faceglitchsworld · 11 months
Ok, I pull up.
* follows WayV on Spotify *
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alina-dixon · 8 months
Another Sanji!?
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Pairings: Zoro x Male reader
Warnings: cursing, fluff,
Requested: Yes / No
A/N: I thought it was a funny idea! Have fun reading!😙 (also sorry for not posting! I have a job since last September, but! Don't worry I’m going to be writing more again! YAY!🥳❤️😂)
Soooo... It was currently five in the morning and you had a weird but funny dream, it was about you and Sanji pranking Zoro. So when you woke up you looked at the clock. “Mmmmh? Sanji should be awake by now.” you stretched yourself and got out of bed but you had to be quiet so you wouldn't wake up Zoro.
You opened and closed the door quietly and made your way towards the kitchen. “Morning Sunny!” you greeted the ship. Making your way to the kitchen you looked upon the see next to you.
Now you opened the kitchen door gently, you stuck your head through it, and peeked inside. You saw Sanji preparing the breakfast.
So you went inside. “Morning Sanji!” you greeted him smiling brightly, making him glance towards you and he smiled gently. “Morning Y/N” walking towards you with a plate that had some chopped fruits on it, placing it in front of you.
You smiled widely at him. “Thank you, Sanji!” Sanji got back to preparing. “No problem! For you, always” he said softly. You rested your hand under your chin while eating some apple slices. “Say Sanji… do you want to help me with something?” you asked looking at him with hopeful eyes, as he once again turned to you. “It depends, What kind of help do you need?” he asked curious.
You smiled evilly. “I want to Prank Zoro! My idea was to Dress like you! Make my hair like yours! And act like you!” you explained. That got his interest, which made him grin at the thought of Zoro’s dumb look on his face.
Sanji then nodded. “Well then, come with me to my chambers. I will give you some of my clothes and cut your hair” he walked out if the kitchen with you behind. When you got to his Chambers he went to his closet and came back with a pair of his shoes, a yellow shirt, and one of his suits. He put them on his bed and turned to you, grabbed your shoulders, and pushed you into his bathroom.
He sat you down on a chair and got his scissors out. But before he started he looked at you. “You sure that you want that?” he asked, only to make sure that you knew what you were doing. You look up at him nodding excitedly. “Yes, I'm sure! And besides, I was actually thinking for a long time to cut my hair like you. It just looks so good!” Sanji smiled at that. “Thank you. Well then, let's start.” and with that, he started cutting your hair.
Half an hour later he was done, and you were awestruck at how good it looked. He even made your eyebrows! You shot up and hugged Sanji. “It looked perfect! The only thing that is missing is the clothes!” you giggled, and Sanji hugged you back. “I’d do it again if you want. Just come to me if you want to cut your hair” he said as he walked back into his room to get you the clothes for you.
He came back handing them to you. “I sure will do!” you said and Sanji got back out so you could change.
First you put on the shirt, then the suit and for the last, the shoes. When you went back to his room, posing. “And, how do I look?” you said jokingly. Sanji started laughing. “Just like me. Now come let's finish preparing the breakfast before everyone wakes up” he said still chuckling lightly as you both went back to the kitchen to make breakfast.
Most of the stuff was done and on the table. Then you heard the kitchen door open and heard someone humming in confusion. “Huh?” it was Luffy. You and Sanji turned around to greet him. “Morning Luffy. Breakfast is ready” Sanji said, but Luffy only blinked at him. “Another Sanji!? Since when are there Two of you!?” Luffy screamed in confusion.
The others of course heard that and came to see what was going on. Many gasps and shocked faces were looking at the two of You. The one that stood out the most was Zoro… his face when he saw you, his mouth was wide open. “Shity Cook! What have you done to him!?” He grabbed Sanji's shirt and got into his face angry.
Sanji of course screamed back at him. “Shut it you stupid Moss head! We were only cooking!” Zoro scoffed at that angrily. You pushed them apart. “Oi! Sanji! Marimo! Stop fighting, and eat something!” you said and hit both of their heads. Zoro looked at you in disbelief. “Stop talking like him! You are not him!” he tried to reason with you. Which made you roll your eyes, and then smiled because you couldn't stay serious anymore. The same goes for Sanji and the both of you start laughing.
Everyone looked at you confused. “Bwahahaha!!! It was just a Prank! And it was totally worth it!” you said while you gave Sanji a high five. “Definitely, that stupid look on his face was hilarious!” Sanji laughed back.
Zoro grew a thick Mark on his forehead! “Stop laughing already!” he screamed. You walked in towards him and took his hand, and walked with him to the table to sit him down. “Stop being so angry, and start eating, will you?” you said as you sat down on his lap.
Zoro scoffed but he gave you a kiss, before he started eating. And what didn't surprise anyone is, that Luffy was already eating the whole time.
When everyone was at the table, Nami spoke up. “Y/N, to be honest with you that hair looks good on you. The clothes too. On the next Island I’ll take you to go shopping with me!” she said excitedly. “Thank you! And sure why not, sounds fun!” you said happily.
Robin nodded too. “Nami is right, you look good. I think I'll go with the two of you,” she said calmly. “Oi! He is my Boyfriend-” Zoro got cut off by an angry-looking Nami that hit him on the head. “And!? He's our friend! Now stop being an idiot!” Nami screamed, as everyone laughed.
You Started to cuddle Zoro’s neck and kissed his head. “Don't worry I could never love anyone but you,” you assured him, to which He only responded by hugging you tightly.
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ancha-aus · 3 months
Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey
Been having a bad day so may I interest you with a cute thought regarding the real age au ? (Which I absolutely love by the way)
Nightmare using his boss provilege to give the gang orders except it's orders like "I'm your BOSS and as your boss I demand UPSIES and SNUGGLES"
Anyway that's all byyyyye
hey hey hey hey!
Sorry to hear you are having a rough day. Hope it gets a little better!
That idea is VERY cute. That foremost. Nightmare is sadly at the moment a bit more in the shy and grumpy stage to demand upsies and snuggles out loud (he is still learning to ask for things he wants)
It would be more of an... mmmmh. let me see....
Killer watches tv as he tries to see if anything interesting is happening in this universe. so far only boring stuff. which is good because that may enable them to stay a tiny bit longer before moving again.
a shuffle and shadow in the corner of his socket make shim look up.
Killer grins "Hey tiny boss. awake already?"
Nightmare just gives a tiny hum as he looks at the tv before staring at him.
Killer frowns "Did the tv wake you?"
Ngihtamre shakes his skull and shrugs.
Killer doen'st mind that Nightmare is smaller now. He adores his tiny boss! he is just the cutest! But damnit if it wouldn't be easier if Nihgtmare just told them what was wrong of what he wanted.
Nightmare shuffles a bit closer as he keeps watching the tv.
Killer tilts his skull before shugging as he grabs the tiny babybones!
Nightmare freezes before glaring at him wiht a small blush.
Killer grins "Sorry tiny boss. just too adorable to pass up this chance for snuggles!" and he happily holds the tiny nightmare closer.
Nightmare however doesn't struggle. So maybe he isn't feeling as grupy as Killer thought?
Nightmare just kinda. goes limp in his hold and relaxes.
huh... weird... oh well! MOre cuddle time with the babybones for Killer!
Killer continues to watch the news as Nightamre slowly but surely falls asleep.
More something like that i think *taps chin before shrugging* oh well!
I wish you a good day! ;)
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misseviehyde · 1 year
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You were pretty surprised when the invitation came to attend an exclusive fashion shoot in Milan... especially when it was addressed to your boyfriend Chris.
He opened it, frowned then laughed and shrugged slightly.
"When I was younger," laughed Chris - "my aunt who works in the fashion industry used to make me model girls clothes and pretend to be her daughter. For years she's been trying to get me to do it again."
"Your aunt made you dress up as a girl?" you asked bemused.
"Errrrr not quite," muttered Chris. "She used to give me this Elixir stuff and it actually made me into a girl. I became this annoying little bitch called Cristy. My Aunt said I had the perfect bone structure to be a girl and that when I grew up I could be a top super model if I wanted. Cristy was well up for it."
"You're talking about her like she was a different person," you gulped.
"She kind of was and that was the problem. She was a annoying little diva who was going to grow up spoiled and evil. My Mom rescued me and made me go cold-turkey till I turned back into her son. Cristy has been gone since then. Fuck I wonder what she would look like now? Guess that's what my aunt is trying to convince me to try."
"But what does the invite say?" you askes curiously.
"It says she needs a top model for her fashion show in Milan and if Cristy does it - she'll pay me a million dollars and write me into the will."
"A million? Holy shit - that's insane!" you gasp.
"Not really. The top models get 20 to 40 million depending on the gig."
"Maybe you should do it? We could use the money and you're older now. You can keep Cristy under control and I can make sure you get turned back."
"I don't know," mused Chris reluctantly. "I... I had to work hard to free myself of her. But I suppose for all that money..."
"How much harm can it do?" you asked. "You love me and with a million in the bank we can do what we like."
Chris nodded reluctantly... though only partially, as if some part of him was actually pleased.
"Very well, I'll book the flights."
Milan was beautiful though you hadn't seen that much yet. A private cab whisked you and Chris away to the centre where you were taken to hotel where the models were staying.
Beautiful women moved around the lobby like they inhabited some different universe. Their graceful movements made you feel small and weak.
You were taken to a room where a whole suite of beautiful women's clothing and makeup was waiting. On a table by one wall stood a rack of pink vials. Chris walked over.
"Are you sure you want me to do this?"
Without waiting for an answer he raised the vial to his mouth and drank it all.
"Ohhhhh fuck, I forgot how good this stuff tasted. How it made me feel. Mmmmmh I haven't transformed into a girl for years... mmmmh no... this time, I'm becoming a woman not a girl. Cristy is coming back baby!"
Chris began to groan and giggle, pulling at his clothes and laughing as he struggled out of them. Bones were popping and cracking and his hair was already lengthening as Cristy's perfect features replaced his.
His flat chest swelled out as two huge natural breasts grew there. Grabbing them Chris squeezed happily, his pouting mouth parted in ecstasy as he transformed.
High cheek bones, soft skin and luuxrious hair framed his transformed body and his face altered to become super beautiful. The bitch standing unashamedly naked in front of you now had a perfect ass and body, with firm full tits and gorgeous silky hair. She would look good in anything.
"See," purred the reborn Cristy in a deliciously sexy voice. "He warned you I was pretty and as you can see I am."
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"Chris?" you asked in astonishment.
"Weren't you listening to anything he had to say loser? I'm Cristy - the girl he used to be, though I'm all grown up now. For fucks sake - help me get dressed and let's find my aunt. I can't wait to get back on the catwalk."
Cristy was a quick learner or she already knew how to do things. She explained she'd been lurking in Chris' subconscious for a long time.
"I can't believe it's been so long since I was free. Still - at least I'm finally back. Thanks bitch for convincing that loser to become me again. This time he won't get free of me."
"No... that isn't the plan. You're gonna earn that money then go back to being Chris."
"Oh really? What the fuck do I get out of that arrangement? Errrr how about I find my aunt, launch my new modelling career and become rich and famous. Yeah, we'll go with that plan." Laughing Cristy turned on her heels and clopped off to find her aunt.
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Cristy Rio was famous, beautiful and rich.
Girls wanted to be her and men wanted to fuck her.
Thanks to her rich, well-connected aunt she'd experienced a meterioric rise in the fashion industry and was now a super succesful model and socialite.
She was also your former boyfriend.
Without putting too much a finer point on it, you'd made a big mistake helping her get control back of Chris. Now she was in charge and there wasn't any reason for Chris to ever want to return.
She was an international star and a total bitch.
She was your boyfriend, the super model.
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twooneztaylorthecat · 2 years
Sweet Sensations - Adam Stanheight / Reader
18+ story.
Woah, hi. I've been experiencing severe burnout. But, here's something I managed to pull up - without the help of a song, what?
This inspo behind this was pretty much, 'try to make it sexual'?
18+ Soooo yeah. Read at your own risk this story is for a mature audience.
Adam Stanheight locked eyes with you for the first time that night. They were tired and dreary, but lustful all the same. He nuzzled your nose slightly, and massaged your cheeks. You had been out of town for a month or so, and hadn’t had much time to catch up. But now that you were back, you felt right at home. Adam was obviously enjoying himself. 
“I missed you!” He exclaimed, kissing you down your neck. 
You moaned a little bit, and smiled. “I missed you, too, Adam…” 
“I’ve not been able to stop thinking about you,” Stanheight confessed, bringing his head up to look you in the eyes. You sighed in disappointment, longing for the feeling of his lips on your skin once more. 
“Oh really?” you asked. “What have you been thinking about?”
Adam kissed you briefly on the mouth. “Oh…” he murmured. “NSFW stuff…”
You raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Go on…”
“No,” Adam said shyly. “You wouldn’t like it…”
“Try me,” you whispered longingly. 
Adam examined your naked body. You could feel his gaze travel down your body almost like a physical feeling. Soft, and silky, his gaze gave you chills as he took in your nudity. He kissed you on the cheek and you felt warmth rush your cheeks. You were incapable of stopping the smile that crossed your face. “Mmmh… Use your imagination.”
You shivered, and cocked your head to the side. “I want to know,” you begged. “I want to know what you’re seeing in your head…”
Adam’s hand traveled slowly down your sensitive body, making stops in a couple of certain places. You moaned out immediately, desperately. He rubbed on your inner thigh, and moved cautiously inward. You flinched at his gentle touch. “I’d rather try to show you…”
Overwhelming feeling took over your mind, which made you gasp and grab the edge of the sofa. Sparkles twinkled in your eyes, and filled your stomach. “A-Adam…” You choked. 
“What?” Adam brought both his hands up to your cheeks. One set was wet and the other set was dry. 
The intense feelings you were feeling before dissolved, and left you feeling empty. You gasped, trying to ignore the blood rush between your legs.  Blinking, you mumbled, “Th-th-that felt really good.” 
Adam scoffed, and smirked down at you. “Really?”
You felt your cheeks get bright red, and you found it hard to make eye contact. You got nervous, and timid. “Yeah…” You admitted quietly. 
“Awe,” Adam purred, and caressed your cheek. “So cute. Look at me, Y/N.”
With lots of effort, you forced yourself to look in Adam’s eyes. You saw major satisfaction and confident power glinting in Adam’s eyes. Obviously he was enjoying himself. A lot. You couldn’t say anything. You were so… melted… 
“What?” He asked teasingly. “Cat got your tongue?”
You bit your lip nervously, feeling another blood rush in between your legs. “Ahh…”
Adam Stanheight dropped his gaze downward. “Oh,” he whispered. He messaged your sensitive parts again, with both hands this time. 
You closed your eyes, and rolled your head back, monstrous pleasure cascading all over you like a thunderstorm of rain. Your mind went blank and you gripped the couch again. “Adam!” You exclaimed, feeling a rise of pressure within. 
Adam giggled. “Like that?”
“The only thing missing is the rope.” He smirked at you. “Otherwise, it’d be a perfect replica of my daydream.” You grit your teeth, your heart thundering and your mind reeling. You moaned loudly, as Adam finally finished you off. 
For a few moments there was bliss. Crashing immense gratification thrashed through your whole nervous system, and you went limp. You felt Adam’s strong body on your lithe one, and you could smell his smokey scent. 
“Adam…” You whispered. “Mmmmh.” Your body went limp, and you breathed deeply. Exhaustion filled your limbs, and chest. 
But Adam wasn’t done yet. “Don’t forget about me…” He growled into your ear. You could feel him rubbing on your right leg. 
“Sorry, Adam…” You whispered. 
“Why don’t you make it up to me?” He uttered, and tipped your head up so that you had to look him in the eyes. There was love in his expression, but you could see his sexual hunger. 
Once again, shyness consumed you, and you burrowed your eyebrows worriedly. “Y-Yeah…” You let out a nervous breath. 
“Great.” Adam smiled gratefully. “I love you.”
Before you could answer, you had Adam thrusting in your soft hands. Gasping, you moved your hands mechanically, automatically, the way you knew he liked it. Mostly he got himself off, but he seemed really pleased to have your hands on him, touching him, pleasuring him. You enjoyed feeling him in your hands, and when it was over, you almost longed to feel it again.
Adam came down to lay on top of you, looking into your eyes, and kissing you, and breathing in your mouth, and whispering in your ear. “Thanks, Y/N. You’re so good to me. You’re so good at obeying.”
“Oh… you know… I was just trying to satisfy you. I was-”
Adam kissed you on the mouth roughly. He caressed your cheeks with both hands. “Shut up…” He murmured nicely. “Just say you love me.”
Chills ran up your back. “I… I love you…” 
“I love you more.”
“I love you most,” you said proudly. 
“Tch, that’s cute. But at least I love you so much to actually get you off, doing the work…” His voice was low and teasing, and you could feel another blood rush. 
Adam chuckled in amusement. “Sweetie…” The power in his tone made you stiffen, and look him in the eyes. “Gracious girl/boy. That look keeps me awake at night…”
You  gasped at his words. “Oh, Adam…”
“So does the memory of your voice,” Adam added smoothly. 
Another throb between the legs. “Fuck…”
“And the feeling of your body.”
“Fuck me again!” You blurted out into the atmosphere.
Adam looked at you in surprise, seemingly impressed with your bluntness. “Who’s getting a little demanding?” He asked amusedly. “You want me to take care of you again? I had no idea you were so needy.”
You whimpered. “Sorry, Adam, I didn’t mean to… I’m just so…” you trailed off. 
Adam chuckled. “I turn you on that much?”
You blushed and looked away from Adam’s eyes. “I-I-Yeah… You’re so good at teasing me.”
“Baby, please. It’s not that hard.” He sounded scornful, but you knew it was all part of the game. You hugged him closer. “Alright. I’m done fucking around. You don’t deserve that. You deserve all my love.”
You swallowed, as Adam started round two. You heaved a sigh as Adam started rubbing on you once again. You choked as he messaged you slower than before, harder, dragging out the feelings of pleasure and satisfaction. The process continued until you couldn’t stand it. Adam loved tearing your feelings up your nerves but he did know when to stop. And then he fucked hard. 
Relishing the burning hot pleasure in your body, you closed your eyes, and yowled his name. So, fucking sensitive. So much more sensitive than the first time, and holy shit… “Oh god…” you gasped. 
Adam laughed. “You don’t even know what to do with yourself, do you?”     
“What am I supposed to do?” You wheezed. 
“Dunno,” Adam replied, dragging your hand down to his ‘Problem.’ “You could always…”
You started massaging him roughly, not even trying to tease him or provoke him. And together you both finished, though one of you might’ve been a lot messier at the end.
You laid back against the pillows, and grabbed Adam’s hands in yours. Now he looked tired, rather than lustful. He was snuggly, rather than turned on. “I love you,” you said. 
“I’d think so,” Adam said offhandedly. “You’ve married me. You’ve fucked me. You’ve committed yourself to me. You better love me.”
You waited for him to continue, but he didn’t. “Adam?”
“I love you…”
“I love the way you go limp when you’re coming.”
Flabbergasted, your mouth fell open and you put your arm over your face in embarrassment. “A-Adam!” 
Adam only gazed down at you even more satisfyingly. “I speak only the truth.”
“W-Well, you didn’t have to say that…”
“Would you have preferred I said ‘I love the way you squirm when you’re embarrassed’?”
You flushed even more, and put your other arm over your face. “S-Stop…”
“Just like that…” Adam sighed. 
“Just… Tell me what I want to hear…”
“I… la la…”
You frowned at him unhappily. “Why do you do this to me?”
“Do what? I’m only making you happy.” Adam gave you an innocent smile. 
You forgot all your embarrassment. “Oh… you’re right.”
“I know…”  Adam whispered. “I usually am.”
“Fuck you,” you scoffed. 
“I love you, Y/N,” Adam purred into your ear. “I love you.”
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raptorsaurusmelain · 11 months
Let me show you... Youtube - chapter 24
I am feeling like Victoria : at the end of the rope.
Warning : no proof reading, English is not my mother tongue.
Trigger warning : once sentence speak about unaliving themselves.
If you are interested in reading this fic, the tag "#twst lmsyy" will give you all the chapters.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Sleep didn’t find her that night. She was in her bath, in warm water, while trying to focus on relaxing. [It decided. Tomorrow I am going to go to Sam’s and try to buy essential oils or stuff like that…]
She lay down in the bath so the water level was under her nose. [I wonder if I can get higher grade antipsychotics or sleeping pills here… It is going to cost a lot of money but I can try seeing a doctor.]
She blew bubbles. [Maybe I should just speak about it to Crewel. He should be able to make a sleeping potion.]
Her alarm rung. She got out of the water and wore her bathrobe. Victoria looked at herself in the mirror. The dark circles were even darker. They seemed eggplant-ish. The woman looked at her concealer. [Nearly empty. I need to buy some. I should ask Sam or Crewel where to buy a good one.]
She decided to wear a black mom high waisted jeans with a black t-shirt. The top had a rose held by a hand with a “Will you marry me ?” written across the shoulders. To complete the look she wore a brown belt with a silver chain hanging from it and some black sneakers.
She looked at herself in the mirror. She was tired and it was visible despite the makeup. Victoria wasn’t just physically tired, she was becoming mentally tired. It was funny how her mental disorder was really 2 extremes. She was so hype that she was physically and mentally drained. [What a life… I wouldn’t even wish for my worst enemy to have this sh*t.]
She prepared breakfast for everyone like always. Yuu arrived in the kitchen, still in PJs and worn out. Yuu said in a little voice. “I don’t feel well today. I don’twant to go to school today…”
Victoria sighed. They both weren’t in good shape today. “Go back to bed after eating a little, I will invent an excuse for you.”
Grim jumped on the occasion. “I don’t want to go to school either !”
The woman grabbed Grim and carried him. “Do you feel sick ?”
She put her hand on his nose. “Mmmmh you don’t seem hot. Aren’t you lying to me young Sir ?”
The demon struggled and said. “Don’t touch my nose like that !”
Victoria had a faint smile. “Grim, it is the only way for me to know if you have a fever. You have fur all over you.”
Grim changed his strategy. “I have a tummy ache !”
She felt his stomach. “It doesn’t seem tense… You are lying young Sir ! You are going to school today and bring me your notes.”
Grim was dejected. He mumbled. “How did she do… Is she a witch ?”
Victoria bent and whispered, making the demon jump. “No, I am even worse… I am your mom, Grim.”
Grim threw his paws in the air. “You’re not my MOOOOOM !! You didn’t give birth to me !”
She patted his head with a smile on her face. “Family isn’t always about blood, but the one you choose.”
They both went to school while Yuu shut themself in their room.
Victoria scratched her head when she was left alone in the corridor, swiping the floor. She was tidying the carpet when suddenly a voice came from nowhere. “Where can I find the toilet, please ?”
Victoria answered without looking. “3rd door on the left.”
She yawned, hearing the footsteps going away. When she looked up, expecting to see someone entering the bathroom, but she saw no one. She frowned. Maybe he was fast ? [He must really have wanted to pee. Oh well, It is none of my business.]
She continued to swipe until recess.
When the students were enjoying their time off. She knocked on Crewel’s door. “Excuse me, Professor Crewel ? I would like to speak with you for a few minutes…”
He looked above his papers. “Dr Devi ? Come in ! What is happening ? … You seem tired.”
She had a faint smile. “Yeah about that… Do you have something to help me sleep ? I can’t sleep well these days.”
Crewel wondered. She truly seemed at the end of the rope. “I can make you a tonic. It won’t substitute a good night of sleep but it will help a bit to put you to sleep.”
Victoria smiled. “Thank you…”
That afternoon, she was going back to her duties when Crowley found her. He seemed quite angry. “Mrs Devi ! I can be gracious and magnanimous but Yuu has to attend classes ! They are already lost in class, they don’t need time off.”
Victoria was annoyed. “What. Did. You. Say ?”
Crowley crossed his arms. “I hope they have a good excuse for not coming to class today !”
Victoria was clearly not having it. “And witnessing an overblot should be a good excuse ?”
Crowley opened his eyes wide, sweating. Seeing him not answering her, she saw red. “So you mean that WE are supposed to act like normal when anybody here can hurt us with their magic like a flick of their wrist ? You want a child that puts their life in danger to go to school ? For F sake where are we ?”
Sweating, Crowley answered. “In Night Raven College ?”
She tilted her head, eyes wide. “Is it for the sake of your quota ? All of that just to have a good class average ? Are you kidding me ?”
She observed him, her eyes beginning to be filled by tears. “You swore it wasn’t going to happen again… You’re just a liar.”
And she ran away.
It was Sam who found her first, crying against his door. “What happened doctor imp ?”
Victoria looked at him through her tears. “I am a bad guardian. I won’t let Yuu attend school today because they witnessed something bad and Crowley hold me responsible for that.”
Sam sighed and pushed the door. “Oh, Leona’s overblot hu ? Come in.”
She heard a voice speak. “You’re the worst.”
She turned around. No one was here.
Sam looked behind him. “What happened ?”
Victoria squinted her eyes. “Nothing… Just the wind, I think.”
He made her an instant hot cocoa. “Are you feeling better ?”
Victoria nodded and blew on her drink. “Yeah, thank you… I just don’t sleep enough those days.”
Sam’s eyes sparkled. Victoria looked at him, unsure. “Yeeees ???”
Sam screamed full of joy “IN STOCK !! A pillow so wonderful you will sleep on it in no time ! And to a discount price of 50 madols !”
She sighed. Today was a long day.
Tag : @boba-tea-fish @hipsterteller
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livia-dovehallow · 2 years
Tw for mild discussion of s*xual themes
Omg, you also don't vibe with Jordelia! I thought I was the only one - maybe because I follow a lot of pro-Jordelia pro-Cordelia blogs, lol. I used to like them in CoG, then I started to appreciate other couples more. In this book I disliked Cordelia for most of the first part, then became neutral about her. I think she has abandonment issues and that's why she probably doubted Grace and runaway to Paris with Matthew, but this doesn't justify her actions. She acted like a victim just because one of the people she said she cared about (?) didn't share their "dirty" (it was stupid stuff imo) with her! Unbelievable. I hated how she treated some of the people (like James or Lucie) who were always accepting of her and tried to make her feel part of the group. I am always mmmmh about James too, because I don't think he is a strong male character. He always wants to sacrifice himself, and he has this "bro, let me fix that" savior attitude, when honestly no one asked you to save anyone, love.
And triangles aside, Jordelia don't have chemistry to me. They do have physical chemistry, but that's it. If we analyze their interactions, they're mostly about each other's appearance and being hot, and wanting to jump each other bones, and sometimes about how smart they are. Where is the emotional build up? It felt like the build up only lead to the satisfaction of their carnal desires. Once they did that, it was like they solved all their problems. They didn't! They feel flat to me. And I also think they both idealized each other, so when they found their "real" personality, they were a little shocked and not in a good way.
yes precisely! if they had been set up as friends-with-benefits from the get-go, this physical chemistry would make perfect sense because it was intended that way. but they're intended to be a love story and i just get ZERO chemistry in that department with them (nor did I ever get that sense with Cordelia's friendship with Lucie).
I get they're teens and teens are volatile no matter what era they're in but for a group of people who are meant to have considered themselves "mature", they certainly were not
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lyaenidae · 10 months
One stop on the way back to San Sequoia
The journey back consists of a train ride and a ferry crossing. But they have a long time to wait in between the two, so they enjoy their time in the small city. "Want to go do some shopping with the money we haven't spent yet on our holiday ?" asks Miki, as they walk by a small clothes store.
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"It has been a while since we've had new stuff to wear !" nods Kenta. They are in a great mood when they go into the shop, and both find tons of new outfits that they can wear.
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Of course, they show each other what they found and keep flirting instead of giving real opinions on the clothes.
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"I'm going to go try a few of these things on, behave yourself !" Miki laughs, blushing at the things Kenta says out loud in the small shop. "Mmmmh... I'll try my best !"
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She's quite happy with all the outfits and doesn't take too long. Yet, when she comes out, Kenta finds her almost immediately and whispers all the bad thoughts he's had about her while she was getting changed in there. And, curiously, they find a broom closet mostly empty where they hide for a little while. Both of them feel like they're teenagers who just fell in love and can't keep their hands off each other.
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After making sure no one sees them exit the closet, they both go back to their browsing, but their brains are even more distracted now. They just have eyes only for each other.
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Eventually, they pay and leave, still having to wait for their ferry ride, so they sit down not too far from the port and have small cupcakes and warm drinks together.
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"My mom is still texting me about how excited she is about our engagement !" laughs Miki after looking at her phone. "She just loves me so much !" "Almost more than me and Taku, I'd say !" "Was it hard, sharing your happiness with them ? Or was it easier knowing that we're going back home and you won't have to be around your parents for too long ?" asks Kenta, suddenly serious.
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"You know, it made it easier that you had introduced the idea to them already by asking for their blessing. I didn't have to answer annoying questions or face their high expectations. But I hope that it doesn't mean that you had to face those when you talked to them yourself."
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"No, it was alright, don't worry !" The relief on her face seems intense. And as he finishes his small cake, she gets up and raises an eyebrow. "See what I see ?"
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"Aww, you know I'm bad at skating Miki ! And I'm not even wearing my contacts today !" "Oh, just trust me baby, I won't let you fall on your face" she promises, ready to drag him to the skating rink.
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And yet, mere seconds after they've started skating, Kenta, unsurprisingly, falls on his face !
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But as he get back up, Miki waits for him and tells him to stay closer to her, so she can catch him if he loses his balance.
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And it works ! For a little while at least... They skate around for half an hour, and as they get tired, the risks become greater. Until Kenta falls again, but this time, they decide to call it and get off the rink.
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"Sorry for letting you down in there, I'm not that great at skating either... At least not good enough to catch you and help you when you're struggling." Miki apologises. "It's okay, there's no one I would rather struggle with."
0 notes
starsquinkle · 1 year
My thoughts listening to Wither Blister Burn + Peel by Stabbing Westward for the first time
enjoy the album review that nobody asked for but i want to talk about this band bc i’ve been discovering them
Song 1: “I don’t believe”
Vocals are kind of wacky in this song (in my opinion) but it’s a good opener and I like it
Song 2: “Shame”
Love the aggression in the beginning of the song and it’s just super catchy and memorable.
Song 3: “What do I have to do?”
Less fast paced than the others but the whispered beginning lyrics add to the experience
Song 4: “Why”
Not the most memorable on the album but absolutely not a skip. Adds to the overall album experience
Song 5: “Inside you”
Absolutely epic middle-ending. Instrumentals are full of rage and energy love it
Song 6: “Falls apart”
LOVE the crunchy guitar in the beginning 😫😫and then the transition to the soft vocals. one of my favorites actually. Plus it has the lyrics from the album title so bonus there. Most industrial sounding one from this album so far and i love it
Song 7: “So wrong”
the grinding instrumental in the beginning mmmmh yesssss. another favorite for sure
Song 8: “Crushing Me”
slower and more emotional than the previous songs and there’s kind of a big break in the middle but i loove it and the lyrics are so real “i’m feeling the weight of the world and it’s crushing me”
Song 9: “Sleep”
i like the electronic stuff happening in the beginning of it a lot i’m a big fan of those sounds. love how the vocals are kinda isolated
Song 10: “Slipping away”
beautiful closing song i love it
Overall, super good but i like their other album Darkest Days better!!’
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linootte · 2 years
I just found your art through your CR animatic and absolutely fell in love with your style,, what/who are some of your biggest artistic inspirations?
Hi! I received this ask ages ago, idk if you're even still here or alive anon, but I'm going to respond to it!
I don't have a very fixed style, so i guess this is a hard question for me to answer, but here are a few artsists that are always in the back of my mind!
First, Stupidoomdoodles. She did a lot of cool DBZ Vegebul comics a few years ago. Her style was quite "simple", but i've yet to find an artist whose expressions made me laugh more that hers. Sadly she has deleted most of her art/blogs so you can only find her art reposted. Whenever you see me drawing big round stupid eyes... that's her legacy.
In the same ballpark, @kebabcito recently is killing me with their expressive and sketchy comics, with top-notch character designs. And that texture mmmmh... I REALLY have an itch to do more comics (the problem being: having time and ideas).
Animation-wise, I obviously am influenced a lot by Ghibli (who isn't), but people like Felix Colgrave (bc I love how disturbing yet coherent and colorful his world is) or Louis Zong (bc this man's content is so funny and i love how much he blends techniques, music, animation, everything together...I WISH I KNEW HOW TO DO THAT DAMN) are also big inspirations.
@ameliecausse is a very dear friend of mine (coucou si tu lis ça :D ). She influenced a lot the way i think about backgrounds, and her digital paintings were so good they pushed me to do more lineless art, and to incorporate already existing textures into some of my drawings. Also I stole a bunch of photoshop brushes from her shhh.
I need to mention FMA: not only is it my favorite manga, i use to copy pages from it, a lot. I think it KIND OFs hows in the way i draw heads??... idk. (i know i never draw anything FMA-related, but you don't "need" to do fanart for a piece of media that is already perfect imo. At least for me, fanart is always born of a mix of excitement and frustration). Recently I've learned to love very colorful art more than ever, like Moebius, or Dominique Ramsey's art. Anyone who draw weird creatures/animals already has my love, but her!!! Wow... What can I say. Just go see her stuff please.
Speaking of colorful art, my lastest illustration shows i think how much @cy-lindric's work had an impact on me. There are hundreds of other artists I would to love to talk about, but this post is already too long. So here is a recent art mindblow of mine to finish this post:
Thank you for that very interesting question!
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a-pretty-nerd · 4 years
“I Wanna Push Your Limits”
Dom! Klaus Hargreaves x fem! Reader
Request: "Hi l love your writing so muchh! Do you think you could do something Fem!reader x Klaus Hargreeves where he's dominant for once and tries to make her come as many times as possible.." ~ Anon
A/N: Dear lord this ask has been in there for a while, I am SO SORRY ANON! Thank you for submitting a request, I really like this idea. I think it's super fun! As always, don't be afraid to make a request. I also write for anime too, like MHA and Jujutsu Kaisen so hit me up!
Warnings: Dom/sub, butt stuff, light bandage, daddy kink (kinda, I guess), multiple orgasms. Damn this bitch be S P I C Y
Time is an illusion. But, if you had to make an educated guess as to how long you've been laying there, it would have been between 1 to 2 hours. In reality it was more like 30 minutes but time ceases to exist when you're gagged, blindfolded, and tied to your bed frame.
Not to mention the obnoxious buzzing against your poor clit. The sounds echoing off the walls, the vibrator torturing you. Two clitoral orgasms had already ripped through your body and a third threatened to erupt.
"Are you gonna cum again, baby girl?" Klaus whined. Even in a dominant position, Klaus's voice moaned and whimpered so sweetly. It sent chills down your spine. You whimpered back, nodding your head as your teeth knawed on the rubber ball tied to your mouth. Fuck this was a big one. You felt yourself reached the edge again, hitting you harder than the last two. Your legs bobbed from side to side as you came. The vibrating sensation continuing through your orgasm. Your muscles tensed and relaxed, only then did the buzzing stop.
You huffed, catching your breath as your toes curled from the remaining pleasure. Finally, he'd fuck you now. Or so you thought. You felt the bed move under you as he adjusted his position. You felt him between your thighs, pulling them aside to look down at your arousal. Suddenly you felt his wet tongue come down to your poor clit. He licked at it a few times, watching you loudly gasp and whimper as you tried to pull away. He chuckled to himself.
"You make the most adorable sounds when you're like this." He cooed before lapping at your pussy, playing with your sensitive flesh. You eased up as the pleasure began to build again. He really didn't need the vibrator at all. He was fully capable of torturing you without it. He continued to tease you before denying you a fourth climax. He sat up and wiped his slick covered face before smiling down at you.
His hands came up to caress your body. Groping your breast and hips as he pleased. He took deep breaths and moaned out words of praise. The fabric of his boxers coming to rut up against you. You moaned, wishing he'd just fuck you already.
"God, you're just...magnificent." He purred as he came down to pepper kisses across your chest and neck. Working up to nibble on your ear before whispering, "I wanna know how much you can take." Suddenly his hand came down on your clit in a harsh but not harmful slap. It stung your clit, forcing a sharp gasp from you. "I wanna push your limits." Another slap. Fuck, it felt good. "I want you to cum, over," slap "over" slap "and over," slap "again."
You whimpered in response, raising your hips for another slap. You swore you would have cum if he just touched you one more time. But no, he didn't. Instead, he took your gag off and rutted his clothed cock up against you once more. Your poor little pussy quivered at the action.
"Do you remember our safe word?" He asked.
"Mmhm." You bit your lip and moaned. He smiled again before kissing you, passionately. He quickly released you from your bed frame and had you get on all fours. Finally, finally he'd fuck you. But suddenly you felt something cold and wet drip over your back door. Fuck. You'd prepared physically but mentally- "aaaahhh." You let out a small gasp as his finger entered your ass. He curled his finger down repeatedly, adding another finger with some more lube.
"Gooood girl." He praised, his other hand coming down to rub lube across your ass as he fondled you. Fuck, it made your toes curl. Was he gonna make you cum from fingering your ass alone? Fuck, it sure felt like it. Your pussy clenched and you felt the knot in your stomach tighten as he continued to curl his fingers, playing with you. You let out a long moan as it built up, finally a smooth and warm orgasm washing over your body.
"F-Fuuuuuck babyyyy." You moaned as you rested your head down on your pillow.
"That's it, good girl cumming on Daddy's fingers." He pulled out, his fingers soon being replaced with a cold metallic plug that continuously pressed against that perfect spot. You wiggled your ass from side to side, hoping to persuade him to fuck you already. He smiled and gave your ass a good smack that made you help and giggle. "Naughty girl, you want my cock already, don't you?" He moaned. You nodded and continued to wiggle. He moved to push down his boxers and let his hard cock spring free. You smiled at the sight, anticipation building.
"Please Daddy. Fuck me." You whined playfully. He giggled, his tip sliding up and down your soaking wet slit. He held his tip still against it for a moment, teasing you. You pushed back against him, his tip entering for a moment before he pulled out and watched you whine in protest.
"Alright, fine. Have it your way." He scoffed before sliding inside. You let out a content sigh as he filled you, his hips slowly rolling back and forth. You happily moaned and relaxed as you let him slowly fuck you. Almost, too slow. The dragging of his shaft inside you hit all the right spots but the pace was tortuous. So...slow. Too...slow? No, wait, he's teasing you. He's being mean again and teasing you. But the knot in your stomach continued to tighten. The pleasure was still there, it was just slow and sweet. He made your body work for it's orgasm.
Much like the last, this orgasm washed over you. Forcing out more long and loud moans from your chest. Suddenly, he stopped. You pulled yourself up to protest but before you could say anything, his hips bucked into yours. His cock slamming into you abruptly.
"Ah!" You cried. His hands grasping onto your hips as another came. And then another, and another until he was fucking you hard and fast. Pouding into you. He reached out and grasped a handful of hair to pull your head back so he could whisper in your ear.
"You like that? You like it when Daddy fucks you like this?" All you could do was moan out a string of bouncing noise.
"Uh- uhhuhuhuhuhuh." As he bounced you on his cock. Your eyes rolled back in your head. Yes. This. This is what you wanted. To be fucked senseless. The absurd smack of skin filled your ears as you came around his cock again. This one racing through your veins to make you weak. Continuing to pump into you, he reached down and roughly played with your clit. You cried out in pleasure as you quickly came again. Fuck, the pleasure was slowly turning to pain.
"That's it, cum for me. Cum for me baby. Fuck yes." He panted in your ear. His tongue lolling out for a moment before he adjusted himself to fuck directly against that spongy spot. Your toes curled. Fuck. FUCK. You couldn't possibly be cumming again, and so soon. He felt weak. Your head dropped back down to the pillow as his cock plowed into you. Your mind going blank with nothing but feeling. Nothing but the motion of him. The plug aided in his mission, as another slap to your twitching clit brought another orgasm crashing over you.
Too much. You thought. It's too much. You should say...you should say the safe word. Right? Uh...maybe one more- fuck! He began to loudly pant and moan your name. His hand occasionally coming down to spank your ass, of play with your clip until you came yet again. Finally, his thrusts started to sputter. He let out a loud whimper as he came inside, filling you as your pussy clenched around him, your last orgasm milking him for all he's worth.
"F-Fuuuck." He panted. He leaned down to you, kissing up your back until he reached your neck. "Hey, you alright?"
"Mmmmh..." you sighed, still coming down from your finally high.
"H-H...How many was that?" He asked, dazed and still regaining myself. You shrugged in your bliss. "Fuck. I should have kept track." He sounded disappointed in himself. "Neck time I'll write it down." He joked, pulling himself out. You let out a sharp whimper. His cum oozing out of you. "Hey." He layed his hand flat on your back. "You okay sweetie?" You nodded. "Okay. I'll go run you a warm bath, okay?" You nodded again with a content hum. "Okay."
"Could you grab me some tea while you're up?"
"Tea? Sure thing baby. Honey?"
"Yes please." He smiled and kissed your cheek.
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fatiguing-thoughts · 4 years
"Healing” - Chapter 2 - Paul Lahote x Reader
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Summary: A short snippet of a day in the Healing series. 
Read part one here :)
The aching feeling in my chest weighed me down enough to keep me in bed. It had been a week since I had felt thrown away. 
I couldn’t bring myself to detangle my limbs from the sheets, today was just a day where I couldn’t get up. 
I ignored the dinging of my phone, unable to bring myself to answer it. I knew it was either Leah or Paul trying to get me to get up, but it was a futile attempt. 
I knew Leah had patrol today, so she wouldn’t be able to drag me out of bed. Though, Paul will probably show up eventually. 
But for now, I sat in the silence, the mind-numbing atmosphere of my bedroom. Void of noise, void of happiness, void of feelings. Numb might have been the best word to describe my state. 
The guilt of almost feeling relieved was eating me alive. How could I be so sad, but so relieved at the same time? Like I could finally breathe air for the first time in months, though we only broke up a few weeks ago. But unhealthy relationships will do that to you. 
I ignored the footsteps that approached my bedroom door, knowing that the heavy footfall came from one who could only be Paul. 
I retreated deeper into my sheets, pulling the blanket tighter to my cold frame; cold from the lack of blood that seemed to flow through me anymore. I felt as if I was just a body, life no longer inhabiting me. 
“(Y/N), wake up.” Paul lightly says, shaking my shoulder.
“No.” I huff, pulling my face deeper into the pillow.
“Yes.” He cheerfully says as he yanks the blanket off my body.
“Please, I’m so cold.” I wine, curling up into a ball.
“Sorry, you gotta get up. It’s after 10. This isn’t like you.” He says, placing a hand on my arm.
“You’re so warm.” I shiver. “Come here. Please.” I wine.
“Uh… just for a minute. But then we’re going to that waterfall.” He hesitates before lying next to me.
“Mmmmh.” I mumble, scooting closer to him.
I felt him tense up before relaxing under my touch.
Touching Paul was magnetizing. It was like fire radiated around my skin. I soaked up all his warmth like my life depended on it.
Though, these feelings were absolutely horrifying.
Guilt ate me alive, and so did fear.
I couldn’t stop myself from clinging to Paul. He was the warmth I needed, the warmth I craved. 
Though, the feelings I held for him brought butterflies to my stomach. These feelings made my solemn heart beat again, beating uncontrollably. It was like how I used to feel for Paul, but intensified. 
But it was only weeks since my relationship ended, I was not ready to feel this way for anyone. I didn’t want to mistake my starvation of affection for feelings.  This was such a confusing way to feel. Guilt mixed with the desire to be loved, to be given affection. To feel him near, to hold onto him. I couldn’t ruin what Paul and I had-- the best friendship one could ask for. 
Plus, he never felt the same for me. Surely, if he ever did-- he would have told me over the years instead of burying it in another girl. 
I couldn’t risk another heartbreak, especially so soon. Especially with someone I held so close to my heart for so long. 
I couldn’t risk losing Paul. 
But that didn’t mean I couldn’t appreciate the warmth he brought me.
I felt his strong, feverish arm wrap around me, pulling me closer into his side. “Did you sleep well?” He whispers, studying the bags under my eyes. 
“No.” My voice cracked. “I had a lot on my mind.” I admit, nuzzling my head onto his chest. 
“Wanna talk about it?” 
“Maybe we can just take a nap, I don’t think I’m ready to talk about that yet.” I yawn, pulling myself closer.
“Alright, we can take a nap.” He sighs, smirking down at me. “But you’ll be leaving this bed today.” 
“That’s what you think.” I shut my eyes, smiling to myself. 
“No, that’s what I know.” He chuckles. 
“Mondays are always hard.” I wine, before falling into a soft slumber. 
Not too much later, I woke up to see Paul’s big brown eyes watching me stir awake. 
“You’re finally up, let’s get going.” He says, lightly nudging me awake. 
“Ughhh, fine.” I huff, sitting up. 
“Alright, not to be a jerk but you gotta shower.” He laughs. “You stink.” 
“Come on, get in the shower so we can go.” 
“Fine. Please don’t leave.” I sigh, walking over to get my clothes from my dresser. 
I heard him walking over to my bathroom, followed by the sound of the water running. 
I grab what I needed to change into and make my way over to the bathroom. 
“Thank you, Paul.” I sigh, walking over to place my stuff on the counter. 
“Of course. I made it warm for you, I know you’ve been really cold.” 
I smiled at the gesture, holding my hand under the water to test it. 
“I’ll be waiting in your room.” He smiles, closing the door behind him as he walks away. 
As the steam took over the bathroom, I felt good. I felt good to finally shower, to feel the heat consume my frigid body. It felt like Paul. It called me out of bed, reminding me that it was the best thing that I could do. 
The scents of my shampoo and soaps brought me to a place of serenity. I simply just felt good for finally being able to get myself in the shower. 
After enjoying my time in the shower, I got myself all ready to go before finding Paul in my room.
“What’s the plan for today?” I ask, sitting down next to him. 
“Well, that’s actually a surprise. Let’s get going.” He smiles, standing up. __________________________________ Word Count: 1001
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macnevercries · 4 years
So for my request, can you write a story with Toshinori and a male reader practicing exhibition please? In the story, Toshi would do errands with the reader while wearing nothing but a trenchcoat, sandals and a face mask. In truth, Toshi is butt naked underneath with his cock in chastity, a vibrator and his mouth tape gagged. The reader would tease & taunt him in public. His goal is to finish his errands without anyone catching them or him cumming in public. What do you think?
Warnings- exhibition, d/s, established relationship, degrading, oral (receiving), dom reader, male reader
Word count- 1k
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
“You ready to go Toshi?” You smile at the man of boney stature, still quite tall despite being in his original form. He looked over to you from his spot in front of the mirror. His legs were shaking, you weren’t sure if he was nervous or excited but either way you were doing this.
“Y-yeah” he mumbled. His chastity belt felt a little tight, he was excited already. The vibrator you had stuffed up his ass wasn’t on but he almost moaned at how full he felt. All of this was hidden under his tan trench coat that barely went past his knees.
You came up behind him and taped a gag over his mouth, silencing his quiet whines. Sliding his mask up over his nose, you caressed his cheek lovingly.
“You’re such a good boy doing this for me Toshi, we’re gonna go run some errands and you’re gonna behave yourself okay?” you ask, already knowing his answer. He gives you a hurried nod, excited for what’s to come.
As you two walk around town, visiting the laundromat, post office and the bank you mess with the remote of his vibrator. Whenever you play with the settings he jumps a little, his legs quivering as he leans into you for stability so he doesn’t fall if they give out. You could feel your pants tightening at his adorable behavior. Who knew the ex-number one hero would get off on exhibition?
Your next destination was the grocery store, the last errand before you guys head home. You walked inside the store, strolling around and making Toshinori bend over to get your groceries, leaning back to get a nice view of his ass every time. He returned to the cart you were standing by with apples in his hands, his walk a little crooked from all his failed stimulation. Right before he reached the cart you turned the vibrator on its highest setting, causing him to drop the apples and fall over.
“Tsk” you muttered, leaning down to pick up the apples and place them with the rest of your stuff before helping him up. He clung to you desperately as his legs shook. You noticed a little drippage on the floor and you were taken aback. Had he come from the vibrator or from drawing attention to his barely covered form?
“You weren’t supposed to come Toshi, you decided to be a bad boy huh?” you spat in his ear, a quiet rage in your voice.
“mmmmh” he couldn’t help but groan, he felt too good. If you stayed here any longer people might start to notice. You pulled his slumped form up so he was standing straight, dragging him and your shopping cart into the nearest bathroom. Your cock was throbbing, but he didn’t need to know that, he needed to be punished.
You pushed him into the single person bathroom, practically ripping open his trench coat as soon as you locked the door. You undid his chastity belt and inspected his still hard length. The tip was red and pulsing, the entire thing was sticky with his cum.
“You broke the rules Toshi” you sighed, you were angry but you were buzzing with adrenaline. Seeing your partner desperate and getting off from other people seeing him like this, it excited you.
“You’re going to have to make it up to me, on you knees now” He scrambled to sit in front of you, setting himself so he was facing the painfully hard tent in your pants. Your removed his mask and ripped the tape off, earning a whimper from him. You grinned.
“Just like that, I know you can make it up to me, I know you can take my cock Toshi” He practically drooled at your words, his quick hands started unzipping your pants until you slapped them away.
“Use your mouth” you growled. He mewled in response, tucking his hands behind his back and unzipping your jeans with his teeth. He looked so pretty for you like this, so dirty. When your cock sprung out against your stomach he moaned loudly at the sight. You laughed at his reaction.
“Be as loud as you want baby, after all you want people to know don’t you?” you sneered. He quivered at your harshness, shaking with anticipation.
He licked the side of your cock, tracing circles around the tip lightly. You couldn’t take it anymore. You grabbed a fistful of his hair and used his face to your liking. He hollowed out his cheeks so he could take all of you, spamming and gagging as he did so. The way his throat contracted around you felt like heaven. Your head had been nodded back in pleasure but when your eyes snap down to your lover, you find him touching yourself. You slap him hard enough to leave a red mark, a hot stinging hand print engraved on his face.
“Who said you could touch yourself slut” you snapped.
“Are you really suck a cock-hungry whore that you get turned on by sucking me off? Pathetic” your words only drove him on, his dick was overflowing with pre.
He tucked his hands behind his back and you continue to fuck his face like he was a doll. A few more gags around your length has you cumming, shooting your hot seed down his throat and closing his mouth after pulling out.
“Swallow” you state. Toshinori saw a dark look in your eyes and he was unsure if it was lust or rage. Or both.
You tucked yourself back into your pants and helped your boyfriend up and get redressed.
“Seems like you made it up to me this time, now if you can make it out of this grocery store without cumming again then just maybe I’ll give you a present when we get home.” You told him, his eyes trained your lips, nodding eagerly at your deal. You left the bathroom and continued shopping, teasing him every once in a while.
People stopped to stare, pointing at the two of you. But that was what he wanted wasn’t it?
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thevims2 · 3 years
All the Single(s) ladies, ❤️/💔/🥘/🎵/📱/🔮???
sorry i made you wait! i got this while I was asleep... anyway my hcs under the cut!
❤️ i talked a bit about the singles here and i feel like what i wrote for Lola is pretty much the idea i have for her love life... shes a Mystery to me.. she ahs an offscreen gf who no one sees ever. she never brings her over cause she hates most of her roommates, sometimes all of them. if i had to pick someone in strangetown for her to date maybe id choose crystal? just cause they share their aspiration, and maybe vidcund or lazlo introduced the two. but also what kind of sister would go with her brother's crush? a shitty one forreal
💔 i cant see her with ANY man of strangetown. NOT A SINGLE ONE. LESBIAN HOUSEHOLD. i especially dont like her with ajay, that guy is kinda boring like, she deserves better. also, i think both erin and kristen had kind of the hots for her at one point or another, but she never reciprocated
🥘 i think she has kind of a sweet tooth, but she prefers stuff like pies or like, carrot cakes over cupcakes or the like. she doesnt really like cooking, but enjoys jennys baking a lot
🎵i dont think she listens to that much music, except for when shes working. she usually picks instrumental music, like movie scores playlists, to help her focus. i think both her and chloe picked up some instrument to play as children/tennagers, but lola didnt like it very much
📱i think she uses social networks a lot, and she uses mostly stuff like twitter, i can see her getting argumentative with some rando on some specific issue on the internet. i bet shes active in political subreddits too
🔮 her and chloes used to swap identities for a day really often when they were kids, but for some reason people always seemed to catch on it. it took lola way too long to realize they still had different hair colors...
❤️ talking about otps with chloe is like, a SIN to me. shes THE romance sim, she dated half of strangetown, like i cant even think of her settling down with one person. but i really like the idea of her and erin dating at some point, both cause a) that sweet, sweet enemies to lovers dynamic and b) the way both pascal and loki would GO CRAZY knowing their sisters are dating.
💔 mmmmh i cant say i have a notp with chloe, i ahd to ask my gf who shes usually shipped with and she mentioned general grunt which,,, i honestly cant envision it, like first of all he hates aliens but also hes way too uptight for her.
🥘 i think she loves greasy, junk food. she snacks a lot, and she loves going to diners and ordering huge milkshakes and massive cheeseburgers. i think she likes cooking, and is pretty good at it
🎵she loves, of course, pop music. she doesnt have a favourite artist, but listens to the top 100 playlist everyday. she loves singing and plays some guitar and some bass too
📱instagram of course - she posts a ton of selfies and stories everyday, and likes to flirt on there with strangers. i almost said tik tok too, but i think she wouldnt see the point of it/wouldnt undertsand how it worked.
🔮 her fave thing to do with dates/people shes going out with is taking naps together
❤️ im a huge erin/kristen fan tbh, but i also think erin/lazlo would be cute, theyre both kinda silly ppl in my head, i think theyd have fun together. sadly, she was a lesbian in my canon so :/
💔 erin/nervous. i dont see the appeal
🥘 idk why she gives off the vibe of someone who likes fish tacos to me. the soft shell ones, and the fish is seasoned with some lime dressing. she does cook sometimes, but she doesnt like making elaborate stuff for herself, sticking for simple dishes.
🎵she listens to indie&/folk music all the time, and tells everyone how it helps keep her aura fresh and vibrant. she brags for weeks about the latest, obscure artist she found out, how good their music is, how authentic it is compared to all the other musicians nowadays... but she probably likes pop too, and considers a couple of singers her "guilty pleasure". no musical talent whatsoever
📱LISTEN. SHE DOES LIVE TAROT READINGS ON TIK TOK. WITH DONATIONS AND ALL. she also posts a lot on #witchtok and the likes
🔮 when i first played the singles household i accidentally made her die and had to mobilize almost all of strangetown to resurrect her with game mechanics
❤️ again personally, Kristen/Erin is just perfect to me. i bet they pined after each other for sooo long before they finally got together, and now theyre just a really cute couple. no im not projecting
💔 i cant see her with any dude honestly. again, lesbian household
🥘 i think she likes pasta dishes a lot, both cause theyre very filling and because she needs carbohydrates with all the sport she does. thats the only thing she can cook
🎵i think she unironically listens to dubstep, or the nowadays equivalent of it. she blasts it in her ears every morning during her jogging session, and she feels her ears bleeding by the end of her laps. cant sing really well, but has a good sense of ryhthm
📱she only uses facebook, the rest is a mystery to her.
🔮 she doesnt have a good sense of humor, she mostly likes puns but any more than that is lost on her
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winryofresembool · 3 years
Things We Lost in the Fire, ch 35
aka Caleo uni au
Fic summary: Calypso starts studying at a new university, but to her annoyance her new flatmate is a loud mouthed mechanic who also likes to sneak his dog in whenever. But as she learns to know him better, she realizes they might have more in common than what she first thought. Eventually, even the darkest secrets come out…
Chapter summary: Final Waystation chapter, yay!
Or: In which Leo and Calypso both make some progress.
A/N: OK, first of all, within these 3 weeks we have hit 3 pretty big milestones! 1) It was this fic's first anniversary this friday so hooray for that! Can't believe this story has been in my life so long already. 2) We've reached 7000 hits on ao3! It's crazy to think so many of you are reading this even though not all that many seem to like Caleo! And 3) We have also reached 90k words with this chapter! No, when I started planning this fic I definitely did not plan to make it over 100k words but that really seems to be the direction it's going to :'D I /do/ however hope that once we finally get the flatmates back to their flat, we are (slowly) starting our journey towards the 'final arc'. But how many words will that take? Only Apollo knows, I guess.
Alright, enough rambling! Now, enjoy and please, please, please, let me know what you think of this chapter (and the previous one if you haven't) because I /really/ do want to know what you think. Was it about time? Are these two being too sappy? And all that stuff!
Words: 4287
Genre: romance & hurt/comfort
Warnings: none
previous chapter / AO3
After the whole ‘kitchen episode’ Leo and Calypso went back to spend some time with Leo’s family who were playing Monopoly in Waystation’s small library. Calypso had expected to be questioned about what had happened in the kitchen. To her surprise, though, Emmie just briefly asked if the flatmates had managed to resolve their issues, to which they answered a quick ‘yes’, and that was the end of that conversation. Even though Calypso was grateful that she or Jo hadn’t asked more, at the same time, one part of her did want to tell them.
Once a new round of Monopoly was finished (with Leo winning, even though the others kept whispering to him that he should let Georgina win), it was already pretty late and Leo and Calypso withdrew into their respective rooms. When it got quiet in the hallway, though, there was a knock on Calypso’s door.
“Who is it?” Calypso asked from her bed where she had been resting, thinking about the events of that day.
The voice from the other side of the door said: “Just me, Leo. Can I come in?”
“Sure, as long as you don’t do anything funny while in here,” Calypso replied, half joking, half serious.
“What, nothing funny? But Leo Valdez and fun go hand in hand,” he claimed through the door.
Calypso rolled her eyes at him even though he couldn’t see. “Ugh, you know what I mean. Listen, I know we are… um…” she stopped to taste the word in her mouth, “... dating now, but I have decided that I want to take it slowly. Too many bad experiences in the past. I hope you get that.”
“Alright, I understand,” Leo said to her relief. “Don’t worry, I won’t be trying anything ‘funny’ as you called it. I’m a man of my word!”
“In that case, you can come in here,” Calypso told him, sitting up on her bed.
Leo entered the room, still wearing the day clothes (surprisingly, jeans and a white shirt this time, and not his favorite overalls. While Calypso loved the overalls, she did have to admit that he looked pretty nice in the current outfit) even though it was already pretty late. Calypso herself had changed into her pajamas, a pink flannel shirt and pants that matched it. She followed Leo to a small couch opposite to her bed, sitting down next to him. At first she kept some space between them but after some hesitation and some encouraging looks from Leo, she finally snuggled up by his side, leaning her head on his shoulder. Her hand was laying on her pajama pants and he lowered his on it, tracing the outline with his thumb. Calypso was happy to notice he felt nicely warm on the cool winter night.
“I am glad we can do this now,” she said quietly, watching their hands.
“Me too. Although, we could probably have done it a whole lot earlier if we weren’t so damn stubborn,” Leo reminded her.
“Ouch. Yeah, that is probably true,” Calypso admitted, closing her eyes.
“So… it’s been a day,” Leo said when a silence fell between them. “It has…” Calypso agreed. “Weird how this morning seems to have happened like a year ago.” “Yeah…” Calypso shifted slightly on her spot by Leo’s side. “Can I ask you a question, though? How are you feeling now? You know… after… everything...”
“I… it’s hard to say,” Leo answered. “I’m not gonna claim that us kissing fixed all of my problems. Nah, it doesn’t work like that. Don’t get me wrong, it was awesome but - woah, am I really saying this? - I think the opening up part was more important. It clarified some things in my head. You know, like what I want to do and what I should do. And the fact that you have experienced something similar… This is probably gonna sound awful, but I was kinda relieved to hear that. Don’t get me wrong; I wish that you wouldn’t have had to go through any of that, but since you have… it means we understand each other. I can trust that you won’t judge me, which I honestly can’t say about all the people.”
“Yeah.” Calypso nodded slightly, not removing her head from his shoulder. “I know what you mean. I feel the same way.”
“And…” Leo continued, and Calypso imagined a grin spreading on his face, “Now I have some good memories to associate Christmas with. That definitely doesn’t hurt, right?”
“I’m glad I managed to give you something else to think about, then.” Calypso smiled.
“You certainly did. For real, I’ve had to pinch myself a couple of times this evening,” Leo confessed.
“Why?” Calypso frowned.
“Because it’s hard to believe it’s true. I mean this. Us.”
“And why is that?” Calypso wanted to know.
“Because you’re great in practically every possible way while I’m… me?”
Calypso raised her head from Leo’s shoulder and gave Leo her best ‘are you kidding me’ look. “Listen to me now. Aside from your guilt complex, you really should work on your self esteem some more. You’re a good person, Leo, even though you don’t always seem to think so. Of course you have your flaws just like I do, but I don’t love some superhuman version of you. Me from a few months ago is probably shaking her head so hard right now, but here’s what I think: you’re smart. And funny when you’re not trying to. And persistent. Hard-working. You make fixing things seem effortless. And you’re ready to put your loved ones’ happiness before yours. In fact, I think sometimes you care so much that it hurts you. But it only makes me care about you even more."
Leo was quiet for a while, probably still trying to swallow Calypso’s words.
“Woah, um… Thanks, Sunshine. I guess two people can really see the same thing very differently.”
“Yes, we can,” Calypso agreed. “I bet your view of me is also very different from how I see myself.”
“You’re probably right there.”
Calypso decided to change the topic when it got quiet. “Do you think that your family has any idea? About what happened between us?”
“I think we did our acting pretty well.” Leo grinned against her hair. “It’s pretty suspicious, though, that they didn’t ask us anything.”
“Well, better that way than trying to answer some awkward questions,” Calypso noted. “Um… I hope you know that I would really like to tell them about us, but… it’s better to be safe than sorry.”
“I know. You just want to protect me, right? I would also want to protect you if I was in your situation.”
A comfortable silence fell between the couple. Calypso was happy to notice that Leo was so relaxed in her company that he didn’t even swing his legs back and forth like he often did. Eventually he spoke:
“Hey… you asked me how I am doing but what about you? I know I haven’t made this day easy for you…”
“I appreciate you asking. To be honest? I’m doing pretty well now. This night has been… unexpected, to say the least. I didn’t think I would be brave enough to get over my worries, but here we finally are. It’s a bit scary…” Calypso noticed Leo’s hand twitching slightly on hers, so she was quick to add: “... but like you said, also relieving. Don’t worry, I will be sticking to my word. There are no take backs now,” Calypso reassured him.
“Good.” Leo nodded.
“Hey... “ Calypso said when she spotted something on the nearby desk. “I, uh, know that we both have been really testing our boundaries today, but there’s something I would still like to try. That is, if that’s OK with you.”
“Alright. What is it?” Leo asked curiously.
“My mum always used to light up some candles by the windowsill on Christmas night when I was a kid. She said she did that in memory of those who weren’t there to celebrate with us anymore. That’s a tradition that’s stuck with me until now. Emmie put some candles over there…” Calypso nodded towards a desk by the window, “... earlier today, but I didn’t know how you would feel about me using them, so I didn’t. But… What do you say? You could take it as a part of your training.”
Leo didn’t seem to love the idea at first but finally he gave in.
“Alright. But just one. And it needs to be far from all the other objects.”
“Yes. Don’t worry, we both will keep a watchful eye on it.”
Calypso felt Leo’s eyes on her the whole time as she rose from the sofa and lit up the candle. He was seemingly relieved when she sat back down next to him and wrapped her arm around his shoulder. “You know all about the fire’s dangerous sides…” Calypso started with a calming tone, “... but it can be very useful too when used right. It can ruin, but it can also help to build new things. A lot of your precious machines wouldn’t exist without fire, right? Have you ever stopped to consider that?”
Leo frowned at her, taking her words in. “Are you trying to say that fire has many different sides to it, just like us people? But if we only choose to see the negative, we will never understand the positive sides?”
“Yes, basically. We are both very judgemental towards ourselves, but today was a good example that not everyone sees us the same way.”
“Yeah… You’re not wrong there… I’ll try to remember that.”
“Me too.”
Calypso noticed Leo glanced at the candle briefly before his eyes returned to her. He was still a little stiff but a lot less so than when Calypso had lit up the candle.
“I was thinking…” he said suddenly. “Since we are official now and all that… Should we, you know, do something together… you know, outside our flat… sometime? When this vacation is over?”
“You mean like a date?” Calypso asked, surprised by the chance of the topic. But then again, she figured it might have been his way to try to distract himself. “Hmmm, let me think…” Leo already looked a bit worried for a moment before she finally started smiling at him. “Alright. I suppose we can do that.”
“And will we resume our movie nights? And cooking sessions?” His eyes lit up almost like the candle on the desk.
“Of course, you weirdo. I don’t think I have any reason to avoid you anymore, now that you know…”
“Know what?” Leo grinned. “That you think Leo Valdez is pretty damn hot?”
Calypso knew that Leo was most likely expecting her to lash at him, so she decided to use a different kind of tactic. She gave him a flirtiest smile she could muster, and replied:
“Sure. Let me tell you a little secret: when you are wearing those overalls you always do, my heart feels like it’s doing somersaults in my chest…”
Leo blinked at her a couple of times as if he couldn’t believe what he had just heard.
“Wait, what? What did you just say?”
Calypso snorted. “Just playing your own game, you know.”
“Oh, alright. I see now.” Leo’s ears went red, which amused Calypso a lot.
“You’re cute when you’re flustered,” she chirped at him, poking his cheek playfully.
“Har har.”
Calypso pressed a kiss on his cheek.
“I hope you know I wouldn’t be doing this if I wasn’t 100% comfortable around you. I had already decided that I would not… I would not allow myself to go through what I already did several times before, but you just had to make me break my promise to myself.”
“And you know what?” Leo turned his head so they were eye to eye. “I’m not sorry at all that I made you do that.”
“Of course you aren’t,” Calypso rolled her eyes at him. They kept gazing at each other for a moment before Calypso’s urge to kiss her fool of a boyfriend got too strong. It was a light and gentle kiss, one that she hoped told him that she was happy to be where she was and also proud of him for being able to handle the flame of the candle.
“Whoa, what was that for?” Leo asked once Calypso had pulled away.
“Just to shut you up for a moment,” Calypso lied.
“Nah. You wouldn’t want me to do that,” Leo grinned at her knowingly.
“Alright. Maybe I wouldn’t. So keep talking,” Calypso encouraged him.
“Okay,” Leo obliged. “About what?”
“Anything, really. Something silly and light, Leo Valdez style.”
Leo seemed to think about Calypso’s request for a moment.
“Hey, have you heard about the time when Jason had a party at his father’s house without him knowing and Piper…”
Leo continued telling her silly stories about his friends (even though a few involved also Percy, that didn’t ruin Calypso’s mood). From that they moved onto other things, such as what an ideal date would be for each of them (their opinions differed less than expected, to Calypso’s surprise), the favorite place they had ever visited (Calypso remembered Malta and the nearby islands quite fondly), and how fast Georgina would build her 1000-piece puzzle. The time flew by as they talked and Calypso was surprised to notice at some point that it was almost 3 AM and the candle had gone out a long time ago without either of them noticing. Leo snuck back into his room as quietly as possible, but not without giving Calypso one last good night kiss in the dark hallway before they separated.
The Christmas break was coming to an end and it was Leo and Calypso’s last full day at Waystation. Calypso felt a little bitter sweet about it; on one hand the vacation had been a bit of a rollercoaster emotionally, but on the other hand everything had ended better than she had dared to expect. She knew that she and Leo still had plenty of work to do when it came to their communication skills and of course she was also worried something would go wrong – specifically, regarding her father – but it still felt so freeing to be able to tell what she really thought and to be able to love and be loved.
She would of course miss the people of Waystation. Georgina was adorable and seemed to have basically adopted Calypso as her big sister at this point. She enjoyed teaching things to the girl; baking, gardening, sewing, even a little bit of singing… She was also pretty quick-witted for someone of her age and Calypso was quite certain that she did know that something was going on between her and Leo no matter how hard they were trying to deny it. Leo’s mothers were also great people and they had already told Calypso that she was welcome to Waystation any time she wanted. They also mentioned that they didn’t mind if she kicked Leo’s butt a bit sometimes when he deserved it. She had thanked them and told them that she’d keep their advice in mind.
The final day didn’t go entirely without surprises. Emmie had quickly mentioned that they would be getting more dinner guests that day, but Calypso hadn’t been prepared for the entire Hunters of Artemis crew to show up. They were old acquaintances of Jo and Emmie, the group’s former coaches, and the older women still asked them to drop by whenever they were nearby. To Calypso’s surprise, when she heard about the visit, her instinct to flee was not quite as strong anymore as it had been when she had last seen Thalia and Reyna.
“Are you OK with this?” Leo asked after Emmie had gone back to greet the visitors. “I remember that you weren’t eager to talk to them at the Halloween party and now I understand why… If you wanna, like, go out and check the foster animals or something like that, we can do that.”
“I think… I think it’s time for me to face my past,” Calypso replied. “I can’t do that if I hide every time I see someone who used to know Zoë…”
“That’s a fair point,” Leo agreed. “But still, don’t push yourself too hard.”
Soon the couple was in the hallway where everyone had gathered.
“Oh, there you two are!” Jo exclaimed when she saw them. “I was already starting to wonder if you had gone back to your flat earlier than planned.”
“Oh, nah,” Leo denied, waving his hand nonchalantly. “We just had some things we needed to discuss.”
Jo looked at him suspiciously, probably wondering what exactly they had discussed. “Hmm. Well, it’s good that you seem to be on speaking terms again. Anyway, Calypso, I believe you haven’t met these people before, so say hello to the Hunters of Artemis. Thalia Grace…” She pointed at a young woman with dark, spiky hair, whom Calypso remembered from the Halloween party. “Reyna Ramírez-Arellano…” Another dark haired girl, with a long braid, however, nodded at Calypso. “And here’s…” Jo continued her introductions but the names simply went through her brain and didn’t stay there. Maybe it was the Leo influence, she wondered; she didn’t remember having issues with focusing earlier.
“Hi, all.” She tried to sound confident but she didn’t think she succeeded very well. Surely Reyna and Thalia remembered how she had spent a whole night trying to avoid talking to them, getting drunk and throwing up in Piper’s bathroom in the end. “Hello,” Reyna spoke first. “I believe I’ve seen you once before. At Jason’s place last month, right?”
“Uh, yeah,” Calypso had to admit reluctantly. Well, at least she wasn’t drunk in a mythology themed costume right now, she thought, so she had a chance to give them a bit better picture of herself than earlier.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you properly now,” Reyna said and shook her hand.
“Likewise,” Calypso told her, although she still felt like she was not living up to the meaning of her name, ‘she who conceals’.
“And you probably saw Thalia at that party too. Jason’s sister. My… friend.” Reyna glanced at the other girl quickly when she said the word ‘friend’.
Calypso noticed the slight hesitation and remembered Leo and some others as well mention that the two girls most likely had something going on even though they had to hide it because of their status on their archery team. She knew better than to bring that up, though.
“Hello, Thalia. Yes, I remember seeing you there,” she replied, mainly to be polite.
Before anyone had time to say anything else, Jo told the group that the guests were free to explore the house or do anything they wanted while she and Emmie were finishing the dinner and setting the tables. Many of the Hunters headed back out to the yard to see the animals or do a little bit of exercising before the meal, but Reyna and Thalia had apparently spent their afternoon practicing so they needed a little down time. Leo asked Calypso if she would have preferred to go to help Emmie and Jo but she remained stubborn. If she couldn’t do this now, she didn’t know she would be able to do it, so she guided Leo to the living room where Reyna and Thalia had gone.
When Thalia heard they had entered the room, she turned towards them.
“We didn’t really get a chance to talk the last time I saw you,” she noted bluntly.
“Sorry about that; I was having a bit of a rough day back then, to be honest,” Calypso replied vaguely.
“To me it looked like you were having the most fun out of all of us,” Thalia said, but Reyna elbowed her in the ribs. “Hey!”
“Don’t worry about it,” Calypso sighed. “I wasn’t acting like myself that evening.”
“We all have those days…” Reyna reassured her.
“Yeah, I guess so.” Calypso shrugged.
“Someone mentioned that your last name is Astal,” Thalia noted when it got quiet again. “Is that true?”
“Yes, unfortunately it is,” Calypso replied, getting a bit anxious because she knew where this conversation was heading to. “Why do you ask?”
Her hand quickly reached for Leo’s, who was still standing next to her, and even though she couldn’t hold it in front of the others, feeling his fingers right next to hers felt reassuring.
“Because it’s probably not a very common last name, right?” Thalia inquired, “and we used to have someone on our team whose last name was Astal before she took her mother’s last name. Zoë Nightshade, does that ring any bells?”
“Yes. She was my older sister,” Calypso confirmed, feeling herself stiffen a bit.
“Oh… I’m so sorry… I mean, I heard what happened to her… Just horrible.” Thalia shook her head.
Calypso was struggling to find the right words, but Leo quickly tapped on her back with his fingers when the others didn't notice and that helped her to root herself. “I don’t think there are any words to describe it,” she mumbled. “Um, did you know my sister well?”
“Not as well as some others on our team, to be honest. I had only been on the team for a few months before we heard the news about the accident…” Thalia said. “But she seemed like such a great person. One of our most talented archers for sure, and really determined. She was always the first on the field and the last to leave.”
“That… that does sound like her,” Calypso smiled a bit sadly. “Did she… did she ever talk about her home life to you?”
“Not much.” Thalia shrugged. “A bit.”
“Oh… What did she say?” Calypso wanted to know.
“I did get the impression that she really hated her father. And her mother lived somewhere far, apparently? But she did mention her sisters every once in a while. Did she have any other younger siblings besides you?” Thalia asked.
“No, she didn’t. She was the second youngest and I am the youngest of the group. Big family… But is there a reason why you ask that?”
“You see, she did sometimes talk about her baby sister. I remember that she always wished she could do more for her because she thought her sister deserved better than what she… Wait, what’s wrong?” she stopped when she noticed Calypso’s reaction.
Even though Calypso had tried her best to stay calm, once she heard what Zoë had said about her, she couldn’t stop the tears anymore. Leo quickly stepped in front of her while she tried to recover and glared at Thalia angrily.
“Calypso was there when the accident happened,” he blurted. “Do you think she really wants to talk about her the whole time?”
“I thought she would be happy to hear that her sister respected her a lot,” Thalia attempted to defend herself.
“But…” Leo wanted to continue the debate but Calypso stopped him.
“No, Leo, it’s OK.” She put a hand on his shoulder.
“It’s not OK!” Leo exclaimed.
She took a deep breath and withdrew herself from Leo’s arms. “It is. I mean… It's not easy for me to talk about her, but it’s like I said earlier. I need to learn to live with this. Does it hurt? Yeah. But I’m also thankful for hearing her say that about me. She wished I could experience a better life than she did prior to her joining the Hunters. I hope that if she’s watching me right now… from wherever she is… she’s happy for me. Well… I’m not out of the woods yet, as you can surely see right now," she chuckled ironically, referring to her teary face, "but… you know. I’m getting there. I’m feeling better than I have in a long while. And that’s what counts.”
“I don’t know what your source of happiness is, but whatever it is, I’m sure she would be happy for you.” Thalia nodded approvingly.
“Some things are better kept secrets,” Calypso replied mysteriously, turning to Reyna. “Did you know my sister?”
“No, unfortunately not,” Reyna replied. “I joined this group only a couple of years ago. Thalia’s been on it way longer. But I’ve heard a lot of stories about her from some of our older teammates, and it sounded like she was someone everyone looked up to. Even our coach complimented her sometimes and she never compliments anyone unless for a very good reason.”
“It sounds like she was really enjoying her life and had great people around her before… you know. It’s… great. I saw how hard she fought to get out of our father’s grip and do what she really wanted. She was happy with you guys.” The evil side of Calypso’s brain wanted to add that ‘she was happy until I messed it up for her’. She considered the fact that she managed to call herself out before she said that sentence aloud as some kind of progress.
“Yeah. I really think she was,” Thalia reassured her.
Calypso gave her a small, sad smile. “Good.”
After that the group started talking about other things. Thalia told Calypso some stories about Jason. Reyna explained why she had decided to join the Hunters even though she had already been doing well on another team before that. Leo also contributed to the stories sometimes and at some point, Calypso noticed that she was feeling quite at ease with this group. Even though Zoë was still briefly mentioned on a few occasions, it didn’t bother her as much anymore. Some kind of lock had opened inside her and she didn’t plan to close it anymore.
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thedevildomdaily · 3 years
Demonic Possessions Ch 8: Pizza, Prizes, & Panic
Note: Here’s the Master List for the full story. I recommend reading my stuff on my actual Blog if you enjoy OM! official music! Thank you so much for the support. Please let me hear from you in the comment section. I wanna talk OM!
If you follow this page, you're seeing things correctly! There were in fact TWO chapters posted this week. It's a 'thank you' for being understanding about my hiatus. I appreciate the support.
Warnings: Swearing, NSFW implied, light stuff
Saturday morning arrived and The House of Lamentation was on the quieter side. No arguing nephilim or brotherly squabbles to grate on another’s nerves. Early risers like Lucifer, Satan, and Beelzebub were in the dining room awaiting Lilly’s breakfast. The four of them were always the first ones up, leaving the other half to crawl out at various times.
After giving the typical 30 minute wait, Lilly gave the go-ahead for Beel to dig in. She’d learned long ago not to serve all the food at once on the weekend, preparing for stragglers vs Beelzebub’s appetite. She did find it unusual that Leviathan was missing. He must have pulled an all-nighter waiting for some special or doing a special walk-through for Deviltube.
Leviathan opened his eyes slowly. He was so exhausted and felt on the heavy side. There was also this nagging feeling that someone was talking about him.
Shuffling around in his bathtub bed, the demon realized that it wasn’t his imagination that made him feel heavy. It was the nephilim snuggling on top of him that was passed out.
The female nephilim just about fell off the bench as she grasped at her own heart. Of course he’d say something extremely otaku in this situation. And after a moment to think on this, she nodded as she stared straight ahead, “I'm not seeking-out multiple relationships intentionally. But I can't deny the temptation of that fantasy either..." she chuckled, "You know what Levi-kun. That’s exactly it. I want a reverse harem life. I spent centuries vying for suffrage right. Letting women take a stand for equality. Voting, working jobs outside the home, and for fucks sake the right to wear some jeans! So why can’t I have a harem on my own when Mr. King Solomon saunters around, leaving a city’s worth of women back home!!!!!!?!”
“Mmmmh…” Lena nuzzled against his chest, making Leviathan’s heart want to explode from all of this contact. He suddenly recalled a lot of sounds like that just now as well.
“Lena...you’re on top of me…” he said a little louder.
Her sky blue eyes slowly peeked open. A view of a blushing demon beneath her slowly became clearer. “Oh, good morning Levi…” Her left hand ran up his firm abs, caressing him sensually as she nuzzled him again. “You’re so comfortable to snuggle with. I think I slept better on top of you than I did in Asmo’s bed the other night.” There was a soft giggle and she closed her eyes again.
Leviathan didn’t know what to make of that statement or the state in which they were in. Pulling his blanket down from them, he realized Lena wasn’t wearing her shirt and neither was he. Images of her stripping him of his signature hoodie and undershirt flashed before his eyes. She kissed his chest and ran her tongue across…and he dared to remove her top! The bra...it was his hair color!
“Aaaagh!” he shouted in a panic.
“What’s the matter!?” Lena raised up, completely straddling him. She looked around the room and everything looked fine. She then looked down at the demon beneath her. “Are you okay? You’re not sick are you?”
“N-nooo….” he murmured, covering his crimson face with his hands.
She looked at him curiously for a moment, then realized what was going on. It was the shock of spending the night with someone. He probably thought he dreamed it all. How adorable could Leviathan get?
Setting-up completely, the nephilim looked down at him, then ran both hands up his torso, feeling that ripped, swimmer’s body of his. Gently, she removed his hands and asked for him to look at her. “Leee-vi kuuun….” His eyes opened. She was so sexy and beautiful; her eyes were hypnotizing.
“Wasn’t last night fun?” she asked. Levi nodded rapidly.
“I-it was fun.A LOT of fun…” he admitted. It made Lena giggle.
She took his hands and brought them up to her waist. “Levi-kun. You know now you can touch my body all that you want right? In fact I really want you to.”
Absent-mindedly, Leviathan felt up and down her sides and even dared to grip the nephilim’s ass. It was so firm, yet soft at the same time. It made her gasp and bite her bottom lip.
Lena lowered herself back down on him, pressing her breasts against his bare chest. “Your hands are so big and strong. You’re so incredibly sexy…”
He doubted that wholeheartedly, and yet there was a half-naked 3D woman, the prettiest he’d ever met on top of him. “L-Lena…” He moaned lightly as she kissed his chest again.
“I’d love to continue where we left off last night, but I probably have morning breath…” she pouted at him, but kissed his chest again. “Want to shower together?”
The question caused the demon to fully sit up and nearly toss the nephilim backwards. The sheer thought of him being naked and wet with her was more than any close-in otaku could take. As a precaution, Levi pinched his nose, knowing blood would gush out.
“No Lena….don’t say things like that!!!!” He whimpered.
She couldn’t help but give an evil little chuckle, “You don’t want to? But last night you dove face-first into my tiddies with an itadakimasu. I thought you’d love to get wet and wild with me today!!”
Truth was, although they did make out a lot and he did carry her to his bed. It took a moment, but Levi mustered up the courage to take off her shirt. He kissed and rubbed his face into her boobs, and then he went for the unhooking of the bra.
It was the saddest struggle she’d ever been involved with. He then cried into her chest after all the failed attempts and passed out. If he couldn’t recall that travesty, Lena wasn’t about to refresh his memory. She’d surprise him and not wear one next time. Or maybe she had a front-opening one for starters?
“Don’t tease me about it…” he whined, “I really went beyond my limits last night…”
“Plus ultra babe…” She couldn’t hold back her smirk.
“Stop it!”
“Never. It’s not my way of the ninja…”
“You’re not funny.”
After playing around with Leviathan a little while longer, Lena urged him downstairs. They were both ravenous after all the fun they had the night before.
The two of them entered the dining room and felt eyes upon them. ALL eyes.
“WHAT. THE. HELL!!!!?” Asmo squealed at the top of his lungs.
Mammon, on the other hand, was silent. Dead silent. The rest gave the two of them a once over, save for Beelzebub. He did pause, but his dire need for food out-weighed any curiosity he held for the reason that Lena was a disheveled mess in Leviathan’s hoodie.
“Ah-hmm....I take it a congratulations big brother are in order?” Satan asked in a catty manner as he sipped his cup of coffee.
Leviathan was tomato red and his teeth were clenched. He had no idea how to respond to any of this, but somehow he had the urge to fight everyone if they said anything to Lena.
“Maybe so…” Lena said nonchalantly as she led Levi to his seat, holding his hand. She sat in the empty seat beside him, acting completely calm.
“You guys look so cute together, although I’m totally jealous and wish I could’ve joined the fun last night…” Asmo chimed. Lena giggled at him, but Levi gave him a glare. He’d never share her like that.
Finally, Lucifer had something to say on the matter. “Leviathan. Either ask for your jacket back or find another high neck top to put on later. Your love bites are unseemly…”
“My wha?”
Most of the brothers began to chuckle as Levi looked down. Mammon was roaring at his little brother the most.He was in his low neck tank. Lena had given him hickies all over and he never checked himself over for any.
“W-why didn;t you say anything?...” he asked the nephilim.
“Oh, I thought you knew…” she responded nonchalantly, “I mean, did you see the ones you left on me?”
Mammon wrapped his arm over his brother’s shoulder and pulled him over in a brotherly manner, “I’m happy for you lil bro. If you need any advice, just ask The Great Mammon. I’ll help you out!”
“What advice could you possibly give?” Belphegor called out to Mammon.
“What d’ya mean by that you lil brat?!” Mammon responded.
A lot of bickering began around the table. Leviathan was so embarrassed until a firm hand squeeze brought him to look at Lena.
She merely gave Leviathan a wink and continued to eat her breakfast. This made his face glow, but he managed a small smile. It also gave him enough courage to ignore his brothers through the rest of their meal.
“So did you guys go all of the way?” Asmodeus was the first to ask. He followed the girls to Lilly’s room where they both got ready for the day. And of course they talked about the hottest gossip the house has had in a long time.
“That’s none of your business Mister!” Lena responded as she sorted between outfits.
Lilly lectured the demon for being too nosy, but they both watched a happy Lena decide on her clothes. The two smiled at each other, giving a knowing look.
“I can’t help but to ask,” Lilly finally spoke up, “What was he like?” Asmo perked-up, ready to learn everything.
Lena sighed, but her smile remained, “He was so sweet. Definitely terrified. But the way he kissed was so...gentle…” She gave a little sigh. “I honestly feel both happy and guilty at the same time.”
“How so?” Lilly asked.
Lena furrowed her brows, trying to find a way to describe it. “He was so nervous. But I find him so cute. And I feel guilty that I liked him...squirming around a bit. I’ve seldom been with a submissive male before. Or a nervous one.”
“You like it. So what?” Asmo commented, “There’s nothing wrong with that. No force was there?”
“Of course not. I even bluntly asked for consent and he pulled me into his lap!” Lena’s eyes widened and she covered her hand over her mouth for a moment. ‘You two better not say anything about this to anyone. You hear me!” Her eyes began to glow with killing intent, leaving both the demon and human nodding. “Good.”
Lilly thought about things for a moment, before asking a serious question, “Are the two of you dating now?...are you a couple?”
The nephilim thought about for a moment before responding, “Well, we really didn’t do a lot of talking about it...things just happened…”
“Do you want to be in a relationship with him? You definitely need to be upfront and talk with Levi about it before going forward with anything.” Lilly just wanted her new friend and Levi to remain happy and on the best of terms as possible.
Asmo, for the first time, looked at Lena with a serious expression. “Lilly is right. You need to talk to my brother about this as soon as possible. I’m the last person to be serious about this kind of thing, but Leviathan is the Avatar of Envy; the Admiral of the Devildom’s navy and when he’s mad enough he can summon Lotan to drown and destroy nearly everything in its path. Be careful.”
Lena took their words seriously. She really didn’t think things through before starting things with him. They had valid and, to be honest, horrifying points.
“I believe I’ve mentioned this to the both of you at one point or another. I’m not the type to be held down to one great romance. Not after my last relationship. And NO. I do not want to talk about that. Not ever!” She closed her eyes and sighed, “The best I can do is be honest with him and let him know that. I want an open relationship and I won’t go any further with him if he can’t accept that. I’m not going to make false promises or put effort into something I don’t want.”
Her eyes fell upon Asmodeus. The two of them were rather flirtatious enough. And to be honest, that night she’d have definitely went all the way with him had she not been so intent and excited about the gifts she had for Leviathan. He smiled back at her, although there was a darker look to his eyes. He definitely sensed what was on her mind.
“Levi-kun, let’s go on a lunch date today.” Lena said when she entered his room. Both he and Mammon were playing Luariogi-cart with Belphie asleep as he waited to play the winner.
The sudden request caused the otaku demon to crash; he was frozen. Of course Mammon shouted and cheered, taking the win and began to gloat about it and tease his little brother. Belphegor yelled at him for waking him up and threw his pillow at him.
“D-d-d...d-d-DATE!?” Leviathan stuttered, sounding like he was being electrocuted.
Lena giggled then picked Belphie’s pillow up and slammed it into Mammon for his laughter at Levi and then puffed it up and gave it back to Belphegor. “Yes, a date. I would like to go out with you today..to get more acquainted and to see where things go. I’ll meet you down in the Foyer in half an hour. Casual dating attire only. I want to go to the arcade for sure!” She winked at the demon and waved at everyone before leaving.
Levi was catatonic again. Mammon and Belphegor exchanged evil grins and let their brother stand there for a few minutes before saying anything.
“Don’t you need to get ready?” Belphegor asked in a knowing tone.
“Yeah, for your d-d-d-date!? Ha ha!” Mammon mocked.
This caused their brother to panic, then yell at them to leave. He had no idea what he should wear, what he was supposed to do or anything. It was an absolute nightmare for the reclusive demon. He never pictured himself in this situation. The closest thing he’d ever been to a date was when he went to themed cafes or idol concerts, admiring his favorites from afar.
When Leviathan began down the stairs to the foyer, he stopped the moment he laid eyes upon Lena. She was standing there, waiting on him, in a cute black dress that had glowing jellyfish on it. She wore purple stockings and goth boots. She matched her aesthetic to match his. It made him blush.
Lena was looking at her DDD, researching where they could go and what they could do together. She was admittedly nervous after the conversation she’d had with Lilly and Asmo earlier. Who knew dating a demon could be so dangerous?
Feeling eyes upon her, the nephilim looked up to see Leviathan frozen on the stairs, blushing and staring down at her. “Well, hello there gorgeous.” She smiled and winked at him. “You ready to have some fun today?!”
When he only nodded and stood there, Lena ran up the stairs to meet him and took his hand, “well then let’s go cutie!” and pulled him with her.
“C-c-cutie…” he whispered, smiling to himself.
Lena and Leviathan decided to get Screamin Berry Swirl slushies and hit the arcade first. The nephilim decided to start with things the demon was both familiar and comfortable with. She truly wanted things to work between the two of them and she also didn’t want him to be on edge the whole time they were together.
“Are the top 10 scores on this game all yours?” she asked.
“Of course they are. I’ve dominated the scores since they got this in.” he boasted.
Lena smiled and joined in laughter with him. “My favorite arcade games back home are the Dino Park Disaster games where you have to take down carnivores and outrun stampedes. Pretty much any shooting arcade games. Oh and racing ones. Pinball games as well…”
Listening to her go into a list of favorite arcade games brought a strong sense of joy in Leviathan’s heart. She really knew her stuff. And it seemed she was genuinely interested in hearing about all of the achievements he held in the games at the arcade. It made him feel a connection to someone that he hadn’t before.
“Hey, look!” Lena jumped with excitement after picking-up a massive sci-fi gun to an alien shooter game. “This looks badass! Let’s play two-player!”
“That was so much fun! Look at our ticket haul!” Lena exclaimed. She was definitely in the moment, having so much fun with Leviathan.
“That was the only game I didn’t have a high score because none of my brothers or anyone could keep up with me.” Levi added.
The two were sitting down at a booth, counting their mega stacks of tickets, eating pizza and cheesy bread. “We make a great team!” she cheered, making Leviathan blush as he slurped his slush. He thought so too.
“If there’s a way for us to play human realm MMORPGs and other games like that here in the Devildom, I have a few that we need to team-up in. I don’t like to play with strangers...can't rely on them too much. I have a couple of friends from school that play and I think you’d get along with them well enough…”
This felt like a dream. He was on a date with a 3D female. One that was enthusiastic about anime, manga, comics, collecting memorabilia, and video games. Leviathan just watched and listened to Lena while in a dreamy-like state of mind.
After a while, the nephilim realized she’d been the only one to talk. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I kinda went off the deep end with excitement there….”
“No, I totally wanted to know what games you play!” Levi chuckled, “It’s so cool to finally have someone that wants to talk about non-normie things! And I’m really curious about these human realm games.”
The two talked shop for a while longer, then cashed their tickets in. Lena got a giant stuffed purple dragon creature that actually puffed smoke from it’s nose and mouth. It had ominous, glowing eyes that was totally something Lena would choose. She also got a matching dragon wing headband.
Leviathan chose some more figurines and a wall scroll of a Devildom anime icon. It was on the more colorful and cute side. It was a funny dynamic to see a demon with cute items and a half angel with scary monster stuff.
“Levi...you’re having a lot of fun today aren’t you?” Lena asked as they exited the arcade. She was looking down at her boots as she walked, not wanting to look at the demon. She had been weary of bringing him out since he’d made it clear that he was a shut-in and hated leaving his room.
There was hesitation, but Levi nodded and looked to the girl at his side. “I am…” There was a split second pause before he panicked and asked, ‘Are you not?! I bet you were bored; just being nice at doing this because I'm just a worthless otaku nerd!” He began huffing and wheezing as Lena stared at him wide-eyed and confused.
“Whoa, whoa, WHOA dude. Chill!” She finally said, pressing her hand against his chest. She was sure he was about to have an actual panic attack and keel over. “Your brain is going into overdrive hun. I’ve had an absolute blast with you today. It’s been fun and refreshing and I’m loving getting to hang out with you.”
She wasn’t able to see his eyes, beyond the indigo bangs covering his face, but she could tell Leviathan was blushing and possibly staring down at her hand. She stepped in close and gave him a hug. “I would’ve been honest with you if I wasn’t having any fun. Trust me on that.” He nodded and hesitantly pressed his hand against her back, returning the hug. Lena couldn’t help but grin to herself at his trembling hand.
Pulling away, the nephilim took his hand and led him away from the Arcade, looking for a bench to sit on and watch a pretty fountain. It was the perfect atmosphere for their date she thought. A great place to talk quietly about their relationship.
“Levi, I want to be honest with you…” Lena began, “I want to talk about us...if you’d like there to be us.”
“Us…” he pondered for a moment and then bit his lip. Leviathan never thought he’d have a conversation like this. He’d never felt more nerve-wracking.
The nephilim gave him a moment to process before continuing, “Before we make any decisions, I want to be forward and honest with you. I think that’s the most important thing about a relationship. Keeping an open dialog with each other and always being honest about our feelings...ok?”
Leviathan was still reeling on the idea that there was a possibility for them to be an ‘us’. After she shook his arm to get his attention, the demon gasped and then nodded, “Uhm...yes. That’s good…”
“The thing I wanted to tell you first and foremost is where I stand on relationships in general.” She was beginning to feel nervous, thinking about Lilly and Asmo’s advice. “I believe in open relationships...especially since we are eternal beings...forever is a long time.”
The demon’s eye widened just enough that Lena could see them. He was still. “So you’re like Asmo….totally into being lots of other people…?”
“Well, comparing myself to the Avatar of Lust is a little extreme, but sorta.” Lena bit her bottom lip and shifted around uncomfortably. She was self-conscious about this part of herself, but nonetheless she wanted to be open with him. “I-I uh understand if it’s not something you’re okay with...it’s why I wanted to say something up front before we established a….deep connection…”
And there went Leviathan’s poor demonic heart again. Ready to yeet from his chest.
“You could totally see anyone you want to...both in reality or otherwise. However, I can’t promise you complete monogamy. It’s just not my nature. And I don’t want you to ever get upset if I choose to flirt and mingle with someone else.”
“So you are telling me...you’re interested in….living your life like…” Leviathan said quietly. Drawing it out made Lena’s eyes widen with anticipation. “Like a….REVERSE HAREM!?!”
The female nephilim just about fell off the bench as she grasped at her own heart. Of course he’d say something extremely otaku in this situation. And after a moment to think on this, she nodded as she stared straight ahead, “I'm not seeking-out multiple relationships intentionally. But I can't deny the temptation of that fantasy either..." she chuckled, "You know what Levi-kun. That’s exactly it. I want a reverse harem life. I spent centuries vying for suffrage right. Letting women take a stand for equality. Voting, working jobs outside the home, and for fucks sakes the right to wear some jeans! So why can’t I have a harem on my own when Mr. King Solomon saunters around, leaving a city’s worth of women back home!!!!!!?!”
Lena shook her fist in anger thinking about it. She could do what the fuck she wanted with whom the fuck she wanted damn it. “But in all seriousness. Levi…” she returned her attention to the demon, “I’m giving you the option of being my first ever demon lover. I will be as committed to you as I possibly can. You can’t even begin to imagine the benefits of that. You just have the right to know what you'd be getting into if you want to be in a relationship with me.”
She let him stew over those bold words for a while, resting her head on his shoulder gently as she watched the dancing waters before them. “I really like you Levi…”
“I...like you too Lena...chan.”
His head gently rested atop hers. The two sat in silence as the imitation sun of Diavolo’s slowly disappeared from the Devildom sky.
It was dusk by the time Leviathan and Lena returned to The House of Lamentation. The two stood outside the front door like high-schoolers not wanting their date to end. Lena took both of Leviathan’s hands, while their prizes sat on the steps. “Thank you for a lovely date at the arcade today. It was a lot of fun.”
“Your welcome….” Leviathan was looking away from her, completely embarrassed. She was the one that asked him out and planned the whole day. He should thank her for even considering a date with someone like him.
Feeling that he was about to go deep into unsavory thoughts, Lena stood on her tiptoes and kissed the demon. It was soft and sweet. Just like him. “Hey, we can do more of what we did last night if...we can sneak past all of the others…”
Wide eyes stared at the nephilim. If there was something Leviathan wanted, it was definitely more of what they did last night. Just imagining the feeling of her….and the way she….and how they both…
Leviathan in his boldest move of his eternal life, grabbed their loot in one hand and took Lena by the other and raced inside the manor. No man, demon, nephilim, or ghostly was gonna keep this otaku from getting to feel 3D oppas again!
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