wildheartsalwaysburn · 10 months
OP men taking care of their SO
Gn!Reader (I tried)
Characters: Trafalgar Law, Eustass Kid, Sanji, Bartolomeo, Corazon
CW: mentions of ED (starving, vomiting, overexercising), bad body image/body dysmorphia, cursing, SH, slight nsfw for Kid
Notes: I'm in a terrible mental state rn, kinda relapsing. OP hyperfixation fixes stuff so I decided to write some HC how they would act when noticing their SO is struggling with an ED.
Trafalgar Law
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he had a bad feeling about your eating habits a while ago
noticing you rush to the bathroom after every meal and "showering" excessively
but didn't mention cuz he knows to leave people alone (he's the same tbh)
it hit him during the monthly physical examination
he listens to your heartbeat and notice it being really low
"y/n, would you step on the scale?" he asks in a cold but also concerned tone
as he notices you getting anxious when standing in front of that thing, he sighs and puts a hand reassuring on your shoulder
"it's ok. I'm here. Just step on it, please." his voice still concerned but warm and soft
he looks at the low numbers in shock and takes you carefully from the scale before you can see the numbers
"y/n-ya. What's wrong?" he'll take your cold hands and sits right in front of you
if you break out in tears, he'll just sit there and hug you tightly, til you calm down by yourself
if you stay cold and stubborn, he'll get annoyed but also takes care of you
either way, you talk a lot and will make a rehab plan, he'll watch over you as much as he can
he won't miss a moment to show you how much he loves and cares for you
"you're the most beautiful soul I know, y/n-ya."
"I know it hurts, but I cannot lose someone I love dearly, again."
"We get through this, ok?"
all in all, he's a doctor and acts like one, but he'll support you whenever needed
Eustass Kid
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he notice during working out together
the last times you'd been skipping meals and even alcohol, working out without him even in the middle of the night
first he thought you'd simply want to get stronger than him and teases you daily
but on that day you've overdone yourself, your body can't take it anymore and you get dizzy and weak all of a sudden, letting the weights fall down with a thud
"y/n?! Fucking seriously?" he first yells at you (rule: never let weights fall down)
you sink on your knees, mumbling sth like you'd be fine
"Fine my ass!" he swears and lifts you up to carry you to his room
"what the hell are you thinking?!" he's clearly pissed
he'll put on his too big warm clothes and coat, still staring at you angrily
forces you to drink water and hot tea, he still stares at you
"so what the fuck is wrong with you, y/n?" angry, annoyed tone
when you start to cry, he's overwhelmed and feels bad not being able to help, so he just sits there and pets your head
when you glance back and pout/get angry you'll get into a fight and storms out throwing the door
just to come back and hug you tightly after finally understanding
his soft side comes out when you tell him you feel weak and ugly and fat
he laughs: "stupid girl/boy! you're the strongest pirate I know! and the sexiest! besides me"
if you don't or don't smile enough (which will be most likely the case), he'll just tower over you and wrap you up in his arms, roaming with his hands over your body and repeat how amazing you are
he'll get overprotective, remind you to eat enough through the day (sometimes forces you to)
He makes you different playlists to lift up your mood
also he'll seek help from Killer from time to time (but won't tell you)
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He’ll notice when you stop joining to cook in the kitchen
Notices your rapid weight loss really quickly
Sits down next to you, lights up a ciggy and asks worried what’s wrong
Poor boy thinks it’s his fault
Eventually he’ll tear up and just hug you, telling you how much he loves you
“You can tell me everything, ma chère!”
You instantly felt understood and tell him
He’ll look at you in shock, not understanding how such a beautiful person can think of themselves like that
“But you are the most beautiful woman/man, I know, y/n-swan”
He cups your face and gazes into your eyes before kissing you softly
“We get through this, together. I promise.”
And he’ll make it true. He’s the most supportive boyfriend
Forehead kisses, reassuring soft hugs and touches, always keeping an eye on you
Spa Days, telling you every second how much he loves and adores you, would never force you but beg you to try his food at least
Makes the most delicious looking meals
Reads all about EDs so he won’t accidentally hurt you even more
Will hold you in his arms when you’re freezing or crying
Hides the scale
All in all the perfect man
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He’ll notice when following you to the bathroom after dinner
Already had a bad gut feeling about your bruised up and red hands
He holds them all the time so he knows their appearance by heart
“Y/n-chan? Are you ok? I’m here for you! Are you sick?”
Music plays from inside and the tab runs
When you came out after minutes, eyes swollen and red, hands wet and even redder than before you’ll earn a concerned look
“Don’t tell me you’re fine, y/n-chan.”
Weirdly sniffs and notices the smell of vomit
Eyes in shock and starts crying
“No no no no my dearest y/n-chan!! Please don’t tell me it’s true!”
Wraps his arms around you in a tight embrace, crying his eyes out
Overdramatic as fuck
Eventually taking your weak body to a quiet room, cleans your face and gives you something to drink
Will listen to each of your words really carefully to understand
Always pleasing you, always bring you water and tea, will not force but desperately beg to you eat something
Will accompany you to the bathroom any time, watching that you don’t hurt yourself anymore
Around you 24/7, will provoke and beat up everyone just trying to say something bad about you
Literally overprotective l, like a guard dog
Will try to lift your mood by telling stupid jokes and stories, tattle about Law and other “not cool non strawhats”, showing off his collection
Proud as hell every time he’ll make you laugh and forget that illness for a second
Corazon/ Rosinante Donquixote
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He’ll notice when picking you up as usual
“Y/n, you’re so tiny?!”
Shocked at first and lifts you even higher
Can’t believe you’re that light, you’ve always been to him, but now it’s different
Immediately throws you over his shoulder, covering you with his warm feather coat
“We’re going to a doctor, no back talk.”
His tone is stern but also warm and caring
Carries you to different doctors and hospitals, always holding your hand or thigh to show you he’s there
Will yell at anyone who says that can’t treat you
Throws literal tantrums at some doctors for being “incapable”
Will end up trying to fix and heal you himself
Showers you in love and care, eg bringing you water, tea, let’s you borrow his lighter to fidget with (even lend you his cigarettes if you smoke)
Will always smile at you and be more clumsy on purpose to make you laugh again
Will cook for you, whatever you want, burns it a few times by accident
Let’s you wear his clothes, when you feel bad about your body
Or wraps you up in them to get you warm
Will be extremely careful when touching, hugging or lifting you up
Afraid he’ll break you
Will inform himself about EDs to make the best of it
Never leaves your side, towering above or behind you, so no one can hurt you
Even lends you hit hat from time to time if he can’t be around for a moment, so you won’t feel alone
Gets sentimental when you sleep and he drinks, petting your head, sits right next to you talking about how beautiful and amazing you are
"I love you so much! You deserve everything in this world, my heart!"
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writingduhh · 1 month
i literally got my wisdom teeth removed a few hours ago and i am in PAIN
pls pls can we have some comfort ted to schlatt?
love you sm stay safe 💓💓💓💓
Ahhhh I love this idea! I’m so sorry about your wisdom teeth I’ve heard it’s so painful :( please rest up and take care of yourself! Hope this can offer a little distraction 💜
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❥ Jschlatt :
▷ Before your surgery, Schlatt does a deep dive into what you’ll need post-op. How to relieve pain, help you heal faster, and everything in-between. He also makes sure to stock up on tons of soft foods, wanting to make sure you have lots of options
▷ On the way to the office he immediately notices your nervousness. He takes it upon himself to lighten the mood the best he can. If all attempts at humor fail he takes a much sweeter approach.
He lays his hand on your thigh, giving it a tight squeeze. “You’re going to do great, y/n. And I’ll be right here with you.”
▷ After the paperwork has all been signed he tightly hugs you goodbye, gently whispering to you that title be ok. Once you’re taken back he sits down in the waiting room. He insists on staying in the office until you’re done, no matter how long it takes he refuses to leave without you.
▷ As soon as you’re out of surgery schlatt is by your side, making sure you’re comfortable whisky he intensively listens to the nurses aftercare instructions.
▷ Even though you might be a little grumpy or out of it, due to the anesthesia, Schlatt is incredibly patient. If you try to say something but it’s all garbled he listens attentively. He tries his best to decipher your words, occasionally making silly guesses that get you both laughing.
“Can you say that one more time, toots? I couldn’t hear you.”
You rolled your eyes playfully and tried again, but somehow it came out even more garbled this time.
“Uhh… you want me to turn it up? Like the radio?”
“No, no, no,” you mumbled, struggling to get the words out. He looked a little flustered now.
“You want to… fuck? Darlin’, you just got out of—” Before he could finish, you couldn’t help but burst out laughing.
You pointed dramatically at the colorful suckers sat in the cup holder that the receptionist had given you on your way out.
“OH! You want a sucker.”
The two of you broke into laughter, tears forming in your eyes from how hard you were laughing.
Once you both finally caught your breath, Schlatt grabbed one of the suckers from the cup holder and handed it to you, making you smile even wider.
Through the gauze in your mouth you managed to say a “thank you.”
“Of course.” He lovingly says, pressing a kiss on the side of your head.
“Ya know, if you hadn’t just got out of surgery I wouldn’t have said no.” He subtly smirks, earning a playful slap from you.
“Hey! Hey! I’m just being honest.”
▷ When he notices you’re feeling tense from the soreness, schlatt offers to give you a gentle shoulder or neck massage. He’s surprisingly good at it, and you find yourself relaxing under his touch, the pain melting away a bit as he works out the tension.
▷ When you’re too sore or tired to eat by yourself, Schlatt happily feeds you spoonfuls of soup or pudding, joking about how he’s becoming a pro at this. He makes airplane noises just to see you roll your eyes, but you secretly love the attention.
▷ Knowing that you’ve been through a tough time, Schlatt takes it upon himself to spoil you with little gifts. He surprises you with a cozy new blanket, a scented candle, or that book you’ve been eyeing for a while. Each gift comes with a cheeky comment like, “Just a little something to make you smile, even if you’re still puffy.”
▷ He is super protective of you during your recovery. If anyone asks to visit or call, he gently but firmly lets them know that you’re resting and need your space, all while making sure you know that he’s there for anything you need.
▷ He can’t resist teasing you a little about your puffy cheeks, but it’s all in good fun. He pretends to take “before and after” pictures, making goofy faces in each one to match your swollen expression.
▷ If you wake up in the middle of the night feeling uncomfortable or in pain, he is right there to comfort you. He gets you a fresh ice pack, helps you take your meds, and stays up with you until you’re able to fall back asleep, all while holding your hand and whispering reassurances.
❥ Ted :
▷ On the way to the dentist, Ted can sense if you’re feeling a bit anxious. He gives you a lighthearted pep talk, reminding you that it’s just a quick procedure and that he’ll be there every step of the way.
▷ Once you’re taken back into the surgery room he makes his way to a nearby store. He buys all of your favorite treats, drinks, and foods. Well, at least the ones you can eat
▷ Ted is the first face you see the moment you come out of surgery. He gives you a reassuring smile and plants a small kiss on your forehead. Before the nurses can bring out a wheelchair, Ted has already decided to carry you out to the car himself.
“How’re you feeling?” he asks sweetly, cradling you in his arms as he walks through the parking lot.
“Mm, good,” you mumble, your arms snugly wrapped around his neck.
“Alright, let me just figure out how to open the door here…” he grumbles, trying to find a way to reach the door handle without setting you down.
“Ted, it’s okay. You can set me down—I can open my door,” you say softly.
“Nope. It’s my job to take care of you and keep you safe.”
“Well… I think you might need to put me down to be ‘safe,’” you smirk.
He sighs. “Alright, you might’ve got me there.”
Ever so carefully, he lowers you to the ground, his hand resting gently on your back as he ushers you into the passenger seat. He even manages to buckle your seatbelt for you. Not without giving you a quick kiss
▷ On the ride home, Ted reflects on how proud he is of you for getting through the procedure. He playfully teases about how you handled it like a champ and how he’s going to tell everyone how brave you were. His words are full of admiration, making you feel cherished.
▷ When you get home, Ted carefully helps you out of the car, making sure you don’t trip or stumble. He wraps an arm around you to keep you steady, guiding you inside and straight to the couch or bed, where he’s already prepared a cozy spot for you to rest.
▷ Ted is super thoughtful, having already set up a recovery space with everything you might need. He’s laid out blankets, pillows, and has the remote within arm’s reach. He’s also got your medications and a glass of water ready, so you don’t have to worry about a thing.
▷ Once you’re back home and resting, Ted sits quietly beside you, holding your hand or gently stroking your hair. Even if you’re too tired to talk, he stays with you, offering silent support and comfort just by being close.
▷ As you start to come around, Ted sits beside you, keeping the conversation light and soft. He talks about plans for when you’re feeling better, maybe a fun date or a small trip, to give you something to look forward to while you recover.
▷ At night, he insists on sleeping next to you, even if it means squishing into the bed with all the pillows and blankets you have piled up. He keeps an eye on you, waking up occasionally to make sure you’re still comfortable and not in any pain.
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janetbrown711 · 5 months
Louie can't sleep after an adventure gone wrong, his mother's words echoing in his head like the worst worst record, and so he seeks solace with his dear old Uncle Donald.
Ao3 Link
Louie was tired, which wasn’t surprising for 2:17 in the morning. It had also been a long, long day of adventuring and he had been grateful when he finally was able to throw himself on his bunk bed.
Unfortunately though, Louie couldn’t sleep.
His back and legs ached something fierce from all of the above-average amounts of running and walking and climbing he had to do, and there was this weight on his chest that caused his heart to pound, keeping his eyes and mind on alert.
Insomnia was nothing new for the youngest duck brother, of course, but that didn’t make it any less annoying (especially with Dewey’s tendency to snore). He’d normally just go on his phone and scroll through social media until his eyes decided to close, but it didn’t feel right tonight. No, his feed was too full of Webby and Dewey’s photos of their adventure. Photos of Scrooge, Huey, and Della were on every post, with Louie having to swipe through to find any with him in them.
That wasn’t their fault though, Louie really hadn’t been in the mood today for hiking mountains and fighting bears and bear-like monsters to find some mystic honey stirrer. The photos of him were blurry and embarrassing, unlike the usual where he’d at least pose with the treasure or he and Webby had some kind of fun side quest.
A chill ran through Louie that made him sit up and sigh, rubbing the bandages around one of his hands as he tried to think of what to do.
He could go to the kitchen and if Duckworth wasn’t too busy ghost-sleeping, he could make him some tea..? No, no, Louie hated tea more than Scrooge hated to waste it. Something else then… like watching YouTube? No, his feed was overrun with videos about Doofus Drake and Scrooge McDuck sightings and hustler videos that Louie really didn’t have an interest in (at least… not right now). He could try counting sheep, but– but there was something else on his mind playing on repeat instead.
“C’mon Louie, it’s just one more mile, don’t get lazy on me now.” His mother smiled at him, hands on her hips and a bouncy energy that just made him even more tired by the second.
“Yeah, Louie! C’mon, it’ll be totally cool to see the top of the mountain,” Huey encouraged too.
“If I don’t die before then,” Louie panted, leaning back against a tree.
Della tsked and rolled her eyes. “You sound just like your uncle, you know that?”
Louie perked up at that, but before he could say anything, Dewey punched him in the arm as he and Webby sped by.
“See ya later, slowpokes!” he called out mockingly as Webby made a face.
“Hey! We’re supposed to be on the lookout for bears, you two!” Della laughed and hurried to go join them.
“Hey–! Wait for us!” Huey shouted and started scurrying off too, and Louie had no choice but to follow.
…Louie didn’t know why his mind was focusing on it– it wasn’t a big deal, really. They all made it eventually, even if Louie missed the “big reveal” and family photo op. They had hundreds of those, Louie being gone from one or two or however many at this point wasn’t a big deal. He was the lazy one, after all. Consequences, simple as that.
“If you want to be part of this family, you got to–”
Louie shot up and out of bed, startled by his own memory as the pounding in his chest only increased.
“It’s just a stupid memory, Louie. Just shut up and go back to sleep,” he muttered to himself before checking if he’d awoken his brothers. Thankfully, the answer was no, so Louie was left to… well, as much as he wanted to, he was in no condition to go back to bed. He was still stuck in “fight or flight” mode, so he needed to walk around– maybe to find some melatonin.
As good as that sounded though, he knew the numerous bathrooms barely even had toilet paper, much less medications due to how stingy Scrooge was. If there was melatonin to be found, it probably expired in 1986 and probably had a nightmare shadow creature trapped inside for extra measure.
Then again, Uncle Donald always kept his melatonin and other vitamins stocked, so maybe Louie could just go to the houseboat to check? Hopefully he could do so without waking his uncle, but if he caught him, it wasn’t like he’d get in trouble.
Louie bit his cheek, finding his phone and unplugging it to check the time, annoyed but not surprised it had only been two minutes. With a sigh, Louie put his phone in his pajama pocket, and quietly crept out of his room into the halls of the manor.
Nights like these always made the mansion feel haunted– more than by Duckworth, anyways. His uncle was crazy old and so was his choice in curtains and decoration. While Duckworth and Beakley kept dust away, the moonlight had this uncanny way of pointing out every crack and crevice that was previously unknown. Plus, the quiet made the creaking wood and pipes a lot more noticeable, and with Louie, being in the state that he was, picked up the pace to avoid it as much as possible.
Thankfully, the courtyard wasn’t too hard to get to and soon, Louie was back sneaking his way on the houseboat like it was nothing.
While it took a second to get used to, the familiar sway and creaking of the houseboat was comforting for the young duck, and he couldn’t help but smile as he made his way to the bathroom’s medicine cabinet for raiding.
In there, he found a half empty bottle of aspirin, a thing of tums, an empty paper cup, some mouthwash, but no sign of any melatonin.
“Well… frick,” Louie muttered to himself, closing the mirror and nearly jumping out of his skin when he heard footsteps just outside.
“Hello?” called out the tired and scratchy voice of Louie’s uncle.
“Sorry, Uncle Dee, I was just looking for some melatonin to nab.” Louie’s face was red as he flicked the light off and stepped out to the small hallway.
His uncle smiled pitifully at him. “Can’t sleep?”
Louie shook his head.
“I keep that in my room now since you three moved out.” Donald chuckled. “I can grab it for you, and I can make some tea too, if you’d like.”
Louie bit his cheek. It was getting late, but as much as Louie wanted to just take the melatonin and hope his feelings would just drown out, he couldn’t deny having a cup of sleepytime tea with his uncle would help.
“Yeah, sure, why not?” Louie gave a crooked little smile, which made his uncle chuckle again and ruffle his hair before going to the kitchen. Louie followed, sliding into the circular booth and watching as his uncle pulled out the dented old kettle and filled it with water.
“Have you gotten any sleep at all?” his uncle asked, watching it fill.
Louie shook his head. “No, not really… I’m more surprised you’re awake though, I really thought it would be an easy in-and-out.”
“You’d be surprised how raising triplets and being ex-navy can affect how light you sleep.” His uncle winked and turned the water off.
Louie snorted. “I think Mom could sleep through a bombing.”
“Yeah, that’s Della all right.” Donald’s voice wavered a bit, though he quickly turned to muttering in frustration as it took a second before his stove would light. It eventually did, and once that was all settled he sighed and leaned against the counter. “So what’s keeping you up this time, Lou?”
“Oh, you know… adventure stuff, I guess,” Louie danced around the details, picking at the bandage on his hand.
His uncle’s eyes landed on it, and based on his reaction, it seemed he hadn’t noticed his injury at dinner. “Are you okay? What happened? Did Huey or Webby do the bandaging? Or was it Dewey? Not that he does a bad job, he just always forgets the Neosporin–”
“It’s fine, it’s fine, Uncle Dee– really,” Louie forced a smile. “It’s just a minor scrape, I promise.”
“You know, I’ve always told Scrooge you boys need better gloves and gear just so situations like this don’t happen.” Donald shook his head and left the kitchen, muttering under his breath the whole time.
Welp. Better than a scolding to stay safer, Louie thought to himself as he closed his eyes for a second.
When he opened them again, his uncle was back with a first aid kit and a bottle of melatonin.
“Here, let me look at it,” Donald asked, taking a seat next to Louie.
“It’s fine, Uncle Donald,” Louie tried to assure him, but his uncle didn’t relent, taking his hand and quickly unwrapping the bandage.
His uncle frowned, inspecting it. “This doesn’t look like a regular scrape. What happened?”
“It was just a sharp rock, I swear.” Louie looked away to try and mask the lie.
Donald didn’t seem to believe it, but focused his efforts more on adding some neosporin to his cut before finding a suitable gauze pad, bringing Louie momentarily relief.
“Who wrapped this the first time? And how long was it between hurting yourself and getting bandaged?” Donald interrogated.
“Dewey when we got back to the plane, I guess– it’s really not a big deal, Uncle Donald, I’m fine,” Louie tried to push, but he could see Donald’s eye twitch.
“No one had a first aid kit? Not even Huey?” Donald asked, eyebrows furrowed.
“He ran out using it on Webby and Dewey and Launchpad.” Louie shrugged. “Seemed only fair to let them have it this time anyways, since I’m usually the one taking all the supplies.”
Donald frowned, now taking the roller bandage and wrapping his wrist twice before going diagonally to the outside of his pinky. “I don’t like you thinking like that; your safety and health matters just as much as anyone else’s– even if you’ve got worse luck and tire out quicker.”
“Sure,” Louie sighed, looking at the kettle and seeing the steam starting to escape, a squeal imminent.
“I’m serious, Louie. I don’t want you talking like that. You deserve as much love and care as anyone else.” His uncle looked at him seriously, but the ten-year-old avoided eye contact.
Donald frowned, finishing the bandaging just as the kettle began to squeal and put a brief pause to go deal with that.
“If you want a place in this family–”
Stop. Just stop, Louie hissed in his mind. He hated that stupid video and that stupid memory. It was so long ago, there really wasn’t a point for it to be on repeat like it was. Yeah, his mom joked that if he hadn’t been so clumsy on the last adventure then Huey wouldn’t have ran out of bandages, but like… that was different. Louie was fine. It was fine. It was cool.
“So are you going to actually tell me how you hurt yourself, or are you going to keep me guessing all night?” Donald sighed, pouring the hot water into two mugs.
“It was a sharp rock, I promise.” Louie bit his cheek.
“Right.” His uncle’s shoulders sagged, before he shook his head and set the kettle down. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. Adventures are hard sometimes, I get it– plus, I know I can be a little protective–”
Louie laughed.
Donald rolled his eyes. “Okay, maybe more than a little protective, but you know… someone’s gotta.”
Louie’s smile faded and his eyes went back to his hands.
His uncle hummed in amusement as he got the tea bags and began brewing before returning with mugs in hand to the booth. “I’m sorry today was rough. I wish I could’ve been there.”
Louie waved his hand. “You would’ve gotten hurt a lot more than me.”
“Yeah, but at least Della knows to carry three extra kits whenever I’m around,” Donald laughed, and a lump formed in Louie’s throat.
“Right, yeah.” Louie tried to ignore it, tapping his fingers on the glass as he urged the tea to brew faster.
When it was done, he could feel his uncle's eyes on him as he took a sip of tea, searching and scanning like they had many times before. It was how he eventually learned to detect Louie's schemes, and it never failed to make Louie feel small.
To his surprise though, instead of saying anything, Donald wrapped an arm around Louie and pulled him to his side, kissing his head and hugging him tight. It made the lump tighten and tears threaten to form, the pressure building so tight Louie might just burst.
“I love you, Louie. You know that?” his uncle whispered.
Louie could only nod.
“I love you very, very much, Lou. I care about your health and safety, and I want you to be happy more than anything else in the whole wide world, do you understand?” Donald continued.
Louie nodded again, his lower lip beginning to tremble.
His uncle hugged him tighter. “Louie, I want you to tell me what’s hurting you. You don’t have to give details– but know that nothing is too much for me, okay? I want to help you… please…”
The ‘please’ shattered Louie’s resolve. He opened his mouth to speak maybe three times, before he eventually croaked it out:
“Why… doesn’t mom… like me..?”
Donald let out a quiet gasp, filling Louie with instant regret that broke him down into a sobbing mess in an instant.
“Oh, Louie.” His uncle pulled Louie onto his lap now, hugging him tight as he rocked back and forth while the ten-year-old just buried his face in his chest.
“S-sh-she– It-it’s like– She likes H-Huey, a-and Dewey, a-and even Webby– b-but– b-but–”
“I’m so sorry, honey.” Donald hugged him a little tighter, and Louie could tell he was crying too.
“I-I keep screwing u-up– a-and it’s like– i-it’s like she ca-can’t even tell a-and she just– she hates me, Unca’ Donald, she hates me,” Louie wept.
“Della doesn’t hate you, Louie, she just doesn’t understand, I promise,” Donald tried to assure, but Louie just shook his head.
“Sh-she keeps– she keeps calling me lazy a-and she makes fun of me wh-when I fail a-and even get hurt– it hurts so much, Unca’ Donald, it hurts so much,” Louie confessed, a wave of sorrow crashing down with the realization.
“I’m so sorry, Lou…” his uncle’s voice cracked. “I wish she didn’t. I really, really wish she didn’t– but old habits die hard, I’m so sorry.”
It took Louie a moment to process what his uncle said, and when he did, he sat up a bit. “Y-you mean she does that to you too?”
Donald nodded with a sad smile. “Everyone does, but Del and Scrooge especially. I used to joke that’s the only reason they kept me around.”
Louie’s heart managed to break a second time and he practically leapt to hug his uncle. “M’so sorry, I-I never meant to– I just– I’m so sorry, Uncle Donald.”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, Lou. I’ve learned to accept it.” Donald rubbed his back.
“But you shouldn’t have to! I-it sucks– I hate being just a joke to them, a-and you’re so much more than that too!” Louie broke the embrace again.
“Louie, you aren’t a joke to them, I promise. You have that wonderful mind of yours that’s always so good at planning and scheming and escaping and they value that tremendously.” Donald put his hands on Louie’s shoulders.
Louie looked at the ground. “Even mom..?”
Donald gave a long sigh. “Your mom is… new to this. She doesn’t understand how you work yet and assumes you won’t take it personally, like how I would act– but that doesn’t make it right. She loves you, but she just doesn’t know how to, and I’m sorry that hurts you…”
Louie looked away, his mom’s words echoing again in his mind.
“If you want to be a part of this family, you gotta stop.”
“She… she said if I wanted to be a part of this family, I had to stop scheming– had to stop the one thing I’m good at,” Louie whispered.
He could see his uncle’s shoulders tense. “When did she say that..?”
“When you were gone after the ‘timephoon incident’.” Louie sniffled, wiping away hot tears as he stared at his mug.
Donald gave another long, heavy sigh. “I’m so sorry, Louie. I wish she understood you, I really, really do…”
“Sh-she also– I hurt my hand because she didn’t see me slipping. She didn’t help me– sh-she assumed I’d be okay, but I’m not okay– it’s not okay, Uncle Donald, it’s not.” Louie shook his head and curled up to Donald’s side, and his uncle wrapped an arm around him.
“I’m so sorry, Lou. Della just gets so wrapped up in her own head, she has a hard time recognizing people aren’t always at her level.” Donald rested his head atop Louie’s and squeezed him.
“I-I felt so alone today– I hate feeling alone,” Louie confessed more.
“I know, Louie, I know. And if it helps, you’ll always have me no matter what, okay? There’s nothing you could do to make me hate or leave you. You’ll always be my little Louie, and even if we get separated, I’ll always find my way back– even if it’s the moon,” Donald pointed out with a soft smile.
“Thanks, Uncle Donald.” Louie nuzzled closer. “I wish mom understood you too.”
His uncle laughed weakly. “Maybe one day… but in the meantime, I’m lucky to have you.”
Louie couldn’t help but laugh a little too. “I’m lucky to have you too, Uncle Donald.”
The pair of them sat in silence for a while, with Louie curled extra tight to his side and Donald holding him nice and close. It was calming, especially with the slow eb and flow of the pool water. All that crying had exhausted Louie, and he figured his uncle likely felt the same. However, Louie couldn’t even imagine going back to his bunk now, not when he felt his uncle needed him as much as he needed Donald.
“I’ll try and talk to her. It’ll be slow and I don’t know how she’ll take it, but I’ll talk to her,” Donald suddenly spoke up. “Uncle Scrooge too, for that matter.”
Louie wiped his eyes and shook his head. “You don’t gotta do that, it probably won’t change anything.”
“I have to try, Lou.” Donald looked down at him. “You’re worth at least trying.”
Louie didn’t have a response for that, so he just nuzzled back close and there was quiet again.
Louie liked the quiet. It was much better than the eerie silence of the manor, and how it would always be broken abruptly by some creaking wood or wind whirling down the chimney. On the houseboat, the sounds were constant, like a lullaby. The splashing of the water, the squeaking old metal, the soft hum of the old AC unit– it always knew how to put Louie to sleep.
“Uncle Donald?” he suddenly spoke up.
“Can I… stay here with you tonight?” Louie glanced back up at him.
Donald’s face melted into a soft smile. “Of course, Lou. You’re welcome here any time.”
“Good.” Louie smiled too, before yawning.
His uncle chuckled before yawning himself. “Looks like we should get going to bed, huh?”
“I could stay up longer,” Louie lied, making his uncle roll his eyes.
“Drink some tea before you take that melatonin, I don’t want it going to waste,” Donald lightly teased before getting up and drinking more of his own.
Louie nodded, beginning to chug before he remembered he really wasn’t that big of a fan of tea, and so set it down again. “Is… that enough?” Louie asked.
Donald laughed. “Yes, yes, it’s fine, I’m just joking, no need to force yourself.”
Louie smiled before struggling to open the bottle of melatonin. Noticing this, his uncle walked over and helped him retrieve the yellow pill, which Louie took with a little bit of tea. After that was done, Donald cleaned up their mugs and set them out to dry. Once that was settled, Louie took Donald’s hand and the two of them went to cuddle the rest of the night away.
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chidoroki · 11 months
Ron Kamonohashi EP3
aka: your typical hot spring shenanigans
I really wanna know what’s the deal with those markings on Ron’s body. Aside from the 96 looking one on the side of his neck, there’s smaller ones around it that we don’t see nowadays so did the majority of them fade?
“And to ensure that justice is never overshadowed by evil, we train detective. We cannot have a detective who kills people.” I know both organizations have their differences, but BLUE reminds me of the Sibyl System just a little bit.. also Bifrost but only because of how everyone is sitting around a large table acting all superior.
The lady in charge at BLUE talking about Ron’s punishment only to have the upbeat OP play seconds right after is kinda hilarious. Talk about a mood shift.
Aww Ron being such a good cat dad buying it all kinds of food and stuff. Also, his shirt with the little face is adorable.
He’s gonna win the lottery on the first try, isn’t he.. yuuuupp, a trip to the hot springs for you!
“We’ve handed out both the grand and second-place prizes.” I bet ya anything the purple haired man from BLUE won second.
Oh, speak of the devil.. now that we got a better look at him.. yeah, he’s fine. & he does indeed share a voice actor with Friede so that’s gonna give me whiplash hearing my adorable professor suddenly sound all sinister.
Nevermind this man also winning the lottery, he’s somehow working at said spring instead. Glasses fit him well too.
Oh! Yeah now that we can get a better look at Ron, he really doesn’t have any of those other markings on his body anymore besides the one on his neck.
“I once suffered injuries all over my body, yet this was the only one that scarred.” I’ve received answers yet now have more questions!
Even Ron believes part of it looks like a 6, but still, how did ya get a scar like that?
This man is obsessed with his black sugar syrup that he even drowns his rice with it.
Uh huh, I had a feeling Ron was gonna take the ping-pong game seriously so I was excited to see a full match, but the fool lost the ball after the first serve.. shame.
Oh my god, it was Amamiya who won the second place prize! Poor girl walked right in on the boys in the bath.. she’s never gonna live that down.
Ron is so hellbent on playing Life with everyone and he’s gonna get his wish darn it!
Ohhh that wife from earlier found lifeless in the spring, seems as if that legend is coming true.
With everyone playing Life from midnight to 2am, that really lowers the suspects down a bit I think.
Ron, for fucks sake, always getting up close and personal to the dead huh?
Damn, purple-Friede putting all the heat on Amamiya instantly since she was the only one who returned to her room last night without playing the game.
Oh he definitely planned for this so he could catch Ron sleuthing.
I swear I’m gonna swoon each and every time we get a glimpse of Ron’s eyes.
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plaindangan · 2 years
Chiaki just got a brand new 4 player game! She invites Ibuki, Akane, and Mikan to play with her and test it out. What they don’t realize is the power ups in game effect the player. Soon breasts, asses, cocks, lips, muscles, and even heights are increasing in size!
As the growth continues the girls don’t wanna stop playing the game… or with each other. Who comes out on top? Who gets fucked the hardest? And who actually wins the video game?
Disclaimer: Below is content that's more on the racy side! If not for you, you probably shouldn't read!
It was supposed to be a test of a new indie title in development. 'Medieval Mischief' - a 4 co-op platformer about 4 women going about a medieval quest to obtain treasure. With her three pals, Chiaki began what was supposed to be an unforgettable memory!~
Though, as they played, something interesting happened when Chiaki got the collective power - a Tall Trinket. It was gradual, btu they all began to feel...bigger for some reason. Stronger to boot!~ Still, they were so engrossed in their game, they shrugged off the feeling. But the more power-ups they grabbed and used....the more such feelings couldn't be ignored.
The Rack Attack made their avatars invincible, yet to the players they felt their own breasts increase significantly (Akane's own shirt even burst, already failing to keep her double D's on locked). The Lip Locket had the girl's lips become quite plump and spread the feeling of needing to kiss someone nearby (Mikan having the worst of it given her already strong feelings for someone like Ibuki). The Ass-ault Vault had their asses expanded to the point their skirts couldn't even begin to cover them and their panties were straining not to rip from the increased weight (though Ibuki, who was the flattest out of them originally, wasn't complaining from the extra junk in the trunk)!
What finally tipped things over was when Chiaki picked up the last Power-Up - a 'Love Rush' potion!~ Once used, the women's minds began to fog with increased urges to fuck whoever was there....with the added bonus of nice, thick, throbbing, completely hard dicks at their disposal!~
Dicks that just begged to be used right then and there!~ Akane completely let her urges dominate her, pouncing on Mikan as she shoved her member into her ass! The nurse nurse eager to bounce on the person fucking her to pieces, all while she began kissing an eager Ibuki. The musician, in turn, spread the love by jerking off Mikan while using her plump thighs to ensure that Chiaki's own dick was getting the care it needed too!~ Which was a good thing as the gamer was laser focused on beating the game in her horny state!~
"I-I did it....I won!~" she says, exhausted, several hours later!~ By now her other companions were fast asleep. Mikan, having being the fucktoy for two people, was laying on the remnants of her clothes. Ass up, prone, and it was clear from a glance that both girls had used her to the limits. Cum had absolutely filled her ass, pussy, and even mouth!~ Snuggling her pillow ass was Ibuki, snoring away and occasionally gripping the nurse's thigh and booty in her sleep. Akane was on the couch, cock stained white with so much fucking of the two girls. Yet, upon seeing the gymnasts wonderfully sexy body...it just made Chiaki wish she had gotten in on the action more!~
"Mh...Chiaki?" Akane yawned as she began to stir and, God, did Chiaki just want to shove her cock in side that gaping maw of Akane's!~ This wasn't lost on the amazoness and she becokened the gamer closer. "Heh, I know damn well you were in the mood throughout that game! C'mere and let me get some milk outta ya!~" the bronze woman said as she knelt down. Sniffing, poking, licking, and, finally, sucking such a painfully erect dick off with her slutty mouth!~
As she felt the soft, eager, lips of Akane suck her off...Chiaki knew this was a memory she was never going to forget!~
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garrandia · 2 years
Op I am desperate. Where is the vincent loving peeps. And by loving i mean *grabs him by the scruff, applies gentle persuasion* ya feel? I came into this fandom 20 yrs late, walked into highschool like the new kid confused but eager-- I just wanna deep dive into vincent content
oh anon u such a mood
*lovingly shakes the fucking coffin till he falls out of it"
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a cant wait to the fiest of content i swear :(´ཀ`」 ∠): i am so sure new ppl will jump at Vince like a BEASTS at first sight all in glorious HD with cutscenes and ost hnnnnghhg (and hopefully good new va T_T) Not even gonna start abt how gameplay aspect excites me, esp with all rework that has been done w player character and bosses i am really looking to his gunplay *looks intensively at rufus' boss battle*
but yeah, its been so quiet on SE side tho chaos's ASS was a nice bone but maaaybe just maybe its a calm b4 the storm ┬┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬┴ edt also this tweet just calls me out too hard lol
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ishikawayukis · 7 months
Belleeee happy Sanji Day!!!🥳🩵💛✨
no fr I sometimes rewatch something to start connecting the plot points that I probably didn’t notice the first time just to see how everything was developed from the beginning, or just to enjoy it and then I notice random little things lol
has escuchado ese audio que dice “buenos días y que dios bendiga a los hombres✨”?? yo con Law cuando apareció en Marineford JAJAJAJAJAJAJJ I see it and I get it and now I confirm it🫶🏽
no pero literalmente soy yo con todas las películas y series que digo que quiero ver y no termino viendo JAJAJAJAJA for some reason the moment I sat down or have time to watch it I don’t feel like I’m in the mood for them (even tho I want to watch them) y termino volviendo a ver algo que ya vi o ver op JAJAJA
I mean yeah what were people expecting from og merch from his brand?? o sea yo sé que para mí es mentira que voy a comprar algo porque no tengo el dinero para eso pero, son productos oficiales de calidad how can they not cost that much?? and yeeees the hoodies are so cool!!! cuando digo que quisiera merch de las cosas que me gustan pero con estilo, that is what I’m expecting lol and the logos are so creative and cute!! I wonder if he’ll come up with new ones after opla season 2 🫶🏽✨
ahí vamos a ver dijo el ciego (y ojalá vea algo😭 JAJSJAJAJA) ya llevo un mes y creo que voy bien así que ojalá de verdad me ayude🫡
it’s going to sound funny/simple/cliché but I just fucking love friendship and its dynamics JAJAJAJAJA y en serio amo cómo desarrollan estas relaciones para cada uno and it makes me a little insane too bc I just love them all and want them to see each other so bad rn😭
si no lo mantienen humilde, fuera el primero en perder la cabeza JAJAJAJA but it does make me wonder if the poster would ever change to an actual picture tho porque (al menos parece) cambian la recompensa y foto cada vez que hacen algo peor y aunque aún no se reúnen, si me da curiosidad que tendrán qué hacer/qué pasará para que actualicen los posters
Belle, quedé 🤡 por creer que no iba a poder llorar más cómo me hizo llorar el arco de sabaody JAJAJAJAJA desde Bon Clay hasta la estúpida guerra empecé a considerar ver la serie con kleenex y botella de agua a la par JAJAJAJ SIDKEJ I have so many thoughts and so many things to say y este throwback the ASL fue como una curita y sal en la herida a la vez 😂😭🫶🏽
más que, casi nada que ver, pero después de terminar Marineford yo toda tristita y cuando me meto a insta me sale un reel de cuándo Ace aparece en Alabasta pero con la canción de “mami soy tu vaquero” al fondo y yo😭😭💀 “no hay respeto para los que están sufriendo” pero me dio risa JAJAJAAJ
wtf JAJAJAJAJAJA o sea con respeto pero qué les pasa 💀 maybe bc just based on animation you can’t tell their ages?? idk but that just a big no for me, que siga de delulu y que le ayude pero hasta ahí amiga por favor busca terapia JAJAJA
y si la verdad es que me encantan las islas en que terminaron porque ya con los snippets que han mostrado se nota que van a tener que superar retos o aprovechar oportunidades que se les presentan para crecer cómo no iban a poder hacerlo si seguían juntos, like yes you can improve with support from family and friends pero creo que este momento demuestra que a veces hay cosas que te toca aprender por tu cuenta. I also thought the drag queens depiction was kinda mocking them :// pero también me da risa por Sanji la verdad es que se lo merece JAJAJAJAJA
HAPPY SANJI DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!! i should celebrate it somehow and yet all i've done today was ride a car for 10 hours LMFAO (me esperaba la vuelta en llanto cuando dijiste q ibas a empezar impel down AJAJAJ no hay manera de terminar digna viendo esos arcos)
i'm soooooo sure when i take the time to rewatch one piece i'm gonna be like OMG WAAAAIT because i Know oda has been constantly cooking and you don't notice it until you go back to it LMAO
AJAJAJ NO ESE AUDIO PA LAAAAW pero honestamente mi misma reacción cuando apareció de nuevo, por un segundo sospecha por el resto law por favor salva a este hombre no sería nada sin ti
rip a todas esas series y películas q alguna vez dijimos q íbamos a ver y simplemente no lo hicimos JAJAJA nooo te juro q había gente despotricando cuático contra él y yo como ???? son ustedes estúpidos dígamelo por favor. i hope he comes up with more for season 2!!! like imagine the chopper and robin ones they would be soooo cute mackenyu don't fail us with this LMAO
NO BUT SAME like do i get a little insane sometimes and i'm like ok but this in a romantic way? sure, but mainly i just Love Friendships and how different they can all be and i just love how they're depicted on one piece, none of them are the same and yet they're all just as important ode fucking Gets It
👁👁 no diré nada al respecto jiji pero pronto verás q sucede con los posters
everything after sabaody is just mean and cruel and for What, i think i was literally crying every other episode because they simply do Not stop hitting you with things and you're like please give me one second to get my shit back together and they're like NO have a throwback about how happy luffy was with his brothers and now Cry about it and there's nothing you can do
NO EL VIDEO DE ACE CON ESA CANCIÓN AJAJAJAJAJAJ mejor video peor momento para verlo, tu instagram te escuchó decir ace y dijo oooh? quiere ver el mejor video de ace de la vida? le daremos el mejor video de ace de la vida AJAJAJ
creo q son los fans japoneses sobre todo, también aman la idea de nami y luffy juntos (y zoro y perona) y yo como ???? todos ellos son Hermanos dejen q los hombres y las mujeres tengan relaciones importantes sin ser románticas ajajaj
siii la separación fue dura pero necesaria pa todos ellos pq literal la única manera q se van a poder hacer más fuertes sin el miedo, o no miedo, pero sin el peligro constante de otros piratas y la marina y todo. uno de los arcos q viene mucha gente dice q es el peor arco de sanji y yo como nada va a ser peor q la manera q este anime trata a las drag queens (y no era peor tal vez es pq crecí viendo anime de los 90 pero yo estaba como ?? esto es lo peor q pasa? ok AJAJAJ)
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darkangelwrath · 9 months
So I wrote down every game I played in 2023
Ya it started as a stupid idea to make a joke tier list of every game but instead I just decided to write down what I did alongside some feelings on the game. Ya formatting for this is screwed but what can you do with something started on a whim that turned into a 15,325 word long document.
Anyway may everyone play some good games next year.
Played A Previous Year.
★Warframe [Off stream]
Still a Good game Archon hunts are nice keep feeling like I’ve missed some shards tho.
⋆Citrine's Last Wish
                Finally, a good defense mission. Also, nice to see the mercy timer mechanic is back and hope they keep it for the never lucky crowd.
⋆Duviri Paradox
                Ya the quest is interesting as a starting point to the game. As for its gameplay loop like it has neat rewards and leveling the intrinsics aren’t that bad. Worst that I can say is that it’s an ‘open world’ so that means a grind. Admittedly that might be me at 3829.9 hours on steam talking and not being in a mood to just grind. Also, the Incarnon weapons tend to be fun and strong. Even if farming them is a bit of a pain.
⋆ Abyss of Dagath
A neat little mission and a neat little dojo room. Alongside with companions being reworked and becoming a useful thing in most situations. Also got rid of some of the voodoo math. Always a good clarity change. Really the Big W content pass.
⋆ Update 35 Whispers in the Walls
                Once again, the Tenno save the day with the power of murder, theft, intimidation, blackmail, and love and friendship. Also, that secret its neat to have another John Prodman style content. As for the event nice and simple worst that I can say is the boss feels kind of bulky. But its an end game boss and is not as bad as Archons were at launch. New tile-set is neat, and the new syndicate carries a gut punching story. Bird 3 is best boy.
★Genshin Impact [Off stream]
So, the year they added the TCG roughly and we arrived too Fontain. I enjoy it still, but it is a gacha game so wouldn’t recommend the game despite it being pretty solid game..
⋆3.4 Released
New zone, and it was nice seeing Jet again. Also, poor jet. Neat that the prediction of the Sky nail being addressed was wrong. Also, funny to see a random NPC able to be challenged to a TCG duel in a quest even if it was optional. Otherwise, area was different then rest of the desert and the future expansion area has been noticed to the north. The question was if it was one area or two.
⋆The Exquisite Night Chimes event completed.
                Well, that story for this year’s lantern rite. was nice will look forward to the lore videos for it. As for the gameplay.
+Radiant Sparks:
 an interesting parkour version. Not sure if I like it or not.
+Paper Theater:
what a nice little side scroller.
+Vigilance at Sea:
All right I get its nice little mini game. Basically, Mario cart battle mode with the boats. At least there is a non-co-op version.
+Behind the Scenes:
 Just a combat challenge nice and easy. Addedly I had Nahida out while it was raining so :V
⋆Second Blooming completed.
                Nice to see Lisa again. Don’t really feel anything about the event meat itself but like I don’t care for spiral abyss and having to do it 3 waves feels whatever to me. I want to like the shared characters between teams but like I hate it messes up my team order.
⋆Warrior's Spirit
                Okay nice little event. Glad it is just complete the encounter and not do it in a certain time limit. Shame they made you unlock the hardest difficulty. As for the story nice little fluff to show off the new skin.
⋆Almighty Arataki Extraordinary and Exhilarating Extreme Beetle Brawl
                Another Himbo Oni event. Always a treat in how stupid things will get. After all, seeing the Himbo argue with some chunni kid is great. Has the annoying feature of having to beat the easier stage before the hardest stage. Also waited like normal till the whole event was unlocked. Then did the stages in opposite order. Over all felt like the controls/gameplay was just fine not sure what was the tell for the perfect timing.
⋆3.5 Released
                New character, new story quest, new hangout. Just fine. Archon quest was interesting as normal just has the good problem of wanting to know what comes next. admittedly I didn’t pull Dehya cause of her gameplay and she is on the standard banner. Shame since I liked her character.
⋆Windblume's Breath
                Story was sweet and good. Certainly, was a one that didn’t have me checking out. Thank God all the mini games started in one place. Still did the wait till it’s all unlocked before starting it all.
+Floral Pursuits:
                Okay this was a fun mini game. Sure, just call it just packman and such but like it was fun and simple. It really didn’t need more like the worst stage was the rotate the stair case one cause every other one was just better.
+Ballads of Breeze:
                At least this time the let you pick your poison of instrument. not like there is much of a difference. Like it’s a rhythm game it has been done before in game. OH GOD WHY IS IT SO FAST ON PRO. Also thank God you don’t need to unlock the higher levels.
+Breezy Snapshots:
This one is always nice and simple. Can’t hate it even if it feels like I’ve been here before. Probably going to be that way till we can pose NPCs for the photos.
⋆Vibro-Crystal Verification           
                Ya combat event. Like I can never find enthusiasm for these events I just throw them onto the middle difficulty and do them. Also, I did not pay attention to the dialog beyond seeing that its follow up to the previous events.
⋆ Fungus Mechanicus
                I like this event was feeling meh towards a normal Mechanicus event but this was a good mix up. I am not sure I did the final quest but oh well only would have missed out on some mora and adventure exp.
⋆ 3.6 Released
                Well new area, Nahida gets traumatized again, a new hangout and a shorter Aranara world quest with the Pari. It was good content. New weekly boss seems fine to me, at least for only doing it once so far outside the quest. Will probably hate it latter with the 3 phases but oh well. For the new area gimmicks flying with Sorush is annoying only cause of that load screen when going back to your character. New Hilichurls are fine if a bit bulky but as an alt to Mitachurls it is nice, Consecrated crocodile is fun it has the death roll like any good crocodile enemy has, and Consecrated cat can go screw itself with its aggro range and grass beams. Will look forward to the lore videos for the stuff I unga bunga past like the fact Jeht has a merc company of her own and hunting down Masseira. Ya fun update and thanks for genshin-impact-map letting me clear everything in three days after the update.
⋆ Brewing Developments
                Ya this was a nice and easy combat event. Nice to see that NPC again. The Combat gimmick this time was just there. Of course, I just use the middle difficulty cause with how strong my teams are I can get double the score needed. With out stressing and getting frustrated by inflated NPC health.
⋆Fulminating Sandstorm
                Well nice little story event. Felt kind of short to be honest but not exactly bad. Story was fine. Otherwise, was kind of just a is their event.
⋆A Parade of Providence
Hat Guy was MVP, Dori is the continued winner of Sumeru character who deserves to be suplex, but ya the story was nice and contained Kaveh is a good boy. Nothing seemed to be huge lore implications but who knows that nihilistic nonsense will come to roost in Natlan when we know more than “The rules of war are woven in the womb: the victors shall burn bright, while the losers must turn to ash. When the God of War shares this secret with the Traveler, it is because she has her reasons.” And it has hot springs. Also, I hope we get a new nickname for hat guy every event now like that is much better than if they made you pick his name from a list instead of a text box.
+Gathering of Stars:
Nice little puzzle. Is simple and doesn’t overstay its welcome. Took me till halfway done to wrap my head around it. Kind of hate the light up but it’s a mini-game if this was the main content for a game wouldn’t want it there but here its fine.
+Project Connectivity:
Nice little mini-game with a neat use of teapot mechanics. Not exactly deep, but it is fun. Also is a test of your jumping which isn’t that frequent of a thing in this game.
+Antiquity Hunt:
I don’t hate this one it’s just very barebones and I have done it before in earlier events. Nice context for it tho.
+In Truth Steps:
Ya this is neat and everything I just don’t really care for these types of puzzles. Like its fine and all but like I aint getting out of bed for it. As for the puzzles first was made sense to me, second took me a few tries, third was between the two.
+Concordat Reactions:
                I am still at the point of all combat events I sleep. Except when they have a cryo slime then I must pay a bit more attention because I can’t Ganyu everything. Shame I must put it on Hard difficulty then just chill in medium. Also so glad there is only three rounds.
+Mimetic Replications:
                I don’t know what I expected but this is so inoffensive that I don’t really care that it is a disguise rhythm game. Also, neat how all three are different, but like what the hell was the fish one. I missed 1 out of 25 after doing the “get up walk around then continue and all of a sudden get better” trick, but still what the hell was the fish one.
⋆The Recollector's Path
            Well nice to see Sorush again. As for gameplay nice to see what they can do with Sorush for the ‘combat’ portions, the races are to be expected, and the match the location is what it is. As for the story it feels like an extension of the world quest. That is fine. Good on worm boy escaping after 10,000 years a statue.
⋆ 3.7 Released
The Genius Invokation TCG update. Also, Yoimiya story quest 2, Kaveh hangout, and new Dendro character Kiara. It really is kind of funny how some people I saw got so salty about it. Like to me the TCG is so in offensive I don’t mind doing the 4 weekly challengers. Like the worst that I can say is just look up a deck and use that. A negative I could say about it is “wow they really just doubled the cards available didn’t they.”. As for the second Yoimiya story quest ya that’s a bit sad like I am a sap but the whole time I was “writers please don’t kill the child.” I will cry.
⋆Duel! The Summoners' Summit!
                The Genius Invokation TCG Event. Not sure why everyone was salty about it if we got an event with Sorush we would get an event for the TCG. Like you don’t even need to play it for the story. Which in itself might be a bit of an anti-climax but that might be just a developer overcorrection to the much earlier Unreconciled Stars being very important lore wise, so they want to avoid another situation like that. Instead, we get tragic backstory lore for the TCG. However, can we just go with the idea that if the patch launch dates are the cannon timeline for the in-game events. So, that Version 3.2(November 2, 2022) is when Nahida was let out of baby jail and cured Eleazar and Version 3.3(December 7, 2022) was when TCG was added to the game (And became popular worldwide), and 3.7(May 24, 2023) is when this event happened. So did Gulab really die from Eleazar right before it was cured. Like God damn no wonder Garvipidam is such a mood. Like damn. Also, on point for giving out the “Friendship Eternal” card at the end of the story. Not sure how that will work in the future but till then the wiki text “event-exclusive Event Card” is a fun trivia. Also is it wired how many events that are in Mondstadt have a free weapon?
+A Tour Of Wonders:
                Okay parkour section. Then a combat section. This was very short all things considered. Like it wasn’t bad it just felt like it should have stuck with parkour or combat.
+Zero Hour Invokation:
                Huh people were complaining about the TCG event when this is the only time it appears and be mandatory? Also, nice how it made you a deck for those who don’t play it or are new and don’t have a large card collection
+Evermotion Mechanical Painting: Invoker:
                Always a fun little mini game. Glad its back and with a twist. Didn’t really have difficulty because I got its rules down with its last appearance. The duck duck goose it did however was fun.
+Heart of the Dice:
                Once again going for the middle difficulty is nice and cozy with a max out team. Neat theming for one of these combat with a twist events. Otherwise, it just seems like nice and straight forward rules.
⋆Divine Ingenuity: Collector's Chapter
Okay definitely an amazing event. To think I only scratched the surface for it too. Like I did use the custom domains to finish off the elemental mastery achievements I haven’t done yet but otherwise I appreciate the depth of it, and it is a shame that it isn’t here to stay. Hope they make its’ return an anniversary thing.
⋆ Feast of the Departed Warriors
                Okay this is a simple combat event. One of the add challenge modifiers to reach the score. Worst I can say about it is the last one is 8,000 score not 6,000 like each one before. Which is why I didn’t go for that score on the final one.
⋆ Fayz Trials: Hypothesis
                Ya, I like this event a bit more than the previous one even if it felt kind of long but needs 7 so each element can have one assigned to it for rewards. Always neat to see a returning event NPC and it to come back with a nice little gimmick. It’s not hard but seeing all the team comps without concern of needing to build it without any pain in the ass gimmick is just nice to go through.
⋆ 3.8 Released
THE MEME IS DEAD EULA BANNER IS HERE. Also, the foreshadowing for Fontaine patch with that world quest. Not sure if it really was anything important that wasn’t said elsewhere. Like the fact the research institute blew up. Admittedly I watch Ashikai so I got the recap that I smooth brain forgot. Anyway, looking forward to brat archon.
⋆ Veluriyam Mirage
                Okay the NPCs weren’t all dead. I was thinking that with how good the devs are with keeping up with elemental vision mechanic. Like the whole time I was “okay why are they all hydro resonating” Like I thought Eula’s cousin was dead till I got a chance to check with elemental vision then I thought he dodged a bullet. Otherwise, nice little cozy story that probably has some deep lore foreshadowing that I missed connecting the dots for. As for gameplay always love new areas to explore. Glad the made a treasure compass for this area and glad it’s not just golden apple archipelago again. Like it might be because of the terrain of the archipelago or the fact I’ve been there twice but I like this area a bit more.
+Spino Buster:
You know it’s weird to think how long it’s been since there has been a shoot the target mini-game, or at least feel like it. Oh well as the joke I saw about it “finally they balanced Ganyu for these target minigames.” Otherwise, ya I like it. Funny enough it’s still easy but I guess that’s the perks of being a PC player.
+Sojourns of the Barking Fox:
What a nice little minigame. I am honestly surprised they used the Sorush gameplay again so soon, but it was last seen in an event in 3.6 so :V.
+Dance of the Flashing Thought:
Nice little combat event. Can’t really say much about it with how easy it was. I mean it didn’t even have difficulty levels. Like that’s fine just the open world and domain combat is harder even excluding outliers.
+Bing-Bang Finchball:
Nice little minigame. Always a nice relaxing thing to deal with a game based off the famous Olympic sport curling.
⋆ Adventurer's Trials: Advanced
Nice little even no story no fuss. All that I can complain about is it really shows how the game evolved over time like Amber’s skill vs Yaoyao’s Skill and how the control are. Like at least Alhaitham vs Keqing has functional differences in how they are used. Like its some rough edges stuff but not enough to bother me for its stay.
⋆ Perilous Expedition
… I feel like I already wrote this section, but I am writing this now on the 8/30 when this ended on 8/7. Like it was just a combat event and not that big of a deal admittedly I just skipped the hardest difficulty because it was something silly like clear 15 level 90s in under a minute. However, the event wanting you to use different characters is a fun concept. Kind of wish they used that idea in some other event where you set all the sections first and then pick which team goes first as a relay race kind of deal, or maybe an endurance battle.
⋆ 4.0 Released
Fontaine is here.
Day one impressions
So, dragons are a social construct. Got all but 5 of the telepoters. Diving seems fine other than the boss fights I've ran into. New world bosses seem fine. Also wow 2 world quest lines. the hydro rings are the good version of the old elcetro gates in wata. new reaction seems ignoble from initial impression will come down to the units that can use them. Also, mechs unsurprisingly can’t swim.
The following days
So, I did everything I could find using the Interactive map before doing the archon quest. LOL. Also thank God for the map update to have layers.
+ Area
Beautiful as always. New underwater mechanics are good. I wouldn’t say they were great since I kind of wish the attacks were tied to the type of weapon a character had. Since getting it from a random fish feels kind of hit or miss sometimes. Nice that every foe drops the same items that was a miss for something that could have been extremely annoying. Admittedly didn’t feel like it really got to show off the new puzzles but that might be down to it being the first of the Fontaine areas since we get updates in that style since 2.0. Above the sea the aquabus is a lovely little thing and I will use it to get to a new area if I can for future updates. The skyships are fine but kind of make me wonder why they didn’t use them instead of the aquabus for travel around the region other then it’s the water region, so aqueducts are needed. Not sure I care about the new Arkhe system. Like as it exists now it is kind of just there. However, I don’t care about spiral abyss where it will probably matter so I probably won’t about it either. Otherwise, the new enemies are fine they are neat but nothing outside the expectation, or I killed them to fast to notice something. Kind of doubt that since I was using a hydro traveler, Nilou, Nahida and Kokomi for half of it with the other half being toss Ganyu at it.
+ Archon quest
Act 1 – wow we really did see someone melt. Like that seems like a save it for the 3rd act or something as a “remember this? Ya its real.” Sort of surprise. Childe is as he normally is, and Fatui continued to be actual decent people to puppy kicking bad guys in their range. The court drama was fine more interesting than the normal investigating gameplay. Was certainly a Mix up compared to normal Archon quest Acts with how much of it was taken up by the trial. As for the twist end neat call back to something that happened like an hour ago. Also, funny how Judge was like “Ya he sus but he aint it” at the end. Brat Archon is great, and I hope she gets bullied in the future. Also, ya went straight into we turn people into drugs with the traveler going not my problem mixed with you aint special.
Act 2 – Navia is best girl. She went straight to suggesting do a crime. Little does she know I’ve already pilfered everything in the region not nailed down. Well, that went from 0 to 10 real fast. Also, good way to cover why we keep fighting meks. Was really liking the Navia story quest then got hit right in the face with another trial section. There is going to be one for every act isn’t it like I get it that’s what Fontaine is but like I hope for mercy and the dev’s are restrained with it in the future. Also, wow does Childe continue with the L’s can’t just be the tough guy of questionable morels who might take our side at the end of everything without taking L’s all the time. Ya dude got what he deserved. Was expecting his lover to call him trash and that be the end of it but victims got their comeuppance. Also, ya, that judgment thing works off mob rules. Like I fully expect some needs of the many demands one dude to die for everyone else kind of situation to happen. Also, hilarious to think about how Furina about the same age as Nahida. Neuvillette is totally dragon dad to her too. We really lay into Paimon this patch I am kind of getting worried she is going to die soon in the story because of it.
+ World quest Line: Narzissenkreuz Adventure
Well, that is a quest. Sure, it can be summed up as it was just a dream but by God was there some feelings of something sketch as hell happened and you just walked into the aftermath. Also, ya I pulled out Endora since I am that old of a player. Really kind of checks out with the Veluriyam Mirage story too.
+ World quest Line: Ancient Colors
I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE. TRIED TO TRICK ME. INSTEASD OF JUST ONE LONG WORLD QUEST YOU MADE TWO THAT BECOME ONE. Anyway, all the Melusine are good girls in need of head pats. All together this really is a lot subtler about you just walking into the aftermath of a messed-up situation. Like up until the end its “okay some idiot is trying to pilfer the dragon’s corpse for some reason” only to swerve right into the Narzissenkreuz storyline with the dead dragon being a good father by staying dead.
+Other World Quests
A sad/meta with the young girl kind of hate it with the chest thing. They really are going hard on what is art them this region along with puzzle designed?
Henri Poor guy just wanted to do honest work, but he was the salt of the earth and was only taken advantage of by the fatui. Fortunately, the men in black took him in this will in no way come up latter.
Wow we really just met a mob families don there with the White Glove and just let him murder a guy Like he was a jerk but damn. Also probably going to tie into the above two questlines purely because we find the secret meeting room in a book in the zone it unlocks so put me down for White Glove covering it up or being in a secret society looking for it.
… ya I’m going to call it now every Fontaine character is descended form Oceanid’s aren’t they as the explanation for all the weird shit going on.
⋆ Mega Meka Melee
Well, that was a short and sweet story. Also, funny that Childe story quest call back at the end. Really see the Childe ‘redemption’ arc theories being true. Let it happen I want to say “If Evil? Why Himbo?”.
+Dance Dance Resolution:
Okay a nice little combo game that really feels like a phone game. Not hard since I only missed one on the first one for the entire set but eh its’ was nice and simple.
+Torrent Turbulent Charge:
I was thinking this type of underwater gameplay was going to show up for an event and here it is. The fact that this is like triple the underwater courses that are in open world challenges is funny. Like they aren’t hard, and I am glad for it since perspective feels like a shadow over this type of gameplay.
+Efficiency Testing Simulation Arena:
The designated go to area and kill [x] number of enemies. At least it kept to being mostly the new enemies. Still not sold on the Arkhe. Mostly cause its only on three units and I didn’t go for Lyney and use traveler outside Archon quests that often. That and the hit reg for Lynette’s Arkhe reaction feels bad.
⋆ Verdict Blades
                Combat event is ago. Never care for the unlockable hardest difficulty but this event was kind of easy for the normal stages but ya hardest mode is hardest. Still not sure about Arkhe system still even if I got Freminet but I have noticed that the foes with have multiple levels that need to be hit to enter the stun state. I thought up to this point it was just inconsistent but no its just as bad cause I will kill the foe by the time the ability comes off cooldown.
⋆ Study of light and Shadow: A Fontaine of Enchantment.
                A nice little photography event.
⋆ 4.1 Released
⋆ New Archon Quest
New area, new archon quest, new character quests. Ya, I pulled for him. Checked out his ability description in the character archive tested in the trial and then pulled for Neuvillette. Single dad raising his theater daughter is better than the Knave not even a contest don’t “why evil if hot tho?” me. Hope she dies like Signoria I remember Lyudochka even if I need to look up her name which is better than 90% of unvoiced NPCs in this game. Since her stealing a ninja identity and the ninja having to put up with it is too funny. Like I’m willing to give a pass on the triplets and Childe for the ‘if you don’t follow orders you would wind up with you dead at best, you and your family at worst’ situation but the Knave is a 100% cause of that situation. Also, glad they fixed the quest conflict with a giant UI thank God.
As for the area didn’t pillage it before the archon quest this time, just grabbed every statue of the seven and waypoint I could find, but it seems like a nice area so far. I would what looks like 1 giant world quest in it but then while wondering about I triggered the spot light and got put into prison before getting sent there in the Archon quest which is how I found out about them fixing the quest conflicts. Which I am pretty sure is going to be another massive world quest if the prison food shop is any indication. As for the prison it’s a neat area that is not fire safe with all those elevator only access areas, but it seems like an area mostly for the Archon quest and that is.
Small notes about combat specifically the Arkhe system they have really like giving us the Pneuma version since every character that has been introduced so far has been it. Like the wiki has all the teased characters having Ousia but they decided to front load Pneuma. Otherwise Neuvillette feels like it works with hit registration on it and area it covers vs the abilities cooldown instead of previous characters. As for a (new?) mechanic Life bond. It exists. Like I’ve not noticed it so far and it all together feels like off brand Corrosion. Like it will kill low investment characters like my Neuvillette but it won’t matter till abyss floor 12.
Now then the archon quest. Neuvillette. You sly dog giving a cake to frame us for a crime. Like I thought it was just poisoned by the Knave or something, but no. The end of the quest revealed the knave was much worse than that. Getting the triplets here as side actors were nice with how Freminet got more than one line and something to do. Worcester sauce was a dick for reasonable reasons but that whole confrontation segment between him and Lyney had me want to bring up Lyney sad backstory. This became even more relative with his character quest. Since I immediately got the feeling, he was actively fucking with him and it getting turned around on him would of ended that real quick. Just to hurry up if Worcester and Sigewinne were going to be the masterminds behind the evil conspiracy or just being followers of Egeria still left over from her death as to why they were so independent since we still got that “Assassins from our homeland” hanging thread and we got like one or two more acts left in this arc, or that might just be relegated to the Narzissenkreuz story line. Honestly the weirdest thing about it is how cavalier most of the prisoners are compared to normal NPCs. Like the worst was Worcester, admittedly we got thrown into jail for eating a cake and everyone was “ya that checks out” and for Paimon flying when we got to Fontain so most of the prisoners being in for tax fraud, jay walking, and tomfoolery would not surprise me. As for the investigation mechanic glad the mixed it up again for this quest not sure the currency mattered, or it was just an illusion, but it was a nice little thing for context. Sigewinne I am digging being a lowkey sociopath big sister nurse. I am a bit annoyed that it’s going to probably another hydro healer because that alongside over worked office lady is the Devs two types. To be serious nice to bring all that world quest context about the Melusine into the main story. Was admittedly worried for a bit that she had a lolicon stalker but that didn’t happen still wish she was more like the regular Melusines in design. As for the ending poor Furina we probably gave her a PTSD attack with our actions when we met her with this context like I was wondering if it was just a player only flashback but nope the knave straight up admitted to it after bulling a child right in front of us because she was salty about her inability to find the Gnoses. Oh, and Neuvillette is the dragon Sovereign like everyone in the lore community expect no go play the character quest. Also, God damn it Childe you just had to F----- the wale didn’t you.
⋆ Radiant Harvest
Poor guy just tried to make a bit of cash on the side but got stuck with people being idiots releasing wild animals that don’t belong in the environment. Otherwise, it was a nice chill event to get all the objectives.
⋆ Dodoco's Bomb-Tastic Adventure
Wow two events about environmental disasters in one patch. Also, kind of funny that we got the important task of distract play with Klee, so she doesn’t blow something up. Lisa also once again dodges work.
⋆ Waterborne Poetry
Well, that was a nice event. Any new player would be confused from the references to the last lantern rite but what else is new. Was a nice gathering of older characters that haven’t been seen in a while so who cares. Other than its obvious foreshadowing to the future archon quests with oceanids tying in probably. Picture part was neat if only because it wasn’t a one and done thing. The shooting minigame was neat and continues the tradition of the devs realizing Ganyu was a mistake for this type of games. The combat section was kind of neat, but I don’t think I 100% under stood it beyond kill everything else to bomb the tough guy.
⋆ The Peaks and Troughs of Life
Nice and simple combat event for the end of the patch. Anyway, it dragged on a bit in my opinion with the three waves per round but that’s partly on me for waiting till they are all unlocked to be done. As for this gimmick nice little charge gadget to get the buffs. I admittedly didn’t use them the first 3 rounds but that was on me thinking the point limit for the buffs was going to be tied to the score. Not that I was going for the final tier of rewards because I don’t hate myself to min max to that level.
⋆ 4.2 Released
⋆ New Archon Quest
                Wait was that actually 45 days real time? So Evil mommy daddy is slightly less evil like she ain’t going to back stab us latter. Navia almost died and was saved by the dead bros. Lamo mona lore out of God damn nowhere like straight up did I walk into mona character quest chapter 2. Like I was familiar enough with the deep lore/been around long enough to know where it was going but still out of nowhere, would have thought it would be foreshadowed by steambird comments but nope heard and saw nothing of the sort. Also feel bad about trapping Furina like that to only fulfill the prophecy in a way that it was too late. With Childe being a god damn lunatic buying everyone some time. Then we got inner Furina poor girl needs a therapy vacation. Ya so that line was the secret fountain line. So Focalor is a bit of a dick for everything but lamo Chad Focalor Fucks over the heavenly principles by herself while the Virgin Tasarista faffs about for 500 years having to steal all other archons shit to try the same. Also, that boss fight straight up felt like it glitched defeated the shadow man and insta ended it. Completely funny at how Neuvillette was like “Alright I need to kill something, and the whale has voluntold” Skirt is hilarious with how she showed up chucked Childe like a bag and then explained stuff without explaining anything. That ending cutscene really understates the death toll but like divine or dragon intervention, I guess? Like it checks out with gameplay of can’t drown in Fontaines water being extended to story for non-vision people temporarily. Also, Charlotte was a nice way to checking up on everything, and God damn I thought the gnoses was destroyed Neuvillette better have tricked them with it being useless now, and he did because its cursed, all of them are cursed. Well shit good thing we seen the brother already or else the gnoses being the missing twin theories would of ran rampant at least for the most part. Well at least we got Natlan lore finally that is more than “lol hot springs”.
⋆ New Area, new character quest, and world quests
+ Mechanics and Region :
Alright Erinnyes Forest is a nice little area if feeling like a bit small expansion since we had an entire side already for it since 4.0, while the Morte Region is a nice big ocean area with a tone of ruins. As for the new mechanics. Bacterial mats are an odd thing that get cheesed by Furina water walking. The Xenochromatic Ball Octopus is more interesting that it is on land but otherwise is just an interaction tool that doesn’t use the gadget slot which is more good than bad I think. The Harmonious Reed Pipe and Dew Bubbles can go to hell if only because the Dew Bubbles are push and not pull. Floating Crystal Flowers and Floating Crystal Platforms are a new coat of paint on an old mechanic. Potential Energy Orbs are fun golf/bowling time. Dangerous Autocannons are neat as always but mechanically weird to use like didn’t the Veluriyam Mirage have a better controlling cannon or am I just misremembering that? Operable Mechanisms are a bit odd in needing the Xenochromatic Ball Octopus but fine otherwise, and the Energy Flow is a twist on flow puzzles which is just fine with me. Oh, the paintings popped up again and are still kind of suspect. Especially with the gold fish being the key to unlocking a world quest.
+ The Wild Fair of Erinnyes:
Okay I was expecting this to tie into the Narzissenkreuz story line but instead we got a Melusine who is probably a Bathysmal Vishap. Like the fact like 4 Bathysmal Vishap are just chilling in the Erinnyes Forest right under the statue of seven for the forest region. That is especially funny with the game scaling like you could see the from the walk way to Opera Epiclese. None the less Pahsiv is still a good girl. Also, finally a use for Tidalga that I’ve been picking up like a kleptomaniac. Still expect this to come up again latter maybe with Neuvillette or Kokomi in the future.
+ Narzissenkreuz part Search in the Algae Sea:
You know its funny I met the guy on the island before sinking it. Otherwise, ya the final chapter for this story quest most likely. Having done most of the little dungeons beforehand is always going to be a bit funny to do with the discussion of “oh ya the sealed evil in a can have it right hear got it yester under a random rock” happening in cutscenes. All in all, the deep lore enjoyers were definitely on the money with the who’s who in their theories so nice to see that tied up together while we cause destruction to an old landmark site. Again. They gave out a neat sword too that caused an Arkhe explosion too even can be refined too rank 5 using see shells from places. Unlike the Kagotsurube Isshin. It’s just why is this effect only on a god damn sword and not a one-piece artifact set like come on. That is my main complaint with the Arkhe system.
+ Questioning Melusine and Answering Machine:
Well, that was a hoot. Certainly, foreshadowing with that harbinger reference at the end. Also, just some guy casually makes a sentient robot and it’s just another thing on the pile of random shit the Traveler has experienced. Also Neuvillette must never know or else we will be in danger for making a Melusine sad.
+ An Expected Plan:
Well, that was a nice little follow up to the Institute quest. Can’t wait till the next part cause let’s face it that ending was setting up a part 3. Also, traveler continues to meet and work with constantly escalating sketchy people. Got to warm us up for Snezhnaya right?
+ Impromptu Poem of the Crimson Dawn:
 Ya that guy was just shady. Like call it protagonist centered morality and such but like feels dumping the Treasure hoarders into the local cops is a viable solution to the whole event. Then just rando robin hood wannabe is just here. Like Fontaine didn’t even go the way of corrupt cop/police yet why is this a thing. Its only a because we are in Fontaine issue too.
 + Free Verse:
Well, that was a thing. Kind of weird with the traveler talking but okay. Did not get suckered punched by growing up story but was wonder what I ate when everything started talking.
 + Wish-Fulfilling Treasure Hunt:
Well, that was a nice little quest. Hope there is some follow up on it latter. Otherwise wonder how many players saw him on the island before we sunk it and realized it was our fault.
+ Happy Birthday:
Well, if that isn’t a gut punch and a tone of “Hey recall this ya we are going to explain everything in context you should know even if you don’t good luck recalling everything” Like straight up wish I had a detection book mechanic to tell the who’s who. At least the lore videos are going to be fun about it.
 + Furina Character Quest:
Well, aint that a nice little quest. Wish the traveler wasn’t kind of a dick dragging Furina into the plot like come on let the girl relax after dealing with everything for 500 years. Also, that last minute take the stage was so contrived/trope. Couldn’t have let Furina be content as a director/consultant? nope straight back to the acting spot light. Like splitting the difference and making it so Dulphy illness took her voice, so Furina had to sing the part for her while Dulphy acted the role would have been better in my eyes. Would have been neat too with the vision showing up paralleling the fake one.
⋆ Misty Dungeon: Realm of Water
Combat Event lets go. Okay this is at least kind of neat with it using a limited character pool. Otherwise, simple event at least when doing the three weakening rounds so I don’t know or care how tough they are without. That and I am pretty sure that you can’t complete the secondary objective without the side fights.
⋆ Thelxie's Fantastic Adventures
                What the hell is wrong with this region and sad stories like the previous regions did similar things, but God damn does this one keeps on with these gut punch stories. Like I did feel like the kids dead at the start, but yep straight up kid was actually dead. Not sure I like how the House of hearth doctors got mentioned considering pass lore like was kind of worried for a moment that Freminet was going to gaslight the women considering the what the House of hearth gets up to. As for the ending. Ya elemental energies are memoires aint got to explain shit.
+ Motherboard Trouble shooting.
                I wonder about the name “Motherboard” being in universes, but like I just got to recall robots were a launch enemy. Alongside all the ones roaming the country side of Fontaine. As for the gameplay the nice take on the good old pipe minigame. I like it didn’t have any big problems with it only trouble was the last couple if only cause having to think in spaces and not time when it came to having two penguins on one track with the switches.
+ Record of the search for glory
                NOOOOOOOOOOOOO, THEY MADE ME KILL THE ROUND FRIEND FOR THE CROWN! Otherwise, ya simple underwater find the thing. That is glowing and sees though walls. Like at least swimming combat aint bad. Might just be me understanding all the mechanics they used in it from open world traversal.
+ Purgation Counterstrike
                Okay that was a neat little combat gimmick basically a second burst that is shared between all characters if I understood it right. The trial characters are always neat other than the one time I grabbed the trial instead of my own. Admittedly I mostly used it as a “use this comp” indicator for the encounter.
⋆ Lil' Fungi's Fun-Tastic Fiesta
FUNGI FRIENDS ARE BACK. Also, always neat when a returning NPCs comes back in a different costume. As for gameplay it was simple and not sure if they could do more with it. My main problem is that it’s such a shake up from normal gameplay that it tosses my muscle memory for the game out the window and it’s not like it sticks around long enough to be built up. Otherwise, a good event.
⋆ 4.3 Released
⋆Navia Story quest
                Alexa play “angel with a shotgun”. Navia continues to be unable to catch a break. Like easily probably the worst year she has had in her life. Other wise a straight forward story quest with no deep lore reveals just some terrorism. However, Navia’s gameplay is much more interesting if this is where they are going with the Geo element.
⋆Roses and Muskets
                That was nice for old players to see Xavier back. Also, really did the 3 layers of meta in this quest the movie based on the book based off real life. Like really? Adamantly, I feel like the older Inazuma character were just there with how little they got to do. Like I get it was showing of Furina enjoying her retirement and preview for Chevreuse and Chiori but oh well limited time limited scope is the way it goes. As for the story fairly enjoyable with the highlight being THAT GOD DAMN BULLET BLOCK CHEVREUSE MLG NO SCOPE PRO.
+Thousand-Pace Interdiction Arcminute Sharpshooting Zone
                Well, that’s a way to do a shooting minigame. Feels a bit off in mouse sensitivity for what is normally done but what can you do.
+Trick Shots, Tricky Lights
                Well, that is an easy combat section. Kind of forget the special gimmick but it does have the same pseudo burst as the previous event and it’s still a good system.
+Xtreme Drive
                A co-op event been a long time since that happened. Also, nice that they knew to disable the alternative movement actions after they learned that lesion in the hide and seek event. Wish the points were paid out per game played and not a score system because I had to play another round despite only needing 25 points for the final reward.
+Into the Frame
                Okay neat little minigame. Not hard and you will puzzle out the solution from just messing it up. Definitely dependent on reading the prompt and figuring out which picture is the correct one.
★Fate/Grand Order [Off stream]
I am at the point this is a solved game so am sticking around for the story. Which going to be honest I hop over to atlas academy to read the story there just cause of the format feels better then how it is in game. It is a gacha game so wouldn’t recommend.
⋆Lostbelt 5-5: Heian-kyo completed.
                Solid story chapter read it on atlasacademy.io. cause format. Otherwise definitely a way to wrap up limbos story arc if he wasn’t going to be tied into the main story. Kintoki is still a good boy. Not sure why the mech was needed to show up but Babbage is probably there to foreshadow it. Also surprised Nursery Rhyme didn’t get a costume since we got 2 from it anyway. Main Story is still good.
⋆Revival: Saber Wars 2 Event completed.
Skipped the story because I played it the first time. Was neat that the quest selection would show what counted for the event missions that is a very nice quality of life.
⋆Farewell to Kamakura - Little Big Tengu Event completed.
                Ya, this was a nice relaxing story was nice. Hate the extra spawns Craft Essence wish they could make more than 3 enemies on the field oh wait that’s added next Lost Belt. OH well.
⋆Holy Grail Front Caesar: Et tu Brute?
                I like these grail front events. The main problem I feel that they have is balance. Like they really need to change the limit for deployment. It really feels like the only CE that is worth using is Herc’s Bond CE. Like hell even if they only permitted Bond CEs at 0 cost that would be kind of interesting.
⋆Valentine's 2023
                Well, that was an event. Neat how back up units came in mid attack change. Caren was the living sus that she is. Also, kind of nice how exhausted the pro-tag is with everything. Admittedly that is coming from a day one player.
⋆Chaldea Boys Collection 2023 Event - Holy Grail Phantom Thief Amakusa Shirou and the Slapstick Museum
                Ya, I skipped all the text and read it on atlasacademy.io after the event ended... No shame just no interest in reading the visual novel format to much text to little displayed. Otherwise, same old same event set up. Story was fun when I got around to reading it defiantly an odd ensemble but one that worked out. Not sure the better sweet ending with the museum curator was needed but eh its fine especially with Moriarty being salty. To be honest the real W was the costume we got along the way.
⋆Akihabara Explosion
                Ya a nice little tower event. Also skipped all the text and read it on atlasacademy.io. Did my normal strategy of use my lowest rarity first and only use 3 servants per node it really is the only time I use most of the roster that can’t be used to 3 turn with caster atoria or skati. That or the big single target damage. Also, good luck getting rid of your AP with it lol. Only difficulty was me remembering to swap to the damage CEs. Story was fun but like every oversimplification of the story idiot genius makes a problem for everyone quote for that “Or do you also doubt it's possible for humans to give birth when someone tells you about their mother?”. Also, summonable Aphrodite when?
⋆Bedazzled! Grail Concert! Crane Returns an Idol's Favor
                Once again, I skipped the quest text to read it latter on atlasacademy.io. As for the farm kind of neat to have the point ladder make the event CE scale off of, still not sure that it needed three-point ladders. 90+ quests continue to be interesting in how I solve them by just NP with three different servants. Otherwise, costume tickets are neat was in a position to use all but two of them, and the fact that most of the Idols got a skill upgrade alongside the event. Would have been nice to realize that during the event to help with farming but oh well. LAMO NEVER WENT BACK AND READ THE STORY.
⋆Holy Grail Front: My Super Camelot 2023
                More Grail Front. Its fine like I don’t hate it like others seem to I just feel like the balance is off, and it really would be fine if it only had 3 or so missions instead of the 7 we got. Just feels a bit annoying. That and they should just make it all units get two actions per turn and be done with this variable move point nonsense. Still the only time I’ve failed a front I think and all I can say is wonder why it took so long with how the dev’s have to stack the deck so hard. That and the end was just piling on that agitation.
⋆Revival: FGO Summer 2022 Summer Camp
Event rerun okay. Was fun reading it the first time but otherwise, ya. It’s just your run of the mill mission-based event with three currencies. Story was fine I hate the villains is the worst I can recall of it. Probably the least interesting of the summer events in terms of story if it wasn’t for pasine.
⋆Lostbelt 6: Avalon le Fae
⋆Part 1
                Oh, ya some main story always good. Yes, I did read it on atlasacademy.io it was faster and more comfortable for me. Still had it running on auto text using Samsung Flow to get better scenes, music, and animations. So as the story goes, ya Fae are dicks, and this is the only lostbelt that I don’t feel bad about offing. Like its unfortunate but this is just a functional trash heap of a location-timeline. As for spoilers I am mostly blind other than one off no context comments that I half recall. Glad Mash got some independent character development and Chad Nasu was willing to skirt NTR with how hard wifu ‘culture’ get. F for the gob bros dying like absolute lads. Nasu really wanted to make fun of all those Doujin stories when he wrote this arc didn’t, he. Also, kind of rude to separate us from Mash right at the end there. As for Fujimaru half or Castoria half to be more accurate. Oberon is in the Mephistopheles camp of sus even if helping with no ulterior motives. All around that half showed the shit heap that is the lost belt by being true and faithful to traditional Fae myth. Also did they really doge the implications of it being rape camps with that artificial insemination line in the Dracae section like I thought that it was going to be just implied and not addressed with Humans being like cattle, but they decided to not leave that hanging. Also, Beryl is a hate sink that deserve all the bad things that will happen to him. Nice to have a simple villain for once. All together things are progressing in ways we still don’t know exactly what the deal beyond the first answer, but it is part 1 so leave that for the complete section.
 As for gameplay didn’t notice anything but like I got the quick and arts loops on speed dial I am leveling up all my servants’ skills to 6 for the hell of it since I got them to max level outside grails. As for my pulls got Morgana without using up my bangk alongside a np2 Baobhan Sith. Morgana is fine (read that she is best in immortal comps) while Baobhan Sith came in clutch in the only time I was going to fail a quest during the story and her kit is simply “their will be a use for you at some point.” Shame I ran out of nails to max her skills. Final boss for part 1 was just fine, it was a stall fest for me using the support rider DaVinci and mash with a castorio for back up. The most annoying thing was having to use a support mash when my own is bulked up to hell and back with being the only servant I have given the golden Fous, paw prints, and card appends. Like if she had appended skills, I would have made them 10/10/10 as soon as the animations finished cause I am eggplant club for life give her head pats and max her stats.
⋆Part 2
So that was an eventful end. Count Pepe continues to be best bad guy, Beryl is trash person, babbitt sit is oddly a good girl despite being evil, and Morgan really should have let this lostbelt/lostworld burn cause Fey are trash. Barghest is a good girl who will have bad things happen to her, and Mélusine is getting conned by everyone she knows. As for the story the pilgrimage seemed to be oddly fast and slow for how many bells we have rung in this part and how quickly it happened with their still being a third part but that’s where everything will come to roost. Cnoc na Riabh and Cu was interesting if a bit heavy on the reference to other same faces. Oberon continues to be suspect, while Muramasa continues to be helpful if annoying in how he is an alter-ego in gameplay and not a saber where every time it would be more useful especially since I am sitting on a maxed-out copy of him. The history of the lostbelt tab is interesting but that feels like more thoughts than I will dedicate to it, but it is nice for those who like it. The twist with Morgan being Altria predecessor feels like it could have been foreshadowed a bit more but the as the answer to the puzzle that was been shown does make sense it’s just feels like you figure it out the sentence before they tell you. Morgan also does put out the power at the end and only lost cause fairies are terrible. Gareth being a mirror clan lined up with the visions of the future power she showed with no explanation before that. All in all, despite everything I am waiting for this lostbelt burn in part 3. Sorry Fujimaru you are too much of a good person, so trauma conga-line(a traumga-line) is your fate. Still, it’s really nice how they give the protagonist some more dialogue instead of letting it fall to the wayside. Also, nice they didn’t try and separate mash and Fujimaru again. It’s also kind of funny how by now the default idea should be “beat the shit out of [x]” first resort to a lot of problem in this game because that’s what everything turns into. I really wonder if most of my passive enjoyment of this is because everything was known due to the prophecy it was only a question of how it will pan out.
As for gameplay the actual intended to be beaten final fight. ya, that was hard actually used some Layline stones for it. Woodwose was also that hard too. At least because I couldn’t just double castor Altria it, which is what I did to every other combat encounter. Like that unwinnable fight at the end was winnable with that team comp and I would have if I could. The only interesting thing I could say was the one where you only needed to kill 3 enemies and they piled on the curse and poison on their killer and I just one turned the entire wave. Overall, I am not sure how much I like these support servant frequency on one hand its certainly the consequences of putting all the cannon story servants into the support menu and only being able to take one but I really wish they went the extra mile to put them in your own summons so you can pick them if you want to take them or use your own. Like right now it feels like an annoying half way point between a forced comp and using your own servants. That mostly is just coming from having to fill in the team for so many encounters that just gets solved by making the same 3-turn loop setup with Altria + tammo + AOE arts NP servant, but like Day one NA problems, I guess.
⋆Part 3
What an end. Like didn’t even have much time to think about before everything went to hell. Like that wasn’t a surprise with ominous glowing eyes Cernunnos at the end of part 2 but like take the L so hard we must pull a time Houdini to not lose and have Koyanskaya bail us out too. Like damn. The only time we’ve lost as hard must be for both the incarnation of mankind in arc 1 and bleached earth in arc 2. Otherwise, Fey are terrible and deserved everything that happened to them. Like Barghest being the best of them despite being an unwilling cannibal really shows how low the bar is. Mélusine would count but lol dragon and mercy kill her abusive mom, Mike can be argued to be MVP for the duty of not fucking up, and random fairy girl(Hope?) came in clutch by being the selfish bitch she died as. Habetrot is a good girl and friend of brides and does not count. Despite not getting any ascension art not even to take off her hat. This was the end of Castoria story and what an end. From seeing from her point of view of past story events, Muramasa sacrifice, Percival’s end and Cernunnos defeat. All great. The fact Oberon betrayal is so simple is kind of underwhelming but at the same time fitting. Like even if this is like the fifth time a villain’s entire plot can be summarized as “Bothered by this massive complex issue? Use this one quick trick to fix it! Genocide.” Like if it wasn’t for this entire Lostbelt story being about vapid idiots messing everything up that being tacked onto the end it probably wouldn’t fit. Plus, it kind of feels like Oberon is also kind of aware of how dumb it is with all the talk of stories and actors. Adamantly this might be purely the always lies make all his dialog retroactively and proactively be pure subtext with no just plain text reading consequently. Like the only honest thing he said was calling Fujimaru a lunatic for trying to deck him. Also, Sion at the end just listing future events is funny. Oh ya, they brought Beryl back for a scene so we could see his back story. At least Pepe was a bro from the grave. Still Oberon’s defeat flashback/dream sequence was better if only cause of how salty he was about the whole thing. Also it is kind of funny how Oberon just disappears at a point and no one comments on it.
As for gameplay the boss fights went from reasonable (Mélusine), hard but reasonable ( Cernunnos), and what the fresh hell ( Barghest). Like everyone was saying Cernunnos is the hardest fight but like I only need 1 Laystone for it unlike the 3 for Barghest fight. Like they both do it in different ways but they both do the screw with the player in an unfair way. Like God damn were the devs liberal with buff removals for these bosses. This is very much an “oh shit we power crept to hard” response but like this feels so much an issue of not being able to buff and nerf servants cause gacha game. Oh well at least I got Koyanskaya L and Oberon so buster loops are now my future. Not that I used them much in part 3 because I’ve become poor in mats again. At least I can deal with the dickish 1-3-1 waves that exists to stop NP arts looping just like every new quick servant gets NP hit taxed for the same reason. In my opinion this state is purely because they decided every skill goes off a turn set up for buff durations with the rare skill going off uses and not a single skill going of waves as its duration. Like if they did that it would really mix it up the servant roster where some are good for 1 wave 99 reserves and others the current set up. That however is probably another consequence of the gacha system.
⋆Revival: The Return of Nero Fest - Summer 2023
I farmed so many boxes. As always fuck challenge quests. Only did the ones that paid out a lore. Like I’ve said it before but while one challenge quest in an event is fine this is just nonsense of who in the office can come up with some ridiculous restrictions on the gameplay.
⋆Chaldea Summer Adventure! A Boy Pursuing Dreams and a Girl Who Dreams
Columbus is a little shit that is all. All in all, what a nice little event. Didn’t really matter in the end but definitely some meta foreshadow in how the narrative will go in the future. At least more so for new players since that’s how these events go in only needing to beat the prologue to take part in them. I am a sap, so I teared up at the end. Also, this treasure chest mechanic for events is a neat shake up but not sure if it’s better than lotto events.
⋆Csejte Halloween Trilogy: Ultra Deluxe Highlights!
Ya no. I was there Gandalf I ant reading this again don’t care if they reframed it skipped every god damn quest gladly.
⋆Halloween 2023 - Halloween Rising! The Queen of Dust and the Disciple of Darkness
So once again Liz returned. So anyway, the gameplay changes of having 6 enemies out at one time continues to be amazing. Otherwise, nice they took the chance to give out the servant coins for the old welfare servants in this event. I still haven’t gotten around to reading through all the text but Liz getting shade is apricated.
⋆Revival: GUDAGUDA 2022 - Super Ancient Shinsengumi History GUDAGUDA Yamataikoku 2022 - Lite
So those raids died fast. Anyway, was here for the first one. So, it was a simple event for me. Kind of love and hate the daily reward mission they had if. Probably because my tolerance for that kind of stuff has been getting lower as I get older.
⋆GUDAGUDA 2023 - Showa Kishin Project: Ryouma's Narrow Escape! The Mystery of the Disappearing Nobbu Head
I am just guda guda out. I just don’t care about the guda guda story lines. It’s just apathy for me. As for gameplay it’s your run of the mill mission even except they have ~special missions~ its fine. Really glad they added that do this node to complete this mission feature wasn’t added a while back but still good to not need to look up a walkthrough.
⋆Anti-Primate Biosphere, Tunguska Sanctuary
                NA #1! NA #1! NA #1! NA #1! Ya lamo that bug is the perfect capstone for a raid event and their arbitrary nonsense. Straight up hate raids in a low simmer kind of deal with how they are time gated by the dev’s and get blender-ed by players. Like the raids come out 12 at night for my time zone they are dead before I wake up even if I had a good sleep schedule. Then the final raid popped up and I deal too much damage and too little cause it’s that god damn backup dancers set up for drops. Like raids are the most interesting concept for content but turn out so bad to me. Also, that last story battle can go to hell even if it is appropriate level of in universe power. It just fights against the gameplay mechanics to be good.
As for story I would say fun as a concept even if it leans too much into nature good human’s bad misanthrope angle. As for the “please fuck” being the answer to the event it feels fine. As for wasted presence I get where people are coming from and sort of agree with Ibuki just being scenery dressing and Nikitich just feeling like there need to be more foreshadowing  for that ending bit, but the whole storyline seems to have the theme of anti-climaxes as its core tenet. I would say it was worse, but Koyanskaya has always been in the affable evil category in terms of antagonist. Like she is basically Pepe who decided to stay an antagonist the entire time instead of just vibing.
★Girls Frontline [Off stream]
I still skip all the text in the game. Might look up a story archive eventually but whatever. Still sticking with it cause it’s interesting to see what the Developers come up with. Still a gacha game so wouldn’t recommend even if tis a solid game.
⋆Fixed Point Event
                SKIPED THE STORY. But from audience apathy I am seeing is not a bad thing. HATE how they added another difficulty level would have liked it if I didn’t already farm every doll by the time I finished, but oh well. Maps continue to be a level of nonsense that I appreciate but still hate if only because it is on a phone game and even if the game is optimized well enough it still needs more. The minigame is neat certainly feels like they were experimenting with Neuralcloud and Girls Frontline 2 in development not sure how well that lines up with the development timeline thou. As for ranking god do I love the nonsense they come up for ranking maps. Still wish they functioned more like the Theater system so time is the only investment you need other than raising your dolls. Also, not sure the ranking system need the sum total of 3 maps with branching choices for what map is available.
⋆Love Bakery
Well, this is a nice and quick event. Neat to see coalition leaders in the shenanigans. Even if I still skip all the text. Also, weird that there wasn’t an achievement to give Persicaria her special coffee. Otherwise, nice and simple to get too the farm map no complaints here. Other than when do I get to capture chocolate doggos.
⋆The Glistening Bloom
Ya, I just want to foreword that I am still skipping the story even if this is a collab. I also haven’t gotten around to watching Zombie Land Saga it’s on the to watch list alongside the other 339 because I am a “Ya I watch anima. That’s putting it on your plan to watch list and never get around to it right?”. So, in terms of gameplay, I hate the event while I am glad it’s not the damn revolver selection this point thing and too many minigames for me to like it. The ending conditionals seem kind of verbose as a consequence of it. As for the dolls neat gimmick but probably a meme team. As for that little bit of the story I saw mentioned sad it’s just a dream and not Koutarou Tatsumi just clowning on William for his motivation being a massive siscon who wants to resurrect his dead sister. Like what I got from the story by osmosis is the community feels a bit of darkness induced apathy by not being able to get a win against William since we know he survives to be in Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery and this event could have been a way to have given us a W by having William out “But I Don't Want To Cure Cancer. I Want To Turn People Into Dinosaurs.” By Koutarou Tatsumi.
⋆Eclipses & Saros
                Well, this was an event. Nice and short and I skipped the story. It was neat in the Hard mode gave you custom echelons while the normal mode gave you a set one. Like it kind of feels inverse of what was the harder difficulty. Yes I am still skipping the story.
⋆ The Waves Wrangler
                Rerun time. Whatever it’s a nice event and we get closer to Girls Frontline 2 coming out with NA getting caught up with the main server. I am basically in raise for the sake of raising like I have all but 2 dolls and have like half the roster at level 100 and the other at level 90 and most Neural Upgrade at 2 or higher so like I am set. Which is why I did not even mention the theater that happened before this like I missed day 2 and still wound up at top 12% for that.
⋆ Longitudinal Strain
                This event has a better UI then the that damn rotary menu. As for story I still skipped it. Like sure this was a side story but by God was there a lot of story nodes. As for enemies seemed kind of neat as for strategy a certain point has come where “random bullshit go” can sum up what I need to do. Mostly because I really feel like the game is straining with its limitations for being on a phone. Like if this was built for the PC with the ability to save scum try and roll back events instead of having to restart the entire stage it would improve the game. That and just probably a better UI I would hope.
⋆ Lycan Sanctuary
                Okay neat little summer event. Like the gimmick stage of playing pachinko even if the others were forgettable. I skipped the story but them doing some social deduction game voting is neat. Didn’t pay attention to the translator controversy I saw about how they were weighting a win that they already translated.
⋆Gray Zone
                At first, I thought I wasn’t making a tone of progress with how many points it wanted. Then I saw how long it last for. Otherwise, it’s simply a neat mode. Even if it feels like it’s kind of long and tedious. Also, finally a good nonevent node for farming armored foes.
⋆Slow Shock
                Okay this level of puzzle maps can go to hell. As before I skip the story but just the number of puzzles is just annoying. Like please let me use my own dolls I have every doll that existed before this chapter event I want to use them. Otherwise seemed a reasonable balance in terms of challenge. Also, neat how the NA server is caught up with the Main CA server. As for the new gimmicks the BPM meter feels like it’s just there, the trees are reasonable in there annoyance, and most importantly we have crab enemies.
★Monster Hunter: Rise Sunbreak [On stream]
⋆Title Update 3
Chaotic Gore, Risen Kushala Dora, and Risen Teostra. What a neat little combination of monsters. Still not sure what is up with Teostra.
⋆Title Update 4
velkhana and Risen valstrax are nice. Like the worst part I could say is Anomaly farming is kind of annoying to me just from the shear bulk of it.
★League of Legends [Off stream]
The mistake after I decided to reinstall it after watching a bunch of Exil videos. Warmed up with a few vs AI matches before trying ARAM. Got called racist despite not saying a damn thing in a match I lost. Then called my revisit there.
 … still I miss Twisted Treeline ☹
★Destiny 2 [Off stream]
Ya played the free stuff for Light fall and the seasons. Gameplay is still good just I don’t care to get into it or toss money towards it.
Okay I picked back up during the crafting despite not being able to take advantage of it and did a Garden of Salvation and Crota’s End raid. Still haven’t done Vault of Glass or Kings Fall but like its 100% you need friends to do it since while LFG is there, I just hate it. Especially since at the moment my internet is on the fritz where its fine and wont hitch for videos but games it will, and I will get kicked form the activity sometimes I will reconnect but will be dead. Along side it wasn’t in the game at the time, and still haven’t gone back and tried it yet.
Overall, like to hate to be that guy, Destiny 2 is a good game but not enough worth my money or time investment with how much of both it wants you to spend on it.
And then they killed all the interest I had in it with that round of layoffs. Still grabbed the collection when Epic game store gave it out for free.
★Factorio [Off stream]
                So, ya got that itch to play it again. Still have never beaten a vanilla game and I still don’t have the drive too. This year tried the mods Space Exploration, Nullius, and SeaBlock. Also, been watching DoshDoshington and appreciating the madness of those videos. Even his non Factorio videos.
                Also, it’s hilarious how the expansion everyone was worried what horror the devs were going to let upon the land and it turns out they grabbed the Space Exploration dev to help them make their version of it. From the teases they have shown so far the only thing I’m not sure about is the ‘quality system’. Otherwise, Space Exploration for the common man and not its 300 hour madness induce enlightenment sounds pretty good.
★Girls Frontline Project Neuralcloud [Off stream]
Not sure if I like this more than the first Girls Frontline but it’s still interesting. Still, it is a gacha game so wouldn’t recommend even if it’s a solid game. Also, yes, I am skipping all the dialogue after chapter 1 part.2 when I found out it was optional for progress.
⋆Thundering Livestream Event
                Actually, I read this story was short and sweet. Nothing outstanding but the first event is what it is. Also pulled Kuro.
⋆Divine Heresy story Event
Boy was this the first annoying road block but that’s story events. At least it had an easy mode to do. Managed to reach the point during it to do the hard mode to completion. Not that it really did anything haven’t upgraded a doll to 70 yet.
⋆Magrasea’s Lang Syne Event
Ya skipped the story. Otherwise only the challenges for the final mission were the stumbling block. Otherwise, same as Thundering Livestream Event except without reading the story.
⋆Exception Protocol
I think I hate it. Like I kind of hate how its either min max the rarity for the only benefit or get every doll to 50 and skill level 5. Like I want to out level the content especially since its bi-weekly.
Got fixed up and it lets you use your own dolls now, and made the points a daily thing.
⋆Quenching Operation
TLDR LAMO. So, ya skipped all the text kind of hat the cant auto my way through the story, oh well the hard farming quest is interesting. It’s just the skill data one but still neat.
⋆Heartfelt House of Coca
Oh, I love this. This is an interesting event. Feel a bit egg on my face for getting all that minigame point faring done on the first day with how often the daily was get points in the minigame. Not sure how much I care about the use dolls only from one company. Like at least the event missions are free. Still kind of hate challenge modes.
⋆Inverted Mordent Resonance
Well, this is a neat event. Not sure if I care for it but it is neat, but the event has its own personal upgrade tree is a neat idea. Having come from Girls Frontline I was wondering how much they could do with their mission set up but things like this are neat. Admittedly I still expect at some point they move back into a grid style map even if it’s for a single event. Once again skipped the story.
⋆Fool’s Duality
                Okay neat event wish what was in the shop was actually the big head mode as a free skin but whatever. Also, hard difficulty can go to hell whenever it was a tank character otherwise what an oscillating difficulty.
⋆Chromatic Spiral
                Ya if I wasn’t skipping the story, I would care more about these types of events but oh well. It’s a simple low intensity farm time event.
⋆ Eager Fist, Dawning Fray
They Really like this type of event don’t they. Like it is Just works and is fine and it’s great to give every new character an event. It’s just Like I kind of wish there was some more variance. Might just be an appearance thing compared to F/GO having a new map every event even if they default to the same 3 currencies for most events compared to this one story page + farm mission for a single currency.
⋆ Aberrance’s Chain
Well, this was a nice chunky update. Always love a temp ‘tech tree’ for an event alongside its currency being farmed outside node specific missions. As for the missions was able to do all the challenge nodes too since I am finally at that point for how strong my teams are.
⋆ Divergent Shadows
Love it. Not only have I finally reached the strength pinnacle to not worry about difficulty too much, but that Matrix Challenge was fun. The point ladder is simple and straight forward. Yes, I am still skipping the story.
⋆ Snowy Encounters Opening Promotion, Free To Play!
Love it. Nice Simple Minigame compilation from all the previous events not too hard to do.
⋆ Gastronomic Journey
Another classic character story event where I skipped the story. Ain much to say. Especially since the story is hidden in the character’s profile/Bio.
⋆ Wishing Starbridge Workshop
Nice to see the coca event set up back. It is simple but it is a nice diversion from the normal event rigmarole.
⋆ Midnight Machinations
Another classic character story event. Except this time, I pulled the character and got to say I feel like I will actually use her. Will also take this point to note a bunch of inscriptions have come in and getting fragments really feels like the true progression bottleneck in this game.
⋆ Critical Cascade
Oh, an event all about these sorts of stages awesome. Is how I started off with it but it kind of dragged on with a completely new set of functions and the daily missions requiring additional completions and I did all the stages day 1. Otherwise, it was a good event with a nice new unit.
⋆Ruintop Song
Oh, another one of these character events. Tempted to start skip mentioning them cause it’s all the same cause I skip the story.
⋆ Inverted Mordent Resonance RERUN
Second verse same as the first. Also, they really decided to do a rerun. Weird.
⋆ Joyful Reunion
Story event has the neat little Matrix nodes and has a point ladder for its rewards.
⋆ Twilight Requiem
Story event has the neat little Matrix nodes and has a point ladder for its rewards. I like this formula more than the grind currency events, but like I am still skipping the text so like I am just vibing with the gameplay.
⋆ Strange Blue
A big Matrix node event. I kind of hate it even if it’s very simple stages being done one after the other. Maybe because I like this game for the auto in auto-battler and Matrix stages are the opposite of auto making me dislike it. Alongside all the large impact changes of function sets being entirely a different set when I don’t even understand the min max choice for the normal sets. Mostly because I haven’t bother to read them in the tier-list/min-max guides I’ve read.
⋆Divining The Heart
                Once again, it’s the new format for a character event. As for the doll introduced looking at the guides, I feel no need to pull her it’s probably simpler to use then I am thinking but by god that just looks overcomplicated.
⋆Perilous Advancement
                Well, if that isn’t interesting intro to the next story chapter. I would probably care more if I was reading it, but auto battler go burr. Over all this has an issue I’ve been feeling that there really is a thin line between can trivialize the content or get hit by a wall. Like I do love them experimenting with different deploy layouts but what the hell are the red enemy variants smoking. Like just activating the challenge mode instantly makes my teams be blown up and without I am the one that instantly blows up the enemies. As a side the defend the core is neat in both the objective and the arena being larger. Matrix stages are nice simple one room floors even if they keep doing the rule of three, but sticking to the chess mechanics is neat.
⋆Symphonic Reprise
                Again, character event. The character is neat in being unable to attack. I did not succeed in pulling her tho. Also just realized that Turning summonses dinergates I want to pull her now.
⋆Starchasers’ Concerto
                Eh it’s a nice little event. Like Matrix mode is kind of draining on me with the inability to just let auto battle go burr, and the functions feel kind of boring in most cases. Like a few of the new functions seem kind of neat its just the function economy is probably the iffiest part of the game and Matrix mode just kind of pushes it to the limit. Also, kind of wired how this is the summon and doge event.
Played For The First Time This Year.
★Duylst II [Off stream]
                I feel a bit of shame with how little I played especially since I went and played legacy mode for most of it. Haven’t kept up with it after the first week of release.
★Yoku’s Island Adventure [On stream]
Pinball Metroidvania is nice but makes me think my hatred of Pinball is equal to my love of it. Neat hearing from the speed runner “JKxWinG“ during my playthrough. Is the kind of game I would only play once to completion and any other time as an any% run.
★SteamWorld Build Demo [Off stream]
                Okay don’t play a lot of these types of game but old west robots are a fun contrast. Don’t think it’s too hard but just the demo vs then end of the game. Plus, it’s not trying to be something like frost punk. Still orb is suspect.
★WanderSong [On stream]
                Ya game is good. Honestly, I hate rhythm games and feel like I would have gotten a little bit more out of it if I was musically inclined but otherwise was a good game. It’s mostly a story-based game so like what could I say beyond I liked it. Like the only annoying thing about it was the fact I had to farm some achievements for it but that’s a me problem of being an achievement whore whenever they don’t go past my tolerance for them.
★Satisfactory [Off stream]
                I like Factorio more. Satisfactory is still in development, but I just hate the map traversal. like as much as it would get compared to “Minecraft”, “Infinifactory”, or “FortressCraft Evolved!” I really wish it was in a block world. Purely for terrain deformation. Like as it is now Factorio has more ability to modify the terrain with cliff explosives and land fill, or water fill with mods. That and while this might be just where I spawned and settled why is everything so god damn tall like everything could be halved in height and it would still would have felt tall to me, also am I supposed to make big giant sprawling factory or like just an make one offs of everything. Like the belts have no through put compared to Factorio just thinking about it the difference is per second vs per minute in the tool tip. Like it feels so needlessly large. I might just be dumb to be honest.
★Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons [On stream]
                Ya this is a nice short game. I was adamantly spoiled by the ending but not on the details. That or I forgot the details. Ya that control scheme is certainly a stroke of genius in story telling but like, I so kind of hate it. Like it such a reasonable idea for a control two characters each to a control stick but it’s so mind binding task because of how odd it is. Compared to only keeping track of one character like most games. However, that ending definitely was so effective because of the controls. That doesn’t mean I would want a longer game with this type of controls. It just was short enough to ‘earn’ its ending but not long enough to over stay its welcome. Even if maybe one more chapter would have been better so it wouldn’t feel so short. As for longer games Mario & Luigi has the better controls for a two character with dedicated button per character controls. Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons also now getting a remake so that’s neat.
★Pikuniku [On stream]
                A nice little game. Haven’t touched the co-op but ya I just went with the flow but is nice and short game. Going after all the achievements however seems to be a bit more difficult. I adamantly kind of hate not having functional hands but that is probably why the game was short as it was to not over stay it welcome.
★Aven Colony [Off stream]
                Ya this is a colony management game. They are neat and everything but not sure if I can bring too much enthusiasm for them, but they are still enjoyable. Mostly cause I unga bunga in games no thoughts only forward. Yes, I am aware how much that will backfire on me. Ya no, on second play this game is dumb have 12 greenhouses producing food and then all of a sudden, I have no food, and everyone starts drooping dead. like screw me, I guess. I don’t get it.
★Rise of Industry [Off stream]
                Okay Transport Tycoon style game. At least that’s my touch stone for it. Its fine I just don’t really care about these types of games I suppose. Not sure about the research but that’s probably cause it forefather before it are a multiplayer game so having a way to mix things up is probably why it’s there. Which for the type of game it is feels a bit weird for me, but I suppose the single player versions of this type of game would require more random events to be fun for me.
★Terraforming Mars [Off stream]
                It’s one of those Deck building games. They are fun. With friends. I still skipped the tutorial and got 11 victory points my first game. That was dead last despite being 4 more than the next amount I don’t know what type of logic that has victory points not be the win goal but okay.
★ DAEMON X MACHINA [On stream]
                Ya, I don’t care for this game between the grind for loot to just the damage output mix with the controls. The comparison to all the mech floating there like Dragon Ball Z characters was on point and with my main point of reference for mechs being Code Geass makes me feel off playing this since its bones are so close to being what I would want out of a Code Geass game, and yes, I am saying that in the context of season 1. The fact Code Geass also started to do that in season 2 is going to be ignored. Like all in all this game feels like it has good bones I just hate the Muscles and Tendons on it. So, ya this is just the game equivalent of a pet-peeve.
★ Subnautica [Off stream]
                Ya this really is we are not a horror game you just got thalassophobia bro. Anyway, finally got around to playing for myself instead of just watching lets plays of it mostly cause I’ve was watching RageGamingVideos series for it. Like I had it on the Epic game store when the released it for free. Ya it’s a good game I knew the story beats but even just playing it is the real fun of the game. Definitely the gold mark for the survival games for me.
★ Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles DEMO[Off stream]
                Okay this is a neat twist on the deck builder sub-genre. Like ya Slay the Spire popularized this type of rouge likes deck builders but it being with dice is neat. Like I do not have the mind to optimize this type of game or card games in general, but it is fun dice go click clack. As for the corruption purify thing instead of health kind of sounded pointless but they did something with it so kind of neat. As for the two in the demo the basic owl character seems more practical, but the shark bsoy seems like a high roller. Only did one run with each so can’t say too much on it. Will pick it up eventually.
★Tevi DEMO[Off stream]
                Well, this is a nice little Metroidvania. Also, neat how the artist put the bunny suit into the main characters design without it being blatant fanservice. The only odd thing about it is why does the DEMO have achievements for it. Definitely planning to play it eventually.
0 notes
tigrrr · 2 years
10:41pm | James Potter
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                                                 (GIF not mine)
Pairing: James Potter x fem!reader, James Potter x Lilly Evans 
(Platonic marauders(without james) x fem!reader)
Word count: 976
Warnings: Somewhat angst(???), oblivious James,  cheesy and cringe :’>>
Summary: James stood you up on your date, and that was the final call for you to cut things with him(for a while)
(P.S this is my first time writing again after a few years, so there might be mistakes and all, but if you have any suggestions on how to improve, please do dm me <33)
It was already 10:41pm, and there she is. Still waiting for the love of her life, James Potter. Even though she knew that he was not going to show up. She still waited, hoping that he was just late and stuff. But deep deep down she knew that he was not going to show up.
It was now already 11:30pm. The waitress had already asked her if she was going to order or anything. "I'd like a glass of water please" She said to the waitress, the waitress gave her a sympathetic smile  and went to get her the water.
After a few minutes the waitress came back with the water she asked for. She quickly drank the water and stand up "Thank you, how much for the water??" She asked "Oh no need, it was just water. It's fine" The waitress said to her while smiling softly. She smiled at the waitress and thanked her.
As she was about to sit down, a voice spoke next to her "Couldn't sleep as well?"  it asked. She almost slipped down the edge when the person who owned the voice catches her hand. "Careful now" he said and pulled her towards him. She crashed at his chest as she looked at his eyes. It was her first time seeing the one and only Regulus Black up close. He was beautiful, he was a masterpiece, he looked like merlin carved him himself.
She went to her room in an attempt to sleep, but she couldn't so she decided to go to the astronomy tower where she would always go when she needed to feel better.
He cleared his throat and spoke "You alright?" she backed away from him "Yeah" she said and she slowly sat down. Regulus sat besides her. That night, neither of them spoke. Silence filled the air. But it was a comforting silence for the both of them.
If she's going to be honest it was hard, very hard. They share the same classes, the same school, and most importantly they both share the same group of friends. But still, she did it.
The next morning y/n avoided Potter, she tried her best to avoid her lover. Funny it is she thought to herself. The person she once clung into for dear life, is the same person she's trying to avoid now.
Or so she thought.
Her mood turned sour again, she walked away without saying anything. Her friends called for her but she didn't care.
It was dinner time at the great hall. She was about to sit somewhere far from James, when Remus called to her "Hey y/n, were here" he waved to her. She smiled sarcastically and went to them. "Here's your girl Potter" Sirius said grinning a bit. "Yeah mate, you were complaining so much about missing your girl, saying things such as "heya moony, how many hours do we still have before break" or like "I miss her" ya' do know it's a bit annoying sometimes" Remus added in while rolling his eyes playfully.  Peter laughed, and so did everyone who heard them talking. She cracked a small smile , until she notice James was looking at Lily who was laughing as well.
"There you are, what" the voice stopped when it realize something "Wait... Are you crying y/n??" the voice sat down beside her. She didn't looked as she knows too well who that voice belonged to. James Fucking Potter.
She went up in the astronomy tower, she sat there hugging her knee's and sobbed silently. After a few minutes, she heard footsteps.
"Bunny what's wrong??" James asked worriedly as he tried to hug her. "Don't" she said sternly as her voice cracked. James was confused as why she's done that, normally when she's sad she'd always ask James to cuddle but this is the opposite. "y/n, what's wrong. You're scaring me bunny" He said, but still she didn't answered him.
"Why her?" she said with her voice still cracking. "Bubs what do you mean" James asked still clueless on what's going on "Don't act dumb now Potter" She said slowly looking to James.
James on the other hand looks so surprised on what his lover just said. "What..." he asked "I know that you want her, not me" She said bitterly smiling at James "No. No no no oh no y/n" he said while getting closer to her "Please please, you know thats not true" He said tearing up while cupping her face
"James.. It's the best for us"
"No it's not, what if you're wrong?"
"Then we won't make it long. But hey, I guess that's us" She said sadly
"James why did you even went out with me?" She asked all of a sudden. James who was taken back on that sudden question just stared at her
"James?" she called for him more softly this time "Because I promised you" Y/n was too stunned to speak when he said that "I promised you when we were little. I promised you that you will be my lover, and that one day I will marry you and have a family" He honestly said to her, taking of his hands on her face and looking forward into no where
"James that was years ago for merlins sake, you should've forgotten it like I did" "How could I forget it Y/n, it was your birthday where nobody came except me. How could I forget that look on your face when I said that" James said while looking at her with a face that y/n can't read.
Y/n turned away from James. She stand up "I think it's the best if we don't see each other for awhile James" She said her back facing him as she walked away. James didn't chase her that night as he know she was right.
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library-of-ohara · 2 years
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*lays down in your ask box* I HAVE BEEN BLESSED WITH MY FAVORITE WRITERS COLLABORATING???? 🛐 can I ask for some hand holding headcannons or drabbles please of holding hands with the Roger pirates, Strawhats and Whitebeard pirates (whoever you pick is fine)? make if fluffyyyyy OKAY GOODBYE thanks also 🤍🤍🤍
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- The first time you hold hands he’s very awkward about it, stammering and flexing his fingers.
- It’s such a soft intimacy that he’s not used to, it’s hard for him to accept he’s loved and wanted for more than his body.
- “Ace, we’ve literally… ya know.” You say with a chuckle but stop when you see the embarrassed look on his face like he’s annoyed and ashamed of himself for not being able to do something that others find so easy.
- “Ace, it’s alright, I love you.” You smile as you offer him your hand.
- He reaches out, taking your hand, his breath hitches when you lace your fingers together with his, just holding it tightly.
- This felt nice, warm, soft, he felt more connected with you than any time you…. Yeah.
- Ace decides he likes it a lot, he still has issues initiating the contact.
- He’ll link his pinky with yours when he’s uncertain of the moment, of himself.
- Always glad when you take the hint and hold his hand.
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- He likes holding hands, like, a lot.
- You guys are just going to breakfast? He’ll hold your hand on the way.
- When you’re cuddled up in bed, he likes to have his arms around you, you close to his chest and a hand holding yours as he buries his face against your neck making happy sounds.
- If you are working across from him he’ll wordlessly stretch out his arm and wait for you to take the hint before holding his hand.
- He doesn’t let you shake him off, once your fingers are intertwined that’s it, you’re his.
- He finds a lot of comfort in the gesture.
- Sometimes Marco can be a little too clingy and you have to shake him loose sometimes which causes the phoenix to pout slightly.
- You have to promise him he can have your hand back once you’ve finished dinner.
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- Thatch loves holding your hand.
- You will be standing there, and he’ll just appear and say something cheesy like “You dropped something, let me help you, Pumpkin.” He says as he lifts your hand in his own, a wide grin on his face as you roll your hands.
- Thatch will watch you work, see how busy you are and be upset he doesn’t get to hold your hand, so he slips it into your pocket as a compromise.
- He loves your hands are smaller than his, he enjoys placing both of yours in just one of his, feeling how soft and small they are.
- Thatch loves to bring your hand to his lips, laying kisses all over them.
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- It’s not like he’s against holding hands.
- No, he likes it, but his pride doesn’t allow for him to be the one to seek it out.
- If you make the first move? If you reach for his? He’ll tut and act like it’s an inconvenience for him but really? He likes to hold your hand in his.
- He’s not as into PDA as other people but he will hold your hand.
- You need to read his mood though, sometimes he’s too busy and wants to have both his hands free at a moment’s notice.
- He won’t ever be rude about it though.
- When it’s just you and him, sitting in his room and just relaxing?
- He might… just might reach over… and take your hand in his.
TAG LIST: @undercoverweeeb @slut4animedilfs @acesmarigold
@sanjithesimp @aces-sweetheart @sugxrslushy @kaizokuwritings @iloveportgasdace @bepoprotectionsquad @ace-no-isha @thatsprettycoolbro @fire-fist-ann @rivvd-art @angeltani
@mimi-ya @simp4ace @aifozu @useless-potatho@iloveportgasdace @smoleeveewrites @strawhat-bast @gonuclear
@secretsnailor @dxvilmanlev @aifozu @saisei-no-hano
@rae-vynn @childofblackmaria @my-muses-in-op @rosiinante
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(Your) Nightmares - Brothers and Dateables
Lucifer isn’t always around when you have a nightmare because his sleep schedule is atrocious. More often than not, you’ll wake up alone in bed after a nightmare and you’ll have to get up to find Lucifer. He’s almost always in his office working on some important paperwork but, if you show up in the middle of the night when you’re supposed to be asleep, you’ll be able to get his full attention. You never have to explain why you’re awake; just the sight of you hovering in the study doorway with the slowly fading panicked expression on your face tells him everything. Immediately, Lucifer will be up and pulling you towards the couch closest to the fire so you can sit together. He may put on one of his more mellow records, especially if there’s one he knows you like. He’ll pull you into his lap and wrap his arms (and sometimes wings) around you. He won’t say much, just a gentle reminder that you’re safe now and you can talk about the dream if you’d like. He’ll sit that way with you for a while and if you’re very freaked out, he’ll go back to bed with you to make sure you can sleep, paperwork be damned. 
You and Mammon share the same bed most nights because he’s usually too needy to be far away and, yes, your room two doors down counts as too far away. Mammon can sleep pretty deeply and doesn’t always wake up to your nightmares, especially if you’re not someone who makes a lot of noise or thrashes around so you’ll have to wake him up yourself after a nightmare. Once you start shaking him or saying his name, Mammon wakes up pretty quickly and, as soon as he sees your upset face, he’s wide awake. Instantly he’s asking what’s wrong, who hurt his human, who does he need to hurt? After you tell him it was a nightmare, he’s going to be doing his best to tell you that nothing can get you with the Great Mammon here! Your first man isn’t gonna let anything happen to you, human, ya hear me?! It’s almost always enough to make you giggle and, once he sees that smile, Mammon will relax and just pull you in for some cuddles. I feel like Mammon is the kind of guy who would happily sing you back to sleep too. (Didn’t a chat say he has one of the best voices of the brothers?)
With Levi’s gamer schedule, it’s not very common for you both to be asleep at the same time. That means when you wake from a nightmare in the middle of the night, you can almost always guarantee that Levi is still up. If you’re not comfortable going to see him, you can always send him a text and he’ll reply within minutes, and if you tell him why you’re awake, he’ll be happy to recommend good anime shows and games to help you relax until you sleep again. If you’re close to Levi, you can just head on over to his room. Levi will always welcome you in, especially if you tell him why you’re up. Levi isn’t great at comforting people but he will bring out a soothing co-op game if you want to stay awake or, if you want to sleep, he’ll let you get all snuggled up in his tub with his Ruri-Chan pillow. He’ll keep playing his game with your blessing but he’ll play the game out loud and narrate it to you until you fall asleep listening to the sound of his voice as he plays. Once you’re asleep, Levi will continue to check in on you between rounds in his game, and he’ll pull the blankets up more securely around you and even dare to maybe press a kiss to your head.
Satan is a particularly light sleeper and you guys don’t often share a bed partially because of this. That means when you have a nightmare and want his comfort, you’re going to have to sneak over to his room. Even the most gentle and hesitant of knocks at his door will wake Satan. Not going to lie, he’s going to wake up in a bad mood and he’ll open that door with a scowl on his face. As soon as he realizes it’s you, that anger will fade away, especially when he sees your distraught face. He’ll lead you into his room and onto the bed, and ask you what’s wrong. Satan will quietly listen to you talk about the nightmare and, like most of the emotionally stunted brothers, he may not know exactly what to say but he’ll happily let you lay on his chest as he reads you one of his favorite comfort stories. He’ll even gently rub your back and pet your hair with his free hand between turning pages. The next day, Satan will find you to let you know that he researched different charms and spells to keep away nightmares and offers to help you use them to protect you from future nightmares though he makes sure to let you know that you’re always welcome in his room if they come back. 
Asmo loves sharing a bed with you; every time you agree to it, he’s absolutely on cloud nine. Asmo really treasures his beauty sleep and he will admittedly be annoyed if he’s woken up in the middle of the night, even for you. However, he will absolutely push past that annoyance to comfort you after a nightmare. Yes, his beauty is very important to him but so are you. As a very physical person, Asmo will immediately have his arms around you and begin cooing over you and assuring you that he’s there, no need to cry, darling. Asmo will distract you from the nightmare by telling you the most ridiculous gossip and indulging in some self care. A hot bath, some Lavender based massage oil as he rubs your forehead and neck, and a cooling cucumber eye mask. Then he’ll tuck you back into bed beside him and, if you’re into it, will play with your hair or rub your back until you fall asleep again. 
Beel knows firsthand how horrible nightmares can be so he hates the idea of you suffering from them. Typically, Beel is a very deep sleeper (as evidenced by his chat about running through a wall in his sleep) unless he’s waking up for a midnight meal. However, when you sleep next to him, Beel is a lot more aware of himself and his environment. If he feels you tossing and turning or hears your little whimpers of distress, he’s immediately awake. The sweet boy wastes no time in waking you up. He’s not the best with words but he’ll be happy snuggle you and listen to you talk about the dream if you want to talk. He’ll also be happy to carry you to the kitchen or go grab you some snacks. He always feels better after a warm gallon of milk and some of Luke’s baked goods. Maybe those can help you too. When you’re ready to go back to sleep, Beel will hold you tight and stay awake until you’re asleep again and a bit after that, just to make sure your bad dreams don’t return. 
Belphie sleeps a lot as the Avatar of Sloth but what people fail to realize is that Belphie can be quite active in the dreamworld. He’s been known to mess with plenty of people by manipulating their dreams and even causing nightmares for those he doesn’t like. With you, Belphie takes care to keep the nightmares away. He hates to see you suffer and he isn’t around much due to his chronic sleeping so he takes care of you the one way that he can. This means that you very rarely have nightmares. If they even begin to form, Belphie will be there to switch them to something sweet and pleasant and warm. He likes to stay and watch; this way he knows nothing bad will come back and he’s able to enjoy your happiness. If, for some reason, Belphie is unable to stop the nightmare before it can really start, he’ll still switch the dream but make sure to find you so you can wake up in his arms, cuddled close and safe against him. (The only time this changes is if your nightmare involves the things he’s done to you. If that’s the case, Belphie will change the dream, though it’s always more haphazardly done, and when you wake up, he’ll be in tears by your side but won’t touch you unless you initiate it because he’s so afraid of frightening you)
Diavolo feels the most out of his depth when you have a nightmare. He’s never had to comfort anyone after one before. You don’t often sleep at the palace with Diavolo so if you’ve had a nightmare, the first thing you’ll do is call him. Diavolo always answers his D.D.D because no one would dare to call him in the middle of the night unless it was important or they had a death wish. If he sees your name on the screen, he’s a little freaked out but you wouldn’t know it because he manages to control his reaction. Once you explain that you’ve had a nightmare to him, Diavolo will offer to listen to you talk about it and he will stay on the phone with you as long as you need to calm down. Even after you fall asleep, he’ll leave the call running in the hopes that if you have another nightmare, he’ll hear it and be able to wake you up. He always makes sure to send you a little gift during the day as well to try to cheer you up and he’ll remind you that he’s always there if you need him. 
Barbatos sleeps less than the average demon so as soon as his D.D.D rings in the middle of the night, he’s answering it. Your panicked greeting would fluster most people but, as always, he’s very calm in his reaction. He is able to swiftly calm you down with this firm reassurance that it was only a dream and everything is okay. He’s a very good listener and the best at providing a rational sort of comfort, like explaining why that dream could never happen and that he can manipulate time so he would keep them safe if anything did happen. It’s hard to feel quite so freaked out when Barbatos is reassuring you. Like Diavolo, Barbatos is happy to stay on the phone with you until you’ve calmed down and the next day, you’ll find some dreamless sleep or calming potions have been sent to the house for you as well as your favorite caffeinated beverage with a cute little note to help you through your day. 
As someone who used to suffer from chronic nightmares before he discovered the proper potions and charms that helped, Solomon understands how shitty nightmares are. With this kind of knowledge, he’s a great person to go to after a nightmare. If you were to have a nightmare, you’d probably have to text and call Solomon multiple times, not because he’s sleeping but because he misplaces his phone regularly and gets distracted by his projects. Once you finally get hold of him, he’s apologetic about making you wait and is immediately offering to bring you some kind of dreamless sleep or calming draught. Once he gets there, he’ll stick around to chat and check in on you. If you want to talk about the dream, he’s happy to listen and if you prefer not to, he’ll distract you with some of his favorite stories from the past. He’ll be sure to guide you back to bed and make sure you fall asleep before he goes. You’ll get a text from him in the morning checking up on you too as well as an offer to teach you how to make your own draughts. 
Simeon is no stranger to nightmares and he’s taken care of Luke when the younger angel has them as well. So when you have a nightmare, Simeon is ready to step in and comfort you. I’ll say this as if you were in the same area as him because Simeon would never hear his phone let alone figure out how to answer it properly in the middle of the night. Simeon is the light sleeper who will hear you having a nightmare from the room over. He’ll get up to check on you and if you don’t respond to his knocking, he’ll let himself in to wake you up. Once you wake up, he’ll ask if you’re okay and offer you comfort, whether it’s just talking or cuddles. Simeon gives some of the best hugs - tight without being suffocating and warm, he smells lovely, and his gentle hand smoothing over your hair and back makes you feel so cared for. He’ll sit with you for as long as you need and if you ask him to stay, Simeon will get into bed with you and hold you close until you fall asleep and stay awake long after, admiring you and guarding your sleep. 
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raynnawrites · 2 years
Soul’s Choice
Synopsis: What if your soulmate, the love of your life, and with whom you’re meant to be and live by, happens to be your best friend’s wife?
Warnings: +21
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“How do you feel, my love?” The Queen’s loving husband asked as she gave a tired smile and felt him press a hand to her cheek, cupping it gently.
“I’m fine. I’m just tired. These elders keep pissin’ me off and I’m not in the mood for any games today.” She replied with a groan and a huff, sinking further into their couch.
Chuckling, T’Challa wrapped his arms around his wife and held her.
“How about you take today off? Let me handle everything today. I might be able to help and actually catch N’Jadaka’s landing.” T’Challa offered as Layana groaned and gasped.
“Fuck… I forgot he gets here today. This morning I think it was… I’ll meet him during lunch.” She replied as T’Challa kissed her hand.
“Of course. Do not worry about a thing. Rest.”
“I will.” Layana replied, sighing and standing, walking to their shared master bedroom. T’Challa walked behind her and helped her undress.
“Let me draw you a bath. You’ll feel much better.” T’Challa offered, kissing his wife’s bare shoulders. Layana smirked and teased her husband.
“I know something else that might make me feel much better…” she whispered as she turned and kissed T’Challa’s lips deeply and passionately. The King’s hands traveled from her behind to her back, up to her face. He cupped her cheeks, gently and kissed her forehead.
“I love you. I will inform the staff so that no one bothers you. Please, try and stay away from work.”
“I will. I love you too, T’Challa. Thank you…” Layana replied with a grateful smile. T’Challa returned the smile and pressed a final kiss to his wife’s lips.
“Anything for you, my Queen.”
While an exhausted Queen bathed and lounged in the apartment, T’Challa went out and walked to the front of the palace, where his best friend’s talon was landing. Okoye and Shuri flanked him and the Royal Guard stood on the left side of the line they formed and Dora Milaje on the right. Heads high.
As the jet’s door opened, T’Challa began to smirk. N’Jadaka walked out and towards him with a smug yet cool face. Once he reached T’Challa, he greeted him with their handshake.
“What’s good, T? Where’s ya’ wife?” He asked.
“She is not feeling well. She is in our apartment resting, but she will join us for lunch.” T’Challa replied with a small smile.
N’Jadaka only shrugged it off and walked in with T’Challa.
“You still look scruffy, Erik. Try getting a haircut.” Shuri teased as Erik only smacked her away.
“I look cute as fuck. Bitches love my scruffy self.” He replied as Shuri only rolled her eyes, “I’ve got your new suit ready.”
Erik smirked, “can't wait.”
T’Challa led the way to Erik’s apartment within the Royal Wing of the palace and helped him settle in. His bags were put away, his clothes properly folded and hanged.
“You are much cleaner now.” T’Challa teased as Erik scoffed, “I had to grow up at some damn point.”
As Erik zipped up his last bag and placed it on the top shelf of his closet, T’Challa spoke from behind him in a softer tone.
“Today, there will be lunch and a dinner between us to welcome you. Please, try not to miss it. We have all missed you and now that you are back, we have the family together.”
Erik chuckled.
“It’s weird. Being welcomed with open arms by the same people that yelled at me growin’ up.” He spoke, closing his closet’s door and turning to face T’Challa with his arms crossed.
“You mean the people that yelled at us.” T’Challa smiled, “you seem to forget that we got in trouble together for everything.”
Erik scoffed once more, “yeah right. The only difference was that Daddy came to your rescue and mine had to be shamed.”
T’Challa’s smile went away quickly and was replaced by an apologetic one. Looking down at the marble floors, they remained quiet. T’Challa’s younger self always felt guilt and sadness for his best friend, but what could a small Prince do? He wouldn’t dare to open his mouth, and when he did, no one would listen.
“I apologize, Erik…”
Erik sighed.
“Nah. I’m the one that’s sorry… I shouldn’t have brought old shit up. I know you tryna do right.” He spoke as he offered his hand to T’Challa, who shook it.
“Thank you. Apology accepted.” T’Challa’s smile returned, “I have to go attend a meeting with the council. You are free to join if you’d like,” he offered as Erik shook his head. “Nah. I’mma chill here.”
“Very well.”
Erik showered and changed, walking out into the hallways of the large palace he once again could call home. The familiar paintings, the new decorations and the new guards all brought nostalgia and sadness over him. Even if he did get in a lot of trouble with T’Challa, he missed being a kid.
His thoughts were quickly interrupted by someone bumping into his chest. Erik looked down and saw a woman.
“I’m sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was… going…”.
Erik’s breath was taken away. This woman’s face was familiar. He had never seen her or met her before, but he felt as if she had been part of him for his entire life. He could only stare at this woman who stared back at him with furrowed brows, trying to figure out where they might know each other from.
To try and figure out why they felt such a strong bond between them and why they felt such a strong sudden overwhelming feeling of love and affection. It was incredible, but it was also utterly confusing and strange.
Erik’s collarbone suddenly began to feel a little warm. Almost as if warm water was being poured on that very spot. It was comforting. Almost if a hand rubbed an ache away. But his mind’s thoughts made his heart drop.
“Are you okay? Did I hurt you? I’m so sorry, I swear I didn’t mean to.” The woman spoke again as her collarbone also felt that comforting warmth.
“Nah, you didn’t hurt me… You feel that too?” Erik asked as the woman nodded and carefully revealed her collarbone. The area of her collarbone was almost flawless, until it wasn’t. It had a mark, a patch, half a shade lighter than the rest of her body.
Erik copied the action. Within his keloids, the exact same patch rested on the same place. Right on the collarbone.
“No fucking way.” Erik thought.
The woman’s eyes went wide.
“How…?” She whispered.
“I don’t know… are you… my soulmate?” Erik asked.
“I-I think so.”
Erik’s heart beat increased, his head began to spin.
The woman carefully approached the man, further examining the mark. There was no denying. They were identical marks, with no flaws.
“This can’t be… it can’t.” The woman whimpered, her eyes beginning to tear up. Erik gave her a worried and puzzled look.
“I’m just as lost as you… who are you?”
“Ah! N’Jadaka, I see you have met my wife.” T’Challa spoke happily as he grabbed his wife’s hand and pulled her closer to him. It took all of their willpower not to gasp. Erik felt his heart sink, and Layana quickly dried her teary eyes.
“N’Jadaka, I’d like you to meet my wife, Layana.” T’Challa spoke once more as Layana shook Erik’s extended hand.
They were both trying their hardest not to cause any suspicion, but after the revelation it proved to be a challenge.
“My love, this is my best friend, the one I was telling you about.”
“The one who always opened the rhino cages?” She joked, trying to change the awkward mood. T’Challa chuckled, completely unaware of the tension between his cousin and wife.
“Yeah… that’s me.” Erik replied, his hands inside his hoodie’s pocket. Layana could only hope this was a misunderstanding.
She was a happily married woman to a loving, caring, doting husband. The husband who made her the Queen of the best nation on Earth, giving her anything she could ever ask for. T’Challa was her soulmate, not Erik. It couldn’t be.
The feeling on her mark said otherwise.
“So, will you be joining us for lunch?” T’Challa asked as he grabbed Layana’s hand and began to walk toward the dining room. Erik took a deep breath and recomposed himself.
“Yeah. Right behind y’all.” He replied, walking with T’Challa and his wife. The King smiled brightly, having his best friend back.
The Queen however, was fighting a mental battle. How could this be possible?
She loved T’Challa. T’Challa gave her everything she could ask for. He was incredible…
But when she saw Erik and the slight touch of their handshake made it feel as if they had known each other for years.
Erik’s heart started to yearn for Layana. The more T’Challa pulled his wife closer, the more he felt his heart sink.
A/N: I’m testing the waters with this one. Please, let me know what you think!
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tooweirdforyou · 3 years
How The OP Boys React To You Wearing Someone Else’s Jacket
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A/N : hey! This is just something to make up for my lack of writing recently. Hope you enjoy!
Summary : a couple of the one piece boys react to you wearing someone else’s jacket instead of theirs. How could you? :>
includes ; Ace, Sabo, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, law and Mihawk.
only Luffy’s ended up being a hc, the others are like super short scenarios lol. Well. Just dialogue mostly.
Visibly confused when he notices.
Why are you wearing Law’s jacket over your shoulders? Today isn’t particularly cold, at least not for him.
He isn’t sure why, but he doesn’t like it.
Will not hesitate to confront you and ask you straight up.
“Oi, [Name]! Why are you wearing Law’s jacket?”
He has the biggest, sulky pout on his lips with his arms crossed and staring at you.
Weird thing is, Law hasn’t been around for a while so you must’ve had that jacket for quite some time if you’re wearing it.
“Luffy. It just feels warm and big on me, so I wore it. Plus, this way, I won’t forget to return it to him when we see him again!”
Luffy pouts further at your comment and sighs, clearly growing agitated the longer you wore it.
Since Luffy didn’t particularly had a jacket, he stripped off his shirt and tossed it at your face.
“Wear this instead! I don’t want you wearing Law’s jacket, you’ll smell like him!”
Clear displeasure and irritation evident when he sees you walking out in an all too familiar jacket.
“Why the hell are you wearing that?”
Tugging on Sanji’s blazer securely, you shrug and continue what you were doing.
“It’s chilly out, and Sanji offered me his jacket. It’s warm.”
Hearing your excuse merely increased his annoyance. That chivalrous bastard.
“Well take it off. It looks horrible on you.” He bluntly comments and you roll your eyes at him. “I’m cold though!”
And so, Zoro walks on over towards you and not giving a damn if he ripped the jacket as he pulls it off your body, he unties his (kimono?) and before you could react,
he is pulling you into his embrace, before tying back up with you inside and carried you over to the railing of the deck.
He plops down and sits with his back to the railing and you in his lap. “Now you won’t be cold.” He says, wrapping his arms around you and shut his eyes.
“Hm? [Name]-chan, why are you wearing Luffy’s shirt?”
Absolutely shocked at the many thoughts running through his mind. You were wearing Luffy’s shirt,
“Oh, I—“
“Sanji! Relax! It’s not like that!”
You let out a breath as the chef finally relaxed, teary eyes and teardrops running down his cheeks. “*sniffles loudly* you sure?..”
“Of course I’m sure! Usopp, Luffy and I were just playing a game and I got wet. Luffy let me wear his shirt to cover myself while I changed.”
Sanji widens his eyes in realization and relaxes his shoulders, exhaling out in slight relief. “Oh.. I see..”
“Besides, I wouldn’t go for Luffy. I’d totally go for Zoro—“ before you could continue your tease, Sanji interrupts.
“[Name]-ya. Why are you wearing that?”
Taking a second glance when you enter the room, he can feel confusion and his eyebrow twitching in irritation at the familiar sight.
“Actually, how the hell do you even have that?”
Glancing down at the large cape/jacket that had a faint smell of alcohol, metal and Kid’s common body scent, you shrug in response.
“I don’t actually know, but I found it and it’s comfortable so I’m keeping it! Eustass can find another one.”
Law rubs the bridge of his nose and heaves a heavy sigh. “Do you mind taking it off? I don’t need the smell of that metal head filling my ship.”
Obviously, he just despised seeing you in it.
Law definitely doesn’t want to be near you just to smell Kid’s scent, either.
“Whyyy, it’s comfortable and I’m feeling cold..” you whine and Law rolls his eyes. “Then take this.”
He grumbles under his breath and slips off his doctor’s coat and held it out for you, his other hand and attention focused on his paperwork.
He just wanted to see you in his jacket really, he was sure you’d look a hundred times better.
Excited, you immediately take off Kid’s coat and take Law’s, slipping it on and grin widely. “Smells just like you... and disinfectant.”
You laugh a bit and Law couldn’t help the curve of his lips at the sight of you.
You did look a lot better in his clothes.
“Baby, don’t tell me that’s still Sabo’s jacket you’re wearing..”
The fake betrayal and expression of pain and sadness lit his eyes and you felt just a pang of guilt.
“Maybe.. he offered it to me! I just came across him today and he didn’t want me to get cold.”
“Why didn’t you wear a jacket?”
Visibly sulky and pouty, and whining that you shouldn’t be wearing another man’s clothes, especially his brothers.
“I forgot! And besides, I would have taken yours but you don’t wear anything.” You hum, and Ace smirks lightly.
“Because it’s easier to get in the mood that way~” he jokes and you roll your eyes despite the giggle that slipped out.
“Besides, if you were cold, I am literally an actual body heater. Just cuddle and hug me if you’re cold!”
“Okay, okay! Let’s go and get some cuddles right now then.”
“I know another way I can warm you up instead~” Ace hums, immediately picking you up by the waist and taking you to the bedroom.
When Sabo returns early from a small task, he finds you on the bed and in a particular someone’s jacket, confusing him.
“Hey, love. Is this Roronoa’s blazer? Why do you have it?”
You’re overjoyed seeing the blonde returning so soon, but a bit startled at his appearance and question.
“Oh, Zoro lent it to me! It was during Dressrosa, before we left after talking with his crew mates.”
“Why didn’t you just ask for mine?” Sabo pouts, frowning when he saw how adorable you looked in something that wasn’t his or technically yours.
“You were busy with explaining your backstory to them, I didn’t want to interrupt you.” You sheepishly say, seeing his pout and was quick to take off the jacket.
“But since you’re here, give me yours! It smells like you, so I want it!”
“You know I have plenty in the closet..” he mumbles, reluctantly taking his off with a sulk, hiding his secret smile. “So I’m just second choice?”
Of course, now he was just teasing you.
“Mi amor, tell me the reason for the red-haired’s coat around you.”
Mihawk’s expression is laced with displeasure and disappointment at the sight of it.
He is equally annoyed and irritated that you seem to have Shank’s smell lingering on you from his coat.
“When Shanks visited, he left his coat behind. It’s comfortable so I wore it.”
“Well, take it off. It’s an annoyance to see and smell. Throw it out.”
You could only sigh at Mihawk’s stern, yet toneless voice and follow his order, slipping the material off your shoulders and went to an open window.
Mihawk pulls at his mini cross blade and swings twice, successfully cutting the fabric into pieces just as you released your hold on it.
“Was that necessary?..” you mumble, a slight smile and amusement playing on your face as Mihawk nods, shutting his golden eyes. “Of course.”
A/N : I was going to include Kid and Corazon but like, this was a lot already and this isn’t even that great in general, and I just wanted to post something :> hope you still like this!
Sorry if it seems rushed and not that great. I’m really out of my writing game lately. :/
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stitch1830 · 3 years
Happy Kantoph Mondangst! These titles may be getting worse, but hopefully the chapters aren't... time will tell ope. Despite the angst, I hope you enjoy :)
“Are you up?”
His form shifted in the bed as he lazily turned to face her. She could hear the tiredness in his breath that indicated that no, he wasn’t up, but even if she didn’t perceive that, she would’ve known he was lying when he replied, “Yeah, what’s up?”
A gentle hand rubbed her arm in an attempt to comfort her, and the combination of his casual fib and sleepy gesture of comfort made Toph smile just a bit. But even then, she couldn’t ignore the unsettling feeling that sat in the pit of her stomach and made her toss and turn for the past few nights.
When she didn’t answer right away, he called out again, his tired state wearing off. “Toph? Is everything okay?”
“Yes,” she quickly reassured, but then bit her lip. Technically, things were okay, but she still felt uneasy. “Well, maybe? I don’t know…”
Kanto’s hand instinctively went to her stomach, coincidentally landing precisely where the baby was kicking. His thumb swiped across her belly, calming down the baby’s activity temporarily, and Toph let out a sigh that was a combination of exhaustion and relief and apprehension. Her hand fell on top of his, and she found the words to describe her thoughts. Well, some of them.
“I’m… I’m just worried, I guess,” she confessed.
“About the baby?”
“Yeah. Well, not the baby specifically. I’m worried about me.”
“Are you worried about the pain—”
“No, no. I mean, I’m not looking forward to it, but... fucking spirits,” Toph muttered. She wasn’t exactly describing her fears in the most coherent fashion, and she was losing the courage to admit what was on her mind.
“Toph,” he whispered, and his voice gave her focus. “You can tell me whatever you want, but only if you want to, okay?”
Toph took a deep breath as she calmed her nerves and felt the rhythmic motion of his thumb across her stomach. He grounded her like the earth, his touch and voice never failed to bring her back to reality. And everyday she thanked the spirits or whoever she needed to thank that fate brought them together.
Courage and actual words found her once again, and she pressed her forehead to his and confessed her fear. “I’m still worried about being a mom.”
Kanto said nothing, but waited for Toph to continue, so she did. “I know we’ve talked about this, but the baby is due any day now, and I just… I still feel like I’m not ready for this. I have no motherly bone in my body, I’ve never even thought about becoming a mother.
“And then the fact that my upbringing was pretty shit? Not the best references. All I know are piss poor parenting techniques.
“And if our kid hates us because of me, I… I don’t know what I’ll do.”
His hand moved to wipe away her tears (when did she start crying?), then settled back to her belly, their fingers intertwined this time. He said nothing for a while, and part of Toph cynically thought that perhaps he felt the same way. She prompted him to speak. “Is this your way of saying you agree?” she asked in an attempt to lighten her own mood.
“I wish…” Kanto paused; it was his turn to find the right words. “I wish you could see that you already are an amazing mother.”
Toph blinked, confused. He continued, “Everything you do is for our baby, and even your fears are all because you are worried about their wellbeing and happiness. That tells me everything about the kind of mother you will be. Selfless, thoughtful, loving…
“You could do motherhood in your sleep and by yourself, Toph. That’s how great you’ll be. But you don’t have to do it alone. You’ve got me, and we’ve got your friends.
“I know we won’t be perfect parents, but we have each other to lean on, and if you’re ever worried about anything, I’ll be there.
“And like I’ve told you before, my fatherly intuition says that we’re having a girl that will be just like you, and I couldn’t be more excited about that. I know all your tricks, Chief.”
His teasing remark got a scoff out of Toph, and she removed her hand from his to give him a light shove on the chest. Kanto’s hand captured hers again immediately after, and they laughed as he kissed it.
But everything else that he said, it felt reassuring. Not just in the moment, but as Toph thought through their future as parents, Kanto’s words gave her hope. He was right. Technically, they could be okay parents alone, but together, they would be amazing. And they’d lean on each other not because one would be a better parent than the other and needed help, but they wanted it.
That made all the difference.
Before she could even thank him for talking with her in the middle of the night, he smothered her with kisses all over her face until she was in a fit of laughter. And when she caught her breath, his warm hands found her round belly and so did his lips. He kissed her stomach lightly and spoke to their baby in a mock whispered tone. “Hey baby badgermole, I’ve got a secret for ya.
“Your Mama and I can’t wait to meet you, but there’s something you should know about Mama…
“She’s the Greatest Earthbender in the World, but she’s also the Greatest Mama in the World. She’s always gonna love you and protect you, just like I will.
“I thought you should know how amazing your Mama is before you meet her. And I don’t have a doubt in my mind that you’re gonna be just like her.”
He gave another loving kiss to the baby and hummed a goodnight to them before he made his way back to Toph. Once he settled back in bed, Toph inched her way as close to him as she could, burying her head in his chest and finding comfort in his warm embrace. His chest hummed in content as sleep found them again.
She remembered hearing him whisper right before she soundly slept, filling her with the reassurance that everything would be okay.
“You’re gonna be an amazing mom, Toph. I just know it.”
“I’m a terrible mother, Zuko.”
The Fire Lord shifted in his seat, startled by the bold statement and waited for an explanation. As he silently stared at her, he took in the beautiful surroundings before their focus turned to the morose topic that lingered over them.
It was a beautiful day in the Fire Nation, one of the first warm days of the season. The Beifongs traveled to the Fire Nation for a bit of a reprieve from Republic City. With the change in season, Zuko and Toph took advantage of the weather by sitting in one of the palace gardens with the children. Zuko watched as Lin clumsily ran around in the grass after Izumi while Kya coaxed the turtleducks to the edge of the pond.
They didn’t have a care in the world, not yet, at least, and Zuko naively hoped they never would.
Toph exhaled deeply, disrupting his observations. “I’m letting her down, I know it.”
Zuko furrowed his eyebrows. “What makes you say that, Toph?”
“I just—” she hesitated. Time made her more closed off, and it always took her a moment longer to admit more feelings.
But Zuko was patient, and he knew if he waited long enough, she’d open up.
Toph took another labored breath. “She’s looking for him. Everywhere we go. She wants him, not me. Which, I get, because I’d want him instead of me, too. If that wasn’t hard enough, everything she does reminds me of him.
“And I can’t stand it. I can barely hold her or take care of her because every other word she says is ‘Dada’ and I nearly break down when he’s mentioned. What kind of mother can’t even take care of her kid without wishing her dead boyfriend was around instead? What does that say about me?!”
He glanced over at Lin, who was crouching down to the ground with her cousins and gently patting the shell of a baby turtleduck. She seemed happy, content. Even if her mother was struggling.
“You’ve just had to deal with a lot right now, no one expects you to be perfect, Toph,” he reassured her. “Lin’s okay, she’ll be okay.”
“She won’t be okay if her mom keeps sulking around like this. Sure, maybe it’s fine now while she’s a baby, but she’s gonna grow up, and she’s gonna think I hate her.”
“No she won’t.”
“You don’t know that.”
Zuko said nothing, and Toph cynically chuckled. “He said she’d be just like me, but I can only see his traits in her. She’s got his heart, the noises she makes when she sleeps are his, and her hands are his. And I just know she’s gonna have his laugh, and it’s gonna break me.”
“He said I could do this in my sleep,” she interrupted as she rubbed her eyes. “That I would be a great mom on my own if I had to, but he was wrong.
“He should be here, he’d be better at this than me.”
“Toph,” Zuko began again, “he’s only been gone a year. We’re here to help so you both can heal. Please don’t think you’re alone in this with him gone. You’ve talked with Aang, but have you talked with Katara at all about how you feel? I can interrupt her meeting if—”
“No, your lives shouldn’t change because mine did,” she interrupted.
“Our lives don’t have to change dramatically, but you also shouldn’t think that this is all your weight to carry.”
“But it is,” she insisted, her voice raising with every word she said. “Lin is my kid, I lost my partner, I have to raise her alone, even if I can’t.”
A heavy silence fell between the two friends. All they could hear were the sounds of children giggling and turtleducks quacking.
It pained Zuko to see Toph like this. She was trying to be so strong for Lin, and she was strong. Her ability to persevere was unlike any he had seen. Toph went to work, searched for Kanto’s killer, stayed in touch with her friends and kept them up to date on her feelings, and raised Lin. And she was raising Lin well, amazing even, considering all that they had been through.
He just wished she would see that as well.
But that was a tough sell to convince Toph that she was doing amazing in spite of everything. No matter how many ways he spun it, Zuko’s words didn’t reassure Toph; it seemed that no one’s words of encouragement comforted Toph anymore.
Lin approached Toph, and their conversation ended as abruptly as it began. Zuko watched as Toph picked up Lin without hesitation, a hint of a smile grew as the toddler rambled on about her day with the turtleducks. In between the story, Toph’s head leaned in toward Zuko, and she quietly suggested, “Think it’s time for a snack.”
So they left to grab an afternoon snack, and Zuko’s eyes never strayed from Toph and Lin, not even when Kya and Izumi asked to run ahead. He just couldn’t shake his vision away from them as he saw the adoration Lin had for Toph, and the love and anguish in Toph’s eyes as she listened to her daughter chat. Zuko could visibly see Toph’s strength and perseverance as she walked into the palace, and yet, she remained unconvinced of her capabilities. The Fire Lord sighed, wishing he knew how to help Toph, what to say. But not many could reassure Toph. Well, Kanto did. He knew all the right things to say to calm her, to give her strength.
Who could she lean on for that now that he was gone?
Zuko didn’t know the answer.
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tirayuanshen · 2 years
How are you doing with the Apple Islands so far? Imho the quality of each story is much higher than the normal character stories we usually get, but it really was just too much content for me orz
I abandoned the co-op event ;;
I’m curious about how much do you complete in Genshin. Do you find all chests? Do all events?
I feel ya, there was def a lot going on this time 😅 I myself don't mind that but I see why that might be overwhelming for some.
I'm definitely a completionist haha, doing all the events (except for like the hardest level of the recent Diluc level and other really hard dps checks😭 i tried though) is a must because I'm always resource-poor and I do aim to find all chests if possible.
the coop event was a change of pace and quite chaotic in a fun way for me, i do recommend it if you're ever in the mood for something not too intense!
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dirtycccat · 4 years
making mixtapes for the demon bros + undateables
true love is making playlists for people you care about so what if you did this,,, for the demon bros (and the undateables)
classical music first, soft jazz second
lots of angry violin playing followed by soft dreamy piano
shostakovich, ravel, chopin
probably some opera too? anything that screams old boomer of culture
...and then chet baker and nina simone 
 (i’m sorry lucifer is a chet baker lover forever in my heart i mean have you heard my funny valentine or i’ve never been in love before or it ‘s always you? please that’s lucifer in love 101)
bonus: based on his character song i feel like he’d also enjoy lap dance music like two feet  (like mammon and asmo) 
anything slow and sensual but with a beat
basically either party music but horny or romantic / feel good rap
two feet, chet faker, tyler the creator
maybe pop punk???
he gives me angry pop punk dude that mellowed out and now sings abt his gf vibes idk why
also songs you can serenade him with (or the ones he used to serenade you)
lastly, hear me out: disney karaoke (no, i do not accept criticism)
anime openings / endings and movie soundtracks
especially if you watched them together
(because everyone has a playlist with 2000s animes ops and old vocaloid music for nostalgia)
low fi for studying/ no thought head empty just gaming music 9 hours 
but instead of studying he’ll listen to it while gaming because listening to a game’s soundtrack while playing another is a power move
jazz lover on a good day metal on a bad day
...or both on a good day because some people listen to metal to calm down so why not 
you do you king listen to metallica while sipping tea
also ofc he’d love punk for sure since he’s the forever angry teen boyo
but i feel like he’d prefer punk bands that aren’t made up of only angry white dudes
like against me for example
but he’d also like the classics like green day like how can you not
did he have a secret emo phase he told you about and you put some mcr too? maybe
lana del rey ugly crying karaoke when drunk
also mitski
and fiona apple
i feel like he’d do a lot of crying while listening to romantic songs and ain’t that a mood so put a lot of that
would probably like a mixtape with side a: sad romantic music only and side b:songs to strip to 
bonus: another mixtape with broadway showtunes because we need a theatre kid in this family
he would probably like heathers, legally blonde, mean girls ya know the feel good musicals you can jam to 
(can you imagine asmo singing welcome to my candy store? now you can you’re welcome)
workout music
gorillaz and feel good music like abba
is he the type of person that works out to rap or techno music? we don’t know 
he probably likes whatever is high energy and keeps up with his workout
but would also jam out to abba
likes soft i wanna sleep piano asmr? ya know music you listen to when you’re feeling soft and calm
which he can listen to w his twin
whale noises
rain against your window while you’re trying to sleep by the fireplace 9 hours asmr
dancing queen but you’re drunk in a bathroom at a party in the 80s
folk rock and goth country  (for our cowboy hhehehehe)
just goth rock  (but with him bela lugosi isn’t dead he’s just asleep)
experimental  loud rap like death grips
2005 sad emo music to cry your mascara off to like mcr and fob
he doesn’t have any specific taste in music  and could listen to anything and he means anything
canon theatre kid
you can’t stop him he likes all the musicals
probably into the more romantic ones though
rent, falsettos, hedwig and the angry inch
i really want simeon to play hedwig idk can you imagine it  i cant but would like to
also hear me out: romantic french music 
edith piaf, charles azvnavour, pomme
aka artists you can jam out to but also slow dance with your lover while listening to them
classical music on the outside, loud metal on the inside
he’s that mom that drinks vodka and listens to loud metal for his alone time (you know the vine)
hidden theatre kid
but prefers the more dramatic and challenging musicals
les mis, the phantom of the opera, the great comet of 1812
hums the confrontation from les mis while cleaning the castle (both parts)
disney enthusiast nr 1 dethrones mammon by a lot
you watched all movies with him and now he loves them and demands more disney karaoke sessions with you
probably used to classical music
but hear me out show him 80s rock and he’ll turn into an american whiskey dad
all the dad bands you could think of? he loves them
led zeppelin, queen, kiss, you name it
if you thought belphie had diverse tastes
hoo boy
say hello to the king of randomness
you could put angry classical music followed by metal followed by dad rock followed by  fleetwood mac followed by david bowie followed by idk random spanish summer songs on the radio followed by edith piaf
and that’d be like his normal playlist
listens to anything which means you can go crazy since nothing makes him happier than being properly surprised by something new
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