeting moment. As your mind gradually regains clarity, you steal a glance at your ankle, recoiling at the sight of the weathered bear trap sinking its fangs into your flesh. Thankfully, the wound appears shallow, and you offer a silent gratitude to God.
You lack the strength to budge, even though it's not causing any real harm; the agony is unbearable. The wolf draws nearer, yet its snarls transform into a plaintive whine. Your eyes remain tightly shut, refusing to open, as your body becomes paralyzed by the sensation of its scorching breath against your face.
It continues its advance, until it reaches your leg, eliciting a whimper from you as its jaws envelop it. Although no additional pain ensues, the sound of fabric rending fills your ears. With trepidation, you finally summon the courage to open your eyes, only to find half of your pant leg ripped away.
Crack, Crack
Bones are breaking, you can hear every crack and also see them breaking under the wolf's fur. As the wolf's fur ripples, you witness the gruesome spectacle of bones splintering beneath its skin. A sickening sensation rises in your throat, causing you to retch violently onto the verdant grass below. The cracking stops but you make no move to look again.
The searing agony dissipates, replaced by the faint rustling of metal being pried apart and discarded with a metallic clink. A rough, yet tender and moist touch glides over your wound, gradually erasing the numbness that enveloped you. The scorching pain that once tormented you is now but a distant memory.
Facing the creature, you realize it has grown even larger, standing at an impressive 9 feet tall. Its massive frame is covered in thick, dark fur, making it almost impossible to discern its true shape. The only colors visible are the glowing gold of its eyes and the pink knot nestled against your thigh. You swallow heavily and avert your eyes quickly, eyes flitting to the wolf's face.
Your heart races as you feel its large hand holding your leg, the gentle touch of its claws sending shivers down your spine. The sensation of its tongue brushing against your skin sends waves of pleasure through your body, despite the fear that grips you. His nose twitches, his eyes flicking towards you, the tension in his muscles palpable.
Your body quivers like a leaf, appearing fragile and small beneath the werewolf, so easily breakable. You can feel his cock stiffening even more, almost impossibly so. Reluctantly, you retract your leg from his grasp, edging back slowly. He watches you with intelligent eyes, tracking your every motion. Struggling to rise, you opt to flip onto your hands and knees, clutching a nearby tree for support— still uncertain of your 'healed' ankle.
There's a pressure on your waist, claws teasing your delicate hips, barely breaking the skin, and you cry out as your pants are torn from your legs, the cool air brushing against your exposed skin. He pauses for a moment, snout coming close to your sex before sniffing deeply. As tears cascade down your cheeks, you instinctively lash out, kicking your leg in a desperate attempt to distance yourself.
Your combat boot forcefully collides with its face, a feeble protest that is met with a mocking snort. With a single swipe of its claw, your delicate undergarments are effortlessly torn apart, leaving your hole quivering, and juices leaking without permission. Drawing nearer, its snout radiates warmth, causing you to recoil, your eyes squeezed shut. Yet, they swiftly snap open as its wide, elongated, and moist tongue begins to sensually lap at you, the roughness of its muscular appendage gently grazing your entrance and occasionally slipping inside.
Against your will, you're moaning loudly. Your eyes roll back and your lower lip is trapped between your teeth. The hand that was holding onto the tree is now on its snout, attempting to push it away. Your face is pressed into the ground, your back arched in a deliciously painful curve, and your ass is raised high in the air.
It laps at you eagerly like a thirsty dog, and you're lost in a sea of pleasure, moaning and pleading for more, despite yourself. You love every second of this, and it makes you feel disgusted with how enamored you are at what this monster's tongue is doing to you.
You're enveloped in a sea of pure white, as its tongue explores the depths of your being, gently caressing your sensitive spots and teasing your g-spot. It's tongue fucking you so well, like it possesses an intimate map of your body. Its tail sways rhythmically as your trembling thighs embrace its snout, cum dripping onto its eager tongue. Your body spasms with pleasure, and it revels in its satisfaction.
Your pussy tightens slightly, releasing your desire onto your inner thighs, playfully winking at the creature, enticing it to take you. Its hands encircle your waist, contrasting your size against it. The tip of its red cock is lined with your entrance and it finds it a bit difficult to slip the head in at first, you're a tight squeeze.
" No. No, it won't fit!" It's thick and long, and so much bigger than a normal cock, and that thought terrifies you. You shriek as it inches into you slowly, pussy stretching to attempt to accommodate its thickness. You shake your head, crawling forward and attempting to escape the overwhelming intrusion. However, its deep snarl makes you whimper and freeze.
You weakly resist one last time, wriggling your hips to stop it from completely ruining you for any other man, but as it sinks into your quivering, messy cunt, you stop struggling.
Despite the tension in its muscles, it takes its time. The beast is exceptionally thick, so its cock is heavy inside you. The drag of its bulbous tip on your g-spot has you whimpering and drooling over yourself. Abruptly its massive frame envelops you, hands firmly gripping your hips.
How ironic, a canine-like creature ravishing you in the primal position of doggy style.
With a powerful thrust, it plunges its rigid cock deep inside you, its pelvis pressing against your ass. The weighty orbs of its balls collide against your clit, brimming with cum, and despite knowing you shouldn't, you crave every drop of its hot seed.
Your sight becomes hazy, and the world around you blurs as pleasure consumes you. It's an overwhelming sensation that brings tears to your eyes. Each touch from it sends electric shocks through your body, it's touching every nerve inside of you effortlessly. Despite feeling completely satisfied, a deep craving for more remains. The desire to feel it cum inside of you.
With each thrust, a creamy white residue encircles its cock and you're not sure how you've cum so many times in such a short period, but your eager, filthy little hole is starting to feel tender and sensitive. You're whining and whimpering, a blubbering mess below it. You need more.
It starts to speed up, hips stuttering, and a whine building in its throat. With one final forceful thrust, it buries itself deep inside you. Its primal roar echoes in your ears, yet you lack the strength to shield them.
The wet, erotic sound as it pumps you full of cum makes you orgasm once more. Your poor slutty hole clenching around it. You've lost track of time since you left the bar, and you don't know how long the two of been fucking. Exhaustion washes over you, and all you desire is to return home.
However, it appears that th beast has different intentions. Suddenly, it lifts you up, positioning itself on its hindlegs, and you find yourself sitting upright on its throbbing cock. One of its hands ventures beneath your band tee, discovering your erect nipples, while the other firmly grips your hip, effortlessly thrusting you onto its shaft as if you were its own personal fleshlight. Its muzzle nuzzles against your neck, sending shivers down your spine as you surrender to the overwhelming pleasure, even though exhaustion consumes you.
When you came to, you were relieved to find yourself at your house, believing that maybe you had dreamt it, it couldn't have been real. But the evidence of your wild night with that beast is undeniable - the sticky puddle of cum on your sheets and the missed calls and texts from Barb serve as a tantalizing reminder. You can't remember how long he used your body for his pleasure but you do remember leaving a pool of cum where the two stayed that night. Though, one text stands out to you.
"Babe, a man came up to me earlier and said that he enjoyed you last night. WTF?! Bitch, spill."
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daceydeath · 2 months
I Want to Watch
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Pairing: Wooyoung x Reader x San Word Count: 2.5K Genre: Pure Smut 🔞 Warnings: 18+, MDNI, Explicit Activities
AN: This idea came from writing a short one shot called 4:15 pm so it mentions the events of that but is not strictly related.
Wooyoung has had a brilliant idea but he is yet to actually mention it to anyone other than San.
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 Wooyoung had teased you relentlessly about it for almost three weeks before you had lost your cool and snapped at him that he should just ask San to join you then if it was that important to him to watch his best friend fuck you. Funnily enough that seemed to work and he dropped the subject all together for another full month until he began to invite you round for dates when the others were home or when they were likely to be coming home. Teasing you about how he could just leave the door unlocked and call Hongjoong in to let him watch or that he bet you would look so hot with Jongho's cock in your mouth while he fucked you, each time getting you more receptive to his idea of his friends watching you, it started to actually turn you on. He knew you had a tiny bit of an exhibition kink, you never minded if they overheard you, but he never actually let the members see you or even hear you before the time San had discovered you and you had responded to him purposely toying with San more than he had anticipated.
"Woo what movie did you want to watch?" you called from the couch flipping through the streaming service to find something neither of you had watched. You could hear him muttering from the kitchen but you couldn't make out anything he said.
"Woo? Are you even listening to me?" You raised your eyebrows at him and watched him pace another length of the kitchen, phone in his hand "What's wrong?". He stopped to look at you, opening and closing his mouth a few times before huffing and walking over to sit beside you and pull you closer to him, his lips on your temple kissing you lightly.
"I may have done something that you may get mad about but I'm not sure yet, but in my defense it is a brilliant thing" he admitted letting you see how nervous he actually was.
"What have you done?" you asked, dryly knowing it could be anything from buying you a stupidly oversized plushie, a designer bag or ordering pizza. His ability to answer was cut off by a knock on the apartment door making you quickly assume it was probably closer to take out than anything more incorrigible. He let go of you to go answer and came back with a slightly flushed looking San which just confused you.
"Hey Sannie" you smiled furrowing your eyebrows "How are you?"
"I'm good" San nodded looking between you and Wooyoung "Am I early? You said come by at 9 Woo".
"So the thing is..." Wooyoung started his cheeks turning dark pink as he struggled to get the words out making you even more confused "You remember how you.... No um. Give me a second" he turned back to San pushing him into the entrance alcove and out of your line of sight. Although you could hear hushed but slightly frantic whispered bickering between the two of them.
"Man if you haven't asked her we can just make it another time, I'm not going to make her feel like she's being pushed" San muttered sounding worried.
"She will hear you moron" Wooyoung hissed "Also if you're here or not I'm not forcing her you dickhead".
"I didn't say you were I just don't want her feeling pressured that would be shitty" San sighed annoyed.
"Or you could both just talk like normal people since I can hear you both and am so confused right now" You interrupted loudly making them both sheepishly peer around to corner to look at you. "What is going on? Is this some kind of intervention that you two are trying to pull?".
"No, absolutely not" San shook his head innocently even though you were pretty sure he was far from innocent in this whole debacle.
"Then what is going on you're really starting to piss me off" you frowned looking between them and wondering when someone would explain the cryptic shit they were bickering about.
"Shit, baby it's nothing bad I promise" Wooyoung panicked coming back over to the couch with San hot on his heels "You remember when we were at that video shoot and you and I snuck off and..."
"and everyone was looking for you while you were too horny to keep your hands off me and just had to fuck me in an empty office? Yeah I remember I was there" you smirked watching both of their ears turn red and San look up at the ceiling to avoid your gaze.
"Yeah, do you remember that San found us and what I said?" he continued looking a little braver as you pieced together what he was saying.
"You want to have a threesome" you guessed, stopping him from dragging it out further, a wave of heat rushing straight to your core.
"Well I actually wanted to start off with him but eventually invite the others in too" he smirked watching your eyes widen "not all at once though".
"You want me to have sex with all of your members? all 7 of them?" you swallowed hard your embarrassment now showing as you felt your own cheeks burning at the reaction you were having to the idea of it.
"Yeah maybe? I wanted them to watch me fuck you then I wanted to watch them fuck you" he continued getting bolder with each word his grin getting larger as he saw how well you were responding to the idea.
"So you want to watch me with San?" you repeated, pressing your thighs together slightly to relieve the throb that was beginning to spread from your core. Biting your lip you tore your eyes from your boyfriends to look as his best friend who was trying to remain looking as neutral as possible. "Is that what you want, San?".
"Absolutely" San uttered without thinking, only to slap his hand over his mouth cutely after realizing what he had done, making you smile shyly at him.
"You going to keep being shy or are you going to kiss her?" Wooyoung teased his friend, his eyes already turning darker as he looked at  you as if you were a meal and he was starving to death.
"She hasn't agreed yet, Woo calm down" San smacked him on the shoulder before moving to sit beside you on the couch "Is this what you want princess?" he asked huskily, his voice getting so much lower than you had ever heard it, it was making your brain short circuit. You licked your lips looking at him for a moment trying to clear the fog that was already in your brain before nodding.
"I need words princess" he smirked, lifting your chin to stare into your eyes looking at you as intensely as Wooyoung had been making you feel a little shy at how wet he was making you without him even touching you.
"Please Sannie" you whispered breathily before San crashed his lips into yours. Kissing San was completely different to kissing Woo. You were so used to Wooyoung's deep, messy and needy kisses that San's sensual lingering ones made you gasp his plush lips were gentle against yours almost tentative as he let you initiate any increase in intensity only taking back control when you let a quiet moan pass into his mouth driving him to pull you into his lap to straddle his hard thighs.
"Didn't expect you to be so desperate to fuck San baby" Woo rasped his voice tight as he watched to make out with his best friend. You whined pressing yourself against the bulge that was growing in San's sweatpants enjoying the pressure against your pussy. “Look how needy you are, like I never take care of you huh?”.
San let his hands map your curves, eventually coming to rest on your arse squeezing it firmly as he encouraged you to grind on him a little bit. You were already feeling more aroused than you had any right to be, making out with your boyfriend's best friend should not get you as impossibly wet as you were but you couldn’t stop the needy gasps and moans leaving your mouth. San planted his feet harder against the floor gripping you tighter as he lifted you, walking you to Wooyoung’s bedroom where he carefully placed you on the bed on your back pressing soft kisses to your jaw and neck before peeling down your sweats to get better access to you.
“Shit” San groaned, his eyes locked on the wetness that had seeped into your underwear staining the white lace and making it virtually see through. Not being able to help yourself you felt yourself preen under the intensity of his stare biting your lip to get him to move back to you. His large hands ghosted up the skin of your thighs passing your hips and continuing up your sides so he could help you out of your shirt before connecting his lips back to yours
“Fuck baby” Woo groaned, smirking at the scene from the door “a few kisses and you turn into a complete whore”.
You opened your mouth to say something but your retort died in your throat and was replaced by a moan and San locked his lips around one of your nippled scraping the lace against your sensitive bud with his teeth, one of your hands flying out to steady yourself and the other grabbing hold of his hair.
“Sannie” you gasped feeling him smile against your breast, he continued covering your body with lingering kisses working his way down to your core, making you sigh and groan while he explored. “Shit Sannie”.
Stopping his mapping of your body he stood to quickly strip himself of his clothes leaving him in boxers that left little to the imagination, his thick cock straining against the fabric making your mouth water.
“Don’t torture the poor slut man” Woo ordered his voice thick with arousal as he sat at the bottom of the bed his eyes locked on you.
“Yes Sir” San grinned, pulling off his boxers and manhandling you back into his lap, tearing the lace that was left covering you from your hips with one harsh tug.
“Fuck off San I liked that set” Woo grumbled halfheartedly while San stoked his fingers between your folds making you mewl and arch into him searching for more, you couldn’t see your boyfriends face but from the mischievous grin that crossed San’s face and the sound of annoyance that left Wooyoung’s lips San was not meant to be toying with you this much. Sliding two fingers inside you making you whine, San couldn’t help the moan that rumbled through his chest into yours, his finger sliding in so easily that you should have been embarrassed.
“Such a wet little pussy” he whispered kissing your lips again while you fucked yourself on his fingers with an air of desperation, his low chuckled making you want more as he pulled his fingers back out of you with and obscene squelch before shoving them in his mouth.
“Hey!” Woo protested but you couldn’t concentrate on his words you just needed something, anything “We talk about this”
“Sannie, please, need your cock” you murmured weakly, your body burning for him in a way you had never felt.
“Course princess” he smirked, grabbing his length to line himself up with your entrance before letting you sink down on him.
“Such a desperate little whore begging for another man’s cock, you need that much cock that just mine isn’t enough?” Wooyoung grunted making you whimper as you felt your walls stretching around San’s dick until your hips met his. Rolling your hips experimentally you felt like you were being split in half by how much thicker he was than what you were used to, your head fell forward against his shoulder as you let yourself adjust.
“Give the pathetic slut what she wants, San” Woo continued, his voice more strained the longer he watched. Resting his hands on your hips almost gently San helped you begin to grind against him his breathing getting heavier as your confidence grew until you began bouncing on him your tits brushing against his chest with each movement.
“Fuck don’t want to be rough with you” San choked out as he tried to not snap his hips up to meet your pace.
“Please Sannie, I need it, please fuck me, please” you begged your eyes glassy as you met his eyes.
“Begging like a needy whore huh? Is San’s cock that good?” Wooyoung mocked harshly.
“I got you princess” San muttered gently before grabbing your hips bruisingly and snapping his hips up into you sharply making you cry out your head falling back and your mouth open letting him use you like you needed so intensely. San’s lips moved you your neck kissing and nibbling your sensitive skin as he pounded you into a pleasurable oblivion
“Aww is my little baby drunk on cock?” Wooyoung asked sweetly moving to claim your lips after not touching you for so long, lolling your head to the side you could see he hadn’t been able to control himself his cock out of his pants as his tugged at it in time with San’s thrusts and he fucked you. “Let him fuck you full yeah baby? You gonna let another man fill you with his cum? Let him breed you in front of me?”. The moan that fell from your lips was pornographic as another wave of arousal began soaking San’s length and practically dripping onto his balls.
“Fuck Woo she loved that” San grunted feeling your walls begin to flutter around him as your orgasm drew nearer.
“You going to let San claim you baby? Gonna let him knock you up like a little needy whore” Wooyoung knew you were close from the little gasps that you let out between your moans, each one getting shorter until you would explode.
“Ah…ngh…Sannie” you cried as you came so hard you could barely keep yourself upright, San moving one hand to hold you against him as he continued to fuck you through your orgasim and into the start of your next one.
“Fuck princess” he grunted roughly his cock stiffening inside you before painting your walls with thick ropes of his seed. His hips slowed until you were both still you resting against his bare chest both panting for air.
That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen” Wooyoung swallowed hard while San moved you so you could at least see your boyfriend who had managed to finish all on his own “Never cum untouched before”. You could feel San breathlessly chuckle as you realized that you were still connected, his dick softening inside your walls.
“That was....fuck” San mumbled, still not attempting to move you off of him.
“We are doing this again” Woo grinned, moving so he could watch San’s seed drip from your stretched entrance before eventually helping to move you onto the bed so they could clean you up.
AN: Thank you for reading my lovelies. I adore you so much and your likes, reblogs and comments warm my half dead little heart xx
Taglist (open): @christopher-bangnaldoskzz @armystay89 @damnyouficc @roamingpolar @tara-skyhold @bakedlilgoonie , @krishastumblernow , @mrsseals16 , @fawnpeaks @leeknowinggg @uno7 @tanzen-ist-gold
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 7 months
Mz. Bitch's Masterlist
Started: 2/24/24 Last updated: 9/20/24
Due to inline link limits, please click on the story name to start reading and follow the chapter links. Thanks little darlings! Love y'all!
Bucky Barnes *One shots Sex Pollen My Alpha Got Nothing On You Part 2 Movie Night Please Come Back Vibranium & Stainless Steel *Series Breaking the Class Ceiling **Finished Bucky Barnes is a middle class clerk. He needs to marry well to take care of himself and his father. Y/N Y/L/N is the heir to a millionaire fortune, who is blunt, no-nonsense, flirtatious, and looking for a partner. Everyone is vying for her hand. Can Bucky ever win? Pretty Pointy Smile **Finished Bucky was born different, and has been judged for it ever since.  His father has had enough and sells him to the circus.  The acceptance and love of his newfound family, and the beautifully fierce ringmaster, help him realize he’s not the monster everyone else made him out to be. Sugar Mama **Finished Bucky is overworked and struggling to get by.  The bills are piling up and he’s consistently in the red with no end in sight.  Y/N is a billionaire’s daughter, entrepreneur and philanthropist having a hard time finding true friends or love.  She has a proposition for him. Marriage of Convenience **Finished Y/N’s father is gone, and he leaves it all to her.  But in 1880s Oregon, she can’t own land without a husband.  Under the threat of it all being taken away by a land hungry Sheriff, what’s a girl to do with no prospects?  Maybe one of the cowboys on the farm can help… The Temptation **Finished Father Barnes is devout, steadfast, and undeterred by flirtatious congregants.  So why does this fallen angel tempt him so?  You cannot serve two masters.  Will he choose God, or his heart? Norsemen & Anglo-Saxons **Finished Princess Y/N has a secret that her parents are ashamed of.  A conquering Viking chief recognizes the gift she has.  Will they be able to bring peace between warring people, and maybe find love along the way? Stranded **Finished Tossed overboard and lost at sea, Bucky washes up on an uninhabited island.  Injured, lost and scared, with little to no wilderness training, he fights to survive.  But is he really alone? The Fuck Up **Finished Bucky fucked up.  A few times.  Will his best friend ever be able to forgive him?
Naughty Nanny **Finished Bucky had a lovechild from a one night stand.  He barely even remembered it, and was surprised to find a baby on his doorstep 9 months later.  But one look at that little girl and he knew she was his and that he’d die for her.  The only problem was, he knew nothing about babies, and being an Avenger meant he couldn’t just drop everything and be a dad full time.  Then he found the perfect nanny…or so he thought. Run, pretty girl, run **Finished Even with the safeguards put in place after the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D., the remaining Avengers find themselves on the run after the American government falls into disarray.  The code word is sent, and they’re officially fugitives.  Bucky makes a run for the safe house set up for emergencies like this where the Avengers are told to meet up, but on the way saves the pregnant agent turned payroll specialist that he was partnered with.  Will they make it before she goes into labor?  Or at all?
Pretty P.A. **Finished Y/N has been the personal assistant to the most influential and famous fashion model agency director in the industry for the past 13 years.  They’ve decided to retire, and are leaving the agency in the hands of their protege and former model, Bucky Barnes.  He seems plenty qualified, and Y/N is excited for a chance to work with him.  Change always takes time,  but the new insanely hot boss is distrustful and hesitant towards her.  The Gorgon **Finished The village nearest the mountain by the sea has a generations-old tradition of offering sacrifices to the monster in the mountain to gain favor and keep its wrath away from the people.  Every person starting from the age of 15 has to take a turn in making the journey up the mountain to the mouth of the cave once a year to drop off the gifts…and it’s a journey that some never come back from.  Y/N took her turn when she was 15, and now the rotation has come back to her again.  If the gift isn’t given by the autumn solstice, there’s no telling what harm the creature will wreak onto the people.  With a seemingly insurmountable obstacle in her way, will she make it to save her and her people?  Can a monster have a heart? Dreamboat **Finished Y/N, her brother Steve, and his best friend Bucky all moved out West for a new start after Y/N was almost caught up and hurt in a rival gang fight.  Steve wasn’t in shape to fight in the war, but Bucky was drafted.  While out West, Y/N finds herself in trouble again from the local bar owner.  Steve is suddenly drafted for an experimental division of the army, but leaving Y/N alone isn’t an option.  Bucky comes home needing help, and Steve comes up with a crazy compromise.  Sweet Pumpkin **Finished Summary:  Bucky is struggling with the dating world and knows that if he ever hopes to have a serious relationship, that he needs to get through his touch deprivation issues.  It’s not that he doesn’t want to touch people, or them to touch him, but after decades of pain he doesn’t know how to accept physical intimacy from others, or how to give it himself.  He hires Y/N, an intimacy coach and professional cuddler, who comes highly recommended.  Will his heart be able to distinguish between a service given versus real love?
Peter Parker *One shots Emotional *Short Series Tasty **Finished Peter just wanted to have one night of fun.  Then that night of fun almost killed him.  Now it won’t stop haunting him.  And he’s loving it. 
*Series The Young Duke **Finished Queen Y/N is running out of time.  At 35 years old she has to marry and make an heir to the throne, but all suitors so far have been unsatisfactory in one way or another.  Duke Peter Parker is the young Duke of Queensland, and his family is on the brink of ruin due to his parents’ failures and famines throughout the years.  He needs to find an advantageous marriage to save his family’s estate, so when an invitation from the Crown comes, he jumps at the opportunity.  Will it be a match?
Steve Rogers *Series My Queen **Finished Steve Rogers is the newly inherited Duke of Brooklyn, struggling to fix the mistakes of his parents while enduring an overbearing, matchmaking mother.  He has no intention of anything romantic in his future, but will a forced love connection with the Queen change his mind?
Stucky *Series Emerald Hallow **Finished Steve Rogers wants to move on.  He wants to forget Peggy, and dive into the 21st century.  But this man of the past doesn’t know how to navigate being an Alpha in a modern world of skittish Omegas.  He prides himself on his self control, never wanting to harm or scare them, until something just smells too damn good. And he's not the only one who smells it...
Sebastian Stan *Series A Patient Man **Finished Sebastian swore to never fall for another co-star again. Until Y/N drops into his life.
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tutur-ddbr · 1 month
Watched the movie Deadpool Wolverine…
What can I say exepect I got the brainroat too?
Logan/ wolverine x M!Reader x Wade/Deadpool HEACANON (a bit NSFW).
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- You don't quite remember who you fell in love with first… maybe it was Wade's humor and childish behavior, maybe it was Logan's cat-like attitude.
- What you know for sure, is that started during a night at their apartment, a simple night of drinking.
- You don't remember what was the subject that led you into kissing Logan, but it happened…
- What happened next, was Wade whining about it, complaining to YOU, succeeding in kissing the Wolverine but not him. (and god know how hard he had try.)
- That was the start of something you had no control over, you simply say “Well then, come get your kisses…”
- A second later Wade and Logan were fighting over your lips and attention.
- This leaded to an interesting night, where the three of you didn't get much sleep…
- You thought it was just a one-night stand, something stupid that happened because of alcohol. Nothing to worry about, just it happens and you can forget about it.
- How boy, that being badly unaware of who we are talking to.
- After work, they where waiting at your place, how they get in? You're guessing that the broken doorknob on the ground cut in half, and the mark of the bullet is your answer.
- the picture they gave you was…. Something… Logan cooking in the kitchen, and Wade waiting on the couch dog pool on his lap. Really you didn't expect this…
- You didn't also expect that Logan’s cooking tastes so good and that you needed a good laugh from Wade after your 9-5.
- You ended up spending a lot of your free time with them. At their place or yours. Sleeping in the same bed most of the time.
- They would kiss you, here and there, if one get a kiss the other must get one too!
- You don't realize yet what going one, and simply though they are playing some kind of peacock game.
- Where Logan will show you affection by cooking for you (and wade), sharing his jacket during cold time, or just put a arms around your shoulder. (lighting up your cigarette with his cigars if you're a smoker).
- Where Logan is more physical type, Wade will be more talkative type. Saying how cute you look, teasing you, making jokes, and proposing different activities to do together.
- You took a stupid amount of time to understand what was going on…
- And when you realize and express it out loud, both of your lover look at you as if you were the dumbest/cutest thing in the world.
- Like yeah, of course you three were dating? What else? It was obvious!
- Where Wade did laugh his ass off calling you sweet nonsense, and in some way stupid. Logan grunts in disapproval of your slowness of mind. He did kiss you, calling you a “stupid brat” he would have use some other word if Deadpool hadn't taught him that those words were offensive.
- Welp, you're are with two supermutan now, so what is new?
- The dimanic, you noticed that, with Wade, you're act like a couple of young teenager. Roasting each other, teasing, kissing, ass grabbing, looking at each other D and dropping a “nice cock”. It don't change much from before. Yes, Wade is more clinging, but that what make him lovable no?
- With Logan, well he got issues of course. He needs more time to adjust, more time to welcome softness and love. Compared to Wade who would tell you trillions of “I love you honey Bune” in a joking manner. Logan, needed months to drop the first “I love you”, he didn't even look you or Wade in the eyes, he even hoped you both didn't hear him at first.
- It was important for the three of you. Wade didn't even tease Logan for it, he simply responded with a “we know big guys” as softly as he could putting his head on Logan’s shoulder. You, you simply kissed Logan's hand responding “We love you too”.
- From this, the relationship became even better.
It isn't great, but I try something. And I will try more cause there isn't enough neutral/Male reader paring with these two brat.
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anonymousicecream · 2 months
Mistress (Haewon x M Reader)
Becoming a leader is tough. You knew that ever since you were 10, but it wasn't as if you can reject this role. You're the heir of Pacific Corporation, a multinational conglomerate based in Seoul, South Korea. As the heir, it makes sense for you to search for experiences before eventually leading the conglomerate. You're now assigned by your family, mainly your father, as the CEO of Asiana Airlines, an airline owned by Pacific Corp. You have been in the role for 2 years, rising from vice president before becoming the CEO of the company.
You're currently relaxing in your office as everyone already went home earlier. It's currently 9:30 PM, and you're waiting for the appearance of one specific person.
"Hello y/n." The person said. Before we continue, let's rewind to my first interaction with the person.
(Rewind to 6 months ago)
You have worked with Asiana Airlines for the past year and a half, but this week is your first as the chief operating officer of the company. As the COO, you are to make sure that things go well. Due to the fact that you work for an airline, a part of the things you have to do as the chief operating officer is to make sure that operations are going smoothly on every flight.
Today is one of those days where you have to assess the operations in a flight. You arrived at the airport 2 hours ago and you just boarded the plane, heading from Seoul to Tokyo. It'll be a two hour flight, so you hope you get to enjoy all the in-flight festivities. You took a seat at the window seat in first class, enjoying the whole row to yourself as the flight is surprisingly empty, at least in first class.
The take off went well and it didn't take long before the pilot turned off the "wear your seatbelt" sign. Since you always felt a bit nervous whenever you're on a plane, you never really take off your seatbelt unless you need to use the bathroom. You decided to distract yourself with the in-flight TV, searching on what movies to watch. Before you manage to find one, you saw a flight attendant walking towards you.
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"Good afternoon sir, I'm Haewon and I will be your attendant helping you today. What would you like to order sir?" She asks you. "I'd take the soba along with a champagne please." You told her. "Of course sir." She then went off, preparing your order before she returned to you with your order. She prepared them down, laying it on the table for you before she said, "Enjoy your meal sir. I noticed that you seem tense before. If you need a 'desert', come to the front, I'll be there, alone." She said, teasing you, before she went off. You ate your meal while watching the movie, still contemplating whether you would accept Haewon's offer or not.
(Time skip)
You finished your meal, and you saw that there was still 60 minutes left on the flight. You decided to make the most of it, so you unbuckled your seatbelt and stand up, walking towards the front, closing the curtains in the process. As you walked, you saw Haewon standing near the pantry. She then looked at you, smirking at you before guiding you to the toilet, which you obeyed immediately. Once the two of you entered the toilet, you locked the doors before lifting her onto the sink.
"Make the most out of this please. I need a release, and by the looks of this, so do you." She said, in a begging tone. You smirked at her, before leaning in to kiss her on the lips. She replied with the same intensity, her hands never staying in one place, constantly moving around your back. It didn't take long before you decided to up the pace, reaching onto her tits, grabbing them. "Ah!" She moaned, which allowed you to insert your tongue into her mouth. She did the same to you, and it didn't take longer before you started getting hard.
Haewon noticed this, and decided to move her hands down to your trousers, unbuttoning them before dropping them as well as your boxers, releasing your cock onto the free air. She pulled out of the kiss, spitting on her hand before stroking your cock. You decided to do the same, spitting on your hand before reaching inside her dress, setting her panties aside and starting to rub on her pussy and clit.
The two of you returned to kissing, while simultaneously pleasuring each other with your hands. It didn't take long before you decide to insert your fingers into her pussy, making her moan. "Ahhh." You took the opportunity to move down, kissing her neck and jaw, creating extra stimulation for her. At the same time, she decided to stroke your cock harder.
"You're getting close mister. Just cum on me and we'll fuck. I'm pretty sure you can release more load." Haewon said, teasing into your ears as you groaned, hearing her words as well as feeling her strokes. You decided to up the pace on your fingers, making sure the two of you can cum together.
"I'm close." Haewon moaned. "Yeah that's it baby, cum with me, let's cum together." You groaned into her ears, increasing the speed of your fingers before she lets out one loud shriek and squirted onto your fingers. You continued fingering her, trying to reach your climax as well before she did one final stroke, tightening her hands around your cock, which caused you to cum as well. You finished on her thighs, covering each of them as you sucked on her neck while you cum.
"That was..... incredible. I didn't knew I need a release that bad." You told her, and she smirked at you. "As much as I'd want you to fuck me, I don't have condoms right now." She said. "Yes, that's a shame. Give me your number, we'll fuck in Tokyo." You told her, and she smirked, before typing in her phone number.
(Time Return to Today)
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"Haewon. It's been a while." You told her. "Yes it has. How have you been?" She asked you. "Bad. Not fucking you for 2 weeks has been hell." You replied. "Same here. Let's just get to the point." She told you, and you agreed.
You got up from your seat, walking towards her as she walks towards you, meeting in the middle as the two of you reached onto each other's cheeks, making out with each other. It didn't take long before you grabbed onto her thighs, caressing them before you lift her up, earning a squeal from her as you guided her to your work chair, sitting down on the chair. It didn't take long before she moved her hands downwards, resting on your now hardening cock. She rubbed it through your trousers, before unbuckling your belt and trousers, lowering them as well as your boxers, unveiling your now-hard cock.
She immediately starts stroking on your cock at a very fast pace, and it became clear to you that all she wants to do now is focus on your pleasure, so you let her be. You started kissing her neck as well as grabbing her tits from her covered dress, before eventually moving to her thighs and ass, caressing them.
After a few moments, she stopped stroking you and got off you, kneeling down under you. She opened her mouth before spitting on her hand, stroking my cock before she inserted my cock into her mouth. Her mouth was warm, probably the warmest it had ever been ever since she first gave me blowjobs, and the way she moves her tongue is second to none. She knew my weak points, as well as how to hit them and how long she should do it in order to make me cum.
"I'm close." I told her, and she nodded, increasing her pace. It didn't take long before I reached my climax and as I was about to reach my climax, I grabbed her head, pushing it down my cock as I came deep inside her mouth, with the tip of my cock reaching her throat. "AHHHH!" You groaned, as she groaned as well, enjoying your cum. Once you finished cumming, you pulled out of her mouth and she opened her mouth wide, showing you your load. "Swallow it." You ordered, and she obeyed immediately. She then opened her mouth, showing her empty mouth which is a sign that she already swallowed the load.
"Get on the table, lie down." You instructed her, and she obeyed. As she did that, you got your clothes off, getting yourself naked, before you went to your drawer, taking out a box of condoms. You grabbed a pack of condom, as you tore it open, before Haewon grabbed it from you, as she sat up and rolled it onto your hardening cock. You smirked at her, before you lined your cock up with her pussy, before pushing in, earning a groan from her and yourself due to her tightness. You stayed there for a moment, staring at her before she nodded, allowing you to start moving.
You started moving in and out of her at a moderate but deep thrust, allowing you to reach her g-spot sooner than expected. It also allowed her to feel the full size of your cock, which, to your surprise, made her tremble more than expected. You reached for her tits, grabbing her dress strap down before unhooking her bra, throwing it to the side as you thrust into her harder. You started increasing your pace as she wraps her legs around your hips and ass, making you go deeper into her.
"AHHHH YES RIGHT THERE!" Haewon moaned, and you kept on aiming at her preferred spot again and again. It didn't take long before she started clenching as she moaned "I'm close!". You moved one of your hands onto her clit, rubbing it aggressively while you suck on her neck, collarbone and her tits, before she clenched one last time as she.......
"FUCKKKKK!!!!" She moaned loudly as she came, squirting on your cock. You ignored her moans as you continued thrusting in and out of her, prolonging and increasing pleasure to her orgasm. After she came down from her high, you pulled out of her, taking her dress off before you grabbed her by her thighs and lift her up. She wrapped her legs around your hips as you kissed her again, before settling down at the couch.
You lift her up and aligned your cock with her pussy, but as you lowered her down, she grasped your hands. "What?" You asked her. "No protection, just this once, please." She told you, and you considered for a second before agreeing to her idea. Haewon took the condom off your cock, throwing it away to the side before grabbing your cock, stroking it before she lowered herself on your cock. "Fuckkkkkk!" A groan from the two of you, feeling the size, tightness and warmth of each other.
It didn't take long for Haewon to adjust as she starts grinding on your cock, before moving up and down on your cock, managing to hit her g-spot again and again and again. You moved your hands onto her back, making her lean forwards as you start sucking on her tits.
It surprised you that you could last this long, considering how close you were, but you were relieved when she moaned "I'm close". You nodded at her statement, before reaching onto her hips and flipping her over onto her stomach while you were still inside her, earning a shriek from her. You put your hands on her hips, raising her ass up as you started pounding her from behind.
It didn't take for you to hit the sweet spot and you leaned onto her back, kissing her neck and back while your hands play with her tits and pussy, earning tons of moans from her. It didn't take long until.....
"FUCK! FUCK! FUCKKKKKK!" She moaned as she clenched, cumming, HARD. I gave her a few more thrusts before pushing into her as deep as I could, one last time, as I came deep inside. "FUCKK BABY!" You groaned into her ear as you dropped your load inside her scorching hot pussy, still kissing, sucking and biting on her neck.
"Ahhh fuck!" Haewon couldn't stop cumming, so I decided to give her a few more thrusts, prolonging her orgasm, and it definitely helped as she continued cumming, before we both came down from our highs. I pulled out of her, grabbing a tissue before cleaning her up and grabbing a blanket, wrapping the two of you over the couch as the two of you cuddled onto dreamland.
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sinkovia · 8 months
Coffee Shop: VII
Simon Riley x Fem!Reader
You work at a small cafe that Simon starts visiting when he’s not deployed.
Coffee shop Masterlist
The next morning as Simon lay in bed, he clicked on the link you texted him about the adoption website. Navigating to the section for dogs, he was surprised to find only one listing – the last puppy up for adoption.
It was a male German Shepherd puppy, approximately two months old. Knowing the pup was too young for K-9 training, Simon decided that having a companion at home would be comforting until then. Quickly filling out the online form, within ten minutes, the puppy was officially Simon's.
The shelter informed him that his new furry friend would be ready for pick-up at noon. Simon went about his morning routine, enjoying breakfast and engaging in a rigorous workout until it was time to pick him up.
Leaving the shelter, Simon stared at the small canine now occupying the passenger seat. The puppy looked up at him with big brown eyes, tilting its head to the side. Simon reached over and noticed the collar was blank.
“No name, huh?” he mused, and the puppy yawned in response.
"Like a little ghost," Simon remarked, and the puppy turned its head, seemingly considering the suggestion.
"Should your name be Ghost, hmm? Well, that might be a bit confusing on base." The puppy whined and laid down in the seat. 
"Ghost Jr.?" The puppy didn't seem convinced, and Simon nodded, "Yeah, it doesn't have the same ring to it."
Simon reached for his phone and snapped a picture of the puppy, deciding to seek suggestions for a name from the team by sending it to the group chat Johnny had created.
Ghost: Name recs?
Johnny: Bartholomew
Captain: Bloody hell, Soap...
Johnny: What about Ghost Jr.? He has your eyes, L.t.
Gaz: Doesn’t really have a ring to it, mate.
Ghost: Thought so too.
Captain: That little pup does look like a Riley.
Ghost looked at the message and back at the puppy.
“What do you think of the name Riley?” The puppy stood up and started walking over to Simon, nestling himself in his lap before closing his eyes.
“Okay, Riley, I gotta drive, mate; you can't sleep there.” Simon picked him up and placed him back on the passenger seat, but Riley got up and made his way back into his lap.
“Bloody hell. Fine, just don’t move around or I’ll crash.”
Simon picked up a few things for him on the way home and set up a corner of the living room for him. After finishing, he sat down on the couch and took a few different pictures of Riley, sending them to you.
When Simon's name lit up on your phone, you eagerly grabbed it, swiping it open to reveal his notification. Your mouth dropped at the sight of the adorable puppy.
Y/n: WOW, you actually adopted him!? He’s so cute!! Did you decide on a name?
Simon: Riley.
He sent another picture of Riley, the puppy looking down at the camera, lifting his paw up, and you nearly melted.
Y/n: Riley is such a cute name for him. Have you bought him any clothes or toys?
Simon smiled as his eyes read over the message. So, you think his last name is cute, huh?
Simon: Riley is my last name.
Simon: Clothes? Dogs need clothes?
Y/n: Oh, I didn’t know that. The name suits him. He’s like a mini you :)
Y/n: They don’t need clothes, but it makes them look really cute. He might need little shoes since it’s getting colder.
Both you and Simon found yourselves smiling at your phones as you texted back and forth. The conversation shifted, and you asked him about his day. You even sent him a picture of your cat Missy, to which he replied.
Simon: She looks hateful.
Y/n: No, she doesn’t! She looks cute.
Throughout the day, you and Simon exchanged a few pictures. Simon shared more photos of Riley, curled up next to him while watching a movie. In return, you sent a picture of yourself in your garden, busy planting new flowers.
This led to Simon asking more about your garden, and you gladly shared details about your favorite plants and flowers. You took him on a virtual photo tour of your backyard, showcasing a thriving fruits and vegetables garden. 
Simon: What type of stuff you growin?
Y/n: Some onion, garlic, potatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, zucchini, carrots, and some others I can’t remember off the top of my head.
Y/n: I even have a cute little apple tree! 
You snapped a picture of Missy sunbathing next to your basket full of produce. Simon smiled at the stretched-out cat, leaning over to show Riley the picture.
“You fond of cats?” Riley started nibbling on the hem of Simon's jacket.
The following day, in the afternoon, you found yourself finishing the batch of apple strudels you had baked, only to realize you had made too much. A sigh escaped you as you surveyed the pan filled with the pastries and glanced at the abundance of produce you had harvested the day before. The realization hit that, being just one person, much of it would go to waste before you could use it all.
You decided to put some of the strudels into a container. Grabbing an extra basket, you carefully arranged half of the vegetables you had picked yesterday.
I'm sure Simon wouldn’t mind a free delivery?
With a small basket and container in hand, you made your way up his driveway and rang the doorbell. Simon peeked through the peephole and cursed when he saw you on the other side.
“Just a second.”
He quickly retreated to his bedroom, donning sweatpants and a hoodie before returning to the door, opening it.
“Hi, sorry to bother you so randomly in the day. I just wanted to drop these off since I had extra.” Simon looked down at the basket in your hands, and then his gaze went to you. He was about to thank you when Riley went between his legs, walking to you. Your eyes grew wide, and you put the basket down on the ground.
“Hi Riley, aw, look at how cute you are.” Simon smiled down at you, loving the way his last name sounded when you said it. Riley was licking your face, and you laughed.
“Would you like to come in?”
“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to intrude if you're busy.”
“Wasn’t doing much before you came.” 
Simon had been lying in bed, watching a Gordon Ramsey cooking video in nothing but his briefs.
“Okay,” you smiled up at him, and he reached over, grabbing the basket you brought. You picked up Riley, and both of you walked inside. 
Simon's living room bore witness to his minimalistic approach to decor, featuring only a couch, a TV, and a coffee table. As you stood in his living room, the blank walls and empty space caught your attention.
“Sorry love, don’t really know how to decorate.” You laughed, placing Riley down.
“There’s actually a Ross not too far from here. Maybe you could get a lamp… or two. Maybe a painting?” You glanced around, noticing the absence of a dining table or any items on the counters in the kitchen.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think this house was for sale.” Simon laughed, placing the basket you brought on the counter.
Simon raised an eyebrow. “Never heard of a Ross.” You turned to face him, eyes wide, “You're joking, right?”
“Dead serious, love.” You pulled out your phone and showed him a picture of the Ross building. “You're telling me you’ve never been inside one of these?”
Simon shook his head again. What was the big deal about this store?
"They have everything in this store! Furniture, clothes, skincare, shoes, purses, home decor, even some spices and snacks, but I wouldn’t trust it. You have to go, Simon! They even have clothes and toys for dogs.” Glancing at the time, Simon looked back at you.
“You have anywhere to be right now?”
“No, I don’t really have things planned on the weekends besides spending time with Missy.”
“You think she’d mind if you were gone for a few hours.” Your smile grew as you caught on to what he was hinting at.
Simon placed Riley in the large cage he had bought, and the drive to Ross took only around five minutes. The short trip to the store became a chance for Simon to discover more about your interests and preferences for small talk of course, not that he wanted to know more about you, of course not.
As you walked into Ross, you rambled on about various pieces of furniture and decor, grabbing a cart and leading Simon towards the furniture section. Simon's eyes widened as he checked the price tag for a nightstand.
“Are these things broken or chipped? Why are they so bloody cheap?”
You laughed as Simon added the nightstand to his cart. Navigating through the store, you selected a stylish black lamp, and Simon followed suit, placing it in his cart. Moving on to the decor aisle, you looked at various candles, allowing Simon to sample a few before he settled on one with a pine scent. 
You continued adding small decor items for Simon's coffee table – throw pillows, throw blankets, a rug, a bookshelf, minimalist frames, place mats, and even a skull wax warmer with some clean linen scented melts. Your choices filled the cart with a mix of stylish and cozy additions for Simon's home.
In the kitchen aisle, you insisted on essential items – a fruit basket, organizers for his pantry and fridge, additional pots and pans, and more cooking utensils. Simon, who only owned one pan and one of each silverware, recognized the practicality in your suggestions.
In another aisle, he saw you looking at a cat mug before putting it back and wandering into another section. He quickly grabbed the mug and placed it at the bottom of his cart before making his way to you.
“You ready, love?” You hid something behind your back and nodded, “Yeah, I’ll meet you up front. I just need to look at something real quick.”
You found yourself in the doggy section of the pet aisle, examining various toys and outfits for Riley. Noticing he only had one rope chew toy, you felt compelled to get him more. You selected a little squeaky bone chew toy, a tuxedo, a sweater, and some adorable little shoes – perhaps a size too big, but too cute to resist. To complete the ensemble, you even chose a fluffy bed for him to sleep on.
Doubt crept in – was this too much? Should you put something back? Would Simon find it odd? Shaking off the uncertainty, you shrugged and placed everything in your cart. As you made your way to the registers, you spotted a clearance aisle filled with past holiday-themed items. A cute black and white skull mug caught your eye, and you picked it up.
He asked you to draw skulls on his bookmark, and he really liked the skull wax warmer. I’m sure he’d like this.
 Placing it in your cart, you walked to the registers. Meeting Simon at the front after both of you finished paying, you helped him carry his bags to the car while he handled the nightstand.
When you returned to Simon's house, you dove into helping him unpack everything in the living room. You organized items, rearranged furniture, and experimented with different placements until the layout felt just right.
While you were busy making his home feel cozier, Simon had taken charge in the kitchen, using the ingredients you brought to prepare a meal. He made oven-roasted vegetables and steak, with guidance from a Gordon Ramsey video. Pulling the newly purchased mug from the Ross bag, he washed it and filled it with ice water.
Unbeknownst to Simon, you had stationed yourself on the floor behind the couch, secretly dressing Riley in a little tuxedo. Just as you finished putting on his tiny pants, Simon walked over with two plates, setting them down on the coffee table. Trying to conceal Riley, you quickly grabbed some black kids' sunglasses from the bag and placed them on Riley before picking him up and showing Simon.
“He looks like the dog from the bookmark! I couldn’t find a toy assault rifle, though.” Simon paused for a few seconds, looking at Riley and you holding him up with a big smile. He laughed and picked Riley up, your hands brushing against each other for a moment.
Simon couldn’t ignore the way his heart skipped a beat, feeling your hand against his. A foreign sensation of touch, yet Simon found himself yearning for his hand to linger against yours a few seconds longer.
“I have to show the boys this.” Simon laughed, handing Riley back to you so you could hold him up. He took a picture from the side, excluding you, but the moment he sent it, the boys bombarded his phone with questions, asking if those were your hands and if you two were on a date.
“I also got him another outfit, it’s this sweater and some little shoes for when you take him outside when it starts snowing.” Simon smiled as you gestured towards the other outfit laid out on the couch.
“Thank you, love, for spending your money on him. You really didn’t have to.” You smiled and got up, sitting on the couch.
“It’s no problem at all. I wanted to see him dressed up.”
“He’s definitely going to be a ladies' man at the dog park now.” You laughed, finally noticing the two plates on the coffee table.
“Oh! Is this for me?” Simon walked over to the kitchen, bringing your new mug. “No, it’s actually for Riley.” He approached you with a grin and placed the mug down on the table in front of you.
Your eyes grew wide upon seeing it. “Oh my god! I was thinking about getting this mug at Ross!”
“It’s yours, love, and I cooked dinner for us as a thank you for spending your day helping me spruce up my place and for sharing your garden with me.” You smiled, looking at the delicious meal in front of you. Simon had used the potatoes, carrots, and everything you gave him. The aroma filled the air, and you realized how hungry you were. Almost forgetting the mug you had bought him, you dug through the bag and pulled it out.
“I almost forgot. I actually got you a mug.” When you handed it to him, he smiled, looking at the little skulls.
“You know me so well.” You smiled up at him, and the moment lingered for a few seconds before Riley tried to jump on the coffee table to get to the food.
Simon put on a movie, and both of you enjoyed dinner together, sitting on opposite ends of the couch and sipping from the cups you had bought for each other. After finishing, you insisted on washing the dishes he used to cook, despite his multiple offers to handle it. You expressed gratitude for his effort in cooking, considering the least you could do was tackle the dishes.
Once done, you both indulged in an apple strudel, using the moment to learn more about Simon—his favorite color, a few favorite foods, little details that brought you closer. As the night grew late, you decided it was time to head back home.
“I should really head back home; it’s late.” Despite spending the day with you, Simon felt a twinge of disappointment at your leaving.
“Let me grab my keys; I’ll walk you home.”
“Oh, are you sure? I mean, I only live a few houses down.”
“I insist; it’s dark out. You only live a few houses down anyway; it’s no bother.”
Strapping Riley to a leash, the three of you walked to your house. You pointed out various flowers and plants around your front door, and Simon mentally noted them down, remembering the ones you said you didn't have.
“I had a lot of fun today, and thank you again for cooking and for the mug.” Simon shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket while Riley sniffed around your flowers.
“I should be the one thanking you; my house doesn't look like a prison cell anymore.” You laughed and lightly shook your head. “Maybe next time you could come over, and I could show you how to grow a thing or two. You could meet Missy.”
“Sounds like a plan, love.” You smiled and kneeled down to say goodbye to Riley.
“I’ll talk to you later, goodnight Simon.” You grabbed the keys from your pocket and unlocked your door.
“Goodnight, love.”
When you closed the door behind you, Riley let out a low whine. Simon turned and began walking away.
“I know, Riley. I feel the same way.”
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missnancychavez · 22 days
So I am on my third rewatch of Twisters. So here are some of my own personal headcanons and theories for the movie and some parallels that may add weight to those theories.
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1. The original 5 friend group dynamic: Jeb and Praveen have known each other for years and are each others best friend. Javi and Kate are the dynamic duo (basing it on the fact that they were the only ones to do the handshake together). And Addy is everyone's little sister. Her and Kate were extremely close, but in a different way than her friendship with Javi.
2. Tyler Owens is the nephew of Bill and Jo on Bill's side (As we knew Jo didn't have any sibling). He spent his summers with them as a kid, and then as a teenager, he moved in with them full time. He started chasing with them around then, too. He even pays homage to that as he is driving a newer model of Bill's red dodge ram.
3. Boone and Lily have something going on. The way Boone screams her name as she gets picked up by the wind. And their personalities are perfect together. You can't convince me otherwise.
4. Kate and Tyler kiss in the truck after the chase they go on straight from the airport at the end of the movie. (Refer to point 8)
5. Kate puts in her resignation almost immediately, and Javi cuts ties with Riggs and Scott. The wranglers and Kate join StormPAR. Kate and Tyler spend the off-season working with Javi while the others do their own gigs, but during the storm season, they are all chasing and gathering data.
6. Cathy is so encouraging of her daughter because she's been through loss before. They called her Mrs. Carter, meaning she was married. Kate's dad died when Kate was a little girl. Cathy had to learn how to navigate being a young mom and tending a farm on her own. But she also knows that it could stop her from living her life. So she didn't. She grieved, and she learned to live with the grief and still do what she loves. It's why she is so encouraging of Kate getting back out there.
7. Kate stayed in OK for another couple of weeks after the tornado (neither her nor Tyler appeared injured in the final scene, and the truck looks great, all things considered, so clearly they had time tp heal and fix the truck.) They all were forcibly invited back to the farm by Cathy after Tyler and the wranglers went to drop Kate off post El Reno. Cathy took one look at Tyler and forced him in the house. Kate gave herself a headache from laughing so hard. She was then sent inside alongside him. Cathy made everyone stay for as long as they needed. But she did, however, get some free labour from it. It was an unspoken agreement that Kate's was now home base.
8. By the credit scenes, Kate and Tyler are together. Their first kiss was immediately after the two of them went chasing from the airport. Something about their adrenaline rushing, and it being just the two of them. It was electric. It was immediate. It just happened, and when they pulled back, they both started laughing. It reminded him of the first time they chased together, just the two of them. Kate delayed her flight for another two days. She was back home within the month. Tyler quickly realised he would have to start bribing Boone afterwards on the days he and Kate went out.
9. Kate and Boone will play card games at night to see who gets shotgun the next day, when Boone isn't riding with Lily, of course. Turns out, Kate's damn good at playing poker. On the rare occasion that Kate drives, Boone automatically hops in the back of the truck. He won't tell anyone, but he loves it when she drives. She gets this manic energy about her in the drivers seat and his adrenaline always ends up pumping. Tyler loves it, too, but he has no qualms verbalizing his affections toward her.
10. Tyler has nightmares now. Of watching Kate drive into the tornado. Of finding her body, discarded and broken by his truck. Of her slipping through his fingers during a storm. He wakes up sweating and panicking. And it's only when he sees her that he can calm himself down. The two of them, those first two weeks after El Reno, would spend hours each night, sitting in the barn, going over formulas. Or sitting outside on the tree swing, talking until they were both too exhausted to have any nightmares. When she left to go back to New York, she wasn't particularly surprised when one night she awoke to her phone ringing, Tyler close to having a full blown panic attack as he tried and failed to reassure himself that she was okay without her help. They would always call each other before bed after that, usually falling asleep over facetime.
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shinestarhwaa · 8 months
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''I fantasize about you all the time, if you were mine I'd give this pussy to ya 9 to 5, 5 to 9''
I tried writing this fic a little differently than my usuals, as they used to be more in the past tense, how do you guys like them this way?
Genre: Smut
Pairing: bf!San x Fem reader x ot8
Word Count: 2.7K
Tags/Warnings: Established relationship, Dom!reader, Sub!San, Handjob, Dirty language, Voyeurism, Pegging, Anal play, Cockslapping, Masturbation, Facesitting, Oral sex, Use of mommy, Humiliation, Overstimulation, Praise, Sex toys, Use of a collar & leash, San has a big & thick dick, Kinda himbo!San core
Taglist: @anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @pyeonghongrie-main @woosanbby @dreamlesswonder86 @changbinslovelylegs @jonghostie @lovjensoo @1-800-shedevil @mjyungi @bratty-tingz @sugarnspice630 @wisejudgedragonhairdo @sanspuppet
"So, baby," you say as you run your hand over your boyfriends thigh. You're laying down on the couch together, watching some dull movie when an idea pops into your head. "Hm?" He responds.
"Don't you have any fantasies?"
His ears seem to turn red instantly at your question. "Fantasies? Uhm... That's a good question, I don't really know," he says. "Oh, really?" You ask while playing with his hair. "Yeah, you already brought my fantasies to life," he nods. You smile and kiss his temple, thinking about the things you've done to him in the past months.
It wasn't like San was inexperienced. Sure, he had sex before and he was quite good at it, but when he started to have sex with you that's where his real desires came to the surface. He dropped the sexy act and focussed on feeling good, letting you handle him, use him, tell him what to do and fuck him until he saw stars.
"So there's nothing else? I've fulfilled all of them?"
San looks away a little, cheeks flushed. You laugh and pull him closer. "Sannie, just tell me, I won't make fun of it." "I know you won't, it's just a little... very dirty..."
"Mmh, but I love things a little... very dirty," you say, hand gliding over his toned chest. "Well, you know... at first I told you the fantasy about... you pegging me, right?" You nod and press a kiss on his cheek. "That was actually not the whole fantasy," San admits.
You're intrigued and a smile plays on your lips. "Well what is the rest of the fantasy then, babe?" "I... I want you to fuck me while the guys watch us." Your mouth fell open a little as he told his little secret but you were quick to close it.
"So... You want me to peg you and have all 7 of them watch? Do you think they're up for it baby?" You asked for clarification. San bit his lip and shrugged. "I'm not entirely sure... I think some of them definitely would but I just get so hard when I think about it... I just imagine you fucking me and making me moan out loud and...Them surrounding us with their cocks out and they... They play with themselves and say nasty, dirty things to me."
An obvious tent was forming in San's sweatpants by now, showing you how much he actually wants it. Your hand slid into his pants and boxers, taking a hold of his hardened cock. "Yeah? You want that, baby? Do you want them to jerk off to the sight of you being used?"
San gulps and nods enthusiastically. "Yes, yes, I do," he pants as he feels his cock harden even more if that was even possible. Your hand slid up and down his shaft and San grunts softly, breathing becoming erratic. "You imagine them seeing you cum untouched because of me baby? You imagine them saying things to you?"
"God, yes I do, I imagine them calling me a slut... and I imagine them telling me how good I'm taking it." You smirk and pick up the pace of your hand. You move it up and down quickly as you flick your wrist to jerk him off just the way he likes it. "Sanie, you wouldn't be embarrassed?" "Y-Yes I would be embarrassed, I would, but..."
You smirk and squeeze his cock slightly. "But that's what you want, isn't it?" "Y-yes, yes it is," San says, breath hitching in his throat as his cock begins to twitch. "Are you coming already? Aren't you a needy little boy. Go ahead then. Cum for mommy."
"Guys? What are you all doing here?" San asks as he steps into the living room. He looks around and sees you hanging out with his friends. "Hey Sanie," you say with a smile. You get up from your seat and take his hand.
"Hey there Sanie," Wooyoung says, his voice sounding nearly hungry as if he was ready to ravish him. But you weren't gonna let them touch him, he's all yours tonight.
"Do you remember when we were on the couch 3 weeks ago and you told me about a little fantasy?" You ask him, fingers trailing up and down his chest. He immediately freezes, now realizing why they're all here. They're here to watch him get fucked.
"Oh my God," San whispers as he already feels his cock hardening in his pants. "They're all here to watch me and you. We'll have so much fun won't we baby? I've got everything ready here... So all you have to do is freshen up and you can come back again," you order. "Yes... Yes I'll go wash up," San nods before he speeds to the bathroom.
You look at the 7 guys in front of you and give them a stern look. "Okay, you guys are not allowed to touch him, are we clear? You're allowed to undress and touch yourself, talk, but no touching or fucking." They all nod, but Hongjoong opens his mouth. "Are we allowed to cum on him?"
You're too stunned to speak for a minute. You didn't expect them to say yes and now they want to cum on your boyfriend? These kinky, horny fuckers. ''I suppose that's alright,'' you nod. You take off your sweater and jeans and reveal the black, lacy lingerie bodysuit hugging your figure in the perfect way. The guys let out sounds of approval as you take a collar and leash in your hand and show your outfit off to them. The 7 men discard their tops and pants and wait for San to come back into the living room.
A few minutes later San walks in, wearing only a towel. ''I-I figured I wouldn't need any clothing anyway,'' San explains as he comes up to you. He watches you in awe, cock already half-hard at the sight of you in the sexy lingerie. ''Alright babyboy, are you ready to give the boys a show?'' ''Yes... I'm ready.''
You order him to sit down on the seperate element you took from your large sofa and so he does. His eyes twitch nervously and they follow your every move. You stand behind him as you attach the collar to his neck. ''I know this is not part of your fantasy but it is mine... If you want me to stop you know to use your safe word, yes?'' ''Yes...''
''Speak with two words, San.'' ''Yes, mommy,'' he whispers underneath his breath, looking down. ''Speak up. I'm not gonna do this if you're not gonna act properly. You're a good boy right?'' ''Yes, mommy,'' San says, a little louder this time. ''That's a good boy,'' you say, caressing his hair gently.
Your take his chin inbetween your fingers and pull it sideways, kissing him on his plush lips. He moves towards you, only slightly, but enough to make his towel fall down a little, revealing his thick cock for everyone to see. You notice a few of the guys are already reaching for their cocks inside their underwear, pumping them slowly to full hardness.
The feeling of San's lips against yours are enough to get you excited so you decide not to hold off on 'the show' any longer. You break off the kiss and take his towel away. San's cock twitches the moment you touch it. His knuckles are white from holding onto the sofa so tightly. "Relax, baby, I'm just gonna play with you."
You attach the leash onto San's collar and give it a gentle tug to see if it's fastened well enough. He glares at the velvety box beside him, full of the toys you like to use. You take a small vibrator out of it and squirt a nice amount of lube on it.
"Get on your hands and knees, prince," you order him. San obeys, instinctively facing the wall so he's showing off his bare bottom to his friends. His face digs into the fabric of the sofa, so embarrassed but so turned on.
"God, you've got a nice ass, Mountain," Mingi grunts. "Fuck," Seonghwa mutters underneath his breath. His hole clenches as he hears praises fall off his friends' tongues.
You carefully slide the toy into your boyfriends' ass. It's small enough to insert without preparation but it's effective enough to rile him up before you actually use him. San whines as the contact and tries to muffle his whimpers. "Sit down again."
San nodds and sits down with his legs spreaded, facing the guys and watching each of them with their cock in their hand. "Look at them, Sanie, they're all excited for you to get fucked," you whisper in his ear.
Suddenly San cries out as you slap his cock. "M-mommy, why?" "Hm, because I like to play with you and you get off on it."
You slap his cock repeatedly until it's dripping with pre-cum and turns an angry red shade. "M-mommy," he whines, "wanna cum!"
"I know you do baby but mommy gets to cum first, right? Are you gonna be good and make mommy cum?" "Yes! Yes, fuck I wanna make mommy cum," he moans as you rub the tip of his dick. You take your hands off him and start to undress fully, showing your bare body off to the guys. You notice some of them starting to wank faster, making your ego grow little by little.
You bend over to face San on eye-level while at the same time you're showing your plump ass and wet pussy to them. "Y/N, show us more," Wooyoung begs. "Fuck, I wish I could touch you, could taste you," Seonghwa grunts.
You smirk and make eye contact with San. "Well boys, you can look all you want but you ain't getting my pussy. Let's see if San pleases me well enough." You lay San down and hover above him, aligning your aroused cunt above his face. You put the leash down and run your hand through your hair as San pulls you down onto his face, diving his tongue into your wetness.
"Mmh, yeah baby, that's it," you moan as you massage your breasts. You made sure to make eye contact with the guys, looking and sounding pornographic and sexy as ever. Their eyes are glued on the way his face is buried between your legs, the way your boobs bounce slightly as you rock yourself on San's tongue and his hard cock standing up straight, still leaking with pre-cum.
You moan out San's name as you ride his face, feeling his nose against your clit. You grind harder and harder as you feel your orgasm coming onto you. "That's it baby boy, fuck, are you gonna make mommy cum? Gonna make mommy cum on your pretty little face?"
San moans and whines from between your legs as he does his best to make you cum. Before you know it your orgasm washes over you and you cum with a loud moan of San's name. You get off San's face and look at the arousal dripping from his lips. His face already looks so fucked out you can't even imagine what he's gonna look like after you've fucked him.
"You've been a very good boy, darling... Do you wanna get fucked now?" "Y-yes, yes, please, please, I want it badly," he whines as you slap his dick once again. You get off him and push his knees towards his chest so you can take a good look at his puckering hole. You pull the little vibrator out and he whimpers and clenches right away.
You take the strap-on panties from the special box and put them on while you attach one of San's favourite dildo's. "Is he gonna take it just like that?" Yunho gasps. "Mhm, he is, aren't you? You're such a good boy, you take whatever I give you," you smirk as you squirt lube all over the toy.
"Y-yes, I'll take it mommy, I'll be your good boy."
You slowly push into him and watch his eyes roll back to his brain, letting out a long whine as he feels you fill him up to the brim. "Fuck," Wooyoung cursed as he starts to pump his cock up and down, trying to match the pace you used to slowly fuck into him.
"Go faster, fuck, I wanna see him ruined," Seonghwa mutters. You smirk and listen to his request, picking up the pace. "Hear that baby? They all wanna see you ruined for me. They wanna see you take some fucking plastic dick up your ass and make a mess of yourself. You love that don't you baby? You love having them watch you."
San was turned into a moaning mess, toes curling as you moved harder and deeper inside him, hitting his prostate repeatedly. "That's it angel, moan for me, that's it."
You continued for a few more minutes before pulling out and ordering San to change positions. He sat on his hands and knees and faces all his friends with a look of arousal and shame on his face.
Only a few seconds later you pounded into him again, hands holding onto his waist. You dig your nails into his delicate skin as he falls apart in front of you. "No, no, don't drop your head, keep it up, come on. Watch them. Look your friends in the eyes."
San did so, looking them in the eyes one by one, moaning out loud, cock twitching and leaking so much pre-cum. "He ain't gonna last," Hongjoong says with a cocky grin as he fondles his own balls. "Oh? Is my precious gonna cum already? Gonna cum for them? Go on then, let go babyboy."
It didn't take long before San cums all over the sofa and floor, loads of cum spilling out as you keep on fucking him. "That's it baby, take it, take that fucking cock," you grunt. You are not planning on stopping just yet, wanting to make him cum again.
"M-mommy, m-mommy it's too much, oh God, mommy!" He cries out, tears in his eyes as you keep railing him, prodding against his prostate. You pull him up against your chest as you keep pounding into him, holding his body tight against your torso. The guys now have a perfect view of his messy and still erect cock.
Tears were falling down his face by now and you were determined to make him cum again. "Would someone be a dear and give me that pink vibrator?" You ask while you point at it. Yeosang was quick to hand it over.
You turn it onto the highest setting immediately and press it against San's cock and he immediately let's out the loudest moans you ever earned from him. His entire body trembles and shakes as you hold him in a tight embrace, cock and ass being so overstimulated that he bursts, cumming all over himself once again.
You turn off the toy and toss it to the side as you gesture the guys to come closer. "Please," San suddenly begs, "Cum on my face, c-coat me in your cum please, use me, use me, please!"
"You heard him boys, come on. Give him your loads, he's been good right?"
Yeosang and Mingi step forward first, pumping their cocks quickly as they look San straight into the eyes. "Open up that mouth, let me see that sinful tongue," Yeosang grunts as he feels his orgasm come closer.
San opens his mouth, drool falling down and dripping down his chin as he catches Yeosang and Mingi's cum. Jongho and Hongjoong were next, eager to coat his mouth and chin white. They pumped each others cocks and spurted their release all over his mouth. Then Yunho comes forward. "Fuck, I wish I could stuff you full with my cock baby, but you're gonna have to do it with just my cum."
Yunho slaps his cock against San's cheek before cumming all over it. Then lastly Seonghwa and Wooyoung come up, jerking off quickly and bursting immediately, coating San's entire face. San let's out a whimper as he feels the hot, sticky cum over his entire face, slowly dripping down to his neck and chest.
"I made your fantasy come true, didn't I, angel?" You say as you pull out of his hole. He whimpers and fall into your arms, nearly passing out. "You sure did," he says in a hoarse voice, "My fantasy is fulfilled."
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bbjobo · 5 months
Hello hi it’s me, your resident entertainment PR enthusiast. I simply need to talk about the sequel announcement. This is all speculation, but I work in entertainment-adjacent communications and once convinced a household name celebrity to stay at my event to do select press interviews when his wife was going to go into labor at literally any minute, so I like to think I've got a pretty good sense of all of this.
So buckle in, because I'm about how actually fantastic this rollout was, because I’d wager they’ve been planning this since the premiere. 
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RWRB came out truly smack-dab in the middle of the actors' strike. We all know just how much press we must have missed out on, because the strike started before promo would have kicked off in earnest. And when it was finally over in November, the actors are potentially out of contract for promotion, and that’s not even taking into consideration that the holidays are coming up and the six weeks from American Thanksgiving to New Year’s is truly a black hole of press. So this little movie has to rely almost entirely on fan reaction and word of mouth to hit because they’re so limited in what they can do for promo. And it IS a hit! Records are broken! Comments for an extended version (which, ok Matthew we get it, does not exist) and a sequel start almost immediately.
The marketing team makes the most of what they’ve got: they’re keeping up the official character accounts, they’re dropping deleted scenes and BTS. We get cornettos! The fireside scene! Bloopers! Notably absent? Brownstone Thanksgiving. We’ve seen BTS photos of it, we know it exists. Thanksgiving 2023 would have been a great time to drop it, but they don’t. This is the approximate point at which my own personal sequel speculation began. After the strike ends, the posting pace slows considerably but it’s still consistent. It’s just enough to keep it in your mind but not enough to be like “why are you still posting this much about it?” And this continues into 2024.
On the contracting side, conversations were likely actively happening at this point. I wouldn’t be surprised if negotiations picked up literally as soon as the strike ended. The producers would have had that time to get Matthew and Casey back on board and be fully prepped and ready to move on to contracting actors the minute they could. It’d be a shot in the dark to try to guess when these were finalized, but at some point between November 9 and May 9, yeah, they’re in.
But whew, Nicholas is booked and BUSY. Mary & George drops internationally March 5, The Idea of You closes SXSW on March 17, two weeks later M&G starts airing in the US and Canada, and a month after that, TIOY is available for streaming (and limited theatrical release, which is another whole post), and in between all those premieres, he’s everywhere. He’s criss-crossing the country (and tbh the Atlantic Ocean) for all of these appearances, truly going non-stop. The pacing of the premieres makes it nearly impossible to squeeze in another project announcement, and if they had, it would have been a bigger part of every interview he did after, which is something his own team would be working to balance. Plus between TIOY and RWRB, Prime would have been pitching stories against themselves. Better to let him finish out his other promotional appearances and then switch over.
At the same time, we’ve got awards and red carpet season starting. At nearly every red carpet appearance not for their own projects, both Taylor and Nick are asked about a sequel. If an interviewer is given enough time, they ask about a sequel. Sure, fans comment about a sequel on every vaguely rwrb social post from an official account, but the press asking about a sequel felt like a lot to me. Everyone always gave the same vague answer, that they’d be up for it if the story is right, that they don’t know but would be happy to. (Except one time, Nick does slip up and give an answer that feels a little more definitive here where he says “conversations are being had” all the way back in late February/early March). Press are asking the question so consistently that it felt like if it wasn’t happening, PR teams would have put the sequel on the do not ask list.
Then Prime starts actually ramping up on a FYC campaign for the movie. I'm gonna be honest, I was so surprised. It's a rom com, the odds of a rom com getting any sort of awards recognition is so slim, but I thought, "ok, sure, use FYC as a way to get the promo boost they need for an announcement of whatever's coming next." And then I looked up and Variety has picked it as the winner in the best television movie category, which is blowing my mind. The other categories they're submitting in are stacked and I think a nomination beyond television movie will be a long shot, but again, it's big for it to even be considered. And if they're being talked about, that means Prime's gotta put out a great showing for their FYC campaign.
Which brings us to this week. We start off on Monday with Nick at the Met Gala referring to Uma as his mother-in-law. Incredible. Love it. Wednesday and Thursday are a one-two punch of a FYC event and fan event, and the gang’s all here. At the FYC, we get the industry side of things: new portraits and interviews with Deadline, process talk, etc. Because this little rom com is actually doing pretty well and beating the odds? Knowing what we know now, the PR teams spent this week pre-briefing the press on the sequel announcement. Notable (at least to my knowledge) the sequel question doesn't get asked at the FYC event. Because the press already knows it's coming.
Now, on to yesterday. They do a fan screening and Q&A, and they literally roll out the red carpet. Nine months after the premiere and exactly six months after the strike ended, they get the gang back together with fans of the movie, who they relied on so heavily during the strike to help make the movie a success. The tagline on the screen’s giant promo image has been updated to specifically thank fans for “making history with us.” The moderator for the Q&A is the same person who interviewed Taylor and Nick at the beginning of FYC campaign season, their first joint interview since GQ (right? pretty sure. it's all a blur tbh). And at the end of the Q&A, minutes before 12 AM ET, when the embargo on the press release would have lifted, they make the announcement not to press, but to the fans. The fans who loved the book, who watched it over and over, who spread the word about the movie to help make it one of Prime’s top three rom coms OF ALL TIME.
It’s just… an absolute masterclass in how to execute a major announcement that embraces the fans in a time where fandom and interaction between creators and fans can be an absolute minefield. Prime saw the opportunity to lean into the fannishness of it all and they took it and it was a slam dunk.
So where do we go from here? IDK but here’s some unconnected thoughts in list form like Alex would want.
The book’s 5th anniversary is next Wednesday, the 14th.
Casey’s been posting about working on [redacted] for months at this point, which is almost certainly the screenplay
Nick mentioned needing to be back in the UK for filming soon
They would probably like to release this in US election off-cycle years, so that means 2025 or 2027 (and 2027 is too far away). 2026 would be less bad since it’s a midterm election, but still.
Filming could reasonably start sooner rather than later, and even without an unfinished script
I guess we’re back on content watch for blond hair and BTS pictures
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 9 months
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[9:18 pm]
Your eyes were locked on the Christmas movie on the TV, cuddled up under a fluffy, snowflake print blanket. A mug of hot chocolate on the side table to your right and dad!Jaemin on the floor in front of you. Your son was busy banging his toys against the ground before shoving them in his mouth.
"No baby, not in your mouth," you hear Jaemin repeat for the hundredth time.
Your son, responds by blowing an extra wet raspberry in his dad's direction while dropping the toy. He clumsily turns over onto his knees and starts crawling away from his dad.
The stuffed antlers on the hood of his hood wiggle while he crawls away leaving you with a view of a cute reindeer on his bottom. You snort, watching his chubby hands smack against the floor while he quickly moved across the rug to his overflowing basket of toys. A basket of toys that would soon get even more added to the collection when your son opened his Christmas gifts. You made a mental note to go through the pile and get rid of old toys, toys that no longer held your son's interest, and toys that were just plain annoying.
He soon grew bored of the blocks he was chewing on and crawled over to the brightly lit Christmas tree. The lights were sparkling, light bouncing off the ornaments and other sparkly decorations that only grabbed your son's attention more. Ornaments and decorations that you had already had to move two feet up to keep out of his reach.
Your son was smart, he already knew he didn't like how the bristles of the Christmas tree felt against his hand, there were no more ornaments within his reach to pull on, but there was a new addition. A lot of new additions colorfully wrapped and topped off with shiny bows and strings of bright ribbon. Bags filled with vibrant tissue paper and characters plastered on the sides.
Jaemin's eyes turned from the screen to the rustling sound. He sighed deeply, picking up the baby and placing him in front of his toys again, "No touching, Bub."
A few minutes later you heard the sound of paper ripping and a toy talking in the usual peppy, high pitched voice that toys always had, "No, more. Play with your toys."
This time you kept your eyes on your son, watching as he threw a toy across the room toward the tree and crawled after it. "Ah ah ah, little monster. You're in cuddle jail now," you stopped him before he could make it half way. You pulled him onto the couch with you, cradling him in your arms and tucking the blanket in around his small body.
Jaemin laughed as the baby struggled in your hold with whines and his newly acquired skill of fake crying- which sounded a lot like his new fake laughs. The toys were picked up and soon enough your son was cuddled up between both parents, no chance of escape.
"I think it's time for a bottle, so my baby boy can go to sleep. We'll need all the energy we can get for tomorrow," you mutter.
Jaemin agrees, stepping into the kitchen and returning a few minutes later with a bottle. He lays your son in his arms, rocking him back and forth while your son holds his own bottle. Jaemin begins telling him all about Christmas, the breakfast you'll all eat, the presents you'll open together, the cookies you've left out for Santa, and how Santa will bring new toys that your son will love. His voice is a soft coo, a smile on his face with his gentle whispers.
Your son is blinking slowly, no longer drinking the milk in his bottle, head hanging back in his usual position for sleep when a loud, "Alright! We'll play later!", sounds from under the Christmas tree. Your son's eyes snap open as he startles awake. He turns under the tree, slowly and sleepily squirming in Jaemin's hold.
Jaemin shushes him, easing him back to sleep with movements that had been perfected in your son's short 10 months of life. You hold your breath all the while, scared that any little noise will wake him up again. The volume on the TV has already been lowered, you're frozen under the blanket watching Jaemin continue to rock your son to sleep just to be safe.
After a good 10 minutes you release the breath you were holding with an almost inaudible, "We have to return that toy."
"Already ahead of you, love," Jaemin smiles, showing you his phone screen with the receipt for the toy pulled up.
You lean forward to kiss him quickly, your forehead pressed to his, "I'm so lucky to have you."
He smiles brightly at you, a smile that challenges the dazzling lights of the Christmas tree in the corner of your living room, "I'm even more lucky, for both of you."
tagging! @jaeminnanaaa17
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ktempestbradford · 1 year
A Story for Star Trek Day
I've told this story on Twitter before. I tell it every Star Trek Day and whenever a Deep Space 9 anniversary rolls around. It's about me and Avery Brooks (aka Best ST Captain Benjamin Sisko).
The college my mother went to specifically started recruiting top Black students in the 60s. Due to this, the Black kids all mostly knew each other as they were in that same program. Avery Brooks went to the same college and they were good friends.
(She once told me he had a huge crush on her and I was like MOM. MOTHER. WHAT. HOW COULD YOU HE COULD HAVE BEEN MY DAD.)
Anyway, many of the students in this program remained friends long after college. So over the years as Avery was getting TV gigs & such we would all watch cuz he was my mom's friend & I thought that was the coolest. There was one particularly fun night when my best friend's uncle, Frankie Faison, guest starred on A Man Called Hawk. TWO people we know on TV!
When I was in middle school Avery was touring his production of "Paul Robeson" and it came through our town, so I got to see him perform in person (awesooooome) and meet him for the first time since I was a baby (which I did not remember, of course).
Now, backing up a little bit: I am a Star Trek fan because of my mom. She loved the original series and I remember being a wee Tempest in front of the TV watching The Wrath of Khan and us excitedly going to see Star Trek IV together.
I watched TNG from the instant it appeared on TV because of her. I watched all of The Animated Series even though everyone looked "wrong". (Man... it took me 4 months to realize that dude in the red shirt was Scotty cuz I'd only ever seen movie Scotty.)
Then... they announced Deep Space 9.
We heard Avery Brooks would be the commander and there was MUCH rejoicing around our house. DS9 turned out to be the best Trek ever and, of course, Avery was awesome. This was around the time my mom dropped that "he had a crush on me but I wasn't interested" bombshell.
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I'm still bitter.
I mean, I love my dad he's great. But SISKO COULD HAVE BEEN MY DAD.
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I lost my mom in 1999. She was--and I'm not exaggerating--an extraordinary woman and beloved by many. I received so many beautiful messages of condolence from her friends all the way back to those college years, including Avery. So many people remembered her fondly. <3
I kept watching Star Trek and often talked to her as if she was there during episodes. She would have LOVED Discovery. Especially since she took me to RENT the year I started college. I'm sure she would have shared my opinion of Enterprise as well. But she loved her some Scott Bakula, so she would have watched, anyway.
I got the chance to interview Avery Brooks at DragonCon back in 2013 (jeez, it's been almost 10 years omg). Before the interview, I went up to him on the Walk of Fame and I said:
Hi, I'm (name K stands for) Bradford, I don't know if you remember me...
And he looked up and said: Of course I remember you.
We talked for a bit and I asked if I could come back and interview him later and he said yes (he wasn't supposed to; his handler had A LOOK). I didn't want to hold up his line, so I said I'd see him later.
Before I could go, he reached out for my hand and squeezed it before saying: I loved your mama, you know.
And we just stayed like that for a few seconds, missing her together.
...I might have been trying very hard not to burst into tears.
That DragonCon was the last time I saw Avery. Barring an extraordinary circumstance, that's probably the last time I'll see him in person. I'm glad we got to have that moment together. And we had a great conversation!
His contribution to Trek has meant so much to me. SISKO4EVA
And I'm glad that it's another tie between me, my mom, and Trek. I can't watch DS9 without hearing her voice giving color commentary. Even the episodes she didn't live to see.
I think Star Trek is part of what gave her hope for the future. She passed that on to me. ❤️🖖🏾❤️
Happy Star Trek Day to all who celebrate.
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thelikesofus · 7 months
never known comfort like laying next to you
9-1-1 on ABC | Buddie | 2.6k words | cuddling and snuggling, confessions, sharing a bed, soft boys being soft
A long shift ends with a quiet pizza and movie night within the walls of the Diaz house followed by a quiet confession beneath Eddie’s duvet
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When Buck and Eddie finally drag themselves over the threshold of Eddie's front door Buck feels the last of his strength fall to the floor along with his duffle bag and he absently follows Eddie to the couch.
"I could sleep for a month," Eddie whines as he lazes back against the cushions. 
"So could I," Buck agrees. "But we've gotta pick up Chris."
Eddie groans and Buck watches the movement out of the corner of his squinted eyes as Eddie rolls his head back and forth against the back of the couch. "Not for like an hour."
Buck hums and breathes deeply. His bones ache and his feet tingle from standing all day. None of their calls today had been out of the ordinary but they had been never-ending. They'd barely get back to the station before they'd be loading up again and if Buck has to see another exploded rice cooker ever again it'll be too soon.
"Do you want to shower first?" Buck asks.
"Yeah, thanks," Eddie says. "Just give me a minute. I can't feel my legs yet."
Buck laughs but it comes out as more of a wheeze, even his lungs are tired. He stares at the ceiling as the light fixture blurs in and out of focus. He feels the cushions shift as Eddie slumps to the side and then there’s a weight against Buck’s shoulder and a soft puff of air across his throat. 
“Eddie, we gotta stay awake.” Buck mumbles but his words slur together, his tongue heavy in his mouth. “Eds?”
He gets a half attempt at a grumble from Eddie and nothing more before Buck's eyelids fall shut under the weight of his exhaustion and the world fades away. 
He wakes sometime later to the sound of the front door closing and the clack of crutches against the floor. Oh shit, Christopher!  
Buck is about to scramble out of his seat but he’s held in place by the weight of Eddie still sound asleep against Buck’s chest and then Carla comes into view and Buck goes slack again as relief takes him over.
“What time is it?” Buck rushes to ask though it comes out slurred.
“Just after half past three.” Then she must take in the panic on Buck’s face as she smiles and comes over to rub a hand over Buck’s shoulder before she takes a seat in the armchair across from Eddie’s couch. “Oh no, were you boys so tired you forgot you already had me rostered to pick up Chris?”
Buck yawns. “Thank you, Carla. What would we do without you?”
Carla laughs and stands up again. “I’m sure you’d manage but I’m happy to help. I believe Chris has gone straight to his room. They got a new science project today and he was excited to start it as soon as he got home. I’m sure he’ll come out as say ‘hello’ soon enough.”
Buck yawns again and Carla rolls her eyes. “Get some sleep, Buck. Eddie’s got the right idea.” She nods down at where Eddie is drooling on Buck’s uniform t-shirt and Buck feels heat start to climb up his neck as he remembers that Eddie is still sprawled out against him and sound asleep. Carla waves goodbye and then she’s out the door again. 
Buck should probably wake Eddie, tell him to go have that shower, and make him go sleep in his actual bed so that he doesn’t end up with a crick in his neck but Eddie looks so peaceful and something is reassuring about the weight of him against Buck's chest and he just can’t bring himself to disturb him. 
The sound of Christopher’s crutches makes themselves known once more as he comes into the living room from the hallway. The boy pauses for a moment when he notices both Buck and his Dad on the couch. 
“Is Dad asleep?” He asks, his voice drops to a whisper and Buck smiles and beckons him over. 
“Yeah, he is.” Buck reaches up to hug Chris with his free arm as the boy teeters forward to hug Buck over Eddie’s head. “Did you have a good day at school, Buddy?” 
“Yeah! “ In his excitement, Chris forgot to whisper, and then sudden volume causes Eddie to grumble and stir, his nose scrunches up and Buck watches his eyebrows furrow as he presses his face into Buck. Buck rubs an absent hand up the back of Eddie’s head and Eddie sighs contently and settles again. When Buck looks up, Chris is watching them with an inquisitive expression on his face.
“How about pizza for dinner tonight?” Buck asks and Chris nods excitedly. “Okay, can you get my phone for me? It’s in the outside pocket of my work bag.”
Buck points to where he thinks he remembers setting his bag down and Chris makes quick work of finding his phone and bringing it back to him. “Can we get pepperoni?” 
“Of course, Bud. Hey, how about you go finish your homework while we wait for the pizza to arrive.”
“Okay. Are you going to wake up Dad?”
“When the pizza arrives,” Buck says, already navigating to the pizza website awkwardly with his phone in his left hand and placing their usual order. 
True to his word, Buck reluctantly shakes Eddie awake when his phone beeps with a text notifying him that their order is on its way. 
Eddie wakes slower than Buck did, his eyes opening and dropping closed again a few times as Buck squeezes his shoulder. 
“Hey, Eds. Sorry, man, but you gotta wake up now.”
“Wah? What time is it?” Eddie asks, his head still firmly pressed into Buck’s chest. 
“Almost dinner time, Carla brought Chris home for you.”
Eddie pauses momentarily, taking in the information before he sits up and looks around. “Oh. Oh, yeah that’s good. I forgot she was getting him today.”
He yawns rubs his hands up his face as he leans back against the couch and then freezes and drops his hands to look at Buck. Eddie’s sleep-glazed gaze flits between Buck’s face and the damp patch on Buck’s chest and he ducks his head embarrassed. “Sorry, about your shirt.”
Buck shrugs. “You’re good. I ordered pizza, it should be here in a minute. You probably have time for a quick shower if you want.”
Eddie rubs at one eye with a fist and nods, slowly getting to his feet. “Okay, thanks.”
Eddie disappears down the hallway, still yawning as Buck sits up and stretches out his numb shoulder. His side is cold where Eddie was lying just moments ago and he dings through the nearest duffle to him for a sweatshirt. As he tugs it over his head he realizes that it’s probably Eddie’s but at this point, it barely matters. Their wardrobes have merged almost indecipherably over the years. 
Buck summons Christopher to help set the table while Buck pulls two beers out of the fridge and pours a glass of juice for Chris. In the distance, he can hear the shower turn off and Eddie shuffling around his bedroom getting dressed. As Chris lays out cutlery and Buck passes him plates Chris chats excitedly about his new science project and Buck promises to help him with the actual experiment tomorrow. 
Chris is making all sorts of other plans for their Saturday, including a trip to the park, when Eddie comes back into the kitchen. His hair is still damp and hanging over his forehead in a way that forces Buck to look away and turn his attention back to looking for the bottle opener—which always seems to find its way to the very back of Eddie’s drawer—so that he can open the beers.
“Dad, can we go to the skate park tomorrow?” 
“If the weather is nice, then yeah.” Eddie shrugs. “I don’t see why not.”
“Cool! Buck is going to teach me how to do a kickflip.” Chris says brightly.
Buck laughs and holds a now-open beer out to Eddie who takes it with a quiet smile. “I said no such thing! I can’t even do a kickflip, Chris.”
“Well, maybe I’ll figure it out, and then I can teach you,” Chris says with full confidence. Secretly, Buck does know how to do a kickflip but the last time he did one he was fourteen and it ended in a trip to the emergency center with a broken nose, a piece of information he is sure Eddie will thank him for not sharing. Besides, Chris literally cannot fall off his skateboard thanks to the frame Eddie and Buck built for him, the frame that recently needed modification to accommodate Christopher’s latest growth spurt. The kid has been growing like a weed since the summer. 
The doorbell rings and Buck shuffles around Eddie, past the counter, and out to the front door to get their pizza. When he returns with the boxes in his arms Chris and Eddie and both sitting at the table waiting for him. Eddie has brought Buck’s beer out from the kitchen for him and it is waiting for him at his seat. 
Together they make room on the table for the boxes and then they dig in. They talk as they eat, Christopher with pizza sauce smeared across his cheek and a dozen questions about what makes a rice cooker explode, Buck patiently explaining the science of pressure mechanisms to him, and Eddie watching them as he contently chews on his slice of three meat barbeque pizza. 
“Can we watch a movie tonight?” Chris asks around a mouthful of pizza. Buck pulls a napkin from the pile in the middle of the table and passes it to Chris. 
“Have you done your homework?” Eddie asks.
“He was doing it while you were snoozing,” Buck says and Chris giggles, bright and gleeful. Eddie just rolls his eyes.
“It’s Friday, Dad. I have all weekend to finish it.  Jason was talking about this old movie at school today and it sounded funny.”
“What was the movie?” Eddie asks.
“Shark Story or something?”
Buck struggles not to choke on his pizza and sends a horrified look in Eddie’s direction. “Shark Tale, you mean?”
Christopher’s face lights up. “Yeah, yeah. That one.”
The movie is a hit and Christopher vows to ask Jason for more movie recommendations the following week at school, right before he falls asleep against Buck's shoulder. 
“I seem to make a pretty good pillow tonight.” He jokes and Eddie’s cheeks flush pink. 
“I did say I was sorry,” Eddie grumbles, getting up from the couch to clear away their beer bottles and the empty popcorn bowl. 
“No, no. It’s fine, Eds. I was just teasing.” Buck leans back against the couch and watches Eddie walk into the kitchen and back again. “You want me to carry him?”
Eddie glances down at Christopher who is slowly sinking lower and lower down Buck's side and filling out the space Eddie left when he stood up. He shakes his head. “No, don't worry about it. I don't want to wake him, he can sleep on the couch tonight. It's not like he has school tomorrow.”
“Oh, yeah. Okay.” Buck says. He slowly eases himself up off the couch, lowering Christopher’s head down to meet the pillow Eddie pulls from the cupboard and passes to Buck. The pillow that is usually Buck’s when he stays over. The pillow he thought he would be using tonight. “I'll get out of your hair then.”
“What?” Eddie looks up at him, startled.
Buck waves to Christopher now snoring lightly on the couch in front of them, Buck's usual duvet tucked up around his chin. “Well, we're not both gonna fit on there.” He jokes. 
“Oh, right.” Eddie chews on the end of his thumb. “Still, you don't have to go home. I was hoping for pancakes in the morning.”
“Oh, were you now?” Buck raises an eyebrow and gives Eddie a playful shove. “I'll take Chris’ bed then, I guess.”
“You're too long for Chris’ bed.”
“I'm too long for that couch too but that hasn't seemed to matter for the last however many years I've been sleeping on it.”
Eddie stares past him for a moment as if he's lost in thought. 
“It's okay, I'll go home and I'll come back first thing in the morning to make your panca—.”
“Stay with me.”
“Huh?” Eloquent.
“With me,” Eddie repeats as if that will make it make sense. “In my bed. It's not like we haven't shared before. Besides, I hear you make a good pillow.”
Buck feels heat start to rise in his cheeks and he ducks his head, stalking down the hall. “Well, come on then. It's getting late.”
They get ready for bed in relative silence. Buck finds his spare toothbrush in the bathroom and Eddie passes him a pair of sweatpants and an old T-shirt. Buck is pretty sure the pants are some of his own that he'd left here at some point. The T-shirt is definitely Eddie's. It's pale grey and worn thin with a small hole at the hem but it hangs softly over Buck’s shoulders. 
Eddie knocks before coming into the bathroom to brush his teeth next to Buck in the mirror. There's something so normal about it that even though they have done this dozens of times before it still blows Buck away at the comfort such a simple process when done together can bring him. 
They climb into opposite sides of the bed—Eddie by the door and Buck by the window—they don't even have to talk about it.
Buck expects it to be awkward. The first night they had shared a bed during quarantine they had both lain stiff as boards for hours before eventually Eddie had kicked him in the shin and they'd gone to sleep. It got easier each night after that.
Now, they lay loose-limbed next to each other with barely a foot of space between them. If Buck stretched out his fingers he could probably find Eddie's hand right by his. So he does—in a moment of stupid bravery—and Eddie grips his fingers back, threading his between Buck's, locking them together. 
“Thank you for staying,” Eddie whispers.
“Thank you for not letting me leave,” Buck replies. 
“I never like it when you do,” Eddie says and it feels like a confession. 
Buck rolls onto his side, facing Eddie and pulling their intertwined hands up to rest on the mattress between their heads. Eddie turns his head to him. “I'd stay forever if you'd have me.”
Eddie rolls over and places his other hand over their joint fists. “You already have me .”
Something hot and radiant boils up in Buck's chest. He reaches up and hesitates a moment with his hand hovering over Eddie's cheek, but then Eddie turns his face up into it and noses along the edge of Buck's thumb. 
“Roll over.” Eddie pushes at Buck's shoulder till he's flat on his back. “I want my pillow back.” 
Buck can't help the laugh that bubbles out of him as Eddie shuffles closer and practically drapes himself over Buck, resting his head in the juncture between his shoulder and his neck. He sinks into the mattress beneath him, letting the weight of Eddie settle over him like a blanket.
“You do make a good pillow.” 
“Stay.” Buck whispers against Eddie's forehead.
“Forever, if you'll have me,” Eddie replies, laying his hand palm down on Buck's chest, right over his steadily beating heart. 
Buck lays his hand over Eddie's. “You already have me .”
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malertop · 6 months
Ethan Landry x Male Reader
Wet & Naked
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Gif is not mine!
Help I got this idea at 3 am..literally,so idk if it's my idea or i have seen a fanfiction of that but well it might be mine and I just my brain and it might be not and I don't remember anything!
Y/N and Ethan we're known as the most cute and dorkiest couple by the cour five (With Y/N it's gonna be five) and by the Kirchis Family.Ethan is a shy,dorky,horror movie fan and the boyfriend who is a total freak who is sometimes way too shy or awkward..and the one who has abs and is strong,and Y/N is the shy,cute,selfless little guy who doesn't believe in himself,and also the shorter boyfriend..and the one who doesn't have abs or anything (but if you read this and have abs then you just do).Chad,Ethan and Y/N are in the same dorm and that couldn't make Ethan happier.
But the little problem in their relationship is that Ethan always barges/enters Y/N's room at any time just to talk to him about something,no metter if he's doing his homework,is playing,is sleeping,is trying to sleep,eat and more more.
As Y/N was changing after he got out of the shower he started to prepare his clothes and as he finally decided what he will wear he just got his pj since it's literally 9 PM and it's dark.He put his pj in his bed and was about to change when he heard his door opening
"Y/N you won't believe wha-" Ethan entered and said that while going inside his boyfriend room "Ethan!" Y/N yelled as then Ethan looked at the boy who had nothing but a towel that he tried to use to cover himself "Oh My God,i-i am so sorry i promise i won't look,i will leave right now!" Ethan said as he closed his eyes and headed to the door but as he did he tripped and accidentally grabbed Y/N's towel without his knowledge."Ow that hurt" Ethan said as he then opened his eyes just to see Y/N naked Infront of him,Y/N's cock was big and long without it being hard as water dropped from it,he was probably already 7 or 8 whole inches without even being hard and his upper body was wet from the water as his whole naked body parts were shining because of the lamp's in his room."God i-i am sorry!" Y/N said as he fastly run out of his dorm to run in the bathroom passing Ethan who was on the floor.
-After 10 minutes Y/N was still in the bathroom hiding as Ethan and Chad are together watching TV-
"What was that kind of yelling?" Chad asked Ethan who stopped back from his shock "Huh?What yelling?" Ethan said confused "You know..the one that happened over 10 minutes ago..You and Y/N kind of yell and then I saw him go into the bathroom..I mean only him closing the door but yeah" Ethan then started blushing like a tomato or a strawberry,he just saw Y/N naked,his boyfriend who is Y/N was naked and he saw him naked.Ethan was flustered as his face got hotter "dude are you...blushing?" Chad said looking at Ethan who then instantly just looked at him and said "W-What?" "Dude you are blushing as a tomato!" Chad said as Ethan whispered yell "shut up!" defensively,Chad chuckled as he made fun of the dork "And why is dork blushing?" Chad teased Ethan "I am not a dork!" Ethan replied again defensively but not as the last time,Ethan looked at Chad who was waiting for the answer "I..I um..I saw Y/N naked,BUT IT WAS AN ACCIDENT I PROMISE!" Chad's smile even got bigger as he was ready to literally bully him "and what,I mean you guys have been dating for 4 months already,not a big of a deal" Chad said as he tried not to make fun of the dork who was blushing like a tomato "or..you just started at his dick and was amazed" Chad then couldn't take it anymore and just started laughing as Ethan blushed even more "dude his dick wasn't even hard and was already 7 or 8 inches." Chad then stopped laughing right away and looked at his roommate "Wait What" Chad asked again from shock "Yeah um..I slipped and I accidentally grabbed his towel and i saw his dick,and i don't know if he noticed but umm...I think that's why he is hiding" Ethan said as he started to get hotter and hotter once again "Wait..so you're telling me that you saw the shyest and shortest guy from all of us..naked..and his di-" "yes Chad I am saying that" but as Ethan said that they both heard the TV and looked over there just to see Y/N in his pj's watching TV on the couch."Okay well you need to stop blushing,or oh wait,his dick and body is on your mind!" Chad started to laugh quietly "Shut up dude..not funny" "It sure is to me" Ethan then looked at Y/N "i wish i could have seen more..or...do something more" he thought in his mind
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