thank you for the reading!!!! i think that fit very well considering the situation with my mom. once again thank you so much!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for letting me know! I’m here, if you’d like a reading in the future
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hello , my name is V. and i thought it was really interesting this question below and i was wondering how will my next partner will be like :) thank you!!!
Hi, V :) I asked about the overall energies of your new partner and pulled 4 of Swords (postponement), reminding you that tomorrow may never come, please complete situations by acting on your feelings now. This freedom from expanding yourself and your connections with others will let you experience new truths as they appear. I asked for guidance and pulled Ace of Cups (going with the flow), a chance to fall in love, trusting the support of the universe and relaxing in the stream of consciousness, you can relax so deeply you know everything is going perfectly. I asked about the outcome of this partnership and pulled Judgement (major arcana xx), a shedding of past resentments and appreciations to make space for fresh compassion, an opening of the self. You can forget your mind’s old comparisons and focus on the healing within and connecting yourself with the ones you love. Please let me know how this resonates with you, I appreciate your reading.
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Hi ! Thank you for the readings. Well here is one, please: Is writing and publishing an article about the bullying and harassment I experienced in college (with some incidents in high school and one now in grad. school) a good idea? I want to release it to help others who may have similar experiences as well, show those involved their actions hurt BUT I'm on the mend - they didn't break me beyond repair.
Yes! I asked about overall energies of your possible article on experiences and pulled 10 of cups (harmony), representing a blessed connection within your heart and your world, a moment for giving thanks to yourself for being resilient and accepting the present as it is, allowing yourself to listen to your body’s responses. I asked about the outcome if actions were to be taken and pulled Ace of Discs (maturity), bringing a glorious gift of success, your solid roots rewarding you. I asked about the outcome if actions were not taken and pulled Shaman of Wands (the creator), encouraging you to express yourself, cultivating richness of your soul and relationships. I asked for guidance and pulled Shaman of Swords (control), asking you to take a moment to breathe in your truth, letting go of “mistakes” or “chaos”, knowing everything happens in order for you to carry yourself easily and lovingly. The universe is encouraging you :) Please let me know how this resonates with you, thank you!
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Hii I'm E, what will my next partner be like? How will they treat me? Tarot please:)
Hi E :) I asked about energies of your next possible partner and pulled High Priestess (major arcana ii), symbolizing patience and wisdom within you right now, becoming more receptive to yourself and your ideas. Feel free to integrate yourself by understanding the many angles of life and taking the moment to notice your body���s needs (have you had water? have you had sleep? have you gone to the bathroom? have you had something to eat? do you need more space?). By first taking care of yourself, you can be fully present within and with others. Then I asked about the energies a new partner may offer you, pulling 4 of Wands (participation), suggesting childlike vitality, play, a chance to nourish and create wholeness with yourself through sharing your energy. I asked about the outcome and pulled Magician (major arcana i), a manifestation of will. As you allow yourself to feel balanced no matter where you are, your acceptance and awareness will build up and guide you through love. Please let me know if this resonates, thank you for reading
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Hey! Thanks for doing free readings, i'm L and i would love a reading about my romatic relationship with S.
Hi, yes! I asked about present love energies between you and S and pulled The Fool (major arcana 0), a discovery of the secrets of reincarnation through innocence and trust. The more you listen to your body, the less it matters how “rational” an experience is. You have the support to follow your heart. I asked for guidance and pulled Consciousness (ace of swords), offering the gift of present clarity found through being true to yourself. You can choose to use your energy to manifest and win. I asked about the outcome and pulled The Lovers (major arcana vi), representing a rush of harmonious unity within. Your romantic relationships can allow for an experiencing a higher consciousness, as you get over traditional, cultural fantasies or expectations. You are being offered to share in this union, listen to your soul. I appreciate your feedback on how this resonates, thank you.
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hi! are you still offering free readings?? if so may i have a reading on how my mother will react when i tell her im a witch? ive been dropping hints and such, i just havent outright said anything. feel free to use any deck you would like! thank you in advance!
Always, of course! I asked about overall energies of coming out with your mother about yourself and pulled Creativity (major arcana iii), encouraging you to allow yourself to heal, opening yourself to let out what needs to be expressed in order to make new space for union, creation, and joy. You can enjoy meditation as a process of being present and noticing within, as you are interacting with others. I asked for the possible outcome energies and pulled Turning In (4 of cups), showing a cleansing of old emotions or theories. You are aware of the mind’s constant dramas and games, you can now focus on deepening your ability to notice yourself and others clearly. I asked for guidance and pulled Abundance (King of Pentacles), tuning into your energies and balance. This will manifest a break through of stereotypes and power issues, as you let yourself feel the support of energies surrounding you. Please let me know how this resonates with you, thank you.
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Hi id like the osho deck (i have the same one i love it!) :) im E. How will my love life pan out in the near future?
Hi E, I couldn’t agree more. I asked about near future energies and pulled Celebration (3 of cups), inviting a moment to experience complete rejoice within, whenever and wherever. You can easily open yourself to inspiration, poetry or any artistic fruition and even be a muse to those around you. I asked for guidance and pulled The Dream (6 of cups), a realization that love develops from your own richness and bliss. Past expectations may be coming true, you may find they have peaked and are no longer nourishing. I asked for the outcome and pulled No-Thingness (major arcana v), a reminder that even though tradition can define an individual’s energy, you can choose to flow with the changing currents of the river of experience. Sink into pure silence and relax into this flow. Please let me know how this resonates with you, thank you.
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are you still doing free readings? :DDD do you mind doing a general one concerning this month? :D
Anytime! I asked about overall energies for March 2016 and pulled Conditioning (major arcana xv), this is the time for looking inward, accepting any beliefs others have convinced you to believe about yourself and letting them go. You can wake up your sleeping lion within, by listening to your hum, dancing, walking, being in your body. I asked for guidance and pulled The Fool (major arcana 0), hinting that you cannot go wrong now when you trust your feelings and intuition. Infinite possibilities are available to you, no matter how foolish it may seem to others, you are transforming into the essence of life.
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Sure my names Estelle :) for the most recent tarot ask
Hi Estelle, I appreciate your patience! I pulled Son of Cups (air/water elements), bringing in messages from your unconscious in the form of mediation, music or meditation. You are ready for the full, loving experience of relationship with yourself and others, realizing your desire for drama or romances most people engage in are no longer interesting to you. I asked for guidance and pulled 7 of Wands, encouraging a moment for relaxation, especially when you feel a diversity of opinions. When you feel the need to explain yourself, breathe deeply and listen to what your body has to tell you. Then I pulled 10 of swords as the outcome card, a reminder that you are in a time of change and possibly extremism. You may let go and allow yourself to move focus from your head to your heart. I appreciate your input if this resonates with you, thank you!
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Hi! Thank you for offering the readings! You can use whichever deck feels most applicable for this question. How will my friendship with JMD be? We used to be close but now he seems distant. Thank you so much - A
Hi A, of course :) I pulled Sharing (queen of fire) as the past card, presenting you with opportunities to share your laughter and joy. Without possessiveness or attachment, you find you can enjoy sensuality and creation with another being, letting abundance overflow as it fills you up. I then pulled Inner Voice (major arcana ii), a reminder to seek centering and silence within whenever too many voices cause confusion. This is a time for meditating on and listening to the wordless languages of your heart. Finally, I pulled Awareness (major arcana vii) for the future card, hinting that conscious “doing” or struggling is not the cause for your growing awareness, your new channel of awareness grows as the old veil of illusion simply begins to dissolve away. Allow yourself to breathe in your new truth and remember your internal eternally silent witness. I appreciate your input on how this resonates with you, thank you.
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Hii, how are you sweetie? May I please have a tarot reading on what the future holds for me and MN?(we have a D/s relationship) I'm LB, I'm a 22yo scorpio girl, and he is a 24yo Capricorn (You can choose the deck you feel most comfortable with) Thank you! And I hope you are having a great day! 💖
Amazing, thank you LB :) How are you doing? I used the zen deck and pulled Beyond Illusion (major arcana XX) as the past card, symbolizing a rising of self awareness and recognition of judgements, and more importantly, your inner truth. I pulled The Lovers (major arcana vi) as the present card, depicting an integration and celebration of whole universal love within you, with the help of your partners functioning as a mirror, reflecting aspects of your deeper self. Wings of love can fly higher when based on freedom rather than expectation or need. Finally, I pulled Sharing (queen of fire) as the future card, showing you having many opportunities to share your love and laughter, and as you share more, you find yourself feeling even more full. Everything seems to be coming together and you are able to ground yourself, letting abundance flow. This is a beautiful spread, please let me know if any part resonates with you!
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To anyone willing to explore, I offer my complimentary tarot readings ~ You have the choice between motherpeace deck or osho zen deck, one card or 3 card reading, focus (love, work, family) ~ Please send in your preferences and name. Thank you for this opportunity ^-^
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